HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 26-03 CifL¡ a~ REPORT TO THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 26-03 Date: May 9, 2003 From: Richard W. Holborn, P. Eng Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: - Amendment to By-law 2359/87, Parking File: Wildwood Crescent, Liverpool Road, Vistula Drive, and Annland Street Recommendations: 1. That Report OES 26-03 regarding a proposed amendment of the parking by-law #2359/87 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-laws be enacted to amend Schedule 'B' to By-law 2359/87 to provide for the regulating of parking, standing, and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Executive Summary: In order to improve visibility, traffic flow and safety on Wildwood Crescent, Liverpool Road, Vistula Drive, and Annland Street, an amending by-law is being proposed, which prohibits on-street parking along specific sections of each street. A Community Outreach Letter and Map were distributed to residents that were affected by the amending by-law. Results indicate that the public support these proposed no-parking restrictions. The attached by-laws, once adopted, must be enforced on a regular basis to be effective. Financial Implications: The manufacture and installation of parking signs, costing approximately $2,000.00 can be accommodated within the Roads current budget account 2320-2409. Background: Wildwood Crescent On many occasions, vehicles have been observed parking on specific corners of Wildwood Crescent in such a manner to create unsafe conditions, visibility problems and potential collisions. The proposed parking by-law would be beneficial to improve visibility on corners and reduce the possibility of vehicular, pedestrian or cyclist collisions on Wildwood Crescent. Report DES 26-03 Date: May 9, 2003 Subject: Parking By-law Amendment Page 2 As a recommended practice, a Community Outreach program has been initiated to inform affected residents of a proposed by-law. The residents have the opportunity to support or oppose the by-law by completing the letter request form. Four (4) letters were distributed and three (3) were returned from residents of Wildwood Crescent. Results of the survey were three (3) in support and one (1) not returned. Comments received were positive and in support of the proposed no-parking by-law on Wildwood Crescent. As a means to better regulate on-street parking, it is recommended that the attached draft by-law be approved. The by-law, as proposed, will effectively prohibit parking along the east side of Wildwood Crescent between 104 meters southwest of Major Oaks Drive to 143 meters southwest of Major Oaks Drive, and 87 meters east of Wildwood Crescent to 118 meters south of Wildwood Crescent, and 218 meters southeast of Wildwood Crescent to 245 meters east of Wildwood Crescent, and 308 meters east of Wildwood Crescent to 398 meters northeast of Wildwood Crescent. If approved, these by-laws must received regular enforcement to be effective. Liverpool Road Recently staff investigated neighbourhood concerns about the presence of on-street parking along Liverpool Road north of Bushmill Street/Linwood Street to the south limit of the Hydro Corridor. In order to improve the level of safety on Liverpool Road, an amending by-law is being proposed, which if passed, will prohibit on-street parking on the east side of Liverpool Road, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, September 1st to June 30th. The current by-law restricts parking during the hours of 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 - 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, being the terms of school starts/ends, but does not properly reflect the months that school is in session. As a recommended practice, a Community Outreach program has been initiated to inform affected residents of a proposed by-law. The residents have the opportunity to support or oppose the by-law by completing the letter request form. Five (5) letters were distributed and four (4) were returned from residents on Liverpool Road. Results of the survey were two (2) in support and two (2) opposing the proposed by-law. Although the survey split is half in support and half opposes the proposed by-law change, amending the monthly prohibition would be beneficial to the neighbourhood community by improving the level of safety and would be similar to reflect the present school by-law restrictions across the City. If approved, these by-laws must received regular enforcement to be effective. Vistula Drive Recently staff investigated neighbourhood concerns about the presence of on-street parking along Vistula Drive east of West Shore Boulevard. In response to these concerns, observations have confirmed that on-street parking creates sightline visibility problems, which may affect the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians at the intersection of Vistula Drive at West Shore Boulevard. As a recommended practice, a Community Outreach program has been initiated to inform affected residents of a proposed by-law. The residents have the opportunity to Report OES 26-03 Date: May 9, 2003 Subject: Parking By-law Amendment Page 3 support or oppose the by-law by completing the letter request form. Two (2) letters were distributed and two (2) were returned from residents on Vistula Drive. Comments received were positive and support the proposed no-parking by-law on Vistula Drive. In order to improve the level of safety on Vistula Drive, an amending by-law is being proposed, which if passed, will prohibit on-street parking on the north and south sides of Vistula Drive, 20 meters east of West Shore Boulevard. If approved, these by-laws must receive regular enforcement to be effective. Annland Street In response to a request from the Ajax/Pickering Transit Authority (APTA), Municipal By-law Enforcement Staff recently investigated and evaluated transit operations on Annland Street. Site visits from Municipal Property and Engineering Staff confirm that transit vehicles are experiencing difficulty traveling along Annland Street when vehicles are parked on the west and north sides of the street south of Broadview Street. Annland Street is classified as an urban collector roadway with a pavement width of 8.5 meters, provides transit services, and carries an annual average daily traffic volume of approximately 400 vehicles. Currently, parking prohibitions on Annland Street provide no-parking on the east and south side of Annland Street from Krosno Boulevard to a point 230 meters east of Liverpool Road and on the north side of Annland Street from Liverpool Road to a point 200 meters east of Liverpool Road. The by-law amendment, as proposed, will prohibit parking along the north and west side of Annland Street from Broadview Street to a point 200 meters east of Liverpool Road. Prohibiting on-street parking in the aforementioned area will improve sightlines, not only for transit vehicles, but also for neighbourhood traffic. As a recommended practice, a Community Outreach program has been initiated to inform affected residents of a proposed by-law. The residents have the opportunity to support or oppose the by-law by completing the letter request form. Eight (8) letters distributed and seven (7) were returned from residents of Annland Street. Results of the request were as follows: five (5) in support and two (2) opposed of the by-law. Based on these results, the no-parking by-law on Annland Street was well received and supported by the public. If approved, these by-laws must received regular enforcement to be effective. It should be noted that as of January 1, 2003, all new municipal traffic movement by-laws are not required to be submitted to the Regional Council for approval since the new Municipal Act for the Province of Ontario Regulation 239/02 has came into effect. Attach ments: 1. 2. Location Maps Draft By-law Amendments Report OES 26-03 Date: May 9,2003 Subject: Parking By-law Amendment Page 4 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: Everett ntsm Director, Operations & Emergency Services RH:ds Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Manager of By-law Enforcement Services Supervisor, Roads Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Counc. '/L-- ,fiomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer HALSEY :;0 LAN E 0 » 0 .[!J STREET BUSHMILL (f) W 0::: U WHEATSHEAF L.ANE W I- « (j BARNWOOD LJ SQUARE AVENUE OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERlY & ENGINEERING DIVISION --L of I . [!J PROPOSED r NO PARKING LOCA TION 0 0 3: z 0 l- I- 0 U ...J 0 0 CL 0::: W > ...J W ...J U 0::: u UlVw 000 cr 0 FERNCLIFF ~ <C CL ANTOl"! TRAFFIC REPORT LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO PARKING ZONE SCALE, . PLOT DATE' 1:4000 DEC 10/2002 LIN/PondIT!>e"",", Mopp.nQ\Mcp$IMNd: -- Troffic \ 4ltochmenl 1o; Aepo;! O~I W ...J 0 cr m w Z <C ..J 0 0 0 3: 0 w cr w > 0 0::: () PARKDALE FINCH 0 ~;i ~fACHMENT# OLD ORCHARD AVE. ILONA \ j T MONICA COOK PLACE PARK ROAD COMMERCE f- (f) f- Z W (f) <C w ..J Ct ANN LAND WHARF OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION SCAL(, PLOT DATE. 1 :4000 ¡ DEC 04/2002 AVENUE tJ w 0:: I tñ fTI ~ UJ 0 Z ;;.. I U au:rVI\I ~ LUNA CRT. \~6 .. STREET BROADVIEW STREET OE~ DRiVE I! z <C J TRAFFIC REPORT LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO PARKING ZONE STREET BOULEVARD SHEARER LANE w :> z w > <C C z 0 f- <C ..J <C IT) / / - PROPOSED NO PARKING LOCA r/ON STREET ..J 0 0 0... 0:: W > ..J L.\MPond[\ThNnnhc McPlnn9\Mops\MF'&£ - Trafk\Atlochmenl for F'"pod I of ~ CD e~ 2. ~ -03 . ( ~ u z w 0 0 W I f- w > cr 0 2: cr « LL HYDRO PROPOSED NO PARKING OCA TIONS >- W -1 ..J <C > .. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION SCALE' 1:4000 PLOT DATE, NOV 11/2002 TRAFFIC REPORT LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO PARKING ZONES L.\MPand[\Themak M"pping\Mops\MP&[ - Traffic\.4tfochmwl fOf Report s",-\é\é' ~ HANWO RTH CRT. W 0:::: 0 I (f) SAMFORD LANE REDA AVENUE RETTA AVENUE w > ð cr .. 0 SANG I- <J:: Ow Uz >- <J:: w~ 0:::: VICKI (') OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERlY & ENGINEERING DIVISION ¡::- SCALL PLOT DATE, DEC 19/2002 1 :4000 L \MPond[\ThemoUc Mapping \ Mnps \ MP&[ - hal!,c\Aftochmen! for Report ,~\T'¡f.l.CHr'1ENT#_. TOREPORT# ()ES 2-t.P- 03 J of I PROPOSED /r NO PARKING LOCA TION DRIVE 0 0:::: <J:: > w ~ ~ 0 m w ~ z ~ TIMMINS <J:: BOXWORTH PLACE LYNX Ave I- W W 0:::: I- (f) I- (f) W S <J:: > ~ 0 >- 0:::: 0 I- <J:: m BREEZY I- W W TRAFFIC REPORT LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO PARKING ZONE ATTACHMENT# 5 TOREPORT# ðt:S Zt>-63 --1. of 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law "to amend By-law 2359/87 regulating parking, standing and stopping on highways and on private and municipal property" . WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter MA5, sections 218.52, 210.73,210.123-126,210.131,310,314.7 and 314.8, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law 2359/87 regulating parking, standing and stopping on highways and on private and on municipal property; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule B to By-law 2359/87, as amended, is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the following items: Hiqhway Side Liverpool Road East Annland Street East and North 2. Between/And Prohibited Times and Days 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday Bushmill Street/Linwood Street and south limit of Ontario Hydro Corridor Liverpool Road and Krosno See Note 1 Boulevard Schedule B to By-law 2359/87, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following items: Hiqhway Side Wildwood Crescent East and South Between/And Prohibited Times and Days 104 meters southwest to 143 See Note 1 meters southwest of Major Oaks Drive, t- (', to', '..1 r- " . .. ~ ".,.' "',rI", .;..?, ,) -""", "'" Pf)R"" tiÚ~?:...",2.(" _O'~ 1.... South and West East and North North and West 87 meters east of Wildwood See Note 1 Crescent to 118 meters east of Wildwood Crescent, 218 meters southeast of See Note 1 Wildwood Crescent to 245 meters southeast of Wildwood Crescent, 308 meters southeast of See Note 1 Wildwood Crescent to 398 meters southeast of Wildwood Crescent Liverpool Road East Bushmill Street/Linwood 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Street and south limit of Monday to Friday, Ontario Hydro Corridor Se~tember 1st to June 30t Vistula Drive North and West Shore Blvd to 20 See Note 1 South meters east of West Shore Blvd Annland Street North and Liverpool Road to Broadview See Note 1 West Street Annland Street East 230 meters east of Liverpool See Note 1 Road to Krosno Blvd BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2nd day of June 2003. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk