HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 21, 2024 - RevisedFor information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca Cultural Advisory Committee Agenda May 21, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting - 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. Page 1.Welcome and Call to Order D. Thompson 2.Review and Approval of Agenda D. Thompson 3.Disclosure of Interest D.Thompson 4.Approval of Minutes 4.1 April 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes D. Thompson 3 5.Presentations/Delegations 6.General Business 6.1 Pickering Arts Culture Engagement (PACE) Subcommittee Update M. McFarland 6.2 Public Art Commission: Poppy Sidewalk Markers For Endorsement Selected Artist S. Barakov 6.3 Electrical Box Wraps: Call to Artists For Endorsement S. Barakov 6.4 Public Art Project Updates S. Barakov 6.5 Pickering Museum Village Update K. Bradley 7.Correspondence D. Thompson 8.Other Business D. Thompson 9.Next Meeting – Tuesday, June 18, 2024 D. Thompson Agenda April 16, 2024 Cultural Advisory Committee Page 2 of 2 For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca 10.Adjournment D. Thompson Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday April 16, 2024 7:00 pm Main Committee Room – Pickering Civic Centre Attendees: S. Almeida-Schroen, Cultural Advisory Committee, Vice-Chair D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M.McFarland, Cultural Advisory Committee MemberA.Mujeeb, Cultural Advisory Committee MemberA.Palmer, Cultural Advisory Committee MemberR. Wali, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R. Coelho, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J.Elliott, Cultural Advisory Committee MemberZ.Kazi, Cultural Advisory Committee MemberS.Barakov, Coordinator, Public ArtK. Bradley, (Acting) Curator, Pickering Museum Village C. Farrell, Event CoordinatorM.Nagy, City Councillor, Ward 2K.Roberts, Manager, Cultural ServicesC. Farrell, (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services J.St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Staff Liaison) S. England, (Acting) Clerk, Culture and Recreation Absent: D.Thompson, Cultural Advisory Committee, Chair Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Call to Order S.Almeida-Schroen welcomed the Cultural AdvisoryCommittee (CAC) members and called the meeting toorder 2. Review and Approval of Agenda S.Almeida-Schroen put forth a motion for adoption of the current agenda as circulated. Moved by M. McFarland Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda April 16, 2024 Carried - 1 - Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3. Disclosure of Interest There were no disclosures of interest to matters on the agenda. 4. Approval of Minutes S.Almeida-Schroen put forth a motion for adoptionof the minutes as circulated. Moved by M. McFarland Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes March 19, 2024 Carried 5. Presentations and Delegations There were no delegations for the meeting. 6. General Business 6.1 J. St. Amant RE: City Centre Banner Display Program Update Jesse spoke to the new request from The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 606 for the installation of seven additional Remembrance Day Commemorative Banners along Bayly Street as per City Policy CUL 140.The intake for applications occurs twice per yearand one application has been received. A brief discussion ensued: •A question about only one application beingreceived. •The application processes. J. St. Amant requested endorsement from the CACMembers. Moved by A. Palmer Carried. 6.2 M. McFarland RE: Pickering Arts Cultural Engagement (PACE) Subcommittee Update - 2 - Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) M.McFarland provided an overview the April 3, 2024,meeting of the Pickering Arts Cultural Engagement(PACE). M. McFarland spoke to details of the meeting: •operational guidelines; •subcommittee goals; •objectives that are measurable forrecommendations; and, •community engagement thru events, partnerships, and public art that represents the community mosaic. M. McFarland put forth four motions: 1.A motion to have PACE First Meeting Report from April 3, 2024, added to the CAC’s April16, 2024, meeting minutes.2.A motion requesting the CAC recommend aplan to expand Cultural Fusion in 2025. 3.CAC to accept the second of the PAC’s noted objective.4.CAC to accept the third of the PAC’s notedobjective. A discussion ensued regarding: •the goals of the CAC in comparison; •the CAC’s end of term and how the objectives of PACE will move forward; •the integration of Indigenous history; and, •the census numbers included in the chart. 6.3 S. Barakov RE: Placemaking – Live Painting Battle Artist Selection for Endorsement S.Barakov provided an overview to the Placemaking –Live Painting Battle: •the call to local artist received foursubmissions; and, •guests to Artfest on May 25, 26 can sign up toparticipate in the Live Painting Battle. A discussion ensued: •how the concept was created; •the use of the artwork; J. St. Amant to share thePickering Arts Cultural Engagement (PACE) Report with Members of the CAC joining the meeting virtually. - 3 - Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) •an inquiry if the local high schools had beeninvited to participate; •the definition of placemaking being staffreviewed; and, •how the winner will be chosen. S.Barakov requested endorsement from the CACMembers. Moved M. McFarland Carried. 6.4 S. Barakov RE: Placemaking – Durham at 50, Muskoka Chair Art Celebration Artist Selection for Endorsement S.Barakov provided an overview of the Placemaking–Durham at 50, Muskoka Chair Art Celebration: •The Region will be donating two Muskoka chairs and the City has purchased a bench; •one Artist has been selected to paint thebench live at Artfest from the three applications received; and, •the location of chairs following Artfest. A discussion ensued; •guidelines for the Artist; •the vetting of the work; and, •guidelines. S.Barakov requested endorsement from the CACMembers. Moved M. McFarland Carried. 6.5 K. Bradley RE: Pickering Museum Village Update K. Bradley provided an overview of the Memo,subject titled Pickering Museum Village Site &Program Updates sent to the CAC.1.The Pickering Heritage And Community Centre. S.Barakov to correspondwith the school boards sothe invitation to participate in the Placemaking-Live Paint Battle at Artfest can be extended to local high schools. - 4 - Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 2.Forging On: The Evolution of Blacksmithing inOntario.3.Log House and Log Barn construction updates.4.Roots to Rebellion website.5.Gather & Grow Mini Exhibit at the Chestnut HillDevelopments Complex.6.Pickering Museum Village Education Programs. A discussion ensued: •The start date and time cycle of the programs; •the coordination of the schools for theprograms; •the upcoming unveiling events; and, •the potential of the Pickering Museum Villagehosting a CAC meeting in 2025. 7. Correspondence There was no additional correspondence to report. 8. Other Business R. Coelho inquired if there was an update followingthe Cultural Advisory Committee’s 2024 Workplanbeing presented to Council on March 25, 2024. A brief discussion ensued. R. Coelho spoke to the new format for the meetingagenda requesting a copy be available for pick up at Customer Care on the Monday prior to the meeting. S.Almeida-Schroen spoke to correspondence withthe Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce. S England to send a hard copy of the CAC agenda delivered to Customer Care for R. Coelho to pick up. 9. Next Meeting – Tuesday May 21, 2024, at 7:00 pm 10. Adjournment Moved by A. Palmer Carried - 5 - Meeting Adjourned: 7:53 pm Copy: Director, Community Services - 6 -