HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 04-03 CitJ¡ o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CAD 04-03 Date: April 1, 2003 From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations A and B Operating License Renewals City of Pickering Comments for CNSC May 21, 2003 Day Two Hearing File: RTC-04-03 Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO 04-03 concerning Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations (PNGS) A and B Operating License Renewals be received; 2. That Council inform the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) that it does not object to a five year license renewal for Pickering Nuclear Generation Station B, providing the Commission requires a status report from CNSC staff at the mid-point of the license period, and that the City of Pickering is given an opportunity to review and comment to the Commission on the mid-license status report; 3. That Council inform the CNSC that it does not object to a two year license renewal for Pickering Nuclear Generation Station A; 4. That Report CAD 04-03 be forwarded to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Ontario Power Generation, and the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities. Executive Summary: The operating licenses for Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations (PNGS) A and B expire on June 30, 2003. Ontario Power Generation has applied to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for renewal of the two licenses and will appear before the Commission at the Day Two Hearing on May 21 2003. The City of Pickering has an opportunity to provide comments to cNSC on the license renewal applications. cNSc staff have conducted an extensive review of PNGS-A and B as part of the license renewal process and have provided favourable ratings for both facilities. CNSC staff are recommending a five year license for PNGS-B and a two year license for PNGS-A. City staff concur with the CNSC recommendation providing CNSC institutes a mid-point license review with respect to the PNGS-B five year operating license. Report CAO 04-03 April 1, 2003 Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations A and 8 Operating License Renewals Page 2 Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: The current Pickering Nuclear Generation Station (PNGS) A and 8 operating licenses were issued by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) for twenty-seven month terms th,at expire on June 30, 2003. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has therefore submitted license renewal requests and supporting materials to CNSC. OPG also appeared before CNSC on February 27, 2003 for the Day One Hearing to present its request for license renewals. CNSC staff also appeared at the Day One Hearing to present its report on the operations of PNGS-A and 8 during the current license period. CNSC staff supported OPG's license renewal request and recommended a two year license for PNGS-A and a five year license for PNGS-8. CNSC staff used nine major performance areas to evaluate the license renewal applications. Each performance area was separately reviewed and assessed by examining program design/content and implementation factors. Each area and sub- area was ranked using a scale that ranged from "A" to "E." An "A" rating signified that the performance area was assessed as "exceeding requirements" while "E" meant it was "unacceptable." The nine performance assessment areas used by CNSC staff are as follows: 1. Operating Performance, 2. Performance Assurance, 3. Design Adequacy, 4. Equipment Fitness for Service, 5. Emergency Preparedness, 6. Environmental Performance, 7. Radiation Protection, 8. Nuclear Security, 9. Safeguards. Attachment 1 summarizes the overall performance ratings for both plants. An overall "8" ranking was applied to both PNGS-A and 8's performances. PNGS-A's individual ratings consisted of "A" and "8" assessments. 80th plant's scores were the same except for the assignment of one "C" that was applied to PNGS-8's Performance Assurance Program. CNSC staff also concluded in their report that overall improvements have occurred at both facilities since the last license review was conducted. Report CAO 04-03 April 1, 2003 Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations A and B Operating License Renewals Page 3 To arrive at their recommendation for a two year license for PNGS-A and a five year license for PNGS-B, CNSC staff considered the following five conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Licensed activity is not expected to change, Hazards are understood, impacts well predicted and within safety case, Management structure and quality assurance program in place, Effective compliance programs, Good operating experience. Using the five conditions, CNSC staff determined that PNGS-B was eligible for a five year license because an affirmative answer to all five items was evident. Both CNSC staff and OPG staff also supported the idea for longer license renewal periods by noting that even at a five year term, such a license would still be less than licenses issued in most nuclear jurisdictions which are often for periods of ten years and greater. However, CNSC chose to only recommend a two year license for PNGS-A because in relation Item 5, operating experience of the rehabilitated reactors is currently limited. City staff concur with the five year license for PNGS-B providing the same condition that City Council approved in January, 2003 for the Nuclear Waste Management FaciHty license renewal is applied to the pending PNGS-B license. The City had suggested that a mid-point license review would provide City Council and staff with an opportunity to examine and comment on issues of concern. City staff have recently contacted both OPG and CNSC staff and were informed that if the same mid-term review request was made by the City, it would be favourably supported. Furthermore, OPG has agreed to continue its regular effort at keeping the City informed of business at its Pickering sites. CNSC had also proposed some increased opportunities for City staff to interact with local CNSC staff and the commencement of periodic presentations to Council. On May 21, 2003, OPG and CNSC staff will appear before the Commission at the Day Two Hearing for the two license renewals. This Report and the related Council resolution will be provided as input to the Commission in advance of that meeting. The City also has the option of attending the Day Two Hearing in Ottawa to supplement this written submission with a presentation to the Commission. Attachments: 1. Performance Areas Summaries for PNGS-A and B, excerpts from OPG March 24, 2003 presentation to Finance and Administration Committee, based on CNSC documentation. Report CAO 04-03 April 1 2003 Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations A and B Operating License Renewals Page 4 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: .'?'/(;¿ v1 // " ì / ,,/ /// ,--.-...-' Ji/ AL. (Joe) Hu'hwicks // Emergency Response Coordinator .~ ~ ----.--í / ,/ '/.:I'\ ' j/'-¡ i'/ '-.." Thomas E. Me ymuK """""-.. Division Head, Corporate Projects &"P'0Hyy ,....."'~. "", TJQ:alh Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy K:\RTC-O4-03,doc Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council . , B B B B A B A B A B C B B A B B B A 71 ~ ~ 71 ~ ~ -7 ~ ~ ONTARIOPûWER GENERATION 8 8 B B A B B B A 71 ~ ~ 71 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ONTARIOPûiiiER GENERATION