HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 18, 2002PICKERING AGENDA PLANNING COMMITTEE Anne Greentree Supervisor, Legislative Se~wices MARCH 18, 2002 Planning Committee Meeting Monday, March 18, 2002 7:30 P.M. Chair: Councillor Brenner ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of'February. 11, 2002 MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PAGE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 15-02 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDNIENT APPLICATION A 29/01 PINE RIDGE PROPERTIES 1NC PART OF LOT 21~ CONCESSION 1 1405 PICKERING PARK\\'AY (SO[TH SIDE OF PICKER1NG PARKWAY. WEST OF VALLEY FARM RD.) 9 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 16-02 DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2000-02 {RE\'ISION 2} ZONING BY-LAX\' AXlEND~XlENT APPLICATION A 1001 (PHASE ('LAREMONT ESTATES ONTARIO LTD NORTH PART OF LOT 20. CONCESSION 8 ([NORTH OF KODIAK STREET. EAST OF SIDELINE 20) 18-62 CORRESPONDENCE Members of Council may t'ormallv table an item of correspondence that has been circulated by the Mayor~ CAO. Clerk or other staff' person ADJOURNMENq' PIEKER]NG RECONINIENDATION OF THE PLANNING CONINIITTEE DATE MOVED B~' SECONDED B5T That Zoning [?,v-laxx Amendment Application A 20 u l. submitted by Nh- Robe~ Oldman on behalf o/'Pine Ridge Prope~xies lnc. on lands being pan of Lot 21_ Concession 1 (Part 2 to l* Plan 40R-1289O). Citx of Picketing. to amend the zonin~ on the subject lands to permit the establishment of business and protkssional offices (excluding medical offices), be APPROVED. as set out in the draft bv-la;v attached as .Appendix I to Report Number PD 15-02: and That the amending zoning bx-lax~ to implement Zoning Bv-laxx Amendment Application 2901. as set out in the draft in -\ppendix I to Report Number PD 15-02, be forx~arded City Council tbr enactment PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FRONd: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: February 25. 2002 REPORT NUMBER: PD 15-02 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 29/01 Pine Ridge Properties Inc. Part of Lot 21, Concession 1 1465 Picketing Parkway (south side of Pickering Parkway, west of Valley Farm Road) City of Pickcring RECOMMENDATION: That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 29/01, submitted by Mr. Robert Oldman on behalf of Pine Ridge Properties Inc., on lands being part of Lot 21, Concession I (Part 2 to 12, Plan 40R-12896), City of Pickering, to amend the zoning on tho subject lands to permit tile establishment of business and professional offices (excluding medical offices), be APPROVED as set out in the draft by-law attached as Appendix I to Report Number PD 15-02; and That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 29/01, as set out in the draft in Appendix I to Report Number PD 15-02, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. ORIGIN: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 29/01submitted to tile City of Pickering. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.O. 199t). chapter P. 13 FINANCIAL IMP L I C..\ TI O N S: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The subject property currently supports a building under construction and nearing completion. The building is to be leased by Veridian Corporation for office use. The existing zoning provisions for the site permit the development of storage and light manufacturing uses. However, the Zoning By-law also contains general provisions that permit use of the land by a public utility (Veridian Corporation). f~eport to Council Subject' Zonin~g Bv-laxv Date: February 25.2/~f12 Page" The office building under construction7 o~7 these lainds was approved under tile public utility provision of tile By-law and all oi'ficc k~sc oi7 t}lc site is ccH-i'cl~tl,~ restricted to that of a public utility. A location map and a reduction off thc approxcd site plan arc included ;ts Attachments =i and #2 to this Report. 'I'hc applicant proposes to ai~eild t}~c cxlstillg Light lnd~strial zoning on the subject lands to an ~ppropriate Oftlcc Enaplosnqacnt zeno to pcrn~it tine cstablisia~2aont of Business a~d Prol%ssional oI'I~ccs/cxcluding medical) xxithin thc cxisti~g buildin<. This will provide IMll leasing/Scxibilitx' Ibr all business and prolDssional oI'I~cc uses. Thc lands auc situated within the ('itx's downtoxxn core and are appropriate for the ostat01ishn2ent ogotTl~cc uses as proposed by the applicator. It is recommended tlnat ×oning rcqttirenqcnts pertaini~a~, to r}~c building envelope and height bc reflective of thc cun-eni built condition o~q thc subject pr'opc~'t>. .& parkin,g standard should be provided that is reflective of moro CtlI'rCll[ paI'killg staxldal'ds within tine City tbr of'lice development, excluding medical offllccs. It is recommended that Council appt'ox'c Zoning Bx-lax~ .An:cndment :Xpplication I 20,()1, and tl~at thc drali amcndin~g zoning bx-laxx set out i~q :Xppc~adix I to }hcpo~'t Nun~ber PD 15-02 be tbrxx arded lo City Council Ib~' cnactn~c~at. BACKGROL~ND: Inlbrmation Nlcetinu A Public Intbmnation Meetila,, was hold on t-'eDru~rx ~1. ~ <)~ to discuss tho applicant's proposal, lnfom~ation Report No. ~}3-~ 2 xvhicla sunanaaH-izc5 thc applicant's proposal and outlines issues identified through thc circulation off thc applic',ttiotq, xs as prepared IkM' tl~c meeting. At the Public Infomllation Nleeti~g. Pl:~nniza,~ & IDexclopnaonz Stat'ff ~axe an explanation off tine application. No landoxxners or residelnts appeared at tl~c PuDolic lnI'ormation Meeting. 2.0 Additional Infomqlation Since the preparation of Inlbril~ation Report No. ()3-()2. tt~c l'ollowin24 COl2~ii'tents have been received: The City's Super¥isor, Development Control adxiscd that ii' thc additional parking stalls idcntil~ed on the site plan to tiao rear off the \'eridian translbrn~cr statio~ xxcre to be installed, revisions to the site plan will be rcqt~ircd. The Durham District School Board }las adx'iscd that thcx' haxe no objection to the application. Veridian Connections haxe no con~naents concemin,,~_ thc application. 3.0 Discussion 3.1 Pen~nitted Uses Thc subject property ctH-rentlx scippor-ts at tlqrcc-stoi'cx oI'Iicc bttildJIqEz, ~cz~rula~ completion. Thc Report to Council 15-02 Subject: Zoning By-laxv Amendment Application A 29/01 Date: February 25, 2002 Page 3 However, the Zoning By-law also contains general provisions that permit use of' the land bx a public utility (Veridian Corporation). The office building on these lands was approved under this public utility provision and an office use on the site is currently restricted to that of a public utility. The amendment of the zoning on the site to an office category to permit tile establishlnent of general business and professional offices within the exiting building conforn~s to the City's Official Plan provisions and is considered a positive change from existing zoning and does not negatively impact tile area. The building is located in the City's do~vntown core where offices of tile greatest intensity and scale are encouraged to locate. Applying the standard office definitions to the subject site will allow a broader range of office uses (excluding medical) to be permitted on the lands. Resultaut office uses will be similar in function to a public utility office, which are appropriate tbr the downtown area. The development is compatible with the established surrounding land uses and is in keeping with the City's Mixed Use Area Downtown Core Official Plan designation applicable to the subject lands. 3.2 Zoning /Parking Requirements An off-street parking background report was prepared by the Planning Department several years ago for use as a guide to Staff in establishing parking requirements. The recommendations of the study have been implemented within zoning by-la~vs passed by City Council. The study recommended that, rather than having a single parking provision for office buildings of all sizes, larger office buildings should be permitted slightly lower requirements. The peak parking demands experienced by individual tenants of larger buildings will not usually occur simultaneously. The study recommended the following parking standard tbr offices: Offices (minimum); (a) for the first 1000 square meters of gross leasable floor area; 4.5 spaces per 93square meters gross leasable floor area (b) for all leasable floor area in excess of 1000 square meters; 2.5 spaces per 93 square meters gross leasable floor area The site is situated within an area of the City that provides alternative parking options. The Pickering Town Centre is within walking distance of this site, and on-street parking is available in the immediate area. Sometime in the future, traffic signals may bc installed at GlenannaRoad/Pickering Parkway and/or at Valley Farm Road / Pickering Parkway, providing for additional pedestrian safety in walking from off site parking to the subject lands. The applicant's site plan indicates the opportunity for an additional 22 parking spaces on the adjacent Veridian Corporation substation property. This property is not in the control of applicant, however it is anticipated that should additional spaces be required in the fi~ture, appropriate arrangements may be made bet~veen Veridian Corporation and Pine Ridge Properties Inc. for the use of this property for additional parking spaces. The approved site plan identifies 105 parking spaces. It is recommended that the parking ratio applicable to the subject property be amended slightly from thc parking study recommendation, to accommodate the 105 spaces, given the downtown location of the site. It is recommended that the parking ratio be based on 100 square meters gross leasable floor area rather then 93 square meters for a ratio of: Report to Council 15-(92 Date: February 2q .00_ Page 4 Offices (minimtina }: (a) fbi' tiao Iii'st l{ )(ii) sMt. tal-c I]qCtel-S of gross icasablc I]oor area: (b) Gr all leasaD~lc tqoo:' aa'ca in excess of i~ >, ><) square meters: 2.5 spaces per 100 stir:arc meters gross leasable floor area Iff tlae parking ratio is applied to linc exiting building ~lsi~5 tile 93 sMtiarc ia:cter requirements. 11(} parking spaces wottld bc reMain'cd, ti' '~i 1~(~ sM~lai'c ~qctc~- ~'cct~l~i'ci~c~l is applied to the site. 102 st)aces would be required. Thc approxcd site plan indicates a sttppl>' off 105 parking spaces. Thc existing 105 spaces on-site apt>ear adcctuatc based ora tiao recommended parking ratio. Site Plan apl)royal has been granted ib~' tt~o existin5 bclildin~ on tho site. 'CI~c building was built above Herod parking ratio. 4.0 ,~t2lMicant' s Coia'~ialei~ts Tine applicant Inns rcvicxved tine contc~ats of tt~is l'tai')oi'~_ aHq. d COIUCLH'S x', itta tiao recommendation I'or approx'al. Report to Council 15-02 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 29/01 Date: February 25, 2002 Page 5 ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Approved Site Plan infom~ation Report No. 03-02 Prepared By: L~da Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review LDT/jffpr Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Approved / Endorsed By: Nei~ Carrolk,~c1e, Rpp Director, Plalming & Development Recommcndcd for thc consideration of Pickering City Council Tt~fmas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative& APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER 15-02 DRAFT BS~-LA\~' ZONING BY-I~A\\' ASII~NI)51ENI' .&t)PI~ICA. TION A 29/'01 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3030. as amended, to implement tho Official Plan of the City of Picketing District Planning Area. Region of Durham in Part of Lot 21, Concession 1, Part of Block 1 and 2. Plan 40M-1231 (Parts 2 to 12, Plan 40R- 12896), City of Picketing. (A29/01) WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing deems it desirable to permit the establishment of business office and professional office-non-medical uses on the subject lands, being Part of Lot 21, Concession 1, Part of Block 1 and 2. Plan 40M-1231 (Parts 2 to 12. Plan 40R- 12896), City of Picketing; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended, is therclbre deemed necessary: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: SCHEDULE 1 Schedule i attached hereto with notations declared to be part of this By-law. and references shown thereon is hereby AREA RESTRICTED The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in Part of Lot 21, Concession 1, Part of Block 1 and 2, Plan 40M-1231 (Parts 2 to 12, Plan 40R-12896), City of Picketing, designated "CO" on Schedule I attached hereto. GENERAL PROVISIONS No building, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved, or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. DEFINITIONS In this By-law, (1) "Business Office" shall mean any building or part of a building in which one or more persons are employed in the management, direction or conducting of an agency, business, brokerage, labour or fraternal organization and shall include a telegraph office, newspaper plant and a radio or television broadcasting station and its studios or theatres, but shall not include a retail store; (2) "Functional Floor Level" shall mean an enclosed building storey containing an area of at least 50% of the building's ground floor area, and having a ceiling height suitable to permit the intended use; (3) "Gross Leasable Floor Area" shall mean the aggregate of all storeys above or below established grade, designed for owner or tenant occupancy or exclusive use only, but excluding storage areas below established grade; (5) (a) "Lot"' shall mca~s ',in arco of land I'ronting on a street which is used or intended to bc used us thc >itc of a building, or group of buildings, as thc case may be, to,other xxith aunx accessory buildings or structures, or a public park or opc~2 spice :u-ca. regardless of whether or not such lot constitutes thc xx hole o~' x 1ot o~-block on a registered plan of subdivision: (b) "Lot Coxcru,xe" slnall moan thc pet'centagc of lot area coxored bx till buildings on zlnc lot: (c) "Lot }:'ront'x~e" slaull mean ttnc width ol'a lot between tile sicte lot lilacs measured alon~ a linc parallel to and T.5 metres distant fi-om tile fi-om lot line: "Prol'~ssional el'floc - Xon-?xIedical" shall incan 'a building or part oft buildin5 in which may include thc o~'~Sccs of tm architect, a chartered accountant, an engineer. or a lawyer, but shall not include ai bodx'-~-ub pal-loLlr as defined bx thc Municipal thereto: (a) "Yard" shall moan xn area of land xxhich is appurtenant to and located on thc same lot as 'a building or structure and is open. uncovered, and unoccupied above ~round except Ibr SLit]2 accossorx' buildings, structures. (b) (c "Front "/ai'd i)eptln" 51nall ineai: the slnortost horizontal dimension ot'a fi'om yard of a lot botxx con the I'l-Olnt lot line and tile nearest wall of tiao nearest main buildinu' or structure on tlno lot; (d) "Rear x~'ard" shall mcan a yard oxtendiln,4 across thc Iklll xxidth off a lot between the rear lot linc of tiao lot. or xxhcrc there is no rear lot linc. the junction point et'thc side lot lines, and tiao nearest xxall et'thc nearest main building or 5trLictm'o on tho lot: ( e ) "Rear Tard [)epttn" shall lanCala ttnc stnortost horizontal dimension of a rear yard of a lot botx~oon tile rear lot linc of tile lot. or x~tnero there is no rear lot line. the junction point oI'thc side lot lilacS, and tho nearest wall of the nearest main buildin,x or structure on thc lot: (f) "Side Yard" stroll moan ii yard ofli lot extending from tin<? fl-oat yard to tile rear var& and fi'om ttnc side lot line to tho nearest wall of the nearest main buildin2 oz- structure on the "Side Yard \Vidth" shall nnccm tine shortest lnorizomal dimension of a side main buildin~ or structure on thc (b) "Flanka,.z,e Side %'att'al" stmll naemn u side xurd immediatch' adjoining a street or abutting on ii rescrx c on thc opposite side oI-xvhicla is a street; (in "Flanka~e Side Yard \Vidttn" shall moan tine shortest borizomat dimension abutting on a rcscrxc on the opposite side oi' xxhich is u street, and tiao nearest wall al'the nearest main building or st~'ticttirc on the lot: and "Interior Side Tard' shall Incan ti side xard other ttnan ii ilankagc side yard. OiO PROVISIONS (1) Uses Pcmaitted ("CO" Zones) No person shall within the lands desigmated "CO" on Schedule I attached hereto. use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (a) business office; professional office - non-medical; (2) Zone Requirements ("CO" Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "CO" on Schedule 1 attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) BUILDING LOCATION AND SETBACKS: Buildings and structures shall be located entirely within the building envelope illustrated on Schedule I attached to this By-law. (b) BUILDING HEIGHT: (i) minimum 6 metres and two functional floors: (ii) maximum 18 metres. (c) ()PEN STORAGE: All uses, other than parking, shall take place entirely within enclosed buildings or structures with no outside storage or display permitted. (d) PARKING REQUIREMENTS: A There shall be provided and maintained on the lot a minimum of: (D 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area for the first 1,000 square metres of gross leasable floor area, and; (II) 2.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area for all floor area in excess of 1,000 square metres. B Clauses 5.21.2 a) and 5.21.2 b) of By-law 3036, as amended, shall not apply to the lands designated "CO" on Schedule I attached hereto; C Despite Clauses 5.21.2 g) and 5.21.2 k) of By-law 3036, as amended, all entrance and exits to parking areas and all parking areas shall be surfaced with brick, asphalt, or concrete, or any combination thereof. O. BY-LAV¥' 3036 (1) By-law 134681, als ~t applies to thc at-cz~ set OL~t in Schcdulc I attached to this By-law', is hereby repealed. ~2) Bv-la~v 3030, as amended, is hcrcbx r'unhc~' am2cndcd only to the cxtcnt neccssarv to give efi~ct to thc provisions oi' this Bx-lax~ as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and sLib,jcct matters not specifically deah with in this Bx-laxx shall be gox cnxcd bx Yclcxant provisions of Bv-laxv 3030, as amended~ E FI:I((q'IVE DATE Ontario Municipal BY-LA\V read a first, second, and third time and Ilnallv passed this day of BI'ucc Taxlo!'. ClcrM 0 1 o / / / ? / / / / / / / / 3~Om CO PARTS 2 TO 12, 40R-~96 BUILDING ENVELOPE SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS ,:,AYO MAYOR CLERK ATTACH/?,EI*JT ~---/~T0 REPORT ~, PD ,"¢- ~ ~ 01 3 I:'AYLEE COURT ROSERELD ROAD o >- ;NBAKER COURT SUBJECT PROPERTY I / / 0 u BAYLY S~FR E E-F 8AYLY Sl1~£~T City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PT. LOT 21, CON. 1; PT. BLKS. I AND 2, 40M-1231; PTS. 2 TO 12, 40R-12896 OWNER PINE RIDGE PROPERTIES INC. DATE JAN 28, 2002 i DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. A 29/01 SCALE 1:7500 i CHECKED BY LT FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-8 PA- ATTACHMENT # ~-~ .TO REPORI' # PD ? ~'-- (; ~- APPROVED SITE PLAN zl : i ! 1! ~f R~PORT .¢ PD_ ,'_,,, c' ¢ PICKERING INI:OR.'tI_~'I'ION REI)ORT NO. 03-02 FOR Pt'BI_lC INFORMATION 5IkaETING OF Febru;Ir,¢ 21, 2002 IN .&CCOI,tDANCE ~;,'II'tl TIlE PUBLIC 51EETING REQt'IRESIENTS OF THE PL&NN1NG ACT. R.S.O. 1990. chapter P.13 SU BJI,]CI': 1.0 PROPI~}RT5' l.()('.&l'lON :\ND I)ES('RIPIION - t}~c stlt> oct DFope~'t>' is loct~tect oza tiao sotitla ~<ici~_' of t~icMcFi~ag Patrkxx'av, xvcst of Valley - at three stoI'cv ol'Iicc bt~ildiz~g is CtltTC~tlx t~qdc~' co~ast~'c, ctio~ cma tl~c sktbjcct prope~'t5' tdigl~xvat5' 401 to set, th. 2.0 .kPPLICANT'S PRO POS.~kI~ the sttbject propeFt? cttrq'eiatlx sLzptoo~'ts t~ ti~'ee storey ol't]ce bttilding u~qder constructio~a; tl~e building is to be leased by manufacturi~g uses: t~tility' suct~ as t~tilits" provisio~ amd co~7scctt~o~qtl5. a~qx oI'r~cc risc o~q tlnc site is Fcstricted to that ora pt~blic utility i~a applyi~ag tlae 't>ci[>lic tttilitx~' pr-oxisiotas tc~ tiac k'ct'idia~a oI'Ilcc dcvclopmem, a level p~'ovided; xx ittai~ the existing bt~ildit72. Information Report No. 03-02 ATTACHMENT ~,., "~ TO REPORT# PD.. / ~ ~; ~ Page 2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being within a Main Centrrd Area. Main Central Areas are to be planned and developed as the main concentration of urban activities within municipalities, providing a fully integrated mTav of community, office, sen;ice and shopping, recreational, and residential uses: the applicant's proposal appears to comply with this designation; Pickering Official Plan the Pickering Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being located in an Mixed Use Area - Downtown Core within the Town Centre Neighbourhood; - this designation permits, among other uses, the establishment of offices at the greatest scale and intensity in the City, serving Citywide and Regional levels; - the subject property is situated within an area of the City regulated bv the Council Adopted "Picketing Downtown Core Development Guidelines": - these guidelines are intended to guide the development or re-development of lands within the Downtown Core; - these guidelines encourage street related mixed use buildings and emplo~nent uses (office, research facilities, etc.) along Picketing Parkway; - the streetscape and landscaping is to provide a "downtown" character; - the applicant's proposal complies with the requirements of the Picketing Official Plan; Zoning By-law Zoning By-law 3036 as amended by By-law 1346/81zones the subject lands "M1-2" - Light Industrial which permits the development oi' storage and light manufacturing uses such as, light manufacturing plants, food preparation plants, scientific, research or medical laboratories, dry cleaning establishment or warehouse uses; the By-law also contains a provision permitting the use of the land by a public utility for the purpose of public service (Veridian Corporation qualifies as a public utility under the By-law); an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to implement the applicant's proposal for the establishment of general business and professional office uses other than a public utility office use. RESULTS OF C1RCULATION Resident Comments no xvritten resident comments have been received to date; Agency Comments Ministry of Transportation advised that an MTO / Building / Land Use Permit was issued for the site on September 7, 2001. A sign permit will be required for any sign visible to Highway 401. MTO has no concerns with the proposal; Staff Comments staff are generally supportive of the proposed amendment to pern]it the establishment of business and professional offices in the existing building; an assessment of the current parking provided on site, in relation to the demand for business and professional office space use, will be conducted; the applicant is proposing a parking ratio of 1 space per 344 square feet (approximately 1 space / 100 square meters); the parking / floor area ratio requirement to be established in the new zoning by-law for this site must be carefully reviewed to ensure appropriate parking supply and effective site functioning. lntbmaation Report No. 03-02 ATTACHUPJT ~' REPOP,'T, PD Page 3 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal si~ould be directed to the Planning Development Department: oral comments may be made at d~c Public inlbm~at~on Nlccnng: all comments rcccix ed xx ill t0c noted and used as ~nput in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & I)ox clopmcnt Department lbr a subsequent meeting of Council or Committee oF Council: il' vou wish to roscrxo thc option to appeal ('ouncil's decision, xou must provide comments to tiao City bclbrc Council zidopts anx by-law For this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision r%arding this proposal, you must request such in writing to thc City Clerk. 6.0 OTltER 1NFORM:\TION 6.1 A.5.1/Ike n d ix I 6.2 - list of neighbourhood residents, colnmunitx associations, agencies and C'itx Departments that have CO12111lClltCd 011 t.}q¢ cq,plications att tiao time of writing report: Information Received full-scale copies of thc applica~at's submitted site plan arc ax ailablc ibr x ioxx'ing at the ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Lynda Taylor Manager, Development Rex icxx I_T pr :\ttaclannonts Copy: Director, Planning cM Dexolopnaent HCKEI qG RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Draft Plan of Subdivision SP 2000-02. Revision 2, submitted by Claremont Estates Ontario Limited, on lands being the north Part of Lot 20, Concession 8, City of Picketing, to permit the development of 15 lots for hamlet residential uses with the option for garden suites, and two open space blocks, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Planning & Development Report Number PD 16-02. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/00 (Phase 2), submitted bv Claremont Estates Ontario Limited, on lands being the north Part of Lot 20, Concession 8, City of Picketing, to establish performance standards to allow the implementation of Draft Plan of Subdivision SP 2000-02, Revision 2. be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix II to Report Number PD 16-02. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FRO*l: Nell Carroll Director. Planning & l)cxclopmcnt DATE: Nlarch8._ 0_ t,~KPORT N[:NIE3EI?,: PD 16-02 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdix ision 5P-2()00-02 (t{cx ision 2) Zoning Bx-laxx Aincndmcnt ..Xptqication A 10 ()0 (Phase 2) Claremont Estates Ontario Ltd. North Part of kc)t 2~). Concession X City of t>ickcrin2 P, t!C'O M M ENDATION: garden suites, and txto open space block-, be .XI'PIiOX'I<I). ~ubjcct to thc conditions That Zonino Bx-laxx .-'xmcndnncnt .\l>plication :\ i~ ~u) Phase 2 ). submitted by Clai'emonI Estates Ontario Limited. on land~ bcinz~ thc no~'tlq }>tt~'t of Lot 20. Conccssiol2 S, City of ()RI©IN: l)raFt Plan of Subdivision SP £() )1)-()2 Rca ision 2 xxtt5 submitted t,~ thc Region of DLlrllam and circulated to the City of Pickcrin~ &~r COllqlalCllt. zilld ZoIliI2~ [~%-['dXX ..amendment Application A 16/00 was submitted to tiao C'itx ofl'ickcrinz. AUTHORITT: The ]'/~l~i~z(4.4c~. R.S.O. 1990, chapter P. 13. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated EXECUTI\;f~ SUMMARY' Thc applicant proposes to dca clop a drat~, pl'x~q ~>f ,ubdix~>io~q con~istin5 ~I' 15 detached a 5 10 metre wide open st>acc zc)nc in tho FO[ir Oi'CiICH lot MwctttilnS thc x 'allcx s. xxith appropriate pcrtbrmance standards, in oRlcr to permit thc inaplcnacntatitm (>I' thc drai5 plan. Thc proposed drali plan and zoning amendment arc Ycconaincllded tbi' al3tW~)x rtl >ab. loot to conditions. 02O Report to Council 16-02 Subject: Draft Plan of SubdMsion SP-2000-02 (Revision ':21 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/00 (Phase 2 t Date: March 8. 2002 Page ~ The proposed plan of subdivision represents appropriate residential development for thc Iqamlet of Claremont. The proposal con}brms to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan lands designated "Ham/et Residentia!". All interests of the City will be appropriately addressed through an associated subdivision agreement. The subject lands are located within the Oak Ridges Moraine. The Province recently adopted the Oak Ridges Morai,c ('o,servatio~ Act, 2001 that requires final decisions on draft plans of subdivision and rczonings to meet the requirements of the soon-to-be-adopted Oak Ridjgc~s' Moraine Conservation P/an. Accordingly, Council may consider these applications at this time. provided conditions are imposed to require the applicant to satiM~, the City that thc policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Pla, will be implemented prior to final approvals tbr the proposed development. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Introduction The subject lands are located north of Kodiak Street, east of Sideline No. 20, in the Hamlet of Claremont. A property location map is provided for reference (sec Attachment #1). The subject property is currently vacant, with scattered tree vegetation. The original submitted draft plan of subdivision proposed 17 detached dwelling lots (9 with garden suites) on lots with frontages ranging from 23 to 80 metres, and a park block. The original application to amend the zoning proposed pertbrmance standards for the subject lands. This was the proposal that was presented at the Statutory Public InIbrmation Meeting and is described in the information Report (see Attachment #21. Since the Statutory Public Information Meeting, the applicant has revised tile draft plan of subdivision and the lands subject to the application to amend tile zoning by-law twice. 2.0 Revision 1 to Draft Plan of Subdivision Revision I to the draft plan of subdivision, submitted to the Region of Durham in September 2000, removed two lots on the north side of Kodiak Street and added Ibm' lots located on the south side of Kodiak Street to the draft plan of subdivision. Land division applications LD 24100 and LD 242/00 were subsequently approved to create the two lots on the north side of Kodiak Street that were removed from the original draft plan of subdivision by Revision 1 (see Attachment #1). 3.0 Phase 1 of the Zonint~ By-law Amendment Application The application to amend the zoning by-law was revised at the same time as l~,evision 1 to the Draft Plan. The purpose of phase 1 of Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/00 was to rezone lands located south of the draft plan of subdivision to an open space/environmental protection zone to serve the nitrate dilution needs of the proposed subdivision. Picketing City Council approved a by-law to implement Phase l of Zoning Amendment Application A 16/00 on August 7,2001. The four lots on the south side of Kodiak Street (see Attachment ::1), added to the draft plan of subdivision by Revision 1, had previously been zoned "(It) R6"-"Hamlet Residential" with a holding provision. The zoning specified that thc holding provision could be lifted once the applicant entered into an agreement with thc City to address matters normally addressed through a subdivision agreement. l¢,eport to Council 16-02 _()()_ Date: March 8. n ' 5.f) November 1' 20()l.prohibitcdccrtaintypeso~'~Tac~m~cipalapprovals tiao Oak I~id,,cs Moraine. inclk~dimz l amora2 otIqct' typos of municipal approx als): · [3y-laxvs to lift holdim~z provisions om zomimg l i.e. flor the four lots om thc south side off Kodiak Street): · approvals offdrati IMams ot'subdix'ision: approvals off zomimg to permit devclopmcmt xxithin the (i.e. zoning lbr Pha~c I1 off Zomim2 The legislation dici iat)t prolnibit tiao crcatiom off lots Dx sox c~",~mcc. agreememt betxvccm thc C'itv :~md thc ztpplicamt to pcmqa~t ctcx clopment of'these lots. Tile OR3, IC'.,t also p~-ox icics tlacit ~aaLnaicipal cotmcil> may make decisions om applications to amend zoning bx-laxxs amd aipprovc applicatioms lbr plans of subdivision on thc Oak Ridges Moraimc commenced prio~' tc) Noxember 1-. 2()01 prox ided such applications subdivision. had not been passed at thc time tta'~t tlai~ rcpor't xxtt~ xxFittcm, its adoption is expected 'imminently' and its cfflbct is mot expected to xt~-x si?i/]calXttx I]'om the dratk that was made available to City stalT bx N1inistt'x of Nlcmicipal _~taknrs anct ltousing oItScials. In the drati offthe "Plan", the subject lamds xxc~'c located xx ittaim ti "('oumtrvsidc Area Rural Settlement" area. Applications l'oi' /otaNag an~cnctmclqt tired di'ztI} plans of subdivision negatix e e/'tDcts oF dcvclopmcmt. subdivision contained in :Xppcndicc> I aired II to tlu~ t'cpo~'t xxill cmsL~rc that thc by-laxx or by the Director of Plzimming cM [)ex clopiqucmt to ixsuio di'ali/xpprovtll of the plan _()0, to approve those zipt)lic'~ttiom5 ~ttblcct to 5klct2 comditionx. 5cctiom 7.4 of this report lm Ibrmation Meet ira 2 :\ Statutes, Public Iml-bm~2',itiom NloetimL-z I'o~' tt~i> ',~pplica~tiom xxa,~ held om thc applicaiat's origimal proposal and outlined tine i~sclc5 tired COI12111011t5 ictentitied throclgh circulation of thc applicatioxq to that date. Tlac text of ImtZ)maaatiom Report No. 25-00 provided tbr rcl~reilcc i sec .&ttaclament ¢21. 022 Report to Council 16-02 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2t Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/(10 (Phase 2/ Date: March 8, 2002 Page 4 6.0 6.1 6.2 At the Statutoo' Public Information Meeting, one area resident made comments about tine proposed development. Concerns expressed included the legal right and justification lbr this proposed development. The Minutes of the meeting are attached (see Attachment ~3). Revision 2 to tine Draft Plan of Subdivision Revision 2 to thc draft plan of subdivision, submitted to the Region of Durham in October 200t, proposes 15 detached dwelling lots, with the option tbr garden suites, on lots with fkontages ranging from 23 to 70 metres. The 15 lots fi'ont onto a nexx road extending north of Kodiak Street. Some lot sizes have been changed From tine earlier proposed draft plan and the parkland block slno~vn on the earlier draft plan has been removed in response to City stall' comments that tlnc park block is not required (see Attachment #4). Revision 2 also includes two blocks of land (Block 16 and 17) to be zoned as open spacc hazard lands. Comments Received From City Departments The Director of Operations & Emergency Services has advised that Block 16 is acceptable to the City as Open Space and that casln-in-lieu of parkland is required. The Municipal Property & Engineering Division inns advised that engineering drawings will be reviewed to dete~Tnine requirements t'or a stop control at the intersection, ttmt Street A should be a continuation of Kodiak Street, that Blocks 16 and 17 should be designated as open space hazard/and and that a stormwatcr management report is required to indicate the drainage regimes. The Development Control Section has advised that engineering requirements respecting stormwater management must be addressed prior to final approval of the subdivision plan. Approval of a road cross-section design lbr fine new road that conlbrms to the cross-section approved for the remainder of Kodiak Street will be addressed prior to final approval of the subdivision plan. Comments From Other Agencies Hydro One has advised that it has no objection to the applications. Shaw Cablesystems has advised that it has no comments or objections to the applications. Veridian Connections has advised that it has no objection to thc applications and tnas advised of certain responsibilities the applicant will have to satisfy (see Attachment #5). Canada Post has requested conditions of approval be imposed on their behalf requiring a statement in all offers of purchase and sale of lots advising that mail delivery will be from a community mailbox, respecting the location and placement of a Community Mailbox, and sidewalk, boulevard and curb xvorks serving the mailbox (see Attachment #6). Durham District School Board has advised that approximately eight elementary pupils could be generated by the development, that these students will be accommodated within existing school facilities and that they have no objection to the application (see Attachment #7). Report to Council 16-02 Nub,jeer: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-20{){ ~-~;2 ( Revision ~2 ) Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1600 Phase Date: MarctnS. z)L 6.4 l)urham Catholic District School Board ha~ aex~scd ii,at it h'a~ no objection a?plications. Enbridge Consumers (;as tTa> adxi>cd that condition> ~taot. dd bc included in thc ~ubdivision agreement to addrc~> co-oFdin'at~on of an overall utilitx distribution plan, ~tandaFds /bt road constFuctto~n. ?'acting and field 3cH'x'cy inlbrmat~on Ibr the installation of gas lines and that the gas distribution sxstcm should be installed within the proposed road allowances (sec Attachment ~8 ). Trans-Canada Pipelines has advised that it tans no objections to the applications. Region of Durham Planning Department has adxiscd that thc Durhan~ Regional Official Plan designates thc ,ubjcct lands as )Az,;L'r. which permits rural settlement C)flidal Plan. The applications haxc bcctn screened in accoi'dancc xxith thc terms of thc archaeological stuck' xvcFc FcquiFcd and conducted. Condition5 z'ccluiFcd as a result of thc from Regional Road 5. and a rccicl~;-c~nciT: that all pFopo~cd dxxcliin~ k~nits be cctuippcd conditions of aplwox'al ( 5cc .Xtt'achn~cnt :~9 ). The Toronto and Regional Conservation Authoritx provided commelatS oil the original proposed draft plan of ~ubdix i5iola 'and application for amcndnqent to thc zoning by-law, Revision 1 to tiao dl-aft pi'an, the subscctucnt stornaxxater nqanagennent and rural servicing studies and on Rex ision £ to the dFaft plan of subdivision t sce :\ttachments #10. #11, #12, #13 and =14). Comments made by 'FRCA resLllted in chaia~es to thc pFoposcd ch'ark plan of subdivision further investigation and chala5O5 to prc)posal~ of hoxx to pFopcF1> address environmental issues, stormwater lllallagci~qCllt techniques LtI2d FklI'ktl ~Cl-klCilqg strategies to the satisfaction of TRCA and Citx staff. At the time of writing of thi> report, t~nal coI12ITq, clnt> 'aiad Fccommcndcd conditions of draI~ approval tbr Revision 2 to tine dratk plan of >c~bdix i>ion had Inet been rcccixed, but CoIllmcnts Received FFom :\rc',t 1,~c>xlcnt> No comments have been Fcccixcd I'Fc~an Fcsidcnts ibllowing tile Statutory Public Infonnation Meeting. ~ortin~ Documentation Copies of tiao folloxxin5 documcnt~, ~ublnitted in coI~_it_lI'lCtlOI2 v, it}l this Stormxxater Management ~%tuctv. t0N' J.F. SaboLlrin and Associates Inc., August 2000, Updated January ' 024 Report to Council 10-02 SubJect: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2) Zoning By-law Amelndment Application A16/00 (Phase 2) Date: March 8, 2002 Page 6 7.0 7.1 · Rural Servicing Study, by Jagger Hims Limited, Environmental Consulting Engineers, Marctn 2000. · Hydrogcologic Review (of the Rural Servicing Study by Jagger Hims Ltd), bv Hydro/efta Limited, June 2000. · Environment Report, by G.M. Semas & Associates Ltd, May 2001. · Noise impact Study, by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd, August 2000. · Stage I-II Archaeological/Heritage Assessment, by North York Archaeological Services, June 2000. Discussion Subdivision Des/mi Considerations Subdivision design for the subject lands is constrained by thc surrotmding topography, land uses and road pattern. Lands to the west are open space lmzard 1;rods occupied by Michell Creek. To the north is located Durham Regional Road No. 5 iCcntral Street), which has a steep slope immediately north of this proposed ch-at't snbdivision. Accordingly, introduction of a new road or pedestrian pathway to join Regional Road No. 5 at this location is not safe, To thc east is Claremont Public School, and other large lot detached dwellings to tine east and south of a small stream Flowing tlnrougln open space hazard lands owned by the City of Picketing. To thc south and south-west arc tocatcd similar-sized lots zoned lb/' detached dwellings w/tin garden suites. The applicant's Revision 2 removed tine park block slnown on thc original proposal, ill response to earlier City comments indicating no need lbr tlnc proposed park block in this area. Other revisions have ctmnged, modestly, the frontage of individual lots. Yet, the resulting lot frontages still provide adequate fl'ontagc to conform to the general pattern of development in the area. Block 16, at the south-east corner of the proposed subdivision, is proposed to be conveyed to City ownership. It cain be added to the abutting open space lands occupied for drainage purposes. Block 17, which is land located below the top of the bank of thc M/cheil Creek valley, at the north limit of the plan, is proposed to be conveyed into public ownership. As Public Works Canada owns this part of Michelt Creek valley, conveyance to Public Works Canada or another public agency is included in Appendix I as a condition of the approval of this subdivision. In order to control access to Regional Road 5, the conditions in Appendix I include a requirement for a 0.3 metre reserve to be conveyed to the Region of Durham to prevent access from the rear of Lot 9 to Regional Road 5. The cross-section design for the road extension should conform to tine design of the road cross-section on the existing parts of Kodiak Street and the parts of Acorn Lane immediately south of this proposed subdivision. Conditions in Appendix I to tiffs report address this matter. Staff considered whether a pedestrian pathway should be required to connect the proposed road either to Central Street (as discussed above), the Claremont Public School property or to the current pathway from Canso Drive to the Ctaremont Public School site. The Durham Public School Board advised that they do not support another pathway onto the school property for maintenance, liability and safety reasons, and a pathway to Central Street would have too steep a grade for pedestrian safety. In addition, a pathway to join the current pathway from Canso Drive ~vould have to follow the route of tine current stream to the rear of proposed Lot 10. Accordingly, no pedestrian pathway is proposed. Report to Council 16-02 Subject: DraFt Plan of Subdivision SP-al)I)!~-t)2 t t?,evision #2) Zoning By-law Amendment .~Xpplication .~X 16/00 (Phase 2) Date: March 8, 2002 Page - :\ block of land at thc front offpropo~,od Lots 1 and 2 that x,,zi~ prcxiousl> convcxcd to thc permits development of thc>c lots with proper lot z~r'ctt tii~d i5-cmtagc on thc street. Bx-Iaxx 5853/01 xva> pusscd .ILlllC l~. 2~){)1 to Clo>C }'art 1. Plan 4()1<-2(~725 as a public October 16, 2001. Siting2 and ~Xrchitectural Desi,_,n C'onsidcrations Thc development off the propo~oct dctaclqed dxxcllin.T_s on large lots should be carei'ull> planned and controlled to avoid house 5~t~g ',tad dcsi,~n ttnat may be out off character xx ith development patterns in thc t4analct oF %'Iaremont. Dcsi? and siting off garages and }3ased on tiao l'oregoin5. this [)cpzH'tnlOlqt roco~]]nnends tha~t prior to thc registration of thc plan and or the issuance of anx model taon~c or buildin5 permits, thc applicant prepare a report to the satislk~ction of thc [)ircctor. Planlaillg & Development, outlining siting and architecttn'td dcsi? ob. jcctix'c5 Ikon' thc dralk plan off subdivision that includes streetscapc aH'chitccturtd ~uictclinc>. Thc>c <uidclincs will include restriction off garage Zonin,2 Requirements has advised that he is 170 lOIq~Cl' interested iI2 thc zidditio~ut~l ctsc~ permitted bv the zoning. Thc "RS" zone permits a "conxcrtcd dxvcllin~"~ that includes, boardin,,= or lod~in~ uses. Tile "t~O-X"_ zonin~ i5 rectt~ested for thc xxest sick: oC Street '.h'. Nlitait~ctH7 lot l}'onta<,cs (3000 square metres). This i~ thc same zoning cate?tx cxi~tinLz on thc lot~ t>~ thc west el'thc open space lands north-west oI'the sLab. jeer land~. Tile "R0" zoning is requested for thc cast side of Stvcct '.\'. t!>tcopt ~'or thc inclusion of provisions Ibr the garden suite permitted on thc ,',~nqc lot. t}~c pcrlbrmancc standards are similar to those required Ibr thc "R6-3" zone l i.e. nT~n:n~u~:~ lot I'rontagcs oF 22 metres space drainage swale owned b~ thc C'itx. 17 arc proposed to bc zoned "().",-ITL" ()pc~2 5p:icc Ill, lard Ltmd to meet the It is anticipated that thc amending zoning b,.-laxk will be broLl?nt ;k~rx~ ard to Council ) thc submission oi' am zicccptztblc dralk 40NI plato. ;ilkcv thc a~nticipatcd lrovincial zu>plicant has satisfied tiao Director of Plannin,; &Dcvclopmcnt thtit thc rccluiremeiats thc Oak R/dgc'.s' ~tlo~¥1/~, ('()liSt'/Trill'OIl P/(Itl have been t~claicvcd. ('onditions oI'approxa] are provided in .appendix II. Report to Council 16-0-> Subject: Drat~t Plan oF Subdivisio]~ SP-2000-02 (Revision #2t Zoning By-law Amendmel~t Application A16/00 (Phase 2t Date: March 8, 2002 Page 8 7.4 7.5 Com~pliance with Oak Ridges Moraine Legislation and Regulation Section 5.2 of the draft Oak Ridges Moraine Co~tservafiot~ Pla~ provides that applications on lands within a "Countryside Area" (which includes Rural Settlement areas such as the subject lands), that were commenced, but not decided upon, before tile date the Phm t:~kcs effect, are subject to the lbllowing specific policies: Policy 3.2.b. which prohibits development or site alteration within siE4~fi/ica,z ~amra/ herita~e/c~m~/'es, with exceptions; · Policy 3.2.d. which provides that planning, design and construction practices shall maintain connectivity between natural features or areas which function as natu~'al corridors tbr the movement of plants and animals, or ensure that no buildings or site alterations impede the movement of plants and animals between sig~!/ic:anz natural heritage ./i, amres and /o:drological/3' sensiti~:e ./'eatures or adjacent lands within Natural Core Areas or Natural Linkage Areas: · Policy 3.3(b.1), which pem~its large-scale development (greater tlnan 4 lots, such as this proposal) where the applicant demonstrates that an adequate water supply is available without compromising the ecological and hydrological imcgrity of thc Moraine, and has satisfied, on a site-specific basis, the fbllowing rcqtm'ements for water budgets and water conservation plans fi)r the development site and such part el' abutting or nearby lands as is necessau,: o Modeling to characterize groundwater and surti~ce water flow systems: o Identification of availability, quantity and quality of water sources; and. o Identification of water conservation measures. · Policy 4.13.t; which prohibits rapid infiltration columns or rapid infiltration basins. Although the supporting studies submitted by thc applicant address some of tile matters set out in the ~bregoing policies, further study and documentation may be required to demonstrate that the proposed subdivision and rezoning applications meet the requirements of the policies. Provided the applicant can provide such documentation to satisfy City staff and/or interested agencies (i.e. TRCA) that the requirements of those policies have been satisfied before either an amending zoning by-law is passed by City Council or draft approval of a subdivision plan is given by the Director of Planning & Development, Planning Committee and Council may consider and reach decisions on these a~pplications that are conditional u_pon achievement of the reciuirements of the policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan. once the ORMCP comes into force. Technical Matters Noise The Region of Durham Planning Department concurred with the findings of the Noise Impact Study conducted by G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd., which was based on the original proposed draft plan of subdivision and a worst case analysis Ibr the anticipated traffic levels that may be expected on Regional Road 5. The Noise impact Study concluded that, due to proximity of the subject lands to Regional Road 5, anticipated noise levels within some of the proposed outdoor living areas in this development will exceed Ministry, of Environment criteria, requiring a 1.8 metre noise barrier along the rear lot lines of Lots 8 and 9. However, the rear lot lines of these lots have been changed by Revision 2 to the draft plan ~vhich now proposes that Block 17, occupying lands previously within the rear yards of these lots, be conveyed to a public agency. In addition, the worst case traffic levels assumed in the Noise Impact Study are unlikely to occur on Regional Road 5 as it passes through the Hamlet of Claremont. Accordingly, conditions recommended for adoption contained in Appendix i require that a 1.8 metre noise fence be installed by the applicant, if required lbllowing stafi~s further discussion with the applicant, the Region and the noise consultant on this matter. Report to Council 16-02 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1 t)atc: (-}9t, The Noise Impact Sttldx also responded to the potonti'aI c/'t'~cts on dwelling units of aircraft noise fi-om a possible l'clturc Pickcrin~ Airport bx rcquirin~ all proposed dxvelling unitstobc equipped xxith central air conditioning. Alflioush thc Region's condition of installation of central cdr conditionin~ is unccrtaiia. Accordingly, conditions recommended Ibr adoption contained in Appei~dix i require that all dxvclling units bc equipped to accommodate, IlOt insrall, central air conditionini. Subdix ision Agreement A subdivision agreelnCnt betxxoen tho (_'iix' and tho oxxncr of thc lands will be required to ensure that all matters of interest to thc Citx circ protected. This rcquii'cd a?'CCllqCllt, alnd Repo~. Parkland As no parkland is required througla thc draft plan. thc City xxill require cash-in-lieu fi-om the developer in order to satist'x Section 42( 1 ) of thc Planning Act. Applicant's Comments Thc applicant has roxicxxcd a drat} ctq~} of this }<cport and concurs with thc recommendations cont'aincd thcroin. O28 Report to Council 16-02 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 (Revision #2) Zoning B>-law Amendment Application A16/00 (Phase 2t Date: March 8.2002 Page 10 ATTACHMENTS: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Property Location Map Information Report No. 25-00 Minutes of Statuto%, Public information Meeting held August 10, 20(t0 Applicant's Proposed Plan of Subdivision (Revision 2)/StaffRecommended Plan Comments of Veridian Connections Comments of Canada Post Comments of Durham District School Board Comments of Enbridge Consumer's Gas Comments of the Region of Durham Planning Department Comments of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authoritv (TRCA) June 14, 2000 Comments of TRCA dated August 11, 2000 Comments of TRCA dated October 24, 2000 Comments of TRCA dated March 2, 2001 Comments of TRCA dated November 1, 2001 dated Prepared By: Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II Approved Endorsed By: 7 Director, Plann~ & Development Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy SG/sm Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended }hr the consideration of Pickering City Council T~ J:Quinn~hief Xdminis~e Officer / L APPILNI)IX 1I() IIEPf)I'[T NU.MBISR PI)-10-02 1.0 1.1 2.0 2.1 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 RECOMMENDED ('()NDITI()NS OF ..XI't'I{()\'.\I. I:()1,', DRAFT PI. AN OF SUBI)I\'ISION GENERAL CONDITIONS revised date of October 1-. 2(u~l Ibr Dr'ail Plain of Number PD 16-()2. and bearing thc C'ilx's rCColnnlcI~dt~tion I'RIOI,[ ]'O I)RAFT ..\t~PRO\'.\I~ ()F' THE PL\N PRIOR TO I'HF2 I,[E(;ISTI{ATI()N ()F THE That the owner suDmit a Draft Planning & Development Department implement thc condilions of That the implementing bx-laxx for ZoninL_' (PHa.',¢ II) bccoI1]C t'ila'A1 triad binding. C'itx'of Picketing to ensure thc fulfilin~ci~t of thc t'itx's requirements, financial and otherwise, which Mmll include, but not nccc~szH'ilx be limited to thc I61loxx Storm Drainaoe (a) 3.3.2 3.3.3 Control and Soils (a) satisfaction of' thc l)ircctor. Plannin5 & [)cxclopnacnt Department respecting (b) satisfaction of thc [)ircctor. } Iannin_ and [)ex c]o}3mcnt Department respecting thc Road Allowances (a) construction of iiqtcvnal voad~ xxith a vur'al cvo>5-sccuotq. >to;-nq water management fhcilities and boulcx 'avd designs to maximize T'ront x ard ~pucc xx ithout impeding services or thc sat~ operation of'thc streets: and. (b) that all strcet~ be named to tiao satiM'action or'the ('it\ of Picketing. 3.3.4 Construction/Installation of City Works & Services 3.3.5 3.3.6 3.3.7 3.3.8 (a) satisfaction o£ the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City; (b) satisfaction of the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for thc provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas alld other similar services; and, (c) that the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the subdivider. Dedications/Transfers/Conveyances (a) the dedication of all road allowances with the proper corner roundings and sight triangles to the City; (b) that thc owner convey to the City, at no cost: (i) (ii) (iii) any easements as required; any reserves as required by the City; and, Block 16 for open space purposes. (c) that the subdivider convey any easement to any utility to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to thc satisfaction of the City and thc utility. (d) That thc subdivider convey Block 17 to an appropriate public agency for open space purposes. Construction Manao, ement Plan (a) that the owners make satisfactory arrangement with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other things: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls; (ii) addressing the parking of vehicles and thc storage ot' construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on either existing streets or the proposed public street; (iii) assurance that the City's Noise By-laxv will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; (iv) the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site: (v) type and timing of construction fencing; and, (vi) location of construction trailers. Development Chames (a) satisfaction of the City financially with respect to the Dcvclopment Charges Act. Co-ordinated Development (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to arrangements necessary to provide ibr co-ordination of services and roads with adjacent lands and any phasing of development that may be required. 3.3.9 SodimontationandErosion(.'ontrol satisfaction of tile Citx xxith respect to tho proxi~ion off silt construction, prior to COla]lllCllCCi21cl}[ oI'[tI1v xk oi-k>. 3.3.10 Trec t'rc:~crvation/Strcct Trcc Plantinc tile submission of a trco puosc,xation and >trcct tree planting plan to tho satisfaction of the C'itx. 3.3.1ti l)osi,_,n Plannimz tbr tiao construction cfa residential unit on thc lands: (by tho rq>ort outlining sitin~z 'and 'a,ohitcctur'aI dcsi,?7 objectix 05 tbr linc 3.3.11 Noise :\ttcnuation rear lot linc of Lots S and 9 to protect xes~dcnt> t't'om noise f, ona Regional Road 5. 3.3.12 Engineering Draxvin,;s (ay that tile ovk'inei' satisfx thc C'itx i'c:,qt3ct,.'tlia~ thc ~L~bnai~ion of appropriate hardware and street trees i~ c)~'dc~' it, CllNLII'C [halt conllict~ do not exist, asphalt is 3.3.13 Other .,\t'~twoval ,.X~encies that tiao subdix idcr 5'at~sI'x all thc I'CtJLilI'CI]]CI]I> ~,5,t'[}]C l\t,.~lt)l] oi'l)urlmnl; (b) that tiao subdixider' sa~tlsI'x all thc i-cqulrcI~aciat> t~I' thc To,onto 'and Ix).c~ioIa Conservation .-\ttttaoritx: and. (c 032 3.3.14 Parkland Dedication (a) that the subdivider provide to thc City cash-in-lieu ot' parkland dedications, to the satisfaction of thc Director, Plannin~ & Development, in order to satiM\' Section 42(1) of the Planning Act. APPENI)IX I1 Ti) I/I~]Pf)R'I~ Nt'51BER PD 16-02 I{I!]C()MMENDED CONI)II'I()NS OF ..\I'I'tt()\'AI. F()R Z()NING BS'-I~AXV 023 1.0 2.0 AMENDMENT APPLICA1'I()N _\ 10/00 !Phase Ii}. That prior to forwarding of an in~_plcmcntiI'tEL /oIninEz bx-lav, to City Council: a) Draft Plan of 5ubdixision 5t' £(1()i)-I/£ i},[cx~5~ol~ £1 ~'cccixc draft approval fi'om b) C) and. id) t'olloxvin[:: ia) (iii) minimun~ front yard dcptla ix'iii) naaxinaumbuildin~laci~ht (ix) maximuna ol'ollC detached dxxdliia,,= LlI2it pCl' lot and I71illil12LHll ~I'OSS floor ai'e~l residential of 11)(~ square metres, except, xxhcrc a dctactncd dwelling exists on a lot. :t ~ai'dcn suite marx bc csutblishcd in accordance with tiao subject to thc Ibllo:x 2. Lt IlltIXilllLilll ~I'Okllld i]OOf LiI'C3 OI' (35 5LILILII'C IllCtI'CS ~k)I' Lilly 3. il IllLiXilllUIll }lCi~}l[ Or' 3.{} lllOU'CS. CXCC[3I ii' constructed as a lot 'dI'C30l'{I.30I'Ll }ICCT_Ltl'Ci side vaI'd widttl ol' l,~ [IlctI'C>: flanka,,c side yard width of~ - metres' IVIIlIlIllLIH1 l't2ilI' x,'Lwd depth of 9.() II1CU'C>. CXCCp[ ~k }~Cl'C iii1 -OS-HL" - Open 111aXillltllll lot cox erase o;' 2{} percent: (viii) maximum building height of 12.0 metres: and, maximuna of one detached dwelling unit per lot and minimum gross t'loor area residential ot' 100 square metres. (c) permit conservation of natural environment, soil and wildlife and resource management uses through thc establishment of an '~OSHL" Open Space Hazard Land zone on a 10 metre wide strip of land at the rear of Lots 1 to 9, a 5 metre wide strip of land at the rear of Lots 10 to 15, Block 16 and Block 17 as shown on the proposed draft plan of subdivision. A~ACHMENT ~?~_..i. T0 REPORT ~ PD~ STREET SEVEREI LANDS SUBJECT TO PHASE 2 OF ZONING BY-LAW AMENDM AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUB[ SP-2000-i2 (R~VISED)I~ CENTRAL LANDS ZONIN LAN E O -'NCES LD 19§/q1,1~ I , / I~ECT TO PHASE 1 OF . .AW AMENDMENT A STREET xiGTON City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 20, CONCESSION 8 F OWNER CLAREMONT ESTATES ONT. LTD ~ DATE FEB. 26, 2002 APPLICATION No. SP-2000~2 (REVISION 2); A 16/00 (PHASE 2) SCALE 1:7500 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-SlO PA- DRAWNBY RC 7 ? CHECKED BY ~G ATTACHMENT REPORT t PD ~q 0 F INFORMATION REPORT NO. 25-00 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF August 10, 2000 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/00 Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. Part of Lot 20, Concession 8 (Proposed extension of Kodiak Street, north of Acorn Lane and east of Sideline No. 20) City of Picketing 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are located north of Acorn Lane and Kodiak Street, east of Sideline 20 and south of Regional Road No. 5 (Central Street) in the Hamlet of Claremont; a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); Open Space lands supporting tributaries of Mitchell Creek are located to the west and east; hamlet residential uses are located to the south-xvest and south-east; Claremont Public School is located to the north-east; federal airport lands are located to the south, and agriculturally-zoned lands are located north of the subject lands across Central Street. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applicant proposes to extend Kodiak Street (formerly Nuthatch Street) northward, and develop 17 residential lots providing lot frontages ranging from approximately 22.0 metres to 80 metres in size; the applicant's submitted draft plan is provided for reference (see Attachment #2): the proposed lots would range in area from approximately 0.3 of a hectare to 0.6 of' a hectare in size; the proposed lots are intended to support detached residential dwellings; the applicant has requested that seven of the proposed lots (Lots 3 to 9 on the applicant's submitted plan) on the west side of the proposed Kodiak Street extension be permitted to support garden suites in conjunction with a detached dwelling (Lots 1 and 2 on the applicant's submitted plan are already zoned to permit a garden suite in conjunction with a detached dwelling); one 0.3 of a hectare block, for school or community facility use, is proposed directly south of Claremont Public School; and a 0.02 of a hectare block is proposed as park land for the City. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being within a "Hamlet"; Hamlets shall be the predominant location for rural settlement, and shall be developed in harmony with surrounding uses; Information Report No. 25-00 ...... ~~TO F,~.FORT ~ PD~ 3.2 development ~vithin Hamlets_ max consist ofa xarictx ofhousin-. = types, communitx Ihcilitics, employment areas and commercial area> t}~',ii meet the immediate needs of the residents of hamlets and the sun'oundin~ rural area: development xx'ffhin Hamlets shall be mdixidualh serviced with private drilled xvdls and private sexvagc disposal systems where groundwater quantity and quality pcnmts. and in compliance with the standards of thc Region of Durham and tho Ministry of the Environment and Energy: when reviewing an application tbr approval of a draft plan of subdivision xxirtaii~ a halnlet, the Region requires thc submission of x'ariou5 enxironmcntal repons and plans to support thc proposed development: these submissions include, but arc not limited to. a scutemem capacity study, a hydrogeological report, an cnxironmcntal impact report, a lot servicing plan, a soil report and existing and proposed grading plans. Pickerin?. Official Plan designates the subject lands "Hamlet t%sidentiaI" within thc }{amlet of Claremont: establishment of detached residential d~x cllin~s and related ~aI'OcI1 5LIitCS' Rural Hamlets arc typically settlements xxith historic roots as 5ocial and service ctex clopment in rural ai'cits: a portion of the subject land> abutting tributaries of Nlitchcll Crock arc designated '~Open Space System - Natural Area": permissible uses within this designation include conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passixc recreation and similar uses: the subject hinds/hll within thc "Oak Ridges Nlorainc*': uses and activities within or adjacent to thc Nlorainc must be consistent xxith the principles of the Oak Ridges hlorame Implementation Ouidclinc> prepared by the Ministry of Natural Resources the subject lands support and abut a "Shoreline and Strcailq Corriclor": on lands designated "Shoreline and Stream Corridor". new development and major redevelopment on those lands also designated "Open Space System - Natural Area" shall be prohibited: the Plan promotes the retention of watercourses and valley and stream comdors in an open and natural state, the recognition of these cori-iciors, and thc conveyance of such lands to the City or other public agency as a condition of development approval. where appropriate: section 15.9 of the Plan requires tine submission and approxal of an Environmental Repo~7 as part of the consideration of thc subject dcxelopment applications: the required report n:u~t include, a~ a IllilliIllkllll. illtk)rlllatioI1 outlined in Section 15.11 of the Plan. flint includc~, but is not limited to: · a detailed description of the proposal and all environmental features and functions that may be aflkcted by thc proposed des elopment: · an assessment of expected eI'I~cts oft}nc propo>al on thc cnxironment: · recommendations outtlining action~ nece~>arx to present, remedy and or mitigate anticipated negative eflbcts, and enhance potential positive ct'I~cts: and. · a monitoring plan: supporting hydrogeological, soil aiaalxsis. ~radin~z and cirainagc, stormwater management and lot servicing information is also required to accompany the Environmental Report: Kodiak Street is a local ro~.d, generally providing access to individual properties, to other local roads and to collector roads, anti is designed to Ca~Tv local traffic: 038 Information Report No. 25-00 Page 3 3.3 Zoning By-law - a majority of the subject lands are zoned "A" Rural Agricultural Zone, by Zoning By-law 3037, as amend; - a small south-west portion of the subject lands are zoned "(H)R6-3 - Hamlet Residential xvith Garden Suites (Hold) Zone and "OS-HL" - Open Space - Hazard Land Zone, by Zoning By-law 3037, as amended by By-law 5464/99: - an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to allow the establishment of lots supporting detached dwellings (with some associated garden suites) and the proposed public park block; - the applicant has provided a separate zoning plan that outlines thc proposed zone categories requested to accommodate the proposed development on thc subject lands (see Attachment #3). 4.0 RELATED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS - since submitting this proposal, the applicant has applied to the Durham Region Land Division Committee, requesting approval to sever two lots (proposed Lots 1 and 2 on the applicant's proposed draft plan) fronting Kodiak Street, and retaining the remaining lands subject to this subdivision proposal: - land severance applications LD 241/00 and 242/00 are scheduled to be heard at the August 14, 2000 Land Division Committee Meeting; - the proposed severed lots are currently zoned "(H)R6-Y'- Hamlet Residential (Hold) Zone and "OS-HL" - Open Space - Hazard Land Zone, by Zoning By-law 3037, as amended by By-law 5464/99; - the proposed severed lots were previously zoned through Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/98; - through Council's consideration of the above-noted Zoning By-law Amendment Application, the applicant was also granted permission by Council to proceed through the land severance process to create the proposed two severed lots (the Pickering Official Plan requires any ownership of land capable of being divided into more than three lots be developed through a plan of subdivision, unless Council grants permission to an owner to proceed through the land severance process if it is demonstrated that a plan of subdivision is neither warranted nor necessary); - at the time of preparation of this report, the Planning & Development Department have not completed the review, or provided comments on, the proposed severance applications to the Region of Durham; - through a preliminary review of these applications, Planning & Development Staff have requested detailed technical information needed to assess the appropriateness of the proposed severances, including a revised servicing study applicable to the proposed severed lands. 5.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION (See Attachments #4 to #9) 5.1 Resident Comments - no resident comments have been received to-date; 5.2 Agency Comments The Durham District School Board - advise that anticipated pupils generated through this proposal will be accommodated within an existing school facility, and that the Board has no need or interest in acquiring Block 18, and wishes reference on the draft plan as a school block be eliminated (see Attachment #4); ln lbrmation Report No. 25-00 Page 4 5.3 5.3,1 5.3,2 Enbridge Consumers Gas requests conditions to bc included in a future subdivision agreement, including thc requirement of an overall utilitx distribution plan sec Attachment ~5 )' Region of Durham Health Department-- requests various infommtion be submitted for review prior to fomml comments, including a lot scrx'icing plan, at .*oil sampling program, a grading and drainage plan. a pecr-revicxvcd hydrogcological report, and an environmental impact study (see Attachment =0 t: Canada Post requests conditions of draft approxal regarding the location and installation cfa temporar5 and pcmmncnt Communitx Nlailbox. and required sidcxvalk. boulevard and curb works scrviI¥, thc mailbox (sec Attachment :-): Toronto and Region Conservation Authority request tt~c limits of thc top-of-bank be clarified, and note that proposed Lots 10 and 11 encroach into thc identified valley lands. Accordingly, T.R.C.A. has requested thc submission of a gcotechnical report, and review cfa groundwater assessment that was conducted Ibr thc subject lands. T.R.C.A. has Ihrther requested thc subimssic)n of a stonnxxatcr malmgCmcnt report tbr their review ~ see Attachment =8 ): Veridian Connections outlines variou~ cicctricaI soi'x~cil2~ requirements tbr this proposal (see Attachment =9): No Objections or Concerns: - ttvdro One Nctx~orks hlc.. Durham Catholic District School Board and Shaw Cablcsvsvtems. Staff Comments in reviewing tile application to-date, tile folloxxin~ matters have been identified by staff for furfller review and consideration: Plan of Subdivision reviewing and determiniitg the exact boundaries of the proposed subdivision, considering existing natural features, technical requirements, and other related development applications tspecifically thc implications of land severance applications LD 241~00 and 242 00): reviewing the proposed street and lotting patterns, and the appropriateness of thc proposed school/communitx Facilitx and parkland blocks: reviewing the proposal thr'ou?a the pnnc~plcs of thc Oak Ridges Moraine Implementatiola Guidelines (prepared bx tho Nlinistrx of Natural Resources), and imposing an> appropriate resultant >tandards on the propo>cd developmei2t: Zoning Matters · reviewing the aptwopriatcness of ~ardcn suites in conjunction with detached dwellings on some of the proposed lots: ensuring appropriate buffer zones to thc tributaries of Mitchell ('reck are established: Technical Matters reviewing supporting technical submissions, inclucting a required ciqvironmental report with supporting hydrogeological, soil analysis, grading and drainage, stormwater management and lot servicing inlbrmation, to ensure that adequate infbmmtion is provided and that technical requirements are met: 04O Information Report No. 25-00 ATTACHMENT# REPORT ~ PD Page 5 reviewing water supply, sewage disposal, storn~water quality and quantity management; 5.3.4 Other Matters ensuring that any resultant residential development is compatible with surrounding residential development, particularly existing development fronting onto Kodiak Street and Acorn Lane. 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed plan of subdivision or zoning by-law amendment application, you nmst request such in writing to the City Clerk; if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Regional Municipality of Durham in respect of the proposed plan of subdivision does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make written submissions to the Regional Municipality of Durham before the proposed plan of subdivision is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal: if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must provide comments to the City betbre Council adopts any by-law for this proposal. 7.0 7.1 7.2 OTHER INFORMATION Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing this report. Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; - the City of Pickering is in receipt of the following accompanying information: · a Rural Servicing Study, prepared by Jagger Hims Limited and dated March, 2000; and, · a peer review of the above-noted Rural Servicing Study, prepared by Hydroterra Limited and dated June 30, 2000. Information Report No. 25-00 TO Page 6 7.3 Company Principal - the applicant, Mr. Don Bennet, advises that the principal of Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. is Mr. Karstcn Smith. Planner 1 RT/par Manager, Policy Copy: Director, Planning & Development Department ATTACHMENT # -~ TO REPORT# PD I~,"~ Excerpts of Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes of Thursday, August 10, 2000 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Infomlation Meeting was held on Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers. (i) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2000-02 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 16-00 CLAREMONT ESTATES ONTARIO INC. PART OF LOT 20, CONCESSION 8 (PROPOSED EXTENSION OF KODIAK STREET, NORTH OF ACORN LANE AND EAST OF SIDELINE NO. 20) Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Division, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #25-00. Don Be~mett, 5258 Old Brock Road, advised that they concur with the Manager's comments and are present to answer any questions. Richard Ward, 3709 Regional Road 9, Orono, questioned the legal right and justification for this taking placc. He stated that Council has breached public trust and he requested m~ inquest into this matter. ATTACHMENT d, TO REPORT t PD /(- ' ,c INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2000-02 (REVISION 2) STAFF RECOMMENDED PLAN CLAREMONT ESTATES ONTARIO INC. LAND SCHEDULE RESIDENTI~ TYPE S X - THREE ~R6-3) ~ ~S~ (LOTS I 6 ] RES IDENTI~ TYPE S X THREE (~ ~ OHSL (LOTS 7- 9 I RESIDENTIAL TYPE SIX {R6J & OSHL ( LOTS I0 - ~5 ) PRIVATE ~ATER, PRIVATE ~ASTE D SPOSAL Y~ FR~TAGE - 22.0 m ~N LOT ~EA - 0.30 Ho BLOCK ~6 ~OSHL) BLOCK i7 IOSHL! STREET 'A' (CITY OF F~CKERINGt 9~ TO~AL MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PtCKERING P~ANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 'N:ORMATIDN & SUPPORT SERVICES 0.024t HO 0 504: t~ r 44 t HO :98: MO - 320: H~ ATTACH~,~iENT #~TO VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW P~ROJECT NAME.. Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. - Approval of a Plan of Subdivision M~UNICIPALITY: Picketing F. NO.: Durham Region File No: S-P-2000-02 Ref. No: 65050 SUBMISSION DATE: May 18, 2000 10. 11. Electric Service is available on the road allowance(s) touching this property. Servicing will be from Nuthatch Lane and Acorn Lane. An extension of the Corporation's plant is reqmred on the road allowance m order to sertnce this project. · Owner's cost, All such extensions are normally underground. 'I~e applicant must provide accommodation on site for the Corporation's transformer(s). Individual metering for each unit is required. The following standard fixed fee costs will apply (all figures are approXanate): Service Connection Fee $130.00 per unit A ~ in the amount of $3,000.00 is required to be applied against engineering legal and inspect/on costs associated with this project, The Applicant must make direct application to the Corporation to obtain specific approval of the electrical service arrangements and related work for this project. An electrical consultant or electrician is surongly recommended to co-ordinate service details. The applicant is cautioned that tenders, contracts, or work initiated prior m obtaining specific approval will be subject to change. A Serv/cing Agreement must be signed with the Corporation in order to obtam servicing for this site. All xvork from the public road allowance to the senfce entrance and the metering arrangements must comply , with the Corporation's requirements and specifications. The Applicant will be reqtured to grant to the Corporation a standard occupation easement, registered on fide, for transformer installations, ' Prior to obtaining a building perrins, the Applicant shall, by agreement, confirm acceptance of the terms and conditions of providing electrical service, Page 2 VEKIDIAN CONNEC-i-!ONS DE\~mLOPMt~NT APPLICATION REVIEW 12. Landscaping, specifically txees and shrubs, shoLkld be located ~wax- ;2om ~e Corporation's transfonmer to avoid interference with eqmpme, nt access. TechrUca] Representative - Dave BelJ Tdephone 427-9870 Ext. 3233 PP/d~ Rev, Date: November 1, 1999 0 4 DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. SCARBOROUGH ON M1P 5Al (416)285-5385 (T) (416)285-7624 (F) JUNE 7, 2000 MR. N. CARROLL DIRECTOR OF PLANNING CiTY OF PICKERING 1 THE ESPLANADE PICKERING ON LIV 6K7 RE: APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION DURHAM REGION FILE NO.: S-P-2000-02 APPLICANT: CLAREMONT ESTATES ONTARIO INC LOT: 19 CONCESSION 8 CITY OF PICKERING REF. NO.: 65053 Dear Mr. Carroll, Thank you for the opportunitY to comment on the above noted application. Please note our new conditions below. As a condition of draft approval, Canada Post requires that the owner/developer comply with the following conditions: - The owner/developer agrees to include on all offers of purchase and sale, a statement which advises the prospective purchaser that mail delivery will be from a designated Community Mailbox. - The owner/developer will be responsible for notit~ing the purchaser of the exact Commumty Mailbox locations prior to the closing of any home sale. - The owner/developer will consult with Canada Post Corporation to determine suitable locations for the placement of Community Mailbox and to indicate these locations on thc appropriate servicing plans. ~F..P,3R'[ # PD~ _3_ The owner/developer will provide thc t'olloxving tbr each Community _Mailbox site and include these requirements on the appropriate serx'icing ohms: - An appropriately sized sidewalk section {concrete pad) as per municipal standards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. -Anv required walkv,'av across thc boulevard, as per municipal standards. - Any required CLlrb depressions for x~ heclchair accel5. The owner, developer/'urthcr agree., to determine and prox idca suitable temporary Community Mailbox location!s), xvhici~ may bc utilized by Canada Post until tile curbs, sidewalks and final grading have been completed att the pcrmar~cnt C'ommunitv Mailbox locations. This will enable Canada Post to provide mail delix er', to new residence as soon as thc homes are occupied. I trust that this infbm~ation is sut'ficicnt, however, should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact mc the aboxc number or ma/ling address. Sincerely. Debbie Greenwood DeliveU, Planning Officer c.c.R. Szarek, Durham Rcgion A:[ :TILDRAV,, SAM n48 THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Facilities Services 40" Taunton Road East nitby, Ontario LIR 2K6 ~!tephone: [905) 666-5500 1 ~800-265-3968 Fax: (905) 666-6439 October 24, 2001 The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 1615 Dundas Street East 4th Floor, Lang Tower West Building, Box 623 Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 Attention: Mr. Richard Szarek Dear Mr. Richard Szarek, RE: Revised Plan of Subdivision S-P-2000-02 - Revision 2 Claremont Estates. Ontario Inc. Lot 19, Concession VIII City of Picketing Ref. No.: 66264 OCT 2 9 zUO1 DEVELOPMEr,~7 DEPARTMENT Staff'has reviewed the information on the above noted revised application and hals the following comments: 1 1. Approximately 8 elementary pupils could be generated' bY the subject plan. It is intended that any pupils generated by the above noted plan would attend an existing school facility. Under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, staff has not objections. Yours truly, Christine Nancekivell, Planner c.c. Mr. Nell Carroll, Director of Planning, City of Pickering CN:em I:\PROPLANkDATA\PLNG\SUB\SP2000-02 Revision 2 500 Elgin Mills Road East Richmond Hill Ontario L4C 5Gl EIVBRIDGE Consumers Gas 20(i)0-00-06 Mr. N. Carroll Director of' Planning - Planning Department City of Picketing - Municipal Building 1 The Esplanade Picketing ON LI V 6K7 Dear Sir JUN - 7 2000 CITY OF PICKERING RECEIVED ,JUN '7 2000 CITY OF PICKERING OEVELQPMEh, T DEPARTMENT Re.' APPLICATION FOR APPROYAL OF A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION DURHAM REGION FILE NO: S-P-2000-02 REF NO. 65044 / CLAREMONT ESTATES ONTARIO 1NC. It is requested that the following conditions be included in the subdivision agreement. The owner is to co-ordinate the preparation et' an overall utility distribution plan to the satisfaction of all effected authorities. Streets are to be constructed in accordance with the municipal standards. The owner shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines, and provide the necessary field survey infbrmation required tbr the installation of the gas lines, all to the satisfaction of Enbridge Consumers Gas. All of the natural gas distribution system will be installed within the proposed road allowances therefore easements will not be required Yours Truly, I'/~/' '\ H. Wilc6x Planning Supervisor (905) 883-2613 HW/s c The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 1615 DUNDAS S% E. 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING P.O. BOX 623 WHITBY, ON L1N 6A3 (905) 728-7731 FAX: (905) 436-6612 www. regio_n.durham,or~:ca February 26, 2002 Mr. N. Carroll. Director of Planning Planning Department City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ont. L1V 6K7 R E C V E D CITY OF PiCKERING PLANNING S, DEVEI ©PME:NT /-)EPAR fMENT Dear Mr. Carroll: Re: Regional Review of an Application for Plan of Subdivision File No.: S-P-2000-02 Cross Ref.: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A16/00 Applicant: Claremont Estates Location: Part Lot 19, Concession 8 (Claremont) Municipality: City of Pickering A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning SER 7(~E EX(~ELLENCE for our CO~'IMUNITY" This application has been reviewed by the Region and the following comments are offered 'with respect to the Durham Regional Official Plan, Provincial policies, and the proposed method of servicing. Official Plan Conformity The subject property is located within Claremont, a designated Hamlet in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Policy 13.2.2 of the Durham Plan states, in part, that Hamlets shall be the predominant location for rural settlement. Policy 13.3.5 permits development within Hamlets provided development will have an adequate supply of potable water and soil conditions are satisfactory for the effective operation of a private sewage system for each proposed lot, all in compliance with the standards of the Region and the Ministry of Environment. In this regard, a hydrogeological report was provided by the applicant and'peer-reviewed to the satisfaction of the Region. It is our understanding that a lot servicing plan and a subdivision grading plan have also been submitted to the satisfaction of the Health Department in accordance with Policy 13.3.9. The proposed plan of subdivision would appear to conform to the Plan. Provincial Interests and Deleqated Review Responsibilities The subject lands have been assessed as having a high archaeological potential due to the proximity of a tributary of the Duffins Creek, known as Michell's Creek. A Stage I-II Archaeological/Heritage Assessment has been prepared by North York Archaeological Services in consideration of this proposal. A sufficient buffer should be incorporated from the development area to protect the nearby Duffins Creek tributary from any potential adverse impacts. Any possible issues concerning stormwater management are to be addressed to the satisfaction of the Conservation Authority. e 100% Post Consumer The submitted noise study prepared by G.M. Sernas Associates Ltd., addresses noise impact on the proposed residential development from Regional Road 5 and potential aircraft noise generated by the future Pickering Airport. Appropriate noise barriers and warning clauses are recommended for this development. The study was prepared in accordance with Provincial Criteria and Regional policy. The draft Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan designates the site "Countryside Area - Rural Settlement". Residential subdivisions for rural residential development wculd be permitted subject to certain policies specified in Sections 3 and 4 in the draft Plan. The draft plan also states that municipal planning decisions shall conform with this Plan, which takes precedence over municipal official plansunti they are brought into conformity with this plan. As the draft conservation pian is not anticipated to take effect until late March 2002, consideration of this subdivision plan should be withheld until conformity to the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan can be determined. Servicinq Municipal water supply and sanitary sewer facilities are not available to the subject lands and there are no plans to provide municipal services in the-Hamlet of Claremont. Therefore, the only feasible method of servicing would be through the installation of private wells and private waste disposal systems. In terms of private servicing feasibility, the Durham Region Health Department indicated that the necessary geo-technical information, including a peer review from the Region's hydro-geological consultant, confirmed that this development can be serviced on the basis of private sewage disposal systems and drilled wells. Tran Sl~ortation No additional road widening is required along Regional Road 5, however, a 0.3 metre reserve is necessary on the rear lot line of Lot 9 along Regional Road 5. The draft plan should be red-lined to illustrate this reserve. Based on the foregoing, the attached draft conditions are provided in the interim for your consideration of this plan of subdivision. Please call Richard Szarek, Planner, if you should have any questions. Yours truly, ~ Blair, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director, Current Operations Branch Attach: Conditions of Draft Approval CC: Claremont Estates Inc. Don Bennet Regional Health Department Regional Works Department N: pim\rs',s-p-2000-02comments doc , TO Attachment to letter dated February 26,' 2002 To: Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. Don Bennet From: Jim Blair. M.C.I.P.. R.P.P. Director. Current Operations Branch Plan of Subdivision S-P-2000-02 City of Picketing DRAFT CO NDITIONS OF.'DRAFT APPROVAL The Owner shall prepare the final plan on the basis of the approved draft plan of subdivision, prepared by H.F. Grander Co. Ltd.. identified as project number 578-DP, revised and dated October 17, 2001, which illustrates 15 single-detached lots, 2 open space blocks, a roadway and a 0.3 mn reserve. The Owner shall name road allowances included in this draft plan to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Durham and the City of Picketing. -The Owner shall convey a 0.3 metre reserve across the entire frontage of Lot 9 along Regional Road No. 5 to the Region of Durham. Prior to final approval, the proponent shall engage a qualified professional to carry out, to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, an archaeological assessment.of the entire development property, and mitigate, through preservation or resource removal and documentation, adverse impacts to any significant archaeological resources found. No demolition, grading or other soil disturbances shall take place on the subject property prior to the Ministry of Tourism. Culture and Recreation confirming that all archaeological resource concerns have been met including licensing and resource conservation requirements. The Owner shall agree in the City of Picketing Subdivision Agreement to implement the recommendation of the report, entitled "Noise Impact Study - Plan 40R-18856", prepared by G.M. Sernas. dated August 2000. which specifies noise attenuation measures for the development. The measures shall be included in the subdivision agreement and must also contain a full and complete reference to the noise report (i.e. author, title, date and any revisions/addenda) and shall include any required warning clauses identified in the study. The Owner shall satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the Regional Municipality of Durham. This shall include, among other matters, the execution of a subdivision agreement between the Owner and the Regton concerning the provision and installation of subsurface sewage disposal systems, drilled wells, roads and other Regional services. Page 2 The subdivision agreement between thc Owner and the City of Picketing shall contain, among other matters, the following provisions: a) i) The installation of a treatment system on any drilled well, on any of the lands for thc treatment of organic nitrogen, iron, manganese, methane gas and/or colour (thc "Substanccs"5 to ensure that thc levels of substances in the ctrilled well comply with thc Drinking Water Standards of the Ontario Ministry of Environment (the "Standards"). ii) The installation of tt~e treatment system(s), it' any, shall be in general governed by thc rccomn~cndations contained in tiao report tw Jagger Ilims Ltd., Environmental Consulting Engineers d~ted March ](1, 2(1()() and entitled "Rural Sc~qcin5 Stuctv XMPL Phase IV, Claremont, City of Picketing, Region of Durham". iii) Following the installation of the treatment system for a xvell the developer will deliver a certificate to the City of Picketing from a properly qualified Environmental Consulting Engineer certit?ing that the level of substances in the water drax~n from sucin well is in compliance with the Standards. b) The Owner agrees to strictly adhere to the site servicing plan as submitted by Jagger Hims Ltd., Environmental C~)nsuttino~, Eneineers,~ titled "Sitin,= and Grading Plans" Project 960779.03. March c) Tlne Owner agrees to retain a qualified prc)fession~d engineer who specializes in the design o£ private sewage systems. ~H~c engineer shall complete and provide the design of individual private sewage systems to thc Regional Health Department for approval. d) The Owner agrees that the design of the private sewage systems shall be in strict compliance with the Ontario Builcting Cc)de standards for private sewage svstems. Under the Ontario Building Code, thc maximum permissible Total Daily Sewage Flow for individual sewage systems is 2(),l~()0 L'dav. The Owner agrees that thc developer's engineer shall conduct on-site tests as required on thc primaU' sexv',~c system arca~ for all lc)tx to determine thc permeability. The engineer shrill provide amalvsis c>t' thc soil tests clcscribing coefficient of permeability and estimated percol~ttion n~tc, ~md classit~,ing soil according to Unified Soil Cl,tssil'ication System to thc Regional Health Department for review and approvak The Owner agrees that thc developer's engineer shall site-supervise thc installation of the private sewage systems and upon completion sh~dl certify that thc private sewage systems have been installed with the ~ipprovcd design t() Ontario Building Code Standards and to the satisfaction of the Regional Health Department. In cases where the addition oi7 sand fill is required for r;iisect sewage systems, the engineer shall provide certification to the Regional Health Department that the Page 3 proper amount and type of sand fill has been provided and constructed for the private sewage systems. g) The Owner agrees that there shall be no construction of accessory buildings or swimming pools in the prime and reserve tile bed areas, or in locations less than the minimum setbacks in accordance with Ontario Building Code. NOTES TO DRAFIY APPROVAL As the Owner of the proposed subdivision, it is your responsibility to satisfy all conditions of draft approval in an expeditious manner. The conditions of draft approval will be reviewed periodically and may be amended at any time prior to final approval. The Planning Act provides that draft approval may be withdrawn at any time prior to final approval. Ail plans of subdivision must be registered in the Land Titles system within the Regional Municipality of Durham. In order to facilitate the clearance of Conditions 5 and 7. the Owner is required to forward a copy of the executed City of' Pickering subdivision agreement to the Commissioner of Planning, Regional Municipality of Durham. sbb02 s.lxt The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 1615 DUNDAS ST. E 4TH FLOOR, LANG TOWER WEST BUILDING P.O. BOX 623 WHITBY, ON L1N 6A3 (905) 728-7731 FAX: (905) 436-6612 _www_ .region.durha_m ,o_.n~¢a A,L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning February 27, 2002 Mr. Alfred Ho Project Engineer G.M. Sernas & Associates Limited 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 Whitby ON L1N 8Y7 Dear Mr. Ho: Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Durham Region File Number: S-P-2000-02 Owner: Claremont Estates Location: Part of Lot 20 Concession: 8 Municipality: City of Pickerin9 We have reviewed the Noise Impact Study conducted by G. M. Sernas and Associates Ltd., dated August 2000 and find it to be acceptable. The analytical techniques are consistent with the Ministry of Environment recommended procedures for the analysis of noise impact. The calculations, however, remain the sole responsibility of the consultant. The proposed residential development is situated immediately south of Regional Road 5. The study suggests that the anticipated noise levels within some of the proposed Outdoor Living Areas in this development will exceed the sound level criteria established by the Ministry of Environment. A 1.8 metre noise barrier is recommended. The study also recognizes that potential aircraft noise generated by the future Pickering Airport may affect this proposal. In this regard, all proposed dwelling units are to be equipped with central air conditioning. Appropriate warning clauses are recommended for this development. Prior to final approval for this plan of subdivision, we would appreciate receiving a copy of the City of Picketing Subdivision Agreement, which should include provisions that will implement the recommendations of the Noise Impact Study. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Yours truly, Richard Szarek Planner Current Operations Branch CC: City of Pickering Planning Department Don Bennet r:\rs'noise40Jet "SER 1 7CE EXCELLENCE jbr our COMMb%'ITY" 1 i'7:: :'3S: Cst, surf, er :_~i'T;?r ~ Jo ,TO i~'THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsvtew, Ontario M3N 1S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 http://www, trca.on,ca June14,2000 Mr. Richard Szarek Planning Department The Regional Municipality of Durham 1615 Dundas Street East, P.O. Box 623 4th Floor Lang Tower, West Building Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 Dear Mr. Szarek: Re: Application for Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2000-02 Lot 19, Concession 8 City of Pickering (Claremont Estates Ontario Inc.) We acknowledge receipt of the above application and offer the following comments. A review shows plans to construct a 14 lot subdivision on the subject lands. In 1995 staff walked portions of the site with the applicant to determine limits of development. While the plan identifies a top of bank feature we are uncertain whether the limits shown are as a result of the site walk. As a result, staff request that the limits be clarified in the field and would be prepared to attend a meeting to finalize this matter. Notwithstanding the top of bank line staff note that lots 10 and 11 encroach within the valley and therefore are unacceptable. In accordance with the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program the valley corridor is defined as being 10 metres back from the stable top of bank. Given this, staff wilt require a geotechnical report confirming the stable top of bank and will require that the 10 metre area be appropriately recognized as part of the valley corridor. In addition we note that a groundwater assessment was conducted for the subject lands. Staff would like an opportunity to review this report in the interest of reviewing potential impacts on the base flow of the adjacent watercourse features. Finally staff note that unless proper stormwater management techniques and erosion and sedimentation control measures are employed on site both during and after construction, negative impacts to downstream areas could result. Stormwater leaving the site will require 'treatment', both before and after development. 'Treatment' refers to providing some form (or forms) of water quantity attenuation and quality abatement usually accomplished by allowing stormwater run-off to infiltrate into the ground or through temporary stormwater detention or retention that would allow some settling of suspended solids and associated contaminants, prior to release. We would require applicant to provide the necessary information confirming the stormwater scheme for the subject lands. WORKING TOGETHER FOR TOMORROW'S GREENSPACE Mr. Richard Szarek -2- June14,2000 In light of the above staff are not prepared to prov::de conditions of draft approval until clarification is provided on the above issues. We trust that this is satisfactory. Yours truly, R/us~el V~hite Plans Analyst Development Services Section Ext. 5306 RW/fa CC; Planning Department, Town of Pickering Don Bennett, Claremont EstaTes Inc. HE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 861-6898 httn://www, trca.on.ca August11,2000 CFN 31451 Mr. Richard Szarek Planning Department The Regional Municipality of Durham 1615 Dundas Street East, P.O. Box 623 4th Floor Lang Tower, West Building Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 Dear Mr. Szarek: Re: Zoning By-law Amendment A 16/00 Application for Approval of Draft Plan ~)f Subdivision S-P-2000-02 Lot 19, Concession 8, Part Lot 20, Concession 8 City of Pickering (Claremont Estates Ontario Inc.) We acknowledge receipt of the above application and offer the following comments. A review shows plans to construct a 14 lot subdivision on the subject lands. In 1995 staff walked portions of the site with the applicant to determine limits of development. While the plan identifies a top of bank feature we are uncertain whether the limits shown are as a result of the site walk. As a result, staff request that the limits be clarified in the field and would be prepared to attend a meeting to finalize this matter. Notwithstanding the top of bank line confirmation, staff note that lots 10 and 11 encroach within the valley and therefore are unacceptable. In accordance with the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program the valley corridor is defined as being 10 metres back from the stable top of bank. Given this, staff will require a geotechnical report confirming the stable top of bank and will require that the 10 metre area be appropriately recognized as part of the valley corridor. In addition we note that a groundwater assessment was conducted for the subject lands. Staff would like an opportunity to review this report in the interest of reviewing potential impacts on the base flow of the adjacent watercourse features. Finally staff note that unless proper stormwater management techniques and erosion and sedimentation control measures are employed on site both during and after construction, negative impacts to downstream areas could result. Stormwater leaving the site will require 'treatment', both before and after development. 'Treatment' refers to providing some form (or forms) of water quantity attenuation and quality abatement usually accomplished by allowing stormwater run-off to infiltrate into the ground or through temporary stormwater detention or retention that would allow some settling of suspended solids and associated contaminants, prior to release. We would require applicant to provide the necessary information confirming the stormwater scheme for the subject lands. Mr. Richard Szarek - 2 - August 11,2000 In light of the above staff are not preparec to recommend approval of the zoning application or to provide conditions of draft approval until clarification is provided on the above issues. We trust that this is satisfactory. Yours truly, Plans Analyst Development Services Section Ext. 5306 RW/fa CC: Planning Department, Town of Pickering Don Bennett, Ctaremont Estates Irc. {~',-'rHE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Shorenam Drive, Downsview Ontario M3N 1S4 (416)661-6600 FAX661-6898 http://www, trca.on.ca October 24, 2000 CFN 31451 Mr. Richard Szarek Planning Department The Regional Municipality of Durham 1615 Dundas Street East 4th Floor Lang Tower, West Building P.O. Box 623 Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 Dear Mr. Szarek: Re: Circulation of a Revised Plan S-P-2000-02 Revision No. 1 Lot 19, Concession 8 City of Pickering (Claremont Estates Ontario Inc.) We acknowledge receipt of the above revised ;)lan of subdivision as provided on October 10, 2000. Staff provide the following comments. TRCA staff have had the opportunity to visit the site and confirm the top of bank as previously staked by Mark Christie. The top of bank is correctly identified on the provided draft plan. The plan has been revised to show that no portion of any lot will extend below the defineC top of bank. A 10 metre buffer is also identified from top of bank and has been zoned in an open space designation. This buffer is proposed to remain as part of the lots consistent with existing development within the corridor reach. In principle staff have no objections to the proposed plan layout as provided however, we withhold providing conditions of draft approval until we have had an opportunity to review the groundwater and preliminary stormwater management report for the proposal. In discuss~'ons with the applicant's representative we understand that the reports are forthcoming. We trust that this is of assistance. Yours truly, Plans An alyst Development Services Section Ext. 5306 RW/fa CC: Don Bennett, Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. Planning Department, City of Pickering March 2, 2001 Mr. Don Bennett Claremont Estates Inc. 1185491 Ontario Limited 501 g Brock Road Claremont, ON L3T 1B3 Dear Mr. Bennett: Re: CFN 31451 Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. Lot 19, Concession 8, City of Pickering Circulation of Reports Stormwater Management Study XMPL Subdivision Phase IV Hamlet of Claremont Sabourin and Associates Inc, August 2000) Rural Servicing Study, XMPL Subdivision Phase IV Hamlet of Claremont, Town of Picker~ion of Durham (Jagger Hims Limited, ~ i i (J.F. This will acknowledge receipt of the above two reports. Staff at TRCA have had the opportunity to review the repons and provide the following comments. Catchment boundaries and direction of overland drainage should be identified on Figure 2 of the Stormwater Management Study Report. A description of the drainage swale located east of Lots 13 to 1 7 (e.g., size, slope, outlet location etc.) Should be provided. An indication of conveyance capacity should also be provided to ensure proposed drainage can be safely accommodated. Proposed roadside ditch dimensions recommended in the report should be revised, subject to right of way requirements, to maintain a minimum of 0.75 to 1.0 m bottom width to enhance contact area for water quality treatment and infiltration. Raised culvert inverts (50 mm to 75 mm) are also preferred to increase infiltration subject to municipal approval. The tile bed on Lot 6 appears to be within the I0 metre setback area on Site and Grading plan for Claremont Estates, March, 2000, sheet 2 of 3. Piease sulomit a revised drawing for Lot 6 that shows the tile bed boundary outside of the 10 metre se:back area. We trust that this is satisfactory. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Glen Farmer at extension 5351, or the undersigned. Yours truly, Plans Analyst Development Services Section Ext. 5306 PYAa CC: Planning Department, Region of Durham Planning Department, City of Pickering 5 Shoreham Drive, Downs'vie,,,,, Ontari::,~';~, 15-' -:16; 661-6603 F~,,,~ 661-6898 ',~wv¢.trca.onca '; TO n s e r va o n ~'~ TORONTO AND REGION November 1,2001 Mr. Richard Szarek Planning Department The Regional Municipality of Durham 1615 Dundas Street East 4th Floor Lang Tower. West Building Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 NOV fi - 2001 CITY OF P! PICKERING ONTARIO Dear Mr. Szarek: Re: Circulation of a Revised Plan S-P-2000-02 Revision No. 2 Lot 19, Concession 8 City of Pickering (Claremont Estates Ontario Inc.) Your Reference No. 66265 We acknowledge receipt of the above noted revised plan of subdivision, as provided on October 23, 2001. TRCA staff have reviewed the revised plan and note that Block 20, being the 3078 sq.m area reserved for the School field.,has been removed from the plan of subdivision. We have no objection to this revision but wish to advise that stormwater management issues outlined in our letter of March 2, 2001 to Mr. Don Bennett of Claremont Estates (copy attached) remain outstanding. We trust that this is satisfactory. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, Nora Jamieson Acting Plans Analyst Development Services Section Extension 5259 Attachment /nj CC: ? Don Bennett, Claremont Estates Ontario l~'c. Planning Department, City of Pickering~ ! F:\PRS\CORRESP\PICKERIN\CLAREMON.WPD He~]th,.,¢, R~ver.~ . Biodiversity an(~ Oreanspace ~ Education for Sus&~,it~Me D;vL,~2