HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 12-23Report to Council Report Number: ENG 12-23 Date: August 16, 2023 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: School Crossing Guard Program - Quotation No. Q2023-37 - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council delegate the authority to the Director, Engineering Services and the Director, Finance & Treasurer to award a contract in accordance with the terms and conditions in Request for Quotation No. Q2023-37 for School Crossing Guard Services, to the lowest compliant response bidder at a total cost not to exceed $734,500.00 (HST included) and a net project cost not to exceed $661,640.00 (net of HST rebate) for the school year period from September 2023 to June 2024; and, 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The previous contract for the supply and administration of school crossing guard services, Quotation No. Q2021-7, was awarded to Neptune Security Services Inc. for the 2021/2022 school year and was extended for an optional second (2022/2023) school year. On May 18, 2023 Neptune Security Services Inc. officially filed for bankruptcy, leaving the City to operate the crossing guard program for the remainder of the 2022/2023 school year, ending June 30, 2023. Request for Quotation No. Q2023-37 was issued on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 with a submission deadline of Wednesday, August 2, 2023. Eleven companies have submitted a response for this contract. As of the agenda deadline for the Special Council Meeting of August 16, 2023 the lowest compliant respondent has not been determined, as the review of all respondent’s mandatory documents is incomplete. The recommendation of staff is to provide authority for the Director, Engineering Services and the Director, Finance & Treasurer to complete the review, determine the lowest compliant respondent and award the contract. As the 2023/2024 school term commences prior to the next scheduled Council meeting, it is in the City’s best interest to award a contract before the regular Council meeting of September 25, 2023. The term of the contract for Quotation No. Q2023-37 will be for a one year contract term, with the option to extend the contract on an annual basis thereafter for up to two additional one year terms. ENG 12-23 August 16, 2023 Subject: School Crossing Guard Services Quotation No. Q2023-37 Page 2 Financial Implications: The annual cost for the provision of the school crossing guard program is provided for in account 10505.502260.0000. In the 2023 Current Budget, costs included were based on the previous contract with Neptune Security Services Inc. however, based on the submissions for Quotation No. Q2023-37 that were received and are being reviewed, it is estimated that the school crossing guard program will require additional funds for the remainder of 2023 (September to December). An amount of $431,500.00 was approved in the 2023 Current Budget for the 10 month school crossing guard program. Based on the upset limit in Recommendation #1, the maximum estimated amount required for 2023 will be $521,011.00. This amount represents six months of cost from the previous contract and four months of costs from the new contract. This additional cost will be funded from the contingency account (503500). As stated above, the 2023 Crossing Guard budget for this program was $431,500.00 or $43,150.00 per month. The maximum tender amount translates to an estimated monthly amount of approximately $67,200.00 – an increase of $24,050 or 55.73 percent over the 2023 monthly budget. The maximum tender amount represents a possible annualized financial impact (January to December) of $240,500.00 resulting in a 2024 budget pressure. Discussion: The City of Pickering contracts the placement of adult school crossing guards at 36 school crossing guard stations at various locations across the City (Attachment #1). The previous contract for the supply and administration of school crossing guard services, Quotation No. Q2021-7, was awarded to Neptune Security Services Inc. for the 2021/2022 school year and was extended for an optional second (2022/2023) school year. On May 18, 2023, Neptune Security Services Inc. had officially filed for bankruptcy. In the absence of Neptune Security Services Inc. to provide the services, arrangements were quickly made for the City to take over administration of the school crossing guard program for the remainder of the school year, which concluded on June 30, 2023. The City issued a Request for Quotation for the upcoming 2023/2024 school year. Request for Quotation No. Q2023-37, School Crossing Guard Program, was issued on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 with a Submission Deadline of Wednesday, August 2, 2023 with eleven submissions received. The term of the contract will be for a one year contract term, with the option to extend the contract on an annual basis thereafter for up to two additional one year terms. Subsequent year pricing for Year 2 and Year 3 of the contract will be subject to a Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase. As the review of submissions received was not completed as of the agenda deadline for the Special Council Meeting of August 16, 2023, the lowest compliant respondent cannot be recommended for approval. In order to award a contract in time for the start of the 2023/2024 school year, staff is recommending that Council provide authority for the Director, Engineering Services and the Director, Finance & Treasurer to complete the review, determine the lowest compliant respondent and award the contract. ENG 12-23 August 16, 2023 Subject: School Crossing Guard Services Quotation No. Q2023-37 Page 3 Prior to award, the City’s Health & Safety Regulation form and current Certificate of Clearance issued by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board will be submitted by the successful respondent. The Certificate of Insurance will be reviewed by the Division Head, Finance to be deemed acceptable. The following items will be submitted, reviewed and approved by both the Manager, Capital Projects & Infrastructure and Manager, Procurement: • provided references; • proposed contract implementation scheme; • policy/practice regarding absenteeism and vacations; and, • policy/practice regarding training of both guard and supervisory staff. Quotation No. Q2023-37 maintains the current number of crossing guard stations and conditions of service for Year 1, which is the 2023/2024 school year (September 2023 to June 2024). The term of this contract will be for a one year contract term with the option to extend the contract to a second school year (September 2024 to June 2025) and third school year (September 2024 to June 2025) based on the performance of the company. The City will take into consideration the Successful Respondent’s annual performance when determining if proceeding with the optional terms is in the best interest of the City. The cost for any optional terms will be based on initial price submitted plus the annual rate of change in the Consumer Price Index. The City reserves the right not to extend to the subsequent school year, should the performance evaluation not be acceptable. Each subsequent school years’ service is subject to acceptable health and safety documentation and satisfactory performance evaluation of the prior years’ service. The City reserves the right not to extend to the subsequent school year, should the requested documentation set out in Appendix D – Request for Quotation Particulars, Material Disclosures, of the Quotation document not be acceptable and/or the performance evaluation not be acceptable, if in so doing the best interests of the City will be served. Attachments: 1. School Crossing Guard Program Location Map ENG 12-23 August 16, 2023 Subject: School Crossing Guard Services Quotation No. Q2023-37 Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Scott Booker Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Manager, Capital Projects & Infrastructure Director, Engineering Services Nathan Emery Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Coordinator, Traffic Operations Director, Finance & Treasurer Cathy Bazinet Manager, Procurement NE:mjh Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Richard Holborn, P. Eng. (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer Original signed by:Original signed by: Original signed by:Original signed by: Original signed by: Original signed by: Engineering Services Department SCALE:PLOT DATE: NTS June, 2023 School Crossing Guard Program School Crossing Guard Locations WORD OF TRUTHCHRISTIAN CENTRE PICKERINGPENTECOSTALCHURCH ISLAMICCHURCH ESPLANADEPARK PARK WOODSMERE PETTICOAT CREEK CONSERVATION AREA PARK BEACHFRONT PARK PARK GRAND VALLEY PARK KINSMEN WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT YORK-DURHAM F C C P C/L RC F ALEX ROBERTSON ROUGE PARK ROUGE PARK ROUGE PARK FCL OF THE NAZARENE CHURCH SEPARATE SCHOOL ST. MONICA'S ROUGE VALLEY PARK ELIZABETH B. PHIN PUBLIC SCHOOL PETTICOAT CREEK LIBRARY AND ROSEBANK PUBLIC SCHOOL RICK HULL MEMORIAL PARK LOOKOUT PARK POINT DUNBARTON HIGH SCHOOL HILL PARK STEEPLE COMMUNITYBIBLE CHURCH FIREHALL No. 2 HILL STEEPLE SWIMMING POOL DUNBARTON APOSTOLIC CHURCH PENTECOSTAL FAIRPORT BEACH PUBLIC SCHOOL SEPARATE OUR LADY OF THE BAY CATHOLIC CHURCH HOLY REDEEMER SCHOOL PUBLIC SCHOOL BAY FRENCHMAN'S BAYFAIR BAPTIST CHURCH ST. PAUL'S ON THE HILL CHURCH ANGLICAN BRUCE PARK HANSCOMBE MEMORIAL VISTULA RAVINE CENTRE SHORE COMMUNITY WEST UNITED DUNBARTON CHURCH COMMERCE STREET PARK PARK DOUGLAS ST. MARTIN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH COMMUNITY CENTRE PUBLIC LIBRARY SENIOR'S COMPLEX EAST SHORE AND BAY RIDGES LUTHERAN CHURCH PEACE REDEEMER SEPARATE SCHOOL HOLY PARK BALSDON MacDONALD SIR JOHN A. PUBLIC SCHOOL MITCHEL PARK STATION GO TRANSIT PUBLIC SCHOOL BAYVIEW HEIGHTS ART THOMPSON ARENA PARK HIGH SCHOOL PRESBYTERIAN PUBLIC SCHOOL HIGHBUSH PARK AMBERLEA ROSEBANK RESERVOIR CHURCH AMBERLEA ST. MARGUERITE SEPARATE SCHOOL SHADYBROOK PARK BOURGEOYS ST. MARY CATHOLIC PARK ST. MARY J. McPHERSON PARK GANDATSETIAGON PUBLIC SCHOOL CHERRYWOOD METHODIST CHURCH CATHOLIC CHURCH JOGVES ST. ISAAC BIBLE FOREST BROOK CHAPEL FORESTBROOK PARK WILLIAM DUNBAR PUBLIC SCHOOL WILLARD PUBLIC SCHOOL VAUGHAN LYNN HEIGHTS PARK SCHOOL PINE CREEK PARK GLENDALE PARK CENTRAL LIBRARY AND CIVIC COMPLEX PICKERING GLENGROVEPARK GLENGROVE PUBLIC SCHOOL RAVINE JOGVES SEPARATE ST. ISAAC NU WEST MAPLE RIDGEPARK MAPLE RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL PINE RIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL DON BEER ARENA FIREHALL No. 2 BEECHLAWN PARK PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX VILLAGE EAST PARK DENMAR PARK 19th REGIONAL DURHAM POLICE DIVISION BROCK RIDGE COMMUNITY PARK ST. ANTHONY DANIEL SEPARATE SCHOOL PUBLIC SCHOOL VALLEY FARM PARK OAKS MAJOR PICKERING COMMUNITY CHURCH BAPTIST PARK CENTENNIAL SOUTHCOTT PARK BEVERLEY MORGAN PARK DUNMOORE PARK PARK PINE GROVE SEPARATE SCHOOL ST. ELIZABETH SETON BONITA PARK DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES PARK GLEN RAVINE PARKETTE PUBLIC SCHOOL WESTCREEK FOREST ALTONA PUBLIC SCHOOL COMMUNITY CENTRE PROGRESS BAY FRONT PARK CORR I D O R CORRIDOR HYDR O HYDRO CORR I D O R HYDRO CORRIDO R HYDRO HY D R O CO R R I D O R CHERRYWOOD TRANSFORMER STATION GENERATING STATION PICKERING LAKE ONTARIO BAY C R E E K C R E E K P E T T I C O A T CR E E K R O U G E R O U G E RIVER FRENCHMAN'S L I T T L E Ri d g e C r e s . White Pine Cres. Th i c k e t C r e s . West Ln. .serC doowtA Thicket Cres. Cloud b e r r y C t . Dunba r t o n R d . 1 2 34 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 LEGEND Crossing Guard Location Site #22 N CLAREMONT CHERRYWOOD 36 Attachment #1 to Report ENG 12-23