HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 13, 2002PICKERING AGENDA COMMITTEE Of THE WHOLE Anne Greentree Supervisor, Legislative Services MAY 13, 2002 tffitl/ o~ ~ PiCKERING Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda Monday, May 13, 2002 Chair: Councillor Johnson (1) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of April 8.20()2 (I!) DELEGATIONS 1. Thc Chair shall ask if there arc any persons wl:o wish to address an item on the agenda. (Ill}MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION CLERKS REPORT 14-02 2O02 CURRENT AND CAPITAL BUDGETS -A,IAX PICKERING TRANSIT AUTHORITY (APTA) PAGE 1-11 CLERKS REPORT 01-02 (ADDENDL'Txlt PROCESSING DEVELOPMENT APPL1C:VI'IONS & PL BLIC NOTIFICATIONS 12-36 CLERKS REPORT 13-02 COUNCIL EXPENSES 37-39 CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT C)4-~2 AUTHORITY FOR THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER TO APPROVE CONTRACTS DURING RECESSES OF COUNCIL 40-43 CLERKS REPORT 12-02 APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS 44-48 ~ER BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE Members of Council may formally table an item o~' COrTeSpondence that has been circulated by the Mayor, CAO, Clerk or other staff person. (VI) ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED B5~ That the letter f¥om the General ~.lcma~er o~' thc _-\ici× Picke~'i~ Transit Authority dated April 2. 2002 advising of the resolution passed bx thc Board of :\PT=X regarding the 2002 Curt'tnt and Capital Budgets of =XPT.-X be received. That thc Council of the Co~>oration of the Citx of Pickc~-in~ hereby approves the 2002 APTA Cuwcnt and Capital Bud,,ets= ~ as set out in :XPT.X Rcpo~-t ~)--()2 attached to tine April 2, 2002 letter of the General Manager of APT..X. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: May 6, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CL 14-02 SUBJECT: 2002 Current and Capital Budgets Ajax Pickering Transit Authority (APTA) RECOMMENDATION: That the letter from the General Manager of the Ajax Pickering Transit Authority dated April 2, 2002 advising of the resolution passed by the Board of APTA regarding the 2002 Current and Capital Budgets of APTA be received. That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby approves the 2002 APTA Current and Capital Budgets as set out in APTA Report 07-02 attached to the April 2, 2002 letter of the General Manager of APTA. ORIGIN: Resolution of APTA Board passed on March 26, 2002 AUTHORITY: Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: As set out in APTA Report 07-02 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This Report forwards a summary of the 2002 APTA Current and Capital Budgets to Council for its approval. BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Report a letter from the General Manager of APTA advising of a resolution passed by APTA on March 26, 2002 to approve the 2002 Current and Capital Budgets of APTA and requesting the approval of the Councils of Ajax and Pickering. Report to Council CL 14-02 Subject: 2002 APTA Current & Capital Budgets [)ate: May' 6. 2002 Page '~ The details of the 2002 APTA Current and Capital are set out in APTA Report 07-02. which is attached to the letter from thc APTA General Manager. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter dated April 2. 2002 from General Manager ofAPTA Prepared By: /---4: Bruce Taylor. City Clerk Attachments Copy: Director. Corporate Scrxiccs & Treasurer Recommended tbr the consideration or' Picketing City Council Tho~ma's J. Quinm/Chief A'dministrative~ AJAX PICKERING AUTHORITY ATTACHMENT # , f TO REPORT #.~ L Ajax Pickering Transit Authority 110 Westney Road South Ajax, ON Canada L1S 2C8 April 2; 2002. Bruce Taylor City of Pickering One The Esplanade Picketing, Ontario. [.IV 6K7 CLERK'S DI¥181ON Please be advised that the following resolution was passed by the Board of the Ajax Pickeirng Transit Authority at its Board Meeting held on March 26, 2002. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the Report to the APTA Board of Management APTA 07-02 concerning the APTA 2002 Budget be received; 2. That the APTA Board of Management approve the APTA 2002 Current and Capital Budgets; 3. That the APTA Board of Management approve fare increase and fare harmonization changes contained in this report for implementation effective July 2, 2002. That the Report and Recommendations of the APTA Board of Management regarding the 2002 APTA Current and Capital Budgets be forwarded to the Councils of the Town of Ajax and the City of Picketing for approaval; and 5. The appropriate officials of the Ajax Pickering Transit Authority be given authority to give effect hereto. Should you have any inquiries with respect to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. I may be contacted by telephone at (905) 427-5710. Yours Truly, //~~~~tMAut~ority Attachment: Report Number APTA 07-02 Copy: Gil Paterson, Treasurer, APTA Telephone 905-427-5710 · 905-683-4111 - Fax 905-427-3473 www, townofajax.com · www. cityofpickering,on.ca ,-L REPOR'f ~. c . AJAX PtCI(ERING AUTHOR T Y REPORT TO THE BOAD D FROM: Ted Gahnis General Mama~er. Aiax ~'~'-~ ' ~ ~ ~K~nn~ Transit Au~orirv DATE: March t9, 2002 REPORT NTMBER: APTA 07-02 SUBJECT: _z,i'TA 2002 Bud_~et PdECOMibLENDATION: That the Report to the APTA Board of Management APiP~ ~."-0l concerning the 323TA 2002 Bud~to: be recdved: That the .&PTA Board of Manag~ement approve the APTA .002' Cuxent zmd CapitaJ Bua_~t..'2~ ~2 That the ~LPTA Board of Management approx e rare increase and fare harmonization chan~es contained in this report for implementation c££ecfive ~uix 2.2(.i:'2: That the Report and Recommendations of the APTA Board of ~ mna~md2t r%ardin; the 2002 /,zPTA Current & CaphaJ ~ud~ets be forwarded to ti~e Councils of the Town of Ajax and CitE' of Pickerin~ for approvafi; and. The appropriate officials of the Aiax P:d,~rm_ Transit Autherhv be zP:en authority to rove effect thereto. ORIGIN: General Manager, Ajax Picketing Transit Authority AUTHORITY: Not applicable Report to Board 0%02 ~ fTACHMEN7 Subject: 2002 APTA Budget o2_ Date: March I 1. 2002 Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: CURRENT BUDGET APTA 2002 Net Current Core Budget: Increase over 2001 Net Current Expenditures: $ 391,599 Percentage Increase over 2001: 9.58% $ 4,47 / ,_94 Total 2002 Current Transitional Budget: Total 2002 Additional Requirements Budget: 163,322 53,141 Aj ax Picketing Total 2002 APTA Current Budget: increase over 2001 Net Current Expenditures: $ 608,069 Percentage Increase over 2001: 14.88% iS 4,693,757] [$1,996,25~ }$2,697.502i CAPITAL BUDGET: APTA 2002 Net Capital Core Budget: ' $ 2,109,900 Increase over 2001 Net Capital Expenditures: $ 1,299,700 Total 2002 Capital Transitional Budget: 339.100 Total 2002 APTA Capital Budget: [$ 2,449,000] Increase over 2001 Net Capital Expenditures: $1,299,700 Percentage Increase over 2001:1 t3.09% * NOTE: Refer to Item (c) in "Funding Sources" below CURRENT & CAPITAL BLPDGET: Total 2002 APTA Capital & Current Budget: IS 7,142,757] Increase over 2001 Net Capital & Current Budget: $1,907,762 Percentage Increase over 2001: 36.44% 153,220,755] [$3,922.0021 FUNDING SOURCES: a) Municipal Funding - Being provided by the Town of Ajax and City of Picketing at levels that are in line with the 2001 budgets plus a general increase in line with other municipal departments. b) Regional Funding - Funds were repatriated from the Region and should be used by the municipalities for 2002 Budget needs. Pickering will receive $1.6 million and Ajax will receive $1.2 million. Regional funding in excess of APTA 2002 Budget financing requirements should be placed in Transit Reserves Accounts established by .~ax and Pickering. Region funding is being treated as a one-time event to be utilized for required fleet replacement and transit merger transitional costs. Report to Board 0'-02 Subiect: 2002 _&PLA Budget c¸} Provincial Ftmding Request - On February' 20'. 2002. lransnortafion 3iinistsr Brad Clark announced $100 million for the first year of the Onua~io TraPeze Renewal Pro~oTarn. The municipalities of Ajax and Picketing are eligible for 58-3.126 for replacement of buses and major fleet refurbishing. Fundin~ is based on a i x provincial contribution. The amount of 5873~000 includes other capital items that have been requested by A_PTA. Clarification has not vet been provided concerning which projects the Province has deemed eii~iblc or process for accessing funding. At the direction of :he .-kPTA Board. conespondence has been sent to the Province requesting clarification on these issues. d) Provincial Funding Requests - Golden Horseshoe Transit Investment Partnerships (GYP) - APTA has made two appiicauons under GT? attd is supporting thrss other applications: Transit M,~r_d~' ~'= - Fundmo~._ - Total ~_q~ ' million. Please note this mciudes all oI~ our costs associated with the transit merger for a three ve~~ ueriod. ii. Repiacemcnt Te2ephone System and _,liicrov,-ave Comm,:ficafions kinh - Total S ! 72. iii. Regional Requests - APTA is supporting two Region of Durham requests. "Taunton Road Bus Rapid Transit Implementation" and the development of' a "Transit Improvements Imuiementafion Plan". iv. GO Transit Reauest - .~ r.-~ is supporting the GO Transit ap?lication for "Implementation of a Smm~card-based Fare Collection System in the GTA". Federal Funding - No supper to date. Report to Board 07-02 Subject: 2002 A_PTA Budget / ~ - - c-c /q- 02- Date: March t 1, 2002 Page 4 FARE INCREASE .&ND I-LAJLMONIZATION: Recommended Fare Increase/Harmonization - Effective July 2, 2002. Part A Current Current APTA % Inc. 2002 Annual Fare Harmonization Ajax Pickering 02/07/02 Revenue Revenue Senior Cash Fare 0-30% 3 000 6.000 $0.65 , (55up) Student Cash Fare $1.25 .$0.50 (65 up) Adult Cash Fare (Conventional & Sp. Serv.) Senior Pass (no change) $1.00 $0.65 (60 up) $1.25 0-25% 17,000 34.O00 Adult Monthly Pass ! $46.00 $50.00 $50.00 0-8% 5,000 l C).000 GO Co-fare (no change) $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 0% 0 0 Child Fare $0.65 $1.00 $t.00 0-53% 3,500 ?,000 Part B Fare Increase $1.50 $1.50 $1.75 165; 24,000 48.000 N/A $13.00 $13.00 $35.00 Student Restricted 0% 9% $33.00 3,000 0 6.000 N/A Student Um'estr/cted Pass $36.00 $38.00 $40.00 5-11% 4.500 9,000 Separate School Brd. Pass $33.00 $33.00 $35.00 6% 25,000 50.000 Total Projected Revenue $85,000 $170,000 Fare harmonization between Ajax and Picketing is required to create a common fare structure for ~2aTA operations. A common fare structure and discontinuing the Ajax smartcard system are the required first steps to permit APTA buses to be used interchangeably in Ajax or Picketing. A_PTA is proposing that a combined process of fare increases and fare harmonization take effect upon the completion of the school year in June 2002. By that th~qe, the use of smartcards in -qt ax wilt be phased out and replaced with a temporary paper ticket/pass system until such time as the GO Transit GTA-wide smartcard fare collection system can be introduced in 2003. Fare increases are required to meet our 2002 revenue and cost targets without impacting on the cost to taxpayers of sustaining our core transit service. As new transit routes are introduced, APTA will be required to offset a minimum of 50% of the cost with fare box revenue. The R~oN to Board Subiec:: 201£ 4PTABud~et /~/- o ~ate: March I 1, 2002 Pa~e 5 annualized impact of fare increases wilt provide the ........ ...... .~.~, revenue to sustain addinonai sen'ice witi~om a significant impac~ or. the rate of taxation for transi: in ms Fare increases are primarily directed at discretionm~- ~a22sk users az~d will have little or no nmpazt o~: me majoritN of our frequent customers. Approxm'mte]v i 3 of our :idershis consists of O© Yranmt rail passengers who will continue to pay $0.50 Ico-'fare~ for trips to and~from the train. A further 1."3 of our customers ars students who are issued pre-said pas~es by thc Separate School BoarS for travel to and from school. This y-cup will aisc ~eei ~:o fare increase impagt for daytime transit use. Students however; will be required to pa5, an additional $5.')0 set month to use t~ansit services evenings and weekends. This approach is preferred by t2~e Sesarate School Board and is now practiced tkroughout Durham Re,on with the exception 3f ?icke~ing. Over time, APTA would benefit from a gradual move toward fare harmonization with \Vhitbv and Oshawa. The proposed ~%PTA adult cash fare of $1.7~ remains under the ".V!fitbv a~t Oshawa S2.00 adult cash fare rate. .~PTA child au2d student ticket and pass rake au'~ aisc sigmfieantty less than Oghawa and \Vhitbv. A common fare structure Lt~ou~out Durham Re,ion would permit the introduction o£ a GTA or Regional Pass with reduced requirements for reconciling mtermunicipal trips and fare three-ration revenue-sharm~? naxznents. = ~[_,TN E SLi\iX'L~RY: At the APTA Board of Management Meeting of 3anua~' 29. 20,'o2 start were directed to take action to both reduce our 2002 budget recu~cmentq mud oursue fm:~ns potential c- ~. extema~ lundin8 sources. Based 0n a review of 200] actual costs and rsx'enue, as well as a recommended fare increase to take effect in June 2002, /he total reouested net APYA bud:et has been reduced bv $Y46.974 since our last presentation o£surnmarw bud_est fi~uro~ to the Bozu-d. Extemal APTA funding from the Re, on of Durhant az~d Ge Province of Ontario has been announced. APTA has made application for additional fl. mdins support through the ProvmciaI GTP initiative and continues to pursue £unding that may be-avaiiabie reiat~d to transkional merger costs. The Canadian Urban Transit Association /~L'TAt and the Ontario Communi'3- Transportation Association (OCTA) are pursuing additional fundin~ notentiai at ~22e Federal az~d Provincial levels on our behalf. ~ Additional ~n'ant funding has been applied £or. If one aoohcation is successful, the other two applications will be reduced where there is overiansm~ caoital ~qu~ts. The additional funds from these ~ant applications could be transferred to the mumj~.~:;t ' "Tr " %~mv s respective anSlt Resen.,es" or used to reduce the amounts othe~'Jse paTabie by the respective municipalities. Those resen,es are a critical dement in f'manciai siamninz arid uili be used to offset Suture casks related expendhures. Report to Board 07-02 ATTACHME~'- / cc Date: March 1 1, 2002 Subject: 2002 A_PTA Budget Page 6 The 2002 A_PTA Budget has been presented to and discussed with the Chief Administrative Officers and Treasurers for the Town of Ajax and the CitT of Picketing. Adequate funds are available through a combination of municipal contribution, the Province of Ontario and one-time Region of Durham funding to sustain the complete 2002 APTA Current and Capital Budget. APTA is requesting support from the Board o£ Management and municipal Councils to approve the 2002 Current and Capital Budgets. In order to sustain current transit service levels and remain fully eli~ble for recently announced Capital funding, APTA requires Board of Management and municipal Council approval of our Core and Capital budget requirements. Beyond 2002, A_PTA and our municipal funding partners will need to actively pursue sustadnable funding sources in order to maximize provincial matching funds and achieve our equipment replacement and growth related obi ectives. ATTACHMENTS: 2002 A_PTA Budget A~PTA Budget Reduction Summary Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: Approved / Endorsed By: Giliis Paterson, Treasurer Ajax Pickering Transit Authoritw AJAX PICKERING TRANSIT AUTHORITY 2002 CURRENT BUDGET APTA BUDGET REDUCTIONS March 6, 2002. Account 291 C - Ad ministration 2920- Maintenance 2930 - Conventional 2940- Specialized ~rvices 2945 - Transition Costs $101,498 61,4-72 174,768 2.920 52.261 Hi--ts of Change Items ,New Inspector/Trainer position deferred, approx. $10K reduction in linstructionat training and conference expenses, insurance reduced $10K to reflect 2001 actual costs, smartcard supplies deferred @ $10K, various administration equipment and supplies deleted/reduced. Approx. $50K reduction in urgent body repair, brake repair and shop supplies, On-call Mechanic. replaced by Servicepersons, Mechanic training reduced 50%, buiiding utility costs reduced approx. $10K to reflect 2001 actual costs. New Parts/InventoE., Supen,,isor position deferred, reduction in uniforms. Picketing GO office renovations deleted, increased costs for "Z" endorsement training, snow removat (reflect new contract). $50K added in generai revenue to reflect 2001 actual, $85K added in farebox revenue to reflect recommended fare increase/harmonization effective June 2002. Reduction in contracted taxi service - automated trip reservation efficiency. Cross-training costs reduced S25K, scope of contracted route review reduced $30K, various supervisory staff training costs reduced approx. $7K. World Youth Day charter costs added ~ $15K. Total Budget Change ! $392,919_.j 2002 CAPITAL BUDGET Account 2910 - Administration 2920 - Maintenance 2390 - Conventional TotalBudget Change Net Chan. E~..~ Hic~hliants of Chanqe Items -$ 42,100 Costs added to reflect emergenc~ replacement of office server and Idatacard fare evasion equipment, supplies. -360 Minor reduction in computer equipment. -3,485 Costs added to reflect current equipment quotes. Reductions in computer equipment. -$45,945 $346,974 Total Current and Capital Budget Net Change PICKERING RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Clerk's Report CL 01-02 (Addendum) respecting the Processing of Development Applications and Public Notification be received; and That the Summary of Recommendations of the Staff and the Community Associations as set out in Clerk's Report CL 01-02 (Addendum) respecting improvements to the processing of development applications and public notifications be adopted as noted. That the said SummaD' of Recommendations of the Staff and the Community Associations be implemented in September, 2002. That the said Summary of Recommendations of the Staff and the Community Associations be reviewed in January of 2004. REPORT TO COUNCIL 013 FR()NI: Bruce Taylor. AMCT. CMM City Clerk REPOR I' N[;MBER: DATE: April 30. 2002 CL 01-02 (ADDENDUM) SUBJECT: Processing Development Applications & Public Notification RECOMMENDATION' That Clerk's Report CI~ 01-02 (Addendum) respecting the Processing of Development Applications and Public Notification be received. That the Summary of Recommendations of the Staff and the Community Associations as set out in Clerk's Report CL 01-02 (Addendum) respecting improvements to the processing of development applications and public notifications be adopted as noted. That the said Summary of Reconm~endations ol'the Staff'and the Community Associations be implemented in September. 2002. That the said Summary of Recommendations of'the Stall'and thc Conununit¥ Associations be reviewed in Januarx of 2004. ORIGIN: 1. Resolution # 129/01 passed on October 15. 2001 2. Retbrral motion made at the Committee of the Xa~ole Meeting of February 11. 2002 AL!TI-tORITY: Various section of the Planning Act and Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Minimal cost increases t'or postage and other incidental costs related to an improved development application process. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At its meeting of February 11, 2002. the Committee of the x,X,~ole received Report to Council CL 01-02 respecting improvements to the processing of development applications and public notifications. The Committee also referred the Summary of Recommendations set out in that Report to stall' to allow for discussion with community groups and to be brought back to the April 8~h Committee of the Whole Meeting. A meeting of representatives of the City's Conmmnit.~ Association was held on March 12, 2002 and their recommendations are attached to this Addendum Report. Report to Council CL 01-02 (Addendum) Subject: Processing Development Applications & Public Notification Date: April 30, 2002 Page 2 BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Addendum Report a copy of Report to Council CL 01-02 regarding the processing of development applications and public notification. At the Committee of the Whole Meeting of February. 11, 2002 this Report was received for information and the Surrmmry of Recommendations set out in that Report was referred to staff to allow tbr discussion with community groups. At the February 11 th Meeting, David Steele committed to chairing a meeting of community groups with a view to reviewing the Summary of Recommendations provided by City staff and seeking further comments and recommendations fi*om the community groups. A meeting of the Community Associations was held on March 12, 2002 and a copy of the Minutes of that meeting are also attached hereto for your information. The following is the Summary of Recommendations set out in Report to Council CL 01-02. which are the recommendations of staff: o o o SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY STAFF An entlT will be put on all the Standing Committee Agendas that indicates that all recommendations approved at the Standing Committee level will be subject to ratification by Council the following week and advising the public on how to register as a delegation to a Council Meeting. Zoning by-laws will be clearly identified in the Council Agenda by stating the purpose of the by-law, the location of the lands affected by the by-law and the applicant's name. Where the time between a Statutory Public Information Meeting and a Planning Committee Meeting is greater than one year, Notices of a Planning Committee Meeting will be sent to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property. Newly submitted development applications will be listed on the City's Website. Notices of a development application submitted within a formal study area, during the study period, will be circulated to all persons identified on the mailing list associated with the study. Citizen guides will be prepared by staffto assist the public in understanding the various development application processes. Copies of Reports to Council that are included in a Planning Committee Agenda will be made available to the public in the Lobby of the Civic Complex on the evening of the Planning Committee Meeting. Staff are currently investigating the feasibility of providing the agendas for both Council and Standing Committee Meetings on the Monday or Tuesday preceding the meeting. The following is a summary of the recommendations made by the Community Associations as set out in the Minutes of the March 12th meeting with the comments of staff printed in italics following each recommendation: Report to Council CL 01-02 (Addendum) Subject: Processing Development Applications 8,: Public Notification Date: April 30, 2002 Page 3 (115 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS 2(a) Continue with signs on the designated site. but implement a method of updating thc sign details to ensure that it Ibllows the whole process. ( pdating the sty, ns on the desi,,Tnated site i.~' cosdv and impractical. There are other methods el'achieving tlw ~oa/ o/'keepin,(4 the' art'~ residents up to date such as having the resident add their name to the mailing list to be advi.~ed ~/'all meetings. Continue with public notifications of development applications and related reports/meetings, but make it more timely/effectix e. At present, a 2(;-day not!fication letter i.~ sen~ ou~ advisin,g area residents ,S'lallllorV Public ]n/brmation .~teeting and incqudin,g details in that /citer. This is a requirement ~/'thc Planning Act. A /O-day not!fication /etzcr is sent out advising O/the Plannin~g ('ommittee and Council :Weeting in which an application will he considered This not(/ication letter will now be sent out approxitnate(v 20 dm's prior to the Planning Committee Meeting and 27 days prior to tho ('ouncil Meeting (/dw deadline /or preparing agendas is moved hack a ~ceek. Do not rely entire on Associations to intbrm ti~e public: the City should use multiple communication mechanisms to in£orm the public. Stq(/'agree wid~ thi.~' recommendation and wc arc: currt~nt/t' reviewin~g the ('ommunitv Pa,ge and II'ehsite to determine how these mechani.sm,~ can he used to provide adequate information about upcoming meelings and background in/ormation. Make thll Agenda (including back-up documents} available to the public. Stqff hope to make the ./}dl a,genda available to t/ze public by providing hyperlinlc~ ./bom the index pages in the a~gendas that are on the ('it¥ 's wehsite to the background material. The public can view the,lull hard colby a,g~,ndas at dw ('ivic Complex or the Libraries and ~/' they want a copy O/ a Report l]ltit in inch;ded in an a~enda, slqff' have provided this al no cosL h would he d(ffic'u/t lo produce.fid/ copies ~' the agendas for the public because staff' would not know at any given time how many lo produce plus there is a significant cost lo producm~g /}d/ agendas which we t~ to recover by charging subscription fees lo people ~'ho ~canl the agendas on a continual basis. Consider e-mailing / faxing the entire Agenda (including back-up documents) to Associations if requested. Slq/.']c would have no di/ficulO' E-.Wailin,< or t:~¥in,~ thc index pages to Associations upon request, however, it would not hc./da,~ihle lo E-,Wail or fi~&V the entire Agenda. As noted earlier, we hope to provide h)~cr/in~s /rom ~hc a~gendas produced on the (¥ty's website lo the hac'ku/~ document,s. NotitS, the public of development application related agenda items one month prior to the Meeting for significant issues, or Ibr all planning matters if establishing criteria proves problematic. it would be difficult to determine what is sizn!ficant because the d4fference in perception between stq/f and the public' qf what is considered sign~/k'ant could he ye0, d~ferent, ff letters qf not~fication were sent a month in advance ~/'a tneelin~g. could lead to many cancellation notices bein,g sent hec'ause items scheduled particular Planning Committee Meetings are q/?en re-scheduled up lo the last minute. Report to Council CL 01-02 (Addendum) Subject: Processing Development Applications & Public Notification Date: April 30. 2002 Page 4 o o 10. 11. As noted above, if the deadline for preparing agendas is moved back a week the notification letter for Planning Committee Meetings will be sent out 20 days in advance of the meeting. Publish Committee of Adjustment Agendas/Minutes on the City Website. This is an excellent idea and the Planning staff have no problem with implementing this. Only the index pages of the agenda will be posted on the CiO"s ~'ebsite, however, in the near future, there would be links to the Planning Reports for the convenience of the residents. Circulate Committee of Adjustment applications that modify previously approved development applications. This recommendation causes some problems j(br staff because there is no suggestion as to how Jar back staff should go plus essentially all Committee of Adjustment applications are modifying previously approved development applications. Any Community Association can u~'ite to the Committee of Adjustment to be put on their circulation lists plus the City will now be putting the Committee 0/' Adjustment agendas on the C/t3' 's VFebsite. The agendas need to be distributed much earlier than currently happens. Noti~ the public of development application related agenda items 14 days prior to the committee Meeting for less significant issues. At present, the agendas are dia'tributed on the Thursda~v preceding the Council or Standing Committee Meetings. Senior sta./.'f have indicated that they have no problem having the agenda deadlines moved back so that the Council and Standing Committee agendas can be distributed about 10 days prior to the meeting. Staff will be in a position to implement these new deadline and distribution dates in September. Include the full agenda (including back-up documents) on the City's website. Council approved the proposed Records Management Program in the 2002 budget. One component of this program ia' to provide .for document imaging which will allow ~/br links between the various items that are on the agendas and the actual reports. Staff hope to have this process in place before the end of 2002 and this wouM essentially provide for full agendas on the Cit3, 's Website. Provide public access to Reports after hours, including a procedure to pick up hard copies after normal working hours. Public access to Reports after hours will certainly be provided through the City's g/ebsite once the Records Management Program is implemented as noted in Recommendation #9 above. If any person was to pick up a hard copy of a Report after normal working hours, they need only call the Civic Complex to indicate the Report that they want and the approximate time they will be picking it up and we make arrangements for them to pick it up .from the Security Guard at the Civic Complex. Hard copies of Agendas and Reports should available at the Libraries as soon as possible. Hard copies of the Agendas are currently made available to the Central Library on the Thursday preceding the meeting. Staff will provide additional copies of the Agendas so that they can be delivered to the Library branches. Also, once the Agenda deadlines are moved back, the Central Library and the branches will get the hard copies of the Agendas much earlier. Report to Council CL 01-02 (Addendum) Subject: Processing Development Applications & Public Notitication Date: April 30. 2002 Page 5 0 ! 7 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Develop a "Planning Process Flowchart" Ibr various planning and development applications processes and consult with conmmnitv associations to make sure the intended objective is met. and make same available to the public. The sra./f of the Det~arttncnt, P/~mnin~g & Deve/olmwn! .~ut¥~ot't this recommendation on condition that a generic O']?e o./?o~,' char! ix heinjz c'ontem,t~/ated. The./low chart that is developed will he made available not on/~' in hard copy at the ('ivic Complex and other municipa/ facilities hut also the ('in' 'x II'ebsite. Council to refer back to staff' to reconsider the legal opinion regarding the City's authority to expand the notification boundaries. Council passed Resolution ::63/02 on Apt'i/ 2. 2002 to reque.st the Minister (?/' .~unicipal A~lairx to consider amending the P/annin(~ .4 ct to provide.tor more.flexible notification boundaries. Implement a varied notification radius depending on the significance of the development application, or establish a larger more suitable notification radius: this should be based on consultation with residents and associations. '/'he Planning Act requires that all noti/ications he' st~zndardized. As noted above, Council has passed a resolution to requcx~ the .Wini.~'tcr ~?/' Municipal .4J/airs to consider amending [l~e' Planning :Icl to ?rovidv tot more flexible not?italian boundaries. Implement notification policies that ensure 1:air public notification both in urban and rural areas. This is a very valid comment itl that it would he bent~iota/to circulate development applications to a wider radius in the rural area. however, as noted in Recommendations #13 and =/4 above, the ('in' must con/btm to the requirements' of the Planning Act, however. ('ouncil has ?assed Resolution =63'02 to request more .flexible notification boundaries. Ensure any modifications to development applications after the public Statutory Public Information Meeting and the initial application are re-circulated in advance of any staff repons being filed for consideration by a Committee, !f there is a major change to an application, thc ('in' will re-circulate the application as a revision. If a Planning Report i.s' prepared beyond a war since the Statutory Public Information Meeting, the' ten-day notice ix circulated to all residents within ]20 metres of the subject properO'. .4s noted itl Recommendation ~5, the notice advising cfa Planning Committee .~[eetinj7 will now he .~ent about 20 days in advance (~/'the meeting instead 0/' Public notification timelines Ibr all Agenda items should be lengthened for all committees. St~{/.f support this recommendation and a.~ noted above, all the deadlines ./br the Standing Committees can he moved hack x(> that the agendas will hope./ul/3' be ready about 10 days in advance o/the meetin,<. Report to Council CL 01-02 (Addendum) Subject: Processing Development Applications & Public Notification Date: April 30. 2002 Page 6 SUMMARY Except as otherwise noted, staff support either in whole or in part most the recommendations made by the Community Associations. I would suggest that the recommendations made by staff' and the Community Associations be endorsed and implemented in September firstly because staff have scheduled items to go before the various Standing Committees in May and June based on the current deadlines and secondly because staff hope to have the Records Management Program that was approved in the 2002 budget in place in September whereby we will be able to provide the hyperlinks between the agendas and Reports. Also. I would recommend that Council direct that staff and the Community Associations review the success of the implementation of all recommendations sometime in early 2004 following the next municipal election. At that point in time, there may be changes made to the Planning Act with respect to the 120 metre notification radius and there may be new or improved methods of processing items that will be placed on a public agenda. ATTACHMENTS: Report to Council CL 01-02 dated January 31, 2002 Minutes of March 12th Meeting of Community Associations Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: ? B~uce Taylor, City Clerk Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thom/as-J./Qt~mn, C14d/ef Adn~inistr~cJ REPORT TO COUNCIL t:R()M' Bruce Taylor. ANIC'k'. CMM City Clerk DA'I'E: January 31, 2002 REPOR'I'NUMBER: CL 01-02 SUBJEC'I': Processing Development Applications & Public Notilication P, E C OM M 1:i N DAT1 ON' 1. That Clerk's Report CL 01-02 regarding Processing Development Applications and Public Notification be received. 2. That tile Sulnmary of Recommendations set out in Clerk's Report GL 01-02 respecting improvements to the processing of development applications and public notifications be adopted. ORIGIN: Resolution # 129/01 passed on October 15. 2001 AU'I'ItORITY: Various sections of the Planning Act and Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Minhnal cost hlcreases for postage and other incidental costs related to an i~nproved development application process. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: :ks a result ora resolution passed on October 15. 2001. stall' of the Plannhlg & Development Depamnent and the Clerk's Divisim~ have been reviewLng ways in wtfich the process of development applications is made more understandable to the public and to provide thc public with a greater awareness of current development applications. 'I'his Report alsu rcviexvs the findh~gs of the staffand makes recommendation to improve tile development application process. ATTAC d l.5 E Report to Council CL 01-02 ~-~- ~/- ~_ (4~//a-,oWw~ J Date: January 31. 2001 Subject: Processing Development Applications & Public Notification Page 2 BACKGROUND: Please be advised that Council passed the following resolution at its regular meeting of October 15, 2001: WHEREAS planning reports, by-laws and other agenda items appear with technical descriptions that are often difficult for the public to understand iu the summary agendas they receive; and WHEREAS public interest in seeing the distribution radius and circulation for development applications expanded is high; and WHEREAS notice of development applications within study areas are not circulated to residents who have expressed interest in the study area; and WHEREAS achieving the highest degree of public understanding and trausparcncy of our processes is desirable and serves an important public good; NOW THEREFORE the Chief Administrative Officer, with appropriate staff, prepare a report for consideration of Committee of the Whole that would: 1. Seek to create an information line for Council and Committee agenda items that quickly, clearly and simply explains what the item is and where it will be going next. 2. Give options with respect to increasing the circulation radius for development applications and other measures that might increase public knowledge of applications. 3. Ensure that any development applications that occur within a study area while the study is underway and for a defined period thereafter are properly circulated to those on the mailing list for the study. 4. Modify our process such that notification of implementing zoning by-laws happens before and after a by-law is to be considered by Council. 5. Recommend any additional measures which would make our process more transparent to the public; and THAT this report come before Committee of the Whole for its first meeting in February, 2002. Please find attached to this Report the comment of the Director, Planning & Development with respect to those areas regarding public notification that are in his area of jurisdiction. Although the above resolution directs staff to prepare a report on the issue of public notification as it affects development applications, staff' looked at the entire issue of public notification in a global sense. The following is a surmnary of staff comments and recommendations in response to the five points set out in the above resolution. LISTING ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION IN THE AGENDAS Resolution #129/01 directs staffto "Seek to create an information line for Council and Committee agenda items that quickly, clearly and simply explains what the item is and where it will be going next." Report to Council CL 01-02 ' Subject: Processing Development Applications & Public Notification Date: January 31, 2001 Page 3 Thc lbllowing is an example of how iten~s are listed in tile PlaIming &mmfittee Agenda: PLANNING & DEVEI.OPMENT t~t)ORT PD 3 %01 DtLAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICA'I ION S-P 2000-04 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 02/01 SEAN MICHAEL GREENE PART OF LOT 3, PLAN 282 (ROCKWOOD DRIVE. NORTtt OF HOGARTtt STREET2 As can be noted, the above sample entry Ii'om a Plmming Conmfittee Agenda shows that the item is being generated by the Department. Plmming & Development. it involves a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning Application, the file nmnbers are noted so that mw resident cm~ refer to them it' they v~mlt to speak to a stall' person during business hours, the applicmlt's name is stated because often residents will refer to a development application because they kmow the applicm~t and the location of the application is always stated. Items listed in the Agendas of thc Finm~ce and Operations Committee and the Committee of the Whole als() show wtmt Director or DMsion tlead is originating the Report and the subject of the Report is always stated. An entry will be put on all tile Standing Connmttee Agendas that indicates that all recommendations approved at the Standing Committee level ,,',-iH be subject to ratitication by Council tile lbllowing week and rely person wishing to address an item at the Council Meeting will be required to register as a delegation by noon of tile Friday preceding the Council Meeting. With respect to items listed in a (kmncil Agenda, the only problenLs with respect to clarity that have been identitied are Zoning Bv-laws which are veu' vague because they do not clearly identit~f what the purpose of the by-law is, the name of the applicator or the location of the property in question. Since the passage of Resolution #129/01 on October 15. 2001, the Zoning By-laws have been listed in the Council Agendas as tbllows: _i~-law Nmnber 5928/01 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plm~ of the City of Pickering District Pkuming Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 122 and 123, Plan 1051. in the City of Pickering. (A 2/94, 18T-93018) PURPOSE: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ZONING BY-LAW NORTH SIDE OF DUNBARTON RD., EAST OF FAIRPORT RI). F. MAIDA FAMILY INVESTMENTS LTD. For residents who are reading the Council Agendas. I bcticvc the above smnple clearly idemifies that the by-law being considered is a Zoning By-lax~. it states the general location of the subject property auld who is the applicmlt. INCREASING TIlE CIRCULATION RADIUS FOR DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS AND OTHER MEASURES TO INCREASE PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS Resolution #129/01 directs stalI'to "Give options with respect to increasing the circulation radius for development applications and other measures that nfight increase public 'knowledge of applications." Report to Council CL 01-02 · ::~' ; Date: January31, 2001 Subject: Processing Development Applications & Public Notification Page 4 The Planning Act requires that all property, owners within a 120 metre radius be notified of the submission of a zmfing by-law or Official Plan amendment application and the date and time of the Statutory Public Information Meeting in order to be provided with details of the application. Currently, only persons who attended the Statutory Public Information Meeting and sign the "Sign Up" sheet or those who have expressed an interest in writing in the application are notified of the Plmming Committee Meeting where the application will be considered by Council. These same people will be sent the Notice of the Passing ora Zoning By-law in the ca.se ora zoning by- law amendment application. There are instances when the time between the Statutory Public Intbrmation Meeting and the Plmming Committee Meeting is so great that the mailing list of interested parties is no longer credible. Staff recommends that where the time between the Statutory Public lntbrmation Meeting and the Planning Committee Meeting is greater than one year, all property owners within 120 metres of the subject property will again be notified of the Planning Cormnittee Meeting. The letter to all property owners within a 120 metre radius of the subject lands setting out the details of the development application and advising of the date of the Statutory Public Information Meeting is also sent to all ratepayer organizations and a large number of agencies such as the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade and Rogers Cable. The applicant is also required to post a sign on the subject property setting out the details of the development application and providing a contact in the Planning & Development Department that a person could call for further information. The Solicitor for the City has advised that the Planning Act provides for a statutory notification requirement that is not intended to be extended as a municipal Council deems fit. It is the opinion of the Solicitor that a Council cannot require a greater radius. To do so would put Council in a position superior to that of the Provincial legislature and that is not a power any municipal Council can claim. Council should be aware that the imposition of a circulation notice radius greater than the Planning Act provision could be misleading for those who might receive notice beyond the statutory requirement. Such persons might believe that they have a right to all further notice when this is not the case. The Solicitor advises that Council cannot increase the demands on an applicant beyond those requirement set out in the Planning Act. No other municipality within the Region of Durham has increased their notification radius for applications processed under tlie requirements of the Planning Act. Within the Planning & Development section of the City's Web Site, a memo item could be added entitled "Current Development Applications". Upon double clicking on this menu item, a list of current applications would appear with the following information: CURRENT DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS FILE NUMBER(S) OPA 15-002/1' and A 99/02 ADDRESS 123 Main Street EXPLANATION The applicant proposes to develop 20 stacked townhouse and street townhouse dwelling units served by an internal private road on the subject lands. APPLICANT 123456 Ontario Limited DATE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING January 17, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in Cotmcil Chambers LAST DAY FOR COMMENT January 24, 2002 CONTACT John Doe, Planner 2 at 905-420-4660, ext. 23 Report to Council CL 01-02 Date: JanuaO' 31, 2001 Subject: Processing Development Applications & Public Notilication Page 5 NOTE It: YOU WIStt 'I'O BE NOEIFIEI) OF FU-1UP,&3 MEETINGS RESPECTING ANY OF THE ABOVE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS, PLEASE SEND A LETTER OR E-MAIL TO: Bruce Taylor, AMC[, CMM City Clerk {.)ne The Esplanade Picketing, Ontario. L1V 6K7 I:~:MAIL: btaylor=:/i~ickering.on.ca It is important to note that tile list of Current Development Apphcatiorks should only be listed on thc Web Site lbr the duration of thc public COlmncnt period (30 days) while the application is in its initial stages. To provide this inlbnnation for a period that is any longer would only mean that the list of Current Development Applications would become long and complicated and would loose its relevm~ce. If any person ha.,; an interest in an application, they will notit? me in writing and ttfis will provide lbr notices of future meetings respecting thc application to be sent to them. APPLICATIONS WITtlIN A STUI)Y AREA Resolution # 129/01 directs stall' to "E~ksure that any development applications that occur within a study area while the study is underway and tbr a defined period thereafter are properly circulated to those on the mailing list tbr the stud.','." Notice of any development application submitted within a lbrmal study re'ea, during the studv period, could be circulated to all persons identified on the mailbag list associated v,'ith the study. Once Council adopts a study, that project should be considered to be complete. Staff then evaluate any new applications received within the study area based on Council's newly established policy. It is not recmnmended that special notitication practices apply following completion ot' the study. Also, the previous comments of the City Solicitor with respect to circulations being conducted in strict compliance with the t'la_tming Act would apply once the study has been completed. NOTIFICATION OF IMPLEMENTING ZONING BY-LAV~' Resolution #129/01 directs staff to "ModifL' our process such that notificatiou of inq~lementing zoning by-laws happens before and after a by-law is to be considered bv Council." An implementing Zoning By-law is merely the legislative instrument that the Province requires to in~plement a zoning decision made by Council. A Zoning By-law cannot be enacted until at least two public meetings are held; those being the Statutory Public Intiormation Meeting where the detain of the zorfing application are made public and the Plmming Comnfittee Meeting where the Plarming stall' forward a Report to Council makh~g a reconnmendation on the disposition of the application. Often, additional pubhc meetings are held with the local residents in an inlbrmal atmosphere to discuss the application with the applicm~t and City staff: (}?4 Report to Council CL 01-02 Subject: Processing Development Applications & Public Notification Date: January 31. 2001 Page 6 As noted in the memo of the Director, Planning & Development, it is not reconunended that notice of Council's intent to consider passage of an implementing by-law be circulated to all property owners in the initial circulation radius because such an action would tend to draw out the public in matters for which Council has already made a land use decision and would introduce sig~fificant delays to the application review process. By the time an application reaches the stage where Council is considering the Zoning By-law, residents have been given ample opportunity to comment on the application. The Planning Act requires that all Zoning By-laws, once passed, be circulated to persons who have expressed an interest in the application to provide them with an opportmfity to appeal the By-law to the Ontario Municipal Board if they so chose. OTHER MEASURES / TRANSPARENCY Resolution #129/01 directs staff.to "Recommend any additional measures which would make our process more transparent to the public." In the attached memo of the Director, Planning & Development, the following measures have been noted that could make the development process more transparent not only to the public, but also to Members of Council and other staff.members: The staff of the Planning & Development Department could endeavour to make Reports to Council pertaining to applications and studies available to Members of Council at least a week before the Planning Committee Meeting where they are scheduled to be considered. It is important to note that this may not occur in every case because of scheduling and process implications. At the commencement of every Statutory Public Information Meeting, the staff of Planning & Development outline the Planning process and "next steps" of an application. If invited by a Community Association, Planning & Development staff will attend their Association meeting prior to the Statutory Public Information Meeting in order that the Association has all relevant information prior to preparing their conunent. If requested at Statutory Public Information Meeting,-staff will meet with a resident working group to further discuss the issues of an application. Staff are in the process of preparing citizen guides for use by the public to assist in understanding the various development application processes. Plain language brochures, prepared by the Province, are available for viewing at the Planning & Development counter that helps describe various planning processes. Copies of Reports to Council that are included in a Planning Committee agenda will be made available to the public in the Lobby of the Civic Complex on the evening of the Planning Committee Meeting. It should be noted that these same Reports are also available to the public upon request once the agenda for the Planning Committee Meeting has been prepared. Staff have reviewed and revised the various circulation notices to ensure that "plain language" is used to describe a planning proposal or process, the date of the Statutory Public Information Meeting is stated in a more prominent location within the notice letter and the name and telephone extension of the Planner dealing with the application is clearly noted. The wording for notification signs required to be posted on properties subject to a development application has been simplified over recent years. Advertisements are placed in the Community Page advising of all public meetings respecting studies and broad zoning issues. In some very limited instances, notifications of development applications that are located within a study area have been sent to all persons on the mailing list for the study. This occurred in the Liverpool Road South Study and the Notion Road Study. Report to Council CL 01~02 Subject: Processing Development Applications & Public Notification Date: January 31, 2001 Page 7 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS The following is a sunun~' of the recommendations contained in this Report that stall' believe will lead to a more transparent development process for not only the public but also tbr Members of Council and staff': An entD' will be put on alt the Standing Cormmttee Agendas that h~dicates that all reconunendations approved at lhe Standing Connnittee level will be subject to ratification by Council tlie tbllowing week and advising the public on how to register as a delegation to a Com~cil Meeting. Zoning by-laws will be clearly identified in the Council Agenda by stating the purpose of thc by-lay,-, the location of the lands affected by the by-lave m~d the applicant's nmne. Where the time between a Statutory Public Inlbnnation Meeting and a Plannh~g Conmfittee Meeting is greater titan one ~,'ear. Notices of a Plasufing Conmfittee Meeting will be sent to all property owq~ers within 120 metres of the subject property. Nevdy submitted development applications will be listed on the City's Web. Notices of a development application submitted within a Ibrmal study area, during the study period, will be circulated to all persons identified on the nmiling list associated with the study. Citizen guides will be prepared by stall' to assist the public in understanding the various development application processes. Copies of Reports to Council that arc included in a Plmming Committee Agenda will be made available to the public in the Lobby of the CMo Complex on the evening of the l'lmming Conmfittee Meeting. Stall' are currently investigating the feasibility of providing the agendas lbr both Council and Standing Conmfittee Meetings on the Monday or Tuesday precedh~g the meeting. A'I'TACHMENTS: 1. Memo of Director, Planning & Development dated January 4. 2002 Prepared By: Bruce Taylor Copy: Dkector, Platming & Development P, ecommended for the consideration of Pickering Git>' Council Thon~J. Qum, CNefAdn~nNtrat er/ Jm~uary 4, 2002 ATTACHMENT#, /_TO REPORT #___~.~ '~ _ ? /~ r~ ~z_ r'~¢c-,., ~,-,. ) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Comacil Notice of Motion Measures to Make the Process More Transparent to the Public The following cormnents are provided for your consideration as input into the joint report to City Council on the above-noted Notice of Motion. The comments are provided in point form under headings reflective of the Notice of Motion. Circulation Radius / Increase Public I(mowledge of Application: the cmTently applied 120-metre notification radius is established in the Plmming Act for zoning by-law and official plan amendments any increase in the Plmming Act 120 metre notification radius should not be at the discretion of the Planning & Development Department, nor on an application specific basis if Council wishes to establish a wider circulation notice radius it should be consistent in application - not application specific, and should be adopted as Council policy by resolution prior to receiving comments from the Solicitor for the City, Plam~ing and Development staff were considering recommending that Council consider a 500 metre notification radius in the rural area (exclusive of Hamlets) as the land parcels are typically larger mad ma increase will provide additional residents / land owners with information pertaining to the application. Further, staff were considering recommending that Council consider a 150 metre notification radius in the urban area and Hamlets, to provide an increased level of notice. However: the City Solicitor has advised that the Planning Act provides for a statutory notification requirement that is not intended to be extended as a municipal Council deems fit. It is the opinion of the City Solicitor that a Council cannot require a greater radius. To do so would put Commil in a position superior to that of the Provincial legislature and that is not a power any mmficipal Council can claim Bruce Tavbr Counci) Notice o£Ivlotion Page 2 Council should be aware that to impose a circulation notice radius greater than the Plmming Act provision that the result could be misleading for those who might receive notice beyond the statutory requirement. Such persons might believe that they had a right to ali further notice and such is not the case the City Solicitor advises that Com~cils cannot increase the demands on an applicant. a recent telept~one survey indicated that ilo other Mm~icipality within the Region o£ Durhmn }las increased their notification radius for applications processed under the requirements of the Plm~fing Act Considering the concern of the City Solicitor, it is recommended that Council NOT increase notification radius beyond the 120 metre requirements of the Planning Act. The City still requires the posting of a notice sign on all public street frontages of the subject property. Notice is also sent to all community associations registered with the City Clerk. The sign provides notice to those persons falling outside the written notification area. No matter what radius is selected, there will always be residents that fall just outside the notification area, who may express concern that they were not notified while their ueighbour was. · it should be noted that these comments do not apply to Committee o[ Adjustment applications that arc presently circulated to land owners within 60 meu'es of the application propertT. Applications to the Committee of.Adjustment m'e intended to deal with matters that are minor in nature. Wider circulation notice is not considered necessary or appropriate. Picketing residents appear' to be adcquatel7 served by the current Plaming Act 60 meu-e notification requirement · as applications for land severance Fall m~der Regional jurisdiction, the 60 metre notification radius established m~der the Plmming Act will continue to apply (lb) · Council may wish to consider adding specific in£ormation from application circulation notices to the City's Web Site the file number, mtmicipal address, brief explanation of the application / proposal, the applicant's nmne, date of the Public intbrmation meeting, last date for comment and Plmmer's name could be provide in a simplified format Brace Taylor aTTACHPiEN-? fi:____/_._ FO REPORT Council Notice of Motion ---- ary 4, 2002 Page 3 the sane information provided on the Web Site (see 'b' above) Could also be included in the 'community page' which appem-s in the local newspaper tttis process could be implemented by the Clerk, using the application information provided by Planning & Development in its initial notification request memo · Planning & Development staff will ensure that notification request memo to the Clerk contains a clear and brief explanation of the application along with all other relevant information, for easy transfer to the Web Site and Conm~unity Page the Clerk would arrange for the information to be added to the Web Site and a re~noval / delete date from the Web Site would be established Applications within a Study Area: (a) · notice of any development application (other than Committee of Adjustment) submitted within a formal study area, during the study period, could be circulated to all persons identified on the mailing list associated with the study o it would not be appropriate to continue mailing notice of development applications to all persons on the study mailing list following completion of the study · once City Council formally adopts / approves a study, that project should be considered to be complete. Staff then evaluate any new applications received within the study area based on Council's newly established policy. It is not reconnnended that special notification practises apply following completion of the study Notification of Implementing Zoning By-law: (a) passage of an 'implementing' by-law is the technical implementation of a previous Council land use decision, that has already been debated with full public input currently, only the applicant is advised (orally) of the date of Council's consideration of an implementing zoning by-law currently, notice of passage of an implementing zoning by-law is circulated to those persons who have specifically requested that the Clerk advise of the passage of the by-law. This notice is essential, as it provides those persons having an expressed interest in the matter with an up-to-date status of the zoning by-law, and formally provides them with ' instruction on how to appeal the zoning by-law if they are in obi ection. ~I]2is system appears to be workfi~g well Council Notice of Motion 4. 2002 Page 4 we do not reconmlend that notice of Co~lcil's intent 'co consider passage o£ an implementing by-law be circulated to ali properU, owners in the initial circulation radius-such action would tend to draw out the public in matters for wtfich Council has already made a land use decision, and wouid introduce significm~t delavs to the application review process it is recommended hoxvever, that implementing zoifing by-laws be more clearly identified in the Core,oil agenda starllllai-v. This ,,,,-ill provide the public with a better understm~ding of the hnplelnenting by-laws being considered at any Cotmcil meeting should any Councillor be concerned about a particular implementing ZOlfing by- taw coming befbrc Council. they have the option to request deferral o£ the by-law {generally, this should not occur as tile by-law will be implementing a previous Council resolution on the application). Presently, staff do advise Council on a monthly basis of implementing zoning by-laws that are m~ticipated to be forwm'ded for Councii's consideration Additional Measures / Trans.p__arencv: reports are currently available tile t-ridav prior to the Planning Comnfittee N leering (at the time of' agenda printing) Council may desire to have the reports pertaining to Plauufing ~ticativns available the Monday prior to Planifing Comn~ttee (ratt~er tbma the Friday prior) this revised time frmne would have implications on the lengtla of time to process an application as it would add m~other week to the Scheduling of the once a month meetings of Plmming Connnittee m~d less ilexibilitv is available to Staff for schectulh~g of items to Conmfittee Commit may desire to have repo~Xs pert~ning to Plmming studies available even fl~rther ~ead of time than the Monday or Friday prior to Pl~nm~g Co~mnittee, perhaps 10 days or two Fridays in advm~ce of tl~e meeting this will also add additional time onto the process m~d Jess scheduling flexibility (b) to assist in making the application process as transparent as possible, Plmufing&Development staff' cun'entty outline the Ptmming process m~d "next steps" o£ an application iix the initial circulation notice a2~d at the begimfing of eveU' Statutory Public information Meeting Bruce Taylor ATTACHHENT #_ff_.._TO REPORT #~ /- o",----. Janua~ 4, 200'; Cotmcil Notice o£Motion _ Page 5 (d) if invited by a Community Association, Planning & Development staff will attend their association meeting prior to the Statutory Public Inforrnation Meeting in order that the Association has all relevant information prior to preparing their comment. Further, if requested at the Public hLformation Meeting, Staff will meet with a resident working group to further discuss the issues in a follow-up meeting Staff will be developing citizen guides for use by the public to assist in understanding the various application processes plain language brochures, prepared by the Province, are available for viewing at the PlalmJng & Development counter that helps describe various plamfing processes it may assist to have copies of Planning & Development Reports available to the public at the Planning Committee meeting (similar to the process currently in place for Statutory Public h~formation Meetings where copies of reports me available at the security guard desk the evening of the meeting) Other Comments: (a) (b) · · Staff have recently revised the circulation notice to: o advise residents to contact the Plann/ng & Development Department and Planner directly, rather than the City Clerk as previously done o reflect the municipal address of the subject property in the reference line o move the date of the Information Meeting to a more prominent, "up-front"' location within the notice letter · Staff are attempting to use "plain language" wherever possible to describe a planning proposal or process · although circulation notices have recently evolved to address the above changes, Staff intend to make further revisions to simplify and ensure the notice is user friendly, while still providing all information required by the Planning Act · the wording for notification signs required to be posted on properties subject to a development application has been simplified over recent years any Plalming studies currently undertaken by the Planning & Development Department include advertisements in the local paper for all public meetings related to the Statutory Meeting, and Committee / Council meetings newspaper advertisements are also used to advise of broader rezoning issues, when necessary Council Notice of Motion Jmmar7 4:2002 Page 6 recent notification of applications within a study area has been sent to all persons 011 the mailing list for tile study (i.e.: Liverpool South Stud? the size of the mailing list is not reflective of resident involvement {.i.e. Notion Road Study mailbag was significm~t, wkile public interest was veu' limited) Conmxunity Associations Groups are generally very elTcctive in disseminating in£ormation ally increase in notification circulation radius for development applications will increase the City's mailing costs. It will be difficult to recover increased inailing costs through application i'ee increases, if notification radius exceeds those set out in the Plmming Act maintenance o£ large mailing lists for plam~ing studies recurs significalt costs hi staff time to ensme lists are current, up-to-date,' and non-duplicative (this often involx es manual labour-intensive work). Higher levels of service bring associated cost increases IJI-I':NC,"I4b PICKERING REPORT # Minutes / Meeting Summ Community Ratepayers Associa March 12, 7:30 CAO Boardro~ Attendees: David Steele, Pickering/Ajax Citizens Together - Chair Craig Bamford, Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association Paul Kelland, Pickering East Shore Community Association Martin Herzog, Liverpool West Community Association Paul White, Fairport Beach Neighbourhood Association Anne Greentree, Recording Secretary Absent: Brad Habbershaw, Altona West Community Association Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Introduction David Steele introduced attendees and briefly discussed the list of Community Associations. Given that many of the Associations have not provided telephone numbers and/or e- mail addresses, David committed to collecting this data and providing same to the City. The Chair then asked each attendee to discuss his concerns regarding the City's current development application process and related public notification actions. 2. Craig Bamford · The City relies heavily on the Community Associations for communicating development application activities. · Most Associations do not actively participate in development issues and have very limited funds to allocate to development activities. · Stated that the signs posted on the designated site are useful, but would be more useful if they were updated to indicate the status of the application and to advise of "next step". Sign details should follow the process. · Suggested that the City review the City of Cambridge's methods of advertising in the newspapers as a model. 3. Paul Kelland · Indicated that the Committee of Adjustment is used, as a method of making minor changes to a development application after the approval process is complete. D. Steele will provide telephone numbers and e-mails to City. Page ATTACHMEN'~ ~. c~ o~ ~z_ (/~c,u~,~) Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) · Associations are not currently notified of Committee of Adjustment applications/decisions and should be. · Committee of Adjustment Agendas and Minutes/Decisions should be posted on the City's Website. · Although the Associations appreciate receiving copies of Agendas, they are not normally received until the day of the Meeting. This is inadequate to enable the Association to review the document and prepare for the meeting. · Currently the Associations only receive the front Agenda cover with no back-up reports. Copies of reports and other back-up documentation would be more useful. · Stated that the notification radius of 120m is inadequate in ensurinq fair and reasonable notification to the public. Action Items / StatUs (include deadline as appropriate) L David Steele · Agendas are not received until the day of the Meeting. · Recommended that Planning Committee Agenda items be made available to Associations/'Public one month prior to the Meeting to allow adequate time for the Associations to review, assess and formulate their comments before the committee and Council deals with the issue. · Agendas provided to Associations do not include back- up Reports. Access to these Reports should made available on the City's Website for public perusal. · Hard copies of Reports should be made available to the public outside of regutar business hours. · Commented that members of the public generally do not have an understanding of the planning process and as such the public become frustrated, recommended that the City draft a "Planning Process Flowchart" to graphically define the steps. · Stated that the notification timelines and accessibility issues go beyond planning matters and should be considered for Finance. Operations and works committee meetings. Martin Herzog · Acknowledged that the City faces a big challenge in improving the flow of information to its citizens. · Group discussion · All participants stated that the City cannot rely only on the Associations to communicate development application activities to the public but must use multiple communication mechanisms such as notices in the newspaper, making information availal~le through the Librar7, mailed notices and the Web. Page 2 Item / Ref# Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) · Martin Herzog · The city should communicate development applications activities using multiple mechanisms since not everybody receives the local paper; have internet acess, have compatible software, etc. But this does not replace the City's obligation to ensure early formal public notice and get reports out with sufficient lead time to allow effective and informed public participation. · Issue 1 - Council Authority · Expressed his disagreement with the Solicitor for the City's legal opinion regarding Council's authority to enlarge the notification boundaries. He stated that the City already goes beyond those boundaries through notification to Associations, agencies and study area mailings lists and thus clearly has the power to enlarge the provisions of the Act. He suggested that the City look to the 120m as a minimum and work from there at determining a suitable radius. · Issue 2 - Notification Area and Type of Application · Recommended that the City implement a notification rule that would vary depending on the significance of the impact of the development on the City as a whole. (ie for an OP amendment or major rezoning application or a planning study, basically those which would have a significant impact or affect a large area of the City, then the notification radius would be greater.) If varying notification would be difficult to implement or confusing for the public, the group agreed that the larger radius be implemented for all applications. · Issue 3 - Notification Area and Local Circumstances · Recommended that the notification radius be adjusted depending on the nature of the land ownership pattern. Craig supported this comment by suggesting the following example: Notification would be the 120m and a minimum number of non-related residents. 10 non- related residents was offered as a example, but this would need further discussion. This would assist in ensuring an approach suitable for urban, redeveloping and rural areas. · Issue 4- Modifications to Applications · Associations need to be notified of any modifications to applications as they happen. These notices, along with the modification details, need to occur in advance of staff reports being filed for Committee agendas to allow the associations time to prepare before Council addresses them. · Issue 5- Access to Reports Action Items I Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page Item / Ref# Details & Discussion & Conclusion ('summary of discussion) Action Items / status (include deadline as approprfate) · All notifications/circulations should be made available to the Association in a timely manner to enable them time to review, assess and prepare for the Meeting. The current process puts undo pressure on the Association to meet over the weekends, and it does not allow residents to consult with other residents, clarify questions with City staff, or discuss it with their Ward Councilor's. If possible, Associations would appreciate receiving copies of Reports prior to the Agenda being finalized or receiving reports/agendas in advance of respective Committee meeting. · Recommended one month for public digestion of significant development issues, and fourteen days for less significant issues. Again. if this split would be difficult to implement, the longer one-month period should be implemented for all cases. · Group Discussion. · Associations and the members of the public should have I an option to receive Agendas by e-mail and fax. This ,, ! could be facilitated by including "e-mail and fax numbers" t .... on thegn-up sheets at th_e Pul~l~i.E_S_t_at_utory Meetir~gs. '~ 6. Recommendations to City- Summary ~ · 1. Continue with signs on the designatedsitel but implement a method of updating the sign details and the stus of the application and next steps- to ensure that it follows the whole process. 2.a) Continue with public notifications of development applications and related reports/meetings, but make it more timely/effective. 2.b) Do not rely entirely on Associations to inform the public: the City should use multiple communication mechanisms to inform the public. 3. Make full Agenda (including back-up documents) available to the public. 4. Implement e-mailing / faxing the entire Agenda (including back-up documents) to Associations if requested. 5. Notify the public of development application related agenda items one month prior to the Meeting for significant issues, or for all planning matters if establishing criteria proves problematic. 6. Publish Committee of Adjustment Agendas/Minutes on the City Website. 7. Circulate Committee of Adjustment applications that modify previously approved development applications. 8. The agendas need to be distributed much earlier than currently happens. Notify the public of development applications 14 days._p~rior to the committee Meeting on Page 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) less significant issues. 9. Include the full agenda (including back-up documents) on the City's website. 10. Provide public access to Reports after hours, including a procedure to pick up hard copies after normal working hours. 1 1. Hard copies of Agendas and Reports should available in all Libraries as soon as possible. 12. Develop a "Planning Process Flowchart" for various planning and development applications processes and consult with community associations to make sure the intended objective is met, and make same available to the public. 13. Council to refer back to staff for reconsideration the legal opinion regarding the City's authority to expand the notification boundaries. 14. Implement a varied notification radius depending on the significance of the development application, or establish a larger more suitable notification redius; this should be based on consultation with residents and associations. 15. Implement notification policies that ensure fair public notification in urban, redeveloping and rural areas. 16. Ensure any modifications to development applications after the public Statutory Information Meeting and the initial application are re-circulated in advance of any staff reports being filed for consideration by a Committee. 17. Public notification timelines on all Agenda items should be lengthened for all committees. Other Anne to e-mail draft minutes to David Steele for his review. D.Steele adjusted minutes and recommendations on the 23/03/02 at 9:00pm. Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Meeting Adjourned: 8:40 AM Copy: Page ,}27 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY \VtltLR[¢..\5 Subsection£5511 ofthcNlunicipal.Xct. R.N.(). 1~;~;~).c. NI.45. as amended. { tiao "Act") provides that where an elected I22CI22bcI' Of [t COLmcil Of Z~ nqutnicipalitv ora local board is. under a bx-law or resolution of thc council of such local board, paid a salarx, iladcmnitv. alloxvancc or other remuneration, one-third of suc]7 alllOklllt 5[latl[ bC deemed expenses incident to the discharge of Iris or her duties as a member of the council or such local board: and \VItEREAS Subsection 478(10) of the Nlunicipal .\ct. 2(}()1. N.(). 2i){)1. c. 25. provides that subsection 255(1) of tine .Act ceases to apply to elected members of tine council of a municipality or its local boards Oil .lanuarx 1. 20{)3 unless tine municipality passes a resolution bdbre January 1. 2003 stating its intention that one-third of the remuneration paid to thc elected members of tile council and its local boards slYall continue as expenses incident to tile discharge of their duties as members of thc council ,,r local board: NOkV TI tEREFORE it is the intention of the Council of tile Corporation of the City of Pickering that one-third of the remuneration paid to tine elected members of the Council and its local boards shall continue as expenses incident to tt~e discharge of their duties as Members of Council or local boards. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor. AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: May 3. 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CL 13-02 SUBJECT: Council Expenses RECOMMENDATION: Whereas Subsection 255(1 ) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, as amended. (the "Act") provides that where an elected member of a council of a municipality or a local board is. under a by-law or resolution of the council or such local board, paid a salary, indemnity, allowance or other remuneration, one-third of such amount shall be deemed to be for expenses incident to the discharge of his or her duties as a member of the council or such local board: and Whereas Subsection 478(10) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001. c. 25. provides that subsection 255(1) of the Act ceases to apply to elected members of the council of a municipality or its local boards on January 1. 2003 unless the municipality passes a resolution betbre Janua~ 1, 2003 stating its intention that one-third of the remuneration paid to the elected members of the council and its local boards shall continue as expenses incident to the discharge of their duties as members of the council or local board; Now Therefore it is the intention of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering that one-third of the remuneration paid to the elected members of the Council and its local boards shall continue as expenses incident to the discharge of their duties as Members of Council or local boards. ORIGIN: Changes to the new Municipal Act AUTHORITY: Section 478(10) of the Municipal Act, 2001 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable Report to Council CL 13-02 Subject: Council Expenses Date: May 3. 2002 Pagc 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The current Municipal Act proxides Members of Council and members of local boards that are paid an honorarium a one-third tax deduction to reflect the expenses incurred lbr being elected or appointed to Council or a local board. The nev~ Municipal Act requires Council to pass a resolution prior to January 1. 2003 stating its intention that one-third of the remuneration paid to Members of Council and the members of local boards shall continue as expenses incident to the discharge of their duties. BACKGROUND: Please bc advised that Section 255(1 ) of the current Nlunicipal Act reads as folloxvs: Despite this Act or any other general or special Act, ~here an elected member of a council of a municipaliD' or a local board, as defined in the Municipal Affairs Act, is, under a by-la,~' or resolution of the council or such local board, paid a salary, indemniD~, allowance or other remuneration, one-third of such amount shall be deemed to be for expenses incident to the discharge of his or her duties as a member of the council or such local board. Section 478(10) of the next' Nlunicipal :\ct added a subsection I2) that reads as lbllo~s: Subsection (1) ceases to apply to elected members of the council of a municipaliD' or its local boards on January 1. 2003 unless the municipality passes a resolution before January' 1, 2003 stating its intention that one-third of the remuneration paid to the elected members of the council and its local boards shall continue as expenses incident to the discharge of their duties as members of the council or local board. If Council agrees that one-third of its salarx and one third of the honorarium paid to members ora local board (which includes onl~ the Committee of Adiustment and the Property Standards Committee) should continue to be deemed as expenses ~br Lncome tax purposes after January 1~ _00o. then it must pass the resolution set out in thc Recommendation above. For your intbrmation. Section 283(7) of the new Municipal .Act states that Council shall review the policy of deeming one-third of their remuneration as expenses once during a term of Council. Therefore. if Council passes the above resolution, it wiIl not need to review this issue again until sometime after the 2003 municipal election but betbre the 2006 municipal election. Prepared B~:- -~ / t&ruce Taylor. City Clerk Copy: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Th/on'as J. Quinn ~.~'hief Ad0ninistra~ PICKbltING RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report to Council CAO 04-02 seeking authorization by the Chief Administrative Officer to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council be received; and That subject to the Council approved Purchasing Policy & Procedure, the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council on the condition that: a) such actions are in compliance with the Purchasing Policy & Procedure as approved under Resolution 136/01; and b) the costs thereof are within the budget previously approved by Council; and c) a report respecting those approvals is subsequently submitted to Council. 3. That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. PI KERIN REPORT TO COUNCIL Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative ()filter D:\Tt!: Rt!P()R I' N[ 'NIB/ER: ~lax ~ 20()2 C:\O ()4-02 5;[ tBjECT: Authority for tile Clnief :\dministrativc ()t't]cer to Recesses of Council - File: CSll()0 \pproxe ('o.:ltracts During RE('()MMENDATION: That Report to Council C:\() ()4-()2 seeking authorization bx thc Chief Administratixe Ot]iccr to act in Council's approval capacit5 on bda:dI' of ('ouncil during an\ recess. }weak or absence of City Council be receixcd: and That subject to the Council J, pproxed Purchasin~ Polio\ & Procedure. tile Chief Administrative ()gScer be authorized to act in C'ounciI'~, approxal capacity on behalf of Council durin- any recess, break or ab*once of Citx Cou,ncil on tile condition that: (a) such actions are in compliance x~it}a tile Purc}aasiln~ Policx & t)roccdure as approved uncter Resolution 136/01' and (b) the costs thereof arc within the budget prcv~ouslx approved by Council' and (ct a report respecting those approx als is subscqucnti) subnaittcd to C'ouncil. That appropriate officials of the Citx of t)ickerin5 be authorized to uix'e effect ttnereto. ORIGIN' Chief Administrative Officer AtTTHORITY: Council Resolution 136()1' t)urchasin~. Bx-laxx. t'olicx & Procedures: and Annual Current & Capital Budgets FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: As the above authority to approve is subject to thc condition that thc cost of each contract must be within the budget previously allocated tlnerelere by Council. and must follow the Purchasing Policy 8,: Procedure previously approved bx ¢'ouncil. there v, ill be no I1nanciaI implications other than those already considered and approved by Council. tSXEC['TIVESUMMARY: Notapplicablc. BACKGROUND: During any recess of Council (i.e. summer. Christmas. Ncxx Year's. civic election)the Chief Administrative Of'ricer may be required to approve certain contracts, il' necessarx, in order to conduct the day to day business of tile corporation, h is therefore proposed that tine Chief Administrative ()l'ficer be authorized to approve such contracts requiring Council approval during any recess of Council in accordance with the Council approved Purchasing Policv & Procedure. alld the costs thereof are within tiao budzet previousl> appr(~xed by Council. :X report Report to Council CAO 04-02 Subject: Authority fbr the Chief Administrative Officer to Approve Contracts During Recesses of Council Date: Max' 3, 2002 Page ~ respecting any such awards approved under this authority will be subsequently submitted to Council by the Chief Administrative Officer. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Resolution 136/01 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Jt~dy Hod~son Supervisor. Administrative Services )ginn Chief Administrative Officer jh Attachments Copy: All Department Heads City Clerk Manager, Supply & Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ~~~..~// ~ /'Y~ ~/?/~. 'z T~s ~; Qui~ Chief kdmin~ November 8, 2001 ADMINISTRATION CLERK'S DIVISION TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Gil Paterson, Director. Corporate Services & Treasurer Bruce Taylor. Clerk Referrals from the Council Meeting of November 5. 2001 Please be advised that the Council of the City of Picketing passed Resolution #136/01, Item #2 at the Council Meeting of November 5, 2001. as i%llows: It is recommended that Report CS 35-01 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be adopted by Council; and 2 That the purchasing Policies and Procedures adopted by Council in Nlm-ch 198c) under Resolution #35/89 and any subsequent amendments, policies or procedures adopted by Council in this regard be repealed: and 3. The attached Purchasing By-taw tAttachment ~I ) be read three times and approved: and 4. That a copy of this Report and the attached Bv-la~v. Policv and Procedures be forwarded to thc Pickcfina Public~.,~,,i ;k .... ,~,, ~..,.,~ .... ,.,A C,.,- ,h,:,;,- ;,n,~.Fnrm~ric, n ~ncl if' nonoc~mn, nnnrnx,'M' ~nd 5. That the appropriate authorities of the City of Picketing be gixen authofitx to give effect thereto. BT:dk Cop5': T.J. Quinm Chief Administrative Officer B. Tavior RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the draft by-law to appoint three persons to enforce thc Parking By-law at 905 Bayly St., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd. and 1345 Altona Road, be forwarded to Council tbr approval. ?iCKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Brace Taylor, AMCT. CMN1 City Clerk DATE: April 29. 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CL 12/02 SUBJECT: Appointment to enibrce the Parking Bv-lax~ at 005 Bayly St. 1015 Denmar Rd.. 1310Fieldli,,htBlvd and 1345 AltonaRd.iraPickerin~ RECOMMENDATION: That the draft by-law to appoint three persons to enforce the Parking Bv-laxv at 905 Bayly St., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1310 Fieldlio~ht Blvd and 1345 Altona Road. be tbm'arded to Council for approval. ORIGIN Letter from Authorized Parkin~ Only Ltd AUTHORITY: Section 15(l) of the Police Se~'ices .Act R S O 1990, c.P 15 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. BACKGROUND Correspondence has been received from .Authorized Parking Only Ltd. requesting the appointment of three persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the ParkingBy-la,a at 905BavlvSt. 1015DenmarRd. 1310Fieldli~,ht_ Blvd and 1~4_~ SAltonaRd. ATTACHMENTS: Correspondence from Authorized Parkimz, Only Ltd Draft By-law Prepared By: Approved Endorsed Bx' Report to Council CL 12/02 Subject: Appointment of By-law Enforcement Officers Dated; April 29, 2002 Page ' Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Debbie Kearns BT:dk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer q3ruc~Taylor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thomas J. Qmnn, (~J~ief' Adl~mstrati~cer !73 Advance Blvd., Unit #45, BramDton, Ontano L6T4Z7 Phone: /4!61231 TAGS Citx of Picketing .\ttention: Debbie One Thc Esplanade Picketing, Ontario LIV 6K? l)ear Debbie, APR 2 a OOZ CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO NIarch O. 2(i()£ \Ve ,xould like to have James Thorns, Piotr Bcdnarcz',k and Joseph added to our list of people authorized to issue parking iht?action nc)rices in thc Citx Picketing: J ames Ro bert William Thom s 9-3601 Sir Johns ttomestcad Mississauga, Ontario LSL 3~ I9 Date ol'birth: June 7, 1079 Piotr t3cdnarczx'k 669 [:aglcmount Crescent N lississau2a. ()ntario 1,5C 1 NS Date of birth' ()ctober 30. 1977 Joseph Postcraro 1082 Logan ~,\venue Toronto, Ontario M4K 3(;4 DateoFbirth: June7. I970 Please add their names to the Ibllowing approved properties: 905 Bayly Street, 1915 Demnar Road, 1310 t:ieldlight Blvd. 1345 :\ltona Road If you have any questions, please do not hesitate ti> cont;_ici ine at 4I 6-231-8247 or fax905-79o-74o6. IATTACHMENT #_ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation -905 Bayly St., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd. and 1345 Altona Rd.) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(l) of the Police Services Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 15. as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality and WttEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-taws; · y NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CIT OF PICKERING tlEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the fbllowing persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Picketing in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as 905 Bayly St., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd. and 1345 Altona Rd.: James Robert William Thorns Piotr Bednarczyk Joseph Posteraro The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. These appointments shall expire upon the person listed in section l ceasing to be e~nployees of Authorized Parking Only Ltd. or upon Authorized Parking Only Ltd. ceasing to be an agent of 905 Bayly St., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd. and 1345 Altona Rd., or upon whichever shall occur first. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of May, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk