HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 5018/97BY-LAW REPEALED BY REPEALS . AMENDED BY AMENDS DISPOSITION THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF pICKERING BY-LAW NO. 5018/97 Being a by.law to amend By. law 1562/82 temporarily closing roads for construction purposes (Parkham Crescent, Moretta Avenue, ~41derwood Place, Hanworth Court, Breda ~4venue, Franklin Street, 'Claremont, and Glendale Drive.) WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the predecessor of section 297 (c) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Picketing enacted By-law 1562/82, providing for the temporary closing of roads under the jurisdiction of the Town for construction purposes; AND WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend that By-law in certain respects; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Picketing HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule A to By-law 1562/82 is hereby runended by adding thereto Items 211 to 217, set out in Schedule I to this by-law. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 20th day of May, 1997. Wayne ~rs, Mayor SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW soz~ 197 TEMPOI~RY ROAD CLOSINGS FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES i~!:!~ ~ ':G,'~UMN;~i: ~ ' COLuMN:II COLUMN III COLUMN IV COLUMNi~f ~i i';'~ 71 :~ :' ~!i:OF,~HIGHWAY UMrl'8 OF CLOSURE HOURS OF CLOSURE DAYS OF CLOSURE pERIODoF _~_r~a___:qa~_ :i ::,,-, 21 l. Parkham Crescent Colmar Avenue to Sandy Beach Road 24 hours per day Monday through Sunday, July 1, 1997 to September 15. 1997 both inclusive 212. Mu~ila Avenue east leg of Sanok Drive to the west Icg of Sanok 24 hours per day Monday through Sunday, July 1, 1997 to September 15, 1997 Drive both inclusive 213. Aldgrwood Place Colmar Avenue to thc southern terminus 2'~'hours per day Monday through Sunday, July l, ] 997 to September 15, t997 both inclusive 214. Hanwmth C~urt Breda Avenue to the northern terminus 1~24 hours per day Monday through Sunday, July 1, 1997 to September 15, 1997 both inclusive 215. Breda Avenue east leg of Sanok Drive to west leg of San°k D~ve 24 hours per day Monday through Sunday, July 1, 1997 to September 15, 1997 both inclusive 216. Franklin Sweet, Claremont Central Street the the north terminus 24 hours per day Monday through Sunday, June 1, 1997 to July 31, 1997 i both inclusive 217. Glendale Drive Glenanna Road to Finch Avenue 2,1 hours per day Monday through Sunday, June 1, 1997 to August 31, 1997 both inclusive Temporary Closure for Construction - Parkham Crescent PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ILONA I COMMERCE ] STREET PARKHAN ANN LA STREET ,_) ~ CON$'rRucTION ~ KINSMEN ST~SE'r LOCATION MAP ?EMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE: Parkham Crescent - from Sandy Beach Road to Colmar Avenue. Road closed from July 1, 1997 to September 15, 1997. ~.ONSTRUCTION DURATION: Approximately 12 weeks. 2ONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Storm Sewer Repairs · on Parkham Crescent from Sandy Be~ :h Road to 30m south of Colmar Avenue Road Widening (asphalt and curb/gutter) · on Parkham Crescent from Sandy Beach Road to 30m south of Colmar Avenue Complete Landscape Restoration (grading and sodding where required) · to all areas affected For any information regarding the temporary road closing, please contact Darrell Seisky of the Public Works Department (905-420-4630 F~t. 2149) The Town of Pickertng azads -~'emporaz~ Closir~ for C~r~on ~ SER~C~ DEP~TMENT . File~ m303 (1) Temporary Closure for ConstruCtion - Sg~retta Avenue PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT L(~CATION MAP 'EMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE: Moretta Avenue - from Sanok Drive to Sanok Drive Road closed from July 1, 1997 to September 15, 1997. ',ONSTRUCTION DURATION: Approximately 12 weeks. IONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Storm Sewer Repairs · on Moretta Avenue between Sanok Drive and Sanok Drive Road Improvements (asphalt and curb/gutter) · on Moretta Avenue between Sanok Drive and Sanok Drive Complete Landscape Restoration (grading and sodding where required) · to all areas affected For any information regarding the temporary road closing, please contact Darrell Seisky _ of the ~.ublic ~r'orlts Department (905,420,4630 Ext...21¢9) The Town of Pickering maas T~m~orary Closin~ for ~onstru~on ~-~es LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT . ~ile: W2303 Temporary Closure for Construction - Alderwood Place PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CRT \--)' g __FOXSLOVE I Iw BALATON COMMERCE ~~ I~ I LCOLMARt STaEE- ~ / ~q Cr ROAD CLOSURE~ AREA ~ LOCATION MAP Alde~ood Place - from Colm~ Avenue to the Terminus. Road closed from July 1, 1997 to September 15, 1997. ~ONSTRUCTION D~TION: Approximately 12 wee~. ~ONSTRUCTION ~CL~ES: Storm Sewer Repairs · on AIde~ood Place be~een Colm~ Avenue ~d the Terminus Road Widening (asphalt and curb/~er) · on Alde~ood Place be~een Colmar Avenue and the Te~inus Complete L~dscape Restoration (grading and sodding where required) · to all ar~ affected The Town of Plcker!nlg ~ SERVICES DEPARTMENT - ~ile= ~r2303(i) .-,ttacnmvn[ for Dy*cnw ~ Temporary Closure for Construction Hanworth Court PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP EMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE: Hanworth Court - from Breda Avenue to the Terminus. Road closed from July 1, 1997 to September 15, 1997. ~ONSTRUCTION DURATION: Approximately 12 weeks. ;ONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Storm Sewer Repairs · Hanworth Court - between Breda Avenue and the Terminus Road Improvements (asphalt and curb/gutter) · Hanworth Court - between Breda Avenue and the Terminus Complete Landscape Restoration (grading and sodding where required) ° to all areas affected L For any Information regarding the temporary road closi.g, please co. tact Darrell Selsky The Town of Picketing J '~ - Temporary Closing for Construction Purpos~ LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT -File: W2303(1) AuaCnm~nt r or oy-~aw ~, ~o,u°z Temporary Closure for Construction - Breda Avenue PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP ,EMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE: Breda Avenue - from Sanok Drive to Sanok Drive. Road closed from July i, 1997 to Seplember 15. 1997.  ONSTRUCTION DURATION: Approximately 12 weeks. '.ONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Storm Sewer Repairs · Breda Aveune - between Sanok Drive and Sanok Drive Road Improvements (asphalt and curb/gutter) · Breda Aveunc - between Sanok Drive and Sanok Drive Complete Landscape Restoration (grading and sodding where required) · to all areas affected For any information regarding the temporary road closing, please contact Darrell Selsky The TOwn of Pickering noada T{l~go~ Closing for O~stru~tion LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT - File: W2303(1) :::: TemPOrary ClOSure for Con--etlon -Franklin Street PUBLIC WOR~S DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP Franklin Street - from Central Street, north to Terminus. Road closed from June I, 1997 to July 3 I, 1997. DURATION: Approximately 5 weeks. INCLUDES: Storm Sewer Installation · Franklin Street - from Central Street, north to Joseph Street Road Reconstruction · Franklin Street - from Central Street, north to Joseph Street Complete Landscape Restoration (grading and sodding where required) · to all areas affected P~LIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION HAP RE: GleMale Drive - from Glenarma Drive, to Finch Avenue. Road closed from June 1, 1997 to August 31, 1997. 2ONSTRUCTION DURATION: Approximately 13 weeks, 2ONSTRUCT1ON INCLUDES: Water Main Replacement · on Glendale Drive between the north end of Glendale Park and Finch Avenue Storm Sewer Installation · on Glendale Drive between the north end of Glendale Park and Finch Avenue Road Widening (asphalt and curb/gutter) · on Glendale Drive between the north end of Glendale Park and Finch Avenue Sidewalk Installation (concrete) · on Glendale Drive (on the east side), between the south end of Glendale Park and Finch Avenue Complete Landscape Restoration (grading and sodding where required) · to all areas affected Work to be coordinated and cost-shared with the Region. . F~.m~ W2303(1) Being a by.law for closing temporarily to all ~'affic for consm~on pu.,pom portions of hi~wa~ ~ ~ To~'sj~icflon. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of section 208,43 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, chapter 302, by-laws may be passed by the council of a municipality for closing temporarily any highway or portion of a highway under the jurisdiction of the municipality for any Period during thc construction, repairing or improvement of such highway or portion thereof or of any works under, over, along, across or upon such highway or portion NOW THEREFORE, the Council of' the Corporation FOLLOWS: 1, Those highways or portions of'highways set out in Colurrm 1 of Schedule A a~ched hereto shall be temporarily closed to traffic between those limits set out in Colunm I1 therein, during thom hours set out in Column III therein, on those days set out in Column IV therein, for the Period of time set out in Column V therein. 2. While a highway or portion thereof is closed to traffic pursuant it. section I, above, there shall be erected at each end of such highway or portion thereof', and wh, :e an alternative route deviates therefrom, a barricade upon which an adequate warning device shall be exposed end in good working order continuously from sunset until sunrise end at such points there shall be erected a deto~ sign indicating the alternative mute end containing a notice that thc highway is closed to traffic. 3. Every person who uses a highway or portion of a highway while it is closed to traffic pursuant to this by-law docs so at his own risk and the Town is not liable for any damages sustained by a person using thc highway or portion thereof so closed to traffic. 4. Every person who ~'ithou! lawful authority uses a highway or portion thereof closed to traffic pursuant to this by-law end while it is protected in accordance with this by-law, or who removes or defaces any barricade, device, detour sign or notice placed thereon by lawful authority, is guilty of. an offence end on conviction is liable to a Penalty of not more than $50.00 end is also liable to thc Town for any damage or injury occasioned by such ~Tongful use, removal or defacement. 4. This by-law shall not operate to close temporarily for a specified perioo of time in excess of seventy-two hours, any highway or portion thereof that enters upon or intersects the King's Highway without the consent section 24 of' the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1980, chapter 42 I, and the registration of the by-law in the Land Registry Office. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th day of October, 1982. "John E. Anderson". Mayor "Bruce Taylnr". Town Clerk (Sianed~