HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 5112/97REPEALED BY ....... REPEALS . . AMENDED BY AMENDS DISPOSITION THE CORPORATION OF THIE TOWN ¢)b' Pl_C~ ii BY-LAW NO. 5112/97 Being a by-lu~, to appoint Thomtts d. Quinn ~.s' ttn ,4cling Clertc crud in his absence Penny L. t&~¥ger as an Acting {'lerk and to appoint an ,4cling General Manager. WHEREAS pursuant section 73(3) of tile Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990. chapter M.45, as mnended, when the office of the clerk is vacant or the clerk is unable to carry out his or her duties through illness or otherwise, the Council may appoint an acting clerk who shall have all the powers mad dudes of the clerk under this ,and ever:,' other Acl; AND WHEREAS pursuant to thc provisions of section 207.45 of the Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1990, chapter M45, the Council of The Corporation of thc Town of Pickering may pass by-laws lbr appointing such officers and employees as may Ix, necessary fi~r thc purposes of the Corporation; NOW TItERI~I:ORI~. tile ('ouncil of thc (',~rporation of the Town of Pickcring I IF. REBY ENACTS AS FOI,I,OWS: !. Thomas J. Quinn is hereby appointed as an Acting Clerk. 2. in thc event that Thomas J. Quinn is unable to carry out his duties as all Acting Clerk through illness or othcr~,vi~,, F'cnn)' I~. Wy'get is hereby appointed to act as the alternate Acting Clerk. 3. in thc event that thc ()fficc of thc General Manager is vacant or the (icneral Manager is unable to carry out his d~tics through illness or othcrvs'ise, l'enny L. Wygcr is hereby appointed as an Acting (icncral Manager, v, ho shall have all of thc powers and duties of the General Manager pursuant to By-l.avs 4950/97. 4. By-Law 4829/96 is hereby repealed. BY-I..AV/read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 15thday of September. 1997. Wayne A~or dce Taylor, Clerk