HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 18, 2024 Page 1 of 7 Minutes/Meeting Summary Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee March 18, 2024 Hybrid - Electronic Meeting Main Committee Room 7:00 pm Attendees: G. MacPherson A. McGean A. Small K. Stott L. Tidd A. Bathe, Region of Durham K. Dunlop, Alkame Dragon Boat Services S. Stanleigh, Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association A. Zeeb, Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club J. Kyte, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority C. Mugo, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Councillor M. Brenner Councillor M. Nagy J. Joyce, The MBTW Group K. Coleman, Manager, Fitness, Courts & Aquatics, Community Services Department A. St. Aubin, Senior Manager, Corporate Relations & Projects, Pickering Nuclear R. Holborn, Director, Engineering Services A. Mostert, Manager, Landscape & Parks Development (Staff Liaison) J. Currie, Legislative Coordinator (Recording Secretary) Absent: N. Bryan, Ontario Power Generation X. Kane, Pickering West Shore Community Association Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) 1. Indigenous Land Acknowledgment A. Mostert read the Indigenous Land Acknowledgment Statement. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda -C~of- P1CKER1NG Page 2 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) Moved by L. Tidd That the Agenda for the March 18, 2024, Meeting of the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 3. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 4. Approval of Minutes Moved by A. Zeeb That the Minutes of the November 20, 2023, Meeting of the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 5. Delegations/Presentations 5.1 Beachfront Park Revitalization – Jana Joyce, the MBTW Group J. Joyce provided an update on the Beachfront Park Revitalization project and noted that Phase One includes the Waterfront Trail Reconstruction and Phase Two includes West Beach Area & Millennium Square. Phase One design drawings are currently underway, construction is anticipated in 2024-2025 and Phase Two construction is anticipated to begin in 2026. J. Joyce provided a response to the seven key comments that were raised by the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee at the Beachfront Park Revitalization presentation given at the November 2023 WVAC committee meeting. Discussion with the Committee members ensued regarding: • appropriate disposal units for fishing lines and lures; • educational signage in reference to environmental significance of area; • use of signage for storytelling of indigenous history; • the benefits of using PermaTrak for boardwalk material; • the consideration of safety and the placement of rescue equipment along the trail; Page 3 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) • placement of location markers to identify in the case of emergencies; and, • the elevation level of the boardwalk, accounting for the effect of wave uprush and various weather events. TRCA had requested that the boardwalk elevation be raised another 0.6m, which would pose a problem for beach accessibility 5.2 Paddlesport Lease request K. Colman gave an overview of the considerations given to selecting a viable location for Waterfront Paddle Sports locations. It was noted that staff would recommend Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park as the most suitable site to lease for a Waterfront Paddle Sports location. Discussion with the Committee Members ensued regarding: • whether there would be additional washrooms set up closer to the site; • that the intent of the City is to find a qualified vendor to run the Paddlesports rentals through a Request for Proposal (RFP); • ensuring the safety of the public; • whether any funds are designated to go back into the maintenance of the Bay; • requiring coordination with the other recreational watersports, such as the Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club and Alkame Dragon Boat Services, already utilizing the Bay; • that any structures required for the operation of the Paddlesports be temporary; • that all concerns and necessary stipulations to run the Paddlesports would be added to the conditions of the contract; • consultation and considerations are still occurring, and the Paddlesport lease is projected for 2025. • requiring a fully developed safety plan in place; • recommending paddling season should begin no earlier than May 1 and no later than the end of September, and that cold water training should be required; • the increased volume of business would require additional portable washrooms; Page 4 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) • there being power available; and, • the impact of noise on the community. 5.3 Pickering Nuclear Generating Station Update A. St. Aubin made a presentation to the Committee providing an overview of the planned refurbishment of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. A. St. Aubin noted the growing demand for energy sources and that the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station could contribute to meeting the increasing needs for electricity and that refurbishment is scheduled to begin in 2028. A. St. Aubin highlighted Pickering Nuclear’s commitment to community engagement. Discussion with Committee Members ensued regarding: • the possibility of beautifying the appearance of the Nuclear Station and incorporating artwork representative of the City of Pickering; • upgrading the intake structure at the plant during the refurbishment to mitigate fish impingement; and, • inviting the Ontario Power Generation (OPG) environment team to speak to initiatives being taken by Pickering Nuclear. 6. New Business 6.1 Petticoat Creek Conservation Park R. Holborn provided members information pertaining to the discussions the City of Pickering has been having with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) that had started in April 2023, regarding the acquisition of Petticoat Creek Conservation Park. R. Holborn noted the significant financial investments that would be associated with operating the Park, incorporating more community use, and the subsequent work that would be required. By Council Resolution #379/24, staff will continue discussion with TRCA and report back to Council by Q4, 2024. Discussion with Committee Members ensued regarding: • holding a special meeting for discussion of the acquisition of Petticoat Creek Conservation Area, inviting essential stakeholders, TRCA and consultants KPMG. 6.2 Tree Planting and other landscape attraction zones on the waterfront – A. McGean – to next meeting - Agenda topic deferred to June Agenda. Page 5 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) 6.3 Waterfront Trail connection from West Shore Boulevard to Marksbury Road – project update A. Mostert provided an update of the project.The City and TRCA have initiated discussions regarding the shoreline hazard studies that would be required between West Shore Boulevard and Marksbury Road to permit the construction of the trail through this area. The studies and concept design would proceed in 2024 and detailed design and construction may proceed in 2025 pending budget approval. One building lot may be severed off at the north side, facing West Shore Boulevard. 6.4 Waterfront Trail Reconstruction from Bruce Handscomb Park to Elvira Court – project update A. Mostert provided an update of the project, showing the progress of construction of the trail with a slide deck, noting it is still projected to open prior to summer. Discussion with Committee Members ensued regarding: • the importance of the completion before the Dragon Boat festival for safety concerns. 6.5 Sandy Beach Road reconstruction – project update R. Holborn provided an overview of the Sandy Beach Road reconstruction project, located between Bayly Street and Montgomery Park Road and noted that design is 90% finalized and that the City will be applying for the TRCA permit this year. In consideration of the Elexicon work, the land acquisition, the design completion, and the TRCA permits and approvals, a tender is projected to come out by the end of 2024. Construction may begin in spring of 2025 and take approximately eight months. Discussion with Committee Members ensued regarding: • the new design mitigating any opportunity for trucks to use the shoulder area as a layby; • the new design providing for more efficient flow, but that there will not be additional lanes; and, • if the Durham Region Transit will alter routes. 6.6 Frenchman’s Bay, Water Quality And Weed Control – Staff Update A. Mostert provided an update regarding the Parks and Operations budget which accounts for one cut in early July for the purpose of Page 6 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) weed control. He noted that this is less than previous years, which included two cuts per year. Discussion with Committee Members ensued regarding: • that this year may be a higher growing year for weeds in the bay due to current environmental conditions, (i.e., low water level and high temperatures); • concerns that operations in the Bay area may be disrupted due to excessive weeds; • looking into alternative methods of weed control; • the role of the Pickering Harbour Company in maintenance of the Bay; and, • that the City retained the service of TRCA to monitor water quality. Moved by K. Dunlop That the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee request that Council reconsider the funding of a second cut of weeds in Frenchman’s Bay. Carried 6.7 Waterfront parking and shuttle bus service plans A. Mostert provided information regarding the shuttle bus service and that staff have been in discussions with DRT about a proposed bus schedule. 6.8 Annual Report to Council A. Mostert invited Committee Members to assist with presenting the 2024 Annual Report to Council. S. Stanleigh, Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association, volunteered for the 2024 Annual Report presentation at the May 27, 2024, Council Meeting. A. Mostert will provide the Report to Committee Members via email for comment. 7. Other Business Councillor M. Nagy raised concern that the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee meetings run short of time impeding the ability to have fulsome discussions in a timely manner. Moved by G. MacPherson Page 7 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) That the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee hold an additional special meeting on April 15, 2024 at 7pm. Carried 8. Next Meeting April 15, 2024 8. Adjournment Moved by A. McGean That the meeting be adjourned. Carried Meeting Adjourned: 9:33 pm