HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 26, 2001PICKERING AGENDA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT TO COUNCIL 'FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: February 22, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CS 07-01 SUBJECT!' 2001 Pre-Budget Approval for Essential Capital Projects and Expenditures RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that Report CS 07-01 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be adopted by Council and that due to the anticipated late date in 2001 that Council will be receiving the Budgets and in order to carry on business in regards to certain capital expenditures that: 1. Pre-Budget approval be given in the amount of $370,500 for consulting, design and construct/on of external infrastructure improvements as outlined in Attachment #1; o Pre-Budget approval be given in the amount of $286,000 for mainly computer and related equipment, as outlined in Attachment #2, mainly continuing City Efficiency Initatives; Pre-Budget approval be given in the amount of $175,000 for Planning Studies stated below and as outlined in Attachment #3: (a) the amount of $75,000 for Planning Studies related to the Liverpool Road South Detailed Review, and the East Duffins Area Land Use and Design Study; (b) the amount of $100,000 for a Planning Review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, with anticipated private sector funding of approximately $40,000 - $50,000 from landowners/developers within the quadrant; with staff being directed to seek funding from landowners/developers w/thin the northeast quadrant for the Planning Review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, and that the Review not proceed unless adequate private sector funding is secured; (a) Pre-budget approval be given for the construction of Phase II of the Millennium Square and Boardwalk Project for the Phase II components ara cost not to exceed $600,000; and either; (b) Tenders be invited to complete the work for Phase 1~ of the Millennium Square and Boardwalk Project; OR (c) the Tender be awarded to Miwel as per pricing, of Tender approved in part by Resolution #93/00, for Phase II works; T-9-2000, received and Report to Council CS 07-01 Date: l?'ebruary 22, 2001 Subject:. 2001 Pre-Budget Approval for Essential Capital Projects and Expenditures Page 2 ORIGIN: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The financing requirements for these expenditures totals approximately $831,500 which will be funded through the current and/or capital budgets, debt, reserves, reserve funds or a combination thereof. The~excact nature of the financing must and' will be addressed in the 2001 Current and Capital Budgets. Should some of these expenditures, especially for design and specifications,. lead to the approval of the construction or undertaking of a capital project in the 2001 Budget, then these costs may be charged to those projects and financed with the balance of expenditures. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicable BACKGROUND: This year, it is anticipated that the final Council approval for the City's 2001 Capital and Current Budgets will be delayed due to the uncertain environment sun-ounding mtm[cipaI taxation. The Director of Corporate Services & Treasurer in his February report (CS 03'0l) outlined some of the new property tax problems and Considerati°ns associated with the introduction of Bill 140, "The Continued Protection for Property Taxpayer Act." The current uncertainty surrounding municipal property taxation is somewhat similar to the 1998 municipal taxation environment. In 1998, the Province introduced property tax reform and these changes were partially responsible for the delay of the final cra-rent and capital budgets. The City of Pickering did not approve its 1998 budgets until June with the Tax Rates being set on September 8th, 1998. The delay in the passage of the budgets translated into very little construction being started 'and/or completed before the winter season. Although it is anticipated that final 2001 Current and Capital Budgets will be apProved (including the ramifications of Bill 140) before the suam~er holidays, there is no guarantee that this will actually happen. As a pro-active strategic measure~ this report and the attachments outline the various projects and expenditures that require pre-budget approval from m~'infrastructr~e maintenance or improvement perspective. Three planning studies are also addressed. Staff are attempting to avoid the reduction of the construction Season due 'to anticipated late approvals of the 2001 Report to Council CS 07-01 Date: February 22, 2001 Subject: 2001 Pre-Budget Approval for Essential Capital Projects and Expenditures Page 3 As Attachment #1 further indicates, staff are also requesting that Council approve three construction projects. The Amberlea Creek storm water management project is required to reduce the potential of backyard erosion and a new well is required at the Mt. Zion Community Centre to prevent a health issue from the use of the old well. The Picketing Baseball association has provided $75,000 towards the construction of the park fieldhouse and staff believe that if construction could begin in April, this facility could be ready by the start of baseball season. Recommendation #2 is based on the urgent need to continue to re-invest in the electronic infrastructure of the organization due to its somewhat critical continuing deterioration. The initial Interim spending request was based on the belief that the City would have an approved budget in February. That is not the case and thus, the second request. As indicated in Attachment #2 the identified technology investments are required in order to continue with the Windows 2000 conversion, Recreation's Phone-in Program Registration system, upgrade of the Civic Complex's fiber optic network and to replace PC equipment that is up to seven years old. Without these investments, the computer network performance will continue to deteriorate to the point where it will have a noticeable impact on the City's capability to conduct business. The Windows 2000 project must finish to ensure external consulting resources currently in place are not re-assigned to other projects by their companies. The Recreation system must start now to ensure that it will be completed in time for the stated implementation. The hardware replacement program must start now; otherwise, staff shortages will make it very difficult to complete the projects within the time period required. Recommendation #3 is based on funding for three Planning Study initiatives that need to be commenced prior to final Council approval for the City's 2001 current budget. The Liverpool Road South Detailed Review is currently ongoing and will be concluded by June of this year. Additional public consultation, team meetings, and review work necessitates a moderate funding increase. The East Duffins Land Use and Design Study is also an ongoing initiative. Funding is required to develop design guidelines and commence an implementation strategy for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, being the first development area in this sector. The Northeast Quadrant (northeast comer of Kingston Road and Whites Road) is the third area requiting early funding approval. This area is under significant immediate development pressure and the development guidelines approved by Council in 1990 require review. The cost of this Review should be reduced through contributions of approximately $40,000 - $50,000 from the landowners/developers within the quadrant. City funding should not exceed $50,000 and the Review will not proceed unless adequate private sector funding is secured beforeheand. Recommendations #4 deals with the next phase of the Waterfront Project. Tenders were received on May 3, 2000 for Pickering's Millennium Waterfront/Liverpool Road Millennium Square, Boardwalk and Frenchman's Bay West Park (No. T - 9/2000). Tenders received exceeded budget by approximately $1.5 million. Miwel Construction was the low bidder. In an effort to reduce the amount being spent at this time Victor Ford & Associates analyzed the bids. They confirmed that by deleting "prices" equally from the low bidder, and the 2nd and 3rd low bids of the project in the amount of 1.5 million dollars, Miwel Construction remained the low bidder. The tendering document contained a clause which permitted the City to accept the tender in whole or in part. Miwel Construction was asked to respond to the revisions. Miwel Construction agreed to perform the contract "in part" at the tendered prices. Report to Council CS 07-01 Date: February 22, 2001 Subject: 2001 Pre-Budget Approval for Essential Capital Projects and Expenditures Page 4 reworking the specifications and then preceeding with tendering. Depending on the required contract completion date, a closing date within the last week of March, acceptance by Executive Committee the week following, work could begin in April 2001. ATTACHMENTS: Pre-Budget Approval for External Infrastructure Improvements & Repairs Pre-Budget Approval for City Efficiency Initiatives Pre-Budget Approval Planning and Development Consulting and Protbssional Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Stan Karwowski, Manager, Financial Services Endorsed By: Ne("l'Carr~-- // Director, P~g & Development Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Endorsed Bye.. f Everett~stma, ~ Director, Operations & Emergency Services GAP:vw Attachments Copy: T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer E. Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services N. Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council -7- ATTACI.INENT # I TO REi~I~T # ~$ o7- o ~ City of Pickering 2001 Pre-Budget Capital & Current Approval External Infrastructure Improvements and Repairs: Attachment #l Design & Specification Consulting For the following Projects: Family Change Rooms at the Rec Complex Granite Court Bridge Repair damaged structure Pickering/Uxbridge Townline (East of Sideline 26) Installation of concrete walls and barriers Old Brock Rd (South of Hoxton St.) Remove and replace concrete box culvert Concession 5 (at Sideline 24) Remove and replace concrete box culvert Multiple Culvert - Radom St. Remove and replace with concrete box culvert HVAC System for East Shore Community Center Current system is 28 years old and could fail anyday Roofing for Rec Complex Roof is 18 years old and is starting to leak Ramp Replacement - Civic Complex Sub-Total $30,000 87,000 5,000 15,000 6,000 $143,000 Construction Projects For the following: Amberlea Creek Erosion (Vistula Dr.) Funding is required to reduce backyard erosion and collapsing into ravine Drill New Well for Mt. Zion Community Centre (Health Issue) Brockridge Park Fieldhous Pickering Baseball Association is donating $75,000 towards the construction Repairs: Cost is for major repair of "garbage truck" to meet MTO regulations Sub-Total $85,000 15,000 120,000 7,500 $227,500 Total $370,500 City of Pickering 2001 Pre-Budget Approval City Efficiency Iniativies Continuation of Windows 2000 Upgrade Upgrade of MS Exchange and replacement of 2 old servers Upgrade Disk Drive required for file server used for tax billing and accounting, property, recreation and parking tag systems Continuing Corporate Equipment Replacement (20) Replacement Monitors (30) PIII 800 PCs -- Replacements Culture and Recreation Escom Dial-in Registration System -- Additional 8 Lines and Implementation Sut Escom Dial-in Registration Systems -- Server Corporate Fiber Optic Link with Library On Going Critical Capital Replacement Needs Clerks Replacement Printer Culture and Recreation Compaq AP550 Desktop Publishing PC Municipal Property & Engineering AutoCAD Workstation and MS-Office AutoCAD 2000 - Landscape Design Council Laptop and PC Sub Total Current Budget Expenditures 2478 Misc. Equipment Repairs & Maintenance Upgrade 70 NT 4.0 PC Licenses to Windows 2000 Upgrade 3 NT 4.0 Server Licenses to Windows 2000 Cisco Equipment - network switches replacement - equipment to be leased over 3 years Speeds up network by reducing traffic congestion Attachment #2 $ 33,500 9,300 9,100 75,000 29,500 34,900 5,500 3,400 6,300 4,000 4,500 10,000 $ 225,000 $ 14,900 5OO 45,600 Total Requested $ 286,000 ATTACHIqENT #_.~...1'0 II, EPO ~T # ~'---~ Attachment #3 Pre Budget Approval Planning & Development Consulting and Professional (2611-2392) East Duffins Area Land Use and Design Study For consultant to work with staff in developing land use and design guidelines, and an implementation strategy for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (first neighbourhood to be developed, adjacent to Brock Road). Liverpool Road South Study For consultant to work with staff in completing Part 2 of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review (additional public consultation, team meetings, potential revisions to Part 1, & report printing costs). Consultants (TSH and Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects) already in progress on this study. Completion in June, 2001. Northeast Quadrant (northeast sector of Whites Road and Kingston Road) For consultants to work with staff in reviewing the 'Northeast Quadrant' development guidelines adopted by Council in 1990, to develop an alternative approach that considers various recent development proposals on the lands, while respecting the initial land use and design principles. The cost of this review is to be shared with major landowners/developers within the quadrant. A private sector contribution of approximately $40,000 - $50,000 is required and the review will not proceed unless adequate private sector funding is secured. Net City costs are estimated to not exceed $50,000. $50,000 25,000 100,000 $175,000 Cae AGENDA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2001 7:30 P.M. CHAIRMAN: Councillor Ryan (B ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of February 12, 2001 1. DELEGATION Dave Johnson, representing the Frenchman's Bay Community Association, will address the Executive Committee concerning the Frenchman's Bay Festival to be held June 8-10, 2001. (III) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PAGE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT #07-01 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 30/00 O.P.B. REALTY (PICKERING TOWN CENTRE) PART OF LOTS 21 AND 22, CONCESSION 1 (1355 KINGSTON ROAD) 1-17 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT #06-01 WEST ROUGE CANOE CLUB REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY FOR PADDLING FACILITY ON WEST SPIT OF FRENCHMAN'S BAY 18-30 o PROCLAMATION "RED CROSS MONTH"-MARCH, 2001 "DAY OF MOURNING" - APRIL 28, 2001 38-40 OTHER BUSINESS (V) ADJOURNMENT 001. RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDEDBY That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/00, submitted by O.P.B. Realty, on lands being Part of Lot 21 and 22, Concession 1, City of Pickering, to amend the existing zoning to permit the establishment of an approximate 1,000 square me~e outdoor ~a[_den centre located in the south-east comer of the subject lands from April 1~ to June 30 each calendar year for a three year time frame, be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: That the current zoning by-law be amended to permit the establishment of an approximate 1000 square metre outdoor gard.en centre located in the south-east comer of the subject lands from April 1~t to June 30m each calendar year for a three year time frame only. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/00, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 07-01 be forwarded to Council for consideration. 002 PICKFR1NG REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: February 9, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: PD 07-01 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/00 O.P.B. Realty (Picketing Town Centre) Part of Lot 21 and 22, Concession 1 (1355 Kingston Road) City of Picketing RECOMMENDATION: That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/00, submitted by O.P.B. Realty, on lands being Part of Lot 21 and 22, Concession 1, City of Picketing, to amend the existing zoning to permit the establishment of an approximate 1,000 square metre outdoor garden centre located in the south-east comer of the subject lands from April 1st to June 30th each calendar year for a three year time frame, be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: That the current zoning by-law be amended to permit the establishment of an approximate 1000 square metre outdoor garden centre located in the sc,uth-east comer of the subject lands from April 1st to June 30th each calendar year for a three year time frame only. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/00, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 07-01 be forwarded to Council for consideration. O~G~: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/00 submitted to the City of Pickering. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: REPORT TO COUNCIL PD 07-01 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/00 Date: February 9, 2001 Page 2 The proposed amendment is appropriate as it will allow for a temporary use to occur on the site which will not negatively impact site function and will not jeopardize future development potential on the subject lands, in accordance with the Downtown Core Development Guidelines. It is recommended that Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/00, and that the draft amending by-law set out in Appendix I to Report PD 07-01, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Information Meeting A Public information meeting was held on October 19, 2000, to discuss the applicant's proposal. Information Report No. 29-00, which summarizes the applicant's proposal and outlines the issues identified through circulation of the application, was prepared for the meeting. The text of the Information Report is provided for reference (see Attachment #3). At the Public Information Meeting, Planning staff gave an explanation of the application. Mr. Allan Arsenault of the Pickering Town Centre was present to answer questions regarding the application. No members of the public were in attendance at the meeting. Minutes of the meeting are included as Attachment #4. 2.0 Additional Information Since the preparation of Information Report No. 29-00, the following agency comments have been received: The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) have advised that they do not have any objections to the approval of the application in principle but have indicted that no development is to occur without obtaining a Ministry Building Land Use permit (see Attachment #5). The Region of Durham Planning Department have advised that they have no objections to the application (see Attachments #6). 3.0 Discussion 3.1 Current Zoning Provisions The current zoning by-law for the subject property contains provisions which permit the establishment of an outdoor sales and display area of not more than 650 square metres provided it is established in conjunction with a retail store having a gross leasable floor area in excess of 7,400 square metres. The applicant is proposing to amend the by-law to permit the establishment of an additional 1,000 square metre outdoor garden centre that is not associated with a retail store within the mall. It is our understanding that the tenant for the proposed garden centre is White Rose. 3.2 Temporary Use Zoning By-law 0O4 REPORT TO COUNCIL PD 07-01 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/00 Date: February 9, 2001 Page 3 The application submitted for Council's consideration meets two of the above-noted criteria. The proposed use is intended only fbr a limited period of time and staff consider it appropriate and feasible to monitor the proposed use to properly assess the impacts of the proposed development, (should any consideration be given to permanent zoning for this use at a location that does not impact desigr~ objectives of the Downtown Core). The temporary use by-law will also ensure that the proposed use will not prejudice the development potential of this area for an indefinite time period as the applicable development guidelines for this property encourage the introduction of additional permanent structures and uses to complement the Downtown Core. The proposed garden centre is a temporary use and is comprised of temporary fencing and tent structures that will not prejudice future development potential of the property. The application is recommended for approval for a three year time period to allow staff to monitor the effects of the garden centre with respect to site functioning and parking supply. Staff have reviewed the preliminary site plan and do not anticipate any negative impacts as a result of the development of an outdoor :garden centre. The temporary use by-law will ensure that the development concepts of the Council Adopted Downtown Core Development Guidelines are not prejudiced by the establishment of an outdoor garden centre. 3.3 Site Design and Functioning The preliminary site plan indicates that the total number of parking spaces on-site will be reduced by 45 parking spaces. The resultant reduction in the parking supply will occur at a time when the mall is not typically operating at full capacity and therefore the demand for parking spaces is at a minimum. In addition, based on the proposed gross leasable floor area of the garden center, the need for an additional fifty parking spaces would be generated. The requirement for additional parking based on the gross leasable floor area has been determined to be redundant given the excess supply of parking that exists during the proposed months of operation. The draft by-law that has been prepared in support of the application, as set out in draft in Appendix I to Report PD 07-01, inchldes provisions to eliminate the need to establish additional parking and to recognize the proposed temporary reduction in parking supply that will occur during the time period the garden centre is in existence. The outdoor garden centre is proposed in an area that does not appear to :impact the current function of the east/west traffic aisle that serves as the main traffic aisle al.ong the south end of the Picketing Town Centre. The portion of the parking area that will be temporarily · occupied by the outdoor garden centre and the surrounding parking spaces that are to be used by the customers of the garden centre are not well used during the proposed months of operation. It is anticipated that the establishment of the garden centre in this area will not have negative impacts on the established traffic patterns, however the temporary by-law will permit staff the opportunity to observe and evaluate any impacts over time, The visual impact of the garden centre from the public domain will be minimal given its proposed setback from the surrounding public roads. The proposed garden centre is comprised of the installation of temporary fencing and temporary tent structures, which do REPORT TO COUNCIL PD 07-01 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/00 Date: February 9, 2001 Page 4 005 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant has reviewed the contents of this Report, and concurs with the content. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Property Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan 3. Information Report 4. Minutes of the Public Information Meeting 5. Ministry of Transportation 6. Region of Durham Planning Department Prepared By: Planner 1 Approved/Endorsed by: Ne~'l Carr~tl~-.MCp: RPP Director, Pla'mafng & Development Lynda-D.~aylor, MCIP, RPf Manager, Current Operations JTB/ph Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council/;-57~w"~ . .T,,l~as i. Qu~, Chi~ Ad~ive Off, er OO6 APPENDIX I TO REPORT TO COUNCIL PD 07-01 DRAFT ZONING BY-LAW FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 30,/00 0O7 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2920/88, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 21 and 22, Concession 1, in the City ofPickering. (A30/00) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pi. ckering deems it desirable to rezone the subject lands, being Part of Lot 21 and 22, Concession 1 (Part of Part 1, Parts 2, 3, 6 to 15, 19, 20, Part of Part 21 and Part 22, Plan 40R-8355), in the City of Pickering, for the development of a temporary outdoor garden centre; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2920/88 as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TEXT AMENDMENT Section 5.(2)(a)(vi) of By-law 2920/88, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: D (I) Despite section 5(2)(a)(iv) of By-law 2920/88 a portion of the parking area generally identified by the crosshatched area on Schedule I, may be used for a maximum 1000 square metre outdoor garden centre from April 1 to June 30 of every calendar year for the years 2001, 2002 and 2003 only. (II) Section 5.(2)(a)(v)B shall not apply to an outdoor garden centre located in the cross hatched area as identified on Schedule I attached hereto. (III) Despite the parking requirements of Section 5.(2)(v)B of By-law 2920/88 to By-law 3036, as amended, the total number of required parking spaces to be provided on-site may be reduced by 45 spaces, while the outdoor garden centre use exists within the parking area as generally identified by the crosshatched area on Schedule I to amending By-law 2920/88, as amended. 2. SCHEDULE AMENDMENT Schedule I to By-law 2920/88 is hereby further amended by adding cross hatching in the south-east comer of the site in the general location identified on Schedule I attached hereto. Accordingly, Schedule I to By-law 2920/88 is replaced with Schedule I attached hereto. 3. BY-LAW 2920/88 008 EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subje the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this ,2001. day of Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Brace Taylor, City Clerk o/009 i ,~ o~ il M¢.~-~ '1 ~ DELINEATES ZONE BOUNDARY AND "DEFINED LAND AREA" BOUNDARY GARDEN CENTRE AREA SCHEDULE Z TO BY-LAW 2920/88 PASSED THIS 11th DAY OF October 1988 010 ATTACHI~,ENT #_ / _ TO REPORI ." PD.~..~.,( ......... GLENANNA BRANDS COURT ROSEFtELD PICKERII ALLIANCE C.~ '~'' ATTACHMENT ~'- ,2. TC REPOR'f ~ Pr.) ¢ 7 - ~ 011 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED CONCEPTUAL PLAN A 30/00 O.P.B. REALTY (PICKERING CENTRE)INC. PICKERING TOWN CENTRE SEARS THE BAY i[illllllltlllllllllilllllltll'll ~111111111111111111i11111111111111~ ~2 C~S i!1111111111t1111~ tilililllllJlllld lltlllllJl II!i11111111111~ Ii11111111t1111~ I. IIIIIIIIIIIlIIIII'Iil~N"I"I"I'H'i© ~?. (llllllllllllltllllliltllllllllllllllh 'dlll~ ",lllllilllillllllllllllltlilttlllllll I1111 012 ATTACHMENT#.-~' ,TO REPORT # PD INFORMATION REPORT NO. 29-00 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF October 19, 2000 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 30/00 O.P.B. Realty (Picketing Centre) Inc. Part of Lot 21 & 22, Concession 1 (Picketing Town Centre) City of Picketing 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject property is located on the west side of Glenanna Road between Kingston Road and the Pickering Parkway; (see location map - Attachment #1); the subject property currently supports a mixed use shopping mall; the surrounding land uses include residential uses to the east, office, tCommemial uses to the north and east,'and Highway 401 to the south. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applicant proposes to establish a temporary outdoor garden center, with a maximum gross leaseable flOor area of 1000 square metres, located in the south-east comer of the subject property from April to June every calendar ye~a' for three years. (see Information Complied from Applicant's Submitted Plan - Attacl~ment #2). OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan - the Durham Regional, Official Plan identifies the sUbject lands as being within a "Main Central Area" within which the main concentration of activities, including an array of community; office, service and shopping, recreational and residential uses should be located; - the application appears to conform. 3.2 Pickering Official Plan Information Report No. 29-00 ATTACHMENT #_ REPOR'I ¢~ PD ~' 7t't,/Or ,-- Page 2 3.3 3.4 4.0 4.1 Compendium Document to the Official Plan 013 · - the subject property falls within the Council Adopted "Picketing Downtown Core-Development Guidelines" and the "Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines". The guidelines are intended to guide the development or redevelopment of sites within the designated areas; - the applicant's proposal is intended for a temporary timeframe each calendar year and will not result in the permanent construction of buildings or structures; Zoning By, law 3036 the subject property is zoned "MCA-l" - Main Central Area by By-law 3036 as amended by By-law 2920/88. This zoning permits the establishment of a 650 square metre outdoor garden centre with accessory to a retail store having a minimum gross leasable floor area of 7,400 square metres. The applicant's proposal is not associated with a retail store within the existing mall and it exceeds the current by-law floor space restriction therefore an amendment to the zoning by-law would be required to implement the applicant's proposal; it is anticipated that upon refinement of the applicant's submitted plan there will be a minor and temporary shortfall of parking spaces provided on-site, based on the current zoning requirements, during the proposed timeframe ~that the outdoor garden centre will exist, therefore an amendment to the zoning by-law would be required to implement the applicant's proposal; RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments no resident comments received to date; 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 5.0 Agency Comments - no agency comments received to date; Staff Comments Site Plan/Technical Matters through review of the applicants submitted plan, staff have identified the following items as key issues that must be considered prior to :the forwarding of a recommendation report to City Council. The issues are as follOws: · site design and function · traffic impacts · parking requirements/supply · building setbacks · architectural controls and view from Highway 401 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written enmment,q re~ardin~ thi,q nrnnn~qal ~qhnnlfl he directed tn the Plannin~ & Information Report No. 29-00 Page 3 014 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 ~Aooendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, con:Lmunity assOciations, agencies and City Departments that haVe commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; 6.3 Comoany Principal - the representative for this application is Mr. Allan Arsenault, Manager of the Pickering TOwn Centre. ~d3~d;g eTi~el .at i o n s Copy: Director, Planning & Development Department Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes of Thursday, October 19, 2000 015 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The Manager, Current Operations Division, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration thereat. (i) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 30-00 O.P.B. REALTY (PICKERING CENTRE) INC. PART OF LOT 21 & 22, CONCESSION 1 (PICKERING TOWN CENTRE) Mr. Allan Arsenault, Manager of the Picketing Town Centre was present to answer any questions. 0..1.6 ATTACHMENT # 5~' Tr~ REPORT cf PD.__ ~[__0../ ..... Ministry of Transportation Ministgre des Transports Phone: F~: E-mail: (416) 235-3509 (416) 235-4267 Petro@mto.gov.on.ca RECEIVED- O C T 2 3,2000 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND City of Pickering Planning and Development Department Picketing Civic Complex ()ne the Esplanade Picketing, ON L1V 6K7 Attention: Tyler Barnett [)ear Sir: Ontario Corridor Management Office 1 st Floor, Atrium Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 October 13, 2000 File No: A 30/00 OCT 2 3 2000 CITY OF PICKERING PIOKERIN(~, ONTARIO Proposed Re-zoning O.P.B. Realty (Piekering Centre) Inc. North of Highway 401, west of Liverpool Road Part of Lot 21 & 22, Concession 1, Pickering We have reviewed the above proposal and have no objection in principle to the proposed rezoning subject to the following comments. The owner should be made aware that a ministry Building/Landuse permit is required prior to any development being undertaken. Ministry Permits' are also required for all signs visible to the highway. Further information on our permit requirements is .available from our District Office (Mr. Ken Sherbanowski, 416-235-5560). I trust that this information is beneficial and to your needs. Please do not hesitate to call should you have ATTACHMENT #_~T0 017 The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department Box 623 1615 Dundas St. E. 4th Floor Lang Tower West Building Whitby, Ontario December 4, 2000 .Tyler.Barnett, Planner Planning Department piCkering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Barnett: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A-30/00 Applicant: O.P.B. Realty (Pickering Centre) Inc. Location: Part of Lots 21 & 22, Concession 1 Pickering Parkway Municipality: City of Pickering RECEIVED DEC - 6 2000 CITY OF PICKERING PLANt, lNG AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Canada L1N 6A3 Tel: (905) 728-7731 Fax: (905) 436-6612 A. L Georgieff, Commissioner of Planning We have reviewed this application and the following comments are offered with respect to compliance with the Durham Regional Official Plan, the proposed method of servicing and delegated Provincial plan review responsibilities: The purpose of the. application is tO permit a temporary outdoor garden centre to operate on a seasonal basis. The subject property is designated "Main Central Area" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. These areas are intended as the main concentrations of urban activities providing a fully integrated array of community, office, service and shopping, recreational and residential uses. The proposed amendment is in conformity with the Durham Regional Official' Plan. Additional and/or, un-metered access to water supply will not be provided for the proposed use. Also, any changes to .access/entrance points for this site will require detailed site servicing comments from the Region. This application has been screened in .accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities and no provincial interests would appear to be affected, If you have any questions or require additional information, please call me. 018 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the request of the West Rouge Canoe Club to extend its lease agreement with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the next three years on an annual basis commencing with the period November 1, 2000 to October 31, 2001, to accommodate a temporary compound on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay for the storage,, within trailers, of canoes and kayaks associated with, the club's paddling facility, be supported by Council. REPORT TO COUNCIL 019 FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: February 9, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: PD 06-01 SUBJECT: West Rouge Canoe Club Request for Extension of Lease Agreement with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for Paddling Facility on West Spit of Frenchman's Bay RECOMMENDATION: That the request of the West Rouge Canoe Club to extend its lease agreement with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the next three years on an annual basis commencing with the period November 1, 2000 to October 31, 2001, to accommodate a temporary compound on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay for the storage, within trailers, of canoes and kayaks associated with the club's paddling facility, be supported by Council. ORIGIN: Request for Lease Extension from the West Rouge Canoe Club to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority dated September 6, 2000. AUTHORITY: No Statutory Authority. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the lease extension. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In April, 1994, the West Rouge Canoe Club (WRCC) established a paddling facility on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay on lands owned by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). The "facility" comprises two trailers on wheels for the temporary storage of canoes and kayaks, and a parking area for three to five cars (see Attachment # 1). The facility was introduced with the permission of TRCA, and the concurrence of City Council. Extensions to that approval have been granted by Picketing Council and TRCA on a yearly basis from 1995 through 2000. The present lease agreement expired October 31, 2000. The City's approval for this temporary accommodation is required due to the current "R4" zoning of the land, which REPORT TO COUNCIL PD 06-01 0 2 0Subject: West Rouge Canoe Club Date: February 9, 2001 Page 2 DISCUSSION: City staff have reviewed the request of 'the WRCC and have no objection to three annual extensions of the lease agreement between the West Rouge Canoe Club and the TRCA ending October 31, 2003. The paddling activity is consistent with the environmentally-friendly recreation activities which are suitable for the Bay, and with the current park operations. Since TRCA expects to be required to keep the road serving the West Spit open for at least another seven years in order to provide access to the leased Scudelari home, located on the eastern end of the West Spit, maintaining continued access to the Canoe Club for a further three years is reasonable. TRCA staff have also suggested that the City of Pickering and the TRCA investigate a more permanent location for the West Rouge Canoe Club (see Attachment #5). The Director of Operations & Emergency Services has no .objection to the lease extension request and has indicated that there should be no conflicts between waterfront trail construction and operation of the paddling facility. He has also indicated that there have been no complaints from residents or park users about these operations. ATTACHMENTS: o 2. 3. 4. 5. Facility Plan and Location Map Letter from West Rouge Canoe Club requesting extension of lease agreement Report to TRCA Executive Committee TRCA Executive Committee Resolution (from February 2, 2001 meeting) Letters from TRCA staff (dated October 31, 2000 and December 20, 2000) Prepared By: Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner 2 Lynda T~lor, MCIP, Manager, Current Operations Approved / Endorsed by: /.'"" ,. / /" Ne'il Ca ,~~P, RPP Director, P. 'lWanning & Dg~t'6l~ment ~tt Burd. sm~ Director, Operations & Eraergency Services SG/pr Att~chrnant~ ATTACHMENT REPORT # PD TO 021 Frenchman's BoY .................. ..~ Trailers t~eachpoint /~°nnenade City of Picketing DETAIL 'A' Planning & Development Department SUNRISE AVENUE FRENCHMAN I I I i ~Y See Detail 'A' N. Scudellari-- 1083 Beachpoint Promenade I A 1/1-- i'~^ /'"FA F')l/"l 022 " ATTACHMENT#,, '~ 'TO REPORT# PD O~-~l WEST ROUGE CANOE CLUB P.O. BOX 307 · WEST HILL, ONTARIO · M1E 4R8 · (416) 281-8620 September 6, 2000 The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S4 Attention: Mr. Ro~ Dewell ~' Acting Wlanager Property/Asset Management Dear Mr. Dewell: PROPERTY D:IVIS~ON M.T.R. C, A, Re: Paddling Facility Former Simpson Property Lot 272, Pt. Lots 271 and 273 Frenchman's Bay, Pickering Authority Project WF3A-92. I thank you for your letter dated August 11, 2000 and wish to confirm that the West Rouge Canoe Club does in fact intend to extend their lease with the Conservation Authority with respect to the above mentioned property which is the site of our high performance training centre and as such, invaluable to the growth and success of our club. We appreciate the assistance and ongoing support of the Conservation Authority in, efforts to offer this Olympic sport to the communities of Pickering and Toronto. '" Yours truly, Angela Gurlesky, Com~ore West Rouge Canoe Club ATTACHMENT # :~ TO REPORT# PD 05~C) 1 Tor Re~ion Conserv Author 416 GG1 6898 P. 02/05 Requester SECTION: CONFIDENTIAL: TO: FROM: RE: KEY ISSUE: Approvers SECTION i - ITEMS FOR AUTHORITY ACTION No Chair and Members of the Executive Committee Meeting #14/00, February 2, 2001 James W. Dillana, Director, Finance and Business Development Frenchman's Bay - West Rouge Canoe Club Extension of Agreement CFN 26339 To extend the agreement with the West' Rouge Canoe Club on an annual basis commencing November 1, 2000 to October 31,2001, for the existing location on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay for the next three years. RECOMMENDATION ~-HAT the request to extend the temporary licence agreement with the West Rouge Canoe Club for a paddling facility on Frenchman's Bay for the next three years on an annual basis commencing with the period November 1, 2000; to October 31, 2001 be approved; THAT the Authority's approval be subject to the Council of the City of Pickering's concurrence with the .extension to the temporary lease agreement; AND FURTHER THAT the appropriate Authority officials be authorized and directed to take'whatever action is required in connection with the continuation of the West Rouge Canoe Club paddling facility on Authority lands, including the execution of appropriate documents, BACKGROUND At Meeting #4/00. the Authority a.dopted Re_s, #A79/00; "THAT ~e request to extend the temporary iicence agreement with the West Rouge Canoe Club for a paddling facillty on Frenchman's Bay for the period November 1, 1999 to October 31, 2000 be approved; THAT the Council of the City of Picketing be requested to concur with the extension to the temporary lease agreement; AND FURTHER THAT the appropriate Authority officials be authorized and directed to take whatever action is required in connection with the continuation of the West Rouge Canoe Club paddling facility on Authority lands, including the execution of appropriate documents." The City of Picketing Council concurred with the lease extension to October 31, 2000 by adopting the following resolution. ,024- ~TAN-2G-2001 ATTACHMENT #_ '~ _TO REPORt'~ PD ~F~-©I 09:35 Tot Re~ion (]onseru AutHor ,~16 661 6898 P. 03/05 "That the request of the West Rouge Canoe Club to extend its lease agreement with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the period November 1, 1999 to October 31, 2000, to accomodate a temporary compound on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay for the storage, within trailers, of canoes and kayaks associated with the club's paddling facility, be supported by Council." The West Rouge Canoe Club has operated since April 23, 1994 at this location, as outlined on the attached figure, In accordance with the agreement conditions, For the period of the agreement, no objections from the residents and users of the Frenchman's E]ay West Park were received. The West Rouge Canoe Club, by letter dated September 6, 2000 has requested an extension of this temporary agreement to October 31, 2001. RATIONALE The paddling facility is consistent with the environmentally-friendly recreation activities which are suitable for the Bay and with the current park operations. This proved to be the case for the operating seasons 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 with no objections from the residents and users of the park. Discussions with the City of Pickering Planning Department indicate support to extend the agreement for a further temporary period based on the results of 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 operation of the paddling facility. Recent discussions with The City of Pickering Director of Planning indicate support for the extension for the next three years on an annual basis. The extension will be considered by Council at a meeting in February, 2001: The proposal also has the concurrence of the Director of Finance and Business Development. DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE Approval of the City of Picketing to extend the temporary agreement on an annual basis for the next three years commencing with the period November 1, 2000 to October 31, 2001 will be required. . Concurrence of the Picketing Harbour Company, is being requested. Staff, upon approval by the Authority, will prepare and execute the necessary documents for the period November 1,2000 to October 31,2001. FINANCIAL DETAILS The Club will continue as in 1995-96 io cover the costs of one portable toilet which will be accessible to the park users, and any additional costs deemed appropriate to cover Authority property taxes for the site area. The Club also agreed to assist the Authority with on-site clean-up and assist in monitoring any activities deemed detrimental to the public's enjoyment of this area. The Club will also maintain the trailers to the satisfaction of the Authority. Report prepared by: Lori Colussl, extension 5303 Larry Field, extension $243. For Information contact: Larry Field. extension 5243 ..1'RN-26-2(~1 ~:'35 ATTACHMENT# ~ TO REPORI'#PO 0~'01 Tor Re~on Conserv Ruthor 416 G61 6898 Attachments: 1 ATTACHMENT #..,. _x~ TO REPORT# PD ~-0) Tot Re~ion Con~erv Author 416 6G1 6898 P. 05,'05 ATTACHMENT# L~ TO REPORT#PD 0~'~1 FEB-O?-2001 11:50 Tor Region Conseru Author THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY ~'. '~ Shore/nam Drive Downs~w, Omarlo M3N lS4 {4161 861-,6000 FAX 661-68~8 hap:l/wwv, lrr, a.on,ca 661 6898 P. 0~706 027 February 7, 2001 Mr, Steve Gaunt Planning Department. City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Picketing, ON L1V 6K6 CFN: 26296 Via Fax: 905-420-7648 Dear Mr. Gaunt: Re:' 'Frenchman's Bay - West Rouge Canoe Club - Extension of Agreement At its meeting #14/00 held on February 2, 2001, the Executive Committee adopted the following resolution on the above noted extension of Agreement: '~THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT the request to extend the temporary licence agreement with the West Rouge Canoe Club for a paddling facility on Frenchman'~ Bay for the next three years on an annual 'basis commencing with the period. November 1, 2000,'to October31, 2001 be approved; · THAT the Authority's .approval be subject to the Council of the City of Pickering's concurrence with the extension to the temporary lease·agreement; AND FURTHER THAT the appropriate Authority officials be'authorized and directed'to take whatever action is required in connection with the continuation of the West Rouge Canoe Club paddling facility on Authority lands, including the execution of appropriate documents." We have enclosed for your r. eference a copy of the Executive Committee report on the extension of the Agreement.. The Executive Committee recommendation will be considered at the Authority meeting on Friday, February 23, 2001. We do not at this time anticipate any difficulties. ATTACHMENT# ~ TO REPORT # PD_ (~ ~ - ~ / Tor Region Conserv Ruthor 41G GGI GBgB P.O3/0G -2- 'Once the City of Picketing Council has considered this matter, we would request a copy of your report and council resolution. If you require additional information,'please contact the undersigned at extension 5243. ,'"' L,,,aCr~ Fiel~ M.C.I.P., RPP ~'Wa{erfront Speoialist ' Watershed Management Division .. I~F/md cc: Lori Colussi, TRCA AttacHment ATTACHMEtJ'r # -~ TO 'THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORI~ 5 Shoreham Dr~e, ~, Onto ~N 1~ (416) ~1~ F~I-~ h~:/~.~on.ca December 20, 2000 Ms. Linda Taylor Planning Department City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ON LlV6K7 DEC z ? .?.000 DEVELOPMENT CE~A;qTMENT 029 CITY OF PICKERING PIOKERING, ONTARIO Dear Ms. Taylor: RE: WEST ROUGE CANOE CLUB Further to our letter of October 31,2000, we enclose a December 18, 2000 letter to the West Rouge Canoe Club. We will be proceeding to an Executive Committee in early 2001 seeking approval of a lease extension for 3 years on the basis outlined in the letter. We assume you will be proceeding to Council seeking their approval early in 2001. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned at (416) 661-6600, extension 5243. L~rry~ Field/M(~lP, RPP Waterfron{ Specialist Watershed Management Division LF:jb Encl. WORKING TOGETHER FOR TOMORROW'S GREENSPACE ATTACHMENT# ~ TO (~% REPORT#PD ~)-01 __ i~'THE AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 0 3 0 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1s4TORONTO I4m) 661-~600 FAX 661-6898 http://¥~wv, trca.on.ca October 31,2000 Ms. Linda Taylor Planning Department City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V6K7 NO V - 2 2000 CITY OF PICKE PIc~( ERING, ONTARio, RECEIVe= NOV - 2 200[ CITY OF PICKERI PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPART~ Dear Ms. Taylor: RE: WEST ROUGE CANOE CLUB Please find enclosed the information related to the West Rouge Canoe Club's request for a lease extension through 2001, We suggest that 2001 maybe the year that the City of Pickering and TRCA investigate a location for the Canoe Club on a more permanent basis. Please give me a call at (416) 661-6600, extension 5243 as you proceed with your review and report to Council. Yours t, ruly,,~~ .~-' -L~'rry.,_Fj/eld, MCIP, RPP Waterfront Specialist Watershed Management Division LF:jb cc: Lori Colussi; Property Department, TRCA Encl, 031 RECOMMENDATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby approves the Year 2001 Animal Control budget estimates as recommended by the Pickering, Ajax and Whitby Joint Animal Control Committee at its meeting of January 31, 2001. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Brace Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: February 16, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 08-01 SUBJECT: Year 2001 Animal Control Budget RECOMMENDATION: That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing hereby approves the Year 2001 Animal Control budget estimates as recommended by the Picketing, Ajax and Whitby Joint Animal Control Committee at its meeting of January 31,2001. ORIGIN: Motion of the PAW Committee passed on January 31, 2001 AUTHORITY: Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Operating $211,130.00 Capital $9,000.00 Total $220,130.00 (Picketing's share) (Picketing's share) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The PAW Joint Animal Control Committee is recommending the approval of the Year 2001 Report to Council CL 08-01 Subject: 2001 Animal Control Budget Date: February 16, 2001 Page 2 033 BACKGROUND: Please be advised that the PAW Joint Animal Control Committee passed the following motion at its meeting of January 31,2001: 1. That the Picketing, Ajax, Whitby Joint Animal Control Committee adopt the 2001 animal control budget estimates as set out in the Treasurer's Report Item 1-01; and 2. That the estimates be submitted to the Councils of Pickering, Ajax and Whitby for approval Attached to this Report is a copy of the Committee Treasurer's Report 1-01 for your information. I would remind Council that Picketing has entered into an Agreement with Ajax and Whitby respecting the operation of the Animal Shelter that allocates operating expenses on a per capita basis and capital expenses on an equal basis. Therefore, for the Year 2001, Picketing is responsible for 35.49% of the total operating costs of $594,900.00 being $211,130.00 and is responsible for 33.3% of the total capital costs of $27,000.00 being $9,000.00 for a total of $220,130.00. The total 2001 budget of the Animal Shelter has increased by 5.2% over the Year 2000, however, Pickering's share of the 2001 budget has actually decreased by $627.00 because Whitby's population has increased at a greater rate that Picketing's population and therefore our per capita share of the operating expenses has decreased from 37.53% to 35.49%. ATTACHMENTS: 1. PAW Treasurer' s Report 1-01 y- Bruce Taylor Attachments Recommended for the consideration ofPickering [ City Council . ?~-'x I ,' ,~' ~ t't' ATTACHMENT #._~TO REPOR,T#_5: '.-- of'--o ./ 034 TREASURER'S REPORT TO THE PICKERING~ AJAX WHITBY JOINT ANIMAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Item: 1-01 January 31, 2001 Subject: 2001 Animal Control Budget Estimates Recommendations: That the Pickering, Ajax, Whitby Joint Animal Control Committee adopt the 2001 animal control budget estimates as set out in the Treasurer's Report, Item 1-01; and, That the estimates be submitted to the Council's of Pickering, Ajax, and Whitby for approval. Origin: The proposed 2001 animal control budget estimates are set out in Attachment No. 1 to this report. Analysis: The budget provides for a 5.2% increase. Staff complement and service levels remain unchanged. Provision has been made for replacement of an animal control vehicle in 2001. Alternatives: N/A Existing Policy: N/A Financial Considerations: By agreement, operating revenues and expenditures are apportioned on a per-capital basis between the City of Pickering and the Towns of Ajax an~d Whitby. Capital expenses are shared equally by the three municipalities. The municipal apportionment of the estimates is shown in Attachment No. 2 to this report. ATTACHMENT #/....~__TO REPORT # ¢ ~__..--~ ~'' ~ 036 ATTACHMENT#__/ TO REPORT# ATTACHMENT NO. 1. BUDGET NOTES ACCOUNT Oi)erating Expenses: Salaries, Wage and Benefits Heating Costs Insurance Premium Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance External Equipment Rental Bank Charges Operating Revenues: Pound and Service Fees Animal Adoption Capital Expenses: Animal Control Vehicle Replacement EXPLANATION Budget estimates provide for a 2.5% increase in salaries and wages in 2001. Also, the estimates provide for the annualisation of the new full- time animal control and pound attendant position approved in 2001. Provision has been made for an increase in the cost of natural gas. Reflects Reflects Reflects Reflects previous years experience. previous :years experience. previous years experience. previous years experience. Reflects previous 2fears experience. Reflects previous 2fears experience. Provision has beert made for the replacement of a 1995 animal control vehicle. The vehicle has been inspected by a qualified mechanic and has been found to be mechanically unsound. The estimated cost includes vehicle lettering, exterior lighting and provisions for the interior partitions. ATTACH~-~E~.~-; ~.. / TO REPORT# 037 0S8 RECOMMENDATION OF' THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "Red Cross Month"-March, 2001 "Day of Mourning" - April 28, 2001 March' I ecl Cro MoO''th 1$ SS n. February 7, 2001 Mayor Wayne Arthurs City of Picketing One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Mayor Wayne Arthurs: Traditionally, March is Red 'Cross Month. We would like to take this opportunity to increase awareness of the many and varied Red Cross programs and services available to those who are in need in our communities. We ask that you officially proclaim March-~s RED CROSS MONTH in the City of Pickering. We request that you consider flying the Red Cross flag at you municipal hall during March, as a tribute to the many citizens who give of themselves, to help those in need, by volunteering with the Red Cross. Please contact us, if you would like us to provide a Red Cross Flag to your community for the Month of March. Your consideration of this request, during your next council meeting, will be greatly appreciated by the Branch Council, Volunteers and staff of the Canadian Red Cross - Region of Durham Branch. Thank you for your consideration. Y~ly, Steve Stewart, CA Branch President Sharon Walker Branch Manager enc: Region of Durham Branch, 419 King Street West Suite 115, Oshawa, Ontario L1J 2K5 Tel: 905-723-2933 Fax: 905-723-9023 A Member Agency of the United Way The Canadian Red Cross Society 040 February 5, 2001 D URHAMREGIONLABOUR COUNCIL P.O. Box 946, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7N1 Phone: (905) 579-5188 Fax: (905) 579-3634 E-Mail: durhamlc~sympatico.ca WAYNE ARTHURS MAYOR OF PICKERING MUNICIPAL OFFICE #1 THE ESPLANADE PICKERING ON L1V 6K7 Dear Mayor Arthurs: On Saturday, April 28, 2001, the Durham Region Labour Council will be observing the Day of Mourning with a march to Oshawa City Hall followed by a brief ceremony and lowering of the flag. The Day of Mourning was officially recognized by the Ontario Provincial Legislature in 1988. In 1991, An Act Respecting a Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace passed through all stages of.the House of Commons and the Senate. The Bill which now proclaims April 28th of each year as a National Day of Mourning received Royal Assent on February 1, 1991 and is now law. The Day of Mourning is also officially recognized in many countries throughout the world. We ask that your municipality join with us in paying our respects to thcse working people who have died at the workplace, or suffered injuries and diseases on the job by passing a resolution proclaiming Saturday, April 28, 2001 as "Day of Mourning". We also request that flags be loWered on Municipal Buildings is honour of those killed at the workpi!ace. While we mourn the dead, labour activists and all people :must dedicate themselves to fight for the living and prevent this terrible arid unnecessary toll by ensuring that all workplaces adhere to health and safety regulations and that all workers are regularly traineC[ in all health and safety aspects of their workplace. Thank you for your consideration of proclaiming April 28, 2001 as "Da,./of Mourning." Yours truly, Fred Upshaw S ecretary-Treasurer Durham Region Labour Council FAU/Im cc: ClerkofMunicipality c.~"