HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 20, 2023 Page 1 of 8 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee June 20, 2023 Main Committee Room 7:00 pm Attendees: D. Thompson, Cultural Advisory Committee, Chair S. Almeida-Schroen, Cultural Advisory Committee, Vice-Chair R. Coelho, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Elliott, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Z. Kazi, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. McFarland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Palmer, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R. Wali, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. Nagy, City Councillor, Ward 2 L. Gibbs, Division Head, Culture and Community Programming K. Roberts, (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Staff Liaison) E. Tayles-Armstrong, (Acting) Conservator S. Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art D. Roopchand, Clerk, Culture and Recreation (Recording Secretary) Absent: A. Mujeeb, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Call to Order J. St. Amant welcomed members and called the meeting to order. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes The committee reviewed the agenda. J. St. Amant noted that items 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8, are to be changed to D. Thompson, as she is the Chair of the Committee. D. Thompson added the Fire Hall Grand Opening item to Other Business. Moved by M. McFarland. To approve the agenda. Carried Page 2 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) D. Thompson asked for approval of the previous minutes. Moved by R. Wali. To approve the previous minutes. Carried 3. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 4. Delegations There were no delegations for this meeting. 5. General Business 5.1 Pickering Museum Village (PMV) Report E. Tayles-Armstrong provided the Cultural Advisory Committee with updates at the Pickering Museum Village (PMV). She said that this season 6500 students attended educational programs onsite, the last day for education programs is June 29 and then they will resume in the Fall. E Tayles-Armstrong spoke about the summer programs, which includes a new Escape the Forest escape room, and the PMV Waterfront Ghost Walk. All of the programs can be found at www.pickering.ca/museum. E. Tayles-Armstrong also invi ted the Committee to the Blacksmith Shop Exhibit Grand Opening, on June 25, which will include a blacksmith demonstration, heritage games and light refreshments. 5.2 Community Banner Series Shortlist – Top 5 Artists – For Endorsement J. St. Amant introduced the committee to the Community Banner Series. He said that the intent of this program is to create street banners that will turn the streetscape into welcoming and engaging spaces. The applicants were asked to submit their resume, CV, references, a brief artist statement and images of their past work. Page 3 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) J. St. Amant said there were 44 applicants who submitted by May 26, 2023. The Public Art Committee reviewed the applications and submitted scores the week of June 5. The shortlisted artists are: Aisha Chiguichon, Oliviana Cinco, Ryan Smeeton, Taile Shalmon, and Yen Linh Thai. J. St. Amant said that next steps would be to notify the artists this week and have them complete a conceptual design proposal for a series of seven banners. Each artist will be paid a fee of $1000 plus HST for their proposals completed by August 4. These designs will be reviewed by the Public Art Committee and the Top Three will have their designs fabricated and installed on Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road, in December 2023, and they will be displayed for two years Moved by R. Wali. To approve the Top 5 artists for the Community Banner Series. Carried 5.3 Whitevale Arts and Culture Community Public Art – For Endorsement J. St. Amant spoke about the Whitevale Arts and Culture Community (WACC) public art project “Beautifying Our New Garbage Bin”. Children 12 and under would be invited to submit a drawing or painting representing pollinators and/or pollinator gardens. There will not be a cost to the City, but will require the support of the Public Art Committee, and the Cultural Advisory Committee. R. Wali asked if all bins across the City would be painted, however, J. St. Amant said it is a community initiative and they are the ones taking it on. M. Nagy asked if it was City property or property of WACC. L. Gibbs said it was City property and the bin would be City property, as well. A. Palmer asked how it would be maintained. J. St. Amant said that it is meant to last one year. Page 4 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Moved by R. Wali To approve beautification of the new garbage bins in Whitevale. Carried 5.4 Update: Waterfront Public Art – Consultation Services S. Barakov presented the update for the public art at the waterfront. S. Barakov introduced the three different consultants that the City approached for this project. He explained that these artists were paid $4 ,700 including HST for their research and renderings. They were given a potential budget of $240,000 that would be needed to create the work. Our next steps would be to review the collected concepts and determine how these concepts will inform our Call to Artists and Terms of Reference. A discussion around these artists’ concepts and what Committee members thought of this process took place. R. Wali asked if one of these artists will be selected. S. Barakov said not selected, but we just wanted to see what is possible. R. Wali asked if there will be an educational component to the art pieces. S. Barakov said that we usually install a plaque with information discussing what the piece is about. M. McFarland asked about the rights and if the City could use these concepts. S. Barakov said that if we wanted to have one of these installed, we would hire that artist. L. Gibbs said that this consultation does not preclude the artist from applying when we do put the call out. L. Gibbs said these consultations helps us to inform the design and infrastructure of the park. 5.5 Winter Nights, City Lights 2023 – Temporary Public Art – For Endorsement S. Barakov presented the temporary, rented public art piece that will be displayed for the 2023 Winter Nights, City Lights event that takes place in Esplanade Park and Page 5 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) the artist. He said the Public Art Jury selected Nate Nettleton from the applications they received, and he was further endorsed by the Public Art Committee on June 16. The piece consists of illuminated disco balls encased in acrylic boxes. The disco ball will reflect the sunlight, during the day, and the lights that are projected on it, during the night. R. Coelho asked if it is a regular practice to rent art pieces. S. Barakov said yes, many municipalities do this. R. Coelho asked about the 10% contingency in the budget. S. Barakov said that allows us to have the artist come into to repair the piece, if necessary. Moved by R. Coelho. To endorse the temporary public art piece for Winter Nights, City Lights 2023. Carried 5.6 Cultural Fusion Festival - Review K. Roberts discussed the 2023 Cultural Fusion Festival, that will take place on September 9, from 11 am – 5 pm. K. Roberts gave the group a brief history of the event. This year, they are moving the event date from August to September, as it conflicted with the CNE opening last year. K. Roberts spoke about the Opening Ceremony, unofficial dance record, and the community support and mentorship. She said that they will be having their first meeting tomorrow evening, at 7:00 pm, for interested community groups. She said that we want community feedback because it is an event for the community. K. Roberts said that for those who cannot make it to the meeting tomorrow, all the information will be on the website, www.pickering.ca/festivalsandevents. She also mentioned that there will be a form for groups to request a booth, and this is what I would like to showcase. K. Roberts provided the QR code for the link to the survey for the Cultural Fusion Festival and explained the purpose of this feedback survey. D. Roopchand to send the virtual meeting link to the CAC members. Page 6 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Last year the festival ran from two days, from 12 – 5 pm. R. Coelho asked if the event could be extended. M. Nagy asked if the groups can take down the next day, and K. Roberts said that then the cost of the event rises, as we will need to hire security for overnight, but she will take the suggestion of the extending the event from 10 am to 7 pm, to the staff. L. Gibbs spoke about the event last year and how we had 38 community groups join our inaugural event and the vision for this event came from the community. J. Elliot said that a lot of City residents are not aware of all the great things we have going on in the City, and she asked if there could be an economic developer or tourism stakeholder at a booth to talk about all the amazing events go on throughout the year. J. Elliott said we could have a tourism booth, from Durham Tourism or Central Counties Tourism (CCT), Museum, and programmers. E. Tayles-Armstrong confirmed that the museum will be at the event. S. Almeida-Schroen asked if they can add contact information, along with suggestions of who should be included. K. Roberts said that the team would appreciate that information and she will pass it along to our staff lead. R. Coelho said that she thinks that the Committee should have a booth, and asked if the City’s cultural department could participate, as well. A discussion around last year’s and this year’s Cultural Fusion Festival took place. L. Gibbs said that from this discussion she understand s that the Committee would like to Community Dire ctory to be updated with contacts that may not be in the Directory already; including a City of Pickering general b ooth; and sending the link to the Committee members. 6. Correspondence There was no Correspondence for this meeting. Page 7 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 7. Other Business 7.1 Community Tourism Plan, Public Survey J. St. Amant spoke about Community Tourism Plan , and the Public Survey. The survey will be open throughout the summer. He said that this project is being facilitated by CCT and there is a steering committee that will be meeting four times over a six-month period. He asked the Committee to share and fill out the survey as this information will help develop the tourism plan. The link is letstalkpickering.ca/ctp. J. St. Amant showed the Committee the first draft of the tourism video and he asked for feedback. He said that this video was based on feedback from staff. A discussion around the tourism video took place. M. Nagy said that instead of Heron Gate, which is closing in three months, to use the Museum. She suggested having some niche stores, and the public art. E. Tayles said that she has videos of the museum with families enjoying themselves that could be used. S. Almeida-Schroen asked about development around Durham Live. L. Gibbs said that they will follow up with our Economic Development colleagues, and provide an update at the next meeting. R. Wali said it would be good to have the names of the places in the videos. J. St. Amant said that he will be creating a guide to go with the video, which will include more information about the places in the video, and they will reference each other. J. Elliott suggested splitting up the restaurants in the video. A discussion on what to include in this tourism video and how it could be set up took place. City Staff to follow up with Economic Development staff. Page 8 of 8 Item/ Ref # Details, Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 7.2 Firehall Grand Opening D. Thompson said that she attended the Fire Hall opening and she said thought it was very well attended. She said that the wrap looked amazing, the artist was there and there was a colouring book with the five sides of the wrap that children could take. She spoke about the event, and all the activations that were there, and she was surprised to see how large the horse sculpture, in front of the hall actually was. She said that it was a great event. L. Gibbs said there were 800 visitors. 7.3 National Indigenous Peoples Day Ceremony K. Roberts spoke about the National Indigenous Peoples Day event, from 11 am – 3 pm. She also mentioned that the Reflections piece, and musical garden is located right next to where the event will take place. M. Nagy invited everyone to the flag raising ceremony, at 10:30 am, Wednesday, June 21. 8. Next Meeting The next Cultural Advisory Committee meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. 9. Adjournment Moved by R. Coelho That the June 20, 2023 meeting of the Cultural Advisory Committee be adjourned. Carried Meeting Adjourned: 8:27 pm