HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 18, 2025For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611
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Cultural Advisory Committee
March 18, 2025
7:00 pm Main Committee Meeting Room/Hybrid
Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by accessing the
1.Welcome and Call to Order D. Thompson
2.Review and Approval of Agenda D. Thompson
3.Disclosure of Interest D. Thompson
Approval of the Previous Minutes
General Business
6.1 – Public Art Award – Lest We Forget Remembrance
Crosswalks – for endorsement
6.2 – Public Art Award – Permanent Art Panels at Beachfront Park – for endorsement
6.3 – Shortlist – PHCC (Front of Building) – for endorsement
6.4 – Shortlist – Celebration of Ernie Coombs – for endorsement
6.5 – Pickering Museum Village – Update
6.6 – Pickering Arts Culture Engagement (PACE) Subcommittee – Update
6.7 – Delegation to Council to present CAC 2024 Year End
Report and 2025 Work Plan
D. Thompson
J. St. Amant
S. Barakov
S. Barakov
S. Barakov
V. Karakian
M. McFarland
J. St. Amant
For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611
Email: clerks@pickering.ca
7. Correspondence
8. Other Business D. Thompson 8. Next Meeting – April 15, 2025 D. Thompson
9. Adjournment D. Thompson
Minutes/Meeting Summary
Cultural Advisory Committee
February 18, 2025
7:00 pm Main Committee Room/Hybrid
L. Gibbs, Director, Community Services
D. Thompson, Cultural Advisory Committee S. Ramoutar, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. McFarland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Z. Kazi, Cultural Advisory Committee Member
S. Barillaro, Cultural Advisory Committee Member
A. Palmer, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Dushanthi, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Baricuatro, Cultural Advisory Committee Member
S. Almeida-Schroen, Cultural Advisory Committee S. Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art V. Karakian, Supervisor, Museum Services
C. Farrell, Supervisor, Cultural Services
J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Staff Liaison) E. Tayles, Conservator, Community Services Araya Migwans, Clerk, Culture and Recreation (Recording Secretary)
Absent: M. Nagy, City Councillor, Ward 2
K. Roberts, Manager, Cultural Services K. Bradley, Special Advisor, Community Initiatives
Ref #
Details, Discussion & Conclusion
(summary of discussion)
Action Items/Status
(include deadline as
1. Welcome and Call to Order
J. St. Amant welcomed members of the Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) and called the meeting to
J. St. Amant puts forth motion to have the PACE Committee as a standing item on the agenda. Moved by M. McFarland.
All in favour.
There were no additional questions. Carried.
2. Review and Approval of Agenda
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Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)
D. Thompson put forth a motion for adoption of the current agenda as circulated.
Moved by M. McFarland.
Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting current Agenda for March 18, 2025.
3. Disclosures of Interest
There were no disclosures of interest to matters on the agenda.
4. Approval of the Previous Minutes D. Thompson put forth a motion for the adoption of the minutes as circulated. Moved M. McFarland.
Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes February 18, 2025. Carried.
5. Presentations/Delegations
There were no delegations for this meeting.
6. General Business 6.1 – Appointment of Chair/Vice Chair
Prior to commencing the Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting, J. St. Amant proposes to select the Chair
and Co-Chair for the 2024 – 2026 Term.
M. McFarland nominates D. Thompson as Chair and S. Almeida as Vice Chair. Moved by D. Davis.
All in favour.
There were no additional questions. Carried. 6.2 – CAC 2024 Year End Report / 2025 Work Plan
J. St. Amant provides a brief update regarding the CAC 2024 Year End Report / 2025 Work Plan as the Work Plan needs to be adopted by April 2025. J. St.
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Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)
Amant will be submitting the report to the Clerks Office for review prior to the May 2025 Council Meeting.
Moved by M. McFarland. All in favour. There were no additional questions. Carried.
6.3 – Pickering Museum Village – Deaccession List 2024 The following item was deferred until later in the
meeting. After circling back, E. Tayles provided a brief overview of the Pickering Museum Deaccession List for 2024. E. Tayles is seeking endorsement, as the
following memo will be going to Council for approval. The Deaccession List contains the museums artifacts that need to be relocated prior to the construction of Pickering Heritage and Community Centre. The
Museum Staff have carefully reviewed the artifact collections in various storage locations and identified a number of artifacts that are in poor condition, do not meet the Museum’s mandate, have no provenance, or are parts of larger artifacts no longer part of the
Museum’s collections. J. Dusanthi poses the question as to how the artifacts are disposed of. E. Tayles advises that the artifacts are carefully looked at to find a new home first, then
go to auction as a backup plan. If the artifacts still do not find a location, they will be disposed of. A. Palmer asks if the artifacts’ data is collected and displayed online. E. Tayles responds, stating the
following artifacts on the Deaccession List is maintained online and retained as per the collection policy. Moved by M. McFarland.
All in favour. There were no additional questions. Carried.
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Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)
6.4 – Public Art Award – 25th Anniversary Banners – for endorsement
S. Barakov is seeking endorsement for the 25th Anniversary Banners. Based on the Call to Artist issued on November 12, 2024 – 16 submissions were received. After deliberation, the final artist selected for this project was given to the artist Taylor De
Nobrega. The installation will take place March 2025, and installed at the exterior wall of CHRDC and the exterior wall of City Hall facing Glenanna Road. M. McFarland inquires if the artist will be considering
the diversity of Pickering. S. Barakov responds, stating that the artist is in agreeance to include more diversity. J. Dusanthi inquires to the accuracy of the
representation of Indigenous Cultures and communities in Pickering, as the following log houses may be questioned in the process. V. Karakian suggests with her knowledge of the Wigwams Indigenous communities have used in the past. S.
Barakov responds, stating he will follow up with the artist with feedback and responses of the Cultural Advisory Members. Moved by M. McFarland.
All in favour. There were no additional questions. Carried. 6.5 – Public Art Award – Commemorative Public Art for Paul White – for endorsement S. Barakov is seeking endorsement for the Commemorative Public Art for Paul White. Based on the Call to Artist issued on December 10, 2024 – 6
submissions were received. After deliberation, the final artist selected for this project was given to the artist John R. Vickers. The installation will take place in June 2025 and installed at Fairport Community Park.
D. Thompson inquires if there will be a change to the name of ‘Butterfly Garden’ after the art piece is installed. S. Barakov responds, stating there will be
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Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)
no change as the art piece is to enhance the garden. The location was put through Council in 2024 – and will not conflict with current infrastructure.
Moved by D. Thompson. All in favour. There were no additional questions.
Carried. 6.6 – Public Art Award – Commemorative Public Art for Sigrid Squire – for endorsement
S. Barakov is seeking endorsement for the Commemorative Public Art for Sigrid Squire. Based on the Call to Artist issued on December 3, 2024 – 8 submissions were received. After deliberation, the final artist selected for this project was given to the
artist J. A. Fligel. The installation will take place during the week of ArtFest – May 19, 2025. The art piece will be installed at the Bicentennial Garden on 1867 Valley Farm Road.
Moved by D. Thompson. All in favour. There were no additional questions. Carried. 6.7 – Public Art – Lest We Forget Remembrance Crosswalks: Public Art Commission – for review J. St. Amant provides a brief overview for the Public Art – Lest We Forget Remembrance Crosswalks:
Public Art Commission, pending CAC endorsement during the May 2025 meeting. Based on the Directive from November 25, 2024, Resolution #616/24 Council directed through the Office of the CAO, that City staff consult with the Royal Canadian Legion
Branches #606 and #483 on the suitability and design to be used for the installation of two “Lest We Forget” crosswalks, funded from the Public Art Reserve. The installations are scheduled to be installed for Fall 2025.
M. McFarland inquires if there will be a protective coat on the installation. J. St. Amant states that this
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Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate)
installation has a 3-5 year lifespan and will be vinyl wrapped. 6.8 - Pickering Arts Culture Engagement (PACE) Subcommittee – Update M. McFarland shared a brief overview regarding the PACE Committee’s meeting. S. Barillaro had created
a Cultural Participation Survey with various questions and had asked for feedback. C. Farrell advises a meeting will be held in regard to Cultural Fusion and has asked the PACE Committee
to attend. Moved by D. Thompson. All in favour. There were no additional questions.
Action: J. St. Amant to
share survey with the Cultural Advisory Committee.
7. Correspondence
There was no additional correspondence to report.
8. Other Business
There was no additional business to report.
9. Next Meeting – April 15, 2025
10. Adjournment
Moved by all.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:55 pm
Copy: Director, Community Services
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To: Cultural Advisory Committee
From: PACE Subcommittee
Subject: Minutes/Report of the Subcommittee
The following report will also act as minutes of the members' communications, which took place after the January
2025 CAC meeting.
PACE Subcommittee Members:
Michael McFarland - Chair
Debbie Thompson
Samantha Almeida – Schroen
Samantha Barillaro
Objectives of the PACE Subcommittee:
1) to recommend a plan to expand Cultural Fusion to include as many cultural communities as possible.
2) to engage each of Pickering's cultural communities in showcasing elements of their culture (arts, music, dance,
food and drink) to the community at large through new initiatives, activities and partnerships.
3) to recommend public art that represents the Pickering Mosaic.
The Pickering Mosaic
Many Cultures
One Community
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We can report on three items:
1. Our contact list for mailing an invitation to meet with PACE
2. The survey designed for cultural organizations
3 A suggestion on how to expand the Boardwalk Opening.
Reaching out to Cultural Organizations
The Subcommittee has now developed a list of 29 Cultural Organizations, and all 29 will be contacted using email.
We will work on all three of our Objectives by contacting these groups. The Subcommittee feels that a meeting
space will be required for a good and open discussion with the cultural organizations. Last year, Jesse did arrange a
meeting space for us, and when we have numbers again, we will ask if it is possible to have a meeting room.
The sub-committee is working on a list of questions for our survey and the method of execution. We hope to
present this at the March 18th meeting. The questions will also be used informally during our meetings with the
Cultural Organizations.
We intend to build on the attendance for Cultural Fusion with the survey and meetings.
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Boardwalk Opening
At the February meeting, Councilor Nagy seems to have lit a spark regarding expanding the Boardwalk Opening.
We also saw this as an opportunity to create, if you will, a template on how we will assist Cultural Organizations
that wish to take advantage of the sub-committee objective # 2:
to engage each of Pickering's cultural communities in showcasing elements of their culture (arts, music,
dance, food and drink) to the community at large through new initiatives, activities and partnerships.
In preparing the template, we reviewed the Terms of reference for the Cultural Advisory Committee. The terms
state that Pickering's Cultural Strategic Plan has six strategic directions. Our template covers three of these
strategic directions.
Strengthen culture-led economic development
Conserve and promote history and heritage
Celebrate and support diversity and inclusion
Looking at this project from the committee's point of view, we believe we fulfill three of the Cultural Advisory
Committee's responsibilities:
Advocate for culture and promote community-wide cultural activities.
Provide consultation, research and report findings and make recommendations as necessary on
matters of culture within the City of Pickering.
Advise and develop working relationships with owners of businesses.
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Noted that salmon is caught in all the creeks around the Lake. It is common practice here for farmers to lay up six
to eight barrels of fish for use of their families. Two people in a canoe with a spear and torch will sometimes kill
eight to ten barrels of salmon in one night.
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To: Cultural Advisory Committee March 11, 2025
From: Jesse St. Amant
Coordinator, Cultural Services Copy: Director, Community Services Manager, Cultural Services
Supervisor, Cultural Services
Subject: Public Art – Lest We Forget Remembrance Crosswalks: Public Art Commission - For Endorsement
Background: Based on the Directive from November 25, 2024, Resolution #616/24, Council directed through
the Office of the CAO, that City staff consult with the Royal Canadian Legion Branches #606 and #483 on the suitability and design to be used for the installation of two “Lest We Forget” crosswalks, funded from the Public Art Reserve As per Section 10.01 of the Public Art Policy (CUL 130), an Open Call was selected as the
Method of Acquisition. A one-stage process was selected in which artists submitted detailed project proposals for two unique crosswalk designs. A Call to Artists – Request for Proposals was issued on February 3, 2025. The Call to Artists resulted in the receipt of 20 proposals. As per Section 09.01 of the Policy, a Public Art Jury was
formed and met on March 6, 2025 to review the 20 proposals. As a result of that meeting, the Public Art Jury is recommending that the commission of this public art project be awarded to Verna - Jia Lin & Alex Vongsavath of Paintint Inc. (Attachment 1). Funding: The artists will be awarded $4,000.00 plus HST for submission of two unique designs. There is $33,000 including HST total available for this project funded by Public Art Reserve. An IFQ for the supply and installation of the two crosswalks has been initiated to select the contractor for the work with the remaining project funds.
Next steps:
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The selected artists will be notified and subsequently, the City will enter into an agreement with the awarded artists for the commission of the two (2) new “Lest We Forget” Remembrance Crosswalks. This agreement will include two rounds of design revisions by the artists based on
feedback from the Public Art Jury meeting on March 6, 2025 (Attachment 2). Pending
endorsement of the completed designs at the April 2025 CAC meeting, a Report to Council will be presented during the June 2025 Executive Committee Meeting for final endorsement.
Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking endorsement to award the project to the artists: Verna - Jia Lin & Alex Vongsavath of Paintint Inc.
Attachment 1: Paintint Inc_Remeberance Day Mural Attachment 2: Jury Feedback - Paintint Inc. Crosswalks
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Alex Vongsavath and Verna (Jia Lin)
Digital Design
Photoshop Mockup
Jury Feedback:
- Remove poppies
- Add maple leaf to both designs with a white boarder around maple leaf
- Re-order Images (top-maple leaf, middle-text, bottom-soldier(s))
- Duplicate and flip so design is visible from both directions of crosswalk
- Change brown background on both designs and explore alternatives:
1) weathered/vintage red brick texture
2) solid red, requiring white boarder around red text, and maple leaf
3) traditional longitudinal crosswalk bars in a combination of white and red
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I graduated from an art high school in China, where I began honing my skills in sketching and watercolor painting at the age of 12. My journey continued at the University of New Mexico in the United States, where I studied English and Fine Arts. During my time there, I collaborated with fellow artists on mural painting projects and illustration design.
After obtaining my Permanent Resident status in Canada, I pursued a three-year Graphic Design program at Fanshawe College, completing my studies in 2017. Throughout this period, I worked as a freelance artist and took on part-time house painting roles to expand my experience.
After graduated, I have worked full-time as a mural painter and freelance designer. My skill set includes freehand painting, proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign), Microsoft Office Suite, as well as motion graphics, video editing, and animation using Adobe After Effects.
Fanshawe CollegeLondon ON, Canada2017 - 2020
MEDIA ART & FINE ARTUniversity of NewMexico Albuquerque NM, USA
2011 - 2013
FINE ARTChengdu #3 Art High SchoolChengdu Sichuan, China2009 - 2011
• Painting & Drawing
• Adobe Photoshop
• Adobe Illustrator
• Adobe InDesign
• Drawing / Painting
• Motion Design
• Independent Study
• Fluent in English
• Fluent in Mandarin
Co-Founder & Art Director - Paintint Inc • Specialized in professional commercial mural painting services • Provided interior residential and commercial painting services • Delivered custom logo and graphic painting design
Professional Painter - Moore Painting • Expert in interior painting for residential and commercial properties
Senior Mural Artist - MuralWorks • Designed and painted professional graphic murals and logos for over 100+ schools across Ontario, including primary, middle, high schools, and colleges • Created mural designs using Photoshop mock-ups and Illustrator for logo redesigns
Art Director - TotoViso Cinematography Creative Studio • Led creative direction, design, and animation projects • Oversaw motion graphics, logo design, and visual creative management
Freelance Mural Artist & Graphic Designer • Granite Medical Corporation — Designed logos and banners • Granite Management — Created logo and poster designs • Bernese Dog Clothing Manufacturer — Developed logo and branding guide • The Ravenous Taotie Restaurant — Designed logo, store sign, menu, poster, and painted store mural • Soul Dance Academy — Designed logo and poster • Aquafit Physiotherapy Clinic — Designed poster
Graphic Designer - MobiusSolar Corporation • Designed digital coin branding and icons for Mobius Group Purchasing Organization • Developed logos for various divisions within the company • Contributed to website design and development
Art Instructor - Private Teacher • Provide individualized drawing lessons and foundational art education for children aged 8 to 12 • Foster creativity and imagination through hands-on instruction and tailored art projects • Cultivate essential artistic skills while encouraging personal expression and artistic growth
2023-present, Federal Corporation, North America
2022 - 2023, Straford ON, Canada
2021 - 2023, Ontario, Canada
2020 - 2021, Toronto ON, Canada
2016 - 2020, London ON, Canada
2018 - 2019, London ON, Canada
2012 - 2013, Albuquerque NM, USA
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FOUNDATIONSheridan CollegeBrampton ON, Canada2017 - 2018
WORKER PROGRAMSheridan CollegeBrampton ON, Canada
2014 - 2015
PROGRAM DIPLOMACentral Peel Secondary SchoolBrampton ON, Canada2008 - 2012
• Leadership
• Team Management
• Project Management
• Operations
• Client Relations
• Business Development
• Financial Management
• Risk Management
• Compliance
• Negotiation
• Strategic Planning
• Communication
• Customer Satisfaction
• Staff Training
• Problem-Solving
• Resource Allocation
• Conflict Resolution
• Scheduling
• Performance
Experienced leader with a proven ability to manage teams, optimize operations, and drive business growth in high stress environment. Skilled in project and financial management, client relations, and risk management. Adept at negotiating contracts, resolving conflicts, and ensuring compliance with regulations.
Co-Founder & Managing Director - Paintint Inc • Manage a mural painting-focused business, overseeing operations. • Lead client relations, securing contracts, and ensuring top-tier customer satisfaction. • Manage all project phases, from concept to completion, including hands-on painting and logistics. • Assist in site preparation, wall priming, surface cleaning, and setting up scaffolding or ladders. • Mural painting, including painting large areas, filling in base colors, or working on details. • Drive marketing strategies via social media, local networking, and brand promotion. • Oversee financial operations, including pricing, budgeting, and invoicing, ensuring profitability.
Manager, Service Delivery - Canadian Air Transport Security Authority • Directed security operations, ensuring compliance with aviation regulations and industry standards. • Managed contractor performance, audits, and corrective actions to maintain high service standards. • Collaborated with Stakeholders to improve operations. • Optimized staffing and resource allocation to maximize operational efficiency. • Led incident investigations and risk management efforts, resolving issues promptly.
Operations Manager - Gardaworld Aviation • Track KPIs for screening checkpoints, optimizing efficiency and throughput. • Lead incident investigations using CCTV, resolving passenger complaints. • Serve as contact for Stakeholders (GTAA, CATSA, AC, SOC). • Oversee Kronos and GSKed systems for workforce tracking and attendance. • Train managers, staff and officers on safety, quality, and operational procedures. • Ensure compliance with safety, union contracts, and government regulations. • Collaborate on policies and KPI-driven goals to improve operational efficiency. • Participate in disciplinary actions and grievance settlements.
Screening Point Manager - Gardaworld Aviation • Track and monitor KPIs of screening officers to ensure CATSA standards. • Conduct performance reviews and provide feedback for continuous improvement. • Mentor and coach officers, correcting performance and maintaining standards. • Optimize staff movement based on passenger volume and real-time data. • Handle performance/labor relations concerns and resolve issues. • Ensure screening equipment is tested and functional as required.
HR Manager / Recruitment and Consultant - Ask4Care Support Services • Led recruitment efforts, including resume screening, interviews, and hiring decisions. • Managed scheduling for over 15 locations across the Region of Peel. • Served as an on-call manager, providing expertise across multiple sites. • Conducted training sessions for new hires and led marketing and recruitment initiatives.
2023-present, Federal Corporation, North America
2022 - 2023, Canada
2021 - 2022, Canada
2019 - 2021, Canada
2016 - 2017, Canada
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Hello, my name is Alex, and my fiancé, Verna (Jia Lin), and I are the creative duo behind our mural and graphic design business. Over the past few years, we’ve had the privilege of collaborating with school boards, designing captivating graphics and painting murals. Our artistic style is clean and professional, focusing on modern, polished murals. Before launching our business, Verna built a strong foundation as a professional mural artist and graphic designer with over seven years of experience in the field.
Verna’s artistic journey began at the age of 12, studying sketching and watercolor painting at an art high school in China. She continued to develop her craft in the USA and Canada, earning degrees in Fine Art and Graphic Design. Her work has taken her across Ontario, where she’s created vibrant, impactful pieces for schools and businesses alike.
I was born and raised in Canada, with a strong focus on the arts in high school. Today, I manage our business and work closely with Verna drafting designs and mural painting. With a decade of experience in management and sales, I handle the logistics and customer service, ensuring that every project runs smoothly and efficiently, creating a seamless and enjoyable experience for our clients.
We are deeply grateful for the journey that brought us together, and we are thrilled to be working on something so close to our hearts. One of our proudest moments was being accepted as artists by the school board. This was an achievement that was especially meaningful after the challenges we faced in getting started on our own. This opportunity has allowed us to build meaningful relationships with schools, and we have come to cherish both the art and the connections we’ve made along the way.
We truly love what we do and are excited to continue creating work that is both exciting and meaningful. With years of experience working on school murals, we feel well-equipped for this project, particularly given our background working directly with students and teachers. Given that the Ernie Coombs program focuses on educating children, we believe we can create a unique and engaging piece that reflects the program’s values and vision.
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Holy Rosary Catholic Elementary School Hallway Mural Project
Oct 23 - Nov 9, 2023
Oct 23
Site Evaluation:
Oct 23
Design Development:
Oct 23 - 27
Design Approval:
Oct 27
Mural Painting:Nov 1 - 8
Final Review:
Nov 9
Hallway Mural$3,800 +taxSunflowers$800 +tax
Scope: Paintint Inc. has been commissioned to design
and create a mural at Holy Rosary Catholic Elementary
School, reflecting the institution’s new logo. The mural will
incorporate the newly designed school logo, official colors,
and a theme centered around diversity, contributing to
the enhancement of the school environment. Additionally,
a separate piece has been requested: two watercolor
sunflowers to be painted over the school’s blackboards,
complementing the original mural.
Short Description: This project includes consultation,
design mock-ups, and the execution of a mural that
highlights the school’s updated branding and diversity
theme. The final designs were approved without revisions.
The mural was completed in four days, with the watercolor
sunflowers added after three additional days of after-school
work. The project concluded with a final quality review.
Scope of Services:
Consultation & Planning – Defined vision, budget, and design elements; selected mural
Design Development – Created multiple mock-ups and reviewed; final design approved
without changes.
Mural Execution – Hallway Mural painted 5 days, unflowers 3 days (3:30 PM – 10:30 PM).
Completion & Review – Conducted final walkthrough, addressed touch-ups, and submitted
project report.
Mock-up designs
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Crypto City Mural Project
Sep 12 - 23, 2023
Sep 12
Site Evaluation:
Sep 12
Design Development:
Sep 13 - 14
Design Approval:
Sep 14
Mural Painting:Sep 17 - 23
Final Review:
Sep 23
Budget: $5,000 +tax
Scope: Paintint Inc. has been commissioned to design
and create a mural for a new location named Crypto
City. The focus of the mural is on a futuristic setting,
featuring neon colors and towering buildings. These
buildings will showcase various crypto symbols,
creating an immersive environment that blends
technology and modern urban aesthetics. The mural
will highlight the evolving world of cryptocurrencies,
with a vibrant and dynamic design that captures the
energy and innovation of the digital age.
Short Description: This project involves the design, development, and execution of a
mural that reflects a futuristic, crypto-inspired cityscape. The use of neon colors and large
buildings with crypto symbols aims to convey the progressive nature of the crypto industry.
The design needed multiple reversions before the final version, and the mural was completed
Sep 23, 2023.
Scope of Services:
Consultation & Planning – Defined vision, budget, and design elements; selected mural
Design Development – Created multiple mock-ups and reviewed; final design approved after
multiple revisions.
Mural Execution – Mural painted 7 days (11:30 AM – 21:30 PM).
Completion & Review – Conducted final walkthrough, and submitted project report.
Mock-up designs
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Jean Augustine Student Centre Mural Project
Scope: Paintint Inc. has been commissioned to design
and create a mural at the student center of Jean Augustine
Secondary School. The mural is intended to showcase the
student center in a way that embodies a welcoming, inclusive
space for all students. The design will focus on creating an
environment that is vibrant, inviting, and reflective of the
school’s spirit.
Short Description: This project includes the design
and creation of a mural now featuring the school mascot,
enhancing the student center’s atmosphere with a welcoming,
inclusive theme. The mural was completed in 16 days.
Scope of Services:
Consultation & Planning – Defined vision for the mural, including the mascot’s representation
and the atmosphere of the student center; tight budget and location for the mural.
Design Development – Created multiple mock-ups incorporating the mascot and student-
centered elements; reviewed and finalized design with school administration, ensuring the
design embodies the welcoming theme.
Mural Execution – Painted the mural over the course of around 2 weeks, ensuring detailed
work on the mascot and surrounding environment.
Completion & Review – Conducted a final walkthrough with the school; addressed any
touch-ups needed and submitted the project report.
Nov 14 - Dec 6, 2023
Nov 14
Site Evaluation:
Nov 14
Design Development:
Nov 14 - 17
Design Approval:
Nov 24
Mural Painting:Nov 25 - Dec 5
Final Review:Dec 6
Budget: $5,000 +tax
Mock-up designs
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Nelson High School Cafeteria Redesign
Scope: Paintint Inc. was commissioned to redesign the cafeteria at Nelson High School.
The project focuses on incorporating the school logo, colors, and encouraging elements,
including a Wordle-inspired design and an inspirational quote.
Short Description: This project includes the redesign of Nelson High School’s cafeteria,
incorporating the school logo, colors, and an encouraging Wordle theme with an inspirational
quote, enhancing the space for students. The redesign was completed in 2 weeks.
Scope of Services:
Consultation & Planning – Defined vision and location for the redesign, focusing on branding,
colors, and key design elements.
Design Development – Created and finalized design, incorporating the school logo, Wordle
theme, and quote.
Mural Execution – Completed the redesign of the cafeteria space.
Completion & Review – Conducted a final walkthrough, touch-ups, and submitted the project
Timeline:Oct 30, 2023 - Mar 24,
Oct 30
Site Evaluation:
Oct 30
Design Development:Oct 30 - Mar 3(Multiple mockups based on feedback until final
version confirmed.)
Design Approval:
Mar 4
Mural Painting:Mar 11 - 23
Final Review:
Mar 24
Budget: $8,900 +tax
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Technology Department Murals – Fletcher’s Meadows Secondary School
Scope: Fletcher’s Meadows Secondary School
commissioned Paintint Inc. to design a mural for the
entire Technology Wing. The main wall features a Wordle
with technology-related terms, the school’s colors, and
images representing technology.
Short Description: This project involved designing a
mural for the Technology Wing at Fletcher’s Meadows,
featuring a tech-themed Wordle, school colors, and
related imagery. The whole project was completed in total
3 weeks.
Scope of Services:
Consultation & Planning – Defined vision and design
elements for the Technology Depatment.
Design Development – Created and finalized the design,
incorporating a Wordle, school colors, and tech imagery.
Execution – Completed the mural installation throughout
the wing.
Completion & Review – Final walkthrough and project
Feb 27 - Nov 10, 2024
Feb 27
Site Evaluation:
Feb 27
Design Development:
Feb 28 - Nov 1
Design Approval:Entrance Mural & Hallway
Painting - April 16
Techers’ Locker - Nov 1
Mural Painting:Entrance Mural & Hallway PaintingMay 21 - May 26 Techers’ Locker Nov 4 - 9
Final Review:Entrance Mural & Hallway
Painting - May 27
Techers’ Locker - Nov 10
Budget: $10,000 +tax
Mock-up designs
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Gym Wall Entrance Mural – Brampton Centennial Secondary School
Scope: Brampton Centennial Secondary School commissioned Paintint Inc. to create a mural
for the gym wall entrance. The design focused on the school mascot, the establishment date,
and the word “Athletics,” incorporating the school’s theme colors.
Short Description: This project involved creating a mural for the gym wall entrance,
highlighting the school mascot, establishment date, and the word “Athletics”, with the
school’s theme colors. The mural was completed in 5 days.
Scope of Services:
Consultation & Planning – Defined vision and design elements for the gym entrance mural.
Design Development – Created and finalized the design with the school, integrating mascot
and key themes.
Mural Execution – Completed the mural installation.
Completion & Review – Final walkthrough and project report.
Oct 28 - Nov 30, 2024
Oct 28
Site Evaluation:
Oct 28
Design Development:
Oct 29 - Nov 24
Design Approval:
Nov 24
Mural Painting:Nov 25 - 29
Final Review:
Nov 30
Budget: $4,700 +tax Mock-up designs
- 31 -
Media Art Wall Design – Jean Augustine Secondary School
Scope: Paintint Inc. was commissioned to design the media art wall at Jean Augustine
Secondary School, based on a winning artwork from a talented student. The original image
was reproduced with design modifications to enhance the layout and overall visual appeal.
Short Description: This project involved reproducing a talented student’s award-winning
artwork on the media art wall, with design enhancements for layout and visual appeal. The
installation was completed in 6 days.
Feb 18 - 27, 2024
Feb 13
Site Evaluation:
Feb 13
Design Development:
Feb 14 - 18
Design Approval:
Feb 18
Mural Painting:Feb 21 - 26
Final Review:
Feb 27
Budget: $3,300 +tax
Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School – Hallway Project
Scope: Paintint Inc. was commissioned by the school’s vice principal to design a mural
showcasing the recently redesigned school logo. The mural focused on the new logo, school
colors, and an inspirational words chosen by the school.
Short Description: This project involved designing and installing a mural at Fletcher’s
Meadow Secondary School to highlight the newly redesigned logo, school colors, and an
inspirational quote. The mural was completed in 7 days.
Budget: $4,120 +tax
Feb 13 - Mar 11, 2024
Feb 13
Site Evaluation:
Feb 13
Design Development:
Feb 13 - Feb 28
Design Approval:
Feb 28
Mural Painting:Mar 4 - 10
Final Review:
Mar 11
- 32 -
Dance Room Door Mural – Jean Augustine Secondary School
Technology Department Mural Entrance & Banner – Nelson High School
Scope: Nelson High School commissioned Paintint Inc. to design a mural for the Technology
Department, focusing on technology themes, words representing each department, and
incorporating the school colors and related designs.
Short Description: This project involved creating a mural for Nelson High School’s
Technology Department, highlighting technology themes, department words, and school
colors. The mural was completed in 10 days.
Oct 9 - Nov 24, 2024
Oct 9
Site Evaluation:
Oct 9
Design Development:
Oct 9 - 11
Design Approval:
Nov 11
Mural Painting:Nov 13 - 23
Final Review:
Nov 24
Budget: $3,500 +tax
Feb 8 - April 25, 2024
Feb 8
Site Evaluation:
Feb 8
Design Development:
Feb 9 - 20
Design Approval:
April 20
Mural Painting:April 22 - 24
Final Review:
April 25
Scope: Jean Augustine Secondary School commissioned Paintint Inc. to create a mural
for the dance room door, featuring silhouettes of dancers representing different cultures to
highlight diversity. The design focused on dances the dance teacher admired.
Short Description: This project involved creating a mural for the dance room door,
featuring silhouettes of dancers from various cultures to celebrate diversity. The mural was
completed in 3 days.
Budget: $1,000 +tax
For more of our murals, please check our website: www.paintintinc.com- 33 -
Alex Vongsavath and Verna (Jia Lin)
Remembrance Day Mural Proposal
Digital Design
Photoshop Mockup
We would be honored to create a mural that pays tribute to veterans, capturing their
sacrifice, resilience, and legacy. Through meaningful symbolism and impactful artistry, we
aim to inspire reflection and gratitude, ensuring their stories live on in the community.
After reviewing, we developed a concept that incorporates powerful imagery
representing the bravery and dedication of veterans. The design includes historical elements,
iconic symbols of remembrance, and a modern artistic style that resonates with the
Typically, we like to discuss the details in person to better understand what you’d like
to incorporate into the final design. However, we wanted to provide this initial example to
showcase our approach.
We are excited about this opportunity and would be honored to contribute to this
meaningful project. If you require more designs, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank
you for taking the time to review our portfolio. If you have any questions or would like to
discuss further, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
You can reach me at alex.vo@paintintinc.com or by phone (416) 568 – 1782.
Kind regards,
- 34 -
To: Cultural Advisory Committee March 11, 2025
From: Stoyan Barakov Curator, Public Art
Copy: Director, Community Services Manager, Cultural Services
Manager, Manager, Landscape & Parks Development Supervisor, Cultural Services
Subject: Award – Permanent Art Panels at Beachfront Park - For Endorsement
Based on the issued Call to Indigenous Artists – Request for Proposals (RFP) Permanent Art
Panels at Beachfront Park (Attachment 1) issued on Janaury14, 2025, Cultural Services received
10 submissions from artists. The Call was open from January 14, 2025, to March 3, 2025 to individual Indigenous artists (emerging, established, and re-emerging), Indigenous artist teams, or Indigenous artist collectives who are Indigenous to Turtle Island. The Call to Artists was promoted through Akimbo, the City’s marketing channels, and direct outreach via email to the Indigenous communities that are part of the Williams Treaty.
The received submissions were reviewed by the Public Art Jury and project stakeholders on
March 6, 2025.
After deliberations, the Public Art Jury, decided to award the opportunity to the following artists: 1. Tessa Shank (Attachment 2)
2. Emily Clairoux (Attachment 3)
3. Koren Smoke (Attachment 4) 4. Dee Barsy (Attachment 5) 5. Nyle Miigizi Johnston (Attachment 6)
As part of Council’s approval of Tender No. T2024-7 for the Beachfront Park Master Plan, Phase
1 Implementation and the Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot (Report number ENG 15-24),
$80,000 was approved for Indigenous Public Artwork and Interpretive Signage. Account C10320.2206.01.
- 35 -
Each of the five selected artists will receive a fee of $9,000.00 (plus HST), which covers one in-person community consultation, up to two rounds of revisions, the design of four artworks, and the collective design of two informational panels.
Next steps:
In early April 2025, the selected artists concepts will be shared with the community, providing an
opportunity for public engagement, learning, and feedback. Artwork will be finalized by late April,
to allow time for fabrication and installation before the project opening in late June 2025.
A total of 20 panels will be installed into the boardwalk railing along with the two informational
panels that speak to the theme of the artwork and artist backgrounds.
Currently, Community Services is seeking endorsement to award the artists Tessa Shank, Emily Clairoux, Koren Smoke, Dee Barsy and Nyle Miigizi Johnston for the project Permanent Art
Panels at Beachfront Park.
Attachment 1: Call to Artists (RFP) Permanent Art Panels at Beachfront Park Attachment 2: Tessa Shank: Artist Submission Attachment 3: Emily Clairoux: Artist Submission Attachment 4: Koren Smoke: Artist Submission
Attachment 5: Dee Barsy: Artist Submission Attachment 6: Nyle Miigizi Johnston: Artist Submission
- 36 -
Call to Indigenous Artists – Request for Proposals (RFP)
Permanent Art Panels at Beachfront Park Deadline: March 3, 2025, at 4 pm EDT.
Photo of Beachfront Park in Pickering before the revitalizations.
Artist Opportunity
The City of Pickering invites Indigenous artists to respond to this Call to Artists – Request for Proposals by submitting concept artworks to be laser cut on metal panels. The commissioned artists will be responsible for creating four (4) original designs and collectively creating two (2) information panels to be installed at the
boardwalk railing at the revitalized Beachfront Park in Pickering. The City will handle all fabrication and installation.
Five (5) artists will be selected, each receiving $9,000 plus HST. The fee
encompasses one in-person community consultation, up to two rounds of revisions, the design of four artworks, and the collective design of two information
An artist is the designer/creator of an artistic work, including but not limited to a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape
- 37 -
This call is open to all individual Indigenous artists (emerging, established, and re-
emerging), Indigenous artist teams, or Indigenous artist collectives who are Indigenous to Turtle Island.
Public Art Opportunity:
The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity,
heritage, and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighborhoods.
The Call to Indigenous Artists – Request for Proposals: Permanent Art Panels at
Beachfront Park, seeks artists to propose digital designs that celebrate Indigenous resilience and connection to the land.
Artworks are to be created digitally as a vector file and will be laser cut onto metal panels and installed on the new boardwalk at Beachfront Park in Pickering. The
fabrication and installation of the panels will be the responsibility of the City of Pickering. The City will also be responsible for site prep and permits. The costs of all other materials required will be the artists’ responsibility. Designs, artwork, and plans are subject to final approval by the City.
Photo of the individual panel. Note the dimensions above are in millimeters. Converted to inches: 32” x 89”.
- 38 -
Site Context
The City of Pickering acknowledges that it resides on land within the Treaty and
traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations, including the Mississaugas of Alderville, Curve Lake, Hiawatha, and Scugog Island, as well as the Chippewas of Beausoleil, Georgina Island, and Rama.
The artworks will be located as part of a new railing on the elevated walkway and
cycling route at Beachfront Park.
Beachfront Park, located at the south end of Liverpool Road in Pickering, spans from Frenchman’s Bay harbour to Alex Robertson Park. This barrier beach uniquely separates Lake Ontario from Frenchman’s Bay and the Hydro Marsh, offering scenic views and important ecological functions.
Under the Beachfront Park Master Plan, Phase 1 construction began in September 2024, with completion expected by summer 2025. This revitalization aims to create
a unique, welcoming space that is also resilient to extreme weather and cost-effective to maintain.
Key features include:
•An elevated walkway and cycling route with beach access
•Viewing platforms over the Hydro Marsh
•Shoreline protection enhancements
•New site lighting, seating, and accessible pathways
This redevelopment is a response to damage from intense storms in 2017 and
2019 and prepares for increased visitors due to projected population growth in Pickering’s downtown and Seaton areas.
- 39 -
Photo of Beachfront Park Study area.
Guiding Themes:
Artists are invited to submit four (4) design concepts that celebrate the strength and resilience of Indigenous Peoples and honor their enduring connection to the
land and waters of Beachfront Park. The artworks should reflect the powerful traditions, cultural richness, and harmonious relationship Indigenous communities have cultivated with nature over generations. By embodying themes of renewal,
strength, and respect for the natural world, this art will serve as a tribute to
Indigenous heritage and invite visitors to deepen their connection with the land and
its history.
Artists are advised that artwork must adhere to the following specifications:
•Artwork will be professionally reproduced on outdoor rated metal panels,exact sizes to be shared with the selected artist.•The artworks will be installed in an outdoor public space.
• Designs should not include text and current political figures.
•Fabrication and installation will be undertaken by the City of Pickering.
•The City of Pickering will have reproduction rights, if the works need tobe replaced due to vandalism.•The artist(s) retains sole copyright to their original artwork.
•The City may choose to display images of the artwork for marketingpurposes.•High-resolution vector files (PDF, AI, or EPS) required for production.
- 40 -
Project Terms:
•All artworks must be original, made by the artist submitting•For the submission, artists are expect to submit a rough idea that will
provide an insight as to what the final work will look like.•The selected four (4) artists must attend a community consultationsession organized by the City.•Absolutely no mechanical reproductions of original works are permitted.
•Digital artwork should be created at a minimum of 300 ppi.•The format for digital illustrations is vector or raster-based images, line
drawings.•The artwork must not include profane language and derogatory imagery.
•Each file submitted must be clearly identified with your full name and animage number. Artwork must be accompanied by an artwork informationsheet that details each image’s title, material/format, date, etc.•The artist will submit a statement describing their project and process.This text may be used for educational and promotional purposes.
•Photographs containing clearly identifiable persons must submit acompleted model release form with their entry.
•The City of Pickering reserves the right to replace and/or remove anyartwork, at any time during the determined installation time.
Each of the five (5) artists will be compensated $9,000 plus HST (maximum) for one in-person community consultation session, the design of four artworks, up to 2 rounds of revisions, plus the design of 2 information panels amongst the five
artists. The budget above is for the artist fee only. The City of Pickering is
responsible for the fabrication and installation of the work.
- 41 -
- 42 -
Submission Requirements
Artists are invited to respond to this Call by submitting a single pdf document including:
•Artist statement: describe your interest in this project and share yourexperience in the field. You can submit a written document (1-page max) orrecord an audio or video message (MP3 or MP4 file, max 20 MB).
•Concepts of the four art panels: These are to be rough sketches of the
designs you plan to submit should awarded the opportunity. This part canbe incorporated in the Artist statement or as separate part.
•Portfolio of past work: Examples of relevant work. You may include
multiple images per project on 1 page of a maximum to 10 projects (10-
pages). Add tittle, year, scope, budget and a short description.
•References: A list of at least two professional references familiar with your
work and working methods. The list must include name, title, complete e-
mail addresses and telephone numbers.
Submissions must be send to sbarakov@pickering.ca with subject line Call to Indigenous Artists – (Preferred Name) Deadline: March 3, 2025, at 4 pm EDT.
The City will provide accommodations throughout the selection process to
applicants with disabilities. Please notify Stoyan Barakov, Curator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation.
Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering
The City of Pickering, at its sole discretion, may request clarification or request
additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The
City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist or Artist Team is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-
qualified Artists or Artist Teams. The City reserve the right to not proceed with awarding a contract.
- 43 -
Publication of Information
The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition.
Additional Information
For any additional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov,
Curator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca
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Tessa Shank
3-438 Kingston Road
Toronto ON M4L1T9
I am a multidisciplinary Anishinaabe artist from Nipissing First Nation, residing in Toronto.
I am OCADU and George Brown alumna, and I have had the honour of working in public art since
2017. I have worked on projects as a curator, a juror, a cultural advisor, and as an artist. I have
enjoyed working in all aspects of public art, and I have enjoyed the collaborative and collective
nature of the work, and I appreciate that public art is rooted in building community and
partnerships. My artwork’s heartbeat is guided by Anishinaabeg culture with the intention to
highlight traditional knowledge and teachings. My artistic approach takes inspiration from
nature, ethnobotany and our connections to the water, to the land and to the sky, because these
are the things that connect all people. My artistic practices explore processes and mediums, with
current focus on digital illustration, 3D rendering and 3D printing. Traditional ways of thinking and
ways of being can sometimes be regarded as an element of the past, and therefore a figment of
the same. I often find myself wondering where I exist between the two. By pushing boundaries
of perception in my artwork I am reinterpreting my heritage in a question of traditional versus
contemporary. I like this juxtaposition of the past and the present, of the traditional versus
contemporary, and so I practice under the concept of “Traditions of time immemorial through an
ultramodern lens”. My fascination to explore has led me to dive deeply into the examination of
concepts, unearthing new ways of perceiving and understanding. By doing so I can express
narratives and tell stories with more complexity and meaning. My intention is to build
connections and share my culture through storytelling and narratives that will create a bridge of
empathy, understanding and compassion. Despite all that may separate us, we must remember
to focus on that which connects us. This sentiment is the spirit and drive behind my artistic
I am interested in this opportunity to create beautiful, impactful, and lasting public art
that adds to the distinctive character of Pickering and highlights the beauty of the lakefront. These
artworks will tell a story about the connections and relationships we have with nature, while
encouraging respect for the Stewardship of the land and water. I always include a narrative in my
art, and I like to use negative space in a way that creates a story within itself. My concept for this
project is to highlight a subject on each panel that is central to life within the lake. I will use the
negative space within the main subjects to further add to this narrative, which will also create
connections to the designs of the rest of the panel. This will create a rich visual series of artworks
that will keep the viewers looking for more details, creating a different experience each time they
approach the work. My hopes are to create a respect for the natural world, while sharing my
culture in a way that is accessible to all people. My use of biophilic imagery brings together a
calming beauty and the importance of our connections to nature and to one another. Despite all
that may separate us, it is incomparable to how we are connected to our natural environment.
We must remember to find what connects us rather than what does not. My goals are to translate
this sentiment into this public art project and to contribute to a supportive environment, a place
that holds this spirit of unity, that benefits from the beauty of diversity and the strength of
I am hopeful for the success and positive impact of this public art project, and I would be
honoured to be considered for this opportunity. I appreciate your time and the prospect of
developing my concepts further,
Tessa Shank - 45 -
Permanent Art Panels at Beachfront Park
Concept Sketches
Tessa Shank
Each of these panels are a Narrative that is central to the life within the lake.
If selected, I will develop these designs with further detail and care, highlighting a narrative withing
the main subjects of each panel. The narrative within will be related to the surrounding designs and
tie them together. These designs include stars to relate the connections to the sky realms and the
water realms, Anishinaabe-style flowers and insects.
Panel concept 1: Pickerel
Panel concept 2: Minnows (with water bugs)
- 46 -
Permanent Art Panels at Beachfront Park
Concept Sketches
Tessa Shank
Concept 3: Blue heron (with dragonflies and butterflies)
Concept 4: Pike (with crayfish)
- 47 -
• Title & Year: Niizhwaaswi Gagiikwewin / Seven Grandfather Teachings, 2018
• Permanent Public Art Installation
• Location: Aaniin Community Centre, Markham, ON
• Commissioning Body: City of Markham
• Mediums: Powder-coated aluminum
• Size: Top Panel: Length: 55' 1.5", Height: 5’.25” & Lower Panel: Length: 29' 9", Height: 7’
• Budget: $35,000 +HST
• Narrative: These narratives express the Anishinaabeg interpretation of The Seven Grandfather Teachings.
These are guiding principles used as moral stepping-stones and act as the foundation central to finding balance
in both self and community.
- 48 -
• Title & Year: Nature in Concord Medicine Wheel, 2023
• Location: Concord Pacific Corporate Offices in Vancouver, Toronto, Hong Kong, London UK
• Commissioning Body: Concord Pacific
• Mediums: Digital Print on Agave Paper
• Size: 40”X40”
• Budget: $25,000 +HST
• Narrative: This piece is a narrative about community. A beautiful representation of the local creatures who live
in balance alongside one another in a commentary on the importance of community. One tree can be a richly
diverse community of animals all living together just like we can in our communities.
- 49 -
• Title & Year: Odaminmaatig, 2024
• Location: Bracebridge Public Library (Muskoka Lumber Community Centre, Bracebridge ON)
• Commissioning Body: Bracebridge Public Library
• Manufacturer & project management: KeeBee Play, keebee.com
• Size: 10’
• Budget: $20,000 +HST
• Narrative: Collaborating with KeeBee Play, I have developed teaching-based game concepts and designs for an
interactive and educational play tree intended to introduce non-Indigenous children to Anishinaabe teachings
and knowledge.
- 50 -
• Title & Year: Loon Family, 2024
• North Bay Overpass Banner Project
• Location: North Bay, ON
• Commissioning Body: City of North Bay, ON
• Mediums: Adobe illustrator vector file, printed on vinyl
• Size: 34”X90”
• Budget: $2000 +HST
• Narrative: The work ties in the great importance of water to the City of North Bay, which sits on the Northern
shore of Lake Nipissing (Whose name derives from the Anishinaabemowin for Water), and Trout Lake sits on
the other side of the city.
- 51 -
• Title & Year: "Niisaajwan" (Downstream), 2024
• Concept Art for Whitby Sports Complex Indigenous Public Art Contest
• Commissioning Body: Town of Whitby
• Location: In the new North Whitby Sports Complex, Whitby, ON
• Mediums: Adobe illustrator vector files & Completed sculpture: Powder-coated aluminum
• Size: 10’X60’
• Budget: $150,000 +HST
• Narrative: This installation brings the beauty of nature indoors, with a commentary on diversity. Also including
a nod to the Seven Grandfather Teachings and bringing the spirit of movement and participation along with
vibrant colour into the space. A centerpiece for the community centre that gives the community a unique and
vibrant perspective.
- 52 -
• Title & Year: Spirit of the Race, 2024
• Concept art for Woodbine Block 9 Expansion Public Art Contest (finalist) 2024
• Location: Woodbine Racetrack & Casino, Block 9 extension at 555 Rexdale Boulevard
• Commissioning Body: Ontario Gaming GTA LP
• Mediums: 3D renderings (Rhino3D), completed sculpture: Powder-coated aluminum and Corten steel.
• Size: 16’ tall
• Budget: $350,000 +HST
• Narrative: A horse bust that us looing around itself to represent the racetrack, and details within the mane
are racing horses which are the “spirits” of the race.
- 53 -
• Title & Year: Stargazers, 2025
• Location: Scarborough Town Centre Lands, 25 Borough Drive, Scarborough, ON
• Concept art for Public Gateway Artwork for Scarborough Town Centre Lands (artist selection pending)
• Commissioning Body: Oxford Properties Group
• Mediums: 3D renderings (Rhino) & Completed sculpture: Stainless steel
• Size: 16’ tall
• Budget: $755,000 + HST
• Narrative: Twin sculptures that create an archway, depicting the Anishinaabeg legend of the loon and the
night sky. In time of creation, it is said that the Loon offered its back to be the night sky and the cosmos. This
is based on the beautiful patterns on the back of the loon.
- 54 -
• Title & Year: Dragonflies, 2024 (1 of a series of 6)
• Location: Native Centre of Toronto (NCCT)
• Commissioning Body: Native Centre of Toronto (NCCT) Highlighted artist for the 2024 NCCT Indigenous
Artisan Marketplace. This is an exclusive, limited series made in honour of the NCCT. Six original artworks
follow this year’s theme of: Red: The Medicine Wheel.
• Mediums: Adobe illustrator vector file printed on ½ inch twelve-ply birch wood panels
• Size: 20”X30” each
• Narrative: Life in the summer on the edge of the water is a life among the lily pads and predators.
- 55 -
• Title & Year: Anishinaabe Florals, 2025
• Mediums: Adobe Illustrator
• Narrative: Developing my personal style of Anishinaabe florals, currently being used for textiles. (currently
printed on cotton and silk)
- 56 -
•Title & Year: The Legend of the Loon and the Night Sky (revisited), 2025
•Mediums: Adobe Illustrator
•Narrative: Illustrating the Anishinaabeg legend of the loon and the night sky. In time of creation, it is said
that the Loon offered its back to be the night sky and the cosmos. This is based on the beautiful patterns on
the back of the loon.
- 57 -
Call to Indigenous Artists RFP
Permanent Art Panels at Beachfront Park
Eagle Woman Arts
Emily Clairoux
I am an Indigenous artist currently residing in Durham Region from Pikwàkanagàn First
Nation in Eastern Ontario. I have studied at Toronto School of Art and Centennial
College in their Fine Arts Diploma programs, and George Brown College Community
Worker program. I have been a part of multiple exhibitions, including some in the Art
Gallery of Bancroft, and Gallery 44, as well as outdoor installations such as the Durham
Region Electrical Control Box Project, TTC Indigenous Peoples Month Campaign, and a
permanent display in Durham Region Smudge Safe Spaces. I have also facilitated
beading and mitten making workshops in person and virtually with a number of
organizations across Canada.
My practice is inspired by ancestral knowledge, arts and fashion, and the natural world.
I primarily focus on digital illustration, beadwork, and textile artistry. My work is often
designed around the themes of reciprocity and community building through an
Indigenous lens, as I continue to reclaim and understand my Algonquin culture. This is
truly a lifelong endeavour.
The work I am submitting depicts 4 images of beavers in their natural habitat, the
waterfront. Beavers, also called amik, represent wisdom. Their natural instincts are to
build structures that support the conservation of their habitats. They are an integral part
of Canadian and Indigenous history, as well as my family’s story with roots in the fur
Below you will find concept sketches of the proposed artwork:
This image depicts beavers swimming in the water.
- 58 -
This image depicts a beaver swimming near a beaver dam.
This image depicts a beaver lodge.
This image depicts a beaver collecting wood on the shoreline.
- 59 -
Past Works
We Are Connected; 2025; Arcadis Ottawa
This design was created for an architect firm to be
translated into a frosted glass privacy screen for
meeting rooms. This Anishinaabe Floral was inspired
by the interconnectedness of community, and to
demonstrate that when you nurture each other that
we flourish as a people. This was also a rendition of
an existing design which was used for the Durham
Region Electrical Box Project.
- 60 -
Smudge Safe Spaces, 2024; Durham Region
This piece was commissioned by the Durham Region Indigenous Consultant’s office to
be displayed in areas where smudging is allowed. The artwork depicts the four sacred
This design was a combination of existing works to meet the needs of the client.
- 61 -
Mino Pimaadiziwin; 2023, TTC
This image was part of the Indigenous
Peoples Month Campaign for the TTC in
2023. It was designed around the theme of
Gathering and Sharing Stories. It was
displayed on the side of a street car, inside
of select subway stations, and inside of
transit vehicles alongside other Indigenous
artists from June until September.
- 62 -
Koren Smoke’s Artist Statement and Portfolio – Art Panels at Pickering Beachfront
I became interested in this project because I found it is an amazing opportunity to share my artwork, and
knowledge of the traditions and culture of the Michi Saagiig Anishinaabe peoples. The city of Pickering is
located on the traditional territory of Scugog Island First Nation, the Huron-Wendat and the
Haudenosaunee. The Williams Treaties, signed in 1923 included Alderville, Curve Lake, Rice Lake, and
Scugog Lake.
I am a proud member of Alderville First Nation and have been a professional artist since my early teens. I
enjoy many mediums to work with including acrylic on canvas, digital drawings and design, beadwork,
sewing, and I’m a professional tattoo artist of over 15 years.
My more recent work can be seen at the Cobourg Waterfront Wisdom Pathway where I collaborated with
another local Indigenous artist, the renowned Rick Beaver on banners adorning the streetlamps along the
waterfront walkway, unveiled in May of 2024. Collectively there are 24 banners, I designed 12 that run
along the marina. Some are digital and others are captured from paintings and digitally altered to fit. The
budget for this was $5000 split between artists. I’m pictured below being interviewed by reporter Annette
Francis from APTN, along with 8 out of 12 of my designs: Wisdom – Beaver, Love – Eagle, Respect –
Buffalo, Bravery – Bear, The First Indigenous War Memorial 1927, Honesty – Sabe/Raven, All My Relations,
and Women & Spirit.
- 63 -
More of my recent and relevant work examples include a mural in the front lobby of the Balsillie Family
YMCA in Peterborough entitled “Nogojiwanong Turtle Island”. Nogojiwanong is Anishinaabemowin and
roughly translated to The Place at the End of the Rapids. Incorporated are Indigenous wildlife to the area,
with an exaggerated large scale Painted Turtle as the island, on its back the 4 sacred medicines grow –
Tobacco, Sweetgrass, Sage and Cedar. It was completed in March of 2023 on approximately 12’ x 10’
space on the wall. The mural was completed on April 28, 2023, with a budget of $6500.
My work can also be seen at the Toronto Zoo Bat Conservation. Indigenous artists were chosen to create
an original artwork for each of the endangered bat species in Ontario with a budget of $500 per artist. I
was assigned Big Brown Bat. My digital drawing was also picked for merchandise available to purchase in
the “Zootique” Gift Shop. The unveiling took place on October 26, 2023.
- 64 -
Koren Smoke – Concepts for the four art panels: March 1, 2025
1. O’demin – Strawberry
Strawberries are heart berries and an Indigenous species to Ontario. Not only are they in the
shape of a heart, but they are good for your heart. While in ceremony we always honour strawberries, and
they are used as a special gift. This berry is also unique because it’s the only one that shows its seeds on
the outside, this can be a symbol of honesty and baring your true identity.
2. Turtle Island
The origin story of Anishinaabe Peoples is we come from Turtle Island. On its back I’ve included a
strawberry again as well as Wild Rice (Black Rice) which used to flourish on Rice Lake. I’ve also included
the sun and the moon which have many meanings and teachings as well.
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3.Manoomin – Wild Rice
I wanted to include a design depicting the Anishinaabe Peoples harvesting Wild Rice. Apart of
harvesting anything, the Anishinaabe People knew to only take what you need, give what you can to those
in need, and understood to replant or leave some behind so that there would continue to be food and
medicines in the future seasons for the future generations.
4.Water is Life
Water carries life and gives life from the very beginning of Turtle Island. It is very important to
respect and save water because it provides us with that life and its medicine. It has the power to clean
and nourish us. Without clean water we simply could not survive. When in ceremony, like the strawberry,
we always make sure to give thanks and honour the water.
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Call to Indigenous Artists – Request for Proposals (RFP)
Permanent Art Panels at Beachfront Park, City of Pickering, Ontario
March 3, 2025 Dee Barsy
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Artist Statement
I am an Indigenous artist (registered member of Skownan First Nation, Treaty 2) who specializes in
small to medium-sized acrylic paintings and small to medium-sized interior and exterior murals. I also
fabricate digital prints on various materials, making them suitable for installation in both indoor and
outdoor spaces. I activate space through abstraction and vibrant, dynamic compositions. My gestural
lines exhibit rhythmic movements that playfully weave in and out of one another. These imaginative
compositions often feature abstract representations of birds native to Winnipeg and the surrounding
This collection, created specifically for the Call to Indigenous Artists – Request for Proposals (RFP) for
Permanent Art Panels at Beachfront Park, features four preliminary concept drawings inspired by
woodpecker species in the Pickering area, including Alex Robertson Park, the Waterfront Trail-
Montgomery Park Road area, the northern end of Frenchman's Bay, and the mouth of the Rouge River
in Pickering (Durham region). During my research, I consulted eBird, a collaborative initiative managed
by Birds Canada where birdwatchers can record and share their avian observations on this free online
The woodpeckers are portrayed alongside the fruit and leaves of various tree species, as well as
predators (birds of prey species) and prey (butterfly and moth species). These concept drawings
include the Red-Headed Woodpecker (with American Beech, Peregrine Falcon, and Early Hairstreak
Butterfly), the Downy Woodpecker (with Yellow Birch, American Kestrel, and Cecropia Moth
caterpillar), the Red-Bellied Woodpecker (with Northern Red Oak, Cooper’s Hawk, and Luna Moth
caterpillar), and the Hairy Woodpecker (with Sugar Maple, Barred Owl, and the Rosy Maple Moth).
Although each concept represents a separate mini-ecosystem, all panels will connect to the next
through leaves and abstract lines from adjacent panels.
I have taken inspiration from the following passage of Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
(Citizen Potawatomi Nation) “I suppose that one of the features of being a member of a nation is
shared currency. In Maple Nation, the currency is carbon. It is traded, exchanged, bartered among comments members from atmosphere to tree, to beetle to woodpecker to fungus to log to firewood to atmosphere and back to tree. No waste, shared wealth, balance, and reciprocity. What better model
for a sustainable economy do we need?” (171). I hope my artwork inspires conversation and reflection among the public about our ongoing relationship with the more-than-human world.
I am excited to be considered for this opportunity. If selected, I will prepare four concept drawings as first-draft designs for the In-Person Community Consultation. This project pushes the boundaries of my artistic practice, as I will be working in black and white with a limited range of line textures to convey the contrast and variety I usually achieve with my colour palette. Additionally, I will learn from my collaboration with a graphic designer as we transform my artwork into vector graphics suitable for laser printing on metal. Opportunities like yours contribute significantly to my growth. I enjoy learning about people, places, and their histories from coast to coast and abroad. I aim to exchange new knowledge and perspectives with community members so all can bring diverse experiences and expertise to future projects.
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Concept of the four art panels
-Downy Woodpecker (with American Kestrel, Yellow birch leaf and fruit, and Cecropia Moth
•Individual sketches will be digitally prepared with a graphic designer and composed within the
measurements of one panel.
•This panel will feature my rhythmic, calligraphy-like abstract lines (as seen in my portfolio).
•This panel will connect to the next through shared leaves and abstract lines with adjacent panels.
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Concept of the four art panels
-Red-Headed Woodpecker (with Peregrine Falcon, American Beech leaf and fruit, and Early
Hairstreak Butterfly)
•Individual sketches will be digitally prepared with a graphic designer and composed within the
measurements of one panel.
•This panel will feature my rhythmic, calligraphy-like abstract lines (as seen in my portfolio).
•This panel will connect to the next through shared leaves and abstract lines with adjacent panels.
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Concept of the four art panels
-Red-Bellied Woodpecker (with Cooper’s Hawk, Northern Red Oak leaf and fruit, and Luna Moth
•Individual sketches will be digitally prepared with a graphic designer and composed within the
measurements of one panel.
•This panel will feature my rhythmic, calligraphy-like abstract lines (as seen in my portfolio).
•This panel will connect to the next through shared leaves and abstract lines with adjacent panels.
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Concept of the four art panels
-Hairy Woodpecker (with Barred Owl, Sugar Maple leaf and fruit, and Rosy Maple Moth)
•Individual sketches will be digitally prepared with a graphic designer and composed within the
measurements of one panel.
•This panel will feature my rhythmic, calligraphy-like abstract lines (as seen in my portfolio).
•This panel will connect to the next through shared leaves and abstract lines with adjacent panels.
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Portfolio of past work
Title: Inaawanidiwag (they travel in a group to a certain place), 2023.
Location: Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) Busan, South Korea
Materials: Indoor acrylic latex paint
Dimensions: 12’ x 31’
Commissioning body: MoCA Busan
Budget: Design fee of KRW 2 million, on-site installation fee of KRW 2 million; MoCA Busan covered
round-trip travel expenses, accommodation, and meals
In 2023, I was invited to participate in Singing Mother Earth, an international group exhibition in Busan,
South Korea. The theme of the show was the environment, and I chose migratory species that have
residence in both Canada and South Korea. The mural design was made in my hometown, Winnipeg.
Pantone colour matching ensured that MoCA Busan ordered the correct colours. I painted this mural
with two local assistants in four days.
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Portfolio of past work
Title: Imaginative Spaces, 2024
Location: The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Materials: Digital print on fabric
Dimensions: Three artworks, sized 10’ wide x 20’ tall, installed side by side
Commissioning body: The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce
Budget: Artist design fee of $3000 (the project management team I worked with budgeted their
consultation fee, the graphic design fee, the fabrication fee, the installation fee, and the
documentation fee)
“To Indigenize a space is to realize and incorporate ways of understanding and interacting with the
world that transcend and dissipate hierarchy. A cyclical understanding of the universe. A recognition of
an all-encompassing entanglement that extends far beyond what we can consciously comprehend. An
interconnectedness that is felt. A recognition of the energy that animates the hum.
Dee Barsy conveys
this through abstract
space. Dee’s signature
blue is a constant
element within all of
her work, an icon of
her creations.
Distances between
foreground and
background are hinted
at through the
thickness of linework
and the scale of
subjects. There is no
hierarchy between the
foreground and the
background; they all play an equal role. Just as Dee balances modernist references to Kandinsky and biomorphic references to Indigenous ways of knowing, so must we learn to survive under the colonially imposed system, while restoring pre-colonial ways of being that have sustained and supported us since immemorial.” - Brianna Wentz, Project Curator
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Portfolio of Past Work
Title: Original paintings for Imaginative Spaces, 2024
Materials: Acrylic paint on custom-made wood panels.
Dimensions: Each artwork is 2’ x 3’
These are two original artworks that were chosen by The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce to be
digitally prepared for print on to fabric. These paintings feature two abstracted hummingbirds among
gestural, calligraphic-like lines.
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Portfolio of Past Work
Title: Rhythmic Movement in the Grasslands
Location: Manitoba Museum, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Materials: Acrylic paint on custom-made wood panels
Dimensions: 6’ x 20’
Commissioning body: Manitoba Museum
Budget: $60,000
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448 Clinton Street, Toronto, Ontario M6G 2Z2
Miigizi.com | @miigizi
Nyle Johnston’s work has been exhibited across many of Canada’s most important institutions, from the AGO and
ROM to the Evergreen Brickworks and the Chippewas of Nawash Cultural Centre. His artistic practice is focused
on illustrating stories of the Anishinaabe Nation in a variety of media in order to raise awareness of their unique
histories as they in turn inform his process. He was born and raised on his beautiful reserve, Neyaashiinigmiing,
on the Saugeen Peninsula (Bruce Peninsula) and took a keen interest in painting and art at a very young age.
Johnston has an established portfolio of work and is well recognized in Toronto. His original works are showcased
at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) in the Jennings Young gallery (J.S. McLean Centre for Indigenous & Canadian
Art). Johnston’s Diiyah Muh’gaanag (Our First Family) is a collection of images of spiritual beings, plants and
animals based on Anishinaabe teachings. Drawn in a pictographic style, they tell stories of botany, astrology and
the interconnectedness of all living things. Johnston currently lives in Toronto, Ontario, and is a contributing
member to the Indigenous & Canadian collection at the AGO.
• Illuminite Festival – Sculpture for Yonge Street BIA
• Town of Pickering – Temporary Light Sculpture
• The Market Gallery
• Todmorden Mills
• McClaren Art Centre
• STEPS Public Art Hoardings Exhibition Skybridge
• Winner Kitchener Library Public Art Commission in collaboration with artist Isaac Murdoch
• University of Toronto, Accessibilities Department
• The Daniels Corporation, Curated Wall
• STEPS Public Art Hoardings Exhibition
• Electrical Box Streetsville BIA
• Shortlisted Oakville Library Public Art Commission in collaboration with artist Isaac Murdoch
• artsUNITE Masterclass – Master Artists Presentation and Artist Showcase
• Mulock Park Public Art Commission Winner, Water Park
• Private Art Commission Winner - Accenture Toronto Headquarters Legacy Spaces Sculpture
Commission, Downie Wenjack Fund
• ArtworxTO Arts Etobicoke Sites of Significance Exhibit
• ArtworxTO West Hub Exhibition HOME(LAND)
• Hart House at the University of Toronto
• Greyroots Museum
• Art Gallery of Ontario
• Tom Thomson Gallery
• Royal Ontario Museum
• Doris MacCarthy Gallery
• Robert McLaughlin Gallery
• Evergreen Brickworks
- 82 -
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•Ryerson University
•Toronto City Hall Gallery
•Chippewas of Nawash Cultural Centre
•University of Toronto All Together Elders Symposium (logo creation)
•Canadian Roots Exchange
•Red Rising Magazine
•Connected North Program delivering interactive video sessions with classrooms as a featured Content
•Land Acknowledgement Project
•#Decarbonize #Decolonize project supporting students from 17 countries in having a voice at the Bonn
•2017 UN Climate Change Conference
•McGill University Capstone Seminar Course Guest Lecture
•Rainy River District School Board and the Indigenous Knowledge and Mathematics Education:
Responding to the TRC’s call to action
•Katimavik (logo development for Reconciliation Project)
•Bold Realities Project
•LIVEArtsSaskatchewan (Saskatchewan Arts Board)
•Neyaashiinigmiing – International Time Portal – 2057 Project
•Lower Simcoe Underpass Mural Project (supported by the City of Toronto)
•7th Generation Image Makers
•Sanatan Mandir Cultural Centre
•Sketch Toronto
•CBC Arts:
1.5833448?fbclid=IwAR2cdzlwVz1y9COWLxZ xwizkrTvQ2sB1W6iqNcuaVBaKdvcqEXA29oA258
•Breakfast Television Toronto:
•LIVE Arts Saskatchewan Artist Bio: https://vimeo.com/236961380
•CBC News:
•Holt Renfrew, Pendleton, TakingITGlobal, Miigizi Wool Blanket:
- 83 -
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1. “WINTERTIME STORIES” (2023-2024)
BY NYLE JOHNSTON in collaboration with Isaac Murdoch
Wall sculpture is winning selection public competition for Kitchener Public Library and will be the first
indigenous works in the city’s public collection.
Click to see video rendering. Render below.
Installation images from Feb 6, 2025
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2. “MIGIZI | THE EAGLE” (2022)
This vitrine is winning selection for Accenture Canada Toronto Headquarters’ legacy space in Scotia
Plaza. Click to hear Nyle Johnston speak about the story behind the work and see it installed.
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4. “GIFT OF THE STARS” (2023)
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View immersize X/R experience here:
https://www.instagram.com/p/DGWDTWCpTjH/ https://www.instagram.com/p/DGQw2keR8cg/
Sculpture on location & Still of X/R
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Johnston with Original Hoarding
SAMPLE OF New Works Made from Hoardings
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11. “THE TRAVELLERS” (2022/2023)
BY NYLE JOHNSTON in collaboration with Joel Richardson
- 93 -
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By Nyle Johnston in
collaboration with Isaac
Mixed Media
Wall Sculpture
8’ x 49’ x 1.5”
Kitchener Public
Wall sculpture is winning selection for the public
competition for Kitchener Public Library to be
installed December 2024.
This sculpture will be the first indigenous works
in the city’s public collection.
See full write up here:
Watch video of rendering here:
By Nyle Johnston
A/R activated by Quinn
Etched and
Mirroed Acrylic
Vitrine with LED
Light Embedded
6’ x 4’ x 4’
Toronto, Ontario Winner of Private Call to Artist by Accenture
Canada as part of Downie Wenjack Fund Legacy
Spaces Project.
Migizi (The Eagle) carries one of the Seven
Grandfather Teachings, the teaching of love.
Johnston’s painting of the teaching of love is
reproduced in an etching on transparent acrylic
panels. In Johston’s artwork, the interior of the
eagle incorporates a person giving thanks for the
sunrise. Every morning as the sun rises, people
are encouraged to bring tobacco to the land as an
offering to demonstrate gratitude for the
possibility of a new day.
See the story behind the work at: Miliza
By Nyle Johnston
Embedded Light
suitable for
indoor or
made of
material (ACM),
LED lights
and acrylic
Dimensions: 7’7”
(wingspan) x
3’4” (height)
Migizi Saves The World is a sculpture that
embodies the Creation Story passed down
through generations, recounting a
time when the Anishinaabek faced discord and
conflict on Turtle Island. In those days, the people
had strayed from living in harmony with each
other and Creation, prioritizing ego and pride over
respect and humility. Creator, displeased with the
misuse of ceremony for personal gain amidst
confilct, decided to send Epingishmook (Western
Spirit) to bring destruction four days hence.
However, just before sunrise on the fourth day,
Migizi (the bald headed eagle) soared skyward to
plead with Creator. Migizi conveyed that despite
the prevailing discord, there were still humble
Anishinaabek who, with puffs of
tobacco from their pipes, aimed to live in harmony
with Creation. Migizi pledged to search diligently
at dawn for those living in a good way. Touched by
this commitment, Creator agreed to spare the
- 94 -
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By Nyle Johnston
Illuminated wall
sculpture with a
mirrored frame.
Measures 65 x
49 inches.
The work is
made from laser
cut and printed
acrylic. The
sculpture is lit
from within with
LED lighting and
gives off light in
pastel colors
that change over
University of
Gift of the Stars is an illuminated wall sculpture.
The sculpture tells a story from the Anishinaabeg
culture about a grandmother and grandson
watching the stars. The story teaches that
everyone is born perfect and has a special gift to
offer their community. The artwork aims to
highlight the intersection of Indigeneity and
Disability. Gift of the Stars is part of the
Indigenization of Space Initiative at Accessibility
Services and will be a beautiful addition to the
entrance, creating a welcoming and inclusive
space for all.
By Nyle Johnston
X/R activated by Quinn
The sculpture is
is crafted from
wood and LED
resulting in a
modern yet
warm design.
Inside the
sculpture, two
flame-like acrylic
elements glow
softly, while a
motion sensor
triggers a
brighter light,
evoking the
feeling of
around a fire on
a cold winter
5’ x 5’ x’ 4’
sculpture on top
of a 2’ wood
Festival for the
Yonge Street BIA
Fireside Storytelling is a public sculpture
celebrating the age-old tradition of gathering
around a fire to share stories. This work marries
cultural heritage with contemporary design to
evoke warmth and community connection.
Crafted from wood and dynamic LED lighting, the
sculpture features flame-like acrylic elements
that glow softly, brightening when activated by
motion sensors. At its core is Johnston’s poignant
illustration of a grandfather imparting teachings,
symbolizing the intergenerational exchange of
knowledge and culture. Winter, a season revered
for storytelling by the Anishinaabek People,
inspires the work’s theme. Its pyramid form
reflects upward energy, while the dual flames
signify dialogue and shared wisdom. Visitors are
invited to gather around, much like sitting by a
fire, fostering a sense of community in the heart
of winter.
Fireside Storytelling showcases the beauty of
tradition and the enduring warmth of shared
narratives, transforming the outdoor festival
space into a beacon of light and connection.
Original outdoor
wood hoardings
lazer cut with
University of
The Ever Evolving Alphabet, began as a bold,
expansive hoardings exhibit displayed at The Hart
House. The work, rich with symbolism and
storytelling, reflected Johnston's signature blend
of Indigenous knowledge with striking graffiti art.
In a stunning act of renewal, the hoardings have
been transformed into a series of circular wall
hangings, now known as The Stories of Creation
exhibiting at The University Of Toronto’s
Accessibility Services Offices.
- 95 -
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By Nyle Johnston
Newmarket Winner of Public Call by City of Newmarket.
Concept designs of series of drain covers for
public park’s wet plaza.
By Nyle Johnston
Artist Embellished
Printed Canvasses
Owen Sound Permeant public art for lobby of Grey Roots
By Nyle Johnston
Oil on vinyl, cut vinyl. Featured Artist
in Jennings
Young gallery
(J.S. McLean
Centre for
Indigenous &
Canadian Art).
by the Art
Gallery of
A collection of images of spiritual beings, plants and
animals based on Anishinaabe teachings. Drawn in a
pictographic style, they tell stories of botany,
astrology, and the interconnectedness of all living
things. It begins with the Time traveller figure on the
east wall and moves south, west and north, ending
with Grandmother Spider and her teachings of
interconnectedness and healing. Together these
images reference our first mother: Mother Earth.
By Nyle Johnston in
collaboration with Joel
Mirrored Polished
Steel Sculpture
1000 lb
5’ x 5’ x 4’
Private Commission.
The Travellers is a built upon the relationship
between two seemingly conflicting characters
travelling together in the same direction. The
juxtaposition of the travelers themselves (their roles,
time periods, costumes, varying physical
appearances in the same environment); a canoe that
is made for water going into space; the conflicting
time periods where they should belong; etc. gives
the viewer a lot to ponder. The artwork asks us to
question the relationships, direction, purpose, time
and storytelling - all in one compelling body of
By melding ancient traditions with modern
technologies, The Travellers seeks to explore a new
dynamic and encourage a new dialogue. It invokes
the question: where we can go if both have a place
in the discussion as opposed to one taking priority
or seeking to eliminate the other.
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To: Cultural Advisory Committee March 11, 2025
From: Stoyan Barakov Curator, Public Art
Copy: Director, Community Services Manager, Cultural Services
Supervisor, Cultural Services
Subject: Shortlist – PHCC (Front of Building) -For Endorsement
Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Public Art Commission, Pickering Heritage & Community Centre – Front of Building (Attachment 1), issued on December 13, 2024, Cultural Services received a total of 35 submissions from artists and artist collectives worldwide. The Call
was open from December 13, 2024, to February 13, 2025.
Following an internal review, staff identified 26 submissions to advance to the Public Art Jury stage. The remaining nine submissions did not meet the outlined requirements and were excluded
from further consideration.
As specified in the Call to Artists, this project seeks a permanent outdoor public artwork for the main entrance of the new Pickering Heritage & Community Centre (PHCC) in Pickering.
Submissions were evaluated based on eligibility, adherence to submission guidelines, and demonstrated experience in creating permanent public art.
The Public Art Jury met on March 6, 2025, to review the 26 submissions. After deliberation, the
jury— including representatives from Hariri Pontarini Architects and members of the Greenwood Association—shortlisted three artists to move forward with the development of an art concept.
The shortlisted artists are:
1. LeuWebb (Attachment 2)
2.Hooman Mehdizadehjafari (Attachment 3)3.Pierre Poussin (Attachment 4)
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Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI)
Public Art Commission, Pickering Heritage & Community Centre – Front of Building Deadline: February 13, 2025, at 4 pm EDT.
Digital rendering of the Pickering Heritage & Community Centre – Front of Building
Artist Opportunity
The City of Pickering invites artists or artist teams to respond to this Call for Artists
to create permanent outdoor public artwork for the main entrance of the new
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre (PHCC).
As per the City of Pickering’s Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an artist is defined as the
designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer.
The total budget for the project, including artist fees, materials, and installation, and other associated costs, is $125,000.00 (including HST). *
*Funding pending approval of the 2025 Budget.
The successful artist/ artist team will be selected through a two-stage process. One (1) artist/ artist team will be awarded the opportunity.
Site Background
The City of Pickering resides on land within the Treaty and traditional territory of
the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories
of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations.
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The Pickering Heritage & Community Centre (PHCC) designed by Hariri Pontarini Architects explores the intersection of memory institutions - museum, library, gallery and archive - into an integrated, dynamic, facility which will serve as a
community gathering place and gateway to the existing components. Located adjacent to a ravine, the building is positioned to be sensitive to the natural ecology of the site while opening up views in all directions to the surrounding landscape. The sustainably sourced materials selected for the building are inspired
by existing heritage buildings located in the Village: naturally-aged, weathered, wood and dry-stacked field stone. User engagement has been critical to the design
process and a successful project will be an attraction for the local community and visitors alike. Construction began in Spring, 2024 and the building is to be
completed in 2026.
The facility will be located on the Pickering Museum Village site. #1 on the map marks where the Pickering Heritage & Community Centre will be located.
About PHCC
The City of Pickering is making an investment in arts, heritage, and culture with the Pickering Heritage & Community Centre. This innovative project will bring the Museum, Library, and Community Centre into one dynamic facility.
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Construction of this 44,000 square-foot facility has commenced, and is being undertaken by J.R. Certus Construction Co. Ltd.
What amenities will the new facility have?
•Exhibit gallery
•Program room
•Multi-purpose hall (with a stage)
•Kitchen suitable for public programs
•Library Express Kiosk and Local History Experience Centre
•Collections storage
•Gift shop
•Outdoor program spaces
This project is guided by the City’s Cultural Strategic Plan, which sets a vision for the place of arts, culture, and heritage in the City and identifies strategic directions for policy, investment, partnerships, and programs.
The Pickering Heritage & Community Centre has a strong vision and seven
guiding principles in place (Belonging & Wellbeing, Learning & Storytelling, Innovation, Adaption & Responsiveness, Discovery & Play, Sustainability, and
Decolonization). View the entire PHCC Vision & Guiding Principles document here.
Project Brief
The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s
commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity,
heritage, and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative
economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighborhoods.
The artwork will be in front of the building “Formal” entry way. The location for the
art makes it unique as it will be visible for people driving by Highway 7.
Image of where the public art commission will be located.
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The top three (3) artists/teams will be required to attend an in-person presentation in front of the community. The City, will facilitate consultation between the artists/teams and the community as well as other project stakeholders. Detailed
Terms of Reference will be provided to the shortlisted artist/ artists teams to help them prepare their concept. Budget
$125,000.00 CAD including HST (maximum)*. This is the total amount available
for all related expenses of this public art project including, but not limited to: up to 2 rounds of revisions, artist fees, all applicable taxes, detailed renderings, materials,
technical consultations, community consultation, foundation, and approvals or other expertise as required (engineering review), fabrication, installation, insurance, equipment, travel to meetings and to the site, and an artist statement for completed work.
* Funding pending approval of the 2025 Budget.
The selected artist will enter into a written agreement with the City of Pickering
following the approval of the acquisition of the public art outlined in the City’s Public Art Policy. This agreement will address the artist's obligations, which include, but are not
limited to: • Materials
• Timelines
• Installation
• Maintenance and/or conservation plans • Warranty • Copyright, Intellectual Property and Moral Rights
• Payments to sub-contractors Selection Process
Stage 1: Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) A public art jury comprised of practicing arts professionals, project stakeholders
and community members will be established for the evaluation of the Stage 1 submissions.
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Expression of Interest (EOI) Submissions: Artists/ Artist teams are invited to respond to this EOI by submitting a single pdf document including:
• CV: Professional resume (3-pages max). If submitting as a team, an individual resume should be submitted for each team member.
• Artist statement: describe your interest in this project and share your
experience in the field. You can submit a written document (1-page max) or
record an audio or video message (MP3 or MP4 file, max 20 MB).
• Portfolio of past work: Examples of relevant work. You may include
multiple images per project on 1 page of a maximum to 10 projects (10-
pages). Add title, year, scope, budget and a short description.
• References: A list of at least two professional references familiar with your work and working methods. The list must include name, title, complete e-
mail addresses and telephone numbers.
Submissions must be uploaded through the link here. Deadline: February 13, 2025, at 4 pm EDT.
If the submissions exceed 20 MB, artists should contact Stoyan Barakov, Curator, Public Art who will provide a link to an external file share program. Incomplete submissions or submissions received after the deadline will not
be juried. Stage 2: Request for Proposal (RFP)
The Public Art Jury will review all submissions and identify a short-list based on artistic excellence and demonstrated or perceived ability to create and execute an innovative, engaging public artwork that is complementary to the overall design scheme and community context.
The Jury will select a short-list of three (3) artists/artist teams for Stage 2 – Request for Proposal (RFP). Each of the three (3) artists/artist teams will be
compensated $1,500 CAD including HST for their time and the creation of concept
for Stage 2.
The short-listed artists will be notified by Week of March 17, 2025 and invited to present their concept to the community and the public art jury during “Artfest” held
on May 23 & 24, 2025*. This concept presentation and community consultation will be based on the Terms of Reference provided prior. As part of the process, short-listed artists must attend the in-person presentation (online presentations may be
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When evaluating specific artwork proposals, the Public Art Jury will consider the vision, mandate and objectives of the Public Art Program and the objectives listed
in the Public Art Opportunity outlined on Page 1 of this Call to Artists. The Public Art Jury (as per section 07.02 of the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130) will also consider the artists:
• Artistic excellence of previous work;
• Ability to achieve the highest quality of contemporary artistic excellence and
• Professional qualifications and relevant working experience as related to
the public art project brief;
• Ability to manage a project and experience working with a design team, project team and/or community group, as appropriate;
• Potential to comprehend, access and interpret relevant technical requirements; and,
• Interest in and understanding of the public art opportunity and the context. The proposals may be used by the City of Pickering in meetings with community groups, stakeholders and staff.
*Pending approval of the 2025 Budget.
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The City will provide accommodations throughout the selection process to applicants with disabilities. Please notify Stoyan Barakov, Curator, Public Art at
289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation.
Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering
The City of Pickering, at its sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The
City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist or Artist Team is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at it sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-qualified Artists or Artist Teams. The City reserve the right to not proceed with awarding a contract.
Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public
announcements regarding the competition. Additional Information
For any additional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov, Curator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca.
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Expression of Interest
City of Pickering
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
February 13, 2025
LeuWebb Projects
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Table of Contents
1. Artist Statement
2. Artist CV
3. Portfolio
4. References
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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LeuWebb Projects is honoured to submit our credentials and expression of interest
for the creation of a permanent outdoor artwork for the entrance of the new
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre. Our vision for developing a design for,
and with, the City of Pickering and its communities is based on our interdisciplinary
practice and open conversations with a multiplicity of voices.
Public spaces are physical places of engagement, in real life, with one another. In a
time when we seem to be pulled further apart from each other, it is public spaces
that act as common ground for us to come together. LeuWebb Projects uses art as
a device within public spaces, creating moments for reflection and dialogue. Our art
strives to connect people of all ages and backgrounds with both the tangible and the
ephemeral aspects of everyday life by creating art that stimulates curiosity, suggests
play, and inspires its participants.
Approach to Placemaking
During our conceptual design phase, we conduct research into all aspects of the
site, looking through the lenses of history, culture, and geography. It is through this
research that we develop a deep connection to a place and seek to reveal its unique
characteristics through artwork.
At the entrance of the new Pickering Heritage & Community Centre, the artwork
will be a landmark for the site as it will be one of the first elements that visitors
will experience. We are interested in developing our design from a wide study of
the Pickering Heritage Museum’s collections, including lighting related artifacts
dating between 1830 and the 1930s. Research and digital documentation through
3D scanning of these artifacts can be scaled, transformed, and distorted in the
development of a playful artwork for the entrance of the new museum, referencing
a rich history through a contemporary lens. Beyond the new facility to the east is a
wooded area and creek, separating the entrance from the arrangement of heritage
buildings. These historical, natural, and social narratives will all be explored in the
artwork’s design.
Working Effectively
We have successfully executed projects across Canada, much to the delight of
our municipal and private clients. We use our prior experience as architects to
coordinate with project teams - clients, project managers, engineers, fabricators,
etc. to deliver projects on budget and on time, while contributing the vitality of
neighbourhoods. Through our ability to read technical architectural and engineering
drawings, and work seamless across digital platforms such as autocad, rhino, revit,
sketch-up, illustrator, and more, makes it easier to communicate across teams.
Learning From Others
As public spaces are for all, a significant community engagement process is vital. It is
a priority to meet with local indigenous communities as part of our outreach.
Our previous works illustrate the many different ways in which this community
engagement may be realized. For example, WE ARE HERE celebrates the diversity
of voices and histories of the Lawrence Heights neighbourhood. Using letters in
a multiplicity of languages spoken within the community to unify the work, WE
ARE HERE acknowledges the presence of past, present, and future residents in this
neighbourhood revitalization project. Our work on the Saskatoon Bus Rapid Transit
Public Art strategy involved community consultations with numerous audience
groups including Karen, Afghan, and Indigenous communities, as well as university
students, resulting in station-specific works that will reflect the needs and desires of
local demographics.
Weaving the stories of diverse groups of people, the story of Pickering, and the rich
biodiversity of the landscape is critical to achieving a meaningful artwork for the new
Pickering Heritage and Community Centre.
We’re excited by the opportunity to contribute to the City of Pickering through our
role as artists and look forward to creating a highly visible artwork that can reflect the
diversity and inclusivity that is unique to Pickering. It’s a vision that corresponds to
the focus of our own practice, where art is publicly accessible and wholly a part of the
vital tapestry of the surrounding world.
A place of reflection of shared heritage.
A place of connection for people of all backgrounds.
Artist Statement
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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Christine Leu
Recent Selected Exhibitions and Presentations of Work
2026 Liquid States Western North York Community Centre, Toronto
2025 Integrated Artwork Burlington Civic Square
Integrated Artwork Chatham-Kent Children’s Treatment Centre
2024 Sweeping the Clouds Away Snelgrove Community Centre, Brampton
Bill’s Bouquet Memorial Artwork, shortlisted project for City of Brampton
Sidewalk Stamps Integrated Art, Bus Rapid Transit Stations, Saskatoon
Fungi of the Woods Burnhamthorpe Community Centre, Mississauga
The Backyard at the RMG Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa
2023 Tessellated Labyrinth Bank of Montreal branch, Toronto, Ontario
Dissolving Lozenges STEPS Public Art offices, Toronto
After the Rain STEPS Public Art (touring artwork)
2022 Red Light, Green Light Shortlisted Proposal for Park 535, Mississauga, Ontario
Waking the Shore Waterfront Reconnect Competition Finalist, Toronto, Ontario
2021 Lighten Up Private Client, Toronto, Ontario
WE ARE HERE Shortlisted Proposal Lawrence Heights Revitalisation,
Toronto, Ontario for Toronto Community Housing/
STEPS Initiative
Wong Chuk Commons Green Link Competition Finalist in Wong Chuk Hang,
Hong Kong
2020 Bird’s Eye View Leslie Nymark Revistalisation Toronto, Ontario.
Shortlisted proposal for Toronto Community
Housing/ STEPS Initiative
2019 Outside the Lines Wilson Subway Station, Toronto, Ontario for Toronto
Transit Commission
The Blow Up Toronto Digifest Design and Tech Festival,
George Brown College
Long Division Pubic Volumes Exhibit, Bradley Museum,
City of Mississauga
Thermally Speaking Nuit Blanche, Toronto, curated by Artspin
Fenestrated Fencing Azure Magazine, Toronto
Radiant Matters Calgary, Alberta. Shortlisted for West
Campus Development Trust
2018 Animal Family Edmonton Valley Zoo, Edmonton, Alberta for
Edmonton Arts Council
Following In His Footsteps Greenway Park, London, Ontario for London Arts Council
Frames of Reference Park 525, shortlisted for City of Mississauga
Jazz Matisse Beaumont, Alberta. Shortlisted proposal
for Dream Developments.
2017 Interplay London Southwest Community Centre, shortlisted for
London Arts Council
Dew Cloud Aylmer and Simcoe Plaza, shortlisted for
City of Peterborough
Hot Process Distribution EDIT Festival, Toronto, Ontario for Design Exchange
2016 Flotsam/ Jetsam in/Future Festival, Ontario Place, Toronto, Ontario
Collaborative Chromatics Toronto, Ontario for Perkins and Will
Perpetual Momentum Accumulator Toronto, Ontario for Norm Li Studio
Veil of Skavgraes Tilsynekomster, Gæsteatelier Hollufgård,
Odense, Denmark
Art Consulting and Curatorial Work
2021 - present Integrated Art Curator, Bus Rapid Transit System, Saskatoon
2020 - present Mission in Afghanistan Ottawa, Ontario. Memorial shortlisted proposal for
National Capital Commission and Veteran Affairs
2016 - 2019 Grow Op Exhibition, Gladstone Hotel
2017 - 2018 Windows Into Innovation, Faculty of Communication and Design,
Toronto Metropolitan University
2013 Workplace Affairs, East of Keele Gallery, Toronto Design Offsite Festival
2004 Master of Architecture, School of Architecture, University of Waterloo
2001 Bachelor of Environmental Studies, School of Architecture, University of Waterloo
Professional Affiliations
2020 - present Fellow, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
2014 - present Member, CARFAC
2012 - present Licensed architect, Ontario Association of Architects
2006 - present Member, Toronto Society of Architects
2004 - 2019 Member, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
Awards and Residencies
2021 Winner, AZ Awards, Toronto Ontario for Thermally Speaking
Award of Merit, Toronto Urban Design Award for Thermally Speaking
2019 Honourable Mention, Urban Design Award, London, Ontario for Following in
his Footsteps
Finalist, Urban Design Award, Edmonton, Alberta for Animal Family
2017 Allied Arts Medal, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
2015 - 2016 Gæsteatelier Hollufgård Artist-In-Residence Programme, Odense, Denmark
2013 - 2016 Sparkbox Studios, Prince Edward County, Ontario
2013 Juror’s Choice Award, Toronto Design Offsite Festival
Grants and Bursaries
2020 Daniels Artscape Launchpad Bursary
2011, 2013, 2014, 2016 (x2) Ontario Arts Council, Exhibition Assistance Grant
Founding partner of LeuWebb Projects
Artist CV
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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Alan Webb
Recent Selected Exhibitions and Presentations of Work
2026 Liquid States Western North York Community Centre, Toronto
2025 Integrated Artwork Burlington Civic Square
Integrated Artwork Chatham-Kent Children’s Treatment Centre
2024 Sweeping the Clouds Away Snelgrove Community Centre, Brampton
Bill’s Bouquet Memorial Artwork, shortlisted project for City of Brampton
Sidewalk Stamps Integrated Art, Bus Rapid Transit Stations, Saskatoon
Fungi of the Woods Burnhamthorpe Community Centre, Mississauga
The Backyard at the RMG Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa
2023 Tessellated Labyrinth Bank of Montreal branch, Toronto, Ontario
Dissolving Lozenges STEPS Public Art offices, Toronto
After the Rain STEPS Public Art (touring artwork)
2022 Red Light, Green Light Shortlisted Proposal for Park 535, Mississauga, Ontario
Waking the Shore Waterfront Reconnect Competition Finalist, Toronto, Ontario
2021 Lighten Up Private Client, Toronto, Ontario
WE ARE HERE Shortlisted Proposal Lawrence Heights Revitalisation,
Toronto, Ontario for Toronto Community Housing/
STEPS Initiative
Wong Chuk Commons Green Link Competition Finalist in Wong Chuk Hang,
Hong Kong
2020 Bird’s Eye View Leslie Nymark Revistalisation Toronto, Ontario.
Shortlisted proposal for Toronto Community
Housing/ STEPS Initiative
2019 Outside the Lines Wilson Subway Station, Toronto, Ontario for Toronto
Transit Commission
The Blow Up Toronto Digifest Design and Tech Festival,
George Brown College
Long Division Pubic Volumes Exhibit, Bradley Museum,
City of Mississauga
Thermally Speaking Nuit Blanche, Toronto, curated by Artspin
Fenestrated Fencing Azure Magazine, Toronto
Radiant Matters Calgary, Alberta. Shortlisted for West
Campus Development Trust
2018 Animal Family Edmonton Valley Zoo, Edmonton, Alberta for
Edmonton Arts Council
Following In His Footsteps Greenway Park, London, Ontario for London Arts Council
Frames of Reference Park 525, shortlisted for City of Mississauga
Jazz Matisse Beaumont, Alberta. Shortlisted proposal
for Dream Developments.
2017 Interplay London Southwest Community Centre, shortlisted for
London Arts Council
Dew Cloud Aylmer and Simcoe Plaza, shortlisted for
City of Peterborough
Shimmer and Shine Ontario Place, Toronto, Ontario
Hot Process Distribution EDIT Festival, Toronto, Ontario for Design Exchange
2016 Flotsam/ Jetsam in/Future Festival, Ontario Place, Toronto, Ontario
Collaborative Chromatics Toronto, Ontario for Perkins and Will
Perpetual Momentum Accumulator Toronto, Ontario for Norm Li Studio
Veil of Skavgraes Tilsynekomster, Gæsteatelier Hollufgård,
Odense, Denmark
Art Consulting and Curatorial Work
2021 - present Integrated Art Curator, Bus Rapid Transit System, Saskatoon
2020 - present Mission in Afghanistan Ottawa, Ontario. Memorial shortlisted proposal
for National Capital Commission and Veteran Affairs
2016 - 2019 Grow Op Exhibition, Gladstone Hotel
2017 - 2019 Windows Into Innovation, Faculty of Communication and Design,
Toronto Metropolitan University,
2013 Workplace Affairs, East of Keele Gallery, Toronto Design Offsite Festival
2020 Master of Art History, University of Toronto
2000 Bachelor of Architecture, University of Waterloo
1997 Bachelor of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo
Awards and Residencies
2021 Winner, AZ Awards, Toronto Ontario for Thermally Speaking
Award of Merit, Toronto Urban Design Award for Thermally Speaking
2019 Honourable Mention, Urban Design Award, London, Ontario for Following
in his Footsteps
Finalist, Urban Design Award, Edmonton, Alberta for Animal Family
2015, 2016 Gæsteatelier Hollufgård residency, Odense, Denmark
2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 Sparkbox Studios residency, Prince Edward County
2013 Juror’s Choice Award, Toronto Design Offsite Festival
2012 Artscape Gibraltar Point residency
Grants and Bursaries
2020 Daniels Artscape Launchpad Bursary
2011 (x2), 2013, 2014, 2016 (x2) Ontario Arts Council, Exhibition Assistance Grant
Media and Performances
2004 - present Supesharu Recordings, Toronto
2009 - 2014 Radio programmer, CIUT FM, Toronto
1996 - 2006 wabi design collective, Toronto
2005 The Wire, CBC Radio, Toronto
2003 New Waves. New Group, Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo
2002 Out Front, CBC Radio, Toronto
1998 Weekly video programme, Manhattan Neighbourhood Network, NYC
Founding partner of LeuWebb Projects
Artist CV
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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Date completed: 2024
Location: Burnhamthorpe Community
Centre, Mississauga, Ontario
Media: Sculptural painted steel mushrooms
with painted concrete and rubber surfacing
Dimensions: 6m x 4m x 8m
Total budget: $250,000
Commissioning body: City of Mississauga
Fungi of the Woods
Located within the forested park outside
the Burnhamthorpe Community Centre’s
lies ‘Fungi of the Woods’, an imaginative
interpretation of the sociability of
mushrooms that is conceptually based
upon the ways in which community
members connect with each other. They
represent the possibility of transformation,
of ecological interconnectedness, of
collaboration between species.
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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Date completed: 2021
Location: Yonge & Lawrence, Toronto,
Media: Cast aluminum, lacquer, steel
Dimensions: 10m x 4m x 6m
Total budget: $240,000
Commissioning body: First Capital Realty
with Zebra Public Art Management
Lighten Up
‘Lighten Up’ represents the moment
of release of a cluster of balloons. It’s
simultaneously a moment of joy and
dismay, balloons freed from their
constraints and rising into the air – and then
coming to rest under a ceiling. Still in sight,
but out of reach.
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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Date completed: 2017
Location: Edmonton Valley Zoo, Edmonton,
Media: Steel swinging panels with epoxy
paint finish
Dimensions: 20m x 2m x1m
Total budget: $91,600
Commissioning body: Edmonton Arts
Animal Family
‘Animal Family’ celebrates diversity, invites
approachability, and provides an entry into
the lives of the farm animals within the
Urban Barn. A series of fixed and movable
panels featuring full size animal silhouettes
provides a transition from the pages of
a storybook to the reality of the Barn’s
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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Date Completed: 2022-2026
Location: Western North York Community
Centre, Toronto, Ontario
Media: Steel, concrete, water
Dimensions: 10m x 4m x 4m
Total budget: $255,850
Commissioning Body: City of Toronto
Liquid States
‘Liquid States’ connects us to our natural
world and the particulars of the Humber
River watershed. It’s an acknowledgement
that we’re connected to the cycles of
hydrology, the Great Lakes basin, and
the rivers on which Toronto is situated,
and has been the site of interchange and
inhabitation for years.
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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We Are Here
Year completed: 2022
Location: Triangle Park, Lawrence Heights
Toronto, Ontario
Media: Aluminum, concrete, soil, plantings
Dimensions: Seven pieces to a maximum of
10m x 5m x 5m
Total budget: $475,000
Commissioning body: City of Toronto
‘WE ARE HERE’ is a multi-part community
engaged work in the new Triangle Park
of the Lawrence Heights neighbourhood
in Toronto. Consisting of words and
phrases to be developed with community
members, the piece proudly exclaims the
past, present, and future residents of this
revitalized neighbourhood.
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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Green Light, Yellow Light, Red
Light Blue: Mississauga Park 535
Year completed: 2022 (shortlisted)
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
Media: Aluminum, stainless steel, LED light
Dimensions: 8m x 8m x 6m
Total budget: $165,000
Commissioning body: City of Mississauga
This project is a collective assemblage, an
expressive gateway, and an illuminated
sculpture that speaks to the diversity of the
surrounding residents by connecting to the
interiors of their homes.
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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Date completed: 2017
Location: Wilson Subway Station, Toronto,
Media: Steel pipe with epoxy paint finish
Dimensions: 7 pieces each approx
5m x 5m x 3m
Total budget: $144,000
Commissioning body: Toronto Transit
Commission, public art initiative tied to
accessibility upgrades
Outside the Lines
‘Outside the Lines’ is public art that
captures the site’s capacity for dynamic
movement through bursts of colourful
sculptural forms inspired by the adjacent
Downsview Airport. Popping out of walls,
shooting through floors and coiling
around columns, it flows through the
subway station in the form of seven vibrant
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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Date completed: 2023
Location: The Robert McLaughlin Gallery,
Oshawa, Ontario
Media: Steel, wood, plantings
Dimensions: 25m x 50m x 6m
Total budget: $450,000
Commissioning body: Robert McLaughlin
The Backyard at
The Robert McLaughlin Gallery
LeuWebb Projects worked in collaboration
with landscape architects Brook McIlroy
and The Robert McLaughlin Gallery (RMG)
to re-imagine the greenspace directly
behind the gallery. The reinvigorated
outdoor space activates and expands the
possibilities of the Gallery, with concert
series and summer camps.
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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Arbor Vitae
Date completed: 2024 (shortlisted)
Location: Newmarket, Ontario
Media: Alaskan yellow cedar, painted steel
panels, native plantings
Dimensions: 8m x 5m x 5m
Total budget: $445,000
Commissioning body: Town of Newmarket
and The Regional Municipality of York
‘Arbor Vitae’ connects us to the larger
natural cycles of the York Region, a rich
environment of wetlands, forests, fields, and
watersheds. ‘Arbor Vitae’ is an opportunity
to provide the diverse community of York
Region a moment of pause and reflection
of the natural environment and the cycles
of life that we all share. The forests and rain
nourish us all and allow us to share this
place as our home.
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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A Light in the Woods
Date completed: 2022
Location: Pickering Heritage and
Community Centre, Pickering, Ontario
Media: Aluminum and LED lighting
Dimensions: 8m x 3m x 3m
Total budget: $250,000
Commissioning body: City of Pickering
‘A Light In the Woods’ is inspired by the
historic Pickering Heritage Museum, the
upcoming Pickering Heritage Community
Centre, and the community members of
Pickering itself.
The simple act of turning on a light pushes
back the darkness and welcomes life.
Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
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LeuWebb Projects
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pierre poussin
2308-5791 Yonge Street, North York, ON, M2M 0A8
For the City of Pickering, Ontario
February 13, 2025
C/O Stoyan Barakov, Curator, Public Art City of Pickering, One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario, L1V 6K7- 135 -
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Selected Public Art Commissions Félicitation! (Upcoming), 5 x 1.8m H x 1m W, Bronze, Patina, LEDs, LRT Surrey-Langley, Willowbrook Station, Surrey, BC, 2028. Félicitation! will be a series of friendly local animal characters that aim to celebrate the day-to-day and all of their (small) achievements. From Earth to Sky (Upcoming), 10.4m W x 13.7m H, Painted Steel, Airdrie Library and Community Facility, Airdrie, AB, 2026. In collaboration with Blackfoot artist Adrian Stimson, we were commissioned to create From Earth to Sky, a public art installation symbolizing the connection between Mother Earth and Father Sky through a sculptural tipi. The seven poles, each adorned with Blackfoot pictographs, represent the seven generations practice and the seven local tribes. Forage (Upcoming), 9 x 3.4m H x 3.7m W, Weathered-Steel, LEDs, LRT East-West Line, Westboro Station, Ottawa, ON, 2026. Forage will be a series of giant freestanding fossilized mushrooms made with weathered-steel and LEDs, clustered along Westboro Station’s main entrance, that aim for riders to see themselves within the evolving history of the area. Local Lichen (Upcoming), 4 x 6.8m W x 3.6m H, Aluminum, LRT East-West Line, Sherbourne Station, Ottawa, ON, 2025. Local Lichen, will be low-relief sculptures created by using scientific data of lichen’s natural growth patterns coupled with traditional rug-making design techniques. These low-relief sculptures will be comprised of brightly painted aluminum panels that will be layered and off set from one another with incorporated LEDs. Lumière (Upcoming), 10m H x 7.5m W, Weathered-Steel, LEDs, The City of Cambridge, ON, 2025. Commissioned by the City of Cambridge to create a permanent exterior public art installation to help celebrate the City’s 50th Anniversary. Lumière will be a tribute to the local Sheave Tower – one of the world’s smallest hydroelectric generating site, which is deeply rooted in Ontario’s pioneering hydroelectric legacy. The piece honours the tower’s shape and scale by utilizing its positive and negative space through its distinct vertical ridges and outlines. The artwork honours the City of Cambridge’s rich heritage and pioneering spirit. Saga - Lighthouse Gateway (Currently Being Documented), 2 x 9.1m H x 1.6m W, Weathered-Steel, LEDs, Collingwood, ON, 2024. Winner of a national public art competition to create a monumental public art gateway, commissioned by the Town of Collingwood and the Downtown BIA. Saga - Collingwood’s Lighthouse Gateway, is a tribute to Collingwood's rich shipbuilding heritage, featuring artistic replicas of the historic Nottawasaga Lighthouse with laser-cut façades depicting the drawings of the first and last vessels built in the Collingwood Harbor (the Nahma, 1895, and the Sir Wilfred Laurier, 1985, Active Vessel for the Canadian Coast Guard). Ursa, 9.1m H x 1.2m W, Cast Aluminum, Aircraft Paint, One Water Street Tower, N.American Dev. Group, Kelowna, B.C., 2021. Kelowna’s name originated from the Okanagan language for the word “Grizzly Bear”. Ursa is an abstracted ribbon-like sculpture, which outlines the bold presence of a giant Grizzly bear watching over residents. It features a polished finish, reflecting the natural environment within the cast-aluminum sculpture that compels public interaction. Jax, 3.5m x 3.5m x 3 units, Shaped Aluminum, Paint, Play in Public, The Bentway and Concord Adex, Toronto, ON, 2021. Commissioned to create a public art installation for Play in Public by The Bentway and Concord Adex Developments, to celebrate one of the oldest and most widespread games in the world: Jacks. Playing with scale and colours, 3 large aluminum tetrapods were created with large red balls painted on the ground, gesturing towards movement and play. The pieces’ colours represent the most recent 2SLGBTQQIA+ Flag, as a way to embrace pride and celebration in solidarity. Brick Obelisk, 9.1m H x 2.5m W, Weathered-Steel, LEDs, The City of Toronto, Carlaw+Dundas Park, Toronto, ON, 2020. Brick Obelisk was created to celebrate the story of the population growth of this neighbourhood. The artwork features intricately-patterned and internally-lit weathered-steel façades based on maps ranging from 1851-2016. It is an archive of the local land, with various stages of its history overlaid on a contemporary silhouette, inspired by the neighboring smokestacks of the industrial period. Connexe, 3.6m x 1m, Steel, Urethane, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Toronto, ON, 2020. Winner of an international public art competition to create an interior public art sculpture for CAMH’s main entrance. This public artwork is integrated around the front lobby’s main structural column and features a lattice-work of an abstracted pattern of leaves and connected line work. The piece speaks to the connectivity of community, support and healing centered around CAMH. Cascades, 2 x 8.5m H x 3m W, Aluminum, Urethane, Bayview Station, Confederation Line, The City of Ottawa, ON, 2019. Winner of an international public art competition for Ottawa’s Bayview Station, commissioned by The City of Ottawa. Cascades is a series of sculptural elements serving as large public seating and gathering areas and is inspired by the area’s archaeological importance as one of Canada’s earliest recorded sites of indigenous activity and the convergence of 3 local rivers Chaudière Falls. - 137 -
Continued - Selected Public Art Commissions
Esprit, 5.5m H x 4.5m L x 2.5m W, Aluminum, Urethane, The Alex Decoteau Park, Edmonton, AB, 2017. Winner of a national public art contest for Alex Decoteau Park, commissioned by The City of Edmonton. Esprit is a free-standing laser-cut metal sculpture, fabricated with multiple ribbon-shaped aluminum pieces. Espirit seeks to celebrate, honor, and symbolize the progressive and groundbreaking spirit of Alex Decoteau. His legacy impresses as the first Aboriginal-Canadian police officer, constable, War Veteran, Canadian Olympic runner and inductee in the Sports Hall of Fame.
Exported Flora, 24.5m W x 4.2m H, Steel, LEDs, Florian Tower, Diamante Development, Yorkville, Toronto, ON, 2016. Commissioned to create a large exterior feature wall to offer privacy to this new development from its neighboring buildings. Located on Davenport Road at Bay Street, the concepts were inspired by Davenport’s rich history as one of Canada’s oldest trading routes. The imagery is composed of three indigenous flowers, which were all exported to Europe during Canada’s early colonization period.
Sprouting Ferns Courtyard, Quartz Condominium Complex, Concord Adex Developments, Toronto, ON, 2016. Seeds Canopy, Uptown Mississauga’s Crystal Tower, Pinnacle International Developments, Mississauga, ON, 2016. Variegation Courtyard, Lumen Condominium, Concord Adex Developments, Toronto, ON, 2015. Wall Flowers, Lumen Condominiums, Concord Adex Developments, Toronto, ON, 2015. S, Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Campuses in Oakville, Brampton & Mississauga, ON, 2013-2015. Fireworks Boulevard, The City of Vancouver Olympics and Paralympics’ Public Art Program, Vancouver, BC, 2010. Flames, The City of Vancouver Olympics and Paralympics’ Public Art Program, Vancouver, BC, 2010. Floating Waters, Panorama Condominium Tower, Concord Adex Developments, Toronto, ON, 2010. Lake shore Canopy, Panorama Condominium Tower, Concord Adex Developments, Toronto, ON, 2010. Mitosis Courtyard, Panorama Condominium Tower, Concord Adex Developments, Toronto, ON, 2010. Princeton University Library Installation, Julian Street Library, Princeton New Jersey, USA, 2009.
Selected Public Art Consultation Services
Public Art Consultation Services, Adrian Göllner Studio, Adrian Göllner, Ottawa, ON, 2012 - 2024. Public Art Consultation services include 3D sculpting, 3D modeling and rendering for Adrian Göllner’s public art practice.
Public Art Consultant, Outside the March, 258 Wallace Avenue, Unit 202, Toronto, ON, 2021 - 2022 Art and fabrication consultant for Outside the March with Senior Indigenous Artist Philip Cote to create a temporary public art installation entitled Sacred Fire, located in High Park, Toronto. This public art project included multiple elements in order to create a seating area where people could hear Indigenous stories being shared. A large sculptural metal tree was created featuring a frosted-acrylic bulb, as well as a series of custom metal seating with incorporated speakers.
Public Art Consultant, Confluence Artist Team, BMO Stadium Public Art Call, Stages 1 & 2, A.Stimson, Siksika, AB, 2022. Public Art consultant for the Confluence Artist Team, consisting of Governor-General Award Winning Artist Adrian Stimson (Siksika, AB), Anishnaabe artist Michael Belmore (Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON) and D’Andrea Raven Davis (Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON), with technical and engineering support by Lafontaine Iron Werks (Tiny, ON) and Toque Innovations (Midland, ON).
Public Art Consultant, Artist Team, for the LGBTQ2+ National Monument, Stage 1, Adrian Stimson, Siksika, AB, 2021. Public Art consultant for the Rainbow Artist Team, with Governor-General Award Winning Artists Adrian Stimson (Siksika, AB) and Paul Wong (Vancouver, BC), as well as artist/activists syrus marcus Ware (Toronto, ON) and Raven Davis (Halifax, NS), with technical support by Tod Nodwell, Markus Hillar and Ted Merrick, Schollen and Company Landscape Architecture.
Public Art Consultant Services, figureground studio, Jyhling Lee, Toronto, ON, 2019 - 2020. Public Art Consultation services include 3D modeling and rendering for Jyhling Lee’s figureground studio.
Selected Public Art Selection Committees North York Art Council Artist Selection Jury, Jury Member for the Grow North Grants by North York Arts, 2024. Toronto’s Eglinton Way BIA Artist Selection Jury, Jury Member for the Selection of 6 Public Art Sculptures, 2023. Toronto’s Eglinton Way BIA Artist Selection Jury, Jury Member for the Selection of 6 Public Art Sculptures, 2021. Public Artist Selection Committee Member, Jury Member for Tango2’s Public Art Program, 2011. Public Artist Selection Committee Member, Jury Member for Pier 27’s Public Art Program, 2011.- 139 -- 138 -
Selected Residencies & Grants
Ontario Arts Council, Creation Grant, for Transmission, sculptural explorations regarding heritage, 2023. Kingsbrae International Residence for the Arts, Kingsbrae Garden, Saint Andrews, New Brunswick, Summer 2019. Ontario Arts Council, Creation Grant, for Orage/Storm sculptural explorations regarding familial mental health, 2019.
Selected Design Commissions Dancing Markets, Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, Mississauga, ON, 2011. Princeton University Library Furniture, Julian Street Library, Princeton New Jersey, USA, December 2009. Terrace Windscreens, Panorama Condominium Tower, Concord Adex Developments, Toronto, ON, 2009. Disney Light Installation, Walt Disney Corporation, Niagara Falls, ON, 2008. ShakeOut Dessert Parlor, Brandon, Florida, USA, 2009. Toxic Fish Showroom, Argon Distribution, Toronto, ON, 2007. Bronte Harbour LEDs, The City of Oakville, Oakville, ON, 2006.
Selected Education
Advanced Diploma in Design, Furniture, Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, Oakville, ON, 2003 – 2006. Three-year intensive program covering industrial design processes, research methodology and fabrication.
Selected Press
“Indigenous soldiers First World War remembered a century later”, by Jackie Carmichael, Vancouver Sun, November 11, 2023.
“Lest we forget Alberta and other Canadian Indigenous soldiers of WWI”, by J.Carmichael, Edmonton Journal, Nov.11, 2023.
“Urban living: A runaway lamppost, a giant wavy rabbit”, by Iris Benaroia, National Post, September 23, 2022.
“CBC - Radio Canada”, interview by Sylvie-Anne Jeanson for CBC Radio Canada’s morning show, July 19, 2021
“Everything You Need to Know About O-Train Confederation Line”, Ottawa Life Magazine, September 13, 2019.
“The Bentway busts out in a big way”, by Richard Longley, Now Magazine, January 10, 2018.
“Indigenous Olympian killed at Passchendaele remains an inspiration to Canadians”, by Jim Coyle, The Toronto Star, Nov. 9, 2017.
“Edmonton’s first downtown park in 30 years officially opens”, by Kim Smith, Global News, September 16, 2017.
“City unveils public art along Confederation Line LRT stations”, by Sandra Abma, CBC, July 25, 2017.
“Public art pieces unveiled at Concord CityPlace in Toronto”, by Douglas Johnson, Canadian Architect, June 22, 2016.
“Toronto Condos Are Investing In Art”, MetroNews, June 16, 2016.
“Let's take the low road on the Gardiner transformation”, by Shawn Micallef, The Toronto Star, Oct. 2, 2015.
“2000s: See the Gardiner as we know it today”, by Fernando Morales, The Globe and Mail, May 15, 2015.
“Welcome To Your Next Hangout”, by Siri Agrell, The Globe and Mail, March 26, 2011.
“City of Lights: Public Artwork Illuminates Toronto”, by Leah Sandals, The Toronto Star, January.19, 2011.
“Pierre Poussin’s Mitosis Courtyard is a new place to appreciate our growing city”, by S. Anderson, Design Lines, January.1, 2011.
“Hidden Gems”, by Nathalie Atkinson, The National Post, July 10, 2010.
“Pierre Poussin's Mitosis Courtyard installation to save Gardiner Expressway,” by Siân Disson, World Architecture News, Sep. 3, 2010.
“Pimlico Design Gallery; Shop Here”, by Diane Chan, Design Lines, September 1, 2010.
“Lighting up the Olympics”, by Peter Simpson, The Ottawa Citizen, February 20, 2010.
“Multi-coloured artworks light up streets”, by Neal Hall, The Vancouver Sun, February 18, 2010.
“LED artworks give Vancouver an Olympic burst of colour”, by Neal Hall, The Vancouver Sun, February 18, 2010.
“Pierre Poussin: Where Science Meets Art”, by Carol Hill, Ovation Magazine, January 1, 2010.
“City Gets More Cutting-Edge Public Art”, by Kevin Griffin, The Vancouver Sun, October 24, 2009.
“City Picks Six Artists to Create Public Artworks for the Games”, by Kevin Griffin, The Vancouver Sun, Sept. 25, 2009.
“Vancouver Gets Major Infusion of Public Art”, by Kevin Griffin, The Vancouver Sun, September 25, 2009.
“Toronto’s Coolest New Stuff by Best Local Designers,” by D.Carr-Harris, G.Grace, Toronto Life Magazine, Feb.1, 2008.
“Geek Chic, Designers Morphing Sciences and Design”, by Tim McKeogh, The Globe and Mail, April 7, 2007.
“Canadian Designers to Watch Out For,” [number one on the list] by Janice Lindsay, The Globe and Mail, January 1, 2007.- 140 -- 139 -
I have collaborated with many prolific Artists including Michel DeBroin, John McEwen,
Vito Acconci, Douglas Coupland, Mark DiSuvero, Dennis Oppenheim, Francisco Gazitua, Pierre
Poussin and Marlene Hilton Moore to only mention a few. My knowledge base is derived
directly from the general fabrication and machining industry. I also have studied the art of
blacksmithing under the direction of well-known sculpture/blacksmith, Francisco Gazitua, in the
beautiful mountainside of Santiago Chile.
For over 25 years, we at Lafontaine Iron Werks, have been working in several different
mediums including but not limited to mild steel, corten (50A) steel, bronze, stainless steel,
aluminum, various plastic products and fiberglass. We have also worked with custom LED
lighting and digital controls on many projects. Our techniques incorporate CNC laser and
plasma cutting, water jet cutting, punching, large format rolling, welding and finishing which are
all directly dependent on the requirements of the project. Our shop is a CWB certified location.
We work with our clients from the onset to lay out a production schedule that addresses both
production requirements as well as most importantly, required installation dates. In the past, we
have worked on projects with from $10,000.00 to over $2.5 million dollars, with schedules as
tight as one month to over 2 years.
Our quoted price is our delivered price. If the client requests extra work after the contract
has been signed, we work with them to make sure there are no surprise “extras”. We work
directly with the client and the artist to make sure the piece can be produced for the budget price
before we accept the work. If we can offer up suggestions to keep a piece within budget, we do
so only with the client and artist’s approval.
Our design team consists of myself and Jonathan Killing of Toque Innovations. Jonathan
has proven his skills over the years as an amazingly skilled designer and this shows in the level
of detail provided in his drawings. Creative approach to solving design/fabrication/installation
solutions with the artist always makes for a smooth-running project.
The engineer at Quantum Engineering (Dave LaLaonde) works closely with Jonathan
Killing (our designer) to provide for structurally sound solutions and they are licensed in many
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To: Cultural Advisory Committee March 11, 2025
From: Stoyan Barakov Curator, Public Art
Copy: Director, Community Services Manager, Cultural Services
Supervisor, Cultural Services
Subject: Shortlist – Celebration of Ernie Coombs -For Endorsement
Based on the Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Public Art Commission: Celebration of Ernie Coombs (Attachment 1), issued on December 6, 2024, Cultural Services received a total of 20 submissions from artists and artist collectives worldwide. The Call was open from December 6,
2024, to February 13, 2025.
Following an internal review, staff identified 12 submissions to advance to the Public Art Jury stage. The remaining eight submissions did not meet the outlined requirements and were
excluded from further consideration.
As specified in the Call to Artists, this project seeks a permanent outdoor public artwork to be installed at East Woodlands Park, adjacent to the George Ashe Library & Community Centre
(GALCC) in Pickering. Submissions were evaluated based on eligibility, adherence to submission guidelines, and demonstrated experience in creating permanent public art.
The Public Art Jury met on March 6, 2025, to review the 12 submissions. After deliberation, the
jury— including representatives from Ernie Coombs' estate—shortlisted three artists to move forward with the development of an art concept.
The shortlisted artists are:
1.Anaisa & David (Attachment 2)
2.Kseniya Tsoy (Attachment 3)3.Linfeng Zhou (Attachment 4)
There is $60,000 including HST available for this opportunity from the 502520.10207.9710 Program&Event Supps – Public Art Program.
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Next steps: Staff are currently developing the Terms of Reference, which will be sent to the Top 3 artists. This
document will provide a framework and guidance for the artists as they develop their art concepts. Each of the Top 3 artists will receive compensation of $1,500 (including HST) for creating and
presenting their art concept.
The art concepts will be showcased to the community for a public vote during Spring Fling on April 26, 2025. Additionally, the Public Art Jury and project stakeholders will review the three concepts and select the final artist.
The Cultural Advisory Committee will be presented with the community and jury’s decision in May 2025 for final endorsement of the award.
Currently, Community Services is seeking endorsement to shortlist artists Anaisa & David,
Kseniya Tsoy, and Linfeng Zhoufor the project Celebration of Ernie Coombs.
Attachment 1: Call to Artists (EOI) Public Art Commission, Celebration of Ernie Coombs Attachment 2: Anaisa & David: Artist Submission
Attachment 3: Kseniya Tsoy: Artist Submission Attachment 4: Linfeng Zhou: Artist Submission
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Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI)
Public Art Commission, Celebration of Ernie Coombs Deadline: February 13, 2025, at 4 pm EDT.
Photo of Ernie Coombs with puppets Casey and Finnigan from Mr. Dressup Artist Opportunity
The City of Pickering invites artists or artist teams to respond to this Call for Artists to create permanent outdoor public artwork in celebration of Ernie Coombs. The
work is to be installed inside East Woodlands Park, adjacent to George Ashe
Library & Community Centre (GALCC).
As per the City of Pickering’s Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an artist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a
professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. The total budget for the project, including artist fees, materials, foundation and
installation, and other associated costs, is $60,000 (including HST). *
*Funding pending approval of the 2025 Budget.
The successful artist/ artist team will be selected through a two-stage process. One (1) artist/ artist team will be awarded the opportunity.
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Site Background
The City of Pickering resides on land within the Treaty and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations.
East Woodlands Park, adjacent to George Ashe Library & Community Centre (GALCC), is located at 470 P Kingston Rd, Pickering, ON L1V 1A5, Pickering.
Ariel photo of East Woodlands Park in Pickering. The choice of location holds significant meaning, as Mr. Coombs, through his
character Mr. Dressup, was a strong advocate for early childhood education and literacy. The show often featured story time segments that fostered a love of reading among children. Therefore, placing the artwork near the GALCC creates a
meaningful connection to literacy advocacy and community education.
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About Ernie Coombs /Ms. Dressup
Ernie Coombs starred in Mr. Dressup, one of
Canada’s most treasured and longest-running children’s programs. Mr. Dressup aired for 29 years,
from 1967 to 1996, with over 4,000 episodes
produced. It became one of Canada's most beloved
children's television shows, leaving a lasting impact on generations of viewers. Mr. Coombs lived in
Pickering for many years until his passing in 2001.
He is regarded as a Canadian children’s media
icon who has been acknowledged for a number of prestigious awards and tributes.
Photo curtesy of Mr. Coombs estate. Those include but are not limited to, ACTRA Award for best children's program in
1976, a Lifetime Achievement Gemini Award in 1994, a star on Canada’s Walk of Fame, an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from Trent University, appointment as a
member of the Order of Canada, a Lifetime Achievement from the Children’s Broadcast Institute, a commemorative Google doodle on the home page for his 85th birthday, and an Amazon Prime Video documentary that premiered at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival which won the People’s Choice Award for
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Project Brief The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s
commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage, and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighborhoods.
The artwork will be located inside East Woodlands Park, adjacent to George Ashe Library & Community Centre in Pickering. The exact location of the work as well as
the chosen artist will be selected by the community through consultation. The City, Community Services will facilitate the introduction between the artist/team and the
community as well as other project stakeholders. Detailed Terms of Reference will be provided to the shortlisted artist/ artists teams to help them prepare their concept. Budget
$60,000 CAD including HST (maximum)*. This is the total amount available for
all related expenses of this public art project including, but not limited to: up to 2 rounds of revisions, artist fees, all applicable taxes, detailed renderings, materials,
technical consultations, community consultation, and approvals or other expertise as required (engineering review), fabrication, foundation, installation, insurance, equipment, travel to meetings and to the site, and an artist statement for completed work.
* Funding pending approval of the 2025 Budget.
The selected artist will enter into a written agreement with the City of Pickering
following the approval of the acquisition of the public art outlined in the City’s Public Art Policy.
This agreement will address the artist's obligations, which include, but are not limited to: • Materials
• Timelines • Installation
• Maintenance and/or conservation plans • Warranty
• Copyright, Intellectual Property and Moral Rights • Payments to sub-contractors
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Selection Process
Stage 1: Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) A public art jury comprised of practicing arts professionals, representatives from Ernie Coombs’ estate, and community members will be established for the
evaluation of the Stage 1 submissions. Expression of Interest (EOI) Submissions: Artists/ Artist teams are invited to respond to this EOI by submitting a single pdf document including:
• CV: Professional resume (3-pages max). If submitting as a team, an
individual resume should be submitted for each team member.
• Artist statement: describe your interest in this project and share your
experience in the field. You can submit a written document (1-page max) or record an audio or video message (MP3 or MP4 file, max 20 MB).
• Portfolio of past work: Examples of relevant work. You may include multiple images per project on 1 page of a maximum to 10 projects (10-
pages). Add title, year, scope, budget and a short description.
• References: A list of at least two professional references familiar with your work and working methods. The list must include name, title, complete e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.
Submissions must be uploaded through the link here. Deadline: February 13, 2025, at 4 pm EDT.
If the submissions exceed 20 MB, artists should contact Stoyan Barakov, Curator, Public Art who will provide a link to an external file share program. Incomplete submissions or submissions received after the deadline will not
be juried. Stage 2: Request for Proposal (RFP)
The Public Art Jury will review all submissions and identify a short-list based on
artistic excellence and demonstrated or perceived ability to create and execute an innovative, engaging public artwork that is complementary to the overall design scheme and community context.
The Jury will select a short-list of three (3) artists/artist teams for Stage 2 – Request for Proposal (RFP). Each of the three (3) artists/artist teams will be
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compensated $1,500 CAD including HST for their time and the creation of concept
for Stage 2. The short-listed artists will be notified by Week of February 17, 2025 and invited to
present their concept to the community and the public art jury during “Spring Fling”*. This concept presentation and community consultation will be based on the Terms of Reference provided prior. As part of the process, short-listed artists must attend the in-person presentation (online presentations may be
When evaluating specific artwork proposals, the Public Art Jury will consider the vision, mandate and objectives of the Public Art Program and the objectives listed
in the Public Art Opportunity outlined on Page 1 of this Call to Artists. The Public Art Jury (as per section 07.02 of the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130) will also consider the artist’s:
• Artistic excellence of previous work;
• Ability to achieve the highest quality of contemporary artistic excellence and innovation;
• Professional qualifications and relevant working experience as related to the public art project brief;
• Ability to manage a project and experience working with a design team, project team and/or community group, as appropriate;
• Potential to comprehend, access and interpret relevant technical requirements; and,
• Interest in and understanding of the public art opportunity and the context.
The proposals may be used by the city of Pickering in meetings with community groups, stakeholders and staff.
*Pending approval of the 2025 Budget.
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equal participation.
Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering
The City of Pickering, at its sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist or Artist Team is capable of performing the Work. The
City reserves the right, at it sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-qualified Artists or Artist Teams. The City reserve the right to not proceed with
awarding a contract. Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition.
Additional Information
For any additional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov, Curator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca.
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Dear Committee,
We are excited to express our collective interest in participating in the City of Pickering’s Call for Artists to create
a permanent outdoor public artwork for the main entrance of the new Pickering Heritage & Community Centre
(PHCC). Our collaborative team consists of Anaisa Franco (Artist) and David Correa (Computational Designer).
Anaisa’s artistic mission is to transform public spaces into dynamic, engaging, and inclusive environments
through interactive, site-specific creations. This opportunity presents an exciting chance to design an artwork
that not only celebrates the unique spirit of Pickering. Anaisa envisions an uplifting work that incorporates
dynamic forms and vibrant colors to evoke a sense of joy, vitality, and inclusivity. Her design aims to celebrate the
potential of public space as an inspiring environment for all.
David brings an innovative, forward-thinking approach to his design practice, leveraging cutting-edge digital
fabrication techniques and advanced materials to craft intricate, site-responsive artworks. His focus on precision
and detail ensures each piece is not only visually captivating but also structurally sound. For this project, David
seeks to merge technical innovation with an appreciation for the local context, resulting in a work that resonates
with the community and endures for generations.
Anaisa Franco has a proven track record of creating large-scale, site-specific public art projects from concept
through fabrication. Her works often emphasize community engagement and interaction. Notable past projects
include a sculpture with seating elements that encouraged interaction and reflection, inspired by the HIV
symbol, and "Vibrant Meridian," a dynamic sculpture that abstracted Wolfspeed’s semiconductor technology for
a roundabout. In both "Spiral Loop" and "Trinity Loop," Anaisa designed interactive playground art that invited
children to explore and engage. "Trinity Loop" involved local schoolchildren in crafting the loop shape,
strengthening community connections through the creative process. Anaisa’s ongoing commitment to
community engagement is exemplified in her visit to HIV Ireland for "Embraced Loop," where she delivered an
artist talk to discuss how her design raised awareness about HIV/AIDS.
David’s practice is rooted in advanced computational design and sustainable, biomimetic materials. His recent
large-scale project, Bamboo Bamboo: Canopy and Pavilions in China, utilized bamboo to create a site-specific
structure that harmonized with its natural surroundings. As an educator, David has led workshops focused on
computational design and sustainable architecture, emphasizing the importance of community and
environmental context in design.
Our approach to concept development begins with a deep understanding of the community, its history, and its
values. We believe the surrounding environment—both cultural and physical—plays a critical role in shaping the
artwork. This research informs our creative process, guiding us as we move toward abstraction and distill the
community’s identity and the site’s characteristics into visual concepts.
At this stage, we explore various alternatives and prototype in our studio, testing materials, forms, and
techniques to refine our design. For this project, we plan to incorporate parametric design techniques to create
dynamic, responsive forms that adapt to the site. Through digital fabrication, we can ensure precision and
innovation, translating these designs into tangible structures. By combining our understanding of the
community, the site, and the climate with cutting-edge design methods, we aim to create a meaningful,
interactive artwork that engages its surroundings and the people who experience it.
We look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing growth and vibrancy of Pickering through this
exciting project.
Anaisa Franco & David Correa
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2020 – Pres Independent Community-engaged Artist and Producer (Toronto-Ottawa, CANADA)
2022 - Pres Artist on the Roster, VIBE Arts (Toronto, CANADA)
2020 - 2022 Artist on the Roster, Multicultural Artists in Schools and Communities (Ottawa, CANADA)
2015 – 2020 Director, Connect & Collaborate, Bureau of External Relations, World Culture Open (Seoul,
KOREA & remote)
2012 – 2017 Regional Program Manager, World Culture Open (Beijing, CHINA)
2011 – 2012 Project Coordinator, World Culture Open (Seoul, KOREA)
2022-24 Co-Curator, Outside the Box by StreetARToronto (Toronto, CANADA)
2021 Artistic Producer, Parkdale Art Wall by Wellington West BIA (Ottawa, CANADA)
2020 Curator/Producer, Traffic Box Gallery by the City of Ottawa and Vanier BIA (Ottawa, CANADA)
2020 Program Coordinator, Digital Economies Lab by Artengine (Ottawa, CANADA)
2019 Community Engagement Lead, Better Together Festival 2019, World Culture Open
(Pyeongchang, KOREA)
2018 Producer, Peace Power Campaign by Korea Peace Foundation (Seoul, KOREA)
2017 Community Engagement Lead, Better Together Festival 2017 by World Culture Open
(Cheongju, KOREA)
2017 Curator/Producer, Art Crawl Beijing by World Culture Open and DD MOMA (Beijing, CHINA)
2017 Communications and Artists Management Lead, World Music Asia by World Culture
Open & World Music Shanghai & Cambodian Living Arts (KOREA-CHINA-CAMBODIA)
2016 Producer, Culture Has No Walls by World Culture Open (Yerevan, ARMENIA)
2016 Producer, Open Voice by World Culture Open (Moscow, RUSSIA)
2015 Producer, Hello, World! community-engaged event series by World Culture Open
(Beijing, CHINA)
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2024 Lead Artist, Imagine Ground Mural, STEPS Public Art, Town of Stouffville (Stouffville, CANADA)
2024 Lead Artist, Onward and Upward, United Way of East Ontario and CHEO Hospital (Ottawa)
2024 Lead Artist, What a wonderful World, STEPS Public Art & Brontë BIA (Oakville, CANADA)
2024 Artist, Window Wonderland AR activated mural, Junction BIA and Artivive (Toronto, CANADA)
2023 Artist-Facilitator, Power and Poetry participatory mural, Toronto International Film
Festival (TIFF) and General Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Toronto (Toronto, CANADA)
2023 Supporting Artist, Sunflower Mural collaborative mosaic by lead artist Christina Delago
with Toronto Pearson Airport, Vibe Arts and Autism Ontario (Toronto, CANADA)
2023 Lead Artist, Crossroads community mural with STEPS Public Art and TTC (Toronto, CANADA)
2023 Lead Artist, My Flower City community mural with City of Brampton (Brampton, CANADA)
2022 Artist, Watermarked water activated mural, Mural Routes and ArtworxTO (Toronto, CANADA)
2022 Lead Artist, Paint Your Path, placemaking project, Vibe Arts and Cultural Hotspot, (Toronto)
2022 Artist, Art Cubes Project, House of Paint Festival (Ottawa, CANADA)
2021 Lead Artist, No Vacancy window installation, STEPS Public Art and StrollTO Toronto, CANADA)
2021 Lead Artist, Our Relations mural installation, Diversity in the Arts Program (Ottawa, CANADA)
2020 Lead Artist, Vanier HUB murals for VCSC and Vanier BIA, (Ottawa, CANADA)
2019 Lead Artist, My Agincourt GO Metrolinx, Agincourt Community Association, Scarborough Arts
(Toronto, CANADA)
2018 Artist, Penang Art Lane Fest by Art Lane Penang (Penang, MALAYSIA)
2016 Facilitator, Cambodian Living Arts Forum participatory installation (Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA)
2024 StreetArtToronto Partnership Grant, City of Toronto
2024 Animating Historic Sites, Toronto Arts Council
2024 Third Place Winner, Women Entrepreneurship Hub Pitch Competition,
Diversity Institute, Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University
2023 RBC Arts Space Award, Toronto Arts Foundation
2022 Creative Communities Grant, Toronto Arts Council (as part of Mix & Match Collective)
2022 Artists in Schools and Communities Grant, Ontario Arts Council
2022 Newcomer and Refugee Mentorship Grant, Toronto Arts Council
2021 Newcomer Arts Award, Toronto Arts Foundation
2020 Boursaire Tontine Award, Tontine Foundation
2020 Diversity in the Arts Grant, City of Ottawa
2020 Creation and Production Grant, City of Ottawa
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2024 TDSB Creates Residency by TDSB and Prologue Performing Arts (Toronto, CANADA)
2023 Artists in the Library by Toronto Public Library and Toronto Arts Council (Toronto, CANADA)
2022 Artist and Elder Residency by MASC and Ottawa Catholic School Board (Ottawa, CANADA)
2020 FUTURES/forward by International Centre of Arts for Social Change (Vancouver, CANADA)
2020 Neighbourhood Arts by Arts Network Ottawa (Ottawa, CANADA)
2020 Saimiri Foundation, self directed visual arts residency (Guadalupe, COSTA RICA)
2019 Art Slimane, self directed artist residency (Marrakech, MOROCCO)
2024 Juror, Arts in the Parks Fund, Toronto Arts Council
2021 Advisor, O-Train Civic and Public Art Initiative of Public Art Program, City of Ottawa
2020 Juror, Artists in Communities and Schools Program, Ontario Arts Council
2019 Juror, Diversity in the Arts Fund, City of Ottawa
2022 Women in Music and Arts Conference, Axé World Fest (Ottawa, CANADA)
2022 Women in Mural Art, OBAK x House of PainT Festival (Ottawa, CANADA)
2022 Diverse Cultural Aesthetics in Mural Art, National Mural Symposium, Mural Routes x
Neighbourhood Arts Network (Toronto, CANADA)
2021 Civic Engagement Through Art, House of PainT Festival (Ottawa, CANADA)
2021 In Conversation with StreetARToronto, Let’s Talk Art Webinar Series by Neighbourhood Arts
Network, Toronto Arts Foundation (Toronto, CANADA)
2018 Mural Art Career Development Program, Mural Routes Toronto (CANADA)
2011 MA with Honours, Public Administration, Yonsei University (Seoul, KOREA)
2008 BA with Honours, International Economic Relations, State University of Economics
(Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN)
LANGUAGES English - Russian - Korean - Chinese - Uzbek
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4.“Crossroads”, 2023, Toronto / Acrylic & Spray Paint on Brick / 43,000$
Self-initiated project in collaboration with TTC & STEPS Public Art, funded by CCA, OAC, TAC
I led this North York wide community project where residents from diverse backgrounds were invited to share their stories, traditions
and ideas to co-create this legacy mural that highlights diverse cultural lineages while honouring the Indigenous lands we gather on
today. In consultation with Ojibwe Elder Whabagoon. The mural is at TTC Finch Station.
More information: https://stepspublicart.org/project/crossroads-mural/
3.“What a Wonderful World”, 2024, Oakville / Acrylic and Spray on Concrete / 25,000$
Commissioner: STEPS Public Art & Brontë BIA
Through a thorough consultation led by Brontë BIA residents of Brontë neighbourhood in Oakville collected a list of images that were
dear to them and had historical significance to the neighbourhood. I took all of the symbols and interpreted in this collective identity
mural at the Brontë Market Square at the heart of Brontë.
More information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOnVNCszYS4
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“A Story in Your Cup of Coffee”, 2023, Toronto / 15,000$ funded by VIBE Arts
Created on a the walls of Church Street Espresso - a local informal community hub and a place of gathering for local residents, this
mural tells the rich and far-reaching story of our morning cup of coffee. It traces coffee’s journey from a distant mountain plantation,
illustrating the various stages of the plant’s life. More importantly, it celebrates the dedicated people who nurture the plants and harvest
the beans long before coffee becomes the daily ritual we often take for granted.
“Hop on Bikes”, 2022, Ottawa / Acrylic on Metal / 360 Wrap Around Mural / 10,000$
Commissioner: Ottawa Community Housing Foundation
Painted in collaboration with youth volunteers - residents of Ottawa Community Housing, this mural features portraits of the actual
project participants and promotes active lifestyle.
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“On the Turtle’s Back”, 2022, Ottawa / Mix Media Collage printed on Aluminum / 6,000$
Commissioner: TIFF & Consulate General of the Republic of Korea
This mural was created as part of the Artist and Elder Residency program by MASC and the Ottawa Catholic School Board.
Guided by Ojibway Elder Irene Compton, Grade 5 students from Guardian Angels Catholic School explored the true meaning of
land acknowledgment. Drawing inspiration from the Creation Story, each student contributed an element representing what they
are grateful for on this land. These individual pieces were then placed on the turtle’s back, coming together to form the final mural.
“Imagination Station”, 2018-2025 / Series of Children’s Art and Creativity Programs
Self-initiated project in collaboration with Scarborough Arts
I designed and produced this free public program to invite children aged 0 to 10 to explore diverse art techniques, fostering their creativity and imagination. Each iteration features six engaging workshops that challenge traditional ideas of what it means to be a 'good' artist, encouraging children to build confidence in their unique creative voices through experimentation and joyful mistakes. The series culminates in a group exhibition, celebrating each child’s un individuality, talents and artistic journey.
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“Magic of ALPHA”, 2023, Toronto / 50 ft x 20 ft, Acrylic on Brick / 25,000$
Self-initiated project with ALPHA Alternative school
Funded by Toronto Arts Council, Street Art Toronto & Mural Routes
This children-led mural was created with students, teachers, and parents of ALPHA Alternative School—the first school in Canada
founded on principles of democratic education. It honours the rich legacy of educators and families who championed this
innovative educational approach while celebrating ALPHA’s 50th anniversary in downtown Toronto. The mural’s colourful design is
fully based on children’s own visions of what makes their school magical and the profound impact it has had on their lives.
“Be Kind”, 2022, Ottawa / 16 ft x 10 ft, Acrylic on Aluminum / 7,000$
With Multicultural Artists for Schools and Communities (MASC) & Ottawa Community Housing
This vibrant mural was created with and by the residents of the Beauséjour community (Ottawa Community Housing) Featuring
and features most heartwarming stories shared by neighbours, portraits of real residents, a charming Little Library, a resident
family of cardinas. I wove all stories and images into this collective portrait of the neighbourhood and custom-cut the aluminum
panels to mirror the distinctive look of the townhouses. Created during the COVID-19 pandemic, the mural served as a reminder
to be kind to one another. This message was prominently written in the three most spoken languages in the community: French,
English, and Arabic.
This mural is one of my favourite examples of meaningful and joyful community engagement—where art brought people together
to create something that truly resonated with local residents and captured the spirit of their community. It fostered a sense of
ownership and pride, and to this day, it continues to shine as a beacon of positivity.
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2015 - 2018
2011 - 2015
2024 -
2019 - 2023
2018 - 2019
2017 - 2018
Certified Passive House Designer, Passive House Canada, Victoria, Canada
Master of Architecture, University of Calgary, Canada
Study Abroad Program, Barcelona, Spain
B.Eng. Industrial Design, Taiyuan University of Technology, China
Crimson Inflorescence, Pickering, Ontario, Canada
Le Monde dans un Gland, Rouen, Normandy, France
Waves in a Shell, Lumiere YVR, Vancouver, Canada
Waves in a Shell, Vancouver Pride Week, Vancouver, Canada
Waves in a Shell, Burn in the Forest, Merritt, Canada
Waves in a Shell, Bass Coast Festival, Merritt, Canada
Ondulations de la Mémoire, Matjoukann Festival, Saint-Pierre, Martinique, France
Biennale Art Safiental, Group Exhibition, Safiental, Switzerland
Little Choir in the Wild, Poldra Festival, Viseu, Portugal
Drops, School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape, University of Calgary, Canada
Art Project Grant, City of Pickering, Ontario, Canada
Artist Honorarium, City of Richmond, Vancouver, Canada
Art Project Grant, Métropole Rouen Normandie, France
Artworks Exhibition Grant, Lumiere YVR, Vancouver, Canada
Artist Exhibition Grant, Vancouver Pride Society, Vancouver, Canada
Art Grant, Greater Vancouver Interactive Arts Society, Vancouver, Canada
Art Grant, Bass Coast Festival, Canada
Artwork Production Grant, TheEgg Arts Society, Vancouver, Canada
Alps Art Academy Residency, Tenna, Switzerland
Art Project Grant, Poldra Festival, Portugal
Visual Artist, LFZ Studio, Vancouver, Canada
Architectural Designer, JYOM Architecture, Vancouver, Canada
Architectural Designer, Atelier Pacific Architecture, Burnaby, Canada
3D Visualization Artist, Adessa Visuals, Vancouver, Canada
I am a Vancouver-based artist/designer with roots in Southwestern China, and educations in architecture and industrial design. I often wander across industries and cultures in search of new possibilities to expand the realm of wonder. I am interested in creating objects and spaces that exalt their original contexts and foster positive interactions among people, ultimately connecting us more deeply to our environments and the present moment.
Educations & Certifications
Professional Experiences
Exhibitions & Public Art
Awards, Grants & Residencies
Linfeng Zhou
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Year: 2024/2025 (In Progress)
Location: Richmond, British Columbia
Budget: $50,000
Scope: Concept Design, Fabrication, Installation
Dimensions: 290 x 180 x 270 cm
Materials: Acrylic Panels, Sheet Metal, Paints
Front Elevation Side Elevation
Located at the terminus of the Skytrain track in Richmond’s urban centre, Tales in
Currents re-imagines the concrete railway as a waterway flowing through the city. It
intertwines two stories associated with water: the natural marvel of salmon spawning in the Fraser River and the Eastern Asian folklore of the koi fish leaping a mythical
The installation depicts three fishes, each at a different phase of climbing the waterfall. To fully appreciate all three figures, visitors must move around the installation.
As they do, they encounter an artwork that shifts in perspective and appearance,
mirroring the daily rhythms and personal stories of the passersby. This interaction
encourages a moment of reflection amidst the rush, recognizing the viewers’ personal stories and motivations as the broader tales of currents.
Year: 2024Location: Pickering, OntarioBudget: $35,000Scope: Concept Design, Fabrication, InstallationDimensions: 260 x 3 x 175 cm (Each)Materials: Acrylic Panels, Sheet Metal, Paints
In his poem “In Flanders Fields,” Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae reflects on the resurgence of life in the war-devastated landscapes, symbolized by the emergence of
red poppies. These flowers, with their vibrant red hue, honor the sacrifices of fallen
soldiers while representing renewal and hope.
Crimson Inflorescence seeks to capture the multifaceted symbolism of the poppy in
the context of remembrance. By integrating the existing light posts as the stems,
the installation evokes the natural elegance and rapid growth of these iconic
flowers. As visitors traverse the pathway lined with light posts adorned with these
crimson blooms, they encounter a powerful visual narrative. This solemn display is both striking and emotionally resonant, prompting reflection on sacrifice, memory,
and gratitude. The installation transforms the park into an enchanted space that
commemorates an aggregation of memories while fostering hope for peace.
Annual Commemoration led by Royal Canadian Legion Branch 606
Year: 2024
Location: Rouen, France
Budget: $40,000
Scope: Concept Design, Fabrication, Installation
Dimensions: 340 x 430 x 420 cm
Materials: Marine Plywood
As if fallen from the nearby oak trees, Le Monde dans un Gland is a meditation pod
shaped like an enormous acorn in the midst of its germination. The acorn’s shell
gracefully fractures before the radicle emerges, creating an inviting entrance for
visitors to step inside and embrace the perspective of an awakening tree.
Located in a forest in Normandy, the installation’s roof tiles evoke the radiance of
Gothic architecture’s ocular windows when viewed from within, gently diffusing natural light to cultivate a serene atmosphere. This installation aims to create an
immersive experience that sparks curiosity and fosters a profound appreciation for
nature and local culture.
Most components are crafted using computer-controlled cutting tools that carve
plywood into complex forms. This precision allows the components to be efficiently
flat-packed for on-site assembly, creating a robust interlocking structure. To ensure
weather resistance, the installation is shielded with marine-grade plywood and
elevated on concrete blocks as its foundation.
Front Elevation Side Elevation
Year: 2023
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Budget: $10,000
Scope: Concept Design, Fabrication, Installation
Dimensions: 270 x 340 x 280 cm
Materials: Plywood, Rubber Tubes, LED Lights
Collaborator: Will Donaldson (LED Programming)
Inspired by the organic form of a seashell, Waves In A Shell is a wooden structure
adorned with undulating light tubes that capture the natural beauty of rolling ocean
waves. By engaging with brass capacitive touch sensors on a small scale model, viewers can influence the lighting patterns in real time, providing a mesmerizing interactive
To prevent water damage, LED strips are encased in translucent rubber tubes and strategically placed within pre-cut notches of the interlocking frame. This frame, made
of precision CNC machine-cut components, is designed for convenient flat packing
and transportation. Notably, this installation has been showcased at numerous festivals
across British Columbia, with the lights programmed in specific colors and patterns to
match the spirit of each event.
Fabrication Diagram
Year: 2021Location: Viseu, PortugalBudget: $7,500Scope: Concept Design, Fabrication, InstallationDimensions: 480 x 530 x 520 cmMaterials: Steel Tubes, Plywood
Little Choir in the Wild is a musical sculpture devoted to celebrating the melodies of the forest. Birdhouses adorn the structure at varying heights, featuring different-sized
openings tailored to accommodate musicians from a variety of bird species.
Nestled within a forest renowned for its resident peacocks, the design pays homage to
their magnificent feathers. This peacock-inspired structure not only serves an a tribute
but also ensures that the birdhouses are strategically spaced apart.
The metal cones at the base of the sculpture enable humans to tune into the
captivating melodies produced by these feathered musicians. Situated in a historic
park on the city’s outskirts, this installation acts as an unique interface between the
avian world and human admirers. Irregular choral concerts take place here, delivering the harmonies of these soaring creatures to human ears.
Year: 2017
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Commissioned by: University of Calgary
Budget: $4,000
Dimensions: 30 x 520 x 200 cm
Materials: Steel Cable, MDF, Acrylic, Hardwood, Cork
Fabrication Technique: Digital Fabrication
Drops is a window installation oriented to the south, located within a cozy
classroom at the School of Architecture in Calgary. This space frequently
hosts project critiques, necessitating the use of cork panels for displaying
architectural drawings.
The installation features droplets suspended on steel cables, creating the
illusion of water drops caught in a moment of suspension. As daylight shifts, so do the shadows cast by these droplets, offering a dynamic visual experience
for both students and faculty members throughout the day.
To: Cultural Advisory Committee March 11, 2025
From: Victoria Karakian
Supervisor, Museum Services
Copy: Director, Community Services Manager, Cultural Services
Subject: Pickering Museum Village
- Site & Program Updates
Traveling Exhibit:
The Pickering Museum Village is developing a travelling exhibit about historic beauty trends,
fashion follies, and their consequences. This exhibit is aimed at children and families with fun,
educational activities as part of the exhibit. The travelling exhibit can visit locations such as the
Shops at Pickering City Center, Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex, Pickering Public
Library and more. Final locations are still being determined. If you have a location suggestion,
please reach out to Victoria Karakian vkarakian@pickering.ca or Ellen Tayles
Program Highlights:
Favourite programs and events will be returning this year including Mother’s Day Tea, Blacksmith
and Woodworking Workshops, Fairy Tours, and more.
New additions include:
Fairy Tours After Dark – A program directed to ages 16+ telling the mysterious, chilling, and spine-
tingling stories and lore of faeries. This program will take place on-site in the evening while the
Village is decorated for Fairy Tours. This program runs for two evenings in September and must
be registered in advance.
Little Sprouts – This parent and tot program facilitates nature discovery and hands-on learning
through parented activities, crafts, stories, songs, and connection. This program runs once a
month in the summer and must be registered in advance.
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Discovery Packs – This program allows guests to rent a discovery pack to experience the Village
in a new way. Packs are available for a variety of ages and may include guided activities, stories,
crafts, and more to encourage hands-on interaction between guests.
Site Updates:
Design on the Redman House project is wrapping up and going to tender in the coming months.
This project will include replacement of exterior elements including a cedar roof, siding, work on
the porches, window replacement, and a replacement accessible ramp to code. The upper level is
receiving floor repair and being transformed into a permanent office space, and an updated lunch
and break space for staff.
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