HomeMy WebLinkAboutBYL 01-24 Pl(KERJNG Report to Executive Committee Report Number: BYL 01-24 Date: April 2, 2024 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: Traffic and Parking By-law Amendment -Boulevard Parking Regulation -File: L-2100 Recommendation: 1. That Council approve the attached By-law amending Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05; 2. That Council direct staff to implement a public outreach campaign regarding the amendments to boulevard parking regulations contained in the attached By-law; and 3. That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take such action as necessary to give effect to the Recommendations in this report. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to amend the boulevard parking provisions in Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 to allow residents to park on the apron (boulevard portion) of their driveway, provided certain criteria are met. If Council approves the amendments, City staff will carry out a public outreach campaign to advise residents of how to legally park on their driveway aprons. Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan Priority of Advance Innovation & Responsible Planning to Support a Connected, Well-Serviced Community. Financial Implications: None. Discussion: The purpose of this report is to amend the boulevard parking provisions in Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 to allow residents to park on the apron (boulevard portion) of their driveway, provided certain criteria are met. Due to the increased prevalence of smaller housing units and greater density of residential development, residents are experiencing increasing difficulty finding sufficient vehicle parking. The driveway apron (that portion of a driveway located on the boulevard) is an additional area that could be made available for parking vehicles. However, under the existing Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05, parking a vehicle on a boulevard is illegal. Therefore, the Traffic and Parking By-law should be amended to allow vehicle parking on driveway aprons, subject to appropriate limits. BYL 01-24 April 2, 2024 Subject: Traffic and Parking By-law Amendment Page 2 Attachment 1 to this report is the proposed amendment to the Traffic and Parking By-law that will, if passed, enable parking on driveway aprons. The amendment would replace Section 15(i) of the existing Traffic and Parking By-law, which currently prohibits parking a vehicle “on any boulevard unless authorized signs are installed which indicate that parking is permitted on that side and between those limits set out in Columns 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 13 during the times or days set out in Column 4 of Schedule 13”. Section 15(i) in the amended Traffic and Parking By-law would prohibit parking a vehicle “on any boulevard except on a Driveway Apron provided that the vehicle is Operative, not encroaching into the travelled portion of the roadway, or into a sidewalk, or on the grassed portion of the boulevard, and this section shall allow Driveway Apron parking either perpendicular or parallel to the roadway. In addition, a vehicle may park on a boulevard at the locations specified and in accordance with the specific time limits set forth in Schedule 13 of this by-law.” “Driveway Apron” will be defined in the amended By-law to mean “the hard surfaced portion of the boulevard in front of and leading from the travelled portion of the roadway to a private residential driveway”. A definition for “Operative” will also be added to ensure that only functioning vehicles can be parked on a boulevard. Storage of vehicles in a state of disrepair will not be permitted on boulevards. Parking on the boulevard is allowed in Ajax, Clarington, Scugog and Uxbridge. Currently, both Whitby and Pickering prohibit parking on the boulevard but only enforce their prohibitions in cases where boulevard parking causes a problem or a safety issue. Oshawa prohibits boulevard parking and actively enforces its prohibition. While Pickering staff use their discretion in the enforcement of the existing prohibition on boulevard parking, many residents have expressed confusion and frustration upon being ticketed. If Council approves the Recommendations in this report, staff will carry out public communication to explain the proper way to locate a vehicle on a boulevard. This will include social media, website update and use of digital signs. The proposed amendment has been reviewed by Engineering & Operations staff and they support the change to the Traffic and Parking By-law. The amendment will assist residents by clearly identifying the legal way to locate a vehicle on a boulevard. The amendment will provide residents with additional space for parking and will help keep vehicles off roadways, especially during winter snow clearing operations. Attachment: 1. Amendment to Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 BYL 01-24 April 2, 2024 Subject: Traffic and Parking By-law Amendment Page 3 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Jason Litoborski, CPSO Paul Bigioni Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By:Original Signed By: Original Signed By: ________________________________ ________________________________ Attachment 1 to Report BYL 01-24 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XXXX/24 Being a by-law to amend By-law 6604/05, a by-law to regulate traffic and parking in the City of Pickering. Whereas By-law 6604/05, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking within the City of Pickering; And Whereas, it is deemed necessary to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for additional regulation and clarification of vehicle parking on boulevards; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. That Section 1 of By-law 6604/05 be amended by adding the following new definitions of “Driveway Apron” and “Operative Vehicle”, and that the remaining items in Section 1 be renumbered accordingly: “Driveway Apron” means the hard surfaced portion of the boulevard in front of and leading from the travelled portion of the roadway to a private residential driveway. “Operative” means a vehicle that is ready for immediate use. This includes but is not limited to: valid plates, insurance, in running condition, and is not outwardly in a state of disrepair, or incapable of being operated on the road immediately. 2. That Section 15 (i) of By-law 6604/05 be repealed and replaced with the following: “on any boulevard except on a Driveway Apron provided that the vehicle is Operative, not encroaching into the travelled portion of the roadway, into the sidewalk, or on the grassed portion of the boulevard, and this section shall allow Driveway Apron parking either perpendicular or parallel to the roadway. In addition, a vehicle may park on a boulevard at the locations specified and in accordance with the specific time limits set forth in Schedule 13 of this by-law”. By-law passed this day of April, 2024. Kevin Ashe, Mayor Susan Cassel, City Clerk