HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 11-03 013' CiÚI 0# REPORT TO FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 11-03 Date: April 1 0, 2003 From: Richard W. Holborn, P.Eng. Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Rosebank Road at Sheppard Avenue Intersection Investigation into the feasibility of installing Traffic Control Signals Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 11-03 regarding the investigation into the feasibility of installing traffic control signals at Rosebank Road and Sheppard Avenue be received; Financial Implications: There are no direct cost implications related to the investigation at this time. Future capital costs, however, related to the re-construction of the intersection, and necessary land acquisition based upon the design option selected, will be included in future capital budget forecasts. Background: Report OES 54-02, recommending a Stop Sign By-law Amendment for Rosebank Road at Sheppard Avenue (West Intersection), was considered by the Finance & Operations Committee at their regular meeting of November 25, 2002. The resolution resulting from the consideration of the report approved the installation of an all-way stop at the west intersection on an interim basis but also directed staff to further investigate the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection and to report back on the matter. Based on the direction received, correspondence was sent to the Region of Durham on December 13, 2002 requesting technical assistance to determine the feasibility of installing traffic control signals at the intersection. The response received from the Region of Durham on February 7, 2003 (copy attached) confirmed the City staff position, that, given the existing 35 metre offset configuration of the intersection, a traffic control signal could not be installed and operated safely without a realignment of Rosebank Road. Furthermore, it was also noted that the installation and operation of two independent traffic control signals would not meet with acceptable design standards due to the short distance that exists between the sidestreet approaches of Rosebank Road. 014 Report OES 11-03 Date: April 1 0, 2003 Subject: Rosebank Road at Sheppard Avenue Page 2 Based on the outcome of the investigation, the following capital improvement options are available to better manage traffic volumes at the intersection in the longer-term: 1. Full Re-alignment and Signalization As determined during the design and reconstruction phases of the south leg of Rosebank Road in 1998, a number of property frontages along the west side of Rosebank Road must be purchased in order to accommodate a full re-alignment. Unfortunately purchase agreements could not be reached with the majority of property owners during the period of reconstruction resulting in the delay of the realignment plan that would have allowed for the future installation of traffic control signals. Although it is uncertain whether or not land acquisition agreements could be reached at this time, the full re-alignment of Rosebank Road is the preferred option even though this particular design is likely the most expensive. A copy of the full realignment design plan is attached as Option #1. 2. Signalization and Minor Re-alignment It has been identified in the investigation that a traffic control signal could be installed and operated safely if the offset distance between the north and south legs of Rosebank Road did not exceed 15 metres. In order to accommodate this re-alignment the acquisition of additional property would still be required. The phasing of the signal would require a longer cycle time resulting in the potential for longer vehicle queues. The preliminary design exercise that has been completed so far suggests that a minor re-alignment could occur at this location. A copy of the preliminary minor re-alignment design plan is attached as Option #2. 3. Alternative Design Roundabout (Traffic Circle) As an alternative to the provision of either of the aforementioned realignment and signalization options, it is also possible that a roundabout (traffic circle) design could be developed to accommodate future traffic volumes within the existing municipal property boundaries. This non-traditional type of design would be less expensive to construct and would require less additional property than a realigned and signalized intersection, but it may also create an element of confusion for some motorists, as traffic circle designs are not very common in this area. Considerable effort, however, would be made to develop a design that clearly guides the motorist through the circle yet is effective in its nature. A copy of the preliminary traffic circle design plan is attached as Option #3. Report OES 11-03 Date: April 10, 2003 [,15 Subject: Rosebank Road at Sheppard Avenue Page 3 Although the newall-way stop condition that presently exists at the west intersection of Rosebank Road at Sheppard Avenue has improved the operational efficiency and safety of the intersection, it is still regarded as an interim measure only. Considerable queuing is currently present during peak periods on Sheppard Avenue and some confusion is also experienced as motorists enter Sheppard Avenue from the south approach of Rosebank Road. As traffic volumes increase over time, the need for intersection improvements such as those presented in this report will be required. Staff will continue to evaluate each available option and initiate the necessary design and capital budget estimating and forecasting to bring this project to an approval and construction stage in the near future. Attachments: 1. 2. Region of Durham correspondence dated February 7,2003 Preliminary design plan for full re-alignment and signalization, Option #1 3. 4. Preliminary design plan for minor re-alignment and signalization, Option #2 Preliminary design plan for roundabout (traffic circle), Option #3 Prepared By: Everet Director Operations & Emergency Services RWH:ds I:\COUNCIL\OES I I-O3.docApr-O3 Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council , . " û16 The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department PO BOX 623 '105 CONSUMERS DR. WHITBY ON L1N'6A3 CANADA' (905) 668-7721 Fax: (905) 668-2051 E-Mail: works@region,durham,on,ca www,region,durham,on,ca J.R. McCorkell, P,Eng. Commissioner of Works Please quote our ref: " Tra-Pick-Sig "SERVICE'EXCELLEiVCE for our COMMUNITY" ATTACHMENT. / TOREPOkT.~-O3 lof1.. ' R' ',',!T""'" ø~,,' C' ~",'~>',e,: E" ',' 1f[J"'" , , ","" I< fu~:': "r', , íi '-' ~ ¡¡.".,. '""'" ._'~" "',' "0 ¡- U:i I ' February 7, 2003 í""ITY OF PjCKEFiH\!G ~'" . -," T"&~'!"'~'CC"""I" MUNIGIPi\L\-,ROytR, y 'ti\i\:J¡¡,.Llill.\) City of Pickering, Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade PICKERING ON L 1V 6K7 Attention: Mr. C. Stephen Brake , Supervisor, Traffic Engineering and Waste Management , ' Dear r ~ RE: Sheppard Avenue and Rosebank Road, , 'Traffic ControrSiQnal On behalf of the City of Pickering, we have completed a review on the feasibility of installing a traffic control signal 'at the subject intersectiön ' and operating the system within acceptable design standards. The subject location is considered both a "long-offset" and a "far-right offset" intersection, as Rosebank Road is offset by 35 metres from the north approach and south approach as it intersects Sheppard Avenue. Long-offset intersections'requiredtwo independent sets of traffic control signals as the distance between the side roads exceeds 15 metres arid a maximum viewing distance of 55 metres can'not be qbtained from the primary signal head on the main-street and the painted stop bars. ' A "far-right offset" intersection is defined as an intersection where the intersecting road on the right of either main-street approach is farthest from the motorist. The "far-right offset" creates conflicts for motorists as to. whether or not to stop, when turning left from the side road when confronted with a red signal indication on the main street. This, configuration further complicates the operation because the distance between each side road is of insufficient length to accommodate storage vehicles trapped by the red signal indications. ...2 (j !()O';¡ Post Consumer ATTACHMENT~ I TOREPORT#OES ll-O 3 . 1--of21 ,017 - 2- Based on the physical, c()nstraints, we cannot recommend signalization of.this intersection without realignmE3nt of Rose bank RoaçL Two independent traffic control signals cannot be operated safely within the short spatial distance ofthe two intersecting si~e roads. ' , . I trust that the aforementioned will be of assistance to you and please call should, you requir~ further information. " ' Yours truly, , , ß" .."'.....".." 'BOb;~~' "."" 'Manager, Traffic Engineering & Operations' . Transportation and Field Services Branch Ips. cc: C. Curtis, Director, Transportation and Field Services J:Walker, Coordinator, TrafficSignals '. . . G. Borchuk, Project Manager, Traffic Engineering and Operations . . ATTACHMENT# ~ J TO REPORT# 055 I J-o3 , r----~~~- I _. ------- OPERA nONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPER1Y & ENGINEERING DIVISION 1:750 DATE MAR 27/2003 OPTION #1 FULL RE-ALIGNMENT AND SIGNALIZATION SCALE. L:\mpande\cad wark\drawings\2003\sheppard avenue - traffic circls\Shsppard - Traffic Circls.dwg TO REPORT# 0 es 11""3 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ G19 ,-__' \ -- \ ------- .\-/-- - \ \ ", ~Q Sr\~?? ~ I ) I ..- -- ..- ..- L-"- ..-..-..-"- (..-"-- ..-..-..-"- I -..- ..-..--..-"- OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPER1Y & ENGINEERING DIVISION SCALE. 1:650 OPTION #2 MINOR RE-ALIGNMENT AND SIGNALIZATION ~'O~.. I I . I I t.:\mpande\cad wari<\drawings\2003\sheppard avenue - traffic circle\Sheppard - Traffic Circle.dwg DATE MAR 27/2003 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# oes II-ò 3 r'r) ! I -: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , \ --------- \ -- _\------- \ \ ", ~~ü 5\"\~~~ I ) I --------- L---- ---------------- ---------- OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION 1:750 MAR 27/2003 OPTION #3 ALTERNATIVE DESIGN (TRAFFIC CIRCLE) SCALE, DATE, L:\MP&E:\ THEMATIC MAPPING\MAPS\STREU BASE\OE&S DIRECTOR\ATTACHMENT FOR REPORT\