HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 17, 2023 Page 1 of 6 Minutes/Meeting Summary Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee August 17, 2023 Hybrid - Electronic Meeting Main Committee Room 7:00 pm Attendees: L. Appelbohm C. Bamford K. Hamilton J. Larendowicz D. Magagna C. Paxton A. Rizvi M. Kenworthy E. Knox, Community Safety and Well Being Advisor (Staff Liaison) J. Currie, Legislative Coordinator (Recording Secretary) S. Muir, Supervisor, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications K. Wianecki, Director of Practice, Planning Solutions Inc. L. Gibbs, Division Head, Culture and Community Programming Absent:P. Patel A. Muhammad Councillor S. Butt Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Review and Approval of Agenda The Committee reviewed the agenda. Agenda approved. 2. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 3. Approval of Minutes Moved by C. Bamford That the Minutes of the June 29, 2023 Meeting of the Community Safety & Well Being Advisory Committee be approved. p](KERJNG Page 2 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Carried 4. Delegations/Presentations 4.1 Corporate Strategic Plan S. Muir, provided an overview of Pickering’s first Corporate Strategic Plan, highlighting it as an important tool to bring residents, Council and staff together to develop a shared vision, direction and goals for the community. S. Muir emphasized the importance of gathering community feedback. Discussion ensued and feedback was provided by Committee Members regarding: • clarification regarding Pickering positioning itself as a film place of choice as a part of economic growth and opportunity; • another industry to consider being the Nuclear Industry, with about 14% of Ontario’s power stemming from Pickering Nuclear; • Ontario Health creating Ontario health teams and looking to increase access to medical services and providers and creating integration and connecting organizations; • the City providing an advocacy role in areas, such as Health Services, where the service is not under the jurisdiction of the City; • the need to expand on the definition of the term “affordable” to be inclusive of various needs, the term being subjective and the importance of equitable access; • the City being in the process of hiring a Senior Policy Analyst, specializing in Housing with E. Knox inviting the new staff member to attend a Committee meeting in the fall, • the Regional Affordable and Seniors housing strategy document; • offering grants to seniors to create rentable units within their homes; • clarification that emergency preparedness fits in the strategic plan as an outreach and public education service and being certain that the City was prepared to address the various issues that may arise with the fast growth that was happening; E. Knox to request new Senior Policy Analyst, Housing, to speak at a future meeting. S. Muir/K. Wianeki to provide Regional Affordable and Seniors Housing Strategy Document to Committee Members. Page 3 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) • the importance of promoting a sense of community; • the Corporate Strategic Plan being a Council endorsed document which provides latitude and flexibility to change over time, • youth unemployment and the need to increase awareness of available job opportunities and volunteer positions, and creating communications that were targeted for youth. 5. New Business 5.1 Community Safety and Well-Being 2023 Survey Results E. Knox provided an overview and analysis of the community survey results, summarizing the overall ranking of priorities. Clarification was provided to Committee Members that a breakdown of the survey answers by demographic was not an available option in the survey system. 5.2 Community Safety and Well-Being Draft Plan Discussion E. Knox gave an overview of the progress of the CSWB Draft Plan. Discussion ensued with Committee Members regarding: • addressing mental health by providing information and partnering with organizations that specialized in that field and support the neighbourhood; • whether a column can be added to the Action Plan within the Draft to compare Survey Results and identify which action items are of the highest priority; • clarification that 300 respondents is a typical survey response rate; Page 4 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) • how community feedback will influence staffing and funding resources; • the staff report containing the draft CSWB Plan seeking budgetary approval for achievable goals included in the plan; • the need for more programming for young/single mothers and children being a priority; • allocating funds to hold neighbourhood initiatives; • the need to identify initiatives currently underway; • the City not solely relying on the services provided by community organizations; • the importance of identifying root causes of issues and prioritizing based on impact; and, • City Council advocating to the Region for the housing solutions, and informing the Regions decision making. The Committee was asked to share comments and notes on the CSWB Draft Plan with E. Knox and L. Gibbs by email. Moved by J. Larendowicz That staff take the Community Safety and Well- Being Draft Plan to Council as amended, with the addition of the Survey Data. Carried 5.3 Neighborhood Watch Update E. Knox noted that she had met with the Community Safety Representative from the Durham Region Police Services on July 6, 2023 to speak about the Neighbourhood Watch. She advised that the DRPS indicated that the Neighbourhood watch was being reviewed and that they will provide an update at the end of September. Page 5 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5.4 Phase 2: Community Consultation Review E. Knox gave an overview of the Community Safety and Well-Being DRAFT: Tentative Consultation Plan: Phase 2 and noted that the dates will need to shift to follow approval of the CSWB Draft Plan by Council. E. Knox requested the Committee to share any recommendations of additional community groups or other items to address. Discussion ensued with Committee Members regarding: • clarification that Phase 2 of the Consultation Plan will be a concise and focused approach; • noting the George Ashe Library as a key location for consultation meetings; • reminder to use an EDI lens when coordinating outreach, being inclusive of those living with a disability and representation of various communities; • reaching out to the Pickering Islamic Centre as well as Churches further north for feedback; and, • creating a Committee encompassing various faith-based groups/organizations in Pickering. Moved by: C. Bamford That staff conduct extensive consultation with noted community groups, and that the final Community and Safety Well-Being Report be presented to Council in March, 2024. Carried Moved by: L. Appelbohm That the Community Safety and Well-Being Advisory Committee hold a virtual meeting in February to review the final draft of the Community and Safety Well-Being Report, exact date to be decided. Carried J. Currie to coordinate a Virtual CSWBAC Meeting in early February. Page 6 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5.5 Vulnerable Sector Training: September 20 E. Knox will circulate information regarding the Vulnerable Sector Training to Committee Members. E. Knox to circulate training information. 6. Other Business None 7. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2023 at 7:00pm. 8. Adjournment Moved by: J. Larendowicz That the meeting be adjourned. Carried Meeting Adjourned: 9:05 pm