HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 21-03 Ciú/ a~ REPORT TO PLANNING COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 21-03 Date: April 22, 2003 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00 Sheridan Chevrolet North Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 Part 1, Plan 40R-11779 (South-east corner of Brock Road and Finch Avenue) Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00, be APPROVED as set out in the draft by-law attached as Appendix I to Report No. 21-03, to amend the existing zoning of the lands to an appropriate commercial zone to accommodate the expansion of the currently permitted vehicle sales and rental establishment, on the lands being Part of Lot 18, Concession 1, Part 1, 40R-11779, City of Pickering. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00, as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PD 21-03 be FORWARDED to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The applicant's total land holdings are currently dually zoned 'CA3' - Commercial Automotive and 'A' - Agricultural. The applicant proposes to amend the agricultural zoning of the subject lands (known as Part 1, 40R-11779), to extend the existing 'CA3' zoning in order to accommodate additional vehicle storage and/or display associated with the existing vehicle dealership (see Location Map and Applicant's Submitted Site Plan, Attachments #1 and #3). Approval of this application will establish a zoning for the subject lands which is identical to that of the existing Sheridan Chevrolet vehicle dealership. As this application was not pursued by the applicant between August 2000 and early this year, a resident meeting was held in April 2003 to update the community, and notice of this Planning Committee meeting was circulated to residents within 120 metres of the subject lands. Concerns from surrounding residents regarding such issues as landscaping, site lighting, access from Finch Avenue, noise, and stormwater management were raised at the resident meeting. Measures to address these matters were discussed and will be implemented through the site plan approval process. It is recommended that the application be approved, and the draft by-law be forwarded to Council for enactment. Report PD 21-03 Apri122,2003 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20100 Page 2 Financial Implications: proposed development. No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 At the August 10th, 2000 Information Meeting (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #4 and #5) Residents expressed support for the application, but also expressed concern regarding noise from the paging system, storm water drainage, access from Finch Avenue, and the testing of vehicles along Finch Avenue; 1.2 Following Information Meeting Residents in Support: several residents support the rezoning of the property, but have some concerns regarding fencing, tree preservation, stormwater management, and zoning (see Attachment #6); a letter from residents concerning the possibility of having traffic calming measures along Finch Road (see Attachment #7); Resident in Opposition: a resident opposes the rezoning of the property (see Attachment #8); 1.3 Resident Working Group Meeting due to the reactivation of this application, and as agreed to at the Information Meeting in August 2000, a resident working group meeting was held on April 10, 2003 to update the community and further discuss this application; see Section 2.2 for more information about the issues addressed at the meeting; 1.4 Agency/Staff Circulation: Comments were received from the Regional Municipality of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Veridian, Development Control, Fire Services, and Municipal Property & Engineering; all had no objection to the application. Specific comments regarding the development of the subject lands will be addressed through the site plan approval process. Report PO 21-03 April 25, 2003 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00 Page 3 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Subject lands are to be zoned the same 'CA3' zoning as the existing vehicle dealership Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00 was submitted in May 2000. At the time of the original submission, the applicant was proposing to amend the current "A" Agricultural zoning of the subject lands to an appropriate commercial zone to accommodate the expansion of the existing vehicle dealership. The proposal outlined that the expansion was intended to accommodate the relocation of the used car sales component, and a site plan was submitted proposing the construction of a 200 square metre sales building to be located on the subject lands (see Attachment #2). A Public Information Meeting for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00 was held on August 10, 2000. Since the Public Information Meeting held in August 2000, the applicant has revised the proposed site plan, and is no longer proposing a building at this time. The applicant now proposes to use the lands for the storage and/or display of vehicles only. The vehicles to be stored on this site will be associated with the existing Sheridan Chevrolet vehicle dealership (see Attachment #3). It is recommended that the subject lands be zoned the same 'CA3' zoning as the existing vehicle dealership. Even though the applicant is currently proposing to use the subject lands for the storage and/or display of vehicles only, the proposed 'CA3' zoning would allow for the future development of the lands in accordance with provisions outlined in the implementing by-law. However, any future proposals regarding the development of subject lands would require a revision to the site plan. 2.2 Resident concerns regarding landscaping, tree preservation, site lighting, noise, access from Finch Avenue, and stormwater management have been addressed At the Statutory Public Information Meeting held in August 2000, residents expressed comments and concerns regarding such issues as stormwater management, site lighting, tree preservation, and the use of Finch Avenue for the testing of vehicles. Several residents wrote letters prior to the meeting stating many of the same issues as being of concern to them as well. After the Information meeting, Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00 was temporarily put on hold by the applicant, but has recently been reactivated. Despite the deletion of the initially proposed sales outlet building, surrounding residents continued to express similar concerns to those voiced in 2000. Report PO 21-03 April 22, 2003 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00 Page 4 In order to update residents of the changes that have been made to the proposed site plan, and to further address previous concerns and comments made regarding this application, Planning & Development Department staff, along with the applicant and agent, met with residents at a Resident Working Group Meeting held on April 10, 2003. Below is a list of the issues that were discussed at the April 2003, meeting and the ways in which the applicant/agent propose to address each issue through the site plan approval process: Issues Tree Preservation and Landscaping Issue Resolution - submitted Landscaping Plan indicates that most trees located along the north lot line (along Finch Avenue) are to be preserved; and that some trees from other parts of the property are to be relocated to help fill in any gaps; - hoarding is to be placed around the trees while the site is being constructed in order to protect trees; - lot paving will be set back from north lot line to avoid damaging the tree roots; - applicant to replace trees if any die; - some landscaping will be introduced on the south side of the subject lands. Stormwater Management - the flow of water from the site will remain consistent before and after development through the implementation of stormwater management measures; - drainage from site is to be directed to the east side of the subject property, then north to an existing ditch; - proposal will not add to the current stormwater problems that are being experienced by some of the surrounding residents. Report PO 21-03 Apri122,2003 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00 Page 5 Site Lighting - lights from the existing vehicle dealership located along Kingston Road are to be relocated onto the subject lands; - low level of lighting is proposed, and lights are to be directed toward the subject lands, away from residential properties along Finch Avenue; - trees to be preserved along Finch Avenue will help to buffer light; - proposed lighting is for security only, not for the display of vehicles. Noise from Paging System - no intention of servicing the subject lands with outdoor speakers. . Loading/Unloading of Vehicles Along Finch Avenue - the entrance on Finch Avenue is not to be used as a main entrance for the site; - this entrance is to provide access for emergency vehicles and limited movement of vehicles for sale; - the proposed entrance along Finch Avenue is not to be used as a staging area to load/unload vehicles onto the site, vehicle deliveries to the site are to be from Kingston Road. Staff are satisfied that the matters raised by the community can be satisfactorily addressed through the site plan approval process. 2.3 By-law to be Forwarded to Council The attached by-law, included as Appendix I to this report, implements Staff's recommendation to approve the requested 'CA3' zoning. It is further recommended that the attached by-law be forwarded to Council for consideration (see Appendix I). 3.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant is aware of the contents of this report and concurs with the recommendation. Report PD 21-03 April 22, 2003 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00 Page 6 Appendix Appendix I: Draft Implementing By-Law Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Original Site Plan from 2000 3. Applicant's Recently Submitted Site Plan 4. Information Report 5. Minutes from Public Information Meeting 6. Resident Comments in Support 7. Resident Comments in Support 8. Resident Comments in Opposition Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ;1 , Q... L Üì.. Lç: lAt........ ~ Carla Pierini Planner I ) ~ /' fij/ ~ {,I...t. ' er;~. Lynda Taylor, MCI RPP Manager, Development Review CXP:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 21-03 DRAFT BY -LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 20/00 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-lAW NO. Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1055/79, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickerin~, Region of Durham in Part of lot 18, Concession 1, Part 1, 40R-11779, in the City of Pickering. (A 20/00) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to rezone the subject lands, being Part of lot 18, Concession 1, Part 1, 40R-11779, to accommodate the expansion of the existing vehicle sales and rental establishment; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1055/79, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. SCHEDULE "I" AMENDMENT Schedule "I" to By-law 1055/79 is hereby revoked and replaced with Schedule "I" attached hereto. 2. BY-LAW 1055/79 By-law 1055/79 is hereby further amended as set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matter not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by the relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-lAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this of , 2003. day Bruce Taylor, City Clerk Wayne Arthurs, Mayor _.//\ //\\ \ \\ \. ( t., '\ // / / ,/ \ ,//,//-' '\ .//--//- \\ /",,//_._,--//'-" "..,,--.,_.,,-----_._._._---~\..._"--"-" SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW AS AMENDED BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF 1055/79 l' N 2003 MAYOR \'. '. ~. . (~ !.¿,~ CLERK t"'1!;GH'~[r!'T *_1_- TO z 0 ~ w m u 0 a:: z m w w .....I >- « a:: . 'D'@\\íi!l[m I . I . I @[? [ßJjIJ:J1 CREEK FINCH w ~ a:: a m ~ z m ::0 0 C) fTI w ~ a:: a w a (f) z a:: :J m ~ 0 0 0:: m City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 18, CPNCESSION 1; PART 1, 40R-11779 OWNER SHERIDAN CHEVROLET DATE APRIL 172003 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. A 20100 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SCALE 1:7500 CHECKED BY CP l' PN-9 PA- ATiACHMEtni ~ TO REPORT # PO :,/ J -0 ~ APPLICANT'S AUGUST 2000 PLAN " INFORMATION COMPILED FROJVf APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 20/00 . SHERIDAN CHEVROLET 0 This plan has been abandoned and replaced with a Revised Plan. 0 . (see Attachment # ~) 0 ( ØJO:£U J '...,. ~. . PROPOSED USED CAR BUILDING fl THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BYTHE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, JULY 12, 2000, APPLICANTS SUB MITTED C SITE PLAN ONCEPTUAL A20/00 SHERIDAN CHEV ROLET ATTACHMENT 3 REPORT # ,-' TO PO <:."? ¡- 0 '2, REjÄ~~~~yIT2E PLAN 003 n~C\-\ I>- \jtJ~ljl 0 .'ii" ... .... ~ l' THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED PLANNING & BY THE CITY 0 INFORM A #:;~ELOPMENT ~[)"CKERING. & SUPPORT ;:;;MENT, APRIL 22 VICEs, , 2003 ATTACHMENT '- If TO REPORT /I PO ~;; /* c 3 ",'I OF PICL. (} .,~ !f! _% ~ dilØ .. INFORMATION REPORT NO. 19-00 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF August 10, 2000 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.B SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A20/00 Sheridan Chevrolet North Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 Part 1, Plan 40R-1l779 (South-east comer of Brock Road and Finch Avenue) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are located at the south-east comer of Brock Road and Finch Avenue; the subject property comprises an area of approximately 0.95 of a hectare, and is cUlTently vacant; sUlTounding land uses include: residential dwellings to the north; vacant lands to the west; a police station and post office to the south; and an existing vehicle dealership to the east; a property location map is included as Attachment #1 to this report. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applicant proposes to amend the zoning by-law from "A" - Agricultural Zone to an appropriate commercial zone to accommodate the expansion of the existing vehicle dealership and the relocation of the used car component; access to the proposed used car sales area is proposed from Finch Avenue, and from the existing car dealership lands to the east; no access is proposed from Brock Road; a reduction of the applicant's proposed development is included as Attachment #2 to this report. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Re1donal Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject property as "Living Area"; this designation also pennits, among other uses, special purpose commercial uses which consume larger parcels of land and require exposure to traffic such as, including but not limited to, automobile sales and services subject to the inclusion of appropriate provisions and designations in the area municipal official plan; Brock Road is designated a "Type' A' arterial" road, and is intended to carry large volumes oftraffic; the application appears to confOll11; Information Report No. 19-00 ATTACHMENT # _.. if TO REPORT # PO ,~ /- C 2-'_'._.0 Page 2 3.2 Pickerill!! Official Plan Schedule I - Land Use Structure to the Pickering Official Plan designates the subject property as "Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridor"; this designation permits, among other uses, the establishment of special purpose commercial uses; the proposed use conforms to this designation; Schedule II - Transportation System to the Official Plan designates Brock Road as a "Type A arterial" road, and Finch Avenue as a "Local Road"; Type A arterials are designated to carry large volumes of traffic at moderate to high speeds; local roads generally provide access to individual properties, and have a right-of-way of up to 20 metres; Map 19 - Neighbourhood 9: Village East of the Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being within a "Detailed Review area"; section 11.2 (d) of the Pickering Official Plan requires the completion of detailed reviews for all or part of Detailed Review Area prior to permitting "major" development on the subject lands; to date, no guidelines have been prepared for this area; Schedule III - Resource Management of the Official Plan designates a "Shoreline and Stream Corridor" and a "Flood Plain Special Policy Area" on and around the subjects lands; Shorelines and Stream Corridors identify lands that may be prone to flooding; on lands designated Shorelines and Stream Corridors that also are designated in a land use other than Open Space (such as Mixed Uses), new development and "major" redevelopment may be permitted subject to the results of an Environmental Report; section 15.9 and Appendix IT of the Official Plan indicate that Council shall, for "major" development, and may, for "minor" development, require the submission of an Environmental Report for lands within the Shoreline and Stream Corridor designation; Environmental Report requirements are described in section 15.11 of the Plan; Flood Plain Special Policy Areas identify lands where communities havè developed on lands susceptible to flooding, and recognizes the continued viability of those areas by permitting some new development, subject to appropriate flood protection measures as set out in section 15.30 of the Official Plan; section 15.30, among other matters, identifies that the City and Conservation Authority may require the submission of engineering and stormwater management studies when considering applications on lands designated Flood Plain Special Policy Area; 3.3 Zonin!! Bv-Iaw 3036 the subject property is zoned "A" - Agricultural Zone, which requires minimum lot ftontages of 60 metres; . an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to implement the applicant's proposaL 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments no written comments have been received to-date; 4.2 Ae:encv Comments no written comments have been received to-date; Infmmation Report No. 19-00 #_::t_TÜ HE.,\Jiil # PO ,.) J -C -..; Page 3 4.3 Staff Comments 4.3.1 Land Use and Site Plan the key issue t" be reviewed for this proposal is the compatibility of the car dealership expansion with the surrounding neighbourhood; compatibility ofthe proposal must be reviewed from the following perspectives: . impact on the streetscape of Brock Road and Finch Avenue; . relationship to, and impact on, surrounding residential properties; . traffic generation and on-site parking availability; . vehicular access; . building location, massing, height and materials; . landscaping, fencing, and tree preservation; . lighting; . outdoor storage and display areas; . water and sanitary servicing availability; . stonnwater management; staff must also evaluate the proposed site functioning, including parking requirements, building setbacks, maximum/minimum lot coverage and architectural controls; 4.3.2 Guidelines and Supporting Reports staff must detennine whether this proposed development constitutes "major" or "minor" development to assist in deciding whether the preparation of Development Guidelines is required, and/or the submission of an Environmental Report is required, as part of the consideration of this application; also, in detennining whether an Environmental Report andJor other engineering and stonnwater reports are required, Planning & Development staff will be consulting with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority staff. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Infonnation Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; Information Report No. 19-00 ATTACHMENT' t TO REPORi # PO ,;) I - ('30 Page 4 6.2 Information Received - full-scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; 6.3 Companv Principal - the principal of Sheridan Chevrolet is Mr. Jeny Gazarek. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Lynda Taylor Manager, Current Operations Tyler Barnett Planner 1 JTB/pr/par Copy: Director, Planning & Development ..HT ACHMENT # __.LL-TO nn"R'ruPD .'J¡-C-:2.. mY¡J1 .......,..;:::"_L_,... APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 19-00 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1 ) Planning & Development Department Excerpts of Statutory Public Infonnation Meeting Minutes of Thursday, August 10, 2000 "",,:"""¡","" '5 Iii "J,..,-,', !t_,.,._._~.- v ,¡.;, i PL'»~J.:.p..3.. STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Infonnation Meeting was held on Thursday, August 10,2000 at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers. (IV) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 20-00 SHERIDAN CHEVROLET NORTH PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 1 (SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BROCK ROAD AND FINCH AVENUE) 1. Tyler Barnett, Planner 1, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Infonnation Report #19-00. 2. Henry Kortekaas, agent acting on behalf of applicant, advised that a number of existing trees will be preserved along the northern border of the site. He further advised that the building to be constructed will be a low profile building and that the lights will be low and directed away ITom the neighbours to the north. Smaller trees on the site will be relocated to the southern border. 3. Gerald Lepard, 1766 Finch Avenue, resident across ITom Sheridan Chevrolet for the last 15 years advised that he has found this dealership to be a good neighbour and is pleased that they will be the ones developing this site. His concerns include the present paging system being expanded to include this site and the testing of cars along Finch Avenue. He requested that better technology be implemented to page staff. He stated his pleasure with the planned tree preservation. 4. Jim Mason, 1734 Finch Avenue, advised that he lives directly north of the property. He concurs with the comments made by Mr. Lepard. He requested that consideration be given by the Police, the Post Office and Sheridan to consider stonn drainage. 5. John Bentley, 1770 Finch Avenue, also advised that he concurs with the previous statements. He stated his concern with the access point onto Finch Avenue ITom this site and questioned if this will be a major access or will there be an access onto Kingston Road through the present site. 6. Jerry Gazarek, applicant, advised that he will investigate a better paging system. They have attempted not to be intrusive on the neighbours and staff are well aware that testing of the vehicles is not to take place on Finch Avenue. Access will be both ITom Finch Avenue and the present site. There will be no sump pumps on this site. 7. Tyler Barnett, Planner I, advised that stonn drainage will be looked at by staff. h "Tt.CHhŒrJ: #...~,.,~._.I U c""""'T".PD ')/-/,.2 ," .' .,)11 1i ~~;;;¡._,_. ..,', August 14, 2000. Tyler Barnett Planner 1 Planning and Development The Corporation of the City of Pickering RE: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A20/00 Sheridan Chevrolet North Part of Lot 18, Concession 1 Part 1, Plan 40R-11779 City of Pickering Dear:.Mr. Barnett, TIus letter is in regard to infonnation stated in Information Report No. 19-00 as well as items discussed at the public information meeting on August 10, 2000, pertaining to the Zoning By-law Amendment Application cited above. We will address each issue that is of particular importance to us: Landscap& fencing and tree preservation: :Mr. Jeny Gazarek has graciously promised that the existing bamer of trees will be maintained and even enhanced, particularly in areas where the present haIrier is sparse. We are very grateful for this as these evergreens provide a pleasant green vista which we find preferable to a parking lot and which is much more compatible with a residential neighbourhood. As well these trees absorb some of the noise generated by the ever increasing traffic on Kingston Rd. and Brock Rd. It is our understanding that it is the responsibility of the landowner to provide consistent and continuous maintenance of all aspects of a site plan. \~l e would appreciate being advised as to whether we may assume that this responsibility applies to this important and much valued tree barrier. StomH'vatecmanagement: The area to be developed serves as a drainage basin for much of tiu; adjoining land. At times, particularly tills year, the depth of water h..1s been so significant that it has been impossible for the postal workers who park along Finch Ave. to gain access to the post Gñ1ce property by waUci.ng across the vacant area.. I'a\-ing the new parking lot and diverting the water to the ditch areêl along Finch Ave win further complicate drainage issues for the residents along the north side ot' Finch. Jv!any of us hmre sump pumps which already work overtÎ111e during wet seasons. Please consider our need.s deciding on stormVl.later ntanagemf;:nt for this site, PleaRe adè.;ise us regm'ding this decision. ';Y.rr:i'.' I ,¡ / ,',. """""""'Cf?"._..~",U ;)L ,.:;;/.:P 32 -2- Zoning: :Mr. Gazarek has been a considerate and approachable neighbour for years. We are quite comfortable '\-'\I1th the concept of the expanded car dealership as presented by ~1r. Gazarek. We understand that it is likely that the amended zoning would match the zoning designation on the existing dealership. It is also our belief that this zoning 1'3 very specific and limits use of these lands to a vehicle dealership. We are sure that you can understand our reluctance to contemplate any zoning designation that is more open. We must be protected by the City in the event that at some point in the future the owner of these lands decides to sell. We must know that should that possibility arise we would again have all of the protection and involvement that citizens are given by the planning process. Please let us know if we are in enor regarding any of the ahove wOlmation. V./e are very grateful that the process allows us to be heard. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, --.,.::", """'r',,,'" {/"c5 k,-,-w-L. ../ ~ Gordon and Catherim: Reidt. October 24, 2000 J,T', 'd'I..¡¡;rp¡ 11' # ï rt; ""'J""~' -.1- nr;\'JRl # PD .::J ¡ - 0 '3 ~=-~.,.,~;>,..~. ' ¡r"RE!CE~VED ,N ,,' ~ Ii 9,' 'JA,f1, () ;i ' ,;.1,i1JV City of Pickering, Pickering Civic Complex, One the Esplanade, Pickering ON LIV 6K7 Attention: Tyler Barnett Planner 1 /õ) [g¡rg [E D ~ [E fñì If¡) NOV - 9 2000 lU) CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO Regarding: A20jOO Sheridan Chevrolet Dear Mr. Barnett, The residents at 1764 and 1766 Finch Avenue would like the city to consider implementing a "traffic calming zone" for Finch Avenue in light of the recent proposal from Sheridan Chevrolet. As you are aware our street, Finch Avenue east of Brock, is a dead end. This does not however appear to register with some motor vehicle drivers who attempt to link to Highway 2 and once cognizant that there truly is no exit, register their frustration by driving back out at excessive speeds. Additionally, our street is presently utilized as a parking lot by neighbouring institutions who have not supplied sufficient on site parking for their employees. This narrows our "two lane" to just one during business hours. To all of this you can add the our fire hydrants. IIwater trucks" who fill up from This eclectic mix could not sustain any additional "road testfl traffic from the expanded dealership and although the dealership has stated that they do not use our road, we wish to advise you that their customers do. Not all road tests have a sales agent from the dealership accompanying them on their drives. We have children, pets and seniors living on our short stretch of road and we ask that the city give serious consideration to our request. ~Y. \v, (ù=..t\..q (¿;""~ ~~ ~~ 1764 Finch Avenue 1766 Finch Avenue ATTACHMENT#--J5------TO REPORT # PO ¿;; / . ¿,3 t-ÎR':.HAr<Jë)!:IL::- Vílle'\~\',{¡f \ 11 ~ ¡:: I rI e..l f1 V ~ P u k f:.= .e I (\ Cf Ov\t -/..:,V I V".4- ~ ccjoo 1 ~~ Dt{ ~è-J( (Nfi ¡¿e-. 20 Y\ \ ~ ~ ß'1' ~ A H G'Nt)t!f'Ú yv (1 r r 1- 110 ri h '1/\4 JI7 S/-tÈ IL (ÖitW Cf... ~ Ii AI 4 f-- ~ '0 fi (ì ~- r¥- l-v f- (¥' I Co", CtA--~ ç:v-. I Pn-/e+ (~ D~ 46 Q, /,7'1. ( ç"""J~- ~ (V?t-é~,~ 1- Arc~k N1C/d ~ F\ rvcJ, f~v C\ ~ 1- O(LkC-)<1f'~ D, ../ý ç cÀ- (f:) - , 9 Sþ~~) '1'J'~ f~ <'V{~ ~~,\ f--""" f" 1-0->":";1 ~ ~: 4 ,{ l\~ e d c~ s,t-~ cé)'lP~"A:~ ~tl ~ (n:..L~\. ~ t{ cLl.:,~cL1 CL.~} ø ~k,,^ ~ g LA.-t.-l CL.. ~~~" I.-U ß ~~ vv t"V\...-l l\ ~~ (~. vnVYNuk:t'~ r--t'éJ~ ~ ~~{- ~ ~~(\..L tl Ct/V'A. r-k CØV\. 4~lÇv.-J ~ S ~ w CAJ\.,LA ~ '\. ~'I ~l() k h,~ r . ~~ ~~ . 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