HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3800/91THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER 3800/91 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Picketing and Canadian Union of Public Employees Local Number 129 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 45 of section 208 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 302, as amended, the council of any municipality may pass by-laws for inter alia, fixing the remuneration of and prescribing the duties of its servants; AND WHEREAS, the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and the C.U.P.E. Local Number 129 have agreed upon certain terms and conditions respecting the remuneration of the duties of the Town's servants; NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement in the form attached hereto as Schedule 'A' between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and C.U.P.E. Local Number 129 respecting the remuneration of and prescribing the duties of the Town's servants from and after March l, 1991. BY-LAW READ a first, day of August, 1991. second and third time and finally passed this 7~ Wayne Artht]rs, ~ayor RE TI~EER: OF THE FIRST PART, CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC FNPLOYEES, LOCAL #0. 1~9 hereinafter referred tn Il the "Union" OF THE SECOND PART. ARTICLE 1 PURPOSE 1.1 The genera[ purpose of this Agreement is to establish end maintain collective bargaining relations between the Corporation end itl employees, end to provide machinery for the prompt and equitable disposition of Grievances, end to establish and maintain mutually satisfactory ~orking conditionl, hours arid ~ages for ILL emp(oyees who ere subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 2.1 ARTICLE 2 - SCOPE The Corporation recognizes the Union ss the sole bargaining agent for ail of its Inside il) Town Manager (b) Department Heeds (c) Deputy Department Heads id) Manager - Current Operations (Planning) Ce) Homager - PoLicy (PLanning) if) Manager - Human Resources (g) Personnel Officer ih) HeaLth & Safety Co-ordinator ii) Legal Services Co-ordinator (j) Works Supervisors (k) Operations Supervisor (L) Chief PLumbing Inspector (m) Chief BuiLding Inspector in) Manager of ]nformation Systems (o) Transit Supervisor (p) Service Superintendent iq) Economic OeYeLop~ent & Pro~otion Co-ordinator ir) Transit Inspectors Superintendent of FaciLities it) Superintendent of Construction & To~n Property (u) Superintendent of Parks iv) Superintendent of Nuseum Operations Program Superintendents ix) CompLex PLant Superintendent (y) Aquatic Co-ordinatOr (z) Administrative Superviso~ 2.2 (1) (2) for permanent work in · job described in Schedule A or B hereto, end whose duties are of a continuing nature necessary to the general operations of the Corporation, end whose employment has been approved by Council or the Town Nanager; (b) "temporary employee" means · person employed for full-time or part-time by the (1) for temporary work in a job described in Schedule A, B or C hereto, to replace · permanent employee or a special recreation emptoyee who is temporarity absent, or (2) for temporary work in a job described in Schedule A, S or C hereto, for a maximum of 120 catendar days (which maximum may be extended by mutual agreement), end (3) whose duties ere of a temporary nature necessary to the general operations of the Corporation, and (4) whose employment has been approved by Council or the Town #enager; it being understood that a temporary amp[nye, shall not be hired at the expense of · permanent employee being laid off; (c) "special recreation emptoyee" means a person employed part-time by the Corporation, (1) for tess than 24 hours per week in e job described in Schedule C hereto, or (2) students employed during the normal schoo[ vacation periods, end (3) whose employment has been approved by the Town Manager; id) "fuit-time" means required to work the normal uork day and the norms[ uork week for that classification on a regular basis; and (e) apart-time" means required to work less than the normal work day or the normal work week for that classification on a regular basis. 2.3 3.1 4.1 5.1 5.2 Un[ese otherwise stated herein, this Agreement applies to permanent employees, temporary employees and special recreation employees, as defined in Article 2.2(a), (b) end ARTICLE 3 - #0 DISCRI#I#ATIOR There shall be no discrimination, interference, restriction or coercion exercised or practLced with respect to any employee by reason of age, race, creed, co[our, national origin, political or retigious affiliation, sex, nor by reason of membership or activity in the Union. ARTICLE 4 - #0 STRIEES OR LOCK-OUTS So long as this Agreement continues to operate, there shell be no strikes or Lock-outs es those terms are defined in the Labour Relations Act. ARTICLE 5 - CORPORATIONJS RIGHTS The Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Corporation to hire, promote, demote, transfer and suspend employees, end also the right of the Corporation to discipline or discharge any employee for cause, provided that · cLell by an employee, who has acquired seniority, has been discharged or disciplined without reasonable cause, may be the subject of a grievance end dealt with es hereinafter provided. The Union further recognizes the right of the Corporation to operate end manage its business in all respects in accordance with its commitments and responslblittlee. The right to decide on the number of employees needed by the corporation at any time, the right to use methods, machinery and equipment end jurisdiction over ell operations, buildings, machinery, tools and emptoyeee are solely and exclusively the responsibility of the Corporation. - 2 - 5.4 &.~ 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.4 8.1 The Corporation also has the right and the Union recognizes it to make end miter from time general rules and regulations shall be posted on the bulletin board and shall not be inconsistent with any of the provision· of this Agreement having particular regard for the provisions of Article 1Z - Seniority, as contained herein. Wherever possible, the Union shall be given five day's prior notice of such changes. The Corporation shell not exercise these rights in · manner inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE 6 - UNI011 SECURITY The Corporation recogni2es the Union me the exclusive collective bgrgaining agent for the said employees. Ail emp[oyees eligible to be in the Union will be required to pay to the Union an 8mount equal to the current monthly Union dues, whether I ~)er or non-me.r, so long as the Union is the recognized bargaining trent. The Corporation shall deduct from the wagea of each employee, · gum equal to the Union's current monthly dues and remit monies so deducted to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union, accompanied by · List of names showing those from whom deductions were mede; the Union shall keep the Corporation informed in writing as to the names end addresses of the proper officers. ARTICLE ? - GgIEVAHC~S Complaints and grievances of employees arising out of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be dealt with in the following manner. PRELIMINARY STEP The complaint or grievance ghlLL be filed with the Town Nanager STEP The employee, assisted by s representative of the Union, she[( first take the matter up with the employee's Department Head within the first two working days following the filing of the comp[mint or grievance with the Town Manager. Failing settlement it thig ataRI, the employee may proceed to Step 2. STEP 2 The employee, assisted by a representative of the Union, till the matter up with the Town Manager Within the first leVmn working dmyl following the filing of the co~Lmint or grievance. Failing settlement at this ·tags, the employee may proceed to Step 3o STEP 3 The employee, assisted by a representative of the Union, may take the matter up with the Council of the Corporation, or any Comittee thereof having jurisdiction, within the firmt twelve working days following the filing of the complaint or grievance. Failing aettie~nt It this atage, the employee mey proceed to arbitration. STEP & - ARBITRATIQ# The Union I~y, on behalf of the employee, ref·r the ~tter to arbitration provided it deal go within ten working daya after the data u~ which the C~nci[ or C~tttee rendered itl decillon in Step. 3. Any decision given et any Step in the grievance procedure m~at be given in writing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Partier may, by mutual agreement in writing, extend the time Limits provided herein. This Article applies only to permanent employees end special recreation employees. ~RTtCLE $ - ARBITRATION Where · difference arises between the Parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, Jnc[~ing any question em to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where mn allegation is made that thig Agreement has been violated, either of the Parties may, after duly exhausting the grievance procedure established by this Agreement, notify the other Party In writing of its desire to submit the difference or allegation to arbitration en~ the notice shall contain th· name of the first Party'· appointee to an Arbitration Board. The recipient of the notice shell, within five daya, inform the other Party of the name of Itl appointee to the Arbitration Board. 1he two appointees so selected shall proceed to appoint a third person uho ·hail be the Chairman. If the recipient of the notice fall· to appoint mn arbitrator, or if the two appointees fail to agree upon a Chairman within fifteen dmyg, the appofnt~nt Ihali be made by the Ontario Labour Management Arbitration Comisgton upon the request of either Party. The -3- 8.2 9.1 9.3 10.1 11.1 11,2 11.3 11 .~ 11.5 This Article applies only to permanent employees and special recreation employees. ARTICLE 9 - Ln the event that en employee, other than an employee serving a probationary period, is discharged or disciplined and the employee considers that sn injustice has been done, the employee may file a grievance pursuant to the provisions of ArticLe Z.1 and such grievance shell be proceeded with accordingly, except that Btep 1 shall be omitted sad the employee shaLL have the right to proceed directly from the Preliminary Step to Step 2. (i) confirming the Corporatton/a action, or (ii) reinstating the employee with or without compensation for wages lost (except for the amount of shy remuneration the employee ham received elsewhere pending the disposition of this case), or (iii) disposing of the grievance in any other manner ~hich may be just a~ equitable in the opinion of the Board. Where an employee has received no discipline for · period of two ye·rs, any disciplinary notation older than two ye·rs which is not related to a suspension shall, if the employee so requests, be removed from th· empioyee,s file. This clause does not affect final warnings or warnings which accompany suspensions. This ArticLe apprise only to permanent employees. ARTICLE 10 - gA#AGE#ERT AND UNION GRIeVANCeS The Corporation or the Union may bring forward at any meeting with the Labeur/Nsnagement Committee caLLed by the Corporation or the Union on not Less than two day's noticed any compLeint or grievance, and that if such complaint or grievance il not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring Parties, it may be referred to arbitration es set out in Article 8. ARTICLE 11 - U#IOM COI~ITTEES & STEMARD$ The Corporation acknowledges the right of the Union to appoint or otherwise se ecl Committees end St·wards. The Union shell advise the Corporation of the names of the employees appointed to those Committees or selected as Steuards. The number of Stewards fro~ s department or facility shaLL be by mutual agreement. The Union acknowledges that employees appointed to Committees or as Stewards wilt continue to perform their regular duties on behalf of the Corporation and that such per·one ~itt not Leave their duties without first obtaining the permission of their supervisor er respective Department #mad, and upon the completion of Union duties shall report back to their supervisor or respective Department Need, or to shy job to which they have previously been directed, and give Shy reasonable explanation which may be requested with respect to their absence. It ia understood that such permission shirt not be unreasonably withheld. Job EvaLuation Committee, the Nee[th and Safety Committee, the Lebour-Nsnagement Commlttss representatives on grievance or disciplinary matters wfii be compensated by the Corporation to the extent of their regular pay for such time spent in dealing frith any matter arising out of this Agreement, provided the matter cannot be dealt with outside of regular working 11.6 11.Z This Article applies only to psrm·nent employees. 12.1 (si 12.3 1Z.6 ARTICLE 12 - SENIORITY (bi Promotions, lay-offs, re-cstts and trsnsfers witt be based upon the length of servics of an e~)Loyea in either the Inaid~ Unit or the Outside Unit, provided th·t the employee with the greatest Length of service in htl Unit has the quaLifications to perform the requirements of the job. Lc) Subsection (bi shsll not apply to lay-offs and transfers resulting from or necessitated by: an employee's Loss or suspension, by an agency other than the Corporation, of Say qusLificstfon or Licence that is required in the employee,s in the employee's classification or position] or (ii) the exercise by the Corporation of any Qf its rights under Article id) Notwithstanding the provisions of lc)ii) end lc)iii), In employee whose ability to perform duties as an employee ts adversely affected by S loss or suspension of · driver,s iicence shall be plsced in another position within the Corporation upon mutual agreement of the Psrties. The Corporation will maintain a seniority Lilt showing, with respect to each employee, the date of Lsst hiring and job cIsssific·tion. A seniority list wil{ be prepared and maintained in two lectJonl, one section with respect to employees in the Inside Unit and the other section with respect to employees in the Outside Unit. The seniority Lists will be prepared by the Corporation and I~$ted up on the 2nd day of January ·nd July of each year. Copies Of the sppiic·b[e sections of the ssniority list will be posted up in the Unit to which they ri[itl. (b) The Corporation will issue · seniority list for fuLl-time end part-time Transit and HandJ-Trans Operators one week before each three-month sign-up of transit routes. The Corporation wiLL supply the Union with a copy of each seniority List and will supply extra copies to officers of the Union on request, to the extent that extra copJal may be SVatLable free time to time. An employee shsLl continue to acquire seniority tf absent from work for the fo[Lowing reasons end for the periods of time shown: ia) Compensable Corporation erupt ny·ant. illness or accident for · period of one year, after which time the may review a particular casa to determine SUitsbilJty for further (bi Non-compenssb[e illness or accident which exists for the duration of one year or Leas. lc) Service in the active Armed Forces during a time of war SS declared by the Government of Canada, provided he returns to work immediitaly following discharge. Jury duty. Subject to the provisions of Article 17, ii) (if) leave of absence with pay; any other special cssa approved by the Town Mansger. - $ o 12.? 12.8 12.9 12.10 Uhen. new e.~ioyee is hired, the employee shell be on probation for s p~riod of 90 days, An employee retained in · position past the 90 day probationary period IhlLt bi deemed to have acquired seniority and the emp[oyee;I name shall be placed on the leniorlty tilt, credited with seniority from the date of Last hiring, ill in accordance with Artictae 12.1 and 12.Z. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 12.8, I specie[ recreation employee shat[ be on probation for s period of 312 hours. This Article applies only to permanent employees and specie[ recreation employees; its app[icstfon to a part-time permanent employee and · specie[ recreation employee shell be on · pro-rata basis consistent with the to[at number of hours worked annually Cexctuding over-time) by the part-time permanent employee and the spacill recrlltion employee coaLosred with the tote[ number of hours worked annually (excluding over-time) by i full-time permanent employee in that c[assificationo ARTICLE 13 - LOSS 0F SE#IORIT~ 13.1 Seniority rights and an employee's employment shall be terminated if: 14.1 14.3 14.5 15.1 15.2 (si the employee Leaves of own accord; (bi the employee is discharged, and such discharge is not reversed through the grievance or arbitration procedure; lc) ds e result of non-compensable i([ness or acc[dent, the employee Is unable to work and is eligible for Long Term Disability payments for · continuous period or more than 24 months; the employee is told off ar,x~ faits to return without justification within five working days after being notified to do so by the Corporation through registered mai[ addressed to the employee's Last addresl on record with the Corporation; Ce) the employee is [aid off and not fontal(ed for a continuous period of 24 calender months; or This Article applies on[y to permanent employees. ARTICLE !& ' ADEQUATE MOT~C~ OF L~Y-OFF Un(ese Legislation is more favourabte to the e~ptoyeas, the Corporation shill notify employees who are to be [aid off, ten calendar days prior to the effective date of Lay-off where possible. If the employee his not had the opportunit) to work the days ss provided in this Article, the employee shat[ be paid for the days for which work was not made available. An employee who has received notice of [ay-off may, up to five working days after the date of such notice, bump any other employee in the e~4~loyee's Unit w(th tess service, so tong as the bumping employee has the qualifications to perform the requirements of the bumped employee's job. An employee who has received notice of ~eing bumped by another employee may, up to five working days after the date of such notice, bump any other employee in the emp[oyee;s Unit, bumped emp[oyee;s job. New employees shall not be hired until employees uno have been [aid-off or bumped and who have the qualifications to perform the requirements of the job for which the new employee is to be hired have been recalled. Thta Article applies only to permanent employees. ARTICLE 15 - JOB POSTING When any of the occupational c[esafficatlona mentioned in Schedules A and g of thll Agreement become vacant, or any new positions of I permanent nature ira created, notice thereof shit( be posted up for I period of five working daye in ill departments in the Unit in which the vacancy or the new position occure. Any such notice shall contain the nature of the position, the qualifications required, the wage or salary rate and any other relevant information. An employee tn the unit for which the vacancy is posted who wishes to be considered to fi[[ 11, shat( subset written application to the official of the Corporation named In the notice within and not after five working days of the posting up of such notice, setting forth qua(alice[toni. 15.3 15.& 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.9 15.10 16.1 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 17.9 When two or more e~koLoyeea make application for any such posted vacancy, the provisions of Article 12.1 shall apply. If the Corporation selects en exlsttng employee for the position so posted, the employee shall be on probation tn the new position for a period of 90 days, and upon the coa~oLetion thereof shall be either, (J) reclassified in the new position; or (ii) returned to the previous position. If there ia no applicant or no successful applicant for the position aa posted fro~ the bargaining unit, the Corporation may fill such position from outside sources, provided they advise the Union of their intent to do aa. The Corporation will not advertise such position until applicants from the bargaining unit are advised of the Corporation's decision. Uhere new positions within the bargaining unit are created or current positions reclassified, the Corporation will advise the Union in advance of the nature of the position and the proposed wage or salary scale, commensurate with the required qualifications. Any employee who has become unable to handle customary work to advantage, suing to age or other infirmity, shall be given preference for any available work within the employee's capabilities, at not Less than the basic rate of pay for that classification to which the employee has been transferred, providing he does not replace another employee. hirings, Lay-offs, re hirings and terminations in the bargaining unit are to be considered by the Town #anager and shall have an opportunity to make representations thereto. Under this Article, all correspondence shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Union. This Article applies only to permanent employees. ARTICLE 16 - TRANSFERS TO SUPERVISORY POSITION~ If an employee La promoted or transferred to i supervisory position which ia not subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the employee shall retain previous seniority and continue to accrue seniority for a further period of one year. If the employee is transferred back within such period to a position subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the employee shall carry accumulated seniority. ARTICLE 17 - LEAVE OF ABSERCE The Corporation may grant Leave of absence without pay to any employee requesting such Leave for good and sufficient cause. A Department Head may grant leave of absence with pay to an employee upon any special grounds and the period of any such Leave of absence shall be charged against the employee's Sick Leave credits. ALL such requests shall be communicated to the Town Nenager. The Corporation may grant Leave of absence for a maximum of one year to any two employees who request such a Leave by reason of their election or appointment aa Officers of the Union, without pay and without Loss of seniority or occupational classification, save as hereinafter set out. Such Leave will be extended for one year if requested by the employee. Leave of absence, without pay or Loss of seniority, for attendance at Union conventions, will be granted to not more than four employees for a period not to exceed thirty days in any one year. Where possible, all requests for Leave of absence Shall be in writing and shall be submitted at [east tug ~eeks in advance of the proposed day for the coauaencement of the Leave. An employee may only accumulate seniority during the first three months of i Leave of absence granted under any paragraph of this Article. Uhen an employee ia summoned for jury duty or subpoenaed aa a court witness, the employee shell not suffer any Loss of salary or ~agee while aa serving, provided that the Corporation shall be obliged to pay only the difference betwean such employee's compensation os a juror or witness fee and conduct money aa I witness and th salary or wages which would otherwise hove been earned hod the employee worked the regular working day involved. Naternlty Leave will be granted in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. Parts 2 to 8, both inclusive, of this Article apply only to permanent employees. - 7- 18.1 18.2 18.$ 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 ARTICLE 18 - OUTSIDE UNIT - TOOLS. E~UTp#~#T ~ CLOTHING When it is necessary for employees in the Outside Unit to work in an emergency during inclement weather, the Corporation wiLL provide rubber costs, hats end boots or such other clothing as is necessary to keep the employees warm and dry. The Corporation wit[ provide employees in the outside Unit with such tools and equipment as are necessary to carry out the work of the Corporation. Such tools, equipment and crashing ·re the property of the Corporation and ·re not to be removed from the Corporation's property without permission from the emptoyee's supervisor outside the bargaining unit. The Corporation shaLL pay in each contract year the fuLL coat of the foLLowing clothing for sL[ employees in the Outside Unit not presently supplied with uniforms; such clothing to be ava·tabLe by ~ay $1st of each year: two pair cover·Lis two pair trousers two shirts one ~inter jacket to a value of $47.15 (1991) and $49.00 (1992) if deemed necessary by the employee's leper[meat Need, to be alternated with · spring jacket every other year for ScheduLe A employees working et the Picketing Recreation Comp[ex and Oon Seer Arena; The Corporation shaLL pay the fuLL cant of the farrowing trothing for furL-time by Nay 31st of each year: One tunic Two pairs of pan[a, skirts or culottes et the e~pioyees option. Two uniform shirts with tong sleeves. Two uniform shirts with short sLeevss. Cji) One winter jacket every three ye·re for Hendi-Trsna Operstors. The Corporation shaLL reimburse each employee required by Law to wear safety boots in the performance of the employee's duties for The cost of one pair of such boots psr year provided that: (1) the boots ·re approved by the Corporation for use as safety boots; (2) the employee subalts S receipt for the purchsse of the boots; end (3) the ·mount to be rete/oursed to the e~loyee by the Corl~rntto~ shell not exceed $~.50 (1991) and S76.00 (1992). 1he Corporation shall provide · $300.00 per nnnua tool allowance for alt licensed mechanics classified 8s such under this Agreement. The Corporation shaLL supply the necessary tools to perform the responsibilities of the VehicLe Serviceman. Such toots shat[ remain the property of the Corporation. Parts 4 to 8, both inclusive, of this Ar[toLe apply only to futL-tl~e permanent amp[lyres, excluding those employees classified er, Cs) CLerk-Typist-Recreation CompLex, or Lb) Transit CLerk 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.6 ARTICLE 19 - FIt·T-RIO [ITS AND SAFETY First-ltd kits and fire extinguishers wiLL be supplied by the Corporation and kept in places easily access·bSa to alt employees. It wilt be the responsibility of both Parties to are that the kits and extinguishers are properly cared for sad maintained. Both Parties ·hail cooperate to the futLest extent in the prevention of accidents and with such pro~tion of safety sad hearth la [I dee~ed neceseery. The Safety and HeaLth Conanittee shsLL be continued and composed of not more than three representatives appointed by the Corporation, and three represents[ives appointed by the Union. The Safety end #leith CaM·tree shelf hold eeetingn on required to dent with ell unsafe, hazardous or dangerous conditions. Represent·tires of the Union sheLL suffer no Loss of pay for stranding such meetings. Copies of the minutes of aLL Coa~fttea meetings sheLL be sent to the Corporation end to the Union. 20.1 20.2 20.3 ia) ARTICLE 20 - $1CE LEAVE (bi Each employee wiLL be entitled to sick Leave which wiLL accumulate at the r·te of one · nd one-half days per month. The unused portion of ·n empLoyee'l lick Leave will be accumulated and carried forward from one year to another provided that, to qualify for sick Leave with pay, an employee shall, when requested by the Corporation, produce 21.1 (·) For ·ny illness in excess of three working days, an employee may be required to produce a certificate from · medical practitioner, certifying that the employee was unable to carry out duties due to illness. When an employee ia injured et work and in receipt of Workers' Compensation in Lieu of regular pay, the Corporation will make up the difference between such compensation and regular pay to the extent of the maximum of the employee's accumulated sick Leave with pay credits. The amount of such make up shall be deducted from such accumulated credits. This Article applies only to permanent employees; its application to a part-time permanent employee shall be on a pro-rate be·is consistent with the total number of hours worked annually (excluding overtime) by the pert-time permanent employee COmpared with the total number of hours worked annually (excluding overtime) by a full-time permanent employee in that classification. ARTICLE ~1 - BEREAVEMENT LEAVE An employee shall be allowed up to three days off with pay et the time · death occurs in the employee's inunedfate family, which sha[L mean flther, mother, father-in-[aw, mother-in-Law, sister, brother, spouse, child, grandparentl end grandchild, or other relative Living with the employee. in the event such · death, or the funeral, ia held at · distant point requiring ·xtra travelling time, the employee may be granted up to two additional days off with pay, subject to prior approval wherever possible of the Department Need or delegate. 21.2 This Article applies only to permanent employees. 22.1 (bi Lc) ARTICLE ~2 ' PAID BOLIOA¥~ The holidays ahown below shall be recognized ae holidays for which the employee shall be paid; in the case of an employee in the Outside Unit. · sum equal to the employee's current hourly rate for the number of hours the employee would regularly have worked, and in the case of en employee in the Inside Unit, · sum equal to the employee's daily current salary, In order to qualify for holiday pay, an employee ·hall work the regularly ·aligned hours of work on the day immediately prior to and on the day immediately following the holiday (or the day on which the holiday is observed, as the case may be) ar~$ work on the holiday if scheduled to work. $f an employee is absent on any of such daye by reason of fltnese which is verified by · doctor's certificate, the employee shat[ not [asa ply for the holiday. In the event that an employee ia on an approved paid Leave of absence, regular vacation or approved bereavement Leave, the employee abel[ not Lose him pay for the holiday. The said holidays are as follows: New Year*a Day Easter Nonday Dominion Day Labour Day Chris[ess Oey 1/2 day on Christmas Eve Good Friday Victoria Day Civic Holiday Thanksgiving Boxing I/2 day on New Year's Eve one day floating holiday, to be taken on a day mutually agreeable to the employee and the employee's Department Need. and any other day proc[aimed aa e #arlene[ or Provincial Holiday by the Federal or Ontario Goverra~ents. If any of the said holidays fall on e Saturday or Sunday, it will be observed on the preceding Friday or the following Monday. - 9 - 22.$ 22.4 2~.5 A probationary employee wits be eLigibLe for the paid holidays mentioned in this ArticLe after the employee has completed ]0 days of service. An employee who is required to work on any of the above paid holidays wiLL, in addition to the holiday pay, be paid at one and one-haiL times the a~oloyae'a regular hourly rate for aLL hours actuaLLy worked. ]f one of the said holidays fails or is observed during the employee's vacation period, the employee shall be granted another day off with pay in Lieu thereof. ia) This ArticLe applies only to permanent employees and temporary employees. (bi Paid HoLidays for special recreltlon employees shiLL be grlnted in accordance with the provisions of the EmpLoyment Standards Act, aa amended from time to time. 23.1 23.3 ART&CiE 23 - VACATiO#S An employee who has completed the years of seniority (within the meeninQ of ArticLe 12.1) shown below on the 30th day of June in any year shaLL be entitled to the corresponding vacation with pay: Years of Seniority Lenetk of Vacation vith pay Less than one year One year but Leas than three years One working day for each completed month of service, to a maximom of ten working days Three years but Less than nine yeara Ten working days Nine years but Less than seventeen years Fifteen working days Twenty working days Seventeen years but tess than twenty-five years Twenty-five workinQ days Thirty workinQ days In the event that an empLoyee has reached him 3rd, 9th, 17th or 2$th year anniversary, the vacation year for purposes of calculating vacation entitlement wilt be extended to September 30th. The Corporation agrees to poet I vacation schedule in advance of April 1st, so that vacations may be equitably aLLocated throughout tho vacation period. Subject to the Corporation's right to maintain · quaLified workinQ force, the choice of vacation days shaLL be given to ~mp[oyees with the greatest seniority. Vacation ia to be taken during the year in which it ia earned. Cb) If an employee ia entitled to more than ten working days vacation ar,:l wishes to take the portion in excess of ten working days at i tt~ other thin ilimedtetety prior to or fo[towing the latter, he may do aa, providing that the excise portion ia taken: Ct) during the year in which it is earned. (if) at a time agreeable to the Corporation. Notwithstanding the above, the Town Hanager may grant the request of an employee to carry over one or more weeks of vacation to the next year. Such carry-over of vacation will only be permitted once in every three years. ALL such requests and approvals shall be in writing. 23.5 (mi This ArticLe applies only to permanent employees. 24.1 lb) Vacations, or payment in Lieu thereof, for temporary employees and speciaL recreation employees, shaLL ~ granted or paid in Iccordsnce with the provisions of the EmpLoyment Standards Act, el i~m:ted from tim~ to tiE. ARTICLE 24 - RELIEVINg IN OTHER GRADES When an employee in the Outside Unit ia detailed to relieve in a position of higher rating for more than three consecutive hours, the employee shah receive the rate for the position for the fu[& period of the relief. - 10- 2~ .2 24.3 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 in the event thst an employee in the inside Unit ls requested to relieve in s posit(on carrying · higher rste of ss[sty then thst to which the employee is presently classified, the employee will be paid an additional sum equivalent to 70X of the difference between the rate presently paid and that paid to the employee in the position carrying the higher rate of salary. ARTICLE 25 - CORTRACTI#~ OI, IT NO work in job categories covered by this Agreement shiLL be contracted out st the expense of present employees being [mid off. Where it is contemplating contrsctinQ out work of s nature performed by Union employees, the Corporation sheLL advise the Union by written notice. No tenders for the contractlnQ of the work shall be invited un[it et least six months after the giving of the notice referred to in ArticLe 25.2. During the six month notice period referred to in ArticLe 25.3, the Union shaLL be given an opportunity to mske representation to the Corporation wfth respect to the contracting out of the work in question; the Corporation shell make available to the Union any material of · non-confidential nature being examined in support of its decision to contract out the work. This ArticLe applies only to permanent employees. 26.1 ARTICLE 26 - EETROACTLVE fEATURE Subject to the provisions of Articles 33.2 end 34.1, shy agreement between the Parties with respect to any adjustment, wages or salary she[[ be retroactive to the effective date of this Agreement. 27.1 (bi AETI~L~ 27 - SEgEFIT~ The Corporation shaLL pay, for aLL fuLL-time permanent employees, 1002 of the premium coat of the foLLowing: (1) major medical plan, IncLuding prescription drugs and semi-private hospitalization; (2) vision care plan providing an accumulated two-year benefit of $175; Long-term disability plan providing 75% of regular earnings to a maximum of $2,000 mr mo~th; (4) dental plan equivalent to the glue Cross PLan No. ?, utilizing current O.D.A. rates, end including orth~ontic coverage for del>e~ent children to s $1,500 lifetime maxi~4~m with 50%/502 co-insurance. #ajar restore[lye coverage et 50% reimbursement with a $1,000 annual maximum; e~ A futt-ti~e per,rent employee ~y apply for a further su~ of Life insurance to bring the tote[ life insurance coverage to three ti~es annual salary to the nearest $500, to · maximum of $1000000~ subject to evidence of insurability; the employee shaLL pay 1002 of the premium cost of this additional Insurance. 27.2 The Carpers[lan sheLL pay to alt part-tl~ae per~mnent employees who have worked in excess of ?~0 hours an &faount equal to 100% of the pr~[~ cost of the benefits tis[ed in Pert 1 of th{s ArticLe for ~tt t[~e worked in excess of those 720 hours in Lieu of having such benefit preai~s provided for them. (b) The application of this Part of this ArticLe to a psrt-ti~e permanent employee shall be on · pro-rata basis consistent with the tote[ number of hours worked Cexciuding overtime) in a peri od by the part-tl~e per.anent employee coe4~ered with the tots[ number of hours worked Ceactudlng overtime) in the ssme period by e fuLl-time permanent employee in that classification. - 11 - ~?.4 27,5 The Corporation shall pay to al[ temporary employees who have worked in excess of 720 hours (excLudinR overtime) an amount equal to 8X of grote waBes earned after those 720 hours in Lieu of having the benefit premiums for the benefits listed in Part 1 of this Article paid for them. The Cerporstion shall pay to ell spicier recreation employees ~ho have aorked in excess of ]12 hours (excluding overtime) an additional .30¢ per hour for each hour worked after those ]lZ hours in Lieu of having the benefit premiums listed in Part 1 of this Article paid for them. The Corporation shell make contributions, on behalf of each participating permanent employee, to the O.N.E.B.S. Basic Pension Plan in amounts required by the Board of O.#.E.E.S. from time to time. 27.6 Disability Benefits: Where e full-time permanent employee es defined by Clause ia) of Article 2.2 is eligible for full benefits under the provisions of a Long-Tara Disability PLan provided by the Corporation's insurance Company, the Corporation will continue to pay the premium coat of the Extended Health Benefits PLan so long as the employee continues to be eligible for such Long-?arm Disability benefits. 27.7 Retiree Benefits: The Corporation shall pay 1002 of the premium cost of a paid up Life insurance policy of B2,000 for all full-time permanent employees who retire at ere 65 or who take early retirement under the existing O.H.E.E.S. plan on the principle of "90 end out". (b) The Corporation shall pay ?S2 of the premium cost of major medical plan, including prescription drugs and semi-privets hospitalization, for those full-time permanent employees, (1) who retire on or after Narch 1, 1989, and who are receiving an Lu~reduced O.H.E.R.S. Basic Pension, or (2) who are receiving an unreduced O.N.E.R.S. Disability Pension, until the employee etteine age 65. Z8.1 29.1 ARTICLE 28 - CO#NUNICATIONS Manager of the Corporation. with meetings to be held on an aa required basis. Either Party may notify the other in wrltinR of its desire to hold s meeting as welt as the pro,meed agenda ar~ the Parties shell meet as soon as reasonably possible. The minutia ef the meeting shell be taken and provided to alt members. A~TICLE 2~ - Jo~ ~V~LUAT]Oll The Job Evaluation #anueL (adopted by both parties in April of 1988) is the system that le to be used by the parties in evaluating the relative worth of jobs fa[ting within the Scope of Schedules A, g and C. Individual classifications and salary Levels will be in accordance with the salary grades indicated in Schedule D. Cb) The parties may, by mutual consent, modify any aspect of the Job Eva(uation Nanual in order to bring about improvements in the implementation end maintenance of the system. (c) Ail new Job Descriptions shall be evaluated by the Evaluation Co~mmittee in accordance with the Job Evaluation Nanual. (d) All revised Job Descriptions shall be reviewed and, if appropriate, re-evaluated by the Evaluation Comities in accordance with the Job Evaluation #anuel, except that minor changes to Job Descriptions, such se identification details, name of department or division and reporting structure will not require review and re-evaluation. Ce) Job Description evaluation requests shall be considered in the order in which they ere forwarded to the Evaluation Comfttee. - 12- 29.2 Eve(ua(ion CM~mittee There wi(t be in Evltuition Committee composed of four p~rionl - one represents(ire of the Town Manager's Office, i Corporation appointee and two appointees from the Union - which Committee will consider si( requesti for evetultion of Job Descriptions for new positions created within the bargaining unit end for re-evaluation of revised Job Oescriptions for existing poiittone. The Union wit( notify the Corporation in writing of its appointees to this Committee by March of each year; each member of the Committee wi(t serve a minimum of one year in the interest of continuity. 29.3 Job Eve(uation end ge-eve(ua(ion Procedurea (Corporation Initiated) The Corporation iha(l prepare the proposed Job Description. (b) ~here there is an incumbent in the job, he sheLL be given a copy of the proposed Job Oescription and shat( be given an opportunity to review and comment on the same. The proposed Job Description shat( be forwarded by the Personne( Office to the EvaLuation Committee. id) ~here the position is vacant~ the Corporation may assign I temporary relative job worth value and se(iry Level for the job and so notify the EvaLuation Committee. (e) Vithin 60 calendar days after receipt of the proposed Job Description, the Evaluation Corem it(ge sha(L meet to review and eva(uate or re-evaLuate the Job Description and: (1) re-evaLuation of the Job Description. the rssuttl shl([ be implemented ss of the date the position is occupied. Job Re-evaLuation Procedural (Elployee initiated) Ca) Any emp(oyee, having occupied a position for a minieul of iix months since the date of test evaluation or re-evaLuation, who fee[a that there hem been i ma(erie( change in the dutiel or responatbilitiea of the position, shl(t contact their Oepertment Head, in writing, and request · revised Job Oescrlptton and coepleted Job Fact Sheet. (b) The employee aha(( complete s Job ge-Evaluation Request Form (which may be obtained from the Personne(Office) and she(( forward it i(ong with i copy of i revised Job Description end completed Job Fact Sheet to the Personnel office which shill, in turn, forward them to the EvaLuation Committee. (c) gl(bin 60 calendar days after receipt of the revised Job Description and completed Job Feet Sheet, the Eva(ua(ion Committee ahs(L meet to review and, where appropriate, re-evaLuate the revised Job Description. (d) SaLary increases resulting from the re-eva(ua(ton sheLL be mede effective as of the date that the Personnel Office received both the ray,aid Job Description and the comp(ired Job ~act Sheet. 29.5 Evetuetion C~emlttem Decl~l,oe~ Decisions made by the EvaLuation Committee shit[ be binding upon the Corporation. the Union. and the emp(oyees, end iha([ not be subject to grievance or arbttrltion, despite any other provision of this Agreement. - 13- 29.6 29.7 29.8 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 Arbitration Proceae provision of the Job EvaLuat(on ManuaL. The decieion of the Arbitrator shaLL be final and binding on the parties. The Arbitrator's fees and expenses shaLL be shared equally by the parties. No person may be appointed as an Arbitrator who ham been involved in an attempt to negotiate or mettle the matter Leading to Arbitration. time es the incumbent vacates the poaitton. This ArticLe appLiea only to permanent employees. ARTICLE 30 - TECRNOLQGICAL CRA#GE if the Corporation proposes to change the method of providing municipal services to the community by technoLogicaL change, and ee a reauit to displace an employee from a position, the Corporation shaLL notify the Onion of itl proposal Ii soon aa practicable and afford the Onion an opportunity to meet with the Town #anager, and such other management personnel as considered appropriate, prior to the implementation of the proposaL. When proposing to displace an empLoyeo from a poaition in the process of implementing a technological change, the Corporation shall consider the following possibilities: Ca) the re-training of the employee to work within the technoLoQicaiLy changed method; Cb) the relocation of the employee to another position, the requJrementa of which the employee has the qualifications and ability to perform; the relocation of the employee to another position, the requirements of which the employee doel not have the qualifications or ability to perform, end the re-training of the employee tn that position, in the event that an employee being diapiaced aa a result of techno{ogiceL change, La) ia not to be re-trained, relocated or relocated end re-trained, and Cb) is to be Laid off, much Lay-off shell b~ governed by the provlafona of Article 12. Th{I ArticLe appifea only to permanent employees. ARTICLE 31 ' SCHEDULES 31.1 Attached hereto and forming part of thia Agreement are the following: Schedule A Outside Unit, Job CLassifications, Pay Grades, Houri of Work end Working ARTICLE 32 - COPIES OF AGREENENT 32.1 The Corporation agrees to continue tta preaent practice of printing the CoLLective Agreement in booklet form with one copy to be given to each member of the coLLective bargaining unit ind 50 copfll given to the Recording Secretary of Loci{ 129. - 14- ARTICLE 33 - TERN OF AGREENE#T 33.1 33.2 The proviaions of Articles 27.1(&)(2), (Vilion Care Pton) &r~l Z?.l(a)(4) (Dentat - Najor Restoretive), shall be imp(emented on the date eQreod to by the Insuring company or ARTICLE 34 - IRTERPRETATZO# 34.1 #onotery &mounts occoAosnied by or headed by the years "1991" end "1992" shall bo in affect from Nsrch 1st, 1991 to February 29th 1992 (both Inclusive) o~ rrm Notch 1st, t992 to February 28th, 1993 (both incluaivo), reipectivoly. Date Signed THE CORPORATZOId OF THE TOt~# OF PICEERZ#G Bruce Tmy[or, C~erk Date Signed CANAD~Oil OF PUBLIC ENPLOYE£S, LOCAL 129 CLASSIFICATIO#S & PAT GRADES ~CHEDULE h PAT GRADE POLDT BA#D JOB TITLE 17 280 - 299 16 260 - 279 Senior Contruction Technician Service Supervisor 15 260 - 259 Complex General Foreman Parks Foreaan Roads Foreman 13 205 - 219 Construction Inspector Nechanic NechanicaL Nsintenance #echanic Working Foreman - Don Deer Arena gorging Foreman - Recreation Comptex 12 190 - 206 175 - 189 Garde~er/ArborLst GradaLL Operator #andL-Trsnsit Dook~nQ CLerk #aery Equipment Operator - Grader SkiLLed Labourer 10 160 - 176 Booking CLerk - AN Control Gardener Heavy Equipment Operator - Po~er shovel Perkl Lead #end Property Ns~ntenance Lead Hand SmeLL Equipment Repelrperson Street Sweeper Operator Swimming Pool Naintenance Truck Driver UtiLity Nan - Parks 9 14S - 159 Rsndi-Trins Operator Light Truck Driver Perks Nsintenance Person Property Na~ntensnce Person Stores CLerk lranaJt Operator A-1 Amended to reflect new positio~s and re-eva&uatlon~ - November, 1990 CLA$SZFLCATIOHS & PAY GRAD~ SCHEDULE A PAY GRADE POINT BAND JOB TITLE 8 130 - 1~6 Civic CompLex Mlintenance Coflununity Centre Nlfntenance Labourer Recreation CompLex GenerlL Maintenance Vehicle Servicemen 7 115 - 129 * Aquatic Supervisor CompLex Supervisor Recreation CompLex - CLerk/Typilt Transit CLerk 6 100 - 114 Babysitter Supervisor * Read Instructor 5 85 - 99 Bus CLeaner Cashier - Recreation coaq>Lex Comalunity Centre Custodian Oato Processor - Recreation CompLex FaciLity Security Guard Head Lifeguard Housekeeper instructor Recreation CompLex Custodian 4 80 - 84 * Lifeguard Recreation Coaq)Lex Attendant 75 - 79 * Arena AttenOant · CLeaner * Community Centres 70 - 74 * Babysitter Shift Leader 65 - 69 * Babysitter #ore than 24 hours per week SCHEDULE A - OUTSIDE EMPLOYEES A.1 EmpLoyees in any of the foregoing classifications wtTL do (about or maintenance work when required, consistent with the terms of this Agreement and the employee's job description. The Department Heads controLLing the PubLic Works Department end Parka end Recreation Department sheLL be entitled to deotgnate one or more night duty men from time to time from the bergaLning unit oncl to specify the hours of a nightly working period to be no Longer than eight hours, Such designation for any given employee shaLL cover I minimum period of one week end may start Sunday evening and run through to Friday morning provided that such designation for any given employee shaLL not cover e period of tanrer than seven days in any given consecutive period and such maximum of seven days shiLL be alternated with it tease one week of work for such employee on the regular daytime houri. A-2 A.3 EmpLoyees in the Outside Unit shaLL uork specified daily shifts es fo[lo~s: DEPART#ENT PubLic Uork~ - goads DALLY SHIFT(S) ~NIFT TYPE VORE VEE[ ~OTES 7:]0 se - 4:00 p~ Day Non-FrS incL. 2,5 (Mechanics) (VehicLe Serviceman) - Transit CLerk - Transit 7:30 em - 4:00 pa Day #on-Fri incL, 3:30 pm - 12:00 midnight Afternoon #on-FrS incL. 2,5 9:00 am - 5:30 pa 5:00 pa - 1:30 am Afternoon #on-FrJ inc[, 2,5 8:30 am - 4:30 pa Day Non-Fri incL, 1,5 Various Any 5 days 1,5,6 Perks & Recreation - Perks ?:30 le - &:O0 pi' Day Non-FrS incL, 2,5 - Don gear Arena 8:00 sm - 4:00 Gxu* Day 4:00 pa - 12:00 midnight* Afternoon 12:00 midnight - 8:00 am* Night ** 3,&,5 ** 3,4,5 ** 3,4,5 - Dunbar(on Indoor Pool 6:00 am - 2:00 pm* Day ** 3,5 - Recreetiofl CompLex 8:00 am - 4:00 pa* Day ** 3,4,5 ~:00 p~ - 1Z:O0 midnight* Afternoon ** 3,4,5 12:00 midnight - 8:00 em* Hight ** 3,4,5 CLerk-Typists 5:45 sm - 1:45 pa* Oe¥ ** 1,5 2:30 pm - 10:30 pa (Summer)* Afternoon ** 1,5 3:30 pa - 11:30 pa (Vinter)* Afternoon ** 1,5 involved. ** AS scheduled by the Director of Parks & Recreatfono NOTE 1 - DaiLy shiftCs) incLude(s) one hour unpaid meal break. 2 * DalLy shJftCs) incLude(I) one-haLf hour unpaid meal break. 3 - DaiLy shift(s) incLude(s) one hour paid meal break during uhich employees are to be avaiLabLe for uork. 4 - Heal breaks must be staggered. 5 - DaILy shift(s) subject to variation by Oepsrteent Head. 6 - OalLy shift(s) subject to periodic revision of Transit schedules. A-3 A.~ (1) Employees in the Outside Unit shall be paid wages, overtime premiums, shift premiums end emergency premiums for time worked in accordance with the fo[Lowing Table: CALCULAT]ONS Day ~ork~eek x 1 x 1-1/2 x 53e (Afternoon Shift) x 58C (Night Shift) 6th Consecutive Day/Saturday (SI x 1.1/2 x 1-1/2 N/A x 1-I/2 7th Consecutive Day/Sunday (5) x 2 x 2 N/A x 2 Paid HoLiday (Article 22) x 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 x 53¢ (Afternoon Shift) x 2-1/2 x 58e (Night Shift) (2) NOTE. 1 - Naximum eight hours daily. For the (si (bi (c) (d) ]n excess of eight hours deity and &0 hours weekly, except Transit CLerk, CLerk-Typists-Recreation CompLex - seven hours daily and ]5 hours weekly. 3 o #axlmum Sixteen hours daily. Sea ArticLe &.&(~). ~here these days ara not part of the designated in ArticLe 6 o For employees in Transportation Oepartment, minimum three hours, any shift. purposes of tnterpretfns the Table set out in ArticLe A.&(1), "holiday# Basns those days or parts of days referred to fn ArticLe 22 and is intended to app(y to the dsys upon which the Corporation decides to observe same; "hourLy rate" means the doLLar retee set out in the CLssaificstion Table referred to in ArticLe A,1 end ScheduLe D, II such rates Bay be varied from time to tiaa; by sn emptoyee in i 24 hour period cmmencing et sn amptoyee's atsrting time; (g) (3) #o employee shell be Llid off et any time frei hie uluel shift in order the[ the Corporation may avoid the payment of any premi u~ under [hie ArticLe. When employees ire cllled out in an emergency, they wi[| not receive less thin four hour;s pay st emergency premiu~ rates, except that ~ore then one cs[I within two hours of any other ca[[ shaLL be considered continuous. A,5 It is agreed that every employee she[[ be on the job and reedy to work at the specified stertinQ time for each working period. Any ee~ptoyee who is unable to report to aork at the normal starting time shell notify the foreman or supervisor at the earliest reasonable time. A.6 Every employee shell treat members of the public with courtesy end respect end shill avoid injury to the property of the public, the ratepeyers and the Corporation. A,7 The regular pay period shall be every two weeks. The Corporation igraas to put the ply cheque of the individual employees in a sealed envelope. Employees requested by the Corporation to use their &uto~bt[e on the business of the Corporation shall be paid travel expense for distance trivel[ed in accordance with the A.9 The Corporation wiLL allow break periods on the basis of one fifteen-minute period for each half of the normal working day. A.IO Any employee required to be on stand-by duty shall be paid on the basil of $10.24 per day (Effective Narch 1, 1991) end 510.70 per dey (Effective #erch 1, 1992) of stand-by in addition to whatever hours the eeptoyee eight have to work. An employee accepting stand-by duty must be available at ell times during such duty for caLL-out end any breech of this provision ia to be treated as a matter of discipline. A.11 Any employee who receivel a request, during I nor~[ shift, to work previously unscheduled overtime et the end of such shift, end who works such overtime, shill be eligible for a meal allowance in the amount et $6.75 if the period between the employee's lest seat break and the and of the overtime exceeds five hours. A.12 Ce) Part Z of this Schedule applies only to permanent employees and temporary employees. (b) Pert 3 of this ScheduLe applies only to fuL[-tl~e permanent employees end fu(L-time temporary employees employed to replace ful[-tt~ permanent employees uho are te~porarity absent. A-5 PAY GRADE POINT BA#O CLASSIFICATIONS & PAY GRADES SCHEDULE I JOB TITLE 19 320 - 339 Senior Planner 18 300 - 319 17 280 - 299 PLanner 2 Survey Supervisor 16 260 - 279 HunicipaI Law Enforcement Officer Planner 1 15 240 - 259 Administration Supervisor Audit Accountant BuiLding & DeveLopment - Co-ordination Officer BuiLding Inspector KinesioLogist Planning Informetion Officer PLans Examiner Plumbing inspector Recreation Co-ordinator 220 ' 239 Aquatic & O.H.S. Supervisor Assistant Co~iex Progremme Co-ordinator 205 - 219 Senior Survey Technician 12 190 - 11 175 - 189 Design Orefts~raon PLanning Technician 2 Senior Tax Cterk 10 160 - 176 Administrative Aealatant - PubLic ~orka BuiLding & PLumbing CLerk Junior Survey Technician PLanning Technician 1 Programmer/Operetor Secretary - Committee of Adjustment 9 145 - 159 Administrative Secretary - Clerks Administrative Services Technician Duyer It By-Law Secretary Treasury Information CLerk Aaended to reflect rmu poeitions end re-eveluetion8 - Moved)er, 1990 B-1 CLASSIFZCATIONS i PAY ~RAD~ $CREDULE I PAY GRADE POINT BAND JOB TITLE 8 130 - 144 Accounting CLerk 11 Accounts Paysbte CLerk Computer Operstor CLerk-Stenographer - Word Processing DeveLopment CLerk Recreation CompLex Secretary Receptionist/Typist - Planning Secretary/Booking CLerk Technical Data CLerk - Transit 7 115 - Accounting CLerk 1 Assistsnt Information CLerk Buyer I CLerk/Typist -PurchestnQ ParkinQ Control Officer Property CompLiance CLerk Receptionist/CLerk-Typist - BuiLdinR Roads CLerk Secretsry-AdministrstJon (Com. Serv. & Fac,) Tax CLerk 6 100 - 114 Assistant Administrative Services Technician Cashier CLerk/Typist - Parkl & Recreation CLerk/Typist - PLanning CLerk-Typist/Receptionist - Plrkl & Information clerk Receptionist/CLerk-Typist - PubLic Works Receptionist/CLerk-Typist - PubLic Works (P/T) Receptionist-Typist (Treasury) 5 85 - 99 Haterfets CLerk/Typist Regtitratton CLerk Receptionfst/ConsoIe Operator 4 80 - 84 3 75 - 79 ~ 70 - 74 1 65 - 69 Amended to reflect neu pesitioal and re-mveLuatiM~ - November, 1990 8-2 B.1 EmpLoyees in the Znside Unit shaLL work specified daily shifts ss follows: DEPARTMENT DAZLY SHIFT(S} ;lark 8:30 em - 4:30 ~ 9:00 sm - 5~00 pm PLanning PubLic Works SHI~T TYPE Day 7:30 sm - 4:00 pm Day 8:30 ~ - 4.30 In Day or 9:00 iii - $:00 pm Day 4:00 p~ - 12:00 u Afternoon 6:30 sm - 4:30 pm may or 9:00 am - 5:00 pm ~ff~)RE WTEK NOTE~ Non-Fri incl. 1,Z Non-Fri incL. #on-Fri incl. #on-Fri inet. 1,2 No~-Fri incl. 1,2 #on-Fri inc. 1,2 KinesioLogist Other 8:30 am - ~:30 p.m. or 9:00 sm - 5:00 pm Dey * 1,2,3,6 * 6 6 * 6 14on- fri incL. 1,2,~ * As scheduled by the Director of Parks & Recreation; maximum 40 houri weekly. NOTE DaiLy shift(s) incLude(s) one hour unpaid meal break. SeLection of daily shift(s) is et sole diacrettofl of Department Nea~. Deity shift(s) subject to variation by Department Need. Except CLerk-Typists-Recreation CompLex - Various. Dsfiy shift(s) inctudeCs) one-half hour unpaid meat break. A schedule of hours to be worked by the employee shat[ be determined by the employer a~d wilt be posted iff edvs~ce uhere possible, on buLLetin boards. B-3 6.2 (1) Employees in the Inside Unit shall be paid wages and overalls premiums for time ~orked in ·ccord·nce ~ith the foLLowing TabLe: CALCULATiO#$ PERIOD BASIC WAGES OVERTINE PRENiU# Work Week SaLary is per ScheduLe D, Pay Grade· N/A Hour x 1-1/2 (2) Sund·y (3) R/A Paid #otiday (ArticLe 22) x 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 NOTE 1 -. Naximum eight hours daily Program Supervl·ors, Aquatic and D.H.S. #aximum seven hours daily - AiL others. In excess of seven hours daily or 35 hours weekly - ALL others. Where Sunday i· not part of the employee's work week, e· designated in ArticLe B,1. (2) For the purpose of interpretinQ the TabLe set out in ArticLe g.2(1), "hottd&y" ~eans tho~e days Gr part of dsyI referred to in ArticLe 22 ind i· intended to apply to the dsyl upon which the Corpor·tion decidel to observe Lb) "hourLy rets" i· arrived it by dividing the weekly wage of an employee by the number of hour· worked in · norM,iL work week (i.e. 40 houri for Program Supervisors, KineltoLogi·t, Aquatic and D.H.S. Supervisor, Recreation Co-ordinator end HsterisLe Reneger, 35 houri for ILL other·); Lc) "houri worked" means the number of hours, to the nearest quarter-hour, worked by in emptoyee in · 24 hour period comncinQ at ·n empLoyee'l at&rting 8-4 ii) eight in e 2& hour period, or &O in any work ueek (for Program Supervisors, Recreation Co*ordtnotor, Aquatic and D.N.$. Supervisor, KinesioLogist end #etlril[I Nlnager), (ii) seven in a 2~ hour period, or ]5 in any ~ork ~eek (for ail others), commencing et en employee's starting time, on~y if the working of those hours has been authorized by the employee'e Oepartment Need; (e) "wages" means the basic remuneration to which an e~ptoyee ie entitled for time worked. The Corporation will aLLow break periode on the beale of one flftoenoeinuto period for each half of the normal ~ork day on the understanding that such period of tiara represents the maximum time that the employee wiLL be away from e ~ork station for this purpose. It is agreed that every employee shell be on the job and reedy to ~ork at the specified starting time for each ~orking period. Any employee who is unable to report to work et the normal starting time shale notify the Department Need et the earliest reasonable tlmm. injury to the property of the public, the retepoyers end tho Corporation. B.6 The regular pay period shell be every two weeks. The Corporation agrees to put the pay cheque of the individual employee in e coaled envelope. S.8 EmpLoyees requested by the CorporetLon to use theSr euto~obito on the business of the Corporation sheLL be paid travel expense for distance traveLLed in accordance uith the provisions of By-Law ]173/89, aa amended from time to ti~e, or any successor thereto. Any employee who recelvee e request, during m normal shift, to work praviousty unscheduLe~ Pert 1 of this ScheduLe applies only to fuLL*tfmm permanent empioyeee end full-time temporary employees employed to reptece fuLL-time per~mnent e~toyeas who ere temporarily absent. SCHEDULE PAY GRAPE POLBT BARD JOB TITLE 7 115 - 129 * Aquatic Supervisor 6 100 - 114 * Head Znstructor 5 85 ' 99 * fscflity Security Guard · Head Lifeguard · Instructor · Youth Co-ordinator 80 - 84 * Lifeguard · Recreatton CompLex Attendant 3 75 - 79 * CLeaner - Communfty Centres w Arena Attendant 2 70 - 74 * Babysitter Shift Leader · Youth Leader 1 65 - 69 * Babysitter · Youth Assistant Leas than 24 hours per ~eelc AmerK~ed to reflect neu ix)sitiorul and re-aveLuation~ - November, 1990 A schedule of hours to be worked by the employee shiLL be determined by the EmpLoyer and wiLL be posted in advance, where possible0 on buLLetin boards for employees. The foreBotnB shaLL not apply to summer students who normaLLy work on · regular scheduled work week. C2. If an employee arrives to begin a scheduled shift and there is no work avaiLabLe a~ the employee has not been advised In advance that they would not be required, the Eaq)Loyer sheLL pay such e~oLoyeo two (2) hours of pay at regular rates. For employees and students employed during the summer vacation period, work performed in excess of forty (40) hours per week or eight (8) hours per day shaLL be paid at the rate of time and one-haLf the hourly rate. When the employee ia ssstQned a higher rated job by the EmpLoyer on on ~ntertm basis, he/she shiLL be paid tho rate of pay for the htBher rated job/cLassification normaLLy held by the said employee. C.5 Aquatic Staff The Corporation sbeLL pay the fuLL colt of the following clothing for aquatic staff: One (1) tank top One (1) swimsuit One (1) swestshJrt The repLacement of this clothing wi[[ be on an ~as needed; basis, et the discretion of the Aquatic Co-ordinator. C.6 This ScheduLe applies only to special recreation e~r4>toyees and students employed during tho normal school vacation periods. C-1 PAY GRADE SCHEDUL~ "0" 1'991 PAY GEADES START POINT RANGE STEP 1 STEP 2 JOS RATE STEP 3 100~ 19 18 17 16 15 1/* 15 12 11 10 9 0 7 6 4 1 320 ~00 250 260 240 22O 205 190 175 160 1~5 130 115 100 85 60 75 70 65 339 S21.75 S22.96 S2G.17 319 20.93 22.09 23.Z5 299 20.09 21.20 22.32 279 19.26 20.33 21.40 259 18.64 19.67 20.71 239 18.00 19.00 20.00 219 1T.38 10.36 19.31 20& 16.75 17.68 18.61 189 16.12 17.01 17.91 17& 15.S0 16.36 17,22 159 14.67 15.69 16.52 1&4 14.23 15.02 15.81 129 13.62 14.37 15.13 116 13.08 13.80 1~.53 99 12.56 13.25 13.95 84 9.42 9.95 10.47 79 8.37 8.84 9.30 74 6.80 7.18 7.56 69 5.24 5.53 5.82 PAY GRAJ)E 1992 PAY GRADES START PO[#T RANGE STEP I STEP 2 JOB RATE STEP 3 IOOX 19 18 17 16 15 13 12 11 10 9 0 7 6 4 2 1 320 30O 28O 260 240 220 205 190 175 160 145 130 115 100 05 8O 75 7O 65 339 $22.84 S2&.11 S25.38 319 21.97 23.19 24.41 299 21.10 22.27 23.44 279 20.22 21.35 22.47 259 19.58 20,66 21.75 239 18.90 19.95 21.00 219 18.25 19,27 20.28 204 17.59 18.56 19.54 189 16.93 17.87 18.81 174 16.27 17.18 18.08 159 15.62 16.48 17.35 144 14.94 15.?7 16.60 129 14.30 15.10 15.89 114 13.73 14.50 15.26 99 13.19 13.92 14.65 84 9.89 10.44 10.99 79 8.?9 9.20 9.7? 74 ?.15 ?.S& ?.94 69 5.50 5.80 6.11 I)-1 LETTER OFUNDERSTANDING EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROG~ CO]~4'fTTEE The Parties agree that they will jointly establish an Employee Assistance Programme Committee. This Committee is to meet with a view to establishing an Employee Assistance Programme with a target implementation date of January 15, 1992. Signed on behalf of C.U.P.E. Local 129 Signed on behalf of the Corporation LE~ER OF ~NDE~STANDIN~ Article 11 - Union committee & Stewards The Town Manager agreed that the Union President would be granted 6 days paid time for attending to Union activities. This would be on a trial basis and is to be confirmed, in writing, by the Town Manager. Signed on behalf of C.U.P.E. Local 129 Signed on behalf of the Corporation L~r&'~K OF UNDEP~TANDING Article 18.5 - Uniforms In spite of the provisions of Article 18.5, the Corporation shall pay the cost of the following clothing for part-time permanent Transit Operators in the Transit Department, such clothing to be available by May 31st of each year. 2 pairs of pants 2 short- sleeve shirts 2 long-sleeve shirts signed on behalf of C.U.P.E. Signed on behalf of the Corporation L~&'r=K OF UNDEI~STANDING Schedule A.4 (1) In spite of the provisions of Schedule A.4 (1), those Transit Operators whose shift ends after 12 p.m. midnight, shall be paid a shift premium of 53¢ for all hours worked during that particular shift. Signed on behalf of C.U.P.E. Local 129 Signed on behalf of the Corporation LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING Schedule A.4 (1) In spite of the provisions of Schedule A.4 (1), the Parties agree that in the event an employee in the Don Beer Arena or the Recreation Complex is requested to work an additional consecutive day beyond his scheduled shift, the employee shall receive the applicable hourly shift premium for all such hours worked in addition to his regular shift. Signed on behalf of C.U.P.E. Local 129 Signed on behalf of the Corporation