HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3346 THE CORPORAT ION OF TH~ TOWNSHIP OF PI~ ING being a By-law 1;o authorize the constzuctlon of an addition to the Police Station located in Lo~ 26 in Range 3 of the Township at an estimated cost o~ $125,000.00, and to authorize the bo/rowing of the sum of $125,000.00 upon debentures for that purpose. WHERF~AS it is deemed advisable to construct an addition to the existing Police Station in Lot 26 in Range 3 of the Township of Pickezing; A~D WHEREAS the total cost of the said addition to the Police Station~ $125~000.00, will be levied by an annual rate ag~ins~ all ~he ~a%eable pio~/~y in %he ~lice A.zea of the Township of Pickexing oyez a ~xio~ o~ 20 years. ~ T~R~ T~ C~IL OF T~ ~R~TION OF THE T~HIP OF PIC~RING g~S AS ~L~S: 1. Tha~ an addition to the existing Police Station in ~ 26 in Ra~e 3 of ~e Township of Pi~ezing shall ~ constructed a~ a to~al es~i~ed cos~ of $125,000.00. 2. Tha~ there shall be boxIowed fez %he purpose se% out in Clause 1 ~he sum of $125,000.00 which sum shall be a charge against all %he ~ateable probity in ~ Police A~ea of T~nship of Pickezing, being that portion oi the said T~hip lying ~ween the water's edge of ~ Ontario a~ the allowance between t~ Second and Third Concessions of Township of Pickezing. 3. That ~ s~cial Ia~e ~o pay fei %ne said addition shall be paid in 20 annual instal~nts. 4. Pekin9 sa~ of the de~n~uzes to be issu~ ~o fin~ce the works herein the Head of the Council and ~he Treasurer raise fez %ne puipose aforesaid by way oi loan on such debentures any sum or s~s of money no~ exceeding in ail the s~ hereby autho~'ized ~o ~ bozi~ed and ~y hypo%hecate such debentures for such loan. R~ a First, Second a Page 2 By-Law #3346 READ a THIRD time and passed in open Council this __ g~ day of R~eve Clerk