HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 19, 2024For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca Cultural Advisory Committee Agenda March 19, 2024 Hybrid Electronic Meeting - 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. Page 1.Welcome and Call to Order D. Thompson 2.Review and Approval of Agenda D. Thompson 3.Disclosure of Interest D. Thompson 4.Approval of Minutes 4.1 February 20, 2024, Meeting Minutes D. Thompson 5.Presentations/Delegations 6.General Business 6.1 CAC Delegation to March 25 Council Meeting J. St. Amant  6.2 (QJDJLQJ3LFNHULQJ¶V&XOWXUDO&RPPXQLW\ o Sub-Committee Formation J. St. Amant 6.3 CAC Outreach at City Advisory Committees S. Almeida 6.4 CAC Outreach Opportunities at Events K. Roberts  6.5 Community Banner Series J. St. Amant  6.7 Call to Artists ± Public Art Commission: Remembrance Day Poppy Sidewalk Markers S. Barakov  6.8 Pickering Museum Village K. Bradley 7.Correspondence D. Thompson -1- Agenda March 19, 2023 Cultural Advisory Committee Page 2 of 2 For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca 7.1 City of Pickering - Selection Process of Prominent Citizens for Recognition K. Roberts 8.Other Business D. Thompson 9.Next Meeting ± April 16, 2024 D. Thompson 10.Adjournment D. Thompson -2- Page 1 of 8 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee Tuesday, February 20, 2024 Main Committee Room 7:00pm Attendees: D. Thompson, Cultural Advisory Committee, Chair S.Almeida-Schroen, Cultural Advisory Committee, Vice-Chair M.McFarland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R.Coelho, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A.Palmer, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A.Mujeeb, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J.Elliott, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D.Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R.Wali, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Z.Kazi, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M.Murray, (Acting) Division Head, Culture and Community Programming K.Roberts, (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services J.St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Staff Liaison) S.Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art K.Bradley, (Acting) Curator, Pickering Museum Village S.England, (Acting) Clerk, Culture and Recreation (Recording Secretary) Absent: M.Nagy, City Councillor, Ward 2 J.Elliot, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Item / Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Call to Order D.Thompson welcomed the Cultural Advisory Committee members and called the meeting to order. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes D.Thompson put forth the motion for adoption of the current agenda and the minutes as circulated. Moved by M. McFarland Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes January 16, 2024 Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda February 20, 2024 Carried -3- Page 2 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3. Disclosures of Interest There were no disclosures of interest noted to matters on the agenda. 4. Delegations There were no delegations for the meeting. 5. General Business 5.1 J. St. Amant RE: 2024 CAC Work Plan & 2023 Achievements for Endorsement J.St. Amant spoke to the 2024 CAC Work Plan & 2023 Achievements seeking endorsement from the CAC Members. His statement noted that the plan had been forward facing for three months and to date no comments or changes had been put forth. A brief discussion ensued. x In referencing the noted outline of formation of a sub-committee on page 5 of the Work Plan, M.McFarland requested the removal of ³including local cultural groups and tourism industry stakeholders´IURP the FRPPLWWHH¶VSURMHFWVDQGLQLWLDWLYHV. x In accepting the Work Plan as written, J. St. Amant will make the edit as requested and remove the above noted bolded wording. J.St. Amant requested endorsement from the CAC Members. Moved by M. McFarland Carried. J. St. Amant to contact WKH&OHUN¶V Office with regards to the formation of a sub-committee and the required approvals. -4- Page 3 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5.2 S. Barakov RE: Kinston Road Expression of Interest Public Art Commission Selection for Endorsement S.Barakov presented the results of the Kingston Road Expression of Interest Public Art Commission. Javid Jah had been awarded the Public Art opportunity. This decision was made following the concept presentations from three Artists to the Public Art Jury on February 8th , 2024. S.Barakov and Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee reviewed the Terms of Reference that had been previously distributed the Committee as ZHOODVWKH$UWLVWFRQFHSWVIRU-DYLG-DK¶V3XEOLF$UW Piece. There were no questions. Moved by M. McFarland Carried. 5.3 K. Bradley RE: Pickering Museum Village ± Update K.Bradley spoke to Pickering Museum Village providing updates in follow up to E. Tayles presentation at the Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting January 16, 2024. x The Forging On website for the Blacksmith Shop will be up and running in both English and French languages before the end of March2024. The link will be shared with the Cultural Advisory Committee once available.x Work is progressing on both the Log House and Log Barn exhibits. Programming shouldcommence by May 2024.x The invitation to bid on the Redman House renovations has been tendered. The project is scheduled for completion in 2026. The upgrades will include the washrooms, staffing areas, and flooring.x The site groundwork has commenced for the Pickering Heritage and Community Centre. There were no questions. -5- Page 4 of 8 5.4 K. Roberts RE: 2024 Event Schedule .5REHUWVVKDUHGGHWDLOVRIWKH&LW\RI3LFNHULQJ¶V 2024 Event Schedule. Statements included that the Cultural Services Team would be supporting over seventy events. An invitation was extended to the Cultural Advisory Committee for Members to participate with an Outreach Table at various events. Highlighted events and dates included: x Artfest on May 25th and 26th x Canada Day July 1st x Cultural Fusion September 14th x Fall Fling October 19th and 26th x Winter Wonderland December 7th and 14th Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee will also be receiving invitations for the following Public Art unveilings: x On The Backs of Fish, June 7th x Roots of Rebellion on June 1st . A brief discussion ensued. R.Wali inquired as to the timelines regarding the Cultural Advisory Committee having an outreach table at events and what would be involved. K.Roberts stated that the Cultural Service Team would be able to support with any marketing, tents, tables, and chairs that may be required for the Outreach Table. J.St. Amant and D. Thompson agreed to put the &XOWXUDO$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH¶VRXWUHDFKDWHYHQWVRQ the March 19, 2024, Meeting Agenda for further discussions and planning. J. St. Amant requesting the Cultural Advisory Members to review the 2024 Events Calendar and bring to the next meeting availability with regards outreach. -6- Page 5 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6. Correspondence There was no correspondence to be presented to the Cultural Advisory Committee. 7. Other Business 7.1 S. Barakov RE: Gordon Lightfoot Expression of Interest Public Art S.Barakov spoke to the call to artists and the shortlist of three Artists selected by the Public Art Jury for the Gordon Lightfoot Public Art piece. In a statement, S. Barakov shared that this Expression of Interest for Public Art has been temporarily placed on hold pending community consultation on April 1st at George Ashe Community Centre. It was confirmed pending consultation that the three selected Artists will have 15-to-20-minute timeslots to present their concepts on the Gazebo Stage at Artfest on May 25th . The community and Public Art Jury will vote to select the Gordon Lightfoot Public Art Piece. There were no questions. 7.2 S. Barakov RE: Remembrance Poppy Sidewalk Maker S.Barakov spoke to the details of a new Public Art directive from Members of Council to the Community Services staff for the creation of a new Public Art Installation named Remembrance Poppy Sidewalk Marker. The permanent Poppy art installation will be placed in Esplanade Park along the path route to the Cenotaph. This is the same route walked annually by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 606, and veterans during Remembrance Day Service. The project has a budget of $35,000.00 from the Public Art Reserve, pending Council approval. S.Barakov shared the timelines for the project: x Council approval by the first week of March x The call to Artists in mid-March -7- Page 6 of 8 x Public Art Jury to meet in mid-April x Request for endorsement from the Cultural Advisory Committee at the April 16th , 2024, meeting. x Installation is proposed for Summer 2024 x The unveiling on October 25, 2024, to FRUUHVSRQGZLWKWKH5R\DO&DQDGLDQ/HJLRQ¶V Poppy Campaign. There were no questions. 7.3 S. Barakov RE: Indigenous Waterfront Public Art Update S.Barakov spoke to the revitalization of Public Art at 3LFNHULQJ¶V:DWHUIURQW5RWDU\)UHQFKPDQ¶V%D\:HVW Park. Stating that there is currently a call for Indigenous Artists and that the City of Pickering is working in consultation with an Indigenous Consultant with regards to the concepts submitted. Calls for endorsement from the Cultural Advisory Committee will follow at a future date. There were no questions. 7.4 S. Almeida-Schroen RE: New Business ± not on the agenda RE: Comments made by a Pickering City Councillor pertaining to Black History Month S.Almeida-Schroen spoke to the responsibilities and the Terms Of Reference of the Cultural Advisory Committee in relation to a recent comment made by a Member of Pickering Council about Black History Month. The question brought forth by S. Almeida- Schroen whether the Cultural Advisory Committee should respond or put out a statement in response to the comment? A conversation ensued between S. Almeida-Schroen and Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee. x Some Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee were not aware of the comment made and requested further details as to what was said by the Member of Council. x Members of the Cultural Advisory Committee will consider collaboration/consulting with other Committees like the Pickering Anti-Black S.Almeida-Schroen will reach out to the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Task Force with D. Thompson copied on any correspondence for collaboration opportunities in response to the comments made by the Member of Council. -8- Page 7 of 8 Racism Task Force, Community Safety and Well-Being Committee as well as Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion within the Office of the CAO. x D. Thompson will attend the next Meeting of Council on February 26, 2024, at 7:00 pm. x S. Almeida-Schroen will correspond with the Cultural Advisory Committee Members by email. 7.5 M. McFarland RE: Letter to Council about the Pickering Hertiage and Community Centre. M.McFarland spoke to the letter written to Members of Council by the Cultural Advisory Committee Members providing their support for the Pickering +HULWDJHDQG&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH¶s inclusion in the 2024 Budget. A brief conversation ensued. K.Roberts explained that the letter was included, however, due to time constraints and other formalities it did not garner strong reference or support. In future other means of communication with Members of Council are to be considered. 7.6 R. Coelho RE: Name documentation on January 16, 2024, Cultural Advisory Meeting Minutes R.Coelho spoke to her name not being formally noted on the January 16, 2024, Cultural Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes and that she was absent from the meeting. D.Thompson called for any further business. There were no further discussions. 8. Next Meeting ± March 19, 2024. The next Cultural Advisory meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 19, 2023, from 7:00 ± 9:00 pm. 9. Adjournment -9- Page 8 of 8 Moved by D. Thompson Carried. Meeting Adjourned: 7:54 pm. Copy: Director, Community Services -10- Memo To: Mayor Ashe March 25, 2024 Members of Council From: Jesse St. Amant Coordinator, Cultural Services Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Community Services (Acting) Division Head, Culture and Community Programming (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services (Acting) Curator, Pickering Museum Village Subject: Cultural Advisory Committee -2023 Year End Report & 2024 Work Plan File: A-1410-008 Cultural Advisory Committee 7KH&XOWXUDO$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH &$& LVSOHDVHGWRVXEPLWIRU&RXQFLO¶VLQIRUPDWLRQWKH3 Committee Report and 2024 proposed Work Plan. 2023 Year End Report In 2023, nine committee meetings were held. The committee continued to contribute to the goals RIWKH&LW\¶V&XOWXUDO3ODQLQ WKHIROORZLQJZD\V 1.Resolution #59/23 directed staff to review revisions to the Terms of Reference to include no greater than two Members of Council, as non-voting members, on Committees that FXUUHQWO\GRQRWKDYH &RXQFLO0HPEHUUHSUHVHQWDWLRQ7KH&OHUN¶V2IILFHSUHSDUHGD Memorandum requesting input from the CAC on this matter. The Cultural Advisory Committee adopted the following resolution: To have one member of Council on the Committee and revise the Terms of Reference for the Committee as outlined in the Repot to Council CLK 03-23 as per Resolution #125/23. 2.TKH&OHUN¶V6WDIIVROLFLWHGIHHGEDFNIURP WKH &RPPLWWHHVFXUUHQWO\RSHUDWLQJ XQGHUDVWDII liaison facilitation system, and asked whether the Committee preferred the option of appointing a Chair/Vice-Chair to take on the facilitator role within the Committee. The CAC revised their Terms of Reference to Appoint a Chair and Vice Chair as outlined in the Repot to Council CLK 03-23 as per Resolution #125/23. At the May 2023 meeting of the CAC committee member D. Thompson was selected as the Chair, committee member S. Almedia-Schroen was selected as Vice-Chair. -11- March 25, 2024 Page 2 of 5 Cultural Advisory Committee - 2023 Year End Report & 2024 Work Plan 3.Reviewed, provided advice, and participated in the following plans and reports: 1) Draft Parks & Recreation ± Ten Year Plan; 2) Draft Community Safety & Well-Being (CSWB) Plan; 3) and Draft Corporate Strategic Plan,. The committee received presentations about the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Strategy and the 2023 Event Schedule. Members of the CAC also participated in the Community Tourism Steering Committee that assisted in the development of the draft 2023 Community Visitors Plan authored by Central County Tourism. 4.Attended the 2023 Cultural Fusion Fair that took place in Esplanade Park on September 9, 2023 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm as representatives of the CAC, speaking to community groups participating in the Community Circle, visiting with the vendors and booths in attendance, as well as connecting with local residents at the Destination Pickering Booth to answer questions about the CAC and their work in the community. 5.Reviewed and provided endorsement of the following public art projects including: R (VSODQDGH3DUN± ³5HIOHFWLRQV´E\6WXGLR)0LQXV R 3LFNHULQJ)LUH6HUYLFHV+HDGTXDUWHUV )LUH6WDWLRQ ± ³2QH+RUVH3RZHU´E\ 3DWULFN%HUPLQJKDP R 7KH0LOOSRQG0HDGRZ3LFNHULQJ0XVHXP9LOODJH 309  ³2QWKH%DFNVRI)LVK´ E\ %OXII6WXGLRV 6HDQ 3URF\N 6DUDK)XOOHU o 5RWDU\)UHQFKPDQ¶V%D\:HVW3DUN± ³:DWHULV0HGLFLQH´E\Dbaajmowin and supported by SpruceLab Inc. for the direct commission of an Indigenous sculpture. R 6KRUWOLVWHG$UWLVWVIRUWKH.LQJVWRQ5RDG3XEOLF$UW&RPPLVVLRQ7KH3XEOLF$UWZLOO EHORFDWHGRQWKH1RUWKHDVWFRUQHURI.LQJVWRQ5RDGDQG:KLWHV5RDG R &DOOWR$UWLVWV± ([SUHVVLRQRI,QWHUHVW (2, WRXQGHUWDNHDFRPPLVVLRQRISXEOLF DUWZRUNWR EHLQVWDOOHGLQ(UQLH /6WURXG3DUNWRFHOHEUDWHWKHOLIH RI*RUGRQ /LJKWIRRWDVSHU&RXQFLO GLUHFWLYHLVVXHGRQ6HSWHPEHUUHVROXWLRQ 6.Reviewed and provided endorsement on community and temporary public art projects including: o A Mural by DUWLVW0DOLN0F.R\WLWOHG³7KH\0DWWHU´ that was installed inside the Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex (CHDRC). o A Mural by DUWLVWE\=XQD$PLUWLWOHG³&RPPXQLW\&RPSOH[´WKDWZDVLQVWDOOHGRQ DQ exterior wall at the CHDRC. o A 0XUDOE\0HHJDQ/LPWLWOHG³7KH $QQHDQG0DXG0XUDOV´WKDWZDVLQVWDOOHGDWWKH PMV and the Pickering Central Library. o Electrical Transformer Box Wrap Mural by artist Jason Das at Pickering Fire Services Headquarters & Fire Station #1. o :HVW6KRUH6NDWH 6SRW&RPPXQLW\0XUDOQDPHG³<RX&DQ1HYHU&ORVH1DWXUH´E\ Artist Fathima Mohiuddin. o Metis artist, Tracey-Mae Chambers, and her public art project #hopeandhealingcanada display at the PMV and a showcase of that work installed at the CHDRC. -12- March 25, 2024 Page 3 of 5 Cultural Advisory Committee - 2023 Year End Report & 2024 Work Plan o Banner Designs by Dani Crosby that appear alongside her previously designed Street Banners along Kingston Roads Eastern and Western Gateway. o Fall Fling Event Temporary Art Photo Frames by artist Hailey Press. o )HQFH :UDS0XUDOIRUWKHHOHFWULFDOJHQHUDWRUORFDWHGDW5RWDU\)UHQFKPDQ¶V%D\ West Park by a local artist Laura Kay Keeling. o Winter Wonderland Event Public Art piece by Studio Jordan Shaw located in Millennium Square. o Winter Nights, City Lights 2023 Temporary Public Art display by artist Nate Nettleton of illuminated disco balls encased in acrylic boxes in the Pickering Civic Complex Courtyard. o Winter Nights, City Lights 2023 Temporary Public Art display by Toronto based LQVWDOODWLRQDUWLVW&DVH\:DWVRQ QDPHG³/RRN8S´LQVLGHWKH CHDRC. R 6HDVRQDO:LQGRZ3DLQWLQJ  3ODFHPDNLQJSURMHFWDWWKH &+'5& DQGWKH3LFNHULQJ &LYLF&RPSOH[E\ORFDO DUWLVW -DFRE+HDGOH\ R 2FFDVLRQVRI6LJQLILFDQFH'LVSOD\VDW&+'5& o :KLWHYDOH$UWVDQG&XOWXUH&RPPXQLW\WHPSRUDU\SXEOLFDUWSURMHFW³%HDXWLI\LQJ2XU 1HZ*DUEDJH%LQ´ o Annual Community Banner Series - Artists Selection. 3URYLGHGUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVDQGFRPPHQWVIRU3XEOLF$UW3ROLF\&8/XSGDWH3XEOLF $UW&RPPXQLW\(QJDJHPHQW6XUYH\ DQG 3XEOLF$UW&RQVXOWDWLRQDWWKH:DWHUIURQW &RPPXQLW\%DQQHU3ROLF\ DQGUHYLHZHG DSSOLFDWLRQVIRUWKH&LW\&HQWUH%DQQHU'LVSOD\ 3URJUDPELDQQXDOO\LQ$SULODQG2FWREHU1R QHZDSSOLFDWLRQVZHUHUHFHLYHGLQ 8.Attended Public Art unveiling events throughout the year as representatives of the CAC; this included but not limited to the Pickering Fire Services Headquarters and Fire Station #1 grand opening, Kijimba Kind restoration at Alex Robertson Park, and Water is Medicine at 5RWDU\)UHQFKPDQ¶V%D\:HVW Park. 9.Reviewed, made recommendations, and provided feedback to the standing agenda items regarding the Pickering Museum Village programs including: o PMV 2022 Deaccession list as submitted by staff. o Roots to Rebellion Project. o :DJRQ :UDS3URMHFW³7KH:D\*RQH0DGH &OHDU´DWPMV by artist Georgia Fullerton. o Digital Artwork that would be created by the company Oddside Arts, for the Log Barn. o Development of the new permanent exhibit in the Miller-Cole House. o Attended PMV public art unveilings and Exhibit openings throughout the year as representatives of the CAC. x Participated in annual update to Council. 2024 Work Plan -13- March 25, 2024 Page 4 of 5 Cultural Advisory Committee - 2023 Year End Report & 2024 Work Plan The Cultural Services Unit has several projects and initiatives planned for 2024 that will be presented to the CAC for consultation which include, but are not limited to: x Community Visitors Plan ± Specifically two of the five core objectives (Welcoming and Distinguish) including: o Nurture a welcoming environment and pride of place with Pickering residents, business owners and staff. o Establish a unique presence in the tourism market by promoting Pickering as Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable, and Accessible. o Participate in a Tourism Ambassador training program. x Renewal of the Cultural Strategic Plan x Recreation & Parks ± Ten Year Plan Review The Cultural Services Unit also has ongoing annual planning which will be presented to the CAC for consultation: x Public Art Plan Review and Endorsement of the following confirmed projects, but not limited to: o Kingston/Whites Road Public Art project Final Endorsement (formally known as Shell Gas Station Public Art Project). o Winter Illumination Public Art Piece Endorsement (pending sponsorship). o Gordon Lightfoot Public Art Project in Earnie L. Stroud Park ± Concept for Endorsement. o Waterfront Public Art Piece ± Concepts for Endorsement. o Community Banner Series ± Temporary Public Art Endorsement. o City Centre Banner Display Program ± Endorsement of Spring and Fall Intake Applications. x PMV Annual Operating Plan and Deaccession Lists o Celebrating the Launch of the Roots to Rebellion Exhibit and Public Art. o &HOHEUDWLQJWKHODXQFKRI³2QWKH%DFNVRI)LVK´SXEOLFDUWWRFRPSOHWHWKH Blacksmith Shop project, to be coordinated with a salmon release in Duffins Creek on the PMV grounds. o To provide an update on the Miller Cole Gather and Grow Exhibit and the plan for programs and partnerships in that space. o Review list of new programs offerings LQFOXGLQJ³0DSSLQJ*HRUJH¶V)UHHGRP´ Escape Rooms, and public programs. o Provide feedback on French Program launch, for all Education Programs. o Provide update on Spine-Tingling Tour, in partnership with Central Counties Tourism. o Review and provide input on plans for the Redman House renovations. -14- March 25, 2024 Page 5 of 5 Cultural Advisory Committee - 2023 Year End Report & 2024 Work Plan x Pickering Events Plan Review o Review 2024 Event list. o Provide feedback on the Cultural Fusion Fair programming. The CAC has the following projects and initiatives planned to investigate further in 2024 which include, but are not limited to: x Form a sub-committee WRHQJDJH3LFNHULQJ¶V&XOWXUDO&RPPXQLW\and investigate their interest in hosting new events and festivals, and/or partnering with established events and festivals; that would give additional opportunities to showcase elements of their culture (arts, music, dance, handmade markets, food and drink) to the community at large through those new initiatives, activities and partnerships. Work of the CAC also includes: x Consult on public art and participate on the Public Art Jury to review and consult on public art submission, including the submission of a Terms of Reference. x Provide feedback to staff on the development of community engagement initiatives related to culture and provide feedback on existing cultural programs. x Act as cultural champions and look for opportunities through community engagement initiatives that focus on celebrating, and highlighting cultural assets, or that bring heritage recognition, and education to the forefront. x Connect community partners to the culture team, to deliver on goals listed in the Cultural Strategic Plan. x Provide feedback to staff on the development of entrepreneurial and economic development initiatives related to culture and provide feedback on existing programs. x Report to Council aQQXDOO\WKURXJKWKHFRPPLWWHH¶VZRUNSODQ jsa -15- 3DJH  (YHQWV$W$*ODQFH 0D\RU¶V1HZ <HDU¶V'D\ /HYHH &+'5& -DQXDU\ 7DPLO +HULWDJH 0RQWK &+'5& -DQXDU\ %ODFN+LVWRU\0RQWK &HOHEUDWLRQ &+'5& 6DORQV )HEUXDU\ )DPLO\'D\&+'5& )HEUXDU\ *URXQGEUHDNLQJ ± 3+&& 3LFNHULQJ 0XVHXP 0DUFK 7%& (DVWHU 3DUDGH 6RXWK 3LFNHULQJ 0DUFK  *URXQGEUHDNLQJ  'DYH 5\DQ 3DUN 'DYH 5\DQ 3DUN 6SULQJ 7%& 3HWDSRORR]D (VSODQDGH 3DUN 0D\ &LYLF$ZDUGV &LW\+DOO 0D\ $UWIHVW (VSODQDGH 3DUN 0D\±  <0&$ <RXWK ([FKDQJH 0LOOHQQLXP 6TXDUH 0D\ 5RRWV WR 5HEHOOLRQ (YHQW 3$ 8QYHLOLQJ 3LFNHULQJ 0XVHXP -XQH  ³2Q WKH %DFNVRI )LVK´ 8QYHLOLQJ 3LFNHULQJ 0XVHXP -XQH  5LEERQ &XWWLQJ $FFHVVLEOH 7UDLO %UXFH +DQGVFRPEH(OYLUD &UW -XQH 7%& 'UDJRQ %RDW )HVWLYDO %UXFH +DQGVFRPEH -XQH   ''D\3DUDGH &HUHPRQ\&LW\+DOO &RXUW\DUG -XQH  3LFNHULQJ 5RWDU\5LEIHVW (VSODQDGH 3DUN -XQH  ±  1DWLRQDO ,QGLJHQRXV3HRSOH¶V 'D\ (VSODQDGH 3DUN -XQH  &KULVWLDQ 5HYLYDO 0XVLF&RQFHUW 0LOOHQQLXP 6TXDUH -XQH  &DQDGD 'D\ (VSODQDGH 3DUN-XO\ &DQDGD 'D\ .LQVPHQ 3DUN -XO\ :DWHUIURQW 6XPPHU &RQFHUWV 0LOOHQQLXP 6TXDUH -XO\    $XJ      (VSODQDGH 3DUN6XPPHU &RQFHUWV (VSODQDGH 3DUN -XO\    $XJ     6XPPHU &RQFHUWV 0RYLH 1LJKWV 5LFN-RKQVRQ 3DUN -XO\    $XJ     $UWVLQ WKH 3DUN 7%& 3HWWLFRDW &UHHN&$ 7%& $,)<8 0RYLH 1LJKW (VSODQDGH 3DUN $XJXVW  -HQQLIHU 2¶&RQQHOO 0RYLH 1LJKW (VSODQDGH 3DUN 7%& 3LFNHULQJ )RRG 7UXFN)HVWLYDO (VSODQDGH 3DUN $XJXVW    )HVWLYDO RI ,QGLD¶V,QGHSHQGHQFH &LW\+DOO &RXUW\DUG $XJXVW  $SRVWROLF3HQWHFRVWDO &KXUFK $3& (VSODQDGH 3DUN $XJXVW  6LQJDORQJ¶V 0LOOHQQLXP 6TXDUH -XO\ -16- 3DJH  0DMRU 2DNV3DUN -XO\ 3$5$ :DWHUIURQW )HVWLYDO 0LOOHQQLXP 6TXDUH $XJXVW  3HWHU %HWKOHQIDOY\ &RPPXQLW\%%4 (VSODQDGH 3DUN $XJXVW  5LEERQ &XWWLQJ $PEHUOHD 3LFNOHEDOO &RXUW $PEHUOHD 3DUN )DOO 7%& *URXQGEUHDNLQJ %HDFKIURQW 3DUN %HDFKIURQW 0LOOHQQLXP 6T )DOO 7%& &XOWXUDO )XVLRQ (VSODQDGH 3DUN 6HSWHPEHU  *DQHVK )HVWLYDO $OH[5REHUWVRQ 3DUN 6HSWHPEHU  'XUKDP &KLOGUHQ¶V*DPHV &+'5& 2FWREHU  )DOO )OLQJ 0LOOHQQLXP 6TXDUH 2FWREHU   5HPHPEUDQFH 'D\ 3DUDGH 6HUYLFH &LW\+DOO &RXUW\DUG 1RYHPEHU  &KDQXNDK &HOHEUDWLRQ 7%& 7%& :LQWHU 1LJKWV &LW\/LJKWV (VSODQDGH 3DUN 1RYHPEHU   0D\RU¶V*DOD 3LFNHULQJ &DVLQR 1RYHPEHU  6DQWD &ODXV 3DUDGH $ORQJ *OHQDQQD 5G 1RYHPEHU  :LQWHU :RQGHUODQG 0LOOHQQLXP 6TXDUH 'HFHPEHU   1HZ <HDU¶V(YH )DPLO\&RXQWGRZQ &+'5& 'HFHPEHU  *URXQGEUHDNLQJ 9LOODJH *UHHQ 3DUN %URFN5RDG  'XUVDQ 7%& *URXQGEUHDNLQJ 7LOOLQJV 5RDG 3DUN 7LOOLQJV5RDG 2OG 236 <DUG 7%& -17- Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee March 12, 2024 From: Jesse St. Amant Coordinator, Cultural Services Copy: Subject: FYI - Call to Artists ± Community Banner Series -Expression of Interests Background: The Community Banner Series call for expression of interest seeks artists to propose street banner designs that will animate and transform the street scape into welcoming and engaging spaces. Artwork is to be created digitally and will be recreated onto vinyl street banners. The artwork will be located within the City of Pickering. The City invites artists to respond to the Call for Artists to create a series of seven (7) street banners digitally, to be fabricated and installed by the City onto seven (7) City street light poles. This call is open to individual artists (emerging to established), artist teams or collectives. The fabrication of the vinyl banners required for the project, and installation will be the responsibility of the City of Pickering. The City will also be responsible for site prep and permits. 7KHFRVWVRIDOORWKHUPDWHULDOVUHTXLUHGZLOOEHWKH DUWLVWV¶ responsibility. Designs, artwork, and plans are subject to final approval by the City as per the Community Banner Policy (CUL 140). 7KH&LW\RI3LFNHULQJ¶V&XOWXUDO6WUDWHJLF3ODQ  RXWOLQHVWKH&LW\¶VFRPPLWPHQWWRFROODERUDWH with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighborhoods. The Community Banner Series will build on the success of the original Community Banner Program that has received and archived artwork from a range of artists and artistic practices since 2018. Each year, these banners have contributed to colorful, vibrant, and City proud civic spaces LQWKH&LW\&HQWUH%DQQHUDUWZRUNVKRXOGHQJDJH 3LFNHULQJ¶VGLYHUVHORFDOFRPPXQLWLHVFHOHEUDWH WKHFLW\¶VQDWXUDOVRFLDODQG EXLOWHQYLURQPHQWDQGEULQJPRUHFRORXUEHDXW\ SULGH DQG enjoyment to city streets, and gateways to our community. -18- March 12, 2024 Page 2 of 2 Call to Artists ± Community Banne Series (EOI) Placemaking Funding: Stage 1: Short-listed artists will be paid a fee of $1,500.00 (+HST) for their submission of the conceptual design proposal. A total of five (5) artists will be selected to form the short-list. Stage 2: The budget for the final selected artists designs for the creation of seven (7) banners, including artist fees is $2,750 (+HST). A total of three (3) artists digital designed series will be selected from the short-listed artists. Next steps: The Coordinator, Cultural Services will issue Call to Artists ± Community Banner Program Expression of Interest. Community Services Staff and the Public Art Jury will review all submissions and identify a short-list based on artistic excellence and demonstrated or perceived ability to create and execute an innovative, engaging public artwork banner that is complementary to the overall design scheme and community context. Decisions of the Public Art Jury will be reviewed by the Cultural Advisory Committee at the June 18, 2024 committee meeting. Attachment 1: Call to Artists - Community Banner Series (EOI) - Draft #3 -19- Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Community Banner Series Deadline: May 31, 2024, at 4 pm EDT. Photo of Community Banner located along Esplanade North in Pickering. Artist Opportunity The City of Pickering invites artists to respond to the Call for Artists to create a series of seven (7) street banners digitally, to be fabricated and installed by the City onto seven (7) City street light poles. This call is open to individual artists (emerging to established), artist teams or collectives. As per the Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an artist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. The Community Banner Series call for expression of interest seeks artists to propose street banner designs that will animate and transform the street scape into welcoming and engaging spaces. Artwork is to be created digitally and will be recreated onto vinyl street banners. The artwork will be located within the City of Pickering. The fabrication of the vinyl banners required for the project, and installation will be the responsibility of the City of Pickering. The City will also be responsible for site prepDUDWLRQ and permits. The costs of all other materials required will be the artists’ responsibility. Designs, artwork, and plans are subject to final approval by the City as per the Community Banner Policy (CUL 140). -20- Project Brief The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighborhoods. The Community Banner Series will build on the success of the original Community Banner Program that has received and archived artwork from a range of artists and artistic practices since 2018. Each year, these banners have contributed to colorful, vibrant, and City proud civic spaces in the City Centre. Banner artwork should engage Pickering’s diverse local communities; celebrate the city’s natural, social and built environment; and bring more colour, beauty, pride and enjoyment to city streets, and gateways to our community. Banners will be installed in series on city light poles at various locations including but not limited to Kingston Road, Valley Farm Road, and Pickering Parkway. Light poles have single-armed hardware. Artists should be aware that the artwork may be subject to damage by the elements. Banners will be on display for approximately two (2) years. The Community Banner Series schedule, duration and location of the banner series installation is subject to change at the discretion of the City of Pickering. In recognition of the environmental effects of excessive plastic production, this project will include an opportunity to repurpose, refurbish and reuse retired banners for future displays, promotions, or re-created into new temporary public art piece, or re-usable options. Selection Process Call to Artists – Expression of Interest (EOI) Community Services Staff and the Public Art Jury will review all submissions and identify a short-list based on artistic excellence and demonstrated or perceived ability to create and execute an innovative, engaging public artwork banner that is complementary to the overall design scheme and community context. Decisions of the Public Art Jury are reviewed by the Cultural Advisory Committee and are final, pending approval of the Director, Community Services as per the Community Banner Policy CUL 140. -21- Budget Stage 1: Short-listed artists will be paid a fee of $1,500.00 (+HST) for their submission of the conceptual design proposal. Short-listed artists will be provided a Terms of Reference with additional information about the project, and may be required to attend an interview and present their proposals (online presentations are an option) to the Public Art Jury in the 1st or 2nd week in September 2024. Stage 2: The budget for the final selected artists designs for the creation of seven (7) banners, including artist fees is $2,750 (+HST). A total of three (3) artists digital designed series will be selected from the short-listed artists. A Public Art Jury comprised of members with experience as practicing arts professionals, and community members with significant knowledge of arts and culture will be established for this competition. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) SUBMISSIONS Artists/ Artist teams are invited to respond to this EOI by submitting a single pdf document including: x CV: Professional resume (3-pages max). If submitting as a team, an individual resume should be submitted for each team member. x Artist statement: describe your interest in this project and share your experience in the field. You can submit a written document (1-page max) or record an audio or video message (MP3 or MP4 file, max 20 MB). x Portfolio of past work: Examples of relevant work. You may include multiple images per project on 1 page of a maximum to 10 projects (10- pages). Add tittle, year, scope, budget and a short description. x References: A list of at least two professional references familiar with your work and working methods. The list must include name, title, complete e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. Submissions must be sent by email to: jstamant@pickering.ca Subject: <YourLastName>_EOI:CommunityBanner2024 Deadline: May 31, 2024 at 4 pm EDT. If the submissions exceed 20 MB, artists should contact Jesse St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services who will provide a link to an external file share program. Incomplete submissions or submissions received after the deadline will not be juried. -22- Anticipated Schedule It is expected that the commissioned artist(s) will comply with the project’s general timeline dates, as stated below: Date* Project Phase May 1, 2024 Issue Call to Artists: EOI May 31, 2024 Call to Artists: EOI Submissions Due Week of June 17, 2024 Stage 1: Shortlisted Artists Notified Week of August 12, 2024 Shortlisted Artists Conceptual Design Deadline Week of September 16, 2024 Stage 2: Final Selection Artists Notified Week of October 7, 2024 Selected Artists Final Design Deadline November/December 2024 Banner Fabrication and Installation *Schedule is subject to change Accessibility The City will provide accommodations throughout the selection process to applicants with DFFHVVLELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWV. Please notify Jesse St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services at 905.420.4660 ext. 3607 or jstamant@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation. Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering The City of Pickering, at its sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist or Artist Team is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at it sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-qualified Artists or Artist Teams. The City reserveV the right to not proceed with awarding a contract. -23- Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition. Additional Information For any additional information or questions please contact: Jesse St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services at 905.420.4660 ext. 3607 or jstamant@pickering.ca. -24- Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee March 11, 2024 From: Stoyan Barakov Coordinator, Public Art Copy: Director, Community Services (Acting) Division Head, Culture & Community Programming (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Call to Artists – Remembrance Day Poppy Markers Public Art Commission -Request for Proposals Background: Based on the Council Directive issued on January 22, 2024, 5esolution #392/24, staff ZDV directed, through the Office of the CAO, to undertake a commission of public artwork of a simplified 3oppy 6idewalk 0arker WREHLQVWDOOHGat or around Esplanade Park North 7KLVZRXOGEHanother way residents can honour and remember )allen 9HWHUDQV on Remembrance Day, as well as GXULQJother times of the year. Following the Public Art Policy (CUL 130), Community Services will be issuing a single stage public art opportunity for $rtists/$rtist teams to apply. The Call to Artists – Request for Proposals (RFP) Remembrance Day Poppy Markers Public Art Commission (Attachment 1) will be released the week of March 25, 2024. Coordinator, Public Art has already met with the 5R\DO&DQDGLDQLegion %UDQFK606 and discussed the project The Legion %UDQFK is in support of the City to proceed with this initiative. Additionally, Community Services staff met with Parks and Operations Departments to discusV the exact location fRU the public art. A consensus was made that the work should be installed on the 11 light posts marking the way the /egion takes each year during the November 11th FHUHPRQ\. The commissioned public art piece is intended to be created as an interpretation of the 3oppy 5HPHPEUDQFH'D\ symbol the Legion uses to KRQRXU DQGUHPHPEHU9HWHUDQV. The successful work will act as a signifier for the VDFULILFHV of 9HWHUDQV The final artwork is to be installed in October 2024. -25- Funding: There is a maximum of $35,000 including HST, from the Public Art Reserve. Next steps: Coordinator, Public Art will issue Call to Artists – Request for Proposals (RFP) Remembrance Day Poppy Markers Public Art Commission. After collecting all the submissions, the Public Art Jury will evaluate the conceptual proposals against the criteria outlined in the Call to select the Top 1 Artist. The Cultural Advisory Committee will be informed of the highest ranked artists and asked for their endorsement during the April 2024 meeting. Given the amount of the opportunity, a Report to Council will be presented stating the Top 1 $rtist for final approval before award of the project. Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking approval to proceed with this project and issue: Call to Artists – Request for Proposals (RFP) Remembrance Day Poppy Markers Public Art Commission. Attachment 1: Call to Artists (RFP) - Remembrance 'D\Poppy Markers -26- Call to Artists – Request for Proposals (RFP) Remembrance 'D\Poppy Markers Deadline: April 15, 2024 at 4 pm EDT. Photo of the &enotaph, located on the north side of The Esplanade S, beside the Pickering Library/City Hall. Artist Opportunity The City of Pickering invites $rtists or $rtist teams to submit proposals for permanent sculptures of simplified 3oppy markers to be installed on the light posts throughout Park in Pickering. This is another way residents can reflect, honour and remember 9HWHUDQV on Remembrance Day, as well as at other times of the year. The works are to be installed on the 11 (eleven) light posts marking the way the 5R\DO&DQDGLDQLegion %UDQFK takes to the &enotaph. Artworks are expected to be displayed year round, permanently. One $rtist/7eam will be commissioned by The City of Pickering to create the work. As per the City of Pickering Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an $rtist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. A 3ublic $rt -ury comprised of practicing arts professionals, Cultural Advisory Committee members, and project stakeholders will be established for this single-stage competition. 1 -27- Site Context The City of Pickering resides on land within the Treaty and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations. The artwork will be located in Esplanade Park in Pickering. Esplanade Park will serve as the primary public green space that is located in the heart of City Centre with increased passive use, use as an events space and use for commemorations and celebrations. During the summertime, the spot is alive with the electric energy of music, picnickers, and WKHpasserb\H, this is the perfect spot to sit down and enjoy the breeze under the trees. Photo of Esplanade Park, Pickering -28- Project Brief The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighbourhoods. This public art piece is to be created as a Remembrance Day 3oppy 0arkerV and installed on the OLJKWSRVWV around Esplanade Park. The City has designated 11 OLJKWSRVWV that follow the path the Legion PHPHEHUVtake to the &enotaph every year on November 11th. The work is permanent. The City of Pickering will be seeking to purchase the work and assume full ownership. The successful work will act as a marker and further KRQRXUDQGUHPHPEHU 9HWHUDQV throughout the year. Budget $35,000 CAD including HST (maximum). This is the total amount available for the commission of this temporary public artwork. All related expenses of this project including, but not limited to: artist fees, all applicable taxes, detailed renderings, materials, community consultations and schedules or other expertise as required, insurance, equipment, travel to meetings and to the site, and an artist statement for completed work. The selected $rtist will enter into a written agreement with the City of Pickering following the approval of the acquisition of the public art. This agreement will address the $rtist's obligations, which include, but are not limited to: • Materials • Timeline • Installation • Maintenance and conservation plans • Warranty • Copyright, Intellectual Property and Moral Rights • Payments to sub-contractors -29- Anticipated Schedule It is expected that the commissioned artist(s) will comply with the project’s general timeline dates, as stated below: Date* Project Phase March 25, 2024 Issue RFP April 15, 2024 Submissions due June 24, 2024 Selected Artist notified Agreement is signed July 2024 Exact site confirmation Technical Design Review July to October 2024 Artwork fabrication Week of October 21, 2024 Artwork Installation October 25, 2024 Artwork unveiling *Schedule is subject to change Technical Specifications Design Considerations This call is primarily targeting new site-specific work suitable for outdoor all-season weather.The work is to be inspired by the traditional 3oppy flower used by the 5R\DO&DQDGLDQLegion as a symbol for remembrance DQGWKHVDFULILFHVof 9HWHUDQV.The work must be mechanically fastened to the light post and not cause harm topasserby.The work may be installed vertically along the entire light post, however pleasenote that if it’s too low it might affect ground seasonal maintenance.The work is to be inclusive, engaging and create a feeling of remembrance.The work may incorporate components; however, this should not add further tomaintenance and durability.Proposals must consider the local environment and weather conditions. -30- Technical Requirements All proposals must meet the following criteria:  The work must be durable, and able to withstand unpredictable all-season weather conditions and physical contact by the public.  There is a circuit monitoring Esplanade Park, however there is no overnight security in the space. Installations must be robust, and able to be installed in a public space. The artwork will be actively monitored with daily visual inspections conducted by City Staff, including weekends, as well as intermittent security patrols by the City’s Security team.  Based on the proposal the work must be secured directly on the light posts under the light fixture thought mechanical means; metal sleeve or a band wrapped around the body of the light post.  Artists will need to be willing to work with the project team on the technical set up, maintenance and addressing safety concerns.  The installation should comply with safety and accessibility design standards where possible.  Artist(s) must be able to set-up and provide clear instructions for City staff to install/ deinstall the work for future uses (if applicable). City staff will be present during installation.  Selected $rtists will be expected to provide proof of general liability insurance while on site. Images of the light post: -31- Selection Process A 3ublic $rt -ury comprised of practicing arts professionals, Cultural Advisory Committee Members and project stakeholders will be established for the evaluation of the proposals. This is a one stage competition. One $rtist will be awarded the commission. The Jury will recommend an $rtist or $rtistic team for the award of the commission based on the following criteria: 1.Artistic merit, including quality of work, originality, and artistic excellence in the field ofoutdoor temporary/permanent art.2.Adhesion to location and expressed desire in this project; and,3.Artist’s demonstrated ability and proposal feasibility to meet the artwork goals andtechnical requirements, within the set timeline and budget. The City of Pickering reserves the right to select and retain the artist deemed most appropriate for the project at its sole discretion. Submission Requirements Complete your RFP submission by filling out the form here: Accessibility The City will provide accommodations throughout the selection process to applicants with disabilities. Please notify Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation. Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering The City of Pickering, at it sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary to evaluate the submissions. The City retains the sole discretion to determine whether a submission is responsive and if the prospective Artist or Artist Team is capable of performing the Work. The City reserves the right, at it sole discretion, to determine the number of pre-qualified Artists or Artist Teams. The City reserve the right to not proceed with awarding a contract. Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition. -32- Additional Information For any additional information or questions please contact: Stoyan Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art at 289.200.7829 or sbarakov@pickering.ca. -33-