HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 27, 2002C tq PICKERING AGENDA FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Anne Greentree Supervisor, Legislative Services MAY 27, 2002 Finance & Operations Committee Meeting Monday, May 27, 2002 1:30 p.m. Chair: Councillor Pickles ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of April 22. 2002 (11) DELEGATIONS 1. Constable Phil Reid of the Durham Region Police Service and Janet Vendrig of the Durham Health Department will make a presentation on the Community Road Safety Program. 2. Representatives fi.om the Region will give a presentation on solid waste disposal. 3. The Chair shall ask il' there are any persons who wish to address an item on the agenda. (III}MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 023-02 FLUORESCENT YELLOW-GREEN SCHOOL AREA AND SCHOOL CROSSING SIGNS PAGE 1-4 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 024-02 TENDER T-2-2002 - REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE BOX CULVERT= WHITEVALE ROAD 5-15 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 025-02 PURCHASE OF TORO GROUNDSMASTER 580-D ROTARY GANG MOWER 16-20 PLANNING REPORT PD 25-02 TWO UNITS IN HOUSES 21-25 (IV) STAFF ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION (V) OTHER BUSINESS FIVE MINUTE RECESS CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 06-02 2002 ANNUAL REPAYMENT LIMIT FOR DEBT AND FINANCIAL OBLIGATION 26-34 Finance & Operations Committee Meeting Monday, May 27, 2002 1:30 p.m. Chair: Councillor Pickles CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 08-02 FORMAL QUOTATIONS - QUARTERLY REPORT FOR INFORMATION 35-38 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 09-02 SECTION 442/443 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT ADJUSTMENT TO TAXES 39-42 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 11-02 2002/2003 PROPERTY AND LIABILITY INSURANCE 43-47 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 10-02 SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF SERVERS SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF PERSONAL COMPUTERS QUOTATION NO. Q-21-2002 48-51 (VI) STAFF ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION (VII) OTHER BUSINESS (yin) 1. PRESENTATION A review of the proposed Recreation, Parks and Cultural Serv'ices Master Plan will be given by the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and DMsion Head, Culture & Recreation (IX) ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Report OES 023-02 be received; and That the City of Pickering continue to use thc standard, x~hite on blue colour, school crossing and school crossing ahead signs until such time that the fluorescent yellow-green colour is officially adopted bx thc Ministrx tit' qransportation of Ontario as tile nex~ standard lbr the Manual of Unilbrm Traffic Control Devices: and l'hat Ibr consistency reasons, the Region of Durhanq bc requested to refrain from installing any fluorescent yellow-green school crossing and school crossing ahead signs on Regional Roads in the City at this time: and That a copy of this report and the applicable Council resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the area municipalities. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holborn, P. Eng. Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering DATE: May 10, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: OES 023 - 02 SUBJECT: Fluorescent Yellow-Green School Area and School Crossing Signs RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Report OES 023-02 be received; and That the City of Pickering continue to use the standard, white on blue colour, school crossing and school crossing ahead signs until such time that the fluorescent yellow-green colour is officially adopted by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario as the new standard for the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices; and That for consistency reasons, the Region of Durham be requested to refrain from installing any fluorescent yellow-green school crossing and school crossing ahead signs on Regional Roads in the City at this time; and That a copy of this report and the applicable Council resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the area municipalities. ORIGIN: Correspondence from the Region of Durham dated January 23. 2002, which outlined the Region's proposal to gradually replace all School Area and School Crossing Signs on the Regional Road network with fluorescent yellow-green signs commencing in 2002. AUTHORITY: Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MTO, MUTCD) FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No costs are associated with the recommendation to continue using the current MTO, MUTCD standard, white on blue colour, school crossing and school crossing ahead signs. If and when the new fluorescent yellow-green colour is officially approved by the MTO, however, the replacement of 116 existing signs on City streets would cost approximately $8,200.00 for which no current budget exists. Funds required to switch over would be budgeted in Roads account 2320-2409 and could be phased over a two-year period. The fluorescent reflective yellow-green sheeting used to manufacture the signs is currently about 2.5 times more expensive than the white on blue style. An additional amount would also have to be funded by the Region of Durham to replace all of the signs that exist on their road network within the City. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: New fluorescent yellow-green signs have begun to proliferate throughout the Province of Ontario as municipalities seek ways to raise the awareness and improve the safety of pedestrians in school areas. While the new sign sheeting offers very unique high visibility characteristics in Report to Council OES 023 - 02 Subject: Fluorescent Yellow-Green School Signs Date: Nlav 10, 2002 Page 2 low light conditions, the new colour has not vct been adopted by thc MTO and incorporated as a recognized standard in the MUTCD. The Region of Durtnam and a number of the area municipalities have recently decided to begin replacing tiao CmTent white ora bluc school crossing signs with the new colour even though additional liabilitx may exist for using a standard which at present is only approved bv the US and Canadian Transportation Associations. Given that a current budget of approximately 58,200.00 does not exist m 2()I)2 to replace any off the existing school signs, it is recommended tiaat the situation be c]oselx follox~ ed and that tt~e replacement of the signs be budgeted for in 2003 and 2(t(!4 should the new colour be approx ed by tt~e MTO. BACKGROUND: School crossing signs in the Province of Ontario arc curt'early recommended to trove a reflective blue background with a reflective white border, symbol andor legend. These standards are consistent with the specifications as detailed in the Manual of Unitbrm Traffic Control Devices and have been adopted using a different colour ttmn ttmt of standard black on yellow warning signs/bt the purpose of specifically identifying areas of high pedestrian actix itx near schools. Sctnool crossing signs, tnowcvcr, have bccn graduall> losing their effecUx'eness duc to the installation of many otlner bluc coloured signs on I-oadxxaxs flwoughom thc Province of Ontario, including the relatively new Tourism Oriented Destinauon Signs (-leDS). As a means to recapture the awareness and salktv of pedestrians m school areas, a number of municipalities in Onta~o have begun to install signs made of a new fluorcscem yelloxx-grccn sign sheeting. The new colour is highly visible and unique to tiao roadway cnx iroimaent, xx rich may potentially alert drivers to the presence of pedestrians earlier and also maintain their attention Ibr a longer pcriod of time while traveling through a school area. Although there are presently no defining studies which can suiostantiatc long-roma safety improvements from the new fluorescent ydloxx-grccn signs, it can be zissumcd that based on their very dif/~rent appearance most drivers will find these signs more rc~dilv visible than the cu~ent blue signs. Acting on this observation, the U.S. and tt~e Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) have both adopted the new colour in their NIL'TeD's fbr school si~s. Notwithstanding their decisions, however, the nexx colour has not vet been approved by the MTO and incoq)orated into the Province's NIUTCD. Concerns about the increased risk of liability fi'om thc use of tiao logallx' unrecognized fluorescent yellow-green signs have resulted in thc reluctance of many municipalities to install them. Up until recently this practice was also the recommendation of the Region of Durhann Traffic Advisory Committee, which ires representation from each area municipality. As the signs continue to proliferate throughout Ontario, however, more pressure from residents is being received for municipalities to make the change. It has been recently announced ttmt the Region of Durham, the Municipality of Clarington. tile City of Oshaxva. The Toxvn of WMtby and the Township of Scugog have adopted tine ne~x colour and x~ ill gradually bc replacing all existing school area and school crossing signs. -File Town of _Max has decided to maintain the current white on blue standard sclnool area and school crossin5 signs at tills time. Tine Region of Durham is seeking area municipal response to this ~ssuo and haxo advised that they will not replace signs on Regional Roads within a municipalitb that has not adopted the new sign colour. Although it is recognized that the new colour ma', be incorporated into thc Provincial MUTED at some point in the l~turc, thc realitx is that tine new fluorescent }elloxx-grcen signs are presently not an accepted legal standard. While it can be argued that based on risk-assessment the new colour may provide added salbtv protection, it is recommended timt the new signs not be installed until the Province officially approx cs of tho ncxx colour and inco~7>oratcs changes to the MUTED. It should also be noted that there is no provision itl thc 2C)0£ current budget to undertake a siMm replacement program this year. If thc City v, ere to clmnge 110 signs from tiao current standard to the new tluorcscent yellow-green cotour special funding in tine arnoullt of SS.200.O0 would be required. If the new colour is not officially adopted bv the Province the expenditure could prove f~ :~ ,'~ Report to Council OES 023 - 02 Subject: Fluorescent Yellow-Green School Signs Date: May 10, 2002 Page" costly for the City. If the new colour becomes adopted, the cost and replacement progam could be phased over two years to lessen the financial impact. ATTACHMENTS: Prepared By: C. Stephen Brake, Supervisor, Traffic Engineering & Waste Management Submitted by: Approved.( Endorsed BT'~. Director, Operations & Emergency Services Ric, fiard W. H~born, P. Eng. DiVision Head, Municipal Property & Engineering / Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Roads Supervisor Technician, Traffic Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,.? ,,/~ ,t ,, ~ //--'-----'~Y '~ , / -- . TI~ j. ~uinn, Cl~ef Ad~/nini~ffice/r ~itq ~ RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Report ()ES 024-02 of the Dixision }Icad. Nlunicipal Property & Engineering be received bv Council: and 1. That Tender No. 'I'-2-2002 submincd bx \Vinstar Construction Corp. in the amount of $96,802.90 including 7% G.S.'I. be accepted: and That a project cost of $99,879.29 including the tendered amount and other associated costs be approved: and 3. That funding in the amount ot'$99.880.00 be approved: and 4. That Council authorize the Director. Corporate Services & 'I'reasurer to linance the project through the issuance of debt: and a) That debt financing in the amount of $99,000 ibr a period not exceeding ten years, at a rate of approximately 6% per annum, be approved lbr removal and replacement of concrete box culvert on Whitevate Road. and thc balance of $880 be ~inanced from the 2002 Current Budget: and b) That financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $13,570 be included in the annual Current Budget lbr the Citx of Picketing commencing in 2003 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid: and c) That the Dkector. Corporate Services & Ireasurer has ccrtilied that this loan and the repaymem thereof thlls xvithin the Citx's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Lhnit ibr debt and other linancial obligations tbr 2002 as established by the Province tbr municipalities in £)ntario: and d That the Treasurer be authorized to take anx actions neccssa~ in order to eflbct the Ibregoing. 5. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be authorized to take anx actions necessary to give effect thereto. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering DATE: May 17, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: OES 024-02 SUBJECT: Tender T-2-2002 - Removal and Replacement of Concrete Box Culvert, Whitevale Road RECOMMENDATION: That Report OES 024-02 of the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering be received by Council and; That Tender No. T-2-2002 submitted by Winstar Construction Corp. in the amount of $96,802.90 including 7% G.S.T. be accepted, and That a project cost of S99,879.29 including the tendered amount and other associated costs be approved, and 3. That funding in the amount ofS99,880.00 be approved, and That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services 8: Treasurer to finance the project through the issuance of debt~ and a) Debt financing in the amount of $99,000 for a period not exceeding ten years, at a rate of approximately 6% per annum, be approved for removal and replacement of concrete box culvert on Whitevale Road; and the balance of $880 be financed from he 2002 Current Budget. b) Financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $13,570 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2003 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; c) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2002 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; d) The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing. The appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be authorized to take any actions necessary to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: Year 2002 Capital Budget - Account Number 2320-6004 Capital Project Code 02-2320-009-04 Damaged and Failing Infrastructure - Whitevale Road Culvert Replacement Report to Council OES 24-02 Subject: Tender- T-2-2002 Concrete Box Culvert May 17, 2002 Page. o .AUTHORITY: 2001 Capital Budget Account Number 2320-6004 Capital Project Code 02-2321)-i)t )9-t)4 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS' 1. Tendered Amount: T-2-2002 ~ Removal & Replacement of Concrete Box Culvert Whitevale Road G.S.T. St_lb Total G.S.T. Rebate Total Amount S90,470.00 6,332.90 96,802.90 (3.618.62 S 9_~,184.28 Approved Source of Funds ._f)/)~ Capital Budget - Accounl Number ~ ~21)-oi)114 Project Code 0,-,o_0-0 ) 9-( }4 S 130.000.00 Estimated Project Costing Summarx Removal and Replacement of Concrete Box Culvert as per T-2-2002 Material Testing Contingencies Sub Total G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total Project Cost Project Cost (over) under Approx ed t:unds $90,470.00 2,000.00 4,500.00 96,970.00 6,787.90 (3,878.61) $99,879.29 530,120.711 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Report to Council OES 24-02 Subject: Tender T-2-2002- Concrete Box Culvert May 17, 2002 Page 3 BACKGROUND: This project was approved in the 2001 Capital budget. Tenders were called and the lowest bid substantially exceeded the budgeted amount. The project was not awarded and Council approved diverting the funding to the Pickering/Uxbridge Townline Culvert No. 213 Modifications which provided sufficient funds to proceed with this project in 2001. Based on the 2001 tendered amounts, an increased project budget was submitted and approved by Council in the 2002 Capital Budget. Tenders for this project were opened on Wednesday, April 17, 2002 (see summary attached). The low bidder, Winstar Construction Corp. Ltd. have not previously performed work for the City of Pickering, but a check of references by the Supervisor, Municipal Works have been deemed acceptable. The Health and Safety Policy, the Confined Space Entry Procedure document to be used on this project, a list of personnel trained, and the CAD 7 form issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, as submitted by Winstar Construction Corp. Ltd. Inc. have been reviewed by the Co-ordinator, Safety & Training and are deemed acceptable. The Manager, Supply & Services concurs with the recommendations contained in this report. Upon careful examination of all tenders received and relevant documents (Health and Safety Policy, CAD 7 form, Workplace Safety and insurance Board clearance, etc), I recommend the acceptance of the low bid by Winstar Construction Corp. Ltd. Inc. in the total tcndcrcd amount of $96,802.90 and a Capital project cost of $99,879.29. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Supply & Services memorandum dated April 18, 2002 2. Co-ordinator, Safety & Training memorandum dated May 1, 2002 3. Record of tenders opened and checked 4. Location map Report to Council OES 2'44)2 Sub eot: Tender T-2-2C)02 Concrete Box (_'t~lxet7 May 17. 2002 Page 4 Prepared By: B. Kuzma ~ Administration Supervisor Approved Endorsed By: Ev~untsma Director. Operations ac Emergency Sel"vices Funding :Xpprox cd' ¸7' Richard Holbom Division Head, Municipal Prcpcn5 ~ Engineering BDK Copy: Chief Administratix e Ol't2ccr Director, Corporate Services & Ircasu~'er Supervisor, Municipal Works ©il Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Picketing , Citx Council April 18. 2002 To: .-'-~' From: Subject: SUPPLY & SERVICES Richard Holborn Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Darrell Selsky, Supervisor Municipal Works Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Tender for Removal & Replacement Concrete Box Culvert Whitevale Road (Con 5) Tender No. T - 2 - 2002 Tenders have been received for the above project. Twenty four (24) companies were invited to participate. An advertisement for this project appeared in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser Community Page and the City's Website which vietded interest from bidders. Twenty-seven (27) picked up tendering documents for a non~refundable fee of $4().()() pet' set. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-011, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extension will be corrected accordingly. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-011, Item 10.04 (w) permits that all deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders, which has been completed. Summary (PST included, GST included) Company Total Tendered After Calculation Amount $ Check $ Wi~star .~on~mct!o3a ..(~p[p. _ 96_,802_:90' 96. Montgomery MacEweP (~pntrac[!n_g.Li?fi[~d %,86~.-1:~7 96-868-!7 Gentile Contracting Ltd. 99,917.67 99,917.67 Bob Hend~-icksen (J6~'}t;~tion Li~iie't] ............................ [ .......... i-[ 5]';/74,17 [ .... i ~i'5,7~14.-i Holl!ngworth Construction. Co. ~115,902.40 ! !5,902:~0 Canning[0pEsca~.at_i,g (.!989~ Ltd- 1 !_77~25.5° !!.7,1!6:{35 Eli__rpa Construction & Materials Ltd. 125,490.39 125.490.39 G:__C. Rorp~no son.~.~Tgropt.~.)__Li~t~d !3.~,6!0.45 !}2.610-45 Miwel Construction Ltd. 134,900.0() 134.900.00 paq!~!310_ Con structi0n_. C.0:..~t.~:. ................................................................. [.~9,100.0() 139.100.00 Boyle Excavating Ltd. 146,448.76 190.965.04 .Pep!nsul~. Fence_& Lands~.api~glnc: _ :!52.40().67 ._: 152,}62.8g Dagmar Construction inc. 153,708.40 153.708.40 Esposito Bro5. Cons!ru. cfipn_L[d: .1567440.47 156.440.47 Clearwav Construction h~c. 170,8t)'~ 43 170,891.43 Ron Robinson Ltd. Rejected Bid deposit not submitted. Reference: PUR O]O-OOl. 10.04. Item 9(c /2 , L T-2-2002 Tender for Removal & Replacement ('oncrete Box Culvert-Whitevale }>tlrSUallt tO Information to Bidders Item 21. tile l'o[lo~ing are bcina requested of tile low bidder for your review during tile eYaluation stage of this tender call: a cop5 of the Confined Space Entry Procedure document to be t. lsed on this prqiect a list of the employees trained in the Confined Space Entrx Procedure x~ho will be working on this project a copy of the Health and Safety policy to be used on this project: and a copy of the current CAI) 7 form or Cost and Frequcnc) Report issued bx Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. Please review copies of the attached tenders, include the following itelnS in xour Report to ('ouncil: ia) il' items {a; aild (b) noted abex c. are acceptable; (b) an5 past work experience with kVinstar Construction Corp. including work location: {c} without past work experience, if reference inlbrmation is acceptable: (d) a work location map; ~e) the appropriate account number{s) to which this work is to 10e charged: / f~ the budget amount(s) assigned therelo; (g~ l'reasm'er's confirmation of funding; ~h) related departmental approvals: ~i) anx reason{ s) why the low bid of Winstar Construction ('orp. is not acceptable: and {.il related comments specific to the project. lf xou require further information, please teel free to contact \'cra }:etgemacl~er Xlanager, Supply & Serxices /10t att. nl 2 ATTACHMENT# /of/,, ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION MEMORANDUM May 1 2002 C!; ~ OF :::~'~- To: Barb Tran tvi,6,~' _ ] 200~ Buyer II From: Subject: Debra A. Wight Co-ordinator, Safety & Training Winstar Construction Corporation SUPPL¥.,qND 8EP~¥ICES As requested, ] have reviewed the following document submitted by the above prospective contractor: · WSIB Cost & Frequency Record, dated April 23, 2002 · Health & Safe9' Policy · Confined Space Procedure and Manual From a health & safety perspective, these documents are acceptable. Please note that there was no WSIB Clearance Certificate enclosed in the information that you originally forwarded. I would be happy to review this information once it has been received. If you have any concerns, please contact me directly. D~tS~ight' Attact~nents: Reviewed documentation ATTACHHENT#~ TOREPORT#~ ©E.~ C~- E 0 ¢- r- ~o~ ATTACHHENT# ~ TOKEPORT# ~-~ n w 0 Z Z~ Om 0 0 E c) 0 Ill ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 0 MUNICIPAL PROPERT'F & ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender: ¥-2-2002 WHITE\ A. LE ROAD BON CUL\'ERT ATTACHPtENTlU~ TO I~PO~T#~ 02, Il WHITEVALE SUBJECT AREA , LOCA]qON NIAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLL DES: Concrete Box Culvert Replacement · Whitevale Road - at Sideline 24. RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Report OES 025-02 of the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering, concerning the Purchase of Toro Groundsmaster 580-D Rotary. Gang Mower. be received': and That Co-operative Tender No. C399-02 submitted by Turf Care Products in the amount of $83,228.00 plus 7% G.S.T. and 8% P.S.T. for a total purchase price of $95,712.20 and a net cost after G.S.T. rebate of $92,383.25 be accepted; and That funding in the amount of $92,400.00 be transferred from the Parkland Reserve Fund as was approved in the 2002 Capital Budget be approved; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM Richard Holborn. PEng Division Head Municipal Property 8,: Engineering DATE: May 22, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: OES 025-02 SUBJECT: Purchase of Toro Groundsmaster 580-D Rotarx' Gang Moxver RECOMMENDATION: That Report OES 025-02 of the Division Head, Municipal ProperLy & Engineering be received by Council and: 1 That Co-operative Tender No C399-02 submitted bx' Tuft Care Products in the amount of S83.228.00plusT°/6G.S.T and 800P.S.T for a total purchase price of $95,71220 and a net cost after G.S.T. rebate of S92.383.25 be accepted: and That funding in the amount of S92.4(0 00 be transferred t'rom the Parkland Reserve Fund as was approved in the "0tV' Capital Bu&,et~ be approved: and The appropriate o~cials of the City of Picketing be authorized to take necessary action to give etTect hereto. ORIGIN: 2002 Capital Budget - Account Number 2718-6178 Budget Code - 02-2718-005-02 AUTHORITY: 2002 Capital Budget - Account Number 2718-6178 Budget Code- 02-2718-005-02 Purchasing Bylaw 5900/1, Policy Item 04.05 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Tendered Amount: Co-operative Tender No. C339-02- Toro Groundsmaster 580-D Rotarz' Gang Mox~er GST G.S.T Rebate P.S.T Total Amount Approved Source of Funds: 2002 Capital Budget - ,Account Number 2718-0175 Bu&,et Code 0° '~'718-005-02 S83.228.00 5.825.96 (3328.95) 6,658.24 $92,383.25 $95.O0OOO Report to Council OES 025-02 Subject: Purchase of Toro Groundsmaster 580-D Rotary Gang Mower May 22, 2002 Page 2 [ Project Cost (over) under Approved Funds $2,616.75 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: The purchase of a Toro 580-D Rotary Gang Mower was approved in the 2002 Capital budget (deferred from 2001). The necessary funding from the Parkland Reserve Fund was also approved. The City of Oshawa was tendering for their equipment requirements and permitted us to participate co-operatively, affording us the opportunity to acquire the most competitive pricing. Tenders for this project were opened in Oshawa on Friday, May 3, 2002 (see summary attached). Upon careful examination of all tenders received, I recommend the acceptance of the low bid by Turf Care Products, for the supply and delivery of a Toro Groundsmaster 580-D Rotary Gang Mower, in the total tendered amount of $95,712.20 including 7% GS.T. and 8% P.S.T.. The Manager, Supply & Services concurs with the recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Supply & Services memorandum dated May 13, 2002 2. Record of tenders opened and checked Prepared By: ./- :.W' ., } --~.~ B ..,Kuzma ] A~lministratiorf Supervisor Approved / Endorsed Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services ,.-- / t . Fundin~roved: RJ~ard Holb~, P. Eng. Gil Paterson ,,Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer BDK Attachments (OES-025-2002) Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council Thomas J~ef Adm'~ijstrative~q( / ATTACHHENT#..~_./ TOREPORT# ~)~ CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUPPLY & SERVICES May 13, 2002 To: From: Subject: Richard Holbom. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Vera A. Felgemacher. Manager, Supply & Services Supply & Deliver},' ora 16ft Self Propelled Rotary Mower. 2002 Model -Parks Division. Co-operative No. C339-02 The City of Oshawa called in pricing tbr the supply and delivery of various mowers. By coincidence, this happened to be in progress as our Parks Division was asking tbr pricing to be called in by quotation. The City of Oshawa was also calling for pricing on the size/model we are looking for and an enqu~' was made to Oshawa to ask if we could participate in their call for pricing {co-operatiYe eflbrt). The City of Oshawa permitted us to participate which assists the City of Picketing to acquire competitive pricing with an improved processing and deliverx timc. The document was sent out to nine bidders. SLx responses were received, two notices of "no bid" and one bidder did not respond. Of the six bids subnfitted, one bid {XVestmetro Equipment Sales) was rejected. Attached is a summary' of bids received by the City of Oshawa tbr review and consideration. Please relbr to Item #1, Part E, Page 2 of 3 o1' the bids submitted by GC Duke Equipment and Turf Care Products lbr unit pricing (also sunm~ar2ed beloxv). Bidder Model Amount Bid iPSI/GST Extra/ Turf Care Products GC Duke Equipmem Toro Groundmaster 580-D Textron/Jacobson HR9016 $83,228.00 $86,25O.O0 Please note that an award exceeding $75.000 is subject to Council approval (Policy Item 04.05). If you require further information, please feel free to contacl~ me. Vera A. Fetgemacher Manager. Supply & Services Copy for: Grant Smith, Working Foreperson Charlina LaveD', Materials Buyer I ZZ LLI LLI I:Ln oo Z lid UJ RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY 'I'hat City Council receive lbr inibrmation the report of the Director. Planning & Development. dated May 10, 2002 report number PI) 25-02. 'I~hat City Council authorize the Plannin~ & Development Department to advertise and host a Public Information meeting in the Fall or' 2002 Ii~r both Ofllcial Plan amendment and zoning by-law amendments that ~ould permit two units in certain d~elling types. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: May 10, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: PD 25-02 SUBJECT: Two Units in Houses City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That City Council receive for information the report of the Director, Planning & Development, dated May 10, 2002 report number PD 25-02. That City Council authorize the Planning & Development Department to advertise and host a Public Information meeting in the Fall of 2002 tbr both Official Plan amendment and zoning by-law amendments that would permit two units in certain dwelling types. ORIGIN: Council Resolution of June 16, 1997 (#215/97 - Attachment No. 1) authorizing the Planning & Development Department to initiate a zoning review addressing the establishment of two- unit houses. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter 13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The costs related to the advertising of a public meeting which is typical of any City initiated amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-laws. Every effort will be made to place notices in the Community Page to reduce advertising costs. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: 1.0 Discussion On June 16, 1997, Pickering Council considered an Interdepartmental Development Team Report (IDT Report No. 1/97) respecting two units in housing. City Council, through Resolution #215/97, provided direction to staff on the subject of two unit houses to, amongst other things, initiate a zoning review addressing the establishment of new two unit in houses. The issue of two unit houses, or accessory apartments, has been an issue that most major municipalities on Ontario have had to address in some fashion. Presently, there is no known accurate number of how many accessory apartments currently exist in Pickering, Report to Council PD 25-02 Subject: Two Units in Houses Date: *lay 10, 2002 Page 2 as there is no mechanism to accurately track this t>pe of residentiaI occupancy. The main source of information on thc location of accessory apartments in the City comes from the Fire Services Division. They haxe been keeping a record of all the accessory apartments they have encountered through their home inspection program In 1994, the Province of Ontario passed the Residents' Rights :\ct (Bill 120) to allow self-contained second units in houses, provided Ontario Fire ('ode provisions and applicable planning standards were met. The law superceded local zoning by-laws and applied to detached, semi-detached and row houses located in all zones allowing residential uses, provided thc building was connected to a municipal sanitary sewer. The Ontario Fire Code was also changed in 1994 to include safety requirements Ibr apartments in houses. The provincial government then passed the Land Use Planning and Protection Act (Bill 20) which restored the municipal zoning authority to control where two unit houses may be created and the standards that would apply. This was the authority that was lost under the Residents' Rights Act. As a result, homeowners could not create new two unit houses unless the local zoninz by-law permitted such a usc. In Picketing none of the residential zones permit txvo unit houses. Since Council last dealt with this issue, staff have been researching thc experiences of other municipalities and how tlnev haxe dealt with txx o unit houses. Staff have also been attempting to inventory the location of two unit houses in tile ('ltv. In order to advance this issue, it is now time to proceed to the next step, being the hosting of a Public Information Meeting on tile issue of txvo un/ts in certain dwelling types. The topic of two unit houses was recenth' brought to City Council's attention in the report from the Regional Chair's Task Force on Sustainable Aftbrdable Housing. One of the recommendations of the Task Force was tlnat area municipalities be encouraged to amend zoning by-laws to permit accessory apartments as-o/'-right in all detached dwellings, subject to Ontario Building and Fire (.'odes and local building codes and standards. Currently, as homes with accessory apartments are brought to the City's attention the homeowner is required to submit an application to amend tile zoning by-law to legalize the accessory unit. 2.0 Scope of the Investigation In preparing for the Public Inlbrmation Meeting. staff will prepare an Information Report that will review and discuss the following: · the general location of existing and suspected txvo unit houses (both legal and illegal) in the municipality based on information ti-om }:ire Services and other sources · the impacts of two unit houses on a neighbourhood · a survey of other municipalities to prepare a comparatix e matrix of two unit house regulations · the current rental apartment vacancy rate · the need to track accessory dwelling units in thc mumcipality in order to plan and provide sen'ice · zoning performance standards that should be required if txvo unit houses arc to be permitted · public input derived t¥om public notification and hosting a Public Infbrmation Meeting · how permitting two unit houses relates to smart groxvth Report to Council PD 25-02 Subject: Two Units in Houses Date: May 10, 2002 Page 3 After the public information meeting staff will: · analyze the results of the inibrmation that was gathered; · identify options for possible Official Plan and zoning changes; · prepare a report that summarizes the findings and recommendations; and, · recommend any appropriate changes to the Official Plan and zoning by-laws. 3.0 Procedural Requirements In order for staff to commence the work and to seek public input, Council authorization is required to advertise that the City of Picketing is considenng City initiated applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Nos. 2511, 2520, 3036 and 3037 in order to permit two unit houses. The advertisement will satisfy the Planning Act requirements regarding the notification of the City's intention to consider amendments that would permit two unit houses as of right in certain dwelling unit types in the City of Pickering. Staff anticipate hosting the Public Meeting on the proposed zoning amendments in the fall of this year xvith a recommendation report being brought forward for Council's consideration by the year-end. ATTACHMENT: 1. City Council Resolution #215/97 Prepared By: Ross Pym, MCIP, Principal Planner - Development Review Approved / Endorsed by: ~nt Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP// Manager, Current Operations RP/td Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ;h/o~s J. Quinn, ,~hief A~inistr/~K)~ ffi~r INTEI/-I)E PA llTSl ENTAL MESIOIIANDUSI CEE l/l'i'S DEPARTI~I ENT DATE: TO: FROM: June 19, 1997 Neil Carroll~ Director of Plztnnix'~ Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk Please be advised that the Council ct'the Tox,.n of'Picketing p'~issc~ci Resolutiou #215/97, Item #6 at a Regular Council Meeting of June That Town Council receive for inforlnation lntevdepartmentni l)evelopment Tenm Report No. 1/97 vegnvtling Two-Unit ltouses: That through the }tome Five Safely Program commencing in 1997, the Fire Department identify existing T;vo-Unit tlouses nnd develop au inveuto~ of these units within the q'o;vn's computer property system darn b:tse, iucluding Fire Code conformity st;Ittls ;Ilia other relevnnl darn: o That Town Council nuthorize the Planning l)el~artment to iuitiate a zoning review addressiug the estnblishmeut of uexs T;s o-U,~it Ilouses in the Town; That Town Council consider the estnblishmcnt of a Registry for Two-Unit Houses concurren~ with its considerntiou of zoning provisions for new Two- Unit Houses in the q'ox~'n, follox~ing completioi~ of the zoniug review outlined iu Recommendntiou 3 above. This resolution is sent to yotl For your-inr'or~a~lrio~a ~Bnice Taylor, Town Clerk CCZ T. Quinn, General Manager Rick Pearsall, Fire Chief RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Report CS 06-02 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, concerning 2002 Annual Repayment Limit for Debt and Financial Obligation, be tbrwarded to Council for information. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL 0?7 YRONI' Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corpor'atc Scrx ices & Treasurer DA. TE; Nlax 9, ~ ( '~ REPORT NUMBER: CS 00-02 SUB,IECT' 2002 Ammal Repa)-ment l_innt for Debt and Financial Obligation RECOMMENDATION: 1. That ttnis report be Ibrv,'arded to Council for its inlbnnat~on. ORIGIN: Each \car thc Ministry of Municipal Afiknr's adxiscs municipalities oI'thc Debt Repayment Limit tbr Financial Obligations. AL'TItOR1TY: Tine Xlunicipal Act, R.S.O 1990 as anTcndcd. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS' Not Applicable EXECL/TIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: Reccntlx. tiao Ministry of Municipal Affairs pt'ox ided inlbnnation regarding the City's 2002 Debt and Obligation Repa~ent Limit. Debt lbr those puu)oscs, includes all forms of loans, leases and other long term financial obligations and con~na~tnacnts. Thc 2~)()2 .&1111ual Rcpa~nent Limit (ARL) was calculated based on 25 per'cent ot'2~)~)~) net ox~-soL~-cc rexcnues as reported in City ot' Pickcring's 2000 Financial lnlbnnat~on Report (FIR) 5ubtnittcd to tho MinistxT' of Municipal revenues represent generally thc discrctionam' rex cn~cs o? a nqkllqtcipalit> including property taxes, user t~cs, licenses and t2nes and exclude ail ~I-allt5. i~nct-nal [FaI]SI'CI-S allci extraordinary itcnas such as the one time sale of land of other- IS\cd assets 'a~nd non-discretionary items such as dc\ clopment charges. Tine ARL _0 )_ is $9,67'~ 80'~. ARL t'cp~-esents both rite pt'incipal and interest payment for the \'can This calculation does not mcasu~-c aI]b~'dabilit% of t~kc ~nto account other commitments the Citx naa\ haxc and the need to change lc\els of scr'x~cc of r'aisc pr'opcrt)' taxes to maintain the ctcbt rcpa)mcnt amount. This limit rep~'escnzs tine illaxii2]tli~2 aH1Oklllt Xk}lic}I thc municipality has available Ibr approval and certification by the Treasurc~' as of December 31.2()0~) to committo Report to Council CS 06-02 Subject: 2002 Annual Repa_vment Limit for Debt and Financial Obligations Date: Max.' 9, 2002 Page '~ Currently the City has no external debt. As of year-end December 31,200t. the approved and committed internal loans and leases are $9,603,284. The related principal and interest charges or annual repa,vment in 2002 for the 2001 debt and long term obligation is 51,360,805, which was included in the 2002 Current Budget, therefore, the ARL is reduced to $8,313.060 for the 2002 calender year. For illustration purposes, if the City could borrow at 7%, the ARL of $8,313,060 would allow it to undertake additional long term borrowing as follows: Terms Debt amount a) 5 years 34,085,187 b) 10 years 58,387,455 c) 15 years 75,714,636 d) 20 years 88,068,676 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from the MinistU' of Municipal Affairs dated February 20, 2002 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Cary~ Kong, ~-'~llis A. Paterson, Senior Financial Analyst Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachment Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thon~a~'.f7 Q~inn, CtO, Z/f Adm~istratlv~~ Ministry of Munici.Dai Affairs ancJ Housing Ministere eas Affaires munici~alas at clu Logement Ontario Februa~-20, 2002 MUrncisa! Finance Branch 13th Floor, 77'7 Bay Street, Toronto. ON. M5G 2E5 Tel: (416) 585-6951 Fax: (416) 585-6315 Dear Municipal Treasurer, Clerk, Treasurer: I am pleased to enclose a report showing your municipalib."s 2002 Annual RepaF~en: Limit (AP, L') respecting long-term debt and financial obligations. ' ~ '5'our 2002 ARL was calculated based on25 percent of your 2000 net ox~-n source revenues as reported m your 2000 FtP~. Note that revenues iormunidpal elecrr/ood utilities are not included in the calculation of the ARL. in accordance with Public Sector Accountin~ Board (PSAB) guidelines. If you require any further/nformation, please contact the appropriate Mum cipai Sero, ices ofiSce of the Ministry 0fMunicipal Affairs and Housing (list enclosed). Tours truly, //'/! ' :~.' ~X:' tx-aN; ' ::~ -;Y;4x' Dan Coy:in Director Enclosures 777 Bay Street, 7oronto, Ontario. MSG 2£5 Mmixzbre dex ajS~aire.~ munzci.t~aie3 er d~ togement 777 rue Bay Toronto (Ontario) M5 G 2E5 ANNUAl, REPAYMENT LIMIT (UNDER ONTARIO REGULATION 799/94) The repayment limit has been calculated based on dam contained in the 2000 Financial In_formation Retrain, as submitted to the Ministry. This limit represents the maximum mount which the municipalit?, had available as of December 31, 2000 to commit to payments relating to debt and financial obligations Prior to the authorization by Council of a long term debt or financial obligation, tiffs limit must be adjusted by the Treasurer in the prescribed manner. The limit is effective January 01, 2002. FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES .ONLY, the additional long-term borrowing which a mun/cipali .ty could undertake over a 5 - year, a 10 - year, a 15 - year and a 20 - year period is shown. " - - P_.~g_e: 01 o:[' 03 ~ Date Pre ared: Februau, 20, 2002 DETmR1VHNATION OF :&NNI. J AL DEBT REPAYMENT GROSS DEBT CHA~GES .- ?rinci,sal SLC 7z 3099 0i 545,000 ' Iht:rest 5L.C 7z 3¢399 02 115.294 2.0 SUBTOTAL Add Lin~ l.l, 1.2 [ 660,294] DEBT CI-b\RGES ON O.C.W.A. PRO\'INC1AL PROJECT ~. '_ x3'~er Projects -- this municmailt)' only SLC 7:2510 03 0 2.2 Water Projects -- share of integrated nrojectl s ' SLC -z 2820 03 2.3 Sewer Prqiects -- this municipality only SLC 54 2830 03 (/ 2.: Sewer Prqiects --share of integrateA nrql*tl s ~ S LC 74 2840 03 (I 3.(I 1.5 SUBTOTAL Add ti.uss 2.1 thru 2.4 [ 0~ PAYMENT IN RESPECT OF LONG TER,\i COMMITMENTS AND LIABILITIES SLC 42 6010 0] 0 3.1 PATMENT$ FOR SOCIAL HOUS~G 5.0 DEBT CHARGES FOR MUNICIPAL L~tLIT!ES 5.i Eiectrici~ SLC 4'~: 30~9 02 - SLC 40 3099 08 0 5.2 Gas SLC 4(i 329~ 12 -~ SLC 40 3299 (18 0 5.3 Talephone SLC 4a 3z9c~ 02 ' SEC 40 3499 08 (ii A~nounts Recovcrcd from Unconsolidated Entiuss 5.8 SUBTOTA& 6.0 7.0 PAYMENWS TO PROVEN'CE FOR REVITALIZATION PROGRAM LO,&NS DEBT CHARGES FOR TILE DRAINAGE AND SHOPdELINE ASSJST,&NCE Add Line~ f.: tnrz i.- [ 660.294] SLC 42 5zi~, 01 0 SLC 41, ],5;5i~ ~,2 - TLC 4(, 1850 0~, Pa.qe: 02 of 03 Date Preuared: Februar3/, O, 2002' DETER/M~NATION OF ANNU'AL DEBT REPAYMENT LIb{IT 10.O TOTAL REVENUE FUND REVENUES 'SLC t 0 9930 0! 41,958,300 10.i FEES AND REVENUE FOR SOCIAL HOUSING 0 11.0 FEES FOR REPAYING THE PROViNCE FOR DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION LOANS FEES FOR TILE DRAINAGE AND SHORELINE ASSISTANCE GRANTS FROM GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO, GOVERNMENT OF CANADA AND OTHEI~ MUNICI]~ALITIES 12.0 13.0 SLC 42 5410 01 0 SLC 12 1850 04 0 13.7 Ontario Grants SLC 10 0699 01 + SLC 10 0810 01 181,554 13.2 Canada Grants SLC I0 0820 01 9,052 13.3 Other Municipalities SLC 10 1099 0t I t 0,'814 I3.4 SUBTOTAL Add Lines 13.i thru 13.3 ~ 301.420J t 4.0 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM CAPITAL FUND SLC .10 30 t 0 01 12,910 15.0 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM RESERVES AND RESERVE FUNDS SLC 10 3020 0l 2,948,511 16.0 FEES AND REVENUE WH1CH WERE NOT REPORTED ON A PROPORTIONAL BASIS FROM OTHER MUNIC~ALITIES FOR JOINT LOCAL BOARDS 0 Add Lines 10.10.1 less Lines ~}? ~;~m~a,r 17.0 NET REVENUE FUND REVENUES 11,12,13.4,14;15;16 ~~1,~g5~5~ 18.0 25,; OF ~T REVENUE fUND ~V~Ntm ~~-~'~1 Social Housing adjustment incorporates [nformation on payments and revenues for public, non-profit, and co-operative housing. SLC denotes Schedule, Line, Column .Page: 03 of 03 Date Prepared: Februa~, 20, 2002 RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY Tha! Report CS 08-02 of the Director. ('orporatc Serxiccs & Ircasurer. concerning Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for lnlbrmation, be receixcd and Ibrx~ardcd to Council for inlbnnation. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: Max 4. REPORT NUMBER: CS08-02 SUBJECT: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report tbr Infornmtion RECOMMENDATION It is recommended tlnat report CS 08-02 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received and fbrwarded to Council for information. ORIGIN: Manager, Supply & Services :\[ 71'HORITY' Purclnasing By-law 5900'01 Purctnasing Policy Item 04.06 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXEC UTIV E SUMMARY: Council approved the Purchasing By-law on November 5, 2001 which included a request to have a summary of contract awards arising from the fbnnal quotation process be forwarded to Council as infbrmation only,' on a quarterly' basis. BACKGROUND: In accordance with Purctnasing Policy Item ()4.00, a summary of comract awards arising i'rolll tine tbrmal quotation process is provided herein tbr tine intbrmation of Council. Report to Council CS 05-02 .%ubjcct: }rol-mai Quotations [)c~crtptlon NCI'\ 1L'C }h-~clnL J)a~c :'\warded Oil t:lxcd IIOLII 1]~alCl'l cct','~c I Id. il]L' ' ' ~1 ....-- ulil~ hr/7 da~ pc:' .,. cck _.:l',tq - - .._. SCl'VIC c' ·., I q)-4-2(U); t ,la~: }:cpa:~ ]'fox 1-: ,:: ,: pei- xVCCl< Pal-l- N1 :: ~)_4_~(x)~ ] ocksm:th Service Provision <,: i,~cL>nnth I ~l..:', :' repali- ~crx 1cc per week ,.)-(,-2<)u2 l)ailv Courier Provismn \\'() ] _ 201)2 } ~ 3I'LiLH-V I ,lanLlurv I C 3l'Lldl'\ I t' chruarv 15 } .,.. :, _ NlarchT. 2002 Repoi't to Council Subject: Formal Quotations Quarterly Report for Ii, formation ATTACHMENTS: Not applicable I repared By: Approved Endorsed By': Vera A. Fel~gemachcl' ©illis A. Palerson Director. ('ou>orate Services * Treasurer Recommended for thc consideration el'Picketing City Council Th6m~fs ]. Quinn, ~h~ct Ad~m~strat~~ RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Report CS 09-02 of the Director. Corporate Services a: '1 reasurer be receixed: and That x~rite-ofl's of taxes due to change in assessment as provided under section 442 of thc Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amended, be approved: and That appropriate officials of thc City or' }'ickering be authorized to take the necessary, actions to give eflbct thereto. PICKERIN_G REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM' Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: May 14, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CS 09-02 SUBJECT: Section 442,,443 of the Municipal Act - Adjustment to Taxes RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Report CS 09-02 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. The write-offs of taxes due to change in assessment as provided under section 442 of thc Municipal Act, R.S.O 1990 as amended, be approved; and, 3. The appropriate officials of the City of Picketing be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, Section 442 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: If approved, the write-off of taxes as contained in this report represents a gross cost of S143.277.35 with a net cost to the City of approximately 523,121.35, the balance being charged back to the Region of Durham and the School Boards. Pickcring's share of the cost will be charged to the 2002 Current Budget allocation tinder General Government-Provision for Uncollectable Taxes. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: The reduction of taxes due to fire, demolition, exemption, assessment change or error is provided for under Section 442 of the Municipal Act. Write-offs of this nature are considered normal in tile conduct of business. The 2001 tax write-offs are mainly duc to demolition, fire or assessment error. As you review the attachment, you'll notice that there some properties with significant property tax reductions. The first major reduction is for the Pickering Pentecostal Church. This property was taxable part xxav through 2001; however, when tile church purchased the property it became exempt as per the Assessment Act. For the North Park Nursing Home, thc assessment Report to Council CS 09-02 Subject: Section 44, 44_~ of the .",lunicipal Act Adjustment to Taxes Date' Max 14. 2002 Page ~ department mm_lc a clerical error bx oxcr estimating tl~c xaluc of thc property. This on-or was corrected ILar thc 2002 taxation \car. For Emix Limited. thc roll nLZmhcr sitould have been deleted bx NIPAC tbr 2001 because this propcrt)xxas consolidated under their other roll number. -l'tncrclkwc. this property was bcinz asscsscd txx icc. Wcall& ('Llllcn Incorporated purchased this property aroulld Juno of last \car. Thc\ changed tine usc of this buildin~ that translated into an assessment class change (industrial to commcrcial.t Thc indkistrial class is taxed at a higher rate and lhcrelbrc, thc class change xxill translate into a propcrt> tax r'c0uction. ..\TTA('tINIENTS' . _0()_ 1 Section 442 Adjustment to Taxes dated Liar. '~ ~ Prepared Approxcd Endorsed By: Susan :\itkcnhcad, ('oordinator. Taxation Scrx ices (iilii.< .\. Paterson. Recommended tbr the consideration of Pickcrin,.z, [ City Council Thdmzfs ,1. (Ouinn, ~hief A~d'I'l]iI5istI'~ t~) ZI o A'n'ACHHENT# I TOREPORT# J'~ o~'i-:, CITY OF PICKERING APP # NAME REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT SECTION 442 ADJUSTMENTS TO TAXES May, 2002 YEAR CODE ROLL NUMBER May, 2002 CITY REGION EDUCATION TOTAL 81/01 86/01 97/01 89/01 90101 91/01 92/01 93101 94/01 95/01 85/01 84/01 82/01 83/01 i64/01 96/01 60/01 88/01 101101 05/02 06102 22102 02/02 24102 32/02 33/02 100t01 28102 01102 87/01 10102 11/02 72101 09102 14/02 Morris, Grant Polera, D & Montisano G. Popovski, Robert & El/z, Hydro One Networks Hydro One Networks Hydro One Networks Hydro One Networks Hydro One Networks City of Pickering Ontario Hydro Networks Patricia Anne Mertz Patricia Anne Mertz lan F. Weber lan F. Weber Picketing Pentecostal Ch Franca Naccarato Reesor, Dale Lorraine Bell Shroneview Holdings Bennet, Donald in trust Bennet, Donald in trust North Park Nursing Home Tobin, Deborah Garthwood Homes Kubicz, Waldemar BureaulZappacosta Halloway Holdings TheveninlGillespie Emix Limited Weall & Cullen Realco inc. Diamond Swan Ventures Diamond Swan Ventures 334979 Ontario Ltd. Diamond Swan Ventures Krink Corporation demolition demolition Assmt. Dept, clerical error class change class change crass change class change class change class change class change repairs/renov preventing normal use Assmt. Dept. clerical error demolition demolition part exempt Assmt. Dept. clerical error Assmt. Dept. clerical error Assmt Dept. clerical error Assmt Dept, clerical error Assmt. Dept. cterical error Assmt. Dept. clerical error Assmt. Dept. clerical error Fire Became exempt demolition demolition Assmt. Dept. clerical error class change - No longer commercial Assmt Dept. c~erical error class change class change class change fire/demolition class change class change 2001 010-039-00200 2001 010~18-09200 2001 010-040-15806 2001 010~18-04100 2001 020-022-06805 2001 020-022-06803 2001 010-019-37201 2001 010-019-12701 2001 030-011-16110 2001 010-018-00100 2001 010-019-18709 2000 010-019-18709 2000 010-019-30810 2001 010-019-30810 2001 020-022-01150 2001 010-040-15805 2001 018-019-37100 2000 010-021-02701 2001 020-016-24635 2000 030-002-14210 2001 030-002-14210 2001 010-041-03700 2001 010-01943994 2001 010-018-08900 2001 010-021-14310 2001 010-040-02000 2001 010-01940200 2001 020-016-24779 2001 010-018-21216 2001 020-022-08503 2001 020-022-05779 2001 020-022-05778 2001 020-017-27100 2001 020-022-05790 2001 020-022-06065 31.66 64.38 34.05 130.05 52.87 107.52 56.86 217.2~ 516.26 1,049.77 555.18 2,121.2' 0.0( 0.0( 0.0( 0.0{ 0.0( 0.0( 0.0( 196.14 398.83 210.92 805 8! 50.27 104.79 58.77 213.8; 34.97 72.89 40.88 148.7, 83.25 169.27 89.52 342.0, 2,489.78 5,062.73 9,706.79 17,259,31 23.52 47.83 25.29 96.6, 561.91 1,142.58 604.26 2,308.7: 233.97 487.70 273.53 995.2~ 221.99 451.39 238.72 912.1~ 55.91 116.53 65.35 2373' 142.21 289.17 152.93 584.3 2,355.15 4,788.97 2,532.67 9,676.7 31.52 64.10 33.90 129.5 755.67 1.536.59 812.63 3,104.8 13.00 26.44 13.98 53.4~ 84.84 172.52 91.24 348.6C 980.77 1.994.31 3,823.69 6,798.7; 52.58 106.92 513.03 672.5; 9,437.13 19.189.50 36,792.08 65,418.7' 1,680.28 3,901.51 5,171.56 10,753.3~ 149.48 347.07 460.04 956.55 148.08 343.85 455.78 947.7' 976,74 1,986.10 3,80735 6,770.75 43,96 102.08 135.32 1,71L44 3~987.79 5,285.95 10,991.1~ 23,121.35 48,113.13 72,042.87 143,277.3! RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Report CS tl-02 of the Director. Corporate .qervices ,X: Treasurer concerning 2002/2003 Property and Liability Insurance, be received by Council: and That the City of Pickering renew its property, liabilit; and other co;erages through the Frank Cox,'an Company at a 2002:03 renexval premium of approximately $32¢L352 plus applicable taxes for the period July 1. 2002 to Jul~ 1. 2003 inclusive: and That the Director, Corporate Services & q'rcasurer, as pan o l'thc P, isk Management Program, be authorized to continue the Reimbursable Deductible Program through the Insurance A4iuster and the Frank Cowan Company and further, that the Director be authorized to settle and claims within the total deductible limit where it is in the C'itx's interest to do so: and That the Director, Corporate Services 62 1-reasurer be authorized to pa)' the total cost of any insurance claims settled that fall bet;veen the previous deductible and the ne~ one. including any adjusting and legal tkes. from the Sell' Insuraiqce Reserve: and That the Director, Corporate Services & Ireasurer be authorized to purchase additional insurance, make changes to deductibles and existing coverages, and alter terms and conditions as becomes desirable or necessary in order to protect the assets of the City and it's elected officials and staff; and 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. f)44 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: 6illis A. Paterson Director. Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: May 21, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CS 11-02 SUBJECT: 20022003 Property and Liability Insurance RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Report CS 11-02 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer bc received by Council and that: the City of Pickermg renew its property, liability and other coverages through the Frank Cowan Company at a 2002/03 renewal premium of approximately $329,352 plus applicable taxes for the period July 1, 2002 to July 1, 2003 inclusive: the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, as part of the Risk Management Program, be authorized to continue the Reimbursable Deductible Program through the Insurance A4juster and the Frank Cowan Company and further, that the Director be authorized to settle any claims within the total deductible limit where it is in the City's interest to do so: the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to pay the total cost of any insurance claims settled that Fall between the previous deductible and the new one, including any adjusting and legal fees, from the Self Insurance Reserve: the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to purchase additional insurance, make changes to deductibles and existing coverages, and alter terms and conditions as becomes desirable or necessary in order to protect the assets of the City and it's elected officials and staff; and, 5. the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, Sections 251 and 252, R.S.O. 1990 as amended FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: This year's premium increase is mainly the result of the tragic September 11 event. (Insurance companies sell their risk portfolio to reinsurers to diversify their risk. The reinsurers did not Foresee and therefore, did not charge premiums to cover a September 11 occurrence. Estimated claims from September 11 range from $45 to approximately $75 billion, and, the reinsurers have raised their premiums to help cover the September 11 costs.) The City's premium has increased bv 27.9% of which approximately 23.9% is related to September 11 and 4.0% is due to an increase in the value of the City's assets. Corporate staff have looked at increasing the current deductible from $10,000 to $50,000 but tine corresponding savings in premiums did not warrant the additional risk/cost. Report to Council CS 11-02 Subject: 2002'2003 Propert> and Liabilit~ insurance Page 2 t~NECL'TI\'E SL'MMART: Not applicable BACKGROUND: Each year on July' 1, the City's general liability and property insurance policies come up lbr renew aI. As approved by Council at the time of the 199S renewal, thc Treasurer undertook an cxtcns~xe rex iow of all aspects of thc City's insurance progranq. The ('it> of Picketing cnfl>arkcd in a~ ~isk Management Pro,ram. the initial phase o~~ which inxolvcd negotiating rcne~i prcn~iums with th~ City's broker. The r~sult of th~ negotiations was a decrease of approxin~atclx 5=5 ()() or 20 percent, in tine premiunus ~?om that of thc prior year. This premium was also approximately 598,000 less than thc 199S budget proxis~on which, al~cr claims under the increased deductible were paid. resulted in a transtar of approxinqatcl> 550.0()() to thc Self Insc~I-alnCC Reserve. In 2000, 2001 and 2002, the rexiexv of deductibles, coxcraccs, policies, procedures, and aQjusting services has continued, in 1999 approximatcl> 592.~)~)~ xxas transI'cn-cd to thc Self budget. 550,{)00 was included as text]ut. Approximalel~ 5392,000 has been sa~ed as a result of the City's risk management pro,ram, As prex iously mentioned, this year's renev,'al t)remiunq is cot~siderablv loss than that of thc mid 199~1s as noted beloxv: 1989- $255,512 1990-$270,842 1991- 5206.341 1992- 5245,650 1993-$_o8,_ _ 1994- 525~.303 1995- 5294.10© 1990-$350,805 1997-S3--,580 1998- $3I/2,5S9 1999 - 5245.485 2()()(~- 20()1 - 2()()2 - 5329,352 September 11 and Impact on Insurance Costs Al'tot September 11, many insurance companies have rcxiox~ed their insurance portfolios from the perspective of reducing their risk. Some insurance companies have ?nc as iht as not renewing polices once they have expired. In this situation, organizations arc scrambling to find insurance coverage in a ve~' "hard" market. The Citx el' }>ickerin~ does not t]txd itself in this position. In fact, the City I]nds itself in the enxiablc position oi' hexing nnaintaincd a long standing business relationstnip xxith the Frank Coxxal7 Insult]ncc Co~aapan> in a "hard" market. Many organizations have experienced substantiallx larger ~ncrcases ill]Iq tiao ('itx, but our insurer reco~nizcs~ tine value of lone= st]]din*,= business relationships. Attachn]cnt=l provides a comparison of tiao insurance costs bctx~ccn 2~}¢~1 and 2002 and reflects APTA'sshareoftheinsurancccosts. The major increases arc in thc liabiI~tx, property and errors and omission policies. The increases to the these policies are a direct result o1' tiao higher costs associated x~ ith the re-insurance market. The re-insurance con,panics arc trying to recover their costs t?ona the September 11 occu~ence. These COllqp:li1lOS }qax c to, pzif eli[ thc claims fl'cnn September 11 and they have to also be in a financial posiUon to coxer future losses. Tiao insurance industry describes Septcnaber 11 as a catastrophic naa~-naadc loss. The other type of catastrophic loss is natural such as earthquakes and floods. Nc-insurance companies arc able to dixersitV their risk fi'om natural catastrophe risk through gcograptaical diversification. In other xxords, thex do not have all of their insurance risk in eno area such as Asia. L;nfb~Tunately, large Report to Council CS 11-02 Subject: 2002/2003 Property and Liability Insurance Date: Mav '~l. Page 3 scale terrorist attacks usually occur in high density populated areas and economic centers and therefore, future claims have the potential of being ve~ large. This year's increase max be thc start of a future trend in order for insurance companies to build up their reserves. Self Insurance Reserve This years renewal maintains the higher levels of deductible approved by Council in 1998. By putting the savings aside in the Self Insurance Reserve, funds should be available to finance predictable losses resulting from the increase in deductibles. By building up the reserve financial flexibility to assist with future possible options is also made available. The Self Insurance Reserve currently has a balance of $972,489. In the area of Risk Management, reference should be made to the 1998 report to Council No. TR_>/98. Conclusion The City's insurance and Risk Management Programs appear to be working satisfactory. The City's higher deductibles have assisted greatly in keeping the City's premiums constant tbr the last few years. Therefore, renewal through the Frank Cowan Company with our present carriers is recommended. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Comparison of 2001 & 2002 Insurance Costs. GAP:vw Prepared /Approved/Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Attachment¢l To Report # CS 11-02 COMPARISON OF 2001 & 2002 INS[R.hNCE COS'I'S LIABILITY ERRORS & OMISSIONS NON-O\VNED AUTON1OBILE EN\'IP, ONMENTAL LIABILITY CRINIE t'O['NCILI~OR ACCIDENT CONFI.1CT OF INTEREST LE(JAL EXPENSE AUTOMOBILE FLEET GARAGE AUTOMOBILE EXCESS AUTO LIABILITY * EXCESS I.IABILITY PROPERTT ENGINEERING lB&M) CITY TOTALS PICKERiNG TRANSIT * TOTAL ANNUAl. PREMIUMS ~ Prcmiunas paid by APT.\ 2001 20(}2 RE N Ex3,'AI~ 15,700.00 S. 1 5.145.()0 215.00 5.036.00 55.242.0O -.044.00 5195.461.00 $ 5257.529.00 $329.352.00 Inc. 50. () 30.I) 13.5 10.0 O.O (1 44.5 33.3 10.8 27.9 RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Report CS 10-02 of the Manager, Information Technology concerning Supply & Installation of Servers and Supply & Delivery of Personal Computers, be received: and That Council approve the quotation submitted by Metacomm for the provision of specific computer hardware as stated in Quotation No. Q-21-2002, in the amount of $116,184.00 (P.S.T. and G.S.T. extra); and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give eflbct thereto. PICKERING F{EPO T TO COUNCIL .Ion (ii. Storms Manager. lnlk~rmatio~2 I)ATt'i: Nlav 21, 2002 } - ) ) ) - R['_t( RI N[.'~XIBt2P.: CS 10-02 S[]BJI!CrI': 5uppl> & Installation of Serxers S[~ppI> & Delivery of Q~notation No. 0-21 I~ECONIN1EN [)..\TION: It is recommended that Report ('~q 1()-()£ off the ManageF, Information Tccl~nolog.v be received by Council and that: (.'ouncil approxe the quotation sub~qqittcd b,x llotz~,cotxatqq t't,z' zt7~' proxision of specific (I'.%.T. anxd (~.%.T. extra): and The appropriate offt'icials oi' thc axctio~as to ~i,,'e etTect thereto. .00_ Capital Budget AUTHORITY' Report CS 35-01 el'the Director, Corporate Nerx ice> Purchasing Poticv & Procedures Capital Project Codes 02-2190-003-02. Q-_ l c)()-i~()x-20 (~'-219ct-~. H )5-7, ~. _-, 1 ~( I-()0 ~-71 t:INANCIAI. IX1PI_ICATION$: Quotations have been received lbr the suppl.v and i~n~t~di:~tion of scrx cr~ a~nd rclt~tcd equipment, and personal computers. Given tine cbtinqated budzct I~zL~'c. thc qu,,tai~o~q process provided a listing requirements bx Inlbrmation I cclnnolog> t~, ~c aiccotquolistacd in an expeditious and procedural ma~M~cF up to 5100.(}00. ]tox~cxcF. Put'cHasi~qg t'olicx Itc~Ta ()4.05 states that an award exceeding 575.000 is su(ject to Council approval. Quotatioi1 AllnO tllnt' ' Q-21-2002 Purchase offI)atabasc serxcrs and rcla~ted cqtiipnqei~t. G.S. I'. Sub I'otal (}.5. i. }~cbate $116.184.00 L) ")Ol 8,13£.88 5133,611.60 (3,485.52) Report to Council CS 1(!-02 Subject: Page 2 Date: May~l,_ 2002 Approved Source of Funds' 2002 Capital Budget - Account Number 2190-61'76 190-00o-0_, 02-2190-003-26.0~-'~ 190-003-70, Projec~t Codes 02-2 ~ o ,. _ 0~~-,~ '~190-003-71 $210,507.00 Estimated Project Costing Summa~: Twenty Personal Computers Two Database Servers Data Backup Unit Cable Management System Sub Total P.S.T. G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total Project Cost $32,660.00 _>.70~.00 20,713.00 7.108.00 $116,184.00 9,294.72 8.132.88 0.48>.> ) $130,126.08 Project Cost (over) under Approved Funds Additional project costs to follow; however, total project costs will remain within approved funds. $80,380.92 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Chief Administrative Officer appointed an external consultant in December 2001 to review the operations of the Information Technology (IT) Section. ()ne recommendation put forth by the consultant was the Oracle database server currently being used by the City for all of its database applications was too old and slow to perform the function adequately. The consultant further reported to the Information Technology Steering Committee (ITSC) that the replacement server(s) should be purchased in 2002. BACKGROUND' In December 2001. the services of an external consultant were secured by the Chief Administrative Officer to review the operations of IT. The study was to look at a number of issues, one being the state of the City's computer equipment. Some of the recommendations put lbrth by the consultant are discussed below'. The City has one Oracle database server that is used to host all of the City's database applications. The server was identified as being five-years old and deemed too slow to perform its function adequately. It was recommended by the consultant that it be replaced in 2002 rather than later as was planned. Furthermore, during a review of thc computer room, the consultant put forth recommendations for the implementation of a cable management system and an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) capable of supporting the entire computer room. The recommended UPS would replace the number of smaller UPS units currently in place. The ITSC agreed with all three recommendations, and directed that the database server(s), cable management system, and the UPS be purchased immediately. Following the presentation and acceptance of IT's business plan, Request for Quotation Q-21-2002 was issue. As per Purchasing's new Policy & Procedures, final authorization to proceed with the purchase requires Council's approval. Report to Council CS 10-02 Subject: Page 3 Date: May21,2002 ATTACt 1. N Prepared .ion (}. Storms. Nlana-er Inlbrmation Technolozx G :\ P: vv, .\!,proved t{ndorsed Oillis .~. Recommended for thc consideration of Picketing