HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD 02-23Report to Council Report Number: BLD 02-23 Date: November 27, 2023 From: Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Information Report on City Online Resident Permit Application Portal ‘MyCity’ - Pickering Residential Interface & Service Modernization (PRISM) initiative - File: D-5000 Recommendation: 1. That Report BLD 02-23 of the Director, City Development & CBO regarding the Pickering Residential Interface & Service Modernization (PRISM) initiatives in relation to the Provincial Streamline Development Approval Funding (SDAF) be received for information. Executive Summary: In 2022, the City of Pickering was successful in receiving funding from the Province of Ontario through the Streamline Development Approval Fund. Projects considered under this grant was for the intention of goal of streamlining development approval processes. Report BLD 02-23 fulfills the Provincial reporting requirements respecting the Streamline Development Approval Fund (SDAF) by providing a project overview that summarizes the City’s accomplishments made to improve efficiencies in the development approval process, over the agreement funding period of March 4, 2022 to October 31, 2023. Report BLD 02-23 also includes a general breakdown of how funds were utilized, and measures or actions achieved throughout the City PRISM project. The following initiatives were undertaken in several key areas of focus to implement the online public portal for City Development permit applications and to streamline processes: 1. Implemented customized “MyCity” Public Permit Application Portal Software, including online document and drawing submission and online payment integration; 2. Accelerated AMANDA (Records Management Software) folder modernization; 3. Installed supporting Information Technology (IT) servers, hardware and software; 4. Obtained custom Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software widget ‘ArcGIS Experience Builder’, enabling spatially integrated public development application notifications; 5. Designed and deployed Pickering “MyPickering” public portal mobile application; 6. Expanded licensing and use of Digital Permit Markup and Collaboration Software; BLD 02-23 November 27, 2023 Subject: Information Report on City Online Resident Permit Application Portal Page 2 Pickering Residential Interface & Service Modernization (PRISM) initiative 7. Deployed Mobile Staff ‘Inspection App’, enabling electronic reporting and City records management software setup and integration; 8. Created and published online application support guides and videos; and 9. Secured project management, tracking, and technical support consultants, temporary planning support staff, including diversity internship positions. Utilizing both our existing in-house staff and provincial funding resources, which has enabled the purchase of server hardware, software development and adaptation to suit our existing database management software systems, City staff have accelerated the automation of the City records management software processes and activities. This provides both value and benefit to the citizen end users of these services, and the City staff responsible for administering, implementing, and maintaining them. Financial Implications: The Province has provided the City with a grant from the Streamline Development Approval Fund in the amount of $1,000,000.00 (excluding HST). Over the fiscal years 2022 and 2023, the City has spent approximately $1,005,148.00 (excluding HST) to complete this initiative. Funding provided through this Provincial initiative was utilized in the following categories: Categories Cost (excluding HST) 1. “MyCity” Portal Software Implementation, Extensive Records Management Software (AMANDA) updates and reconfigurations to suit portal, including: Software, Technical Consulting for Software upgrades, overall project management and support. 315,745.001 2. Information Technology Hardware and Software, including: CRM, Servers, Setup, security and penetration testing. 72,918.03 3. Custom Mail Notification Widget Deployment ArcGIS, including Expert consultant and implementation. 25,170.00 4. Mobile Application “MyPickering” Development and Publishing, including: City branding integration, Software programming, Online Payment integration, API configuration with ‘MyCity’ Portal. Consultant Technical support for all mobile deployment. 212,078.00 BLD 02-23 November 27, 2023 Subject: Information Report on City Online Resident Permit Application Portal Page 3 Pickering Residential Interface & Service Modernization (PRISM) initiative Categories Cost 5. Digital Permit Application Document and Drawing Markup Software, including expansion of licensing to allow staff markup collaboration. 14,854.68 6. Mobile Application “Inspection App” purchase and roll out integration, including integration with existing records management system. 70,000.00 7. Online Guides, FAQ and videos and staff training development. 4,372.00 8. Project Management, technical support consultants, Temporary planning support staff and diversity internships. 290,010.30 Total Provincial (SDAF) Funding Allocated $1,005,148.01 1 Costs include annual subscriptions The excess expenditures of $5,148.01 will be covered by property taxes through the 2023 Current Budget. Initiatives are based upon City commitments through the Provincial Transfer Payment Agreements (TPA) executed and extended on March 4, 2022 and February 9, 2023, respectively. The latest TPA has this initiative ending on October 31, 2023. Discussion: On January 19, 2022, the Province of Ontario announced a new $45 million Streamline Development Approval Fund (SDAF). The fund outlined a range of eligible projects related to the goal of streamlining development approvals. This included things like e-permitting systems, recruitment of temporary staff (including fulltime staff or interns) to address backlogs in residential development approvals, online application portals, and other provincial priorities. The City of Pickering was successful in meeting the Provincial grant funding criteria and entered into an agreement with the Province to spend up to $1 million in funding. Upon execution of the agreement, the City received half of the funds to commence work. The Province will provide the remaining funds to the City towards the end of this year, once they have received and approved this final report from the City. This project is multi-faceted, with the intent to accelerate longer term modernization efforts that were aligned with the objectives of the SDAF funding opportunity provided by the Province. Previously, the City used various ad hoc digital systems combined with email/spreadsheets for permit document intake management, but documents were manually saved first. Moving our records intake into a digital process allows for faster and more comprehensive responses to inquiries from the public. Documentation is now available immediately in our database in an BLD 02-23 November 27, 2023 Subject: Information Report on City Online Resident Permit Application Portal Page 4 Pickering Residential Interface & Service Modernization (PRISM) initiative easily transferrable format, without arduous upload links, or paper records and additional searches. This report has been circulated for review and confirmation with City staff from involved departments including; Information Technology/GIS, Finance, and City Development. The general categories of works undertaken and funded through this project are as follows: A. New “MyCity” Online Permit Application Web Portal “MyCity” online portal software was purchased and implemented, complete with additional modifications to suit our existing software process needs. Its purpose is to increase efficiencies and leverage and adapt our existing City property management software platform to deliver a new online City Portal. Access to apply online is now available through the City website www.pickering.ca or directly at https://mycity.pickering.ca/. The new ‘MyCity’ online portal interface now allows customers to securely submit applications electronically, identify the real-time status of their permits and applications, make online payments, submit assistance requests, and effectively provide users with a corporate dashboard, highlighting key performance indicators (KPI). These tailored KPI’s can be shared in real-time with Provincial partners, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, Region of Durham, City Council and staff, residents and the public in general. An online booking and application pre-consultation process will also be implemented to complement the online citizen portal, allowing applicants real-time, convenient, and contact free paths to interact with City staff. Automated application letters, emails, and tracking responses are provided to keep citizens informed at each stage of their application. B. Online Payment and Tracking Portal Collaboration between the Finance Department and City Development Department resulted in a newly executed practice to implement the online payment process through the online portal, with direct connectivity to our internal records management software. It should be recognized that an electronic bridge between PRISM and SAP has not been built and this project is now being undertaken by the Finance Department. Separate ongoing City Development Department record digitization efforts are already underway, not provincially funded by this project, that are complimentary to this new permit portal intake and digital storage method and now integrated into the City records management software long term. Additional modernization efforts are also underway with other applicant folder types, not connected to this project, to better unify other City processes and online payment methods. C. Accelerated AMANDA (Records Management Software) Modernization City staff (IT, GIS, and Building Services), in collaboration with outside consultants implemented new, or modified, permit application systems (digital folder development) that includes many new technical features that can be utilized by the new portal software. Citizens are now able to register, log into the portal, submit all their documentation, data and drawings, BLD 02-23 November 27, 2023 Subject: Information Report on City Online Resident Permit Application Portal Page 5 Pickering Residential Interface & Service Modernization (PRISM) initiative etc. to make, and track, an application online. Staff are now provided with updated intake and review processes, streamlined fee calculations and automated email generated notifications. Staff efficiencies are found and refocused through better offsite access to the increased data available and the reduction of data input processes from paper or PDF applications into City records management software. Citizens are now applying for permits online directly, they have more control over the application timing, and can upload documents and check their application status through the online portal. D. IT Servers, Hardware and Software Purchases New server hardware and equipment was purchased to support the project including: data storage for increased data capacity within the existing AMANDA software systems. Kiosk support hardware to allow counter assisted online applications which at the time of this report is being tested for installation. E. New ESRI Public Notification ‘Widget’ Software To enhance reporting for development applications, a consultant was retained to implement an application to deliver custom JavaScript widget software for ‘ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1’ with ‘ArcGIS Experience Builder developer’, enabling the City to generate public notifications and mailing labels for selected properties based on GIS location that are connected to City record management software integration. Our GIS mapping information has been linked to the public portal development so that applications are captured spatially and properly integrated with our mapping. This would create new opportunities to improve real-time status updates and messaging to registered customers about projects in their neighbourhood/ward. F. New “MyPickering” Mobile Device Applications A new Pickering citizen facing mobile application was designed and integrated to complement the ‘MyCity’ online portal. This new application is available for free download in both iOS and Android stores, and allows online permit payment integration, application tracking, service requests, and digital communication with City staff. G. Bluebeam Revu Licensing for Digital Permit Reviews The number of internal users of our digital plan markup and collaboration software has been expanded to include additional City Development and Engineering staff members. H. New “Inspection App” Mobile Device Application A Pickering staff mobile application was purchased and integrated to complement the combined ‘MyCity’ online portal and City records management software system. This mobile application allows for onsite real-time online; permit site inspection reporting, process sign off integration, application and permit lookup, document, and photograph record uploads. BLD 02-23 November 27, 2023 Subject: Information Report on City Online Resident Permit Application Portal Page 6 Pickering Residential Interface & Service Modernization (PRISM) initiative I. New User Guides and Manuals for Online Applications. Online app guides, Video’s, FAQ’s, and other learning management systems were developed and published to effectively roll out the public portal to customers and users. Internal training sessions for staff (users) of internal changes and citizen support were also undertaken to ensure smooth implementation. J. Project Management Consultants and Temporary Staffing To effectively undertake this project, it was necessary to engage and utilize consultants with specific expertise in this type of implementation of City property management software connectivity and public interface software, and to utilize internal City staff from multiple departments. The consultants also assisted in the project management and controlling, tracking of all the separate parts of the overall project, connectivity, to ensure the project delivery schedule was met. Interns, and other contract staff, were hired to undertake assignments within the City Development Department which enabled permanent staff to more efficiently process the ongoing development applications and associated administrative tasks. Conclusion The implementation of an online citizen access portal and mobile applications interconnected with the City records management software has enabled an access portal for Permit applications, full digital documentation intake, status inquiries, applicant and staff communication, and adaptable reporting, better aligning the Cities online service levels to other comparable Ontario municipalities. The provincial funding provided to the City has also enabled an acceleration of the changes to the existing records management (AMANDA) software programming the City currently utilizes, allowing better document intake management and streamlining of our permit application processes. Utilizing both our existing in-house staff and provincial funding resources, which has enabled the purchase of server hardware, software development and adaptation to suit our existing database management software systems, City staff have accelerated the automation of the City records management software processes and activities. This provides both value and benefit to the citizen end users of these services, and the City staff responsible for administering, implementing, and maintaining them. Attachment: 1. Not Applicable. BLD 02-23 November 27, 2023 Subject: Information Report on City Online Resident Permit Application Portal Page 7 Pickering Residential Interface & Service Modernization (PRISM) initiative Prepared By: Original Signed By Peter Furnell, Arch. Tech., BSS Supervisor, Building Permits Original Signed By Carl Kolbe Manager, Building Services & Deputy CBO Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO Original Signed By Dale Quaife Division Head, Information Technology Original Signed By Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer PF:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer