HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3254 being & B~-Xau to dodAmate Part o£ Lot ~l on Plan No. lO aa · pubXt~ hAgbway. dodf~&tm the o&~d ~ TH~RL~ltlt TH8 C~JNCXL 13~ T(MI~HXP Oi~ PJ:¢I~RXNG SM~CTS AS IIOLLOWS8 imAD & ~irot, Se~oad &ud TlLtrd tim Md p~ooed An open Cmmcil thb o ~//~ d&y o~ ~/_~ ~.~'% A.D, 1967o Clerk ' I, Douglas J. Plitz, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Picketing, do hereby certify that the attached is a true copy of By-Law No. 325~ , duly passed by the Council thereof on the ___2~_ day of February__, 1967 Wi~ess my hand and the Seal of the said Corporation this 10th day of October 19 ~7 · Q~oug~as~ Ji P~iti, A.M~C.T., Clerk-Administrator,~/ Township of Picketing. the Tmmoh~p e~ Pt~boztng, in tho County Div~ot~ ~ the C~y of on.to, ~ ~e ~u~ ~X~X~ at ~ Am ~ p~M at t~ m~th m~t ~ o~ T~ ~H ~3 ~ ST ~ mot a t~ to u tm T~ ~m 16 ~M ~ ~em wot · dtmt~ ~ ~ ~t Xl~ i~s to ~ ~ pt~l ~ ~ X6 ~ ~ ~ ~t a di~ ~ 20.675 ~t j WHER%AS the lands herein are owned by The Corporation of the Township of Pickerin9 aha it is deemed expedient to dedicate the said lands as a public highway. NOW TIIgREFORE T}{~ COUNCIL f]~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the lands described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed be and the $~neare hereby dedicated as a public highway. READ a First, Second and Third time and passed in open Council this .~ da3, of ~ff_.~z~ A.D. 1967. Clerk : ~ SC}~DUEE AIJ~ ANqD SIS~ULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Village of Claremont, in the Township of Picketing, in the County of OnTario, amd being composed of p.=~t of Lot Thirty-one (31) in the said Village of Clazemont according to registered Plan No. 12 for the said Township of Picketing3, laid out on Dart of Lot Concession 9, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry DSvision of the County of Onzario, and more particularly described as follows: EEGINNING at an iron pipe planted at the south east angle of said Lot 31; THENCE SOUTH 72 deorees 57 minutes west a distance of 16 feet 6 inches to an iron pipe; T~ENCB ~ORTH 16 degrees O0 minutes west a distance of 222 feet 5!~. inches to an iron pipe planted on the south limit of Joseph Street~ said point being the Point of Commencement of the /ar*ds herein conveyed; TIIENCE S©UTH ?~ de~rees 57 minutes west a distance of 101 feet 11~ inches to an iron pipe; THENCI~ SOUTH 16 degrees O0 minutes east a distance of 20,675 feet; TIIENCF. hI>P.T}{ 72 degrees 57 minutes east a distance of 101 feet 11~ inches to a point; T~{F. NCE NORTH 16 degrees 00 minutes west a distance of 2D, 675 feet to the POINT OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER BEIBG A BY-LAW TO DEDICATE PART OF LOT 31, ON PLAN No. 12 AS A PUBLIC HIGHWAY.