HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 9, 2023 - 1:00pm - Special Council Draft Special Council Meeting Minutes January 9, 2023 Hybrid Electronic Meeting Council Chambers 1:00 pm 1 Present: Mayor Kevin Ashe Councillors: M. Brenner S. Butt M. Nagy D. Pickles L. Robinson Absent: L. Cook Also Present: M. Carpino - Chief Administrative Officer K. Bentley - Director, City Development & CBO S. Boyd - Fire Chief P. Bigioni - Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor S. Douglas-Murray - Director, Community Services B. Duffield - Director, Operations J. Eddy - Director, Human Resources R. Holborn - Director, Engineering Services F. Jadoon - Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects S. Karwowski - Director, Finance & Treasurer S. Cassel - City Clerk C. Rose - Chief Planner R. Perera - Deputy Clerk 1. Roll Call The City Clerk certified that all Members of Council were present and participating in- person save and except for Councillor Cook. 2. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 3. Delegations There were no delegations. Draft Special Council Meeting Minutes January 9, 2023 Hybrid Electronic Meeting Council Chambers 1:00 pm 2 4. Matters for Consideration 4.1 Director, Finance & Treasurer, Report FIN 02-23 2023 Pre-Current Budget Approval for Consulting Services for a Fiscal Impact Study for Future Growth Marisa Carpino, Chief Administrative Officer, stated that the Report was seeking Council approval to award consulting services to Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. to allow the City to conduct a fiscal impact study on several projects. Ms. Carpino added that the Study would investigate the impacts of Bill 23, the Seaton and Cherrywood developments, and the City Centre to gain an understanding of the financial impact to the City. A question and answer period ensued between Members of Council and staff regarding: • previous fiscal impact studies conducted for Seaton which identified a deficit in funding, resulting in the City receiving a payment of $1,100 for each residential permit issued in Seaton; • whether the proposed fiscal impact study would provide opportunities to request funding from the Province, landowner groups, and builders should the study identify funding gaps; • the proposed study being critical in considering the various options regarding facilities being considered for the City Centre project; • the rationale for the study omitting the impact of the intensification study along Kingston Road and whether the study could consider the financial impact of any provincially legislated development that may occur prior to the completion of the study; • the study needing to consider every available tool including the impact of Envision Durham on northeast Pickering to ensure that Council has a complete understanding of the financial impact on the City prior to the review of the 2023 budget; • the reduction in the development charges being a cost requiring to be absorbed and addressed by the 2023 budget; and, • ongoing communication to the Province on the impact of the reduction of development charges and staff analyzing various strategies to recover the loss. Resolution #36/23 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Brenner Draft Special Council Meeting Minutes January 9, 2023 Hybrid Electronic Meeting Council Chambers 1:00 pm 3 1. That Council approve the following recommendations related to pre 2023 Current Budget approval; 2. That Council approve the hiring of Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., in accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 10.03 (c), as the assignment is above $50,000.00; 3. That the fee proposal submitted by Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., to develop a Fiscal Impact Study in the amount of $73,290.00 (HST excluded) be accepted; 4. That the total gross project cost of $82,817.70 (HST included) and the total net project cost of $74,579.90 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 5. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the total net project cost of $74,579.90 from Property Taxes; 6. That Council authorize the Director Finance & Treasurer to pursue and obtain Third Party Funding for this consulting engagement from interested parties; and, 7. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Carried Later in the Meeting (See Following Motion) Resolution #37/23 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Pickles That the main motion be amended by adding the following as a new Item 7 and the recommendation renumbered accordingly: That additional funds be approved, at an upset limit of an additional $50,000.00, to expand the scope of the Fiscal Impact Study (FIS) to include Northeast Pickering. Carried The Main Motion, as amended, was then Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote. 5. Confirmation By-law Draft Special Council Meeting Minutes January 9, 2023 Hybrid Electronic Meeting Council Chambers 1:00 pm 4 By-law 7978/23 Councillor Pickles, seconded by Councillor Nagy moved for leave to introduce a by-law of the City of Pickering to confirm the proceedings of January 9, 2023. Carried 6. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Robinson Seconded by Councillor Nagy That the meeting be adjourned. Carried The meeting adjourned at 1:32 pm. Dated this 9th of January, 2023. Kevin Ashe, Mayor Susan Cassel, City Clerk