HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 8116/24The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. 8116/24 Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 51 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 23-001/P) Whereas pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p. 13, subsections 17(22) and 21(1), the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering may, by by-law, adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering; And whereas pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has by order authorized Regional Council to pass a by-law to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; And whereas on February 23, 2000, Regional Council passed By-law 11/2000 which allows the Region to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; And whereas the Region has advised that Amendment 51 to the City of Pickering Official Plan is exempt from Regional approval; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1.That Amendment 51 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, attached hereto asExhibit “A”, is hereby adopted; 2.That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Regional Municipality of Durham the documentation required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments. 3.This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing hereof. By-law passed this 24th day of June, 2024. Original Signed By________________________________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor ________________________________ Original Signed By Susan Cassel, City Clerk Exhibit “A” to By-law 8116/24 Amendment 51 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Amendment 51 to the Pickering Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to re-designate the lands located on the southwest corner of Liverpool Road and Annland Street from “Urban Residential Areas – Low Density Areas” and “Open Space System- Marina Areas” to “Urban Residential Areas – Medium Density Areas” to facilitate a residential common element condominium development. Location: The site specific amendment affects the lands located on the southwest corner of Liverpool Road and Annland Street, described as Lots 8 to 12, Plan M-89, City of Pickering. Basis: Through the review of Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 23-001/P, Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/23, Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2023-01 and Draft Plan of Condominium CP-2023-02, City Council determined that the Amendment facilitates a development that is compatible with the surrounding community, and is an appropriate intensification project in Pickering’s urban area. The Amendment is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement 2020, and conforms to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020) and the Durham Regional Official Plan. Actual Amendment: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1.Amending Schedule I – Land Use Structure by replacing the “Urban ResidentialAreas – Low Density Areas” and “Open Space System – Marina Areas”designations with “Urban Residential Areas – Medium Density Areas” designation for lands located on the south of Annland Street, west of Liverpool Road and north ofWharf Street, as illustrated on Schedule ‘A’ attached to this amendment. Implementation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. OPA 23-001/P A 02/23 SP-2023-01 CP-2023-02 Liverpool Road Partnership Pl e a s a n t S t r e e t F r o n t R o a d Cit y o f T o r o n t o Cit y o f M a r k h a m Tow n o f W h i t b y TownofAjax Township of Uxbridge Area ShownonThis Map Open Space System Marina Area Natural Area Urban Residential Areas Low Density Land Use Structure Existing Official Plan Schedule 'A' to Amendment '51' City of PickeringCity Development Department© June, 2024This Map Forms Part of Edition 9 of the Pickering Official Plan andMust Be Read in Conjunction with the Other Schedules and the Text. Edition 9 Extract of Schedule I to the Pickering Official Plan Re-designate from "Urban Residential Areas- Low Density Areas" and "Open Space System- Marina Areas" to "Urban Residential Areas - Medium Density Areas" Wharf Street Li v e r p o o l R o a d Annland Street