HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 20, 2023 Page 1 of 7 Minutes/Meeting Summary Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee November 20, 2023 Hybrid - Electronic Meeting Main Committee Room 7:00 pm Attendees: G. MacPherson A. McGean A. Small K. Stott L. Tidd A. Bathe, Region of Durham N. Bryan, Ontario Power Generation X. Kane, Pickering West Shore Community Association K. Dunlop, Alkame Dragon Boat Services S. Stanleigh, Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association A. Zeeb, Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club B. Williston, Associate Director of Infrastructure Planning Permits, TRCA Councillor M. Nagy M. Murray, (Acting) Division Head, Culture & Community Programming J. Joyce, The MBTW Group R. Holborn, Director, Engineering Services A. Mostert, Manager, Landscape & Parks Development (Staff Liaison) J. Currie, Legislative Coordinator (Recording Secretary) Absent: Councillor M. Brenner J. Kyte, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) A. Mostert welcomed new Committee Members K. Stott and L. Tidd. 1. Indigenous Land Acknowledgment A. Mostert read the Indigenous Land Acknowledgment Statement. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda Page 2 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) The Committee reviewed the agenda. Agenda approved. 3. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 4. Approval of Minutes The Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee indicated that A. Zeeb’s attendance was incorrectly noted as absent at the September 18, 2023, meeting. R. Holborn provided that the Draft Community Safety and Well- Being Plan was approved by Council. A. Mostert provided a brief update regarding the Draft Tree Protection By-law that was presented to the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee on September 18, 2023. Councillor Nagy clarified that the Draft Tree Protection By-law was referred back to staff to review an implementation plan that would not necessitate the need for a special tax levy to fund the program. Moved by G. MacPherson That the Minutes of the September 18, 2023 Meeting of the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee be approved with amendments. Carried J. Currie to amend the September 18, 2023 minutes to mark A. Zeeb as present. 5. Delegations/Presentations 5.1 Beachfront Park Revitalization – Jana Joyce, the MBTW Group J. Joyce provided a presentation regarding the Revitalization of Beachfront Park, including a brief description of the City & Consulting Team. J. Joyce highlighted the environmental context, outlined the project timeline, and gave an overview of First Nations & Indigenous engagement. J. Joyce’s presentation included a Slideshow with visuals of the preferred Design Option. Discussion ensued with Committee Members regarding: • clarification that the proposed boardwalk would not have a step to separate the pedestrian and bicycle lanes; Page 3 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) • clarification that the final elevation of the proposed boardwalk had not been finalized, but would be approximately 600 mm to one meter above grade; • whether the void that would be left beneath the boardwalk has been considered in reference to nuisance wildlife, and that sand dune and/or native vegetation plantings in front of the boardwalk may be possible solutions; • ensuring the railings on the boardwalk do not impede views; • using the Beachfront Park Revitalization as an opportunity to share the history of the Indigenous Communities; • the addition of inviting features placed at the proposed seating areas of the boardwalk; • the safety concern of the bicycle lane being in close proximity to the public benches that are proposed between the pedestrian and bicycle lanes; • winter maintenance and that materials being used to build the boardwalk would accommodate mechanical snow removal to limit the use of de-icing salts and other chemicals; • whether erosion mitigation is being considered; • the investigation of implementing hardening of the shoreline; • off shore structures such as breakwater walls to protect the shoreline and the impact they may have on recreational water use; • the benefit of directing the paths people take to mitigate further environmental damages; • the addition of a seasonal parking facility; • operating a waterfront trail trolly to alleviate traffic and parking issues; • that Pickering is considering implementation of Trolly Tourism Durham, and; • signage and information about parking and the new Trolly being made available on the City’s Website. 5.2 Recreation & Parks Master Plan 2024-2034 – Marilou Murray, (Acting) Division Head, Culture & Community Programming Page 4 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) M. Murray provided an overview of the Recreation and Parks Master Plan highlighting Pickering’s changing demographics and how the impact of issues pertaining to the pandemic are being addressed. The Community Engagement Strategy, including a city- wide survey, the dates of five focus group sessions, four Charrette’s, and a youth engagement partnership was shared with the Committee. M. Murray solicited the Committee’s input and participation. Discussion with the Committee Members ensued regarding: • clarification that the Community Survey is still open to the public and that a summary of feedback is not available yet; • whether water quality in the bay was included in the Recreation and Parks Master Plan; • whether the water quality and clean up of the bay was the responsibility of the Operations Department; • concern that the recreation facilities are being prioritized over park lands and green space, and; • identifying and mapping all parklands and greenspace in Pickering, noting how this could contribute to climate change mitigation and the value it would add to the Master Plan. 6. New Business 6.1 Waterfront Washrooms at Beachfront Park and Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park – Kelly Stott K. Stott acknowledged the great work done in Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park. She raised concern that the washrooms available do not offer privacy in the form of a stall for the toilet. Ms. Stott noted various situations in which privacy within the washrooms may be required. Discussion ensued with Committee Members regarding: • the designation of Universal Washrooms are defined in the Ontario Building Code in reference to accessibility, and that should a stall be build around the toilet the washroom would require an alternate designation, and; • that one of the three washrooms could be altered, and remove designation of Universal Washroom, to provide the opportunity for privacy when required. A. Mostert to investigate altering one of the three existing washrooms. Page 5 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) 6.2 Waterfront Trail Reconstruction from Bruce Handscomb Park to Elvira Court – project update A. Mostert provided an update on the reconstruction that has begun on the Waterfront Trail and that the projected completion is Spring 2024. Discussion ensued with Committee Members regarding: • clarification that the noted paths are planned to be accessible to the public by June. A. Mostert provided an overview of the Indigenous Public Art Installation unveiling of “Water is Medicine” by Jacques Baril. Clarification was provided that the initial spelling was in French and that is has been corrected to the English spelling by the artist and their staff. A. Mostert invited the Members of the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee to the Public Art unveiling of “Same Material/Different Time” by Jordan Shaw. The unveiling will be held Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm, located at Millennium Square. Discussion ensued with Committee Members regarding: • the general approval of the possibility of a festival of lights in the waterfront area as an attraction in the winter months, and; • the benefit of holding events outside of the common workday hours. 6. Other Business A. Zeeb sought clarification concerning the sale of Frenchman’s Bay by Pickering Harbour Company and what information was available to the public. Discussion ensued with Committee Members regarding: • that the City had provided a news release which outlined two rejected proposals to purchase Frenchman’s Bay; • clarification of the level of development that is permitted in reference the property for sale; Page 6 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) • that a portion of the Bay is currently privately owned and the perceived benefit of public ownership of the property; • the benefit of making a usable waterway and advocating for the preservation and revitalization of the Bay; • the necessity of multi-level government intervention in the purchase of the property; • the lack of public awareness surrounding the possible outcome should the ownership of the Frenchman’s Bay property remain private, and; • clarification that the City’s stance as stated in the issued News Release is that “The City felt it was critically important to own these assets in order to safeguard from aggressive and overly ambitious development proposals; maintain public access and recreational use; and enhance environmental stewardship of the Bay and surrounding lands.” Moved by A. McGean That the Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee supports the City of Pickering’s position regarding public ownership of Frenchman’s Bay. Carried 7. Next Meeting Review of 2024 Meeting Schedule proposed as follows: • March 18, 2024 @7pm • June 17, 2024 @7pm • September 16, 2024 @7pm • November 18, 2024 @7pm Moved by A. Zeeb That the proposed Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee 2024 Meeting Schedule be approved. Carried 8. Adjournment Page 7 of 7 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (Include deadline as appropriate) Moved by A. Zeeb That the meeting be adjourned. Carried Meeting Adjourned: 9:17 pm