HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 28, 2002 (Special)PICKERIN(; AGENDA SPECIAL PLANNING COMMITTEE Anne Greentree Supervisor. Legislative Services JANUARY 28, 2002 Special Planning Committee Meeting Monday, January 28, 2002 Chair: Councillor Pickles MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PAGE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 08-02 COUNCIL POSITION FOR THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEARING ON AMENDMENT TO THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 22/00 WOOD. CARROLL ET AL. (HAYES LINE PROPERTIES INC.) PART OF LOT 28, RANGE 3, B.F.C. (778-790 KINGSTON ROAD= EAST OF WHITES ROAD[ 1-52 ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY /'/ '/' o That Council ADOPT a site specific amendmem to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines as the City's strategy fbr detailed land use. urban design, transportation and infrastructure for the Wood, Carroll properties (Hayes Line Properties Inc.) within the Northeast Quadrant, as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PD 08-02; and That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00. submitted bv Wood, Carroll et al. (Hayes Line Properties Inc.) on lands being Part of Lot 28. Range 3, BF.C. iin the City of Pickering, to permit residential and retail/commercial and restaurant uses, as revised by the applicant to only permit the development of retail/commercial and restaurant uses, be ENDORSED IN PRINCIPLE. AS RECOM~MENDED BY STAFF, as set out in the staff recommended implementing by-law' attached as Appendix II to Report Number PD 08-02; and That Council re-affirm the requirement for the applicants to pa5' their proportionate share of the study costs of the Northeast Quadrant Review prior to the zoning coming into force; and That Council require the applicant to construct and convey to the Ciw a public lane across the north part of the property; and That Council require the applicant to contribute ro rte costs of downstream stormwater management efforts and construct on-site stormwater controls if construction on the subject lands precedes downstream stormwater management works: and That staff be authorized to present Council's ENDORSEMENT IN' PRINCIPLE to the Ontario Municipal Board as Council's position on Zoning .Amendment Application A 22/00 at an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, and further authorize sl~aff to make adjustments to the staff recommended implementing bv-la~v as technical issues are finalized. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: JanuaW 21. 2002 REPORT NUMBER: PD 08-02 SUBJECT: Council Position for the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing on Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 Wood, Carroll et al. (Hayes Line Properties Inc.) Part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. (778-790 Kingston Road, east of Whites Road) City of Picketing RECOMMENDATION: That Council ADOPT a site specific amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines as the Citv's strategy for detailed land use, urban design, transportation and infrastructure for the Wood, Carroll properties (Hayes [,inc Properties Inc.) within the Northeast Quadrant, as set out in Appendix i to Report Number PD 08-02; That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00, submittcd by Wood, Carroll et al. (Hayes Line Properties Inc.) on lands being Part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. in the City ofPickering, to permit residential and retail/commercial and restaurant uses, as revised by the applicant to only permit the development of retail/commercial and restaurant uses, be ENDORSED IN PRINCIPLE, AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF, as set out in the staff recommended implementing by-law attached as Appendix I1 to Report Number PD 08-02; That Council re-affirm the requirement for the applicants to pay their proportionate share of the study costs of the Northeast Quadrant Review prior to the zoning coming into force; That Council require the applicant to construct and convey to the City a public lane across the north part of the property; That Council require the applicant to contribute to the costs of downstream stonnwater management efforts and construct on-site stormwater controls if construction on the subject lands precedes downstream stormwater management works; and That Staff be authorized to present Council's ENDORSEMENT IN PRINCIPLE to the Ontario Municipal Board as Council's position on Zoning Amendment Application A 22/00 at an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, and further authorize staff to make adjustments to the staff recommended implementing by-law as technical issues are finalized. ORIGIN: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22'00 was submitted to the City by Wood. Carroll et al. (Hayes Line Properties Inc.) on June 1. 2000 to permit residential, retail/commercial and restaurant uses on the subject lands. Hayes Line Properties Inc. appealed Picketing Council's refusal or neglect to make a decision to amend the zoning by-law within 90 days of receipt of the application to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) m April 2001. The OMB originally scheduled the Hearing on this matter to commence on October 16, 2001, and later adjourned it until February 14, 2002 following Council's direction that the Solicitor for the City request such adjournment. REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: Januao' 21, 2002 Subject: Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 Page 2 Haves Line Properties hlc. has recently submitted to tine OMB a revised proposed amendment to the zoning by-law that would implement a revised preliminary site plan to penni\ only retail comn~cl-cial and restaurant uses on thc entire site (residential use of the property has been deleted). AUTHORITY: Tiao P/am~i,~, Act. R.S.O. 1990, chapter P. 13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to tile City are anticipated as a result of Council adopting a position on the revised proposed development for submission to thc ©ntario Municipal Board. There will be costs associated with nmintenance of thc public lane recommended by staff2 but these costs are similar to the road maintenance costs ah'eady endorsed by Council in the cmTeutly approved Northeast Quadrant Development ©uidetines. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Staff recommends that Council adopt a site specific amc:qdnwnt to tile Northeast Quadrant Development ©uidelines to endorse dc\ clopment design principles Ibr thc Wood, Carroll lands. Staff support the site (sec Attachment -~1 Location Nlap)being entirely developed lbr l-ctail/comn~crcial/oflice uses itc: no residential uses) pro\ideal 33", of the gross floor area is provided in second storey floorspace and a 10 metre x~ide public lane is constructed in an east-west direction across thc north end of\he site. The applicant's original submission (see Attachment ::2 Applicant's Original Concept) is substantially not in compliance with tile currently approxed Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines. The applicant's response (sec Attachment ~3 - Applicant's Revised Concept) to staff recommended revisions to the Dexclopment Guidelines, despite significant concessions by staff in many respects, continues to Fall well below existin~ and recommended provisions desirable t~br appropriate development for Pickering's Kingston Road 'mains\reel'. Staff does recommend however, that Council support commercial/retail office uses across thc entire property (ie: no residential uses) provided a minimum of 33% of the gross floor area is located in second storey space and a public lane is provided at the rear of\he property. The original vision contained in the Northeast Quadrant De\ elopment Guidelines For the subject lands (see Attachment #4a - Northeast Quadrant Site Plant included medium density residential use of tiao internal portion ot' the lands, centred around an internal ring road wilh an interior linear park and commercial retail uses on tine Kingston Road frontage. The commercial uses were to be of a moderate to high intensity with required floor space indices of 0.5 FSI plus residential uses at a density of 5t) residential dxuelling units per hectare, located in buildings of 22 to 30 metres (5 to 7 storeys). A number of applications ',,,crc received lbr lands within the Northeast Quadrant that did not meet the requirements of tile Guidelines. Council subsequently authorized a review of the Guidelines in the spring of 2001 and budgeted funds Ibr this purpose, requiring developers to contribute a miniature of 5050 of thc cost of thc study. Tile review was to include environmental, transportation and land usc, urban design components. Although thc review of tile Northeast Quadrant Guidelines is not ,,'ct complete, thc Ontario Municipal Board Hearing for tile Hayes Line Properties hie. is scheduled to start on February 14. 2002. Hoxvcvcr. since staff have reached primary conclusions on the nlajor principles of the review, it is appropriate to reach dccisions att this time Ibr tiao Wood, Carroll property without prejudicing the results of the remainder of the review of the Northeast Quadrant. REPORT NUMBER PD 0S-02 Date: January. 21, 2002 Subject: Amendment to the Northeas~ Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendmeut Application A 22;00 Page 3 The primary conclusions reached, to date, as they affect the Wood, Carroll properties, are that: · Residential uses are not required on the north end of the property; · A public lane, of 10 metres in width, is required at the north end of the property; · Retail/commercial/office uses are appropriate on the south part of the site provided they contribute to main street characteristics of higher intensity and mixing of uses, by an increased intensity (ie: with 33% of the gross floor area provided in second storey floorspace); and, · Detached dwellings to the north should be well buffered from commercial buildings to be constructed on this property. Commercial buildings should be separated from the residential yards by privacy fences, landscaped open space with preserved existing vegetation and parking areas. A concept for the development of the site that demonstrates the above-noted principles, prepared by staff, is attached {sec .Attachment #4b). In accordance with thc :m~endment to the Northeast Quadrant Devclopment Guidelines, staff recommends that C'otmcil Endorse In Principle the Revised Zoning Amendment Application A 22/00 submitted by Hayes Line Properties Inc. as Recommended By Staff, as set out in the attached implementing by-law and authorize staff to prescnt this position at the scheduled Ontario Municipal Board Hearing on this matter as Council's position, subject to adjustments by staff as technical issues are finalized. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Information Meeting A Public Information Meeting for the applicant's original submission was held on August 10, 2000 to obtain the views of the public. Information Report No. 23-00, which summarizes the applicant's proposal and outlines the issues and comments identified through circulation of the application, was prepared for thc Public Infbrmation Meeting. The text of the Information Report is provided for refcrence (see Attachment #5). At the Public Information Meeting, Planning & Development staff gave an explanation of the application and the applicant addressed the merits of the proposal. In addition, other people expressed concerns respecting preservation of trees, a need for buffering, the ring road and restaurant uses at the meeting. The discussion that occurred is recorded in the Meeting Minutes (see Attachment #6). 2.0 Additional Information 2.1 Comments Received from Area Residents and Property Owners Since the preparation of the Information Report, J., C. and R. McConachie, the owners of the abutting property to the west commented that: · the driveway entrance to Kingston Road should be moved to the west property line to establish a joint entrance to the two properties; access to the north part of the subject lands, and adjacent properties, should be provided not by a ring road, which takes up too much space and serves no purpose, but by a road com]ecting the north end of Delta Boulevard to the Dunbarton school site (see Attachment #7); Mike Dubroy, the resident of a dwelling whose rear yard abuts the subject lands, commented that: · commercial use is preferable to townhomes, provided an adequate buffer zone and prese~,ation of vegetation is provided (see Attachment #8); REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: Janua13T 21,2002 Subject: Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/'00 Page 4 2.2 Normand and Rita Dufresne, residents off another abutting dwelling commented that: · approval of developments ttnat will add more residents to llnis block is not appropriate until existing traflSc problems are properi? addressed (see Attachnlent =9). Further comment was received about tints application From residents and property owners at tile Public lnfomaation .'Xleetin~g and Design \Vorkshop held as part of'tile review of the Nortlneast Quadrant Development ©uidclines. Thc consistent resident view expressed at the meetings was that medium density residential uses are not appropriate lbr these lands and that adequate buf/~ring should be provided between proposed conm~ercial buildings and the rear vard:s oF existing dwellings by means of landscaped strips, preservation of vegetation, prixac>' /bncing. set-backs m~d height limitations Ibr the commercial he,tidings to mitigate the eflbcts of noise, light or odours on residents. Agency comments The Following agencies provided written comments on the ori~,~,inaA application subsequent to the Public InFormation Meeting: Durham District School Board: Inns no objections (see .&ttachment ~10); Bell Canada: has no concerI~s: Veridian Corporation: has extensive technical require~cnts in order to provide service to tile proposed (see ,~Xttaclnnaent = l 1 ); Canada Post: has tectnnical requirements and no concerns (see Attachment #12); CN Rail: has extensive requirements to protect Future residents from the eFFects of noise caused by CN operations {sec .~Xttaclnment: 13 ): Region of Durham Planning Department: The Durham Regional Planning Department connmented tlnat the proposed uses are permitted by the Region of Durham Ofincial Plan and that municipal services are available, subject to verification and connections. :X road allowance widening may be required at the site plan stage. Access to Kingston Road will be restricted, witl2 a center median, to right-in/right-out tunas only, with the applicant responsible for tile cost o~' improvements. Ministry of Transportation approval xxill be required for tile proposed access duc to it:~ proximity to the 401 ramp. Full access to thc site is to be provided from tile future Ring Road to Delta Boulevard and Kingston Road and a traI'i~c impact study will be required to evaluate the impact on thc Kingston Road }tig}axxay 401 ramp intersection. Requirements for costs of se~,icing, development cllarges and road improvements were noted. In addition, a noise impact report on tile proposed residential uses stnould be conducted, due to proximity to thc rail:x ax and Kin~4ston road. Adequate control measures slnould be innplen~et~ted to protect tlao creek f'rom adverse impacts, to the satisfaction oF ttne Conserxation .4. uttaoritv and tile City. A stand of unclassified trees on the property was noted. 'File applicant may be required to prepare and submit an archaeological assessment for rex'iexv by the Ministry of Culture, Citizenslnip and Recreation (see Attachment # 14). REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: January 21. 2002 Subject: Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 Page 5 3.0 3.1 Region of Durham Works Department: The Region of Durham Works Department provided comments by e-mail on the traffic study conducted by I-Trans Consulting Inc. that was submitted in December 2000 by the applicant. The Regional Works Department commented that access to Kingston Road will be restricted to right-in/right-out tums only by installation of a raised center median. The comments noted that the I-Trans study did not address alternatives to alleviate operational problems at the access point or give details of alternative accesses to provide left tums to the proposed site. The comments noted that a connection must be provided to the property to the east and that M.T.O should receive a copy of the study for revicw (see Attachment #15). Subsequent verbal comments on the applicant's revised submission were provided by the Regional Works Department folloxxing the Phase 1 Transportation Study Report findings and discussions with the applicant and Picketing Plmming & Development staff. The Regional Works Department will require: · aroad widening of 2.0 metres; · traffic access to Kingston Road to be provided at the west edge of the subject lands as a combined access point to also serve the abutting westerly property; · an easement limitation agreement with the owner of the abutting westerly property that no further access from Kingston Road will be permitted; · agreement to provide an access across the north part of the property to connect the subject property to the abutting property to the east (Dunbarton school site); · a deceleration lane to be constructed at the applicant's expense; urbanization of the Kingston Road frontage; and, · recognition that left tums onto/from Kingston Road may be controlled in the future at the discretion of the Region. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority: The TRCA commented that a stream flows across the south-west comer of the subject lands. Any interference with the stream corridor would require a permit from TRCA and TRCA will be requesting that the stream be recognized in the zoning of the site and that any development be set back a minimum of 10 metres from the stream corridor (see Attachment # 16). Ministry of Transportation: The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) provided comments on the Phase I Final Report of the TSH Transportation Study for the Northeast Quadrant. The comments emphasized a preference that no access onto Kingston Road directly across from the Highway 401 ramp terminal be provided. However, provided the need for such an access could be justified, MTO would require the road to be a public road with no access, conflict points or sharp radius curves for the first 110 metres of the north limit of the current Kingston Road/Highway ramp intersection in order to provide adequate stopping distances for any vehicles that run the amber light at the intersection. MTO commented that they would require no full moves access points along the first 180 metres of this road (see Attachment #17). Discussion Original Application The original application proposed zoning amendments to implement a preliminary conceptual site plan that included 18 townhouses on the north part of the site and 1625 square metres of commercial/retail and restaurant uses on the lands fronting Kingston Road. As submitted, the applicant's proposal failed to meet the City's Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines. REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: January 21, 20{)2 Subject: Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 Page 6 f) 7 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4.1 However, this application was the first of Ibur applications received bv the City between June of 2000 and May of 2()01 Ibr properties within thc Quadrant (or the immediate vicinity) that did not meet thc requirements of tt~c Nomheast Quadrant Dcveloplnent Guidelines. Thc CUlnuladx'c impacts of those proposals suggested that a review of environmental, transportation and land usc urban design issues may be warralncd lbr the Northeast Quadrant. Staff approached Council in early 2001 to determine whether Council concun-ed tl~at a rcx'iexx o~' thc Nonheast Quadrant was a priority tbr 2001 and whether budget tMncts xx ould be allocated lbr this pupose. Council authorized the reviexv in spring 2001 and provided budget allocations to bite consultants to undertake environmental, transpo~ation and land usc. urban design studies. Consequently, rather than send a report to Council t'ecommcnding rctUsal of the applicant's submitted application, staff hold thc Wood. C'an'oI1 application pending thc outcome of the review of the Norfl~east Quadrant Development Guidelines. Appeal to Ontario Municipal Board Despite Council's authori×ation to undertake thc review, Haves Line Properties Inc. appealed Council's neglect to make a decision on thc application to tiao Ontario Municipal Board (O%IB) on April 27, 2001. TI~o hearing, initially scheduled to start October 16, 2001, was subsequently adjourned until February 14, 2002, at Pickering's request, to allow for thc rex icxx to toe completed. Due to the complexity' of the issues, and thc actixc i~qvolx'ement of area residents requesting additional oppommities Ibr involvement, tl~e st~ldx has not vet been linalized, and the hearing date set by tt~c Board is upon us. However, since substantial conclusions }~ax'e been reached to date. staff has been able to apply those conclusions to the \Vood, Carroll site and make recommendations on the proposal. Revised Application The application was revised through thc submission to t}~c OMB of a new proposed amending zoning by-lay,'. The City received circulation o1' tho revised by-law in December 2001 to implement a revised preliminary site concept. The revised preliminary site concept eliminated the residential uses and reconfigured one-storey retail/commercial/restaurant building envelopes {see Attachment //3 - Applicant's Revised Concept). Reviov of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Progress On May 3, 2001, Council approved a budget allocation ibr the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Rexicxx xxitta a total developer contribution of not less than 50% of thc total Review costs. Subsequently, the Planning & Development Department: fa) retained an environmental consuhant to determine tine feasibility ~'or piping tlxc Amberlea Creek tributary; (b) retained a transportation consultant to undertake a traffic and access review tbr the entire Northeast Quadrant: and (c) retained an urban designer facilitator to assist staff in the review of land use and urban design matters, OO8 REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: January 21. 2002 Subject: Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 Page 7 3.4.2 TSH Engineers, Architects and Planners submitted the Phase I Final Transportation Study Report to the City in September, 2001. The Phase I Study concluded that an access management plan should be prepared that identifies access points for properties on Kingston Road east of Delta Boulevard, restriction of turning movements along Kingston Road, internal connections to adjacent properties, and an east-west public road to access Delta Boulevard and the Kingston Road/Highway 40l ramp intersection. Not completed yet is the Phase 2 Report, which is to address the alignment of a road to connect to the Kingston Road/Highway 401 ramp intersection and confirm traffic generation based on proposed site plans. Schollen & Company Inc. provided the City with an Assessment of Alternatives lbr Amberlea Creek in the Northeast Quadrant in September 2001. The Assessment concluded, and TRCA concurred, that a net environmental benefit could be achieved, and consideration could be given to piping the tributary of Ambcrlea Creek through the Quadrant, if a downstream stormwater management pond were constructed. Staff arranged a meeting with the landowners in October 2001 at which a revised set of urban design and land use principles were identified for the Northeast Quadrant, and the results of the transportation and environmental studies were discussed. This inlbnnation was then presented at a public meeting, held on October 30, 2001. A design workshop was subsequently held on November 24, 2001, with both area residents and landowners attending. Ememing Conclusions Although the review is not yet complete, staff have reached primary conclusions on the major principles of the review. It is appropriate to apply the decisions reached at this time for the Wood, Carroll property without prejudicing the results of the remainder of the review of the Northeast Quadrant. The pr/mary conclusions reached, to date, as they affect the Wood, Carroll properties, are that: · Residential uses are not required on the north end of the property; · A public lane, of 10 metres in width, is required at the north end of the property; · Retail/commercial/office uses are appropriate on the south part of the site provided they contribute to the City's 'mainstreet' objectives of higher intensity and mixing of uses through the provision of 33% of the gross floor area in second storey floorspace, and a minimum building height of two-storeys; and, · Detached dwellings to the north should be well buffered from commercial buildings to be constructed on this property. Commercial buildings should be separated from the residential yards by privacy fences, landscaped open space with preserved existing vegetation and parking areas. Draft Amendment #1 to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines A Site Specific Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines for the Wood, Carroll site is recommended for Council adoption to provide direction for subsequent site plan approvals for this property. This amendment ~vill not prejudice future decisions respecting detailed guidelines for other properties within the Quadrant. The recommended guidelines implement the following objectives: · Permit commercial land uses on the entire site; · Require access for pedestrians and traffic through the north part of the property by a public lane, of 10 metres in width with a sidewalk provided on private property; · Traffic access to Kingston Road be provided at the west edge of the property to serve as a joint access to this property and the abutting property to the west; REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: January 21, 2002 Subject: Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 Page 8 3.5 3.5.1 · No structures be permitted within l t) metres of thc Amberlea Creek tributary; · A nfinimum 3.0 metre landscape buI'I~t' strip be required betxveen development on this property and rear yards of abutting Iow dens~tx residential dwellings to screen the yards tkom parking, loading and btlildings, protect them from noise, light and provide privacy: No buildings or structures be perlnitted on thc subject lands noNh of thc public lane; The Kingston Road frontage be urbanized and landscaped, including a sidewalk; Rooftop mechanical equipment be screened from view, restaurants be required to install high-efficiency odour-control equipment, significant existing trees be preserved at thc north end of thc property, and refi~se storage be provided inside buildin-s Staff is recommending that Council adopt tlqe site specific amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines contained in .Appendix I to Report PD 08-02. Outstanding Issues Land Use Issues Staff concurs with tine applicant's interest in deleting residential uses for the north part of the site and permitting retail conamorcial office uses on the entire site in accordance with the Official Plan designations in ibrcc on the subject lands. Thc Northeast Quadrant Dcx clopmcnt Guidelines envisioned medium density use of the internal portion of the subject lands, centred around an internal ring road with an interior linear park and commercial retail uses on the Kingston Road fl'enrage (sec Attachment=4a Northeast Quadrant Site Plan). The intensity and density of development within tl~e site was ~o bc oi' a moderate to high intensity with required residential density of 50 dxvcllin~s per hectare and commercial uses with required floor space indices of O,S locmcd in ~ storey buildings. The applicant's original submission failed to include a public road, a park or the in~ensi~y and density of development contemplated by the Nonheas~ Qua&am Development Guidelines. The revised concept tbr the Northeast Quadrant recommended by staff', is for retail/commercial/office uses fronting Kingston Road and thc southern two-thirds of the Whites Road frontage lands with residential uses on properties with Ikontagc on Sheppard Avenue. The Quadrant should have an internal road to provide access to t~o signalized intersections at Delta Boulevard Kingston Road and the Highway 401 ramp /Kingston Road. Although this will produce a small parcel nortt~ of the public road in the Wood, Ca,ell properties in the staff recommended concept, on which no buildings would be located, parking associated with the retail commercial uses would be pc~itted. With the recommended Guideline amendment, tile applicant's deletion of residential uses is supportable. The only further land use restrictions stalT is recommending relate to restaurants and vehicle rental establishments. It is recommended to restrict the gross leasable floor area of restaurants within the retail commercial zone Ibr thc Wood, Carroll property to 900 square metres, so as to not allow domination of the area by one use. It is also recommended that vehicle rental establishments not be permitted within the Quadrant. Although vehicle rental ofrices will still be a permitted use under the definition of "business office", possible vehicle repair and car xx ash activities and the display/storage of' large numbers of vehicles Ibr rent is not considered compatible with the mix of retail and high quality uses desired for the Northeast Qc~adrant. Intensity of Development StafI'does not support tile low intensity of conamercial uses proposed by thc applicant on tile \Vood, Carroll property (lc: all one storey structures, FSI of approxiI'nately 0.17). REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: January 21,2002 Subject: Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 Page 9 The Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines contemplated development of the Quadrant at a high intensity mixed use development ~vith Floor Space Indices of 0.5 plus residential development that could have been expected to produce a further floor space index increment of approximately 0.5 in buildings of 5 to 7 storeys and predominantly underground parking. The Mixed Corridor official plan designation permitted development up to and including 2.5 FSI while an associated policy encouraged intensification, over time, up to the maximum floorspace indices. The Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines prescribed low to mid-rise buildings on the north side of Kingston Road with the minimum building height being 2-storeys for the Whites Road Corridor Precinct. The staff preferred concept accepts a lower intensity through elimination of residential uses and replaces the mix contemplated with a higher intensity of retail/commercial uses (with 33% of gross floor area in second storey space). The staff preferred concept generally shows how this can be accomplished while still meeting appropriate parking standards (see Attachment #4b). The proposed implementing by-law contains a provision requiring 33% of the gross floor area to be located in second storeys. The objective of achieving two storey massing/appearance of buildings close to Kingston Road implements the design objective for the Kingston Road corridor and the Northeast Quadrant of a more intimate pedestrian-friendly streetscape for Pickering's 'mainstreet' through the Northeast Quadrant. Inclusion of the second storey functional floorspace can be expected to attract uses such as offices, adding variety to the mix of uses and times of activity in the Quadrant, one of the primary objectives of the City for its 'mainstreet', Kingston Road, and for the Northeast Quadrant. To eliminate second storey space as desired by the applicant would undemfine these 'mainstreet' obj ectivcs. Internal Public Lane Staff does not support the applicant's proposal to exchange rights-of-way in lieu of an internal public lane. The Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines (see Attachment #4a) contemplated an internal ring road, with an interior linear park as a focus for a residential component, and to provide access movements within the Northeast Quadrant. There are funds available to assist with the construction of this road as it was identified as a Development Charge project. Staff continue to recommend an internal east-west public lane (10 metre wide right-of-way), through the north end of the subject site to provide co-ordinated internal movement between sites, to allow orderly development of the Quadrant. to reduce congestion on Kingston Road and to provide for future intensification through redevelopment over time. The public lane is to provide access to signalized intersections at Delta Boulevard and the Highway 401 ramp intersections at Kingston Road. The Ministry of Transportation has stated that a public road is required in order to permit access from the Dunbarton school site to the Highway 401 ramp intersection and that access to the public road should be limited to ensure that free fio~v of vehicles can be maintained. The applicant's original submission failed to provide a public ring road. The revised submission and the applicant's verbal comments indicate a willingness to exchange rights-of-way through the north part of the site. The City prefers a public lane to the rights-of-way because the City can guarantee maintenance and repair, obtain routes for sewers and streetlights and guarantee no future owner can stop the right-of-way. A public lane meets the MTO objective for a ~public road'. REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: January 21, 2002 Subject: Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22.00 Page 10 3.5.4 3.5.5 A requirement for a public lane would bc implemented through imposition of a Holding Provision for these lands in tile by-law. The provision would require the owner to enter into a financially secured development a?'eelnent requiring construction and conveyance oi'a public lane to thc City's satis/~ction bolero removal oI'thc Holding Provision. In tile event tile OMB does not impose a requirement Ibr a public lane, linc City would be requesting that a Holding Provis~on be in tile by-law to address this issue. The Holding Provision v, ould require the oxvner to enter into an appropriate sitcdevelopment agreement creating rights-of-ways over traffic aisles, through tiao appropriate land severance process, and conveying such rights-oI'-xx ays to tile. City. with the understanding that the City may further convey sucln rights-oi'-xxays to abutting land owners at a future time. Kino_ston Road Vehicular Access Location Staff recommends that vehicular access to tile property be located at thc west edge of the site as no,,',' proposed by the applicant. This location complies xxittn the Northeast Quadrant Development Guideline that identified access adjacent to the McConachie property to tile west of tile subject lands, opposite tile current access to thc Borer Picketing Holdings propei-ties on the south side of Kingston P, oad. Tiao original Haves Line Properties Inc. application showed the access in thc center of tile site, xxlailc tile revised application shoxxs it at the west edge of' the property. This is also tile location Ibr tile access point that 122ccts tiao requirement of tile Regional Works DcparUlacnt. Tiao Regional Works Department will require tho applicant to construct a deceleration lane to this access point, x;'tnich will require paniat reconstruction of thc Kingston Road frontage. Thc applicant will be required to recognize that left tums onto and off Kingston Road at this point may be controlled by the Region in the future, at the Region's discretion. Ttnis will permit ttno Region to construct a center median on Kingston Road to prevent left tums across Kingston Road or other means of controlling such tums, at tho applicam's expense. Thc Region will also require the applicant to provide securities to pay for such construction in tile future, slnould it be required. The Region will also require tile applicant to provide access across tile north part of the property to connect to the abutting property to the east (Dunbarton sctnool site). In addition, in order to reduce the number of access points along this pm1 of Kingston Road, Regional Works will require tine oxvner oC tiao abutting westerly property to agree that no further access from Kingston Road v, ill be permitted onto those westerly lands. The requirements respecting tiao access location and related provisions noted above would also be innplemented througln a Holding Proxision for tlnesc lands in the by-law. The provision would require the ov,'ner to enter into a development agreement to the City's satisfaction before removal of tine Holding Provision. Amberlea Creek Tributarz¢ The original Northeast Quadrant Development ©uidelines did not contemplate an open ctnannel for this stream. Tile Schollen report on thc feasibility of piping the creek has concluded that a net enviromncntal benefit wilt result /'rom construction of a stormwater pond norttn of Highv, ay 4{)1, and could allow consideration et'piping tile tributary. Until a decision is reactned on the matter of tile stormwater pond facility, tile creek channel may remain open /:'or a period of time. This will require imposition of TRCA's normal requirement for a l()-metrc buff'er zone betxvecn dexelopment and the stream corridor. Recently, TRCA staff tmxc suggested that open space zoning is not necessa~' for the buffer provided no structures arc buih xvittn/n tiao buiTcr. N o REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: Januao' 21, 2002 Subject: Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 Page 11 3.5.6 3.5.7 This requirement is proposed to be addressed by careful delineation of the building envelope in the By-law that xvould ensure implementation at the site plan approval stage. Stormwater Treatment Staff recommend that the applicant contribute to the downstream stormwater management efforts as well as constructing on-site controls, if construction of the proposed development on the subject lands precedes a downstream solution. As a result of the Schollen Report on the Amberlea Creek tributars,, the potential for a downstream Amberlea stormwater quantity/quality control facility is being investigated. In the event the development of the Wood, Carroll property precedes construction of the Amberlea pond, landowners within the Northeast Quadrant will be required to contribute to the downstream stormwater control works and provide on-site treatment. On-site stormwater treatment is to be implemented through future site plan approval. Contribution to a downstream facility is to be implemented by the imposition of a condition for removal of the Holding Provision in the zoning requiring cost sharing according to a formula to be set out in a development agreement based on the land area and increased run-off co-efficient. Other Design Matters Staff recommend various design matters be addressed in a site specific amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines for the Wood, Carroll property, through site plan approval, or through specific provisions recommended to be contained in the amending Zoning By-law. Such matters include: · Minimum amount of functional 2nd storey floor area, with remaining buildings having a minimum 2 storey facade (dealt with in proposed Zoning By-law); · A maximum of one row of parking be permitted plus a drive aisle between the front wall of buildings and Kingston Road (dealt with in proposed site specific guideline amendment); · A minimum set-back and maximum building height where commercial buildings abut existing residential lots (to be dealt with in proposed Zoning By-law); · Privacy fences be required to be constructed by the applicant along the lot lines of all existing dwellings where desired (to be dealt with in proposed site specific guideline amendment); · A build-to-zone be imposed to require 40% of the Kingston Road frontage lands to be occupied by building walls within 18 metres of the Kingston Road right-of-way (to be dealt with in proposed Zoning By-law); · All roof-top mechanical equipment be screened from view from Kingston Road and existing residential dwellings (to be dealt with in the site specific amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines); · High quality building materials be required for all building facades (to be dealt with through the site specific guideline amendment and site plan agreement); · Drive-through stacking preferred at rear of buildings with specified minimum stacking spaces (to be dealt with in the site speci tic guideline amendment); · Restaurants be required to install odour control devices at building pemfit/construction stage (to be dealt with in the site specific guideline amendment); · High level pedestrian permeability and connections through the site to the public lane and connected to the abutting commercial sites (to be dealt with in the site plan agreement); · Sidewalk required on the south side of the public lane on private property built to the satisfaction of the City (to be dealt with in site plan agreement). REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: Subject: Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Anlel~dment Application A 22/00 January 21,2002 Page 12 3.5.8 Stud.v Costs 3.5.9 Staff recommends Council re-aflSrm the requirement that applicants pay a proportionate share o£the study costs bclbrc zoning is approxed for each site. It is recommended that this be a requirement prior to remoxal of thc Holding s,,mbol from the proposed zoning for tile subject lands. Council previously required cost sharin5 xvitt~ benefiting landowners developers contributing at least 30~o of the approved inaxill~Ui21 of S~(} 000. Some additional work has been required, increasing costs. It is recommended that Council re-affirm thc requirement ibr bencfitin*,= landoxvncrs to pay. costs in excess of $25,000 (the City's share). Should these costs not be paid in 2( ~)2 thc costs should be indexed to the Southam Construction index. Zonin.%~B-law Provisions Staff rccolnmends that Council endorse, ill principle, tiao lwox isions of the Zoning By-law amendment in Appendix Ii to Report Number PD I)S-!)2. that staff be authorized to present Council's endorsement in principle at tlao scheduled OMB hearing, and further authorize staff to make adjustments to the Bv-laxx as technical issues are finalized. Land uses proposed by the applicant for tho subject lands include a range of retail, commercial and office uses. including restaurants and vehicle rental establishments. Thc staff proposed Bv-laxx restricts restaurant uses to 9{){} square metres of floor space and removes vdaiclc rental establishments I]-ona tiao list of permitted uses as they are already permitted in a limited ibnn as business oI'IScos. The proposed amending Bv-laxx pi-oxides that buildings only be pemlitted within tile building envelope located south of a proposed public lane, xxith parking pemfitted north of the lane. The proposed By-law provides that buildings be located with at least 40% of a build-to-zone along the Kingston Road fl'enrage occupied by an exterior wall of a building. The By-law further provides that not less than 33% of the gross floor area of buildings to be constructed on the subject lands be provided in second storey space and that second storey space be built as part of the first phase of development on the subject lands, should development on this site be phased. 'File By-law also provides for a nfinimum building height of ~.5 metres and a maxiinum height of' 12.0 metres. The proposed Zoning By-lay, amendment should include }tolding Provisions that can be remoxed once specified conditions are met by tile applicant. Conditions proposed include: * Pa~nent of a propo~ionate share of the Northeast Quadrant Review study costs; Execution of appropriate Site Plan and Dex'clopn~cnt Agreements with the City to: o Construct and convey to thc City, a public road across the north po~ion of the subject lands (including tiao proxision of financial securities for the construction of tho road ): o contribute towards doxvnstream stormxx atcr manacemcint t~cilitics; o provide tbr stonmvatcr management on tine subject lands: o construct a deceleration lane on Kingston Road and urbanize the boulevard tkonting Kingston Road ~including installation o/' stom~ sewers, curb and gutter, sidewalks and landscaping): o include clauses required bvthc Region: , warning that fine Region reserxes tine fight to install a central median on Kingston Road at such time in the future that the Region considers it is wan-anted lbr sat~tx or efficiency of traffic: and satisfactory evidence that a~angemcnts have been made with the ox~ner of the property to the west have the rig}nt to use thc access along thc west side of thc Wood Ca~oll property, and to Ibrc? i[~xher access points to Kingston Road. 014 REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: Subject: Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 January21,2002 Page 13 4.0 A_.p_.plicant's Comments The applicant has been provided a draft copy of this Report, and advises as follows; · The applicant is prepared to provide an easement across the property to provide the same traffic function as a road, but considers that a public lane is not necessary; · The applicant is prepared to accept two storey massing for buildings, but not second storey functional space; · Tile applicant is prepared to accept a joint access to Kingston Road at the west edge of the property; · The applicant is prepared to accept a requirement that 25% of the front walls of buildings be located within a build-to-zone, as was the City requirement in the by-law for the Steeple Hill development; · The applicant is prepared to contribute towards the Northeast Quadrant Review study costs, downstream and on-site stormwater costs and the urbanization of the Kingston Road frontage, but not through a holding provision in the zoning by-law amendment, as tile City has authority to require these costs to be paid under a Site Plan Agreement; and lastly, · The applicant is prepared to accept a limitation of in the permitted gross leasable floor area of restaurants but at a higher level than set out in the report. APPENDICES: I Draft Amendment to the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines II Draft Amendment to Zoning By-law 3036 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Property Location Map 2. Applicant's Original Concept 3. Applicant's Revised Concept 4a. Northeast Quadrant Site Plan 4b. Staff Prepared Concept 5. Inlbrmation Report No. 23-00 0. Minutes of Public Information Meeting 7. J., C. and R. McConachie Comments 8. Mike DubroyComments 9. Normand and Rita Dufresne Comments 10. Durham District School Board Comments 11. Veridian Corporation Comments 12. Canada Post Comments 13. CN Rail Comments 14. Region of Durham Planning Department Comments 15. Region of Durham Works Department Comments 16. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Comments 17. Ministry of Transportation Comments REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 Date: Subject: Amendment to the Norlheast Quadrant Development Guidelines Zoning By-law Amendment ,Application ~A "'~ January 21, 2002 Page 14 Prepared By: Stove Gaunt, NICIP. RPP Planner Il :\pproved Endorsed by: Dh'octet. Planmn~ &: Developn~e- ' -- - ' nt (`atherinc Rose Manager, Policy SXG CLR sm ~ttachments C'hiet'Adnqinistratixe OI'I~c'or Solicitor For thc ('itu Recommended tbr the consideration of Pickeringi City Counci ~ - ] APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 DRAFT AMENDMENT I TO THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES 017 AMENDMENT 1 TO NORTHEAST QUADRANT DE\'ELOPMENT GUIDELINES To implement the primary conclusions to-date of thc Rcx'iex~ of' the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, as they at'l~ct thc Wood, Catxoll properties, it is recommended that Council adopt tiao following site spec/Ibc Amendment re tho Nomheast Quadrant Development Guidelines: Bxoken ~5'on; Concession, /~>c~::cd ~:: --,s ~mt -9() K:ng.s'~on Road, su[?ject ~o Zoning guidelines: 1) Land Uses /and uses .~/:~:// 3c in arx';u'~/~zJ~c'c xzrh ;he applicable de.s'igm:;io/~.s' within the Pic)'cJ'iJ:.~ (~l]ficia/ PAz~i. 2) Internal Public Lane Nor~hcas~ Ou~dx~:~:~ .s'h~:// he l.'ovided /x ~ puhlic~y owned and maintained lane, crossing lite ~toJ';/; /;~J'z q/ the propcr(~', q/ a/¥~roxintaw~v 10 metres in width, gencxu/{¥ conxis;in2 q/ ~ 1.0 metre nomh hou/c;'urd. 6'.5 metre pavement, including 3) Kingston Road.qccexs .Icc'csx ~o King.s¥on Roud should bc /~'ox'idcd a; ~hc u'cx~ cd~c q/'~he /~ro/)crO' in order ;o /~rovide a co-ordinu~ed ucc:ess ~ui;h ~he ~'cs;er/x' abutting property and co-ordinated nwa IllOVCI)lc'tl[S onto thc/~F~/~eFO' OH l/lC soltZh side qf Kingston Road, sub/ecl to approval bx' ,517'0 und the Regi~m et'Durham. 4) Condition Abutting Creek No buildings or struc;m'cx shall be permiz;u~t ',~z;hu~ / t) mc;rc.s ql:zhc stream corridor of the Amberlea Creek wzbutary. If possi3A', :/u,~ ~:rca ~!/ucenr ~o ~hc tv'tek should he hmdscaped in a manner tha! is sensitive [~ ;/:c m:tu/'~:/ /~/'oc'cs.~'cx q/';hc xweam, un/ess ~he stream is piped. 5) Conditions abutting existing low density residential In order to foster compatibiliO' he;seen e.¥is;ing leu' density residential dwellings to ureu shall be /.'ovidcd ~:l~m,g ;ho xc~:x ~:mt .~:~A' l~); lz~c'.s' ;h~:; uhzn low dens/O, t~rix'aO', AnX light sout'cc'5 un ibc/~ro/>c~'O' sh~:/l 3c q/un rg~propriate intensity and shall be directed a;t'uv Ir<mi ;ho J'cc:r ,.',:/'~[s c;/' uhutting low dens/O, residential dx'e/lings. 6) No buildings north of road 018 -2- 7) Kingston Road Boulevard Improvements In conjunction with the required construction of a deceleration lane, the Kingston Road frontage shall be urbanized and lan&caped by the applicant including a sidewalk. 8) Rooftop Equipment In all cases, roefiop mechanical equipment is to be screened from view from the public roa& and the rear yards of abutting residential areas. 9) Odour Control Any restaurants or other food preparation facilities shall be required to install high efficienqv odour control mechanisms, approved b); the C/0' of Picketing, at the construction stage. Requirements for such odour comrol mechanisms shal! bc ad&'essed at the time of building permit review. 10) Protection of Significant Trees at uorth end of property Significant trees at the north end of the property should be presem,ed, if possible. A tree presem'ation plan shall be submitted by the applicrmtfor approval by the CRv. 11) Refuse storage/garbage Refi~se storage s/udl be pro~*idcd within fully enclosed and roofed strucu,'es, preferabl, v locawd internally u'iHlhl commercial buihtings. 12) Location of Buildings Buildings define the edges of public streets b.r their location, size, and also by their quality and articulation. Buildings shall be located as close to the street edge as is reasonably possible with their .front walls occupying at least 40% of the entire length of a build-to-zone set 18 metres north Of the property line along Kingston Road. In order to encourage a reLY of d!f.~,rent types of commercial uses (retail, personal service, office and financial uses, among others) within the Quadrant, a minimum of 33~ of the gross floor area to ho constructed on this properO' shall be provided in second storeys of buildings uith t'ront walls locater/within the build-to-zone. In order to enclose and define thc streets and public lanes, all buildings shall be a minimum of m, o storeys (6.5m) in t~ctght. Buildings shall be constructed .fi'om high qualiO' materials, shall include a high degree of architectural detailing and will provide at a minimum, a 50% proportion qf glazing on the facades facing the public streets or lanes. Entry doors facing Kingston Road, regardless of whether these are the main entry points or not, will be required. 13) Parking Parking ma.l; be provided in surface parking lots', provided they are set back at least 3 metres from existing low density residential dwellings. 14) Drive-thru facilities Drive-thru facilities are permitted provided tho, are not located between the front wall of buildings and Kingston Road. For restaurants, drive-thru facilities shall provide for a mini~num of 8 automobile stacking spaces before the order board and a minimum of 4 automobile stacking spaces between the order board and the pick-up window(s). ~!.1 APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER PD 08-02 9 DRAFT ASIENDSIENT TO ZONING BS'-LAX~' 3036 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERiNG BY-LAW NO. ~ ~'I~ Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Z~I~}5' Bv-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Picketing District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, City of Pickering. (A 22/00) WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board deems it desirable to permit the development of retail commercial uses including a bakery, business office, club, commercial club, place of amusement, day nursery, dry cleaning depot, financial institution, personal service shop, place of assembly, professional office, restaurant and retail store uses in Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: SCHEDULES I and II Schedules I and ii attached to this By-law with notation and references shown thereon is hereby declared to be part of this By-law. AREA RESTRICTED The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, in the City of Pickering, designated "MU-13" on Schedule 1 attached hereto. GENERAL PROVISIONS No building, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used. occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 4. DEFINITIONS In this By-law, (1) "Adult Entertainment Parlour" shall mean a building or part of a building in which is provided, in pursuance of a trade, calling, business or occupation, services appealing to or designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations; (2) "Bakery" shall mean a building or part of a building in which food products arc baked, prepared and offered for retail sale, or in which food products baked and prepared elsewhere are offered for retail sale; (3) "Business Offices" shall mean a building or part of a building in which the management of direction of business, a public or private agency, a brokerage or a labour or fraternal organization is carried on and which may include a telegraph office, a date processing establishment, a newspaper publishing office, the premises of a real estate or insurance agent, or a radio or television broadcasting station and related studios or theaters but shall not include a retail store; -2- I!2i (4) (6) (7) (8) (10) (11) (12) 13) 14) (16) "Club" shall mean a building or part of a building in which a not-for-profit or non-commercial organization carries out social, cultural, welfare, athletic or recreational programs for the benefit of the community; "Commercial Club" shall mcau an athletic or recreational club operated tbr:~,ain or profit and haxing public or prix ate membership, but shall not include an aduh entertainment parlour as defined heroin: "Da',' Nursery" shall mean lands and premises duh' licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Day Nurseries Act. or any successor thereto, fl0r use as a facility for the daytime care of children: "Dr',' Clcanin~ Dep?f' shall mcau a buildin~ or part of a buildin,,= used lbr tiao purest of receiving articles, goods, or ffibrics to be subjected to dry cleaning and related processes clscxxherc, and of distributing anicle, goods or Ihbrics which have been subject to any such processes: "Financial Institution- shall mean a building or part of a building in which money is deposited, kept. lent or exchanged, and which max include drive-through fi~cilities; "Gross Leasable Floor At-ca" shall mcan thc aggregate of the floor areas of all storeys above or below established grade designed Ibr oxviTcr or tenant occupancy OI' exclusive use only, but excluding storage.areas bcloxx established grade; "Lot Cox'era~e" shall mean the per,enrage of lot area covered by all building in the lot; "Personal Scrxicc ShoE" shall mcan an establishment in which a personal se~ice is pcribnncd and xvhici~ max include a barber shop. a beauty salon, a shoe repair shop, a tailor or a dressmaking shop or a photographic studio, but shall not include a bodx-rub parlour as defined in section 224 (9){b) of the Nlunicipal Act, R.S.O. 1990. Chapter N1.45, as amended Ikom time-to-time, or any successor thereto; "Place of Amusement or Entertaiim~ent" shall mean a building or part of a building in which facilities arc provided lbr amusement or entertainment purposes, and which may include a billiard or pool room. a dance hall, a music ball, or theatre, but stnall not include a games arcade; "Place of Assembh:' shall mean a building or part of a building in which facilities are provided tbr civic, educational, political, recreational, religious or social meetings purposes and may include facilities Ibr entertainment purposes such as musical or theatrical pcrlbm~ances, but shall not include a place of amusement or entertainment, or games arcade as defined herein: "Professional Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which medical, legal or other proI~ssional services are pcrtbrmed or consultation given, and which may include a clinic, thc off]cc of an architect, a chartered accountant, an engineer, a lawxet' or a physician but shall not include u body rub parlour as defined in section 224 (9)ih) of the Nlunicipal Act. R.S.O. 1990. chapter M.45, as amended from time to time or any successor thereto: "Restaurant Type F" shall mean a building or part of a buildinM xxhcre food is prepared and offered or kept tbr retail sale to the public for immediate consumption on the premises or off thc premises, or both on and off the premises and whicln may include a drive-through order and pick-up serx'icc: "Retail Store" shall mean a building or pan of a building in which goods, ~vares, lnerchandise, substances, articles or thin-s= arc stored, kept and offered for retail sale to tho public; f)22 -3- PROVISIONS (1) Uses Permitted "MU- 13" Zone No person shall, within the lands zoned "MU-13" on Schedule I attached to this By-law, use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (a) bakery. (b) business office (c) club (d) commercial club (e) day nursery (t) dry. cleaning depot (g) financial institution (h) personal service shop (i) place of amusement and entertainment (j) place of assembly (k) professional office (1) restaurant type F (m) retail store (2) Zone Requirements "MU-13" Zone No person shall within lands zoned "MU-lY' on Schedule I attached hereto use any lot or erect, alter or use any building except in accordance with thc Ibllowing provisions: (a) BUILDING RESTRICTIONS (i) Building Location and Setbacks: Buildings and Structures shall be located entirely within the Building Envelope illustrated on Schedule Ii attached to this By-law; (ii) For the purpose of this clause, the building envelope and build-to-zone shown on Schedule II attached hereto shall be measured from the property lines; (iii) No building or portion of a building or structure shall be erected within the building envelope shown on Schedule II attached hereto, unless 40% of the entire length of the build-to-zone adjacent to Kingston Road is occupied by a continuous portion of the exterior wall of the building containing the building interior, or the approved Site Plan identifies this provision will be met through phased development; (iv) Functional Floor Area: A minimum of 33% of the total gross floor area of all buildings constructed on the lands zoned MU-13 on Schedule I attached to this By-law. shall be provided within functional floor area above the ground floor area; (v) Despite clause (2)(b)(iv) above, where development of the lands zoned MU-13 on Schedule I attached to this By-law is phased, a minimum of 33% of the total gross floor area of all buildings constructed in the first phase of development shall be provided within functional floor area above the ground floor area; (vi) Building Height: minimum 6.5 metres maximum 12.0 metres -4- 9 PARKING REQUIRE?,]ENTS (ii) (iii) (ix') A minimLuaa of 4.5 parking spaces shall be provided and maintained on lands zoned N1L'-13 on Schedule I attached to this Bv-Iaxv lbr excrv 1()() square metres of gross leasable floor area or part thcrco Clauses 5.21.2(a).(b).(c) and (e) inclusive, of By-law 3036, as amended, shall not apply to tho lands zoned "MU-lY' on Schedule [ attached hereto; Despite Clauses 5 .,1.2(5~ alqd 4.21.2(k) of By-law 0006, as amended, all entrances and exits to parking areas and all parking areas shall be smTacod xxithx brick, asphalt, or concrete or anx combination thereof: All parking spaces shall bo set back a minimuna of 3.0 metres from thc boundarx of lands zoned NIL'-I x on Schedule 1 attached to this Bv-laxv: SPECIAL REGULATIONS (i) Thc maximum combined gross leasable floor area for all restaurants on thc lands zoned MU-13 on Schedule I attached to this Bx-lax~ shall be 9()I~ sqttarc metres. (3) Holding Provisions ("( [t )" Holding Svmbol t fa) USES PERNIITTED While tine "tH)" tnolding symbol is in placc, no person stnall, on tiao lands designated "NIU-1 x" oi7 Schedule I attached to this By-law. use tine lands lbr any pu~osc othei' than one detached dxx ellim,= and accessory, uses; REMOV:\I. OF THE "H" HOI~DING SYTxlBOI_ Prior to an amendment to remox e tile "(H )" Holding Sxmbol preceding the zone category "MU-lY', the folloxvin~, conditions shall be met: (i) The oxvner has paid its proportionate share of the Northeast Quadrant Review study costs; and (ii) The owner has exccutcd appropriate Site Plan and Development Agreements, with and to thc satisfaction of tiao City, and such Agreements have been registered on title to the lands, to address the lblloxx ins matters: B construction and convex'once to tile City, of a public lane across tile north portion of thc subject lands (including the proxision of financial securities tbr the construction of the lane): contribution toxxards doxvnstrcam stonnwatcr management I'acilitios: proxision ibr stonnxx atcr management on the subject lands; construction of a deceleration lane on Kingston Road and urbanization of tho boulevard fronting Kingston Road (including installation of storm scxxcrs, curb and gutter, sidewalks and landscaping): and. 02/1 E -5- inclusion of the requirements of the Region of Durham, including: I a clause ~vaming that the Region reserves the right to install a central median on Kingston Road at such time in the future that the Region considers it is warranted for safety or efficiency of traffic: and II a clause requiring provision bv the owner of satisfactory evidence that the owner has made appropriate arrangements with the owner of the property to the west, to provide that property xvith vehicular access across the west limit of the lands zoned ~'MU-13" to connect to Kingston Road, and that the owner of the property to the west agrees to forego further access points to Kingston Road. 6. BY-LAW 3036 By-law 3036 is hereby amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specially dealt with by the By-law shall be governed by the relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof, subject to the approval of thc Ontario Municipal Board, if required. AS MADE BY THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD, this day~ ,2002. 025 (H)MU-13 SCHEDULE T TO BY-LAW AS MADE BY ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOA~R~x ORDER DATE (O.M.B. FILE Z010070) / / / / ! ! / / / / I I I / / / / (H) U-13 BUILD -TO-ZONE BUILDING ENVELOPE SCHEDULE TI' TO BY-LAW AS MADE BY ~.~ ONTARIO MUNICIP/~_~O.· ARD ORDER DATE (O.M.B. FILE Z010070) ATTACHMENT I ~.~._,~T0 REPORT ~' PD ©~,- (' ~' CRESCENT CHIRON CRESCENT I: ARCADIA SQUARE LANE WOODRUFF o VOYAGER HEDGEROW SHEPRARD RAINY DAY AVENUE I DUNFAIR ST AVENUE EDGEWOOD JACQUELINE WELRUS STREET ROAD ~ SUBJE~CT AVENUE ROAD STEEPLE HILL &O~ Oity of Picketing BREDA AVENUE MORETTA AVENUF Planning & Development Department DATE JAN. 21,2002 ,,TO .CONCEPT PLAN RD. FIRE ROUTE 6' HIGH SOl WOOD FENCE. TOR'S PARKING ; RD. 778--790 KINGSTON RD. RESTAURAUNT 6500 .PROJECTj~9955 _MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT A - 18 two storey ]ownhouses Each floor 15.75x40=650 Total gr.floor area 18x630=11300 B - COMMERCIAL Floor Area 17 500 (1625.75 sq. m~ Parking Required 82 cars 5 cars/lO0 sq m Parking Provided 89 cars SK -- 13(a) Scale: 1" = 40' Date': April 25, 2000 Revised: May 1, 2000 RECEIVED JUN 2 2000 CITY OF PICKERING , TO O29 Applicant's Revised Concept Plan Zoning By-law .~ncndmcnt Application A 22 Wood. Carroll et al (Hayes Line Prooerties Inc, O3O ATTACHMEI~'I' # ~ TO S T A F F PREPARED CONCEPT TWO 5TORY MASS]:NG FUNCTZONAL SECOND FLOOR Sll'E STATISTICS (}round Floor G.F.A. Second Floor G.F.A. 'I oral G.F.A. Parking Required 4.5 100 Sq. M 1,0SS Sct. ~i 740 Sq. M ~S Sct. M Parking Prox ided 114 Wood, Carroll Et Al. (Hayes Line Prol)erties Inc.) OqO /~TTACHMEIklT # ,2 TO REPOR'I' # PD fi",_'~q - ~ ~q, oF PIQ~, INFORMATION REPORT NO. 23-00 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF August 10, 2000 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 Wood, Carroll et al. Part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. (778-790 Kingston Road, east of Whites Road) City of Pickering 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - subject lands consist of two properties totaling an area of 0.97 hectares; - the lands are located on the north side of Kingston Road, east of Whites Road (see Attaclnnent # 1 - Location Map); - a detached home is located on the western portion of the subject lands; - surrounding land uses include the former Dunbarton School to the east, low density residential development to the north, and commercial development to the south and west. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL Hayes Line Properties Inc. has submitted the application on behalf of the current owners - Wood, Can'oll et al.; Hayes Line Properties Inc. has an agreement to purchase the two properties; the proposed development includes retail/commercial and restaurant uses along the Kingston Road frontage, and townhouses along the northern portion of the site (see Attachment #2 - Concept Plan); the commercial development would include approximately 1,625 square metres of' floorspace; the Concept Plan appears to identify two single-storey buildings with drive-through facilities; the residential component consists of 18 two-storey townhouse units that are approximately 4.8 metres wide; the Concept Plan identifies an access point to Kingston Road near the mid-point of the site to serve the proposed commercial development; for the proposed residential development, the Concept Plan identifies an access point to a future public "ring road", conceptually illustrated on lands to the west of the subject lands. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Living Area", which permits a broad range of residential, commercial, recreational, and institutional uses; - the applicant's proposal appears to comply with this designation; - Kingston Road (which is under Regional jurisdiction), is designated as a Type B Arterial; such a designation indicates the road is designed to accommodate moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds; Information Report No. 23-00 g, TTAOHf?,[:UT ¢ 5 TO Page 2 3.2 Picketing Official Plan Schedule I of the Picketing Official Plan - "Land Use Structure", designates the southern portion of sutsiect lands as "Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors" which permits a broad range of residential, commercial, recreational, and institutional uses; the northern portion of the subject lands are designated as "Urban Residential Areas- Medium Density" which permits residential development of greater than 30 units per hectare up to and including 80 units per hectare; thc townhouse block is located within this designation; in considering whether to zone for one or more of the uses noted above, Council shall apply appropriate perfornlance standards, restrictions and provisions; tile density of tile townhouse block is approximately 45 units per hectare, which complies with tile Official Plan's density provisions; section 15.14 of the Plan states that fbr proposed retail/commercial development of less than 2,500 square metres, Council may require the submission of a Retail Impact Study to justify the proposed floorspace; the subject lands are within tine Woodlands Neighbourhood; Map 16 of the Official Plan identifies a proposed park in the general vicinity of the subject lands; Schedule II - "Transportation Schedule", designates Kingston Road as a Type B Arterial, with a Transit Spine; such a designation indicates the road is designed to accommodate moderate volumes of'traffic at moderate speeds, and that a higher level of transit service is expected to be offered along Kingston Road; Schedule III -"Resource Management", identifies that a "Shoreline and Stream Corridor" may be located within 50 metros of tile suk\ject lands; this designation recognizes that certain lands generally associated with water bodies and stream corridors may feature hazards such as flooding, erosion, and slope instability; tile nearby presence of a watercourse may require the submission of an Environmental Report; 3.3 Com. pendium Document to the Official Plan section 11.2(e) of tile Official Plan states that development proposals must comply with any applicable Council-adopted Development Guideline; tile subject lands are affected by the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, and the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines; tile Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines were adopted by Council in 1990; the Guidelines establish a vision tbr future development of lands in tile general vicinity of the north-east corner o1' Kingston Road and Whites Road (see Attachment #3 -Final Urban Design Configuration); generally, the Guidelines envision a medium-density residential neighbourhood oriented around a public "ring road" that features a public park along its centre; multi-storey commercial buildings are intended to frame Kingston Road and provide a transition between the street activity and residential areas; it is anticipated that underground parking will be necessary in order to accommodate the intensity of development and provision of park space supported by tile Guidelines; regarding tile subject lands, approximately 40 residential units and 5,300 square metres of commercial floorspace are anticipated; additionally, the Guidelines depict: · a 5-storey building mass oriented along thc south and east edges of the subject lands; · the presence cfa public "ring road" to provide access to tile north portion of the subject lands, which connects with lands to the west: · access to Kingston Road is shared between tile subject lands and the westerly abutting property; · park space is located within and to the north of the "ring road"; the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines were adopted by Conncil in 1997; tile Guidelines provide direction on the transformation of Kingston Road into a "mainstreet" for the City; this includes direction on improvements to tile road itself, and urban design objectives tbr adjacent lands; regarding the subject lands, the Guidelines encourage: · a mix of retail, commercial, office and retail uses; 0~4~ TO Information Report No. 23-00 ATTACHr'.'D.!'f # ~ REF, OR-F # PD ~ -~,; Page 3 3.4 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 · a minimum building height of 2 storeys; · buildings located close to the street; · an enhanced pedestrian streetscape at all intersections with Kingston Road; · urbanization of Kingston Road (the addition of sidewalks, the removal of roadside ditches, etc.); Zoning By-law 3036 Zoning By-law 3036 identifies the subject lands as "R3" - Residential Third Density Zone, which requires a minimum lot frontage of 18 metres; an amendment to the by-law would be required to allow the applicant's proposal to proceed. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments no written resident comments have been received to-date; Agency Comments no written agency c0nunents have been received to-date; Staff Comments Concept Plan - Concept Plans are typically required with the submission of zoning by-law amendment applications in order to provide a basis for the preparation of zoning by-law provisions; staff have undertaken a preliminary review of the Concept Plan, and have determined that it does not currently conform with components of the Northeast Quadrant and Kingston Road Development Guidelines; issues include: · the scale of the proposal (building heights, residential units, and commercial floorspace) is substantially less that that envisioned by the Guidelines; · a substantial building presence along Kingston Road is lacking; · the absence of the public "ring road" and park space; · a mid-block siting of a Kingston Road access rather than a joint access with the westerly-abutting property; · a large group of trees at the north end of the property are identified in the Northeast Quadrant DevelOpment Guidelines for possible retention; · the Concept Plan does not accommodate the build-to lines and parking arrangements reconunended by the Development Guidelines; - with respect to the proposed townhouse block, its configuration orients the fi'ont face of homes towards a privacy fence and the back wall of the proposed conunercial buildings; such an orientation may result with a questionable living enviromnent; the Northeast Quadrant DevelopInent Guidelines orients the front face of residential buildings towards a public "ring road" and park space, which is a far more appropriate focus; Technical Matters staff will continue to work with the applicant to revise the Concept Plan such that it better conforms with the Develop~nent Guidelines; opportunities to integrate vehicular aisles with abutting properties will be explored; zoning provisions will include such matters as permission for specific uses, minimum/maximum building heights, "build-to zones", maximum floorspace, and minimum parking requirements; as mentioned previously, an Environmental Report may be required due to the nearby presence of a watercourse; staff will consult with' the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to determine if such a report is necessary; Information Report No. 23-00 Page 4 also mentioned previously, a Retail Impact Study may be required to support the proposed retail/commercial floorspace of 1,625 square metres; staff are currently of the view that the scale of the proposed development is unlikely to warrant such a study; a Traffic Study which examines access points to Kingston Road may be required; staff will consult with the Region of Durham on this matter; a Stormwater Management Study may be required for the subject lands (and possibly the surrounding lands); staff will consult with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority on this matter. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to tiao Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at thc Public Infomqaation Nlccting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a I'lanning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Departn~cnt Ibr a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; ii' you wish to reserve the option to appeal Cotincil's decision, you must provide comments to the City beibre Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; it' you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the Git), Clerk. 6.0 6.1 OTItER INFORMATION A_~l!l)endix I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and Git5, Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 6.3 I n formation Received full scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan are available ibr viewing at the offices of the City of Picketing Planning and Development Department; Com an Princi al applicant advises that Derek Ruston is thc contact for ltayes Line Properties Inc. Planner 2 GM/CLR/ph copy: Director, Planning & Development Department Catherine L. Rose Manager, Policy AT-FACHL:EF'~T #_ ~ TO REPORI' ,t PD O~-'-'~'"' '"' Excerpts of Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes of Thursday, August 10, 2000 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, August 10, 2000 at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers. (VI) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 22-00 WOOD, CARROLL ET AL. PART OF LOT 28, RANGE 3 BFC (778-790 KINGSTON ROAD~ EAST OF WHITES ROAD) Geoff McKnight, Planner II, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #23-'00. Ms. L. Jones, Planning Consulting representing the applicant, advised that they are concerned with the TRCA encouraging the retention of the creek which will affect this development and the joint access with the neighbours to the west. A meeting is being arranged to address environmental issues. She further advised that the townhouses will not be taller than two stories and an attempt will be made to preserve the trees. Fencing will be dealt with at Site Plan. Paul White, 507 Ctiffview Road, advised that wood fencing deteriorates quickly, therefore, consideration should be given to brick veneer fencing. John Ibbetson, 787 Sheppard Ave., stated his objection to anything higher than a two storey townhouse and his concern with 18 townhouses being constructed on five lots. He questioned if the townhouses are to be rented or sold and at what price. He also stated his concern over the possible loss of a 100 year old tree. Robert McConachie, 770 Kingston Road, stated his concern with the entrance which if not moved will landlock their site. He advised that the Region of Durham will only allow a certain number of access and egress points off Kingston Road. Sylvia Spencer, 771 Sheppard Avenue, advised that the ring road is located on a portion of her property which she has no intention of selling. She questioned if the townhomes can be converted to home based businesses, will the parkland encroach on the creek and what size parkland has been allocated. She stated her objection to zoning changes and to any restaurant proposed for the site. Mike Dubroy, 773 Sheppard Ave., advised that the original plan called for a buffer zone. The current proposal shows the townhouses to be built very close to his property. Robert Lawrie, 852 Kingston Road, advised that his home is adjacent to the Old Dunbarton School and he questioned what is proposed for this site. He stated his concerns xvith respect to people accessing his property from the restaurant if built on this site. He questioned how transport trucks will enter and exit this site and how will emergency vehicles access townhouses 15-18. ATTACHMENT ~ ~.-~_i.._TO REPORT/~ PD~~ Dear Sir, RE; Zoning By-law Amendment .Application A22 0(~ Part Lot 28 Range 3 B F (' 778-790 Kingston Rd Picketing Jul,,.' 27 2000 Since the late 1980,s there has been very much controversy about tile development of the land in tha NW Quadrant We the property owners at 7~/) 8:770 Kingston Rd have some concerns about this site plan The driveway entrance to Kingston Rd should be moved to the west property line to allow only one entrance on to Kingston Rd and used by all fbur properties (760-790 Kingston Rd ), as per the City plan 8: Durham Region Traffic Dept, otherwise we are landlocked with no entrance to Kingston Rd This site plan shows 18 to~'n homes with no dnxewav access By moving the Retail building easterly on tile property and changing the drivexvav entrance, there then could be a driveway going along the west property' line giving access to the townhouses 3 The ring road that was suggested in the urban study which was pertbrmed in the 1980's should be abolished as it takes up to much space and serves no real purpose. Since the Board Of Education Property is now for sale, the road for this NW quadrant should start at the stop lights at the school property, cross thru the adjacent properties and join up with Delta Bird x~hich would let the trat'ISc come out at the other traffic light on Kingston Rd. We feel this would make a safe entrance to service the north portion of all the properties. (as per sketch) 4. There is no provision on this site plan showing any privacy fence for the adjacent properties. 5. There is no provision on this site plan showing any building lbr the storage oFgarbage. 6. There is nothing showing placement of a retaining ~'all should the developer change the existing grade of'the property 7. There is no mention of storm water management dunng or after construction .8. The original City plan showed interconnecting driveways thru all the properties, This can not be tbasible now because of the finish grade of the properties ~est of are property CC B Taylor G McKnight Council Members Yours Truly J McConachie (' McConachie R McConachie 700 Kingston Rd 'WO Kingston Rd 770 Kingston Rd. ~TTASb'L, iEHT #_ ~ _TO ~HEPPARD AVENUE T~UNF~'R Slm 'ENUE Ci~ of Pickoring AVENUE: Planning & Development Departm~ DATE PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF LOT 28, RANGE 3, B.F.C. OWNER WOOD CARROLL ET. AL t JUL 12, 2000 I,DpAWN BY RC APPUCATION No. A 22100 SCALE 1:7500 CHECKED BY GM FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-6 PA- City of Picketing Planning and Development Dept. RE: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 Written Comments AUG O 3 2000 As an adjoining land owner directly behind the subject property I object to the proposed town homes less than 25 feet ffmn the property line. The location of the town homes is where a stand of pine trees are. These trees provide some green space and a home for birds and other animals. The town plan called for these trees to be a buffer zone of natural vegetation between high and low density housing. Because the area of the proposal is small there is not enough space for both residential and commercial developments on that one lot. This area is part of the Picketing Cib' core with immediate access to HWY# 401. This proposal doesn't seem to properly use the area. I believe it would be more appropriate to have a commercial or govt. office building on that space with a buffer zone on the north side. Do we really want to have little kids playing near some very major roads and multiple intersections? Yours Truly: Mike DuBroy 773 Sheppard Ave. Picketing, On. L1V-1G4 From: Sent: To: Subject: Normand and Rita Dufresne[SMTP:ngd46@home.com] August 10, 2000 8:53 PM Brenner, Maurice, Councillor Re building of town houses east of Whites on Sheppard Dear Mr. Brenner: I understand the above matter was discussed tonight at a town meeting. I was unable to attend the meeting due to health problems. I however would like to voice to you my concern in seeing more people living along Sheppard because our concern regarding speeding along Sheppard is still outstanding. These townhouses will mean more traffic along Sheppard, which is already taxed to the limit. Speeding continues unabated despite the numerous complaints from several of the residents along Sheppard. We did see a Police car on our street in a couple of occasions, but they catch two or three cars and go away. This does not frighten the rest of the drivers who continue to use Sheppard at speeds from 60 to 90 kin/hr in the 40 and 50 km zone, making it difficult and dangerous for the residents to get out of their driveways. Sheppard is narrow and cannot safely accommodate the speeds of a large proportion of the cars, especially when some cars are parked along the street. You should notice that from Altona to Fairport there are 6 red lights along Kingston Road but only one along Sheppard. This makes Sheppard the preferred route for those in a hurry. Please do not approve this building blitz along Sheppard until a solution is found to calm our traffic. I know of the program where citizens can man a radar and send listS of licenses to the police. This can lead to being the subject of vandalism as people notified would have seen you on the side of the road. You know what kind of nuts we have in our midst by listening to the news every night! I am adamant that enforcement is the affair of the police, who are mandated to do just that. Best regards. Normand G. Dufresne 604 Sheppard Avenue Pickering, Ont LlV 1G3 THE DURHAM DiSTRiCT SCHOOL BOARD Facilities Services 400 Taunton Road East Whitby, Ontario L1R 2K$ ephone: (905) 666 5500 1-800 2d~5-396B Fax: (905) 6~6-64B9 August 14, 2000 CITY OF PICKERING PICt(ER1NG, ONTARIO The Corporation of the City of Pickering Planning Department Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Mr. GeoffMcKnight Dear Mr. McKnight, RE: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A22/00 Wood Carroll et. ak Part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. (778-790 Kingston Road, east of Whites Road) ~ of Picketing Staff has reviewed the information on the above noted application and under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, has no objections. Yours truly, Christine Nancekivell, Planner CN~ em i :LPRO P LANhD ATA~PLNG~Z B L~A2. 2 43 0 PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS/PLAN: VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW Wood Carroll et. al. 778 - 790 Kingston Road (east of Whites Road) MUNICIPALITY: Picketing REF. NO.: A 22/00 SUBMISSION DATE: 10. July ~ 9, 2000 11. Elec~c Service is available on the road allowance(s) touching this property. An extension of the Corporation's plant is required on the road allowance in order to service this project. · Owner's cost - Amount to be determined. 12, All such extensions are normally underground. The applicant must provide accommodation on site for the Corporation's transformer(s). Individual metering for each unit is required. The Applicant must provide a looped concrete encased underground duct system from the designated supply point(s) to the transformer location(s) on the property, The Applicant must pay the Corporation's costs to supply and install underground serVice cables along the route of 5. above. Estimated range of costs to be determined, The following standard fixed fee costs will apply (all figures are approximate): Service Connection Fee $130.00 per unit Existing Corporation plant on Kingston Road may have to be replaced/relocated at the Applicant's cost to accommodate the proposed service, The Applicant must make direct application to the Corporation to obtain specific approval of the electrical service arrangements and related work for this project. A Multi-Tenant Agreement may be required to be entered into and may be registered on tire as part of the servicing requirements. Legal costs for this will be charged to the Appiicant, All work from the public road allowance to the service entrance and the metering arrangements must comply vfith the Corporation's requirements and specifications. Prior to energizing any new service, the Applicant shall apply to the Corporation's Customer Care Deparmaent to open an energy account. An energy deposit must be posted and maintained on account at all times - Amount to be determined, zoo[~ INNV~d DNI~H~DId -.g ___ NVI(II~I3A OIgO 6[9 ~06,~ 09:~I 00/9I/~0 Page 2 VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEXqELOPMENT APPLICATION REXqEW 13. 14. 15. Prior to obtaining a building pcrrmt, the AppLicant shall, by u~eement, con ~tSrrn acceptance of thc terms and conditions of promdmg elecmcal sera'ice 9(/Store cranes or mater/al handling cqu3pmcnt or workers must work m proxtrmD' to existing overhead WU:es, w/th the capabihty of contact or coming ~qthm the hrmts of approach, the developer/buiJder shall pay all costs t-or the temporary relocation, bur/al, or protecuon of the ,x~cs, or other acnon deemed necessary by Veridian to promde for worker safety and the secariD' of the electrical system. Landscaping, specificalJy tzees and shrubs, shonld be relocated away from thc Corporation's transformer(s) to avoid interference with equipment access and ~ature ~row~ch. 16. Oth~I': · Sermcing will be determined when load dctatls are pro,hdc& Technical Representative - Fred ILaminger Telephone 427-9870 Ext. 3255 PP/df Rev. Date: November 1, 1999 :,,:POE-[ ~ PD }~ Te CANADA POST CORPORATION DELIVERY PLANNING 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL SCARBOROUGH ON M1P 5Al AUGUST 10, 2000 Mr. G. McKnight Planning & Development Department City of Pickering I The Esplanade Pickering On L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. McKnight, RE: ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A22/00 WOOD CARROLL ET.AL. PART OF LOT 28, RANGE 3, B.F.C. (778-790 KINGSTON RD, EAST OF WHITES RD) CITY OF PICKERING Canada Post Corporation will require two copies of the Composite Utility Plans and/or Site Plans in order for us to determine type of mail delivery for the proposed retail/ commercial and townhouse development. If you have any questions, please call me at 416-285-5385. Sincerely, Debbie Greenwood Delivery Planning Officer In Business to Serve / En affaires pour vous semir Mr. Bruce Taylor City Clerk City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 ALIG I ?_l~[J[} CITY OF PICKERING pICKERING,,D. NTARIO 277 Front Street We~'tjTY OF PICI{ERING Toronto, Ontario ~U~ 0 1 2000 MSV 2X7 25 July 2000 CLERK'S DIVISION Your File: A22/00 Our File: TZ-4500-P-02 Dear Mr. Taylor: Re: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment 778-790 Kingston Road Part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. We have reviewed your letter dated 19 July 2000, regarding the above noted application and have the following comments: The Owner is required to insert the following warning clause in all development agreements, offers to purchase, agreements of Purchase and Sate or Lease and include in a Noise Impact Statement: "Warning: Canadian National Railway Company or its assigns or successors in interest has or have a right-of-way within 300 metres from the land the subject hereof. There may be alterations to or expansions of the rail facilities on such right-of-way in the future including the possibility that the railway or its assigns or successors as aforesaid may expand its operations, which expansion may affect the living environment of the residents in the vicinity, notwithstanding the inclusion of any noise and vibration attenuating measures in the design of the development and individual dwelling(s). CNR will not be responsible for any complaints or claims arising from use of such facilities and/or operations on, over or under the aforesaid right-of-way." The Owner is required to engage a consultant to undertake an analysis of noise and provide abatement measures necessary to achieve the maximum level limits set by the Ministry of Environment and Canadian National. We request receiving notice of the Amendment being approved. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 416 217-6961. Your~ truly, ( Te; ) Sto d Development Review Coordinator The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department Box 623 1615 Dundas St. E. 1 4th Floor Lang Tower West Building Whitby, Qntario Canada L1N 6A3 Tel: (905) 728-7731 Fax: (905) 436-6612 ~_. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning September 14, 2000 Geoff McKnight, Planner City of Pickering Planning Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. McKnight: Re: ZOning By-law Amendment Application A 22/00 Applicant: Wood Carroll et al. Location: North side of Kingston Road, east of Whites Road Part of Lot 28, Range 3, Broken Front Concession Municipality: City of Pickerin~ In response to your request, we wish to provide the following comments with respect to conformity with the Region of Durham Official Plan, the proposed method of servicing and delegated provinciai plan review responsibilities. The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to permit retail/commercial uses (restaurant) and 18 townhouse units on the subject lands. To date no application for severance has been submitted to the Land Division Committee nor has a condominium application been received. The Region of Durham Official Plan designates the subject lands "Living Area". This designation is used predominantly for housing purposes, however, the designation also permits limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services, in appropriate locations, as components of mixed use developments, provided that Community and Local Central Areas are designated in the area municipal official plan, and the functions and characteristics of such Central Areas are not adversely affected. Kingston Road is designated a Type "B" Arterial Road in the Region of Durham Official Plan. The policies state that within Urban Areas, intensive residential, office, shopping and 'mixed uses shall' be located along arterial roads. Full municipal services are available to service the site through the existing water and sewer mains. The Region will require that the sanitary sewer connection across Kingston Road be installed with a tunneling operation. If the site were to be severed into residential and commercial components, each site would require separate service connections. The commercial site, fronting onto Kingston Road, would be serviced from Kingston Road. The townhouse site would require the extension of the 200-mm sanitary sewer and 300-mm watermain from Delta Boulevard easterly to the site. The existing 200-mm sanitary sewer pipe on Delta Boulevard will require verification that capacity is available to service the townhouse block. The applicant Will be required to convey, at the site plan stage, sufficient road allowance widening to allow for a minimum 18.0 m right of way from the existing centreline of Kingston Road. Access onto Kingston Road will be restricted, with a centre median, to right-in/right- out only. The applicant will be responsible for the full cost of installation of the centre-median and any associated road improvements. ~ ::~ . . . 2 100% Post Consumer ..... Original Message ..... From: Greg Gummer [mailto:Greg.Gummer@region.durham.on ca] ent; Friday, March 09, 2001 12:46 AM To: rtaylor@city.pickering.on.ca Subject; Rezoning A22/00, Wood Carroll, 778 - 790 Kingston Rd. - Traffic Study The Regional Works Department has reviewed the traffic study for the subject property and offer the following comments. Level of Service Calculations The study is to be revised to reflect the following: 1. Calculations shown in the study utilize the CCG/CALC 2 Performance Analysis Data, we do not accept this data, we accept the HCS software only 2. We require a 90 second cycle length and not a 120 second cycle lengtn. Proposed Access A full access as shown onto Kingston Road is not acceptable. As stated in previous comments: To avoid operational problems the proposed access onto Kingston Road wilt be restricted to right-in/right-out only by the installation of a raised '~ntre median. The cost of the centre median will be 100 % the responsibility of the applicant. The study does not address ..,!ternatives to alleviate the operational problems at the access as shown. The traffic study does not give details of alternative accesses and the impact that an alternative access would have on left turns to the proposed site. If it is shown that an alternative entranceway can decrease the operational concerns (left turns) at the proposed access, then consideration may be given to the possibility of a full turns access. However, the Region would then reserve the right, in case of operational and safety concerns, to control the full access at their discretion. Development of Site An alignment must be preserved to the east, this should be shown as part of the study. M.T.O. should receive a copy of the Traffic study for their review. We trust the above is sufficient for your purpose. Greg Gummer Development Approvals i~?HE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N lS4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 http://www, trca.on.ca August 9, 2000 Mr. Geoff McKnight Planning Department City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. McKnight: Re: File No. A 22/00 Zoning By-law Amendment Wood Carroll et. al. Part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C. (778-790 Kingston Road, east of Whites Road) City of Pickerin9 This will acknowledge receipt of the above zoning by-law amendment. It is our understanding that the applicant is seeking to amend the zoning by-law to facilitate the construction of retail, commercial and restaurant uses along the Kingston Road frontage, and 18 townhouse units along the northern portion of the subject site. The subject property is located partially within the stream corridor of a tributary which flows into Frenchman's Bay which is subject to the Authority's Fill Construction and Alteration to Waterways Regulation, Ontario Regulation 158. In accordance with Ontario Regulation 158 a permit is required from the Authority prior to the following works taking place: straighten, change, divert or interfere in any way with the existing channel of a river, creek, stream or watercourse. Enclosed please find a part print of the Authority's Proposed Fill Line Extension map (Waterfront Sheet 60), on which we have highlighted in yellow the subject property, and in green the Authority's proposed fill regulation line. The stream corridor traversing the westerly boundary of the subject property drains an area less than 125 hectares. Under the Authority's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program, a stream corridor draining an area less than 125 hectares is defined as being: "a minimum of ?0 metres inland from the predicted meander belt of the watercourse, expanded as required to convey the major system flows and/or to maintain riparian stream functions." Authority staff have completed their review of the submitted documents and offer the following comments: Mr. Geoff McKnight - 2 - August 9, 2000 Authority staff note that a watercourse appears to traverse the south west corner of the site and flow along the westerly boundary of the property. In order to confirm the limits of this natural feature, staff have arranged to conduct a site visit on August 16, 2000. Once the limits of the natural feature on the property has beern identified. Authority staff will be requesting that they be recognized and zoned accordingly in the byiaw. Staff also note that the block encompassing the stream corridor is suitable for pubiJc acquisition. We will forward more detailed comments after our site visit on August 16, 2000. We trust this is satisfactory; however, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, Russel White Plans Analyst Development Services Section Ext. 5306 MH/fa REPORT # PD ~.'-~ r'~ ~ o r~ _m.. .._ ~0 TO -tq'Olt?Rli it~'lt'(;ORRIitOR M),NAGE~IENT Mlalsrr~ ol ~lnlsl6re des Tranaportallon Trinapor~s Ontario Phone: Fax: E-mail: (416) 235-3509 (416) 235-4267 charles.petro~mto.gov_on.ca Corridor Management Ofrice 7th Floor, Atrium Tower 1201 Wilson Avenue Dot~nsview, Ontario M3M 1J$ November 9, 2001 File No: 42-80197 City of Picketing Planning & Development Department Picketing Civic Complex One The Esplanade Picketing, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Ora;nt. McGregor Dear Sir: Kingston Road- Whites Road Northeast Quadrant Transportation Study Phase 1 Final Report City of Picketing Highway 401 We have reviewed the submitted information and offer the following comments: It is this ministry's preference that there be no access on Kingston Road directly across the Highway 401 ramp terminal. We would therefor encourage development as shown in Alternative 5, Alternative 6 and Access Concept A, Our concerns regarding the alternatives involving access across from the Highway 401 E-E/W ramp are as follows: · As mentioned in the report, the need for this access must be ,justified. The Delta Boulevard access may be sufficient to serve the development. Benefits of the new access would have to be weighed against impacts of locating directly across a ramp terminal. * Any access across from the ramp terminal shall have no southbound through movement to access Highway 401WB_ This through movement would probably necessitate an additional signal phase, which is not possible as the signals are at capacity and the signal timing has no free time. Signal timing must be maintained to ensure preference is given to ramp traflic. · If northbound through movements are considered from the ramp to the access,' it must be ensured that minimum stopping d/stances are maintained. The cnn'cut advisory speed on the ramp is 50kraft. There is the possibility of northbound ramp through vehicles crossing the intersection at 60kn]/ttr- 70krn/hr if they are trying to "beat" an amber signal. Therefore if' tl]e 70karo/hr is assumed, a ntinimurr~ NOV,-Og'Oi(FRI) 16:07 CORRIDOR MANAGEMENT TEL:4162554267 P, O05 stopping distance of 11 Om is required, which means there should be no accesses, no conflict points, no sharp radius curves, etc. within 110m north of the north limit of the imersection. ,, Some alternatives consider a southbound left turn movement to go east on Kingston Road. This presents a conflict point if northbound ramp vehicles are permitted through the intersection to the development (Alternatives 1, 2, and possibly Access Concept B). If northbound ramp vehicles are not permitted through the intersection, as shown in Alternative 3, "no though access" signage would have to erected for the ramp. This may not be effective, and depending where this signing is erected, it may possibly confuse Kingston Road left mm and right mm vehicles attempting to access the development. · The road would have to be a public road, (not an entrance as indicated in OPA 01-003/P and ZBA A10/0t, for North American Acquisition Corp). We would also require that there be no full moves access points along the first 180m of this road. Th_is requirement may preclude the viability of the gas bar as indicated in the OPA/ZBA. We are also prepared to discuss access opportunities as they relate to Highway 401 and ramp terminals at Wh/tcs Road and I<2ngston Road, during Phase 2 of the Transportation Network review. We will require: 1. Estimates of site generated traffic from all existing and proposed land uses within the study area. 2. Detailed traffic operational analysis of the impact of future traffic on the level of traffic service on Highway 401 and associated ramps and ramp terminals on Whites Road and Kingston Road. Analysis of existing traffic conditions Table 1 - Characteristics of Study area roads - does not include the Hwy 401 WB on ramp from southbound on Whites road. From Figure I - Study Area - the Whites road north and south approaches on ramps to WB 401 fall with. in the boundaries o£ the Study area. At least thc on ramp fi-om the north approach of Whites road should be included for analysis in Phase 2. This one lane on-ramp had peak a.m. volume of about 1900 vph, according to our 1995 database. Please provide justification for the assumption that p.m. peak hour volmne is 12% of daily traffic (Table 1 --column 6). A cl~eck with Kingston on/off ramp 1995 data indicates an average of about 6.7% of daily traffic as p.m. peak volume, and ranges from 6% to 10%. Using 12% for all roads in the study area underestimates the daily traffic where the actual percentage is less. The consultant should determine the actual percentage for ea,ch road. Also, it should be confirmed that the daily traffic is an estimation of the annual average daily traffic. As' well, Table 1 does not indicate the dates for the p.m. peak hour volumes from which the daily traffic was estimated. We believe the source is the p.m. peak flows given in Figure 3 of the report. Table 1, which appears before Figure 3, doesn't indicate that. Additional comments will be provided once a detailed analysis is received. I trust that this is sufficient to your needs. Please do not hesitate to call should you require fitrther information or clarification. Yours truly, Charlie Petro · Project Manager CC. Tom Hewitt, MTO Michael DeMichele, MTO Ken Sherbanowski, MTO Steve Gaunt, City of Pickering Steve Mayhew, Durham Region