HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 04-23 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 04-23 Date: February 6, 2023 From: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services Subject: George Ashe Retrofit -Green and Inclusive Community Building Fund Application -File: A-1440-001 Recommendation: 1. That staff be directed, through the Chief Administrative Officer, to submit an application under the Government of Canada’s Green and Inclusive Community Building (GICB) program for the retrofit of George Ashe Library & Community Centre; 2. That Pickering Council supports the George Ashe Library & Community Centre application for the Government of Canada’s GICB program; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: The George Ashe Library & Community Centre (GALCC) currently has planned retrofits and repairs over the next five years totaling $3,684,000 in capital costs. The facility originally opened in 2000 and is nearing the end of its first generational lifecycle. Proposed work includes rebuilding the deteriorated east wall of the building, parking lot lifecycle-related replacements and modest upgrades to improve the existing library space. Staff have combined various previously submitted individual projects for required replacements and retrofits to the building as part of a single scope of work in order to reduce disruption to service delivery. The Green and Inclusive Community Building (GICB) Fund is currently accepting applications for retrofit projects, funding up to 80% of costs up to $10,000,000, where retrofits will result in a minimum of 25% energy improvements. Applications are due on February 28, 2023. Rather than undertaking a baseline approach focused on maintaining the status quo, staff recommend that an application be submitted to the GICB grant program to help fund a more fulsome revitalization of the GALCC facility. In addition to the work described above, additional retrofits would be undertaken, expanding the scope to cover all aspects of the building. The enhanced project would include enhancing accessibility features, implementing energy efficiency and sustainability upgrades, and further realizing efficiencies by streamlining resource investment in project management and procurement processes. This grant funding opportunity provides additional potential to explore general improvements to the building that would otherwise normally be limited to like for like replacement of existing systems and components. CS 04-23 February 6, 2023 Subject: George Ashe Retrofit – GICB Grant Application Page 2 The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s authority to submit an application under the Government of Canada’s Green and Inclusive Community Building (GICB) program for the retrofit of George Ashe Library & Community Centre. Financial Implications: The projects listed below will be included in the City’s 2023 Capital Budget and Forecast and represent the minimum required work to maintain the GALCC facility in a state of good repair. As part of the City’s GICB grant application, this baseline scope would be enhanced to include various building upgrades. The GICB grant program will fund up to 80% of eligible expenses, up to $10,000,000. The enhanced scope of work would increase the overall project costs from $3.7 million to $6.5 million, but the City’s share could be reduced as low as $1.3 million if the balance is fully covered by the grant. The City would also benefit from reduced annual operating costs as a result of energy efficiency savings from the proposed upgrades. GALCC Community Services & Library Capital Projects (2023 and 2024-2026 Forecast) Budget Year Project ID Project Description Capital Cost 2022 C10220.2203 GALCC RTU 2 & C1 Replacement $220,000 2023 C10220.2301 GALCC Renovation -Design $330,000 2023 C10900.2303 GAL Renovation – Design $110,000 2024 C10220.2301 GALCC Renovation -Construction and FF&E $1,970,000 2024 C10900.2303 GAL Renovation – Construction and FF&E $990,000 2026 C10220.2605 GALCC Alarm System Upgrades $64,000 Total $3,684,000 Discussion: George Ashe Library & Community Centre is 23 years old and has several planned lifecycle repairs, replacements and retrofits that are typical as this type of facility nears the end of its first generational lifecycle, which typically occurs at approximately 25 years. GALCC serves the residents of Pickering with a full service library, seniors, youth and leisure programs, offering community spaces and outdoor amenities including a community garden, playground, basketball court, shuffleboard court and other amenities. It is the City’s only community centre and library serving residents in southwest Pickering. The GICB grant prioritizes accessibility and sustainable facility design and affords the City an opportunity to undertake more extensive upgrades than would otherwise be feasible as part of smaller, individual project undertaken separately over time. It becomes possible to explore upgrades to components and systems, such as improvements to exterior curtain walls and glazing that might otherwise be left untouched until they reached the end of their normally longer lifecycles. CS 04-23 February 6, 2023 Subject: George Ashe Retrofit – GICB Grant Application Page 3 The Government of Canada announced the second intake of the Green and Inclusive Community building fund in December 2022. The grant deadline to submit an application is February 28, 2023. Staff have reviewed projects included in the Capital Budget forecast and conclude that proposed future repairs and upgrades to the George Ashe Library & Community Centre are eligible, and recommend a grant application be submitted to secure funding for the enhanced option. The enhanced scope of work proposed for the GALCC, should the City be successful in its grant application, will include: converting community centre lighting to LED; updating room layouts and finishes; upgrading wayfinding; renewing washroom facilities and updating them to the latest accessibility standards; plus mechanical, electrical and building envelope upgrades to improve overall energy efficiency. The proposed work would prepare GALCC for its next 20- 25 years of life. The proposed upgrades would also meet or exceed 25% energy improvements above existing consumption and include both interior and exterior accessibility upgrades. The total estimated cost of the grant-enhanced upgrades is $6,500,000, but up to 80% of this cost could be funded by the GICB grant, reducing the burden on taxpayers. Large retrofit projects submitted to the GICB are those that range from $3,000,000 to $25,000,000 and achieve at least 25% in energy efficiency improvements compared to the building’s baseline energy consumption. The GICB grant will cover up to 80% of eligible project costs up to $10,000,000. All work must be completed by March 31, 2026. Attachment: None. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Original Signed By Laura Gibbs Sarah Douglas-Murray Division Head, Culture and Community Programming Director, Community Services Original Signed By Original Signed By Vince Plouffe, OAA, MRAIC Brian Duffield Division Head, Operations Services Director, Operations Original Signed By Stan Karwowski Director, Finance & Treasurer SDM:lg CS 04-23 February 6, 2023 Subject: George Ashe Retrofit – GICB Grant Application Page 4 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer