HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 12, 2025Committee of Adjustment Agenda Hearing Number: 3 Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 pickering.ca Agenda Committee of Adjustment Wednesday, March 12, 2025 7:00 pm Electronic Hearing Page Number For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Secretary-Treasurer or Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Telephone: 905.420.4617 Email: citydev@pickering.ca 1.Disclosure of Interest 2.Adoption of Agenda 3.Adoption of Minutes from February 12, 2025 hearing 1-8 4.Minor Variance Reports 4.1 MV 06/25 – 3635 Westney Road 9-19 4.2 MV 07/25 – 1848 Appleview Road 20-35 4.3 MV 08/25 – 1156 Caliper Lane 36-42 4.4 MV 13/25 – 2460 Hibiscus Drive 43-47 4.5 MV 15/25 – 3230 North Road 48-54 4.6 MV 18/25 & MV 19/25 – 5050 & 5057 Franklin Street 55-62 4.7 MV 20/25 & MV 21/25 – 1756 & 1752 Samarillo Place 63-70 5.Consent Reports 5.1 LD 01/25 – 1839 Pine Grove Avenue 71-90 5.2 LD 02/25, MV 09/25 & MV 10/25 – 1494 Rosebank Road 91-122 6. Adjournment Committee of Adjustment Hearing Minutes Wednesday, February 12, 2025 7:00 pm Electronic Hearing Page 1 of 8 Pending Adoption Present Omar Ha-Redeye Denise Rundle – Vice-Chair Sakshi Sood Joshi Rick Van Andel Sean Wiley – Chair Also Present Deborah Wylie, Secretary-Treasurer Jasmine Correia, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Nilissa Reynolds, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer – Host Kerry Yelk, Planner II Ash Roy, Planner I Absent Not applicable. 1.Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 2.Adoption of Agenda Moved by Omar Ha-Redeye Seconded by Sakshi Sood Joshi That the agenda for the Wednesday, February 12, 2025, hearing be adopted. Carried Unanimously 3.Adoption of Minutes Due to her absence at the previous hearing, Denise Rundle abstained from voting on this item. Moved by Sakshi Sood Joshi Seconded by Rick Van Andel That the minutes of the 1st hearing of the Committee of Adjustment held Wednesday, January 15, 2025, be adopted. Carried -1--1- Committee of Adjustment Hearing Minutes Wednesday, February 12, 2025 7:00 pm Electronic Hearing Page 2 of 8 4.Minor Variance Reports 4.1 MV 59/24 S.Hossaini 1164 Caliper Lane The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 7364/14, as amended by By-law 7857/21 to permit stairs to a porch or deck to encroach to within 0.9 of a metre of an interior side lot line, whereas the By-law permits law requires stairs to a porch or deck may encroach to within 0.6 of a metre of an interior side lot line. The applicant requests approval of the variance to obtain a building permit to construct a side yard entrance. Input from other sources were received from the Applicant, City’s Engineering Services , City’s Building Services Section, City’s Fire Services In support of the application, the applicant identified that the total space between the dwelling and property line is 1.26 metres, requiring a 0.86 -metre landing. This results in a 0.39 metre setback, which does not meet the required 0.6 metres. Therefore, a minor variance is required. Said Hossaini, applicant, was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. The applicant explained that the stairs existed when he purchased the home. Two area neighbours have the same design being proposed. In response to a question from a Committee member the applicant clarified that the stairs that are currently existing on site will be demolished and rebuilt to meet Fire requirements. Moved by Rick Van Andel Seconded by Denise Rundle That application MV 59/24 by S. Hossaini, be Approved on the grounds that the requested variance is minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, subject to the following condition: 1.That this variance applies only to the side yard entrance and associated steps, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibits 2 & 3 contained in the staff report to the Committee of Adjustment, dated February 12, 2025). Carried Unanimously -2--2- Committee of Adjustment Hearing Minutes Wednesday, February 12, 2025 7:00 pm Electronic Hearing Page 3 of 8 4.2 MV 02/25 S. & C. Khan 892 Baylawn Drive The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, to permit: •an uncovered platform and associated steps to encroach into any required setback to a maximum of 4.2 metres, whereas the By-law permits a deck to encroach into any required setback to a maximum of 2.0 metres; and •a maximum lot coverage of 43 percent, whereas the By-law permits a maximum lot coverage of 38 percent. The applicant requests approval of the variances to obtain a building permit for a rear yard deck. Input from other sources was received from the Applicant, City’s Engineering Services, City’s Building Services Section and two area residents. In support of the application, the applicant identified that the existing deck was built by the previous owner without a permit, and the current owner was unaware of its unpermitted status. Sherief Khan, applicant, and Sam Wong, agent, were present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. The applicant gave a summary of the background of this proposal. The deck has been on the property for 15 years. The agent clarified that the applicant had removed the lower deck that was surrounding an above ground pool which improves the open green space in the rear yard. Given that the application will improve the amount of green space and landscaping in the rear yard, and a rear yard deck of this kind is common in that neighbourhood, Denise Rundle moved the following motion: Moved by Denise Rundle Seconded by Omar Ha-Redeye That application MV 02/25 by S. & C. Khan, be Approved on the grounds that the requested variances are minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, subject to the following condition: -3--3- Committee of Adjustment Hearing Minutes Wednesday, February 12, 2025 7:00 pm Electronic Hearing Page 4 of 8 1. That these variances apply only to the uncovered platform and associated steps, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibits 2 & 3 contained in the staff report to the Committee of Adjustment, dated February 12, 2025). Carried Unanimously 4.3 MV 03/25 K. Yusef 1390 Rougemount Drive The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, to permit: • a maximum dwelling depth of 27.6 metres, whereas the By -law requires a maximum dwelling depth of 20.0 metres; and • a minimum (north) side yard setback of 1.5 metres, whereas the By-law requires a minimum side yard setback: (south) side yard 1.5 metres and (north) side yard 3.0 metres. The applicant requests approval of this minor variance application to obtain a building permit to construct a detached dwelling. Input from other sources was received from the Applicant, City’s Engineering Services, City’s Building Services Section, the Toronto and Region Conservation Area (TRCA) and two area residents. In support of the application, the applicant submitted a Cover Letter, dated December 31, 2024. Paul Demczak, agent, and Celine Batterink, arborist, were present to represent the application. One area resident was present in objection to the application. In support of the application, the agent made a brief presentation. An area resident commented that they are concerned about the roots of bordering trees; and asked how the applicant will ensure that in a few years the trees will not start to die. In response to the area resident, the arborist and agent explained what makes a tree a boundary tree and different methods to protect the trees and root system. In response to questions from a Committee member, the agent commented that the 3.0 metre side yard setback for the garage has been relieved due to it being an attached garage. -4--4- Committee of Adjustment Hearing Minutes Wednesday, February 12, 2025 7:00 pm Electronic Hearing Page 5 of 8 The Secretary-Treasurer clarified that there is an error with the new By-law where the requirement should read 1.8 metres rather than a 3.0 metres side yard setback. In response to questions from a Committee member, the arborist commented that the difference between a 1.8 metre setback to 1.5 metres would likely not impact the survivability of the trees. A Committee member commented that should any trees be damaged area residents have remedies outside this Committee that could address any issues. Given the feedback from the Arborist regarding mitigations to protect the boundary trees, Rick Van Andel moved the following motion: Moved by Rick Van Andel Seconded by Omar Ha-Redeye That application MV 03/25 by K. Yusef, be Approved on the grounds that the requested variances are minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, subject to the following condition: 1. That these variances apply only to the proposed detached dwelling, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 contained in the staff report to the Committee of Adjustment, dated February 12, 2025). 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, and to the satisfaction of the City arborist, the applicant arrange to have an ISA Certified Arborist on site for any excavation within the recommended Tree Protection Zone and that woodchips be laid down to a depth of 15 to 30 centimeters under the dripline of a tree to help spread the weight of machinery and protect against soil compaction. It is noted that it is up to the builder/owner to receive any permissions from the neighbours in regard to boundary trees referring to the Ontario Forestry Act. The City of Pickering is not liable for damage caused by the builder/owner if they choose to disturb the boundary trees through excavation, pruning or removal. Carried Vote: Omar Ha-Redeye in favour Denise Rundle opposed Sakshi Sood Joshi in favour Rick Van Andel in favour Sean Wiley in favour -5--5- Committee of Adjustment Hearing Minutes Wednesday, February 12, 2025 7:00 pm Electronic Hearing Page 6 of 8 4.4 MV 04/25 G. & R. Pannu 1908 Glendale Drive The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, to permit: • a maximum dwelling depth of 22.6 metres, whereas the By -law requires a maximum dwelling depth of 20.0 metres; • a maximum front yard setback of 14.3 metres, whereas the By-law permits a maximum front yard setback of no more than 10.93 metres (1.0 metre beyond the existing average front yard setbacks of the adjacent dwellings on same side of street in the same block); and • a minimum (south) side yard setback of 2.3 metres, whereas the By-law requires one side yard setback: minimum 1.8 metres and the other side yard setback: minimum 3.0 metres. The applicant requests approval of this minor variance application to obtain a building permit to construct a detached dwelling. Input from other sources were received from the Applicant, City’s Engineering Services , the City’s Building Services Section and one area resident. In support of the application, the applicant identified that the proposed variances allow for two cars to fit in tandem with the proposed driveway. Ralph Grander, agent, was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. The agent responded to a neighbour’s concern regarding protecting the existing fence and survey lines. Moved by Denise Rundle Seconded by Omar Ha-Redeye That application MV 04/25 by G. & R. Pannu, be Approved on the grounds that the requested variances are minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, subject to the following condition: 1. That these variances apply only to the proposed detached dwelling, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibits 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 contained in the staff report to the Committee of Adjustment, dated February 12, 2025). Carried Unanimously -6--6- Committee of Adjustment Hearing Minutes Wednesday, February 12, 2025 7:00 pm Electronic Hearing Page 7 of 8 4.5 MV 05/25 C. Van der Vliet 664 West Shore Boulevard The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, to permit: • a maximum dwelling depth of 18.9 metres, whereas the By-law requires a maximum dwelling depth of 17.0 metres; and • a maximum lot coverage of 38.4 percent, whereas the By -law permits a maximum lot coverage of 33 percent. The applicant requests approval of these variances to obtain a building permit to construct an attached sunroom in the rear yard. Input from other sources were received from the Applicant, City’s Engineering Services and the City’s Building Services Section. In support of the application, the applicant identified that the sunroom would enclose a swim spa. To allow an exit from the deck area, this is the smallest it can be. The sunroom will allow privacy from the commercial/residential neighbours to the west. Christine Van der Vilet, applicant, was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Moved by Omar Ha-Redeye Seconded by Sakshi Sood Joshi That application MV 05/25 by C. Van der Vliet, be Approved on the grounds that the requested variances are minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, subject to the following condition: 1. That these variances apply only to the proposed attached sunroom, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibits 2, 3, 4 & 5 contained in the staff report to the Committee of Adjustment, dated February 12, 2025). Carried Unanimously -7--7- Committee of Adjustment Hearing Minutes Wednesday, February 12, 2025 7:00 pm Electronic Hearing Page 8 of 8 5. Adjournment Moved by Omar Ha-Redeye Seconded by Sakshi Sood Joshi That the 2nd hearing of the 2025 Committee of Adjustment be adjourned at 8:00 pm. Carried Unanimously __________________________ Date __________________________ Chair __________________________ Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Please note the Committee of Adjustment Hearings are available for viewing on the City of Pickering YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/SustainablePickering -8--8- Report to Committee of Adjustment Application Number: MV 06/25 Date: March 12, 2025 From: Deborah Wylie Manager, Zoning & Administration Subject: Minor Variance Application MV 06/25 E. & J. Hansen 3635 Westney Road Application The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, to permit a minimum (south) side yard setback of 1.2 metres, whereas the By-law requires a minimum side yard of 1.8 metres. The applicant requests approval of this minor variance application to obtain a building permit to construct an attached private garage. Recommendation For your information, and based solely on the application and supporting documentation filed by the applicant, the City Development Department has reviewed the application with respect to Section 45(1) of the Planning Act and considers the requested variance to be minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law. After considering all public and agency input, should the Committee find merit in this application, the following conditions are recommended: 1. That this variance applies only to the proposed addition (garage), as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8). 2. That prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the owner obtains appropriate approvals from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to amend the Minister’s Zoning Order – Regulation Number 102/72, as amended by O. Reg 852/81. Background The applicant is proposing to construct an attached private garage with loft storage space above. The proposed private garage will be attached by a below grade concrete footing connected to the foundation of the existing residential dwelling. Comment General Intent and Purpose of the Official Plan Under the Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated “Urban System – Community Areas”. -9- Report MV 06/25 March 12, 2025 Page 2 The Pickering Official Plan designates the subject site Rural Settlements – Rural Hamlet Area within the Hamlet of Greenwood. In the Hamlet of Greenwood there is a mix of older dwellings, ranging between one and two storeys, with accessory uses such as detached structures and attached garages. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan. General Intent and Purpose of the Zoning By-law The subject property is zoned “R1B (H)” & “A (H)” – Detached Residential and Agriculture under Consolidated Zoning By-law 8149/24. A detached dwelling along with accessory uses are permitted. In addition, the subject property is subject to the Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO), Ontario Regulation 102/72, as amended by O. Reg 852/81, administered by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The MZO, Ontario Regulation 102/72 has been in effect since the early 1970s and its purpose is to regulate development in the vicinity of a future airport on lands owned by the federal government. On January 27, 2025, the Minister of Transport and Internal Trade announced that the Pickering Lands will not be used for a future airport. The lands will be transferred to Parks Canada. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has yet to respond to Staff about the prospects of Minister’s Zoning Order O. Reg 107/72. Minimum (South) Side Yard Setback The applicant has proposed a south side yard of 1.2 metres, whereas the By-law permits both interior side yards to have a minimum 1.8 metres side yard setback. The intent of this provision is to provide an appropriate separation between structures on abutting properties to maintain pedestrian access, and to accommodate grading, drainage, and other residential services. There is sufficient space between the proposed garage and adjacent lot to the south to provide pedestrian access, and to accommodate grading, drainage and residential services. Staff is of the opinion that the reduced side yard maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law Desirable for the Appropriate Development of the Land and Minor in Nature The requested variance will facilitate the construction of an attached private garage on the subject property. The existing dwelling is setback approximately 60 metres from Westney Road and contains an extensive amount of vegetation and mature trees. The proposed development will have natural screening from the streetline and adjacent lots. The proposed placement of the attached garage generally maintains the consistent streetscape and is compatible with the development along Westney Road. The proposed setbacks accommodate appropriate soft landscape coverage and allow for appropriate drainage. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance is desirable for the appropriate development of the land and is minor in nature. -10- Report MV 06/25 March 12, 2025 Page 3 Input From Other Sources Applicant •Placement of garage addition is to line up garage entrance with existing driveway. Durham Region Community Growth and Economic Development •No comments. Engineering Services •No comments. Building Services •No concerns from Building Services. Permit application is on hold until Committee’s decision. This application does not permit an ADU/secondary suite. Public Input •No written submissions have been received from the public as of the date of writing this report. Date of report: March 5, 2025 Comments prepared by: Planner II Manager, Zoning & Administration KY:nr /CityDevDept/D3700/2025/MV 06-25/7. Report/MV 06-25 - Report.docx Attachments Original Signed By Original Signed By Kerry Yelk Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP -11- H i g h w a y 7 Sixth Concession Road We s t n e y R o a d Greenwood Park Valley View Public School Location Map File: Applicant: Municipal Address: MV 06/25 Date: Jan. 24, 2025 Exhibit 1 ¯ E E. & J. Hansen 3635 Westney Road SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\MV\2025\MV 06-25\MV06-25_LocationMap.mxd 1:4,000 SCALE: THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © King's Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Department ofNatural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal PropertyAssessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. City Development Department -12- Ex h i b i t 2 to p e r m i t a m i n i m u m ( s o u t h ) s i d e y a r d o f 1. 2 m e t r e s Westney Road Su b m i t t e d S i t e P l a n Fi l e N o : MV 06 / 2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : E. & J . H a n s e n Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 36 3 5 W e s t n e y R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -13- Ex h i b i t 3 Pr o p o s e d A t t a c h e d Ga r a g e Su b m i t t e d D e t a i l e d S i t e P l a n Fi l e N o : MV 06 / 2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : E. & J . H a n s e n Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 36 3 5 W e s t n e y R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -14- Ex h i b i t 4 Pr o p o s e d A t t a c h e d Fo o t i n g t o E x i s t i n g Dw e l l i n g Su b m i t t e d F o u n d a t i o n P l a n Fi l e N o : MV 06 / 2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : E. & J . H a n s e n Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 36 3 5 W e s t n e y R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -15- Ex h i b i t 5 Su b m i t t e d ( F r o n t ) W e s t E l e v a t i o n Fi l e N o : MV 06 / 2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : E. & J . H a n s e n Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 36 3 5 W e s t n e y R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -16- Ex h i b i t 6 Pr o p o s e d F o o t i n g a t t a c h e d t o Ex i s t i n g D w e l l i n g Su b m i t t e d ( S i d e ) S o u t h E l e v a t i o n Fi l e N o : MV 06 / 2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : E. & J . H a n s e n Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 36 3 5 W e s t n e y R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -17- Ex h i b i t 7 Su b m i t t e d S e c t i o n a l D r a w i n g ( N o r t h ) E l e v a t i o n Fi l e N o : MV 06 / 2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : E. & J . H a n s e n Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 36 3 5 W e s t n e y R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -18- Ex h i b i t 8 Lo f t F l o o r P l a n Gr o u n d F l o o r P l a n Su b m i t t e d G r o u n d a n d L o f t F l o o r P l a n s Fi l e N o : MV 06 / 2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : E. & J . H a n s e n Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 36 3 5 W e s t n e y R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -19- Report to Committee of Adjustment Application Number: MV 07/25 Date: March 12, 2025 From: Deborah Wylie Manager, Zoning & Administration Subject: Minor Variance Application MV 07/25 C. Antonakes 1848 Appleview Road Application The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24 to permit: • a maximum dwelling depth of 26.5 metres, whereas the By-law permits a maximum of 20.0 metres; • a maximum front yard setback of 20.8 metres, whereas the By-law permits a maximum of 15.46 metres; • a minimum side yard setback of 2.4 metres, whereas the By-law requires a minimum of 3.0 metres; • a maximum accessory structure height of 4.1 metres, whereas the By-law permits a maximum height of 3.5 metres; • a maximum accessory structure lot coverage of 7 percent, whereas the By -law permits a maximum of 5 percent; and • an exterior entrance encroachment into the side yard with a minimum setback of 0.3 of a metre, whereas the By-law requires a minimum of 0.9 of a metre. The applicant requests approval of this minor variance application to obtain a building permit for the construction of a dwelling and a pavilion. Recommendation For your information, and based solely on the application and supporting documentation filed by the applicant, the City Development Department has reviewed the application with respect to Section 45(1) of the Planning Act and considers the requested variances to be minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law. After considering all public and agency input, should the Committee find merit in this application, the following condition is recommended: 1. That these variances apply only to the dwelling and pavilion, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11). -20- Report MV 07/25 March 12, 2025 Page 2 Comment Conforms to the Intent and Purpose of the Official Plan The More Homes Built Faster Act (Bill 23) made changes that removed statutory powers under the Planning Act from certain upper-tier municipalities including Durham Region. As of January 1, 2025, the applicable parts of the Regional Official Plan for Durham are now deemed to be part of Pickering’s Official Plan. In case of conflict, the Regional Official Plan prevails over Pickering’s Official Plan. Under the Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated “Urban System – Community Areas”. The Pickering Official Plan designates the subject property “Urban Residential Areas – Low Density Area” and “Open Space System – Natural Areas”. The proposed development is located within the Low Density Area, which is intended to accommodate residential uses, including detached dwellings and accessory structures. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan. General Intent and Purpose of the Zoning By-law The subject property is zoned “R1D” – Residential First Density under Zoning By-law 8149/24, which permits a detached dwelling and accessory structures. Maximum Dwelling Depth Dwelling depth is the measurement of the distance between the required minimum front yard setback and the rear of the dwelling, which is a measurement of how deep a dwelling protrudes into a lot. The intent of requiring a maximum dwelling depth of 20.0 metres is to provide for the placement of rear walls consistent with those on neighboring properties, and to reduce potential shadowing, and massing and privacy impacts on adjacent dwellings and rear yards. The applicant is requesting a maximum dwelling depth of 26.5 metres, whereas the By-law permits 20.0 metres. Dwelling depth is measured by the required minimum front yard setback, which is determined by the shortest setback on the immediate adjacent lots, to the rear dwelling wall. The proposed dwelling depth of 26.5 metres will bring the rear wall of the proposed dwelling flush with the existing development on the adjacent lots to the north and south minimizing overshadowing and privacy impacts. The proposed placement of the dwelling maintains the general character and consistency of the existing block of development in the area. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance to permit a maximum dwelling depth of 26.5 metres maintains the general intent and purpose of the By -law. -21- Report MV 07/25 March 12, 2025 Page 3 Maximum Front Yard Setback The maximum front yard setback is determined by the average of the two adjacent existing front yard setbacks, plus 1.0 metre. The maximum front yard setback requirement for the subject property is 15.5 metres, whereas the applicant is requesting a maximum front yard setback of 20.8 metres. The intent of the maximum front yard setback requirement is to ensure that adequate separation is provided between a dwelling and street activity, a sufficient landscaped area is maintained between a dwelling and the abutting street, and that an appropriate setback is provided to maintain a consistent streetscape. The proposed front yard setbacks of the proposed dwelling are generally in keeping with the immediate abutting dwellings as it falls in between the front walls of abutting dwellings and maintains a consistent streetscape. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance to permit a maximum front yard setback of 20.8 metres maintains the general intent and purpose of the By-law. Minimum Side Yard Setback The intent of the minimum side yard setback requirement of 3.0 metres is to provide an appropriate setback for accessing front and rear yards, lot grading and drainage. The applicant is proposing a minimum south side yard setback of 2.4 metres to permit the proposed dwelling. The proposed side yard setback maintains an adequate setback for maintenance, lot grading and drainage, and pedestrian access. The proposed reduction in the minimum side yard setback will have no adverse impact on the abutting employment uses to the nort h. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance to permit a minimum side yard setback of 2.4 metres maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law. Maximum Accessory Structure Height and Lot Coverage The applicant is requesting a maximum accessory structure height of 4.2 metres, whereas the Zoning By-law permits a maximum height of 3.5 metres, and a maximum lot coverage of 7 percent, whereas the By-law permits a maximum of 5 percent. The intent of these provisions is to regulate the scale and size of accessory structures to minimize potential impacts such as shadowing, overlooking, and excessive coverage that could limit outdo or amenity space. While the proposed height exceeds the permitted maximum, the structure is not anticipated to negatively impact adjacent properties, as existing vegetation will be maintained to mitigate visual and shadowing concerns. Similarly, the increase in lot coverage is not expected to result in adverse effects on stormwater management, drainage, or the overall use and enjoyment of neighboring properties. However, as the proposed pavilion exceeds the maximum permitted lot coverage for accessory structures, no additional accessory structures will be permitted in the future. The property retains sufficient outdoor amenity space within the front and rear yards, ensuring that the site remains functional and consistent with surrounding development patterns. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variances maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By -law. -22- Report MV 07/25 March 12, 2025 Page 4 Side Yard Encroachment The requested variance is to permit an exterior entrance encroachment into the side yard with a minimum setback of 0.3 metres, whereas the Zoning By-law requires a minimum of 0.9 metres. The intent of this provision is to ensure adequate separation between structures and property lines for maintenance access, drainage, and to minimize potential impacts on adjacent properties. While the reduced setback results in a closer proximity to the lot line, the entrance is not anticipated to create any significant obstruction or encroachment that would interfere with access or servicing. The proposed entrance will maintain sufficient space for movement along the side yard, and no adverse impacts on drainage or neighboring properties are anticipated. The existing conditions and surrounding context suggest that the variance will not negative ly affect the character of the area. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law. Desirable for the Appriopriate Development of the Land and Minor in Nature The requested variances will facilitate the construction of a new dwelling and a pavilion on the subject property. The proposed dwelling depth, front yard setback, and side yard setback will allow for a functional building footprint while maintaining compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. The placement and scale of the proposed structures align with existing development patterns in the area, ensuring that the overall character of the neighborhood is maintained. The requested variances related to the accessory structure height and lot coverage will allow for a pavilion that provides additional outdoor amenity space while preserving adequate open space on the property. The proposed exterior entrance encroachment is not anticipated to create any adverse impacts on access, drainage, or adjacent properties. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variances are desirable for the appropriate development of the land and are minor in nature. Input From Other Sources Applicant • The applicant asserts that the requested minor variances are minor in nature and consistent with the newer developments on the street. Engineering Services • Ensure the increased maximum dwelling depth, front yard setback and reduced side yard setbacks (if approved with this application) does not adversely affect the drainage patterns within the lot and surrounding area. -23- Report MV 07/25 March 12, 2025 Page 5 Engineering Services (cont.) •Ensure the increased maximum lot coverage (if approved with this application) does not adversely affect the drainage patterns within the lot and surrounding area. •Multiple Low Impact Development measures (such as infiltration galleries with downspout connections, rain gardens and 450mm amended soils) will be required at the Building Permit stage. Durham Region Community Growth and Economic Development •No comments. Building Services •Concerns relating to the use of the Pavilion, and the proposed sanitary & plumbing systems will need to be design separately from the proposed house. Also have concerns on the building height due to the complaints. Fire Department •No comments. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority •TRCA has no objections to the approval of the Minor Variance Application, as the proposed development is outside the regulated portions of the property and does not require a permit. The requested variances do not impact TRCA’s policies or programs. Public Input •An area resident has expressed concerns that the proposed pavilion will increase noise, disrupt the residential character, and create parking issues. They oppose the three requested variances, questioning the need for reduced setbacks and increased lot coverage. They also seek clarification on enclosure of the pavilion and conservation authority approval. Date of report: March 6, 2025 Comments prepared by: Original Signed By Original Signed By Ash Roy, B.URPL Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP Planner I Manager, Zoning & Administration AR:jc /CityDevDept/D3700/2025/MV 07-25/7. Report/Report March 12/MV 07-25.docx Attachments -24- Exhibit 1 11 Bonita Avenue ~ I I I >, C1l s "O 0 0 3: C -0 u -C1l LL I \ e----- ) e----- - Strouds Lane \ c - ' (!) - I \e__ u Cl) ~ -\ 0 (!) r--- \ "O ·;;; r--- .c ~ ro r--- (!) Wingarden 11 I -~,rr "O C1l -0 a::: Yxx xxxxxYzxzxaxx - xx" xxxxxxxxxxxxx 3: x .. • .. • x.x.~•:•:•:•:•:•~•:•:•~•:• (!) >-----·;; I J· (!) 0. r---- c.. <( r---- I l - I Subject Lands '---'-------'\.. "O \ / ----C1l / 0 a::: "---~ \. 0 ~ e-l I I C1l \ LL I I\ i.,.,...--v ~ \ ~ \ \ (!) :, C ~ (!) > -<( t (!) tv-\ ..Cl (!) ~-= :0 I \ E I II I I C1l I \ a::: I \ -- af:j of Location Map File: MV 07/25 PlCKERlNG Applicant: C. Antonakes City Development Municipal Address: 1848 Appleview Road @ The Corporation of the City of Picke ring Produced (in part) under license from : Date: Mar. 05, 2025 Department @ King's Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.,@ His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Department of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.;@ Teranet Enterprises In c. and its SCALE: 1:3,000 I suppliers. All rights reserved.,@ Municipa l Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights rese rved. TH IS ISNOTAPLANOF SURVEY. L:\PLANNING\01 -MapFi les\MV\2025\MV 07-25\MV 07-25\MV 07 -25.aprx -25- Ex h i b i t 2 Su b m i t t e d Si t e Pl a n Fi l e N o : MV 07 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : C. An t o n a k e s Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 18 4 8 A p p l e v i e w R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 2 5 to p e r m i t a m a x i m u m fr o n t y a r d s e t b a c k o f 20 . 8 m e t r e s to p e r m i t a m i n i m u m si d e y a r d s e t b a c k o f 2. 4 m e t r e s to p e r m i t a m a x i m u m ac c e s s o r y s t r u c t u r e he i g h t of 4 . 1 m e t r e s to p e r m i t a m a x i m u m ac c e s s o r y s t r u c t u r e l o t co v e r a g e o f 7 pe r c e n t to p e r m i t a ma x i m u m dw e l l i n g d e p t h of 26. 5 me t r e s to p e r m i t e x t e r i o r en t r a n c e t o e n c r o a c h to w i t h i n 0 . 3 o f a m e t r e -26- Ex h i b i t 3 Su b m i t t e d Fr o n t E l e v a t i o n Pl a n Fi l e N o : MV 07 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : C. An t o n a k e s Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 18 4 8 A p p l e v i e w R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b r u a r y 4 , 2 0 2 5 -27- Ex h i b i t 4 Su b m i t t e d Re a r El e v a t i o n Pl a n Fi l e N o : MV 07 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : C. An t o n a k e s Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 18 4 8 A p p l e v i e w R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe br u a r y 4 , 2 0 2 5 -28- Ex h i b i t 5 Su b m i t t e d No r t h S i d e El e v a t i o n Pl a n Fi l e N o : MV 07 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : C. An t o n a k e s Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 18 4 8 A p p l e v i e w R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b r u a r y 4 , 20 2 5 -29- Ex h i b i t 6 Su b m i t t e d So u t h Si d e El e v a t i o n Pl a n Fi l e N o : MV 07 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : C. An t o n a k e s Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 18 4 8 A p p l e v i e w R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b r u a r y 4 , 2 0 2 5 -30- Exhibit 7 Submitted Main Floor Plan File No: MV 07/25 Applicant: C. Antonakes Municipal Address: 1848 Appleview Road CONTACT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR DIGITAL COPIES OF THIS PLAN. Date: February 4, 2025 -31- Exhibit 8 Submitted Pavilion Floor Plan File No: MV 07/25 Applicant: C. Antonakes Municipal Address: 1848 Appleview Road CONTACT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR DIGITAL COPIES OF THIS PLAN. Date: February 25, 2025 -32- Ex h i b i t 9 Su b m i t t e d Pa v i l i o n El e v a t i o n Pl a n Fi l e N o : MV 07 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : C. An t o n a k e s Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 18 4 8 A p p l e v i e w R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b r u a r y 2 5 , 20 2 5 -33- Exhibit 10 Submitted Basement Floor Plan File No: MV 07/24 Applicant: C. Antonakes Municipal Address: 1848 Appleview Road CONTACT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR DIGITAL COPIES OF THIS PLAN. Date: February 4, 2025 -34- Exhibit 11 Submitted Second Floor Plan File No: MV 07/24 Applicant: C. Antonakes Municipal Address: 1848 Appleview Road CONTACT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR DIGITAL COPIES OF THIS PLAN. Date: February 4, 2025 -35- Report to Committee of Adjustment Application Number: MV 08/25 Date: March 12, 2025 From: Deborah Wylie Manager, Zoning & Administration Subject: Minor Variance Application MV 08/25 S. Afzal 1156 Caliper Lane Application The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24 to permit stairs to a porch or deck to encroach to within 0.9 of a metre of an interior side lot line, whereas the By-law permits stairs to a porch or deck to encroach to within 0.6 of a metre of an interior side lot line. The applicant requests approval of the requested variance to obtain a building permit to construct a side yard entrance. Recommendation For your information, and based solely on the application and supporting documentation filed by the applicant, the City Development Department has reviewed the application with respect to Section 45(1) of the Planning Act and considers the requested variance to be minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law. After considering all public and agency input, should the Committee find merit in this application, the following condition is recommended: 1. That this variance applies only to the side yard entrance and associated steps, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibits 2, 3 & 4). Comment Conforms to the Intent and Purpose of the Official Plan The More Homes Built Faster Act (Bill 23) made changes that removed statutory powers under the Planning Act from certain upper-tier municipalities including Durham Region. As of January 1, 2025, the applicable parts of the Regional Official Plan for Durham are now deemed to be part of Pickering’s Official Plan. In case of conflict, the Regional Official Plan prevails over Pickering’s Official Plan. Under the Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated “Urban System – Community Areas”. -36- Report MV 08/25 March 12, 2025 Page 2 The Pickering Official Plan designates the subject property “Urban Residential Areas – Low Density Area” as part of the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood. Lands within this designation are intended to accommodate residential uses including detached dwellings. Stairs to a porch or deck are a common accessory structure within residential areas. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan. Conforms to the Intent and Purpose of the Zoning By-law The subject property is zoned “SLD2” – Seaton Low Density Type 2 under Zoning By-law 8149/24. The intent of the by-law provision to permit uncovered steps and a platform to be setback a minimum of 0.6 of a metre from an interior side lot line is to maintain an adequate buffer space between structures and to accommodate for pedestrian access, utility and residential services. The applicant is proposing to construct a platform that will extend 0.9 of a metre into the required interior side yard to provide access to a basement unit. While the proposed reduction slightly reduces the buffer space, the platform and steps remain functional and do not appear to create significant impacts on neighboring properties. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law. Desirable for the Appriopriate Development of the Land and Minor in Nature The proposed platform has a three-step crossover design allowing access from the front to rear yards. The proposed encroachment maintains sufficient separation from the lot line and is consistent with similar encroachments in the area. The proposed stairs are not expected to create any significant visual or functional impact on adjacent properties or alter the overall character of the neighborhood. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance is desirable and appropriate for the development of the land and is minor in nature. Input From Other Sources Applicant • Due to limited space on the opposite side of the house, creating an additional entrance there isn’t feasible. Installing a side door is essential to manage guest access and preserve privacy by avoiding the main entrance. Engineering Services • Ensure the increased projection of the steps in the interior side lot line (if approved with this application) does not adversely affect the drainage patterns within the lot and surrounding area. -37- Report MV 08/25 March 12, 2025 Page 3 Durham Region Community Growth and Economic Development •No comments. Building Services •Constructed built without the benefit of building permit, permit application is on hold until Committee’s decision. This application does not permit an ADU/secondary suite. Fire Department •No comments. Public Input •No written submissions have been received from the public as of the date of writing this report. Date of report: March 5, 2025 Comments prepared by: Original Signed By Original Signed By Ash Roy, B.URPL Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP Planner I Manager, Zoning & Administration AR:jc J:\Documents\Development\D-3700\Reports\2013\pca??-13.doc Attachments -38- Bur k h o l d e r D r i v e Cactus Crescent Hib i s c u s D r i v e A z ale a A v e n u e Se p i a S q u a r e DrawstringLane Ca r i n a T e r r a c e Cit r i n e S t r e e t PeterMatthews D rive Enchanted Crescent Cerise M anor Bal t i c L a n e Cal i p e r L a n e Location Map File: Applicant: Municipal Address: MV 08/25 Date: Feb. 25, 2025 Exhibit 1 ¯ E S. Afzal 1156 Caliper Lane SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\MV\2025\MV 08-25\MV 08-25\MV08-25_LocationMap.mxd 1:2,000 SCALE: THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © King's Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Department ofNatural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal PropertyAssessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. City Development Department -39- Ex h i b i t 2 Su b m i t t e d Si t e Pl a n Fi l e N o : MV 08 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : S. A f z a l Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 11 5 6 C a l i p e r L a n e CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F PI C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b r u a r y 25 , 2 0 2 5 to p e r m i t s t a i r s t o a p o r c h or d e c k to en c r o a c h t o wi t h i n 0 . 9 of a me t r e o f an i n t e r i o r s i d e l o t l i n e -40- Ex h i b i t 3 Su b m i t t e d Ea s t S i d e E l e v a t i o n Pl a n Fi l e N o : MV 08 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : S. A f z a l Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 11 5 6 C a l i p e r L a n e CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b r u a r y 25 , 2 0 2 5 -41- Ex h i b i t 4 Su b m i t t e d Pr o p o s e d G r o u n d F l o o r Pl a n Fi l e N o : MV 08 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : S. A f z a l Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 11 5 6 C a l i p e r L a n e CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b ru a r y 2 5 , 2 0 2 5 -42- Report to Committee of Adjustment Application Number: MV 13/25 Date: March 12, 2025 From: Deborah Wylie Manager, Zoning & Administration Subject: Minor Variance Application MV 13/25 Durham Catholic District School Board 2460 Hibiscus Drive Application The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, to permit a maximum front yard setback of 5.2 metres, whereas the By-law permits a maximum front yard setback of 4.5 metres. The applicant requests approval of this minor variance application to obtain a building permit for a two-storey elementary school. Recommendation For your information, and based solely on the application and supporting documentation filed by the applicant, the City Development Department has reviewed the application with respect to Section 45(1) of the Planning Act and considers the requested variances to be minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law. After considering all public and agency input, should the Committee find merit in this application, the following condition is recommended: 1. That this variance applies only to the proposed development, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibit 2). Comment Conforms to the Intent and Purpose of the Official Plan The More Homes Built Faster Act (Bill 23) made changes that removed statutory powers under the Planning Act from certain upper-tier municipalities including Durham Region. As of January 1, 2025, the applicable parts of the Regional Official Plan for Durham are now deemed to be part of Pickering’s Official Plan. In case of conflict, the Regional Official Plan prevails over Pickering’s Official Plan. Under the Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated “Urban System – Community Areas”. -43- Report MV 13/25 March 12, 2025 Page 2 In the City of Pickering Official Plan, the subject property is designated “Urban Residential Areas – Low Density Area” within the Lamoureaux Neighbourhood in Seaton. An elementary school is planned for the subject lands in the Lamoureaux Neighbourhood Plan. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan. Conforms to the Intent and Purpose of the Zoning By-law The entirety of the subject lands is zoned “SCU” ” – Seaton Community Use, with designated lands within the subject lands multi-zoned “SLD1”, “SLD2” or “SLD2M” under Zoning By-law 8149/24. Maximum Front Yard Setback Variance The by-law permits a maximum front yard setback of 4.5 metres within the SCU zone, however 25 percent of the building facing the street can have a greater yard. The intent of the maximum front yard setback requirement is to ensure that buildings maintain an active relationship with the public realm, and ensure that sufficient space is available for landscaping and functional site design. The applicant is proposing a maximum front yard setback of 5.2 metres, with 83 percent of the building wall with a greater setback. The subdivision street grid, which includes Hibiscus Drive and Burkholder Drive, is not constructed at perfect right angles. As a result, the school’s front yard setback complies at the southeast corner, measuring 4.3 metres, but does not comply at the northeast corner, where the setback is measured 5.3 metres. The school has been designed with right angles for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Adjusting the building’s orientation to align with the street grid would have created an irregular angle along th e primary facade facing Hibiscus Drive. The increased front yard setback at the northeast corner does not result in significant negative impacts to the streetscape or the public realm. The school remains visually connected to the street. Additionally, the space between the sidewalk on Burkholder Drive and the school includes a retaining wall and a storm sewer line. The retaining wall is necessary to manage grade changes on the northeast side of the school, while the storm sewer line ensure s proper drainage on the property. The increased setback a t the northeast corner allows for the construction of these elements without undermining the municipal sidewalk. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law. Desirable for the Appriopriate Development of the Land and Minor in Nature The requested variance will facilitate the development of a two -storey elementary school on the subject lands. The school has been identified in the Official Plan as an essential institutional use to serve the growing Seaton Community, providing a necessary educational facility for future residents. The proposed variance allows for a minor increase in the front yard setback at the northeast corner of the building due to site constraints while ensuring that the school remains functionally and visually integrated with the surrounding area. The additional setback does not create any adverse impacts on pedestrian circulation, sightlines, or connectivity. -44- Report MV 13/25 March 12, 2025 Page 3 The increased setback is consistent with the overall institutional character of the site and does not disrupt the established development pattern along Hibiscus Drive and Burkholder Drive. The variance does not result in any significant massing concerns, nor does it negatively impact the usability or function of adjacent properties. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variances are desirable for the appropriate development of the land and are minor in nature . Input From Other Sources Applicant •The school’s right-angle design contrasts with the irregular street grid, causing a non- compliant 5.2m setback at the northeast corner. This wider setback allows for a retaining wall, storm sewer, and better sightlines. Engineering Services •No comments. Durham Region Community Growth and Economic Development •No comments. Building Services •No comments. Public Input •No written submissions have been received from the public as of the date of writing this report. Date of report: March 3, 2025 Comments prepared by: Ash Roy, B.URPL Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP Planner I Manager, Zoning & Administration AR:jc J:\Documents\Development\D-3700\Reports\2013\pca??-13.doc Attachments Original Signed By Original Signed By -45- Ex h i b i t 2 Su b m i t t e d S i t e P l a n Fi l e N o : MV 13 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : D u r h a m C a t h o l i c D i s t r i c t S c h o o l B o a r d Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 2 4 6 0 H i b i s c u s D r i v e CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 2 5 to p e r m i t a m a x i m u m fr o n t y a r d s e t b a c k o f 5. 2 m e t r e s De t a i l -47- Report to Committee of Adjustment Application Number: MV 15/25 Date: March 12, 2025 From: Deborah Wylie Manager, Zoning & Administration Subject: Minor Variance Application MV 15/25 J. McBride 3230 North Road Application The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, to permit a porch to encroach into any required setback to a maximum of 6.7 metres, whereas the By-law permits a porch to encroach into any required setback to a maximum of 2.0 metres. The applicant requests approval of the variance to obtain a building permit to construct a porch on an existing heritage dwelling. Recommendation For your information, and based solely on the application and supporting documentation filed by the applicant, the City Development Department has reviewed the application with respect to Section 45(1) of the Planning Act and considers the requested variances to be minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law. After considering all public and agency input, should the Committee find merit in this application, the following condition is recommended: 1. That this variance applies only to the front yard porch, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibits 2, 3 & 4). Comment Conforms to the Intent of the Official Plan The More Homes Built Faster Act (Bill 23) made changes that removed statutory powers under the Planning Act from certain upper-tier municipalities including Durham Region. As of January 1, 2025, the applicable parts of the Regional Official Plan for Durham are now deemed to be part of Pickering’s Official Plan. In case of conflict, the Regional Official Plan prevails over Pickering’s Official Plan. Under the Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated “Rural System – Hamlets”. -48- Report MV 15/25 March 12, 2025 Page 2 The subject property is designated “Rural Settlements – Rural Hamlets” by the City of Pickering Official Plan. Lands within this designation are intended to accommodate low-density residential uses including detached dwellings. The requested variance is to permit the proposed front yard porch on the property, which is permitted within this designation and a common accessory structure within the neighbourhood. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan. Conforms to the Intent of the Zoning By-law The subject property is zoned “X324” (HMR3) – Exception Zone 324 under Zoning By-law 8149/24. The requested variance is to increase the maximum permitted encroachment from 2 .0 metres to 6.7 metres. The intent of the maximum encroachment provision is to maintain an appropriate amount of yard space for amenity area and storm drainage uncovered by buildings on a lot and to regulate the scale and size of the building. The required front yard setback for detached dwellings zoned “X324” (HMR3) is 9.0 metres and the permitted encroachment into this required setback for porch is 2.0 metres, therefore allowing a 7.0 metre setback for porches. However, the proposed setback is 2.3 metres, which means an encroachment of 6.7 metres beyond the original front yard setback requirement. The front yard porch will provide sufficient space on the property left uncovered by buildings to accommodate soft landscaping, storm drainage and outdoor amenity area as the required minimum rear and side yard setbacks are maintained. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By -law. Desirable for the Appriopriate Development of the Land and Minor in Nature The requested variance is intended to permit a front yard porch. The porch maintains a front yard setback similar to the setbacks provided on adjacent properties. The proposed setbacks allow for ample space to avoid any privacy or overlook issues . The requested variance is not expected to generate significant negative impacts on neighboring properties . Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance is desirable and appropriate for the development of the land and is minor in nature. Input From Other Sources Applicant • The proposed development aims to restore and revitalize an existing deteriorated heritage home while preserving its character. In collaboration with Heritage Planner Matthew Somerville, all heritage permit requirements have been met. Although the dwelling is legal non-conforming under the current by-law, formal approval is sought for the proposed reduced setback. -49- Report MV 15/25 March 12, 2025 Page 3 Engineering Services •Ensure the increased setback for the projection of the deck (if approved with this application) does not adversely affect the drainage patterns within the lot and surrounding area. Durham Region Community Growth and Economic Development •No comments. Building Services •No comments. Fire Department •No comments. Heritage Planning •Heritage staff have no concerns with the application. If the variance is approved, a Heritage Permit process will be initiated, as the property is within the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District. Staff have worked with the applicant and designer and are satisfied that the proposal aligns with the District's character. Public Input •No written submissions have been received from the public as of the date of writing this report. Date of report: March 6, 2025 Comments prepared by: Original Signed By Original Signed By Ash Roy, B.URPL Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP Planner I Manager, Zoning & Administration AR:nr CityDevDept/D3700//MV /7. Report/MV Report.docx Attachments -50- Whitevale Road G l ad s t o ne Street Mill Str e e t No r t h R o a d Churc hwin Street Fa c t o r y S t r e e t Go l f C l u b R o a d Location Map File: Applicant: Municipal Address: MV 15/25 Date: Feb. 25, 2025 Exhibit 1 ¯ E J. McBride 3230 North Road SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\MV\2025\MV 15-25\MV15-25_LocationMap.mxd 1:3,000 SCALE: THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © King's Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Department ofNatural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal PropertyAssessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. City Development Department -51- Ex h i b i t 2 Su b m i t t e d Si t e Pl a n Fi l e N o : MV 15 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : J. M c B r i d e Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 32 3 0 N o r t h R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y DE V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 2 5 to p e r m i t a d e c k t o e n c r o a c h in t o a n y r e q u i r e d se t b a c k to a m a x i m u m o f 6. 7 me t r e s -52- Ex h i b i t 3 Su b m i t t e d Fl o o r Pl a n Fi l e N o : MV 15 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : J. M c B r i d e Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 32 3 0 N o r t h R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 2 5 -53- Ex h i b i t 4 Su b m i t t e d El e v a t i o n Pl a n s Fi l e N o : MV 15 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : J. M c B r i d e Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 32 3 0 N o r t h R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 2 5 -54- Report to Committee of Adjustment Application Number: MV 18/25 & MV 19/25 Date: March 12, 2025 From: Deborah Wylie Manager, Zoning & Administration Subject: Minor Variance Applications MV 18/25 & MV 19/25 Claremont Developments Inc. 5050 Franklin Street & 5057 Franklin Street Application MV 18/25 – 5050 Franklin Street The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, to permit a minimum of one parking space in an attached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.1 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres, whereas the By-law requires a minimum of one parking space in any attached or detached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.5 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres. MV 19/25 – 5057 Franklin Street The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, to permit a minimum of one parking space in an attached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.1 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres, whereas the By-law requires a minimum of one parking space in any attached or detached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.5 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres. The applicant requests approval of these minor variance applications to obtain building permits to construct a detached dwelling on each lot. Recommendation For your information and based solely on the application and supporting documentation filed by the applicant, the City Development Department has reviewed the application with respect to Section 45(1) of the Planning Act and considers the requested variance to be minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law. After considering all public and agency input, should the Committee find merit in this application, the following condition is recommended: 1. That these variances apply only to the detached dwelling, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibit 2, 3, 4 & 5). -55- Report MV 18/25 & MV 19/25 March 12, 2025 Page 2 Background Through the review of the applicant’s plans submitted for building permit application, it was determined that the building Model TS-02 proposed for 5050 & 5057 Franklin Street was deficient in the minimum size requirement for interior parking spaces. Comment Conforms to the Intent of the Official Plan Under the Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated “Rural System – Hamlet”. The subject property is designated “Oak Ridges Moraine – Countryside Area” under Schedule I of the Official Plan. The subject property is located outside the Claremont Settlement Area. Previously, the subject lands were subject to the Hamlet of Claremont Development Plan, which designated the lands for residential uses. Furthermore, the subject property was previously located within the Hamlet boundary under the Pickering District Plan. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variances maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan. Conforms to the Intent of the Zoning By-law The subject properties are located within Exception Zone 347 and are zoned “ORM-R6-7” & “ORM-R6-9” – Oak Ridges Moraine Residential under Zoning By-law 8149/24. Section 5.6(3)(a) of By-law 8149/24 permits a minimum of one parking space in any attached or detached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.5 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 m. In addition, Section 5.6(3)(b) of By-law 8149/24 permits any additional parking spaces in a private garage to have a minimum width of 2.6 metres and minimum length of 5.3 metres. The applicant is requesting a slight reduction in the minimum parking space depth required by the By-law. The intent of requiring a minimum private garage size of 3.1 metres in width and 6.5 metres in depth is to ensure that sufficient space can be provided within the garage for parking and storage. The proposed interior garage space is proposed to contain three parking spaces. One space will maintain a minimum of 3.1 metres in width and 6.1 metres in depth; the remaining spaces will maintain the required minimum of 2.6 metres in width and 5.3 metres in depth. The proposed parking dimensions were based off the provisions from the former Parent Zoning By-law 3037. Staff are of the opinion that the reduced parking space within the interior parking garage will provide sufficient space to park a vehicle and enter/exit a vehicle. The applicant has demonstrated that the dimensions are sufficient to provide a parking space, as such, staff is satisfied that the requested variances are in keeping with the intent of the Zoning By-law. -56- Report MV 18/25 & MV 19/25 March 12, 2025 Page 3 Desirable for the Appropriate Development of the Land and Minor in Nature The requested variances will facilitate the development of the subject properties for detached dwellings. The applicant is proposing three parking spaces within the attached garages. Staff are of the opinion that the reduced interior parking space dimensions will provide sufficient space to park a vehicle. Staff are of the opinion that the requested variances are desirable for the appropriate development of the land and are minor in nature. Input From Other Sources Applicant •Floor Plans were designed under former Parent By-law 3037, which did not contain interior parking space size regulations. Regional Community Growth and Economic Development •No comments. Engineering Services •No comments. Building Services •No concerns. Permit application is on hold until the Committee’s decision. Public Input •As of the date of writing this report, no written submission has been received from the public. Date of report: March 5, 2025 Comments prepared by: Kerry Yelk Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP Planner II Manager, Zoning & Administration KY:nr /CityDevDept/D3700/2025/MV 18-25 & MV 19-25/7. Report/MV 18-25 & MV 19-25 Report.doc Attachments Original Signed By Original Signed By -57- Exhibit 2 to permit a minimum of one parking space in a detached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.1 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres Franklin Street Submitted Site Plan File No: MV 18/25 Applicant: Claremont Developments Inc. Municipal Address: 5050 Franklin Street CONTACT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR DIGITAL COPIES OF THIS PLAN. Date: February 24, 2025 -59- Ex h i b i t 3 In t e r i o r Ga r a g e Sp a c e Su b m i t t e d G r o u n d F l o o r P l a n Fi l e N o : MV 18 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : Cl a r e m o n t D e v e l o p m e n t s I n c . Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 50 5 0 F r a n k l i n S t r e e t CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -60- Exhibit 4 to permit a minimum of one parking space in a detached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.1 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres Franklin Street Submitted Site Plan File No: MV 19/25 Applicant: Claremont Developments Inc. Municipal Address: 5057 Franklin Street CONTACT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR DIGITAL COPIES OF THIS PLAN. Date: February 24, 2025 -61- Ex h i b i t 5 In t e r i o r Ga r a g e Sp a c e Su b m i t t e d G r o u n d F l o o r P l a n Fi l e N o : MV 19 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : Cl a r e m o n t D e v e l o p m e n t s I n c . Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 50 5 7 F r a n k l i n S t r e e t CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -62- Report to Committee of Adjustment Application Number: MV 20/25 & MV 21/25 Date: March 12, 2025 From: Deborah Wylie Manager, Zoning & Administration Subject: Minor Variance Applications MV 20/25 & MV 21/25 Claremont Developments Inc. 1752 Samarillo Place & 1756 Samarillo Place Applications MV 20/25 – 1752 Samarillo Place The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, to permit a minimum of one parking space in an attached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.1 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres, whereas the By-law requires a minimum of one parking space in any attached or detached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.5 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres. MV 21/25 – 1756 Samarillo Place The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, to permit a minimum of one parking space in an attached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.1 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres, whereas the By-law requires a minimum of one parking space in any attached or detached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.5 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres. The applicant requests approval of these minor variance applications to obtain building permits to construct a detached dwelling on each lot. Recommendation For your information and based solely on the application and supporting documentation filed by the applicant, the City Development Department has reviewed the application with respect to Section 45(1) of the Planning Act and considers the requested variance to be minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law. After considering all public and agency input, should the Committee find merit in this application, the following condition is recommended: 1. That these variances apply only to the detached dwelling, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibit 2, 3, 4 & 5). -63- Report MV 20/25 & MV 21/25 March 12, 2025 Page 2 Background Through the review of the applicant’s plans submitted for building permit application, it was determined that the Building Model TS-02 proposed for 1752 & 1756 Samarillo Place was deficient in the minimum requirement for interior parking space size. Comment Conforms to the Intent of the Official Plan Under the Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated “Rural System – Hamlet”. The subject property is designated “Oak Ridges Moraine – Countryside Area” under Schedule I of the Official Plan. The subject property is located outside the Claremont Settlement Area. Previously, the subject lands were subject to the Hamlet of Claremont Development Plan, which designated the lands for residential uses. Furthermore, the subject property was previously located within the Hamlet boundary under the Pickering District Plan. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variances maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan. Conforms to the Intent of the Zoning By-law The subject properties are located within Exception Zone 347 and are zoned “ORM-R6-8” – Oak Ridges Moraine Residential under Zoning By-law 8149/24. Section 5.6(3)(a) of By-law 8149/24 permits a minimum of one parking space in any attached or detached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.5 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 m. In addition, Section 5.6(3)(b) of By-law 8149/24 permits any additional parking spaces in a private garage to have a minimum width of 2.6 metres and minimum length of 5.3 metres. The applicant is requesting a slight reduction in the minimum parking space depth required by the By-law. The intent of requiring a minimum private garage size of 3.1 metres in width and 6.5 metres in depth is to ensure that sufficient space can be provided within the garage for parking and storage. The proposed interior garage space is proposed to contain three parking spaces. One space will maintain the required minimum of 3.1 metres in width and 6.1 metres in depth; the remaining spaces will maintain the required minimum of 2.6 metres in width and 5.3 metres in depth. The proposed parking dimensions were based off the provisions from the former Parent Zoning By-law 3037. Staff are of the opinion that the reduced parking space within the interior parking garage will provide sufficient space to park a vehicle and enter/exit a vehicle. The applicant has demonstrated that the dimensions are sufficient to provide a parking space, as such, staff is satisfied that the requested variances are in keeping with the intent of the Zoning By-law. -64- Report MV 20/25 & MV 21/25 March 12, 2025 Page 3 Desirable for the Appropriate Development of the Land and Minor in Nature The requested variance will facilitate the development of the subject property for a detached dwelling. The applicant is proposing three parking spaces within the attached garage. Staff are of the opinion that the reduced interior parking space dimensions will provide sufficient space to park a vehicle. Staff are of the opinion that the requested variances are desirable for the appropriate development of the land and is minor in nature. Input From Other Sources Applicant •Floor Plans were designed under the former Parent By-law 3037, which did not contain interior parking space size regulations. Regional Community Growth and Economic Development •No comments. Engineering Services •No comments. Building Services •No concerns. Permit application is on hold until the Committee’s decision. Public Input •As of the date of writing this report, no written submission has been received from the public. Date of report: March 5, 2025 Comments prepared by: Kerry Yelk Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP Planner II Manager, Zoning & Administration KY:nr /CityDevDept/D3700/2025/MV 20-25 & MV 21-25/7. Report/MV 20-25 & MV 21-25 Report.doc Attachments Original Signed ByOriginal Signed By -65- Exhibit 2 to permit a minimum of one parking space in a detached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.1 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres Samarillo Street Submitted Site Plan File No: MV 20/25 Applicant: Claremont Developments Inc. Municipal Address: 1752 Samarillo Place CONTACT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR DIGITAL COPIES OF THIS PLAN. Date: February 24, 2025 -67- Ex h i b i t 3 In t e r i o r Ga r a g e Sp a c e Su b m i t t e d G r o u n d F l o o r P l a n Fi l e N o : MV 20 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : Cl a r e m o n t D e v e l o p m e n t s I n c . Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 17 5 2 S a m a r i l l o P l a c e CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -68- Exhibit 4 to permit a minimum of one parking space in a detached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 metres in width by 6.1 metres in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 metres Samarillo Place Submitted Site Plan File No: MV 21/25 Applicant: Claremont Developments Inc. Municipal Address: 1756 Samarillo Place CONTACT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR DIGITAL COPIES OF THIS PLAN. Date: February 24, 2025 -69- Ex h i b i t 5 In t e r i o r Ga r a g e Sp a c e Su b m i t t e d G r o u n d F l o o r P l a n Fi l e N o : MV 21 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : Cl a r e m o n t D e v e l o p m e n t s I n c . Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 17 5 6 S a m a r i l l o P l a c e CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -70- Report to Committee of Adjustment Application Number: LD 01/25 Date: March 12, 2025 From: Deborah Wylie Manager, Zoning & Administration Subject: Consent Application LD 01/25 J. Spring 1839 Pine Grove Avenue Application The applicant is proposing to sever a 1,152.6 square metre parcel of land (Part 1), retaining a 1,529.1 square metre parcel of land (Part 2). Recommendation Staff have reviewed Consent Application LD 01/25, with respect to Section 51(24) of the Planning Act criteria and have no objections to the consent application, subject to the conditions outlined within Appendices I, II & III. Comments Official Plan The subject lands are designated “Urban Residential Area - Low Density Areas” under the Pickering Official Plan, which permits residential uses. The subject lands are located within the Highbush Neighbourhood. City Policy 12.12 encourages development to be compatible with the character of existing development which character is reflected by features including but not limited to: lots with low lot coverage; the existing lotting pattern; style and siting of dwellings; and the significant mature vegetation. Zoning By-law The subject lands are zoned “Detached Dwelling, First Density Zone – R1E” under Zoning By-law 8149/24: Lots Zone Required Lot Area (m2) Proposed Lot Area (m2) Required Lot Frontage (m) Proposed Lot Frontage (m) Severed Parcel (Part 1) R1E 460.0 1,152.6 15.0 15.24 -71- Report LD 01/25 March 12, 2025 Page 2 Lots Zone Required Lot Area (m2) Proposed Lot Area (m2) Required Lot Frontage (m) Proposed Lot Frontage (m) Retained Parcel (Part 2) R1E 460.0 1,529.1 15.0 45.0 The proposed lots appear to comply with the minimum lot frontage and lot area requirements of the Zoning By-law and staff are satisfied that the proposed severance is appropriate. •Conditions of approval are attached hereto as Appendix II. •No comments on the land division application. •No concerns from Building Services; Building Permit is required prior construction. •Conditions of approval are attached hereto as Appendix III. •As of the date of writing this report, no written submission was received from the public. Original Signed By Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP Manager, Zoning & Administration Input From Other Sources Engineering Services Fire Services Building Services Region of Durham Community Growth and Economic Development and Works Departments Public Input Date of report: March 5, 2025 Comments prepared by: Original Signed By Kerry Yelk Planner II KY:jc https://pickeringo365.sharepoint.com/sites/CityDevDept/D3500/2025/LD 01-25/8. Report/LD 01-25 Report.docx Attachments -72- Appendix I March 6, 2025 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Consent LD 01/25 The City Development Department has reviewed the above application and provides the following conditions, to be fulfilled by the applicant/owner: 1. Ensure that any zoning non-compliances identified through Condition 1 above, resulting from the proposed severance, be brought into compliance. 2. Ensure that any existing structure(s) on severed parcel or that straddle both the retained and severed parcels are removed and that all inspections have been completed. 3. Provide a certified cheque, made payable to the City of Pickering for cash -in lieu of parkland for each newly created lots. The parkland fee shall be in accordance with the City’s General Municipal Fees By-law in effect at the date of such payment (the current amount is $7,865.00 per each newly created lot). 4. Coordinate with the City of Pickering, City Development Department to assign an appropriate municipal address for the retained and severed parcels. 5. That the consent be subject to the following periods: • Last day for fulfilling Conditions is March 12, 2027 • Expiry Date of Application LD 01/25 is April 11, 2026 Upon fulfillment of these conditions the applicant must submit a cheque payable to the City of Pickering in the amount of $1,145.00 for the stamping of the deed package, to be prepared and submitted by a lawyer. Clearing Agencies 1. Prior to the signing of the certificate by the Secretary-Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary-Treasurer is to be advised in writing by the City Planning Department that Conditions #1 to #4 have been carried out to its satisfaction. 2. Prior to the signing of the certificate by the Secretary-Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary-Treasurer is to be advised in writing by the City Engineering Services Department that the Conditions in Appendix II have been carried out to its satisfaction. 3. Prior to the signing of the certificate by the Secretary-Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary-Treasurer is to be advised in writing by the Regional Community Growth and Economic Development Department that the Conditions in Appendix III have been carried out to its satisfaction. -73- Appendix I Page 2 of 2 4. Prior to the signing of the certificate by the Secretary-Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary-Treasurer is to be advised in writing by Regional Works Department that the Conditions in Appendix III have been carried out to its satisfaction. 5. Prior to the signing of the certificate by the Secretary-Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary-Treasurer is to be satisfied that the time periods outlined in Condition #5 have been adhered to. Advisory Comments 1. Once all conditions contained in the Committee's Decision are fully satisfied by the applicant, the applicant’s solicitor must prepare and forward the legal document(s) with the applicable stamping fee to the City of Pickering Committee of Adjustment office, to the attention of the Secretary-Treasurer for review and approval with stamping. The document(s) will be returned to the solicitor for registration purposes. Failing receipt by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Deed Package by the requisite date, the application shall be deemed expired and shall lapse. -74- Memo To: Kerry Yelk February 28, 2025 Planner II From: Paal Helgesen Division Head, Water Resources & Development Services Copy: Manager, Zoning & Administration Supervisor, Development Approvals Coordinator, Development Approvals Subject: Land Division Application LD 01/2025 -J. Spring -1839 Pine Grove Avenue File: D-4400 Water Resources & Development Services has reviewed the above application and provide the following conditions: 1.We have reviewed the deposited reference plan (40R -31734) and find it to be acceptable. 2.The applicant will be required to provide an Engineering Review Fee of $1,750.00 for the one proposed lot, and a fee of $2,330 for the clearance of Water Resources & Development Services conditions. A cheque, payable to the City of Pickering, in the amount of $4,080.00 will be required. 3.As a condition of severance, the applicant must pay to the City 293.93 ($2,550.00/hectare) for their Stormwater Maintenance Fee. 4.A preliminary grading and drainage plan will be required as a condition of severance. It must contain sufficient information regarding existing and proposed grades such that it can be adequately determined that development of this property will not adverse ly affect adjacent properties. The plan must illustrate Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Measures for the proposed lots, including, but not limited to, amended topsoil, permeable pavers on the driveway, infiltration galleries, and rain gardens. The plan should indicate existing vegetation/trees within and adjacent to the property that may be affected. The plan should indicate the proposed driveway locations and existing utilities within the boulevard. Relocation of utilities will be the applicant’s responsibility. 5.The City requires a stormwater management brief to be submitted for review. The brief shall address the following design criteria: Appendix II -75- February 28, 2025 Page 2 of 3 Land Division Application LD 01/2025 • The 5-year post-development flow from the proposed development shall not exceed the 5-year pre-development flow. The runoff in excess of the pre-development flow must be retained on the site through implementation of Low Impact Development (LID) measures, such as soakaway pits/infiltration trenches. All LID measures must be designed in accordance with the Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guide (CVC, TRCA, 2010). Sizing calculations and design information for all proposed LIDs must be provided in a Stormwater Management Design Brief signed and sealed by a Professional. Locations and details of the proposed measures must be shown on the Site Servicing/Grading Plan. • All proposed LID measures must be located solely on private property and must be owned and maintained by the property owner. All necessary information regarding the function and maintenance of the LID must be included in the purchase agreements. A Section 119 Restrictive Covenant is to be registered on title prohibiting the alteration or removal of the LID measures. • Roof leaders shall not be connected to the existing storm sewer. Instead, all roof leaders shall be directly connected to the proposed LID measures. • A minimum 450mm depth of amended soils should be specified for all grassed areas such as back yards, front yards, and side yards. Add appropriate notes on the Site Grading Plan. • Foundation/sump pump must discharge to the surface or to LIDs. • P-1020 is attached for your reference for a typical detail for a private soakaway pit. 6. A Tree Inventory and Protection/Removal Plan, prepared by a qualified Arborist or an Environmental Consultant is required. This information should address matters such as existing tree species, diameter, health, protection/removal strategies, and a propose d replanting plan. Compensation for loss of tree canopy will be required and is over and above any required boulevard tree as per the Boulevard Tree Planting Program . Ensure to include the City’s standard tree protection detail and notes on the tree protection plan (see attached). http://www.pickering.ca/en/city -hall/resources/tree-inventory -preservation-removal- compensation-requirements.pdf -76- February 28, 2025 Page 3 of 3 Land Division Application LD 01/2025 7. Planting of one boulevard tree is required for each new lot being created. Where the planting of a boulevard tree is not possible, cash-in-lieu is to be provided as per the current Development Services Fee Schedule. PH:mg Attachment 2025 Development Services User Fee Schedule P-1020 Typical Residential Roof Water Inf iltration Trench P-1100 Tree Preservation Protection Fencing P-1101 Tree Protection Notes -77- -78- -79- -80- -81- -82- -83- -84- If you require this information in an accessible format, please contact Planning Reception or call 1-800- 372-1102 extension 2548. The Regional Municipality of Durham Community Growth and Economic Development Department 605 Rossland Rd. E. Level 4 PO Box 623 Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 Canada 905-668-7711 1-800-372-1102 Email: planning@durham.ca durham.ca Brian Bridgeman, MCIP, RPP, PLE Commissioner of Community Growth and Economic Development February 25, 2025 Kerry Yelk Planning Department 1 The Esplanade South City of Pickering Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Re: Application for Consent LD 01/25 Durham Ref.: LD 012/2025 Applicant: J. Spring Location: 1839 Pine Grove Avenue Municipality: City of Pickering Hearing Date: March 12, 2025 Recommendation: That application LD 01/25 be approved subject to the applicant satisfying the Regional Works Department’s conditions contained in their letter dated February 20, 2025. 1.Purpose of Application The purpose of the consent application is to sever a 1,152.7 m2 residential parcel of land shown as Part 1 on the Draft 40R-Plan, retaining a 1,529.2 m2 residential parcel of land shown as Part 2. The existing dwelling will remain on the proposed retained lot. 2.Conformity with the Regional Official Plan (Envision Durham), Provincial Planning Statement (2024), and Provincial Plan Review Responsibilities Please be advised that effective January 1, 2025, the Region became an upper-tier municipality without planning responsibilities. As such, the comments pertaining to conformity and consistency with the Region of Durham Official Plan and provincial plans an d policies and those comments relating to the Region’s delegated provincial plan review responsibilities now fall under the purview of the area municipalities. Appendix III -85- LD 01/25 -2- 3. Regional Department Comments Regional Works Department According to our records, the property at 1839 Pine Grove Avenue is connected to the Regional water and sanitary system supply. An existing water and sanitary service is available pre-stubbed at the property line of the proposed severed lot. As a condition of approval for this application, the applicant will be required to pay to the Region the costs of the water and sanitary connection charges. The Region has no objection with the proposed application s ubject to the applicant satisfying the Regional Works Department conditions contained in their letter dated February 20, 2025. 4. Conclusion The proposed severance application would permit the creation of one new residential lot to accommodate the development of a single- detached dwelling unit. The proposed application supports residential infilling and compact development. The Region has no objection with the proposed application. Yours truly, Vannitha Chanthavong Vannitha Chanthavong, MCIP, RPP Planner Attachment: 1. Regional Works comments February 20, 2025 cc: Michelle Rea, Regional Works Department -86- If you require this information in an accessible format, please call 1-800-372-1102 extension 2009. The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department 605 Rossland Rd. E. Level 5 PO Box 623 Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 Canada 905-668-7711 1-800-372-1102 works@durham. ca www.durham.ca Sent Via email February 20, 2025 Planning and Economic Development Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East, 4th Floor P.O. Box 623 Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 RE: File Number LD 012/2025 (LD 01/25) J. Spring 1839 Pine Grove Avenue Part 1, Plan 40R-31734 Town of Ajax Dear Mr. Trombino, Please be advised that our department has no objections to the granting of approval for the above noted severance application. The application is for the creation of one new residential lot fronting Pine Grove Avenue and retaining a residential lot with an existing dwelling to be retained. According to our records, No. 1839 Pine Grove Avenue is connected to the Regional water and sanitary system supply. An existing water and sanitary service is available pre-stubbed at the property line of the severed lot. As a condition of approval for this application, the applicant will be required to pay to the Region the costs of the water and sanitary connection charges. In order to ensure the foregoing, our department requires our following standard condition to be imposed: “That the applicant satisfies all the requirements of the Regional Municipality of Durham concerning the provision of Regional services, financial and otherwise.” In order to satisfy the Regional Works Department conditions, the applicant will be required to fulfill the following: -87- 1839 Pine Grove Avenue Part 1, Plan 40R-31734 Town of Ajax Page 2 of 2 1. Payment for one 19 mm water service connection at $3,885 per connection (flat rate): $3,885.00 2. Payment for one 100 mm sanitary service connection at $4,035.00 per connection (flat rate): $4,035.00 3. Payment for inspection of 1 existing water service connection $131.00 4. Payment for inspection of 1 existing sanitary connection $131.00 The total amount owing at the current rate is $8,182.00. Payment can be made by cheque or credit card. The above fees are subject to revision on January 1, 2026. Regional connection permits can be issued to the applicant once the above payment is remitted to our department. The Region of Durham will not permit the connection of weeping tiles to the sanitary sewer system for the severed lands in accordance with the Region’s Foundation Drain Policy. The severed land will be subject to Regional Development Charges at the time of building permit issuance. In the event you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Michelle Rea Development Approvals Technician Michelle.Rea@durham.ca 905-668-7711 x 3400 -88- Exhibit 1 ~ _\ I I \ Hydro I Lands I Q) _);; ::, Rouge Forest Crescent C: Q) > <( ,;: Q) ·;;: ""O ~ 0 0 s ' / I ,---~ t ::, 0 u f--- ~ Subject -c--Q) Q) .c ::, (.) C: -""O Q) Lands C: > Sandcherry Court c?l <( I J -Q) -'\ > e - ('.) ' Q) I I Q) C: ::, -(l_ C: Q) I ► > -<( I I I ,;: X X X X Q) I X X ·;;: - X --X ........... ""O X X X X X ~ 0 Thicket Crescent X X X 0 -s -X X X X X X X \ - X X X X XX Q) > c ·;:: -Q) 0 (.) ""O en 0 -~ 0 u ,;: --" Copley Street Q) (.) Ol 0 -""O 0::: I ii:: >, - ~ --ctl Prohill Street > - - -Secord Street - t---- - t---- Thicket Crescent - -;y I I ~- i---.:-- af:j of Location Map File: LO 01/25 PlCKERlNG Applicant: J. Spring Municipal Address: 1839 Pine Grove Avenue City Development © Th e Corporation of the City of Picke ring Produced (in part) under license from : Date: Jan. 17, 2025 © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.,© Her Majesty the Queen in Department Right of Canada, Department of Natura l Resources. All rights reserved .;© Teranet Enterprises In c. and its SCALE: 1:3,000 I suppliers. All rights reserved.,© Municipa l Property Assessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights rese rved. THIS ISNOTAPLANa= SURVEY. L:\PLANNING\01 -Ma pFi les\LD\2025\LD 01 -25\LD 01 -25\LD 01 -25.aprx -89- Ex h i b i t 2 Su b m i t t e d Dr a f t R e f e r e n c e Pl a n Fi l e N o : LD 01 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : J. S p r i n g Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 18 3 9 P i n e G r o v e Av e n u e CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : Fe b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 Pine Grove Avenue Re t a i n e d P a r c e l (1, 5 2 9 .1 sq u a r e me t r e s) LD 0 1 / 2 5 Co n s e n t t o s e v e r a 1 , 1 5 2 .6 sq u a r e me t r e r e s i d e n t i a l pa r c e l o f l a n d (P a r t 1), r e t a i n i n g a 1 , 5 2 9 .1 sq u a r e me t r e re s i d e n t i a l pa r c e l o f l a n d (P a r t 2 ). Se v e r e d P a r c e l (1, 1 5 2 .6 sq u a r e me t r e s ) Pa r t 2 Pa r t 1 -90- Report to Committee of Adjustment Application Numbers: LD 02/25, MV 09/25 & MV 10/25 Date: March 12, 2025 From: Deborah Wylie Manager, Zoning & Administration Subject: Committee of Adjustment Applications LD 02/25, MV 09/25 and MV 10/25 GHR Investments Corp. & G. Torcivia 1494 Rosebank Road Applications Consent Application LD 02/25 proposes the creation of one new lot. The applicant is proposing to sever an 851.7 square metre parcel of land (Part 1), retaining a 937.4 square metre parcel of land (Part 2). The existing dwelling is proposed to remain on Part 2. Requested Variances MV 09/25 – (Severed Parcel – Part 1) The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, as it relates to the severed lot, to permit: • a maximum dwelling depth of 26.5 metres, whereas the By-law requires a maximum dwelling depth of 20.0 metres; • a maximum front yard setback of 12.7 metres, whereas the By-law permits maximum front yard setback of 9.3 metres; • a maximum lot coverage of 34.5 percent, whereas the By-law requires a maximum lot coverage of 33.0 percent; and • minimum side yard setback: one side 1.4 metres and the other side 1.2 metres, whereas the By-law permits a minimum side yard setback: one side 1.5 metres and the other side 2.4 metres. MV 10/25 – (Retained Parcel – Part 2) The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 8149/24, as it relates to the retained lot, to permit: • minimum side yard setback: one side 1.5 metres and the other side 1.2 metres , whereas the By-law permits a minimum side yard setback: one side 1.5 metres and the other side 2.4 metres.; and • a maximum front yard setback of 13.95 metres, whereas the By-law permits maximum front yard setback of 13.41 metres. -91- Report LD 02/25, MV 09/25 & MV 10/25 March 12, 2025 Page 2 Recommendations 1. Staff have reviewed Consent Application LD 02/25, with respect to Section 51(24) of the Planning Act criteria and have no objections to the consent application, subject to the conditions outlined within Appendices I, II & III. 2. Staff have reviewed Minor Variance Application MV 09/25 with respect to Section 45(1) of the Planning Act and considers the requested variances to be minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law. After considering all public and agency input, should the Committee find merit in this application, the following condition is recommended: i. That these variances apply only to the severed lot (Part 1) and proposed development, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plan (refer to Exhibits 3, 4, 5 & 6). 3. Staff have reviewed Minor Variance Application MV 10/25 with respect to Section 45(1) of the Planning Act and considers the requested variances to be minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law. After considering all public and agency input, should the Committee find merit in this application, the following condition is recommended: i. That these variances apply only to the retained lot (Part 2) and proposed development, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant’s submitted plans (refer to Exhibits 3, 4, 5 & 6). Background In 2019, the owner conveyed Part 2 of 40R-30470 for a required realignment of the Rosebank Road and Sheppard Avenue intersection (Exhibit 2). The conveyed lands have created an irregular lot frontage, which places the proposed dwellings in non-compliance with the provisions of the By-law. Comments Consent Application LD 02/25 Official Plan Under the Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated “Urban System – Community Areas”. The subject lands are designated “Urban Residential Area - Low Density Areas” under the Pickering Official Plan, which permits residential uses. The subject lands are located within the Woodlands Neighbourhood. -92- Report LD 02/25, MV 09/25 & MV 10/25 March 12, 2025 Page 3 City Policy 12.8(a) encourages the established residential areas along Highbush Trail, Old Forest Road, Rosebank Road and Sheppard Avenue, to require new development to be compatible with the character of existing development. The subject property is located within an Established Neighbourhood Overlay Precinct. Staff have reviewed and made comment on the proposed dwelling using the Council adopted Urban Design Guidelines for Infill and Replacement Housing in Established Neighbourhood Precincts Checklist, which can be found as Appendix A and Appendix B to this report. Zoning By-law The subject property is zoned “R1E” under Zoning By-law 8149/24: Lots Zone Required Lot Area (m2) Proposed Lot Area (m2) Required Lot Frontage (m) Proposed Lot Frontage (m) Severed Parcel (Part 1) R1E 460.0 851.7 15.0 15.24 Retained Parcel (Part 2) R1E 460.0 937.4 15.0 15.24 The proposed severed and retained lots appears to comply with the minimum lot area requirements of the Zoning By-law. Minor Variance Applications MV 09/25 and MV 10/25 Minor Variance Application MV 51/24 was approved at the August 14, 2024 Committee of Adjustment to permit the recently constructed dwelling on Part 2. Additional variances through MV 10/25 are required to permit the existing dwelling due to the proposed land severance through Consent Application LD 02/25. Maximum Dwelling Depth (MV 09/25) – Part 1 (North Lot) Dwelling Depth is the measurement of the distance between the required minimum Front Yard Setback and the rear of the dwelling, which is a measure of how deep a dwelling protrudes into a lot. The intent of requiring a maximum dwelling depth of 20.0 metres is to provide for consistent placement of rear walls on neighbouring properties, and to reduce potential shadowing, massing and privacy impacts on adjacent dwellings and rear yards. The applicant is requesting a maximum dwelling depth of 26.5 metres, whereas the By-law permits 20.0 metres. The minimum front yard setback requirement for Part 1 is 7.5 metres, which is determined by the existing setback of the neighbouring property to the north (1498 Rosebank Road). The proposed dwelling will have a dwelling depth of 26.5 metres. -93- Report LD 02/25, MV 09/25 & MV 10/25 March 12, 2025 Page 4 The proposed dwelling has been placed on the lot so that the proposed dwelling on Part 1 has a similar rear wall location and has no impact on the existing dwellings on the adjacent lots. Overshadowing and privacy will be minimized by maintaining a recessed rear wall setback. The proposed placement of the dwelling maintains the general character and consistency of the existing block of development along the west side of Rosebank Road. Addit ionally, due to the conveyance of Part 2 of 40R-30470, the existing lot has an irregular frontage, which makes it difficult to comply with the existing development on the adjacent lots. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance to permit a maximum dwelling depth of 26.5 metres maintains the general intent and purpose of the Infill By-law. Maximum Lot Coverage – MV 09/25 – Part 1 (North Lot) The Zoning By-law permits a maximum lot coverage of 33 percent. The intent of the maximum lot coverage of 33 percent is to maintain an appropriate amount of permeable yard space (for landscaping and amenity areas) uncovered by buildings on a lot and to ensure appropriate lot drainage. The proposed dwelling will provide sufficient space on the property left uncovered for landscaping and amenity areas. The dwelling maintains a rear yard setback of 19.5 metres for amenity space, and the applicant is proposing soft and hard landscaping in both the front and rear yard. Maximum Front Yard Setback The intent of the maximum front yard setback requirement is to ensure that adequate separation is provided between a dwelling and street activity, a sufficient landscaped area is maintained between a dwelling and the abutting street, and that an appropriate setback is provided to maintain a consistent streetscape. The intent of the minimum and maximum front yard setbacks of the Infill By-laws is to reinforce the open space characteristics of the neighbourhood by promoting a consistent “street wall” of the f ront walls of dwellings, and in turn, helping to regulate the extent of dwelling depths along a block. The maximum front yard setback is determined by the average of the two adjacent existing front yard setbacks, plus 1.0 metre. MV 09/25 – Part 1 (North Lot) The front yard setback for the adjacent property to the north (1 498 Rosebank Road) is 7.5 metres and the front yard setback for the recently constructed dwelling to the south (1494 Rosebank Road) is 9.12 metres. Therefore, the maximum front yard setback requirement for the future subject property is 9.3 metres. MV 10/25 – Part 2 (South Lot) The front yard setback for the adjacent property to the north (1498 Rosebank Road) is 7.5 metres and the front yard setback for the adjacent property to the south (1492 Rosebank Road) is 17.22 metres. Therefore, the maximum front yard setback requirement for the subject property is 13.41 metres. -94- Report LD 02/25, MV 09/25 & MV 10/25 March 12, 2025 Page 5 In the block where the subject lot is situated there are a variety of existing front yard setbacks ranging between 7.5 metres to 30.0 metres. Due to the irregular lot frontage of the subject property, the maximum front yard setback provision requires the applicant to bring the house forward. However, the proposed placement brings the house in closer alignment with the existing dwelling immediately to the south, and more generally with the existing setbacks along the same block of existing development. Furthermore, the proposed development will follow the realigned street line through stepped back setbacks that are generally consistent with the existing development. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variance s to permit an increased maximum front yard setback for both lots maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law. Minimum Side Yard Setback (MV 09/25 & MV 10/25) The Zoning By-law permits a minimum side yard setback: one side 1.5 metres and the other side 2.4 metres. MV 09/25 – Part 1 (North Lot) The applicant has proposed a south side yard of 1.2 metres and the north side yard of 1.4 metres, whereas the By-law permits one side to have a minimum 1.5 metres side yard setback and the other side to have a minimum 2.4 metre side yard setback. MV 10/25 – Part 2 (South Lot) The applicant has proposed a south side yard of 1.5 metres and the north side yard of 1.2 metres, whereas the By-law permits one side to have a minimum 1.5 metres side yard setback and the other side to have a minimum 2.4 metre side yard setback. The intent of this provision is to provide an appropriate separation between structures on abutting properties to maintain pedestrian access, and to accommodate grading, drainage, and other residential services. There is sufficient space between the proposed dwellings and adjacent development to provide pedestrian access, and to accommodate grading, drainage and residential services. Staff is of the opinion that the reduced side yards maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law Desirable for the Appropriate Development of the Land and Minor in Nature The requested variances will facilitate the development of one additional dwelling on the proposed residential lot. Additionally, variances are required to permit the existing residential dwelling on Part 2 due to the reduction in the existing lot size. Staff consider the proposal to be desirable for the appropriate development of the land as it will intensify an underutilized site. The proposed dwellings are consistent with the established built form along Rosebank Road and within the immediate neighbourhood, which consists primarily of detached dwellings, ranging between one and two storeys. The siting of the proposed dwellings has been designed to maintain a consistent alignment with the adjacent properties with similar setbacks. Staff is of the opinion that the requested variances are desirable for the appropriate development of the land and are minor in nature. -95- Report LD 02/25, MV 09/25 & MV 10/25 March 12, 2025 Page 6 Input From Other Sources Applicant • The location of the property on a curved portion of the road means it is difficult in design to have a consistent building depth and setbacks. Building Services (LD 02/25, MV 09/25 & MV 10/25) • No concerns from Building Services. Building Permit is required prior construction. Fire Services (LD 02/25) • No comments on the land division application. Engineering Services (LD 02/25) • Refer to the Engineering Services memo dated February 21, 2025, attached hereto as Appendix II, for conditions of approval for LD 02/25. Engineering Services (MV 09/25 & MV 10/25) • Ensure the increased maximum dwelling depth and (if approved with this application) does not adversely affect the drainage patterns within the lots and surrounding area. Ensure the increased lot frontage setback (if approved with this application) does not adversely affect the drainage patterns within the lots and surrounding area. • Ensure the increased maximum lot coverage (if approved with this application) does not adversely affect the drainage patterns within the lots and surrounding area. • Ensure the reduced side yard setback (if approved with this application) does not adversely affect the drainage patterns within the lots and surrounding area. • Multiple Low Impact Development measures (such as infiltration galleries with downspout connections, rain gardens and 450mm amended soils) will be required at the Building Permit stage. -96- Report LD 02/25, MV 09/25 & MV 10/25 March 12, 2025 Page 7 Region of Durham Community Growth and Economic Development and Works Departments (LD 02/25) •Refer to the letters dated February 25, 2025, attached hereto as Appendix III, for the conditions of approvals for LD 02/25. Regional Development Advisory Services (MV 09/25 & MV 10/25) •No comments. Public Input •No written submissions have been received from the public as of the date of writing this report. Date of report: March 5, 2025 Comments prepared by: Original Signed By Original Signed By Kerry Yelk Deborah Wylie, MCIP, RPP Planner II Manager, Zoning & Administration KY:jc https://pickeringo365.sharepoint.com/sites/CityDevDept/D3500/2025/LD 02-25, MV 09-25 & MV 10-25/8. Report/LD 02-25, MV 09-25 & MV 10-25 Report.docx Attachments -97- Appendix I March 6, 2025 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Consent LD 02/25 The City Development Department has reviewed the above application and provides the following conditions, to be fulfilled by the applicant/owner: 1. Submit one copy of a Draft Reference Plan to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering, prior to depositing the plan with the Land Registry Office, that confirms the dimensions of the proposed retained and severed parcels, and that a survey be submitted showing the location of any buildings and structures located thereon. 2. Submit one copy of a Deposited Reference Plan, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering, upon completion of Condition 1 above. 3. Ensure that any zoning non-compliances identified through Condition 1 above, resulting from the proposed severance, be brought into compliance. 4. Ensure that any existing structure(s) on severed parcel or that straddle both the retained and severed parcels are removed and that all inspections have been completed. 5. Provide a certified cheque, made payable to the City of Pickering for cash -in lieu of parkland for each newly created lots. The parkland fee shall be in accordance with the City’s General Municipal Fees By-law in effect at the date of such payment (the current amount is $7,865.00 per each newly created lot). 6. Coordinate with the City of Pickering, City Development Department to assign an appropriate municipal address for the retained and severed parcels. 7. That the consent be subject to the following periods: • Last day for fulfilling Conditions is March 12, 2027 • Expiry Date of Application LD 02/25 is April 11, 2026 Upon fulfillment of these conditions the applicant must submit a cheque payable to the City of Pickering in the amount of $1,145.00 for the stamping of the deed package, to be prepared and submitted by a lawyer. Clearing Agencies 1. Prior to the signing of the certificate by the Secretary-Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary-Treasurer is to be advised in writing by the City Planning Department that Conditions #1 to #6 have been carried out to its satisfaction. -98- Appendix I Page 2 of 2 2. Prior to the signing of the certificate by the Secretary-Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary-Treasurer is to be advised in writing by the City Engineering Services Department that the Conditions in Appendix II have been carried out to its satisfaction. 3. Prior to the signing of the certificate by the Secretary-Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary-Treasurer is to be advised in writing by the Regional Community Growth and Economic Development Department that the Conditions in Appendix III have been carried out to its satisfaction. 4. Prior to the signing of the certificate by the Secretary-Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary-Treasurer is to be advised in writing by Regional Works Department that the Conditions in Appendix III have been carried out to its satisfaction. 5. Prior to the signing of the certificate by the Secretary-Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary-Treasurer is to be satisfied that the time periods outlined in Condition #7 have been adhered to. Advisory Comments 1. Once all conditions contained in the Committee's Decision are fully satisfied by the applicant, the applicant’s solicitor must prepare and forward the legal document(s) with the applicable stamping fee to the City of Pickering Committee of Adjustment office, to the attention of the Secretary-Treasurer for review and approval with stamping. The document(s) will be returned to the solicitor for registration purposes. Failing receipt by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Deed Package by the requisite date, the application shall be deemed expired and shall lapse. -99- Memo To: Kerry Yelk February 21, 2025 Planner II From: Paal Helgesen Division Head, Water Resources & Development Services Copy: Manager, Zoning & Administration Supervisor, Development Approvals Subject: Land Division Application LD 02/2025 -GHR Investments Corp. & G . Torcivia -1494 Rosebank Road File: D-4400 Water Resources & Development Services has reviewed the above application and provide the following conditions: 1.We have reviewed the draft reference (40R) plan and find it to be acceptable . The plan can be deposited at the Land Registry Office (LRO). 2.The applicant will be required to provide an Engineering Review Fee of $1,750.00 for the one proposed lot, and a fee of $2,330 for the clearance of Water Resources & Development Services conditions. A cheque, payable to the City of Pickering, in the amount of $4,080.00 will be required. 3.As a condition of severance, the applicant must pay to the City 217.18 ($2,550.00/hectare) for their Stormwater Maintenance Fee. 4.A preliminary grading and drainage plan will be required as a condition of severance. It must contain sufficient information regarding existing and proposed grades such that it can be adequately determined that development of this property will not adverse ly affect adjacent properties. The plan must illustrate Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Measures for the proposed lots, including, but not limited to, amended topsoil, permeable pavers on the driveway, infiltration galleries, and rain gardens. The plan should indicate existing vegetation/trees within and adjacent to the property that may be affected. The plan should indicate the proposed driveway locations and existing utilities within the boulevard. Relocation of utilities will be the applicant’s responsibility. 5.The City requires a stormwater management brief to be submitted for review. The brief shall address the following design criteria: •The 5-year post-development flow from the proposed development shall not exceed the 5-year pre-development flow. The runoff in excess of the pre-development flow must be Appendix II -100- February 21, 2025 Page 2 of 2 Land Division Application LD 02/2025 retained on the site through implementation of Low Impact Development (LID) measures, such as soakaway pits/infiltration trenches. All LID measures must be designed in accordance with the Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guide (CVC, TRCA, 2010). Sizing calculations and design information for all proposed LIDs must be provided in a Stormwater Management Design Brief signed and sealed by a Professional. Locations and details of the proposed measures must be shown on the Site Servicing/Grading Plan. • All proposed LID measures must be located solely on private property and must be owned and maintained by the property owner. All necessary information regarding the function and maintenance of the LID must be included in the purchase agreements. A Section 119 Restrictive Covenant is to be registered on title prohibiting the alteration or removal of the LID measures. • A minimum 450mm depth of amended soils should be specified for all grassed areas such as back yards, front yards, and side yards. Add appropriate notes on the Site Grading Plan. • Foundation/sump pump must discharge to the surface or to LIDs. • P-1020 is attached for your reference for a typical detail for a private soakaway pit. 6. A Tree Inventory and Protection/Removal Plan, prepared by a qualified Arborist or an Environmental Consultant is required. This information should address matters such as existing tree species, diameter, health, protection/removal strategies, and a propose d replanting plan. Compensation for loss of tree canopy will be required and is over and above any required boulevard tree as per the Boulevard Tree Planting Program . Ensure to include the City’s standard tree protection detail and notes on the tree protec tion plan (see attached). http://www.pickering.ca/en/city -hall/resources/tree-inventory -preservation-removal- compensation-requirements.pdf 7. Planting of one boulevard tree is required for each new lot being created. Where the planting of a boulevard tree is not possible, cash-in-lieu is to be provided as per the current Development Services Fee Schedule. PH:jl Attachment 2025 Development Services User Fee Schedule P-1020 Typical Res. Roof Water Inf Trench P-1100 Tree Preservation Protection Fencing P-1101 Tree Protection Notes -101- -102- -103- -104- -105- -106- -107- -108- If you require this information in an accessible format, please contact Planning Reception or call 1-800- 372-1102 extension 2548. The Regional Municipality of Durham Community Growth and Economic Development Department 605 Rossland Rd. E. Level 4 PO Box 623 Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 Canada 905-668-7711 1-800-372-1102 Email: planning@durham.ca durham.ca Brian Bridgeman, MCIP, RPP, PLE Commissioner of Community Growth and Economic Development February 25, 2025 Kerry Yelk Planning Department 1 The Esplanade South City of Pickering Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Re: Application for Consent LD 02/25 Durham Ref.: LD 013/2025 Applicants: GHR Investments Corp. & G. Torcivia Location: 1494 Rosebank Road Municipality: City of Pickering Hearing Date: March 12, 2025 Recommendation: That application LD 02/25 be approved subject to the applicants satisfying the Regional Works Department’s conditions contained in their letter dated February 21, 2025. 1.Purpose of Application The purpose of the consent application is to sever an 851.7 m2 residential parcel of land shown as Part 1 on the draft 40R-Plan, retaining a 937.4 m2 residential parcel of land shown as Part 2. The existing dwelling located on the subject property is proposed to be demolished to accommodate 2 new single-detached dwelling units. 2.Conformity with the Regional Official Plan (Envision Durham), Provincial Planning Statement (2024), and Provincial Plan Review Responsibilities Please be advised that effective January 1, 2025, the Region became an upper-tier municipality without planning responsibilities. As such, the comments pertaining to conformity and consistency with the Region of Durham Official Plan and provincial plans and policies and those comments relating to the Region’s delegated provincial plan review responsibilities now fall under the purview of the area municipalities. Appendix III -109- LD 02/25 -2- 3. Regional Department Comments Regional Works Department According to our water billing records, the subject property at 1494 Rosebank Road is connected to the Regional water supply. An additional existing water service and two sanitary services are available pre-stubbed at the property line abutting the retained and severed lots. As a condition of approval for this application, the applicants will be required to pay to the Region the costs of the water and sanitary connection and sanitary frontage charges. The Region has no objection with the proposed application s ubject to the applicants satisfying the Regional Works Department’s conditions contained in their letter dated February 21, 2025. 4. Conclusion The proposed application would permit the creation of 1 new residential lot. The existing dwelling located on the property is proposed to be demolished to accommodate the development of two new single-detached dwelling units. The proposal supports residential infilling and compact development. The Region has no objection with the proposed application. Yours truly, Vannitha Chanthavong Vannitha Chanthavong, MCIP, RPP Planner Attachment: 1. Regional Works comments February 21, 2025 cc: Michelle Rea, Regional Works Department -110- If you require this information in an accessible format, please call 1-800-372-1102 extension 2009. The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department 605 Rossland Rd. E. Level 5 PO Box 623 Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 Canada 905-668-7711 1-800-372-1102 works@durham. ca www.durham.ca Sent Via email February 21, 2025 Planning and Economic Development Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East, 4th Floor P.O. Box 623 Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 RE: File Number LD 013/2025 (LD 02/25) Owner: GHR Investments Corp. & G. Torcivia Applicant: Cesare Gallo 1494 Rosebank Road City of Pickering Dear Mr. Trombino, Please be advised that our department has no objections to the granting of approval for the above noted severance application. The application is for the creation of one new residential lot fronting Rosebank Road and retaining a residential lot fronting Rosebank Road. According to our water billing records, No. 1494 Rosebank Road is connected to the Regional water supply. An additional existing water service and two sanitary services are available pre-stubbed at the property line abutting the retained and severed lots. As a condition of approval for this application, the applicant will be required to pay to the Region the costs of the water and sanitary connection and sanitary frontage charges. In order to ensure the foregoing, our department requires our following standard condition to be imposed: “That the applicant satisfies all the requirements of the Regional Municipality of Durham concerning the provision of Regional services, financial and otherwise.” In order to satisfy the Regional Works Department conditions, the applicant will be required to fulfill the following: -111- 1494 Rosebank Road City of Pickering Page 2 of 2 1. Payment for one 19 mm water service connection at $3,885 per connection (flat rate): $3,885.00 2. Payment for two 100 mm sanitary service connection at $4,035.00 per connection (flat rate): $8,070.00 3. Payment for inspection of existing water service. $131.00 4. Payment for Sanitary Sewer frontage charges at $532 per metre ($532.00 x 30.48m) $16,701.82 The total amount owing at the current rate is $28,787.82. Payment shall be made by cheque or credit card. The above fees are subject to revision on January 1, 2026. Regional connection permits can be issued to the applicant once the above payment is remitted to our department. The Region of Durham will not permit the connection of weeping tiles to the sanitary sewer system for the severed lands in accordance with the Region’s Foundation Drain Policy. The severed land will be subject to Regional Development Charges at the time of building permit issuance. In the event you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Michelle Rea Development Approvals Technician Michelle.Rea@durham.ca 905-668-7711 x 3400 -112- Urban City of Pickering Established A 1 Appendix A Urban Design Guideline Checklist MV 09/25 – Part 1 (North Lot) City of Pickering Established Neighbourhood Precincts Urban Design Checklist Please note, if you mark “no” below please provide your rational in the adjacent “Comments” section either supporting or not supporting the proposal. Yes No Comments x 1. Is the proposed dwelling height and roof pitch similar/compatible with the surrounding dwellings? (see Section 2.1: Guideline 1) x 2. If the proposed new dwelling is significantly taller than an existing adjacent house, does the roof of the proposed new dwelling slope away from the existing adjacent house? (see Section 2.1: Guideline 2) x 3. Is the maximum elevation of the Front Entrance 1.2 metres, or less, above grade? (see Section 2.2: Guideline 1) x 4. Is the main entrance visible from the street? (see Section 2.2: Guideline 2) x 5. Are the stairs to the main entrance designed as an integral component of the front façade? (Section 2.2: Guideline 7) x 6. Does the design of the front entrance reduce the visual dominance of the garage and driveway? (see Section 2.2: Guideline 9) x 7. Does the proposed dwelling have a similar Dwelling Depth to the adjacent dwellings along the street? (see Section 2.3: Guideline 2) -113- Appendix A Urban Design Checklist Cont’d Urban City of Pickering Established A 2 Yes No Comments x 8. Does the proposed dwelling have a similar Side Yard Setback to the adjacent dwellings along the street? (see Figure 15) x 9. Has shadow on adjacent dwellings been mitigated with greater Side Yard Setbacks? (Section 3.1: Guideline 2) x 10. Is the garage flush or recessed from the main front wall? (see Section 3.2: Guideline 5) The design of garage is flush with the main front wall. x 11. Is the proposed driveway width the same as the permitted garage width? (see Section 3.3: Guideline 1) x 12. Does the plan preserve existing trees? (see Section 4.1: Guideline 1) -114- Urban City of Pickering Established A 1 Appendix B Urban Design Guideline Checklist MV 10/25 – Part 2 (South Lot) City of Pickering Established Neighbourhood Precincts Urban Design Checklist Please note, if you mark “no” below please provide your rational in the adjacent “Comments” section either supporting, or not supporting the proposal. Yes No Comments X 1.Is the proposed dwelling height and roof pitch similar/compatible with the surrounding dwellings? (see Section 2.1: Guideline 1) X 2.If the proposed new dwelling is significantly taller than an existing adjacent house, does the roof of the proposed new dwelling slope away from the existing adjacent house? (see Section 2.1: Guideline 2) X 3.Is the maximum elevation of the Front Entrance 1.2 metres, or less, above grade? (see Section 2.2: Guideline 1) X 4.Is the main entrance visible from the street? (see Section 2.2: Guideline 2) X 5.Are the stairs to the main entrance designed as an integral component of the front façade? (Section 2.2: Guideline 7) X 6.Does the design of the front entrance reduce the visual dominance of the garage and driveway? (see Section 2.2: Guideline 9) X 7.Does the proposed dwelling have a similar Dwelling Depth to the adjacent dwellings along the street? (see Section 2.3: Guideline 2) -115- Appendix B Urban Design Checklist Cont’d Urban City of Pickering Established A 2 Yes No Comments X 8.Does the proposed dwelling have a similar Side Yard Setback to the adjacent dwellings along the street? (see Figure 15) X 9.Has shadow on adjacent dwellings been mitigated with greater Side Yard Setbacks? (Section 3.1: Guideline 2) X 10.Is the garage flush or recessed from the main front wall? (see Section 3.2: Guideline 5) The proposed attached garage is flush with the front wall. X 11.Is the proposed driveway width the same as the permitted garage width? (see Section 3.3: Guideline 1) X 12.Does the plan preserve existing trees? (see Section 4.1: Guideline 1) -116- Ex h i b i t 2 Pa r t 1 Pa r t 2 LD 0 2 / 2 5 Re t a i n e d Co n s e n t t o s e v e r a n 8 5 1 . 7 s q u a r e m e t r e r e s i d e n t i a l Pa r c e l pa r c e l o f l a n d ( P a r t 1 ) , r e t a i n i n g a 9 3 7 . 4 s q u a r e (9 3 7 . 4 m 2) me t r e r e s i d e n t i a l p a r c e l o f l a n d ( P a r t 2 ) . Se v e r e d Pa r c e l (8 5 1 . 7 m 2) La n d s a c q u i r e d fo r f u t u r e Ro s e b a n k R o a d re a l i g n m e n t Su b m i t t e d D r a f t R e f e r e n c e P l a n Fi l e N o : LD 0 2 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : GH R I n v e s t m e n t s C o r p . & J . T o r c i v i a Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 14 9 4 R o s e b a n k R o a d CO N T A C T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T F O R D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -118- Ex h i b i t 3 to p e r m i t a to p e r m i t a m i n i m u m s i d e y a r d ma x i m u m l o t to p e r m i t a m a x i m u m d w e l l i n g d e p t h o f se t b a c k : o n e s i d e ( n o r t h ) 1 . 4 m e t r e s co v e r a g e o f 26 . 5 m e t r e s an d o t h e r s i d e ( s o u t h ) 1 . 2 m e t r e s 34 . 5 p e r c e n t MV 10 / 2 4 – Pa r t 2 Su b m i t t e d S i t e P l a n ( M V 09 /2 5 - P a r t 1 ) Fi l e N o : MV 09 / 2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : GH R I n v e s t m e n t s C o r p . & G . T o r c i v i a Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 14 9 4 R o s e b a n k R o a d ( P a r t 1 ) FU L L S C A L E C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N A R E A V A I L A B L E F O R V I E W I N G A T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T . to p e r m i t a ma x i m u m f r o n t ya r d s e t b a c k o f 12 . 7 m e t r e s Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -119- Ex h i b i t 4 to p e r m i t a MV 09 /2 4 – Pa r t 1 ma x i m u m f r o n t ya r d s e t b a c k o f 13 . 9 5 m e t r e s to p e r m i t a m i n i m u m s i d e y a r d se t b a c k : o n e s i d e ( s o u t h ) 1 . 5 m e t r e s an d o t h e r s i d e ( n o r t h ) 1 . 2 m e t r e s Su b m i t t e d S i t e P l a n ( M V 10 /2 5 - P a r t 2 ) Fi l e N o : MV 10 /2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : GH R I n v e s t m e n t s C o r p . & G . T o r c i v i a Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 14 9 4 R o s e b a n k R o a d ( P a r t 2 ) FU L L S C A L E C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N A R E A V A I L A B L E F O R V I E W I N G A T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -120- Ex h i b i t 5 MV 1 0 / 2 5 – Pa r t 2 MV 09 /2 5 – Pa r t 1 Su b m i t t e d E a s t E l e v a t i o n s ( F r o n t ) Fi l e N o : MV 09 / 2 5 & M V 1 0 / 2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : GH R I n v e s t m e n t s C o r p . & G . T o r c i v i a Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 14 9 4 R o s e b a n k R o a d FU L L S C A L E C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N A R E A V A I L A B L E F O R V I E W I N G A T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T DE P A R T M E N T . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -121- Ex h i b i t 6 MV 1 0 / 2 5 – Pa r t 2 MV 09 /2 5 – Pa r t 1 Su b m i t t e d W e s t E l e v a t i o n s ( R e a r ) Fi l e N o : MV 09 / 2 5 & M V 1 0 / 2 5 Ap p l i c a n t : GH R I n v e s t m e n t s C o r p . & G . T o r c i v i a Mu n i c i p a l A d d r e s s : 14 9 4 R o s e b a n k R o a d FU L L S C A L E C O P I E S O F T H I S P L A N A R E A V A I L A B L E F O R V I E W I N G A T T H E C I T Y O F P I C K E R I N G C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T DE P A R T M E N T . Da t e : F e b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 2 5 -122-