HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 08-23Report to Executive Committee Report Number: ENG 08-23 Date: June 5, 2023 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Waterfront Trail Reconstruction - Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Council approve retaining the services of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for project management and construction services for the Waterfront Trail Reconstruction, Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court, in accordance with the City’s Purchasing Policy Appendix 1 Exceptions, item 8; 2. That Council authorize staff to execute a letter of agreement with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the project management and construction services for the Waterfront Trail Reconstruction, Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court, on such terms as are satisfactory to the Director, Engineering Services and the Director, Finance & Treasurer; 3. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer, to finance the total net project cost of $584,940.00 as follows: a) The sum of $500,000.00 in capital project C10305.2109 as approved in the 2021 Property Maintenance Capital Budget, to be funded by a transfer from the Parkland Reserve Fund, be increased to $584,940.00; and, 4. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The waterfront trail that runs between Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park and Elvira Court is partially situated on land owned by the City of Pickering and partially on land owned by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) under Management Agreement with the City of Pickering. The existing trail through this area is quite steep and narrow and does not meet accessibility guidelines, making it difficult to travel on, particularly when there is two-way traffic. The City retained TRCA to prepare detailed design drawings for the reconstruction and realignment of the trail, and to follow through with obtaining all the necessary approvals and permits required to proceed with the reconstruction of the trail. TRCA have indicated the desire to undertake the trail reconstruction works, and have submitted a proposal for their Restoration & Infrastructure team to perform the work. As the owner of a portion of the land and as experts on trail construction and ecological restoration work, TRCA are well suited for this project, ENG 08-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Waterfront Trail Reconstruction – Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court Page 2 recognizing the sensitivity of the area and the nature of the safety hazards and environmental constraints inherent with working adjacent to streams. In accordance with the City’s Purchasing Policy, Section 19.01 and Appendix 1, item 8 – Work or services to or from other government agencies, utilities, Provincial or Federal agencies, Crown Corporations, municipalities, public agencies, or Boards are excluded from the requirements of the Purchasing Policy and may be procured by obtaining one price, subject to the funds being available in the Current or Capital Budgets. As owners of the land that supports this section of the Waterfront Trail, TRCA was successful in securing a Trans-Canada Trail Foundation Grant of $150,000.00 (HST included) and have committed to an in-kind contribution of $31,000.00 (HST included) thereby reducing the City’s share of construction costs. The grant and in-kind contribution is subject to TRCA being awarded the construction component. TRCA have advised that the best time to complete this work is during the fall and winter months, in order to cause the least amount of disturbance to the natural environment as well as trail users. They propose to mobilize in November 2023, with final restoration and paving being completed in the spring of 2024. It is recommended that TRCA be retained to complete the waterfront trail reconstruction work as outlined in this report and their proposal (Letter of Agreement) dated March 6, 2023. Financial Implications: 1. Proposal Amount Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Overall Fee Proposal Trans-Canada Trail Foundation Grant TRCA In-kind Contribution Fee Proposal Costs to City of Pickering $656,250.00 (132,743.36) (27,433.63) 496,073.01 HST (13%) 64,489.49 Total Gross Proposal Amount $560,562.50 ENG 08-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Waterfront Trail Reconstruction – Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court Page 3 2. Estimated Project Cost Summary Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Fee Proposal $496,073.00 Associated Costs Contingency (12% of the Overall Fee Proposal costs) 78,750.00 Sub Total – Costs $574,823.00 HST (13%) 74,727.00 Total Gross Project Cost $649,550.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (64,610.00) Total Net Project Costs $584,940.00 3. Approved Source of Funds – 2021 Parks Capital Budget Expense Code Source of Funds Budget Available Required C10305.2109.01-504750 RF - Parkland $500,000.00 $584,940.00 Net Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds ($84,940.00) TRCA were successful in obtaining a $150,000.00 (HST included) grant from the Trans Canada Trail Foundation to support the implementation of this trail reconstruction project and have committed to providing additional funds to an approximate value of $31,000.00 (HST included) through in-kind work, to cover a portion of the overall project costs. This value of work will be covered directly by the TRCA and will not be invoiced to the City of Pickering. These costs have been shown in the table above only to demonstrate the actual value of work being completed. The net project cost, to be funded by the City of Pickering is $584,940.00. The funds requested over the approved budget amount available are to provide a contingency, in the event that additional work is required due to poor soils conditions or possible replacement of the existing pathway lighting which requires relocation as part of the trail reconstruction work. Discussion: The waterfront trail that runs between Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park and Elvira Court is partially situated on land owned by the City of Pickering and partially on land owned by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) under Management Agreement with the City of Pickering. The existing trail through this area is quite steep and narrow and does not meet accessibility guidelines, making it difficult to travel on, particularly when there is two way traffic. ENG 08-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Waterfront Trail Reconstruction – Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court Page 4 As part of the 2019 Property Maintenance Capital Budget, funds were approved for the site investigation and design work for the reconstruction of the waterfront trail through this area. The TRCA were retained to collect the initial background data and to develop a preferred alternative to realign and widen the trail. This work was further advanced to detailed design for the purpose of obtaining the required approval agency permits for construction. The new asphalt trail will be realigned to remove the restricted visibility, be regraded to a maximum of 5 percent slope for accessibility, and be widened to 3.0m for safe two-way traffic. A larger culvert will be installed under the path to convey the required design flows for the more intense storms that are being experienced. The existing trail alignment will be restored and be revegetated as part of the restoration works. As part of the 2021 Property Maintenance Capital Budget, $500,000 was approved for the reconstruction of this section of waterfront trail. TRCA have indicated the desire to undertake the trail reconstruction and have submitted a proposal for their Restoration & Infrastructure team to perform the work. A similar arrangement for TRCA to perform the Lake Ontario Shoreline Restoration work in Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park was completed successfully in 2022. As the owner of a portion of the land, and as experts on trail construction and ecological restoration work, TRCA are well suited for this project, recognizing the sensitivity of the area and the nature of the safety hazards and environmental constraints inherent with working adjacent to bodies of water. During the wind storm of May 2022, a large number of mature trees were blown over in the Vistula Ravine, where this trail passes through. The uprooted trees caused significant damage to the forest and the integrity of the valley slope. TRCA are also proposing to repair the slope damage and revegetate the areas of tree loss while on site completing the trail reconstruction work. While on site, TRCA will also be removing invasive plant species and performing other site restoration work where the Vistula Ravine outlets into Frenchman’s Bay. This work is not included in the proposed project costs and will be funded directly by the TRCA. In accordance with the City’s Purchasing Policy, Section 19.01 and Appendix 1, item 8 – Work or services to or from other government agencies, utilities, Provincial or Federal agencies, Crown Corporations, municipalities, public agencies, or Boards are excluded from the requirements of the Purchasing Policy and may be procured by obtaining one price, subject to the funds being available in the Current or Capital Budgets. TRCA have advised that the best time to complete this work is during the fall and winter months, in order to cause the least amount of disturbance to the natural environment as well as trail users. They propose to mobilize in November 2023, with final restoration and paving being completed in the spring of 2024. It is recommended that TRCA be retained to complete the waterfront trail reconstruction work in accordance with their proposal (Letter of Agreement) dated March 6, 2023. ENG 08-23 June 5, 2023 Subject: Waterfront Trail Reconstruction – Bruce Handscomb Memorial Park to Elvira Court Page 5 Attachments: 1.Location Map Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Arnold Mostert, OALA Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Manager, Landscape & Parks Development Director, Engineering Services Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Director, Finance & Treasurer AM:mjh Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original signed by:Original signed by: Original signed by: Original signed by: Vistula Drive B r e e z y D r i v e Es s a C r e s c e n t Le a s i d e S t r e e t El v i r a C o u r t B o x w o r t h P l a c e SCALE: Engineering Services Department Waterfront Trail Reconstruction - Between Elvira Court and Bruce Handscomb Memorial ParkMay. 18, 2023 DATE: Subject Area 1:2,943 Path: L:\MPandE\Asset Management - GIS\EPW GIS\01 Maps\LocationMaps\LocationMaps.aprx Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Trail Reconstruction Location Legend Attachment #1 to Report ENG 08-23