HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 07-24Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 07-24 Date: March 4, 2024 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community Recommendation: 1.That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23, submitted by Taccgate Developments Inc., to amend the existing zoning on three separate properties, located on the north and south sides of Taunton Road, between Burkholder Drive and Peter Matthews Drive, and at the southeast corner of Peter Matthews Drive and Taunton Road to do the following: a)add “Street Townhouse” to the list of permitted housing types; b)establish zoning performance standards to facilitate residential common element condominium tenure; and c)exempt townhouses from needing to be constructed in combination with an apartment building, be approved, and that the draft Zoning By-law Amendment, as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 07-24, be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: This report seeks Council’s approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment application, submitted by Taccgate Developments Inc., to change certain zoning provisions for three sites (identified as Sites A, B and C), located on the north and south sides of Taunton Road between Peter Mathews Drive and Burkholder Drive, within the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood in the Seaton Community (see Location Map, Attachment 1). The amendment proposes to add “Street Townhouse” to the list of permitted housing types, establish zoning standards for freehold lots with a common element condominium tenure, and exempt townhouses from the requirement to be constructed in combination with an apartment building. The three properties will be developed in phases. The first phase is Site A, for which a Site Plan Approval Application has been submitted, and is currently under review. This phase proposes four development blocks for a variety of townhouse types and a future apartment building, three private park blocks, two new public roads, and a network of private streets (see Submitted Site Plan – Site A, Attachment 3). PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 2 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community In response to comments received from City departments, external agencies and the Planning & Development Committee, the applicant revised the site plan for Site A. The key adjustments to the proposal include: • increasing the overall number of visitor parking spaces, and distributing accessible parking spaces more evenly throughout the site • distributing parkland areas more evenly throughout the development • improving pedestrian connections throughout the site and to Taunton Road • moving the townhouse units along Taunton Road closer to the street, and increasing the driveway length • improving the internal pedestrian pathways, adjusting building setbacks, and fine-tuning the alignments of internal private roads Sites B and C are future phases, and there are no immediate plans to develop these two properties. No Site Plan Approval applications have been received for these two sites. Site B is zoned as “Community Node” and “Community Node – Pedestrian Predominant Areas”. Site C is zoned as “Mixed Corridor Type 2”. Both sites permit a mix of residential uses, such as apartment buildings and a variety of townhouse dwelling types, and a broad range of commercial uses, including daycare centre, restaurant, medical office, and retail stores. Future development of these lands will be subject to market conditions, and in accordance with applicable zoning. City Development staff are in support of the recommended amending zoning by-law. The exemption of townhouses from being constructed in combination with an apartment building allows for a more flexible phasing of development of the sites to better meet market conditions. The recommended zoning by-law maintains the requirement for an apartment on each site to meet the minimum density requirements. Adding “Street Townhouse” to the list of permitted housing types for the three sites and establishing zoning standards for freehold lots with a common element condominium tenure, provides flexibility to offer a greater range of housing types and tenure and facilitates the contribution of housing supply in the City. Accordingly, staff recommends that Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23. Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan Priority of Advance Innovation & Responsible Planning to Support a Connected, Well-Serviced Community. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 3 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community Discussion: 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject lands consist of three sites, located on the north and south sides of Taunton Road, between Burkholder Drive and Peter Matthews Drive (Sites A and B), and at the southeast corner of Peter Matthews Drive and Taunton Road (Site C). These sites are located within the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood, part of the Seaton Community (see Location Map, Attachment 1). Sites A, B, and C collectively cover an area of approximately 19.98 hectares. All three sites are currently vacant. For Site A, the City has issued a Topsoil Removal, Fill Placement, and Erosion and Sediment Control permit, allowing for regrading. The lands between Sites B and C, located on the south side of Taunton Road, are also vacant. However, the City is currently reviewing a Site Plan Application (File S 06/23), submitted by Seaton Commercial Development Limited, to develop these lands for a future commercial plaza (see Air Photo Map, Attachment 2). Surrounding land uses include: North: The lands located north of Site A are owned by Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and are designated as Seaton Natural Heritage System. Further north, are lands owned by 1133373 Ontario Inc. These lands have been approved for a residential subdivision with a total of 1,089 dwelling units, including detached, semi-detached, and townhouse dwellings, as well as parks, schools, and open spaces. East: To the east of the subject lands, on the north and south sides of Taunton Road, are lands owned by IO, that are designated as Seaton Natural Heritage System. South: To the south of Site B, across Marathon Avenue, is a residential subdivision that is currently under construction, consisting of detached and townhouse dwellings. West: To the west of Site A, on the north side of Taunton Road, are lands owned by IO, which are designated as Seaton Natural Heritage System. Further west is the extension of Burkholder Drive. West of Site B, at the southwest corner of Taunton Road and Burkholder Drive, is the Mattamy Homes sales office. West of the sales office is a residential condominium development consisting of 3-storey townhouse dwellings. 2. Applicant’s Proposal Taccgate Developments Inc. has applied for a Zoning By-law Amendment for all three sites. The purpose of this amendment is to: • add “Street townhouse” to the list of permitted housing types PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 4 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community • establish zoning standards to facilitate freehold lots with a common element condominium tenure • create a site-specific exception that exempts block townhouses, back-to-back townhouses, and street townhouses from needing to be constructed in combination with an apartment building The applicant has indicated that Site A will be the initial focus of development and has submitted a Site Plan application (file S 04/23), which is currently under review. Sites B and C are to be developed in future phases and there are no immediate plans to develop these two properties. No Site Plan applications have been received for these two sites. The applicant has previously submitted conceptual demonstration plans to illustrate how Sites B and C could be developed for residential purposes with an apartment building and various forms of townhouses. The intent of these plans was to assist in determining the appropriate zoning standards to be included in the implementing zoning by-law, should these lands be developed for residential purposes, as further discussed in Section 2.2. A detailed description of the proposal for Site A is discussed below. Attachment 3 to this report provides a detailed summary of the changes to Site A. 2.1 Site A (North Parcel) The submitted site plan for Site A includes four development blocks, which will be developed in phases. The initial phase is to develop three blocks for a residential common element condominium consisting of a variety of townhouse types. The remaining block is intended for a future mixed-use condominium apartment building. Also proposed within Site A are three private park blocks, two new public roads, and a network of private streets. A total of 389 townhouse dwellings are proposed within the three blocks. Two new local roads are proposed, each having a right-of-way width of 17 metres. Street A is an east-west road, providing a connection between Peter Matthews Drive and Burkholder Drive. Street B is a north-south street, providing a connection between Taunton Road and Street A (see Submitted Site Plan – Site A, Attachment 4). The future apartment block is anticipated to be developed for a 20-storey mixed-use apartment building, with a 3-storey podium, containing approximately 434 units, and space for commercial uses at grade (see High-rise Concept – Site A, Attachment 5). Through collaboration between the applicant and City staff, and taking into consideration comments received from the Statutory Public Meeting, the applicant made the following refinements to their proposal: • increased the total number of visitor parking for the townhouse units from 102 spaces to 132 spaces, and distributed accessible parking spaces more evenly throughout the site PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 5 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community • modified the townhouses that front Taunton Road by decreasing the front yard landscaped space to bring the dwellings closer to the street and increase the driveway length • added a pedestrian connection between the future apartment block and townhouse block to connect to Taunton Road • enhanced the pedestrian connectivity and landscape aesthetics of the intersection at Taunton Road and Street B • enhanced pedestrian accessibility to Street B by changing the connections from a sidewalk and stair configuration to an accessible ramp with railings • increased the areas for the proposed east and west private parks, and slightly reduced the central private park size for a more even distribution of parkland • improved the internal pedestrian pathways, adjusting building setbacks, and fine-tuning the alignments of internal private roads The proposed townhouses will be 3 storeys in height and have lot frontages ranging between 4.5 metres and 6.4 metres (see Elevations: 4.5M Typical Dual Frontage Towns, 6.0M Typical Rear Lane Towns, 6.0M Typical Street Towns, 6.4M Typical Back-to-back Towns, Attachments 6 to 9, respectively). All three private park blocks are located north of Street A and will each contain a below- grade stormwater storage chamber to contain the required storm flows on-site. The applicant has indicated that all three private parks will be publicly accessible and maintained by the condominium corporations. Vehicular access to each development block will be provided from Streets A and B. 2.2 Site B (Southwest Parcel) and Site C (Southeast Parcel) In support of the rezoning application, the applicant submitted conceptual demonstration plans for Sites B and C, illustrating how each site could be developed for residential purposes with an apartment building, and various forms of townhouses accessed from an internal private road network (see Demonstration Plan – Site B, Demonstration Plan – Site C, Attachments 10 and 11, respectively). The applicant has advised that they intend to proceed with Site A and with other lands they own in Seaton, before proceeding to develop Sites B and C. They will revisit developing these two sites in the future based on market conditions, which could include commercial uses. Site B is zoned as “Community Node” and “Community Node – Pedestrian Predominant Area”, and Site C is zoned as “Mixed Corridor Type 2”. Both sites permit residential uses, such as apartment buildings and a variety of townhouse dwelling types, and a broad range of commercial uses, including but not limited to, daycare centre, restaurant, medical office, retail store, and other similar commercial uses. The intention of rezoning these lands is to add an additional form of townhouse, and to include zoning performance standards to accommodate common element condominium tenure. Expanding the range of housing and tenure options offers flexibility for a range of PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 6 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community housing options to future buyers of a broader segment of the population. Future development of these lands will be subject to Site Plan Approval, and the Site Plan Review Panel will have an opportunity to provide further comments through the site plan approval process. 2.3 Applications for Draft Plan of Condominiums are required to be submitted For Site A, the applicant will be required to submit separate applications for draft plan of condominium for the three townhouse blocks. These three blocks will be common element condominiums, which is a type of condominium tenure where an owner owns their individual lot and dwelling, referred to as Parcel of Tied Land (POTLs), but has shared ownership of common areas and amenities with other unit holders. These shared common amenities include all the private roads, sidewalks, site servicing, outdoor amenity areas, community mailboxes and visitor parking areas. 3. Comments Received 3.1 Comments received in writing and expressed through the September 5, 2023, Statutory Public Meeting On September 5, 2023, a Statutory Public Meeting was held to inform Seaton residents about the proposed zoning amendments. The City advertised the meeting by placing six development signs on the three sites, sharing details of the meeting on the City’s website, and sending notice by mail to area residents within 150 metres. Nine members of the public submitted written comments regarding the proposed zoning changes. Below are the main comments and concerns expressed during the Statutory Public Meeting and through written submissions: • some residents were concerned about the proposal’s focus on residential uses, given the previous plans for a commercial corridor along Taunton Road to serve the Seaton Community • concerns were raised about the lack of essential commercial services like grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, and medical facilities in the Seaton Community • requests were made for necessary commercial services to be established within the implementing zoning by-law to cater to both existing and future residents • some suggested that blocks for future apartment buildings be zoned to require commercial uses • concerns were voiced about potential negative impacts on traffic congestion, infrastructure capacity, and emergency services due to the additional residential development Additionally, the Planning & Development Committee expressed the following comments and concerns: • requested that the developer consider advising future owners of the townhouse units that the future development block at the southwest corner of Site A is zoned for an apartment building PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 7 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community • concerned that there would be insufficient parking to accommodate future occupants of the proposed developments, particularly for Site C 3.2 Agency Comments 3.2.1 Region of Durham • no objection to the approval of the proposed applications, subject to the applicant satisfying the Region’s conditions of site plan approval related to various matters, including provision and installation of sanitary and water servicing, transportation, and noise and vibration • it is noted there are sanitary sewage and municipal water supply that are available to the subject property from the existing residential developments adjacent to the development blocks • all the Region’s concerns regarding conformity with the Regional Official Plan, Provincial Plan and Policies, and the delegated Provincial Plan Review Responsibilities have been addressed 3.2.2 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) • no objections to the proposal, subject to the conditions of draft approval of the plan of subdivision provided • TRCA advises that technical comments related to stormwater management, drainage and grading will be addressed at the detailed design stage 3.2.3 Durham District School Board • no objections to the proposed development • students generated from this development will attend existing neighbourhood schools 3.2.4 Durham Catholic District School Board • the submitted applications were circulated to the Durham Catholic District School Board; and the school board did not express any comments or concerns with respect to the submitted application 3.3 Comments from City Departments 3.3.1 Engineering Services Department • no objections to the proposal • matters concerning grading and drainage, fencing details, stormwater management details, construction management requirements, snow storage location, landscaping requirements, and gateway feature design, will be further reviewed through the site plan approval process PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 8 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community 3.3.2 Fire Services • no objection to the proposal • matters concerning fire route location, and siamese connections, will be further reviewed through the submission of a future Site Plan application 3.3.3 Sustainability The City’s Sustainability staff have reviewed the Sustainable Development Briefing and Checklist, prepared by Korsiak Urban Planning, dated November 23, 2023. The applicant has noted the proposal surpasses the minimum required score and achieves a Level 2 certification, which is a design that implements 30 percent or more of the eligible criteria. Sustainability staff are satisfied that the proposal will incorporate several sustainable development features that are consistent with the Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines. The applicant has committed to the following measures, which will be conveyed to future builders: • A community garden with 14-raised garden plots within the proposed ‘central park’ amenity space. • The promotion of sustainable programs, such as future education packages, regarding household activities to conserve household energy and water resources, access to transit, and recycling and composting programs and depots, which would be provided at the time of purchase or rental. • Where feasible, provide for enhanced performance measures that optimize energy efficiency, thermal comfort, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as Energy Star and Heat Recovery Ventilators systems. The certification will be confirmed and implemented as part of the Site Plan applications for Sites A, B and C. Staff will continue to work with the applicant to explore opportunities for additional sustainable design features to be incorporated into the development and ensuring that the above-noted sustainable measures are implemented at the detailed design stage. 4. Planning Analysis 4.1 The proposal conforms with the density and land use policies of the Official Plan and is consistent with the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood policies Schedule I of the City’s Official Plan designates Sites A and B as “Mixed Use Areas – Community Node”, and Site C as “Mixed Use Areas – Mixed Corridors”. These land use designations allow for a broad range of commercial and residential uses. Schedule VIII – Neighbourhood 16: Lamoreaux identifies Site A as “Community Node”; Site B as “Community Node” with a “Pedestrian Prominent Street Symbol”; and Site C as “Mixed Corridor Type 2” with a “Gateway Site”. PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 9 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community The Community Node permits a density range of over 80 units up to, and including, 140 units per net hectare, and a maximum Floor Space Index (FSI) of up to 2.5 FSI. The Mixed Use Corridor Type 2 designation permits a density range of 60 units to a maximum of 180 units per net hectare, and a maximum of up to 2.5 FSI. For Site A, comprising the three townhouse blocks and the future apartment block, the total residential density is 90 units per net hectare. Based on the demonstration plans for Sites B and C, should these two sites be developed for residential, each site could potentially accommodate a density of 84 and 93 units per net hectare, respectively. Future Site Plan applications for Sites B and C will need to confirm compliance with the density provisions of the Official Plan. The Lamoreaux Neighbourhood has specific policies aimed at enhancing the public realm and promoting active uses at grade. The Community Node on Taunton Road is planned to be the heart of the neighbourhood as a compact, walkable area, with a mix of commercial and residential uses that intensify over time. This node shall serve the day-to-day commercial needs of nearby residents, and of travellers who pass through along Taunton Road, and along the north-south arterial roads. The proposed development of Site A aligns with these goals, and contributes to making a livable, walkable, and human-scaled community. It includes features such as private parks that are publicly accessible; improved landscaping within the site and along Taunton Road; additional visitor parking spaces; and a high degree of pedestrian connectivity within the site, and to the private parks and the residential dwellings. The Official Plan and the Seaton Sustainable Place-making Guidelines establish criteria for high-rise development. These criteria aim to minimize adverse impacts like shadowing, sky view obstruction, privacy concerns, and transitions to established low-density development. The proposed mixed-use apartment building, planned for Site A, will be subject to a future Site Plan application. Through that process, City staff will ensure the building design incorporates appropriate setbacks and podium heights to create a human scale at street level, ensure views and privacy for residents are maintained, and minimize shadowing and wind tunnel impacts on nearby development, streets and parks. The proposal conforms to the policies within the Pickering Official Plan. 4.2 New commercial plazas are proposed to service residents within the Lamoreaux Neighbourhood At the Statutory Public meeting, residents and Committee members voiced concerns about developing all three sites for predominantly residential uses, especially given there is a lack of commercial services and amenities in the Seaton Community. The City is currently reviewing a proposal for a new commercial plaza, submitted by Seaton Commercial Development Limited (file S 06/23), which is located between Sites B and Site C. The commercial plaza is currently planned to contain eight buildings, containing PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 10 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community over 11,500 square metres of commercial gross floor area. The tenants, at this time, are not known. However, the developer expects that a variety of commercial uses, such as a grocery store, a bank, and restaurants, will be provided. Construction is anticipated to start in spring/summer 2024. In addition to the above-noted commercial plaza, Taccgate Developments Inc. also owns a site for commercial development. Taccgate intends to submit a Site Plan application for the lands at the southwest corner of Peter Matthews Drive and Alexander Knox Road. This proposed commercial plaza is also anticipated to include a variety of uses, such as a supermarket, a daycare centre, a pharmacy, restaurants and other commercial uses, yet to be determined. The application is expected to be submitted in the summer/fall of 2024, with construction projected to begin in 2026. Regarding the three sites subject to this rezoning application, there remains the opportunity for additional commercial space within the proposed mixed-use apartment building at Site A. As previously noted, Sites B and C are not intended to be developed at this time. Subject to market conditions, there are opportunities to provide additional commercial space on these two sites. 4.3 The proposed zoning by-law amendment maintains the intent of the existing zoning The subject lands are currently zoned to permit a mix of residential and commercial uses, at the highest densities of the Seaton Community. The Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14 zones the lands as follows: Site A: Community Node (CN-1); Site B: Community Node (CN-1) and Community Node – Pedestrian Predominant (CN-PP); and Site C: Mixed-Use Corridor Type 2 (MC2) and Mixed-Use Corridor Type 3 (MC3). The applicant is not proposing to change the zoning categories for the subject lands, remove any commercial and residential uses, or modify the density requirements of the zoning by-law. The CN Zone permits block townhouses and back-to-back townhouses, with the condition that they are developed in combination with an apartment dwelling. The applicant’s request to remove this requirement allows the flexibility to develop the sites according to market conditions, and does not impact the density requirements of the CN Zone. The request is therefore supported by staff. Staff acknowledge the applicant’s rationale that current market conditions in the Seaton Community are favourable for the development of townhouse condominiums in the near term, but not apartment buildings. Staff support the applicant’s request to add “Street townhouse” to the list of permitted housing types on Sites A, B and C, and the request to include zoning provisions to enable the development of common element condominiums. These amendments will provide additional flexibility to offer a range of housing types and tenure in the form of condominiums and freehold dwellings. In addition, these amendments will facilitate the development of new residential dwelling units, contributing toward the City’s housing pledge of 13,000 homes by 2031. PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 11 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community Staff are of the opinion that the zoning by-law amendment, as recommended, is appropriate, and is generally consistent with the intent of the existing zoning and the related Official Plan designations. 4.4 The proposal will be served by new amenity space, and introduce private parks for public use Members of the Planning & Development Committee requested whether parkland could be more evenly distributed throughout the development, and requested clarification if the intent was for the parkland within each site to be used for public use. Site A proposes three private park blocks, with a combined area of 6,470 square metres, representing approximately 7.1 percent of the net development area. The applicant has adjusted the size of each private park to ensure even distribution of parkland throughout the site. Furthermore, the park blocks are either directly fronting a public street (Street A) or are located within a very short distance of a public street, ensuring they are publicly accessible to residents, visitors, and members of the public. The park blocks are to be held in private condominium ownership as they are on top of a below-grade stormwater storage chambers, required to capture storm flows from this development. The applicant has advised that they will register an easement in favour of the City over the private park blocks, to permit members of the public to access the parks. The future condominium declaration will include provisions, ensuring the condominium corporation will be fully responsible for the perpetual maintenance of the private parks, and that they will remain fully accessible to the public at all times. The final programming and detailed design of the park blocks will be confirmed through the site plan review process. However, preliminary conceptual plans have been provided for each park, and they are described below. The west park has been increased from 840 square metres to 1,130 square metres to provide more park area for the northwest portion of Site A (see Figure 1 below). This park will front two private roads, but will have pedestrian connections to Street A, to ensure it is easily accessible. The preliminary park design includes sheltered seating, a play area, and landscape space. PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 12 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community Figure 1: West Park Block The central park has been slightly reduced from 3,870 square metres to 3,370 square metres (see Figure 2 below). The conceptual plan for the central park proposes several enhancements, including wider pedestrian walkways throughout the park, sidewalks along the edges of the park, outdoor seating, bicycle parking, a community garden, and a junior and senior play area at the centre of the site. PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 13 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community Figure 2: Central Park Block PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 14 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community The east park has been slightly increased from 1,720 square metres to 1,970 square metres (see Figure 3 below). The preliminary conceptual plan for this park includes an outdoor fitness area and a half-basketball-court. Figure 3: East Park Block As noted, Sites B and C are still subject to design changes through future site plan review processes. Staff will continue to work with the applicant on the design of the private park spaces, and explore opportunities to further enhance the landscape treatment within the development. The proposed development provides for sufficient park space to service the future residents of this development. In addition to these spaces, each townhouse will either have a private rear yard or a private outdoor amenity area. 4.5 Site A will have minimal traffic impacts on the surrounding road network In support of the Site Plan application for Site A, the applicant has submitted a Traffic Impact Study, prepared by BA Group, dated August 19, 2023. Vehicular access to each development block within Site A will be provided from the new public streets. Streets A and B will provide connections to Taunton Road, Burkholder Drive, and Peter Matthews Drive. The report investigated the traffic conditions and effects of this proposal on the surrounding road network. Site A is expected to generate approximately 400 new, two-way trips during the weekday am hours and 425 two-way trips during the pm peak hours. BA Group indicated that the PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 15 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community current traffic studies do not include detailed studies for Sites B and C. The applicant will be required to submit a traffic impact study when advancing Sites B and C to Site Plan approval. The traffic study for Site A concluded that the abutting roadway system, and its intersections, can accommodate the traffic generated by this development. The City and the Region have reviewed the submitted Traffic Impact Study, and have no further comments regarding this rezoning application. 4.6 A sufficient number of parking spaces will be provided for residents and visitors At the Statutory Public meeting, Committee members requested that sufficient parking be provided to meet zoning requirements, and provide additional visitor parking, if possible. The Seaton Zoning By-law requires a minimum of two parking spaces for each townhouse dwelling unit. The site plan for Site A meets this requirement. For the rear-lane townhouses, two spaces are proposed in the garage, and for the remainder of the townhouses, one parking space is located in a private garage and one is located on the driveway. Parallel visitor parking is provided within the private roads and is distributed throughout the development. The zoning by-law requires a minimum visitor parking ratio of 0.25 spaces, requiring a total of 97 visitor parking spaces. The applicant is proposing a total of 132 visitor spaces, a surplus of 35 visitor parking spaces within Sites A. In addition, the proposed public roads will be designed to accommodate on-street visitor parking, which will provide an additional 42 visitor parking spaces for Site A. Ample visitor parking will be provided for Site A to support the development. Staff will continue to work with the applicant to ensure Sites B and C have sufficient parking for residents and visitors, should these lands be developed for residential purposes. 4.7 A sufficient interior garage size will be provided for residents and visitors The Planning & Development Committee has expressed concerns with the adequacy of space within the private garage for accommodating an average-sized vehicle and other household items. The Seaton Zoning By-law requires interior garages to have a minimum width of 2.9 metres and a minimum depth of 6.0 metres (including interior steps). This requirement ensures there is space within the private garage for parking a vehicle and storing some household items, as well as garbage and recycling bins. In response to this concern, the applicant has worked with their builders to explore opportunities, where feasible, without compromising interior living space, to increase the typical interior garage sizes to exceed the minimum zoning requirements. Depending on the lot size and housing type, the increase in the garage size would slightly vary, as demonstrated in Table 1 below. PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 16 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community Table 1: Interior Garage Sizes by Townhouse Type Townhouse Unit Type Required by Zoning Proposed Back-to-back Townhouse 2.9 metres x 6.0 metres 3.3 metres x 6.73 metres Block Townhouse 2.9 metres x 6.0 metres 3.2 metres x 6.24 metres Rear Lane Townhouse (garage includes 2 spaces) (2x) 2.9 metres x 6.0 metres 5.8 metres x 6.73 metres Dual Frontage Townhouse 2.9 metres x 6.0 metres 2.94 metres x 6.09 metres The applicant has advised that these interior garage sizes could be applied to the proposed development, exceeding the zoning requirement, and ensuring there is sufficient space within the private garages to park a vehicle(s) and provide sufficient storage of household items, such as bikes, garbage bins, and yard equipment. The applicant is exploring the possibility of select units that would accommodate an even greater interior size. 4.8 The proposal is consistent with the Seaton Sustainable Place-making Guidelines The Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines (“the Guidelines”) address the urban design guidelines within the former Central Pickering Development Plan (revoked December 2022), and expand on key design elements, by setting out minimum standards and benchmarks for site plans, and listing the range of matters that are to be addressed in the development of the lands. The Guidelines also provide direction on the design of the public realm, built forms and green infrastructure and buildings. Staff is satisfied that the revised concept plan that accompanied this zoning by-law amendment application represented key elements of the Guidelines. Through the future site plan application, staff will continue to work with the applicant on a variety of matters, as set out in Section 4.10. 4.9 Response to Concerns from Planning & Development Committee Members Concerns Staff’s Response Concern that the proposed development does not address the Seaton Community’s lack of basic commercial services such as grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations and medical facilities. As discussed in Section 4.2 of this report, in April 2023, Seaton Commercial Developments Limited (Fieldgate Commercial) submitted a Site Plan application for the construction of a new commercial plaza located at the southwest corner of Taunton Road and Peter Matthews Drive. The development Request that the apartment blocks be zoned to require commercial uses. PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 17 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community Concerns Staff’s Response Concern with proposing predominantly residential uses where the lands had previously been envisioned for a commercial corridor build out of Taunton Road. encompasses a total gross floor area of approximately 11,600 square metres, distributed over eight multi-tenant buildings. The anchor building is designed to accommodate a major grocery store. The applicant has informed staff that, contingent upon finalizing leases with key commercial tenants and promptly resolving outstanding technical issues, building permit applications could be submitted in the 2nd quarter of 2024. Site servicing is expected to commence in the 3rd quarter of 2024, with the potential opening of the plaza in the 3rd quarter of 2025. Taccgate Developments Inc. intends to develop a commercial plaza at the southwest corner of Peter Matthews Drive and Alexander Knox Road. The proposed commercial plaza will include a variety of uses such as a supermarket, daycare centre, pharmacy, restaurants and other commercial uses yet to be determined. The application is expected to be submitted in the summer or fall of 2024, with construction projected to begin in 2026. The proposed mixed-use apartment building on Site A will also have the opportunity for additional commercial space. As previously noted, Sites B and C are not intended to be developed at this time. Subject to market conditions, there are opportunities to provide additional commercial space on these two sites. The applicant should ensure that commercial components such as grocery stores are included on the subject lands Please confirm if the proposed parks are to be accessible to the public, and not limited to the residents of the proposed development. The proposed private park spaces are intended to be accessible to the general public. They would also serve the residents of the future apartment building. Residents of the future apartment building will also be served by indoor and outdoor amenity PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 18 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community Concerns Staff’s Response Please confirm if the residents of the apartment building would be sharing the parkland placed near the townhomes. areas that will be provided within the apartment block. Placing signage on the adjacent sites to notify the public and future residents of the townhomes of the proposed apartment style buildings that would be constructed in the future; The townhouse units will be occupied before the construction of the future apartment block. The applicant has advised that all marketing materials, provided at the time of purchase and sales, will identify that an apartment building is intended to be developed at this portion of the site. Please confirm if the townhomes would be occupied prior to the construction of the apartment buildings. Please indicate whether gas stations are permitted along the Taunton Road corridor or anywhere within the subject lands. Gas stations are permitted on the subject lands and throughout most of the Taunton Road corridor, which are predominantly zoned Community Node (CN) Zone, Mixed Corridor Type 2 (MC2) Zone, and Mixed Corridor Type 3 (MC3) Zone. Please indicate whether there was an opportunity to name the roads on the proposed site after firefighters and veterans in accordance with the existing Street Naming Policy The City has provided the applicant with a short-list of names of veterans and firefighters. The applicant has agreed to name the public streets after veterans and firefighters. Naming will be confirmed with the next Site Plan submission. 4.10 Technical matters will be addressed through the site plan approval Detailed design issues are being addressed through the site plan approval process. These requirements will address matters such as, but not limited to: • entry feature design • architectural treatment • landscaping and fencing • snow storage • lighting • pedestrian circulation and connections • outdoor amenity area design • drainage and grading • site servicing PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 19 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community • construction management plan • resident, visitor and accessible parking spaces • waste management collection • location of hydro transformers, gas meters and other utilities 5. Zoning By-law to be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment The applicant is requesting site-specific exceptions to permit residential condominium developments on three separate properties. Staff support the rezoning application and recommend that By-law 7364/14 be amended to permit the site-specific exceptions. Staff recommend that the site-specific implementing by-law, containing the standards set out in Appendix I to this report, be finalized and brought before Council for enactment. 6. Applicant’s Comments The applicant supports the recommendations of this report. Appendix: Appendix I Recommended Draft Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Air Photo Map 3. Summary of Key Details of Proposal 4. Submitted Site Plan – Site A 5. High-Rise Concept – Site A 6. Elevation – 4.5M Typical Dual Frontage Towns 7. Elevation – 6.0M Typical Rear Lane Towns 8. Elevation – 6.0M Typical Street Towns 9. Elevation – 6.4M Typical Back-to-back Townhouse 10. Demonstration Plan – Site B 11. Demonstration Plan – Site C PLN 07-24 March 4, 2024 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Page 20 North and south sides of Taunton Road between Burkholder Drive and Peter Mathews Drive, and on the east side of Peter Mathews Drive Seaton Community Prepared By: Original Signed By Liam Crawford Planner II Original Signed By Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Division Head, Development Review & Urban Design Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Original Signed By Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO LC:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix I to Report No. PLN 07-24 Recommended Draft Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/23 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XXXX/24 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 7364/14, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, for the lands identified as Block 76, 40M-2664, and Blocks 187, 188, 197, and 203, 40M-2671, City of Pickering (A 06/23) Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering received an application to rezone portions of the subject lands being Block 76, 40M-2664, and Blocks 187, 188, 197, and 203, 40M-2671, in the City of Pickering to add Street townhouse dwelling to the list of permitted housing types, establish zoning performance standards to create freehold lots with a common element condominium tenure, and allow townhouses to be constructed without the concurrent construction of an apartment building; And whereas an amendment to Zoning By-law 7364/14, is deemed necessary to permit the requested revisions; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedules I, II, and III Schedules I, II, and III, attached hereto with notations and references shown thereon are hereby declared to be part of this By-law. 2. Area Restricted The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in Block 76, 40M-2664, and Blocks 187, 188, 197, and 203, 40M-2671, in the City of Pickering, designated CN-2, CN-3, CN-4, CN-PP-1, MC2-4, MC3-1 on Schedules I, II, and III attached hereto. 3. General Provisions No building, structure, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 4. Text Amendment Insert a new row to Table 19 which establishes permitted use exceptions that apply to Mixed Use Zones as follows: Zone # Address Additional Uses Permitted Excluded Uses CN 2 Block 203, 40M-2671 Private Park Live work unit, Block Townhouse building, and Back-to-back townhouse. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 2 Zone # Address Additional Uses Permitted Excluded Uses CN CN CN-PP 3 4 1 Blocks 188,197 and 203, 40M-2671 and Block 76, 40M-2664 Street townhouse dwelling Private Park Despite Table 12 - Note 1, a Live work unit, Block Townhouse building, and Back-to-back townhouse are not required to be constructed in combination with an Apartment dwelling. 5.Text Amendment Insert a new row to Table 20 which establishes the Lot and Building and Structure exceptions that apply to the Mixed Use Zones as follows: Zone # Address Description of Special Provision CN CN 2 3 Blocks 197 and 203, 40M-2671 Park, Private means an area of land not under the jurisdiction of a public authority that is designed or maintained for active or passive recreational purposes. To calculate density and Floor Space Index (FSI), the total area of the lot shall be deemed to be the combined areas of the CN-2 and CN-3 zones. Despite Section 5.6.2 a) and b), the following combined minimum and maximum density and FSI shall apply to the lands zoned as CN-2, and CN-3: i)the minimum density shall be 80 units per net hectare and one FSI ii)the maximum density shall be 140 units per net hectare and up to and including 2.5 FSI The total area for Private Park shall be a minimum of 5 percent of the area for the lands zoned CN-2 and CN-3. Within a Community Node (CN) zone and any adjacent Community Node – Pedestrian Predominant Area (CN-PP) zone, the total gross leasable floor area on the ground floor of all buildings within the two zones that are available for the retailing of goods and services shall not exceed 60,000 square metres. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 3 Zone # Address Description of Special Provision Street townhouse dwelling, Block Townhouse Building and Back-to-back townhouse uses shall meet the setback, amenity area, landscaped open space and height requirements of the MC2 zone for those dwelling types. A water meter building required by the Region of Durham, to measure the quantity of water delivered, shall be exempt from Zoning provisions and requirements. The minimum flankage yard for corner lots shall be measured to the projection of a private street line and not to the corner rounding. Street townhouse dwelling that is located in a street townhouse building abutting a water meter building or a private park may be deemed to be a Street townhouse dwelling with an integrated private garage accessed from a lane. If considered a Street townhouse dwelling with an integrated private garage accessed from a lane, the lot line that the private garage entrance faces shall be deemed to be the rear lot line and a minimum lot frontage shall not apply. Despite Table 17: Local Node (LN) and Community Node (CN) zone standards, the following zone standards shall apply to an Apartment building: i) minimum Interior Side Yard: 3.0 metres ii) maximum Flankage Yard: 4.5 metres iii) minimum Rear Yard: 3.0 metres The lot line abutting Taunton Road shall be deemed to be the front lot line of the Apartment building. Despite Table 14: Mixed Corridor Type 2 (MC2) zone standards, the following zone standards shall apply to a Street townhouse dwelling with integrated private garage facing the front lot line: i) maximum building height: 13.5 metres ii) minimum rear yard: 5.0 metres iii) minimum flankage yard for lots adjacent to visitor parking spaces: 1.6 metres Despite Table 14: Mixed Corridor Type 2 (MC2) zone standards, the following zone standards shall apply to a Street townhouse dwelling with integrated private garage accessed from a lane: i) maximum building height: 13.5 metres ii) maximum front yard for lots fronting a public Street: 6.5 metres By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 4 Zone # Address Description of Special Provision Sections 2.18 a) i) and b) shall not apply. Despite Table 14: Mixed Corridor Type 2 (MC2) zone standards, the following zone standards shall apply to a Back-to-back townhouse dwelling: i)maximum building height: 13.5 metres ii)minimum flankage yard for lots adjacent to visitor parking spaces: 1.2 metres. Section 2.19 c) i) shall not apply. CN CN-PP 4 1 Block 76, 40M-2664 and Block 188, 40M-2671 Park, Private means an area of land not under the jurisdiction of a public authority that is designed or maintained for active or passive recreational purposes. To calculate density and Floor Space Index (FSI), the total area of the lot shall be deemed to be the combined areas of the CN-4 and CN-PP-1 zones. Despite Section 5.6.2 a) and b), the following combined minimum and maximum density and FSI shall apply to the lands zoned as CN-4 and CN-PP-1: i)the minimum density shall be 80 units per net hectare and 1.0 FSI ii)the maximum density shall be 140 units per net hectare and up to and including 2.5 FSI The total area for Private Park shall be a minimum of 5 percent of the area for the lands zoned CN-4 and CN-PP-1. Within a Community Node (CN) zone and any adjacent Community Node – Pedestrian Predominant Area (CN-PP) zone, the total gross leasable floor area on the ground floor of all buildings within the two zones that are available for the retailing of goods and services shall not exceed 60,000 square metres. Street townhouse dwelling, Block Townhouse Building and Back-to-back townhouse uses shall meet the setback, amenity area, landscaped open space and height requirements of the MC2 zone for those dwelling types. A water meter building required by the Region of Durham, to measure the quantity of water delivered, shall be exempt from Zoning provisions and requirements. The minimum flankage yard for corner lots shall be measured to the projection of a private street line and not to the corner rounding. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 5 Zone # Address Description of Special Provision Street townhouse dwelling that is located in a street townhouse building abutting a water meter building or a private park may be deemed to be a Street townhouse dwelling with an integrated private garage accessed from a lane. If considered a Street townhouse dwelling with an integrated private garage accessed from a lane, the lot line that the private garage entrance faces shall be deemed to be the rear lot line and a minimum lot frontage shall not apply. Despite Table 17: Local Node (LN) and Community Node (CN) zone standards, the following zone standards shall apply to an Apartment building: i) maximum Front Yard: 6.0 metres ii) minimum Interior Side Yard: 3.0 metres iii) maximum Flankage Yard: 12.0 metres iv) minimum Rear Yard: 3.0 metres Despite Table 14: Mixed Corridor Type 2 (MC2) zone standards, the following zone standards shall apply to a Street townhouse dwelling with integrated private garage accessed from a lane: i) maximum building height: 13.5 metres ii) maximum front yard for lots fronting a public Street: 7.0 metres Sections 2.18 a) i) and b) shall not apply. Back-to-back townhouse dwelling shall have a maximum building height of 13.5 metres. Section 2.19 c) i) shall not apply. Despite Table 14: Mixed Corridor Type 2 (MC2) zone standards, the following zone standards shall apply to a Street townhouse dwelling with integrated private garage facing the front lot line: i) maximum building height: 13.5 metres ii) minimum rear yard: 5.0 metres Despite Table 14: Mixed Corridor Type 2 (MC2) zone standards, the following zone standards shall apply to a Live work unit: i) minimum amenity area: 20 square metres ii) maximum building height: 13.5 metres MC2 MC3 4 1 Block 187, 40M-2671 Park, Private means an area of land not under the jurisdiction of a public authority that is designed or maintained for active or passive recreational purposes. By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 6 Zone # Address Description of Special Provision To calculate density and Floor Space Index (FSI), the total area of the lot shall be deemed to be the combined areas of the MC2-4 and MC3-1zones. Despite Section 5.4.2 a) and b), the following combined minimum and maximum density and FSI shall apply to the lands zoned as MC2-4 and MC3-1: i) the minimum density shall be 60 units per net hectare and 1.0 FSI ii) the maximum density shall be 180 units per net hectare and up to and including 2.5 FSI The total area for Private Park shall be a minimum of 5 percent of the area for the lands zoned MC2-4 and MC3-1. A water meter building required by the Region of Durham, to measure the quantity of water delivered, shall be exempt from Zoning provisions and requirements. The minimum flankage yard for corner lots shall be measured to the projection of a private street line and not to the corner rounding. Street townhouse dwelling that is located in a street townhouse building abutting a water meter building or a private park may be deemed to be a Street townhouse dwelling with an integrated private garage accessed from a lane. If considered a Street townhouse dwelling with an integrated private garage accessed from a lane, the lot line that the private garage entrance faces shall be deemed to be the rear lot line and a minimum lot frontage shall not apply. Despite Table 15: Mixed Corridor Type 3- Gateway Sites (MC3) zone standards, the following zone standards shall apply to an Apartment building: i) maximum Front Yard: 6 metres ii) minimum Interior Side Yard: 3.0 metres iii) maximum Flankage Yard: 17.0 metres iv) minimum Rear Yard: 3.0 metres Despite Table 14: Mixed Corridor Type 2 (MC2) zone standards, the following zone standards shall apply to a Street townhouse dwelling with integrated private garage facing the front lot line: i) maximum building height: 13.5 metres ii) minimum rear yard: 5.0 metres Despite Table 14: Mixed Corridor Type 2 (MC2) Zone Standards, the following zone standards shall apply to a By-law No. XXXX/XX Page 7 Zone # Address Description of Special Provision Street townhouse dwelling with integrated private garage accessed from a lane: i) maximum building height: 13.5 metres ii) maximum front yard for lots fronting a public Street: 10.0 metres Sections 2.18 a) i) and b) shall not apply. Back-to-back townhouse dwelling shall have a maximum building height of 13.5 metres. Section 2.19 c) i) shall not apply. 6. By-law 7364/14 By-law 7364/14, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedules I, II and III to this By-law. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 7364/14. 7. Effective Date This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. By-law passed this XXth day of XXXX, 2024. ___________________________________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor ___________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk ,,,. ; ,,, -----_____________ C~:-.3 ___________ ,,,."",,,,,,"",,,. Q) > ·.:::: 0 ~ Q) ""O 0 .c -t :, OJ - - -Proposed Roads ----------------- r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J ' Taunton Road Schedule I to By-Law XXXX/24 Passed This XXrd Day of XXXX 24 Mayor Clerk ,,,. I Q) i > 8 (/) 3: Q) :S iii ~ ai m a. / I Q) > ·.:::: 0 Dragonfly Avenue Belcourt Street ll~ Taunton Road CN-4 Marathon Avenue Schedule II to By-Law XXXX/24 Passed This XXrd Day of XXXX 24 Mayor Clerk -CN-PP-1 I O" (/) Cl C (/) CJ z (I) I Q) > 8 (/) 3: Q) § cu ~ .... Q) Q) a.. MC3-1 C) (I) -0 ?:. ~-c 3 -I nl Taunton Road MC2-4 Schedule Ill to By-Law XXXX/24 Passed This XXrd Day of XXXX 24 Mayor Clerk I Attachment 1 to Report PLN 07-24 Hi b i s c u s D r i v e Marathon Avenue BurkholderDrive Cameo Street Pe t e r M a t t h e w s D r i v e CactusCrescent Taunton Road City DevelopmentDepartment Location MapFile:Applicant:Property Desc: A 06/23 Date: May. 23, 2023 ¯ E Taccgate Developments Inc.Blk 76, 40M-2664 & Blks 187 197, 203, Part of Blk 188, 40M-2671 SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2023\A 06-23 Taccgate Developments Inc\A06_23_LocationMap.mxd 1:6,500 SCALE:THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Kings Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Department ofNatural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal PropertyAssessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. E CB A E Bu r k h o l d e r D r i v e Aquarius Tra i l De l p h i n i u m T r a i l Ap r i c o t L a n e At h e n a P a t h Azalea Avenue Attachment 2 to Report PLN 07-24   e s a t e s i i l E E E Pe t e r M a t t h e w s D r i v e Fa l l H a r v e s t C r e s c e n t D r a g o n fly B el cou rt S treet A q u a ri u s T r a il H i b i s c u s D r i v e Cameo S t r e e t Chateau C o urt de r D r i v e e M e w s Skyridge B o u l e v a r d h l l Bu r k h o nd i S p O r e n d a Carin a T a s h io n errac ee T n t Ce L a n e i nu itg erlily Trail riT a n g re en T r a il e n ¯v e S t r e iseManor ea A l a eAzt reC Ke y t o n M e w s An g o r a S t r e e t A hen Pat Ap r i c o t L a n e So l t i c M e w s De p h n u m T r a i l F us Cresc Air Photo MapFile: A 06/23Applicant:Taccgate Developments Inc. y Deve opment Legal Description:Blk 76, 40M-2664 & Blks 187 197, 203, Part ofCitDepartlmen Blk 188, 40M-2671 Date: Aug. 17, 2023t ©The Corpo ation o the C ty of i ing Pr ( n pa ) r i om:ings Pri ter t fri i i i tr Pfcketu al Resou i l righ s r l rved.; f is Majesty the King in Ri t of Canada, Depa tment o Natural Resources. Al rights reserved.; © Terane Enterprises Inc. and i s SCALE: 1:6,500© K lie s. A nl r i, Onts r a o M r ns© Mun y o Na c r pa rl P ope oduced ryAssessmences. A l rt undett Co ese po cense ation and © H r its suppler ll rights gh rved. r f l t t TH S S NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY.supp r l rgh ese ved.; i i r rt r r i s. A rese I I L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2023\A 06-23 Taccgate Developments Inc\A06_23_AirPhoto_v2.mxd A SubjectLands Taunton Road CB CommercialLandsAvenue Marathon Avenue Street Cact Summary of Key Details of the Proposal: Attachment 3 to Report PLN 07-24 Site A Original Proposal Current Propsoal Net Developable Area 9.18 hectares 9.18 hectares Residential Density 90 units per net hectare No change Total Dwelling Units 823 dwelling units No change Apartment Units •approx. 436 apartment units •approx. 434 apartment units Townhouse Units •78 back-to-back townhouses •84 street-townhouses •105 rear-lane townhouses •120 dual frontage townhouses Total: 387 townhouse units •120 back-to-back townhouses •86 street-townhouses •62 rear-lane townhouses •121 dual frontage townhouses Total: 389 townhouse units Private Parks •840 square metres (west park) •3,870 square metres (central park) •1,720 square metres (east park) Total: 6,430 square metres •1,130 square metres (west park) •3,370 square metres (central park) •1,970 square metres (east park) Total: 6,470 square metres Townhouse Vehicle Parking Resident Parking: •2.0 parking spaces per unit for a total of 774 parking spaces Visitor Parking: •0.25 parking spaces per unit for a total of 102 parking spaces (a surplus of 5 spaces), of which 7 will be barrier-free spaces Resident Parking: •2.0 parking spaces per unit for a total of 778 parking spaces Visitor Parking: •0.25 parking spaces per unit for a total of 132 parking spaces (a surplus of 35 spaces), of which 7 will be barrier-free spaces On-street (Local Road) Parking •39 parking spaces •42 parking spaces Apartment Vehicle Parking •1.5 parking spaces per unit for a total of approx. 654 parking spaces for residents and visitors •1.5 parking spaces per unit for a total of approx. 652 parking spaces for residents and visitors Attachment 4 to Report PLN 07-24 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2023 DATE: Applicant: Legal Description: File No: Submitted Site Plan – Site A FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Blk 76, 40M-2664 & Blks 187 197, 203, Part of Blk 188, 40M-2671 Feb 5, 2024 N Central Park West Park East Park Street A St r e e t B Taunton Road Attachment 5 to Report PLN 07-24 High-rise Concept - Site A City Development Department Jan 16, 2024FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc.Applicant: Legal Description: DATE: File No: Blk 76, 40M-2664 & Blks 187 197, 203, Part of Blk 188, 40M-2671 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2023 Attachment 6 to Report PLN 07-24 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2023 DATE: Applicant: Legal Description: File No: Elevation - 4.5M TYPICAL Dual Frontage Towns FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Blk 76, 40M-2664 & Blks 187 197, 203, Part of Blk 188, 40M-2671 August 9, 2023 Attachment 7 to Report PLN 07-24 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2023 DATE: Applicant: Legal Description: File No: Elevation - 6.0M TYPICAL Rear Lane Towns FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Blk 76, 40M-2664 & Blks 187 197, 203, Part of Blk 188, 40M-2671 August 9, 2023 Attachment 8 to Report PLN 07-24 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2023 DATE: Applicant: Legal Description: File No: Elevation - 6.0M TYPICAL Street Towns FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Blk 76, 40M-2664 & Blks 187 197, 203, Part of Blk 188, 40M-2671 August 9, 2023 Attachment 9 to Report PLN 07-24 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2023 DATE: Applicant: Legal Description: File No: Elevation - 6.4M TYPICAL Back-to-back Towns FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Blk 76, 40M-2664 & Blks 187 197, 203, Part of Blk 188, 40M-2671 August 9, 2023 Attachment 10 to Report PLN 07-24 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2023 DATE: Applicant: Legal Description: File No: Demonstration Plan - Site B FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Blk 76, 40M-2664 & Blks 187 197, 203, Part of Blk 188, 40M-2671 N August 17, 2023 Taunton Road B u r k h o l d e r D r i v e St r e e t B Marathon Avenue Attachment 11 to Report PLN 07-24 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2023 DATE: Applicant: Legal Description: File No: Demonstration Plan - Site C FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 06/23 Taccgate Developments Inc. Blk 76, 40M-2664 & Blks 187 197, 203, Part of Blk 188, 40M-2671 N August 17, 2023 Taunton Road Maratho n A v e n u e Pe t e r M a t t h e w s D r i v e Aq u a r i u s T r a i l