HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 5090/97REPEALED BY ,~ REPEALS AMENDED BY ~ ~ ~ AMENDS DISPOSITION THE cORPORATI0~_0F THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY'LAW NO, 509_0_/97 B,;ing a by-law to amend By-law 3261/80 temporarily clostng roads for recreational purposes (Concession Road #3), WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the predecessor of section 207.44 of the Municipal Act, R,S,O, 1990, chapter M.45, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Picketing enacted By-law 3261/89, providing for the temporary closing of roads under the jurisdiction of thc Town for recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, on July 22, 1997, Council enacted By-luw 5064/97 amending By-law 3261/89, authorizing the temporary closure of that portion of Concession Road #3 on July 30th and 31st, 1997; and WHEREAS it is desirable to amend By-law 3261/89 in order to provide an extention to that closure of a portion of Concession Road #3 from 7:00 a.m. to I1:00 p.m., Monday, August il, 1997 to Friday Augus~ 29, 1997, to complete the filming ora segment ora Movie called "The Big Hit"; and NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering ItEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Schedule A to By-law 3261/89 is hereby amended by adding thereto Item 11 set out in Schedule I to this by-law. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 3th day of August.. 1997. Wayne REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM; {k, nny L. Wy~ DATE: Au{us~ I, 1997 Town 8oltot~r REPORT NUMBER: L 136/97 - T_~.~ Closinas for ~ Purposes - Con~:~sion Road #3 - File W2~03 (2) ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION: The enactment of a by.law to amm~ By-law 3261/89 to provide for the temporary closing for recroational purposes of that part of Concession Road #3 from Brock Koad to Valley Farm Road ftxnn 7:00 am to ! 1:00 pm, M;~nday, August i 1, 1997 and Friday, August 29, 1997. ORIGIN: 1. R~quest from Grand Slam Produc:inns Inc. dated August l. 1997. 2. Approval from Director of Public Works ~__t_-'d August 1, 1997. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, section 207.44. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Revenue to Public Works Department for extension Undetermined There are no direct £maucial costs to the Town associated with the passage of {his by-law or with the implementation of it; however its existence, in conjunction with the erection and maintenance of the approl~iale signs, protects the Town from liability for damages sustained by any person using the temporarily closed road, BACKGROUND: It has been requested by Grnnd Slam Productions that the Town extend the closing of that part of Concession Road #3 from Brock Road to Valley Farm Road to complete the filming of a se~nent of a Movie called "The Big Hit". The orginal closing was approved at the July 22, 1997 Council Meeting by By-law 5064/97. ~uid, be holed that olosjn8 siens will be ~ed only durtn~ the lime of filming and only during the period oftime thai sueh sisns are erec4ed will die by-lsw imp°se a penalty upon any perKm oonvioted of uming the ro~ in OOmrmvontion of tho~ Tim Town may ~lose the rosd for this purpose by enactin8 an amendment to By.inw 3261/89 in tho form attaobed before. A'i~ACHMENT~_: !, Draft By-law. 2. Looation Map. 3. Copy of By-law 3261/89, without ,,ttachn~nt. DB:lira Attachments Copy: General Manager Director of .Public Works Fire Chief * SCHEDULE ! TO BY-LAW /97 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSINGS FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES ~ '~' :i~ :,* COLUMN I COLUMN II COLUMN iii COLUMN N COLUMN¥ ',=, ~ i, ~ OF HIQHWAY UMrl~ OF CLOSURE .OUR~ OF CLOSURE DAY~ OF CLOSURE PERIOD OR IRJRIS~BE~ !1 C. oagessioa Road #3 from Brock Road to Valley Farm Road ?:00 n.m. m 11:00 p.m. Monday August I1, 1997 to to complete thc filming segment efamoviecM~l~/he Big~lif' 1997 ,*, . , ~ rrmay,~u~,ust,=~,, SUBJECT AREA CONCESSION ROAD UNDERHILL ~ BAGGINS BEARE ~ or PiC~(£alNC TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE ; ~ o. ~ THIRD CO~CE88ION - VALLEY FA~M RD TO BROCK RD ~ B~inll it byda~v for closing tempor~Jy lo all Itlff'~c for ; conSU~tion purposes portions of highways under the To~'s Jurisdiction. WHEREAS, pu~sutml lo the provisions of section 208.43 of the Municipal Acl. RS.O, 1980, chapter 302, by-Laws ma)' L~ p~s.,.~ by the council of a munlcipali~y for closing temporM~l¥ ~y highway or ~or!ion of e highwa), uAdeJ thc jurisdiction of the munJcipalit)' fo; &n). period du~ng the construction, repairing or improvement of such hishway or portion thereof'or of aA)' works u~der, over, along, across or upon such highway or portion thereof'; NOW TH£R~FOP~, thc. Council of thc Corporation of the Town of Hckcrlng HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Those highways or portions of highways set oul in Column ! of Schedule A attached hcrclo sh~ll be lempor~ly closed lo uaffic be~,,*ccn those limits scl oul in Co,~unm il therein, during those horns set oul in Column Iil therein, on those days set oul in Column IV therein, for the period of llme sol oul in Colunm V lherein. 2. ~,q~ilc a highway or portion thereof is closed lo baffle pursuanl Io scclion !, above, therc sha]l I~ crcclod al tach end of such highway or portion Ihoreof, and where an ahcrnafivc route deviates therefiom, a barricade upon which an adequate s'aming device shall be exposed and in good working ordc~ cominuously fiom sunset until sunAse and al such points there shaii be ¢~ecled a detom' sign Indicating iht ahernalive route and con~inlng a notice that the highway is closed to Iraf~c, 3. Every person s~ho uses a highga)' or portion of a hJghwa)' xxhilc il is closed lo traffic pmsuanl lo lhls by-law does so al his own risk and the Town is nol liable for an)' damages suslained by a person using the highway o~ portion lhtreof so closed Io I~affic. 4. Every person who ~i~houl lav, ful authority uses a highway or f,orlion thereof closed to traffic pursuant Io this by-law and while it is p~olecled in accordance with this by-law, or xYho removes or defaces an), barricade, device, detom sign or notice placed thereon by lav, ful authori~,, is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable ~o a penalty of nol more than $50.00 and is also liable to the Tog~ for any damage or injury occasioned by such vnongful use, removal or defacement. 4. This by-law shall nol operate Io close ~empo~arily for a specified period of lime in excess of seventy-two hours, any hlghwa)' or portion Ihe~eof Ihal enlers upon or inlersects the King's Highway w~lhoul the consent of the Minlsler of T~ansporlation and Conununicalions, pmsuant lo seclion 24 of iht Public Transporlallon and Itighway Improvemenl Acl, R.$.O. 1980, chapte~ 42 !, and the registration of the by-law in the Land Reglsuy Office. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th day of October, 1982. "~John E. Anderson". Mayor (Signed).