HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 20, 2024Page 1 of 8 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday, February 20, 2024 Main Committee Room 7:00pm Attendees: D. Thompson, Cultural Advisory Committee, Chair S. Almeida-Schroen, Cultural Advisory Committee, Vice-Chair M. McFarland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R. Coelho, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Palmer, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Mujeeb, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Elliott, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R. Wali, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Z. Kazi, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. Murray, (Acting) Division Head, Culture and Community Programming K. Roberts, (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Staff Liaison) S. Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art K. Bradley, (Acting) Curator, Pickering Museum Village S. England, (Acting) Clerk, Culture and Recreation (Recording Secretary) Absent: M. Nagy, City Councillor, Ward 2 J. Elliot, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Item / Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Call to Order D. Thompson welcomed the Cultural Advisory Committee members and called the meeting to order. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes D. Thompson put forth the motion for adoption of the current agenda and the minutes as circulated. Moved by M. McFarland Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes January 16, 2024 Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda February 20, 2024 Carried Page 2 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3. Disclosures of Interest There were no disclosures of interest noted to matters on the agenda. 4. Delegations There were no delegations for the meeting. 5. General Business 5.1 J. St. Amant RE: 2024 CAC Work Plan & 2023 Achievements for Endorsement J. St. Amant spoke to the 2024 CAC Work Plan & 2023 Achievements seeking endorsement from the CAC Members. His statement noted that the plan had been forward facing for three months and to date no comments or changes had been put forth. A brief discussion ensued. • In referencing the noted outline of formation of a sub-committee on page 5 of the Work Plan, M. McFarland requested the removal of “including local cultural groups and tourism industry stakeholders” from the committee’s projects and initiatives. • In accepting the Work Plan as written, J. St. Amant will make the edit as requested and remove the above noted bolded wording. J. St. Amant requested endorsement from the CAC Members. Moved by M. McFarland Carried. J. St. Amant to contact the Clerk’s Office with regards to the formation of a sub-committee and the required approvals. Page 3 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5.2 S. Barakov RE: Kinston Road Expression of Interest Public Art Commission Selection for Endorsement S. Barakov presented the results of the Kingston Road Expression of Interest Public Art Commission. Javid Jah had been awarded the Public Art opportunity. This decision was made following the concept presentations from three Artists to the Public Art Jury on February 8th, 2024. S. Barakov and Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee reviewed the Terms of Reference that had been previously distributed the Committee as well as the Artist concepts for Javid Jah’s Public Art Piece. There were no questions. Moved by M. McFarland Carried. 5.3 K. Bradley RE: Pickering Museum Village – Update K. Bradley spoke to Pickering Museum Village providing updates in follow up to E. Tayles presentation at the Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting January 16, 2024. • The Forging On website for the Blacksmith Shop will be up and running in both English and French languages before the end of March 2024. The link will be shared with the Cultural Advisory Committee once available. • Work is progressing on both the Log House and Log Barn exhibits. Programming should commence by May 2024. • The invitation to bid on the Redman House renovations has been tendered. The project is scheduled for completion in 2026. The upgrades will include the washrooms, staffing areas, and flooring. • The site groundwork has commenced for the Pickering Heritage and Community Centre. There were no questions. Page 4 of 8 5.4 K. Roberts RE: 2024 Event Schedule K. Roberts shared details of the City of Pickering’s 2024 Event Schedule. Statements included that the Cultural Services Team would be supporting over seventy events. An invitation was extended to the Cultural Advisory Committee for Members to participate with an Outreach Table at various events. Highlighted events and dates included: • Artfest on May 25th and 26th • Canada Day July 1st • Cultural Fusion September 14th • Fall Fling October 19th and 26th • Winter Wonderland December 7th and 14th Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee will also be receiving invitations for the following Public Art unveilings: • On The Backs of Fish, June 7th • Roots of Rebellion on June 1st. A brief discussion ensued. R. Wali inquired as to the timelines regarding the Cultural Advisory Committee having an outreach table at events and what would be involved. K. Roberts stated that the Cultural Service Team would be able to support with any marketing, tents, tables, and chairs that may be required for the Outreach Table. J. St. Amant and D. Thompson agreed to put the Cultural Advisory Committee’s outreach at events on the March 19, 2024, Meeting Agenda for further discussions and planning. J. St. Amant requesting the Cultural Advisory Members to review the 2024 Events Calendar and bring to the next meeting availability with regards outreach. Page 5 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6. Correspondence There was no correspondence to be presented to the Cultural Advisory Committee. 7. Other Business 7.1 S. Barakov RE: Gordon Lightfoot Expression of Interest Public Art S. Barakov spoke to the call to artists and the shortlist of three Artists selected by the Public Art Jury for the Gordon Lightfoot Public Art piece. In a statement, S. Barakov shared that this Expression of Interest for Public Art has been temporarily placed on hold pending community consultation on April 1st at George Ashe Community Centre. It was confirmed pending consultation that the three selected Artists will have 15-to-20-minute timeslots to present their concepts on the Gazebo Stage at Artfest on May 25th. The community and Public Art Jury will vote to select the Gordon Lightfoot Public Art Piece. There were no questions. 7.2 S. Barakov RE: Remembrance Poppy Sidewalk Maker S. Barakov spoke to the details of a new Public Art directive from Members of Council to the Community Services staff for the creation of a new Public Art Installation named Remembrance Poppy Sidewalk Marker. The permanent Poppy art installation will be placed in Esplanade Park along the path route to the Cenotaph. This is the same route walked annually by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 606, and veterans during Remembrance Day Service. The project has a budget of $35,000.00 from the Public Art Reserve, pending Council approval. S. Barakov shared the timelines for the project: • Council approval by the first week of March • The call to Artists in mid-March Page 6 of 8 • Public Art Jury to meet in mid-April • Request for endorsement from the Cultural Advisory Committee at the April 16th, 2024, meeting. • Installation is proposed for Summer 2024 • The unveiling on October 25, 2024, to correspond with the Royal Canadian Legion’s Poppy Campaign. There were no questions. 7.3 S. Barakov RE: Indigenous Waterfront Public Art Update S. Barakov spoke to the revitalization of Public Art at Pickering’s Waterfront, Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park. Stating that there is currently a call for Indigenous Artists and that the City of Pickering is working in consultation with an Indigenous Consultant with regards to the concepts submitted. Calls for endorsement from the Cultural Advisory Committee will follow at a future date. There were no questions. 7.4 S. Almeida-Schroen RE: New Business – not on the agenda RE: Comments made by a Pickering City Councillor pertaining to Black History Month S. Almeida-Schroen spoke to the responsibilities and the Terms Of Reference of the Cultural Advisory Committee in relation to a recent comment made by a Member of Pickering Council about Black History Month. The question brought forth by S. Almeida- Schroen whether the Cultural Advisory Committee should respond or put out a statement in response to the comment? A conversation ensued between S. Almeida-Schroen and Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee. • Some Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee were not aware of the comment made and requested further details as to what was said by the Member of Council. • Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee will consider collaboration/consulting with other Committees like the Pickering Anti-Black S. Almeida-Schroen will reach out to the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Task Force with D. Thompson copied on any correspondence for collaboration opportunities in response to the comments made by the Member of Council. Page 7 of 8 Racism Task Force, Community Safety and Well-Being Committee as well as Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion within the Office of the CAO. • D. Thompson will attend the next Meeting of Council on February 26, 2024, at 7:00 pm. • S. Almeida-Schroen will correspond with the Cultural Advisory Committee Members by email. 7.5 M. McFarland RE: Letter to Council about the Pickering Hertiage and Community Centre. M. McFarland spoke to the letter written to Members of Council by the Cultural Advisory Committee Members providing their support for the Pickering Heritage and Community Centre’s inclusion in the 2024 Budget. A brief conversation ensued. K. Roberts explained that the letter was included, however, due to time constraints and other formalities it did not garner strong reference or support. In future other means of communication with Members of Council are to be considered. 7.6 R. Coelho RE: Name documentation on January 16, 2024, Cultural Advisory Meeting Minutes R. Coelho spoke to her name not being formally noted on the January 16, 2024, Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes and that she was absent from the meeting. D. Thompson called for any further business. There were no further discussions. 8. Next Meeting – March 19, 2024. The next Cultural Advisory meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 19, 2023, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. 9. Adjournment Page 8 of 8 Moved by D. Thompson Carried. Meeting Adjourned: 7:54 pm. Copy: Director, Community Services