HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 2, 2002PICKERING AGENDA COUNCIL MEETING Anne Greentree Supervisor, Legislative Services APRIL 2, 2002 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, April 2, 2002 7::30 P.M. (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Special Meeting of March 18, 2002 Regular Meeting of March 18, 2002 DELEGATIONS Dave Johnson, representing the Frenchman's Bay Festival Committee, Council with respect to the 2002 Frenchman's Bay Festival. Anthony Bishop & Chantel Kerr, representing 'Strive' Youth Group, Council concerning Education and Youth Week. Gayle Clow, representing Hospice Durham, will address Council funding from the City of Picketing for this organization. will address will address to request further RESOLUTIONS To adopt the Committee of the Whole Report dated March 21, 2002, concerning the 2002 Current and Capital Budgets. To adopt the Report of the Finance & Operations Committee dated March 25, 2002. To consider Mayor's Report 02-02 dated March 26, 2002, concerning Federal Lands in Picketing, Markham and Uxbridge. PAGE 1-3 4-7 8-12 (IV) BY-LAWS B_y-law Number 5968/02 Being a By-law to dedicate that part of Block 32, Plan 40M-1987, designated as Part 3, Plan 40R-21003 (Helm Street) as public highway. By-law Number 5969/02 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Picketing District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 21, Concession 1, Part of Block 1 and 2, Plan 40M-1231 (Paris 1 to 12, Plan 40R-12896), City of Pickering. (A 29/01) PURPOSE: LOCATION: APPLICANT: ZONING BY-LAW 1465 PICKERING PARKWAY (SOUTH SIDE OF PICKERLNG PARKWAY, WEST OF VALLEY FARM ROAD) PINE RIDGE PROPERTIES INC. 13-15 16-22 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, April 2, 2002 7:30 P.M. NOTICE OF MOTION Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor McLean 23-24 WHEREAS public participation in the deliberation of planning applications by Council is vital and is an essential cornerstone of our municipal, democratic process; and WHEREAS the Planning Act provides a statutory requirement in Ontario Regulations 198/96 that the public be notified of Official Plan amendments and Zoning by-law amendments by the mailing of a notice within a 120 meter radius and the posting of notice by means of a sign; and WHEREAS on the advice of legal council, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing has been informed that the 120 meter mailing radius may not be extended as this distance is a prescribed, statutory distance that may not be altered; and WHEREAS the 120 meter radius is ineffective in ensuring that affected residents receive notice of an Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-law Amendment that could have direct impact upon them; and WHEREAS increasing the mailing notification radius ensures that more residents can participate in the planning process and that the process is made more accessible and transparent; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing urges the Government of Ontario to establish the 120 meter mailing notification radius as a minimum and not a fixed distance for Official Plan and Zoning By-Law amendment applications; and FUTHER THAT the Province of Ontario allow municipalities to increase the distance of the mailing notification radius so long as that radius is applied consistently to all applications considered by the municipality and so long as it is not less than 120 meters in distance from the application; and FURTHER THAT the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be requested to adopt and advocate this position on behalf of municipalities and residents of Ontario; and FURTHR THAT this motion be circulated to all GTA municipalities and · All area Mayors and Chairs · Janet Ecker, M.P.P- Pickering-Ajax-Whitby · Tony Clement, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing · Ernie Eves, Premier of the Province of Ontario · Dalton McGuinty, Leader of the Official Opposition Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor Brenner 25-26 WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Pickering does not have a strategic plan that outlines its goals, priorities and aspirations as a corporation; and WHEREAS in a time of limited financial and human resources, capital must be targeted to achieve measurable and effective results; and Council Meeting Agenda Monday, April 2, 2002 7:30 P.M. WHEREAS the establishment of a strategic plan would focus our budget preparation and adoption process, prioritization of staff time and projects and clearly define the City of Pickering's short and long term goals both internally to our staff aid externally to our residents, businesses and those potentially interested in making an investment in Pickering: and ' WHEREAS the strategic plan should outline broad but specific objectives that are applied across the Corporation to rationalize service and expenditure and focus effort on end outcomes: and WHEREAS such a strategic plan, when reviewed annually,, can chart out the priorities and projects for the coming year and map out a plan of action for subsequent years: and WHEREAS the formation of a corporate strategic plan feeds into the annual reporting process that is currently being explored by staff; and WHEREAS an annual report without clearly stated corporate objectives, values and priorities is merely a collection of statistics; and WHEREAS a strategic plan can position the Corporation of the City of Pickering to be consistently proactive rather than reactive and give defined benchmarks that can be compared against results through an annual reporting process: and WHEREAS the City of Pickering's vision statement references being 'ready for the 21st Century" and should be updated to reflect the central tenants of the strategic plan once in place: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing, through the coordination of the Chief Administrative Officer's office, meet with senior staff to establish the framework and process for the development, maintenance and effective utilization of a corporate strategic plan: and FURTHER THAT through this meeting, an annual review process of the strategic plan be considered in coordination with an annual reporting process: and THAT this meeting occur before the end of May, 2002. 1¥1) OTHER BUSINESS IVII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW 1 VIII) ADJOURNMENT RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED That the Report of the Committee of the Whole dated Ma,'ch £1. 2002. concerning the 2002 Cun-ent and Capital Budgets. be adopted CARRIED: MAYOR Appendix I Committee of the Whole Report COW-2002-4 That the Committee of the Whole of the City of Pickering having met on March 21, 2002, to review the 2002 Current and Capital Budgets, presents its fourth report to Council and recommends: CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 05-02 2002 CURRENT & CAPITAL BUDGETS The Budget Committee recommend to Council for adoption: 1. a) That the 2002 Gross Current (Operating) Budget of $47,115,816, including capital expenditures from current revenues in the amount of $1,307,018, with estimated revenues of $20,969,206, Special Capital Levies of $369,000 and a net levy_ of $26,515,610 resulting in an increase of 7.66 per cent over 2001 be adopted as amended; and b) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer present the 2002 Property Tax Rates for adoption by Council when further information from the Region of Durham and the Province of Ontario is available: and c) That the two year Current (Operating) Budget Forecast (2003 - 2004) be received as prelimina~ estimates for financial planning purposes. 2. a) That the 2002 Capital Budget with a Gross Expenditure of $12,296,959 be adopted as presented: and b) That the following capital financing sources be received as presented in the 2002 Capital Budget: Transfer from Current Fund to Capital Fund $ 1,307,018 Transfers from Reserves: - Capital Equipment - Contingency (Assessment Appeals) 965,541 75,000 Transfers from Reserve Funds - Community Facilities - Development Charges - Parkland Development - Public Works Services City Share Development Charges Projects 35,540 723,46O 682,600 82,800 753,400 Debt 5,012,000 Lease 45,000 Donations 1,345,600 Superbuild 1,174,000 Other 95,000 $12~296,~959 c) That the Two-Year Capital Budget Forecast (2003-2004) be received for financial planning purposes and that it be reviewed by all parties with a view towards reducing the level of projected debt in these years; and Appendix I Committee of the Whole Report COW-2002-4 (3. d) c) I-t~at total debt 15nancing of $5.()1£.{~0() Ibr tiao projects identil3cd in thc 2002 Capital t~;ud,_,ct in tile amount of $1()().(n)(> for ',~ period ~ot ~o exceed 5 years: S3.574,000 fora period not to exceed 10 years and. $1 x3S )t~ for a period not to exceed 20 years bc approved: and ~ ()~ ~ That projects idcntil]ed in the _() _ £apital [~ud~et as being financed through the issuance off dcb~ be subject ~o additional, specific approval by Council of the expenditure and the financing before proceeding: That thc 2002 Current & Capital Budgets for thc .\jax I)ickering Transit Authority bc supported in principal as folloxx s' a) Current $2,697.5()2 ¢'apital 1,209.5()0 $~..907.()0, l-lac "l'ransit 'Fax Lev> .... to bc trans/k?rred from tiao t~cgion et' Durham in the amount of $1.021.000 bo applied tox~ards: (_'atpi~al expenditures in the at~qount of $1,209,500: the Wransitional Core ('urrent (()pcrating) tgudget in the amotmt oi'$124.401 and, the balance of $287,()t)9 be transI'crrcd to thc Transit },~escrve to be established by tile l'rcasurer. applicakJlc~capital or cttrrcnt cxpcnditLn'c xxitlq tHax rcstdtani surplt~s C'itx' of Picketing Budgets. c) That the Director. ('orporatc %orvices & 'l'rcasurcr is attthorized to establish a Reserve to be knov,'n as the "i'ransit Rescrx c" and this reserve shall consist of funds raised for transit purposes and not inlmediatelv required and such other funds as Council may approve ffrom time to time. That /'uture tax increases be rcconln~cndcd ~t a naininaun~ off tine annual increase in the £'onsumer Price Index: and ]'hat the l)irector, £'orporate Services &'I'rcaxsnrcr bc authorized to make any changes or tmdcrtake any actions necessary, in order to ensure thc budder the increase in taxes and the tax billing process is proper and complete: and Tlaat any surplus curt'cat oporaiting t'tnads at vcar cad 2002, in excess off $110.000 bc transffcrred equally to tho Ia, ate Ntabilization Reserve and the Community Facilities Reserve t:und: and 7. l'laat tiao appropriate stat't' of tile £'itx off i)ickeri~ng be gix el7 ttL~thorilv to give et]'ect thereto. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Report of the Finance & Operations Committee dated March 25, 2002, be adopted. CARRIED: MAYOR Appendix 11 Finance & Operations Committee Report FOC-2002-3 That the Finance & Operations Committee. having met on March 25. 2002, presents its third report to Council and recommends: OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 05-02 DURHAM REGION "WHO DOES WHAT" STAGE 1I SERVICES REV1E%' 1 4 That the joint Report OES 005-02 be received; and That the Durham Region "Who Does What" Stage ii Services Review Business Case Report -- January 2002 prepared by Deloitte & Touche be received for informatiom and That an Implementation Strategy for the Road Netx~ork Rationalization Business Case using the one-x~av Funding model, subject to consideration with respect to t'undmg for Finch Axenue be prepared, through the "\Vho Does What" Committee consideration bv tim Councils oF the Area Municipalities and the Region of Durham: and That hnplementation Strategies tbr Depot Rationalization and Engineering Development Approvals be prepared through the \VDXV Committee for consideration by the Councils of the Area Xlunicipalities and the Region or' Durham; and That an Implementation Strategy t'or Remonal Road Xlaintenance not be pursued due to the negative Business Case: and That the consideration of an Implementation Strategy t'or Solid Waste Collection be tabled pending the outcome of current initiatives both locally and regionally; and That the "Who Does % hat" Committee remain intact to deal with customer service enhancements, and self'ice delivery optimization and agreements regarding road- related permits, vehicle and equipment purchasing, ongoing review of road network and depot rationalization, lead role on infrastructure projects and standardization of chargebacks, and report back to Area Nlunicipal and Regional Councils with future recommendations: and That Report OES 005-02 and Council-s recommendations be forwarded to Regional Staff to be received as the City of' Pickering's comments on Region of Durham Report 2002-J-5. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCS' SERV1CES REPORT OES 08-02 PROPOSED EXTENSION .AND EXPANSION OF THE "ROLLING TO REDUCE" THREE STREAM C.~XRT B.ASED \V.ASTE DIVERSION P1LOT PROJECT That the Joint Report OES ()08-02 from the Operations and Emergency Services Department and Corporate Services Department. concerning Proposed Extension and Expansion of the "Rolling to Reduce" Three Stream ('a~ Based %'aste Diversion Pilot Project, be received for intbrmation: and ]'hat City Council pre-approve the new line item in ti~e 2002. Solid Waste Current Budget for the Operations & Emergency Services Deparm~ent. Municipal Property & Engineering Division, to extend the term of the existing pilot project by nine (9) months from April 1, 2002. to December 31, 2002. at a cost of $155,250; and That a copy of this report be t~brx~ arded to the Region of Durham and that the Region be requested to costshare on the extension and expansion of the pilot project on a 50/50 basis Appendix II Finance & Operations Committee Report FOC-2002-3 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 013-02 REPORT ON THE REGION OF DURHAM'S PROPOSAL TO PASS A BY-LAW ASSUMING ALL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES WITHIN THE REGION That Report OES 013-02 regarding solid waste management responsibilities be received; and That the Region of Durham be advised that the City of Pickering will be a "non- participating" municipality in the Region's acceptance of all waste management powers, at this time. 4. OPERATIONS 8,:5 EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 004-02 LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA- DETAIL REVIEW That Report OES 004-02, concerning Liverpool Road South Area, Detail Review, be received for information; and 2. a) That the remaining capital project balance of $206,383 approved in 2000 for Storm Sewer Improvements and Road Widening - Liverpool Road t'rom Old Orchard Road to Commerce Street - Account #2320-6181, be reallocated to Phase One (Millennium Square to Wharf Street) of the Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review; and That the remaining capital project balance of $2,500 approved in 2000 tbr Sidewalks - Liverpool Road from Orchard Road to Commerce Street - Account #2323-6108, be reallocated to Phase One (Millennium Square to Wharf Street) of the Liverpool Road South Area Detail Review; and That $25,000 from this funding be approved to hire a consultant to prepare design details of the landscape and streetscape components for the Great Lakes Nautical Village Theme: and 4. That staffofthe City of Picketing be authorized to give effect hereto. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT CAO 02-02 NEW FIRE HALL SiTE AND BUILDING ISSUANCE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL That Report to Council CAO 02-02 concerning a new fire hall site and building on Highway 7, be received; and That Council authorize staff to issue a Request for Proposal, generally as set out in Attachment No. 1 to this Report, for the hiring of a consultant to complete the required federal environmental assessment for the fire hall site, and to conclude the building design and construction program for the fire hall building. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 012-02 2002 REGIONAL ROAD CAPITAL PROGRAM AND FOUR-YEAR FORECAST 1. That Report OES 012-02 providing information on the Region of Durham's 2002 Regional Road Capital Program and Four-Year Forecast be received. Appendix il Finance & Operations Committee Report FOC-2002-3 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 11-02 DON BEER ARENA EXPANSION & RENOV:VF1ON 3 That the .joint report of Operations & Emergency Services Department and Corporate Services Department OES 11-02, concerning Don Beer Arena Expansion & Renovation be received: and That Council award Tender T-1-2002 to Atlas Corporation in the amount of S3.400.000 plus G.ST and That Council approve tile full project cost of S4.{)00.000: and That Council authorize the entering into a three party agreement with the City. Picketing Hockey Association /P.H.A ') and Durham West Girls Hockey' Association I D\VGHA) for the shared cost and financing of tile project: and That Council authorize the Director. Corporate Services & Treasurer to request the Region of Durham to finance tine project througiq tile issuance or' debL and a) Debt financing in the amount of 51.077.{)00 for a period not exceeding 20 years and $1 million for a term to be determined, at rates to be determined, be approved; and b) Interest and principal repayment charges in tile amount of approximately 5150,000 annually be included in the annual Current Budget for tile City of Picketing commencing in 2()~/3 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid: and c) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof tZalls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit fi)r debt and other financial obligations fbr 2002 as established by the Province tbr municipalities in Ontario: and d) The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and ]'hat the appropriate officials of tile ('itu or' Picketing be gix en authority to rove effect thereto. O8 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY I That Council receive for information, Report to Council MO 02-02 concerning the Federal Lands in Picketing, Markham and Uxbridge. That Council acknowledge that agreement could not be reached between the affected municipalities and Transport Canada as to a legally and technically acceptable way of implementing the alternative approach to federal airport zoning authorized under Section 5.81(1) of the Federal Aeronautics Act, and accordingly that the Federal Minister of Transport be advised that the City is no longer prepared to pursue the use of this alternative approach. That the Federal Minister of Transport be advised of the City's interest in participating in a formal Stakeholders Consultative Process generally as set out in Attachment No. I to this Report; and further that the Minister be requested to confirm his Department's intention to support and participate in such a process. That the Councils of the other affected municipalities be requested to enact similar resolutions advising of their position with respect to the use of the alternative approach to federal airport zoning, and their participation in a formal Stakeholders Consultative Process with Transport Canada. That a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Federal Minister of Transport, the local municipalities of Markham, Uxbridge, Whitby, Ajax, and Whitchurch- Stouffville, the regional municipalities of Durham and York, all other stakeholders involved in the process, and to Dan McTeague, M.P. Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge, and Janet Ecker, MPP. Durham West. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL IPR()XI: Wayne Arthtlrs Maxor DATE: Mai'cia 20. 2002 )PTI' N['MBER' MO 02-02 St 71gJ}~2CT: t:cderal Lzinds ir~ Pickering, MarkHam amct ['xbridgc Alternative Approach to Federaxl .tirpon Zom~g Process %takelaolders Cornsulta~tix'e [~ I:~ ('()N'I NI 1~ N I)ATI ()N: 1. That (7otmcil Feceix'c for ir~Ibrm~itiorn. I~cport to C'ocHacil XI( I)2-{)2 corncerning tile tCederal l~mds i~a Picketing. N,larkln~m~ rind ['×brict,,c -I-hart ('ouncil acknoxvlodgo tlaalt :~grocmcnt could rqot }~c ~*cz~c}acct [~ctxvee~ tiao approach. Tlnat the l:odoratl Nlinister of TFzmst~ort t3o actx isod oI' thc ('itx's itntcrost in participating in a lk~rmail Stakclnolders ('onst~ltatixc t'Foccss zc~qc~'zillx :is 5ct OCli ii2 .XtiticHmcnt No. I to this sttpport amd participate i~ such al process. l'hat the Comacils oi' tine ot}ncu aiI'I'octo,t ~atHqicip~llitios k~c ~'cMucsted to cmtct similar with Transport Cana&. Tlnat a cot03' of tini.$ Rct3ort be I'orw~rdect tt) thc }-c~.te~'z~l ?xliraiNtof of Transport. the local municipalities of Markham. ['xbridge. XVHitbx..X. itxx. amd Xk'hitcIqt~rch-Stoul'lX'ille, tine regional mtmicipalities of DttrHann amd York. ~lll other staikclat~lctcrs i~qx olved i~a tho process. a~d to Dim Xlcl'eague, M.P. Pickeriiag-..Xfi~xx-I xbFidgc, amd ,lzl~nct locker. M.I).P. I)urham %Vcst. Cotllacil Resolution ,~131/99 alpproving ira prHaciplc tiao usc oI' tt~2 alltcF~aaitixc ~lpproacH to t~deral airport zonH~g regulations as amtHorizcd bx Ncctio~q ~.81(1) of thc I cctcrz~] ,t~'/'r;t~r~t~tic'.s' ,,tcl, and directing thc Nlax'or. other members of COLmcil ampi ~c~aioF stz~I'I' a~> ~Tz~x be required, to continue discussio~ns xxith Transport Canada. otlact' ziflk~ctcct ~atHqicipalitic~ amd local stakeholders concci'ni~ag thc ctctztils of this approacH. Report to Council MO 02-02 Subject: Federal Lands in Picketing, Markham and Uxbridge Date: March 26. 2002 Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable t~XHCUrI'IVE SUMMARY: This Report provides a status update on discussions between Transport Canada, the affected municipalities and others, with respect to two on-going matters affecting the Federal Lands in Pickering, Markham and Uxbridge: (i) implementing an alternative approach to federal airport zoning, and (ii) establishing terms and conditions tbr a formal consultative process between Transport Canada. the affected municipalities, and other interested stakeholders. Because agreement could not be reached on how best to deal with a number of important legal and technical issues, it is recommended that Council advise tiao Federal Minister of Transport that it is no longer practical to pursue the alternative approach to federal airport zoning permitted under the Federal Aero~mzaicx Act. With respect to the consultative process, consensus has been reached on thc general terms and conditions for such a process (see Attachment No. 1). It is therefbre recommended that Council advise the Minister of Transport that the City is interested in participating in such a process, and that thc Minister be requested to confirm his Department's willingness to support and participate in such a process. BACK(iR()[ ~ND: In July 1998. as the first step toward enacting federal airport zoning regulations, the Federal Minister of Transport initiated regulatory action to declare the Federal l,ands in Pickcring, Markham and Uxbridge an "airport site" under the Federal Aeronaulicx Ac,'. In December of that year, Pickering Council requested that tiffs declaration not proceed in order to allow for stakeholder consultation. Other affected municipalities passed similar resolutions. Transport Canada subsequently agreed not to declare the Picketing I,ands an airport site in order to allow tbr stakeholder consultation. In March 1999. through thc Mayor's Office, Picketing convened a Stakeholders Group meeting involving affected municipalities. Transport Canada, community groups and others. The purpose of the meeting was to identit\' and address areas of common interest, and to examine alternative approaches to the establishment of federal airport zoning regulations. :\ftcr additional discussion, general consensus was reached on two matters: (i) To further pursue the use of an alternative approach to federal airport zoning permitted under the Federal Aeronaulicx Acl (under which the Minister of Transport mav enter into an agreement that would authorize a local municipality to regulate the use of lands adjacent to an airport, to ensure that uses are not incompatible with the safe operation of an airport); and (ii) To develop terms and conditions for a formal and on-going consultative process between Transport Canada and the Stakeholders (iroup through which issues of common interest and concern can be identified, discussed and resolved where possible. I)iscussions continued for an extended period of time on both of these matters. With respect to the former, over the past few months, technical and legal representatives from Transport Canada and the affected municipalities held a series of meetings to discuss ways of implementing the alternative approach to airport zoning. Although progress was made in a number of areas, despite best cfl'orts, certain issues that arose could not be resolved to everyone's satisfaction Report to Council MO 02-02 %ub. iect' Federal Lands in Pickering. Markham and ['xbridgc Date: March ~ ~ ~ .0. _()()_ 1i (notabl.', issues related to jurisdiction and procedures, role of thc OMB in thc process. indemniI~cation, and municipal cnt'orccment/liabili~x ). I ltinaat01x, it was concluded that I'ronn al lood=~ technical perspective, it xx ould be more appro?riatc in this iF~stztncc for Transport (':Hqa<t~l to establish I'cdcral airport zoni~qg regulations throug}~ their normal procedures, than to haxc thc aflL~ctcd municipalities implement airport zoning t}nrougln thc :dtcrnatix'c approach permitted ttncter the Federal ,-1 eJ'r~r~zic',. 1 c'z, \Vith respect to the second matter, there still rem~ns. ~ .,tronu~ desire amonost=, members of thc Stakeholders Oroup to establish a lk~rmal, on-ooin~= ~ consultatixc process, generally as set out in :Mtachmcnt No. 1 io this Report. Thc process would require meetinzs to be held at least tx~ ice a year (xvitln an open public tk)run~ held at least once a Fear)in order to enable open trod timclx .,Xttachmcnt No. 1, and that thc %linistcr bc l'OclCtCNtCd to ct,~1I~I'~q7 his [)cpartment's inlcrcst in supporting and participating in such a .\I'I':\('IIMtiNT: 1. I)ral't %takcholclcrs (~'onsuhatixc t>rocc~ Nubmittcd t?,x: \Vavne Arthurs Mayor ('opy: Chief ~,%dministratix'e ()I'ticcr F)ivision }lead. Corporate Pro. iccts ~: Policx Draft Stakeholders Consultative Process The overall purpose of the Stakeholders Consultative Process is to establish an ongoing xvorking relationship and dialogue between Transport Canada, The Affected Municipalities~ and others with respect to significant issues of public interest related to the Picketing Lands and the enactment of Airport Zoning By-laws. An essential element in this dialogue is the creation of a Stakeholders Committee made up ot' representatives from Transport Canada and The Affected Municipalities. In addition, at the invitation of Transport Canada and the Affected Municipalities. others may be asked to sit on the stakeholders group, including but not necessarily limited to the following: the Region of Durhmn; the Region of York: the Province of Ontario; the Greater Toronto Airports Authority: interested business and business organizations; and interested residents, community groups or ratepayer associations. Members of the Stakeholders Committee will agree to attending and participating in meetings. and to sharing information on a timely basis. Meetings will be held at least two times a year. and at least once a 3'ear the Committee will hold an open public lbrum, in order to advise the general public about the Stakeholders Committee discussions, and to seek public input and comment on the issues. Thc Committee shall establish appropriate rules of procedure. The issues lbr discussion would include and not be limited to the following: Discnssion of land usc practices on the Pickering Lands and adjacent properties, to consider consistency with local official plans and by-laws, and to make recommendations concerning these practices to Transport Canada and/or one or more of The Affected Municipalities. Open and timelx disclosure and discussion concerning any plans and alternatives tbr the Ixmds. to ensure The Affected Municipalities and others have thc opportunity to influence well in advance of any decisions. l)iscussion of the processes and issues that may arise ~blloxving a subsequent decision on the l~ands, including the environmental assessment process: the possible transfer (d' the lands to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority: the type, operation and lilning of an airport: and the degree of municipal influence and involvement over operaling considerations that may be of concern to the community. 4. Discussion of options and plans lbr any lands that may be surplus to any possible future airport development. Discussion of issues and concerns respecting the implementation of Airport Zoning By- laws by The Affected Municipalities pursuant to section 5.81 of thc federal Aero,aulics ,~Icl. From time to time, Transport Canada, The Affected Municipalities or any other members of the Stakeholders Committee, may set up independent consultative processes to investigate any of'the above-mentioned issues. At this time, two such consultative processes have been identified. Transport Canada will lead a greenspace consultative process pursuant to Transport Minister Collenette's annonncement concerning the Oak Ridges Moraine and the A ltematc Rouge Park Corridor portions of the Pickering Lands. · The Greater Toronto Airports Authority will lead a consullatixe process concerning their interim planning process on the Pickering Lands. Any member undertaking an independent consultative proccss that may affect the Pickering l;ands shall regularly inform and invite comments from the Stakeholders Committee on matters of significance related to progress and issues, in order to obtain meaningful input and provide the opportunity to influence the decision. In addition, where possible, any member undertaking an independent consultative process shall invite and directly involve others from the Stakeholders Committee. The Affected Municipalities are Picketing, Ajax, Whitby, Uxbridge, Markham and Whitchurch-Stouffville PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORAN D U GLER!,~'S DiViSION March 20.2002 'I'o: Frolll: Subject: Bruce Tax lot CiW Clerk Denise Bye Coordinator. Property & Development Services Road Dedication By-Law Marshall ttomes (Altona) Ltd. - Part of Block 32. Plma 40NI-1'087 II'art 3. Plan 40R.-£1003) - t:ile: \V2304.409 When thc above-noted phm o1' subdivision was registered, the reserve block referred to was conveyed to the City along Hehn Street. l-his reserve was intended to be dedicated as public highway upon the development ot'a(iacent lands. The Ov,'ner o£ the a4iaccnt lands has applied through [.and Division Application LD 05/02 to sever that part of Ix~t 0% Registrar's compiled Plan 1()41 into two lots with the newly created portion of the severed lot fronting I telm Street. As tho road works have been constructed to standards sulEcient to permit public access to the newly created lot. the required dedication should be made. Attached hereto is a location map and a draft bv-laxx, enactment of which will lift the 0.3 metre reserve thus permitting legal access to tile adjacent lands. This by-law is in the tbrm usually used in such cases and is attached for tile consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for April 2. 2002. DB Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. [968/02 Being a by-law to dedicate that part of Block 32, Plan 40M-1987, designated as Part 3, Plan 40R- 21003(Helm StreeO as public highway. WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of that part of Block 32, Plan 40M-1987, designated as Part 3, Plan 40R-21003 and wishes to dedicate it as a public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That part of Block 32, Plan 40M-1987, Picketing, designated as Part 3, Plan 40P,-21003 is hereby dedicated as public highway (Hehn Street). BY-Ii. AW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2nd day of April, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk \V2304 409 15 COURT ~ ~ ' , ,, _ i · MiLL BAN K ROAD STREET HEDGEROW PL. L ST~,OU3S LANE CRESCENT SHADEMASTE~ ©RIVF BONITA AVEI' SERVICES I)EPAR'ITMENT MU'iICiPAL PROPERFY & ENGINEERING DIVISION 1:5 000 I MARCH 25, 2002 LEGAL REPORT LOCATION OF PROPOSED ROAD DEDICATION PART 3, PLAN 40R-21003 FILE No. W2304.409 16 March 22, 2002 To: From: SubJect: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Bruce Taylor City Clerk Lynda Taylor Manager, Development Review Draft Amending by-law for Zoning By-Law Amendment Application A 29/01 Pine Ridge Properties Inc. Part of Lot 21, Concession 1 (Parts 1 to 12, 40R-12896) 1465 Pickering Parkway (south side of Picketing Parkway, west of Valley Farm Road) City of Pickering City Council, on March 18, 2002, approved the above-noted application to permit the establishment of business and professional office uses (with a limitation on the amount of floor space for medial office use), on the subject lands. There were no conditions of approval and a draft amending by-law has been prepared. The draft by-law is attached for the consideration of City Council at their meeting scheduled for April 2, 2002. A Statutory Public Meeting was held for this application on February 21, 2002. The purpose and effect of this by-law is to permit the establishment of business and professional office uses (with a limitation on the amount of floor space for medial office use), on the subject lands. If you require further assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. i concur that this by-law be considered at this time. DireCtor, ~~ & Development LT/jf Attachment Lynda ~aylor ,/ 17 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERiNG BY-LAW NO. 5969/02 Being a By-law to anend Restricted Area (Zoning) Bv-laxv 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Picketing District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 21. Concession i, Part of Block 1 and 2, Plan 4%1-1231 (Parts 1 to 12, Plan 40R-12896), (7it,,' of Picketing. (A29 01 ) WHEREAS the Council o£ the Corporation o£ the City of Picketing deems it desirable to permit thc establishment of business and professional office uses on the subject lands, being Part of Lot 21. Concession 1, Part of Block t and 2. Plan 40M-1231 (Pans 2 to 12, Plan 40R-12896), City of Picketing; ,AND WHEREAS an amendment to Bv-laxv _ 0o0. as amended, is therefbre deemed necessary: NO\V THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PI(7KERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: SCHEDULE 1 Schedule I attached hereto with notations and references shown thereon is hereby declared to be part of this Bv-laxv. AREA RESTRICTED Thc provisions of this Bv-laxv shall apply to those lands in Part of Lot 21, Concession 1. Part of Block 1 and~, '~ Plan 40M-lV';I~_ {Parts ..to" 1_," Plan 40R-12896), City of Pickering, designated "CO" oil Schedule 1 attached hereto. (2) (3) GENERAL PROVISIONS No building, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used. occupied, erected, moved, or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. DEFINITIONS In this By-law, "Business Office" shall mcan any building or part of a building in wtaich one or more persons are employed m the management, direction or conducting of an agency, business, brokerage, labour or fraternal organization and shall include a telegraph office, newspaper plant m~d a radio or television broadcasting station and its studios or theatres, but shall not include a retail store: "Functional Floor Level" shall mean an enclosed building storey containing ail area of at least 50% of the building's ground floor area. and having a ceiling height suitable to pemfit the intended use; "Gross Leasable Floor Area" shall mean tile aggregate of all storeys above or below established grade, designed for oxvner or tenant occupancy or exclusive use only, but excluding storage areas below established grade: 2 (6) (a) "Lot" shall mean an area of land fronting on a street which is used or intended to be used as the site of a building, or group of buildings, as the case may be, together with any accessory buildings or structures, or a public park or open space area, regardless of whether or not such lot constitutes the whole of a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision; (b) "Lot Coverage" shall mean the percentage of lot area covered by all buildings on the lot; (c) "Lot Frontage" shall mean the width of a lot between the side lot lines measured along a line parallel to and 7.5 metres distant from the front lot line; "Professional Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which medical, legal or other professional service is performed or consultation given, and which may include a clinic, the offices of an architect, a chartered accountant, an engineer, a lawyer or a physician, but shall not include a body-rub parlour as defined by the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M. 45, as amended from time-to-time, or any successor thereto; (a) "Yard" shall mean an area of land which is appurtenant to and located on the same lot as a building or structure and is open, uncovered, and unoccupied above ground except for such accessory buildings, structures, or other uses as are specifically permitted thereon; (b) "Front Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (c) "Front Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a front yard of a lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (d) "Rear Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (e) "Rear Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a rear yard of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (0 "Side Yard" shall mean a yard of a lot extending from the front yard to the rear yard, and from the side lot line to the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (g) "Side Yard Width" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a side yard of a lot between the side lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (h) "Flankage Side Yard" shall mean a side yard immediately adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; (i) "Flankage Side Yard Width" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a flankage side yard of a lot between the lot line adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; and (j) "Interior Side Yard" shall mean a side yard other than a flamkage side yard. PROVISIONS (1) Uses Permitted ("CO" Zones) No person shall within the lands designated "CO" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure for any purpose except the lbllowing: Ia) business office: {,b) professional office: (2) Zone Requirements ("CO" Zone) No person shall within thc lands designated "CO" on Schedule I attached hereto. use any lot or erect, alter or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: la) BUILDING LOCATION AND SETBACKS: (i) Buildings and structures shall be located entirely within the building envelope illustrated on Schedule I attached to this By-law. (b) BUILDING HEIGHT: (i) minimum 6 metres and tv, o I\mctional Iloors: (ii) maximum 1S metres. OPEN STORAGE: All uses, other than parking, shall take place entirely within enclosed buildings or structures with no outside storage or display permitted. {d) PARKING REQULREMENTS: A There shall be provided and maintained on the lot a minimum of: {I) 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area for tile first 1.000 square metres of gross leasable floor area, and; (II) 2.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area lbr all floor area in excess of 1,000 square Il]Cites. B Clauses 5.21.2 a) and 5.21.2 b) o£ Bx-law 3036, as amended, shall not apply to tile lands designated "CO" on Schedule I attached hereto: C Despite Clauses 5.21.2 g} and 5.21.2 k) of By-law 3036, as amended, all entrance and exits to parking areas and all parking areas shall be surfaced ;vitt2 brick, asphalt, or concrete, or any combination thereof. (e) SPECIAL REGUL,ATIONS' A The a==ie=atc' ~,~,' ~,' · gross leasable floor area for all medical office uses shall not exceed 300 square metres. 4 6. BY-LAW 3036 (1) By-law 1346/81, as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached to this By-law, is hereby repealed. (2) By-law 3036, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subject to thc approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 2nd day of April ,2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk / ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CO 40R 1.2896 BUILDING £N~ELCPE SCHEDULE T TO BY-LAW ~.9,~/02 PASSED THIS ___ 2¢ DAY OF A_P r.L~ ..... 2002 MAYOR CLERK FINCH AVENUE FINCH AVE. i I~ k~ ~ ~ l~ O _ BAbY STR E~ BAYLY STR E ~ Oit~ of Picketing Planning & Development Depa~menl ~1[ ~A~. 1~, 2002 73 NOTICE OF MOTION DATE: APRIL 2. 2002 MOVED BS': CO[-NCILLORHOLLAND SECONDEDB'~': COUNCILLOR MCLEAN WHEREAS public participation in tile deliberation of planning applications by Council is vital and is an essential cornerstone of our municipal, democratic process: and WHEREAS the Planning Act provides a statu~or-, requirement in Ontario Regulations 198/90 that the public be notified of Official Plan amendmems and Zoning bv-laxv amendments by the mailing of a notice within a 121) meter radius and the posting of notice bv means of a sign; and WHEREAS on the advice of legal council, tile Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing has been informed that the 120 meter mailing radius max not be extended as this distance is a prescribed, statutory distance that may not be altered: and WHEREAS the 120 meter radius is inetTective in ensurin,~ that atl'ected residents receive notice of an Official Plan Amendment or Zonin- Bv-laxv Amendment that could have direct impact upon them; and WHEREAS increasing the mailing notification radius ensures that more residents can participate in the planning process and that the process is made more accessible and transparent: NO\V THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of tile City of Picketing urges the Government of Ontario to establish tine I20 meter mailin~ notification radius as a minimum and not a fixed distance tbr Official Plan and Zonin~ By-Law amendment applications: and FUTHER THAT the Province or'Ontario allow municipalities to increase the distance of the mailing notification radius so long as that radius is applied consistently to all applications considered by the municipality and so long as it is not less than 120 meters itl distance from the application: and o4 FURTHER THAT the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be requested to adopt and advocate this position on behalf of municipalities and residents of Ontario; and FURTHR THAT this motion be circulated to all GTA municipalities and · All area Mayors and Chairs · Janet Ecker? M.P.P - Pickering-Ajax-Whitby · Tony Clement, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing · Ernie Eves, Premier of the Province of Ontario · Dalton McGuinty, Leader of the Official Opposition CARRIED: Btaylor:Notices of Motion:Circulations MAYOR ,.95 NOTICE OF MOTION DATE: APRIL 2. 2002 MOVEDBX,': COUNCILLOR HOLLAND SECONDED Bh': COUNCILLOR BRENNER LVHER~EAS the Corporation of tile Citx ©I' Picketing does not haxe a strategic plan that outlines its goals, priorities and aspirations as a corporation: and WHEREAS in a time of limited financial and human resources, capital must be targeted to achieve measurable and effective results: and WHEREAS the establishment of a strate,,ic= plan x~ould focus our bud-et= preparation and adoption process, prioritization of staff' time and pro.iects and clearly define the City of Pickering's short and long term goals both internallx to our staff and externally to our residents, businesses and those potentially interested in making an investment in Picketing: and WHEREAS the strategic plan should outline broad but specific objectives that are applied across the Corporation to rationalize service and expenditure and tbcus eflbrt on end outcomes: and WHEREAS such a strategic plan, when reviex~ed annually, can chart out the priorities and projects/'or the coming >'ear and map out a planoI'~acnon' for' subsequent _years; and \VHEREAS the formation ora corporate strategic plata feeds into the annual reporting process that is currently being explored by staff', and WHEREAS an annual report without clearly stated corporate objectives, values and priorities is merely a collection of statistics: and WHEREAS a strategic plan can position the Corporation of the City of Picketing to be consistently proactive rather than reactixe and rove defined benchmarks that can be compared against results through an annual reporting process: and WHEREAS the City of Pickering's vision statement references being ~ready for the 21~'t Century" and should be updated to reflect the central tenants of the strategic plan once in place; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Picketing, through the coordination of the Chief Administrative Officer's office, meet with senior staff to establish the framework and process for the development, maintenance and effective utilization of a corporate strategic plan; and FURTHER THAT through this meeting, an annual review process of the strategic plan be considered in coordination with an annual reporting process7 and THAT this meeting occur before the end of May, 2002. CARRIED: BIa3 l~,r Nt~tices of Motion:Strategic Plan MAYOR