HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLK 03-23Report to Council Report Number: CLK 03-23 Date: March 27, 2023 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council -ADM 040 Policy Update -Terms of Reference Updates -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1.That Report CLK 03-23 pertaining to Committees and Taskforces of Council be received; 2.That amendments to Policy ADM 040, included as Attachment #1 to CLK 03-23, be approved; 3.That the Site Plan Advisory Committee be remodeled and named the “Site Plan Review Panel” and the current Members of the Site Plan Advisory Committee be appointed to the Site Plan Review Panel; 4.That the attached draft By-law to establish an honorarium for Members of the Committee of Adjustment be enacted; 5.That a stipend of $50.00 per meeting be implemented for the Vehicle for Hire Committee to bring the Committee in line with all other City of Pickering quasi-judicial bodies that receive stipends; 6.That the list of Committees and Taskforce, and their respective Terms of Reference, included as Attachment #3 and #4 to CLK 03-23, be approved; and, 7.That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take such actions as are necessary to give effect to the recommendations in this Report. Executive Summary: The Municipal Act, 2001 authorizes municipalities to create various advisory boards and committees to assist Council on specific matters. The City's Procedure By-law and Policy ADM 040 require that at the beginning of each Term of Council, a review of the City's Boards and Committees Terms of Reference be conducted. At its Meeting held on January 23, 2023, through Resolution #59/23, staff were directed to conduct a review of all Boards and Committees and that the review include the creation of three new committees, revisions to the Committee’s Terms of Reference to provide for elected official representation on Committees that currently do not have a Council representative, and establishing honorariums for the non-elected Members of all Committees. -Cdjo/- PJ(KERJNG CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 2 As part of this review, the Boards and Advisory Committees of Council Policy, ADM 040 (the “Policy”), underwent an extensive review. Due to the substantial revisions to the Policy, Attachment #1 provides a clean version of the revised Policy for Council’s consideration and a copy of the Policy with tracked changes is appended as Attachment #2 to this Report for ease of reference. Financial Implications: Any financial implications associated with this report pertain to the establishment of honorariums for Committee members, and these details are contained in Section 2.2 of this Report. Discussion: Section 06 of Policy ADM 040 requires the City Clerk, in collaboration with the staff liaisons, to undertake a review of all Boards/Advisory Committees early in each new Council Term. Accordingly, the Clerk’s Office engaged all staff liaisons to discuss their respective Committee's Terms of Reference and the overriding Boards and Advisory Committees of Council Policy. Staff liaisons were requested to present the Terms of Reference to their Committees at their first meetings of 2023 (or as soon as practicable) and to provide any updates and/or feedback to the Clerk’s Office. Feedback was also solicited from the staff liaisons regarding any changes that might be required to Policy ADM 040. For the Property Review Committee, Vehicle for Hire Committee, and Animal Services Appeal Committee, the staff liaison was solicited for updates to the Terms of Reference, as the Committees meet only on an as-required basis. Changes to the Policy and individual Board/Committee Terms of Refe rence have been included with tracked and/or highlighted changes as Attachments #1, #2, #3 and #4 to this Report. For ease of reading, and to effectively address the various parts of the Policy review that was directed by Council on January 23, 2023 through Resolution #59/23, t his Report is divided into three sections to outline the proposed revisions to the Policy, the review pertaining to Council’s direction, as well as the proposed revisions to each Committee’s Terms of Reference. 1.Amendments to ADM 040 Policy Policy ADM 040 was last revised by the Clerk’s Office in March, 2019. Over the last few years some challenges have emerged with the operation of the City’s Boards and Committees. These challenges were raised by the respective staff liaisons and have informed the key areas explored as part of the proposed Policy amendments. The review of the Policy considered the following areas: 1.1 A Dedicated Section for Taskforces The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) was established by Council through Resolution #408/20 on August 24, 2020. At the time PABRT was established, it was classified as a Taskforce under the Policy, however, the definition under the Policy at that time did not CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 3 provide enough guidance, support, or autonomy to meet the needs of the Taskforce. Since the establishment of PABRT, it became clear that the Policy required further clarification on the operations of Taskforces and the need to differentiate Taskforces from other Committees classified in the Policy. Under the current Policy, Taskforces are defined as follows: Taskforces - means a committee established to assist in the short-term study and analysis of a specific matter. Taskforces may include staff representation as well as representation from external bodies. Revisions to the Policy include a more robust definition of Taskforce to reflect the long term nature of the work that this body undertakes, and to coincide with the Taskforce’s mandate outlined in the Terms of Reference for PABRT. The key distinguishing feature to differentiate Taskforces from Committees is that Taskforces implement action to address issues within their mandate. The definition has been updated to reflect this differentiation and to provide examples of action that the Taskforce undertakes. With the change to the previous definition of a Taskforce, the Policy no longer contains a category for short term committees, and therefore, a new classification of “Ad-hoc” committee is being proposed to align with the provisions for Ad-hoc Committees currently contained in the City’s Procedure By-law. In order to successfully fulfill their mandate, and carry out their work in a timely mann er, Taskforces require greater autonomy compared to other advisory committees. Provisions were included to provide Taskforces with the ability to receive approval for all their annual events through their annual work plan submission, rather than requiring a separate report to Council seeking approval for each individual event. Further changes in the proposed policy allow Taskforces to create their own member appointment process for filling mid -term vacancies. This provides authority for the members of the Taskforce to solicit and review applications, set up a screening/interview process, and make recommendations to Council for endorsement and approval. For new-term vacancies, the recruitment process undertaken will be at the discretion of the staff liaison assigned to the Taskforce. Additionally, a new section was added to the Policy to provide clarification on the Taskforce’s ability to respond to media inquiries and create marketing resources that cannot be handled in-house by City staff. With the exception of media inquiries received at Events that a Taskforce is participating in, all other instances where a Taskforce is to respond to a media inquiry, approval must be granted by the Chief Administrative Officer or Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications prior to the Taskforce responding to the media inquiry. Discussions ensued between the Clerk’s Office, the staff liaisons of PABRT, and various City departments on how existing City resources should support the work of PABRT. A recurring theme of the discussion was the volunteer nature of the Taskforce membership, and the challenging expectation of carrying out a work plan with insufficient City staff and resources to provide continuous support. With the new provisions to allow Taskforces to create their own marketing resources, which would be managed externally, and paid through the budget assigned to the Taskforce, Taskforces will have greater autonomy. The City does not currently have sufficient resources to provide for continuous support for media relations, however City staff will continue to provide occasional support to PABRT, as required and in accordance with CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 4 current practices. Should additional Taskforces be established by Council in the future, consideration should be given to the possible need for more staff resources and the associated budget implications to support the work of future Taskforces. 1.2 Appointment Process for Stakeholder Members In accordance with individual Committee/Taskforce Terms of Reference, composition may include Stakeholder Members that attend meetings to provide input, expertise and resources on behalf of their respective organization (e.g. Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade). The proposed Policy amendments include two new definitions pertaining to stakeholder representatives: Stakeholder Organization: means an organization that is defined in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference, and who provide a member of said organization to be a Member of a Committee/Taskforce for the City. Stakeholder Member: means the individual selected by the Stakeholder Organization to participate on the Committee/Taskforce on behalf of the Stakeholder Organization which may change from time to time at the discretion of the Stakeholder Organization. As Stakeholder Member is dependent on their involvement with the Stakeholder Organization, and due to unforeseen circumstances that may change that involvement from time to time, it is important to provide opportunities to manage Stakeholder Members at the staff level rather than through Council approval. This will ensure timely and appropriate Stakeholder Member representation on all Committees as required. Should Stakeholder Members form part of the composition of a Committee/Taskforce, the Terms of Reference will include the names of the Stakeholder Organization(s) that will be represented on the Committee. Through Council approval of such Terms of Reference, the staff liaison will be authorized to contact the Stakeholder Organization to obtain the name of an individual member from the organization who will assume their role on the Committee. At any time during the Term, should the Stakeholder Member not adhere to the attendance requirements of th e Policy or is no longer an employee of the Stakeholder Organization, the new Policy amendments will allow for the staff liaison to contact the Stakeholder Organization to request a replacement member. 1.3 Absenteeism and Dismissal Process for Members As membership for Committees and Taskforces is made up of volunteers who have other commitments, it is understandable that attendance at all Committee meetings may not always be feasible. That said, as Committees and Taskforces are working on Council-approved work plans and mandates, it is important that members make every effort to attend all meetings. Continuous absenteeism affects quorum, which may prevent Committees from meeting their mandate. The current Policy provisions provide for the staff liaison to contact the member and ask whether or not they wish to remain on the Committee after three consecutive meetings are missed or absenteeism is noted for over 50 percent of the meetings in one year without justification. If contact cannot be made and the Member is continuously absent for five months, the seat automatically becomes vacant. CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 5 During the previous Term it was expressed by staff liaisons that the five month timeframe was too long and posed challenges when the absenteeism affected the Committee’s ability to meet quorum and be able to hold the meeting. A scan of area municipalities demonstrated a common approach in that should a member be absent from three meetings in one year, without justification, it provides for the staff liaison to reach out to confirm whether the member wants to remain on the Committee or resign. The absenteeism section of the Policy has been revised to allow the staff liaison to contact the member after absence from three regular meetings and provide a reasonable deadline for the member to respond and confirm their intentions. If a response is not received by the deadline, the seat would automatically become vacant and the vacancy filled in accordance with the provisions of the Policy. This Policy change removes the need for staff liaisons to wait for five months of continuous absenteeism before a member’s seat is vacated. 1.4 The Role of the Chair vs. Staff Liaison In 2014, after conducting a pilot project where the City Clerk attended Advisory Committee meetings to act as the facilitator for the meeting, the Clerk’s Office recommended the removal of the Chair system as outlined in the excerpt below from Report CLK 09-14: The first initiative undertaken during the pilot program was to replace the Chair and Vice Chair of each Committee with a Facilitator. This move gave the Committee members more time to concentrate on their mandate because they no longer had to be concerned with agenda production and parliamentary procedures. The Facilitator's purpose was to control the meeting more appropriately and to keep Committee deliberations on track. During the pilot program, staff observed a decrease in the length of time required for Committee meetings. We found that information flow between the City and the Committees was more efficient. The Facilitator and Staff representatives were able to communicate with Committee members more quickly when not limited to monthly meetings through the Chair. In 2023, the Clerk’s Staff solicited feedback from the Committees currently operating under a staff liaison facilitation system, and asked whether the Committee preferred the option of appointing a Chair/Vice-Chair to take on the facilitator role within the Committee. Below is a summary of the feedback provided: Committee Name Preference regarding Chair Accessibility Advisory Committee Maintain the current staff liaison system Cultural Advisory Committee Appoint a Chair Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Maintain the current staff liaison system For the Property Review Committee, Vehicle for Hire Committee, and Animal Services Appeal Committee, the staff liaison was solicited for their feedback and a recommendation was CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 6 provided to maintain the current staff liaison system in place due to the expertise required to facilitate the appeal hearings. As there are currently Committees and a Taskforce with a Chair/Vice Chair system in place, the Policy revision includes the addition of a section devoted to the ‘Duties of Chair’ to provide further clarification on the differentiating roles of staff liaison and Chair. A new section was also added to provide guidance on the process for appointing a Chair and a Vice Chair. The Terms of Reference for the Cultural Advisory Committee have been revised to include a Chair position and the revised Terms are included as Attachment #4 to this Report. 1.5 Holding Applications from Previous Recruitments for Future Consideration During the Boards and Committee appointment process for the 2022-2026 Term, the Clerk’s Office sent letters notifying individuals of their appointment to a Committee. Upon receipt of the letter from the Clerk’s Office, a member appointed to the Cultural Advisory Committee contacted the Clerk’s Office advising that they were no longer available to participate and fulfill their membership. Staff from the Clerk’s Office and the Community Services Department, discussed options regarding how best to address the vacancy as efficiently and effectively as possible. As part of those discussions, City staff considered the time and resources involved in starting an entirely new recruitment process to fill one vacant seat that would have to include widespread community advertising and a lengthy application period. As an extensive recruitment pr ocess had just been undertaken, and there were more applicants than positions available for the Committee, it was determined that the most effective way forward would be to recommend a citizen from the remaining list of applicants who had originally applied to the Cultu ral Advisory Committee but were not appointed at the December 5, 2022 Special Council Meeting. Clerk’s staff contacted the ten unsuccessful applicants who had originally applied to sit on the Cultural Advisory Committee, and inquired whether they would like to be considered for the new vacancy. Nine of the ten applicants indicated that they wished to be considered for appointment, and the list of confirmed applicants were reviewed by the staff liaison to recommend an applicant to Council for appointment at the January 23, 2023 Council Meeting. As this process proved to be efficient and successful, wording has been included in the proposed policy amendments under the ‘Appointment Process and Advertising for Committee Members’ section to allow for the staff liaison, at the discretion and direction of the City Clerk, to consider applications that were not appointed to the Committee/Taskforce in lieu of initiating a new recruitment Process. In accordance with Section 08.05 of the revised Policy, based on the applicants who agree to being reconsidered for the vacancy, the staff liaison will prepare recommendations for inclusion on an in-camera Council agenda for Council approval. This provision would only apply when a vacancy occurs on a Committee/Taskforce within six months of a recruitment process for that Committee/Taskforce being undertaken. CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 7 1.6 Site Plan Advisory Committee being Remodeled to Site Plan Review Panel The Site Plan Advisory Committee has been around in various forms over the years dating back to 1969. Currently, three local Councillors are appointed by Council to sit on the Committee. The Site Plan Advisory Committee assists and advises the Director, City Development & CBO on applications for sign variances and site plan approvals with respect to matters such as architecture, building massing and exterior building materials, site layout, landscaping, accessibility, and sustainable design elements. The Site Plan Review process examines a proposed development's design and technical aspects to ensure compliance with all municipal requirements, standards and objectives. Site Plan applications are generally reviewed with respect to (but not limited to) the following considerations: zoning by-law requirements; grading and servicing standards; transportation requirements (vehicular access, road improvements, parking etc.) site design and urban design standards; landscaping standards; accessibility standards; environmental conservation; conformity with provincial noise, vibration and odour guidelines; other external agencies’ requirements. Site Plan Applications are not subject to any formal public consultation requirement s under the Planning Act (e.g. Statutory Public Meetings or Public Open Houses). The current Site Plan Advisory Committee structure provides a forum for City Development staff, in an informal setting, to keep the three local Councillors apprised of forthcoming development and redevelopment proposals within their respective wards. This Committee allows the local Councillors to provide feedback, and identify any potential adverse impact s a proposal may have on the surrounding community for staff to consider in the review of the site plan application. It also allows the Committee members to discuss the Site Plan with the applicant to either express their concerns or obtain additional information regarding the proposal. Since its inception, the Site Plan Advisory Committee has been a valuable resource in assisting planning staff in the review of site plan applications and sign variances. City Development staff would like to continue with this process, but making this a public Committee, similar to other advisory committees, would set false expectations for the public , as there is no mechanism or requirement for public input or consultation under the Planning Act. For this reason, City Development staff are recommending that the ‘Site Plan Advisory Committee” be remodeled to the “Site Plan Review Panel”. Furthermore, the current terms of reference that misconstrue this Committee to be an Advisory Committee are also recommended to be removed. These two changes will not impact the current site plan review process and how Committee members are engaged in the process. The Members of Council currently appointed to the Site Plan Advisory Committee would remain in place as Members on CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 8 the Site Plan Review Panel. In the past, at the request of the Site Plan Advisory Committee, City Development staff have held voluntarily open house meetings for select proposals, where the development may potentially have an impact on the immediately abutting neighbou rhood. Staff will continue this practice in consultation with the newly remodeled Site Plan Review Panel. 1.7 Other Significant Additions/Revisions to the Policy the addition of a section on Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy to provide clarification on the possible disclosure of communication between the City and Members of the Committees/Taskforces through Freedom of Information Requests received by the City; the addition of a May deadline to bring forward Committee/Taskforce annual work plans for Council approval; additional provisions to prohibit individuals from sitting on multiple committees during one term to allow for more citizen participation and engagement; the addition of a provision to require the approval of the Terms of Reference by the Committees/Taskforces at their first meeting each new term and subsequently providing same to Council for approval prior to April 1st in the year following a municipal election; and, additional provisions which may lead to the dismissal of a Committee/Taskforce in its entirety or a Committee/Taskforce Member. Committees and Taskforces play an important role in Council’s decision making process. Staff are seeking Council’s approval of the proposed changes to Policy ADM 040 and each Committee and Taskforce Terms of Reference as outlined in Attachments #1 and #4. 2.Notice of Motion - Amendments to Boards and Committees/Taskforce Policy - January 23, 2023 Council Meeting On January 23, 2023, through Resolution #59/23, Council directed the CAO and the City Clerk to undertake a review of all Boards and Advisory Committees and that the review include the creation of three new committees, revisions to the Terms of Reference to appoint Council Members to Committees with no current Council representation, and establishing honorariums for the non-elected Members of all Committees. The review also requested that the Pickering Public Library Terms of Reference by amended to enable an additional Member of Council to ensure ward representation, and inclusion of a new section on Standing Committee or Council agendas to allow Members of Council to give updates on the Committees in which they are appointed to. A copy of the directive is attached to this Report as Attachment #6. The creation of the three new Committees will be brought forward through individual Staff Reports by the respective Departments; the Library Terms of Reference, included as Attachment #4, have been amended to include the additional member as directed by Council; and, the additional section on Committee or Council agendas for Member updates will be CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 9 included in the City Clerk’s review of the Procedure By-law and will be presented to Council at the May Executive Committee Meeting. The sections below outline the findings of the review on Council representation on Committees and establishing honorariums. 2.1 Council Representation on Committees Resolution #59/23 directed staff to review revisions to the Terms of Reference to include no greater than two Members of Council, as non-voting members, on Committees that currently do not have Council Member representation. The Committees that currently do not have Council representation are the Accessibility Advisory Committee, Cultural Advisory Committee, Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, and the Property Review Committee. The Clerk’s Office prepared a Memorandum which was attached to the above mentioned Committee agendas requesting their input on the matter. A copy of the Memorandum is attached to this Report as Attachment #5. The Accessibility Advisory Committee adopted the following resolution: That the Accessibility Advisory Committee: a)finds Council representation on the Committee advisable; and, b)amend the Terms of Reference to include 2 Members of Council, one of which will be a Regional Councillor, and one of which will be a City Councillor. The Cultural Advisory Committee adopted the following resolution: To having one member of the council on the Committee and revising the Terms of Reference for the Committee. The Heritage Advisory Committee adopted the following resolution s: That the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee finds Council representation on the Committee not advisable. The Terms of Reference for the Accessibility Advisory Committee and Cultural Advisory Committee have been updated to include the Council representation as noted in the Committee recommendations above. Should Council wish to appoint a Member of Council to the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, the Committee has recommended the appointment of one Member of Council and direction would need to be given to amend the Heritage Committee’s Terms of Reference to give effect in this regard. The following is a list of comments made by the Accessibility Advisory Committee, Cultural Advisory Committee, and Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Members as it pertains to the inclusion of Council representation on Committees: CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 10 benefits of hearing issues and seeking answers from Members of Council during Committee discussions; benefits of having Members of Council as allies that can be a direct conduit to express concerns to Council; concerns regarding potential conflict between the Committee and the Council Member’s views; concerns around the Committee’s discussion being held back or curbed by the presence of a Council Member; and, the ability of the Committee to invite Members of Council to Committee meetings on an as-needed basis. As the Property Review Committee meets on an as-needed basis to hear appeals, Clerk’s staff consulted the (Acting) Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services, the staff liaison for the Committee, for a recommendation on the inclusion of Council representation. Due to the Committee only consisting of five members, the (Acting) Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services, recommended the addition of one Council Member to the Committee and this has been incorporated into the Property Review Committee Terms of Reference (Attachment #4). The addition of Council representation on this Committee is consistent with the other City of Pickering Quasi-judicial Committees (Vehicle for Hire and Animal Services Appeal Committee). Should Council approve the individual Terms of Reference for the Committe es and Taskforces, a Memorandum by the City Clerk will be brought forward at the April 24, 2023 Council Meeting to appoint Members of Council to the Committees in accordance with Policy ADM 045 , Council Appointments to Committees. 2.2 Establishing Honorariums for all Committees/Taskforces A component of Resolution #59/23 directed staff to review establishing honorariums for all Committees of Council. The Committees that do not currently receive a n honorarium are the Accessibility Advisory Committee, Cultural Advisory Committee, Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, Vehicle for Hire Committee, and the Pickering Public Library Board. Clerk’s Staff conducted a scan of Ontario municipalities on the practice of providing honorariums for Advisory Committees of Council. The common practice amongst all municipalities surveyed, with the exception of the Town of Ajax and City of Vaughan, was to provide honorariums only to Quasi-Judicial bodies. The results of the municipal scan for the above mentioned committees are as follows: Municipality Accessibility Advisory Committee Cultural Advisory Committee Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Public Library Board Vehicle for Hire Committee Ajax $65.00 N/A $65.00 $75.00 N/A Clarington No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 11 Municipality Accessibility Advisory Committee Cultural Advisory Committee Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Public Library Board Vehicle for Hire Committee Oshawa No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A Scugog No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A Uxbridge No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A Whitby No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A Aurora No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A Burlington No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A Guelph No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A Kitchener No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A London No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A Brampton No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A Newmarket No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A Peterborough No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A Vaughan No stipend provided N/A $60 for Chair $50 for members No stipend provided N/A CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 12 Municipality Accessibility Advisory Committee Cultural Advisory Committee Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Public Library Board Vehicle for Hire Committee Windsor No stipend provided N/A No stipend provided No stipend provided N/A As outlined in the Table above, currently the only municipality to offer honorariums to all advisory committees is the Town of Ajax which was decided by Ajax Council at its meeting held in September, 2022. The City of Vaughan provides a stipend only to their Heritage Advisory Committee. The City of Pickering currently provides an honorarium to the Committee of Adjustment, Animal Services Appeal Committee, Property Review Committee, and Pickering Anti -Black Racism Taskforce. In keeping with the practice of providing an honorarium to the City’s quasi-judicial committees, the (Acting) Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services, is recommending providing a stipend of $50/meeting to the Members of the Vehicle for Hire Committee. The Vehicle for Hire Committee serves as a quasi-judicial committee to review appeals in accordance with the provisions of the Vehicle for Hire By-law and the $50/meeting rate is consistent with the honorarium paid to the City’s Animal Services Appeal Committee and the Property Review Committee. The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce was the first non-quasi-judicial committee to receive honorariums in Pickering. The resolution to establish an honorarium system for PABRT was approved by Council through Resolution #577/21 at the April 26, 2021 Council Meeting. It should be noted that only five 5 of 19 members of the Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce opted to receive the honorarium in 2022. Going forward, honorariums will be paid to PABRT Members proactively, with the payments provided bi-annually in June and December, and language has been added to the proposed policy amendments in this regard. Should Council wish to implement honorariums for all of the City’s Committees, Table 1 b elow outlines the annual budgetary implications. The honorarium rate has been based on the rates currently provided to the members of PABRT and the current honorarium rates provided to the existing quasi-judicial bodies, with the exception of the Committee of Adjustment: Table 1 - Committees that are currently not receiving an honorarium: Committee Name # of Members # of Meetings Proposed Rate per Meeting Cost per Meeting Cost per year Accessibility Advisory Committee 10 9 $65 $650 $5,850 CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 13 Committee Name # of Members # of Meetings Proposed Rate per Meeting Cost per Meeting Cost per year Cultural Advisory Committee 10 9 Chair: $75 Members: $65 $660 $5,940 Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee 9 9 $65 $585 $5,265 Pickering Public Library Board 8 10 Chair: $85 Members: $75 $610 $6,100 Vehicle for Hire Committee 5 As Needed $50 $250 $2501 Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee2 3 6 $65 $195 $1,170 Community Safety and Wellbeing Advisory Committee2 10 4 $65 $650 $2,600 Business Advisory Committee - Nautical Village2 10 - All stakehold er reps 4 N/A $0 $0 Business Advisory Committee - Kingston Road2 10 - All stakehold er reps 4 N/A $0 $0 Total $3,600 $27,175 1. Based on one meeting per year. 2.Subject to Council’s establishment of the new Committees. CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 14 Table 2 - Committees that are currently receiving an honorarium: Committee # of Members # of Meetings Existing Rate per Meeting Total per Meeting Total per year Animal Services Appeal Committee 2 As Needed $50 $100 $1001 Committee of Adjustment 5 12 Chair: $150 Member: $140 *proposed new rate from $120 $710 $8,520 Property Review Committee 5 As Needed $50 $250 $2501 Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 20 9 Chair: $75 Member: $65 $1,310 $11,790 Total $2,370 $20,660 1. Based on one meeting per year. Should Council wish to proceed with implementing honorariums for all Committees, new wording to this effect must be added to the Policy and the following amendment to the staff recommendation of CLK 03-23 must be adopted by Council. That Section 20.01 of the draft ADM 040 Policy, included as Attachment #1 to CLK 03- 23, be amended to add “All Committee/Taskforce Members shall receive a n honorarium in accordance with the Committee or Taskforce’s Terms of Reference”, and that the individual Terms of Reference for all Committees that currently do not receive stipends be amended to include the honorarium amounts listed in Table 1 of Report CLK 03-23 and such honorariums shall take effect as of May 1, 2023 subject to the approval of the 2023 City of Pickering Budget.” As there are Committees who currently receive honorariums, a new section was added to the Policy to provide clarification on the process for administering and calculating honorariums, as well as the criteria for a member to be eligible to receive a n honorarium. To receive an honorarium, the meeting must be a regular or special meeting of that Committee or Taskforce, not a meeting of a subcommittee, and the member must have voting rights and be present for at least half of the duration of the meeting. The amount of honorarium remains the same CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 15 regardless of the length of the meeting, and the member’s attendance must be recorded in the approved minutes. Honorariums will only be provided to citizen members, stakeholder and subcommittee members do not qualify for honorariums. It is important to note that honorariums are intended to help alleviate and off -set some of the barriers to participation members may encounter with attending meetings (e.g. child care, transportation, etc.). As membership on Committees/Taskforces is voluntary, the honorarium should not be recognized as solely being payment in exchange for participation. As only Quasi-Judicial Committees and PABRT receive an honorarium, establishing honorariums for all Committees can provide an opportunity for equality across the board. It should be further noted that implementing an honorarium for all City Committees/Taskforces is not in keeping with most municipal practices and could impact other municipalities who may not be in a financial position to support an honorarium system. The rate of honorarium will be outlined in the individual Terms of Reference and if implemented, honorariums shall take effect beginning May 1, 2023, subject to the approval of the 2023 budget on April 24, 2023. 3.Summary of Changes to Committee Terms of Reference The following provides an overview of the recommended changes to each Committee’s Terms of Reference. These changes are also reflected in Attachment #4 in red text: Accessibility Advisory Committee Section 3.0 Composition changed to reflect the addition of one (1) City Councillor and one (1) Regional Councillor, both with no voting rights Section 6.0 “Culture and Recreation” is changed to “Community Services” Animal Services Appeal Committee Housekeeping Changes Change of Committee name from “Animal Services Committee” to “Animal Services Appeal Committee”; Honorarium provision is now under Section 6.0 Section 3.0 Clarification regarding the Member of Council’s voting rights. Cultural Advisory Committee Section 3.0 Composition changed to reflect the addition of one (1) Member of Council with no voting rights CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 16 Section 4.0 Addition of a Committee Chair section to outline the role and process around the Committee Chair position Committee of Adjustment Section 1.0 The addition of the statutes the Committee of Adjustment is subject to. Section 5.0 Addition of a provision to allow in-person, electronic, and hybrid meeting formats; Addition of a provision regarding the Committee’s use of ShareFile when receiving comments after agenda publication; Addition of a provision for the agenda to include a report from the City Development Department on each minor variance application ; Addition of a provision stating that all discussions among Committee members, and between Committee members and the applicant/public on applications are to take place at the hearing; Addition of a provision requiring the City Development department to provide a policy analysis to assist the Committee in rendering a decision; Modifications to who can make an appeal in accordance with Bill 23. Section 6.0 Changes to the honorarium and mileage rates:  Chair: $150.00 per hearing;  Member: $140.00 per hearing;  Mileage: $0.61 per kilometer. Housekeeping Changes Instances of “meeting” are changed to “hearing” where applicable; Instances of “Local Planning Appeal Tribunal” are replaced with “Ontario Land Tribunal” where applicable. Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee No changes Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce No changes Pickering Public Library Board Section 1 Board – 3 (3) updated to coincide with the Public Libraries Act CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 17 Board Members –10 b) updated to coincide with the Public Libraries Act Section 2 2.1, point 1 – removal of “moral ownership, defined as the” prior to “Residents of Pickering” Section 3 3.1 – addition of one additional Member of Council in accordance with Resolution #59/23 Section 7 7.1 – revision of appointed Treasurer from City Treasurer to CEO/Director of Public Libraries to coincide with the Library Board Bylaws Section 9 9.1 – revision of title of CEO to CEO/Director of Public Libraries Section 11 11.2 – revision of meeting schedule to coincide with Library Board By-laws and Section 16 (1) of the Public Libraries Act Property Review Committee Section 3.0 Addition of one (1) Member of Council – no voting rights Housekeeping Changes Honorarium provision is now under Section 6.0 Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee Housekeeping Changes Change of Committee name from “Taxicab Advisory Committee” to “Vehicle for Hire Committee” in accordance with By-law 7739/20. Section 1.0 Addition of a provision regarding administration the Accessible Vehicle Incentive Program. Section 2.0 Addition of a provision regarding facilitating relationships and making connections with industry participants. Section 3.0 Addition of PTC Company, PTC Driver, and Citizen Representatives; Addition of voting rights provision; CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 18 Section 4.0 Addition of qualifications for PTC Company and PTC Driver Representatives. Section 5.0 Addition of selection processes for Citizen Member, PTC Company, and PTC Driver Representatives. Section 7.0 Addition of a $50.00 honorarium per meeting attended; Addition of the account that remuneration shall be provided from. In conclusion, staff have completed the review directed by Policy ADM 040 and Resolution #59/23, and are seeking Council approval on the amendments to the Terms of Reference and Policy. Should Council approve the amendments to Policy ADM 040, Clerk’s Staff will attend a future meeting of all Committee/Taskforce Meetings to provide an overview of the changes to the Committee/Taskforce Members. Attachments: 1.Draft ADM 040 Policy – Clean Copy 2.Draft ADM 040 Policy – Tracked Changes 3.List of Committees and Taskforce 4.Terms of Reference 5.Memorandum from the Deputy Clerk dated February 14, 2023 6.Resolution #59/23 - January 23, 2023 Council Meeting 7.Draft By-law XXXX/23 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Rumali Perera Susan Cassel Deputy Clerk City Clerk Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Original Signed By:Original Signed By: Original Signed By: CLK 03-23 March 27, 2023 Subject: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 19 SC:rp Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original Signed By: Policy Procedure Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Policy Number ADM 040 Reference Municipal Act Procedure By-law, as amended Resolution #165/10 Resolution #301/14 Resolution #53/19 Date Originated (m/d/y) November 10, 2008 Date Revised (m/d/y) December 13, 2010 October 2012 December 15, 2014 March 2019 March 27, 2023 Pages 23 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact City Clerk Policy Objective The purpose of this Policy is to identify a process for establishing Committees and Taskforces of Council, requirements for maintaining and supporting their work, and the coordination of the appointment and advertising process through the City Clerk. It excludes external bodies and local Boards not established by Council and internal, working groups of an administrative nature. This Policy supplements the City of Pickering’s Procedure By-law which applies to all Committee and Taskforce meetings. Index 01 Definitions 02 Classification of Committees 03 Establishment of Committees and Taskforces 04 Taskforces 05 Relationship between Committees/Taskforces and Council 06 Ongoing Review of Committees/Taskforces 07 Terms of Reference 08 Appointment Process and Advertising for Committee/Taskforce Members 09 Appointment Process for Chair and Vice Chair 10 Resignation/Dismissal Process DRAFT Attachment #1 to Report # CLK 03-23 -Cd:Jo/- p](KERJNG Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 2 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 11 Absentee Requirements 12 Orientation Sessions 13 Meeting Structure, Agenda, and Minute Formats 14 Access to Meetings 15 Pecuniary Interest 16 Duties of Members of Council, Committee/Taskforce Members, and City Staff 17 Quorum 18 Committee/Taskforce Events, Media Relations, and Communications 19 Subcommittees 20 Honorariums 21 Provision for Accessibility and Diversity 22 Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy 23 Exceptions to this Policy 01 Definitions 01.01 Chair - means a Member with voting rights appointed by the Members to act as the head of the Committee/Taskforce. 01.02 Committee - means an Advisory Committee, Ad Hoc Committee, Quasi- Judicial/Appeals Committee, or a Board established by Council Resolution or statute. 01.03 City - means The Corporation of the City of Pickering. 01.04 Council - means the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering. 01.05 Event - means a gathering of 20+ people, held on City property (facility, park, or permitted space), is open to the public, and include one or more of the following criteria; amplified sound, catered food, industrial cooking, alcohol sales, vendors, food trucks/vendors, staking, generators, carnival or fair, raffles, and may include use of a Signature Park. 01.06 Mandate - means the statement that describes the Committee/Taskforce’s purpose or responsibilities as outlined in the respective Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference. Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 3 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 01.07 Member - means a citizen Member appointed by Council to a Committee, or a Stakeholder Member selected by a Stakeholder Organization. 01.08 Quorum - means a majority of Members required to be present at any meeting in order that business may be conducted. When vacancies occur on a Committee, Quorum shall be based on the remaining number of sitting Members and not the full Membership. 01.09 Staff Liaison - means the staff Member assigned to facilitate and provide guidance to the Committee/Taskforce. 01.10 Stakeholder Member - means the individual selected by the Stakeholder Organization to participate on the Committee/Taskforce on behalf of the Stakeholder Organization which may change from time to time at the discretion of the Stakeholder Organization. 01.11 Stakeholder Organization - means an organization that is defined in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference, and who provide a Member of said organization to be a Member of a Committee/Taskforce for the City. 01.11 Subcommittee - means an informal group composed of no fewer than one voting Member of the Committee/Taskforce but less than Quorum of the Committee/Taskforce. Subcommittees are established, as required, to carry out specific projects included in the annual work plan, and are disbanded upon completion of their duties. Subcommittees are not subject to open Meeting provisions under the Municipal Act and the Procedure By-law. Membership may be drawn from relevant stakeholders or the general public with the appropriate interest and expertise. 01.12 Taskforce - means a body established by Council with a Mandate to study and analyze a particular municipal issue and implement action as outlined in the Terms of Reference and/or Work Plan. Action may include community events, public engagement workshops, and educational resources in partnership with the community and/or the City. Taskforces may include citizen Members, staff, and representation from external bodies. 01.13 Terms of Reference - means the document that provides an overview of the Committee or Taskforce, the content of which is prescribed by this Policy. A Terms of Reference template is attached as Appendix 1 to this Policy. 01.14 Vice Chair - means a Member with voting rights appointed by the Members of the Committee/Taskforce to assume the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence. 02 Classification of Committees 02.01 Committees provide recommendations, advice and information to Council on an ongoing basis on specific municipal matters that are set out in the Committee’s Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 4 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 Mandate and Terms of Reference. Some Committees, due to their quasi- judicial, or legislated nature, make decisions based on the parameters of their Terms of Reference. Committees serve until such time that the Committee is disbanded in accordance with the provisions of this Policy, or in accordance with the Term identified in the Committee’s Terms of Reference. 02.02 Categories of Committees include the following: a) Advisory - includes bodies established by Council to provide input on a discretionary basis and advice to Council on particular matters, or to undertake special projects as assigned. The nature of Advisory Committee recommendations to Council are purely advisory, and Council may approve, amend, refer or propose other resolutions, as Council deems appropriate. b) Ad Hoc - a short term Committee established by Council for the purpose of dealing with a special project with a clear mandate and a start and finish date. When an Ad Hoc Committee has reached its term end date, or completed its task and made its report to Council, the Committee shall be deemed to be dissolved. An Ad Hoc Committee shall not be established for a term longer than a year. Ad Hoc Committees shall have a staff liaison and may have representation from Council, staff, and the public. c) Boards - means any local Board established by Provincial Statute and tasked with overseeing the operation and delivery of services identified in legislation. Boards may have their own Policies and By-laws, and where there is a conflict between this Policy and the Board’s policies /by-laws, the polices and the by-laws of the Board shall prevail. d) Quasi-Judicial/Appeals Committee - means a Committee established by Council to exercise a legislative or quasi-judicial power under the Planning Act, Municipal Act, Building Code Act, or any other Act . 03 Establishment of Committees and Taskforces 03.01 Committees/Taskforces are established by resolution of Council and each resolution shall incorporate approval of the Terms of Reference for the specific Committee/Taskforce. Prior to Council's establishment of any Committee/Taskforce, the relevant Director(s) shall submit a report to Council including the following information: a) Previous work done by the City to advance the mandate of the proposed Committee/Taskforce (if any); b) Budget Implications; c) Statutory requirements (if applicable); and Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 5 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 d) Terms of Reference; 04 Taskforces 04.01 The Terms of Reference for Taskforces shall include details of its mandate, goals, objectives, responsibilities, composition, Member qualifications, budget, and remuneration (if applicable). 04.02 Notwithstanding Section 08.03 and 08.04, Taskforces may create their own appointment process to fill mid-term vacancies. The advertisement of the vacancy shall aim to reach the broadest sector of the community and shall indicate the number of vacancies on the Taskforce, duration of the term, meeting frequency, application process, and the website URL where details can be obtained regarding the Taskforce. The Taskforce shall determine those individuals from its membership that will review all applications and will provide the names of the recommended appointees to the staff liaison. The majority of the Members forming the review panel will determine which names are recommended to Council for appointment. Such recommendations shall be provided to the staff liaison within 45 days of the application closing date. The recommendations will then be provided to Council for approval at the next earliest opportunity at an in-camera meeting. For new-term vacancies, the recruitment process undertaken shall be at the discretion of the staff liaison assigned to the Taskforce. 04.03 The following process shall be followed for the approval of Taskforce Events: a) Taskforces may include Events in their annual work plan and present the work plan to Council through a Staff Report prepared by the staff liaison. b) The Staff Report shall seek Council approval in principal for Taskforce Events subject to terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director, Community Services and Chief Administrative Officer and the Taskforce’s approved annual budget. The Report shall list the month that the event would be held in, the type of event, and any other confirmed details of the event. c) Events not included in the work plan are subject to Section 18.01 of this Policy. 04.04 Notwithstanding Section 18.04, the following process shall be followed for media inquiries received or requested by Taskforces: a) Taskforces shall have a designated and an alternate Member appointed as the media spokesperson to respond to media inquiries pertaining to the mandate of the Taskforce. b) Upon receipt or request of a media engagement opportunity, the Taskforce Member must notify the staff liaison, who shall then inform Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 6 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 and consult where appropriate, the Chief Administrative Officer and Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. Upon approval from the Chief Administrative Officer or the Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, the designated Taskforce Member or their alternate may respond to the media inquiry. c) The Taskforce should anticipate receiving media inquiries that require a timely response, such as in person, or virtually, during a live event or activity where the Taskforce is participating. These should only be addressed by the Taskforce media spokesperson or alternate. If neither are present, an on-site Taskforce Member should advise the media of the appropriate person to connect with on their inquiry. d) When interacting with the media, the Taskforce media spokesperson must be cognizant of the duties listed under Section 16.02 of this Policy. e) All matters that fall outside of the mandate of the Taskforce shall be referred to the City’s Corporate Communications Division. 04.05 Taskforces may develop their own branding and marketing resources as they frequently engage with the community and stakeholders to build partnerships in an effort to further their mandate. The request must be sent to the City’s Corporate Communications Division for review and approval prior to its public release so that any associated costs can be included in the City’s annual budget. 05 Relationship between Committees/Taskforces and Council 05.01 The purpose of Committees is to assist Council by providing recommendations on specialized issues, policies and/or operational levels, as set out in the Terms of Reference or Council approved work plans. Committee/Taskforce Members are appointed by Council, and serve at the pleasure of Council for a specif ied term, where statutory requirements do not state otherwise. 05.02 Committee/Taskforce recommendations requiring Council’s attention shall be provided to Council at the next available opportunity through a Report by the staff liaison. The Report shall include the Committee/Taskforce recommendation/decision, and the Staff recommendation may include, but is not limited to, the following: a) Receive for Information; b) Directions to staff; or, c) Refer to a Director for investigation and if appropriate, a report back to the appropriate Standing Committee. Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 7 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 05.03 Council may approve, amend, refer or propose other resolutions, as Council deems appropriate. Once a Committee/Taskforce recommendation has been reported to Council, a Committee/Taskforce will not reconsider, recommend or advise on the matter, unless directed by Council. No order or authority to do any business shall be recognized as emanating from a Committee/Taskforce, unless it is in writing and approved through a resolution of Council. 05.04 Committee/Taskforce Members(s) shall rely exclusively on the staff liaison to communicate and dispense with recommendations and actions taken by Committees/Taskforces, and shall not interfere in the administrative practices of the City of Pickering. 05.05 Committees/Taskforces shall prepare an annual work plan to Council which shall include details on the previous year’s accomplishments, a work plan for the current year, and should include a delegation from a Committee/Taskforce Member when the matter is presented at a Meeting of Council. The substance of the work plan shall be prepared by the Committee/Taskforce Members, with administrative assistance and policy advice given by the staff liaison. The work plan shall be submitted to Council annually, no later than the May Council Meeting, through a Memorandum to Council. The Memorandum to Council shall be forwarded to the City Clerk for inclusion on a Council Agenda under correspondence with a recommendation to “receive for information”. 06 Ongoing Review of Committees/Taskforces 06.01 Early in each new Council Term, Council shall review all Committees/Taskforces. The City Clerk in collaboration with the staff liaisons shall conduct a review of all Committees/Taskforces and provide a report to Council, including, but not limited to the following: a) a list of Committees/Taskforce by name and type; b) updates to all Terms of Reference documents for each Committee and Taskforce; and, c) recommendations on whether a Committee and/or Taskforce should be disbanded. 06.02 If a Committee/Taskforce is to be disbanded, a report on the Committee/Taskforce activities and reasons for disbanding shall be presented to Council for approval. 07 Terms of Reference 07.01 Each Committee shall have a Terms of Reference at the time of its establishment and shall include details of its mandate, goals, objectives, and Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 8 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 responsibilities, composition, Member qualifications, meeting schedule, budget, and remuneration (if applicable). 07.02 Terms of Reference must be approved by Council and amendments to those Terms shall be brought forward to Council through a Staff Report by the staff liaison. 07.03 Terms of Reference shall be reviewed by each Committee/Taskforce at their first meeting following a municipal election. All Terms of Reference shall be forwarded and adopted by Council no later than April 1st in the year following a municipal election. 07.04 The Terms of Reference of each Committee/Taskforce shall be reviewed on an ongoing basis by staff liaisons and the Committee/Taskforce to ensure that each Committee/Taskforce and its Terms of Reference remain relevant and appropriate. 08 Appointment Process and Advertising for Committee/Taskforce Members 08.01 Where the City makes appointments to bodies of its own creation, such appointments shall be citizen appointments. 08.02 Appointment of Council Members to Committees/Taskforces shall be done in accordance with Policy ADM 045 and the number of Council Members to be appointed to each Committee/Taskforce shall be provided in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference. 08.03 The appointment process for Committees/Taskforces established by Council shall be coordinated through the City Clerk’s Office. 08.04 The following process will be generally followed in initiating the recruitment, selection, and appointments for Committees/Taskforces: a) upon Council passing a resolution to establish a Committee, at the end of the Term of the Committee/Taskforce, or when a vacancy occurs, the City Clerk, in consultation with the relevant Department and staff liaison assigned to the Committee, will advertise Committee vacancies in the local newspaper, the City’s website, social media platforms, and in any other manner that the City Clerk deems appropriate to reach the broadest sector of the community. The advertisement will indicate the number of vacancies on the Committee/Taskforce, duration of the term, meeting frequency, application process, and the details pertaining to the mandate of the Committee/Taskforce; b) applicants shall be required to complete and submit a prescribed application form; Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 9 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 c) the staff liaison shall develop a matrix chart to evaluate the applications by reviewing the list of Member qualifications noted in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference; d) all applications shall be reviewed by the staff liaison for each Committee/Taskforce and a recommendation shall be provided to the City Clerk for inclusion on an in-camera Council agenda. The process to review the applications will be at the discretion of the staff liaison. The staff recommendation provided to Council will be accompanied with all applications and resumes received for that Committee/Taskforce and the matrix chart developed by the staff liaison to evaluate the applications; e) when preparing the recommendation to Council, the staff liaison shall give equal consideration to new applicants as well as those who have previously served on a Committee/Taskforce; f) notwithstanding item e), recommendations shall be based on the relevant experience and expertise of an individual in relation to the mandate of the Committee/Taskforce and there shall be no restrictions on the number of terms an individual may serve if they meet the needs of the Committee; and, g) the Clerk’s Office, on behalf of Council, shall send out confirmation letters to new Committee/Taskforce appointees which will include the contact information for the staff liaison for that Committee/Taskforce and any other relevant information required. Letters will also be provided to those individuals who were not appointed encouraging them to re-apply at such time a vacancy occurs. 08.05 Notwithstanding Section 08.04 of this Policy, should a vacancy occur on a Committee/Taskforce within six months of a recruitment process for that Committee/Taskforce, the staff liaison, at the discretion and direction of the City Clerk, may consider the applicants that were unsuccessful on being appointed to the Committee/Taskforces in lieu of initiating a new recruitment process. In doing so, the following process shall be followed: a) the Clerk’s Office shall send out letters to all of the applicants that were originally unsuccessful in being appointed to the Committee/Taskforce. The letter shall state the number of vacancies available and include a deadline on providing a response on whether the applicant is agreeable to being considered for the vacancy. b) the Clerk’s office shall provide the staff liaison with a list of the applicants who agreed to being considered for the vacancy. c) based on the applicants who had agreed to being considered for the vacancy, the staff liaison shall prepare a recommendation(s) to be provided to the City Clerk for inclusion on an in-camera Council agenda. Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 10 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 The staff recommendation provided to Council will be accompanied with all applications and resumes of the applicants that were willing to be considered. 08.06 Applicants shall be a property owner, tenant, or resident of Pickering and a minimum of 18 years of age unless a Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of reference dictates otherwise. City of Pickering employees are not eligible to sit on Committees/Taskforces as voting Members. 08.07 The term of a Member of a Committee/Taskforce shall continue in accordance with the Committee/Taskforce Terms of Reference or until a successor is appointed. Generally, the duration of Committee/Taskforce appointments are the same as the Term of Council. In special circumstances, staff may recommend that the term for a specific Committee/Taskforce be different than the Term of Council to ensure experience and consistency in following the Committee/Taskforce's goals and mandate. 08.08 If a Committee/Taskforce Terms of Reference provide for Stakeholder representation, the following process, coordinated by the staff liaison, will generally be followed in initiating appointment of Stakeholder Members: a) Stakeholder Organizations shall be included in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference and the Stakeholder Organization shall be appointed by Council through the approval of the Terms of Reference. Individual Stakeholder Members do not need to be appointed by Council. b) Where a Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference include Stakeholder Organizations, the staff liaison will contact the Stakeholder Organization to seek an individual from the organization to sit on the Committee /Taskforce as the Stakeholder Member. 08.09 Appointees shall not serve on more than one Committee/Taskforce during a term unless there is a vacancy and no other applications are received other than those who are already appointed to another Committee /Taskforce. 08.10 Committees/Taskforces may have membership parameters included in their Terms of Reference to have a membership “up to” a specific number of Members which will allow them to continue with vacancies, however, membership shall not fall below 50% of the maximum membership number included in the Terms of Reference. 08.11 Membership that reflects the diversity of the City community shall be considered as part of the recruitment, selection, and appointment process. 09 Appointment Process for Chair and Vice Chair 09.01 Committees/Taskforces may appoint a Chair and Vice Chair, if the roles are required by statute or the Committee’s/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference. With Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 11 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 the exception of the Pickering Public Library Board, only citizen members may be nominated for the position of Chair/Vice Chair. Members of Council and Stakeholder Members cannot be appointed as Chair/Vice Chair. The appointment(s) shall take place at the first meeting of the Committee/Taskforce and/or when there is a vacancy in the position(s). In doing so, the following process shall generally be followed: a) At the first meeting, the staff liaison will ask Members for nominations for the position of Chair/Vice Chair for the Committee/Taskforce. b) The staff liaison will record the names of the nominees. Once all nominations have been submitted, the staff liaison will advise that the nominations are closed. The staff liaison will ask each nominee if they wish to have their name stand for the position of Chair. c) If there is only one nominee, and if the Member answers in the affirmative that they wish to have their name stand, the staff liaison will ask for a public vote on a motion to appoint the nominated Member(s) as Chair. d) If there is more than one nominee, the staff liaison will ask each Member of the Committee/Taskforce to publicly state their vote on each nomination . The Member who achieves the majority vote will be appointed Chair. e) The staff liaison will repeat this process for the nomination and appointment of a Vice-Chair. 10 Resignation/Dismissal Process 10.01 Committee/Taskforce Members wishing to resign their appointment shall submit their resignation in writing to the City Clerk or staff liaison as soon as possible. Upon acceptance of the resignation, the City Clerk, or designate, shall acknowledge the resignation in writing and in consultation with the staff liaison assigned to the Committee/Taskforce, will initiate the aforementioned appointment process to fill the vacancy. 10.02 Council, at its discretion, can dismiss any Committee/Taskforce in its entirety or any Member thereof at any time, which may be triggered by any of the following: a) Completion of the Committee/Taskforce mandate; b) Legislative requirements to have the Committee/Taskforce no longer exist; or, c) Recommendation by Staff in Staff Report. 11 Absentee Requirements 11.01 If any Committee/Taskforce Member is absent from three regular meetings in one calendar year without justification, the staff liaison will contact the Member Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 12 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 in writing to ask whether or not they wish to remain on the Committee/Taskforce with a specific deadline for a response. 11.02 If contact cannot be made with the absent Committee/Taskforce Member by the aforementioned deadline, the Committee/Taskforce Member’s seat shall automatically become vacant and the process for filling a vacancy will begin. Formal notice that the Member’s seat is vacant will be sent to the Member using the contact information on file at the City. 11.03 In the case of a Stakeholder Member, the staff liaison will contact the Stakeholder Organization following the third absence from a regular meeting. The Stakeholder Organization will have the option to confirm its Member and ensure that they will be in attendance at meetings going forward, or confirm an alternate Stakeholder Member will be attending future meetings in their place. Should a Stakeholder Organization no longer be able to provide a Stakeholder Member, the Committee/Taskforce may revise their Terms of Reference to include a new Stakeholder Organization which shall be provided to Council for approval. 12 Orientation Sessions 12.01 Orientation sessions shall be conducted at the beginning of each Term by the staff liaison in coordination with the Legislative Services Division. The orientation will identify goals, objectives and work plans for the Committee/Taskforce and will also provide an overview of Policies and Meeting Procedures. Further sessions may be conducted for Members appointed during the Council Term, as required. Orientation materials will be distributed to all Members of the Committee/Taskforce for reference purposes. Each Committee/Taskforce package shall include the following information at a minimum: a) Committee/Taskforce Terms of Reference; b) Mandatory statutes (e.g. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act); c) City of Pickering Procedure By-Law; d) City Organizational Structure; e) Relevant City Policies and Procedures affecting Committee/Taskforce Members including the City’s Code of Conduct; and, f) Staff liaison support and contact information. 12.02 As per the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, all City and Library employees, volunteers and/or agents as well as any other individual who might be reasonably expected to interact with the public on behalf of the City/Library will receive Accessible Customer Service Training. The staff liaison Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 13 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 assigned to the Committee/Taskforce will arrange training for new Committee/Taskforce Members who have not had Accessible Customer Service Training and such training shall be provided by the City’s Accessibility Coordinator. 13 Meeting Structure, Agenda and Minute Formats 13.01 Regular meetings will be held monthly, but variations may be determined by the Committee/Taskforce and staff liaison. A meeting schedule, setting out the time and place for meetings will be established by the Committee/Taskforce in their Terms or Reference. For in-person or hybrid meetings, meeting venues will be accessible, and sufficient to accommodate Committee/Taskforce Members, staff, and members of the public. Committees/Taskforces have the ability to meet electronically in accordance with the provisions of the Procedure By-law. 13.02 While ensuring consistency and accountability, meeting structures and agenda/minute formats may be adjusted to meet the needs of individual Committees/Taskforces. The following components may be included in agendas, where specific subject items are described in each component , a) date, time, location of meeting; b) disclosure of interest; c) approval of previous minutes; d) presentations/delegations; e) general business and reports; f) correspondence; g) other business; h) next meeting; and i) adjournment. 13.03 In addition to the items listed on the agenda, the minutes shall also include the names of the Members in attendance and those that were absent from the Meeting. 13.04 Committees/Taskforces shall follow the City’s Procedure By-law; however, a Committee/Taskforce may choose to adopt its own simplified Procedures, subject to the approval of the City Clerk. The City Clerk, or their designate, may provide guidance on the interpretation and application of Meeting Procedures. Good faith misinterpretation of the Procedures shall not affect the validity of any meeting. Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 14 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 13.05 Staff and Committee/Taskforce Members should structure meeting agendas to make every effort to adhere to a two hour time limit for all Committee/Taskforce meetings. 13.06 Minutes of meetings must be recorded and are scribed without note or comment. Minutes should briefly outline the substance of each of the agenda items discussed during the meeting, including actions taken and recommendations by motion. Motions shall not be required to be seconded, except in the case of the Pickering Public Library Board. Minutes should have a collective, not personal focus. What individuals said is less significant than the precise wording or proposals and the decisions made by the majority of the Committee/Taskforce or by general agreement. No Member has the inherent right to have his or her comments on record. Minutes are primarily a record of what was done at a meeting, and not a record of what was said . Minutes are not taken verbatim and they do not serve as a transcript of the meeting. 13.07 The Recording Secretary shall forward the draft Minutes, as soon as possible following the meeting to the staff liaison for their review. Once the staff liaison has reviewed the meeting Minutes, the Minutes shall be posted on the City’s website and placed on the next Committee/Taskforce agenda for adoption. 14 Access to Meetings 14.01 Except as provided in this section, all meetings shall be open to the public and the media and Committee/Taskforce minutes shall be posted on the City’s website. The staff liaison or the Chair who is facilitating the meeting may expel any person for improper conduct at a meeting. 14.02 Committee/Taskforce meetings should not be closed to the public. If a Board/Advisory Committee feels that discussion of an item on the agenda needs to be closed to the public, the City Clerk must be consulted and approve of the Committee/Taskforce meeting in closed session to ensure that the reasons for closing the meeting are in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act (the “Act”). The agenda for the meeting in which a closed item will be discussed shall include the provisions of the Act that allow for such item to be considered in closed session. A meeting can only be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered falls under one of the open meeting exceptions under Section 239 of the Act. 14.03 Before holding a meeting or part of a meeting that is to be closed to the public, the Committee/Taskforce shall state by resolution: a) the fact of the holding of the closed meeting; b) the general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meeting; and Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 15 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 c) in the case of a meeting for educational or training purposes, that it is closed for that purpose and no decisions will be made. 14.04 Where necessary, the City Clerk or the Deputy Clerk shall attend the closed session to record the confidential minutes. 14.05 Confidential minutes of closed sessions shall be kept in the custody and control of the City Clerk. 14.06 All deliberations while in closed session shall remain confidential unless otherwise approved by Committee/Taskforce in open session. 14.07 Where possible, any motion made regarding an item within a closed session shall be reported publicly when the Committee/Taskforce resumes in open session. 14.08 A statement must be placed in the public meeting minutes stating the general nature of the closed meeting and where the confidential minutes will be retained. 15 Pecuniary Interest 15.01 Committee/Taskforce Members are deemed not to have a pecuniary interest in that they have no decision-making ability. Members should be cognizant of any perceived conflict in terms of discussion or decision-making on matters that may serve to benefit the Member personally. Members shall not use their status on Committees/Taskforces for personal or political gain. 15.02 If a Committee/Taskforce Member feels they have a perceived conflict of interest in any matter and is, or will be, present at a meeting at any time at which the matter is the subject of consideration, the Member shall: a) before any consideration of the matter, at the meeting verbally disclose the interest and its general nature; b) not, at any time, take part in the discussion of, or vote on, any question in respect of the matter; and c) complete a Declaration of Interest, Municipal Conflict of Interest Act Form, in accordance with the City’s Procedure By-law and the Disclosure shall be provided to the staff liaison or recording secretary and forwarded to the City Clerk. 15.03 An elector, or any person demonstrably acting in the public interest may apply in writing to the Integrity Commissioner for an inquiry to be carried out concerning an alleged contravention of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act in accordance with ADM 070-001 - Procedure for Complaints under the Council Code of Conduct and Inquiries under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 16 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 16 Duties of Members of Council, Committee/Taskforce Members, and City Staff 16.01 Duties of Members of Council: a) Members of Council may attend any or all Committee/Taskforce meetings; b) at Committee/Taskforce meetings, Members of Council can respond to Committee/Taskforce Members’ questions, interpret Council’s direction, and ensure that Committee/Taskforce Members are aware of Council issues that may affect the mandate of the Committee/Taskforce; and, c) Members of Council appointed as Members to a Committee/Taskforce are not included as part of the Quorum, and have no voting rights, unless otherwise stated in the Terms of Reference. 16.02 Duties of Committee/Taskforce Members: a) understand the mandate of the Committee/Taskforce, including its relationship to Council; b) understand their role and responsibilities, including relevant City or Library Policies and Procedures; c) strive to attend all scheduled and special Committee/Taskforce Meetings; d) notify the staff liaison on any absences from Committee/Taskforce meetings as soon as possible; e) prepare for meetings by reading agendas and any background information supplied; f) actively participate in the discussion and decision-making process; g) undertake any work assigned, including special projects and research, in between meetings; h) be open minded and allow for a variety of opinions to be heard; i) respect the individual worth and dignity of other Committee/Taskforce Members, and maintain a high degree of professionalism; j) treat members of the public, other Committee/Taskforce Members, and staff, with respect and dignity and without abuse, bullying, or intimidation; k) adhere to the City’s Code of Conduct Policy – ADM 070 and all other relevant Policies and Procedures of the City of Pickering.; Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 17 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 l) respect that actions taken and recommendations shall reflect the majority view of the Committee/Taskforce; and, m) respect the finality of Council decisions. 16.03 Duties of the Recording Secretary: a) transcribe minutes at meetings; b) coordinate agendas, minutes, correspondence, and delegations as needed; and, c) coordinate all hybrid or electronic Committee/Taskforce meetings . 16.04 Duties of the Staff Liaison: a) the staff liaison assumes two principle functions: a secretarial role and a policy advisor role. These roles may be undertaken by one or more staff; b) the staff liaison for each Committee/Taskforce will assume all duties under Section 16.05 of this Policy unless a Chair or Vice Chair is required by statute or the Committee’s/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference; c) monitor the attendance of all Committee/Taskforce Members in accordance with Section 20 of this Policy; d) respect the individual worth and dignity of Committee/Taskforce Members, and maintain a high degree of professionalism ; e) communicate the various deadlines noted in this Policy and other City Policies/Procedures to the Committee/Taskforce or Chair/Vice Chair; f) seek clarification and answers for Committee/Taskforce Members through Council or City staff; g) the staff liaison has no voting rights or authority to make decisions, and is independent of the Committee/Taskforce, and is present to assist the Committee/Taskforce with administrative processes; and, h) Legislative Services will coordinate agendas, minutes and correspondence as needed for those Committees/Taskforces in which they provide secretariat support. staff liaisons will be responsible for this function for any Committees/Taskforces not supported by Legislative Services. 16.05 Duties of the Chair/Staff Liaison (if no Chair is appointed); a) preside at all meetings of the Committee/Taskforce and rule on all procedural matters; Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 18 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 b) solicit for agenda items from Committee/Taskforce Members prior to the publication of the meeting agenda and provide the agenda items to the Recording Secretary; c) facilitate the meeting by identifying the order of proceedings and speakers; d) ensure that all meetings are conducted in a fair and efficient manner so that the will of the majority prevails after all Members have had a fair chance to present their points of view; e) ensure active participation by all Committee/Taskforce Members; f) maintain decorum and ensure fairness and accountability; g) be open-minded and encourage a variety of opinions to be heard; h) ensure that the Committee/Taskforce meets the deadlines included in this Policy and other City Policies/Procedures; i) lead the preparation of annual reports/presentations to Council; and, j) review the goals and objectives of the Committee/Taskforce and ensure that its work plan is realistic and up to date. 16.06 Duties of the Vice Chair: a) assume the duties of the Chair if the Chair is not able to fulfill their position. 17 Quorum 17.01 A majority of the Members of any Committee/Taskforce shall be required to officially constitute a meeting. A majority is greater than 50% of the number of current sitting Members. Vacancies on a Committee shall not be included in the calculation of Quorum. 17.02 City staff, Members of Council, special guests, and volunteers have no voting privileges and will not be included in the Quorum. In some instances, where it is defined in a Committee’s Terms of Reference, Members of Cou ncil may have voting privileges. 17.03 If no Quorum is present 30 minutes after the time scheduled for a meeting, the Recording Secretary shall record the names of the Members present, and the meeting shall stand adjourned until the next meeting date . Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 19 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 17.04 If the staff liaison is absent from the meeting and another City staff Member is not present and Quorum has been met, then a Committee Member can be appointed to facilitate the meeting; 18 Committee/Taskforce Events, Media Relations, and Communications 18.01 Committees/Taskforces must seek Council approval to hold an event and each request to Council must include the complete details of the event (e.g. budget, approximate number of staff required, month the event would be held in, and purpose of event). Events approved in the work plan are subject to the CUL 070 Community Festival & Events Policy. Community Services Staff may provide guidance or assistance to the Committee/Taskforce through the planning and implementation process outlined in the Community Festival & Events Manual. 18.02 Committee/Taskforce events must relate to specific activities approved in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference and mandate. Permit fees for events will be charged as per Council Approved User Fees and must be budgeted within the respective City Department budget where the staff liaison for that Committee/Taskforce resides. 18.03 It is expected that all Taskforce Members attend and assist in organizing events that are requested and approved by Council. 18.04 Committee Members shall not meet with the media unless such meeting is approved by the City’s Chief Administrative Officer or the Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. Upon receipt of a media engagement opportunity, the Committee Member must notify the staff liaison, who shall then inform, and consult where appropriate, the Chief Administrative Officer and Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. Upon ap proval from the Chief Administrative Officer or the Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, the Committee Member may respond to the media inquiry. Committee media relations must be supported by the City’s Corporate Communications Division. These provisions pertaining to media do not apply to Taskforces as outlined in Section 04.04 of this Policy. 18.05 The actions and recommendations of Committees/Taskforces are subject to the policies and administrative practices of the City, including but not limited to provisions pertaining to the use of the corporate logo(s), letterhead, website, information pamphlets, and media advertisements. 19 Subcommittees 19.01 Subcommittees may be established by a Committee/Taskforce, as required, to carry out specific projects included in the annual work plan. Such Subcommittees shall be disbanded upon completion of their specific project(s) or task. A Subcommittee must include at a minimum, one voting Member of the Committee/Taskforce, and additional membership may be drawn by the Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 20 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 Committee/Taskforce from relevant stakeholders or the general public with the appropriate interest and expertise. Subcommittees shall not be authorized to create further Subcommittees or receive honorariums. 20 Honorariums 20.01 This section applies only to citizen appointments on Committees/Taskforces. It does not apply to Council or Stakeholder Members appointed to a Committee/Taskforce, and does not apply to Subcommittees. 20.02 Honorariums are provided per meeting attended regardless of the length of the meeting. 20.03 To be eligible for honorariums: a) the Member must be a voting Member of the Committee/Taskforce; b) the Member must be present for at least half of the duration of the meeting; c) the meeting must be a regular or special meeting; and, d) the Member’s attendance must be recorded in the approved minutes for that meeting. 20.04 Where a regular or special meeting is adjourned due to a lack of quorum, the Members who were present shall be paid the regular rate of honorarium included in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference. 20.05 Honorarium rates will be included in the individual Terms of Reference for each Committee/Taskforce. 20.06 Honorariums paid by the City to a Committee/Taskforce Member shall not be donated back to the City. 20.07 All citizen Committee/Taskforce Members who receive an honorarium shall be issued a T4A statement by the City. 20.08 Honorariums shall be paid twice a year, in June and in December, up to a maximum amount per person per year as specified in the Committee/Taskforce Terms of Reference. 20.09 All payment information must be submitted to the City’s Finance department proactively by the staff liaison assigned to the Committee/Taskforce in accordance with the timelines outlined in Section 20.08. 21 Provision for Accessibility and Diversity Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 21 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 21.01 Adequate provisions shall be made by relevant staff to ensure that meeting locations, agenda and minute formats, communications and conduct of meetings are accessible, to ensure maximum participation and quality customer service. 22 Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy 22.01 The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) applies to all Committees/Taskforces, and members of the public may request access to City records under MFIPPA by filing a Freedom of Information request with the Clerk’s Office. The City must follow the process outlined in the Act to release the information which may include disclosure of reports correspondence, or emails sent by Members to staff regarding Committee/Taskforce matters. 22.02 Requests for information shall be referred to the Clerk’s Office to be addressed either as an informal request to access municipal records, or as a formal request under MFIPPA. 22.03 Members may receive personal or other confidential information as part of their role on the Committee/Taskforce and it is expected that this information be protected, including keeping the information physically and electronically secure from unauthorized use. 23 Exceptions to this Policy 23.01 Where a conflict exists between the provisions of this Policy and any legislative or legal requirement, the legislative or legal requirement will prevail. Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Appendices Appendix 1 Terms of Reference – Sample Format Appendix 2 Work Plan – Sample Format Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 22 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 Appendix 1 Terms of Reference Name of Committee Terms of Reference shall be approved by Council and amendments can only be made with Council approval. Terms of Reference for a Committee/Taskforce need only address information not already provided for in the Committees and Taskforce Policy. 1.0 Mandate – A description of the general purpose and activities of the Committee/Taskforce, including areas of responsibility, taking into account any statutory requirements. Committee/Taskforce mandates shall not be altered by the Committee/Taskforce without Council approval. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities – A listing of the goals, objectives and responsibilities of the Committee/Taskforce, to be addressed in annual work plans with reference to specific strategies and actions. 3.0 Composition – Specify the maximum and minimum number of Members of the Advisory Committee and describe the nature of membership (Council Members, citizens and/or Stakeholder Organization, numbers in each category), membership terms, and voting rights. 4.0 Member Qualifications – Outline recommended qualifications of potential Members given the mandate of the Committee/Taskforce. 5.0 Meeting Schedule – Indicate how often the Committee/Taskforce shall meet, e.g. monthly, every other month, criteria for calling a special meeting, summer recess. 6.0 Budget – requests must relate to the Committee/Taskforce’s mandate, be included in the annual work plan submission and be supported by project descriptions. 7.0 Honorariums – Specify the rate of pay for Members per Meeting. If the Committee/Taskforce Terms of Reference includes a Chair, specify the rate for the Chair. Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 23 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 Memo To: [click and insert name of City Clerk] [click and insert date] City Clerk From: [click and insert name of Staff Liaison] [click and insert title of Staff Liaison] Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Directors [click and insert "Division Head, Department" if applicable] Subject: [click and insert name of Board/Committee/Taskforce] - 20XX Year End Report and 20XX Work Plan File: [click and add file number] The [click and insert name and acronym of Board/Committee/Taskforce] is pleased to present its 20XX Year End Report and 20XX Work Plan. 20XX Year End Report Provide an overview of the body’s accomplishments over the past year, and highlight successes and challenges in relation to their work plan. Formatting is flexible and can include paragraphs, headings, lists, bullets, tables etc. 20XX Work Plan Provide an overview of the work that the body expects to accomplish in the year ahead. Formatting is flexible and can include paragraphs, headings, lists, bullets, tables etc. [click and insert author/typist initials] Attachment "Click and type attachment" "Click and type additional attachments" Appendix 2 -Cdt;of- P](KER]NG ■ ■ ■ ■ I Policy Procedure Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Policy Number ADM 040 Reference Municipal Act Procedure By-law, as amended Resolution #165/10 Resolution #301/14 Resolution #53/19 Date Originated (m/d/y) November 10, 2008 Date Revised (m/d/y) December 13, 2010 October 2012 December 15, 2014 March 2019 March 27, 2023 Pages 23 Approval: Chief Administrative Officer Point of Contact City Clerk Deleted: Boards & Advisory Deleted: 15 Policy Objective The purpose of this Policy is to identify a process for establishing Committees and Taskforces of Council, requirements for maintaining and supporting their work, and the coordination of the appointment and advertising process through the City Clerk. It excludes external bodies and local Boards not established by Council and internal, working groups of an administrative nature. This Policy supplements the City of Pickering’s Procedure By-law which applies to all Committee and Taskforce meetings. Index 01 Definitions 02 Classification of Committees 03 Establishment of Committees and Taskforces 04 Taskforces 05 Relationship between Committees/Taskforces and Council 06 Ongoing Review of Committees/Taskforces 07 Terms of Reference 08 Appointment Process and Advertising for Committee/Taskforce Members 09 Appointment Process for Chair and Vice Chair 10 Resignation/Dismissal Process DRAFT Deleted: Boards and Advisory Deleted: al Deleted: Boards and Advisory Deleted: s Deleted: , including Staff Liaisons. Deleted: Boards and Advisory Deleted: <#>¶ Deleted: <#>Advisory Deleted: Boards and Advisory Deleted: Board/Advisory Attachment #2 to Report # CLK 03-23 -Cd:Jo/- p](KERJNG . I I ---! l .______________ ----1 I -------"-------~=-= . . ---------. Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 2 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 11 Absentee Requirements 12 Orientation Sessions 13 Meeting Structure, Agenda, and Minute Formats 14 Access to Meetings 15 Pecuniary Interest 16 Duties of Members of Council, Committee/Taskforce Members, and City Staff 17 Quorum 18 Committee/Taskforce Events, Media Relations, and Communications 19 Subcommittees 20 Honorariums 21 Provision for Accessibility and Diversity 22 Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy 23 Exceptions to this Policy 01 Definitions 01.01 Chair - means a Member with voting rights appointed by the Members to act as the head of the Committee/Taskforce. 01.02 Committee - means an Advisory Committee, Ad Hoc Committee, Quasi- Judicial/Appeals Committee, or a Board established by Council Resolution or statute. 01.03 City - means The Corporation of the City of Pickering. 01.04 Council - means the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering. 01.05 Event - means a gathering of 20+ people, held on City property (facility, park, or permitted space), is open to the public, and include one or more of the following criteria; amplified sound, catered food, industrial cooking, alcohol sales, vendors, food trucks/vendors, staking, generators, carnival or fair, raffles, and may include use of a Signature Park. 01.06 Mandate - means the statement that describes the Committee/Taskforce’s purpose or responsibilities as outlined in the respective Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference. Deleted: <#>Implementation Procedure – Classification of Boards and Advisory Committees¶ Deleted: Chair Deleted: Advisory Deleted: created by Council to provide input, advice and technical expertise on particular matters, act as a vehicle for public consultation on issues of municipal interest and make recommendations to Council. Deleted: Advisory 1~-- Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 3 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 01.07 Member - means a citizen Member appointed by Council to a Committee, or a Stakeholder Member selected by a Stakeholder Organization. 01.08 Quorum - means a majority of Members required to be present at any meeting in order that business may be conducted. When vacancies occur on a Committee, Quorum shall be based on the remaining number of sitting Members and not the full Membership. 01.09 Staff Liaison - means the staff Member assigned to facilitate and provide guidance to the Committee/Taskforce. 01.10 Stakeholder Member - means the individual selected by the Stakeholder Organization to participate on the Committee/Taskforce on behalf of the Stakeholder Organization which may change from time to time at the discretion of the Stakeholder Organization. 01.11 Stakeholder Organization - means an organization that is defined in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference, and who provide a Member of said organization to be a Member of a Committee/Taskforce for the City. 01.11 Subcommittee - means an informal group composed of no fewer than one voting Member of the Committee/Taskforce but less than Quorum of the Committee/Taskforce. Subcommittees are established, as required, to carry out specific projects included in the annual work plan, and are disbanded upon completion of their duties. Subcommittees are not subject to open Meeting provisions under the Municipal Act and the Procedure By-law. Membership may be drawn from relevant stakeholders or the general public with the appropriate interest and expertise. 01.12 Taskforce - means a body established by Council with a Mandate to study and analyze a particular municipal issue and implement action as outlined in the Terms of Reference and/or Work Plan. Action may include community events, public engagement workshops, and educational resources in partnership with the community and/or the City. Taskforces may include citizen Members, staff, and representation from external bodies. 01.13 Terms of Reference - means the document that provides an overview of the Committee or Taskforce, the content of which is prescribed by this Policy. A Terms of Reference template is attached as Appendix 1 to this Policy. 01.14 Vice Chair - means a Member with voting rights appointed by the Members of the Committee/Taskforce to assume the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence. 02 Classification of Committees 02.01 Committees provide recommendations, advice and information to Council on an ongoing basis on specific municipal matters that are set out in the Committee’s Deleted: Board or Deleted: the number of Deleted: Member Deleted: appointed Deleted: Advisory Deleted: or Board Deleted: committee Deleted: to assist in the short-term study and analysis of a specific matter. Deleted: Member Deleted: representation as well as Deleted: general Deleted: Advisory Deleted: Board Deleted: Chair Deleted: Chair Deleted: Implementation Procedure – Deleted: Boards and Advisory Deleted: <#>Where the municipality makes appointments to bodies of its own creation and to outside bodies when requested to do so, such appointments shall be citizen appointments, except in those situations where the municipality has a direct financial involvement, in which case Council shall determine whether or not it will appoint citizen and/or Council Members to such bodies. Council, under certain circumstances, may deem it necessary for Council representation on some Boards and Advisory Committees.¶ <#>Boards and Advisory Committees may be either ongoing or a task force. Ongoing Boards and Deleted: <#>Board/ --.______ _______________ -r-l_ -_ -_J ---------------~---====-------------,r-'--------___J-., ====--==------------======== ,r-r= -= -=======i ~~====--==--~~~~~ t==== -==::::::::J=======il --~=----====== _~ ---~-------= ---========= -.~·r======================::::=J====i::::::j: ===------====------------===-------===~ ~ Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 4 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 Mandate and Terms of Reference. Some Committees, due to their quasi- judicial, or legislated nature, make decisions based on the parameters of their Terms of Reference. Committees serve until such time that the Committee is disbanded in accordance with the provisions of this Policy, or in accordance with the Term identified in the Committee’s Terms of Reference. 02.02 Categories of Committees include the following: a) Advisory - includes bodies established by Council to provide input on a discretionary basis and advice to Council on particular matters, or to undertake special projects as assigned. The nature of Advisory Committee recommendations to Council are purely advisory, and Council may approve, amend, refer or propose other resolutions, as Council deems appropriate. b) Ad Hoc - a short term Committee established by Council for the purpose of dealing with a special project with a clear mandate and a start and finish date. When an Ad Hoc Committee has reached its term end date, or completed its task and made its report to Council, the Committee shall be deemed to be dissolved. An Ad Hoc Committee shall not be established for a term longer than a year. Ad Hoc Committees shall have a Staff Liaison and may have representation from Council, staff, and the public. c) Boards - means any local Board established by Provincial Statute and tasked with overseeing the operation and delivery of services identified in legislation. Boards may have their own Policies and By-laws, and where there is a conflict between this Policy and the Board’s policies/by-laws, the polices and the by-laws of the Board shall prevail. d) Quasi-Judicial/Appeals Committee - means a Committee established by Council to exercise a legislative or quasi-judicial power under the Planning Act, Municipal Act, Building Code Act, or any other Act . 03 Establishment of Committees and Taskforces 03.01 Committees/Taskforces are established by resolution of Council and each resolution shall incorporate approval of the Terms of Reference for the specific Committee/Taskforce. Prior to Council's establishment of any Committee/Taskforce, the relevant Director(s) shall submit a report to Council including the following information: a) Previous work done by the City to advance the mandate of the proposed Committee/Taskforce (if any); b) Budget Implications; c) Statutory requirements (if applicable); and Deleted: They include some o Deleted: f Deleted: authorized Deleted: ¶ Deleted: Mandatory - where a Provincial Statute prescribes the type of appointments to be made by the municipality to a given body. Deleted: Local Deleted: a school board, municipal service board, transportation commission, public library board, board of health, police services board, planning board, or any other board, commission, committee, body or local authority established or exercising any power or authority under any general or special Act with respect to any of the affairs or purposes, including school purposes, of a municipality. Deleted: <#>External Bodies - separate special purpose bodies that have a substantial amount of authority over their own operations.¶ Deleted: <#>hears and deals with appeals and/or minor variances to City By-laws.¶ <#>Task Forces assist in the short-term study and analysis of a specific municipal issue, as defined in the Terms of Reference and established by a confirming by-law. Task Forces may include staff representation as well as representation from external bodies.¶ Deleted: <#> Boards and Advisory Deleted: Boards and Advisory Deleted: proposed Deleted: established by a confirming by-law. Each resolution Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: Board or Advisory Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 5 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 d) Terms of Reference; 04 Taskforces 04.01 The Terms of Reference for Taskforces shall include details of its mandate, goals, objectives, responsibilities, composition, Member qualifications, budget, and remuneration (if applicable). 04.02 Notwithstanding Section 8.03 and 8.04, Taskforces may create their own appointment process to fill mid-term vacancies. The advertisement of the vacancy shall aim to reach the broadest sector of the community and shall indicate the number of vacancies on the Taskforce, duration of the term, meeting frequency, application process, and the website URL where details can be obtained regarding the Taskforce. The Taskforce shall determine those individuals from its membership that will review all applications and will provide the names of the recommended appointees to the staff liaison. The majority of the Members forming the review panel will determine which names are recommended to Council for appointment. Such recommendations shall be provided to the staff liaison within 45 days of the application closing date. The recommendations will then be provided to Council for approval at the next earliest opportunity at an in-camera meeting. For new-term vacancies, the recruitment process undertaken shall be at the discretion of the staff liaison assigned to the Taskforce. 04.03 The following process shall be followed for the approval of Taskforce Events: a) Taskforces may include Events in their annual work plan and present the work plan to Council through a Staff Report prepared by the Staff Liaison. b) The Staff Report shall seek Council approval in principal for Taskforce Events subject to terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director, Community Services and Chief Administrative Officer and the Taskforce’s approved annual budget. The Report shall list the month that the event would be held in, the type of event, and any other confirmed details of the event. c) Events not included in the work plan are subject to Section 18.01 of this Policy. 04.04 Notwithstanding Section 18.04, the following process shall be followed for media inquiries received or requested by Taskforces: a) Taskforces shall have a designated and an alternate Member appointed as the media spokesperson to respond to media inquiries pertaining to the mandate of the Taskforce. b) Upon receipt or request of a media engagement opportunity, the Taskforce Member must notify the Staff Liaison, who shall then inform Deleted: <#>inventory of previous and existing activities related to the matter, including public consultation initiatives;¶ <#>suggested types of public consultation;¶ <#>Board/Advisory Committee Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 6 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 and consult where appropriate, the Chief Administrative Officer and Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. Upon approval from the Chief Administrative Officer or the Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, the designated Taskforce Member or their alternate may respond to the media inquiry. c) The Taskforce should anticipate receiving media inquiries that require a timely response, such as in person, or virtually, during a live event or activity where the Taskforce is participating. These should only be addressed by the Taskforce media spokesperson or alternate. If neither are present, an on-site Taskforce Member should advise the media of the appropriate person to connect with on their inquiry. d) When interacting with the media, the Taskforce media spokesperson must be cognizant of the duties listed under Section 16.02 of this Policy. e) All matters that fall outside of the mandate of the Taskforce shall be referred to the City’s Corporate Communications Division. 04.05 Taskforces may develop, their own branding and marketing resources as they frequently engage with the community and stakeholders to build partnerships in an effort to further their mandate. The request must be sent to the City’s Corporate Communications Division for review and approval prior to its public release so that any associated costs can be included in the City’s annual budget. 05 Relationship between Committees/Taskforces and Council 05.01 The purpose of Committees is to assist Council by providing recommendations on specialized issues, policies and/or operational levels, as set out in the Terms of Reference or Council approved work plans. Committee/Taskforce Members are appointed by Council, and serve at the pleasure of Council for a specified term, where statutory requirements do not state otherwise. 05.02 Committee/Taskforce recommendations requiring Council’s attention shall be provided to Council at the next available opportunity through a Report by the Staff Liaison. The Report shall include the Committee/Taskforce recommendation/decision, and the Staff recommendation may include, but is not limited to, the following: a) Receive for Information; b) Directions to staff; or, c) Refer to a Director for investigation and if appropriate, a report back to the appropriate Standing Committee. Deleted: <#>membership composition and level of expertise or specialization required by Committee members for the selection process; and¶ <#>orientation, training and facilitation needs.¶ Deleted: <#>Advisory Deleted: Advisory Committees are proposed by resolution of Council and the Committees Deleted: on a Deleted: y Deleted: mandate and specific, Deleted: Advisory Deleted: m Deleted: authority Deleted: es Deleted: The nature of Advisory ~---------'-----~--~---- .______________~--~~,;=-=; .. ............... ~ Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 7 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 05.03 Council may approve, amend, refer or propose other resolutions, as Council deems appropriate. Once a Committee/Taskforce recommendation has been reported to Council, a Committee/Taskforce will not reconsider, recommend or advise on the matter, unless directed by Council. No order or authority to do any business shall be recognized as emanating from a Committee/Taskforce, unless it is in writing and approved through a resolution of Council. 05.04 Committee/Taskforce Members(s) shall rely exclusively on the Staff Liaison to communicate and dispense with recommendations and actions taken by Committees/Taskforces, and shall not interfere in the administrative practices of the City of Pickering. 05.05 Committees/Taskforces shall prepare an annual work plan to Council which shall include details on the previous year’s accomplishments, a work plan for the current year, and should include a delegation from a Committee/Taskforce Member when the matter is presented at a Meeting of Council. The substance of the work plan shall be prepared by the Committee/Taskforce Members, with administrative assistance and policy advice given by the Staff Liaison. The work plan shall be submitted to Council annually, no later than the May Council Meeting, through a Memorandum to Council. The Memorandum to Council shall be forwarded to the City Clerk for inclusion on a Council Agenda under correspondence with a recommendation to “receive for information”. 06 Ongoing Review of Committees/Taskforces 06.01 Early in each new Council Term, Council shall review all Committees/Taskforces. The City Clerk in collaboration with the Staff Liaisons shall conduct a review of all Committees/Taskforces and provide a report to Council, including, but not limited to the following: a) a list of Committees/Taskforce by name and type; b) updates to all Terms of Reference documents for each Committee and Taskforce; and, c) recommendations on whether a Committee and/or Taskforce should be disbanded. 06.02 If a Committee/Taskforce is to be disbanded, a report on the Committee/Taskforce activities and reasons for disbanding shall be presented to Council for approval. 07 Terms of Reference 07.01 Each Committee shall have a Terms of Reference at the time of its establishment and shall include details of its mandate, goals, objectives, and Deleted: to Council are purely advisory, and Deleted: Advisory Committees shall Deleted: a Deleted: that has been decided by Council, Deleted: Advisory Deleted: m Deleted: appointed Deleted: Advisory Deleted: vene Deleted: Advisory Deleted: report Deleted: a report Deleted: to Council, and Deleted: reviewing their goals, objectives and successes in relation to their work plan, Deleted: to Council Deleted: report Deleted: Advisory Deleted: m Deleted: City staff Deleted: ¶ Reporting to Council¶ Citizen Advisory Committees shall prepare an annual work plan submission, w;¶ this process shall be led by the Staff Liaison of the Committee and may include a delegation to Council; and¶ every Citizen Advisory Committee matter which needs to be referred to Council shall be done in writing through the Staff Liaison. The Staff Liaison assigned to the Committee will submit a memo to Council as Correspondence stating the Committee’s recommendations. The Council Correspondence direction will be for Council to “Receive as Information” or to “Refer to a Director” for investigation and if appropriate, a report back to the appropriate Standing Committee. ¶ Deleted: Boards and Advisory Deleted: t Deleted: Boards and Advisory Deleted: Boards/Advisory Deleted: Boards/Advisory Deleted: <#>summary of mandates, goals and objectives for each Board/Advisory Committee;¶ <#>achievements and challenges for each Board/Advisory Committee;¶ Deleted: <#>the future direction of each Board/Advisory Committee and its structure in general; ... Deleted: <#>reviews and recommendations on the ... Deleted: <#>Board or Advisory Deleted: <#> final Deleted: <#>Board/Advisory Deleted: The ----. -~ -- -i . / -~ . - - -----1 -~ - ~ . ..... . -- - -. 1 . . '------------~~ \ I , ,-- t I Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 8 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 responsibilities, composition, Member qualifications, meeting schedule, budget, and remuneration (if applicable). 07.02 Terms of Reference must be approved by Council and amendments to those Terms shall be brought forward to Council through a Staff Report by the Staff Liaison. 07.03 Terms of Reference shall be reviewed by each Committee/Taskforce at their first meeting following a municipal election. All Terms of Reference shall be forwarded and adopted by Council no later than April 1st in the year following a municipal election. 07.04 The Terms of Reference of each Committee/Taskforce shall be reviewed on an ongoing basis by Staff Liaisons and the Committee/Taskforce to ensure that each Committee/Taskforce and its Terms of Reference remain relevant and appropriate. 08 Appointment Process and Advertising for Committee/Taskforce Members 08.01 Where the City makes appointments to bodies of its own creation, such appointments shall be citizen appointments. 08.02 Appointment of Council Members to Committees/Taskforces shall be done in accordance with Policy ADM 045 and the number of Council Members to be appointed to each Committee/Taskforce shall be provided in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference. 08.03 The appointment process for Committees/Taskforces established by Council shall be coordinated through the City Clerk’s Office. 08.04 The following process will be generally followed in initiating the recruitment, selection, and appointments for Committees/Taskforces: a) upon Council passing a resolution to establish a Committee, at the end of the Term of the Committee/Taskforce, or when a vacancy occurs, the City Clerk, in consultation with the relevant Department and Staff Liaison assigned to the Committee, will advertise Committee vacancies in the local newspaper, the City’s website, social media platforms, and in any other manner that the City Clerk deems appropriate to reach the broadest sector of the community. The advertisement will indicate the number of vacancies on the Committee/Taskforce, duration of the term, meeting frequency, application process, and the details pertaining to the mandate of the Committee/Taskforce; b) applicants shall be required to complete and submit a prescribed application form; Deleted: will be established in accordance with the template included as Appendix 1 to this Policy. Deleted: once established, Deleted: can only be made with Council approval. Deleted: Advisory Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: Where a Provincial Statute prescribes the type of appointments to be made by the City to a given Board or Advisory Committee, the Statute shall be complied with. Deleted: Boards/Advisory Committees Deleted: and to outside bodies when requested to do so Deleted: , except in circumstances where the City has a direct financial involvement, in which instance Council shall determine whether or not it will appoint citizens and/or Council Members to such bodies.¶ Deleted: , Deleted: coordinated by the City Clerk and Legislative Services, Deleted: be Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: d Deleted: Advisory Deleted: level of commitment, Deleted: the website URL where details can be obtained for each Board Deleted: to the City Clerk an Deleted: , available from the Clerk's Office and the City website; --------\ '--------------'"'--------------_______.____. -~-_~,~==I ·-_ ----===-----===---~;==I Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 9 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 c) the Staff Liaison shall develop a matrix chart to evaluate the applications by reviewing the list of Member qualifications noted in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference; d) all applications shall be reviewed by the Staff Liaison for each Committee/Taskforce and a recommendation shall be provided to the City Clerk for inclusion on an in-camera Council agenda. The process to review the applications will be at the discretion of the Staff Liaison. The staff recommendation provided to Council will be accompanied with all applications and resumes received for that Committee/Taskforce and the matrix chart developed by the Staff Liaison to evaluate the applications; e) when preparing the recommendation to Council, the Staff Liaison shall give equal consideration to new applicants as well as those who have previously served on a Committee/Taskforce; f) notwithstanding item e), recommendations shall be based on the relevant experience and expertise of an individual in relation to the mandate of the Committee/Taskforce and there shall be no restrictions on the number of terms an individual may serve if they meet the needs of the Committee; and, g) the Clerk’s Office, on behalf of Council, shall send out confirmation letters to new Committee/Taskforce appointees which will include the contact information for the Staff Liaison for that Committee/Taskforce and any other relevant information required. Letters will also be provided to those individuals who were not appointed encouraging them to re-apply at such time a vacancy occurs. 08.05 Notwithstanding Section 08.04 of this Policy, should a vacancy occur on a Committee/Taskforce within six months of a recruitment process for that Committee/Taskforce, the Staff Liaison, at the discretion and direction of the City Clerk, may consider the applicants that were unsuccessful on being appointed to the Committee/Taskforces in lieu of initiating a new recruitment process. In doing so, the following process shall be followed: a) the Clerk’s Office shall send out letters to all of the applicants that were originally unsuccessful in being appointed to the Committee/Taskforce. The letter shall state the number of vacancies available and include a deadline on providing a response on whether the applicant is agreeable to being considered for the vacancy. b) the Clerk’s office shall provide the Staff Liaison with a list of the applicants who agreed to being considered for the vacancy. c) based on the applicants who had agreed to being considered for the vacancy, the Staff Liaison shall prepare a recommendation(s) to be provided to the City Clerk for inclusion on an in-camera Council agenda. Deleted: Board/ Deleted: in Deleted: Board/ Deleted: ; Deleted: Board/ Deleted: Board/ Deleted: Board/ Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: and advise of Deleted: ir Deleted: contacts . -------. -------- ------ Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 10 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 The staff recommendation provided to Council will be accompanied with all applications and resumes of the applicants that were willing to be considered. 08.06 Applicants shall be a property owner, tenant, or resident of Pickering and a minimum of 18 years of age unless a Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of reference dictates otherwise. City of Pickering employees are not eligible to sit on Committees/Taskforces as voting Members. 08.07 The term of a Member of a Committee/Taskforce shall continue in accordance with the Committee/Taskforce Terms of Reference or until a successor is appointed. Generally, the duration of Committee/Taskforce appointments are the same as the Term of Council. In special circumstances, staff may recommend that the term for a specific Committee/Taskforce be different than the Term of Council to ensure experience and consistency in following the Committee/Taskforce's goals and mandate. 08.08 If a Committee/Taskforce Terms of Reference provide for Stakeholder representation, the following process, coordinated by the Staff Liaison, will generally be followed in initiating appointment of Stakeholder Members: a) Stakeholder Organizations shall be included in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference and the Stakeholder Organization shall be appointed by Council through the approval of the Terms of Reference. Individual Stakeholder Members do not need to be appointed by Council. b) Where a Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference include Stakeholder Organizations, the Staff Liaison will contact the Stakeholder Organization to seek an individual from the organization to sit on the Committee/Taskforce as the Stakeholder Member. 08.09 Appointees shall not serve on more than one Committee/Taskforce during a term unless there is a vacancy and no other applications are received other than those who are already appointed to another Committee/Taskforce. 08.10 Committees/Taskforces may have membership parameters included in their Terms of Reference to have a membership “up to” a specific number of Members which will allow them to continue with vacancies, however, membership shall not fall below 50% of the maximum membership number included in the Terms of Reference. 08.11 Membership that reflects the diversity of the City community shall be considered as part of the recruitment, selection, and appointment process. 09 Appointment Process for Chair and Vice Chair 09.01 Committees/Taskforces may appoint a Chair and Vice Chair, if the roles are required by statute or the Committee’s/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference. With Deleted: determined by committee membership requirements. Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: t Deleted: a Deleted: ’s, however staff may recommend that the terms for specific Board/Advisory Committee appointments Deleted: staggered Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: While appointees may serve on more than one Board/Advisory Committee, Council shall give first consideration to individuals who are not already appointed to another Board/Advisory Committee. Deleted: will Deleted: encouraged in the . -------. -----------~ . . \; Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 11 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 the exception of the Pickering Public Library Board, only citizen members may be nominated for the position of Chair/Vice Chair. Members of Council and Stakeholder Members cannot be appointed as Chair/Vice Chair. The appointment(s) shall take place at the first meeting of the Committee/Taskforce and/or when there is a vacancy in the position(s). In doing so, the following process shall generally be followed: a) At the first meeting, the Staff Liaison will ask Members for nominations for the position of Chair/Vice Chair for the Committee/Taskforce. b) The Staff Liaison will record the names of the nominees. Once all nominations have been submitted, the Staff Liaison will advise that the nominations are closed. The Staff Liaison will ask each nominee if they wish to have their name stand for the position of Chair. c) If there is only one nominee, and if the Member answers in the affirmative that they wish to have their name stand, the Staff Liaison will ask for a public vote on a motion to appoint the nominated Member(s) as Chair. d) If there is more than one nominee, the Staff Liaison will ask each Member of the Committee/Taskforce to publicly state their vote on each nomination separately. The Member who achieves the majority vote will be appointed Chair. e) The Staff Liaison will repeat this process for the nomination and appointment of a Vice-Chair. 10 Resignation/Dismissal Process 10.01 Committee/Taskforce Members wishing to resign their appointment shall submit their resignation in writing to the City Clerk or Staff Liaison as soon as possible. Upon acceptance of the resignation, the City Clerk, or designate, shall acknowledge the resignation in writing and in consultation with the Staff Liaison assigned to the Committee/Taskforce, will initiate the aforementioned appointment process to fill the vacancy. 10.02 Council, at its discretion, can dismiss any Committee/Taskforce in its entirety or any Member thereof at any time, which may be triggered by any of the following: a) Completion of the Committee/Taskforce mandate; b) Legislative requirements to have the Committee/Taskforce no longer exist; or, c) Recommendation by Staff in Staff Report. 11 Absentee Requirements Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: a letter of Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: <#>.¶ <#>¶ Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 12 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 11.01 If any Committee/Taskforce Member is absent from three regular meetings in one calendar year without justification, the Staff Liaison will contact the Member in writing to ask whether or not they wish to remain on the Committee/Taskforce with a specific deadline for a response. 11.02 If contact cannot be made with the absent Committee/Taskforce Member by the aforementioned deadline, the Committee/Taskforce Member’s seat shall automatically become vacant and the process for filling a vacancy will begin. Formal notice that the Member’s seat is vacant will be sent to the Member using the contact information on file at the City. 11.03 In the case of a Stakeholder Member, the Staff Liaison will contact the Stakeholder Organization following the third absence from a regular meeting. The Stakeholder Organization will have the option to confirm its Member and ensure that they will be in attendance at meetings going forward, or confirm an alternate Stakeholder Member will be attending future meetings in their place. Should a Stakeholder Organization no longer be able to provide a Stakeholder Member, the Committee/Taskforce may revise their Terms of Reference to include a new Stakeholder Organization which shall be provided to Council for approval. 12 Orientation Sessions 12.01 Orientation sessions shall be conducted at the beginning of each Term by the Staff Liaison in coordination with the Legislative Services Division. The orientation will identify goals, objectives and work plans for the Committee/Taskforce and will also provide an overview of Policies and Meeting Procedures. Further sessions may be conducted for Members appointed during the Council Term, as required. Orientation materials will be distributed to all Members of the Committee/Taskforce for reference purposes. Each Committee/Taskforce package shall include the following information at a minimum: a) Committee/Taskforce Terms of Reference; b) Mandatory statutes (e.g. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act); c) City of Pickering Procedure By-Law; d) City Organizational Structure; e) Relevant City Policies and Procedures affecting Committee/Taskforce Members including the City’s Code of Conduct; and, f) Staff Liaison support and contact information. 12.02 As per the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, all City and Library employees, volunteers and/or agents as well as any other individual who Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: consecutive Deleted: , or absent from over 50 percent of the meetings Deleted: m Deleted: or resign Deleted: an Deleted: and 5 months of continuous absenteeism has been noted, Deleted: s Deleted: t Deleted: . Deleted: es Deleted: t Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: al Deleted: Board/Advisory ' L I --~· 7 . ~' ' ---. --===~ - ' . '~ . Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 13 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 might be reasonably expected to interact with the public on behalf of the City/Library will receive Accessible Customer Service Training. The Staff Liaison assigned to the Committee/Taskforce will arrange training for new Committee/Taskforce Members who have not had Accessible Customer Service Training and such training shall be provided by the City’s Accessibility Coordinator. 13 Meeting Structure, Agenda and Minute Formats 13.01 Regular meetings will be held monthly, but variations may be determined by the Committee/Taskforce and Staff Liaison. A meeting schedule, setting out the time and place for meetings will be established by the Committee/Taskforce in their Terms or Reference. For in-person or hybrid meetings, meeting venues will be accessible, and sufficient to accommodate Committee/Taskforce Members, staff, and members of the public. Committees/Taskforces have the ability to meet electronically in accordance with the provisions of the Procedure By-law. 13.02 W hile ensuring consistency and accountability, meeting structures and agenda/minute formats may be adjusted to meet the needs of individual Committees/Taskforces. The following components may be included in agendas, where specific subject items are described in each component, a) date, time, location of meeting; b) disclosure of interest; c) approval of previous minutes; d) presentations/delegations; e) general business and reports; f) correspondence; g) other business; h) next meeting; and i) adjournment. 13.03 In addition to the items listed on the agenda, the minutes shall also include the names of the Members in attendance and those that were absent from the Meeting. 13.04 Committees/Taskforces shall follow the City’s Procedure By-law; however, a Committee/Taskforce may choose to adopt its own simplified Procedures, subject to the approval of the City Clerk. The City Clerk, or their designate, may provide guidance on the interpretation and application of Meeting Procedures. Deleted: Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: . Deleted: assigned to the Committee. Deleted: staff Deleted: M Deleted: M Deleted: , Deleted: and Deleted: should Deleted: Boards/Advisory Deleted: <#>members present (list names and titles, ie. J. Doe, Chair);¶ <#>members absent/regrets Deleted: while ensuring consistency, completeness and accountability. Boards and Deleted: Board/ --------L . -~ ' Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 14 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 Good faith misinterpretation of the Procedures shall not affect the validity of any meeting. 13.05 Staff and Committee/Taskforce Members should structure meeting agendas to make every effort to adhere to a two hour time limit for all Committee/Taskforce meetings. 13.06 Minutes of meetings must be recorded and are scribed without note or comment. Minutes should briefly outline the substance of each of the agenda items discussed during the meeting, including actions taken and recommendations by motion. Motions shall not be required to be seconded, except in the case of the Pickering Public Library Board. Minutes should have a collective, not personal focus. What individuals said is less significant than the precise wording or proposals and the decisions made by the majority of the Committee/Taskforce or by general agreement. No Member has the inherent right to have his or her comments on record. Minutes are primarily a record of what was done at a meeting, and not a record of what was said. Minutes are not taken verbatim and they do not serve as a transcript of the meeting. 13.07 The Recording Secretary shall forward the draft Minutes, as soon as possible following the meeting to the Staff Liaison for their review. Once the Staff Liaison has reviewed the meeting Minutes, the Minutes shall be posted on the City’s website and placed on the next Committee/Taskforce agenda for adoption. 14 Access to Meetings 14.01 Except as provided in this section, all meetings shall be open to the public and the media and Committee/Taskforce minutes shall be posted on the City’s website. The Staff Liaison or the Chair who is facilitating the meeting may expel any person for improper conduct at a meeting. 14.02 Committee/Taskforce meetings should not be closed to the public. If a Board/Advisory Committee feels that discussion of an item on the agenda needs to be closed to the public, the City Clerk must be consulted and approve of the Committee/Taskforce meeting in closed session to ensure that the reasons for closing the meeting are in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act (the “Act”). The agenda for the meeting in which a closed item will be discussed shall include the provisions of the Act that allow for such item to be considered in closed session. A meeting can only be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered falls under one of the open meeting exceptions under Section 239 of the Act. 14.03 Before holding a meeting or part of a meeting that is to be closed to the public, the Committee/Taskforce shall state by resolution: a) the fact of the holding of the closed meeting; Deleted: p Deleted: follow a more informal procedure and allow for a consensus approach to discussion. Deleted: Advisory Deleted: a Deleted: by members Deleted: Minutes Deleted: be Deleted: ed Deleted: City Clerk Deleted: in order to present them to Council as information on a timely basis. Staff will be required to prepare a report for any recommendation of a Board/Advisory Committee requiring action by Council Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: shall be available upon request and Deleted: Board/Advisory Deleted: advised in advance, and Deleted: t Deleted: Municipal Deleted: is: Deleted: the security of the property of the municipality or local board;¶ personnel matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees or local board members;¶ a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board;¶ labour relations or employee negotiations;¶ litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board;¶ advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege; including communications necessary for that purpose;¶ a matter in respect of which a council, board committee or other body may hold a closed meeting under another Act; ¶ information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them;¶ a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization;¶ a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial or financial information that belongs to the municipality or local board and has monetary value or potential monetary value;¶ a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board; or¶ for the purpose of educating or training the members, subject to the condition that no member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of the local board or committe Deleted: Board/Advisory ---------" -~ / ~ - - - -I fl I - - - -. I . \ Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 15 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 b) the general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meeting; and c) in the case of a meeting for educational or training purposes, that it is closed for that purpose and no decisions will be made. 14.04 Where necessary, the City Clerk or the Deputy Clerk shall attend the closed session to record the confidential minutes. 14.05 Confidential minutes of closed sessions shall be kept in the custody and control of the City Clerk. 14.06 All deliberations while in closed session shall remain confidential unless otherwise approved by Committee/Taskforce in open session. 14.07 Where possible, any motion made regarding an item within a closed session shall be reported publicly when the Committee/Taskforce resumes in open session. 14.08 A statement must be placed in the public meeting minutes stating the general nature of the closed meeting and where the confidential minutes will be retained. 15 Pecuniary Interest 15.01 Committee/Taskforce Members are deemed not to have a pecuniary interest in that they have no decision-making ability. Members should be cognizant of any perceived conflict in terms of discussion or decision-making on matters that may serve to benefit the Member personally. Members shall not use their status on Committees/Taskforces for personal or political gain. 15.02 If a Committee/Taskforce Member feels they have a perceived conflict of interest in any matter and is, or will be, present at a meeting at any time at which the matter is the subject of consideration, the Member shall: a) before any consideration of the matter, at the meeting verbally disclose the interest and its general nature; b) not, at any time, take part in the discussion of, or vote on, any question in respect of the matter; and c) complete a Declaration of Interest, Municipal Conflict of Interest Act Form, in accordance with the City’s Procedure By-law and the Disclosure shall be provided to the Staff Liaison or recording secretary and forwarded to the City Clerk. 15.03 An elector, or any person demonstrably acting in the public interest may apply in writing to the Integrity Commissioner for an inquiry to be carried out concerning Deleted: as well Deleted: A Deleted: made in open session Deleted: providing the Deleted: . Deleted: conflict of Deleted: However, m Deleted: issues, which Deleted: to Deleted: Disclosure Deleted: under the "--------->-------------------=\ ...._ ___________________ ----->'=--------------------~ -----------------------~---------~--------------------~ Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 16 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 an alleged contravention of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act in accordance with ADM 070-001 - Procedure for Complaints under the Council Code of Conduct and Inquiries under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 16 Duties of Members of Council, Committee/Taskforce Members, and City Staff 16.01 Duties of Members of Council: a) Members of Council may attend any or all Committee/Taskforce meetings; b) at Committee/Taskforce meetings, Members of Council can respond to Committee/Taskforce Members’ questions, interpret Council’s direction, and ensure that Committee/Taskforce Members are aware of Council issues that may affect the mandate of the Committee/Taskforce; and, c) Members of Council appointed as Members to a Committee/Taskforce are not included as part of the Quorum, and have no voting rights, unless otherwise stated in the Terms of Reference. 16.02 Duties of Committee/Taskforce Members: a) understand the mandate of the Committee/Taskforce, including its relationship to Council; b) understand their role and responsibilities, including relevant City or Library Policies and Procedures; c) strive to attend all scheduled and special Committee/Taskforce Meetings; d) notify the Staff Liaison on any absences from Committee/Taskforce meetings as soon as possible; e) prepare for meetings by reading agendas and any background information supplied; f) actively participate in the discussion and decision-making process; g) undertake any work assigned, including special projects and research, in between meetings; h) be open minded and allow for a variety of opinions to be heard; i) respect the individual worth and dignity of other Committee/Taskforce Members, and maintain a high degree of professionalism; j) treat members of the public, other Committee/Taskforce Members, and staff, with respect and dignity and without abuse, bullying, or intimidation; Deleted: General Rules Governing Board and Advisory Committees Deleted: Advisory Deleted: Advisory Deleted: m Deleted: give input or support to the Committee; Deleted: who are not Deleted: . Deleted: p Deleted: advisory c Deleted: m Deleted: Advisory Deleted: member Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 17 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 k) adhere to the City’s Code of Conduct Policy – ADM 070 and all other relevant Policies and Procedures of the City of Pickering.; l) respect that actions taken and recommendations shall reflect the majority view of the Committee/Taskforce; and, m) respect the finality of Council decisions. 16.03 Duties of the Recording Secretary: a) transcribe minutes at meetings; b) coordinate agendas, minutes, correspondence, and delegations as needed; and, c) coordinate all hybrid or electronic Committee/Taskforce meetings. 16.04 Duties of the Staff Liaison: a) the Staff Liaison assumes two principle functions: a secretarial role and a policy advisor role. These roles may be undertaken by one or more staff; b) the Staff Liaison for each Committee/Taskforce will assume all duties under Section 16.05 of this Policy unless a Chair or Vice Chair is required by statute or the Committee’s/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference; c) monitor the attendance of all Committee/Taskforce Members in accordance with Section 20 of this Policy; d) respect the individual worth and dignity of Committee/Taskforce Members, and maintain a high degree of professionalism; e) communicate the various deadlines noted in this Policy and other City Policies/Procedures to the Committee/Taskforce or Chair/Vice Chair; f) seek clarification and answers for Committee/Taskforce Members through Council or City staff; g) the Staff Liaison has no voting rights or authority to make decisions, and is independent of the Committee/Taskforce, and is present to assist the Committee/Taskforce with administrative processes; and, h) Legislative Services will coordinate agendas, minutes and correspondence as needed for those Committees/Taskforces in which they provide secretariat support. Staff Liaisons will be responsible for this function for any Committees/Taskforces not supported by Legislative Services. 16.05 Duties of the Chair/Staff Liaison (if no Chair is appointed); Deleted: advisory c Deleted: City staff: Deleted: City staff Deleted: ce Deleted: facilitate meetings Deleted: Advisory Deleted: Advisory Deleted: present to assist the Committee in administrative processes and is Deleted: Advisory Deleted: in Deleted: in Deleted: . ; Deleted: can only assist with the conduct of a meeting in a fair and efficient manner so that the will of the majority prevails after all members have had a fair chance to present their points of view;¶ the Staff Liaison has no voting rights, is present to assist the Committee in administrative processes and is independent of the Advisory Committee; and¶ City staff will take minutes at meetings; and¶ Deleted: Boards/ Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 18 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 a) preside at all meetings of the Committee/Taskforce and rule on all procedural matters; b) solicit for agenda items from Committee/Taskforce Members prior to the publication of the meeting agenda and provide the agenda items to the Recording Secretary; c) facilitate the meeting by identifying the order of proceedings and speakers; d) ensure that all meetings are conducted in a fair and efficient manner so that the will of the majority prevails after all Members have had a fair chance to present their points of view; e) ensure active participation by all Committee/Taskforce Members; f) maintain decorum and ensure fairness and accountability; g) be open-minded and encourage a variety of opinions to be heard; h) ensure that the Committee/Taskforce meets the deadlines included in this Policy and other City Policies/Procedures; i) lead the preparation of annual reports/presentations to Council; and, j) review the goals and objectives of the Committee/Taskforce and ensure that its work plan is realistic and up to date. 16.06 Duties of the Vice Chair: a) assume the duties of the Chair if the Chair is not able to fulfill their position. 17 Quorum 17.01 A majority of the Members of any Committee/Taskforce shall be required to officially constitute a meeting. A majority is greater than 50% of the number of current sitting Members. Vacancies on a Committee shall not be included in the calculation of Quorum. 17.02 City staff, Members of Council, special guests, and volunteers have no voting privileges and will not be included in the Quorum. In some instances, where it is defined in a Committee’s Terms of Reference, Members of Council may have voting privileges. 17.03 If no Quorum is present 30 minutes after the time scheduled for a meeting, the Recording Secretary shall record the names of the Members present, and the meeting shall stand adjourned until the next meeting date. Deleted: shall be considered Deleted: one half of the Deleted: plus one additional member Deleted: ; Deleted: who have not been appointed to the Committee Deleted: and organization representatives Deleted: i Deleted: call the roll and Deleted: ; Deleted: ¶ ------------- --------. . ~ . -----. -----~ ---- Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 19 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 17.04 If the Staff Liaison is absent from the meeting and another City staff Member is not present and Quorum has been met, then a Committee Member can be appointed to facilitate the meeting; 18 Committee/Taskforce Events, Media Relations, and Communications 18.01 Committees/Taskforces must seek Council approval to hold an event and each request to Council must include the complete details of the event (e.g. budget, approximate number of staff required, month the event would be held in, and purpose of event). Events approved in the work plan are subject to the CUL 070 Community Festival & Events Policy. Community Services Staff may provide guidance or assistance to the Committee/Taskforce through the planning and implementation process outlined in the Community Festival & Events Manual. 18.02 Committee/Taskforce events must relate to specific activities approved in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference and mandate. Permit fees for events will be charged as per Council Approved User Fees and must be budgeted within the respective City Department budget where the Staff Liaison for that Committee/Taskforce resides. 18.03 It is expected that all Taskforce Members attend and assist in organizing events that are requested and approved by Council. 18.04 Committee Members shall not meet with the media unless such meeting is approved by the City’s Chief Administrative Officer or the Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. Upon receipt of a media engagement opportunity, the Committee Member must notify the Staff Liaison, who shall then inform, and consult where appropriate, the Chief Administrative Officer and Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. Upon approval from the Chief Administrative Officer or the Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, the Committee Member may respond to the media inquiry. Committee media relations must be supported by the City’s Corporate Communications Division. These provisions pertaining to media do not apply to Taskforces as outlined in Section 04.04 of this Policy. 18.05 The actions and recommendations of Committees/Taskforces are subject to the policies and administrative practices of the City, including but not limited to provisions pertaining to the use of the corporate logo(s), letterhead, website, information pamphlets, and media advertisements. 19 Subcommittees 19.01 Subcommittees may be established by a Committee/Taskforce, as required, to carry out specific projects included in the annual work plan. Such Subcommittees shall be disbanded upon completion of their specific project(s) or task. A Subcommittee must include at a minimum, one voting Member of the Committee/Taskforce, and additional membership may be drawn by the Deleted: i Deleted: Member Deleted: but, Deleted: and¶ should a vacancy occur on a Board or Committee, quorum shall be based on the number of current sitting members and not the full membership until such time the vacancy is filled.¶ Deleted: Advisory Deleted: Advisory Committees Deleted: name of event, date Deleted: ; Deleted: Advisory Deleted: <#>The event must be listed in the annual work plan for that year; and¶ <#>where an event has been requested and approved by Council, Deleted: <#>Committee Deleted: <#>must Deleted: <#>contribute to Deleted: <#>ing at the event Deleted: m Deleted: Section Deleted: ; and Deleted: t Deleted: Advisory Deleted: and the like. Deleted: /Working Groups Deleted: Subcommittee Deleted: /working groups Deleted: Subcommittee Deleted: least two Deleted: Members Deleted: Advisory Deleted: member -------------- ~ - ~ I Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 20 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 Committee/Taskforce from relevant stakeholders or the general public with the appropriate interest and expertise. Subcommittees shall not be authorized to create further Subcommittees or receive honorariums. 20 Honorariums 20.01 This section applies only to citizen appointments on Committees/Taskforces. It does not apply to Council Members or Stakeholder Members appointed to a Committee/Taskforce, and does not apply to Subcommittees. 20.02 Honorariums are provided per meeting attended regardless of the length of the meeting. 20.03 To be eligible for honorariums: a) the Member must be a voting Member of the Committee/Taskforce; b) the Member must be present for at least half of the duration of the meeting; c) the meeting must be a regular or special meeting; and, d) the Member’s attendance must be recorded in the approved minutes for that meeting. 20.04 Where a regular or special meeting is adjourned due to a lack of quorum, the Members who were present shall be paid the regular rate of honorarium included in the Committee/Taskforce’s Terms of Reference. 20.05 Honorarium rates will be included in the individual Terms of Reference for each Committee/Taskforce. 20.06 Honorariums paid by the City to a Committee/Taskforce Member shall not be donated back to the City. 20.07 All citizen Committee/Taskforce Members who receive an honorarium shall be issued a T4A statement by the City. 20.08 Honorariums shall be paid twice a year, in June and in December, up to a maximum amount per person per year as specified in the Committee/Taskforce Terms of Reference. 20.09 All payment information must be submitted to the City’s Finance department proactively by the Staff Liaison assigned to the Committee/Taskforce in accordance with the timelines outlined in Section 20.08. 21 Provision for Accessibility and Diversity Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 21 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 21.01 Adequate provisions shall be made by relevant staff to ensure that meeting locations, agenda and minute formats, communications and conduct of meetings are accessible, to ensure maximum participation and quality customer service. 22 Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy 22.01 The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) applies to all Committees/Taskforces, and members of the public may request access to City records under MFIPPA by filing a Freedom of Information request with the Clerk’s Office. The City must follow the process outlined in the Act to release the information which may include disclosure of reports correspondence, or emails sent by Members to staff regarding Committee/Taskforce matters. 22.02 Requests for information shall be referred to the Clerk’s Office to be addressed either as an informal request to access municipal records, or as a formal request under MFIPPA. 22.03 Members may receive personal or other confidential information as part of their role on the Committee/Taskforce and it is expected that this information be protected, including keeping the information physically and electronically secure from unauthorized use. 23 Exceptions to this Policy 23.01 Where a conflict exists between the provisions of this Policy and any legislative or legal requirement, the legislative or legal requirement will prevail. Please refer to all associated Procedures and Standard Operating Procedures, if applicable, for detailed processes regarding this Policy. Appendices Appendix 1 Terms of Reference – Sample Format Appendix 2 Work Plan – Sample Format Deleted: be Deleted: Reference may be made to the provisions of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, and similar legislation, policies and guidelines. City Policies and Procedures Deleted: <#>Board and Advisory Committee members shall adhere to the policies and procedures of the City of Pickering.¶ "'-~---------------------------------;,------------------ ---- Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 22 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 Appendix 1 Terms of Reference Name of Committee Terms of Reference shall be approved by Council and amendments can only be made with Council approval. Terms of Reference for a Committee/Taskforce need only address information not already provided for in the Committees and Taskforce Policy. 1.0 Mandate – A description of the general purpose and activities of the Committee/Taskforce, including areas of responsibility, taking into account any statutory requirements. Committee/Taskforce mandates shall not be altered by the Committee/Taskforce without Council approval. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities – A listing of the goals, objectives and responsibilities of the Committee/Taskforce, to be addressed in annual work plans with reference to specific strategies and actions. 3.0 Composition – Specify the maximum and minimum number of Members of the Advisory Committee and describe the nature of membership (Council Members, citizens and/or Stakeholder Organization, numbers in each category), membership terms, and voting rights. 4.0 Member Qualifications – Outline recommended qualifications of potential Members given the mandate of the Committee/Taskforce. 5.0 Meeting Schedule – Indicate how often the Committee/Taskforce shall meet, e.g. monthly, every other month, criteria for calling a special meeting, summer recess. 6.0 Budget – requests must relate to the Committee/Taskforce’s mandate, be included in the annual work plan submission and be supported by project descriptions. 7.0 Honorariums – Specify the rate of pay for Members per Meeting. If the Committee/Taskforce Terms of Reference includes a Chair, specify the rate for the Chair. Deleted: n Deleted: Advisory Deleted: this Deleted: Advisory Deleted: Advisory Deleted: Advisory Deleted: Advisory Deleted: o Deleted: Advisory Deleted: Advisory Deleted: Advisory .. ----------. --------. ---. ---~ Policy Title: Committees and Taskforces of Council Page 23 of 23 Policy Number: ADM 040 Memo To: [click and insert name of City Clerk] [click and insert date] City Clerk From: [click and insert name of Staff Liaison] [click and insert title of Staff Liaison] Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Directors [click and insert "Division Head, Department" if applicable] Subject: [click and insert name of Board/Committee/Taskforce] - 20XX Year End Report and 20XX Work Plan File: [click and add file number] The [click and insert name and acronym of Board/Committee/Taskforce] is pleased to present its 20XX Year End Report and 20XX Work Plan. 20XX Year End Report Provide an overview of the body’s accomplishments over the past year, and highlight successes and challenges in relation to their work plan. Formatting is flexible and can include paragraphs, headings, lists, bullets, tables etc. 20XX Work Plan Provide an overview of the work that the body expects to accomplish in the year ahead. Formatting is flexible and can include paragraphs, headings, lists, bullets, tables etc. [click and insert author/typist initials] Attachment "Click and type attachment" "Click and type additional attachments" Appendix 2 -04;~/- PlCKERlNG ■ ■ I I ■ ■ Terms of Reference Committees and Taskforces Accessibility Advisory Committee Animal Services Appeal Committee Committee of Adjustment Cultural Advisory Committee Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Pickering Public Library Board Property Review Committee Vehicle For Hire Committee Attachment #3 to Report # CLK 03-23 Terms of Reference Accessibility Advisory Committee 1.0 Mandate As directed by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, the Council of every municipality in Ontario having a population of not less than 10,000 shall establish an accessibility advisory committee. The mandate of the Accessibility Advisory Committee is to fulfill the duties as outlined in the Act and to provide advice to Council on programs, policies and services provided to persons with disabilities. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Accessibility Advisory Committee will accomplish its mandate by: -Providing advice to staff and Council on the development, implementation and effectiveness of the City of Pickering’s Accessibility Plan. -Acting as a commenting body to the Corporation to address accessibility to a building, structure or premises, or part of a building, structure or premises, that the City purchases, constructs, renovates, leases or which is provided to the Municipality as a capital facility. -Preparing an annual report to Council outlining the Committee’s achievements during the year. -Consulting with City Development staff on applicable site plans and drawings described in Section 41 of the Planning Act. The Accessibility Advisory Committee will not be responsible for the following: -Accessibility issues relating to regulation of private facilities or corporations except where requested to comment by such agencies. -Administration issues relating to the implementation of the Accessibility Plan. 3.0 Composition The Committee shall have a membership of not more than 10 Citizen appointment’s, with the majority being persons with a disability, consideration will be given to a caregiver of a person with a disability. Committee representation will include: •A maximum of 10 Citizen appointment’s, with the majority being persons with a disability; •One (1) Regional Councillor – no voting rights •One (1) City Councillor – no voting rights •1 City of Pickering staff member on a rotating basis that is involved in the City’s Accessibility Plan/Programs/Services – no voting rights Staff representatives will be selected by the Director, staff will rotate as required during the term in order to utilize the experience/knowledge of the staff person in the area that the Committee is discussing at the time. Attachment #4 to Report # CLK 03-23 Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference • Service Agency Representative with a mandate/responsibility for people with disabilities – no voting rights • 1 representative from the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade to support accessibility issues of private businesses – no voting rights Invitations will be sent to Service Agencies with a mandate/responsibility for people with disabilities and to the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade requesting interest in attending Accessibility Advisory Committee Meetings in order to utilize the experience/knowledge of the organizations. 4.0 Member Qualifications - Qualifications include the skills, knowledge, and experience committee members need to contribute effectively to the accomplishment of the committee’s objectives. Awareness and knowledge of potential barriers to public access of facilities, programs and services would be an asset. - The majority of the Committee must be individuals with a disability, consideration will be given to a caregiver of an individual with a disability. 5.0 Meeting Schedule Meetings shall be held monthly on a set week and day to be determined by the Committee at its first meeting of the term. The meetings shall commence at 7:00 pm. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall not be held after September 30th unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. 6.0 Budget The Director, Community Services shall be responsible for the Accessibility Advisory Committee budget, which shall be submitted annually in accordance with established City budget guidelines. The Staff Facilitator confirms the proposed budget with the Accessibility Advisory Committee based on their following year’s work plan. The Director, Community Services reviews the proposed budget and submits within the Department budget. Terms of Reference Animal Services Appeal Committee 1.0 Mandate To act as a quasi-judicial committee, hearing appeals relating to Orders to Restrain issued under the provisions of the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law, as amended. The Committee has the ability to amend the order, permit a follow up review of the Order, or quash the Order. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Animal Services Appeal Committee fulfills the requirements of the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law to provide a review process and hear appeals. 3.0 Composition The Animal Services Appeal Committee is comprised of: • Two (2) Citizen Member; and, • One (1) Member of Council – with voting rights. Appointments shall be for the 4 year term corresponding with the term of City Council. Committee members shall be paid an honorarium of $50.00 per hearing attended. 4.0 Member Qualifications Committee members who have experience as dog owners, dog trainers, or animal behaviour would be an asset. 5.0 Meeting Schedule Meetings are scheduled as required to hear appeals. 6.0 Budget Committee members shall be paid an honorarium of $50.00 per hearing attended. Remuneration for committee members will be paid from the Animal Services Salary Account. Terms of Reference – Cultural Advisory Committee March 27, 2023 Terms of Reference – Cultural Advisory Committee 1.0 Mandate The Cultural Advisory Committee (CAC) will identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement and provide community input on matters relating to the provision of cultural services, including the Pickering Museum Village. The CAC will assist City staff with the development, consultation, and implementation of the Cultural Strategic Plan. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The City of Pickering Cultural Strategic Plan, approved by Council on June 16, 2014 as per resolution #247/14, sets a vision for the place of arts, culture and heritage in the City and identifies strategic directions for policy, investment, partnerships and programs for the next 10 years. The CAC will work towards building on the success of the 2014 plan, with a focus on assisting City staff/consultants on an updated Cultural Strategic Plan that aligns with current cultural and museum trends. Pickering’s Cultural Strategic Plan sets out six strategic directions: 1. Broaden and deepen City leadership and investment; 2. Build a strong and collaborative cultural sector; 3. Strengthen culture-led economic development; 4. Conserve and promote history and heritage; 5. Celebrate and support diversity and inclusion; and 6. Culture opportunities for the creation, education and enjoyment of the arts. Committee responsibilities include: a) Assist and advise staff on the implementation of the Cultural Strategic Plan; b) Assist and advise staff on the development and review of policy relating to cultural development; c) Assist and advise staff on matters concerning the strategic planning, development and evaluation for cultural development in the municipality; d) Advocate for culture and promote community-wide cultural initiatives; e) Provide consultation, research and report findings and make recommendations as necessary on matters of culture within the City of Pickering; f) Encourage and promote effective communication between community cultural groups, individuals and the City; g) Advise and develop working relationships with owners of businesses, Business Improvement Areas (BIA) and Chamber of Commerce; h) Review and recommend actions based on the Pickering Museum Village’s operating plan; i) Review and recommend actions based on the Public Art Policy; Terms of Reference – Cultural Advisory Committee March 27, 2023 Page | 2 j)Advocate and promote the value and benefit of cultural activities for all; and k)Report annually to Council. The CAC will not be responsible for the following: 1.Program delivery; 2.Budget approval; 3.Day-to-day operations of City-owned facilities; and 4.Administrative matters including direction given to staff. 3.0 Composition The Committee shall have a membership of not more than 10 Citizen Appointments selected from the public. Members from the public must reside in Pickering and represent a broad range of interests and experience in the cultural sector. Examples of committee member experience may include: creator of an artistic work, designer, professional artist or cultural business owner, graphic designer, architect, landscape designer, performing arts professionals, musicians, festival or event planners, professionals and contributors to the heritage field, professionals from historical and heritage fields of study. One Member of Council – no voting rights City Staff from the Community Services Department will also make up the Committee. The term of this committee is two years. 4.0 Committee Chair The Committee may choose to appoint a Chair in accordance with Boards and Committee Policy ADM 040. Only citizen members may be nominated for the position of Chair. A Chair will be nominated by a member of the Committee, and receive a majority vote to hold the position. A Chair will hold a term of no more than 12 months. Should the Chair not be able to attend a meeting, they will assign chair duties to an alternate member of the Committee, or request the Staff Liaison to lead the meeting. Duties of the Chair include soliciting agenda items from Committee members, facilitating the meeting by identifying the order of proceedings and speakers, interpreting and determining questions of procedure, ensuring active participation by all Committee members, maintaining decorum, and following up on action items with Committee members and Staff Liaisons. Terms of Reference – Cultural Advisory Committee March 27, 2023 Page | 3 5.0 Member Qualifications Qualifications include the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to contribute effectively to the Committee’s objectives. Membership will be sought on the basis of broad interest, understanding and commitment to cultural development in the municipality, in addition to specific expertise and interest related to Culture. 6.0 Meeting Schedule The Cultural Advisory Committee meets on the third Tuesday of the month. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. Terms of Reference Committee of Adjustment 1.0 Mandate The Committee of Adjustment is an independent and autonomous quasi -judicial body made up of five citizen members appointed by City Council. The Committee performs its duties at “arm’s length” from City Council and operates under the authority of the Ontario Planning Act. The purpose of the Committee is to provide a forum for the expeditious consideration of minor variances to the City’s zoning by-laws. The Committee is authorized by the Planning Act to consider applications for:  Minor variances from the provisions of the zoning by-law;  Extensions, enlargements or variations of existing legal non-conforming uses under the zoning by-law; and  Determine whether a particular use conforms with the provisions of the zoning by-law where the uses of land, buildings or structures permitted in the by-law are defined in general terms The Committee of Adjustment is also subject to the following statutes:  Municipal Act – This Act requires Committee of Adjustment decisions to be made openly, in public, and at the hearing, and also requires the Committee to have a procedural by-law;  Municipal Conflict of Interest Act – This Act sets a standard of good conduct for committee members, and defines situations when an individual committee member’s personal interest or the interest of their immediate family conflict with the broader municipal interest; and  Statutory Powers Procedures Act – This Act sets out minimum standards for conducting a hearing. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The zoning by-law regulates how land and buildings are used and where buildings and structures can be located. Zoning by-laws also specify lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and other regulations necessary to ensure proper and orderly development. Sometimes it is not possible or desirable to meet all of the requirements of the zoning by-law. In that case, a property owner may apply for approval of a minor variance. A minor variance provides relief from a specific zoning by-law requirement. The majority of applications typically dealt with by the Committee are requests for minor variances to the zoning by-law in which an applicant seeks relief from a specific requirement of the zoning by-law, such as a reduction in minimum yard width or an increase in maximum permitted building height. For the Committee to approve this type of application, Section 45(1) of the Planning Act requires that the members must be satisfied that the application:  Is considered to be a “minor” change from the zoning requirements;  Is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure;  Maintains the general intent and purpose of the official plan; and  Maintains the general intent and purpose of the zoning by-law. The Committee of Adjustment will accomplish its mandate by: 1. Reviewing the merits of the application, the documentation and evidence put forward, conducting site inspections and rendering decisions on the application, in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. 2. Complying with the applicable rules, regulations and policies for the Committee of Adjustment. 3.0 Composition The Committee of Adjustment is composed of the following:  5 Citizen Appointments  City Support Staff – Secretary-Treasurer  City Support Staff – Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 4.0 Member Qualifications It is desired that the Committee develop community-focused outcomes while rendering decisions in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. Individuals should have a demonstrated commitment and interest in the community, and the committee membership should reflect a balanced representation from the areas of planning, construction and lay people. 5.0 HearingMeeting Schedule The Committee of Adjustment hearings are heldmeets the second Wednesday of each month to consider minor variance applications. Hearings can be conducted in person, electronically or hybrid. On average, there are between four to eight applications scheduled for each hearingmeeting. The Committee Members will be provided with an agenda the Friday before the hearingmeeting, which contains a summary of the applications and all comments received through circulation of the application, including the City Development Department’s recommendations. The Committee is also to attend a pre-meeting for Members to discuss their position on any of the applications on the agenda. Comments received after preparation of the agenda are shared with the Committee through the City’s ShareFile platform. The agenda also includes a report from the City Development Department on each minor variance application. The Committee hearingsmeetings are scheduled to start at 7:00 pm. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment or designate will attend the hearingsmeetings to assist the Committee with interpretations or other technical details and the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer will be in attendance to take minutes. Committee of Adjustment hearingsmeetings are also open to the public, and all applicants and any interested parties may attend the hearingsmeetings to present comments or concerns. Committee hearingsmeetings are intended to be as informal and applicant- friendly as possible, however Rules of Procedure for the hearingsmeetings are to be followed. As per Section 44(7) of the Planning Act a Committee Member will be appointed to act as Chairperson for the hearingsmeetings in order to provide a clear structure and process. The Committee of Adjustment must make a decision on each application as it is heard at the hearingmeeting, either for approval, refusal, deferral to another hearingmeeting or tabled indefinitely. All discussions among Committee members, and between Committee members and the applicant/public on applications are to take place at the hearing. The Committee may impose conditions that must be fulfilled as part of the approval of an application, or may approve an application with revisions, as long as those revisions result in a variance similar to what was originally applied for. In making a decision, the Committee must pass a resolution that clearly sets out the reasons for the decision. The City Development Department will always provide a report providing a policy analysis to assist the Committee in rendering a decision recommendation on the application for the Committee’s assistance. Minutes of the hearingsmeetings and the mailing of decisions of the Committee are coordinated by the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. Each Committee of Adjustment decision is subject to a twenty-day appeal period during which the applicant, the Province or specified person or public bodyan individual, including City Council, may lodge an appeal of the decision to the Ontario Land TribunalLocal Planning Appeal Tribunal. The City Development Department keeps City Council informed of all Committee of Adjustment decisions and appeals. 6.0 Budget Committee Members are paid in accordance with a City Council Resolution. Honorarium (Chair $150.00 per attended hearing, Member $140.00120.00 per attended hearing meeting) as per By-law xxxx/237666/18) and mileage (6156 cents per kilometer) are paid on a bi-annual basis (January to June and July to December). Terms of Reference Heritage Pickering Committee 1.0 Mandate Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee is hereby established in order to advise and assist Council on all matters relating to the conservation of property of cultural heritage value or interest and heritage conservation districts, and such other heritage matters as the council may specify by by-law. Enabling Legislation - The Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee is provided for under Part IV, Section 28, of the Ontario Heritage Act. The Committee is deemed to be a statutory committee. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities Undertake research into Pickering properties having cultural heritage value or interest and advise Council on matters related to their conservation; Advise Council on applications pertaining to a heritage property or a heritage district involving: a) designation or de-designation b) alterations, additions, new construction or demolition c) loans, grants or other forms of assistance to heritage property owners; or d) easement agreements. Provide guidance and assistance to owners of heritage properties in meeting their conservation obligations and obtaining heritage approvals; Advise and assist with the development and maintenance of an inventory of the City’s heritage resources; and Advise and assist with the development of cultural heritage conservation guidelines, and with cultural heritage policies, plans and programs. In addressing its responsibilities, the Committee shall comply with the Official Plan and have regard for the heritage policies adopted by Council, including: a) Regional and City Official Plans b) Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Guidelines c) Heritage Permit Application Procedures; and d) Individual heritage by-laws. 3.0 Composition The Committee shall be comprised of nine (9) citizen appointments. Heritage Pickering Committee Terms of Reference 4.0 Member Qualifications Committee members shall contribute time, knowledge, skill and expertise to the fulfillment of the committee’s mandate; research issues relevant to their committee’s mandate as required; work with staff to implement Council’s decisions relevant to the Committee’s mandate and commit to attending regular meetings during the year. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee shall meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month at the Civic Complex, One the Esplanade, Pickering, at 7:00 pm. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall not be held after September 30th unless determined by the Committee that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Committee. 6.0 Budget The Director, City Development shall be responsible for the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee budget, which shall be submitted annually in accordance with established City budget guidelines. The Director, City Development will present a draft budget for review by the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee on an annual basis, prior to submission to the Chief Administrative Officer for approval. Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce Terms of Reference 1.0 Mandate The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) is a committee of Council appointees who work in partnership with the Pickering community, Durham-based organizations, businesses, stakeholders, and the City to:  identify barriers and areas of opportunity, in order to enhance the shared experience and opportunities afforded to Black residents,  identify and coordinate opportunities for stakeholder and community engagement,  provide expert input and action on matters relating to the provision of anti- Black racism initiatives within the community; and,  celebrate and promote the Black community, and promote Black culture. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce will identify and implement actions to fulfill the following goals and objectives: 1. Work towards the continued reduction of anti-Black racism; 2. Ongoing communication with the residents of Pickering to identify existing systemic barriers for Black residents and develop/provide opportunities to address these barriers, provide education, and effect change; 3. Act as a partner in collaboration with the City on initiatives related to anti-Black racism and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as a stakeholder; 4. Provide advocacy and act as a liaison on behalf of the Black community to the City, as well as organizations and businesses serving the City of Pickering; 5. Strengthen and support Black-led economic development and Black employment initiatives; 6. Support and promote the creation and success of the Black community and cultural organizations; 7. Provide educational resources to build allies within and for the Black community; 8. Conserve and promote Black history and heritage; 9. Celebrate and support success within the Black community; 10. Provide opportunities for the creation, education, and enjoyment of Black culture; 11. Build partnerships and share resources with like-minded organizations to maximize effect, be aware of global best practice, to reduce potential for overlap of services and initiatives; 12. Be inclusive of community residents as per the charter of rights and freedoms; and, Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 - 2023 13. Engage stakeholders, businesses, and cultural organizations as partners in the delivery of initiatives. Taskforce responsibilities include: a) Regularly communicate with Pickering residents, businesses, stakeholders, and like-minded organizations (includes taskforces) to fully identify issues, barriers, and opportunities within the mandate of the taskforce. b) Develop an annual action plan for presentation to Council; which identifies primary goals, strategies, implementation schedule, measurement tools, and budgets in response to the goals and objectives of the Taskforce. c) Regularly review the action plan and track results. d) Provide quarterly updates to Council on Taskforce activities. e) Schedule meetings, set agendas, review minutes, and organize sub- committees as needed. f) Promote and support grass roots organizations and community-led anti-Black racism initiatives. g) Deliver programs, education, reconciliation circles, and develop as needed educational resources and toolkits in partnership with the community, related to anti-Black racism, alliance, heritage, and culture. h) Develop and implement recognition and incentives for initiatives that support the Black community and anti-Black racism. i) Advocate, provide guidance and support or partner with initiatives of D urham Region Police Service and Durham School Boards related to anti-Black racism, Black culture, and safety of Black community members. j) Encourage and promote effective communication between the Black community, community cultural groups, individuals, and the City. k) Advise and develop working relationships with owners of businesses, and the Chamber of Commerce. l) Work collaboratively with the City to align priorities and to aid Diversity and Inclusion initiatives of the City. m) Provide consultation, research, resources, report findings and make recommendations as necessary on matters of anti-Black racism, and the promotion of Black culture within the City of Pickering. n) Facilitate education and awareness of federal, provincial and local legislation related to anti-Black racism, accessibility, equity, and inclusion, human rights, and labour. o) Advocate and promote the value and benefit of anti-Black racism initiatives, and Black culture for all. Members do not have the authority to assign work to staff but will work cooperatively and assume related duties as directed by the Taskforce. More specifically, the PABRT will not be responsible for the following: 1. Development of City Diversity & Inclusion initiatives or strategy; 2. Budget approval; 3. City programming or events; 4. Day-to-day operations of the City or City facilities; and 5. Administrative matters including direction given to staff. Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 - 2023 3.0 Composition Up to 20 Taskforce members will be appointed, including:  8 resident representatives (maximum);  12 stakeholders representatives (maximum); All appointees will be voting members regardless of age. 3 City representatives will attend meetings to provide support, and facilitate meetings.  2 City staff liaisons; and,  the Mayor As per Policy ADM 040 resident members must be 18 years of age, reside in Pickering, and represent a broad range of interests, ages, backgrounds, and experience. Youth representation is essential and must be provided a right to vote on the Taskforce. It is strongly recommended that at least one youth sub- committee be mandated who set their own plan in line with the goals and objectives of the Taskforce. Community Organization representatives must be from organizations that serve the City of Pickering. Where possible, appointments to the Committee shall include community leaders, and stakeholder representatives from the African diaspora and the following organizations/associations/areas:  Active anti-Black racism Organizations  Black Business Owners/Chamber of Commerce  Black Cultural Organizations/Diversity Groups  Community Development Council of Durham  Community Safety Organization or Committee  Cultural Advisory Committee  Cultural Expressions - Durham Black History Month  Durham Human Resources Professional Association  Human Rights Organization  LGBTQ Organization  Mental or Public Health Organization  Pickering Public Library  Youth Organization Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 - 2023 City Staff from the following departments will act as liaisons to the committee:  Community Services Department  Human Resources Department Staff from other departments, including Legislative Services, Economic Development, and Corporate Services, will be called upon as required by the work of the Taskforce. 4.0 Member Qualifications Qualifications include the skills, knowledge, and lived-experience needed to contribute effectively to Taskforce goals and objectives. Membership will be sought on the basis of broad interest, understanding and commitment to the development of anti-Black racism initiatives in the municipality, in addition to specific expertise and interest related to Black business, culture, education, employment, health, heritage, and safety. Resident appointees must be residents of the City of Pickering. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce meets a minimum of 9 times per year. Established meeting dates and times shall not be changed unless circumstances warrant special consideration. Meetings will not be held in the months of July, August or December unless determined by the Taskforce that a meeting is necessary to meet the mandate or work plan of the Taskforce. During a Municipal election year, meetings shall continue unless determined by the Taskforce that a break in service is necessary. 6.0 Term of the Taskforce Taskforce members will serve for a term of four years starting in March of the year following a Municipal Election until they are no longer able to serve or a new taskforce is appointed. At the end of 2022, the Taskforce will consider in their report to Council broadening the activities to include Community-wide Racism, becoming the Anti- Racism Taskforce. The Taskforce will provide an update before the end of 2022 to be provided to the incoming Council with actions, achievements, and a recommendation/plan on how the Taskforce should continue in the next term. Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 - 2023 7.0 Taskforce Structure and Positions The Taskforce may choose to appoint a committee chair, or subcommittees in accordance with Boards and Committee Policy ADM 040. Chairpersons and Sub-committee chairs will be nominated by a member of the taskforce and receive a majority vote to hold the position. Chair persons will hold a term of no more than 12 months. Should a chair person not be able to attend a meeting, they will assign chair duties to a sec ond member of the taskforce, or request the staff liaisons to lead the meeting. The chairperson will manage the activities of the meeting, develop agendas, and follow up on action items with taskforce members and staff liaisons. The following Executive and Sub-Committee positions are adopted for the 2021 – 2023 Term of the Taskforce: Executive 1. Chair – Staff/Government Liaison 2. Vice Chair – Action Plan Development Tracking/Presentations 3. Secretary (two positions) – Committee Administration, Advocacy, Compliance, Accountability, Ethics, Community Hub Liaison, Mediation 4. Treasurer Sub-committee Positions 1. Executive Advisory Sub Committee eg. Police Services, Human Resources, Faith Groups [Chair + 1] 2. Fund Development [Treasurer +1 ] 3. Policy / Best Practice [research and presentations] 4. Youth 5. Outreach/Communications - Social Media, 'Bang The Table', Fundraising, Youth Recruitment 6. Education as partner with DDSB 7. Employment / Entrepreneurship 8. Health 9. Policing as partner with DRPS 10. Events, Community Engagement, Programming 11. Recognition Program eg. Procurement, Allyship, Community Champion/Achievement [Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer] 12. Housing/Construction Subcommittees (ADM 040 Section 16.09) will be struck at the direction of the Taskforce by a majority vote, and must include at least two members of the Taskforce, and can include additional relevant stakeholders, experts, or members of the public as needed. Sub-committees must include at least one youth representative from the youth sub-committee. Terms of Reference – Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce 2021 - 2023 Sub-committee Co-chairs will report to the Taskforce during regular meetings, and results will be recorded as part of the meeting minutes. Sub -committees Chairs will be responsible for recruitment of sub-committee members and organizing activities of the sub-committee in line with the action plan and approval of the taskforce. The Chairs will manage their own administrative practice including meeting schedules, meeting platform, minutes, agendas, tracking and reporting. Reports to Council regarding sub-committee work will be presented by the Taskforce. 8.0 Budget The Taskforce activities will be paid from the Community Services Boards and Committees account. Remuneration for appointed Taskforce Members will be paid from the Community Services Salary Account. A stipend shall be paid to Members of the Taskforce. The Taskforce Terms of Reference to be reviewed at each term of the taskforce by Human Resource, and a rate assigned. For this term, the rate set is $65/Member and $75 for the Chair or Sub-Committee Chair, per each 2-hour regular Taskforce Meeting (active visible participation in meetings is required). A rate of $25 per hour shall be paid to appointed Members of the Taskforce for work which has been pre-approved by the Taskforce, and recorded in the minutes. Maximum yearly income per Taskforce Member is $1,000.00. A T4 will be issued at the conclusion of the year, or the service of the Taskforce Member. Pickering Public Library Board 2022-2026 Terms of Reference Approved by Board Motion #23.14 1. Enabling Legislation The Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s.3 (3) provides the authority, and direction for the establishment of public library boards by municipal Councils. The relevant sections of the Act are as follows. Board 3 (3) A public library shall be under the management and control of a board, which is a corporation known in English as The City of Pickering Public Library Board. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 3 (3). Composition of Public Library Board 9 (1) A public library board shall be composed of at least five members appointed by the municipal Council. 2002, c. 18, Sched. F, s. 3 (8). Board Members 10 (1) A person is qualified to be appointed as a member of a board who is a member of the appointing Council or, a) Is at least eighteen years old; b) Is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada); c) Is, i. A resident of the municipality for which the board is established in the case of a public library board, ii. A resident of a municipality that has a contract with the board under section 29, iii. A resident of the board area of a local service board that has the contract with the board under section 29, iv. A member of an Indian band that has a contract with the board under section 29, or v. A member of a second board that has entered into a contract with the board to purchase from it library services for the residents of the second board; and d) Is not employed by the board or by the municipality or county or, in the case of a union board, by any of the affected municipalities. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44.s.10 (1); 2002, c. 18, Sched. F, s. 3 (9). Number of Council Members on Board Limited 10 (2) The appointing Council shall not appoint more of its own members to a board than the number that is, a) In the case of a public library board or union board, one less than a majority of the board; Pickering Public LIBRARY Page 2 of 5 Term 10 (3) A board member shall hold office for a term concurrent with the term of the appointing council, or until a successor is appointed, and may be reappointed for one or more further terms. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 10 (3). Time for Making Appointments 10 (4) The first appointments of members of a new board shall be made at a regular meeting of council and the member shall take office as soon as possible thereafter, and thereafter appointments shall be made at the first meeting of council in each term, but if the council fails to make the appointments at its first meeting, it shall do so at any regular or special meeting held within 60 days after its first meeting. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 10 (4); 2002, c. 18, Sched. F, s. 3 (10). Notice of Vacancies 11 (1) The clerk of the appointing municipality or county or, in the case of a union board, the clerks of the affected municipalities shall give public notice of vacancies on the board by publishing a notice of them, inviting applications, in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 11 (1). 2.Responsibilities 2.1 The purpose of the Board is to: •Represent the interests of the moral ownership, defined as the Residents of Pickering •Determine the benefits that the organization will provide, keeping a long term, strategic perspective (the Ends policies) •Monitor the operations to ensure that the Executive Limitations policies are being complied with and that the Ends policies are being accomplished according to Board-CEO Delegation policies. 3.Composition 3.1 The Board shall be comprised of 8 citizen appointments and 3 members of Council to ensure Ward representation. 4.Board Chair 4.1 The position of Chair will be elected by a majority of the Board at the first meeting of the applicable calendar year during the term of the Board. The Chair will serve for a two-year term and until a successor is elected. A Board member may not serve as Chair for more than 3 consecutive (two year) terms. 4.2 The Chair will preside at all Board meetings, maintain order, decide whether motions are in order, and rule on all procedural matters. 5.Vice-Chair 5.1 The position of Vice-Chair will be elected by a majority of the Board at the first meeting of the applicable calendar year during the term of the Board. The Vice- Chair will serve for a two-year term and until a successor is elected. A Board member may not serve as Vice-Chair for more than 3 consecutive (two year) terms. Page 3 of 5 5.2 In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair will preside and will have all of the Chair’s powers and responsibilities. 6. Councillors 6.1 A member of Council is appointed to the Library Board to act as a liaison between Council and the Board; respond to Board members’ questions; provide updates on Board activities to Council and to provide updates on Council activities to the Board. 6.2 Members of Council are also acting members of the Library’s Board and as such have the responsibilities and duties that are assigned to all Board members. 7. Treasurer 7.1 The Board will appoint a Treasurer. Typically, that will be the CEO/Director of Public Libraries or his/her designate. 7.2 The Treasurer will: • Receive, keep safely, and account for all the Board's money • Deposit all money received on the Board's behalf to the credit of that account or accounts • Disburse funds as required by provincial and federal legislation, City and Library procedures, and Board resolutions 8. Board Members 8.1 Duties of Board Members: • employ a competent and qualified CEO • determine and adopt written policies to govern the Library • determine the ‘Ends’ for the Library • understand the Library programmes and needs of the community in relation to the Library • keep abreast of standards and trends in libraries • be aware of local and other laws which affect libraries and play an active role in initiating and supporting beneficial Library legislation • attend all Board and committee meetings as assigned. May attend outside meetings and workshops for Board members • be an effective advocate for the Library in the community • be prepared to interact with provincial library agencies if required. • interest in the Library, the community and their inter-relationship • readiness to dedicate time and effort • knowledge of the community’s social and economic condition • aptitude for planning – both long and short range • ability to work in a political environment 8.2 Disqualification of Board Members If a board member, a) is convicted of an indictable offence; Page 4 of 5 b) becomes incapacitated; c) is absent from the meetings of the board for three consecutive months without being authorized by a board resolution; d) ceases to be qualified for membership under clause 10 (1) (c); or e) otherwise forfeits his or her seat, the member’s seat becomes vacant and the remaining members shall forthwith declare the seat vacant and notify the appointing council accordingly. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 13. 8.3 Vacancies Where a vacancy arises in the membership of a board, the appointing council shall promptly appoint a person to fill the vacancy and to hold office for the unexpired term, except where the unexpired term is less than forty-five days. R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44, s. 12. 9. Library Staff 9.1 The CEO/Director of Public Libraries of the Pickering Public Library is the Board's employee to whom the Board delegates the supervision and direction of the Library and its staff. He or she will attend all Board meetings and will have the other powers and duties that the Board assigns from time to time. The Board’s relationship with the CEO is defined in Board-CEO delegation policies. 10. Reporting 10.1 The Library Board will provide an annual report at year end to Council to communicate its activities in the preceding year. Generally, this annual report follows the release of the Library’s audit. 10.2 The Library Board will present its four-year strategic plan to Council in which it prioritizes library services to the community based on community feedback and engagement. 11. Meetings 11.1 The Library Board shall meet every fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm. 11.2 The Library Board shall hold at least seven regular meetings in each year. 2019, c.14, Sched.12, s.2. 12. Conflict of Interest 12.1 The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act will govern the Board; an agenda will include provision for the Members to disclose a direct pecuniary interest in a matter and the general nature thereof. Page 5 of 5 13. Budget 13.1 The CEO shall be responsible for the Library budget, which shall be submitted annually in accordance with established City budget guidelines. 13.2 The CEO will present a draft budget for review by the Board on an annual basis, prior to submission to City Council for approval. Terms of Reference Property Review Committee 1.0 Mandate To act as a quasi-judicial tribunal, hearing appeals to Property Standards Orders issued under the authority of the Building Code Act. The Committee may confirm, amend or quash an Order. The Property Review Committee will also review applications for exemptions under the City’s Fence By-law and render a decision which becomes final and binding. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Property Review Committee fulfills the legislated requirements of the Building Code to provide a committee to hear appeals. It is also responsible for providing a review process for Fence Exemption applications and rendering a decision that is final and binding. 3.0 Composition The Property Review Committee will be comprised of: •Five (5) Citizen Appointees •One (1) Member of Council – no voting rights A hearing conducted by the Property Review Committee shall have 3 members present for quorum purposes. Appointments shall be for a 4-year term corresponding with the term of City Council. Committee members shall be paid an honorarium of $50.00 per appeal or hearing attended. 4.0 Member Qualifications Committee members with experience in building construction or property maintenance would be an asset. 5.0 Meeting Schedule The Property Review Committee shall meet as required. 6.0 Budget Committee members shall be paid an honorarium of $50.00 per appeal or hearing attended. Page 2 of 2 Remuneration for committee members will be paid from the By-law Services Salary Account. Terms of Reference Vehicle for Hire Committee 1.0 Mandate The Vehicle for Hire Committee (VFHC) shall serve as a quasi-judicial committee to review appeals in accordance with the provisions of the Vehicle for Hire By-law. The Vehicle for Hire Committee will also provide recommendations regarding fares and other issues, which may arise within the vehicle for hire industry. This may include working in conjunction with the Accessibility Advisory Committee to administer the Accessible Vehicle Incentive Program. 2.0 Goals, Objectives and Responsibilities The Vehicle for Hire Committee shall sit on an as-required basis to hear appeals or provide advice to Council regarding the regulation of the vehicle for hire industry. They will serve as a body to connect industry participants in order to facilitate relationships and make connections related to matters related to the industry. 3.0 Composition The VFHC will be composed of the following: 1) Taxicab Brokerage Representatives 1 - Appointed by Brokerage 2) Taxicab Plate Licensees 2 - Elected 3) Taxicab Drivers 2 - Elected 4) Citizen Appointee 1 5) PTC Company Representative 2 6) PTC Driver 2 7) City of Pickering Councillor 8) Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services All members have voting rights with the exception of the Manager, Municipal Law Enforcement Services, or their designate. Membership shall be for a 4-year term corresponding with the term of City Council. 4.0 Member Qualifications Brokerage representatives must be employed by a brokerage licenced by the City of Pickering. Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Page 2 Taxicab Plate Licensee and Taxi Cab Driver representatives must hold the associated licence with the City of Pickering to be accepted as a nomination for election. PTC Company Representatives must be employed by the PTC in a leadership or administrative role. PTC Driver Representatives must be a driver for a licensed PTC Company offering service in the City of Pickering. 5.0 Selection Process Taxicab Brokerage Representatives shall be chosen by the operating brokerages within the City of Pickering. Shall the brokerages not agree reach an agreement, an election shall be held. Taxicab Plate Licensees and Driver Representatives shall be chosen by election. Industry licensees shall be permitted to vote for Taxicab Licensee and Taxicab Driver members. One citizen member shall be appointed in accordance with Policy ADM 040. PTC Company Representatives shall be appointed by each of the two PTC Companies that are licensed in the City of Pickering. PTC Driver Representatives shall be appointed by the PTC with one from each of the PTC’s licensed within the City of Pickering. Each of the elected positions for Taxicab Plate Owners and Drivers will be selected through an election process initiated through Municipal Law Enforcement Services. Nominations will be submitted in writing. Once the nomination period has ended, licenced industry participants (taxicab plate licensees or drivers) attend the Pickering Civic Complex, present their identification, then complete a ballot to vote for one of the nominees listed on the ballots. A record of voters is kept to ensure each person only votes once. City staff tally the ballots and advise of the successfully elected candidates. Taxicab industry representatives are permitted to act as scrutineers. Should the number of nominees equal the available positions, representatives shall be acclaimed. . 6.0 Meeting Schedule The VFHC will meet as required to conduct appeal hearings at the Pickering Civic Complex. Meetings may also be called as required to provide input regarding matters relating to the vehicle for hire industry. Vehicle for Hire Advisory Committee Terms of Reference Page 2 7.0 Budget Committee members shall be paid an honorarium of $50.00 per meeting attended. Remuneration for committee members will be paid from the By-law Services Salary Account. Memo To: Accessibility Advisory Committee February 14, 2023 Cultural Advisory Committee Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee From: Rumali Perera Deputy Clerk Subject: Amendments to Boards, Committees and Taskforces -Staff Liaison, Chair, and Vice Chair Roles -Council Membership File: A-1410 In accordance with Section 05.01 of ADM 040 - Boards & Advisory Committees of Council Policy, Clerk’s staff are currently working on the mandated review of the Policy for Council’s consideration at the March 27, 2023 Council Meeting. One area of focus for this review is the role of Staff Liaison and Chair on the City’s Boards, Committees, and Taskforces. Presently, Policy ADM 040, Section 16.03 (a) states: “that the Staff Liaison for each Committee will facilitate mee tings unless a Chair or Vice Chair is required by a statute or Terms of Reference.” Advisory Committee Members are hereby requested to provide their input on whether the Committee Members would like to implement a Chair system for their respective committees. Duties of the Chair include soliciting agenda items from Committee members, facilitating the meeting by identifying the order of proceedings and speakers, interpreting and determining questions of procedure, ensuring active participation by all Committee members, and maintaining decorum. The revision to Policy ADM 040 will include a dedicated subsection on the duties of the Chair. Further to the above mentioned review that is being undertaken by Legislative Services, Council considered a Notice of Motion regarding Amendments to Boards and Committees/Taskforce Policy at a Council Meeting, and adopted a resolution on the matter on January 23, 2023. A component of this decision includes Staff reviewing: “Revisions to the Terms of Reference for the makeup of all Advisory Committees and or Task Forces that currently do not have an elected official representative to include the appointment of no greater than 2 members of Council whose role would be to act as a conduit between Council and their appointed committee as non-voting members;” Advisory Committees that do not currently have Council representation are asked to consider: Attachment #5 to Report # CLK 03-23 -~of- P](KER]NG February 2, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Amendments to Boards, Committees and Taskforces (i) the advisability of Council representation on the committee ; and, (ii) should Council decide in favour of Council representation, whether this committee would prefer 1 or 2 Councillors to be members. Committees are asked to adopt a draft Terms of Reference that reflects their preferred number of Councillors on their respective Committee for Council’s consideration. Resolution #59/23 regarding Amendments to Boards and Committees/Taskforce Policy, and Policy ADM 040, Boards and Advisory Committees of Council have been attached for ease of reference. Please forward any revised Terms of Reference and feedback to Andy MacGillivray, Committee Coordinator no later than February 24, 2023. RP:am Attachment 1. Resolution #59/23 Re: Amendments to Boards and Committees/Taskforce Policy 2. Policy ADM 040, Boards and Advisory Committees of Council Legislative Services Division Clerk’s Office Directive Memorandum January 30, 2023 To: Marisa Carpino Chief Administrative Officer Susan Cassel City Clerk From: Susan Cassel City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on January 23, 2023 Amendments to Boards and Committees/Taskforce Policy Council Decision Resolution #59/23 WHEREAS Section 05.01 of Policy ADM 040, Boards & Advisory Committees of Council, requires early in each new Council term, that Council shall review all Boards and Advisory Committees including, membership, composition and level of expertise or specialization required by Committee members for the selection process; And Whereas, Section 03.01 of ADM 040 provides that Boards and Advisory Committees are proposed by resolution of Council and established by a confirming by- law; And Whereas, each resolution shall incorporate the Terms of Reference for the specific Board/Advisory Committee; And Whereas, an Advisory Committee means a committee created by Council to provide input, advice and technical expertise on particular matters, act as a vehicle for public consultation on issues of municipal interest and make recommendations to Council; And Whereas, Council values the work of the members of Pickering’s Advisory Committees/Boards, as they provide Council and staff with important insight into the concerns and ambitions through a community lens; And Whereas, Section 02.01 of ADM 040 provides that “Council, under certain circumstances, may deem it necessary for Council representation on some Boards and Advisory Committees”, and the composition of each Committee, including whether a Member of Council is appointed to that Committee, is included in the individual Terms of Reference for each Committee; Now therefore be it resolved that that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering directs the City Clerk to work with the Office of the CAO to conduct a review of all Boards and Advisory Committees reporting to Council and that this review include: Attachment #6 to Report # CLK 03-23 Please take any action deemed necessary. Susan Cassel 1. The creation of 3 new Advisory Committees being: a) Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee to advise on best practices to preserve the nautical village marine theme and the implementation/restoration of a Waterfront that is environmentally sustainable and accessible; b) Community Safety and Wellbeing Advisory Committee that will be made up of a cross section of community representation including Neighbourhood Watch, Road Watch groups to advise on local community needs and suggested best practices; and that the group shall be responsible for the creation of a Homelessness Task Force that will work in co-ordination with Durham Region to look at how best to address the needs of the homeless population to include services for mental health, substance abuse and the creation of transitional/supportive housing in Pickering; c) Local & Small Business Advisory Committee that will advise on impacts of City Policy implications such as parking in the Nautical Village, relationships with City Economic Development and the measures that will assist businesses impacted by the intensification along Kingston Road; 2. Revisions to the Terms of Reference for the makeup of all Advisory Committees and or Task Forces that currently do not have an elected official representative to include the appointment of no greater than 2 members of Council whose role would be to act as a conduit between Council and their appointed committee as non-voting members; 3. Revisions to the Terms of Reference/Policies, of the Pickering Public Library, to enable the appointment of an additional member of Council to ensure Ward representation; 4. Establishing per meeting honorariums for the non-elected members of all advisory committees including the Pickering Library Board; 5. That the appointed Council Member(s) to all Advisory Committees/Boards be required to update the Members of Council on a monthly basis and that the Procedural By-law governing Council meetings and or Executive Meetings be amended to include an item enabling such reporting; 6. That the City Clerk and CAO report back no later than the end of Q1 with the findings of the review and the associated changes to Policy ADM 040 for Council’s consideration; and, 7. That the previous direction provided to staff, to report back on the legislated process to establish a BIA for the Nautical Village, through Resolution 930/22 and 931/22 be rescinded, as the businesses in the Nautical Village would be better served by the establishment of the new Local/Small Business Advisory Committee. The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. 8004/23 Being a By-law to establish an honorarium for Members of the Committee of Adjustment. Whereas pursuant to Section 44(9) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, the Members of the Committee of Adjustment shall be paid such compensation as the Council may provide; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1.The remuneration payable to the Chair of the Committee of Adjustment shall be $150.00 per hearing, and to a Member of the Committee of Adjustment shall be $140.00 per hearing. 2.This By-law shall take effect as of April 1, 2023. 3.By-law 7666/18 is hereby repealed. By-law passed this 27th day of March, 2023. ________________________________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor ________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk Attachment #7 to Report # CLK 03-23