HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 18, 2023For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator T: 905.420.4611 Email: clerks@pickering.ca Agenda Cultural Advisory Committee April 18, 2023 7:00 pm Main Committee Meeting Room/Hybrid Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by accessing the livestream. 1.Welcome and Call to Order J. St. Amant 2.Review and Approval of Agenda and Previous Minutes J. St. Amant 3.Disclosure of Interest J. St. Amant 4.Delegations 5.General Business 5.1 Millennium Square – Winter Wonderland Public Art Commission – for review 5.2 West Shore Skate Park – Community Mural –for endorsement 5.3 Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Public Art –for review 5.4 Public Art Policy CUL 130 – Review Discussion 5.5 Community Banner Series – Expression of Interest – for review S. Barakov S. Barakov L. Cabral L. Cabral J. St. Amant 6.Correspondence J. St. Amant 7.Other Business J. St. Amant 8.Next Meeting – May 16, 2023 J. St. Amant 9.Adjournment Page 1 of 5 Minutes/Meeting Summary Cultural Advisory Committee March 21, 2023 Virtual Meeting 7:00 pm Attendees: S. Almeida-Schroen, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R. Coelho, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Davis, Cultural Advisory Committee Member J. Elliott, Cultural Advisory Committee Member Z. Kazi, Cultural Advisory Committee Member M. McFarland, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Mujeeb, Cultural Advisory Committee Member A. Palmer, Cultural Advisory Committee Member D. Thompson, Cultural Advisory Committee Member R. Wali, Cultural Advisory Committee Member L. Page, MNP Digital W. Gnenz, MNP Digital S. Douglas-Murray, Director, Community Services L. Gibbs, Division Head, Culture and Community Programming K. Roberts, (Acting) Supervisor, Cultural Services E Tayles-Armstrong, (Acting) Curator J. St. Amant, Coordinator, Cultural Services (Staff Liaison) S. Barakov, Coordinator, Public Art L. Cabral, Coordinator, Public Art D. Roopchand, Clerk, Culture and Recreation (Recording Secretary) Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Call to Order J. St. Amant welcomed members and called the meeting to order. 2. Review and Approval of Previous Minutes The committee reviewed the agenda. J. St. Amant asked if there were any changes to be made to the agenda. None were raised. Moved by A. Mujeeb. To approve the agenda. Carried - 1 - Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 3. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 4. General Business 4.1 Wagon Wrap Project at Pickering Museum Village with Artist Presentation L. Cabral presented the Wagon Wrap Project and Artist at the Pickering Museum Village, for endorsement from the committee. G. Fullerton introduced herself and the way she plans on approaching the Wagon Wrap Project. Moved by R. Coelho. To endorse the Wagon Wrap Project and Artist. Carried 4.2 Complementary Banner Designs by Dani Crosby L. Cabral reviewed the complementary banner designs by local artist, Dani Crosby, for endorsement. Moved by D. Thompson. To endorse the complementary banners by Dani Crosby. Carried 4.3 Presentation of Permanent Public Art Sculpture at Pickering Museum Village L. Cabral presented the public art sculpture for the Millpond Meadow, at the Pickering Museum Village, for final endorsement. Moved by R. Coelho. To endorse the permanent public art sculpture at the Pickering Museum Village. Carried - 2 - Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4.4 Log Barn Digital Artwork E. Tayles-Armstrong reviewed the Digital Artwork that would be created by the company Oddside Arts, for the Log Barn, for endorsement. At the meeting on March 17, the Public Art Committee endorsed the Digital Artwork proposal by Oddside Arts, for the Pickering Museum Village Log Barn exhibit and presented this endorsement to the Cultural Advisory Committee for endorsement. Moved by R. Coelho. To endorse the Log Barn digital artwork. Carried 4.5 Waterfront – Consultation Services S. Barakov presented the consultation services that would take place at the Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park, for endorsement. Moved by M. McFarland. To endorse the consultations services at the Waterfront. Carried 4.6 Cultural Advisory Committee Work Plan Draft J. St. Amant reviewed the Cultural Advisory Committee Work Plan Draft. Moved by D. Thompson. To endorse the Cultural Advisory Committee 2023 Work Plan to send to Council. Carried 4.7 CUL 140 Community Banner Policy J. St. Amant reviewed the Community Banner Policy with the committee. - 3 - Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4.8 2023 Event Plan Presentation K. Roberts presented the 2023 Event Plan to the committee. K. Roberts showed City webpages (pickering,ca/events; pickering.ca/festivalsandevents) that would be helpful to the committee to find events and their descriptions, or apply to host events (www.pickering.ca/communityevents). D. Roopchand to attach the one page event listing to the minutes. 5. Delegations 5.1 City of Pickering Digital Strategy J. St. Amant introduced L. Page and W. Gnenz who presented the City of Pickering Digital Strategy, from MNP Digital. L. Page explained that the City of Pickering is working towards becoming a leader in citizen-centred digital services. A discussion around how the City’s Digital Strategy can strengthen cultural diversity, what barriers currently exist within the City’s digital services, what cultural benefits can be achieved through an increased offering of digital services, and what digital initiatives should the City prioritize to increase cultural services and community engagement took place. 6. Correspondence There was no Correspondence for this meeting. 7. Other Business M McFarland said that for clarification about the Public Art Sub-Committee, is there more than one jury for the selection. K. Roberts said that projects over $25,000 would require the Public Art Jury to meet first, and narrow down selections for acquisition and present the three top-ranked proposals to the Public Art Committee for final recommendation to the Cultural Advisory Committee for final endorsement. - 4 - Page 5 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) A. Mujeeb asked if those that observe Ramadan can leave part way through the meeting, in order to break their fast. J. St. Amant confirmed that this should not be an issue but he will follow up. J. St. Amant to follow up on members leaving early to break their fasts for Ramadan. 8. Next Meeting The next Cultural Advisory Committee meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. 9. Adjournment Moved by R. Coelho. That the March 21, 2023 meeting of the Cultural Advisory Committee be adjourned. Carried Meeting Adjourned: 8:53 pm - 5 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee April 5, 2023 From: Stoyan Barakov Coordinator, Public Art Copy: Acting Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Millennium Square – Winter Wonderland Public Art Commission Background: At the beginning of 2023, Council directed staff, through the Office of the CAO, to bring forward a substantive report on a plan to implement a winter festival at Millennium Square , in collaboration with local businesses in the Pickering Nautical Village to ensure their ideas and visions were represented. Accordingly, staff conducted community consultation and engagement with local businesses in the Pickering Nautical Village and proposed two new events which Council approved: Fling and Winter Wonderland. The event Winter Wonderland would take place on Saturday, December 2 and Saturday, December 9, 2023 and include a vendor’s market, ice carving and sculptures on display, fire pits with s’mores, wagon rides, roaming characters and a signature semi-permanent public art sculpture. The event will activate Millennium Square during December 2 and December 9; however, the signature public art sculpture will remain on site until January 31 . The City issued a Call to Artists – Request for Proposals (RFP) or artist teams to submit proposals for semi-permanent artwork to be a part of Winter Wonderland at the Nautical Village in Pickering. One artist/team will be commissioned by The City of Pickering to create the work. This public art piece is intended to be created for the Nautical Village Community and be displayed during the winter season (December 2nd – January 31st) as part of a new series of events called – Winter Wonderland. The City of Pickering will be seeking to purchase the work and assume full ownership. The successful work will act as a landmark and further transform Millennium Square by creating a sense of joy and excitement for residents and visitors during the Holiday season. - 6 - April 5, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Millennium Square – Winter Wonderland Public Art Commission Funding: There are $25,000 available in the General Government Budget from where the commissioned public art will be paid for. Next steps: City Staff will shortlist the Top 3 Artist. These will be presented to the Public Art Committee who will rank them and select the Top 1 Artist. The Cultural Advisory Committee will be shared the Top 1 artist for endorsement during May 16, 2023 meeting. Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking endorsement from the Cultural Advisory Committee on moving forward with this project. - 7 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee April 5, 2023 From: Stoyan Barakov Coordinator, Public Art Copy: Acting Supervisor, Cultural Services Coordinator, Cultural Services Subject: West Shore Skate Park - Community Mural Background: The City developed a Skateboard Park Strategy in 2017 as a supplement to its Recreation and Parks Master Plan update. The strategy helped determine existing and future needs for skateboard park facilities as well as potential locations. The Skateboard Park Strategy included the revitalization and creation of new skate parks and spots such as Dianna Princess of Wales Park and the West Shore Skate Park alongside mobile SkateSpots. After the successful construction of West Shore Skate Park located at 1011-1015 Bayly Street, Pickering and through discussion between Community Services, Parks and Engineering, the newly designed skateboard spot in the West Shore Neighbourhood provides a public site for a community mural. A two stage Call to Artists was issued on April 6, 2023 (Attachment 1). The Call aims to receive Expression of Interest from professional mural Artists who can facilitate community workshops and execute the mural. This community mural is intended to be created and executed with the help of the community (Pickering West Shore Community Association, City of Pickering Programming Team and Youth), reflective of the neighborhood and the recreational activities that take place in West Shore Skate Park. Funding: There are $35,000 available in the Public Art Reserve 502520.10200.9710. This is the project account from where the temporary community mural will be paid for. Community Services have allocated $32,000 including HST as the award and the rest of the remaining funds will be spend on Marketing and Jury fees. - 8 - April 5, 2023 Page 2 of 2 West Shore Skate Park - Community Mural Next steps: Following the endorsement of the CAC, the artists will be provided a detailed Terms of References and will be given the opportunity to re-submit their portfolio. This second stage of the Call to Artists will be Juried by three Professional Artists and two City Staff. After the Jury has selected the Top 1 Artist the Public Art Committee will review and endorse the selection. The CAC will be presented with the highest ranked artist for further endorsement during the May 16, 2023 meeting. A Report to Council will be presented during the June 5, 2023 Executive Committee Meeting followed by awarding the contract to the Top 1 Artist. Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking endorsement from the Cultural Advisory Committee on the top 3 ranked Artists shortlisted by City Staff. - 9 - Memo To: Cultural Advisory Committee April 6, 2023 From: Lucas Cabral Coordinator, Public Art Copy: Krystal Roberts Acting Supervisor, Cultural Services Subject: Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Public Art - Indigenous Consultation & Design Background: The City is seeking to directly invite an Indigenous artist or collective to provide concepts for public art ideas for Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park. The collected concepts will aim to animate the area with cohesive art installations ranging from bike racks, interactive pieces and stand-alone sculptures. The proposed artworks will be located along the shore of Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park (RFBWP) in Pickering. RFBWP is located east of West Shore Boulevard and sout h of Sunrise Avenue and includes the west spit of the entrance to Frenchman’s Bay. The Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park area is currently under construction. This park is undergoing a $2.8 million revitalization and will address the impact of major storms and high-water levels on the site as well the addition of accessible paths, public washrooms, recreation areas and interpretive nodes. The area is envisioned as a recreational community hub where people come together to admire nature, wildlife, share stories and build relationships through progressive, fun, and vibrant experiences. The public art concepts are intended to reflect the natural beauty and vibrancy of the waterfront and surrounding area and enhance the use of space. Fabrication of final concepts will be subject to funding. Funding: The consultant will be compensated $5,000 inclusive of HST to develop their concept. The consultant will be provided with a design brief detailing criteria, locations and budget. This is a budgeted expense in the 2023 budget, account 502530.10200.4611. - 10 - April 3, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Cultural Advisory Committee – Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park Public Art Next steps: The Cultural Advisory Committee will be presented the three concept designs at the September 19, 2023 meeting. Discussion: Currently, Community Services is seeking endorsement from the Cultura l Advisory Committee on moving forward with this project. Attachments: Design Brief - Rotary Frenchman’s Bay West Park – Indigenous Consultant - 11 - Design Brief: Call for Concepts Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park Prepared for XXX Issued: April 2023 Material due date: July 3, 2023 The City of Pickering resides on land within the Treaty and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and Williams Treaties signatories of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations. Pickering is also home to many Indigenous persons and communities who represent other diverse, distinct, and autonomous Indigenous nations. This acknowledgement reminds us of our responsibilities to our relationships with the First Peoples of Canada, and to the ancestral lands on which we learn, share, work, and live. Overview The City of Pickering is seeking concept proposals from Indigenous artists, collectives, and/or consultants for permanent public art and place-making to be installed in Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park. The core for Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park are residents, visitors and families. The works must be suitable for all ages. We aim to work with creative partners to imagine how RFBWP may be animated and create exciting, informative, playful, compelling and culturally relevant ways. Key Objectives Proposals should provide a vision for the integration of Public Art and Place-Making at Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park through an Indigenous lens and how it can add to the overall visitor experience. Key objectives include:  Create meaningful engagement between the landscape and the visitors;  Explore the multi layered history of the site;  Honour the original caretakers of the land  Create a welcoming moment of arrival for visitors;  Create space for storytelling, gathering, and/or ceremony  Increase visitor enjoyment;  Employ the use of interactive component such as light, sound, tactile experiences etc.  Amplify Indigenous perspectives, stories, and artforms - 12 - Design Brief: Call for Concepts Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park Public Art in the City of Pickering The City of Pickering is committed to and supportive of the benefits of public art and recognizes that art in public spaces is a valuable asset that enhances social and cultural vibrancy, built heritage and natural environments. Through public art, we beautify our environment; engage the community in Creative Place -Making; and, celebrate our values, stories, culture, heritage, and diversity while defining our unique identity. Public Art enhances quality of life for citizens and visitors; and, strengthens community pride, tourism and economic growth. The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighborhoods. Site Context Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park (RFBWP) is located on the southwest shore of Frenchman's Bay on Beachpoint Promenade off the south end of West Shore Drive. The Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park has been designated as an Environmentally Sensitive Area by the Toronto Region Conservation Authority due to its diversity of vegetation and significant natural features. The park is characterized by a barrier beach, sand bar coastal wetlands, meadows, and climax forest. The barrier beach is a dynamic beach and sand dune system that is dominated by marram grass and eastern cottonwood. This sand dune complex is a critically important and rare coastal ecological community that can be found in only a few locations within the Greater Toronto Area. The shoreline and dune stabilization process that is being undertaken by the TRCA has helped establish and protect the coastal wetlands found in Frenchman's Bay. Some of the region's best surfing and kite boarding can be done here. The parks location and configuration provide for perfect winds and waves along the kilometer-long sandy beach. The park is currently undergoing a $2.8 million Master Plan revitalization and will address the impact of major storms and high-water levels on the site as well expanded parking, accessible paths, a small boat launch and dock area, a children's play area adjacent to picnic facilities, an outdoor classroom area, canoe storage facility and associated public washrooms, and a boardwalk to the proposed west harbor entrance break wall. The objective of this park revitalization is: • to preserve, protect and enhance the valuable ecosystem components of the site; - 13 - Design Brief: Call for Concepts Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park •to develop park infrastructure that will maintain and improve the users experience of the site by providing enhanced trails, formal parking and passive interpretive opportunities; •to develop innovative resolution to community issues. Construction of Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park is to be completed by Summer 2023. Eight locations have been designated for activation (Attachment A). Locations 1 to 6 could be connected to electricity. Locations 7 and 8 don’t have power access. Fees The City of Pickering agrees to compensate the consultant with a $5,000 CAD including tax honorarium for their services. Honorarium will be paid after deliverables have been received and receipt of invoice. Parameters for Consideration •Placement of artwork and objects within the designated locations throughout RFBWP •Recommendation of a curatorial direction based on research and consultations with City staff •Identification of infrastructure needs for artworks. •Identification of a variety of artwork and place-making possibilities which can be, but are not limited to: o interactive and playful o permanent artworks and installations o objects that increase usability of the site (bike racks, charging stations, etc.) o murals o educational features o Architectural enhancements Assessment of factors such as accessibility and long-term operations, maintenance, and conservation. The overall budget for concept proposals is not to exceed, assuming 15% contingency. Proposals should be flexible and scalable. The proposal should include multiple stand- alone artworks, installations, and/or objects related by a cohesive theme. Fabrication of final concepts will be subject to funding. Consultants should be mindful that not all elements may be fabricated. - 14 - Design Brief: Call for Concepts Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park Deliverables Upon the completion, The City of Pickering, Cultural Services is expecting to receive detailed design proposal including: 1. Synthesized conceptual design package that describes the team's vision and rational for addressing the key objectives of the project. 2. A conceptual proposal for the overall site which should include multiple concepts for public art and place-making. Each concept should include: a. renderings b. budget c. production timeline d. maintenance plan. 3. A 500-word design statement that describes how the proposals will benefit RFBWP and The City of Pickering’s Community. 4. Completion of culminating presentation to City of Pickering staff All information received will become property of the City of Pickering. All final decisions regarding information use will be made by the City of Pickering. Reserved Rights of the City of Pickering The City of Pickering, at its sole discretion, may request clarification or request additional information, as deemed necessary before contracting the Consultant. The City reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine the number of pre -qualified Consultants. The City reserve the right to not proceed with awarding a contract. Publication of Information The City of Pickering shall have the exclusive rights to issue all public announcements regarding the competition. - 15 - ~C~of- p](KERJNG Procedure Title: Public Art Policy Policy · Policy Number CUL 130 Reference Date Originated (m/d/y) November 25, 2019 Date Revised (m/d/y) Pages Report #CS 36 -19 Resolution# 167/19 Approval: Chief Ad Policy Objective 21 Point of Contact The City of Pickering is a vibrant community, rich in diversity, heritage, environment and the arts. · As the City continues to grow and intensify, public art will play an integral role in creating an inviting and livable City . This Policy establishes the framework for a sustainable Public Art Program that will deliver public art throughout the City that will : • create attractiveness; • promote community identity; • reflect diversity and community landscape ; • celebrate heritage; • create a sense of place and attract interest; • provide amusement, reflection and intrigue to a community, and , • be selected through an objective and professional public art selection process that has a commitment to artistic merit. The Public Art Policy and supporting Public Art Program will enhance the public realm, demonstrate the City's support for the arts and culture sector, and provide economic benefits . . Index 01 Definitions 02 Guiding Documents & Policy Context 03 Policy Statement 04 Purpose and Objectives 05 Administration 06 City Representation - 16 - 07 Selection Process 08 Acquisition 09 Selection Considerations 10 Site Selection 11 Collections Management 12 Maintenance & Conservation 13 Insurance 14 Storage 15 Agreements & Installation 16 Deaccession & Disposal 17 Copyright and Intellectual Property 18 Artist Remuneration 19 Community Engagement & Awareness 20 Pickering Public Art Interactive Map 21 Public Art Development by the Private Sector 22 Funding 01 Definitions 01.01 Accession -the act of recording and processing artwork to the City's Public Art Collection. 01.02 Acquisition -obtaining ownership of public art through purchase, commission, donation, gift or bequest. 01.03 Archiving -the act of long-term storage and preservation of public art in a location owned by the City of Pickering. Archiving of public art may include storage and preservation of the original art piece, or a photographic/digital record of the original art piece. 01.04 Artist -the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. 01.05 Borrowed -refers to an artistic work that is borrowed by the City, through a loan agreement, for a defined period of time from a lender who owns and retains ownership of the artistic work. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 2 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 17 - 01.06 Call to Artists -a request for proposal that outlines the scope of the Public Art that the City wishes to acquire. The Call to Artists will outline aspects such as project theme, timeline, compensation, and location. 01.07 Commissioning -the act of requesting and paying an artist to design and create a specific piece of art. 01.08 Community Art-artistic work created collaboratively between an artist and an identified community. Community members actively participate in the creation of the artistic work. The artistic process is of equal importance to the artistic product. 01.09 Community-Based Public Art-created as a result of a collaborative process between community members; which may or may not include the use of a professional, practicing artist, engaged in a collective method of art making. 01.10 Conservation -the maintenance and preservation of works of art and their protection from future damage and deterioration. 01.11 Copyright-the exclusive legal right to produce or reproduce, publish, print, sell, or distribute the matter and form of something or any substantial part thereof, such as literary, musical, or artistic works (e.g., drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures). 01.12 Creative Place-Making -a practice where people are inspired collectively and collaboratively to reimagine, reinvent, and shape public spaces to maximize the shared value, as the heart of the community. 01.13 Deaccession -the act of permanently removing, relocating to another jurisdiction, or disposal of artwork from the City's Public Art Collection. 01.14 Intellectual Property -the legal right to ideas, inventions and creations in the industrial, scientific, literary and artistic fields. 01.15 Moral Rights -the artist has the right to the integrity of the work and the right, where reasonable in the circumstances, to be associated with the work as its author by name or under a pseudonym and the right to remain anonymous. Moral rights are non-transferable and endure even after copyright has been assigned. 01.16 Municipally Owned Public Space -includes but is not limited to parks, road allowances, tunnels, boulevards, streets, courtyards, squares and bridges, as well as building exteriors, foyers, concourses, and significant interior public areas of municipal buildings. 01.17 Permanent Public Art-an original artwork which is situated at a particular site for longer than one year. 01.18 Public Art -art developed and designed by a professional artist that is displayed on municipally-owned public space. Public art may include, but is not limited to: • sculptures; • murals; • memorials or monuments; Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 3 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 18 - • fountains or water features that contribute aesthetically to their surroundings (not splash pads); • hard and soft landscaping components; which are not a mere extension of the landscape/architecture; • architectural components, specialized lighting; and • Community art projects related to neighbourhood beautification. 01.19 Public Art Committee -is responsible for working with Community Services staff to provide advice and expertise; build public awareness and support for public art; and, identify eligible Public Art Jury members, when required. 01.20 Public Art Jury -is a group of residents, professionals and staff selected who evaluate artist proposals in accordance with the Artist Evaluation Criteria and Acquisition Criteria. The Public Art Jury is responsible to narrow down selections for acquisition. 01.21 Professional Artist-a person who is critically recognized as an artist, they possess skill, training and/or experience in an artistic discipline, is active in and committed to their art practice, and has a history of public presentation. 01.22 Public Space -space available for use by the public that includes, but it is not limited to, parks, boulevards, trail systems, open spaces, waterways, roads, bridges, gateways, streetscapes, civic squares, interior and exterior public areas associated with buildings, or structures owned, operated, occupied or used by or for the City. 01.23 Restoration -the repair or renovation of artworks that have sustained injury or decay to something approaching their original undamaged appearance. 01.24 Signage -any medium used to convey information by way of words, pictures, graphics, emblems or symbols, or any device used for the purpose of providing direction or information, identification, advertisement business promotion or the promotion of a product activity, service, or idea. 01.25 Transitory Public Art -an original artwork that are temporary, which could include a variety of mediums and can incorporate experimental public art projects. 02 Guiding Documents & Policy Context 02.01 The City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) sets a vision for arts, culture and heritage in the City; and, identifies strategic directions for policy and programs. One of the Plan's strategic directions is to cultivate opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts, including: • developing and implementing a Public Art Policy, program, and funding formula; • using art to enhance public spaces, particularly within the City Centre; • assigning a one percent contribution to public art from the capital budgets of applicable new or renovated facility and park projects; and, • establishing a Public Art Reserve Fund. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 4.of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 19 - 02.02 The City of Pickering Official Plan acknowledges that the quality of the built environment can be enhanced by promoting the integration of art in public places. Specifically, the Official Plan: • promotes art in publicly-accessible and visible locations such as parks, prominent street corners, plazas and on buildings; • encourages public art in a broad range of media, themes and formats in order to engage the observer, foster civic identity and promote social interaction; and, • considers integrating public art in the early stages of the design and planning of developments. 02.03 The City Centre Urban Design Guidelines encourage permanent and transitory/temporary artworks to promote a sense of identity for the City Centre. 02.04 The Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines recognize that public art should be highly visible and serve as accents to the community by encouraging public art to be located at community core gateways. 03 Policy Statement 03.01 The City of Pickering is committed to and supportive of the benefits of public art and recognizes that art in public spaces is a valuable asset that enhances the social/cultural, built heritage and natural environments. Through public art, we beautify our environment; engage the community in Creative Place-Making; and, celebrate our values, stories, culture, heritage, and diversity while defining our unique identity. Public Art enhances quality of life for citizens and visitors; and, strengthens community pride, tourism and economic growth. The commission and acquisition of Public Art is exempt from the City's Purchasing Policy and must therefore be conducted in accordance with the processes outlined in this Policy. 04 Purpose and Objectives 04.01 The purpose of the Public Art Policy is to: i. Establish, for the City, a standardized and transparent process for the selection, acquisition, maintenance and deaccession of Public Art; and, ii. Provide, for the City, a sustainable funding model for the management of Public Art. 04.02 The framework for a Public Art Program established in this Policy is intended to provide a standardized and transparent structure for these processes to include: • long-term planning; • establishing a funding framework; • creating an administrative structure; • identifying opportunities for public art; • initiating completions and a selection process; • implementing and/or assisting with public art projects; and, • ongoing maintenance, management, deaccession and disposal of the public art collection. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 5 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 20 - 04.03 The Public Art Policy applies to temporary and permanent installations, including community art. The City may authorize public art that it does not own, to be placed on municipally owned public space through an agreement between the City and the owner of public art. The City will not purchase or display art that: • violates any City policy; • conveys a negative message that might be deemed prejudicial; • promotes alcohol and other addictive substances; • presents demeaning or derogatory portrayals of individuals or groups or contains anything, which in light of generally prevailing community standards, is likely to cause deep or widespread offence; or, • is in direct competition with City of Pickering services, programs or initiatives. 05 Administration 05.01 The Public Art Policy and Program will be administered by City of Pickering Community Services staff in collaboration with City Development staff, the Public Art Committee, the Public Art Jury, and the Council of the City of Pickering. 05.02 Any member involved in the administration of the Public Art Policy and Program shall declare a conflict of interest, pecuniary or otherwise, and remove themselves in all cases from a juried selection process or any decision regarding the acquisition of public art in which they are involved either directly or indirectly. 06 City Representation 06.01 Council The Council of the City of Pickering is responsible to: • approve and uphold the Public Art Policy and any amendments; • approve annual Public Art funding and expenditures in the Capital and Current Budget; and, • act as an advocate for art in Public Spaces, and Private Developments in the City. 06.02 Chief Administrative Officer Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to: • approve and uphold the Public Art policy, along with any amendments; • approve any changes to the Public Art policy, as needed; • act as an advocate for Public Art in Public Spaces, and private developments; and, • support Public Art budget through the budget process. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 6 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 21 - 06.03 Director, Community Services Director Community Services to: • uphold the Public Art Policy, along with any amendments; • recommend any changes to the Public Art Policy, as needed; and, • recommend the Public Art budget annually via the Community Services Department Capital and/or Current Budget. 06.04 Community Services Staff The Community Services Department has the primary responsibility for administering the Public Art Policy and Program, and will work in cooperation with all other City departments to ensure its appropriate implementation. The City Development and Engineering Services Departments have a supporting role in implementing the Public Art Policy and Program. Community Services Department staff are responsible to: • oversee and implement the management, development, monitoring and evaluation of the Public Art Policy and Program; • manage the Public Art collection including acquisitions, maintenance, conservation, research, interpretation and deaccessions; • develop standards and procedures to ensure consistent implementation of the Public Art Policy and Program, • identify, approve appointments and establish the Public Art Committee; • work with the Public Art Committee to identify Public Art priorities, locations and initiatives (i.e. Public Art Work Plan); • facilitate regular Public Art Committee meetings, circulating information, providing guidance and arrange for the recording of minutes; • facilitate Public Art Jury meetings, circulating information, providing guidance and arrange for the recording of minutes, as may be required; • develop "call to artists" and coordinate the selection process; • establish artist selection processes,-manage artist contracts, and compensation; • liaise with selected artists to oversee installation and develop agreements; • develop promotional and marketing initiatives to community Public Art activities; • establish, maintain and promote the Public Art public inventory; • identify, prepare, and incorporate amendments to the Public Art Policy and Program that do not have a financial impact, with approval from the CAO; • advise Council, staff and residents on the Public Art Policy and related initiatives; • develop the Public Art budget through the City's annual budget process; and, investigate Federal, Provincial, or other sources of funding to promote and support the development of Public Art in the City. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 7 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 22 - 06.05 City Development Department City Development staff to: • work with Community Services Department staff to identify appropriate locations for public art; • ensure public art is considered in the planning of new communities, development of ·community design guidelines, and design of corporate and community facilities; and, • encourage and secure public art through the review and approval of development applications. 06.06 Engineering Services Department Engineering Services staff to: • work with Community Services and City Development staff to ensure the safe and proper installation of public art on City owned property; • incorporate public art into parks, landscaping, and streetscapes; and, • ensure site lines are maintained in locating and positioning of public art on City owned and private property. 06.07 An inter-department Public Art planning team will be established to work in conjunction with the Public Art Committee for selection of artistic works and ongoing long-term Public Art planning, including site selection, restorations, conservation and maintenance. This planning team will include staff representatives from: • Community Services; • City Development; and, • Engineering Services. 06.08 The Interdepartmental Public Art Planning team may also be comprised of the following, as appropriate: • City of Pickering Library staff; • City of Pickering Heritage Planner; and, • Representatives (e.g. department heads) from other City of Pickering departments that may be impacted by the location of a public art project. 07 Selection Process 07.01 Public Art Committee The Public Art Committee will be a standing sub-committee of the City's Cultural Advisory Committee. The Public Art Committee shall be comprised of seven members from the community selected by the Cultural Advisory Committee. Three members will be from the Cultural Advisory Committee itself. The other four members will not be members of the Cultural Advisory Committee, but will have professional experience related to at least one Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 8 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 23 - of the following disciplines; urban planning or development, landscape architecture, architecture, visual, literary or performing arts, art history, art administration or education, curation, visual arts consulting, civil engineering, art review/writing, or heritage research and planning. All members of the Public Art Committee shall be residents of Pickering and will demonstrate a significant knowledge of arts and culture. The Public Art Committee will: i. Advise on the implementation of the Public Art Policy through the Cultural Advisory Committee. ii. Review proposed project scope and terms of reference for each new Public Art project. iii. Evaluate and select artwork, under $25,000 in value, in accordance with the Artist Evaluation Criteria in Section 7.3 and Acquisition Criteria in Section 6.0 of this Policy. iv. Ensure application of established procedures and guidelines for each selection process. v. Advise and promote communication and outreach of this Policy to the community. vi. Advise on the development and implementation of selection, acquisition, maintenance, and deaccession of artistic works to which this Policy applies. vii. Advise and recommend to the City, through the Cultural Advisory Committee, on proposed gifts, donations and bequests to the City in accordance with established guidelines. viii. Review the results of the Public Art Jury, and put forward a recommendation to acquire for endorsement of the Cultural Advisory Committee to acquire the proposal with the best marks, or put forward for community consultation. The Committee will be subject to City policies to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all participants in the process and to ensure their recommendations are without bias. Specifically, the City will not purchase or display art that: • violates any City policy; • conveys a negative message that might be deemed prejudicial; • promotes alcohol and other addictive substances; • presents demeaning or derogatory portrayals of individuals or groups or contains anything, which in light of generally prevailing community standards, is likely to cause deep or widespread offence; and, • is in direct competition with City of Pickering services, programs or initiatives. All decisions made by the Public Art Committee shall be endorsed by the Cultural Advisory Committee. 07.02 Public Art Jury A Public Art Jury must be established for each acquisition of $25,000 and over in value, and may also be established for works of a lesser amount at the discretion of the Public Art Committee. The Public Art Jury will be organized on a case by case, and project by project basis. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 9 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 24 - The Public Art Jury will evaluate artist proposals in accordance with the Artist Evaluation Criteria in Section 07.03 and Acquisition Criteria in Section 06.04 of this Policy. The Public Art Jury is responsible to narrow down selections for acquisition and present the three top- ranked proposals to the Public Art Committee, for final recommendation to the Cultural Advisory Committee. Dependant on the impact the public art will have on the community, the three top-ranked proposals may be presented for community consultation. While the ultimate objective of the Public Art Jury is to reach an unanimous decision, members may be divided in their evaluations and as such, a Public Art Jury will consist of uneven numbers to enable a majority vote. The composition, duration and terms of reference for any Public Art Jury will be dependent on the nature of the Public Art project. Appointees to a Public Art Jury may consist of: • Three City staff which may include representatives (e.g. department heads, Heritage Planner, Library) from other City of Pickering departments, as appropriate, that may be impacted by the location, or subject matter of a Public Art project. • Three resident members from the Public Art Committee. • Two professional artists that are not residents of the City of Pickering. • One professional architect that is not a resident of the City of Pickering. In certain circumstances, members of a Public Art Jury with external expertise (e.g. professional architect or professional artist) may be compensated for their time on the Public Art Jury. 07.03 Artist Evaluation Criteria When evaluating specific artwork proposals, the Public Art Jury will consider the vision, mandate and objectives of the Public Art Program and the specific aims in the project brief. The Public Art Jury (as per section 07.02) will also consider the artist's: • artistic excellence of previous work; • ability to achieve the highest quality of contemporary artistic excellence and innovation; • professional qualifications and relevant working experience as related to the public art project brief; • ability to manage a project and experience working with a design team, project team and/or community group, as appropriate; • potential to comprehend, access and interpret relevant technical requirements; and, • interest in and understanding of the public art opportunity and the context. 07.04 Exhibitions The City of Pickering will host exhibitions of art in community facilities by: • professional artists whose work is relevant to the community; • Pickering artists, or artists whose work is Pickering based; • artists that are members of a Pickering-based arts organization; and, Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 10 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 25 - • City staff or their immediate family members. The City of Pickering will create and facilitate opportunities for local businesses to display public art and/or undertake temporary art exhibitions. The content of art exhibitions is at the discretion of Community Services staff and must be suitable for viewing by all ages. 07.05 Artist in Residence The City of Pickering will provide opportunities for an Artist in Residence program, provided that: • funding exists through a grant or approved budget; • the residency is of mutual benefit to the City and the Artist(s); • a portion of the works created will remain in the City Collection; and, • artists are properly compensated for their work, space and accommodation. An Artist in Residence will work in partnership with the City and interested external organizations, and agencies. 08 Acquisition The City may acquire works of art through purchase, commissioning, donation, or creation of community arts projects. All works to be purchased, commissioned or donated will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Public Art Policy and incorporated into the Public Art Inventory. 08.01 Purchase or Commission of Art The process for purchasing and commissioning art will be fair and transparent and will be in accordance with the City's Purchasing Policy. Depending on the nature of the artwork, it may be secured through: • The issuance of an Open Call. This type of competition is the preferred method which sees a "Call to Artists" developed and issued. A "Call to Artists" can be geared towards local, provincial, national and/or international artists, and/or art collectives and includes specific guidelines, criteria and eligibility based upon each Public Art Initiative identified by Cultural Services staff. A RFQ may be used to pre-qualify artists for general or specific public art projects. When an open call public art competition results in two equally weighted proposals, consideration will be given to the local/Canadian submission. • Request for Proposal (RFP) competition occurs when a select group of artists and/or collectives are invited to submit a proposal for consideration towards a specific Public Art initiative. The applicants must adhere to the guidelines and criteria established by the City of Pickering. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 11 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 26 - • Direct Invitation/Commission or Purchase (Single/Sole-Source) occurs when a single artist is identified to complete a Public Art project, or when and existing piece of Public Art is purchased. In the instance of the purchase of an existing piece of art, an appraiser or outside expert maybe called in to determine authenticity. For large commissions in public spaces, the Public Art Committee may choose to provide the three top-ranked Public Art Jury selections for Community comment prior to finalizing the selection process. 08.02 Donations On occasion, the City may be offered donated works of art in the form of a bequest or a gift. When public art is acquired through donation, in accordance with the criteria established in the Income Tax Act (Canada), the City of Pickering may issue a tax receipt to the donor. The donor is responsible for meeting Government of Canada criteria to receive an income tax credit for the artwork. Independent appraisal costs will be the responsibility of the donor. Donated art must follow the City's Financial Control Policy FIN-030 and be subject to an evaluation process based on the City's donation criteria outlined below: • information about the artwork including photographs of the artwork (if existing) or illustrations (if proposed); • maintenance and conservation plan, including the condition of the work and any repairs needed; • site installation requirements of the artwork; • projected budget for installation and ongoing maintenance of the artwork; • legal proof of the donor's authority to donate the work; and, • where appropriate an appraiser or outside expert maybe called in to determine authenticity or value. All donations of existing artworks will be subject to a review process by Community Services staff in collaboration with the Public Art Committee. All donations should be unencumbered, free and clear of conditions and restriction imposed by the donors. Donations will be evaluated against the selection criteria in 07.01 and 07.03. The City is not required to accept donations of Public Art that are offered. Donated art will also include a funding donation for the transfer, installation, maintenance, conservation, restoration of the work being donated, the amount of which will be negotiated as part of the acceptance agreement. Additionally, City staff are responsible for conducting a feasibility analysis, which outlines aspects such as the benefits of the acquisition, and short and long term costs. The individuals or organizations proposing to donate artwork will be notified of the City's decision to accept or decline the donation. If accepted, the individual and/or organization shall acknowledge that donated art cannot be returned. Accepted donations of public art will be documented, a release form signed by both the City and the donor, and the artwork insured at time of acquisition. Any documents pertaining to ownership of the donation must be transferred to the City and filed by City staff accordingly. Once accepted, the Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 12 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 27 - donation may be stored, exhibited, loaned, deaccessioned or disposed of at the discretion of the City. Donation of funding from the public or private sector for the City's Public Art program will be added to the Public Art Reserve Fund. 08.03 Transitory/Temporary Public Art The City may secure on a temporary basis, through loan or lease, works of public art for display in public spaces. All artworks to be displayed in public spaces will be evaluated in accordance with the Artist Evaluation Criteria in Section 07.03 and Acquisition Criteria in Section 08 of this Policy. Temporary installations of artwork will be documented, and included in the City's inventory of public art exhibitions; listing the dates of display, and a project/artist statement. 08.04 Community Art Projects The Cultural Services Section will receive applications for community art projects; which may include requests for funding of up to $10,000 for any individual project. The Cultural Services Section will determine whether a community art project should proceed and/or be funded. The goal of these community art projects is to create artwork that is accessible to a large public, not simply because it has been placed in a public space or because of its content, but through the engagement of community members in defining and shaping their environment. Community Art projects must include use of amateur and/or professional practicing artists, and gain the support of the Public Art Committee, and Cultural Advisory Committee. Community murals and tree carvings are examples of community art projects. 08.05 Public Art Exclusions Examples of Public Art excluded under the scope of this policy are: i. directional elements such as super graphics, signage or colour coding, except where these elements are an integral part of the original work of art or public art project; ii. art objects which are mass-produced of standard design such as playground equipment or statuary objects; iii. landscape architecture and landscape gardening, except where these elements are in integral part of the original work of art, or are the result of collaboration among design professional including at least one artist; and, iv. easily moveable artworks such as paintings, drawings, models and .books. 09 Selection Considerations Artwork being considered for acquisition regardless of the acquisition method should take into account the following: Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 13 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 28 - Community Relevance and Impact • Suitability for display in a public space • Reflects the City's heritage, and/or history, culture and diversity, and/or natural elements and landscapes • Builds appreciation for public art Overall Quality and Authenticity • Originality of design • Intrigues viewers and stimulates imagination • Artist reputation, demonstrated and related experience • Condition of the artwork Location • Site suitability • Response to or complements the-location's uses and users Economic Value • Short and long term costs • Tourism potential Installation Maintenance &Conservation • City's ability to accommodate installation requirements • City's ability to safely display, maintain and conserve the work . • Long-term maintenance cost • Longevity of the artwork • Environmental impact Submission • Compliance with guidelines outline in the Public Art Policy and accompanying "Call to Artist" • Quality of the approach/work plan and methodology • Ability to meet budgetary estimates and timelines. 10 Site Selection The selection of sites for public art shall be made by City staff with staff considering comments and or suggestions from the Public Art Committee and the Cultural Advisory Committee, using the following criteria: • potential visibility of public art; • distribution of projects across the City; • implementation potential; • public benefit; • geographic justification; • quality, scale and character of the public art are suitable for the location and audience; • environmental conditions, site servicing and safety; and, Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 14 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 29 - • does not interfere with existing or proposed artwork, buildings or structures in vicinity. Public art may be installed in the following areas, as required and as pieces become available: • public areas in municipally owned facilities, community centres and libraries (interior and exterior spaces); and, • Parks and Public Spaces. · For the installation of public art, the City, in consultation with the Public Art Committee, may also identify key priority areas such as the waterfront, City Centre and transit corridors; and/or key themes such as culture, heritage, agriculture and environment. 10.01 On Lands Owned by the City of Pickering Installation of public art is encouraged in public spaces and parks owned by the City of Pickering; and in public areas of City of Pickering owned office buildings, community centres, and libraries. Proposals for public art installations by the private sector or other public agencies on infrastructure (e.g. roads, bridges, buildings, etc.) or land owned by the City of Pickering that were not commissioned through the Public Art Program must adhere to the City of Pickering Public Art Policy and all other relevant City policies, by-laws, standards, and procedures. Proponents of public art proposals are required to pre-consult with Community Services staff, City Development staff and Public Art Committee; and, to present to the Council of the City of Pickering. Proponents will also be subject to entering into a license agreement with the City of Pickering regarding matters such as maintenance and the continued use of public property. 10.02 On Lands Owned by Other Levels of Government and Public Agencies 10.02.1 Consultation with the City of Pickering Public agencies that propose public art as part of a redevelopment or new development, are required to pre-consult with Community Services staff, City Development staff, and the Public Art Committee; and to present to the Council of the City of Pickering. 10.02.2 On Lands Owned by the Region of Durham Installations of public art initiated or approved by the City of Pickering on infrastructure (e.g. roads, bridges, buildings, etc.) owned by the Region of Durham will be subject to entering into an agreement with the Region of Durham. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 15 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 30 - 10.03 On Private Lands The City actively encourages the private sector to include public art in development projects to elevate and improve the public realm. Proponents of public art proposals are required to pre-consult with Community Services staff, City Development staff, and the Public Art Committee; and, to present to the Council of the City of Pickering. Direction on options for private sector contributions to public art are provided in Section 21 of this Policy. 11 Collections Management 11.01 The City has the authority to determine the length of time a work of public art will be displayed in Public Spaces. The City shall consult, where possible, on the restoration or removal of public art, but shall retain the right to restore, relocate, or archive a work of public art without the artist's and/or donor's consent. 11.02 Accessioning/Registry/Inventory: • The City shall document all works in the Public Art Collection and maintain a registry/inventory of the Public Art Collection; which shall be made available to the public. • Temporary public art shall not be registered into the Public Art Collection and shall not be part of the maintenance and conservation program. · • Temporary works will be added into the Inventory of Public Art Exhibitions. Temporary exhibitions will be photographed and documented (artist/project statement). 12 Maintenance & Conservation 12.01 It is the responsibility of the City to maintain all permanent works of art within the Public Art Collection in accordance with the approved maintenance plan and/or conservation plan required for each piece. 12.02 All public art submissions must include a detailed manual from the artist outlining the maintenance and/or conservation plan. The plans will include, but are not be limited to: a maintenance dossier; shop drawings; manufacturers' lists; key contacts, including the artist; maintenance and/or conservation specifications; and, budgets. 12.03 City staff will monitor the existing inventory for maintenance requirements. The City may choose to retain a qualified professional to undertake the inspection, if deemed necessary. 13 Insurance 13.01 All artistic works owned by the City through purchase, commission and/or donation are the property of the City of Pickering and are insured under the City's Insurance Policy. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 16 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 31 - 13.02 For all Borrowed Public Art, the Artist will submit proof, satisfactory to the City, of insurance coverage for the artistic work, and a waiver freeing the City from liability in case of accidental loss, theft, damage or vandalism. In addition, the Artist will submit a complete list of displayed artistic work(s); which will include the title(s), dimensions, medium/media and appraised value(s). 14 Storage 14.01 When storage of Public Art, whethe·r short-term or long-term, is required, the City will ensure that such storage meets appropriate museum standards. Whenever possible, existing City and community resources will be used for the storage and management of the City's Owned Public Art. 15 Agreements & Installation 15.01 The Artist will enter into a written agreement with the City of Pickering following the approval of the acquisition of the public art. This agreement will address the Artist's obligations, which include, but are not limited to: • Materials • Time lines • Installation • Maintenance and/or conservation plans • Warranty • Copyright, Intellectual Property and Moral Rights • Payments to sub-contractors 15.02 The Artist is generally responsible for the installation of all artworks that the City has acquired. All contractual requirements with the Artist(s) will be overseen by the City and identified, in advance, through the agreement of purchase, commission or donation. The condition of all acquired art works will be reported upon receipt, and any problems found will be referred to the artist for resolution . . 15.03 The City has the authority to determine the length of time a work of public art will be displayed in Public Spaces. The City shall consult, where possible, on the restoration or removal of public art, but shall retain the right to restore, relocate, or archive a work of . public art without the a.rtist's and/or donor's consent. 16 Deaccession & Disposal 16.01 The City may deaccession and/or dispose of Public Art when necessary. All reasonable efforts will first be made to resolve problems or re-site the Public Art, in consultation with the Artist and/or donor, where appropriate. Public art may be deaccessioned and/or disposed of under any of the following situations: • endangerment of public safety; • excessive repair or maintenance; • irreparable damage; Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 17 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 32 - • inaccessibility; • site redevelopment; • art is no longer relevant ; • works that endanger public safety; • possibility of upgrading through exchange; • no appropriate location for exhibition of work; • copies, forgery or reproductions lacking authe·nticity or archival value; • the public art is no longer relevant to the City's Public Art Collection, or • the public art is discovered to have been stolen, or was offered to the City for acquisition using fraudulent means. 16.02 The City of Pickering will be responsible for preparing a report providing the justification for recommending deaccessioning of the artwork for the Public Art Committee, to be endorsed by the Cultural Advisory Committee and received as correspondence by Council, as appropriate. 16.03 In the event of accidental loss, theft or vandalism, the City retains the right to determine whether replacement or deaccessioning of the artwork is appropriate. 16.04 No artistic work will be deaccessioned and disposed of without consultation with the Public Art Committee. Recommendations to the Public Art Committee regarding the need for a method of deaccession will be made by Cultural Services Staff. The deaccessioned art may be moved, sold, returned to the artist or destroyed, with any monies received through the sale of the artwork being placed in the Public Art Reserve Fund. 17 Copyright and Intellectual Property 17 .01 Artwork acquired for the Public Art Collection shall become the property of the City of Pickering except those artworks subject to the parameters for Temporary Public Art as outlined in Section 08.03. 17.02 The City will respect the artist's right of authorship and the integrity of the public art. 17.03 Copyright of the artwork shall remain with the Artist unless the City has acquired the copyright in full from the Artist or has an agreement in writing for limited usage. 17.04 Except in very rare circumstances, the Artist(s) shall own all Intellectual Property in the work developed. Following best practice in North American Public Art Programs, they will not be asked to waive their Artist Moral Rights or assign their copyrights. Artist(s) will be asked to provide a royalty-free non-commercial license to the City of Pickering for images of their work in perpetuity. 17.05 In cases where the artist is not contracted directly to the City, but is a sub-contractor (e.g .. for integrated artworks or artist on a design team) or for developer-provision of public art, the City shall stipulate that the contract must include terms related to intellectual property rights, ownership, and maintenance obligations, as appropriate. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 18 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 33 - 18 Artist Remuneration 18.01 Artists shall be fairly compensated for their time and work. Compensation shall be determined on a case by case basis. 18.02 Artist Contract Terms -In creating standard agreements with artists, it is important to note artist moral rights and to take into consideration practices in the arts sector, which differ from other professional service providers or suppliers. When the City of Pickering contracts an artist for a commission, the artist agreement will include, but not be limited to the following: • scope of work (may be design services only; or design, fabricate and/or install); • City's and artist's obligations, appropriately apportioning risk and responsibility; • timelines; • ownership, maintenance, and conservation obligations; • intellectual Property, Copyright, and Artist Moral Rights; • artist recognition; • warranty and insurance (as appropriate); and, • payment schedule. 19 Community Engagement & Awareness 19.01 The City will be responsible for ensuring there is an opportunity for community input and involvement in public art and expanding the level of knowledge of the City's Public Art Collection in the community. 19.02 City staff will be responsible for ensuring the community is aware of any public art installations or deaccessioning in public spaces. When appropriate, the community will be asked to comment on the selection of a commissioned work or official unveilings will be undertaken in order to allow residents to take part in celebrating new additions fo the Public Art Collection. 20 Pickering Public Art Interactive Map 20.01 The City of Pickering shall develop and maintain an interactive online public map that identifies the location of public art pieces and provides a photograph and information, such as a description of the public art piece, installation date and artist name. If available, the City will also include information from the artist including web links, artist biography, artist statement and video footage of the artist discussing their work. 20.02 This information will also be held within the Public Art Inventory; which will be maintained by the Community Services Department. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 19 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 34 - 21 Public Art Development by the Private Sector 21.01 The City actively encourages private sector applicants to include public art in development projects through the Site Plan application process. The provision of public art will be secured through a Site Plan Control Agreement that will be registered against the title of the lands. 21.02 Options for private sector contributions to public art are: • On-site Contribution: This is where the applicant incorporates the public art within the development limits. In addition to the requirements outlined in Section 10.03 of this Policy, the design, commissioning and installation of the public art piece will be at the sole cost of the owner, and subject to approval by the City. Ongoing maintenance, repair or replacement of the public art piece will be at the sole cost of the owner. • Off-site Contribution: This is where the applicant provides public art on municipal property. In addition to the requirements outlined in Section 10.01 of this Policy, the design, commissioning and installation of the public art piece will be at the sole cost of the private sector proponent, and subject to approval by the City. The ongoing · maintenance, repair or replacement of the public art piece will be at the sole cost and responsibility of the City. • Partnership with business/agency. 22 Funding 22.01 Funding to support this policy will be provided through the establishment of a Public Art Reserve Fund, as recommended in The City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan (2014). 22.02 Starting in 2021, it is recommended that Council provide financial support in the amount of $100,000 to implement the Public Art Policy. In 2022, it is recommended that the financial support increase by $25,000 for a total of $125,000. The financial contribution should be increased by $25,000 every year until the funding model is reviewed. 22.03 The Public Art Reserve Fund will be used to cover the costs of the management, additional insurance costs, administration and promotion of public art in the City and the purchase, maintenance, conservation, restoration, archiving, and deaccession of the Public Art Collection. 22.04 Up to a minimum of 75% of all funds collected must be used for the design, fabrication installation and documentation of Public Art or Community Art projects chosen through an objective jurying selection process. 22.05 Funds ranging up to 25% will be apportioned to the governance and administration of the selection process, collection, inventory, staffing, legal requirements, deaccession of artistic works, and overall policy review. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 20 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 35 - 22.06 Any operating funding required for the ongoing operation of specific pieces of public art must be funded from the Public Arts Reserve Fund and approved by Council on a case by case basis. Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Policy Title: Public Art Policy Page 21 of 21 Policy Number: CUL 130 - 36 - Page | 1 Expressions of Interest Call to Artists: Opens May 1, 2023 Community Banner Series Location: City Wide – A series of 7 Street Light Poles Deadline: May 26, 2023 by 4:00 pm EST Artist Opportunity: The City of Pickering invites artists to respond to the Call for Artists to create a series of seven (7) street banners digitally, to be fabricated and installed by the City, on seven (7) City street light poles. This call is open to individual artists (emerging to established), artist teams or collectives. As per the Public Art Policy (CUL 130) an artist is defined as the designer/creator of an artistic work and can include, but is not limited to, a professional artist, graphic designer, collaborative team, architect, or landscape designer. - 37 - Page | 2 The total budget for the creation of seven (7) digital banners, including artist fees is $3,500 (plus HST). A total of three (3) artists digital de signed series will be selected. A Public Art Committee comprised of members with experience as practicing arts professionals, and community members with significant knowledge of arts and culture will be established for this competition. Public Art Opportunity: The City of Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan (2014) outlines the City’s commitment to collaborate with the community to celebrate our cultural diversity, heritage and the arts; to sustain our natural environment; to foster a creative economy; and to strengthen our vibrant neighborhoods. The Community Banner Series call for expression of interest seeks artists to propose street banner designs that will animate and transform the street scape into welcoming and engaging spaces. Artwork is to be created digitally and will be recreated onto vinyl street banners. The artwork will be located within the City of Pickering. The fabrication of the vinyl banners required for the project, and installation will the responsibility of the City of Pickering. The City will also be responsible for site prep and permits. The costs of all other materials required will be the artists’ responsibility. Designs, artwork, and plans are subject to final approval by the City as per the Community Banner Policy (CUL 140). Guiding Themes: The Community Banner Series will build on the success of the original Community Banner Program that has received and archived artwork from a range of artists and artistic practices since 2018. Each year, these banners have contributed to colorful, vibrant, and City proud civic spaces in the City Centre. Banner artwork should engage Pickering’s diverse local communities; celebrate the city’s natural, social and built environment; and bring more colour, beauty, pride and enjoyment to city streets, and gateways to our community. Artists are advised that banner artwork must adhere to the following specifications:  Artwork will be professionally reproduced on vinyl banners 24” wide x 62” long.  Artwork will be printed on both sides of the banner.  Banner designs should not include text, current political figures, and/or logos.  The City may add the Pickering logo in the final product.  Banner production and installation will be undertaken by the City of Pickering.  The City of Pickering will have reproduction rights to submitted artwork for a period of two years. - 38 - Page | 3  The artist(s) retains sole copyright to their original artwork.  The City may choose to display images in locations other than Street Light Poles.  High resolution PDF, Adobe Illustrator .ai files, or .eps files are required for production; Project Terms:  All artwork must be original, made by the artist submitting  Absolutely no mechanical reproductions of original works are permitted.  If the original artwork does not meet the above-mentioned dimensions it will be cropped to fit the final banner or mural production.  Digital artwork should be created at a minimum of 300 ppi.  The format for digital illustrations is vector or raster-based images for digital collage and digitally painted designs.  Words, letters and numbers may be included in the overall design.  Each file submitted must be clearly identified with your full name and an image number. Artwork must be accompanied with an artwork information sheet that details each image’s title, material/format, date, etc.  The artist will submit a statement describing their project and process. This text may be used for educational and promotional purposes.  Photographs containing clearly identifiable persons must submit a completed model release form with their entry.  The City of Pickering reserves the right to replace and/or remove any banner or mural, at any time during the determined installation time. Location Details: Banners will be installed in series on city light poles at various locations. Light poles have single-armed hardware. Artists should be aware that the artwork may be subject to damage by the elements. Therefore, artists must accept the risk that their artwork may be damaged, altered, and/or removed by the City at any time following installation. Sustainability: In recognition of the environmental effects of excessive plastic production, this project will include an opportunity to repurpose, refurbish and reuse retired banners for future displays, promotions, or re-created into new temporary public art piece, or re-usable options. - 39 - Page | 4 Stage 1: Open Call – Starts May 1, 2023 Community Services Staff and the Public Art Committee will review submissions and identify a short-list based on artistic excellence and demonstrated or perceived ability to create and execute an innovative, engaging public artwork that is complementary to the overall design scheme and community context. Expression of Interest Submissions: Artists are invited to respond to this call by submitting a single pdf document: This pdf document must be labeled with the name of the artist and project (LastName FirstName_ Community Banner Series) and include:  CV (one for each team member, if applicable)  Brief artist statement outlining interest in project, showing relevant experience, ability, and general artistic approach. Please include your experience and intended approach to the community engaged process. Do not include proposals at this stage.  Maximum ten (10) images of work, with caption including title, materials, dimensions, location, and commissioning body (if applicable). Audio / Video files may be provided via URL.  Names and contact information for two references (preferably from recent projects). Submissions must be received by May 26, 2023 by 4:00 pm EST. Late submissions will not be accepted. Email submissions to: Jesse St. Amant Coordinator, Cultural Services jstamant@pickeirng.ca Stage 2: Conceptual Design The short-listed artists will be notified in by June 2, 2023 and invited to submit a conceptual design proposal for the series of seven (7) banners. A detailed Terms of Reference project document will be provided to help short-listed artists prepare their proposals. Short-listed artists will be paid a fee of $1,000.00 (+HST) for their submission of the complete conceptual design proposal. Short-listed artists may be required to attend an - 40 - Page | 5 interview and present their proposals (online presentations may take place) to the Public Art Committee in September 2023. When evaluating specific artwork proposals, the Public Art Committee will consider the vision, mandate and objectives of this Public Art Program and the objectives listed in the Public Art Opportunity outlined in this Call to Artists. The Public Art Committee (as per section 07.01 of the City of Pickering Public Art Policy) will also consider the artist's:  Artistic excellence of previous work;  Ability to achieve the highest quality of contemporary artistic excellence and innovation;  Professional qualifications and relevant working experience as related to the public art project brief;  Ability to manage a project and experience working with a design team, project team and/or community group, as appropriate;  Potential to comprehend, access and interpret relevant technical requirements; and,  Interest in and understanding of the public art opportunity and the context. The committee in selecting the successful proposal will also consider the following: Community Relevance and Impact  Suitability for display in a public space  Reflects the City's heritage, and/ or history, culture and diversity, and/or natural elements and landscapes  Builds appreciation for public art Overall Quality and Authenticity  Originality of design  Intrigues viewers and stimulates imagination  Artist reputation, demonstrated and related experience  Condition of the artwork Economic Value  Short and long term costs  Tourism potential Installation Maintenance & Conservation  City's ability to accommodate installation requirements  City's ability to safely display, maintain and conserve the work  Long-term maintenance cost - 41 - Page | 6  Longevity of the artwork  Environmental impact Submission  Compliance with guidelines outlined in the Public Art Policy and accompanying "Call for Expressions of Interest”  Quality of the approach/work plan and methodology  Ability to meet budgetary estimates and timelines. The artwork must adhere to the following design parameters:  Be appropriate for the site in scale, execution, materials and creativity;  Not pose a risk to public safety. Timeline: Stage 1 Call for submissions opens: May 1, 2023 Call for submissions closes: May 26, 2023 Public Art Committee review – Stage 1: May 31, 2023 Stage 2 Notification of shortlist artists: June 2, 2023 Artist designs due: August 4, 2023 Public Art Committee review – Stage 2: September 6, 2023 Notification of three (3) selected Artists: September 26, 2023 Banner Mock-up by City Graphic Designer Review: October 2023 Fabrication and Installation: November 2023 Banners will be on display for 2 Years. The above schedule and length of banner display time is subject to change. Decisions of the Public Art Committee are reviewed by the Cultural Advisory Committee and are final, pending approval of the Director, Community Services as per the Community Banner Policy CUL 140. Contact Information: Jesse St. Amant Coordinator, Cultural Services City of Pickering jstamant@pickering.ca - 42 -