HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1281B Y- L A if N U K B E R 1. 8 8 1 f-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF A REWARD FOR THE DISCOVERY, APPREREN- [ON AND CONVICTION OF PERSONS GUILTY OF STEALING POULTRY OR DOMESTIC PARK YIMALS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING* IMMAS many of the ratepayers of the Township of Pickering have, during toent years, suffered considerable monetary losses from theft from them r poultry and in sane eases of domestic farm animals; fD.WKXRSAB It is expedient that a reward should be offered and paid for z ormation leading to the discovery, apprehension and conviction of such 11eves, or for the discovery, apprehension and conviction of the same, lthln the limits of the said Township of Pickering, as authorised by kragraph 8 of section 398 of The CQnsolidatsd Municipal Act, 1922. ! IT THAN= JAW?J by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of is Township o Bring! THAT a sum of one Hundrdd Dollars shall be payable to any person or persons giving information that shall lead to the apprehension and conviction of any such thief or thieves, or to any person or persons who by pursuit and capture of the thief or thieves, or by any other mans or in any other way materially aids in the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons guilty of stealing poultry of any kind or domestic farm animals, within the limits of the said Township of Pickering, but not more than one reward shall be payable in the case of two or more pereens jointly convicted of the saw particular act or acts of stealing, THAT every such reward shall be paid from the general funds of the said Corporation, and in the event of there being two or more claim- ants for ary such reward who satisfy the council of the said Corpor- ation that they both or all materially aided in the discovery, app- rehension and conviction of the thief or thieves, such reward shall be divided between or amongst such of the claimants as the said Council believe ars.sntitled to participate, and in such shares or proportions as the said Comoil shall think to be just and right, and to no other person or persons. 1SSED June 13th, A.D. 1927. 004 me Forsyth" "Donald R. Beaton" Reeve Clerk