HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 10, 2024 Draft Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes June 10, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 7:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Brenner 1 Present: Mayor Kevin Ashe Councillors: M. Brenner S. Butt L. Cook D. Pickles L. Robinson Absent M. Nagy Also Present: M. Carpino - Chief Administrative Officer K. Bentley - Director, City Development & CBO C. Rose - Chief Planner D. Jacobs - Manager, Policy & Geomatics N. Surti - Division Head, Development Review & Urban Design C. Morrison - Principal Planner, Development Review E. Game - Senior Planner, Heritage C. Redmond - (Acting) Deputy Clerk J. Currie - Legislative Coordinator 1. Call to Order/Roll Call The Deputy Clerk certified that all Members of Council were present save and except Councillor Nagy and noted that all Members were participating in-person, save and except Councillor Pickles, who was participating electronically. Councillor Brenner, Chair, read a statement to the gallery that in accordance with the City’s Procedure By-law, meeting attendees may not record any portion of the meeting and may not take photographs unless they have been granted permission by Two-Thirds majority of Committee. 2. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. Draft Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes June 10, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 7:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Brenner 2 3. Delegations 3.1 Brian Moss, Brian Moss & Associated Ltd. Re: Report PLN 21-24 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 23-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/23 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2023-01 Draft Plan of Condominium CP-2023-02 Liverpool Road Limited Partnership (607 & 609 Annland Street, 640 Liverpool Road & 1276, 1280, 1288, 1290, 1292 & 1294 Wharf Street) Brian Moss, Brian Moss & Associates Ltd, appeared before the Committee representing Liverpool Road Limited Partnership, to speak to Report PLN 21-24. Mr. Moss advised that amendments were made to the plan after community consultation and work with staff. Mr. Moss stated that he agreed with all recommendations included in the Report except the recommendation to enlarge the private open space, publicly accessible at the northwest corner of Liverpool Road and Wharf Street. Mr. Moss referred to a handout that he provided to Committee prior to the meeting that outlined plans for compressed outdoor space, including features to commemorate the Avis Residence. 3.2 Shea Lasky, Property Owner Re: Report PLN 16-24 Bill 23: Provincial Legislation Changes to the Ontario Heritage Act and Priority Properties for Designation - 1027-1031 Dunbarton Road Shea Lasky, Property Owner, appeared before the Committee via electronic connection to speak to Report PLN 16-24. Mr. Lasky stated that he was opposed to the designation of 1027-1031 Dunbarton Road as a Heritage Property. Mr. Lasky noted that the restrictions of the heritage designation would cause financial hardship and remove his ability to decide the property’s fate. He spoke to his concerns with the minor variance process and the need to restart the heritage impact assessment process should the property be designated, further delaying his construction plans. In conclusion, Mr. Lasky urged the Committee to vote against the Heritage Designation, his willingness to respect the original heritage and design of the building in future renovations, and that he would continue collaborating with City staff. 3.3 Vanessa Hicks, Associate, MHBC Planning Re: Report PLN 18-24 Draft Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes June 10, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 7:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Brenner 3 Bill 23: Priority Properties for Designation - 401 Kingston Road and 1 Evelyn Avenue Vanessa Hicks, Associate, MHBC Planning, appeared before the Committee via electronic connection to speak to Report PLN 18-24. Ms. Hicks stated that she was a Heritage Planner and had worked with the property owner and was in agreement with the staff recommendations to not designate 401 Kingston Road and 1 Evelyn Avenue and to approve the removal of the properties from the City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register. A brief question and answer period ensued between Members of the Committee and Ms. Hicks regarding whether the property owners were developers. 3.4 Brian Hawke, Property Owner Scott Magder, Property Owner Re: Report PLN 18-24 Bill 23: Priority Properties for Designation - 401 Kingston Road and 1 Evelyn Avenue Brian Hawke, Property Owner, and Scott Magder, Property Owner, appeared before the Committee to speak to Report PLN 18-24. Mr. Hawke stated that he and Mr. Magder owned the property at 1 Evelyn Avenue and were in support of the staff recommendations to not designate 401 Kingston Road and 1 Evelyn Avenue and to the removal of the properties from the City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register. A brief question and answer period ensued between Members of the Committee and Mr. Hawke confirming that they were not developers. 3.5 Jeff O’Donnell, Pickering Resident Re: Report PLN 21-24 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 23-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/23 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2023-01 Draft Plan of Condominium CP-2023-02 Liverpool Road Limited Partnership (607 & 609 Annland Street, 640 Liverpool Road & 1276, 1280, 1288, 1290, 1292 & 1294 Wharf Street) Jeff O’Donnell appeared before the Committee to speak to Report PLN 21-21. Mr. O’Donnell noted the need for Frenchman’s Bay and the Nautical Village to be treated with care and respect. Mr. O’Donnell discussed keeping the density of Draft Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes June 10, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 7:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Brenner 4 Frenchman’s Bay and Nautical Village at low density to allow for open, green, and inviting space. He described the current proposal as generic, and noted his concerns regarding the proposed parking solutions. Mr. O’Donnell noted that the proposal lacked green space and suggested more public access to private green spaces. He also noted concerns regarding privacy issues with homes being built close to the roads that had balconies overlooking neighbours. 3.6 Frances Scott, Pickering Resident Re: Report PLN 21-24 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 23-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/23 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2023-01 Draft Plan of Condominium CP-2023-02 Liverpool Road Limited Partnership (607 & 609 Annland Street, 640 Liverpool Road & 1276, 1280, 1288, 1290, 1292 & 1294 Wharf Street) Frances Scott appeared before the Committee to speak to Report PLN 21-24. Ms. Scott expressed concerns regarding increased traffic congestion on Liverpool and Bayly Street. She noted that an additional 51 homes could potentially add over 100 cars parking and driving in the area. 3.7 Cassandra Schilling, Pickering Resident Re: Report PLN 21-24 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 23-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/23 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2023-01 Draft Plan of Condominium CP-2023-02 Liverpool Road Limited Partnership (607 & 609 Annland Street, 640 Liverpool Road & 1276, 1280, 1288, 1290, 1292 & 1294 Wharf Street) Cassandra Schilling appeared before the Committee to speak to Report PLN 21-24. Ms. Schilling identified her biggest concern as safety. She noted issues with speeding and distracted driving due to lack of parking availability as well as there being no bike lanes or crosswalks. Ms. Schilling raised further concerns regarding Emergency Medical Services access and response times. She noted that the City appeared to be prioritizing development over citizens safety. Ms. Schilling discussed the traffic studies having been completed two years ago, and after conducting her own study, stated the results were no longer accurate. Ms. Schilling noted that the one proposed designated Accessible Parking spot was insufficient. Ms. Schilling discussed the City’s free bus program, noting that as it Draft Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes June 10, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 7:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Brenner 5 had not been tested, there was no guarantee of its success. Ms. Schilling concluded by summarizing her concerns regarding health for residents, wildlife, and the environment and noted that the developers did not appear to be willing to work with residents in the area. 4. Planning & Development Reports 4.1 Director, City Development & CBO, Report PLN 15-24 Part IV Designation under the Ontario Heritage Act The Percy House - 895 Wonder Drive (formerly 815 Highway 7) Recommendation: Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Butt 1. That Council endorse the recommendations of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, dated September 7, 2022, to designate 895 Wonder Drive (formerly 815 Highway 7) under Section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act; 2. That Council direct staff to serve a Notice of Intention to Designate the property located at 895 Wonder Drive, known as the Percy House, as a property of cultural heritage value or interest, pursuant, to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, included as Attachments 5 and 6 to Report PLN 15-24; 3. That, should no Notice of Objection be received by the Clerk within 30 days of the publication of the Notice of Intention to Designate, the Designation By-law for 895 Wonder Drive, included as Attachment 4 to Report PLN 15-24, be presented to Council for passing, and that staff be directed to carry out the notice requirements as prescribed under Section 29(8) of the Ontario Heritage Act; and, 4. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take such actions as necessary to give effect to this report. Carried 4.2 Director, City Development & CBO, Report PLN 16-24 Bill 23: Provincial Legislation Changes to the Ontario Heritage Act and Priority Properties for Designation Draft Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes June 10, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 7:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Brenner 6 1027-1031 Dunbarton Road Emily Game, Senior Planner, Heritage, provided a brief summary of the staff support of the Heritage designation of the property 1027-1031 Dunbarton Road. Brief discussion ensued between Members of the Committee and staff regarding clarification of the time span given to the property owner to submit and amend their building permit application prior to the Heritage designation recommendation. Recommendation: Moved by Councillor Cook Seconded by Councillor Ashe 1. That Council endorse the recommendations of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, dated March 27, 2024, to designate 1027-1031 Dunbarton Road under Section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act; 2. That Council direct staff to serve a Notice of Intention to Designate the property located at 1027-1031 Dunbarton Road, known as the George Falconer House and Store, as a property of cultural heritage value or interest, pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, included as Attachments 5 and 6 to Report PLN 16-24; 3. That, should no Notice of Objection be received by the City Clerk within 30 days of the publication of the Notice of Intention to Designate, the Designation By-law for 1027-1031 Dunbarton Road, included as Attachment 4 to Report PLN 16-24, be presented to Council for passing, and that staff be directed to carry out the notice requirements as prescribed under Section 29(8) of the Ontario Heritage Act; and, 4. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take such actions as necessary to give effect to this report. Lost on a Recorded Vote as Follows: Yes: No: Councillor Brenner Councillor Butt Councillor Cook Councillor Pickles Councillor Robinson Mayor Ashe Draft Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes June 10, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 7:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Brenner 7 4.3 Director, City Development & CBO, Report PLN 18-24 Bill 23: Priority Properties for Designation 401 Kingston Road and 1 Evelyn Avenue Recommendation: Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Cook 1. That Council endorse the recommendations of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, dated April 24, 2024, not to designate 401 Kingston Road and 1 Evelyn Avenue under Section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act; 2. That Council approve the removal of the properties at 401 Kingston Road and 1 Evelyn Avenue from the City of Pickering Municipal Heritage Register; and, 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take such actions as necessary to give effect to this report. Carried 4.4 Director, City Development & CBO, Report PLN 21-24 Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 23-001/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/23 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2023-01 Draft Plan of Condominium CP-2023-02 Liverpool Road Limited Partnership (607 & 609 Annland Street, 640 Liverpool Road & 1276, 1280, 1288, 1290, 1292 & 1294 Wharf Street) Nilesh Surti, Division Head, Development Review & Urban Design, appeared before the Committee and spoke to concerns raised regarding the density of the development, overall site design, traffic, parking, and public access to outdoor spaces. Mr. Surti noted that staff concurred with the findings of the Transportation Brief prepared by Dillon Consulting that was provided by the Liverpool Road Limited Partnership. A question and answer period ensued between Members of the Committee and staff regarding: • whether the traffic study was conducted by a reputable firm; Draft Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes June 10, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 7:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Brenner 8 • clarification of the standard number of parking spots to comply with City By-laws; • clarification of the Heritage designation of the Avis House and the inclusion of a commemorative space; • clarification of what stage the development was at in the approval process and whether Council would have further opportunity to comment on detailed site plans; • clarification that the set back of the new townhomes would be further back than existing Nautical Village homes; • clarification that decisions related to access and improvements to Highway 401 resides with MTO and whether MTO was aware of the projected growth in Pickering; • clarification of who paid for the traffic study done by Dillon Consulting; • whether all Site Plans go to the Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee for review; and, • whether the site plan application could be sent to the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee. Recommendation: Moved by Mayor Ashe Seconded by Councillor Robinson 1. That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 23-001/P, submitted by Liverpool Road Limited Partnership, to re-designate the lands located on the southwest corner of Liverpool Road and Annland Street from “Urban Residential Areas – Low Density Areas” and “Open Space System – Marina Areas” to “Urban Residential Areas – Medium Density Areas” to facilitate a residential common element condominium development be approved, and that the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 51 to the Pickering Official Plan as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 21-24 be forwarded to Council for enactment; 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/23, submitted by Liverpool Road Limited Partnership, to facilitate a residential common element condominium development consisting of a maximum of 51 townhouse units, 10 of which will contain commercial floorspace at-grade fronting Liverpool Road, be approved, and that the draft Zoning By-law Amendment, as set out in Appendix II to Report PLN 21-24, be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment; and, Draft Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes June 10, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 7:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Brenner 9 3. That Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2023-01, submitted by Liverpool Road Limited Partnership, to establish a development block to facilitate a residential condominium development and a block for common amenity space, as shown in Attachment 5 to Report PLN 21-24, and the implementing conditions of approval, as set out in Appendix III, be endorsed. Carried on a Recorded Vote as Follows: Yes: No: Councillor Brenner Councillor Robinson Councillor Butt Councillor Cook Councillor Pickles Mayor Ashe 5. Member Updates on Committees 5.1 There were no Committee updates from Members. 6. Other Business 6.1 Councillor Butt gave Notice that he would be bringing forward a Motion regarding BBQs in City parks. 6.2 Councillor Robinson gave Notice that she would be bringing forward a Motion regarding lowering the qualifying age of seniors to 55 for senior programs at the Chestnut Hills Developments Recreation Centre. 6.3 Councillor Robinson gave Notice that she would be bringing forward a Motion regarding increasing the cash intake limit at recreation facilities in Pickering to match the highest fee paid at the facility. 7. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Robinson Seconded by Councillor Butt That the meeting be adjourned. Carried Draft Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes June 10, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting – 7:00 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Brenner 10 The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.