HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 23-23Report to Planning & Development Committee Report Number: PLN 23-23 Date: June 5, 2023 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Wildav International Developments Limited 1786 and 1790 Liverpool Road Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22, submitted by Wildav International Developments Limited, to permit a high-density, mixed-use development consisting of a 48-storey residential condominium building, containing 594 residential units and 190 square metres of commercial space at-grade, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Liverpool Road and Pickering Parkway, be approved, and that the draft Zoning By-law Amendment, as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 23-23, be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The subject property is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Liverpool Road and Pickering Parkway, within the City Centre (see Location Map, Attachment #1). Wildav International Developments Limited has submitted an application for Zoning By-law Amendment, to facilitate the construction of a 48-storey residential condominium building, containing 594 residential units and 190 square metres of commercial space at grade (see Revised Site Plan, Attachment #3, and Submitted Conceptual Renderings, Attachments #4, #5 and #6). The applicant is also proposing to sever the property to create two separate parcels. The northerly parcel will contain the existing commercial building currently occupied by TD Bank, and the southerly parcel will contain the proposed 48-storey building. The purpose of the severance is to allow the northerly parcel, containing the TD Bank, and associated parking area, to function independently. The two parcels are proposed to share the existing right-in/right-out access fronting Liverpool Road. Following the Statutory Public Meeting, the applicant made several refinements to the proposal to address various technical comments and concerns identified through the public consultation process. Key changes made to the proposal include: • redesigning the podium to ensure three functional floors are provided along the Liverpool Road frontage; • relocating the 48-storey tower to the northern side of the podium, and relocating the private outdoor amenity space on the podium to the south of the tower, to mitigate any shadowing impacts from the tower on the outdoor amenity space; PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 2 Wildav International Developments Limited • reconfiguring the proposed commercial space at-grade to increase its presence along the Liverpool Road frontage; • providing additional articulations to the roof design to ensure the tower contributes positively to the skyline; and • shifting the entire building north to provide a 1.5 metre setback between the building and the proposed parkland. The revised proposal also includes the provision of ten affordable rental dwelling units to be provided within the building. The applicant also has partnered with Enterprise CarShare to provide two car share spaces at-grade, which will be available to all future residents and the public. The applicant is proposing to convey 335 square metres of land to the City for parkland dedication, which represents 8.8 percent of the proposed southern parcel. The parkland is located along the south lot line and directly abuts the future parkland on the north side of the future Walnut Lane road extension, which will be conveyed to the City by Tribute (Liverpool) Limited as part of their development. City Development staff are in support of the revisions made to the proposal. In accordance with the City’s Official Plan, the proposal complies with the minimum and maximum density and floor space index (FSI) targets for the City Centre. The proposal has regard for the City Centre Neighbourhood policies, by providing a mix of uses at-grade to create an active street frontage, and by designing the building to create a human-scaled environment, and ensuring the building is oriented to optimize sunlight for the private outdoor amenity space and the public park. The development will allow for the efficient use of land in an area that is supported by existing and planned transit. The City Centre Neighbourhood policies encourage the highest of buildings to be located on sites along or in proximity to Highway 401 and higher-order transit stations. The site is located near Highway 401, within a 9-minute walk to the Pickering GO Station, and no more than a 6-minute walk to seven Durham Region Transit bus stops. The site is also surrounded by several local amenities, including grocery and retail stores, restaurants, entertainment, personal service uses, and financial institutions. The proposal complies with the City’s Official Plan, the City Centre Neighbourhood policies, and the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines. The applicant has recently submitted an application for site plan approval, which is currently under review. Through the site plan review process, staff will continue to ensure that the site design and architectural treatments of the building are consistent with the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines. Detailed design issues will also be dealt with through the site plan approval process, including finalizing landscaping; conveyance of the proposed parkland; and on-site vehicular circulation and pedestrian connections. Staff recommend that the site-specific amending by-law, containing the standards set out in Appendix I to this report, be finalized and brought before Council for enactment. PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 3 Wildav International Developments Limited Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject property is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Liverpool Road and Pickering Parkway, within the City Centre (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The site has an area of approximately 0.67 of a hectare, with frontage along Liverpool Road. The property contains two commercial buildings and supporting parking areas, including a single-storey building occupied by Makimono Restaurant, and a two-storey building occupied by TD Bank. The site has two vehicular access points. An existing right-in/right-out vehicular access is on Liverpool Road, south of the signalized intersection of Liverpool Road and Pickering Parkway. A full-movement driveway is aligned with the signalized intersection of the Highway 401 westbound off-ramp and Liverpool Road. The surrounding land uses are as follows (see Air Photo Map, Attachment #2): West: To the west is a commercial plaza, which is currently occupied by Loblaws and other ancillary commercial uses. North: Immediately to the north is a driveway access from Liverpool Road, providing vehicular access to the commercial plaza to the west. Further north of the driveway access is a commercial plaza, containing uses such as restaurants, retail stores, a pharmacy, and medical offices. South: To the south is the future road extension of Walnut Lane. In 2017, the City initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study to extend Walnut Lane from the section presently constructed south of Kingston Road, eastward to connect to Liverpool Road. The study was completed in October 2022, and the detailed design of the road extension is currently ongoing. Construction of the Walnut Lane extension is tentatively scheduled to begin in late 2023. South of the future Walnut Lane road extension, Tribute (Liverpool) Limited is proposing a high-density development, consisting of three mixed-use towers having heights of 46, 49 and 53 storeys. An application for Zoning By-law Amendment (File: A 08/21 (R1)) to increase building heights and implement other site-specific zoning exceptions was approved in June 2022. An application for Site Plan Approval is currently under review. East: To the east, across Liverpool Road, are two eight-storey office buildings, with commercial uses at grade. The Highway 401 westbound off-ramp, which exits onto Liverpool Road, is south of the office buildings. PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 4 Wildav International Developments Limited 1.2 Applicant’s Proposal The applicant has submitted an application for Zoning By-law Amendment, to facilitate the construction of a 48-storey residential condominium building, containing 594 residential units and 190 square metres of commercial space at-grade (see Revised Site Plan, Attachment #3, and Submitted Conceptual Renderings, Attachments #4, #5 and #6). The building occupied by Makimono is proposed to be demolished to accommodate the development. The building occupied by TD Bank is proposed to remain. A future severance of the property is proposed to create two separate parcels so that the northerly portion of the property containing the TD Bank and associated parking area functions independently. The two parcels are proposed to share the existing right-in/right-out access fronting Liverpool Road. Following the Statutory Public Meeting, the applicant made the following refinements to the proposal: • reduced the number of floors from 49 storeys to 48 storeys; • redesigned the podium to ensure three functional floors are provided along the Liverpool Road frontage, in accordance with the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines; • as a result of redesigning the podium, the total number of dwelling units increased slightly from 590 to 594 units; • relocated the 48-storey tower to the northern side of the podium, and relocated the private outdoor amenity space on the podium to the south of the tower, to mitigate any shadowing impacts from the tower on the outdoor amenity space; • reconfigured the proposed commercial space at-grade to increase its presence along the Liverpool Road frontage; • provided additional articulations to the roof design to ensure the tower contributes positively to the skyline; and • shifted the building north to provide a 1.5 metre setback between the building and the proposed parkland, whereas the building was previously setback 0.12 of a metre from the proposed parkland. The revised proposal also includes the provision of ten affordable rental dwelling units to be provided within the development, which is discussed in further detail in Section 3.4 of this report. The applicant has also partnered with Enterprise CarShare to provide two car share spaces at-grade, which will be available to all future residents and the public. Various indoor and outdoor amenity areas will be provided for future residents, including a dog run, pet spa, outdoor fitness/yoga area, various indoor amenity spaces, outdoor seating/lounge areas, outdoor barbeque stations, and an outdoor pool. The applicant is proposing to convey 335 square metres of land to the City for parkland dedication, which represents 8.8 percent of the proposed southern parcel. The parkland is located along the south lot line and directly abuts the future parkland on the north side of the future Walnut Lane road extension, which will be conveyed to the City by Tribute (Liverpool) Limited as part of their development. PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 5 Wildav International Developments Limited Attachment #10 to this report summarizes the key statistical details of the proposal. The applicant has recently submitted an application for site plan approval, which is currently under review. The development will also be subject to an application for draft plan of condominium. 2. Comments Received 2.1 February 6, 2023 Statutory Public Meeting and Written Comments A hybrid electronic Statutory Public Meeting was held on February 6, 2023, where one resident spoke at the meeting. The City also received three written comments from area residents. The following is a summary of key comments and concerns received in writing, and expressed by area residents at the meeting: • stated that the proposed increase in building height is not reasonable growth; • concerned about the increased flow of traffic exiting the property, and how traffic flow may be further affected when the future Walnut Lane road extension is constructed; • concerned that the development will only have a right-in/right-out access onto Liverpool Road, and concerned that cars will slow down to enter and exit the property and create additional traffic on Liverpool Road; • concerned that the proposed height of the tower may dwarf the eight-storey office buildings across the street; • stated that a lower building height may provide a better transition between the office buildings to the east and the proposed Tribute (Liverpool) Limited buildings to the south; • commented that there is a lack of local amenities within the surrounding area, including green space, parkland, retail and commercial venues, and outdoor communal social gathering spaces, to support the additional population from this development; and • concerned that the absence of local amenities can have a significant negative impact on the community, the well-being of residents and the long-term vitality of the City Centre. On February 3, 2023, the City received a letter on behalf of Loblaws and Choice Properties REIT (CP REIT), who are the owners of the parcel to the west which contains the Loblaws. A summary of the concerns raised by Loblaws and CP REIT, and the applicant's response to their concerns, can be found in Section 3.9 of this report. Additionally, on February 13, 2023, the City received a letter on behalf of Tribute (Liverpool) Limited, who is the owner of the parcel to the south. Tribute expressed support for the proposed reduction to the residential parking ratio and proposed parkland. Tribute expressed objections to any proposed access from the subject site to the future road extension of Walnut Lane. PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 6 Wildav International Developments Limited Key questions/comments raised by Members of the Planning & Development Committee at the meeting related to the provision of affordable housing units; questions regarding the proposed reduction to the minimum residential parking ratio; questions regarding the future development of the proposed northern parcel; questions regarding the potential to provide car sharing and/or rental cars for future residents; and questions about how the applicant will address the issues raised by Loblaws and CP REIT. 2.2 Agency Comments 2.2.1 Region of Durham • no objection to the zoning by-law amendment application, subject to an “H” Holding Zone symbol being imposed; • there is limited capacity in the existing Liverpool Road sanitary sewer system. However, the Region is in the process of confirming capacity limitations, and working to determine potential upgrades as development proceeds; • the Region of Durham will monitor development applications and allocate servicing for developments on a first come first serve basis. However, sanitary capacity will only be assigned upon execution of a development agreement with the Region of Durham; • an “H” Holding Symbol will be in place until the owner enters into a site servicing agreement with the Region of Durham, that demonstrates that there is sufficient sanitary servicing capacity available to enable the full development of the site; • the proposal conforms to the Region of Durham Official Plan, as it will facilitate a mix of residential and commercial land uses at densities and heights within an Urban Growth Centre, where high-density, mixed-use, and larger/taller buildings are encouraged; and • matters related to potential site contamination, environmental noise potential, transportation and transit can be addressed to the satisfaction of the Region during the Site Plan application process. 2.2.2 Ministry of Transportation (MTO) • MTO has no objections to the zoning by-law amendment application; and • vehicular access from the property to the Walnut Lane road extension is not permitted. 2.2.3 Metrolinx • Metrolinx is in receipt of the submitted Noise Feasibility Study, prepared by HGC Engineering, dated August 10, 2022; • Metrolinx notes that the most recent and up-to-date rail traffic data has been used in the noise study, and therefore Metrolinx has no further comments; and • prior to site plan approval, the Owner shall grant Metrolinx an environmental easement for operational emissions, registered on title against the subject property, in favour of Metrolinx. PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 7 Wildav International Developments Limited 2.2.4 Durham District School Board • no objections to the proposal; and • students generated from this development will attend existing neighbourhood schools. 2.2.5 Durham Catholic District School Board • the application was circulated to the Durham Catholic District School Board; and • the Durham Catholic District School Board did not provide comments on the proposed development. 2.2.6 Durham Regional Police, Radio Systems • construction of a 48-storey tower on the subject property will pose no immediate obstruction issues for the Region’s NextGen radio system and associated microwave links; and • new buildings will have to be tested for in-building coverage once the buildings are constructed. 2.3 Comments from City Departments 2.3.1 Engineering Services • no objections to the proposal; and • matters concerning grading and drainage, fencing details, stormwater management details, construction management requirements, snow storage location, and landscaping requirements will be further reviewed through the site plan approval process. 2.3.2 Sustainability On September 20, 2022, City Council adopted new Integrated Sustainable Design Standards (ISDS) for all new development in the City to replace the 2007 Sustainable Development Guidelines. The new standards consist of two tiers of performance measures that promote sustainable site and building design. Tier 1 elements are required for new development applications deemed complete on or after January 1, 2023. Applications submitted (deemed complete) prior to December 31, 2022, will continue to follow the 2007 Sustainable Development Guidelines and, at a minimum, achieve a minimum Level 1, or 19 points. Given that this application was received in August 2022 and before the new standards were enacted, the 2007 guidelines apply. Sustainability staff have reviewed the Sustainable Development Report/Checklist, prepared by Weston Consulting, dated August 30, 2022, which is based on the Sustainable Guidelines approved in 2007. Sustainability staff have no objection to the approval of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application. The proposal aims to achieve a total of 65 points (Level 3), which exceeds the minimum Level 1 (19 points) required. The applicant has identified the following optional sustainability elements to be incorporated into the development: PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 8 Wildav International Developments Limited • the use of native species for 50 percent of the proposed landscaped areas; • the provision of a reuse tank to capture and reuse at least 25 percent of greywater and stormwater; • locating a high-density development within a 400-metre walking distance of existing commercial/retail uses, office uses, institutional uses and outdoor spaces; and • the development utilizes transit proximity to encourage alternate modes of transportation and allow for a reduction in vehicular parking requirements. The development is subject to Site Plan Approval. As such, the applicant will be required to provide a completed ISDS Checklist for mid to high-rise buildings and, at a minimum, achieve Tier 1 performance standards. Sustainability staff are satisfied that the proposal complies with the Sustainable Guidelines approved in 2007, and will continue to work with the applicant to ensure the proposal will comply with the City’s new ISDS standards. The final sustainable design features to be incorporated into the development will be presented to the Site Plan Advisory Committee for their feedback prior to the Director, City Development & CBO issuing site plan approval. 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The proposal conforms to the Pickering Official Plan 3.1.1 Density and Floor Space Index (FSI) Targets The subject property is designated “Mixed Use Areas – City Centre” within the Pickering Official Plan. This designation permits high-density residential uses, retailing of goods and services, offices and restaurants, hotels, convention centres, community, cultural and recreational uses, community gardens, and farmers’ markets. The designation permits a minimum net residential density of 80 units per hectare and no maximum density; a maximum gross leasable floorspace for the retailing of goods and services of up to and including 300,000 square metres; and a maximum FSI of over 0.75 and up to and including 5.75. The proposal will result in a residential density of 887 units per hectare; 190 square metres of at-grade commercial/retail space; and a total FSI of 5.75, which includes the proposed 48-storey building and the existing TD Bank building. The proposal complies with the minimum and maximum density and FSI targets within the Official Plan. 3.1.2 City Centre Neighbourhood Policies The City Centre Neighbourhood includes specific policies with respect to enhancements to the public realm; active uses at-grade; performance criteria for tall buildings to minimize adverse impacts concerning shadowing, sky view, privacy and transition to established low-density development; and pedestrian network and mobility. PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 9 Wildav International Developments Limited To provide an active frontage at-grade and to promote a vibrant street life, the proposal includes 190 square metres of at-grade commercial space fronting Liverpool Road. In addition, private indoor and outdoor amenity spaces, including a dog run, are located at- grade facing Liverpool Road. There are adequate entrances and windows at-grade facing the street, including the main building entrance and two entrances to the commercial unit. To further create a human scale at street level, the building is designed to be a podium and point tower form. The City Centre Neighbourhood policies state that new development should be designed, and located in such a way, that it limits any shadowing on the public realm, parks, and public spaces, to achieve adequate sunlight through all four seasons. Through refinements made to the building design, the 48-storey tower has been relocated to the northern side of the podium, and the private outdoor amenity space on the podium has been relocated to the south of the tower, to mitigate any shadowing impacts from the tower on the outdoor amenity space. The building is oriented to optimize sunlight for the private amenity space, as well as for the public park proposed to the south of the building. The City Centre Neighbourhood policies encourage the highest of buildings to locate on sites at key gateways along the Kingston Road and Liverpool Road corridors, along or in proximity to Highway 401, or in proximity to higher-order transit stations. The site is located in close proximity to Highway 401 and the Liverpool Road on and off-ramps. The site is also located within 700 metres (9-minute walk) to the Pickering GO Station, and within 500 metres (6-minute walk) to 7 Durham Region Transit bus stops. Additionally, the site is located within walking distance of many local amenities, including, but not limited to: • several grocery stores, including Loblaws to the west of the site (a 3-minute walk), and Farm Boy (a 4-minute walk) and Pacific Fresh Food Market (a 9-minute walk) to the east of the site; • numerous retail stores, restaurants, entertainment, personal service uses, and financial institutions located within the immediately surrounding area; and • in addition to the parkland proposed on-site and the future parkland on the Tribute lands directly to the south, the site is within a 15-minute walk to David Farr Park, Esplanade Park, and Douglas Park. The proposal will contribute to the transformation of the City Centre into a more liveable, walkable and human-scaled neighbourhood. The objectives of the City Centre Neighbourhood policies have been adequately addressed. 3.2 The proposal is consistent with the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines The City Centre Urban Design Guidelines provide design direction for intensification, to guide buildings and private development, as well as investments in public infrastructure in the City Centre. PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 10 Wildav International Developments Limited Many of the key design objectives within the guidelines have been implemented through the proposal. The building has been located along the street edge, and at the corner of the intersection of Liverpool Road and the future Walnut Lane road extension. The siting of the building along the street edge will help to create an active and attractive streetscape and will ensure the commercial unit is highly visible from the public realm. Additionally, weather protection is provided at all residential and commercial building entrances, to ensure a comfortable experience for pedestrians and to animate the storefront. The surface parking spaces and drop-off area are located at the rear and sides of the building, to mitigate views of the parking from the street. In addition, landscape buffers are provided between the surface parking spaces and the street. The underground parking garage ramp, loading area, and garbage facilities are also located at the rear of the building and are integrated into the design of the podium. The design guidelines state that the base component, or podium, of a building, establishes the height of the street wall, and establishes human scale at the street level. As such, the guidelines require the building podium to be at least three storeys. Through refinements made to the building design, the podium has been redesigned to ensure three functional floors are provided along the Liverpool Road frontage. Additionally, in accordance with the guidelines, the size of the tower floor plate does not exceed 850 square metres, which helps to minimize shadowing and wind tunnel impacts on surrounding properties, streets and public spaces. The design objectives of the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines have been adequately addressed. Through the site plan review process, staff will continue to ensure that the site design and architectural treatments of the building are consistent with the guidelines. 3.3 The proposed building height complies with the City Centre Neighbourhood policies and will have acceptable shadow impacts on surrounding properties As noted above, the City Centre Neighbourhood policies state that new development should be designed, located and massed in such a way that it limits any shadowing on the public realm, parks and public spaces, to achieve adequate sunlight and comfort in the public realm through all four seasons. In support of the proposed development, the applicant submitted a Shadow Study, prepared by Kirkor, dated March 30, 2023. The study includes March, June, September and December, hourly between 10:18 am and 6:18 pm. During the months of March and September, the building is expected to cast shadows on nearby commercial and office properties to the north and east. However, shadows are not expected to be cast beyond Kingston Road to the north, where low-density residential dwellings are located. During the month of June, the building is expected to cast smaller shadows on the Loblaws plaza to the west, and the office buildings to the east. In the month of December, the shadows are expected to be larger and reach as PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 11 Wildav International Developments Limited far as the low-density dwellings located on the north side of Kingston Road and to the east of Brock Road. However, the shadows are expected to move quickly and are not expected to last longer than one hour. As noted above, the applicant has relocated the 48-storey tower to the northern side of the podium and relocated the private outdoor amenity space on the podium to the south of the tower. As such, the tower will have no shadowing impacts on the proposed private outdoor amenity space on the podium, or on the proposed parkland to the south of the building and the future parkland on the Tribute lands to the south. The proposed 48-storey tower is expected to have minimal shadowing impacts on nearby low-density residential properties, and on surrounding public and private outdoor amenity areas. Additionally, though the applicant is proposing an increase in building height from 15 storeys to 48 storeys, the proposal still complies with the maximum permitted FSI of 5.75, in accordance with the City’s Official Plan and the City Centre Zoning By-law. The proposed zoning amendment does not increase the FSI that is permitted as-of-right on the site. However, it does allow a taller building, which in turn allows the applicant to provide more than 400 additional dwelling units within the building. This is in line with policies within the City’s Official Plan, which states that the highest mix and intensity of uses and activities should be located in the City Centre. Staff support the applicant’s request to increase the maximum building height. 3.4 Ten affordable rental units will be provided by the applicant The applicant is proposing to provide ten affordable rental units within the development, including two 1-bedroom suites, five 1-bedroom plus den suites, two 2-bedroom suites, and one 3-bedroom suite. The applicant will retain ownership of the units, which will be rented at 80 percent of the average of the five most recent market rental transactions for units with the same number of bedrooms. The applicant has stated that the purpose of these units is to address the ongoing need within Pickering’s residential housing market for an affordable rental product. The applicant is proposing a maximum 10-year period for the units. The applicant is yet to determine the eligibility requirements, and screening process, for individuals who apply to rent a unit. The applicant has provided a letter of intent pertaining to the rental units, which can be found in Attachment #8 to this report. Before receiving site plan approval, the applicant will need to provide more information to the City regarding eligibility requirements and screening processes for individuals who apply to rent a unit. 3.5 The applicant has submitted an updated traffic report The applicant has submitted an updated Urban Transportation Considerations Report, prepared by BA Group, dated March 2023, which investigated the traffic conditions and effects of the proposed development on the surrounding road network. The study found PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 12 Wildav International Developments Limited that during the weekday morning peak hour (between 8:30 am and 9:30 am), the development is anticipated to generate approximately 130 two-way trips (30 inbound and 100 outbound trips), and during the weekday afternoon peak hour (between 4:45 pm and 5:45 pm), approximately 140 two-way trips (90 inbound and 50 outbound trips). BA Group has stated that increased traffic volumes will result from the continued growth and development of the City Centre. The study concludes that, over a 10-year horizon (2032), several signalized intersections within the area will begin to operate above capacity, particularly during the weekday afternoon peak hour. These signalized intersections include: • Liverpool Road & Kingston Road; • Liverpool Road & Pickering Parkway; • Liverpool Road & Bayly Street; and • Walnut Lane & Kingston Road. BA Group has stated that, as the signalized intersections begin to reach capacity, vehicle trips are expected to be displaced to alternative routes; displaced to alternative travel times (i.e., outside of the peak hour); or displaced to alternative modes of travel. The study notes that Metrolinx is working to provide a Durham-Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor extending from Scarborough Centre to Downtown Oshawa, primarily along Kingston Road. Additionally, Metrolinx’s GO Expansion is ongoing, which includes, but is not limited to, improving transit service to provide more all-day service, trains every 15 minutes and more accessible stations. The study concludes that with the future opening of the Durham-Scarborough BRT (construction is currently planned for 2023 or 2024), improvements to existing transit services and increased pedestrian and cycling network connectivity, reliance on automobiles as a travel mode will decrease. Liverpool Road is under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham and is designated Type B arterial road under the Pickering Official Plan. Type B arterial roads are designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds, have some access restrictions, and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 30 to 36 metres. The City concurs with the recommendations in the updated Urban Transportation Considerations Report. Through the site plan approval process, the City will continue to work with the applicant and the Region of Durham to address any outstanding technical matters related to transportation. 3.6 Sufficient parking is available to accommodate the development The proposed development includes a total of 331 residential parking spaces, 90 visitor parking spaces, 6 retail spaces and 2 carsharing spaces. The City Centre Zoning By-law requires a minimum of 0.8 of a space per dwelling unit and an additional 0.15 of a space per dwelling unit for visitors. The applicant is requesting to amend the residential parking ratio from 0.8 of a space to 0.55 of a space per dwelling unit, which is a reduction in the required residential parking by 145 spaces. The proposal also includes a total of 299 indoor and outdoor bicycle parking spaces. PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 13 Wildav International Developments Limited To support the proposed reduction in residential parking, BA Group has prepared a Parking Justification Analysis within the submitted traffic report. The parking analysis concludes that the proposed reduction is appropriate for the following reasons: • The reduction is based on the parking sales trends observed for Universal City Phases 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7, which can indicate the current market demand for vehicle parking spaces. BA Group has stated that the parking demand for the proposed development is anticipated to be comparable to the parking demand for Universal City, considering its location within the City Centre and proximity to transit services and local amenities. The overall parking demand for Universal City is 0.68 spaces per unit. The following table provides a breakdown of the parking sales trends, as of March 2023: Phase Percent of Units Sold Resident Parking Provided Sold Parking Spaces Unsold Parking Spaces UC Phase 1 100% (275 units) 233 spaces (0.81 spaces/unit) 216 spaces (0.79 spaces/unit) 7 spaces UC Phase 2 100% (336 units) 271 spaces (0.81 spaces/unit) 248 spaces (0.74 spaces/unit) 23 spaces UC Phase 3 96% (357 units) 277 spaces (0.78 spaces/unit) 257 spaces (0.72 spaces/unit) 20 spaces UC Phase 6 95% (306 units) 230 spaces (0.72 spaces/unit) 185 spaces (0.58 spaces/unit) 45 spaces UC Phase 7 44% (211 units) 324 spaces (0.67 spaces/unit) 107 spaces (0.51 spaces/unit) 217 spaces Overall 1,486 units 1,325 spaces (0.74 spaces/unit) 1,013 spaces (0.68 spaces/unit) 312 spaces • The reduction is also based on other high-density developments within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), that are close to GO Stations, which have received approval for reduced residential parking standards. The following tables show a few developments within the GTA that have reduced residential parking ratios: Location Approved Residential Parking Ratio Location to GO Station 5365 Dundas Street West, Etobicoke Studio: 0.6 of a space per unit 1-Bed: 0.7 of a space per unit 2-Bed: 0.9 of a space per unit 3-Bed: 1.0 space per unit 300 metres from Kipling GO Station PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 14 Wildav International Developments Limited Location Approved Residential Parking Ratio Location to GO Station 78 Park Street East, Mississauga 1-Bed: 0.57 of a space per unit 2-Bed: 0.73 of a space per unit 3-Bed: 1.1 spaces per unit 80 metres from Port Credit GO Station 900 Dufferin Street, Toronto 0.29 of a space per dwelling unit 1.6 kilometres from Bloor GO Station and 4.4 kilometres from Bloor-Yonge Subway Station 2200-2206 Eglinton Avenue East, Scarborough 0.5 of a space per dwelling unit 1.3 kilometres from Kennedy GO Station & 1.5 kilometres from Kennedy Subway Station Additionally, BA Group has stated that the reduction in residential parking is appropriate, as it is consistent with Ontario’s New Five Year Climate Change Action Plan. The plan supports reduced single-passenger vehicle trips, eliminating minimum parking requirements (especially in transit corridors), and supports cycling, walking and use of transit. Further, to support the reduced parking, BA Group is recommending the implementation of sustainable Transportation Demand Management measures for the development. The aim is to reduce overall reliance on single-occupancy vehicles, while promoting more active modes of transportation, by: • providing car sharing on-site for residents who occasionally require a vehicle; • providing bicycle infrastructure on-site and within the development; • creating high quality, safe and accessible pedestrian linkages to the site and surrounding area; and • encouraging residents to use local businesses and community facilities. Staff are of the opinion that the proposed parking ratio is appropriate to accommodate the parking needs for this development. The reduction is consistent with the City Centre objective to create a pedestrian-focused neighbourhood and support alternative modes of travel. Additionally, the reduction in parking is consistent with the draft Regional Official Plan Amendment for Major Transit Station Areas (MTSA), which states that new development within an MTSA should consider reduced parking standards. The subject property is within a MTSA for the Pickering GO Station. 3.6.1 Two car share spaces to be provided on-site During the statutory public meeting, Committee Members requested the applicant explore opportunities to provide car sharing services for future residents of the development. The applicant has partnered with Enterprise CarShare to provide two car share spaces at-grade, which will be available to all future residents and the public. Enterprise CarShare has stated that eligible residents will be offered a CarShare membership with PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 15 Wildav International Developments Limited their unit. The applicant has provided a letter of intent from Enterprise CarShare pertaining to the car share spaces, which can be found in Attachment #9 to this report. Before receiving site plan approval, the applicant will need to provide additional information, including a copy of an agreement with Enterprise CarShare, to confirm the implementation of the proposed service. 3.7 Requested site-specific zoning exceptions In addition to the applicant’s requests to increase the maximum building height and reduce the residential parking ratio, the applicant is also requesting the following site-specific exceptions: 1. Calculate FSI based on the area of the property as it exists today, notwithstanding the proposed future severance of the property. The existing TD Bank has a long-term lease for the use of the commercial building on the proposed northern parcel. As such, despite the proposed severance, the applicant is requesting that the calculation of FSI apply to the entire area of the property. Should the applicant/owner propose to redevelop the northern parcel in the future, an amendment to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law will be required to permit additional FSI above 5.75. Staff have cautioned the applicant/owner that support for any future amendments to the City’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law to redevelop the northern parcel will need to adequately demonstrate that municipal infrastructure (roads, water, sewer and parkland) can accommodate the additional FSI. Furthermore, the applicant/owner may be required to fund any infrastructure upgrades to support the future development of the northern parcel. 2. Remove the minimum main wall stepback requirement, whereas the by-law requires a minimum main wall stepback of 3.0 metres between the top 6.0 and 18.0 metres of a point tower, for buildings equal to and greater than 73.5 metres (approximately 24 storeys). Though the applicant is requesting to remove the main wall stepback requirement, the building will still maintain a distinctive architectural design. The building has been designed to provide variation in façade treatment and colours, as well as providing a stepback at the top of the tower. Additionally, the balconies have a waved design (see Submitted Conceptual Renderings, Attachments #4, #5 and #6), which further articulates the building face. 3. Slightly reduce the minimum required continuous length of a building along a street line from 60 percent of the street frontage to 53 percent. Notwithstanding the proposed severance, the combined continuous length of the podium wall and the TD Bank building wall will occupy 66.5 percent of the street frontage. However, after the severance is complete, the TD Bank building wall will occupy only 53 percent of the street frontage of the northern parcel, while the podium wall will occupy over 60 percent of the street frontage of the southern parcel. Considering that together the buildings will occupy 66.5 percent of the street frontage, staff are of the opinion that the intent of this provision is being met. PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 16 Wildav International Developments Limited 4. Remove the minimum width requirement for a landscaped area between the existing surface parking area for TD Bank and the proposed tower. As a result of the proposed severance, a 3.0 metre landscape strip is unable to be provided on a portion of the northern parcel, without compromising the number of parking spaces, and the size of the drive aisle. Despite the limitations on the northern parcel, the applicant is providing a landscape strip on the southern parcel, between the proposed and existing parking spaces. 5. Reduce the minimum required podium height from 10.5 metres to 8.8 metres, and increase the maximum permitted podium height from 20 metres to 22 metres. The reduction in the minimum podium height is for a portion of the podium located at the rear of the property, which is not visible from Liverpool Road. Along the Liverpool Road frontage, the applicant has redesigned the podium to ensure three functional floors are provided, in accordance with the City Centre Urban Design Guidelines. The increase in the maximum podium height is to allow for a greater first floor height of 6.25 metres, which is intended to provide a more visually prominent first floor from the streetscape. 6. Permit air vents associated with the underground parking garage to be located in the front yard, whereas the by-law only permits air vents in the rear or interior side yards. The air vents located in the front yard will contribute to the functionality of the underground parking garage. Through the Site Plan Approval process, staff will ensure any infrastructure necessary for the underground parking garage is appropriately designed and screened to minimize views from Liverpool Road. 7. For the existing TD Bank, slightly reduce the minimum parking requirement for a financial institution from 3.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area (GLFA) to 3.3 spaces per 100 square metres of GLFA. The applicant is requesting to reduce the parking supply for the existing TD Bank from 42 parking spaces to 40 parking spaces. This is a result of the proposed severance. Through the submitted traffic report, the applicant has confirmed that 40 parking spaces are sufficient to serve TD Bank. 3.8 The applicant has provided a conceptual development plan for the northern parcel During the statutory public meeting, Committee Members requested the applicant provide a conceptual site plan for the northern parcel, should TD Bank decide to terminate their lease in the future. The applicant has provided a conceptual development plan for the northern parcel, which can be found in Attachment #7 to this report. At this time, the applicant has not specified a proposed building height, unit count, or building massing for the northern parcel. PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 17 Wildav International Developments Limited 3.9 The applicant has addressed the concerns expressed by Loblaws and CP REIT As noted above, the City received a letter on behalf of Loblaws and Choice Properties REIT (CP REIT), who are the owners of the parcel to the west which contains the Loblaws. Below is a summary of the concerns raised by Loblaws and CP REIT, and the applicant's response: Concerns from Loblaws and CP REIT Applicant’s Response Requested clarification on the applicant’s submitted noise study, specifically where the study obtained sound level data for the operations of the Loblaws. The applicant has indicated that the sound level data for the generator on the Loblaws site was obtained from publicly available data from the manufacturer. The applicant has also noted that they have since obtained sound level data for the generator from Loblaws’ noise consultant. The updated data has been incorporated into a revised Noise Study, which the applicant has submitted to the City as part of their site plan approval application. Expressed concerns with the proposed building being located a minimum of 0.5 of a metre from the shared west property line, and how this relates to requirements in the by-law for minimum building separation, should CP REIT decide to redevelop their property in the future As part of the revised proposal, the applicant has relocated the tower to the northern side of the podium and relocated the private outdoor amenity space located on the podium to the south of the tower. The relocation of the tower to the northern side of the podium has increased the setback of the tower from the Loblaws parcel to the west from 0.5 of a metre to 14.0 metres. 3.10 The Region of Durham will allocate sanitary servicing for developments on a first come first serve basis The Region has indicated that, at present time, there is limited capacity in the existing Liverpool Road sanitary sewer system. As such, the Region of Durham will monitor development applications, and allocate servicing for developments on a first come first serve basis. The Region has stated that sanitary capacity will only be assigned to development upon the Owner entering into a development agreement with the Region of Durham. For the above-noted reasons, the Region has requested that a Holding (“H”) Zone be placed on the proposed southern parcel (where the proposed 48-storey building is located), until such time that matters related to sanitary servicing for this development are dealt with. Removal of the “H” Zone is conditional on the owner entering into a site servicing agreement with the Region of Durham, that demonstrates that there is sufficient sanitary servicing capacity available to enable the full development of the site. PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 18 Wildav International Developments Limited 3.11 Technical matters to be addressed through the site plan approval process A site plan application has been submitted and is currently under review. Detailed design issues will be dealt with through the site plan approval process. These requirements will address matters such as, but are not limited to: • refining building design and materials; • finalizing landscaping; • conveyance of the proposed parkland; • on-site vehicular circulation, and pedestrian connections; • construction management/erosion and sediment controls; • drainage and grading; and • detailed site servicing. 4. Zoning By-law to be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment The applicant is requesting to rezone the subject lands to facilitate a high-density, mixed-use development. Staff recommend that the implementing zoning by-law, containing the standards set out in Appendix I to this report, be finalized and brought before Council for enactment. 5. Applicant’s Comments The applicant has been advised of and concurs with the recommendations of this report. Appendix Appendix I Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Air Photo Map 3. Revised Site Plan 4. Conceptual Rendering – Facing Northwest 5. Conceptual Rendering – Facing Southwest 6. Conceptual Rendering – Building Entrance 7. Conceptual Plan – North Lot Layout 8. Letter of Intent – Affordable Rental Units 9. Letter of Intent – Car Share Spaces 10. Summary of Key Details of Proposal PLN 23-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 Page 19 Wildav International Developments Limited Prepared By: Original Signed By Isabel Lima Planner II Original Signed By Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Original Signed By Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO IL:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix I to Report PLN 23-23 Recommended Zoning By-law Provisions for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/22 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. XXXX/23 Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law 7553/17, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, Part of Lot 23, Concession 1, Now Parts 1 and 2, 40R-27085, in the City of Pickering (A 07/22) Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to permit a high-density, mixed-use development on lands being Part of Lot 23, Concession 1, Now Parts 1 and 2, 40R-27085, City of Pickering; And whereas an amendment to By-law 7553/17, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Section 6, Exceptions, and Schedule 7 of Zoning By-law 7553/17, as amended, is further amended by adding a new Exception E21 as follows: 6.21.1 Zone Provisions The following regulations apply: a) Notwithstanding Section 3.1, Table 1, related to Parking Space Requirements, the minimum parking ratio shall be 0.55 parking spaces per apartment dwelling unit for residents, and 0.15 parking spaces per apartment dwelling unit for visitors. b) Notwithstanding Section 3.1, Table 1, related to Parking Space Requirements, the minimum parking ratio for a Financial Institution wholly located within the area identified by the cross hatching as shown on Figure 6.21.2 (c), shall be 3.3 spaces per 100 square metres gross leasable floor area (GLFA). c) Notwithstanding Section 3.7 b), related to Surface Parking Spaces, a landscaped area shall not be required between any existing residential development and the parking spaces or aisles. d) Notwithstanding Section 3.8 c) related to Parking Structures, air vents associated with a parking structure are permitted in a front yard. e) Notwithstanding Section 4.2 a), related to Floor Space Index (FSI), the total land area of the lot, including lands conveyed to public ownership for a public park, shall be deemed to be a lot for the purposes of calculating Floor Space Index (FSI), as shown on Figure 6.21.2 (a). f) Notwithstanding Section 4.2 b) ii) and Schedule 5, related to Maximum Building Height, the height of a building or structure wholly located within the area identified by the dashed lines as shown on Figure 6.21.2 (b) is specified by the number following the HT symbol as shown on Figure 6.21.2 (b). By-law No. XXXX/23 Page 2 g) Notwithstanding Section 4.2 f) i) and ii) related to Podium Requirements for Buildings greater than 37.5 metres, the minimum height of a podium shall be 5.0 metres and the maximum height of a podium shall be 22.5 metres. h) For the purposes of measuring the height of a podium for Section 4.2 f) and measuring Building Height for Section 4.2 b) and Schedule 5 related to Maximum Building Height, established grade shall mean the average elevation of the finished level of the ground measured along the east exterior wall at grade of a building fronting Liverpool Road. i) Notwithstanding Section 4.2 j) i) and ii) related to Minimum Main Wall Stepback for Buildings greater than 37.5 metres and buildings equal to and greater than 73.5 metres, the minimum main wall stepback shall not apply. j) Notwithstanding Section 4.2 l), related to Continuous Length of Buildings along a Street Line, a minimum 53 percent of the street frontage of a lot along Liverpool Road must be occupied by a building wholly located within the area identified by the cross hatching as shown on Figure 6.21.2 (c). 6.21.2 Special Site Figures Figure 6.21.2 (a) By-law No. XXXX/23 Page 3 Figure 6.21.2 (b) Figure 6.21.2 (c) By-law No. XXXX/23 Page 4 2. Section 7, Holding Provisions, and Schedule 8 of Zoning By-law 7553/17, as amended, is further amended by adding a new (H) Holding Symbol as follows: H10 Part of Lot 23, Concession 1, Now Parts 1 and 2, 40R-27085 in the City of Pickering (1786 and 1790 Liverpool Road) Parent Zone: CC1 Schedule 8 Amending By-law: N/A 7.10 Conditions for Removal of the “H” The “H” symbol shall, upon application by the landowner, be removed by City Council passing a By-law under Section 34 of the Planning Act. The following conditions shall first be completed to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham and the City of Pickering: a) The owner has entered into a site servicing agreement with the Regional Municipality of Durham that demonstrates that there is sufficient sanitary servicing capacity available to enable the full development of the site. 3. Schedule 7, Exceptions, of Zoning By-law 7553/17, as amended, is further amended by adding an E21 notation as depicted on Schedule I to this By-law. 4. Schedule 8, Holding Provisions, of Zoning By-law 7553/17, as amended, is further amended by adding an H10 notation as depicted on Schedule II to this By-law. 5. That By-law 7553/17, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 7553/17, as amended. 6. That this By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. By-law passed this XX day of XXXX, 2023. ___________________________________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor ___________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk F u t u r e W a l n u t L a n e R o a d E x t e n s i o n Li v e r p o o l R o a d Pickering Parkway Clerk Mayor Schedule I to By-LawPassed ThisDay of i N XXXX/23XXrd XXXX 2023 E21 24 . 3 m 11.9m 52.7m 51.0m 46 . 3 m 80 . 7 m 8 0 . 2 m 17.1m F u t u r e W a l n u t L a n e R o a d E x t e n s i o n Li v e r p o o l R o a d Pickering Parkway i N Clerk Mayor Schedule II to By-LawPassed ThisDay of XXXX/23 XXXXXX 2023 24 . 3 m 11.9m 52.7m 51.0m 46 . 3 m 80 . 7 m 8 0 . 2 m 17.1m 60.4m H10 Attachment #1 to Report PLN 23-23 Liverpool Road Bronte Squ a r e Gl e n d a l e D r i v e Kingston R o a d Charl otte C ircle Highway 401 P i c k e r i n g P a r k w a y South PineCreek Ravine Future W a l n u t L a n e R o a d E x t e n si o n City DevelopmentDepartment Location MapFile:Applicant:Municipal Address: A 07/22 Date: Jan. 09, 2023 ¯ E Wildav International Developments Limited.1786 and 1790 Liverpool Road SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2022\A 07-22 WILDAV INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED\A07_22_LocationMap.mxd 1:4,000 SCALE:THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Departmentof Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal PropertyAssessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. Attachment #2 to Report PLN 23-23 Liverpool Road Bronte Squ a r e Gl e n d a l e D r i v e Kingston R o a d Charl otte C ircle Highway 401 P i c k e r i n g P a r k w a y Future W a l n u t L a n e R o a d E x t e n si o n Air Photo MapFile:Applicant:Municipal Address: A 07/22 Date: Jan. 09, 2023 ¯ E Wildav International Developments Limited.1786 and 1790 Liverpool Road SubjectLands L:\PLANNING\01-MapFiles\A\2022\A 07-22 WILDAV INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED\A07_22_AirPhoto.mxd 1:4,000 SCALE:THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. © The Corporation of the City of Pickering Produced (in part) under license from: © Queens Printer, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Departmentof Natural Resources. All rights reserved.; © Teranet Enterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights reserved.; © Municipal PropertyAssessment Corporation and its suppliers. All rights reserved. City DevelopmentDepartment Attachment #3 to Report PLN 23-23 Revised Site Plan City Development Department April 13, 2023FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. A 07/22 Wildav International Developments LimitedApplicant: Municipal Address: DATE: File No: 1786 and 1790 Liverpool Road L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2022 N Attachment #4 to Report PLN 23-23 Conceptual Rendering - Facing Northwest City Development Department April 13, 2023FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. A 07/22 Wildav International Developments LimitedApplicant: Municipal Address: DATE: File No: 1786 and 1790 Liverpool Road L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2022 Attachment #5 to Report PLN 23-23 Conceptual Rendering - Facing Southwest City Development Department April 13, 2023FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. A 07/22 Wildav International Developments LimitedApplicant: Municipal Address: DATE: File No: 1786 and 1790 Liverpool Road L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2022 Attachment #6 to Report PLN 23-23 L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2022 April 13, 2023DATE: Applicant: Municipal Address: File No: Conceptual Rendering – Building Entrance FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. City Development Department A 07/22 1786 and 1790 Liverpool Road Wildav International Developments Limited Attachment #7 to Report PLN 23-23 Conceptual Plan - North Lot Layout City Development Department April 13, 2023FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. A 07/22 Wildav International Developments LimitedApplicant: Municipal Address: DATE: File No: 1786 and 1790 Liverpool Road L:\Planning\01-MapFiles\A\2022 N Attachment #8 to Report PLN 23-23 March 30th , 2023 Mr. Nilesh Surti-Manager, Development Review and Urban Design City of Pickering City Development Department One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LlV 6K7 Dear Mr. Surti, Re: WILDAV International Developments Limited -1786-1790 Liverpool Road The purpose of this letter is to provide information to Pickering Council and Planning Staff with regards to an arrangement with WILDAV as related to the project at 1786-1790 Liverpool Road (south Tower), located just north of the planned Walnut Lane extension at Liverpool and Highway 401. Rather than Affordable Housing to purchase, we believe there is a persistent and ongoing need within the Pickering residential housing market for affordable rental product. Our proposal to increase Pickering's affordable housing rental pool can be summarized as follows: •WILDAV will provide up to 10 residential suites consistent with the current unit mix of the building; therefore, two 1-bedroom suites, five 1-bedroom plus den suites, two 2-bedroom units and one 3-bedroom suite. •Each unit will be rented at 80% of the average of the five most recent market rental transactions on MLS for units with the same number of bedrooms. Rental transactions posted on MLS must have closed within 3 months and, for the purposes of this calculation, will be prioritized as follows: suites within the WILDAV development will be given first priority for the calculation herein, followed by closed transactions within the Pickering City Centre. For example, if five recent transactions within the WILDAV development for a one bedroom plus den average to $2,600 per month, the applicable maximum rental rate will be $2,080 per month. •On registration of the condominium, each suite will be owned by WILDAV or a related party as determined by WILDAV prior to registration and each of the suites will be held as separate properties and subject to the terms of the proposed rental pool for a maximum period of the later of 10 years or when the tenant that may have star ted its tenure during the 10 years vacates. •The 10-year period commences on the earlier of occupancy of each suite or registration. •Each rental agreement will be subject to the standard rent increase guidelines as set out by the Province of Ontario. •The City of Pickering will have the option to register an instrument on title of each suite in the form and will undertake to remove same at the expiry of the term. •We intend to work further with City Staff through our site plan application to determine eligibility requirements and the screening process of individuals applying to rent these units. •WILDAV will manage the rental and any operational issues relating to these suites. 65 Regent Park Blvd. Toronto M5A 0K7 T 416.340.7888 F 416.340.0080 www.enterprisecarshare.ca Attachment #9 to Report PLN 23-23 March 28, 2023 Wildav International Developments Limited 1786 & 1790 Liverpool Road Pickering, Ontario M5X 1C7 City file number: A 07/22 This letter is to confirm that Enterprise CarShare has agreed, pending completion of contracting, with Wildav International Developments Limitedto provide our CarShare program onsite at the development proposed at 1786 & 1790 Liverpool Road, Pickering ON. Enterprise CarShare commits to actively utilizing the two proposed CarShare parking space (at grade) within this development. The vehicles onsite will also be available to all Enterprise CarShare members, both residents and non-residents. All eligible residents will offered a membership included with their unit. Sincerely, George Kozyrakis CarShare Business Development & Account Manager Attachment #10 to Report PLN 23-23 Summary of Key Details of Proposal (A 07/22) Revised Proposal Gross Floor Area (GFA) •Proposed Tower: 44,045 square metres •Existing Building (TD Bank): 1,181 square metres Net Floor Area (NFA) •Proposed Tower: 37,358 square metres •Existing Building (TD Bank): 1,100 square metres Floor Space Index (FSI) 5.75 FSI Number of Residential Units 594 residential units Number of Affordable Housing Units 10 affordable rental units Number of Storeys and Building Heights 48 storeys Approximately 146 metres Unit Types 1 Bedroom: 148 units (25%) 1 Bedroom plus Den: 272 units (46%) 2 Bedroom: 124 units (20%) 2 Bedroom plus Den: 35 units (6%) 3 Bedroom: 15 units (3%) Vehicular Parking Resident – 331 spaces Visitor – 90 spaces Retail – 6 spaces Total – 427 spaces* Bicycle Parking 299 spaces Private Amenity Area Indoor – 1,188 square metres Outdoor – 1,188 square metres Total – 2,376 square metres Parkland Dedication 335 square metres *Excludes two car-share spaces to be provided at grade.