HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 14-03 CitJ¡ o~ REPORT TO PLANNING COMMITEE Report Number: PD 14-03 Date: April 2, 2003 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Proposed Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan City Initiated: Duffin Heights Neighbourhood of the East Duffin Area Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines Part of Lots 15 to 24, Concession 3 City of Pickering Recommendations: 1. (a) (b) That Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan, initiated by the City of Pickering, to: . replace part of the Urban Residential Area - Low Density and Urban Residential Area - Medium Density with the Open Space System - Natural Areas to recognize the tableland forest located west.of Brock Road; replace the remnant Urban Residential Area - Medium Density with the Urban Residential Area - Low Density for lands located west of the tableland forest adjacent to the St. Lawrence & Hudson Rail line; replace part of the Urban Residential Area - Low Density with the Urban Residential Area - Medium Density for lands located east of Brock Road but west of Urfe Creek to offset the loss of population resulting from the recognition of the tableland forest; replace the Urban Residential Area - Low Density with the Urban Residential Area - Medium Density for lands located north of old Taunton Road; and revise policy 11.17- Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies with new policies addressing land use, urban design, population, and open space matters; . . . . be ADOPTED, as set out in Attachment #1 to Appendix I to Report Number PD 14-03, That the draft by-law to adopt Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan be FORWARDED to Council for enactment as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 14-03; Report PD 14-03 Date: April 2, 2003 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 2 2. 3. 4. 5. (c) That a consolidated version of Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan, as it pertains to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, be FORWARDED FOR APPROVAL by the City Clerk to the Region of Durham; That the Region of Durham be requested to RESOLVE Part of Deferrals 16,31, and 39, and Deferral 21 to the Pickering Official Plan as it relates to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood; That the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines, as set out in Appendix II to Report Number PO 14-03, be ADOPTED as the City's strategy for detailed land use, urban design, transportation and stormwater in Duffin Heights; That Informational Revision 9 to Map 25 - Neighbourhood 15: Duffin Heights updating road, school and park locations, and the Detailed Review Area, as set out in Appendix III to Report Number PO 14-03 be ADOPTED; and That a copy of Report Number PO 14-03 be FORWARDED to the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for their information. Executive Summary: The attached revisions to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan provide a further refinement to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies, previously prepared to implement the findings of the "Phase 1 Final Report - East Duffins Area". That Report was endorsed by Council in June of 1997, following extensive public, landowner and agency consultation. The recommended Revision 1 includes revisions to the Land Use Schedule and to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies in recognition of a tableland coniferous and mixed forest lying between the Ganatsekiagan Creek valley and Brock Road (see Appendix I). In addition, Development Guidelines have been prepared to provide direction and guidance to maintain and where possible improve the natural environment, require a high quality public realm, require high quality urban design on private lands, and to promote a prominent pedestrian function to the Neighbourhood (see Appendix II). It is recommended that Council adopt Revision 1 to Modification 1, the Neighbourhood Development Guidelines, and the complementary Informational Revision to the Official Plan, to complete its consideration of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood for the East Duffins Area. Financial Implications: Not Applicable. Report PD 14-03 Date: April 2, 2003 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 3 1.0 Backaround: 1.1 Phase 1 Final Report for the East Duffins Area Completed in 1997 Following completion of the Phase 1 Final Report - East Duffins Area, Pickering Council, at its meeting held June 1997, endorsed the Final Report as the basis for Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan. The Official Plan had just been adopted by Pickering Council in March 1997. Council requested the Region of Durham to modify the new Pickering Official Plan as set out in Modification 1 and to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to enable the modifications to the Pickering Official Plan. In September 1997, the Region of Durham considered the approval of the Pickering Official Plan. As the Region had not finalized its evaluation of Modification 1 for the East Duffins Area, the affected policies of the Pickering Official Plan were deferred. 1.2 Modification 1 Delayed Awaiting Approval of a 1993 Deferral (No.7) to the Regional Official Plan In 1999, following the Region's review of Modification 1, Regional Council authorized the Commissioner of Planning to approve the deferred portions of the Pickering Official Plan, for the East Duffins Area, once the Province approves a portion of Deferral No.7 (affecting Dixie Road) to the Regional Official Plan. In March 2001, the Commissioner of Planning urged the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to approve Deferral No.7 in order to approve the related deferred portions of the Pickering Official Plan (see Attachment #1 ). 1.3 Pickering Council Directs Staff to Proceed and Fine-tune the Land Use Policies and Designations for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood In May 2002, Pickering Council passed a resolution directing staff to initiate a Growth Management Study for certain lands in Pickering. The Study Area included the western neighbourhood of the East Duffins Area - the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood. Also, Council in January 2003, requested that the Region of Durham not issue its Notice of Decision on Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan as it affects the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood until the Growth Management Study was completed. Council also addressed the eastern neighbourhood of the East Duffins Area - the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. City staff was requested to proceed and fine-tune the land use polices and designations for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and to report back to Council on any further changes. Report PD 14-03 Date: April 2, 2003 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 4 2.0 Comments Received: Information Report No. 08-03 (see Attachment #2) was considered at the Statutory Public Information Meeting held February 11, 2003. Copies of the draft Development Guidelines for Duffin Heights were also made available for comment at the public meeting. Verbal comments were provided at the meeting (see Attachment#3) and written comments were subsequently received from a number of individuals and agencies (see Attachments #4 to #12). 2.1 Main Concerns and Responses affecting Schedule I - Land Use Structure . In response to Mrs. Gaudi's concern with the City's proposal to maintain the Low Density Area designation on her property and the surrounding area located north of old Taunton Road, staff aqrees and recommends that the area be redesignated to Medium Density Area. This designation offers a wider array of medium density housing forms that could more appropriately address the adjacent railway right-of-way to the north and the natural gas relief valve facility to the east. 2.2 Main Concerns and Responses affecting Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Polices - Policy 11.17 . In response to TRCA's suqqestion that policy 11.17(k)(B) be revised to include new wording regarding provincial environmental initiatives and TRCA's Natural Heritage Program (see Attachment #5), it is staff's position that no changes are necessary as the proposed policy requires the exact boundaries of the Open Space System to be determined in consultation with TRCA based on appropriate environmental information. . Mr. Draqicevic has commented that the Reqion of Durham's proposed 1999 modification requiring the Region to be satisfied with a variety of development applications prior to their approval is inappropriate (see Attachment #6). Staff aqrees that the requirement for the City to circulate minor variance and building permit applications to the Region for review is impractical and recommends that these applications be deleted from the Modification. The remaining development applications listed in the Modification are normally reviewed by the Region, as part of the City's circulation process with the exception of consent applications. . In response to the Reqion of Durham Planninq Department's comments that the population and employment targets for the South Pickering Urban Area in policy 2.10(a) and 2.11 (a) to the Pickering Official Plan be revised (see Attachment #7), staff advises that these two policies in the Pickering Official Plan are neither deferred by the Region nor subject to Modification 1. Housekeeping amendments to the Pickering Official Plan reflecting population and employment targets for Duffin Heights will be done at a later date. Report PD 14-03 Date: April 2, 2003 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 5 2.3 . Staff aqrees with the other Regional suggestions to provide Population Targets for the South Pickering Urban Area only, and to increase the residential unit target to reflect the development of Duffin Heights. Also, staff has revised the criteria to be addressed in an Environmental Report so that proposed road and engineering designs must maintain the ecological integrity of the tableland forest. Main Concerns and Responses affecting the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines . In response to Mr. Draqicevic's comment that the Development Guidelines be revised to require new development to be integrated and compatible with, and complement the existing cemetery, staff aqrees and recommends that the Brock Road Streetscape section be revised. The integration of any new development with the cemetery would consider matters such as landscaping and/or fencing along the edge of the cemetery property. . In response to Mr. Draqicevic's comment that the eastward extension of Dersan Street should be located adjacent to the cemetery property to provide a physical separation for future development from the cemetery, staff advises that the final alignment of Dersan Street, east of Brock Road will be determined through the subdivision process taking into consideration existing and future land uses, open space features, and future road connections. As indicated above, any future development adjacent to the cemetery must be appropriately integrated. . In response to the Durham District School Board comment that three elementary school sites are required (see Attachments #8,9,11), staff advises that a third elementary school site including a neighbourhood park has been added. The site is located south of the proposed Type 'c' arterial road, west of Tillings Road on both the Tertiary Plan and Neighbourhood Plan. . In response to Mr. Draqicevic's concern over the issue of liability associated with a public trail through the cemetery lands (see Attachment #12), staff recommends that the City and landowner explore opportunities for public trails through the cemetery lands to integrate with the surrounding pedestrian system. This would include closing public access through the cemetery lands between dusk and dawn, access easements, and other required measures to address issues of liability. Report PD 14-03 Date: April 2, 2003 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 6 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Discussion: Recommended policy and land use schedule revision to recognize the tableland forest lying between the Ganatsekiagan Creek Valley and Brock Road provides an appropriate balance of ecological protection and urban development opportunities In recognition of the valuable linkage and terrestrial habitat function provided by the tableland forest, the City has revised the land use designations and neighbourhood polices to protect this natural heritage feature. Although the open space system boundary is shown on Schedule 'B' to Revision 1, the proposed policy requires an Environmental Report to determine the exact open space boundaries related to the tableland forest. Any subsequent development would be required to implement the recommendations of the Environmental Report. Population lost through increasing the area of Open Space System designation recaptured through redesignating other lands from Low Density Area to Medium Density Area The population lost through increasing the Open Space System designation on the west side of Brock Road has been recaptured through redesignating lands on the east side of Brock Road from low density to medium density. Also, the population targets have been revised to correct a calculation error made for the years 2006, 2011, and 2016. Additional policy revision recommended to reflect the significance of the Brock Road corridor as an important element within the Neighbourhood Urban design policies have been added to ensure that an identifiable urban image develops over time along Brock Road through urban design principles. These include creating a strong building to street relationship, promoting pedestrian supportive development and encouraging higher intensities. Also, pedestrian connectivity to and from the interior part of the neighbourhood on both sides of Brock Road offers a unique opportunity to establish a "neighbourhood focus" at the two Brock Road intersections. The two focal points are intended to perform a significant role in defining the neighbourhood, and in recognizing the high level of activity and intensity intended along Brock Road. New Development Guidelines for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood The Guidelines, prepared in consultation with Templeton Planning Ltd. and Cosburn Giberson Consultants, provide a distinctive vision for Duffin Heights through separate but linked nodes of residential centred around a mixed use corridor. Report PO 14-03 Date: April 2, 2003 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 7 The Guidelines require various urban design elements to be considered with new development, establish edge treatments and road patterns to maximize integration of ecological features in neighbourhood design, and promote concentration of activity into focal points that are complemented with abundant pedestrian connections and outdoor public spaces. Informational Revision #9 to the Pickering Official Plan 3.5 Informational revisions to the Neighbourhood Plan are required to reflect updated road, school and park locations, and completion of the Development Guidelines for the easterly Detailed Review Area. 4.0 Conclusion: With Council's adoption of the revision to Modification 1 and the new Development Guidelines, a comprehensive policy framework for guiding private development and investment within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood will be established. As well, the framework provides direction and guidance to enhancing the environmental resources of the neighbourhood and promoting a more prominent mixed-use urban corridor. Appendices: By-law to adopt Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (Revision included as Exhibit "A" to By-law) Duffin Heights Development Guidelines Information Revision 9 to the Pickering Official Plan for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Plan II III Report PD 14-03 Date: April 2, 2003 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan Page 8 Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Deferrals to the Pickering Official Plan (East Duffins Area) Information Report No. 08-03 Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes held on February 20,2003 Comments of Enbridge, dated February 6, 2003 Comments of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, dated March 4,2003 Comments of Robert Dragicevic, Walker, Nott, Dragicevic Associates Limited, dated March 6, 2003 Comments of Region of Durham Planning Department, dated March 7, 2003 Comments of the Durham District School Board dated March 11, 2003 Comments of the Durham District School Board dated March 12, 2003 Comments from the Durham Catholic District School Board dated March 14,2003 Comments of the Durham District School Board dated March 27, 2003 Comments of Robert Dragicevic, Walker, Nott, Dragicevic Associates Limited, dated March 31 , 2003 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: Grant McGregor, MCIP, PP Principal Planner - Policy ':-RPP ning & Development /-// /) , ¡y;,~///~ Catherine Rose . Manager, Policy GM:jf Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci_tY C cil <7 ~ JJ APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 14-03 BY-LAW TO ADOPT REVISION 1 TO MODIFICATION 1 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PIC BY-LAW NO. Being a By-law to adopt Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering WHEREAS pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p. 13, subsections 17(22) and 21 (1), the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering may by by-law adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, and submit them to the Region of Durham for approval; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering is hereby adopted; 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward for approval a consolidated version of Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan as it pertains to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood to the Regional Municipality of Durham as required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments; 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. BY-lAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this of 2003. day Bruce Taylor, Clerk Exhibit "A" to By-law REVISION 1 TO MODIFICATION 1 TO THE CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN REVISION 1 TO MODIFICATION 1 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of the revision is to change the boundaries of the residential and open space designations pertaining to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood on Schedule I - Land Use Structure to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan and to revise the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies. LOCATION: The Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, as defined by the Pickering Official Plan, is approximately 516 hectares in size and is bordered by the St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway line to the north, Ontario Gatineau Hydro Corridor to the south, and the Pickering-Ajax boundary to the east and the West Duffins Creek to the west. BASIS: In 1997, Pickering Council adopted Modification 1 to the Council Adopted Official Plan for the East Duffins Area. The East Duffins Area is divided into neighbourhoods: Duffin Heights and Lamoreaux. The modification reflected a logical progression of orderly, sequential urban development in Pickering onto lands that are within the urban area boundary of the Durham Regional Official Plan. In 2002, Pickering Council initiated a Growth Management Study for certain lands in Pickering, including the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood of the East Duffins Area. In addition, Council at its meeting of January 23, 2003, requested that the Region of Durham not issue its Notice of Decision on Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan as it affects the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood until the Growth Management Study was completed. City staff was also requested to proceed and fine-tune the land use polices and designations for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and to report back to Council on any further changes. The revisions to Modification 1 have resulted from a review of information provided by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the City's consultants relating to a continuous vegetated corridor of coniferous and mixed forest lying between the Ganatsekiagan Creek Valley and Brock Road. In recognition of its valuable linkage and terrestrial habitat functions, the City has revised the land use designations and polices to protect this natural heritage feature. In addition, to offset the loss of population resulting from this revision, the residential density for an area of land east of Brock Road has been increased. Appendix 1 to Report PO 14-03 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to Pickering Official Plan Page 2 ACTUAL REVISION: Also, City staff, in consultation with Templeton Planning Ltd. and Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc., has prepared Development Guidelines for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. The Guidelines provide information on urban design and community planning principles, streetscape design, parks and open spaces. Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan is hereby revised by: 1. Revising Item 2. by striking out the second, third, fourth and fifth columns of the first, second and last rows of population targets for 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016 and replacing them with the following: Neighbourhood 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 15 Duffin Heights 100 ~ 4200 6300 8300 100 3100 5800 9500 South Pickering Urban Area Population Targets: 71350 8()lOO 88800 ~ W61OO 78100 87900 97200 107500 2. Deleting Items 3., 4., 5., and 6. in their entirety; 3. Revising Item 9. by replacing "00 .9,700 additional residential units..." of section 6.5 with". ..11,500 additional residential units.. .". 4. Revising Item 1 O. by striking out the Neighbourhood Population Projections for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and replacing them with the following: Appendix 1 to Report PD 14-03 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to Pickering Official Plan Page 3 Neighbourhood Population Projection f""'199"(;"P;P~hïi~;;"""""""'" ¡ Prqjected Growth i Percent Increase L..?PL~..?op':'..!q~!~.~.................. 5. Revising Item 12. by deleting subsection (b), renumbering the remaining subsections, deleting subsection (f)(ii)(F) and (G), and adding new subsections (h), (i) and ü) to section 11.17, such that section 11.17 now reads as follows: "11.17 City Council shall, ... (a) ... (b) ... (c) ... (d) ... (e) despite section 11.2 (a) of this Plan, require the completion of development guidelines for the westerly Detailed Review Area prior to permitting new uses within the Area; and, * (t) recognize that significant water supply, sanitary sewerage and arterial road infrastructure is required for the development of this neighbourhood. Further, such infrastructure will service designated development area elsewhere in the Pickering urban area. In consideration of this, development is permitted in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood subject to the following: (i) development in this neighbourhood shall be serviced with water, sewer and arterial road infrastructure that is provided in a fiscally responsible manner; (ii) development in this neighbourhood will be undertaken through sequential extension of water and sewer infrastructure. Road infrastructure will be provided in a manner that supports the development of this neighbourhood as well as the needs of the overall arterial road network; * Sections (e) and (f) were added by the Region of Durham in its consideration of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies of Modification 1. Appendix 1 to Report PD 14-03 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to Pickering Official Plan Page 4 (iii)prior to the approval of one or more of the following development applications: (A) Plan of Subdivision; (B) Condominium Description; (C) Consent; (D) Part Lot control; (E) Zoning By-law amendment; the Region will be satisfied that such applications will not cause an undue impact on the financial ability of the Region to provide such infrastructure, including the impact on Development Charges, General Tax Levy and User Rates; (iv) the Region will be satisfied that the cost of the development are within the financial capability of the Region through a number of mechanisms which may include but are not limited to: (A) conditions to be included in any of the above noted development applications, where applicable; (B) satisfactory financial arrangements which may include agreements with the City of Pickering, landowners, the Provincial Government or others; and (C) the implementation of satisfactory arrangements under the Development Charges Act (1997);* (g) require that an appropriate right-of-way be protected to accommodate a future continuous (free-flow) east-west traffic movement for Third Concession/Rossland Extension west from Brock Road over the West Duffins Creek;* (h) for lands designated Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridor, (i) require new development to provide a strong and identifiable urban image by establishing buildings closer to the street, provide safe and convenient pedestrian access, and encourage the construction of multi-storey buildings; (ii) identify 'Neighbourhood Focal Points' on the Tertiary Plan contained within the CounciI- adopted Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; * Sections (f) and (g) were added by the Region of Durham in its consideration of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies of Modification 1. Appendix 1 to Report PO 14-03 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to Pickering Official Plan Page 5 (iii)require development within the Focal Points to contribute to the prominence of the intersection; to achieve this, Council, (A) shall require the implementing zoning by-laws for developments within Focal Points to include appropriate provisions addressing such matters as the location and extent of build-to-zones, minimum building height, minimum number of functional storeys, mix of permitted uses, and required building articulation; and (B) in addition to section (A) above, shall utilize other site development features such as building design, building material, architectural features or structures, landscaping, public art and public realm enhancements to help achieve intersection prominence; (i) designate the tableland coniferous and mixed forest located between the valley corridor of the Ganatsekaigon Creek and Brock Road as Open Opace System on Schedule I, while recognizing that the exact boundaries of the Open Space System shall be established following the results of an environmental report, in accordance with section 14.4; and (j) require any developer of lands adjacent to the tableland coniferous and mixed forest located between the valley corridor of the Ganatsekaigon Creek and Brock Road to submit an Environmental Report, to the satisfaction of the City in consultation with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, that must: (i) describe and assess the features and functions of the tableland coniferous and mixed forest; (ii) define the exact boundaries of the Open Space System; (iii) address the protection of the tableland forest from any new development through such matters such as appropriate setbacks and/ or buffers, tree management, edge management, tree preservation, environmental construction management, and stormwater management; and (iv) identify road and engineering designs that maintain the ecological integrity of the tableland coniferous and mixed forest." Appendix 1 to Report PO 14-03 Revision 1 to Modification 1 to Pickering Official Plan Page 6 4. Revising Item 17. by replacing the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood land uses designated on Schedule I - Land Use Structure, as indicated on Schedule 'B' to this revision.* IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Revision. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Revision. * For information purposes and to assist the reader in understand the pattern of land uses that will result following the changes to land Use Schedule as set out in this amendment, a consolidated land use schedule, showing the affect of Revision 1 to Modification 1 for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood immediately follows Schedule 'B' to this revision. Dated, Revision I to Modification I City-initiated' Duffin Heights Neighbonrhood of East Duffins Area April 2/03 File' l' SCHEDULE I TO THE REVISION #1 (DUFFIN HEIGHTS NEIGHBOURHOOD) TO MODIFICATION # 1 TO LAND USE STRUCTURE PI CKERIN G 0 FFI CIAL PLAN OPEN SPACE SYSTEM . NATURAL AREAS . ACTIVE RECREATIONAL AREAS . MARINA AREAS JANUARY 2003 Coy OF POCK""NO MIXED USE AREAS - LOCAL NODES . COMMUNITY NOOES . MIXED CORRIDORS l1li DOWNTOWN CORE REGIONAL NODES l1li REGIONAL NOOE 1 SHEET 1 OF 3 FOR IN D THE EMPLOYMENT AREAS FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES D GENERAL EMPLOYMENT. POTENTIAL MULTI-USE AREAS ~ PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT l1li CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS I::~-a MIXED EMPLOYMENT OTHER DESIGNATIONS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS. URBAN STUDY AREAS LOW DENSITY AREAS SEATON URBAN STUDY AREA ~ MEDIUM DENSITY AREAS ~~-:i HIGH DENSITY AREAS AGRICULTURAL AREAS RURAL SETTLEMENTS . RURAL CLUSTERS l1li RURAL HAMLETS .". ow ..~o_.o...... -----_""000'_'__" l' tv SCHEDULE ITO THE REVISION #1 (DUFFIN HEIGHTS NEIGHBOURHOOD) TO MODIFICATION # 1 TO LAND USE STRUCTURE PICKERING 0 FFI CIAL PLAN OPEN SPACE SYSTEM . NATURAL AREAS . ACTIVE RECREATIONAL AREAS . MARINA AREAS MARCH 2003 CnY OF "'C"""NO MIXED USE AREAS - LOCAL NODES . COMMUNITY NODES . MIXED CORRIDORS . DOWNTOWN CORE REGIONAL NODES . REGIONAL NODE 1 SHEET 1 OF 3 EMPLOYMENT AREAS FREEWAYS AND MAJOR UTILITIES 0 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT. POTENTIAL MULTI-USE AREAS ~ PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT. CONTROLLED ACCESS AREAS E-;.::I MIXED EMPLOYMENT OTHER DESIGNATIONS URBAN RESIDENTIAL AREAS. URBAN STUDY AREAS LOW DENSITY AREAS SEATON URBAN STUDY AREA ~ MEDIUM DENSITY AREAS E-:-:i HIGH DENSITY AREAS AGRICULTURAL AREAS RURAL SETTLEMENTS . RURAL CLUSTERS . RURAL HAMLETS ""'-""-~---,-----,-,,------- APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER PD 14-03 DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR THE DUFFIN HEIGHTS NEIGHBOURHOOD ----------- ----------- Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Section 01 0 uBi n He i g hiS DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES -þ (', (', TAUNTON ROAD --------- ~~-r--- ----:f..ß:i- ,;;;(-,- --- ;¡;JÞ tS>- --- O~ Q&:J -<'~ 'It' ú<'v <'v'?' ~((- v?- "" &:J z 5: 0 f- 1íJ.= - 9L._L:: ------ - 1'1 - ---- ------- -~-----~------~ Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines - Table of Contents Sections 01.1 01.2 01.3 01.4 01.5 01.6 01.7 01.8 Figures General Description Neighbourhood Vision Development Framework Development Objectives Urban Design Guidelines 01.5.1 Environmental Resources 01.5.2 Residential Development Proposals 01.5.3 B rock Road Streetscape 01.5.4 Focal Points along Brock Road 01.5.5 School and Park Sites Road Network Staging Implementation Figure A: Tertiary Plan Figure B: Design Plan Page 1 1 2 2 3 3 6 8 14 15 15 16 16 Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines 01.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 01.2 This document contains Development Guidelines for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood in the City of Pickering. Although the former Brock West Landfill Site is included in this Neighbourhood, the guidelines contained in this document do not apply to it. The guidelines do apply to the lands on both sides of Brock Road, bounded to the east by the municipal boundary with the Town of Ajax, to the west by the Ganatsekiagon Creek, to the north by the St. Lawrence & Hudson (formerly CP.) rail line, and to the south by the Hydro Corridor. The subject lands are affected by a number of existing land uses and natural features, which have been taken into consideration during the land use planning process and during the preparation of these Guidelines. The key ones are listed below: . The valley systems associated with Ganatsekiagon Creek and Urfe Creek; Two Hydro Corridors, one running diagonally through the lands and a wider one, which forms the south limit; A cemetery, approximately 34 hectares in size, located on the east side of Brock Road, north of the Hydro Corridor; A place of religious assembly located on the west side of Brock Road, north of Dersan Street; The St. Lawrence & Hudson Rail line located on the northern boundary of the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood; and The tableland forest located between the Ganatsekiagon Creek and Brock Road. . . . . . It is expected that the variety of uses along Brock Road will be replaced through redevelopment for more intensive residential, commercial and related uses in the longer term. NEIGHBOURHOOD VISION The Duffin Heights neighbourhood is conceived as a cluster of separate but linked nodes of residential centred around a mixed use corridor. Open spaces shall serve as a key organizing feature by physically linking the residential areas and by providing edge definition where development areas abut. In addition, open space shall contribute to the overall character by enhancing scenic quality and providing focal points for views. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31, 2003) Page 2 The neighbourhood shall be designed with the pedestrian in mind by providing appropriate facilities, scale, form and detail to promote walking and social interaction. Such facilities shall include an integrated pedestrian system of sidewalks, park pathways, valleyland trails, urban plazas associated with the mixed use corridor, and meeting places such as seating areas. "'~"""";,../""~" '~:þ! .,,: f ~~ c ;¡:;>", "" 6 \ tÞ., ,,' '-\..,.o::;t 01.3 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK The Duffin Heights Tertiary Plan, attached as Figure A, establishes the opportunity for a broad mix of residential dwelling types, from Low Density areas in more secluded locations, to Medium and High Density housing forms centred particularly on Brock Road. The Tertiary Plan identifies significant community focal points at the intersections of Brock Road and Dersan Street and at the proposed Type C arterial road crossing to the north, where the more significant built form and gateway treatment is envisioned. Brock Road will also provide retail and shopping opportunities, as well as restaurants, personal seNices and professional offices. 01.4 DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES The development of Duffin Heights shall strive to achieve the design objectives and adhere to the policies the City's Official Plan, particularly, Chapter 9, "Community Design" and Chapter 13, "Detailed Design Considerations." It is the intent of these guidelines to both further those objectives and embellish the ones listed below: Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31,2003) Page 3 01.5 To create pedestrian-oriented residential areas, distinct in character and harmonious with the larger neighbourhood. To create a streetscape which is attractive, safe and encourages social interaction within the neighbourhood. To establish a central focus to the neighbourhood which is safe, lively and attractive. To provide a diversity of uses to support neighbourhood and City functions. To preserve and maintain the ecological function of the tableland forest and valleylands. . . . . . URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES The following guidelines have been developed to help meet the above stated objectives. 01.5.1 Environmental Resources The existing landscape within Duffin Heights contributes much to the area's character and to the City's ecological system. The multiple valleylands and mature woodlands are considered unique attributes, which will benefit the neighbourhood, by serving as integral parts of the open space system and optimizing scenic quality. Development of Duffin Heights shall require careful consideration of integrating with existing topography and mature vegetation. 1. Tableland Woodlands . The number of road connections through the tableland forest as identified on Figure 'A'-Tertiary Plan should be minimized and the streets that directly abut the forest shall have development on the opposite side. . No development shall occur on lands west of Brock Road or on lands abutting the open space features east of Brock Road prior to the completion of an environmental report in accordance with sections 14.4 and 11.17(j) of the Official Plan. The report shall also identify individual tree species over 30mm caliper and assess vegetation areas in general. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31, 2003) Page 4 . The assessment of vegetation areas shall indicate priority for preservation based on an evaluation of vegetation health, ecological value and sensitivity to development. . The report shall also be applied in the design, placement and configuration of roads and loti blocks. . Retention of significant vegetation is encouraged. However, the City acknowledges that some vegetation shall be lost through development. In some cases, remedial plantings will be required (on-site or off-site as appropriate) to compensate for vegetation loss east and west of Brock Road. These plantings should be native species and contribute to the area's biodiversity. . Edge vegetation at the woodlands should be preserved or enhanced to protect interior habitats. . Pedestrian access shall be controlled through the provision of a path system that protects sensitive areas, provides opportunities for interpretation and establishes critical links to the community. 2. Tree Preservation Within Development Areas . In addition to the tableland forest, established trees that provide significant buffering or aesthetic contributions to the neighbourhood should be considered for preservation and protected during construction. While it is recognized that tree preservation within the fully serviced urban areas is limited, opportunities for tree preservation should be undertaken. Tree preservation details will be required to be submitted for the City's review. 3. Street Tree Planting . Street tree planting shall be provided, to a minimum of one tree per unit and twelve metres on centre across public space frontages, for shade and aesthetics. Where possible, the trees should be native species and contribute to the area's biodiversity. Theme street tree planting should be encouraged to assist in identifying and enhancing certain areas/uses within the neighbourhood. 4. Stormwater Management . Based on preliminary storm water information, potential stormwater management ponds are identified on Figure 'A'- Tertiary Plan. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31, 2003) Page 5 The ponds are adjacent to the neighbourhood's open space system and would strive to achieve optimal out-flow water quality to the creeks, in accordance with best management practices. . Through development appl ications, the location of the ponds may shift or may not be required. If not required, the adjacent land use designation would apply. landowners may be required to enter cost-sharing agreements for stormwater management ponds, as conditions of development approval. . 5. Valleyland System . The valleyland system, which is part of the open space system, includes lands below top of bank and a ten metre wide open space buffer. The City and landowners have surveyed the top of bank along the eastern edge of the Ganatsekiagon Creek, as identified on Figure 'N-Tertiary Plan. . In preparing development applications for areas abutting the open space areas on the east side of Brock Road, surveys to establish top of bank and the associated valleyland system are required. . Public access should be controlled, well defined and strategically located to contribute to the community's pedestrian system. Building on the City's Trail and Bikeway Master Plan, which identified a trail network along the valleylands, additional trails have been identified. A continuous pedestrian trail should be provided within the buffer and opportunities for public education/interpretation should also be considered. 6. Pedestrian System . An integrated pedestrian system shall be established which provides safe, attractive and easy access within and to residential areas, community focal points and open spaces. The system shall be comprised of sidewalks, paved pathways, valleyland trails, urban plazas associated with the mixed use corridor, and meeting places such as seating areas. Major pedestrian routes are identified on Figure 'B'- Design Plan. . Major east-west connections shall occur along primary roads, linked through schools, parks and other open space. Major north- south connections shall occur within open spaces including valleylands, woodlands and the hydro corridor. The connection within the Ganatsekiagon Creek valleyland system shall serve as a critical connection between northern and southern Pickering, as identified in the City's Trails and Bikeway Master Plan. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31,2003) Page 6 . Opportunities to secure adequate rights-of-way for these pedestrian routes will be considered in the review of subdivision and site designs as the neighbourhood develops. Prior to the construction of any pedestrian route, detailed assessments of locations and alignments shall be required. . Identified pedestrian routes not located in the open space areas shall be constructed by the developer at the time of development. The City shall be responsible for the provision of pedestrian connections through the open space areas. . The City shall, in cooperation with the landowner, encourage the provision of additional pedestrian routes through the cemetery lands to integrate with the neighbourhood's pedestrian system. 7. 8. 01.5.2 1. Vistas and Views Development shall strive to protect, enhance and create prominent vistas and views. Such views should contribute to the neighbourhood's character by framing key built and natural features, particularly public buildings, valleylands, woodlands, schools and parks. They should also assist in orienting oneself within the community. Road configuration and building massing should be designed to establish these views and vistas. Prominent views have been identified on Figure 'B'- Design Plan. . Hydro Corridor . Hydro corridors offer a continuous physical connection through the community. As such, a trail should be provided in the corridor that contributes to the neighbourhood's pedestrian system and is in accordance with the City's Trail's and Bikeways Master Plan. Residential Development Proposals Homes should feature prominent main entrances that are visible from the street. Accordingly, garages should be modest in scale and integrated so that they do not dominate the house. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31, 2003) Page 7 2. Architectural detailing and stepping the footprint of the front and rear facades shall be uti I ized to avoid the appearance of long flat walls. 3. Building elevations adjacent to the street should have sufficient detailing and wall openings etc. to avoid blank facades. Corner lot dwellings should address both street frontages UI'l!ìULATIN6 t-O()T~INT C"R:£ÄTES 1t\-re'RE\T Allowance should be made for comfortable and convenient pedestrian movement from residential areas to parks, open spaces, proposed trails and schools. A sidewalk shall be constructed along at least one side of a local street in the residential areas and along both sides of all collector and arterial roads. 4. 5. Any building mounted utility boxes including telephone, gas and hydro shall be enclosed within or behind a screening device or flush mounted so as to minimize their visual impact on the streetscape or where enclosed, shall generally match the materials used in the building façade construction. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31, 2003) Page 8 Any free-standing utility boxes including hydro, telephone, etc. shall be enclosed within screening devices designed to match or complement the buildings. 6. 7. All stairs required on front or flankage facades shall be cast in place and not pre-cast units unless otherwise permitted through the site plan approval process for residential properties. A maximum of five steps shall be permitted to the front entry. STAI!<::S c.A\T I H l"I..A CE .. .' ~, " Lighting design should complement the design of the development, shall not spillover into adjacent properties or streets, and shall be downcastto avoid excessive light pollution. 8. 9. For residential development, the front entrance will face the public street. 01.5.3 Brock Road Streetscape 1. Buildings and landscaping should have pedestrian scale features yet have sufficient form and massing, with appropriate setbacks, to establish a presence along Brock Road frontage. "" , j / ~Pe'fAUc:.../ ! \..OCAt.. ~./ A variety of residential and business opportunities are encouraged. These uses may be provided singly or in combination. The development of residential dwellings in combination with retail/commercial space is also encouraged. 2. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31,2003) Page 9 3. New uses that abut the existing cemetery and place of religious assembly shall demonstrate sensitivity to the nature of these uses, in their on-site arrangement of buildings, site layout, and shall provide appropriate landscaping, fencing or other buffering treatments. 4. Streetscape elements such as furniture, accessories, fencing and gateway features should be visually harmonious and complement building architecture. ~"'Y¿~'~ I t. ¡Ii ~ 5. The pedestrian system shall comprise primarily concrete sidewalks within the road right-of-way. Enhanced (i.e. widened) sidewalks should be considered along both sides of Brock Road and at focal points. The system should be designed to provide clear pedestrian connections including bicycle and trail within the neighbourhood and beyond. Alternate pavement markings or materials, landscaping, signage and/or lighting may be used as required to minimize conflicts between vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Noise attenuation solutions such as fencing and earth berming immediately adjacent to Brock Road are prohibited. Instead, buildings shall be designed and located to address noise attenuation requirements. 6. 7. Parki ng . Parking areas should be located at the rear or side of buildings where possible. Views of large parking areas shall be minimized by utilizing appropriate principles of site planning and street edge treatment. STREET Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31, 2003) Page 1 0 . A minimum landscape strip of 3.0 metres shall separate parking areas from adjacent residential development. . If parking must be in front of the buildings, no more than two rows of parking between the buildings and the street shall be permitted. Such parking areas shall be attractively buffered from public rights-of-way through the appropriate layout of plant and landscape materials. IE 8. Building Placement . Buildings should be located close to the street. . Special consideration shall be given for building placements adjacent to the Brock Road underpass. 9. Building Appearance . The minimum building height shall be 6.5 metres. . Maximum building heights shall be established with consideration to scale and neighbourhood compatibility. . Development will employ innovative architectural designs utilizing high quality materials to humanize the street, mitigate the effects of traffic, and present an attractive frontage along public roads. . No blank walls shall be exposed to public right-of-ways. . Commercial buildings that front the street should be constructed with street level windows and entrances to buildings directly off of the public right-of-way. . Covered entries in order to provide points of refuge to pedestrians and define entry points shall be provided at all public entrances. . Building facades facing Brock Road must have a minimum of 50% glazing where possible. . Pedestrian entry doors facing Brock Road shall be required regardless of whether these are the main entry points. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31,2003) Page 11 10. Rooftop Equipment 11. 12. . All mechanical equipment must be adequately screened and all commercial buildings should contain their rooftop mechanical equipment either in small rooftop elements or under roof profiles. Odour Control . For all restaurant uses, restaurant cooking ventilation systems shall incorporate ecologizer, water wash, ultraviolet or other equivalent odour extraction mechanisms sufficient to ensure that the resulting exhaust is substantially odour free and will not affect surrounding residents. Orive-Thru Facilities . Orive-thru facilities shall be located such that the pick up window or stacking spaces are not situated between the front wall of a building and the street edge. Orive-thru facilities should provide a minimum of 8 automobile stacking spaces before the order board and a minimum of 4 automobile stacking spaces between the order board and the pick-up window. . Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31,2003) Page 12 13. Vehicular Access . Driveways and parking areas located between streetline and the front of the building are discouraged. Pedestrian and vehicular conflict points should be minimized and pedestrians should be given priority at crossings by continuing the sidewalk through the vehicular entrance and treating the ground plane with textured asphalt or pavers. . 14. Pedestrian Environment ~lp£\Ø.L (,O"I1=Uc.T A.~E~ "'\1J.NE W¡'N . Clearly articulated pedestrian access from the pub I ic right-of-way to the entry of all buildings is to be provided. . Where possible, a minimum landscape strip of 3.0 metres will be required along building frontages to allow for comfortable pedestrian circulation and adequate landscaping and site furnishings to be integrated into these areas. . In large parking areas, landscaped pedestrian walkways shall be provided from the parking area to the main entry. 15. Storage . Garbage and recycling storage should be incorporated into the building itself. However, should garbage and recycling enclosures be required for commercial- development, they will be fully enclosed in roofed structures and located towards the rear of the properties. . Garbage and recycling enclosures will be required to be constructed of materials matching or complementary to that of the buildings. . No outdoor storage shall be permitted. . i I ì rm.__._.J C:¡^'R~G.€ E'I4<'LOS~~ A\~~~ Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31,2003) Page 13 16. Landscaping . All areas not required for building, storage, servicing, or parking shall be landscaped. . Front yard landscape areas are encouraged by minimizing access points and reducing the amount of excessive, hard paving area at the front of buildings. . A continuous landscape connection between the building front and the street boulevard is preferred. . Berms are not considered appropriate along the frontage of a commercial property. . As the percentage of front yard landscaping decreases the intensity and quality of landscaping throughout the site shall increase. 17. Buffers . Adequate and attractive screening and buffering between commercial and residential development shall be required; landscape elements including fenci ng may be uti I ized 18. Site Furniture . Bicycle lock-up areas and trash receptacles shall be integrated into development sites in convenient locations and shown on site plans. . Attractive exterior seating areas or courtyards that include benches, bicycle lock-ups and garbage receptacles, and that are safely removed from vehicular routes, shall be encouraged. CO'"""'E'Rc.I^l. 15U :Ç ~I~G 1Œc;,II'E""I"Þ.L rEEmIffiJ ! "-"N\.~"'- f\.W.'::I.I. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31,2003) Page 14 19. Signage . Site plan appl ications should identify sign details including location and size. . Fascia signs should be designed to be integral with the building façades. . Signage for second storey businesses should be located on a sign directory near the main entry. . Ground signs are preferred over pole or pylon signs. 20. Lighting . Lighting design should complement the design of the development. Exterior lighting shall not spillover onto adjacent properties or streets. Lighting shall be downcast to avoid excessive light pollution. Lighting and light standards in public areas including parking lots should relate to the pedestrian and be limited to a height of 6.0 metres. . . . 01.5.4 Focal Points along Brock Road 2. 3. 1. Focal points are identified at the intersections of Brock Road and the arterial roads as indicated on Figure 'A'- Tertiary Plan. The use of appropriate building heights, massing, architectural features and landscaping will establish a prominent image at these intersections. The building focus should be augmented by distinctive boulevard and median landscaping which will assist in establishing a sense of "arrival" at the intersection. In order to provide for a suitable visual focus within the focal point, higher building heights and multi-storey buildings are encouraged at the corners of the intersections. Building heights and massing must be sensitive (i.e. minimize the casting of shadows) to adjacent development. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31,2003) Page 1 5 4. At corner locations, buildings should be designed to contain the street by having thei r front walls parallel to the street and occupying the minimum percentage of the build-to-zone specified in the implementing zoning by-law. 5. Outdoor public spaces such as squares or landscaped seating areas should be provided in the focal points. c ¡ l 01.5.5 School and Park Sites As identified on the Tertiary Plan, four elementary schools are identified conceptually, two to the west of Brock Road and two to the east of Brock Road. In all cases, they are proposed as school/neighbourhood park campuses with each site having an area of approximately 2.4 hectares. These campuses will front onto a Type C arterial road or onto a collector road. The school buildings shall be located so at to create prominent focal points within the neighbourhood. If the City's Operations Centre is not relocated by the time the separate elementary school is required, then an alternate school site will have to be sought within the neighbourhood. As subdivision planning and design work for the neighbourhood continues, the number and type of school sites required will be able to be addressed more precisely. If school and park sites are not required, then these lands may be developed in accordance with the adjacent land use designation. 01.6 ROAD NETWORK The Tertiary Plan is structured around Brock Road, a Type A arterial road that passes through the entire neighbourhood. Public roads intersecting with Brock Road will occur at points indicated by the Tertiary Plan, with signalized intersections occurring at Dersan Street and the new arterial road south of Taunton Road. Private driveway access or other roads intersecting with Brock Road will be considered only if approved by the Region of Durham, and if they do not prejudice the achievement of other planned road intersections. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31, 2003) Page 16 01.7 01.8 Roads should be aligned to form a grid or modified grid pattern, with connections to the Brock Road corridor. Where possible, roads should front onto or terminate at key features including the valleylands, woodlands, stormwater management facility, school and parks. Consideration may be given to reduced road standards and to the use of rear lanes. For example, a modified road cross section may be consider for road linkages passing through the area of tableland forest to reduce impact on the woodlands and its wildlife. Type C arterial road standards may be required for the east/west road, which provides the opportunity for linkages to the west, across Ganatsekiagon Creek and to the east, into the Town of Ajax. It is anticipated that Brock Road will be widened to six lanes in the future, and upgraded to standard urban cross-sections with curbs, gutters and sidewalks. The Region has identified an ultimate right-of-way of 50 meters for Brock Road and an underpass at the existing grade railway crossing. STAGING Development of Duffin Heights will occur in an orderly and efficient manner, based on full municipal services. The street system and road connections will be extended as necessary to provide safe and secure access to new development. In addition, public facilities such as parks will be developed in a timely manner to ensure that the needs of future residents are met. The provision for a functional trail section of the pedestrian system should be implemented coincidental with adjacent development wherever possible. landowners may be required to enter cost-sharing agreements for certain facilities, such as stormwater management ponds, as conditions of development approval. Developers may be required, as conditions of development approval, to post signs at the terminus of partially completed roads identifying that future construction of a through road will occur. IMPLEMENTATION The Duffin Heights Development Guidelines will be implemented, in part, through detailed subdivision design and the inclusion of appropriate performance standards in the Zoning Bylaw. In addition, applications for Site Plan Approval will be reviewed to determine whether or not the requirements of these Guidelines are being met. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (March 31, 2003) Page 1 7 An application for the approval of major development will be required to be supported by a statement prepared by a qualified professional as to how the proposal meets the general intent of the Guidelines, prior to Council's consideration of the application. Further details from the applicant respecting full compliance will be required prior to site plan approval. Implementation will also occur through consideration of proposed Draft Plans of Subdivision. The preparation of a Siting and Architectural Design Statement shall be prepared by a qualified profession will be required and among other matters will: . Reflect the design principles contained in these Guidelines . Provide direction on the design of all dwelling models and elevations; and All building permit applications will also be reviewed in the context of these Guidelines and any corresponding Siting and Architectural Design Statements. ~ Taunton Road -~ -- ~ " -I 0 :E z "'"'" 0 '"'1 > "- > X "<""..~",,- ~'> 'c "",«"""" City of Pickering REGIONAL FlOODUNE Planning & Development Department TERTIARY PLAN - DUFFIN HEIGHTS NEIGHBOURHOOD ,-, ~ RESIDENTIAL 'SMP' FUTURE STORMWATER , 'MANAGEMENT POND ~ BROCKROAD5TRE£TSCAPE '-' r - ." FUTURE NEIGHBOURHOOD c:;;:] TABLELAND FOREST tN..'"': PARK A FUTURE B.EMENTARY ..~~ SOIOOL 'f\ GUIDLEINE BOUNDARY ......... TOP OF BANK FUTURE ROADS MAJOR FOCAL POINT MINOR FOCAL POINT SCALE 1: 12IlOO 100 0 100 1"Lo.~:I:... . MAR. 31, 2003 FIGURE A oaaddr<:lw'lItudl_'duffln.'dutflnh.lghtB- 1 (FlNAl.Qpr1l1) Taunton Road - 0 ::e z "<>'-, 0 "T » '- » X ---,-,----" -- --------- ---, ----- ,--- ------------ ~-------- City of Pickering GUIDEUNE BOUNDARY ......... TOP OF BANK REGIONAL FLOODUNE FUTURE ROADS Planning & Development Department DESIGN PLAN - DUFFIN HEIGHTS NEIGHBOURHOOD ~ BROCK ROAD STREETSCAPE ~ RESIDENTIAL G::J TABLELAND FOREST PROMINENT INTERNAL VlEWS/YISTAS l' ^' SCALE 1 : 121500 100 0 100 1"Io..-£h- . MAR. 31, 2003 , .... PROMINENT EXTERNAL VlEWS/YISTAS CJC,,=,CJ MAlOR PEDESTRIAN ROUTES FIGURE B acaddraw\.ortudl- \. duffln.\dufflnhe/9hta-2(FlNALaprill ) APPENDIX III TO REPORT NUMBER PD 14.03 INORMATION REVISION 9 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN MAP 25 NEIGHBOURHOOD 15: DUFFIN HEIGHTS TAUNTON LEGEND ---- - NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) -- DETAILED REVIEW AREA ... .- ó (¡) (¡) @ ~ LANDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HAS ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MARCH, 200~ ~CT:~~'N~"':..:o"..:'J'S:-;:.'" ~;..,,'~~ ~~~~~"i¡C~~NN :.~~ ~~~ g~T:E~F SCHEDULES AND THE TEXT. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN: Chapter Eleven- Urban Neighbourhoods I l' IV SYMBOLS NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY ICEM ~ ~ PROPOSED DISTRICT PARK CEMETERY PLACE OF WORSHIP PARK PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SEPARATE ELEMENTARY ~ SCHOOL PROPOSED PARK PROPOSED PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (Q) PROPOSED PUBLIC SEPERATE SCHOOL PROPOSED PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL PROPOSED PLACE OF WORSHIP NOTE, LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ,APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I 167 L~1 >::~=;"I Ii I TO r.:;..;H) ti Pu 7"1.. ò 3 Deferrals to the Pickering Official Plan East Duffins Area i 6.5 : Deferred policy identifying amount of additional ¡ ¡ growth to occur in South Pickering Urban Area, ¡ ¡ as it relates to the East Duffins Study Area, ¡ ¡ pending consideration of Regional Official Plan ... ,...... ................ ...........!............. ................... """"""""""""""""""""""""'" L.A.~.~.~.9.~.~.!:I..t...~!:.Q.1.~..j ~g.~..AŒ1..~. !:I..g.~ .~.~. ~ ..~.9..: ...?.! 1...... D21 : 11.17 1 Deferred policies for Duffin Heights i i Neighbourhood, pending consideration of the 1 1 East Duffins Area Study and Regional Official ¡¡Plan Amendment Application 97-019 (now .....................................1..................................................................................l...A.~.~.~.9.Œ1..~.!:I..t...~g:...!?..t..............................................""""""""'.....................".... D31 ¡ Schedule I ¡ Deferred the designations within the East ¡ ! Duffins Area Study, pending consideration of ¡ ¡ Regional Amendment Application 97-019 (now ¡ i Amendment No. 51) .. "039"""""""'" ....,.. "sCïï ë d uïë' "ïï" .................................. """'l'ï5efeï:¡:ëa"'rõãërëïesïg ñã iï õñs"iõrth ë"EãsTb'U¡¡¡¡:¡s ....... ¡ ¡ Study Area, including the Transit Spine ¡ ¡ associated with Taunton Road, but excluding ¡ ¡ Brock Road and its associated Transit spine, ¡ ¡ pending further study of matters related to the ¡ ¡ transportation services of Seaton and the 1 : Air ort ATTACH~mn II ~ TO r;~.;\!¡n fI PO lLf-ô 3 Ciú/ o~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-03 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF February 20, 2003 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Proposed Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan City Initiated: Duffin Heights Neighbourhood of the East Duffin Area Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines Part of Lots 15 to 24, Concession 3 City of Pickering 1.0 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the East Duffins Area is divided into two neighbourhoods: Duffin Heights and Lamoreaux (see Neighbourhood Map, Attachment #1); - Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, as depicted by the Pickering Official Plan, is bounded by the St. Lawrence & Hudson (formerly C.P.) Rail line to the north, Ontario Hydro Gatineau Corridor to the south, and the Pickering-Ajax boundary to the east and the West Duffins Creek to the west (see Location Map, Attachment #2); - Duffin Heights Neighbourhood is approximately 516 hectares in size; - the majority of land within the Neighbourhood is publicly owned, with privately owned lands primarily concentrated along the frontage of Brock Road. 2.0 BACKGROUND - in June 1997, Pickering Council, passed a resolution to: . endorse the "Phase 1 Final Report - East Duffins Area", prepared by Templeton-Lepek Limited, dated May 1997, as the basis for modifications to the Council Adopted Pickering Official Plan; . adopt the "Proposed Modifications to the Council Adopted Official Plan and requests the Region of Durham to modify the new Pickering Official Plan; and, Information Report No. 08-03 1'. T""I H.'I 11'..'r~.'1 # ""1 .,.., "-"'. 0( TO f;:'J¡:;ll/ PD- -ïW__- Page 2 . request the Region of Durham to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to enable the above referenced modifications to the Council Adopted Pickering Official Plan; In 1999, following the Region's review of Modification 1, Regional Council authorized the Regional Commissioner of Planning to approve the deferred portions of the Pickering Official Plan, for the East Duffins Area, once the Province approves a portion of Deferral No.7 (affecting Dixie Road) to the Regional Official Plan; in May 2002, Pickering Council adopted a resolution directing that staff initiate a Growth Management Study for certain lands in Pickering, including the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood. In addition, Council at its meeting of January 23, 2003, requested that the Region of Durham not issue its Notice of Decision on Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan as it affects the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood until the Growth Management Study was completed. City staff was also requested to proceed and fine-tune the land use polices and designations for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood and to report back to Council on any further changes. 3.0 REVISON 1 TO MODIFICATION 1 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN - the City of Pickering proposes to revise Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan to protect a continuous vegetated corridor of coniferous and mixed forests lying between the Ganatsekiagan Creek Valley and Brock Road; - the proposed revision, provided as Appendix I, includes the following policy and Schedule changes to Modification 1; . revise certain lands on Schedule I - Land Use Structure by: . replacing the Urban Residential Area - Low Density and Urban Residential Area - Medium Density with the Open Space System - Natural Areas to reflect the forest corridor; . replacing the Urban Residential Area - Medium Density with the Urban Residential Area - Low Density for lands located west of the forest corridor; and . replacing the Urban Residential Area - Low Density with the Urban Residential Area - Medium Density for lands located east of Brock Road to offset the loss of population resulting from the recognition of the forest corridor; . revise policy 11.17- Duffin Heights Neighbourhood policies with new policies to: . locate buildings closer to the street; . provide safe and convenient pedestrian access; . promote the construction of multi-storey buildings; . ensure that the forest corridor is adequately protected from any new development; Information Report No. 08-03 :'"lIf:; I"~ -.......-.> Pi Itf -03 Page 3 . require road and engineering designs to enhance the ecological integrity of the forest corridor; . revise the populations targets for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood in recognition of the proposed land use changes; informal revisions to the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Map to update road, school and park locations, and the Detailed Review Area will be prepared for Council's consideration. 4.0 OFFICIAL PLANS 4.1 Durham ReQional Official Plan the eastern portion of the Duffins Heights Neigbourhood including the closed Brock West Landfill site is designated Major Open Space System with the remainder designated as Living Area on Map A4 of the Regional Official Plan; lands designated Major Open Space shall be used for conservation, recreation, and reforestation uses; lands designated Living Area shall be used predominantly for housing purposes, in addition to certain home occupations, convenience stores, public and recreational uses, limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services; Brock Road is classified as a Type A Arterial Road on Map B2 of the Regional Official Plan; 4.2 Modification 1 to the PickerinQ Official Plan lands within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood are designated as Urban Residential Areas - Low and Medium Density Areas, Mixed Corridor Areas, Open Space System - Natural Areas, and Major Utilities - Potential Multi-Use Areas on Schedule I - Land Use Structure of Schedule B to Modification 1; lands designated Urban Residential Areas may be used for residential, home occupation, limited office, limited retailing, community, cultural and recreational uses, compatible employment uses and compatible special purpose commercial uses; lands designated Mixed Corridors may be for residential uses, retailing, offices, restaurants, community, cultural, recreational uses and special purpose commercial uses within this designation; the permissible density for residential development is a range of over 30 and up to and including 140 units per net hectare; lands designated Open Space System - Natural Areas may be used for conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation and similar uses; lands designated Freeways and Major Utilities - Potential Multi-Use Areas may be used for utility and ancillary uses, and public or private uses that are compatible with adjacent land uses; Information Report No. 08-03 i, :; < /'I-O?, , Page 4 4.3 5.0 5.1 6.0 - future arterial road crossings of the Ganatsekiagon Creek, Urfe Creek and its tributaries and Brock Road are designated on Schedule II Transportation System of Schedule F; Brock Road is designated as a Type A Arlerial and a Transit Spine on Schedule II - Transportation System of Schedule F; Proposed Duffin HeiQhts NeiQhbourhood Guidelines - the City, in consultation with Templeton Planning Ltd. and Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc., has prepared draft Development Guidelines for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood; - the Guidelines provide the Neighbourhood's overall urban design objectives, which are then elaborated on through a set of guidelines on environmental resources, urban design and community planning principles for residential areas and for the Brock Road corridor, and parks; - the Guidelines will assist developers in preparing their development proposals; a copy of the Guidelines will be available for pick-up at the public meeting. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident, AQency and Staff Comments - no comments have been received to date. PROCEDURAL INFORMATION Official Plan Approval Authority - the Region of Durham is the approval authority for local official plans; General - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. Information Report No. 08-03 t1'"lL/')~~1ErP fJ_.,;l- Tn ""',"'J""'-'"",/LL')'3 ¡".., ", "¡, l_.7:. -... "" '.. -- '----- -- Page 5 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix No. I - a copy of the City-initiated revision to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan; Background Information 7.2 - copies of the City's proposed Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines are available for viewing at the office of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Catherine Rose Manager, Policy Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Policy GM/jj Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy 2. 3. "'1' 1-1~L.:.Q~~...... Excerpts from Statutory Public Information Meeting Thursday, February 20,2003 7:00 P.M. The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) PROPOSED REVISION 1 TO MODIFICATION 1 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN CITY INITIATED: DUFFIN HEIGHTS NEIGHBOURHOOD OF THE EAST DUFFIN AREA DUFFIN HEIGHTS NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES PART OF LOTS 15 TO 24. CONCESSION 3 1. Grant McGregor, Principal Planner - Policy, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #08-03. Richard Wright, 2660 Brock Rd. N., questioned if the Seaton Golf Club is included in the medium density designation and how close to Brock Road is the woodlot. Kathy Gaudi, 1792 Taunton Rd., stated her concern with the area in which her property is located being zoning low density housing. Enbridge Pipelines Inc. 801 Upper Canada Drive P,O, Box 128 Samia, Ontario N7T 7H8 (Courier N7W 1A3) 171/-")"""':'1 If 1"'. '/'-1-0"3 fENBRIDGE GED 029 February 6, 2003 File No. number: 73. 11 Pickering/Durham City of Pickering Planning Department One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 ~ IE ~.... ~ ~ ~ if. ~. rñì. nlJ I r: I: R 1 0 7(\0'{ III !} . . ,-.u _u" ¡ --.? Attention: Mr. Grant McGregor, Principal Planner CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO Re: Planning Amendment for the following Neighbourhoods: 1) Duffin Heights Heighbourhood 2) Rouge Park Neighbourhood Dear Mr. McGregor, Enbridge Pipelines Inc. (Enbridge) operates one 30" diameter pipeline contained within an easement through the subject lands. Enbridge would like to maintain the right-of-way as green space and has the following conditions for development around its right-of-way which we would like to have incorporated in the Development Guidelines: . No permanent structures are permitted within the easement area. . Enbridge would prefer not to incorporate lot lines over its right of way. . Enbridge must have the ability to access its' right-ot-way at all times for maintenance, inspection and alteration of the pipeline(s). Therefore, Enbridge would prefer its' easement to be maintained as green space, park belt or open space. . Any proposed crossings of the right-of-way by roads, laneways, bike/walking paths, services and utilities are permitted in accordance with the regulations of the National Energy Board (NEB) Act and subject to approval by Enbridge's Crossings Co-ordinator, Ann Newman at (519) 339-0503. The applicant will be required to enter Enbridge's Standard Crossing Agreement. . Enbridge is regulated by the National Energy Board (NEB) Act. Section 112 of the Act requires any excavation within 30 M of Enbridge's easement to be approved by Enbridge. No grading or placing fill on Enbridge's right-of-way wi/I be permitted without prior approval of Enbridge. . Direct Line: 519-339-0503 e-mail: ann,newman@enhridge,colTI Website: www.enbrìdge.colTI Office: 519-339-0500 Fax: 519-339-0510 GED 029 {:T;/'~wrr.'rr.Ii [1. ~(" , """'" .,r_.7~.,-._,) . " i p;, ...l'i"?:$... Page 2 February 6, 2003 . No work shall take place on Enbridge's right-ot-way without the presence ot an Enbridge inspector. cont'd. . ./2 . No heavy machinery will be permitted to cross Enbridge's right-ot-way without prior approval. . No landscaping shall take place on Enbridge's right-ot-way without Enbridge's approval. To obtain locates ot our facilities please contact Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255. Request to meet "Enbridge Pipelines Inc." onsite at the specified address. Three working days notice is required to arrange for an onsite meeting. Please call if you have any questions or require further clarification. Yours truly, {:7~ ~ I ~.(j7TI-(ê~" Ann Newman CET Crossings Co-ordinator, Eastern Region encl, Cc: John Blakely U~IU'I~UUJ ~U.~~ '"t~OOO'O~'J I r<.'-'H I:..I~r Ur<.',-,I:..I'II:..I~' rHO£:. tJ.L K:õñsêrÿãûôn Mårch~?!OOlhe Living City rei ", ,.,=~ ,-¡ 5 i.... v,'~¡ ,; ~t)_.... /'1:- 0 3 Mr. Grant McGregor City of.Pickèring Pickering Cllffc Centre One The Esplanade . Pickering, Ontario L 1 V ôK7 Dear Mr. McGregor: . Modification to the Pickering Official Plan. East Duffin Area . Part of Lots 15 to 24, Concession 3 - City of PIckering We açknowlEldge receipt of. Modification , to the Council Adopted Pickering Official Plan, to adopt develoþment guidelines for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. TRCA staff provide the fonowing comm8f¡ts. . Ae: The lands are traversed by tributaries of the Duffin Creek and tableland portions Of the Study area are' heavily vegetated. The Land Use Structure and related guidelines suggest that a developer, at a future. . planning stage, will be required to submit an Environmental Report to the satisfaction of the TRCA which would define boundaries of the Open Space System and deal with matters such as the protection of tableland vegetation, provision of buffers, stormwater management etc. The Land Use Structure Plan described as Schedule B to Revision' . also highlight$ generally the areas which are slated to be .part of the "Open Space System-Natural Area". Recently the Province undertQok an exercise to idøntifynatural features within the study area. We understand that a copy of this work wáS sent to your Mayor by former Minister Hodgson on December 16, 2002. This work may assist in defining the limits of natural features on the subject lands. Specifically we note that the areas slated for protection may be greater than that envisioned by your proposed land Use Schedule, Additionally the Master Environmental Servicing Plan required to be conducted by a developer may reveal that additional lands may be required fOr environmental protection than that envisioned with your Land Use Schedule B modification.. TRCA promotes a natural heritage systems approach to identifying and protecting the features within the urban a)(parision area Including the Seaton Urban Expansion Area. We note that the City Is undertaking a g '.owth .management study which Is to Involve the completion of Master Environmental Servicing Plans for thä expansion area, This MESP for lands to the north could serve to guide the process for the developer for East. Duffins precinct. Grven the above. we suggest that staff need to be involved in the creation Of terms of reference for the Master Environmental Servicing Plan. In addition we suggest the following Inclusions to your offlt;laI plan modification: under Subsection K(B): define the exact boundaries of the Open Space System with (f;lgard for provinCial f;lflIIJronmf;lnra/ initiatives and in consultation with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority based (In the Natural Heritage Program of TRCA. We trust that this Is satisfactory. . If you have any questions please contact this office. ~u . Iy, l I - L..""'"--,,,-V- _._~--.. 61 WhIte, Senior Planner Development Service$ SectIon Extension. 5306 cc: Brian Denney, TRCA Mark Christie, MMAH F ;\PRS\Corrssp \PI CKEA IN\2003\$eat on . wp d 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca ....,."." Im\ ..~. Mar-06-2003 09:16 From-WALKER NOTT DRAGICEVIC ASSOCl ¡", ~.,---, TO /<t~C> 3 March 6, 2003 Planning and Developmenr Pickering CIVIC Complex One The Esplanade PickerIng, OntarIo L 1 V 6K7 Attention' Mr, Grant McGregor, MCIP, RPP, Principal Planner-Policy Dear Mr. McGregor, Re: Proposed Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan City Initiated: Duffin Heights Neighbourhood of the East D\Jffin Area. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines Part of lots 15 . 24, Concession 3, Pickering Duffin Meadows Cemetery Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries Our File: 00506 We are the planning consultants to the Mo~nt Pleasant Group of Cemeteries, owners and operators of the Duffin Meadows Cemetery, In the City of Plckenng. We have reviewed the proposed modifications to the PicKering Official Plan and the design guidelines referred to aÞove. At earltertlmes dunng the processing of the Official Plan Amendment. we had made submiSSions to the Municipality with concerns of the Cemetery with respect to development abutting the cemetery as well as access related matters No modifications to the plan were made as a result of our submiSSion ana there was expectation was that these matters could be dealt with under the guldeltnes. With the latest proposed modification and the latest issue of the guidelines the concerns nalle not been adaressed. In our opinion, the presence of the cemetery, which was zoned In 1984 and is licensea In Its entirety, is a feature within the planning area which clearly pre-dates any of the proposed development now established by the proposed modification. We Þelieve mat has been acknowledged In the development g~idelines and it has been acknowledged In the guideline aocl.lment with respect to the Importance of integrating the cemetery ana other existing uses with new development. The cemetery has recently completed a major phase of development. with a design reflective of the high quality type of facility offered by the Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries The cemetery has a large exposed northern property line against which development will Þe located, according to the proposed plan. It would appear that, save and except for the western most portion of the north property line, there will be development Immediately aC1Jacent to the cemetery. ThiS development is now T-170 P.002/004 F-305 Walker, Non, Dragicevic Associates LImited Planning Urb<:1n Design F.nvilonmemal Assessmern .....,' --/~':. --. - k ::: - :--. ~:~~~ /....'" ," /" . ~....._.-" -,- /.~'ø/;;: - "'.....- - --øg::;.r/./:. ::;./:.....- ...- '" /<--/ ~ Y~~~.-;~ %/ ~~ //-:: ~/"'~/"'.-::::.:--~ '" --:--,-~,- ~~P!/ - ,,-,..... - ,'z -;..... ;.:"'i'- . -~ 172 $¡ Ggoige SIrS';!! Talamo, Omarlo M5R 2M7 Tf:!- 416 / 968-3511 FAX 416 / 960-0172 e-mail' admln(~wndplan coin Wf:'tJ www wnaplan com P",Qr R. WillWr, r(lr Fi?P ..anay ~I , MC,I- I'll-" 1'1"""". '" Pros,."".., ."":,.-. APf ~"nc,pol: .Jaacn C w~, M/iAJ<: ""'" Aoo"",.'. r," "'f-"" _nna Corray C"o"""bl Mar-06-2003 09:16 From-WALKER NOTT DRAGICEVIC ASSOC1 T-170 Mr. Grant McGregor Pickering Civic Complex é-, /'1-03 March 6, 2003 Page 2 proposed as medium density residential and mixed use which would allow for special purpose commercial uses. In our View, and as expressed in earlier submissions to the Municipality, we believe that the eastward extension of Dersan should be located adjacent to the cemetery property to provide a physical separation of development from me cemetery z¡nd provide a potential alternate means of access to the cemetery in the long term" This would also be beneficIal to ensure that there IS an appropriate transition betWeen the cemetery aM the mixed use area to tne north of Dersan whIch woulej front on Brock. Roae:! We note that the designation on the Brock frontage north of the cemetery would allow for special purpose commercial type uses which could Include large retail and quasI industnal operations wIth a significant open storage component anCl potential loading areas adjacent to the cemetery This type of activity is not condl.lClve or compatible with the cemetery operation With respect to the medll.lm density re51dential area proposed further to the ea$t. adjacent to the cemetery property, our concern IS "as had been expressed earlier, deals with the edge treatment of the future reSidential to the cemetery, We understana mat these lands would De Cleveloped or lìkely to be developed by way of future plans to the subdivision, ana the local road alignments have not be aetermined, In our view there should be reference In the GulClelines and In the proposeej policy, to the need for new development to appropriately integrate with existing approved development. In this case we would be most interested in a poliCY reference that establishes the need to provide for a compatible edge condition with the cemetery, This may ultimately translates into matters of landscaping treatment along the edge of the cemetery property and/or consistent fencing requirements to be provided by the residential Clevelopmems to the north of the cemetery property, We also note, consistent with the above, that the design guiaelines in referring to the cemetery property, (page a ~ NBrock Road Streetscape" Section 3") suggest tllat the cemetery should be Integrated with other development. In our view the emphasIS should be reverseCl The cemetery IS a use which will stand the test of time The guideline should be amended to Indicate that it is other development which should integrate an~ be compatible with. ana complement, existing approved uses We also note that a policy change has now been suggested which would Introduce modIfications that deal with the Installation of sewer and water infrastructure to serve the overall needs of the development area. In doing so, the plan sets out that "",prior to approvaL.." the Region of Durham will be satisfied with a variety of applications prior to the varIous approvals, including bl.lliding permits. In our view, this IS an inappropriate policy condition which coula be applied to any future development withIn the cemetery lands. Importantly, most of these services woule:! not liKely be required by the cemetery owner top accommodate cemetery related development, If therE! are requirements for services In the area, there are other means of accomplishing the needs of the Region, following approprIate and necessary studies and approvals. P.OO3/004 F-305 ..,,"./",,/ " /""".." " .' ".'. ~/'=--<~., '~,/,W~ ~~ ~, ' ," , ' ,:::~~~?;;;: ,/ ,'./ ' ' "%--/..:"-:- , --::' ,', -<, _.,Y-::.:.%-::.~ . ./' -', '~/, ~£~ " . ,- ~: '-:-:-:%.:'~/-~ , '" /- %{/./- ' @. //--:<>/~>:;::;/-~~ /' .""',-"", ~'. ~~ ~ ". ',,' "-"""""::--:/~":..-:- . ,/" '//:;:./;?//~;:' .'" .-% .--:-- - .....>:.;~:~Y ~ "ý7 "",/ Mar-08-2003 09:18 From-WALKER NOTT DRAGICEVIC ASSOCl Mr. Grant McGregor PickerIng Civic Complex 'e t /'f-g:}, March 6, 2003 Page 3 T-170 We trust that these comments would be taken ínto consideratIon and that appropriate revisions to the documents will be brought forward pnor to a final recommendation to Council, We would request that we continue to receive Information and notice of any futl.. re reports and/or public meetings where this matter will be considered by the City of Pickering" Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this further, please Clo not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours very truly. WALKER, NOTT, DRAGICEVIC ASSOCIATES LIMITED Planning Urban Design' Environmental Assessment """í/ 'é~:V ~¿J ~ Robert A. Dragice"ic, MCIP,RPP Principal copy: Glen Timneyw Mount Pleasant Grol.. p of Cemetenes City of Pickering -Clerk Region of Durham- Clerk S'\200QIOO5061L.ETTERSIMcGr¡;:gor Ie-vised March 6-03.wpa P.004/004 F-305 -; . - , " "; _/' _.....' /" -- " :--,".....-/._- " .......::-.:::. ../_, -,,' "':-';--:"-"'::-: ..:/<- ~ ,,' ....-,'l./&~ /../ - -' ,-ø.'-..-;%. % /./', ./ ,'-;;';;:::-:-',;;.r':;'-::::' / --:;:"", - /';/,;.';Ø"'.~ . /" / /' --;:...../;: i :;¿j:-;:¿ : ~ ./.-~-- /',' --ø-;.~~~ /,/,/',' /;:::--~;~---:::-::;~ '.,', ,/:?"'~~~/' /' - /,~ø.::-;.;/ ....- -' " .;:....-.....;;::" "---~ MAR 07 2003 12:33 FR DURHAM PLANNING DEPT 905 436 6612 TO 19054207648 The Regional, Municipality of Durham Planning, Department, 1615 DUNDAS ST, E, 4TH FLOOR. LANG ioWE~ WEST BUILDING , ,,', P.O. BOX' 623 ' . WHITBY,ON L1N 6A3 (905) 728-7731 FAX: (905) 436-6612 , www:reai,cn.durtiam.on,ca A.L. ';;eorgleff.MCIP, RPP , Co,mmlssloner of Planning ",," " ~~" " "SERfI£$ tXCELLENCE ~, for-.~fjþfšil/NITY" , , """¡"~dt;;:i:;':;' , ,":,,',:", ' P,02/04 " /.TlACHiV:EfJT.#-7_TO T;EPURT tI PO: /'41 -,() 3 , March 7, 2003 , , " , 'Mr: Grant McGregor, 'M:C,I.P" A.P.,P. , ,Principal'Plann~r - Policy " " Planning & Development Department, Pickering Civic Complex ' One The Esplanade, ' , , Pickeringj Ontario" 'L1VG,K7, ' , , ", , " ,Dear Mr. McGregor; :' Ae:, , , FurtherApproval of Pickering Officia,' Plan , Revision No.1, to ~odificatìon No.1 to the Pickering Council Adopted'Pickering'Official Plan (East Puffins Study Area) 'Duffin Heights Neighbourhood"OevelopnientGuideiines OUr Files:OPA 97~O19 and LOPA P-97.o01' ", (Deferrals 3¡16'(þárt), 2:1., 31 (part) and 39 (part)) '.. , , ' , , , , , ,In resp()nse'~o your request; we 'have now C9mple~ed .ouÍ'review of'. . proposEd Revision 'No, 1, to Mòdific~tipn No.1 to the Council adopted , Pickering Official Plan;: and' provide' the fr;>lIowing, comments: ' , , , , , 1, " 'It is Q~r 'understandi'ng that proposed Revision Nò. 1 to, Modification No: 1 to th'e, Pickering Official Plan' builds on and 'incorporates the' , , Ae9ion~s propose~ d~cisionwith. respectto ModificatIon No.1 to the 'Pick~ring:'Official,Pla~, a~ indicated on Attachment 3 toPlanhing Commissiol1ers -Report No. 1999-P-O,1 f date9 January 5" 1999, ' , ,', , ' , , , '2.. , , , , " , , " The' population 'ta'rget for 'the South Pickering Urban Area cOn~jned, ' in policy 2:1Q (a) ofthePickeringOfficial Plan should 'be' increased, to tefliad the development of the' b.uffin Heights ~s currently , propo$,ed, from ,"1 Q6,900" peqpla to n1 07,500',1 people. This revision appears to have be$'n omitted from the',Citys proposed revisions ,datedJanuary30t:2003. ' '", '" " ' 3,' , " , ',Similarly: the èmployment target for.'the South Pickering Urban Area contained in p'OlicY 2,.11" (a) of the Pickering' Official Plan should be ' incre~sed\ to 'r.eflect the developmeritof the,',Duffin Heights as, ' 'curre~tlý p~QPosed;, f~óm "531450" jobs ~o "Q3;750" jobs. Again, thís revi,sion 'appears' to havè b~èn' ,omitted from'the City's proposed, , .revisions dated Jånu~rY'30, 2003. "', :' , ',$ 100% po¡¡ : ConSjJmer " MAR 072003 12:34 FR DURHAM PLANNING DEPT 905 436 6612 TO 19054207648 7. P.03/04 4. ',':' " '7:'",,' Tn, ""¡,":I"¡IPi:.ly',~:o.3:",,, ' " 'Thè residential unit. target forthe' Squth Pickering 'Urban, Area', ,contained in policÿ.::6.5~of the Pic~erin9 Official Plan'should reflect the development of DOffin Heights as, ,currently' proposed. This' , 'revisio,n app~ars to have,been "mitted frOm ~he City's proposed revisio~s d~ted January 30, 2003. ' ' . The necèssíty of províding'70tal Populatiori':Targets"in the Population Target Table (Table 1) is q'ue$tioned. The"Sou~h Pickering Urban 'Area PopUlation Targets'~ appear to' be all that is required on Table 1 until the lands' within Seaton ~re detailed, ' i~cJùqing the Larnorøaux, N~ighbqLJrho~d. ',' , 5. ' ,6,. ' Although'there are .no ,changes p'ropO$ed to the arterial road network, proposr¡d:þdlicy 11 :17 (k) D, which requires the' " , identification, of road a~~ ~ngineering design~ that "enhance 'the , ecologic~I integrity of the tabl~land coniferol;.ls and mixed forests", ,has implications for the Valley Farm-Tillings extension (Týþe C), the' , Apss/and Road extension (Typë'!3) ,and the, mid~block Typ~ C . ... arte.rial. The, introd~ctio" of urban-uses and infrastructure to this area wfll have an impact on the ecological integrity.of the area.' . Mbré appropriate wcirding woutd,be'to, replace the word I'enhance'! , with the words ICniinimizethe'impå~t 6n..:~", .,' . . . , ' ," " ,','" ',,' ',' " , The Region's. financi,ðJ ¡"nt~rests :are addressed 'throUgh proposed' pblicy1'1.17~: .,' '.,' " , : '8,; , , In terms of the "provision of "!lunicipal water supply a~d sanitarY ' sewer' servicing, there are no major ,concems: Hpw~verl' ,th~ " p'rovisipn'of.rnunicipe;1 servic~s ,is hot immediately aVailable. . , " ' In regards to',s~n¡tårys~wer:servicing, the majority of the .Iands are 'dependent upon thefollci~ingsanitarY, sewerage works: ", . ,constri;Jctiori"of the ,Central Coffins Collector trunk ,ss'nitary sewer , frolT!Valley. Farm Ro~d" from Rossla,hd Roaç{northerly., This, : work, i~ projected in the Regioq's Capital Forecast for 2007; and. ' . , .. à sahitiuy sewage pumping statio,! and forcemain discharging to . the Central Duff/ns Colleqtcrtrunk $ewer. The easterly-portion ' of the Duffîns, Heights,nti!ig,hbpurhood ìs."dependent upon these' , ,'works., The requi~ed sewage pumping station is projected'in the " Region's 20 year Capitàl F()recast 'between the years 2013 and, 2022.' , ,.,' . . '.'. " , , ' MAR 07 2003 12:34 FR DURHAM PLANNING DEPT 905 436 6612 TO 19054207648 P.04/04 , " , , ¡""'^¡Ir';¡'ii /I '-r,' T"'..' .d " ". -..-l...,--,- 11' ' ¡ , :)1, 'lij.O3, , ,In regards to -water supply servicing, Dumri~ Heights is located , within the Zone 2 water pres$ur~ district; and is dependent upon the, , following water supply wò~s: ,,' , ,,', " '~ ,construction of,'a major Zone 1 feederm:ai,,'o¡' Brock Ro,ad, from ,Ro$sla~d ,Road northerly,to the propôsed'Zorie lReservoir. " , Thi$ wprk is projected in the, 'Region'~ Capital Forecast for 2007; , ,and, ' "',' , ,', , , " , e, construction of s.,Zone,?booster p'~mping station fròm the Zone, ,: ,1'feedermail1. This work is projected in the R~gion's Capital, 'Fore9ast fqr, ~OO7. Alten'1ativeiy, , a ,major 'Zone ,2 feederniain can " , .. ,be extended-along'Taunton 'Road fromWestney Road to Brock , " ':,Road.' , " ," " , " , , , ',' 'It ,shoiJld be recog,riiz~d that, fùrther ~e~icing ,details for Duffi"s , ", 'Heights will need to,be'E3s,tablished through flinctioriàl servicing, reports..with future develöpment application submissions, to', ' 'determinefinandá.I,ímplication,s, cost ~har¡ng and såqueritÎ~lity of . services; in accordance with the pölìéies ç:öntained in the Durham :Regional OffiCial, p!an for servicing Seaton. Also, thè above:-', , ' ' , mentioned capital projects,will be,dependent.upon Regional Coundl approval forfinancingarip'con~ruction ,as req~ired. ' , ' , , , " ' , ' , " " As discusse,d during,our,telephone conversation today, I am awaiting comments from,our Works Department with respe,ct to transportatiorl. Once received, I will fpr:wård them to you. ' , ' '" " .. Should you hà.ve any 'qu$stions{ 'please do npt hesitate to, contact me. "y)Purs~ru~Iy,.. .~"',;,."","",:" ,.' , /IF:" ", ',' : ,'C7f t, ' , ", "', ' , ,', '," ' ,', , """,", , Dorothy,E.'Skinnfi!r, M.C.J.'P.,~ ,R.P.P. "Planner, ,',: , " , Strategic Plånhing Brânch , , , , ,", ' " N:\Oro\d:S\PickeringOP\EDSA \dhrt1Qcor:n.doc " "" , ',' '", THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD . 'Facilities Services 400 Taunton Road East Whitby, Ontario LI R 2K6 Telephone: ¡90S} 666-5500 1-800-265-3968 Fax: (90S) 666-6439 . ~~' ,~ .~ ~,. ~~~ ""'î, J K' "0 t I ,.-' ,l__',_..~-- ¡ f !;~ \,;,\'ì Ii PD--LY...:.Q3...___. RECEIVED March 11, 2003 MAR 1 3 2003 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The Corporation of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LIV6K7 Attn.: Mr. Grant McGregor Dear Sir, RE: Revised Population Target Table Proposed Revision 1 to Modification 1 to the Council Adopted Pickering Official Plan (City Initiated: Duffin Heights Neighbourhood) Part of Lots 15 to 24, Concession 3 City of Pickerin~ Staff has reviewed the information dated February 24,2003, regarding the revised population tables and have the following comments: 1. Based on 2.88 persons per household, a projected population target of 9500 people would require 3,298 residential units 2, From 3,298 residentiaillnits, Durham District School Board would expect to generate 1,649 elementary school pupils, 3. To accommodate the expected pupil yield, the Durham District School Board would require 3 elementary schoo] sites within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Thank you for your consideration on this matter, IfYOll have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, "" ¡ I:- &Q, ') ',. . \ ,,' ~o.,llC~ . W"" / /, Christine Nancekivel1, Planner , 1:,PROPL1N,1JA1A¡CHRISTlNEPICKERING¡[)UFFiN¡lIIARCfJ II 2003,DOC THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL . BOARD Facilities SeNices 400 Taunton Road East Whitby, Ontario LI R 2K6 Telephone: (905) 666-5500 1-800-265-3968 Fax: (905) 666-6439 ~~I ..~ ~~ ~I" . ~l'~"'~'iT-i "/ J I i.i ~;:;"~~;~"~D '- IV73 The Corporation of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LIV 6K7 March 12,2003 _0 RECEIVED MAR 1 8 2003 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Attn.: Mr. Grant McGregor Dear Sir, RE: Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (City Initiated: Duffin Heights Neighbourhood) Part of Lots 15 to 24, Concession 3 City of Pickering Staff has reviewed your letter dated March 4, 2003 and the Duffin Heights Development Guidelines, and has the following comments: 1. Based on projected population targets previous circulated, the Durham District School Board would require 3 elementary school sites within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. 2. For the safety and security of the pupils, the Durham District School Board requests that there not be any pedestrian routes/trails located on the schools sites. " ,). The Durham District School Board requests that all 3 sites be 6 acres in size adjacent to a minimum 5 acres of parkland. The board asks that the sites be located on a corner to allow for access from two roads, with a minimum of 450 ft. frontage on a collector road. 4. The Durham District School Board requests that none of the proposed sites be located adjacent to Storm Water Management Ponds. 5. Until further detail on location and number ofresidential units is provided, staff is not able to comment on the location of the school sites shown on Figure A and B of the information you circulated. Thank you for your consideration, and staff looks forward to receiving detailed plans in order to properly locate future school sites within the Duffin Heights neighbourhood. Yours truly, (' tJ(þ¡î Q~&Q Christine Nancekivell, Planner 1:¡PIIOPLA;V¡j)A7:4¡CHR1STlNEil"ICKHIIIVGdJ/jFP1NIMAlIClf 1:2 2003.f)()C ~1AR-14-2003 10: 58 ~Y'- .,,(')- r,;'r- a 'J'. j~......... ~ "" . ~ ;::> IJ> D 0 ~ 'I SUPPORT SERVICES DCDSB 0 905576 1981 P.01/01 THE DüRHAivi CÃTHûLiC DiSTRiCT SCHûûL 8ÛÃHD March 14,2003 Catholic Ed!((.'(([Îcm: Leaming & LMI/g ill Fail/¡ It) /Y'ò 3 RECEIVED Mr. Grant McGregor Principal Planner - Policy Planning and Development Department Corporation of the City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering ON L1 V 6K7 MAHI I~ 2003 CITY OF PICKERING "IANNING 8. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Grant McGregor: Re: Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines Part of Lots 15-24, Concession 3 City of Pickering In response to your letter of March 4, 2003, I provide you with the following. Neither Figure A or Figure B of the development guidelines show the proper location of schools for the Neighbourhoocl15, Duffin Heights as provided to me in your letter of March 7, 2003. My response will refer to Map 25, Neighbourhood 15: Duffin Heights. The Catholic elementary school site shown on the west side of Brock Road will be required to serve the Duffin Heights Community. The general location as shown on Map 25 north of the Ontario Hydro Corridor adjacent to a park is acceptable to the Board. The Catholic elementary school site shown on the east side of Brock Road will not be required as it is expected that this area will be serviced by St. Wilfrid Catholic School on Southcott Road or the aforementioned Duffin Heights School west of Brock Road. I trust this is satisfactory for your purposes. Yours tru~, (J/J;)j ~ Controller of Planning GON:amc 650 Ro$sland Road West, Oshawa. Ontario LlJ 7C4. Telephone (905) 576-6150 Business Sel"liccs. Fax (905) 576-1981 Patricia Manson, BA. M. Ed. " Olretlor 01 Educ;;¡t!onlSecretarvffre0l6urer TOTAL P. 01 THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Facilities Services 400 Taunton Road East Whitby, Ontario L1 R 2K6 Telephone: 19051 666-5500 1-800-265-3968 Fax: (905)666-6439 ~~ ~~ . .~~ ~r Qf"~~ ATTACHMENT # i I TO BEPûRT Ii PO I L. - 0 '~ March 27, 2003 ~ ~"ED CITY ()¡; PIG¡Œ:¡:¡¡NÎ~, C'¡JTAI'ìiï) The Corporation of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LI V 6K7 Attn.: Mr. Grant McGregor CiTY OF P¡C!ŒB\t~~i PLI),NNING & OEIIELOf'iVI!::NT DEPI~I;:nMf:Nl Dear Sir, RE: Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines (City Initiated: Duffin Heights Neighbourhood) Part of Lots 15 to 24, Concession 3 Public Elementary School Sites City of Pickering Staff has reviewed your letter dated March 7,2003 and the corresponding Map (Map 25, Neighbourhood 15: Duftìn Heights), faxed to the Durham District School Board on Monday March 31, 2003, and has the following comments: I. As per the Durham District School Board's letter, dated March 12, 2003, in response to the City initiated Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Guidelines, the Durham District School Board would require 3 elementary school sites within the Duftìn Heights Neighbourhood. 2. Map 25 ilJustrates three proposed public elementary school sites within the Duftìn Heights Neighbourhood. Based on previous projected population targets provided by the City of Pickering, the Durham District School Board is satisfied with the number and type of sites proposed within the Duftìn Heights Neighbourhood. 3. Until fUliher detail on location and number of residential units is provided, staff is not able to comment on the location of the school sites shown on Map 25. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Statflooks forward to receiving more detailed plans in order to properly locate future school sites within the Duftìn Heights ncighbourhood. Yours truly, u~}n(2~./,~~.) Theresa Williams, Planner 1:/I'ROI'IAN/DAT4/CIIRlsnNE/I'ICKERING/DurnN!.\IARCf/27 2003. DOC t:rr P'Hr r~n # L2-. TO R~r\J'~T"~"PD '~-O "-3 Mar-3]-Z003 12:05 From-WALKER NOTT DRAGICEVIC ASSOCl March 31, 2003 PI~nnlng and Development Pickering Civic Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1 v 6K7 Attention: Mr. Gram McGregor, MCIP, RPP, Principal Planner-Po/icy Dear Mr. McGregor, Ae: PropO$ed ReYlsion 1 to Modification 1 to the Pickering Official Plan Cl1y Initiated: Duffin Heights Nelghbourhood of the East Duffin Area. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Development Guidelines Part of Lots 15 - 24, Concession 3, Pickering Duffin Meadows CÐmerery Mount Plea6antGroup of Cemeteries Our File: 00506 F~nner to o~r lener of March 6, 2003 submitted on behalf of the Mount Pleasam Group of CemeTeries, we would like to raise an additional concern with respect to the Major Pedestrian Route shown on Teniary Plan Figure A from the Duffin Heights Development Guidelínes. Tnls link is shown to bisect the cemetery In a nonn south direction approximating the intermittent waterco~rse tributary This area was subject to recent Site plan approval anti development has proceecled in accordance with the city approvec site plan and the approvals of the TACA No provision has been made for suct't a pedestrian roLlte in the plan. While the cemetery property is generally accessIble to the PlJblìc, continuous access by the public at all hours of the day is not permissible. The cemetery must be closed to public access between dusk and dawn in accordance witn provincial regulation- Imponantly there are senoLls issues of liability in allowing for uninterrLlptsd public access through privately ownec lands and we must advise that our client WOLlld not and can not asSl.lme that responsibility. Based on this position The design guidelines wolJlcI require modífication prior 10 approval. T-440 P - 002/003 F-593 Walker, No¡t, Dragicevic Associates Limited Planning UrtJarl Design EnVlfoft[J/lòrnal AS$~ssmem /_. ./,-./ -- /" ./ ,---/'-//-"....--//- / .--;. -.... ' .- ./ ~ 'i,--- -,-" / - -ø~-;:;-"'/;; '--,--",- /- /.-::-:;% ....- ,- - .-- "/.- ø// -::.:>/ -- -- -"øÄ~';;'-:"'-;::;'h.-:'--: .... / ---- - --.:~~/"'--;...-: ...... ...---:"-' /__.- '//"'---<:§~C~ ...--/ ...-- -/_" /....~;..-/"-?Z /" -' ... .'/ '/...-':;--"""'-//--:'::-'-.. -,-- - -./ --. //";/;:.-/ :/"/, , -_/.- '.--/?...-....~:/ -</"./:;¿;;W -.-,-%::'- 172:;t George Slree¡ Turomo, Omano M5R 2M7 1t:L41ti/~ti/j-3:'ll FAX 416/960 0172 Ó'-maIL Öldmn@wnQpl:on corn weD WWw wnuplan.com Pa'_' R, "".,"".. "'-,r rl"'. wopa> ""It, MC,;', np,' Ro..."", ",...ceu,e- M'-'" HèP P"<1'-'P",-- J..." ç w~, "'Hi"" ÙN< "'-_00,"'" ...."""" "~rtP> l:atI1oy CC""JlIol ATTÞ,CHrv:nn #- \ .2.. TO REf'\.ìR1 tI PO. I ~ -- 0"'3 . .... ~ Mar-:-3HO03 12:05 From-WALKER NOTT DRAGICEVIC ASSOCI T-440 Mr. Grant McGregor PicKering Civic Complex March 31,2003 Page 2 We lOOk forward to a response from the City as to our earlier sLlÞmission. Perhaps this matter could De addressed at the same time. We WOuld request tl1at we continue to receive informiHion and notice of any future repons and/or puÞ!ìc meetings where tnlS matter will be considered by the City of Pickering. Should you have any questions or wish to QISCUSS tl1is fl-lnher, please do not hesitate to contacI Ihe undersjgnea. YoLlrs very Iruly. WALKER. NOTT. DRAGICEVIC ASSOCIATES LIMITED Planning' Urban Design' Environmental Assessment ~~/?P. Robert A. Draglcevic. MCIP.APP Principal copy: Glen Timney- Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries City of PickeTIng Clerk Region of DLlrham CIerI< S '\<1000100SQ6\l.errEAS\Q303312S_MatGregor,sent. wpCl P,O03/003 F-593 ./ _/ /- /' - - ./ ,/ -' ~/ ,./.", /'-,c:;'~ ',/-"" ,,- .:;ii:þf~ :>;. '»:.. ;:;/;.:: .%~-~ "" ---> .//-..:::'-::::c..:---::~ ---;"",/ --- ,./ ::~o/..'~ :':"¿';4 , ' - ~ // ,~/.//'/..-::/; ::.-:; /. .< .-::- ¿; . .. ?: -Ø; /:§ /.'/~ ~,"'" ~3!ø?;Ç.;~ . .. ~ ~ ' . ~;;.-;--- ' '<--'/, ø';¿-:,? ~" /;' ç:::/