HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 18, 2001PICKERING AGENDA STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Anne Greentree Supervisor, Legislative Services OCTOBER 18, 2001 Statutory Public Information Meeting Agenda Pursuant to the Planning Act Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:00 P.M. Chair: Councillor Johnson DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION S-P-2001-04 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 16/00 MINISTER'S ZONING ORDER AMENDMENT APPLICATION 18-ZO-02901-08 BITONDO MARKETS LIMITED NORTH PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION 5 (LANDS ON THE WEST SIDE OF WESTNEY ROAD, SOUTI] OF GREENRmGE DRIVE) 1-19 2. 3. 4. 5. Explanation of application, as outlined in Information Report #27-01 by Planning Staff. Comments from the applicant. Comments from those having an interest in the application. Response from applicant. Staff response. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT OPA 01-003/P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/01 CITY INITIATED: NOTION ROAD STUDY AREA PART OF LOT 17, CONCESSION 1 WEST SIDE OF NOTION ROAD, BETWEEN PICKERING PARKWAY AND KINGSTON ROAD, EXCLUDING THE SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF KINGSTON ROAD AND NOTION ROAD) 20-40 2. 3. 4. Explanation of application, as outlined in Information Report #28-01 by Planning St~. Comments from the applicant. Comments from those having an interest in the application. Response from applicant. 5. Staff response. PICKERING 00.1.. INFORMATION REPORT NO. 27-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF October 18, 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2001-04 Zoning By-law Amendment Applications A 16/00 Minister's Zoning Order Amendment Application 18-ZO-02901-08 Bitondo Markets Limited North Part of Lot 11, Concession 5 (Lands on the west side of Westney Road, south of Greenridge Drive) City of Pickering 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the applicant proposes to develop the northern 12.9 hectares of a larger parcel, generally located on the west side of Westney Road, south of Greenridge Drive; a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment # 1); the lands subject to these applications currently support farming activities adjacent to Westney Road, and are vacant to the west; the Bitondo Farm and associated dwellings are located on the south portion of the applicant's total landholdings; the applicant's proposed subdivision plan, with accompanying key maps showing the applicant's total landholdings, is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); the subject lands abut the south boundary line of the Hamlet of Greenwood, and are immediately east of the Greenwood Cluster (which recognizes existing residential development along Greenwood Road); the Duffins Creek Valley Corridor traverses the west side of the subject lands; existing residential uses abut the subject lands to the west and north, and agricultural lands abut the subject lands to the south, and to the east across Westney Road. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to establish 13 hamlet residential lots fronting onto a new internal public street, each lot approximately 0.5 of a hectare in size, and intended to support detached dwelling units; - the proposed lots would provide minimum lot frontages ranging from approximately 30 metres to 50 metres; - the proposed residential development would be serviced by individual private well and septic systems; - additional Blocks of land are proposed to be conveyed into public ownership, including a 4.2-hectare open space block located within the Duffins Creek Valley Corridor (Block 14 on the applicant's submitted subdivision plan - see Attachment #2). OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan appears to designate the subject lands Major Open Space (primarily recognizing East Duffins Creek and the surrounding valley lands traversing the subject lands); Information Report No. 27-01 Page 2 002 predominant use of lands in the Major Open Space System shall be conservation, recreation, reforestation, and agriculture and farm-related uses (with the exception that in valleylands in built-up areas, agriculture and farm-related uses are not permitted); it appears that lands immediately abutting the subject lands are designated Hamlet; the Regional Plan encourages hamlets to be the predominant location for rural settlements; Section 13.3.8 of that Plan permits the minor expansion to existing development located in hamlets, provided that: a) the development will have an adequate supply of potable water and soil conditions satisfactory for the effective operation of a private waste sewage system on each of the proposed lots; and, b) there will not be adverse impacts on the supply of water or soil and groundwater conditions of adjacent properties; as a minor expansion to the Hamlet of Greenwood, the proposed development would be subject to the policies and requirements outlined in Section 13 of the Durham Region Official Plan (Rural Settlements), which details particulars respecting required technical reports, development form and impact assessments; - Westney Road is currently designated as a Type B Arterial roa& however, it is proposed to by-pass the Hamlet in the future to the east; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - the Picketing Official Plan designates the subject lands Agricultural; - permissible uses within this designation include primary agricultural uses and complementary and supportive agricultural uses; - the subject lands abut lands that are designated Rural Hamlet; - one of the goals for Pickering's Rural System is to protect and enhance the cultural and natural heritage of the rural area, and conserve the rural resource base, including agricultural lands for existing and future generations; another goal of the Rural System is to encourage limited rural residential development primarily in hamlets; - section 2.22 of the Picketing Official Plan identifies a rural growth target of between 1,000 and 1,500 people to the year 2016; of this, at least 700 persons are to be accommodated in hamlets and clusters; the subject lands are identified within a Rural Study Area, recognizing the need for further study to determine the nature and extent of a possible major expansion to the Hamlet of Greenwood boundary; however, section 2.32 of the Picketing Official Plan permits, without amendment to the Plan, minor expansions to certain Hamlets within the City, including the Hamlet of Greenwood, provided that: (a) the general purpose and intent of the Plan is maintained; (b) the expansion is consistent with the provisions of Chapter Twelve of the Plan (Rural Settlements); and, (c) the provisions of Chapter Fifteen (Development Review) of the Plan are met; when assessing applications for minor expansions to certain Hamlets, including the Hamlet of Greenwood, section 15.7 of the Picketing Official Plan requires accompanying information demonstrating to the City, in consultation with other relevant agencies, that: (a) the development will haw~ an adequate supply of potable water and soil conditions that are satisfaclto .ry for the effective operation of a private waste sewage system on each proposed lots; and, (b) there will not be adverse impacts on the supply of water or the soil and groundwater conditions of adjacent properties; Information Report No. 27-01 Page 3 0 O 3 the applicant consulted with both the City and the Region prior to submitting the applications; City and Regional staff concluded the applications could be considered a minor expansion to the Hamlet of Greenwood boundary, and would not require an amendment to the Plan; section 15.9 of the Plan states that City Council shall for major development, and may for minor development, require the submission and approval of an Environmental Report as part of the consideration of a development application; required Environmental Reports must include that criteria outlined in section 15.11 of the Plan; due to the close proximity of the Duffins Creek Valley Corridor to the subject lands, an Environmental Report is required in support of these applications; as a minor expansion to the Hamlet of Greenwood, the proposed development would be subject to the policies and requirements outlined in section 12.2 of the Picketing Official Plan (Rural Settlements), which states that Council shall: (a) require development to occur along existing roads, and along new roads introduced in locations identified either on the rural settlement maps or through the review of development proposals; (b) encourage and where possible require the scale, character and relationship of new development (including lots, buildings, structures, roads, services and utilities) to be compatible with the scale, character and relationship of existing development, considering features such as the size and shape of lots, lot coverage, building heights, building setbacks, building floor area, building material and design, road widths, street pattems and vegetation; (c) encourage new development to enhance the range of housing choice in the settlement and to be innovative in relation to compact form, water usage and sewage disposal; (d) require all new development, whether on individual or communal water and sanitary services, to be based on appropriate technical review to ensure the adequate provision of services, protection of the natural environment, the protection of nearby property owners, and compliance with Provincial and Regional standards; and, (e) protect for road connections to adjacent lands; Schedule II, the Transportation Network, of the Picketing Official Plan also designates Westney Road as a Type B Arterial road, and illustrates a proposed by-pass further east of its current alignment; upon the completion of the future by-pass, the portion of Westney Road abutting the subject lands would become a Local Roa& 3.3 Zoning By-law - the subject lands are currently zoned "A" - Rural Agricultural Zone, by Zoning By-law 3037, as amended; - this zoning permits a detached dwelling, agricultural uses, accessory agricultural residential uses and specific home occupations, certain parks and recreational uses (excluding a country club, golf course, driving range and similar outdoor activities) and certain institutional and business uses; - the owner intends to maintain the farming activities occurring on the lands south of the proposed residential development; - an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to implement the applicant's proposed subdivision plan; 3.4 Minister's Zoning Order No. 1 all of the lands are subject to Minister's Zoning Order No. 1, which is a provincial Order intended to restrict the use of lands surrounding Federally-owned property held for the potential future development of an airport; 0 0 4 Information Report No. 27-01 Page 4 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 - this Order was amended by Ontario Regulation #209/81 on March 2, 1981, to permit the construction of a detached dwelling on the subject lands in conjunction with the established farm operation; - a further amendment to this Order ils required to implement the applicant's proposed subdivision plan on a north portion of the applicant's total landholdings. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION (See Attachments #3 to #7) Resident Comments no resident comments have been received to-date; Agency Comments Veridian Connections, Canada Post and Bell Canada all expressed no objection to these applications, and each recommended typical conditions of draft plan be imposed to protect their interests (see Attachments #3 to #5 respectively, to this Report); Durham Region Health Department (see Attachment #6) noted that before they provide detailed comments, the following additional information is required: · a lot servicing plan; · the results of a soil sampling program; · a grading and drainage plan; and, · a hydrogeological report; they further noted that positive comments from the Region of Durham Peer Review Hydrogeological system respecting the submitted hyrdogeological report are necessary, and that lot sizes will be determined through consultation of the "Regional Municipality of Durham Health Department Drilled Wells and Lot Sizing Policies as Applied to Severances and Subdiivisions (1989)"; Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (see Attachment #7) requested a site visit to confirm the limits of the Duffins Creek Valley System and to determine the location of the stable top-of-bank; they noted that revisions to the Plan may be required, particularly to the configuration of proposed Lot 6 and portions of' the proposed road, to ensure that an appropriate buffer is provided to the stable top-o:f-bank of the valley; they noted that no details of the proposed stormwater management facility adjacent to the valley slope have been provided, and noted that the proposed facility location may not be suitable as it could impact the integrity of the slope; they concluded that further supporting information and a site visit is required to assess the appropriateness of the applications; - No Objections or Concerns: the Durham District School Board and the Durham Catholic District School Board; Staff Comments Hamlet Expansion Considerations pre-consultation between the applicant, the City and the Region concluded that the proposed development can be considered a minor expansion to the Hamlet of Greenwood boundary; Page 5 0 ~ 5 Information Report No. 27-01 4.3.2 4.3.3 - preliminary review shows there has been virtually no new growth in any of the hamlets except Claremont over the last five years; thus, this proposal could assist in achieving Council's objective of encouraging growth in hamlets despite competing objectives of protecting agricultural land and agricultural activities; - the applicant's earlier attempts to work with Council, staff and other landowners on a broader Hamlet Expansion Study were unsuccessful given the anticipated cost of the study; consequently, the applicant is pursing the 'minor expansion' option under the City's Official Plan; - the overall design of the proposed development will be reviewed to determine it's compatibility with the scale and character of existing residential development within the Hamlet of Greenwood, considering such criteria as minimum lot size and frontages, housing design, and road patterns; - the proposed design of the development could allow for future extensions to the subdivision; in light of Council's objectives for the Rural Area, the appropriateness of this design also needs review; Environmental Considerations - the proposal will be evaluated considering its ability to maintain (or improve) existing ground and surface water quality and quantity, and the adequacy of proposed methods of stormwater management; - staff is encouraging lands supporting significant natural features, specifically proposed Block 14 on the applicant's proposed subdivision plan, to be publicly-acquired to promote further protection of those lands; - additional lands within the Duffin Creek Valley System and located on the applicant's total landholdings should also be publicly-acquired; discussions with the applicant are needed to determine the feasibility of this request; - the adequacy of technical reports, submitted in conjtmction with the applicant's proposal, will be determined both through review by City Staff and appropriate agencies, and through peer-reviews, where warranted; - a preliminary site visit, with the applicant and City and Conservation Authority Staff, (completed after the TRCA's comments summarized in section 4.2 of this Report) has determined that: the existing farm fence along the west portion of the subject lands at the top of the Duffins Creek valley adequately identifies the limit of the top-of-bank; · proposed Block 20 (the proposed stormwater management facility) will be removed from the applicant's plan; and, · proposed Lot 6 will not encroach beyond the identified top-of-bank, and an adequate buffer zone along the west limit of that lot will be established to protect the valley feature; the applicant advises that underground stormwater storage is now proposed, and will be designed in accordance with a future stormwater management study; the applicant has confirmed that the submitted plan will be revised to ensure no lots encroach beyond the top-of-bank into the valley, and that a 5.0 metre buffer zone is now proposed along the west side of proposed Lot 6 (where no buildings or structures may be located); the appropriateness of the applicant's suggested revisions will be assessed through the review of a future stormwater management report and environmental report; Plan of Subdivision - a further review and determination of the exact boundaries of the proposed development is required, considering natural features, technical requirements, and possible additional lands needed for stormwater management purposes; - comments from the City's Municipal Property & Engineering Division are needed to determine the appropriateness of the proposed road alignment and turning circle configuration, and the close proximity of the road to the top-of-bank; 0 0 ~ Information Report No. 27-01 Page 6 preliminary review suggests that the proposed lots provide significant depths and frontages comparable to other lots within the Hamlet of Greenwood that are of a sufficient size and configuration to support detached dwellings and private services (including reserve septic beds); confirmation from the Region of Durham Health Department is still required; 4.3.4 City Zoning/Minister's Zoning Order Matters staffwill need to identify appropriate standards for both the City's zoning by-law and the Minister's Zoning Order No. 1 to respect and protect natural features and existing residential properties immediately abutting the subject lands; staff will be recommending, as a minimum, that all lands beyond the top-of-bank and some adjacent lands providing a buffer to the valleylands be zoned in a protective "open space - hazard land - environmental protection" zone category; other necessary zoning standards will be assessed through the review of more detailed plans indicating dwelling sitings, buffer areas, area requirements for satisfactory dilution of nitrates and dwelling types; 4.3.5 Other Considerations - staff will be reviewing the need for an appropriate buffer area between the rear of proposed Lots 1 to 6 and existing abutting residential properties fronting Greenridge Drive; residents on Greenridge Drive supported such a buffer during a preliminary resident meeting the applicant he]rd with area residents; - both City and Regional staff, through the review of documentation provided by the applicant, must ensure that any new residential development complies with the Minimum Distance Separation Formulae for the proposed residential dwellings from agricultural activities, as required by the province, and must understand the agricultural capabilities of the subject lands, as classified through the Canada Land Inventory (19 71 ); - given the proposed Westney Road by-pass and the proximity of the subject lands to a proposed future airport in Pickering, staff must determine the need for noise attenuation measures to be incorporated into the design of the proposed development, as determined through the complietion and approval of a noise report, in consultation with the Region of Durham. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 5.1 General Information written comments regarding thi[s iproposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public InformationMeeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; the City's recommendations on the proposed draft plan of subdivision application will be forwarded to the Region of' Durham, which is the approval authority for that application; the City's recommendations on the proposed Minister's Zoning Order Amendment application will be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (the province is the approval authority for that application); if you wish to be notified of City Cotmcil's passing of any zoning by-law amendment, you must make a written request to the City Clerk; if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to proposed regional and local official plan amendment applications or draft plan of subdivision application, you must make a written request to the Regional Commissioner of Planning; Information Report No. 27-01 Page 7 0 0 7 5.2 Appeal Rights if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Regional Municipality of Durham in respect of the proposed draft plan of subdivision does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the Regional Municipality of Durham before this application is considered, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; if a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision of the City of Picketing in respect of the passing of a zoning by-law amendment does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or does not make written submissions to the City of Picketing before the zoning by-law amendment is passed, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I a listing of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing this report; 6.2 Information Received the applicant has submitted a hydrogeological evaluation, a preliminary site servicing plan and a site grading plan in support of the proposed applications; the applicant's submitted technical reports and all large-scale plans submitted by the applicant, are available for viewing in the City of Picketing Planning & Development Department; 6.3 Company Information - the agent, Mr. Alex Artuchov of Urban Latitude, advises that Len Bitondo is the owner of Bitondo Markets Limited. Planner II Catherine Rose Manager, Policy RST/CLR/jf Copy: Director, Planning & Development Department 008 APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 27-01 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS no comments have been received to-date; COMMENTING AGENCIES (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) Veridian Connections Canada Post Bell Canada Region of Durham Health Department Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Durham District School Board Durham Catholic District School Board COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS, (1) Planning & Development Department 00'9 APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 27-01 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS no comments have been received to-date; COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Veridian Connections Canada Post Bell Canada Region of Durham Health Department Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Durham District School Board Durham Catholic District School Board COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Developmem Department 010 AI'i'ACHMENT#, I TO INFORMATION REPORT it ii/ ERS TOTAL / ~/ . ' , --~ ..... ~ ---~ ...... _ // H Ci~ of Pickering Planning & Development Depa~men[' PROPER~ DESCRI~ION PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION 5 -1, OWNER BITONDO MARK.S LTD. DATE SEPT 27, 2001 D~WN BY lB APPUC~TION No. SP-2001-04; A lS/01; 18-ZO-02S01-0S SCALE 1:10000 CHECKE~ ~Y FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-RURAL PA- ATTACHMENT# ~2 TO INFORM^T~ON r~EPORT# ~ '7 ' o ( 01]. APPLICANT'S PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PLAN SP-2001-04; A 16/01; 18ZO-02901-08 / I / / I i 7 'BY APPLICi~NT SITE STATISTICS LOTS i TO 13 ARE SINGLE DETACHED DWELLING BLOCK 14 IS OPEN SPACE BLOCKS IS AND IG ARE ROAD WIDENING BLOCK 17 TO 19 iRE 0.3m RESERVE GIOVANNI ORF~E(PROPOSED) ,i i I'HIS MAP MAS PRODUCED BY THE C/T)' OF PICKERING PLANNING ~ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFO~TIO~ ~ SUPPORT SER~CES, SEPTEMBER 2~ 20Ol. 012 ATTACHMENT #..~__TO ;~'=ORMATION RFPORT# ~ 7 ' 0 L OCT - J ZUU1 DEVELO, ~" ',~ 7::3:'aA~;T,MENT VERIDIAN cONNECTIONS Dt~VELOPMENT ~PLICATION REVIEW PROJECT NAME; Bitondo Markets Limitcd ~ ' ' . ....... r,~~s o~ the ~est ~de ofWesmey ~oad, so ~8-AO-OZgO~-08 10. 11. F. lecttic Scr~-ice is avaB2ble on thc mad ~llow:~txce(s) touching this property. Servk~g ~B1 be ~ ~c west side of Wesmey Goad,' ~ ~xt~on of the Co~orafon's pl~t is req~ed on ~c ~oad a~o~ce in otd~ to se~cc ~s ptoje~. ~s cost - ~o~t to be dcte~d, ~ such extensions ~c ~o;m~y I~du~ mcte~ng fo~ ~ch ~t is tcq~cd, '~e fOhO~ s~nd~d ~d fee costs ~ ~,pply (a~ fi~Ucs ~e ~ppzo~atc): 5c~ Eo~ecfon Fee $130.00 pe~ ~t E~sfiag Co~o~on ph~t o, ~e ~st ~de of~esmey Road m~y h~w to be ~ephced/~elocated ~t the App~ca~t's cost to ~cco~odate ~c p~0posed n~ roadway. ~c App~c~t mast m~e ~t a~p~cafo~a te ~e Co~omSo~ to obt~ spe~c app~ov~ of ~e se~ce a~m~ ~nd tcl~t~ ~o~ fo~: ~[s project. The ~p~c~t is c~oncd ~at tenders, con~c~, ~k ~tcd p~o~ to ob~g spc~c appmv~ ~ be s~bject to ~a~. A Sc~c~g A~c~m~t m~t be ~ed ~ ttte Corona5°~ ~ order to ob~ scrag for ~ site. ~ ~o~k from ~e ~ab~c mad a~o~nce to ~e s~ce enhance and ~e mete~g a~a~gemcats mast comply Pilot m mc~g mY ~w sc~ce, ~e App~ca~t sh~l ~ply to ~e Co~o~afion~s Customer Gate D~p~c~t to ope~ ~ e~ acco~ P~o~ to ob~g a b~ p~t, ~c App~c~t sh~ by agreement, con~ accep~ce of the tc~s conditions of p~o~g dec~c~ ~et~ ~es a~ mate~al h~g ~q~pm~t o~ ~eIs mu~t wo~ ~ p~o~ to c~s~g ove~ad ~es, ~ the ca~ab~ of con.ct o~ co~ ~ ~c Ij~its of approach, it develop~t/b~d~t s~ ~ay a~ ~sts . ...t .... o~ tel~a~o~ b~L or pmtec~o~ of ~ ~;~, o~ o~e~ acfio~ de~ed necess~T by ~m~&e fo/wo~cz saf¢~ ~d ~e s~ty of ~e acc~c~l sys~cm. ATTACHMENT# ~ TO INFORMATION REPORT# 02'7- o i Page 2 VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW 12. 13. 14. Landscapir~g, spccitically trees and shrubs, should be relocated sway f~om ~c Co~o~a~on's to ~id ~t~fe~ence ~ ~pm~ access. W~ not att~d schcd~ed Ci~ of Pick~g DART M~g fo~ ~s devclo~cnt. Vefidi*~ Co~ecfi~s ~s no objection to ~c proposed d~elopment. Pl~se fo~d a copy of sub~ssion d~ dcs~ so ~at a pt~a~ defi~ and estate cm be completed. Technical Reptesent'ative - Dave Bell Telephone 427-9870 F.~.t. 3233 ?P/dj Rev, Date: November 1, 1999 C'CI/~'/"i I'~T~n C:,T~ ~n~ '~id T/UA I, IlIT~IT'TI'-IA TiT I,r",T~ /'1'"lU TA~? ~'A 014 ATTACHMENT #..~2_TO INFORI~ATION REPORT DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON M1P 5Al (416) 285-5385 (T) (416) 285-7624 (F) September 5, 2001 Mr. N. Carroll Director of Planning City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering On L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Carroll, o 7 2oo'1 CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO Application for Approval of a Plan of Subdivision Durham Region File No: S-P-2001-04 Bitondo Markets Limited Lot 11 Concession 5 Ref. No.: 66070 Thank you for the opportunity to comment on 'the= above noted application.. As a condition of draft approval, Canada Post ]requires that the owner/developer comply with the following conditions: - The owner/developer agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale, a statement which advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be from a designated Community Mailbox. - The owner/developer will be responsible for :notifying the purchaser of the exact Community Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any home -sale. - The owner/developer will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these locations on the appropriate servicing plans. -The owner/developer will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site and include these requirements on the appropriate servicing plans: - An appropriately sized sidewalk section (concrete pad) as per municipal standards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. - Any required walkway across the boulevard, as per municipal standards. ATTACHMENT#,, ~ TO INFORMATION REPORT# DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON M1P 5Al ~qT-o/ (416) 285-5385 (T) (416) 285-7624 (F) 01 5 -2- -Any required curb depressions for wheelchair access. The owner/developer further agrees to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may be utilized by canada Post until the curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed at the permanent Community Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delivery to new residence as soon as the homes are occupied. I trust that this information is sufficient, however, should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me the above number or mailing address. Sincerely, Debbie Greenwood Delivery Planner a:ufildraw, sam AT'rACHMENT # ..-~ TO INFORMATION REPORT# ~- 7 -c'/_ Bell 200 Right of Way Fi 5 - 100 Borough Drive Scarborough, Ontario M1P 4W2 Tel: 416 296-6291 Fax: 416 296-0520 August 3, 2001 City of Pickering Planning Department Municipal Building 1 The E~p!anade Picketing, Ontario LlV 6K7 CITY OF PICKEI PICKERING, ONTAI RSCEIVED AU6 1 0 2001 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ATTENTION: Mr. N. Carroll RE: DRAFT PLAN OF Subdivision File No: S-P-2001-04 Lot 11, Concession 5 Westney Road and Green Ridge Drive Bitondo Markets Limited Town of Pickering Thank you for your letter of July 5, 2001 concerning the above proposed Subdivision. Would you please ensure that the following paragraphs are/ have been included as conditions of Draft Plan Approval: 1 - Bell Canada shall confirm that satisfactory arrangements, financial and otherwise, have been made with Bell Canada for any Bell Canada facilities serving this draft plan of subdivision which are required by the Municipality to be installed underground; a copy of such confirmation shall be forwarded to the Municipality. 2 - The Owner shall be requested to enter into an agreement (Letter of understanding) with Bell Canada complying with any underground servicing conditions imposed by the municipality and if no such conditions are imposed, the owner shall advise the municipality of the arrangement made for such servicing. If there are any conflicts with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the Owner/Developer shall be responsible for re- arrangements or relocation. If you have any questions, please contact: Sue Spataro 416 296-6599 Manager - Right of Way ATTA~HM£NT# ~ TO INFORMATIO~ RPI~K)RT~ ~ ~ ~£' / The Regional Municipality of Durham HEALTH DEPARTMENT Head Office 1615 ~Dundas Street East Suite 210 Whitby, Ontario Canada LIN 2L 1 (905) 723-8521 · Fax: (905) 723-6026 Tor: (905) 686-2740 1-800-841-2729 July 31, 2001 - RE'Cr=IVEO AUG 7 2001 CITY..,..,,. i"~,..., .NG DEVELOPMEi,4¥ CEP,~ i;~'MENT Celeste Terry. Current Operations Branch DUrham Region Planning Department Box 623 1615 Dundas.Street East 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Building Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Dear Ms. Terry: ' Re: Application for Approval of' a Plan of Subdivision File No.: S,P-2001,04 Part Lot 11, Concession 5' Picketing Applicant: Bitondo Markets Ltd. Reference No.:' 66063 Before this Department Can comment on the above subdivision the following information is required: .1. Two copies of a lot servicing plan indicating'the proposed location of all structures, .drilled wells and subsurface sewage disposal system envelopes including a 100% replacement area for the.systems. -For partially or fully raises sewage'system, a detached cross-section of the proposed design of the sewage system must be included with the site servicing plan. Results .of a soil sampling program comprised of a.sufficient number of 2 metre deep test holes to adequately.represent the soil profile of the subdivision. Each sample is to be analyzed at.the .75 and 1.5 metre depth for: -i) ii). iii) iv) grain size distribution permeability Coefficient including an estimated percolation time in min/cm soil classification seasonal high ground water determination ground water seepage and level, after a 24 hour period. 100% Post consumer ATTACHMENT//,, ~',. TO INFORIV!ATION REPORT// ~ '7 - O/,, 2 Contact the area Public health inspector prior to doing any field testing. 3. A subdivision grading plan indicating the existing proposed lot drainage pattern. A hydro'geological report and an environmental impact study of the proposed, on site and adjacent water supplies with respect to bacterial and chemical contents. Information should be Obtained through test wells drilled on the subject property. Positive comments from the Region of Durham Peer Review Hydrogeolc~gical system confirming that the required hydrogeologicai report in favour of the proposal complies with the Ministry of the Environment's Technical GUidelines for assessing the potential for groundwater impact of developments serviced by individual sub-surface sewage, systems (i,e., D-54, D-55 Guidelines).' . . 6. Lot sizes will be determined b the Regional MuniciPality Of Durham Health Department ' Drilled Wells and Lot Sizing Policies as Applied to Severances and Subdivisions, 1989. Upon receipt of the required information, il: will be'reviewed and our Comments wi. ll be forwarded. ' y ;" '... ~.P.H.I.(C) Public Health Inspector rKfcw. CC; Mr. N;.Carroll, Director of planning City of Pickering ATTACHMENT# '7 _TO INFORMATION REPORT $ l onservat on TORONTO .AND REGION' July 20, 2001 · Mr. Celeste Terry. Planning Department The Region.al .M[~nic!pality of Durham . .161.5 Dundas'Street.East, P.O. Box 623 4th FloOr Lang Tower, West Building· Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 · '. Dear'Mr...Ter~: Re: Part LOt .11:, ,Concession 5 · . .'. ,.. ~.' · ~ity of-Picketing ' '. · (Bitondo Marke{S-Llmited). · .. . .'.i . . - ,: We a(~kr~ewiedge ~ec'eipt of t'he abo~,e, n;sted c~raf~'plan'~f sbbdivision 'prepar;d' by U~ban' Latitude dated 'June 5; 200~',.and offerthe'followingeom~ents: '.' · '. ' ' · · ' · "A re'vi'ow shbws plans to constrQct a 13 lot sbbdivision on the subject property..Thb lands indlu'de a ste.ep v~lle~/side sl~pe-~/hich, is part Ofthe.Duffi.n Cr,eek Valley system, 'We .recognize that at the base'of ~he Side-slope thei'e is :an existi.~!g .roadway.and ?esidential. development, .The site is riot Fill Regul.a.ted. · The Autherity'~ Valley'.And Stream Coriidor Mahb. gement Pro'tram advdcate~ a l o'metr'e b~ffe( from the :stable top of bank of.the'valley, .We.note' th'at lot 6 and aportion of'the P[oposed rO~d~vay:a?pears to . "' encroach over the.to'~ ',o[ bank,, !n .light. of .tl~i:S prio[ to TRCA prov d ng',60'nd tions of,draft '~l~roval, staff wo.uld like an Opport..anltyto visit the site,and confirm .the I'imits of the Valley feature, We .nOte.that once . .esta. blished,' staff would require that the plan be. modified 'to. re~lect the requirements of the':Valley'an~i . Stream Cordd..o.r Management. Prgg.ram, .: ... " . '.. · :. '. . '. In. Addition' we' not~ that the. applicant proposes: a stormwater management facility adjacent tO ihe Valley · 'S, lope, Howet, er this aubmlsslon does not in~Jlude any information, or reports to Supp,Ort t.he pond, .' · Notwithstar~ding-lthe need to review suppbrting InformatiSn 'on the pOnd desigh and.locat on, we note that. t. he pond Iqcation appea'rs to.be unsuitable as i~'could impact.the Ir~tegrity of. th~'slope Furtl-ier an Out[et .would'be requlmd'down't~e,' val ey S ~pe'to'the watercourse whicl~ could'have significant Impacts'to.(he. vegetat!on wlthlh the. valley:These issues must be discdssed and addressed thro'ugh.supporting.. . . Info.'rmati.on, ""i' · .. '.. . · ' ' ' ' In the. In{erim and p. ric~r tO a site'meeting staff will·review the provided Hydrogeologic Evaluation, We look forward' to meeting with the.applicants to dlscu.~s th~ abc~ve issues. · We trust that. this'is Satisfa,ctory. If you have any questions' please contact the'undersigned.' · Fiussel White · Plans Analyst Degelopment Services Section Ext..5306 RW/fa cc: Neill Carroll, City of Pickering, Planning Department. 020 PICI ERING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 28-01 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 2001 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 01-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 19/01 City Initiated: Notion Road Study Area Part of Lot 17, Concession 1 (West side of Notion Road, between Picketing Parkway and Kingston Road, excluding the south-west comer of Kingston Road and Notion Road) City of Pickering 1.0 2.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are 5 hectares in area and consist of a 50 to 60 metre wide strip located on the west side of Notion Road, between Picketing Parkway and Kingston Road, excluding the south-west comer of Kingston Road and Notion Road (see location map, Attachment #1); the northern third (1.7 hectares) of the subject lands, comprising 9 individual properties, supports auto repair, sales and body shops and other light manufacturing and service industries in facilities with no pe~xnitted outdoor storage; the southern two-thirds (3.3 hectares) comprising three properties, is presently vacant; the north and south property are under the same ownership; uses surrounding the subject lands are: o to the north is a building equipment rental business on. the south-west comer of Kingston and Notion Roads; o to the south of Picketing Parkway are vacant lands abutting the Picketing Home and Leisure Centre; o to the west are townhouse condominiums at the north end, detached dwellings in the central area and a small parcel of vacant land immediately north of Picketing Parkway; further west is the Wal-Mart store, the Metro East Trade Centre and the Home and Leisure Centre on the south side of Pickering Parkway; and, o to the east, across Notion Road in the Town of Ajax are located more than 20 heavy industrial uses with extensive outside storage and manufacturing activities including two cement plants and an asphalt plant; Duffins Creek runs to the east of the industrial properties; BACKGROUND the subject lands comprise tlhe Pickering lands within the larger joint City of Picketing/Town of Ajax Notion Road study area, for which the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study" was conducted; further detail about past and present development of the study area lands, surrounding areas and the transportation system is provided in the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study"; (a copy can be obtained from the Picketing Planning & Development Department); the study process commenced in 1999, involved broad based consultation and resulted in Ajax Town Council adoption of the study results for the Ajax study area lands in July 2001; Information Report No. 28-01 Page 2 0 2 1 3.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 Picketing City Council considered the findings of the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study", Planning & Development Report Number PD 20-01 and Addendum to Report Number: PD 20-01 at its meeting held September 17, 2001 and adopted Resolution #105/01, Item #1, which (along with other associated decisions) authorized a statutory public information meeting to initiate amendments to the Picketing Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3036 to implement the findings of the study; the background and study consultation process is described in Appendix III; a full discussion of the study process, planning considerations, land use options considered, urban design proposals and proposed policy is provided in the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study, Planning & Development Report Number: PD 20-01 and Addendum to Report Number: PD 20-01 (copies of these items can be obtained from the Planning & Development Department); CITY'S PROPOSAL - the City of Picketing proposes to amend the Picketing Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3036 in order to implement the results of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study; specifically the City proposes to redesignate the subject lands from Urban Study Area to Mixed Employment as set out on Schedule I, the Land Use Structure schedule of the Picketing Official Plan; the text policy for the Notion Road Urban Study Area (Section 3.17) is proposed to be deleted, in addition, the City proposes to add a number of new Village East Neighbourhood policies (Section 11.11 of the Plan) to guide development of this Mixed Employment Area; the City also proposes to rezone the subject lands from various light industrial zoning categories to permit a range of prestige and higher order employment uses, and establish appropriate yard and other zone provisions, to implement' the proposed Mixed Employment designation. - a copy 'of the proposed official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment is attached (see Appendices I and II); OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan - the subject lands appear to be designated Employment Area in the Durham Regional Official Plan; - lands designated Employment Area may be used for manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, service industries, research and development facilities, warehousing, business parks, limited personal service uses, hotels, storage of goods and materials, retail warehouses, freight transfer and transportation facilities; - the Plan encourages prestige employment uses with high employment generating capacity and greater architectural, landscaping and sign controls to be located along Highways and Type A and B Arterial roads; - Kingston Road is designated as a Type B arterial road and a Regional Transit Spine on Map B2- the Transportation System of the Durham Regional Official Plan, while both Notion Road and Picketing Parkway are designated as Type C arterial roads; no amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan is required to permit the proposed amendments to the Picketing Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3036; Pickerin~ Official Plan the subject lands are designated Urban Study Areas in the Pickering Official Plan and are subject to the Urban Study Areas: Notion RoadlndustrialArea policies; the subject lands are located within the Village East Neighbourhood; lands within an Urban Study Areas designation may be used for conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation, similar uses and existing lawful uses; 0 ~ ~ Information Report No. 28-01 Page 3 4.3 4.4 the Urban Study Areas: Notion Road Industrial Area policy provides that Council shall consider eliminating the Study Area designation following a land use and design study demonstrating that the proposed use is consistent with the goals, objectives and general purpose and intent of the Official Plan; is compatible with the surrounding area, given the area's location between residential lands in Picketing and industrial lands in Ajax; and, shall establish appropriate land use designations and policies, hY amendment to the Official plan; completion of the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study" satisfies the foregoing need for a study; - the Picketing Official Plan recognizes Employment Areas as those areas having (or intended to have) signi[ficant concentrations of manufacturing, assembly, warehousing and/or related ,employment opportunities; Council shall require the highest standards for site operation and appearance in Mixed Employment Areas, recognizing their highly visible and accessible locations along main arterial roads; the next highest order of Employment lands, Prestige Employment, may be located in proximity to residential areas; - uses permissible in each of' the Employment Area subcategories are set out in Table 8 to the Official Plan, which is provided as Attachment # 2 to this Report; Schedule II to the Pickering Official Plan, the Transportation System schedule, designates Kingston Road as a Type B Arterial Road and designates Notion Road and Picketing Parkway as Type C Arterial Roads. Schedule III to the Pickering Official Plan, the Resource Management Schedule, designates the subject lands as Shorelines and Stream Corridors and as Flood Plain Special Policy Areas; these designations recognize areas that may be subject to flooding; the Flood Plain Special Policy Area designation permits development and redevelopment within the flood susceptible lands, providing appropriate flood protection measures are instituted; Map 19 of the Picketing Official Plan identifies the subject lands as lying within the Village East Neighbourhood; as described in Section 3.0 of this Report, the City initiated proposal includes an amendment to the Pickering Official Plan (see detailed amendment, Appendix I to this Report); Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan - on September 17, 2001, Pickering City Council adopted the "Urban Design Guidelines for the Notion iRoad Area", in principle, for the subject lands; these guidelines address matters affecting site layout and design such as preferred building locations, screening of roof top equipment, vehicular access and parking, public safety, streetscapes, landscaping, and gateway elements. the "Urban Design Guidelines for the Notion Road Area" will be added to the Compendium to the Picketing Official Plan once the Official Plan Amendment proposed in fhis Report comes into force; - the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines apply to the lands to the immediate north of the subject lands, the south-west comer of Kingston and Notion Roads; the Guideliines would require any redevelopment of this comer, whether through rezoning or site plan approval, to provide a symbolic eastern gateway to Pickering, through urban form and streetscape elements, to reduce the dominance of the automobile and strengthen pedestrian amenity by such means as improved urban form and streetscape elements (including removal of roadside ditches) and other design features to create a sense of community pride; Zoning By-law 3036 the northern one-third of the subject lands are zoned "MI" and "M1S", while the southern two-thirds of the subject lands are zoned "MI-4", all storage and light manufacturing zones, by By-law 3036 as amended by By-laws 4257/72, 2118/85 and 2245/86; the "MI" zone permits business and professional offices, service or repair shops, warehouses or distributing depots, garages, light manufacturing or assembly of products and other specific uses; Information Report No. 28-01 Page 4 023 - one property is zoned "MIS", which permits a caretaker's residence in addition to the "MI" uses; the "M1-4" zone permits warehousing, light manufacturing and other specific uses; - on lands zoned "MI" and "MIS", buildings must be set back a minimum of 12 metres from the front lot line, and a minimum of 7.5 metres from the rear lot line or 30 metres from the rear lot line when the abutting use is residential; - on lands zoned "MI-4", buildings must be set back a minimum of 7.5 metres from the front lot line, and a minimum of 12 metres from the rear lot line; an amendment to Zoning By-law 3036 is required to implement the recommendations of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study (see detailed amendment, Appendix II to this Report); 5.0 5.1 5.2 .RESULTS OF CIRCULATION _Resident Commentn no comments have been received from residents or industrial property owners or operators in response to the notice about the Statutory Public Information Meeting; A~ency Comments 5.3 5.3.1 no agency comments have been received to date in response to the notice about the Statutory Public Information Meeting; _Staff Comments Proposed Amendment to the Picketing Official Plan - the City is proposing these amendments for the lands within the Notion Road study area in order to fulfill the following objectives: o replace the Urban Study Area designation in the Picketing Official Plan with a land use designation that will be compatible with abutting residential uses in Picketing and both heavy industrial uses that currently exist and prestige industrial uses that are expected to evolve with new development as a result of recent policy amendments of the Town of Ajax for the Ajax study area lands; o establish specific permitted uses and standards for new development and redevelopment within the area by amendment to Zoning By-law 3036 that will foster compatibility between employment uses on the subject lands and low and medium density residential uses on abutting lands; o facilitate evolution of the Notion Road area, over time, to a high quality and attractive prestige employment area; Deletion of Policy 3.17 - Urban Study Area: Notion Road Industrial Area - the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study", the proposed amendments to the official plan and zoning by-law, the proposed urban design guidelines and related implementing recommendations satisfy the requirements contained in Policy 3.17 for removal and replacement of the Study Area designation; the proposed Mixed Employment designation and policies are consistent with the goals, objectives and general purpose and intent of the Official Plan, and will result in the establishment of uses that are compatible with the surrounding area; - an amendment to the Official Plan is being processed to establish appropriate land use designations and policies; O24 Information Report No. 28-01 Page 5 Proposed Mixed Employment Designation the Mixed Employment designation responds to the constraints and opportunities facing these lands; Mixed Employment uses are compatible with both heavy industrial uses currently occupying the Ajax lands east of Notion Road and the prestige uses intended for the Ajax lands in the future; by contrast, a residential use of these lands would be a sensitive use that would be adversely affected by proximity to the current heavy industry in Ajax, and the flood risk; Mixed Employment uses do not include the same broad range of heavy manufacturing, storage, waste transfer, recycling and processing and freight transfer and transportation facilities of the General Employment uses, and a mix of the higher quality prestige employment uses and limited retailing of nd services serving the area permitted by the proposed Mixed ~°°mdn~ovament designation can 'be expected to b.e more~ compatible with abutting - C ",' ..... ~-~- *-resfi,~e or c, eneral employment uses; resloemla~ usc~ urn, F ~, ,, Proposed Village East Neighbourhood Policies the proposed Village East Neighbourhood Policies provide further detail with respect to the purpose and means of addressing compatibility between residential and employment uses, accessibility for pedestrians and the methods to upgrade the quality of the area; a list of upgrades is provided to specify the items that Council considers of significance; the exclusion of new automotive and vehicle sales and repair uses, and the inclusion of specific design criteria in the Official Plan provides policy direction for the review of further rezoning and site plan approvals; - one of the proposed design criteria is to consider protection for pedestrian pathways, to the satisfaction of the City, to connect Marshcourt Drive to Notion Road, as a condition of development for abutting properties on the west side of Notion Road; the intent of this design criterion is to increase access for residents of the Village East Neighbourhood; concerns respecting the safety of pedestrians in proximity to heavy industry will be one issue to be addressed by an industry/community liaison group; the remaining design criteria proposed for the Village East Neighbourhood Policies seek to provide policy support for design guidelines proposed within the Compendium to the Official Plan; 5.3.2 Proposed Amendments to Zoning By-law 3036 Permitted Uses the list of permitted uses proposed for the subject lands implements the more general provisions of the proposed Mixed Employment Official Plan designation; the proposed list of uses incorporates the industrial, office, personal service, restaurant, retail, financial, community, cultural, recreational and similar uses, in addition to the limited retailing of goods and services serving the area permitted by the Mixed Employment designation; the list proposed for Zoning By-law 3036 also includes industrial uses existing on the date this amendment comes into force; this provision is included in recognition of current rights of existing automotive repair, or sales and service establishments and other industrial uses to continue as legal uses with expansion or redevelopment rights on those properties where these uses are currently practiced; the list of permitted uses is to exclude new automotive repair, or sales and service establishments, and waste transfer or management facilities as uses not considered compatible with abutting residential uses in light of the potential for noise, pollution, and heavy truck traffic; outdoor storage is not .proposed in this area in recognition of both the existing provisions of the current "MI" and "M1-4" zoning mad of the objective to Information Report No. 28-01 Page 6 6.0 6.1 6.2 foster compatibility with residential uses and achieve a high quality employment area; Other Provisions a maximum building height of 12 metres is proposed to match maximum building heights permitted for the abutting residential dwellings; -minimum yard requirements of 7.5 metres for the front yard, 12 metres for the rear yard and 4.5 metres for side yards are proposed in order to permit a reasonable size for industrial and commercial buildings within this shallow (50 to 60 metre wide) strip of land; c> typical front yard requirements for the "MI" zone are 12 metres and 7.5 metres for the "M1-4"zone, and 7.5 metres is proposed; o typical rear yard requirements of 30 metres for properties zoned "MI" would effectively prevent any industrial or commercial building from being constructed on these lands; the typical rear yard requirements for the "M1-4" zone of 12 metres is proposed to be maintained; c> the typical requirement of 4.5 metre side yards of the "MI" zone is maintained by these recommended standards; parking, loading and service uses are to be permitted in the side yard and loading and service areas are not to be located in the rear yard unless buffered to provide an adequate mitigation of noise from existing residential dwellings; the proposed requirement for a 3-metre landscaped strip for planting, fencing and/or berms along the rear property line will ensure an appropriate level of visual screening for existing residential dwellings; finally, a 5-metre landscaped strip in the front yard will provide adequate screening of parking, loading and service areas from Notion Road; at the time that an amending zoning by-law is forwarded for Council adoption, the foregoing objectives can be implemented, provided suitable flexibility is also available to make any necessary technical changes. PROCEDURAL INFORMATION Official Plan Amendment Approval Authori ,ty the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest; at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional Approval; .General written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development .Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's adoption of any official plan amendment, or passing of any zoning by-law amendment, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; - if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Region of Durham with respect to the proposed amendment to the official plan, you must make a written request to the Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Planning Department. 026 Information Report No. 28-01 Page 7 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 OTHER INFORMATION_ Appendix I,. - copy of the proposed Picketing Official Plan Amendment; copy of the proposed amendment to Zoning By-law 3036; - the background and consultation process of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the proposal at the time of writing this report; Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner 2 Catherine L. Rose, Manager, Policy SG/CLR/jf Copy: Director, Planning & Development APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO 28 -01 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED PURPOSE: LOCATION: The purpose of the amendment is replace the Urban Study Area designation along Notion Road with a Mixed Employq~ent designation on Schedule I - Land Use Structure, delete the related Urban Study Area: Notion Road h~dustrial Area text policy 3.17 of the Plan, and establish new Village East Neighbourhood policies to guide development and redevelopment, to implement the results of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study. The amendment affects land located in Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, City of Picketing, adjacent to Notion Road. The area is approximately 5 hectares in size. PROPOSED BASIS: The Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study has been cornpleted for both lands in the City of Picketing, and abutting lands in the Town of Ajax. The central issue is the land use compatibility between the existing heavy industry locatecl on the Ajax lands, and the surrounding newer reside'ntial development in Picketing. The vision for the study is to facilitate the evolution of the Notion Road Area, over time, to a prestige employment area which is compatible with nearby residential development through new developments, redevelopment, and ptide of current ownerships, in partnership with City and Town infrastructure investment. The Land Use objective for Picketing is to establish a land use that will allow new development that will be compatible with existing residential uses to the west while co-existing with existing heavy industrial uses to the east. Accordingly, a Mixed Employment designation is appropriate. The Land Use Objective for the abutting lands in Ajax is to establish a land use that will allow new employment development that is compatible with nearby residential uses that will co-exist with heavy industrial uses until they disappear, while respecting the existing industrial operators. With this objective, Ajax Town Council amended the Ajax Official Plan to permit Prestige Employment uses on its study area lands with existing heavy industries permitted to remain and expand in a limited manner subject to criteria. Cmmcil of the City of Picketing passed resolution #105/01, Item #1, at its meeting of September 17, 2001, which included initiating this proposed amendment to the Picketing Official Plan to implement the results of the Notion Road Land Use and Urbart Design Study and a nmnber of other associated recommendations. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: o -2- The Pickering Official Plan be amended by: e "1. Revising Schedule I - Land Use Structure by replacing the "Urban Study Areas" designation with a "Mixed Employment Areas" designation, as shown on Schedule 'A' to this amendment. Deleting policy 3.17 - Urban Study Area: Notion Road Industrial Area, which policy currently reads as follows: "3.17 Town Council shah recognize as an Urban Study Area on Schedule I, lands located south of Kingston Road, along Notion Road, opposite an industrial area in Aiax, and, (ii) (iii) (a) shall consider eliminating the Study Area designation following completion of a land use and design study for the lands demonstrating that the proposed use, (i) is consistent with the goals, objectives and general purpose and intent of this Plan; and is compatible with the surrounding area given the area's location between residential lands in Pickering, and industrial lands in Ajax; and considering the results of the above study, shall establish, by amendment to this Plan, appropriate land use designations and policies." Adding new policies to section 11.11 - Village East Neighbourhood Policies, as follows: "11.11 City Council shaH, (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) recognize the transitional location of the lands on the west side of Notion Road between low and medium density residential land uses to the west and existing heavy industry to the east in the Town of Ajax, and further recognize the . efforts of the Town of Ajax to upgrade the industrial areas to the east. Accordingly, City Council shall endeavour to, (i) improve the compatibility and design interface between existing residential, and existing and new employment uses established in Picketing adjacent to Notion Road; (ii) provide more direct accessibility for pedestrians from the residential areas west of Notion Road to the Duffins Creek valley to the east; and, (iii) generally upgrade the quality of the area by, o supporting improved public infrastructure such as upgraded urban standard paving, sidewalks, street planting, boulevard treatments, gateway treatments, transit facilities and burying electrical wiring; and, -3- O30 o supporting an improved stormwater treatment pond in Ajax; (f) despite Table 8 of Chapter 3', not permit the establishment of any new automotive and vehicle sales and repair uses within the lands designated Mixed Employment Area adjacent to Notion Road, after the date this amendment comes into force; (g) in order to ensure that development within the Mixed Employment Area on the west side of Notion Road is compatible with residential lands in Picketing and industrial lands in Ajax, require that the following design criteria be met in the development or redevelopment of properties: (i) consider protection for pedestrian pathways to the satisfaction of the City, to connect Marshcourt Drive to Notion Road at Beechlawn Drive and Bainbridge Drive, as a condition of development for abutting properties on the west side of Notion Road; (ii) provision of a continuous landscaped strip along the west property lines to contain fencing, plantings and/or berms in order to provide adequate visual screening for the existing residential dwellings; (iii) provision of loading and service areas at the side of buildings, not in the rear yards, unless suitable acoustical buffering and/or screening is provided in order to provide adequate noise abatement and visual screening for the existing residential dwellings; (iv) prohibition of outside operations or storage; (v) provision of a landscaped treatment along Notion Road to screen parking areas, loading areas and service areas from Notion Road in order to establish an attractive Notion Road streetscape; and, (vi) provision of screening for rooftop mechanical equipment so that it is not visible from residential dwellings to the west or from Notion Road." IMPLEMENTATION: The; provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. The Clerk shall renumber section 3 of the Official Plan following the deletion of section 3.17. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. * A copy of Table 8 of Chapter 3 is provided for reference as Attachment #2 to Information Report 28-01 Schedule "A" 0 3 ] ,ICH REDESIGNATE FROM "OTHER DESIGNATIONS-URBAN STUDY AREA' TO 'EMPLOYMENT AREAS-MIXED EMPLOYMENT' -- SCHEDULE ! TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDmON 2 SHEET 1 OF 3 OPEN SPACE SYSTEM NATURAL AREAS  Ac'rIveRECREATIONAL AREAS MIXED USE AREAS E L OlL NODES ~ COMMUNIT~ NODES  M IXED CORRIDORS ~ DOWNTOWN CORE REGIONAL NODES REGIONAL NODE IREGIONAL NODE 2 LAND USE STRUCFURE EMPLOYMENT AREAs ~i ..... ~ENERAL EMPLOYMENT ' ~ ~P'~ESTIOE EMPLOYMENT EDEMPLOYMENT FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES ~ POTENT~kL MUL]]--USE ~RE~ ~ CON'I'ROU-ED ACCESS AREAS OTHER DESIGNATIONS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS 1 URBAN STUDY LOW DENSITY AREAS  MEDIUM DENSITY AREAS ~ HIGH DENSI'rY AREAS RURAL SETTLEMENTS RURAL CLUSTERS mRURAd- I'-I~MLL:'TS SEATON URBAN STUDY AREA AGRICULTURAL AR E6.$ DEFERRALS r~i APPEALS O32 APPENDIX II TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 28-01 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ZONING BY-LAW 3036 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ZONING BY-LAW 3036 FOR THE NOTION ROAD AREA It is proposed that Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, be further amended to rezone all Picketing lands within the Notion Road Study Area to implement the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study including the following objectives: Uses Permitted shall include: o bakery, business office, club, commercial club, commercial school, commercial-recreational establishment, convenience store, dry cleaning depot, dry cleaning establishment, financial institution, light machinery and equipment supplier, light manufacturing plant, merchandise service shop, office-associated commercial establishment, personal service shop, place of assembly, place of amusement or entertainment, place of worship, printing establishment, professional office, restaurant, rental establishment, sales outlet, scientific, medical or research laboratory, and warehouse; o Existing industrial uses on the date that this amendment comes into force shall be a permitted use; Uses Excluded shall include: New automotive repair, or sales and service establishments; o Waste transfer or management facilities; o Outdoor storage; Other Provisions: o Maximum Building Height: 12 metres; o Minimum Yard Requirements: Front: 7.5 metres; Rear: 12 metres; Side: 4.5 metres; o Parking, loading and service uses permitted in the side yard; o A 3-metre landscaped strip for plantings, fencing and/or berms shall be required along the west property line to provide visual screening for existing residential dwellings; o A 5-metre landscaped strip shall be required in the front yard to screen parking, loading and service areas from Notion Road; o Loading and service areas shall not be located in the rear yard unless buffered to provide an adequate mitigation of noise for the existing residential dwellings. 034 APPENDIX III TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 28-01 BACKGROUND AND CONSULTATION PROCESS OF THE NOTION ROAD LAND USE AND URBAN DESIGN STUDY Resident and Business Operator Comments: - a significant number of residents and business operators from both Picketing and Ajax participated in the consultation process of the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study" in the following manner: o five open houses were held for which public notification was provided by newspaper advertisement and written notice mailed to properties within the study area and properties within 120 metres of the study area for four open houses; o written notice was mailed to a wider area including all properties in the Picketing Village area of Ajax and all properties as far west as Brock Road in Picketing for open house #5, the second Ajax Planning and Community Affairs Committee meeting and Council meetings, and the September 10, 2001 meeting of the Picketing Planning Committee at which the study results were considered; ~ notices of this Picketing Statutory Public Information Meeting were also sent to properties within the study area, within 120 metres of the study area and to owners within the wider area; a number of residents provided written comments during the study or attended the Picketing Executive Committee meeting held May 14, 2001; these comments were summarized in and attached to the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study", Planning & Development Report 20-01 and the Addendum to Report Number: PD 20-01; - earlier concerns expressed 'by Picketing-Ajax Citizens Together For the Environment and Brock East Community Association (PACT & BECA) representatives of the recommendations contained in the earlier "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study", dated May 2001, was satisfied following further negotiations between the major industrial operators, PACT/BECA representatives and Ajax and Picketing staff; the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study" was revised, and revised amendments to the Town of Ajax Official Plan and Zoning By-law were adopted by Ajax Town Council on July 9, 2001, with support from both PACT/BECA representatives and the major industrial operators; with no active appeals, the Ajax Council-adopted amendments to the Ajax official plan and zoning by-law will come into force once Durham Regional approval is given to the proposed Ajax official plan amendment; - at its May 14, 2001 meeting, Picketing Executive Committee deferred implementation of the findings of the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study", dated May 2001, until Ajax Town Council adopted official plan and zoning amendments to implement the Study within Ajax; - at its meeting held September 10, 2001, Picketing Planning Committee recommended adoption of the findings of the "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study", dated June 2001, and recommendations contained in the Addendum to Report Number: PD 20-,01 and in Planning & Development Report Number: 20-01; at the meeting, comments were received from the representative of Lafarge and Innucon (operators of the cement and asphalt plants in Ajax) in support of the proposed amendments with the exception of one mat:ter; Lafarge/Innucon is concerned with the proposed policy for the Village East Neighbourhood to protect for pedestrian pathways to cortnect Marshcourt Drive to Notion Road; they are concerned the walkways may lead pedesttians to unsafe industrial areas; at its meeting held September 17, 2001, Picketing City Council considered the recommendations of Pl~mning Committee; a representative of PACT/BECA expressed support for the amendments; Council adopted Resolution # 105/01, Item # 1, to: -2- 035 receive Addendum to Report Number PD 20-01; receive the revised "Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study", dated 2001; authorize a statutory public meeting to initiate amendments to the Picketing Official Plan and Zoning By-law 3036 as set out in this Report; adopt, in principle, the associated "Urban Design Guidelines for the Notion Road Area" as part of the Compendium to the Picketing Official Plan to be reformatted and formally adopted once the official plan and zoning amendments come into force; and, adopt other implementation measures to improve the Notion Road Area (Resolution #105/01, Item #1 is attached as Attachment #3 to Information Report 28-01). APPENDIX IV TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 28-01 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS - none have been received to date; COMMENTING AGENCIES none have been received to date; COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS - Planning & Development A'I'FACHMENT #...~'fO INFORMATION P,?~RT #~ Oity of Piokering Planning & Development Department PROPERTM DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 17, CONCESSION 1 APPLICANT CiTY OF PICKERING DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. OPA 01-004/P; A 19/01 IDATE OCT 1, 2001 SCALE 1:10000 CHECKED BY SG FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-9 PA- Attachment #2 CITY POLICY T/4~BLE 8: Emp/9,ment .4reas: Permissibk Uses By S ubcate~go~7 TABLE 8 Permissible Uses Areas ! (Restrictions anti limitations on the uses permissible, arising from other policies of Subcategoty ! this Plan, will be detailed in zoning by-laws.) General i Manufacturing, assembly, processing of goods, service industries, research Employment ! and development facilities, warehousing, storage of goods and materials, waste transfer mad recycling, waste processing, freight transfer, transportation facilities, automotive and vehicle sales and repair; Offices as a minor component of an industrial operation or serving the area, "limited personal, service uses serving the area, restaurants serving the area, retail sales as a minor component of an industrial operation; Community, cultural and recreational uses, and other uses with similar performance characteristics that are more appropriately located in the employment area. Prestige Light manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, light service industries, research and development facilities, warehousing, equipment and vehicle suppliers, automotive and vehicle sales and repair; Offices, corporate office business parks, limited personal service uses serving .. the area, restaurants serving the area, retail sales as a minor component of an industrial operation, hotels, financial institutions serving the area; Community, cultural and recreational uses, and other uses with similar performance characteristics that are more appropriately located in the employment area. [ Mixed All uses permissible in prestige employment areas; i Employment i Limited retailing of goods and services serving the area. ATTACHMENT# .~TO INFOR.~'.'r'""" ~E',mORT# ,~ ~ ~ C, i ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT CLERK'S DIVISION September 20, 2001 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Neil.Carroll, Director, Planning & Developme.nt Brace Taylor, Cleric Referrals from Council Meeting of September 17, 2001 RECEIVED SEP 2 1 2001 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Please be advised that the Council of the City of Picketing passed Resolution #105/01, Item #1, at the Council Meeting of September 17, 2001, as follows: 1. That Council receive the Addendum to Report PD 20-01 and replaCe the recommendations in Report PD 20~01, dated May .4, 2001, by adoPtion of the folloWing recommendations; " 2. That Council receive, as background information, the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design StUdy, prepared by the Planning & Development Departments of the City of Picketing and the Town of Ajax,.with consulting assistance from the firms of Brook Mcllroy and iTrans Consulting Inc., dated May, 2001, and attached as Appendix I to Report Number PD 20-01; as amended June, 2001 by the updated replacement pages contained in Attachment #1 to this Addendum Report; 3.. That Council initiate an amendment to the Pickering Official Plan to implement the results of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design. Study, and request staff to hold a statutory public meeting on October 18, 2001 .to.replace the "Study'Area" designation on the west side of Notion Road in Pickering with a "Mixed Employment" designatibn, and add new policies to the Village East Neighbourhood, generally as set out on Appendix ll to Report Number PD 20-01; o That Council initiate an amendment to Pickering Zoning By-law 3036 to implement the results of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study, and request staff to hold. a statutory public meeting on October 18, 2001, to replace the various "MI" zonings with an appropriate ''MC-mixed employment" zoning, generally as set out on Appendix 111 to Report Number PD 20-01; That Council adopt in principle, the Urban Design Guidelines for the Notion Road 'Area, generally as set out on Appendix IV to Report Number PD 20-01, and request that staff revise the guidelines as necessary to be consistent with the adopted official plan amendment, reformat the Guidelines to 'fit the Compendium Document to the Official Plan, and bring the final Development Guidelines to Council for adoption with the final official plan amendment and zoning by-law by Spring 2002; A'I~,ACHMENT#. ~ TO INFORMAT!O~, REPORT# 6. That Council adopt in principle, the Informational Revisions to the Picketing Official Plan, generally as set out in Appendix V to Report Number PD 20-01, and request that staff refine the Informational Revisions if necessary to be consistent with the adopted official plan amendment, and bring the final Informational Revisions to Council w/th the final official plan amendment ,md zoning by-law by Spring 2002; 7. That Council adopt other implementation measures to improve the Notion Road Area, as set out in Appendix· VI to Report Number PD 20-01, including the following: a) consideration during the tam.ual budgeting process for contributions towards the future urbanization of the north end of Notion Road; possible acquisition of blocks for walkway purposes between Marshcourt Drive and Notion Road; Special gateway pave.ment treatments at intersections; planting street trees; bm'ial of hydro wires; and a stormwater pond adjacent 'to Duffins Creek; b) supporting the establishment of a community/business improvement liaison group, for the Notion Road Area; and c) requesting the Town of Ajax to amend is noise bY-law to permit action On complaints from Pickering residents about noise originating in Ajax; and 8. That Council request the Clerk to forward a copy of Report Number PD 20~01 and the Addendum to Report Number PD ') the Town of Ajax. ,.0-01 and the related Counell decision to the Clerk of BT:dk Copy: T.J'. Quinn, Cl'fiefAdministrative Officer B. Taylor