HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 17, 2002PICKERING AGENDA STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING Anne Gree.tree Supervisor, Legislative Services JANUARY 17, 2002 Statutory Public Information Meeting Agenda Pursuant to the Planning Act Thursday, January 17, 2002 7:00 P.M. Chair: Councillor Brenner ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 20/01 REQUEST FOR COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION TO DEVELOP LANDS BY LAND SEVERANCE NORVALLEY HOMES LTD. PART OF LOT 5, PLAN 282 1827 PINE GROVE AVENUE (REAR PORTION) {ROCKWOOD DRIVE~ NORTH OF PROHILL STREET) 1-8 2. 3. 4. Explanation of application, as outlined in Information Report #01-02 by Planning Staff Comments from the applicant. Comments from those having an interest in the application. Response from applicant. Staff response. (II) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 28/01 COUGS (VALLEYFARM) LIMITED PART OF LOT 20, CONCESSION 1 (SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF KINGSTON ROAD AND VALLEY FARM ROAD). 9-15 Explanation of application, as outlined in Information Report #02-02 by Planning Staff. Comments from the applicant. Comments from those having an interest in the application. Response from applicant. Staff response. ADJOURNMENT PICKERING oO 1 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 01-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF JANUARY 17, 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PI~ANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20 Request lbr Council Authorization to Develop Lands by Land Severance Norvallcv Homes Ltd. Part o£Lot 5. Plan 282 1827 Pine Grove Avenue treat portion) (Rockv, ood Drive, north of Prohill Street) City o f Pickcrin~ 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject lands are located north and west of the recently approved Norvalley Plan o£ Subdivision 18T-98007 that is currently under construction on Prohill Street and the new portion of Rockv,'ood Drive/see Attachment =1 tbr tine location map); - tile subject property was recently severed from a property fronting Pine Grove Avenue (1827 Pine Grove Avenue): - the subject lands occupy an area ofapproximatel.x ().535 hectares: - tile subject lands are generally level and CUlTentlv vacant, except ibr vegetation; - tile subject lands are situated to the east o1' deep lots occupied by detached dwellings fronting Pine Grove Avenue and immediately west of a block of land set aside for the northerly extension of Rockxxood Drive. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - thc applicant proposes to develop tine subject lands with detached dwellings on 5 lots with minimum frontages of 15 metres, minimum lot areas of 460 square metres, rain;munn side yards o£ 1.2 metres, minimum front yards oi' 0.()metres. minimum rear yards of 7.5 metres and maximum lot coverage of 330 (, of the lot areas; - the proposed lots are to have lot depths of approximately 5S metres: - the proposed lots are intended to front a new proposed northerly extension of Rockwood Drive. north of Prohill Street: - the applicant proposes to create the nexv lots by land severances, rather than a draft plan of subdivision: severance applications were submitted recently to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee to create 5 lots on the subject lands tApplications LD 1002 to LD 1302 - see Attachment =2): Planning ~ Development staff comments on the severance applications will be provided to the Regional Land Division Committee once Picketing Council considers the request to permit creation of the lots by the severance process: - new homes would be constructed on all of the proposed lots. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Regional Official Plan - designates the site as "Living Area" where lands are to be used predominantly for housing purposes: Information Report No. 01-02 Page 2 3.2 3.3 Pickering Official Plan designates the site "Urban Residential - Low Density Area", located within thc Highbush Neighbourhood; this designation permits residential uses at a net residential density up to and including 30 dwellings per net hectare; this development proposes a net site density of approximately 11.7 units per net hectare, which is within the permitted density range; the Official Plan also contains a policy that development shall maximize the efficiency of existing infrastructure and minimize the consumption of vacant land by adding residential units within the South Pickering Urban Area; the Official Plan contains policy 15.26 - Land Severance that provides that City Council shall: (h) limit the creation of lots b)' land severance to a maximum of three .... cxce?t where it is demonstrated to Council's satisfaction that a plan of subdivision is neither appropriate nor necessat3,', in which case Council may authorize development to proceed b3, land severance, and, (C) may, when authorizing a development to proceed b), land division, require the owner to enter into one or more agreements respecting matters that normally would have been covered by a subdivision agreement. the site is within the Highbush Neighbourhood, and is subject to neighbourhood policies. Those policies include: · a proposed road connection of the northern part of Rockxxood Drive to the southern part of Rockwood Drive; · provision of a new local road connection between Woodview and Pine Grove Avenues through the review of development proposals and in consultation with land owners; · that development in this area be compatible with thc character of existing development and significant vegetation be preserved. The character to be considered includes lox;, lot coverage, existing lotting pattern, style and siting of dwellings and significant mature vegetation; · New dwellings and lots fronting new internal streets are to create density and lot frontage gradients with development fronting the existing older roads by use of buffering between the new and existing development, careful establishment of lot lines and siting of new dwellings to reflect existing building setbacks and yard depths and to protect significant vegetation. all new lots created by this application are to have minimum lot frontages of approxim~/tely 15 metres, and minimum lot depths of approximately 58 metres; this proposal will permit the further extension of Rockwood Drive to connect to the northerly portion of Rockwood Drive in the future at such time as similar back-lot infill development proceeds in the area to the north; Zoning By-law 3036 - the site is zoned "R4" One-Family Detached Dwelling Fourth Density Zone" in By-la~v 3036; - this zoning pern~its detached d~vellings on lots with minimum frontages of 15 metres and minimum lot areas of 460 square metres; - amendment to the standard provisions for front yard depth and side yard width of the "R4" zoning is required in order to permit this proposal. Table 1, at the end of this Information Report, sho~vs the standard "R4" provisions and the applicant's proposal for zoning of these lands. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Information Report No. 01-02 Page 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 5.0 Resident Comments No written comments have been received to date. A_Sgencv Comments No agency comments have been received to date. Staff Comments Council Authorization lbr tile Creation of Five Lots by Land Severance tine applicant }las requested Picketing Council's authorization of' the creation of five lots tbr detached dxvellin,,s= on thc subject lands throu~,tn= thc land severance process; staff will consider thc appropriateness of creation of five lots by' the severance process rather than tlwou,,tn a subdivision for recommendation to Council' consideration will be given to suitable conditions, for ('ouncil consideration, to be included in Pickering's comments to tile Regional Land Division Committee on tile proposed severances; matters to be the subject of such conditions are anticipated to include, among other matters: © dedication of lands lbr the construction of an extension of Rockwood Drive: o a temporary cul-de-sac at the northern end et' the extension of Rockwood Drive: o appropriate set-backs for buildim,s= i'rontin~,= on tile cul-de-sac road bulto addressed throw,tn an arctdtcctural control statement' and. o other such matters ttnat max bc appropriate: options for a suitable location for a possible east-xx est connection between Pine Grove and Woodview Avenues were rcxiex~ed througln previous severance applications on Pine Grove Avenue; an east-west road connection will not be pursued ttnrougln this rezoning application; Revised Zoning Standards tile proposed variations from tile "R4" zoniilg standards Ibr fl'oat yards and side yards will be evaluated to consider resultant compatibilitx xx ittn tine area: Technical Matters - a tree inventory and preliminary prescrx alien plan. along with a preliminary grading plan, will be required prior to preparation of a Planning & Development comments on the severance applications; - location of existing buildings and strUCtLlres on tile subject lands must be identified by tile applicant prior to preparation of Planning & Development comments on the proposed severance applications: PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal stnould be directed to tile Planning & Development Department: - oral comments may be made at tile Public lnlbnnation Meeting; - all cotnments received v, ill be noted a~nd used as input in a Planning Report prepared by tine Planning & Development Department Ibr a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council: - I£ you wish to reserve thc option to appeal CoLmeil's decision oil tine proposed rexoning, you must provide comments to tine C'itx belbre Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - there are no provisions tbr appeal of Council's decision to authorize the creation o£ lots by the severance process rather than as an application for approval of a plan of subdivision; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to tile City Clerk. Information Report No. 01-02 Page 4 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 OTHER INFORMATION Appendix I lists the comments received on this proposal at the time that this Information Report was written; Information Received full-scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; Site Landowners the applicant indicates that ownership of the subject lands will be transferred from Mike and Isabella Di Prisco to Norvalley Homes Ltd. shortly; SG/j f' Cop>,: Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II Director, Planning & Development Lynda Taylor, MC[P, RPP Manager, Current Operations TABLE1 LOT FRONTAGE R4 Zoning Standards 15 metres Applicant's Proposal ] 5 LOT AREA 400 square metres 400 square metres MINIMUM SIDE YARDS 1.5 metres (one side) 2.4 metres (other side) 1.2 metres (each side) MINIMUM FRONT YARDS '7.5 0.() nletres MAXIM L;*I LOT COVERAGE 33'' l, 33o ,, APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 01-02 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) None received to date; COMMENTING AGENCIES ( 1 ) None received to date;. COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS 1 ) Planning & Development Department; ATTACHMENT INFORMATION TRANQUIL THICKET COPLEY SECORD CRESCENT STREET THICKET CRESCENT WHITE PINE C~ESCENT [TWYN RIVERS DRIVE City of Pickering ST. STREET Planning & Development Department PROPER%FDESCRIPTION PT. OFLOT5, PLAN 282; PTS. 6&8,40R-6842;PTS. 10&11,40R-16978 I ¢ APPLICANT NORVALLEY HOMES LTD. DATE JAN. 8, 2002 DRAWN BY lB APPLICATION No. A 20/01 SCALE 1:7500 CHECKED BY SG FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-10 PA- ATTACHMENT# .'~ TO INFORI',~,TION REPORT# 1827 PINE GROVE AVE. f LHUF?[: ROAD 5 2 City of Pickering Planning & Development Department APPLICANT'S PROPOSED LAND SEVERANCES LD 10/02 to LD 13/02 DATE JAN. 8,2002 PICKERING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 02-02 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF January 17. 2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE P['BLIC .MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT. R.S.O. 1990. chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-lax', Amendment Application :\ 28 Cougs (Valleythrm) Limited Part of Lot 20. Concession 1 (South-east corner of Kingston Road and Valtcv Farm Road) City of Picketing 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 I>I/Oi~ERTY LOCATION ANI) I)ESCIIlPTION thc su[zject property is located on tile soLar}l-cast corner of Kingston Road and Valley Farm Road and is 0.$48 hectares in size (sec location mat> Attachment ~1); the subject property is currently dratk approxcd lbr the alex 01opiqlcnl et' 72 townhouse units and 46 single or semi-detached units I scc applicant's dral1 approved plan Attachment ~2): surrounding land uses include' tho Pickerin~ Recreation Complex to thc south7 a small produce store and thc Ontario Hydro tran~m~5~ion corridor to the east: commercial uses to thc north: and residential apa~'tntc~tt buildings to thc xx'cst. APPLICANT'S PROP()SAI~ tine applicant is proposii~g to amend tile existing zoning to reduce the required nlininlum building height fi-om ~.5 n~etrcs to 0.5 metres xvhilc maintaining the minimum two storey' building height requirement tbr tile detached, senti-detached and tovenhouse units: tile applicant also proposes to amend tile existin2 zoning proxisions to permit the encroachment of uncoxcred decks into thc required roar xard of Lots 1 to 12 and Block 30; tile applicant is requesting fine rear yard deck cncr'oachnlcnt clue to tile fact thc grading of tile lots and block creates a walkout condition x; hich ct'fcctivelv situates thc deck, serving the first tloor. 3 to 4 metres aboxe grade at tho rear of the proposed units which would not comply v, ith thc current zoning bv-laxx. OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Reo~i0nal Official Plan tile Durhain Regional Official Plan identifies thc su(ject lands as being xvithin a ,~hiin CentralArca. Main Central Areas are to be planned and developed as tine main concentration of urban activities within municipalities: thc applicant's proposal appears to tempi> w/th this designation: Pickerino= Official Plan the Pickering Official Plan identifies the su(ject lands as being located in an .{/i.¥ed Use Area Do~nzr;;t'a ('oz'c within tho Tow I~ CClnU'C Neighbourhood; the subject lands arc located withiia a ,sT)c'c'z~:/ /a(;//<x' ~zrc~: which permits the development of thc lands/bt residential, conanacrcial, park and recreational uses; ('} ]_ 0 InIbrmation Report No. 02-02 l'agc 2 3.3 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.0 6.0 6.1 the special policy area provides for a minimum net residential density of 89 units per hectare and a maximum net residential density of 120 units per hectare; the special policy area establishes a maximum gross leaseable floor area of 1,000 square metres for commercial uses; the net residential density of the development as proposed would be a minimum of 89.1 and a maximum of 119.8 units per net hectare; the applicant's proposal appears to comply with the density requirements; the subject property also falls within the Council Adopted Picketing Dowutowu Core-Development Guidelines and the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines; the guidelines are intended to guide the development or redevelopment of sites within the designated areas; Zoning By-law Zoning By-law 3036 as amended by By-law 5891/01 zones the subject lands "S-SD-Y', "SA-8", "SA-9", "SA-10", "RMM-Y' and "RC" which permits thc development of detached units, semi-detached units, townhouse units, multiple dwelling vertical and recreation complex, with many related specific zone provisions; an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to implement the applicant's proposal for a reduction in the minimum height to 6.5 metres; an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to add additional rear yard deck encroachment provisions for Lots 1 - 12 and Block 30. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments no written resident comments have been received to date; Agency Comments The Region of Durham Planning Department advised that they have no objection (see attachment #3); Staff Comments staff are generally supportive of the proposed amendments as they are minor amendments to the existing zoning; however, staff will be reviewing the request Ibr deck encroachments for Block 30 in more detail as the need for rear yard second storey decks at this location is unclear. PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting: all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Recommendation Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department tbr a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law ibr this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. OTHER INFORMATION Appendix I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of xvriting report; Initbrnmtion Report No. 02-02 Page 3 6.2 Information Received full scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan are available lbr viewing at the offices of the ('it>' of Picketing Planning & I)evclopment Departn~cnt. Catherine L. Rose Manaoer Policx Tt~ sm Attachments (:op)': [)irector, Planning & Development APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 02-02 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date; COMMENTING AGENCIES ( 1 ) Region of Durham Planning Department; COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS ( 1 ) Planning & Development Department; r 13 ATTACHMENT ¢~?!..__TO INFORMATION REPORT# FINCH AVENUE STREET PROPERTY City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PT. LOT 20, CON. 1; PT. OF PT. 1,40R-6408: PT. OF PT. 2, 40R-609S; PT. 3, DATE DEC~O~ [ ~WN-~- OWNER COUGS (VALLEY FARM) LTD. APPLICATION No. A 28/01 SCALE 1:7500 : CHECKED BY TB i FOR DE~PARTMENT USE ONLY PN-8 PA- ATTACHMENT #c~ TO INFORMATION REPORT#i ~:~' - ~ ~I ~' APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 28/01 (DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-97029) COUGS (VALLEY FARM) LTD. Block ,]6 APARTMENTS 2.006 ho 324 units (min) 476 units FIRST PICKERING KEY PLAN L~ND USE SINGLE or SEMI DE/ACHED ~ 15.2m (lots 1-25)= 1.418 ha STREEq' TOWNHOUSES (blocks 24--,35) = 1.534 ha APARTMENTS (block 36) - 2,006 ho PARK (block 37-38) = 0.663 ho FUTURE ROAD (block 39) ~ 0.108 ho PROPOSED ROAD (600 lin.re.±) = 1.119 ho TOTAL AREA ~ 6.848 ha SINGLE or SEMI DETACHED ~ 15.Om (23x2) = 46 STREET TOWNHOUSES0 5,Om 10 °STREET TOWNHOUSES ~ 6,0m 32 oSTREET TOWNHOUSES ~ 76m 30 APARTMENTS = 324(rain) 476(mQx) TOTAL UNITS ~ 442(mln) 594(max) Block 38 0,663 ha \O~ 8lock 37 PARK O.021 ho LEGEND NOT[S ADDlllONAL INFORMATION RE(TJIRED UNDER SECTION 50(2~ 0¢' ~HE PLANNING ACT Revised June 15, 2001 OWNER'S CERllF1CATE June 21, 2001 Jd'~e 28, 2001 18T-97029 REVISED DRAFT PLAN OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PART OF LOT 20 CONCESSION 1 CITY OF PICKERING REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM THISMAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE C/PT' OF PLANNING AND INFORMATION ~ SUPPORt DECEMBER ATTACHMENT# ~'~ TO INFORMATION REPORT# The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 1615 Dundas St. E. 4th Floor, Lang Tower West Building PO. Box 623 Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 (905) 728-7731 Fax /905) 436-6612 Wwwje~g~on .durham.on .ca A.L. Georgieff, MClP, RPP Commissioner of Planning December 28, 2001 Tyler Barnett, Planner II Planning & Development Department One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Barnett: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A28/01 Applicant: Cougs (Valleyfarm) Limited Location: Part of Lot 20, Concession 1 Municipality: City of Picketing We have reviewed this application and the following comments are offered with respect to compliance with the Durham Regional Official Plan, the proposed method of servicing and delegated provincial plan review responsibilities. The purpose of the application is to reduce the required building height from 8.5 metres to 6.5 metres, while maintaining the existing minimum two-storey height requirement. In addition, the application also seeks to add additional rear yard deck encroachment provisions for units with walkout conditions. The subject lands are designated" Main Central Area" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Lands within this designation shall be planned and developed as the main concentrations of urban activities within area municipalities providing a fully integrated array of community, office, sen,ice and shopping, recreational, and residential uses. The proposed amendment appears to be in conformity with the Durham Regional Official Plan. Sanitary sewer and water supply facilities are available to the subject lands from the existing services on Valley Farm Road and Highway No. 2. This application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. No provincial interests appear to be affected by this application. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call me. Yours truly, Ray Davies, Planner Current Operations Branch R [ram~ngvd~oning/p,ckenng a£8-0i doc ® Post Consumer