HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 5068/97REPEALED BY , REPEALS . . AMENDED BY ~ AMENDS DISPOSITION HI£ £'ORPOR6'!]ON OF THE TOWN OF PICKER!N0 Being a by-law ua authorize a conveyance of lands heiag Paris I and~, ~ PI~ 40R-17687 to ..... ~ M~ici~ily of M~lro~iilan loron~ ~d ~ grant ~ carmel in l~vour of the Muflici~lily of M~ro~li~ l'oronlo, over l~ds ~ing P~s 2 ~d 5. Plan 40f 17~. Pickering. WtlEREAS, The Corporation of the Town of Picketing desires to convey certain lands to the Municipality of Metropt~litan Toronto; WIIEREAS, The Corporation of thc To,.MI of PickerJn;$ also desire:; to grant an easement over certain lands in lhvour ol' the Municipalil}' of Metropolilan 'l'on)nlo; NOW TiIERt.~FORI.:, thc ('ouncil of thc Corporation of thc 'l*o~n of I%kering Ill,RI{BY ENACTS AS F'OI,LOWS: I. Thc Cor~ralion of thc '['u~n of Picketing is hereby authorized lo convey thc hinds descried as Pa~s I and 2, Plan 40R-17fi87 lo thc Municipalil)of Metro~ditan 'l'oamto. Ibr nominal consideration, in accordaace ~ith thc Agreement dated April 4, 1996. made ~t~'een The ('o~orali~l of file 'l'o~n of Picketing and file Province of ontario zmd the Municipalily of Metropolitan Toronto; 2. The Cor~rati~m of thc Town of I'ickerin~ is hcrcb3 authorized lo grant an easement, prepared in a lbrm acceplable lo the 'lo~vn's golicilor, made inlhvour of the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto over thc lands dcsignalcd as Palls 2 and 5, Plan 40R-17688, Picketing, lbr monitoring and access put,scs; 3. The Co~oration of thc Toxvn of Picketing hereby consents to thc acquisition by the Municipalil3 of Metropolit~ Toronto of an c~sement over the Miller Paving pro~y (the pa~iculars of which are set out in Metro dra~'ing number BI670-1 II and Clause No. 43 of Management Commiltee Re~rt No. 28, adopted by Metro Council on October 12, lq94), to conduct any required monitoring; 4. The Mayor and thc Clerk are hereby authorized to execute all documentation necessary to give effect to the albrementioned matters. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of August, 1907. Wayne Anhurs, Mayor rucc l aylor Clerk