HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 28, 2002PICKERING AGENDA FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Anne Greentree Supervisor, Legislative Services JANUARY 28, 2002 Finance & Operations Committee Meel Monday, January 28, 201 i~'~ i,.,~ 1:30 '- Chair: Councillor Brenm ADOPTION OF MINUTES Finance Committee Meeting of November 26. 2001 Operations Committee Meeting of November 26. 2001 DELEGATIONS The Chair shall ask if there are any persons who wish to address an item on the agenda. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 43-01 FIRE SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE AND THE CITY OF PICKERING PA~ 1-11 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 001-02 REDUCED LOAD PERiOD BY-LAW ANNUAL COMPILATION OF STREETS 12-i OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 003-02 STREET LIGHT REPAIR ANDMAINTENANCE' SERVICE [ OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 002-02 STATUS REPORT ON THE "ROLLING TO REDUCE" WASTE DIVERSION PILOT PROJECT FIVE MINUTE RECESS 27- 30-3: CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 02-02 2002 INTERIM LEVY ANT) INTERIM TAX INSTALLMENT DUE DATES CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 03-02 CONFIRMATION OF COMPREHENSI\T CRIME INSURANCE FOR 2002 36-41 42-~ Finance & Operations Committee Meetin Monday, January 28, 1:30 Chair: Councillor (IV) STAFF ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION For Council to consider an ,Appointment. 45-5: OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED That Report to Council OES 43-01 regarding Fire Services Agreement. be receive& and That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering authorize the signing of a Fire Services Agreement between The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and the City of Picketing regarding Fire Protection Services to another municipality. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsma Director. Operations 8: Emergency Services DATE: December 13, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: OES 43-01 S(JBJECT: Fire Services Agreement Between The Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and The City of Pickering File: FS 2000 Rt:'~COMMENDATION: That The Council of the City of Pickering authorize the signing ora Fire Services Agreement between Thc Town of Wh~tchurch-Stouftvfl e and The City of Pickering regarding Fire Protection Services to another municipality ORIGIN: Fire Chief. City ot'Pickering AUTHORITY: Fire Protection Act, Chapter 4 FINANCIAL IMPI,ICATIONS: $12.000 per year paid in two installments of $6,000 each on first day of June and December each vcar. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In order to facilitate lire protection services in the north east .area of the City, the Fire Chief was directed to negotiate an appropriate agreement with the nearest full-time fire service to assist by providing first response service to the area outlined on the attached location map (Schedule A). BACKGROUND' In 1999 the Fire Chief was directed to negotiate with Whitchurch-Stoufl¥ille tbr Fire Service protection tbr the northwest area of the City. This area is presently serviced by the volunteer / part-time section of the Picketing Fire Services Division. As most volunteer/part-time firefighters are unavailable at various times due to tull- time job commitments it was determined the area was under protected. Report to Council ()ES 43-01 [)ate: December 13. 2001 Subject: Fire Services Agreement -Between The Town of Whitchurch-Stoufi\'ille and The City of Pickering -File: FS 2000 Page 2 ('pon evaluation by the Fire Chief. at that time. ii was noted that there was an opportunity to o,:er into an agreement xxith the Whitcht~rcl~-Stout':ville Fire Service where there is a complement of tkdl-time tire service personnel. As such, thc Operations & [:~mergcncy Net\ices Department ~hrou~h thc [:ire %ervices Division }las negotiated an acceptable agreement with \\hitchurcla-5~ottI'l\i[ic to provide fire protection for Pickering residents itl thc northx~c: area of thc Citx. cost for this has been established as a :trainer of $12.1tl}l} pct' >ear pitts other costs as tmtlined itl Schedule "17," tbr actual responses o:thc \Vhitch:ch-StottI'I\'ille Fire Service. [lac ()potations & Emergency Services Department is nxvarc that this agreement is subs~antialtv dii'l~rcnt to other "Autonaatic Aid Agreements-xvhicla arc cost neutral, ho\sc\er. ('ouncil should understand that ~.e have no comparable abilitx to respond to XVhitchttrch-Ntout'IN'illc requests assistance as we do not haxc :ttll-timc I'csponsc in the vicinitx xxhicla can respond within a reasonable amount of time. Ill light ot' the tbrcgoing it is recommended that the (?it)' enter into an agreement with \\'hi~church-Stottl'IVille for fire protection scrx ices. tt should be noted that t}ac agreement expires {)1~ I)eccmbcr ;1. _()0= but can be extended bx 5t3I'I' on a inonth-to-month basis. This will allow for a twompt termination of tho agreement upon tlqc completion and opening of a ncxx :nit-time 5taI'lC'd fire hall in tile north part of Picketing. ['pon tiao ctccision of Council xxc \sill initiate action as neccssarx. ATTACItMEN By-lax\ Fire Scrx ices Agreement Nchedulc %\-Location Y. lap Nchcdule "t3" Financial Information P re..p..ared By: ~5.~....'--~, 5"'~ ~_,E'v-~ie fi Buntsma - Director. Operations & Emergency Sets'ices l,~ccommendcd Ibr tile consideration of Pickering City Council ATTACHMENT" / TC ~-'' - O~,~-C'f THE CO~ORATION OF THE CiTY OF PICkiNG BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to authorize the signing of an agreement for fire protection services WHEREAS NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE PICKERiNG HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mayor and Clerk hereby be authorized to execute an agreement between: CITY OF The Corporation of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouft\,ille and The Corporation of the City of Pickering With respect to an agreement :for fire protection services expiring on December 31, 2002. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th day of February, 2002 Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk ATTACHMENT THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE BY-LAW NUMBER 2001-215-FR A By-law to authorize the signing of an agreement for fire protection services. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute an agreement between: THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITC H U RC H-STO U FFVI LL E with respect to an agreement for fire protection services expiring on December 31, 2002. READ a first and second time this 4th day of December, 2001 READ a third time and passed this 4th day of December, 2001 ayne¢ tnmerson, Mayor AGREEMENT made this ,day of 2001 BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING Hereinafter called "Pickering" AND THE CORPOF:~TION OF THE TOWN WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE hereinafter called "Whitchurch-Stouffville"; WHEREAS By-laws have been duly enacted by the corporate parties pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990 as amended, to authorize an agreement between the parties; and WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, Chapter 4, Statutes of Ontario, 1977, authorizes a municipality to provide and/or receive fire protection services to or from other municipalities; and WHEREAS Whitchurch-Stouffville operates fire services and assets suitable to meet Pickering's municipal responsibilities required by the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, through a fire service situated within Pickering. 1. In this Agreement, (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) "designate" means the person who, in the absence of the Fire chief, is assigned to be in-charge of a particular activity of the Fire Service, and who has the same powers and authority as the Fire Chief; "response area" means the response area of Pickering as described in Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of this Agreement; "Fire Chief'' means the chief of the Fire Service; "Fire Service" means the Pickering Fire Services; "Fire Department" means the Whitchurch-Stouffville Fire Department; "fire protection and emergency services" means and includes the following services which shall in no event be more extensive than those services required of the Fire Service under any Pickering laws: (i) fire fighting (ii) fire investigations (iii) response to hazardous material incidents, awareness level (iv) search and rescue operations, which, with regard to water and ice search and rescue operations, shall be limited to land based search and rescue operations __TO REPORT # ~,,:'-~' z~-~ -d / o (v) emergency medical service - Tiered Response Level B and Defibrillation (vi) extrication services (vii) any other responses or incidents to which the Fire Service would normally response in the Pickering (viii) administrative functions and services in respect to the provision of the previously mentioned services Whitchurch-Stouffville agrees to supply, in the discretion of its Fire Chief or his designate, acting reasonably, fire protection and other emergency services to Picketing in the response area as described in Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of this Agreement. In consideration of the emergency services to be provided by Whitchurch-Stouffville in the response area of Pickering, Pickering agrees to pay consideration and reimbursement to Whitchurch- Stouffville as set out in Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement. This Agreement shall remain in force commencing on the day of signing and expiring on December 31,2002. Thereafter this Agreement may be extended on a monthly basis upon consent of both parties, provided either party gives notice to extend to the other party. The emergency response units and personnel of the Fire Department that in the discretion of the Fire Chief, will respond to occurrences in the response area of Picketing will be limited to the following: (a) one engine with a minimum of three (3) firefighters (b) one tanker with a minimum of two (2) firefighters (c) one rescue vehicle with a minimum of two (2) firefighters Should the Fire Chief of the Fire Service or his designate require assistance or believe that assistance may be required by way of additional personnel, apparatus, or equipment, in addition to that provided by Section 5 above, at an occurrence in the response area, such assistance shall be summoned in accordance with the provisions of the Durham Region Mutual Aid System. Notwithstanding Section 5 above, the Fire Chief of the Fire Department, or his designate, may refuse to supply the described response to occurrences and may order the return of any response personnel, apparatus or equipment that is responding to or is at the scene of an incident in the response area if such response personnel, apparatus or equipment are: (a) required in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville or elsewhere, pursuant to the obligations imposed on the Fire Department under Whitchurch-Stouffville By-laws or applicable legislation, or (b) required in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville or elsewhere, under the provisions of the York Regional Mutual Aid System. In such cases the Fire Chief of the Fire Service, or his designate, may summon assistance for the response area in accordance with the provision of the Durham Region Mutual Aid System. The Fire Chief, or designate, shall have full authority and control over any and all activities in which the Fire Department may be engaged in the response area of Pickering. 008 ~,TTACHNENT ~ ~x. ~TO REPORT~£-T5 ~ ~7-~ / The Fire Chief, or his designate, shall report to Pickering by the tenth (10th) day of each month, all occurrences in the response area to which the Fire Service has responded in the prior month. 10. Pickering agrees to maintain all assumed streets and roads in the response area identifiable by having them clearly marked at all intersections. 11. Pickering shall be responsible for establishing and notifying, in the manner and to the extent deemed necessary by Pickering, residents and occupants of the response area of the procedures for reporting and emergency and of the services provided by the Fire Service. 12. Notwithstanding that the Fire Chief of the Fire Department has undertaken to provide emergency services to the response area, the parties hereto agree that Pickering shall be solely responsible for and shall be the Fire ChieFs designate with respect to the provision of fire prevention inspections, reports and services for buildings and premises in the response area. Pickering agrees to perform such services in accordance with the appropriate legislation and standard, and agrees to provide Whitchurch-Stouffville with copies of all such fire prevention inspections and reports. 13. Pickering agrees to indemnify and hold Whitchurch-Stouffville harmless from and against all actions, suits, claims and demands which may be brought against or made upon Whitchurch-Stouffville and from all loss, costs, charges and expenses including legal costs, which may be incurred by Whitchurch-Stouffville in consequence of the provision by Whitchurch-Stouffville of emergency services to the response area. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this indemnity shall not extend to actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, costs, charges or expenses brought against, made upon or incurred by Whitchurch-Stouffville to the extent to which same arise from events occurring within the geographic limits of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville. 14. Pickering agrees to provide and to keep in force for the benefit of Whitchurch-Stouffville general liability insurance in the amount of not less than five million ($5,000,000) dollars in respect of injury to or death of one or more persons or property damage occurring in consequence of the provision by Whitchurch-Stouffville of emergency services to the response area. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Pickering shall not be obliged to provide liability insurance for the benefit of Whitchurch- Stouffville in respect of injury, death or property damage arising from events occurring within the geographic limits of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville. 15. The parties hereto agree that Whitchurch-Stouffville will notify the Ministry of the Environment of all hazardous material spills, and that the costs of services and materials provided in connection therewith may be recovered by Pickering, at its sole expense, from those responsible for such spills. 16. If there is dispute between the parties to this Agreement with respect to any matter contained in this Agreement, including, but not limited to the interpretation of this agreement, the same shall be submitted to arbitration under the provisions of the Municipal Arbitrations Act, R.S.O. c.1990, chapter M-48 and the decision rendered in respect of such proceedings shall be final and binding upon the parties to this Agreement. If for any reason the said arbitration cannot be conducted pursuant to the provision of the Municipal Arbitrations Act, then the parties hereto shall agree to the selection of a single arbitrator, and in the absence of agreement, such arbitrator shall be appointed by a judge of the Ontario Court (General Division) pursuant to the provisions of the Arbitrations Act R.S.O. c 1990, chapter A24 or pursuant to any successor legislation. 17. 18. ATTACHMENT In the event that any covenant, provision or term of this Agreement should at any time be held by any competent tribunal to void or unenforceable, then the Agreement shall not fail but the covenant provision or term shall be deemed to be severed from the reminder of this Agreement and this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect mutatis mutandis. This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to December 31, 2002 by either party giving written notice to the other party not less than three (3) months prior to the desired termination date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF each of the parties hereto has affixed its corporate seal by the hands of its proper officers. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITCHU/{TRCH-STOUFFVILLE 0i WHITI~ AIDOE TOWN OP' Z SCHEDULE "A" SCHEDULE "B" to Agreement dated Between The Corporation of the City of Pickering and The Corporation of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Consideration and Reimbursement In consideration of the provision of fire protection and other emergency services, Pickering agrees to pay Whitchurch-Stouffville' A consideration fee of $12,000 per year, payable in two installments of $6,000 each on the first day of June and the first day of December in each year; and Pickering agrees to pay within sixty (60) days of receipt of an invoice therefore from Whitchurch-Stouffville: a) $300.00 for first hour or portion thereof and $175.00 for each additional one half hour or portion thereof, for each fire vehicle provided pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; and b) for the year 2001 - $28.37 per hour or portion thereof for each firefighter and $32.23 per hour for each Captain provided pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; and for the year 2002 - S28.98 per hour or portion thereof for each firefighter and $32.92 per hour for each Captain provided pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; and c) the costs of any fire fighting foam, hazardous material absorbents or other materials provided pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. ;: .. fs 1000\whit-sto.doc RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report OES 001-02 respecting the reduced load period by-law be received; and That a by-law be enacted to designate highways under the jurisdiction of the City to which a reduced load period applies; and 3. That By-law 5801/01 be repealed. PICKERIN REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbein Division Head Municipal Property& Engineering DATE: January 4._"{t{)_" REPORT NUMBER: OES 001-02 SUBJECT: Reduced Load Period Bv-Lax~ Annual Compilation of Streets RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Report OES 0014)2 respecting thc reduced load period by-law be received; and 2. That a by-law be enacted to designate highways under tiao jurisdiction of thc City to which a reduced load period applies: and 3. That By-law 5St)l ()1 be repealed ORIGIN' Annual update oF municipal high\rays that are aI'I'cctcd bx a reduced load period as compiled by the Municipal Property & Engineering Division of the Operat~o~qs ,k Emergency Selwices Department. AUTHORITY: Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 199(')Chap. l l.S section 122 (7) FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS' There are no financial implications of thc passing oi' the By-law, as the City has sufficient signs m stock. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: B,;\C KGROUND: The authority for thc enactment of a reduced load period bx-laxx is derived from thc Highway Traffic Act, which states that a municipality may desi<natc thc date on which a reduced load period shall start or end and tiao high\vaF or pomion thcrco~' under its jurisdiction to which the designation applies. Enactment of tile attached by-law ,,viii provide an accurate compilation of tile highways within the City that arc subject to tile reduced load period designation, iJ. iad will repeal By-law 5801/01. 01 4 Report to Council OES 001-02 Subject: Reduced Load Period By-Law Annual Compilation of Streets Date: January4,2002 Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft By-law with Schedule A attached. Prepared By: Richard Holbom Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Approved / Endorsed ,By: Everett Buntsma.-~' Director, Operations & Emergency Services RH:ds Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services City Clerk Supervisor, Roads Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council ~ .' / '3 ATTACHMENT~ ] TC i:,,EPOP,.'I'E OE.?:, Ool-O~ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITT OF PICKERING 015 BY-LA\V NO. Being a bv-laxt to to name highx~ays or portion of highxva.vs within the jurisdiction of thc Citx to which a reduced Ioact period designation applies and to repeal Bv-laxx 5St)I 01. WHEREAS pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.(). 199(~ chapter l l.S section 122(7), or a predecessor thereof: the Council of the Corporation of the Citx of Picketing enacted By-law 4399.'94 designating the date on which a rc&~ced load period slqall start or end and the highway or portion thereof under its jurisdiction to xvlaich the designation applies. AND WHEREAS, ney, streets have beet: created v,'hic}~ require thc dcsig, nation of a reduced load period; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE ('ORPORATI()N OI: T}t[~ CITY OF PICKER1NG HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: For thc purpose of subsections ( 1 ). (2) and (3) of section 122 of the Highxxay Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. 11.$ tiao i'cduccd load period shall be that period commencing on March 1~ of each year and ending on April '~()::'~ both inclusive, ofeacia year. The highv,'ay's to which the reduced load period designation applies shall be those highv,'ays or portions thereof als set out ill Schedule A attached hereto. By-law 580101 is repealed. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and tinally passed this 4th da3.' of February, 2002. Wayne .-\rti~urs. ~xlaxor Bruce Taxlor. Clerk 0.16 ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT # OES 001-02 2 of 12 SCHEDULE A REDUCED LOAD DESIGNATIONS ITEM COLUMN 1 HIGHWAY NO. 1. ABBEY ROAD 2. ABBOTT CRESCENT 3. ABERFOYLE COURT 4. ABINGDON COURT 5. ACORN LANE 6. ADA COURT 7. ALANBURY CRESCENT 8. ALBACORE MANOR 9. ALDER COURT 10. ALDERWOOD PLACE 11. ALLIANCE ROAD 12. ALPINE LANE 13. ALTONA ROAD (SOUTH OF KINGSTON ROAD) 14. ALWIN CIRCLE 15. ALYSSUM STREET 16. AMARETTO AVENUE 17. AMBERLEA ROAD 18. AMBERWOOD CRESCENT 19. ANNAN WOODS DRIVE 20. ANNLAND STREET 21. ANTHONY COURT 22. ANTON SQUARE 23. ANTONIO STREET 24. APPLEVIEW ROAD 25. ARATHORN COURT 26. ARCADIA SQUARE 27. ARIEL CRESCENT 28. ASHFIELD COURT 29. ASHFORD DRIVE 30. ASHWOOD GATE 31. ASPEN ROAD 32. ATWOOD CRESCENT 33. AUDLEY ROAD 34. AUTUMN CRESCENT 35. BAGGINS STREET 36. BAINBRIDGE DRIVE 37. BALATON AVENUE 38. BALSAM ROAD 39. BANBURY COURT 40. BARBER STREET 41. BARCLAY STREET 42. BARNWOOD SQUARE 43. BARRY DRIVE 44. BATORY AVENUE 45. BAYFIELD STREET 46. BAYLAWN DRIVE 47. BAYSHORE COURT 48. BAYVIEW AVENUE 49. BEACHPOINT PROMENADE 50. BEARE COURT OES 001-02 JANUARY 4, 2002 ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT # OES 00'1-02 3 o~ '12 ITEM COLUMN 1 HIGHWAY NO. 51. BEATON WAY 52. BECKWORTH SQUARE 53. BEECHLAWN DRIVE 54. BEGLEY STREET 55. BELINDA COURT 56. BELLA VISTA DRIVE 57. BEM AVENUE 58. BENEDICTINE COURT 59. BENTLEY LANE 60. BENTON CRESCENT 61. BICROFT COURT 62. BIRCHWOOD COURT 63. BLAIRWOOD COURT 64. BLOOMFIELD COURT 65. BLUE RIDGE CRESCENT 66. BONITA AVENUE 67. BOVINGDON PLACE 68. BOWLER DRIVE 69. BOXWORTH PLACE 70. BOYNE COURT 71. BRAEBURN CRESCENT 72. BRAMBLEWOOD COURT 73. BRANDS COURT 74. BREDA AVENUE 75. BREEZY DRIVE 76. BRIAN COURT 77. BRIAR WOOD GATE 78. BRIDGE GATE CRESCENT 79. BRIDLE PATH CIRCLE 80. BRIMWOOD COURT 81. BRIXTON LANE 82. BROADGREEN STREET 83. BROADOAK CRESCENT 84. BROADVIEW STREET 85. BROCK ROAD !CLAREMONT) 86. BRONTE SQUARE 87. BRONWEN LANE 88. BROOKRIDGE GATE 89. BROOKSHIRE SQUARE 90. BROUGHAM ROAD 91. BROWNING AVENUE 92. BUENAVISTA DRIVE 93. BUNDY STREET 94. BURNSIDE DRIVE 95. BUSHMILL STREET 96. BUTTERNUT COURT 97. BYRON STREET 95. CALLAHAN STREET 99. CANBOROUGH CRESCENT 100. CANSO DRIVE 101. CANTERBURY CRESCENT 102. CARMELLO COURT 103. CASTLE STREET 104. CATTAIL COURT 105. CECYLIA COURT 106. CEDA~RCROFT CRESCENT OES 001-02 JANUARY 4, 2002 O]8 ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT # OES 001-02 4 of 12 ITEM COLUMN 1 HIGHWAY NO. 107. CEDARWOOD COURT 108. CHANTILLY ROAD 109. CHAPLEAU DRIVE 110. CHAPMAN COURT 111. CHARLOTTE CIRCLE 112. CHARNWOOD COURT 113. CHARTWELL COURT 114. CHERRYWOOD AVENUE 115. CHICKADEE COURT 116. CHIPMUNK STREET 117. CHIRON CRESCENT 118. CHURCH STREET 119. CHURCHWlN STREET 120. CLAREMONT STREET 121. CLEARSlDE COURT 122. CLIFFVIEW ROAD 123. CLOUDBERRY COURT 124. COBBLER'S COURT 125. COGNAC CRESCENT 126. COLMAR AVENUE 127. COLONIAL STREET 128. COMMERCE STREET 129. CONACHER CRESCENT 130. CONC. RD. 3 (EAST OF BROCK ROAD TO AJAX & DIXIE ROAD TO TORONTO-PICKERING TOWNLINE) 131. CONC. RD. 4 (WEST OF ROSEBANK ROAD TO MARKHAM PICKERING TOWNLINE & EAST OF DURHAM REGIONAL ROAD 4) 132. CONC.5 (FROM SIDELINE 16 EAST TO SIDELINE SIDELINE 4 ROAD) 133. CONC. RD. 6 (FROM HWY 7 EAST TO HWY 7) 134. CONC. RD. 7 (FROM BROCK ROAD WEST TO MARKHAM PICKERING TOWNLINE & WESTNEY ROAD EAST TO LAKE RIDGE ROAD) 135. CONC. RD., 8 136. COLLINGSBROOK COURT 137. CONMARA AVENUE 138. COPLEY STREET 139. CORNELL COURT 140. CORTEZ AVENUE 141. COTTONWOOD CIRCLE 142. COUNTRY LANE 143. COWAN CIRCLE 144. CRAIGHURST COURT 145. CREEKVIEW CIRCLE 146. CRICKET LANE 147. CROSSING COURT 148. CULROSS AVENUE 149. DAHLIA CRESCENT 150. DALEWOOD DRIVE 151. DARWIN DRIVE 152. DAVID STREET 153. DAVIDSON STREET 154. DAYLIGHT COURT 155. DEERBROOK DRIVE 156. DEERHAVEN LANE 157. DEERHURST COURT 158. DELLBROOK AVENUE 159. DENBY DRIVE OES 001-02 JANUARY 4, 2002 ATTACHMENT # 1 TO REPORT # OES 00'1-02 5 of 12 ITEM COLUMN 1 HIGHWAY NO. 160. DENCOURT DRIVE 161. DENMAR ROAD 162. DENVALE DRIVE 163. 164. DIEFENBAKER COURT DIXIE ROAD (FROM FINCH AVENUE NORTH TO THE ~ CONCESSION ROAD! 165. DONNALEA AVENUE 166. DOUGLAS AVENUE 167. DOW STREET 168. DOWNLAND DRIVE 169. DRAVA STREET 170. DREYBER COURT 171. DRIFTWOOD COURT 172. DUBERRY DRIVE 173. DUNBARTON ROAD 174. DUNCANNON DRIVE 175. DUNCHURCH STREET 176. DUNFAIR STREET 177. DUNN CRESCENT 178. DYSON ROAD 179. EAGLEVlEW DRIVE 180. EASTBANK ROAD 181. ECHO POINT COURT 182. EDGE LANE 183. EDGEWOOD ROAD 184. EDMUND DRIVE 185. ELVIRA COURT 186. ENGEL COURT 187. ERAMOSA CRESCENT 188. ERIN GATE BOULEVARD 189. ESCOTT COURT 190. ESSA CRESCENT 191. EVELYN AVENUE 192. EVERTON STREET 193. EYER DRIVE 194. FACTORY STREET 195. FAIRFIELD CRESCENT 196. FAtRPORT ROAD 197. FAtRVtEW AVENUE 198. FALCONCREST DRIVE 199. FALCONWOOD WAY 200 FANSHAW PLACE 201 FAWNDALE ROAD 202 FAYLEE CRESCENT 203 FERNAM STREET 204 FERNCLIFF CIRCLE 205 FIDDLERS COURT 206 FIELDLIGHT BOULEVARD 207. FIELDSTONE CIRCLE 208. FINCH AVENUE (FROM BROCK ROAD TO EAST TERMINUS & FROM ALTONA ROAD WEST TO TORONTO PICKERING TOWNLINE! 209. FLAVELLE COURT 210. FOLEYET CRESCENT 211. FORBROCK STREET 212. FORDON AVENUE 213. FOREST PARK DRIVE OES 001-02 JANUARY 4, 2002 ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT # OES 001-02 6 of 12 ITEM COLUMN 1 HIGHWAY NO. 214. FORESTSTREAM TRAIL 215. FORESTVIEW DRIVE 216. FOSTER COURT 217. FOXGLOVE AVENUE 218. FOXWOOD TRAIL 219. FRANKLIN STREET 220. FRISCO STREET 221. FRONT STREET 222. FRONTIER COURT 223. FUSCHIA LANE 224. GABLEHURST CRES 225. GALLANT COURT 226. GANDALF COURT 227. GARDENVIEW SQUARE 228. GARLAND CRESCENT 229. GARVOLIN AVENUE 230. GETA CIRCLE 231. GILLMOSS ROAD 232. GLADSTONE STREET 233. GLEN EDEN COURT 234. GLENANNA ROAD (FROM KINGSTON ROAD WEST TO FAIRPORT ROAD) 235. GLENDALE DRIVE 236. GLENGROVE ROAD 237. GLENVIEW ROAD 238. GLOUCESTER SQUARE 239. GOLF CLUB ROAD 240. GOSSAMER DRIVE 241. GRACELAND COURT 242. GRAYABBEY COURT 243. GRAFTON COURT 244. GRANBY COURT 245. GREENBURN PLACE 246. GREENMOUNT STREET 247. GREENRIDGE DRIVE 248. GREENVALE CRESCENT 249. GREENWOOD ROAD 250. GRENOBLE BOULEVARD 251. GREYCOAT LANE 252. GROVEDALE COURT 253. GUILD ROAD (FROM 45 METRES NORTH OF KINGSTON ROAD TO FINCH AVENUE) 254. GWENDOLYN STREET 255. HADRIAN COURT 256. HALLER AVENUE 257. HALSEY LANE 258. HAMPTON COURT 259. HANWORTH COURT 260. HARROWSMITH COURT 261. HARVEST DRIVE 262. HEATHSIDE CRESCENT 263. HEDGEROW PLACE 264. HELEN CRESCENT 265. HELM STREET 266. HENRY STREET 267. HENSALL COURT OES 001-02 JANUARY 4, 2002 ATTACHMENT #_1 TO REPORT # OES 001-02 ~'},,c,) ~ 7 of 12 ITEM COLUMN 1 HIGHWAY NO. 268. HESKA ROAD 269. HEWSON DRIVE 270. HIGHBUSH TRAIL 271. HIGHVIEW ROAD 272. HILLCREST ROAD 273. HILLVIEW CRESCENT 274. HOGARTH STREET 275. HOLBROOK COURT 276. HOLLYHEDGE DRIVE 277. HONEYWOOD CRESCENT 278. HOOVER DRIVE 279. HOUSTON COURT 280. HOWELL CRESCENT 281. HOXTON STREET 282. HUNTSMILL DRIVE 283. ILONA PARK ROAD 284. INGRID ROAD 285. JACQUELINE AVENUE 286. JAYWIN CIRCLE 287. JODREL ROAD 288. JOHN STREET 289. JOMAR AVENUE 290. JOSEPH STREET 291. KATE'S LANE 292. KELLINO STREET 293. KELVINWAY LANE 294. KIMTON COURT 295. KINGFISHER DRIVE 296. KINSALE ROAD 297. KIRKWOOD LANE 298. KITLEY AVENUE 299. KODIAK STREET 300. KROSNO BOULEVARD 301. LAMOUR ROAD 302. LANCREST STREET 303. LANE STREET 304. LARKSMERE COURT 305. LAURIER CRESCENT 306. LAWSON STREET 307. LAYTON COURT 308. LEASIDE STREET 309. LEKANI COURT 310. LIGHTFOOT PLACE 311. LINWOOD STREET 312. LtSTOWELL CRESCENT 313. LITTLEFORD STREET 314. LIVERPOOL RD (FROM FINCH AVENUE TO NORTH TERMINUS & BAYLY ST TO SOUTH TERMINUS) 315. LIVINGSTON STREET 316. LODGE ROAD 317. LONGBOW DRIVE 318. LORN STREET 319. LUBLIN AVENUE 320. LUNA COURT 321. LUTTERWORTH COURT 322. LYDIA CRESCENT OES 001-02 JANUARY 4, 2002 ATTACHMENT # 1_ TO REPORT # OES 001-02 8 of 12 ITEM COLUMN 1 HIGHWAY NO. 323. LYNMAR COURT 324. LYNN HEIGHTS DRIVE 325. LYNX AVENUE 326. LYTTON COURT 327. MADONNA COURT 328. MAITLAND DRIVE 329. MAJOR OAKS ROAD 330. MALDEN CRESCENT 331. MAPLE AVENUE 332. MAPLE GATE ROAD 333. MAPLE HILL COURT 334. MAPLE RIDGE DRIVE 335. MARINET CRESCENT 336. MARKHAM - PICKERING TOWNLINE 337. MARKSBURY ROAD 338. MARSHCOURT DRIVE 339. MARTINS ROAD 340. MAURY CRESCENT 341. MCBRADY CRESCENT 342. MCLEOD CRESCENT 343. MEADOWLANE CRESCENT 344. MEADOWRIDGE CRESCENT 345. MEADOWVIEW AVENUE 346. MELDRON DRIVE 347. MELMAN STREET 348. MEMORY LANE 349. MERIADOC DRIVE 350. MERRITTON ROAD 351. MIDDLETON STREET 352. MILL STREET 353. MILLBANK ROAD 354. MINK STREET 355. MINSTREL MANOR 356. MIRANDA COURT 357. MIRIAM ROAD 358. MODLIN ROAD 359. MONICA COOK PLACE 360. MONTCLAIR LANE 361. MONTEAGLE LANE 362. MONTGOMERY PARK RD (FROM SUSAN DRIVE EAST TO FRISCO ROAD) 363. MOORELANDS CRES 364. MORDEN LANE 365. MORETTA AVENUE 366. MOSSBROOK SQUARE 367. MOUNTAIN ASH DRIVE 368. MOUNTCASTLE CRESCENT 369. MULBERRY LANE 370. MULMUR COURT 371. NAPANEE ROAD 372. NAROCH BOULEVARD 373. NEW STREET 374. NEWMARK PLACE 375. NIPISSING COURT 376. NOMAD ROAD 377. NORDANE DRIVE OES 001-02 JANUARY 4, 2002 ATTACHMENT # 1_ TO REPORT # OES 001-02 9 of 12 ITEM COLUMN 1 HIGHWAY NO. 378. NORFOLK SQUARE 379. NORTH ROAD 380. OAKBURN STREET 381 OAKWOOD DRIVE 382. OBERON COURT 383. OKLAHOMA DRIVE 384. OLD FOREST ROAD 385. OLD ORCHARD AVENUE 386. OLIVA STREET 387. ORCHARD HEIGHTS DRIVE 388. ORION COURT 389. OTONABEE DRIVE 390. PADDOCK ROAD 391 PARK CRESCENT 392. PARKDALE STREET 393. PARKHAM CRESCENT 394. PARKSIDE DRIVE 395. PATIO LANE 396. PATMORE LANE 397. PEACHWOOD LANE 398. PEBBLE COURT 399. PEBBLESTONE CRESCENT 400. PEPPERWOOD GATE 401 PETTICOAT LANE 402. PETUNIA PLACE 403. PINE GLEN DRIVE 404. PINE GROVE AVENUE 405. PINE HEIGHTS TRAIL 406. PINE RIDGE ROAD 407. PINECREEK COURT 408. PINEVIEW LANE 409. PLEASANT STREET 410. POPPY LANE 411 POPRAD AVENUE 412. PORTLAND COURT 413. POST DRIVE 414. PRIMROSE COURT 415. PROHILL STREET 416. RADOM STREET 417. RAINY DAY DRIVE 418. RAMBLEBERRY AVENUE 419. RATHMORE CRESCENT 420. RAWLINGS DRIVE 421 RAYLEEN CRESCENT 422. REDBIRD CRESCENT 423. REDWOOD LANE 424. REESOR COURT 425. REGAL CRESCENT 426. REGAN PLACE 427. REYTAN BOULEVARD 428. RICHARDSON STREET 429. RIDGEWOOD COURT 430. RIGBY DRIVE 431 RIVERVIEW CRESCENT 432. ROCKWOOD DRIVE 433. RODD AVENUE OES 001-02 JANUARY 4. 2002 024 ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT # OES 001-02 10 of 12 ITEM COLUMN 1 HIGHWAY NO. 434. ROSEBANK ROAD (FROM HWY #2 NORTH TO CONC. 4 ROAD & FROM HWY #401 TO SOUTH TERMINUS) 435. ROSEFIELD ROAD 436. ROUGE FOREST CRESCENT 437. ROUGE HILL COURT 438. ROUGE VALLEY DRIVE 439. ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE 440. ROWNTREE CRESCENT 441. ROYAL ROAD 442. SALEM ROAD 443. SAMFORD LANE 444. SANDCASTLE COURT 445. SANDCHERRY COURT 446. SANDHURST CRESCENT 447. SANDRA DRIVE 448. SANDY BEACH ROAD (FROM BAYLY STREET TO SOUTH TERMINUS) 449. SANGRO LANE 450. SANOK DRIVE 451. SAUGEEN DRIVE 452. TORONTO PICKERING TOWNLINE (ADJACENT TO LOT 35, CONCESSION 2, PICKERING & THE SOUTH 915 METRES OF LOT 35, CONCESSION 3, PICKERING) 453. SECORD STREET 454. SEGUIN SQUARE 455. SENATOR STREET 456. SHADEMASTER DRIVE 457. SHADYBROOK DRIVE 458. SHAY DRIVE 459. SHEARER LANE 460. SHEPPARD AVENUE 461. SHERMAN CRESCENT 462. SIDELINE 2 463. SIDELINE 4 464. SIDELINE 6 465. SIDELINE 8 466. SIDELINE 12 467. SIDELINE 14 468. SIDELINE 16 469. SIDELINE 20 470. SIDELINE 22 471. SIDELINE 24 472. SIDELINE 26 473. SIDELINE 28 474. SIDELINE 30 475. SIDELINE 32 476. SIDELINE 34 477. SILVER MAPLE DRIVE 478. SILVER SPRUCE DRIVE 479. SILVERTHORN SQUARE 480. SIMPSON AVENUE 481. SOMERGROVE CRESCENT 482. SOUTHCOTT ROAD 483. SOUTHVIEW DRIVE 484. SPARROW CIRCLE 485. SPARTAN COURT 486. SPEKE ROAD OES 001-02 JANUARY 4, 2002 ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT # OES 001-02 11 of 12 025 ITEM NO. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. COLUMN 1 HIGHWAY 515. SPRING STREET SPRINGVIEW DRIVE SPRUCE HILL ROAD SQUIRES BEACH ROAD (NORTH OF ENTRANCE TO VERIDIAN ST. MARTINS DRIVE STARVlEW COURT STEEPLE HILL STONEBRIDGE LANE ~HAMPTON COURT 495. 496. STONEHURST ROAD 497. STONEPATH CIRCLE 498. STORRINGTON STREET 499. STOVER CRESCENT 500. STRATHMORE CRESCENT 501. STREAMSIDE COURT 502. STROUDS LANE 503. STURGEON COURT 504. SULTANA SQUARE 505. SUMMERPARK CRESCENT 506. SUNDOWN CRESCENT 507. SUNRISE AVENUE 508. SURF AVENUE 509. SUSAN DRIVE 510. SWAN PLACE 511. SWEETBRIAR COURT 512. TANZER COURT 513. TAPLIN DRIVE 514. TATRA DRIVE TO NEW 516. 517. TERRACOTTA COURT 518. THEODEN COURT 519. THICKET CRESCENT 520. TILLINGS ROAD 521. TIMBER COURT 522. TIMMINS GARDEN 523. TISHA ROAD 524. TOMLINSON COURT 525. TOYNEVALE ROAD 526. TRAILWOOD COURT 527. TRANQUIL COURT 528. TREETOP WAY 529. TRELLIS COURT 530. TRIMBLE'S LANE 531. TULLO STREET 532. TWYN RIVERS DRIVE 533. UNA ROAD 534. UNDERHILL COURT 535. 536. 537. TAUNTON ROAD (EAST TAUNTON ROAD) TAWNBERRY STREET AND WEST OF BROCK ROAD UXBRIDGE PICKERING TOWNLINE ROAD (FROM YORK REGIONAL ROAD 30 EAST TO UXBRIDGE CONCESSION 3 ROAD & FROM DURHAM REGIONAL ROAD 23 WESTERLY, A DISTANCE OF 0.96 KILOMETRES) VALLEY FARM ROAD (FROM KINGSTON ROAD NORTH TO ~- CONCESSION ROAD) VALLEY GATE 538. VALLEY RIDGE CRESCENT OES 001-02 JANUARY 4, 2002 ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT # OES 001-02 026 - 12 o~ 12 ITEM COLUMN 1 HIGHWAY NO. 539. VALLEYVIEW DRIVE 540. VICKI DRIVE 541. VICTOR COURT 542. VICTORIA STREET 543. VICTORY DRIVE 544. VILLAGE STREET 545. VISTULA DRIVE 546. VOYAGER AVENUE 547. WALNUT LANE 548. WATERFORD GATE 549. WAYFARER LANE 550. WELLINGTON STREET 551. WELRUS STREET 552. WEST LANE 553. WEST SHORE BOULEVARD 554. WESTCREEK DRIVE 555. WESTNEY ROAD 556. WEYBURN SQUARE 557. WHARF STREET 558. WHEATSHEAF LANE 559. WHISKY GATE 560. WHITE CEDAR DRIVE 561. WHITE PINE CRESCENT 562. WHITEVALE ROAD (160 METRES WEST OF BROCK ROAD TO ALTONA ROAD) 563. WlLCROFT COURT 564. WlLDFLOWER DRIVE 565. WlLDROSE CRESCENT 566. WILDWOOD CRESCENT 567. WILLIAM STREET 568. WlLLOWSlDE COURT 569. WlNDGROVE SQUARE 570. WlNETTE ROAD 571. WlNGARDEN CRESCENT 572. WlXSON ROAD 573. WOLLASTON COURT 574. WOODGRANGE AVENUE 575. WOODRUFF CRESCENT 576. WOODSIDE LANE 577. WOODSMERE CRESCENT 578. WOODVlEW AVENUE 579. WOODVlEW DRIVE 580. YEREMI STREET 581. ZATOR AVENUE OES 001-02 JANUARY 4, 2002 t 27 RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report OES 003-02 regarding street light repair and maintenance seN'ice be received; and That City stall' be directed to prepare specifications and documentation required to tender the services of street light repair and maintenance PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holborn DATE: January' 22, 2002 Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT NUMBER OES 003-02 SUBJECT: Street Light Repair and Maintenance Service RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Report OES 003-02 concerning street light repair and maintenance service be received That City staff be directed to prepare specifications and documentation required to tender the services of street light repair and maintenance ORIG1N: Staff review of existing servicing arrangements. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45 as ammended, Section 148 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS' The City's annual budget for street light repair and maintenance varies from year to year. The budget for 2001 was $113,200 in account 2325-2478. By issuing a tender for these services, it is expected that competitive pricing will result in lower costs. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: The City of Pickering had, for many years, a long-standing arrangement with Pickering Hydro (now Veridian Connections Inc.) for the provision of electrical services related to street light maintenance, repairs and construction. As Pickering Hydro serviced only Pickering residents and businesses, and had a relationship with only one municipality, Pickering, as a Hydro Commission, it was mutually beneficial that they would provide service to the City of Pickering. in 2000, Pickenng Hydro merged with other hydro commissions and created Veridian Corporation. Since their inception, they have grown and have acquired other municipal hydro utilities and now service many municipalities. Veridian is a corporation with share capital, of which the City of Pickering is a shareholder. With the recent deregulation in electricity markets, Veridian is a company like any other in the business. Report to Council OES Subject: Street Light Repair and Maintenance Service Date: January.-.'~o 2002 Page 2 It is thc opinion of the Division Head. Nlunicipa] Property& Engineering that thc level of service and commitment to the City of Picketing ffon~ Vcridian has diminished from a reasonable to unacceptable level. ProJects such as thc Kingston Road underground conversion and thc Highway =- hydro relocation and street light upgrade haxc sufI~red as a result. Street light repairs arc llOt being undertaken in a timelx xqanncr alicr thcx arc reported to Vcridian by the Citx's street light patrol staff. The City is continually dealing x~ith administrative issues with Vcridian such as invoices without purchase order numbers identified, work commencing without purchase orders provided, and invoices submitted without detailed documentation being provided. Attempts to remedy this have been unsuccesslhl. Municipalities have an obligation to the taxpayers to prox ide acceptable service at the Ioxvest cost possible, in order to determine ii'Vcridian is conapctitixc in their pricing, it is recommended that City staff prepare a tender or quotation riot' public bid. Thc Nlunicipality of Clarington have gone this route and a private contractor is providing that scrx icc. FhcCitx budgetsS17~)~ )( annualh' tbr street light repairs, maintenance, patrols and xtorks related to hydro pole replacements. Approximately 5115,000 of thc budget is in thc area affected by thc contemplated tender or quotation. ATTACHMENTS: N/A Prepared By: Approved Endorsed lB,,': R.W. Holbein, Division Head Municipal Property& Engineering Ex erett Buntsn~a, Director Operations & Emergency Services Cop/,': Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer I:'xCOUNCII ()I{N-IX;3-1C dec Jan-02 Recommended fbr the consideration of Picketing City Council - ~ ~ O30 RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report to Council OES 002-02 concerning Status Report on the "Rolling to Reduce" Waste Diversion Pilot Project, be received for information. PICKERINC REPORT TO COUNCIL FRO.M: Richard W. l-tolbon2 Division Head. Municipal Property& Engineering DATE: January 21,2002 REPORTNU*iBER' OES00,-0_ SUBJECT: Status Report on the-Rolling to Reduce" Waste Dix orsion Pilot Project RE('OXI.XIENDATION: 1. That Report to Council ()ES 1~{)2-()2 be received Ibr intbnnation. ORIGIN: Staffs interest in providing City (,'oLmeil xvitln an update on tiao curt'oat findings of the Pilot Proj eot. AL'THORITY' Not applicable FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Ttnere are no financial implications associated xxil}q this status report. All costs tbr the pilot project, having an upset limit of $1N(}.()()¢). haxc been charged to the Corporatc General Government Provisions for Contingencies account in tho amount of $75,000 for the remainder of 2001, and a request for equal funding of S-5.t){!{} fi'om tiao Region of Durham for the renlaining term of thc pilot project in 2002. Should tile Region decide not to provide funding for this waste diversion initiative the additional 575,()1)1) taas becla granted ira Resolution ~111/01 with pre- budget approval as a 2002 expenditure from tile current operating budget account 2430-2398. EXECUTIVE SU.XlMARY: The tlwce-strcam cart based waste diversion pilot pro_iecl approved by Git.,,' Council in September 2001, has so far proven to have very positixe and cncoura?ag results. The average waste diversion from landfill rate lbr tiao City of Picketing de, ring thc moIaths off November, 2001, and December, 2001, using the traditional system of bags ai~d blkic box collection was 29.98%, while the avera,,c= rate of diversion Ibr the pilot proicct, area durin~ tiao same period using cams was 66.84'50. This substantial increase in thc waste diversion rate is lar~cl~ duc to the expanded list of rccvclablc materials collected xxittn this program and thc fact that all kitchen t~e organic materials can now be easily collected separated from the regular garbage. Although i1lajor concerns were initially voiced about the size. mobility and also tile placement of tile carts, especially during tile times of }aoavv snoxvfalI, these problems have not become apparent at this time. On thc positive side. litter' no longer' bloxvs around the street t'i'onl loosely packaged recvclables or garbage and for tiao most part it appears that tiao neighbourtnood residents approve of the cart based collection svstena. During tile remaining term et'the pilot pro_icct xxhictq is schociulcd to cad on Nlarch 31. 2002, City staff xxill produce two thrthcr update ncx~slcttcrs, conduzct a lblloxx-up surx cv of residents, hold an open house inibnnation mooting and prepare a final report to Council on tiao project. The Report to Council OES 002-02 Subject: Status Report on the \Vaste Diversion Pilot Project Date: January 21, 2002 Page 2 final report will outline important considerations of this system of collection including final waste diversion rates, operational efficiency, a cost benefit analysis and a recommendation on the future direction of this program. BACKGROUND: At their regular meeting of September 17, 2001, City Council passed Resolution #111/01 which officially endorsed the implementation of a three-stream cart based waste diversion pilot project. This pilot project was suggested to closely model the initiative being undertaken by the Town of Markham so that the City of Picketing could cost share on the lease of two specialized collection vehicles equipped with automatic robotic arms to collect the proposed waste carts. The resolution also directed that the pilot project commence on October 1, 2001, for a six-month period to obtain suitable diversion and operational data. Immediately folloxving the passing of the resolution, City staff began the development of the pilot project. These tasks included the selection of an appropriate neighbourhood area, the gathering of baseline collection data, preparing a program of effective communication, purchasing collection carts and coordinating the distribution of the program equipment. Although every effort was made to meet thc October 1, 2001, deadline, the prct'crred start date could not be achieved due to the time requirements which were necessary to properly implement the proposed program. The revised start date for the pilot project was November 1, 2001, with the first automated collection of the carts occurring on Tuesday, November 6, 2001. To encourage further participation in the recycling program, arrangements were made with the Region of Durham to expand the current list of Blue Box materials within the pilot area for the Full term of the pilot project. The new materials included such items as empty paint and aerosol cans, all styles and types of plastic containers, drinking boxes, polystyrene and rigid aluminum Foil. The most important element of the new three-stream cart based process, however, was the opportunity to remove kitchen organic materials from the xvaste stream. It is estimated that approximately one-third of the remaining garbage currently being sent to landfill is of organic nature which should be captured and successfully composted. Based on the findings of a resident survey and a waste audit, which were both completed prior to the start of the pilot project, it was found that most residents were very xvilling to try the new waste collection technology. The success of the pilot project, therefore, would be largely dependent on the provision of the necessary tools and information for residents to easily separate their household garbage into the three distinctly different waste streams. To date, the new process of collection in the pilot project area which is generally bounded, by Whites Road, Strouds Lane, Spruce Hill Road and the CN York Subdivision Railway Line, has been very well received. Of the 518 single-family homes located within the area, only about 13 dwellings have declined their participation in the program. These few families continue to have their garbage picked-up weekly in bags or cans and their recyclables collected every other week in the Blue Box. The remaining homes in the pilot project area, however, have been given a Bonar Plastics "T~vo-Can Split Cart" which is designed to separately contain garbage and recyclables, a Schaefer "Compostainer" Organics Cart and a Schaefer kitchen container to collect and transfer organic materials between the home and the compostainer which is located outdoors. Each of the participating families was also given a pack of five kraft stylc paper yard waste bags during the program rollout to encourage participation and also to promote the benefits of removing plastic from the compost stream. The carts in the pilot project area are collected on Tuesday of each week. Tables 1 and 2 attached to this report outline the waste diversion rates that have been experienced with the program to date. As can be noted on Table 1, the City's average waste diversion from landfill rate for the months of November, 2001, and December, 2001, using the traditional system of bags and blue boxes ~vas 29.98%, while the average waste diversion rate for the pilot project area during the same period using carts was 66.84%. The statistics on Table 2 provides in Report to Council OES 002-02 Subject: Status Report on tile kVaste Diversion Pilot Project Date: January 21, 2002 Page 3 greater detail the individual totals and the diversion rates Ibr each waste stream during the weekly collections fi'om tile pilot project area. Althougta it is not indicated on either of tile Tables, it shoulct be noted that tiao average xxaste diversion rate lbr thc City of Picketing and tile Region of Durhana in 2001 \vas only 2-'",. C'learly, the expanded recycling progi'alal and the provision of an eft'octave organics collection is having ,,'er>' positive ~-esnlts. Althougla another Full throe months of collection still renlain to be completed in the pilot project area~ tho limited number of concemns or problcn~s that have been Feported by residents is quite encouraging. T~ical issues that hax e been reported include the occasional breaking of an axle on thc organics can and the inlYequcnt report of materials getting stuck in the split cart. Major concerns initially voiced about the size. mobility and also thc placement of the cans during times of heavv snowffall, ho\rover, have not become apparent at flags tinac. On thc positive side, litter 1~0 longer blows around the street ITem loosely packaged rccx'clablcs or garbage and Ibr the most part it appears that thc neighboL~rhood residents like the cart based collection system. During tho remaining teton of the pilot project. Citx stalT xxill produce txvo lk~rthor update nexvsletters, conduct a tblloxx-up surx'cx' of residents, taold an open laousc inibnqaation meeting and pI'cparc a l]~qaI report to Council on tiao pYqjcct to bo sLlbnqitted in Xlarch. 2()()2. Thc I]nat report xxill outlinc important considerations of tings sxsto~aq oi' collection including i%2al waste dix'crsion rates, operational et'/Scicncx', a cost benefit anal\sis and a recommendation on the lk~turc direction of this program. ,~\TT,ACHMENTS: Table 1 - Diversion Rates tbr C'itx' off Pickerin~ and Pilot Table 2 Pilot ,Area \Vceklx'(7ollection Tonnages Prepared By: Supervisor, Tral'Iic Engineering & VV'aste Management Submitted By: ?4pp-~Tc~Y ' Eh49 rscd/gy: Everett. 12untsma '-" %5 Director, Operations ~ Emergency Sec'ices Richard \V. Holbein Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering ?Xttacllnaents Reconamcndcd lbr the consideration o1' Pickcrila2 City Council I Th~,q~s J. Quin,~'hie~dnainist~t'i~c. OffI~er () ,q,, ,_,~ A-I-TACHHbx / :~.EPOR-J' ¢ _qE~ 66,2.-67~_ ATTACHME~'~~-~: _ ,4_._ TO REPORT # O~S > > > o> o o o Z Z Z 22', '-- RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Report CS 02-02, concerning 2002 Interim Levy and Interim Tax Installment Due Dates, be received; and That an interim levy be adopted for 2002 for all of the realty property classes; and That interim levy instalment due dates be February 27 and April 26, 2002~ and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, including altering due dates, in order to ensure the tax billing process is completed; and That the attached by-law, providing for the imposition of the taxes, be read three times and approved by Council; and That the appropriate City of Picketing officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. PICKERING REPORT TO COL'NCIL Oillis A. Paterson Director. Corporate Serx~ces & lreasurer L)A'I [!' [tNILiLH'\ 21. S[iB.IE('T' 2002 interim Lcxx' and Interim 'I a× llnstalhlnent Due Dates Ed'OM Xl ENDATION: (). It is recommended that }<eport ('5 1>;-t)2 oF tiao Director. ('orporatc 5crx ices & Treasurer be received; An interim levv bc adopted lbr 211/12 for all el'thc reahx pR>pert} el'asses: billino= process is completed' Tthc attached 10v-lax\. twox/ctin~ Ibu thc inqposition of tine taxes, be read throe times and approved by Council: and. Tine appropriate City of Picketing of Iici\Is bc authori/ed to hike thc neccssm-v actions to ~ixe elTect thereto. OR1OIN' Director. Coq>orate Services & Treasurer AUTHORIT'Y: Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1090 ax amended. ~cctioln FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Adoption of tiao roconnmondations and passin5 thc bx-]axx x\ ill ulJoxx staff of tho Corporate Set\ices Depanmcnt to bill thc l, u ~2 intonnalcxx to all propcrtio5. Passing oI' thc bv-law will assist the City oFPickcrin,,= to meet it~ qnancia] obliuations and reduce any bon'owina~ costs. (Thc first school board payment is duc ton .%pril ]. l' u ~2) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Eactn year. prior to tiao adoption oFthc estimates Ibr thc yom'. ('ouncii authorizes thc adopt/on of an interim lex x. The interim lex x xxill be based on 5()",, of thc t'aXC5 lcxiod on the propert5 last year. Tiao tax low raises Ilincts that arc Lined l~)l- thc continuua5 opcrznlo]qs of tho City. Region and the School Bc)ards. Report to Council CS '~ ~ Subject: 2002 interim Levv al-id Interim Tax Installment Due Dates Date: JammO'21.2002 Page 2 BACKGROUNVD: The interim lex'>, is applicable to all realty' classes and properties making payments in-lieu of taxes. The interim installment dates for 2002 are similar to those in place since 1970. The 2002 interim lcvv for the majority of properties is calculated by taking the total property taxes paid in 2001 multiplied by 50 per cent. For those property owners that received a 2001 supplementary tax bill. the 2002 interim tax bill is calculated by also including a portion of their supplementar}' tax bill. (Initially, new homeowners taxes are based on the assessed value of their land. A separate tax bill is issued for the taxes related to the structure and the tax bill is retroactive to the date of occupancy.) The "capping adjustment factor" for thc commercial, industrial and multi-residential realty tax classes, will be adjusted by 50 per cent to reflect the interim levv calculation methodology. Cban~es to the Billino~ Schedule Recommendation 4, will allow thc Director of Corporate Services & Treasurer some latitude, limited by Provincial legislation, in effecting whatever may be necessary in order to ensure that tine taxes are billed properly and in a timely t~shion. It was ahvavs stafCs understanding that Recommendation 4 would be used to change thc duc dates by a few clays in order to meet Provincial legislation requirements. (Sect/o, 399, xut¢xeclion xix Q/'rhe .~tzmicz)x~/ Act xtalex the properO, ow, er must have ~zt /east tx'en~x'-oue dm,s lo pay ~/wir taxes.) A report would be prepared to Council if there was a substantial delay in the billing of the interim taxes. ATTACHMENTS' 1. By-Law to Establish the 2002 Interim Installment Due Dates Prepared By: Stan Karwowski, Manager, Finance & Taxation GAP:vw Attachment Approved ," Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council i ~0n~5. Qui~, Chi~ Administrative ~ficer ATTACHHENT # ~ TO P,~KT # C & 3 .~ -'o ._ THE CORPOtL.XTIO.N OF THE CiTY OF PICKER1NG Being a by-law for the collection of taxes and to establish thc installment due dates t'c~t' the Interim Lcvx Wt IEREAS Section 370, subsection t l ) oi'thc Nltmicipal Act P-,.S.O. 1990, as amended, provides that the council of a local municipality ma~, bctbrc the adoption el'Ibc estimates tbr the year, under section 367, may pass a bv-lax~ lex vinz anlotmts O11 tile dSSCSSI]lClll 01' property, in thc local municipality ratable fbr local municipalitF purposes: and \VH[!t,IEAS. the Council of the Corporation of tine t'itx of Picketing deems it uppropriatc to provide for such an intcrmn levx on tine assessment of property lin tills mumcipulit). NOW q'HEREFORE. TIlE ¢'OL:X(.'IL ()t: '1'1tt~ C'()t-(I'(;RAI'I()N ()t: 'i'tit~ ¢'Ii'Y OF I)I(?KERING t lEREBY ENACTS AS F't)I~I_OWS: Jr. 1. The amounts levied shall (a) For thc residential, pipeline, t'armiand und manaazcd lbrest propcrl)' classes there shall be imposed and collected an interim lev', ~I': I1' no percentage is proscribed. 5~',, of thc total taxes lbr municipal and school t,urposos levied on in the \om' '~ ,)i. (b) For tine multi-residential, commercial and industrial propcrt) classes thoro shall be imposed and collected an interim Iow If no percentage is prescribed. 5tt"~, of thc k)tal taxes lbr municipal and school purposes levied on in the year (c) For the payment-imlicu propcrt)' classes, there shall bc imposed and collected an interim low of: If no percentage ~s prescribed. 5~"~, ~,f thc total taxes tbr municipal and where applicable ibr school purposes, on in ti~c year 2~ For the pm?oses of calculating the total amount of taxes Ibr the year 2002 under paragraph one, if any taxes tbr municipal and school purposes xverc levied on a property tbr only part of 2001 because assessment was added to the collector's roll during 2001, an amount shall be added equal to ti~e additional taxes that would have been levied on thc property if taxes tbr municipal and school puq)oses has been lc\led fbr the entire \ear. The provision of this bv-laxv apply in thc event that ztssOSSlnnOlnt is added Ibr the year 2002 to the collector's roll alier the date this by-law is passed and an interim levy shall be imposed and collected. Taxes shall be payable to the Treasurer. ('ltv of Pickcrin.~. When not in detMflt, tile payment of' taxes, or a~v installInent thereof, may also be made at any financial institution permitted by tt~c Nlunicipal Act. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, as amended, as designated by thc Treasurer. "I'hc Treasurer or Tax ('otlect¢)i- max.- mail. or cause to bo nmilcd, all notices of taxes required in accordance with thc provisions of thc Nlunicipal .Net. R.S.O. 199~). c. ~I.45. as amended, to the address of the residence or place of business of thc per-son taxed pursuant to this by-law. Notices will not be mailed to tenants. It is thc responsibility of thc person taxed to notil? and collect taxes fi-om tcnams or other pcrsuns. 10. 11. 12. 13. Tile Treasurer or the Tax Collector shall be and they arc hereby authorized to accept part pa~vment from time to time on account of any taxes due, and to give a receipt for such part payment provided that acceptance of any such part pay~nent does not affect the collection of any percentage charge imposed or collectable under Section _399, Subsection (3) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, in respect to non-payment of any taxes or any class of taxes or of any installment thereof. The Treasurer-Collector is hereby authorized to prepare and give one separate tax notice for the collection of 2002 taxes, one notice being an INTERIM notice, xvith two installments, as tbllows: INTERIM Tax Notice due date of the first installment February 27, 2002 due date of the second installment April 26, 2002; or either date adjusted by thc Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Except in the case of taxes payable under Section 33 and 34 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.A31, as amended, thc percentage charge (one and one-quarter percent) as a penalty for non-pa?rant of taxes and monies payable as taxes shall be added to every tax or assessment, rent or rate of any installment or part thereof remaining unpaid oil the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month lhereal'ter in wlnich such dethult continues but not at'tot 1)ccelnbcr 31 of the year in which thc taxes become payable, and it shall be the duty ora Tax Collector, immediately to collect at once, by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the applicable statutes all such taxes, assessments, rents, rates or instalhnents or parts thereof as shall not have been paid on or before the several dates named as aforesaid, together with the said percentage charges as they arc incurred. In respect of taxes payable under Sections 33 and 34 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.A.31, as amended, the percentage charge (one and one-quarter percent) imposed as a penalty for non-pa~nent of taxes and monies payable as taxes shall be added to every amount of taxes so payable remaining unpaid on thc first day after twenty-one days from thc date of mailing by the Treasurer or a Tax Collector of a demand for payment thereof and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues but not after December 31 of the year in which thc taxes become payable; and it shall be the duty of a Tax Collector immediately after the expiration of the said twenty-one days to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the applicable statutes, all such taxes as shall not have been paid on or before the expiration of the said twenty-one day period, together with the said percentage charges as they arc incurred. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the Treasurer or Tax Collector from proceeding at any time with the collection of any rate, tax or assessment, or any part thereof, in accordance with the provisions of the statutes and by-laws governing the collection of taxes. Where tenants of land owned by the Crown or in xvhich the Crown has an interest arc liable for the payment of taxes and where any such tenant has been employed cither within or outsidc the municipality by the same employer for not less than thirty days, such employer shall pay over to thc Treasurer or Tax Collector on demand out of any wages, salary or other remuneration due to such employee, the amount then payable lbr taxes under this by- law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount so paid. If any section or portion of this By-Law is found by a court of co~npetent jurisdiction to be invalid, it is the intent of Council for the Corporation of the City of Picketing that all remaining sections and portions of this By-Law continue in three and effect. t4. That this by-law is to come into effect on the I st day of Januau', 2002. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and lqnally passed this 4th day of FebrumT', 2002. \Va~nc A)-tlmrs, Mayor Brticc Taylor, Clerk RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY 1. That Report CS 03-02 concerning Confirmation of Comprehensive Crime Insurance for 2002, be received and forwarded to Council for information. PICKERING REPORT TO }:R©XI' Gillis .4.. Paterson Director. Co~poratc Scrx'iccs & I'I'CaSLII-OI' DATE' Thc Municipal .Act. R.S.O. 199(). 'As amended. Ncct~on *22 FINANC'IAL IMPLICATIONS: Thc puFchasc of ('omprchcnsixc ('rime IllSLII'alIlCC ]S ~nciudcd in thc Citx's Annual Current Budget. EXECUTIVE SUMMA. R¥: Not applicable BACKGP. OL, D: Section 92 of tine NIunicipal Act. / Discussion: Al1 employees, elected officials, and Council appointees of thc ('itx of Picketing and thc ('itx of Pickcrin,, Public Library are bonded to the c×tcnt <,f <4-' {~l)l)~)~)~)<,~ This covera~,c includcs bond. burglary, monetary loss. inoncv orders and dq~ositors lbrgcrx. ORIGIN: Director, Corporatc SCI-\ iCCS & TI'CLiSLiI'CI' SL'B.IECT: RE(_ t)NIXlEN DATIONS: Il is recommended that Report CS f)3-02 of thc F)ircctor. ('orporatc Services ,_k Treasurer be received and tbrv<arded to Council lbr information. REP()RT NUN1BER' ('onlimqation ofColnprchcnsix e Crime Insurance lbr l~, )2 COUNCIL CS Report to Council CS Subject: Confim~ation of Comprehensive Crime Insurance for 2002 __. Date: ,};_tllt.12.1'V '~ ') In addition, the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Manager, Accounting Services, and Manager, Financial Services, when acting with respect to any agency or board are bonded in tlae same amount and manner as when acting in the capacity of officers of the City of' Pickcrin~ This report confirms that the above mentioned coverage with a limit of $2,000,000.00 is currently in place with The Guarantee Company of North America and Lombard General Insurance Company ot' Canada for the period July 1, 2001 to July 1,2002, inclusive at a premium of $5,145.00 plus PST of$411.60 for a total of $5,556.60. ATTACHMENTS: Not Applicable Prepared By: Approved ,' Endorsed By: Sarah Kibble, Financial Analyst Oillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Recommended for the consideration of Pickermg City Council · . ~ ....-~-,_.,.a,/ / ., ,./~- ' / · Tk/o~as~'i. Q~, Chi4'f AdmiOS~trative Offic~:r