HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 06-03 34 REPORT TO PLANNING COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 06-03 Date: December 30, 2002 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/02 Fred Campetelli, Trustee (Commercial Devco Inc./ Rockport Group) Southeast corner of Valley Farm Road and Diefenbaker Court Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, and Block 11 Plan 40M-1231 City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/02 be APPROVED AS REVISED, subject to conditions outlined in Appendix 1 to Report No. 06-03, to amend the existing zoning to add nursing home / retirement home uses; to reduce the minimum height provisions from 6 storeys to 3 storeys to facilitate the construction of 54 townhouse units; and to increase the maximum height provision for an apartment structure from 10 storeys to 12 storeys, submitted by Commercial Devco Inc., on lands being Part of Lot 20, Concession 1 and Block 11, Plan 40M-1231. Executive Summary: The applicant requests several changes to the zoning of the lands to provide greater flexibility in development options. Specifically, nursing home and retirement home uses are requested to be added as permitted uses; the minimum building height provision of 6 storeys is requested to be reduced to 3 storeys to facilitate potential townhouse development, and the maximum building height provision for apartment use is requested to be increased from 10 storeys to 16 storeys. The property is located on the southeast corner of Diefenbaker Court and Valley Farm Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1 & Conceptual Site Plans, Attachments # 2,3,4). The Downtown Core Development Guidelines, as they apply to the subject property, encourage a significant architectural presence at the corner of Valley Farm Road and Diefenbaker Court. The current by-law provides exclusively for apartment development of the site and reflects a specific development proposal of a previous landowner. The zoning changes proposed by the applicant will provide flexibility in housing form at this location, including townhouse, apartment and nursing\retirement home uses. The proposed height reduction to accommodate townhouse units, and the introduction of nursing\retirement home uses retain the opportunity to achieve a significant urban design focus at this corner. Report PD 06-03 Date: December 30, 2002 35 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/02 Page 2 The request to increase the allowable building height for apartment use from 10 storeys to 16 storeys is not supported. A sixteen storey height is considered excessive for this location, considering the scale of surrounding development and the impact such a height would have on the Valley Farm streetscape. However, we understand from the applicant that a two storey increase in height (bringing the maximum height to 12 storeys) will accommodate the density requirements of the site, provide improved site development economics, without any significant massing impacts. Consequently, an increase in maximum building height to 12 storeys is supported. It is recommended that Council approve, as revised, Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/02, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report No. 06-03. Financial Implications: proposed development. No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 At the October 17,2002 Statutory Public Information Meeting No residents spoke on the matter. (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #5 and #6) 1.2 Following The Public Information Meeting From Agencies: Veridian Corporation no objections Region of Durham no objections the proposed amendments are in conformity with the Regional Official Plan no objections (see attachment #7 ) 1.3 City Departments no comments received 36 Report PO 06-03 Date: December 30, 2002 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/02 Page 3 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Proposed Amendments Guidelines Comply with Downtown Core Development City Council adopted Pickering Downtown Core Development Guidelines identifying a vision for Pickering's Downtown and established appropriate urban design guidelines to support the vision. The guidelines resulted in a conceptual plan for Downtown Pickering based on the following goals: - To create a downtown for Pickering that will be a major regional landmark and destination point for workers, shoppers, and visitors; - To establish a strong civic and cultural focus for Pickering; - To support an increased intensity and mix of uses in the downtown and provide a range of housing, employment, retail and entertainment opportunities; and - To support a coherent and identifiable public realm, and to provide a safe, accessible, inviting and comfortable pedestrian environment. The concept plan for the Downtown Core Development Guidelines is included with this report as Attachment # 8. The concept plan and guidelines, as they apply to the subject property, encourage the siting of buildings at the northwest corner of the site to ensure that a greater architectural presence is provided to the street. The current by-law for the subject property contains provisions for maximum and minimum building heights and "build to zones" to assist in achieving massing at the northwest corner of the site. The applicant proposes a reduction in the minimum height provision of the by-law from 6 storeys to 3 storeys to accommodate the potential development of 54 townhouses. While a reduction in building height at this corner location will reduce the impact of development on the street, opportunity will remain though detailed townhouse design, landscaping, and boulevard enhancement to create an urban design focus at the corner. The applicant is currently pursuing approvals for a 93 unit townhouse development on the abutting lands to the south. If townhouse uses are pursued on the subject lands, it is the intent of the applicant to continue the same design theme as that currently being marketed on the southerly abutting property. The architectural design of the proposed townhouse units can also provide containment of the Valley Farm Road street frontage at a scale that is pedestrian friendly, people oriented and in compliance with the general provisions of the Downtown Core Development Guidelines. Report PD 06-03 Date: December 30, 2002 37 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/02 Page 4 The optional construction of a senior's development and\or an apartment development on these lands would clearly provide superior massing and urban design opportunities and is encouraged by the Planning & Development Department. The concept plans submitted by the applicant for this option identify a primary building with significant built form at the northwest corner of the subject property with a secondary three storey townhouse component along the east boundary of the site, backing onto to existing low rise apartment buildings. The current by-law contains a build-to-zone that requires a large percentage of buildings to be located on the Valley Farm Road frontage. It is recommended that this provision be maintained in any amending by-law. While additional performance standards requiring specific building siting for seniors or apartment development could be included in the by-law, staff support a more flexible approach to the by-law, leaving detailed massing considerations to the site plan approval process. 2.2 Proposed reduction in minimum building height for potential townhouse development is acceptable The applicant's request to reduce the minimum building height requirement from six storeys to three storeys to accommodate potential townhouse development is intended to facilitate similar development as that currently being marketed by this developer on abutting lands to the south. Preliminary review of the proposed townhouse elevations indicate that a strong architectural presence to Valley Farm Road can be provided with a three-storey design and associated landscape treatment, in general conformity with the Downtown Core Development Guidelines. Consequently, this aspect of the application is supported. 2.3 Proposed increase in maximum building height for apartment use is not supported to the extent requested The applicant advises that their requested increase in maximum building height to 16 storeys for the potential apartment use is based on their analysis of what is necessary to achieve minimum densities and an economically viable project. This includes a review of underground parking and the number of residential units required to sustain project economics. The applicant advises that the current by-law provisions make compliance with minimum densities difficult and do not support an economically viable project. The Planning & Development Department has expressed concern that the proposed increase in the maximum height for apartment (Multiple-Dwelling Vertical) from the existing 10 storey maximum to 16 storeys would result in a development that would be too large in scale compared to existing developments and therefore would not be compatible. The introduction of more dense forms of development within the Downtown Core is generally supported, however consideration must be given to the compatibility of increased height with existing developments in the immediate area. Therefore, it is recommended that the maximum height for an apartment be 12 storeys. The applicant is aware of this recommendation and has advised that a 12 storey maximum will enable the achievement of required density. 38 Report PD 06-03 Date: December 30, 2002 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/02 Page 5 2.4 Proposed Nursing\Retirement Home uses are appropriate The subject lands are designated as Mixed Use Areas - Downtown Core which encourages the establishment of nursing home\retirement homes uses. The introduction of a nursing\retirement home use on the subject property is supported as this type of development will seNe the increasing demand for this housing form and seNice as Pickering's population ages. In addition, the building form associated with this use presents a greater opportunity to meet the Downtown Core Development Guidelines in terms of building massing and architectural presence to the street. 2.5 Proposed Vehicular access to Diefenbaker Court is supported Although the public did not provide written comment on this application, Planning & Development Staff met with some local residents who expressed concern with existing traffic conditions on Diefenbaker Court and questioned whether the proposed new access would add to an existing problem. It appears that on-street parking on Diefenbaker Court has been a concern of local residents, especially during times of heavy use of the skating arenas when patrons of the Complex park on Diefenbaker Court. The Pickering Recreation Complex has recently undergone site improvements along the north side of the property, with vehicle access now provided around the entire site and the provision of additional parking spaces. These improvements will make existing and new parking areas on the Complex site fully accessible and should reduce pressure for on-street parking on Diefenbaker Court. The proposed vehicular access to Diefenbaker Court is supported by the Planning & Development Department as it provides an additional access point for traffic circulation and emergency vehicles, both of which are necessary with any of the proposed development concepts. 2.6 Recommended Zoning Provisions Appendix I to Report 06-03 contains the recommended amendments to the existing by-law. The existing by-law will be amended to include the introduction of nursing\retirement home use and appropriate performance standards for those uses. The amendments to the height provisions have been included with one change to the applicant's request, which is to increase the maximum height of an apartment building to 12 storeys, not the 16 storeys requested. It is further recommended that the existing by-law be amended to ensure that the desired massing is achieved through refinement to existing build-to-zones. Accordingly, staff recommends that Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/02, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report PD 06-03. . Report PO 06-03 Date: December 30, 2002 39 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/02 Page 6 3.0 Applicant's Comments Representatives of Commercial Devco Inc. are aware of the contents of this Report. APPENDICIES: Appendix I - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Attachments: 1. Property Location Map 2. Applicant's Proposal - Townhomes 3. Applicant's Proposal- Nursing/Retirement Home & Townhomes 4. Applicant's Proposal- Apartment/Townhomes 5. Information Report 6. Minutes of the Public Information Meeting 7. Region of Durham 8. Downtown Core Development Guidelines - Concept Plan Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed by: TB:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Co . I II 40 APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 06-03 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 16/02 1. That the implementing zoning by-law shall include: (a) a minimum height requirement of 3 storeys for townhouses (multiple dwelling horizontal). (b) a maximum building height of 12 storeys for apartments (multiple dwelling vertical). (c) provide zoning requirements respecting building locations, particularly at the corner of Diefenbaker Court and Valley Farm Road, through the use of build to zones. (d) (e) add nursing home and retirement home uses. establish appropriate parking provisions for nursing home\retirement home uses. ATTACHMENT#~------TO REPORT # PO IJ t" o. C 3 411 ALUANCE :r a:: 0 ~ 0 CD 0 a:: b :0 a:: z ~ 0 ~ U STREET BAYLY STR :.: ..J ~ STREET City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 20, CONCESSION 1; BLOCK 11, 40M-1231 OWNER FRED CAMPITELLI TRUSTEE DATE SEPT 10, 2002 DRAWN BY IB FILE No. A16/02 SCALE 1:7500 CHECKED BY JTB l' FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-B PA- 42 ATTACHMENTH ¿{------TO REPORT # PO () b -0 '~ APPLICANTIS CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION - A 16/02 PHASE 2 LANDS SUBJECT TO ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A16/02 !)j .. :r Q. t---- !)j .. :r Q. PHASE 1 TO BE DEVELOPED FOR 93 FREEHOLD TOWNHOUSE UNITS ON CONDOMINIUM ROAD. THIS PORTION OF THE APPLICANT'S TOTAL LAND HOLDINGS ARE NOT SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION AND IS ILLUSTRATED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. D~\\Jt D\trt~6Þ-'f..t~ ; 0 <{ 0 a:: ::E a:: <{ 1.1.. H .. PHASE 2 CONCEPTUAL 54 UNIT TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT SHOWN. THE NURSING/RETIREMENT HOME AND/OR APARTMENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN(S) HAVE NOT BEEN SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT. i / ATTACHMENT' ;5------TO REPORT # PO 06- {) ~. ---- 43 NURSING/RETIREMENT HOME & TOWNHOUSE CONCEPT INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S PROPOSED PLAN A16/2002 ..P'--'......-""== .- \==:'7==-----=--=. ~"'" -------:-. .' 1 - . ~~ ----<:~M'.I 11 -. M.. .~,f~.-_-~Ä.;:::-..~:'-Þ..,...,,!. . ... :I~.i.i.,. ,---" , \'\ ,I: m- ~~~~I Q .':'. \Hm,51 " \ \, . " Iii: ,'I 1: . ¡ \',' ,f! .,..---, II, l \\1.. '" r~j !e tli¡~' \ \\1 11..-, ;1 -~ i, ~ '^ \ \\1 'ttj, l1Ir:~:' \\ 1\ ¡ T =11 !~ \ I,ll i.~ ¡I __]1 \~'L" '\ \ ! ! I ' : ; II" I" ~, Ii. .. _1,"',1" -41 . Min' '- \ '\1\: ..\ '=-~= \ :r" <1 \ -- \ r"...-1~ ~._-\ I ~ " -~ r-----:] ! I. I ,,\~--, ',- .. \ !I; , I~ ~' Il~ ~ \ " :1) I j 11,~<' .-::"" " --=-,-,..J} v I ¡ i . w. . 'W~ II!.~,~ IV \ \, u~ ~Ji \ '<;1\: [- I i ¡ I I , ! , I ~ THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN SECTION, DECEMBER 23, 2000, '44 7'- HL, VI í t II 1-'1.' __JlJ!:L--Q.3_- APARTMENT/TOWNHOUSE CONCEPT INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S PROPOSED PLAN A 16/2002 OD~\ ,==~ "~'-P'-' ¡-=-==','-' , ---=- þ,:t~'f;.~ c ~-ç~?~~"~- --_.--L--"-.~-~-=-= ;;,çø.',~ ^' t ~ ";rl' " - P,~./-"~\ \. ' Y, , I' c--=- II) ¡ en 'j \' I ' -- ,1 ' \ \\' -. . I þ~ Iü' II \~ \\ 16 STOREY 11" -- i~n-- '-' II ì \ RESIDENTIAL ,'---- " \ N Z 1\ 1\, ' -, I,~\__-\.¡I ~ 'II \i 0 R Il',.........L i \ \i \ T WE I¡~~..-~ : '\' \ \,. 1\-'--" II ¡ij 1+---- '\¡ :! \1.--- \1 :', I' ~ I ii' )) ) j ,; r ~~~::=~r, ...J'! '-.--)) \, i/"-'-~~ \i ! '-'r! n , ì ' Ii I rn" 'n¡-;--i i ': : ill' -- .cl.!.¡¡i--/ \ II í :2 ~' I! ¡ ì '¡ ¡ _--0-: ",1:1 ! ' J: - 'lITh' I ~, ¡ h, ': Z '~'~n¡ ~\ :'~ .' !!~): I¡, i ! -,..J, '~) ~\ , ~f ! ,! -'--"--- ...:/, -L¡ ,'----- ¡ \' v' , 0 « 0 a: ~ a: Œ >- W ...J ...J ~ -::::::., \, ) \ '\ (~--r=l "\ !h_--,.- ¡ 'I ! 11 li¡---.J.. '=:-""'+ 'j ~ 'i ¡---- - .'-,,-,- '1 ~.,i,~ lll,i, ..~, ' ,~ 11:2 I r "~C2' ~ ~-,,-/, :.,.., ' /.------~,,~ L---~ \ ( II i ¡ ì \ --. 1\ , '" ¡i I" ", -- I' .... Ii .._-~' i._. I r-r---t. ¡I I R- \ ~ THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN SECTION, DECEMBER 23, 2000, r'l h,\! ':_"'1#_,5",,__,- ¡n { DLi. l2b .:-9 3 . 45 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 30-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF October 17, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/02 Fred Campetelli, Trustee / (Commercial Devco Inc.) South-east corner of Valley Farm Road and Diefenbaker Court. City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the applicant's total land holdings comprise the lands on the east side of Valley Farm Road from Diefenbaker Court to Pickering Parkway (see Location Map - Attachment #1); - the northern portion of the applicant's total land holdings are subject of this application (See Phase 2 lands on the Applicant's Conceptual Development Plan - Attachment #2); - the subject lands are currently vacant and the surrounding land uses include: the Pickering Recreation Complex to the north; residential apartment buildings to the east and west, and Highway 401 and office uses to the south. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL The applicant's zoning, by-law amendment application is comprised of 3 amendments which are: 1. That the applicant is proposing to reduce the minimum height requirements for townhouses (multiple dwellil:1g horizontal) from the current 6 storey requirement to a minimum height requirement of 3 storeys (approximately 10 metres in height); 2. That the applicant is proposing to add a nursing home and retirement home uses as a permitted use; 46 Information Report No. # 30-02 c tl:'~~y,'~¡'n 11- -:;), .. """-PL o6-{)3> Page 2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3. That the applicant is proposing to increase the maximum permitted height for an apartment development (multiple dwelling vertical) from a maximum of 10 storeys to 16 storeys. - The applicant has provided a conceptual development proposal for the proposed townhouse development only. No specific details of the nursing home\retirement home use or the apartment development have been submitted. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham ReQional Official Plan - The Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being within a "Main Central Area". Main Central Areas are to be planned and developed as the main concentration of urban activities within municipalities; PickerinQ Official Plan - The Pickering Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being located in a Mixed Use Area - Downtown Core within the Town Centre Neighbourhood. - This designation permits a wide variety of uses for residents, business people and visitors, including residential, retail, commercial, business, office, service, recreational, community and cultural uses; - The Plan establishes a density range for residential development within this designation of over 80 units up to and including 180 units per net hectare. Although the approval of the dwelling units will be completed through separate processes, the applicant's conceptual plan provides densities of 81.6 units per net hectare on the north lands and 84.6 units per net hectare for the development on the south lands. The applicant's proposal conforms to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan;. Compendium Document to the Official Plan - the subject property also falls within the Council Adopted Pickering Downtown Core-Development Guidelines and the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines; the guidelines are intended to guide the development or redevelopment of sites within the designated areas; , ZoninQ By-law 3036 - the subject lands are currently zoned RH/MU-2- Residential- Mixed Use Zone, by Zoning By-law 3036 as amended by 5416/98. This zoning permits business office, convenience store, day nursery, personal service shops, professional office, multiple dwelling - horizontal and multiple dwelling - vertical uses. Information Report No. # 30-02 ~ ATTACHMENT #-=!- TO REPORT # PD~6..::f:3". Page 3 47 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.0 an amendment to the existing by-law is required to add nursing home and retirement home uses, to reduce the minimum building heights for multiple dwelling horizontal (town homes) and to increase the maximum building height for multiple dwelling vertical (apartments). 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments no written resident comments have been received to date; Aaency Comments no written comments have been received to date Staff Comments in reviewing the requested height amendments for the permitted multiple dwelling horizontal and multiple dwelling vertical uses, staff will examine the proposed amendments in conjunction with the polices\objectives of the Council adopted Downtown Core Development Guidelines prior to the preparation of a recommendation report; - the applicant has advised that conceptual plans will be submitted for the proposed nursing home and retirement home uses and the potential apartment development in the near future, which will assist staff's review of the proposed amendments respecting massing, site functioning and compatibility with surrounding residential properties and the proposed residential development to the south. . PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; 48 Information Report No. # 30-02 C I . 'd", '['11 #..:J TO t. . ,,;Al',' ¡~ -- ~ HE¡'{JR1 # PO () b- () ? Page 4 if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Regional Municipality of Durham in respect of the proposed plan of subdivision does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make written submissions to the Regional Municipality of Durham before the proposed plan of subdivision is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: . Phase 1 Site Assessment prepared by the Hazcon Group Limited. 6.3 Company Principal - the principal of Commercial Devco Inc. is Mr. Jack Winberg. --......,. (/"'..... . pp . ent Review TB:td Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development 49 Excerpts from Statutory Public Information ¡:¡TTt\CH~!Hn #_f..,__lU Meeting :1 i'li! 0 6- () 3, . Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:00 P.M. The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 16/02 FRED CAMPETELLI, TRUSTEE (COMMERCIAL DEVCO INC.) PART OF LOT 5, CONCESSION 1 (SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF VALLEY FARM ROAD AND DIEFENBAKER COURT) 1. Tyler Barnett, Planner II, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #30-02. 2. Jack Win bourg, owner, Rockport Group, provided a brief history of Rockport developments in Pickering. Jack explained that this zoning by-law amendment application is actually Phase II of their development. The sales center for Phase I is open and is located on the south side of Pickering Parkway. Phase II is intended to carry on the feel and scale of Phase I. Their primary objective is to develop and complete the project over the next year. The Rockport Group has designed three scenarios for the Phase II site including: Townhomes only, town homes and a retirement home, or town homes and a "point-block" apartment building. In all three scenarios, the town homes would boarder the south end of the site to provide continuity from Phase I site. The applicant is requesting an increase from 10 storeys to 16 storeys to accommodate the City's requirement for a "point-block" structure. 3. Trish Armstrong, 1218 Charlotte Circle, sought clarification from the applicant respecting the number of scenarios. The applicant confirmed there were three. Ms. Armstrong also questioned the increase in storey height. Mr. Winbourg confirmed that the increase to 16 storeys would exceed the minimum and would allow them greater flexibility in meeting market needs. 50 DEC 23 2002 11:14 FR DURHAM PLANNING DEPT 905 436 6612 TO PICKERING PLNG P.02/02 Planning Dl\lpartment " 16"5 DUNDAS ST. E; 4TH ROOR: LANG TOWe~ WEST BUILDING P.O. BOX 623 " " , WHITBY, ON i:.1,N 6A3, 'We have reviewed this application' and the foliowing' comments are offered with .(9OS} 72s.7731 ' respec~' ~o 'compliance V'ith the Durhaf!\ ,Regional Official Plan, the proposed" " , :;::~n~:~;:~~on.ca, 'method of servicing and delegated provincial pian tèview respon~ibilities. ' A.L. G~Org~ft, MCIP, RPP ::rhe p~rp~~'e'~f tl1è"apPI,jc~t¡o~' i~'to ~~~nd_th~ ex¡;tìng, zoning,'to add nur~i'ng , ,Commi"Îonèf Çlf Planning' , ' home a'nd rètiremènt:'home u~es, t!-1'reduc:e the, height ,provisions to facilitate th~ "i::onstructión of 54 townhouse units, aJld'to increase the maximum permitted', , height from 10' stb'reys 'to 16: sto~~,~s' ~or a ,potential' a.partmen(.devel~pment.' : ' ," ' , The subject 'property' is desig'nated ¡.Main Central Area" in'the Durham Regio~al , Official Plan. ,Main Central Areas, are ,~o be' planned' ~nd deyeióped as the main' , 'còi1centråtions '1f urban ~Ctivities w!thin, ørea m.unlcip~lit,ie$ providing an ' ",. ' , integrated array of conimuli'itý; ,office,' se~i!=e'and shopping! recreational, and' , ' , reside£'1tial uses.' The 'proposed, arnendment is,1n !=C,nformity with the ' Du'rham , ~egionaloffi~~~IPlan..",':,:',' , ,,', ,', : ' ' , ' ' Municipal.water supply is available'tÓ the sit~ from the ~ísting 300 mtn', ' watermain pn Valley 'Farm Road and Þic~aring Parkway.' Sanit~ry'sewér,. service is' availabl~ tò the site fro~ :th~ ~~sting 250'mm sanit~ry s~wer'on ValleyFarm,A~àd.", ,.'", '" "':'.,,',' ,,',";'. , The Regional Munlt:lpaUt}I , , of Durham ,'" , , , " " " " 7, , 'J':! it t'l;~,(Í' - () "3 December 23,2002" " Tyler Barnett, Senior PI~nn~r Planning & Development Department' , One the £;spl~oade , Pickering, Ontario' "L1V6K7 '" ,', Dear 'Mr. 'Barn~tt: Ae: " Zoning Amendment ~pp'lIcatiòn A 16/02 'Applicant: ,Fred Ca,mp.itell,i (Commercial Deyco'lnc..) Location: ,Part of,Lot20, Col1cession, t ' , Municipality:, ,City of Pickering ':'" ' ,', " ,This ,application has been '~cteened in' accordance with the' terms of the " " , provi'ncial plan reView .r~sporisibilit¡es':, No provincial interests appear to be ,aff~cted byttiis proposal., , " " " ' , ' If yo~ ha~e, any questions oneqÜire~ddition~1 inf~rlJ1atÎon,.iJlea~e call me.' " . , Yours truly," ',,',..' , /'? ',q" , "," ,/,~~",~, ',' , ,',",7', ",' , :' ,Ray Davies, Planner, " Curre¡nt qper~tions Branch " , , ' R;\I~in~niNiIck.nng a 1 tl-O2.1,1oc , , ' ciSERJlJCE EfÙ:ELUNCi , /ø'9u.r,COMMUN1T'f" .. , ,: -"::,:~,,'~~:>:~>':'" , , " 100oy" PCS! CQnSl,lmer " t-"'I/.;'I-1""'11 ',< 0 -', , '>",.';,1,'- tt_"9.~,,....__lli FìEhjfìl ¡, PO ð6 -() 3. -. PICKERING DOWNTOWN CORE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN PLAN LEGEND RETAIL ~ OFFICE/EMPLOYMENT RESIDENTIAL MIXED USE/MAIN STREET"" CIVIC fVrENTIAl. ST/JII!MWATE!!:, 1"ONt:J HIGHWAY 401 0 1 min 2 min ::5 mln 4 min 5 mln 5 MINlJTE WALK -_...".."...BY..,_...- """"""--.""""""--- -_......"""""-,- ~~ GO5TATlON i rei I ! I I I I i I . I c:.rc 1-4