HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 12, 2001PICKERING AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer NOVEMBER 12. 2001 Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, November 12, 2001 Chair: Councillor Johnson ADOPTION. N..,D~ MIN UTE S Meeting of October 9, 2001 MATTERS FOR C~ONSIDERATION LEGAL I~PORT L 22-01 ROAD NAMING AND DEDICATION PARKMOUNT BUILDING CORPOIL~TION BLOCKS 21, 22, 23 AND 24, PLAN 40M-2056 _(BLOCK 178,_p_PLAN 40M- 181 PAGE 1-7 LEGAL REPORT L 14-01 666178 ONTARIO LIMITED PLAN 40M- 1737, PICKERING SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION 8-14 LEGAL REPORT L 16-01 BUENDIAS LAND COMPANY LIMITED PLAN 40M-1745, PICKERING SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION 15-21 LEGAL REPORT L 25-01 DISPOSAL OF LANDS BLOCK H, PLAN M-11, SAVE & EXCEPT PART 1, PLAN 40R-6810 EAST SIDE OF REYTAN BOULEVARD 22-26 CLERKS REPORT CL 43-01 AJAX PICKERING TRANSIT AUTHORITY (APTA) APPOINTMENTS TO APTA BOARD OF MANAGEMENT 27-31 CLERKS REPORT CL 42-01 APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANT POSITIONS WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD 32-38 CLERKS REPORT CL 44-01 DURHAM AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DAAC) NOMINATION OF PAUL PISTRITTO TO ~ 39-48 Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, November 12, 2001 Chair: Councillor Pickles CLERKS REPORT CL 41-01 PAW JOINT ANIMAL CONTROL COMMITTEE PET ADOPTION AND EUTHANASIA 49-57 CLERKS REPORT CL 45-01 APPOINT BRAD SUCKLING AS MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER TO ENFORCE PARKING BY-LAW 58-61 CLERKS REPORT CL 38-01 APPOINTMENT TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT 1822 WHITES ROAD=AMBERLEA PLAZA,_PICKER1NG 62-66 CLERKS REPORT CL 39-01 APPOINTMENT TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT 1822 WHITES ROAD,_ AMBERLEA PLAZA~PICKERING 67-71 PROCLAMATIONS "2001 AIDS AWARENESS WEEK" "HEART & STROKE MONTH'' 72-76 CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION To consider a land matter. OTHER BUSINESS 77-80 ADJOURNMENT PICKER1NC Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, November 12, 2001 Chair: Councillor Johnson (i) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of October 9, 2001 I. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION LEGAL REPORT L 22-01 ROAD NAMING AND DEDICATION PARKMOUNT BUILDING CORPORATION BLOCKS 21, 22, 23 AND 24, PLAN 40M-2056 (BLOCK 178, PLAN 40M- 1810) PAGE 1-7 LEGAL REPORT L 14-01 666178 ONTARIO LIMITED PLAN 40M-1737, PICKERING SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION 8-14 LEGAL REPORT L 16-01 BUENDIAS LAND COMPANY LIMITED PLAN 40M- 1745, PICKERING SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION 15-21 LEGAL REPORT L 25-01 DISPOSAL OF LANDS BLOCK H, PLAN M-11, SAVE & EXCEPT PART 1, PLAN 40R-6810 EAST SIDE OF REYTAN BOULEVARD 22-26 CLERKS REPORT CL 43-01 AJAX PICKER1NG TRANSIT AUTHORITY (APTA) APPOINTMENTS TO APTA BOARD OF MANAGEMENT 27-31 CLERKS REPORT CL 42-01 APPOINTMENT TO FILL VACANT POSITIONS WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC LlBRARY BOARD 32-38 CLERKS REPORT CL 44-01 DURHAM AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DAAC) NOMINATION OF PAUL PISTRITTO TO (DAAC) 39-48 PI ING Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, November 12, 2001 Chair: Councillor Pickles CLERKS REPORT CL 41-01 PAW JOINT ANIMAL CONTROL COMMITTEE PET ADOPTION AND EUTHANASIA 49-57 CLERKS REPORT CL 45-01 APPOINT BRAD SUCKLING AS MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER TO ENFORCE PARKING BY-LAW 58-61 10. CLERKS REPORT CL 38-01 APPOINTMENT TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT 1822 WHITES ROAD. AMBERLEA PLAZA, PICKERING 62-66 11. CLERKS REPORT CL 39-0l APPOINTMENT TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT 1822 WHITES ROAD. AMBERLEA PLAZA, PICKERiNG 67-71 12. PROCLAMATIONS "2001 AIDS AWARENESS WEEK" "HEART & STROKE MONTH" 72-76 1. CONHDENTIAL MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION To consider a land matter. 77-80 OTHER BUSINESS (V) ADJOURNMENT 001 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Legal Report L22-01, concerning Road Naming and Dedication, Parkmount Building Corporation, Blocks 21, 22, 23 and 24, Plan 40M-2056, be received; and 2. That By-laws be enacted to name and dedicate as public highway the subject lands. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: John Reble Solicitor for the City DATE: September 24, 2001 REPORTNt!NIBt~R: L22-01 SUB. EC~I: Road Naming and Dedication - Parkmount Building Corporation - Blocks 21, 22.23 and 24, Plan 40M-2056 - (Block 178, Plan 40M-1810) - File: W2306A.45 and W2304.406 RECOMMENDATION: By-laws should be enacted to name and dedicate as public highway the subject lands. ORIGIN' 1. Registration of Plan 40M-2056, Pickering. 2. Approval from Planning & Development Department. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990. chapter M.45, section 297(1 )(a). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nil EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: On April 18, 2001 the developer herein entered into a Subdivision Agreement with the City which was subsequently registered on September 12, 2001 as Instrument No. DR 20939. Pursuant to that agreement, the Owner is required to construct, at its expense, a turning circle on Blocks 21, 22, 23 and 24 and convey clear title of those blocks to the City for road purposes. That turning circle will remain in the ownership of the City until such time as the lands to the east are developed and Pineview Lane is extended, at which time the City will reconvey the lands comprising the turning circle to the adjacent owners, subject to the Municipal Act. As our Planning & Development Department advises that the road works within this plan of subdivision have been completed sufficient to permit public use, it is now appropropriate to dedicate and name Blocks 21 22, ,_~ and 24, Plan 40M-2056 as "Pineview Lane". Further, when Plan 40M-1810 was registered, Block 178 was conveyed to the City along the open end of Pineview Lane. This reserve was intended to be dedicated upon the development of the adjacent lands (now' Plan 40M-2056) in order to provide legal access to that development. Report to Cou~xcil L22-01 St~bject: Road Naming and Dedication 0O3 September 24. 2001 Page :\s t}~c development off those lands is currcntlx u~derxvav and the road ~'orks within the plan have been completed sut'/]cient to permit pt~blic usc. t}~c required dedicatio~ of Block 178. Plan 40M- I 810 should therefore bc t~adc. 'l'}~c bv-laws attacl~cd hereto xxill ct'l'cct thc ~amir~g a~d dcdic~ti~lg of thc aboxc nae~atio~acd blocks. :\'I'-I'ACI-:IMEN~I'S: 4. Location Map. By-law (naming Blocks 21.22.23 & 24). Bv-laxv (dedicating Blocks 21.22.23 & 24). Bv-la~ (dedicating Block 178. }'lan 4()M- 181 ()t. Prepared I)enisc Bve Dt3:l.} m ,~\ttachments Copy: Chief z\dministrativc ..\pprovcd ~orscsi,-B~.., Jet,tn RebTe~ ' ' - Recommended t'or the consideration of Picketing City Council T~o~ias J. Quifin. Chiag AdminL~,q. tiive (:Eticcr __~ CRESCENT OD POST UANE I o BLK. ~ANE BLKS. 21, 2; 23 AND 24 FOXWOOC TRAIL C.N.R. i I AUTUMN CRES. CN,R. SHEPPARD AVENUE SHEPPARD AVENUE DAYLIGHT ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE CATTAIL PLACE RAINY DAY STEEPLE HILL ROUGE ROAD City of Pickering FILE No. RTC 22/01 Planning & Development Department J DATE OCT 2001 4, &TTACHMENT #o~ TO REPORT # ~-~- ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-I,AW N(. .4, Bein~ a by-law lo name Bloc/cs' 2i,_~,,, 23 and ~ Plan 40M-2056 r'Pineview Lane). WHEREAS pursuant to section 210.111 of thc Municipal .Act. R.S.(). 1990, chapter M.45, thc council ora local municipality may pass by-laws for giving names lo or changing the names of highways on public property; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of' the City of Pickering }fEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The road comprising Blocks 21. '~'~ ~ 24. ..... ~ and Phm 4()M-2056 is hereby named Pineview Lane. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19~ day of November, 2001. Wayne Arthurs. Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk W2306A 45 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to dedicate Blocks 21, 22, 23 and 24, Plan 40M-2056 (Pineview Lane) as public highway. WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of Blocks 21,22, 23 and 24, Plan 40M-2056, Pickering and wishes to dedicate it as a public highway. NOW TItEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Blocks 21, 22, 23 and 24, Plan 40M-2056, Pickering is hereby dedicated as public highway (Pineview Lane). BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of November, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk W2304.407 ~i]ACHMENT~ LI TO REPORT# L ~\ FI ri 7 THE CORPORATION OF TIlE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NC). 1810 (Pincriew Lane) a.¥ p~d~lic hi~k, hway. \VHEREAS The Corporation al'the City of Picketing is the owner of Block 178, Plan 40M-1810, Pickering and wishes to dedicate it as a public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOi].OWS: Block 178. Plan 40M-1810, Pickcring is hereby ctedicated as public highway (Pineview Lane). BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19~ day of November, 2001. Wayne Arthurs. Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk W2304 406 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Legal Report L14-01 concerning 666178 Ontario Limited, Plan 40M-1737, be received; and That draft by-laws be forwarded to Council for enactment: a) to assume City roads in Plan 40M-1737, Picketing; b) to assume City services installed in the development of Plan 40M-1737, Picketing; c) to amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement), and to recognize the completion of the project comprising Plan 40M-1737. ~itq o~ PiCKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL t:R()M: John Reble Solicitor tbr the Citx ' ] ' St B. 066178 Ontario Limited - Plan 40M-1737. Pickcring - Subdivision Completion and :\ssumption i)AT[i' September 17. 2001 t,U:~P(M,IT NL'.MBER I. 144)1 R[~COMMENDATION: -laws should be enacted: to assume City roads in Plan 40Xl-1 ,"x Picketing: to assume ('itv services installed in thc de\ clopmcnt of Plan 40M-1737, Pickcring: to amend By-law 1416/82 (Places o1' _XmLlscn2cI~t ): to reco?i×c thc COlnpletion of thc project comprisilx~ Plan 4()M-1737. Pickcring. ()RIGIN: Subdivision Agreement dated }:ebruary 15. Completion of project. A ~ '1't t ORITY: Land Tillex .qc'[. R.S.(). 19'0(). chapter I,.5. section 52. ~Unicipa1,4eL R.S.O. 199(). chapter M.43. sections 262. '~ Rex, ional ,Wunicil~aliiiex .-tc'[. R.S.(). 199(). chapter R.8. section 23. ,%'urveyx ,4eL R.S.O. 1990. chapter S.30. section Municipal .-lc'/, R.S.O. 1990. chapter M.45. sections 263. 284. 286. 297, 314.7. I'lanni~Lt, .4el, R.S.O. 1990. chapter P. 13. section 51. Re3,,iona] .~4unicipalities,,tct, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8. scction~ 28.72. Alto~icil~U ,4c[, R.S.O. 1990 chapter M.45. section 236.6. FINANCIAL iN,It LICATIONS: There are no new financial implications to thc Citx as a result of this recommendation. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A B..\CKGROLTNI): Thc completion of this pro eot. bein~g Plan 40Nl-17XT. Pickcring. in accordance with the Subdivision :X2_recment dated F'cbruarx 14.. 1993 and other applicable ('itv policies, must be acknowledged by the enactment of bx-laxvs assuming thc roads and services within the Plan. In addition, other bv-lax~s must bc enacted to allow tine various C'itx departments to close their files and to amend existing municipal legislation to roi]eot new circumstances created by this project's development. It is theretbre recommended that thc three draft bx-law s attached hereto be enacted. 010 Report to Council L-14 Subject: Assumption and Release of Subdivision September 17,2001 Paae ~ ATTACHMENTS' Draft by-law to assume roads. Draft by-taw to assume services. Draft by-law to amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement). Location Map/Site Sketch. Prepared By}~ Jody ~/fsons JEP Attachments Approved/Endo,~:z~v: John Reble .... .-/" ' "( Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Planning & Development Recommended tbr the consideration of Pickering City Council ~'x ., Thomas J. Quin~Chief~dmini~ve Ofdcer Recommendation approved as it effects: ~ Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Director. Operations & Emergency Services Director, Pla~ing & Development Director. Corporate Services & Treasurer THE CORPOILATION Of THt{ CITY OF PICKERING BY-L~A \V NO. Being a b¥-/a~c to trs'.s'ume £ot.s' / lo 50, both incluxiue and ./urixdictiot~ ot lhc C'ilv. \VtqERI~\S, Napanee Road and Nipissing Court are highxvays shown on a plan of subdivision and are therefore deemed, pursuant to the ,5'um,e~,.v Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter S.30, section 57, to be public highways; and \VHERt;AS, pursuant to thc Municit)a/:icl R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, section 263. lhe Council of Thc Corporation of the City of Picketing has jurisdiction over those highways (the Council of The Regional Municipality of Durham not having enacted a by-law pursuant to the Re,gional .~/tinici/~aliiiex Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8, section 23, to add those highxvays to the regional road system); and \VHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal :to& section 262. thc soil and IYechold of ~hosc highways is theretbre vested in The Corporation of the City of l'ickering; NO\V THEREFORE, the Council of Thc Corporation of the City of' Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOIA~OWS: The following highways arc hereby assumed for public use as public highways under the .jurisdiction of thc Council of Thc Corporation of the City of Picketing: Napanee Road and Nipissing Court all according to Plan 40M-1737, City of Picketing. Regional Municipalit) of Durham. The City Solicitor is hereby authorized to apply to the Land Registrar pursuant to the Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter L.5, section 152, to have the Corporation entered as the owner of the highways referred to in section 1. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally' passed this l0th day of November 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 40M-1737 :',TT~CHMENT~ ~ TO REPORT# THE CORPORATION OF TI:IE CITY OF PICKER1NG BY-LAW NO. Being a by-lmv to assume services under the jurisdiction of the City in Plan 4OM-! 73 7, Picketing. WHEREAS, pursuant to, where applicable, the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, sections 263, 284 286, 297, and 314.7, the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, section 51, the Regional Municipalities Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8, sections 28 and 72 and the Agreement dated February 15, 1993 (Notice of which was registered on September 16, 1993 as Instrument No. LT653510 between 666178 Ontario Limited and The Corporation of the City of Pickering), above ground and underground services under the jurisdiction of thc City in Plan 40M-1737, Pickering, have been completed to its satisfaction; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The above ground services under the jurisdiction of the City, that are required to be constructed or installed in the development of Plan 40M-1737, Pickering, including the roads, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, driveway aprons, boulevards, street signs, fencing and grading, located on lands that are both, (a) dedicated to or owned by the City, the Regional Municipality of Durham or the Province of Ontario, and (b) in Plan 40M-1737, Pickering, or immediately adjacent thereto, are hereby accepted by the City and assumed by it for maintenance, as of February 28, 2001. The underground services under the jurisdiction of the City that are required to be constructed or installed in the development of Plan 40M-1737, Pickering, including the storm drainage system and related appurtenances, located on lands that are both, (a) dedicated to or owned by the City, the Regional Municipality of Durham or the Province of Ontario, and (b) in Plan 40M-1737, Pickering, or immediately adjacent thereto, are hereby accepted by the City and assumed by it for maintenance as of January 16, 200 l. In sections 1 and 2, the phrase "lands that are...owmed by the City" includes lands that are subiect to an easement transferred to the City, but only with respect to the specific service or services referred to in the easement transfer document. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of November, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor 40M-1737 Bruce Taylor, Clerk THE CORPORATION (-)1: THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LA\\' NO. Being ~ bv-hm' to amend B)'-h~w 1-/16 ~$'2 ?roviding,/br the regu/aE(>n and licensing ~/'p/acc.s' O/ ~mn~.s'ement. WIIEREAS, pursuant to the Munici/?a/Act. R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45 section __)6.6, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing enacted By-law 1416/82 providing for the regulation and licensing of places of amusement; NO\V 'I'[IEREFORE. the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Schedule A to By-law 1416/82. as amended, is hereby f'urther amended by adding thereto thc following item: Napanee Road and Nipissing Court BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this t9~'* day of November, 2001. \Vayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce rl'avlor, Clerk C1203 FINCH SEGUIN SQ. NIPISSINQ oo?..8. COGNAC AVENUE rERHAVEN LANE City of Pickering FiLE No. RTC L14-01 1 AMBERLEA SAUGEEN HIGHVIEW 40M-1737 GRACELAND COURT ROAD ERAMOSA ]RESCENT ROAD Planning & Development Department LOTS I TO 5O AND BLOCKS 51 TO 61 --/x fDATE SEPT 2001 25, 015 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY 1. That Legal Report L I6-01, concerning Buendias Land Company Limited, Plan 40M-1745, Picketing, be received; and 2. That draft by-laws be forwarded to Council: a. to assume City roads in Plan 40M-1745, Picketing; b. to assume City services installed in the development of Plan 40M-1745, Picketing; c. to amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of AmusementL and to recognize the completion of the project comprising Plan 40M- 1745, Pickering. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: John Reble Solicitor tbr the City DATE: September 17.2001 REPORT NUMBER L16-01 SUBJECT: Buendias Land Company Limited Plan 40M-1745, Picketing Subdivision Completion and Assumption RECOMMENDATION: By-laws should be enacted: to assume City roads in Plan 40M-1745, Picketing; to assume City services installed in the development of Plan 40M-1745, Picketing; to amend By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement); to recognize the completion of the project comprising Plan 40M-1745, Pickering. ()RIGIN: 1 Subdivision Agreement dated June 7, 19 ~. 2. Completion of project. AUTHORITY: Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter L.5, section 152. Municipal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, sections 262, 263. Regional Municipalities Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8, section 23. Surveys Act, R.S.O. 1990, chaptbr S.30, section 57. MunicipalAct, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, sections 263. 284~ 286, 297, 314.7. Planning Act. R.S.O. 1990, chapter P. 13, section 51. Regional Municipalities AcI, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8. sections 28, 72. Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 chapter M.45, section 236.6. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no new financial implications to the City as a result of this recommendation. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: The completion of this project, being Plan 40M-1745, Picketing, in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement dated June 7, 1993 and other applicable City policies, must be acknowledged by the enactment of by-laws assuming the roads and services within the Plan. In addition, other by-laws must be enacted to allow the various City departments to close their files and to amend existing municipal legislation to reflect new circumstances created by this project's development. It is therefore recommended that the three draft by-laws attached hereto be enacted. Report to Council LI6-01 Sub ect: Assumption and Release of Subdivision :\TT:\C| tMENTS: September 17. 2001 Page 2 017 Draft bv-law to assume roads. Draft by-law to assuinc services. Draft by-law to amend t3x-laxv 1416/82 (Places of _\muscmcnt ). Location Map/Site Sketch. Prepared By: Jodv Pa~pl~s Jl:P :\ttachlnents C?hicl' Administrative ()fficer Director. Planning & Development Recommended for the consideration of Pickcrm~ City Council Recommendation approved as it crib City Clerk Director. Operations & Emergency Serx ices Director. Planning & Development Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer 018 ATTACHMENT~ ~ ','C :'.E?O?C;' ~.L:.._~-O t THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to assume Lot ] and Blocks 2 to 39, inclusive, Plan 40M-1745, Pickering, .fi)r public use as public highways under the jurisdiction of the Ci~. WHEREAS, Napanee Road and Nipissing Court are highways shown on a plan of subdivision and are therefore deemed, pursuant to the Surveys Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter S.30, section 57, to be public highways; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, section 263, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering has jurisdiction over those highways (the Council of The Regional Municipality of Durham not having enacted a by-law pursuant to the Regional Municipalities Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8, section 23, to add those highways to the regional road system); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act, section 262, the soil and freehold of those highways is therefore vested in The Corporation of the City of Pickering; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Picketing HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The following highways are hereby assumed for public use as public highways under the jurisdiction of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering: Otonabee Drive according to Plan 40M-1745, City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham. The City Solicitor is hereby authorized to apply to the Land Registrar pursuant to the Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter L.5, section 152, to have the Corporation entered as the owner of the highways referred to in section 1. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of November 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 40M-1745 ATTACHI"IENT # ~:~ TO REPORT #..~.~- to\ n 1~ 9 TIlE CORPORATION OF ]'tiE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW N(). Beinj4 o by-law [o ~]x.vt~mc xerviccx under tt~e jurixdiction Of the ('ltv i~ I~/~m dO.~/-I 'dj, ]'ickerD~. WHEREAS. pursuant to, where applicable, thc .~ltmicipal Act. t,~.S.O. 1990. chapter M.45, sections 263, 284 286, 297, and 314.7, the PlonnDLk' ..tel P,.S.O. 1990. chapter P.13, section 51, the ,Ahmicipalities Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8. sections 28 and 72 and the Agreement dated February 1 1993 (Notice of which was registered on December 23, 1993 as instrument No. IJI'664808 between Beundias Land Company Limited and The Corporation of the City of Pickering), above ground and underground services under the jurisdiction of thc City in Plan 40M-1745, Picketing, have been completed to its satisfaction; NO\V THt~REF()RI(, the Council of The Corporation of the Citx of Pickering HEREBT ENACTS AS FOLLO'¢/S: The above ground services under the jurisdiction of thc City. that are required to be constructed or installed in the development of Plan 40M-1745, Pickcring. including tile roads, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, driveway aprons, boulevards, street signs, fencing and grading, located on lands that are both, (a) dedicated to or or, reed by tile City. ~he Regional Municipality of Durham or the Province of Ontario, and (b) in Plan 40M-1745, Pickering. or immectiatelv adjacent thereto. are hereby accepted by the City and assumed by it for maintenance, as of April 6. 2000. The underground services under thc urisdiction of the City thal are required to be constructed or installed in the development of Plan 40M-1745. Pickering, including tile stom~ drainage system and related appurtenances, located on lands that are both, (a) dedicated to or owned by the (]it)'. thc Regional Municipality of Durham or the Province of Ontario, and (b) in Plan 40M-1745, Pickering, or immediately adjacent thereto. are hereby accepted by the City and assumed by it £or maintenance as of March 21, 2000. o In sections I and_'~, the phrase "lands that are...owncd by tile City" includes lands that are subject to an easement transferred to the City, but only with respect to the specific service or services referred to in the easement transfer document. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally' passed this 10'~' day of November. 2001. Waync Arthurs, Nlayor 40M-1745 Bruce 'i avlor. Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to amend By-law 1416/82 providing.for the rejgulation and licensing qf places qflamusement. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, section 236.6, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law 1416/82 providing for the regulation and licensing of places of amusement; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City. of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS ~ S' FOI,LOW . Schedule A to By-law 1416/82, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following item: Otonabee Drive BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of November, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor. Clerk C1203 LLt (/i 0 FINCH AVENUE SEQUIN SQ. NIPISSING LANE AMBERLEA ]RIFTWO01 SAUGEEN HIGHVIEW GRACEb~ND ROAD ERAMOSA CRESCENT COURT City of Pickering FILE No. RTC L16-01 40M-1745 ROAD Planning & Development Department ~ LOT 1 AND BLOCKS 2TO 39 ~ DATE SEPT 2001 25, 022 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Legal Report L25-01, concerning Disposal of Lands, Block H, Plan M-11, Save & Except Part 1, Plan 40R-6810, east side of Reytan Blvd., be received; and That a by-law be forwarded to Council to: (a) declare the lands described as Block H, Plan M-11, save & except Part 1, Plan 40R- 6810 surplus to the needs of the Corporation for the purpose of sale; (b) waive the requirement for an appraisal, pursuant to the City's Procedure for Sale of Land; (c) authorize the City Solicitor to make the necessary arrangements to obtain all relevant documentation relating to the sale; and (d) authorize the Mayor & Clerk to execute all documentation required to effect the conveyance. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL 020 FROM: John Reble Solicitor tbr the City DATE: October 23. 2001 REPORT NUMBER: L25-01 SUBJECT: Disposal of Lands - Block H. Plan M-11, save & except Part 1. Plan 40R-6810 - East side of Reytan Boulevard - Our File: RE0110 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to: (a) declare the lands described as Block H. Plan M-11. save & except })art 1, Plan 40R-6810 surplus to the needs or'the Corporation for the purpose of sale: (b) xxaive the requirement for an appraisal, pursuant to tile City's Procedure for Sale of I~and: (c) authorize the City Solicitor to make tile necessary arrangements to obtain all relevant documentation relating to tile sale: and (d) authorize the Mayor & Clerk to execute all documentation required to effect the conveyance. ORIGIN: Council Resolution #87/01, dated June 25. 2001. AUTHORITY: 1. Municipa/Act. R.S.O. 1990, chapter .',I.45, sections I91 and 193. 2. By-law 5627/00. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Estimated Value Advertising, Legal tees/Disbursements $5.400.00 Purchaser's Cost EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On June 25. 2001 Council passed Resolution 8701 authorizing that the appropriate documentation be brought tbrxvard to declare the subject land surplus to the needs of the Corporation for the purpose of sale. Attached hereto is the dra/'t bv-laxv, enactment of which will declare the subject lands surplus for thc purpose of sale. 0,,°_4 Report to Council L _~ -01 Subject: Disposal of Lands - East side of Reytan Blvd. October ~ ~ .~. 2001 BACKGROUND: The subject property was acquired by the City August 5, 1960 from Resources Land Cooperative Corporation as open space lands and compiles an area of approximately .063 acres. There are no registered easements or encumbrances. Central Versa owns the lands directly adjacent to the subject lands and have made application to the City fbr the development of a long-term care facility. Ongoing negotiations between the City's Planning & Development Department and Central Versa have resulted in an agreement whereby Central Versa will acquire the subject property for incorporation into their development of the adjacent lands for the sum of $5,400.00. The land assembly will allow Central Versa to provide a larger landscape buffer to the homes on Reytan Boulevard and to grade their property at the rear more gradually. This is a very suitable arrangement for the City as the subject property is very small, undevelopable and subject to ongoing maintenance and liability. Council should note that while the subject lands provide frontage to Re~an Boulevard, the final site plan will not reflect pedestrian or vehicular access to, or from the long-term care facility onto Reytan Boulevard; this restriction will be cosmetically accomplished by landscaping and fencing and, legally accomplished by Central Versa conveying a 0.3m reserve (across the Reytan Boulevard frontage) to the City prior to final site plan approval. It is further recommended that the requirement for an appraisal, pursuant to the City's Policy Respecting the Disposal of Land be waived in this instance. For negotiating purposes, staff applied the assessed value of the Central Versa lands to the subject lands and are satisfied with the sum of $5,400. Enactment of the attached bv-law will declare the lands surplus tbr the purpose of sale to Central Versa for incorporation into their development. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location map. 2. Draft byqaw. Prepared by: Denise Bye DB:ljm Attachments Approved by: John Reble Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director of Planning & Development Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council .~./'~ ~ ,- .~ TKo~i'a~ 71. Q~j,fm, Cl~ef Ad '" m~ //// // ' i AVENUE GRENOBLE BOULEVARD ~USCH a FORDON City of Pickering PR( '~._YSSU M ST. ST. Planning & Development Department FILE No. RTC 25-01 ], I DATE OCT 26, 2001 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to declare certain municipal lands being Block H, Plan M-11, save & except Part 1, Plan 40R- 6810 as surplus to the needs of the City of Pickering and to authorize the sale of same, all in accordance with By- Law 5627/00. WHEREAS, The Corporation of the City of Pickering on March 6, 2000 passed By-law 5627/00 to establish procedures to regulate the sale of Municipal Real Property pursuant to section 193(2) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.M.45, as amended; AND WHEREAS, The Corporation of the City of Pickering wishes to declare certain lands surplus to the needs of the Corporation; AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering desires to sell such surplus lands to the owner of the adjacent lands; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: The land lying and being in the City of Pickering, in the Regional Municipality of Durham legally described as Block H, Plan M-11, save & except Part 1, Plan 40R-6810 is hereby designated as surplus to the needs of The Corporation of the City of Pickering, for the purpose of sale. The Solicitor for the City is hereby authorized to make the necessary arrangements to dispose of the subject lands in accordance with By-Law 5627/00. o The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute all other documentation required to effect the disposition of the lands. The requirement for an appraisal under the City's Procedures to Regulate the Sale of Property is hereby waived. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of November, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk REO110 n27 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Clerk's Report CL 43-01 regarding appointments to the Ajax Picketing Transit Authority Board of Management be received; and That Mayor Arthurs and Councillors Brenner and Pickles be appointed to the permanent Board of Management of the Ajax Pickenng Transit Authori~ effective January 1, 2002; and 3. That the draft by-law to confirm these appointments be forwarded to Council for enactment. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: November 2, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 43-01 SUBJECT: Ajax Picketing Transit Authority (APTA) Appointments to APTA Board of Management RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 43/01 regarding appointments to the Ajax Picketing Transit Authority Board of Management be received; and 2. That Mayor Arthurs and Councillors Brenner and Pickles be appointed to the permanent Board of Management of the Ajax Picketing Transit Authority effective January 1, 2002; and 3. That the draf~ by-law to confirm these appointments be forwarded to Council for enactment. ORIGIN: Letter from the General Manager of APTA dated October 23,2001 AUTHORITY: Section 207.5 of the Municipal Act and proposed Special Legislation FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At its meeting of August 7, 2001, Council authorized the execution of a Merger Agreement with the Town of Ajax that provides for the creation of the Ajax Picketing Transit Authority effective January 1, 2002. Article 3.2 of the Agreement states that the affairs of APTA shall be supervised by a Board of Management comprised of three Members of Council from each of Pickering and Ajax. BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Report a letter from the General Manager of the Ajax Picketing Transit Authority noting that the Special Legislation to confirm the status of APTA as a legal Body Corporate will likely become law in December of 2001. This Special Legislation will provide for APTA to formally become a corporate body on January 1, 2002. Report to Council CL 43-01 Subject: Appointments to APTA Board of Management Date: November 1, 2001 Page 2 0.?9 Currently, there is an Interim Board of Management that is similar to the permanent Board of Management that wilt take effect on Januars' 1. 2002. The Board of Management is comprised of three Members of Council from each of the municipalities of Picketing and Ajax and the appointments are effective to November 30. 2003 Mayor Arthurs and Councillors Brenner and Pickles are currently the City's appointees on the Interim Board of Management and each have indicated a desire to continue on the permanent Board of' Management. I have attached a draft by-law that will provide for the continuing appointment of Mayor Arthurs and Councillors Brenner and Pickles on the permanent APTA Board of Directors that will take effect on January 1, 2002. ATTACHMENTS: Letter from APTA dated October 23,2001 Draft by-law to make appointments Prepare4 / Apprgved / Endorsed By: Bruce Taylor Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,. ( / ,¢/./:/f, . Thomas J. Qmnn, Chief Adfninistra =TA AJAX PICKERINGT~C_ - AUTHORITY Ajax Pickering Transit Authority 110 Westney Road South Ajax, ON Canada L1S 2C8 October 23, 2001. Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner Co-Chair, APTA Board of Management Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario. L1V 6K7 Dear Maurice; Ajax Pickering Transit Authority (APTA) is expecting Provincial confirmation of our status as a legal Body Corporate in December 2001. One aspect of incorporation will be the need to formally identify roles and responsibilities of APTA Board of Management members within the legal context of a Corporation operating separate from both Municipalities (example: Signing Authority). We are requesting that yourself and Regional Councillor Jim McMaster initiate the process with your respective Municipal Councils to appoint permanent APTA Board of Management members. We suggest maintaining the existing Municipal representation on the Interim APTA Board of Management until our final meeting of the year scheduled for November 27, 2001. This will permit continuity of representation as we work through municipal support and APTA incorporation issues. We would like the names of members of Councils appointed as permanent representatives on the APTA Board of Management to be confirmed not later than November 20, 2001. Although the term of the permanent APTA Board of Management would commence January 1, 2002, we would encourage new members of the Board to attend our November 27, 2001 meeting as observers. In this manner new Board members will receive a full briefing on the status of APTA initiatives prior to commencing active participation on the APTA Board of Management in January 2002. Yours Truly, Copy' R.. egional Councillor Jim McMaster, Co-Chair Bruce Taylor, City Clerk, City of Pickering Neil Killens, Deputy General Manager APTA Board of Management 7.~~n by the City Clerk: Regional Councillor Maurice Bren-~her, Co-Chair, APTA Board of Management Mailing Address: 65 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax, ON Canada L1S 2H9 Telephone 905-427-5710 · 905-683-4111 - Fax 905-427-3473 www.townofajax.com · www. cityofpickering.on.ca THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF P1CKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 5784/00 to appoint persons to committees WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of' the City of Pickering enacted By-law Number 5'784/00 on December 18, 2000 to appoint persons to conunittees; and V~q-IEREAS Council enacted By-law_ 87J/01 on August 7, 2001 to authorize the execution of a Merger Agreement to provide for the creation of the Ajax Picketing Transit Authority; and WHEREAS Article Ill of the Merger Agreement provides for the appointment of members to the Board of Management of the Ajax Picketing Transit Authority: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Section 18 of By-law Number 5784/00 is hereby' deleted and the following is substituted therefore: 18. The following are hereby appointed to the Aiax Picketing Transit Authority: 1. Mayor Arthurs 2. Councillor Brenner 3. Councillor Pickles 2. This By-law shall take effect on Januarx, 1, 2002. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of November, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk ('t32 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Clerk's Report CL 42-01 regarding the resignation of a member of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee and the Public Library Board be received; and That the resignation of Dean Harbridge from the Waterfront Coordinating Committee be. received with regret. That Peggy Wilmot be appointed to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee for a term to expire on November 30, 2003. That the draft by-law to appoint Peggy Wilmot be forwarded to Council for enactment. That the resignation of Jill Foster from the City of Picketing Public Library Baord be received with regret. That pursuant to Section 11(1) of the Public Libraries Act, the Clerk is directed to place a notice in the Community Page of the News Advertiser inviting applications from residents to fill the vacant position. - - OR - - That Councillor Library Board. be appointed to fill the vacant position on the Public PICKliNG REPORT TO COUNCIL O33 FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, City Clerk CMM DATE' October 31, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 42-01 SUBJECT: Appointments to Fill Vacant Positions - Waterfront Coordinating Committee and Public Library Board RECOMMENDATION: That Clerk's Report CL 42-01 regarding the resignation of a member of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee and the Public Library Board be receive& and That the resignation of Dean Harbridge from the Waterfront Coordinating Committee be received with regret. That Peggy Wilmot be appointed to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee for a term to expire on November 30, _00o 4. That the draft by-law to appoint Peggy Wilmot be forwarded to Council for enactment. That the resignation of' Jill Foster from the City of Picketing Public Library Board be received with regret. That pursuant to Section l 1 ( 1 ) of the Public Libraries Act, the Clerk is directed to place a notice in the Community' Page of the News Advertiser inviting applications from residents to fill the vacant position. That Councillor Library Board. be appointed to fill the vacant position on the Public ORIGIN: Letter of resignation dated October 19. 2001 submitted by Dean Harbridge Letter dated October 1, 2001 from Peggy Wilmot applying for appointment Letter of resignation dated October 22, 2001 submitted by Jill Foster AUTHORITY: Section 12 of the Public Libraries Act Section 102( 1 ) of the Municipal Act Report to Council CL 42-01 Subject: Appointments to Committees Date: October 31, 2001 Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Resignations have been received from a member of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee and the Public Library Board. With respect to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee, a letter of application has been received from Peggy Wilmot to fill the vacant position left through the resignation of Dean Harbridge. With respect to the vacant position on the Public Library Board that was created through the resignation of Jill Foster, Council is required by the Public Libraries Act to place a notice in a newspaper of general circulation inviting applications from residents. BACKGROUND: WATEFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE Please find attached to this Report an E-Mail from Dean Harbridge dated October 19, 2001 submitting his resignation from the Waterfront Coordinating Committee due to conflicting time constraints as a result of an appointment to represent an agency on another Committee. Also attached is a letter dated October 1, 2001 from Peggy Wilmot expressing an interest in being appointed to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee to fill the vacancy created through the resignation of Dean Harbridge. At its meeting of September 13, 2001, the Waterfront Coordinating Committee was made aware of the resignation of Dean Harbridge and recommended the appointment of Peggy Wilmot to fill this vacant position. Attached to this Report is a draft by-law to remove Dean Harbridge from the Waterfront Coordinating Committee and to implement the appointment of Peggy Wilmot to this Committee. PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD In an E-Mail dated October 21, 2001 addressed to Mayor Arthurs, Jill Foster resigned from the Public Library Board effective immediately. A copy of Ms. Foster's E-Mail has been circulated to Members of Council under separate cover. By-law Number 2121/85 establishes the Public Library Board at nine members of which two members are recommended by the Durham District School Board, one member is recommended by the Durham District Separate School Board, and currently three members are appointed by Council from the community and the remaining three members are Members of Council. Jill Foster was appointed by By-law Number 5784/00 as a community representative for a term to expire on November 30, 2003. Section 12 of the Public Libraries Act states: Where a vacancy arises in the membership of a board, the appointing council shall promptly appoint a person to fill the vacancy and to hold office for the unexpired term, except where the unexpired term is less than forty-five days. This Section requires that Council fill the vacancy on the Public Library Board created by the resignation of Jill Foster. Report to Council CL 42-01 Subject: Appointments to Committees Date: October 31, 2001 Page 3 035 Council is entitled to appoint up to four Members of Council to the Public Library Board and therefore, since there are currently only three Members of Council appointed to the Board, it has the option of appointing one further Member to fill the vacancy. If Council wishes to continue to fill the vacancy with an appointment of a resident from the community, then it should be aware that Section 11(1) of the Public Libraries Act states: The clerk of the appointing municipaliD' .... shall give public notice of vacancies on the board by publishing a notice of them, inviting applications, in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipaliD'. This Section requires the Clerk to advertise the vacancy and report back to Council on the applications received. To this end, I will arrange fbr two notices to appear in the Community Page of the News Advertiser on November 21't and 28th and provide the list of applicants at the Committee of the Whole Meeting of December 104. ATTACHMENTS' Letter from Dean Harbridge dated October 19, 2001 Letter from Peggy Wilmot dated October 1, 2001 Dra~ by-law to appoint Peggy Wilmot to Waterfront Coordinating Committee Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: eBrucc~Taylor Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Citv Council Tho/mas'J. Quinn, ~hief A~dministra'ti~ Offider Taylor, Bruce Page 1 of l From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Robbins, Maureen Monday, October 22, 2001 11:23 AM Taylor, Bruce Keams, Debbie FW: resignation Importance: High Bruce, below is an email from Dean Harbridge indicating his resignation from the WCC. Debbie, as Dean indicated, he would like to remain on the mailing list for information/updates. Thanks. ..... Original Message ..... From: Dean Harbridge To: Mark Holland (WCC) Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 3:13 PM Subject: resignation Due to conflicting time constraints, on my part, I regret to inform you that I will no longer be able to sit on the waterfront coordinating committee as an active member. But I would like to be informed of future meetings so that I may be able to partake where possible. Thank you for your understanding. Dean Harbridge 10/22/01 __TO REPORT# ~ ~/2- o/ 1344 Foxglove Ave Pickenng, ON L1W 1E9 October 01,2001 Councillor Mark Holland Chair, Waterfront Coordinating Comimttec City of Picketing Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Picketing, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Councillor Holland Co~mnittce Mmnbcr of Waterfront Coordinating Conunittee I mn applying for the above position, for tiaving always been intcrested in the waterfront as long as I have been a resident of Pickenng (28 3'cars), I feel that I have thc qualifications to meet the rcquirements needed. One of the reasons I joined Pickcring East Shore Commmfitv Association. ten years ago, was due lo ~ny concern of the neglected appearance of file waterfront. Similarly, when lhe opportunity arose m 1997 for members of the public to be pan of Tile Mayor's Task Force 200 l. I took the opporlumly to be part of the East Trail Subcom~mttee (Liverpool Rd. To Ajax). Having walked on a daily basis along the East Trail for the past thirteen (13) years, I was very excited to hear about the Millemum Square and Waterfront Trail project. I have been able to see first hand all the changes that have occurred m~d hear ~nanv comments from the people using the trail, who arc veD' happy like I am about the changes to it. Pickenng East Shore Coimnunitv Association b~ endorsed me as their representative as they know I would be fully committed to this position. I hope that my application for this position will be looked on favourablv. Inlav be contacted at 905-839-1048. Yours truly, Peggy Wihnot .~ FTACH!'qEi",!-' :;____ TC:, REPORT#~ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 5784/00 to appoint persons to committees. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law Number 5784/00 on December 18, 2000 to appoint persons to various committees; and WHEREAS Dean Harbridge has resigned from the Waterfront Coordinating Committee and it has been recommended that Peggy Wilmot be appointed to that Committee to fill that vacancy; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Section 20 (appointments to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee) of By-law Number 5784/00 is hereby amended by deleting there from the following: 6. Dean Harbridge and substituting therefore the following: 6. Peggy Wilmot BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of November, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 029 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Clerk's Report CL 44-01 regarding the membership selection for the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee be received: and That the Council of the City of Picketing hereby nominates Paul Pistfitto for appointment to the Durham Agricultural Ad~4sorv Committee by the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham 040 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor AMCT, City Clerk CMM DATE: November 1, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 44-01 SUBJECT: Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) Nomination of Paul Pistritto to (DAAC) RECOMMENDATION: That Clerk's Report CL 44-01 regarding the membership selection for the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee be received; and That the Council of the City of Pickering hereby nominates Paul Pistritto for appointment to the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee by the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham ORIG1N: Letter from the Regional Commissioner of Planning dated October 29, 2001 AUTHORITY: Section 102(1) of the Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Region of Durham has established the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee with the goal to provide advice to the Region on agricultural matters and rural matters as they relate to agriculture. The Region has put notices in newspapers of general circulation throughout the Region inviting applications from interested persons to sit on this Committee. The area municipalities are now being requested to nominate one applicant who is a bona fide farmer who is directly involved in the agricultural industry. BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Report a letter from the Commissioner of Planning of the Regional Municipality of Durham advising that the Regional Council established the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) on July 4, 2001 with the goal to provide advice to the Region on agricultural matters and rural matters as they relate to agriculture. Report to Council CL 44-01 Subject: Nomination to Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee Date: November 1, 2001 Page 041 Pursuant to the Terms of Reference approved for this Committee. adver-tisements were placed in newspapers of general circulation throughout the Region inviting applications from farmers who are interested in sitting on this Committee. The Durham Agricultural Advisor~' Committee is comprised of sixteen members of which twelve will be bona fide farmers who are directly involved in the agricultural industry', three will be rural residents who are not directly involved in the agricultural industry and one member will be a representative of the Regional Planning C o mmittee. The Terms of Reference also state that responses from the advertisement will be forwarded to each respective area municipality with a request that the local Council nominate one representative from the applicants who are bona fide farmers directlv involved in the agricultural industry. Only one application was received from Paul Pistritto and his application is attached hereto for your information. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Region Planning Commissioner dated October 29. 2001 Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: ~ruce Taylor Attachments ' Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council Thot~a~ J. Quin~ Chie~ Admi "' ' ~cer ~ The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department ATTACHMEN-[ ~ . October 29, 2001 Mr. B. Taylor Clerk City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 / TO REPORT#, ~' ~ ¢~/~ c_~ / Dear Mr. Taylor: Re: Membership Selection for.the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee File No. D23-02 1615 Dundas St. E. 4th Floor. Lang Tower West Building RO. Box 623 WhitBy, ON LIN 6A3 f905) 728-7731' Fax: (905,436-6612 www. reg~on.durham.on.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP. RPP Commissioner of Planning On July 4, 2001, Regional Council adopted a resolution to establish the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) in accordance with the approved Terms of Reference. The approved Terms of Reference provide for the Region to seek individuals interested in serving on the DAAC through newspaper advertisements. One (1) expression of interest was received from farmers in Pickering as a result of our newspaper ads. The expression of interest is attached. In accordance with the approved Terms of Reference, we are now requesting that the City of Pickering consider nominating that individua for membership ~n the DAAC. Appendix 1 of the Terms of Reference provides the membership eligibility criteria that must be considered when nominating individuals. (See attached copy of Terms of Reference). We would appreciate your Council's nomination as soon as possible. Regional Planning Committee and Council will receive all nominations and appoint the DAAC membership. Should you require further information in regards to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact Roger Saunders, Planner at (905) 728-7731 Ext. 3259. Yours truly,, A.L. Georgieff. M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Commissioner of Planning attach. for \\FS PL0002\DATA~ DATA\str\ds\DAAC\~c~?~om 1 letter.doc 100 ¥0 POSl Consumel OS/28,'2UUI 14:lJ~ ~.4_~ : :'".-'>.', ,4'-/- f Paul - M~ GROWER OF QUALITY VEGETABLES FLOWERS AND PLANTS 2465 Br(x~k Road N., Pickerin¢l, On_t~._ .ri.,~o. . L:v :: .: .__ ...- : .1 A.L. Georg~eff, MCIP, RPP ComSmssioner of Planning Durham Region Planning Deparmaeat 1615 Dundas St E. 4'~ Floor, Lang Tower West Building, Wt'fitby Mall, Whitby, Ontario L1N 2L1 Fax: 905 436-6612 August 9, 2001 O4 3 Dear A.L. Georgieff, RE: APPLICATION FOR NIEMBER.HIP IN THE DURHAM AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Iwould tiketo be considered for membership in the above committee. I have been a resident of Durham for over 30 years and have operated a family farm with a store on Brock Road, Pickering, where I have been seIling vegetables, flowers and plants f nave grown for the past 21 years. I have been an active member of Durham Farm Fresh Association, and I have been a member of the executive for three years. I am aware o1' the issues that relate to agricultural and rural land use especially those that might endanger existing farm land and those relating to road signs. Aisc, through my personal experience with airport lands and as a former real estate agent I have come into contacl with the conflict between developmen~ and farming, and believe in the possibility of resolutions. My interest in the Committee comes from my long standing family involvement in decision making in the city of Pickering and my familiarity with immigrant farmer issues. I have been able to improve my farming skills through graduation from the 'School of Hard Knocks", and keep my pesticides safety certification updated reguiariy. Because I can rely on family and employees, I have the freedom to attend meetings as required, and the ability to undertake extra work outside of meetings. I can be contacted at my store at the phone number above. Paul Pistritto AUG 28 2081 14:14 PAGE.~i ,:',TTAC H ~ F ~' ' / Terms of Reference Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee 2.2 2.3 Goal To provide advice to the Region of Durham on agricultural matters and rural matters as they relate to agriculture. Mandate The Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) is a volunteer non- political Advisory Committee established by Regional Council in accordance with these Terms of Reference. Committee members are guided by these Terms of Reference. The Terms of Reference provide for a balance between activities referred from the Planning Department or Regional Planning Committe. e and an allowance for the DAAC to be proactive and advise on matters identified on its own initiative. Matters may be referred to the DAAC from the Regional Planning Department or Planning Committee. The DAAC may report directly to Regional Planning Committee on substantive matters as determined by Planning Committee. Otherwise, the DAAC shall report through the Regional Planning Department. Scope of Activities The scope of the DAAC may include activities such as: a) Providing advice on issues and concerns of the agricultural community; b) Providing advice on the implementation of Provincial and Federal legislation, policies, and guidelines related to the agricultural industry; c) Providing adviCe on agricultural and rural policy directions pursued by the Region. This may include providing advice on Regionally-initiated official plan amendments related to agricultural matters; on Regional agricultural matters through an official plan review; or, other policy directions pursued by the Region; d) Providing advice on the identification and implementation of programs which encourage public awareness and education of agricultural and related rural issues; and e) Providing advice on matters as they arise, at the request of the Region. Composition r 43 4.1 The DAAC will be comprised of sixteen members in total. Fourteen members will be private individuals who do not represent their respective employers or advocacy groups in their capacity as a DAAC member. An additional member will represent the Durham Region Federation of Agriculture. The above fifteen members shall not hold elected office (municipal, provincial or federal). Of these fifteen members; twelve will be bona fide farmers who are directly involved in the agricultural industry; and three will be rural residents who are not directly involved in the agricultural industry. The final member will be a representative of Planning Committee whose role is to act as liaison. 4.2 Membership shall be a 3-year term corresponding with the term of Regional Council. A maximum of two consecutive terms will allow for the renewal of members. At the discretion of the DAAC, non-attendance of three consecutive meetings will be sufficient grounds for replacement. Membership Selection 5.1 For private individual members, the Regional Planning Department will place a newspaper advertisement within each area municipality requesting expressions of interest from individuals willing to volunteer for appointment to the DAAC. Interested individuals will be required to provide a brief resume and statement of interest. Responses from the advertisement will be forwarded to each respective area municipality with a request that the local Council nominate one representative from the applicants who are bona fide farmers directly involved in the agricultural industry. The Regional Planning Department, from the remaining resumes received, will nominate three additional members at large who are bona fide farmers; and three members at large who are not directly involved in the agricultural industry, to bring the private individual complement to fourteen. 5.2 The Regional Planning Department will formally request the Durham Region Federation of Agriculture to nominate one person to represent the DP, FA. Regional Planning Committee will recommend individuals for appointment to the DAAC by Regional Council. 5.3 Regional Council shall appoint a representative and an alternate to the DAAC from the members of Planning Committee. 5.4 In nominating members to the DAAC, excluding the representative of Planning Committee, regard shall be given to achieving a diversity of members engaged in varied disciplines of the agricultural industry and members living in the rural community with knowledge of agricultural and related rural issues. Availability to attend meetings will also be considered. An elaboration of the selection criteria is provided in Appendix 1 of the Terms of Reference. All residents of Durham Region are eligible for membership. 5.5 7.2 7.3 8.2 In the case of a vacancy, the approach described in Sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 will generally be followed. Officers A chair and two vice-chairs (first and second) will be elected annually by the membership of the DAAC. The Planning Committee representative will Chair the inaugural DAAC meeting. Support Services The Commissioner of Planning or designate shall serve as staff liaison to the DAAC. The liaison will provide administrative, procedural and technical support to the DAAC. The liaison will co-ordinate all requests for advice from the DAAC, through meeting agendas and addenda to meeting agendas. DAAC responses to such requests shall be co-ordinated by the liaison to the Planning Department or Planning Committee. The Region will provide secretarial and other support services. Regional Council will provide a budget to cover the operational expenses of the DAAC, and this budget will be administered by the Planning Department. Meetings The DAAC will meet in the Regional Planning Department office. The DAAC will establish a meeting schedule at its inaugural meeting taking into account the business needs and the schedule of Council and Planning Committee. The DAAC shall provide Planning Committee with a schedule of meetings in December for the following year. Special meetings may be held at the call of the Chair. Planning Committee is to be kept informed of such meetings. Unless otherwise determined, all meetings will be open to the public. As a formal advisory Committee to the Region, the DAAC is subject to the Regional Procedural By-law, unless otherwise specified in the Terms of Reference. Deleqations of Committee Meetings Any person(s) wishing to appear before the DAAC as a delegation must submit a request to the staff liaison in the Regional Planning Department, advising of the topic or item to which they wish to speak. All requests for delegations must be received at least one week prior to the meeting to ensure that the delegation is included on the agenda. Any person wishing to address the DAAC as a delegate, who has not previously arranged to do so, may be granted permission to do so only by Committee resolution. 10. 10.1 11. 11 .'1 12. 12.1 12.2 12.3 Minutes and Aqenda The minutes of each DAAC meeting will be amended as necessary and approved at the following meeting. The unapproved minutes will be forwarded to the next regularly scheduled Planning Committee meeting. When approved, any amendments will be forwarded to Planning Committee. The DAAC agendas will be prepared by the staff liaison and the DAAC chair or vice chair with input from other DAAC members. Committee Resolutions The DAAC will seek to achieve consensus on decisions. Recommendations are "carried" if supported by a majority. Only resolutions as they appear in the adopted Minutes may be considered as officially representing the position of the DAAC. Annual Re_ports and Workplan An annual report summarizing the activities completed in the previous year shall be prepared by the DAAC. The annual report shall be forwarded to Planning Committee. An annual workplan with an estimate of the resources necessary and any suggested revisions to the Terms of Reference for the coming year shall also be prepared by the DAAC for consideration and approval by Planning Committee and Council. An annual review of the DAAC by Planning Committee will be completed to examine the effectiveness of the Committee and to ensure continued improvements. n47 / Appendix 1 Membership Eligibility Criteria To facilitate the nomination and appointment of new members to the DAAC, the following criteria will be considered. The aim is to achieve a diversity of members engaged in varied disciplines of the agricultural industry and community representation with knowledge of agricultural and related rural issues. 1. Residency Members should reside in Durham Region. 2. Agricultural Expertise and Knowledqe Applicants engaged in the agricultural industry having the following attributes would be considered as an asset: · Demonstrated knowledge of agricultural and rural land use issues; · Relevant farm experience; · Involvement with activities of the agricultural community; · Technical training in an agriculture-based field; and · Knowledge of properties and farm operations within Durham. 3. Rural Experience For applicants from the non-farm rural community consideration will be given to the duration of residency in the rural community and the individual's level of knowledge of agricultural related rural issues. The relevance of their interests to the mandate of the DAAC will also be and important consideration. 4. Availability It is important that an applicant be able to attend as many DAAC meetings as possible and undertake work outside of the regular monthly meetings. An applicant should be able to be contacted or reached during the day in order for meetings to be arranged. RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the motion of the PAW Joint Animal Committee dated October 17, 2001 respecting Pet Adoption and Euthanasia be received for information. PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: October 23, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 41-01 SUBJECT: PAW Joint Animal Control Committee - Pet Adoption and Euthanasia RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the motion of the PAW Joint Animal Committee dated October 17, Pet Adoption and Euthanasia be received for information. 2001 respecting ORIGIN: Motion passed by PAW Joint Animal Control Committee on October 17, 2001 AUTHORITY: Section 210(3) of the Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the request of the PAW Joint Animal Control Committee, the staff of the PAW Animal Control Centre carded out a study of how that Shelter compares with other Shelters and animal services in the Region of Durham. BACKGROUND: Please be advised that the PAW Joint Animal Control Committee passed the following motion at its meeting of October 17, 2001: 1. That Treasurer's Report, Item 3-01, be received as information; That animal control services staff be directed to undertake a comprehensive review of pet adoption and euthanasia policies and procedures and bring forward recommendations to reduce the number of unwanted and stray pets that are euthanised including, but not necessarily limited to, recommendations to, Report to Council CL 41-01 Subject: PAW Joint Animal Control Committee - Pet Adoption and Euthanasia Date: October '~' _~. 2001 Page 2 Attached hereto is a copy of PAW Treasurer's Report. considered in conjunction with the above motion The main features of this report are as follows: 1. COMPARISON OF PER CAPITA COSTS The following is a comparison or' per capita costs of animal jurisdictions within the Region of Durham: a) promote public awareness of the absolute importance of responsible pet ownership; b) place greater responsibiliD' on the owners of unwanted pets to find suitable homes for their pets; and, c) increase the adoption rate of unwanted and stray pets; and That a copy of Treasurer's Report, Item 3-01, be forwarded to the Councils of Ajax, Picketing and Whitby for information. Item 3-01, which the Committee control services for Population Budget Per Capita Cost PAW OSHAV, A CLARINGTON SCUGOG BROCK UXBRIDGE 229,607 $590,900 13~,544 ' 9 ' ' 6,.46 ~6.180 S~0,-00 $295,244 $112,100 $2.57 $2.47 $4.72 $3.09 11,744 $100,000 $8.51 o ADOPTION POLICIES The following are the Adoption Policies of the PAW Animal Control Centre: PAW will accept unwanted pets only from people who reside in the PAW area There is a fee for bringing an unwanted pet to the Shelter for adoption The owner of the unwanted pet is made aware that the animal is the property of the PAW Shelter, adoption cannot be guaranteed and if it is not adopted, it will be euthanized Based on information from the owner of an unwanted pet or based on the advice of a local veterinarian with respect to a stray animal, only animals that are healthy and have a good temperament Animals that are placed for adoption and have no record of vaccination are given one set of vaccinations prior to adoption An animal which hasn't been spayed or neutered will not be adopted out to a resident who has already indicated that they own a pet of the opposite sex Unadopted animals max' be placed in foster homes as an alternative to being euthanized when foster homes are available n52 Report to Council CL 41-01 Subject: PAW Joint Animal Control Committee - Pet Adoption and Euthanasia Date: October 23, 2001 Page 3 o EUTHANASIA POLICIES Animals which are not suitable for adoption are euthanized by a local veterinarian Euthanised animals are currently disposed of in a controlled environment at the Metro Landfill Site Euthanasia services are not offered at the Animal Control Centre for owners of pets wishing to have their animals euthanized 4. PAW STAFF TO REVIEW PET ADOPTION AND EUTHANASIA POLICIES The staff of the Town of Whitby that control the Animal Control Centre acknowledges that in comparison to other municipalities in the Region of Durham, they have a high rate of animals being euthanized and a lower rate of animals being adopted. In the motion passed by the PAW Joint Animal Control Committee, the staff has committed to reviewing their policies and procedures with respect to pet adoption and euthanasia and report back to the Committee on proposed improvements. Some methods of improving communications to residents within the PAW jurisdiction is to produce a Web Site that is exclusive to the PAW Animal Control Centre that would provide for placing unwanted and stray animals in good homes and animal education. The three municipalities would then have links to this Web Site for ease of access by their residents. PAW staff is also considering providing advertising that would be common to the three municipalities and could be inserted in the Community Pages. ATTACHMENT S: 1. PAW Treasurer's Report, Item 3-01 Prepared.j Approved / Endorsed By: Bruce Taylor Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council / " .__~-.~. Thomas~ J. Qu4nn, Chief Administra~J,,ve Officer.,/ ATTACHMEN-r~ . TO RE?ORT~ ~-~ L//-© I )53 ITEM 3-01 TREASURER'S REPORT TO THE PICKERING, A.]AX WHITBY 3OINT ANIMAL CONTROL COMMII-I'EE October 17, 2001 Subject: Pet Adoption and Euthanasia Recommendation: Origin: That Treasurer's Report, Item 3-01, be received as information; That animal control services staff be directed to undertake a comprehensive review of pet adoption and euthanasia policies and procedures and bring forward recommendations to reduce the number of unwanted and stray pets that are euthanised including, but not necessarily limited to, recommendations to, (a) (b) (c) promote public awareness of the absolute importance of responsible pet ownership; place greater responsibility on the owners of unwanted pets to find suitable homes for their pets; and, increase the adoption rate of unwanted and stray pets; and, That a copy of Treasurer's Report, Item 3-01, be forwarded to the Councils of Ajax, Pickering and Whitby for information. At the request of the Pickering, Ajax, Whitby Joint Animal Control Committee (P.A.W.), the animal control service providers in the Region of Durham were contacted to determine how P.A.W.'s pet adoption and euthanasia policies measure up to those of the other area municipalities. Analysis: P.A.W. Adoption and Euthanasia Policies and Procedure~. P.A.W.'s adoption and euthanasia policies date back to the inception of the Picketing, Ajax, Whitby joint animal control service in 1985. The policies and procedures, a copy of which is attached to this report, have remained relatively unchanged over the years. Many of the policies and procedures have been used as a model and adopted by other municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area. P.A.W. provides an adoption service for unwanted and stray pets in Ajax, Pickering and Whitby. Anyone who has an unwanted pet can turn it over to P.A.W. for adoption provided the animal meets certain adoption criteria. The animal's health, temperament, age and general habits are all taken into consideration when determining ils suitability for adoption. Stray pets that are not claimed by their owner are also offered for adoption provided they are in good health, have a good temperament and meet the remaining adoption criteria. Veterinarians are often consulted to determine whether or not a stray pet is considered to be suitable for adoption. Animals with behavioural or health problems are not put up for adoption. ATTACHHEN~ Treasurer's Report, Item 3-01 (Continued) P.A.W. goes to great lengths to place unwanted and stray pets in good homes. The benefits of adopting a pet are promoted through the local media, in various newsletters and publications and in the animal control service web page. Staff visit schools, participate in parades and community events and conduct open houses. The assistance of other animal control centres and shelters is encouraged and solicited. The help of animal rescue organizations is sought to adopt and rescue animals. Unfortunately, many of the stray pets taken in by P.A.W. are injured, sick or feral and must be euthanised. Even more unfortunate is the intolerable number of good, loving pets that must be put down by P.A.W. because they are unwanted or have been "abandoned" by their owners. Despite its best efforts, P.A.W. simply does not have the ways or the means to place all of the unwanted and stray pets in suitable homes. The Problem - Irresponsible Pet Ownership The root of the problem in the P.A.W. service area is no different than it is across the Greater Toronto Area. The problem is irresponsible pet owners who, for whatever reason, refuse to spay, neuter or register their pets and allow them to run at large. Not until the problem of irresponsible pet ownership is fully addressed will there be a noticeable reduction in the number of animals that must be put down. Quite simply stated, P.A.W. does not have the means to effectively deal with the number of unwanted and stray pets that are dropped on its doorstep. Experience in Other Municipalities A synopsis of animal control services activity in other municipalities in the Region of Durham is attached to this report. It is difficult to come to any conclusions on the relative effectiveness of the various programs simply on the basis of this synopsis. Policies, procedures and service levels differ from municipality to municipality. For example, some jurisdictions have a limit on the number of unwanted pets they will accept at any one time. P.A.W. has always felt obliged to accept unwanted pets for adoption provided they meet the established adoption criteria. Unfortunately, when the pound is filled to capacity and all other reasonable avenues have been exhausted, there is only one remaining solution to respond to the pet over population problem. What is obvious from the synopsis is that there is a very significant pet problem across the entire Region of Durham. The problems associated with irresponsible pet ownership are not exclusive to the P.A.W. service area. Based on the statistics provided, the other thing that becomes obvious is that some jurisdictions have more success than others in finding homes for unwanted and stray pets. P.A.W.'s Response to the Problem It was indicated earlier in this report, the root of the problem is irresponsible pet owners. Over the years, Pickering, Ajax and Whitby have been pro active in attempting to educate the public about the importance of responsible pet ownership. In addition to the efforts previously noted in this report, the municipalities have passed by-laws to prohibit the running at large of cats and dogs. Cats and dogs are required to be registered and differential registration fees have been introduced to encourage the spaying and neutering of pets. Pet owners with microchip pet identification qualify for reduced registration fees. In the Town ofWhitby, a lifetime identification tag has been introduced in an attempt to encourage more owners to identify their pets. All three municipalities have door-to-door campaigns promoting pet identification and the importance of responsible pet ownership. ATTACH M E ' Treasurer's Report, Item 3-01 (Continued) Conclusions This is not to say that more can't be done to promote responsible pet care and reduce the number of pets that have to be put down. For example, the Municipality of Clarington Animal Services has a website that is devoted to placing unwanted and stray animals in good homes. When an animal is taken in for adoption, a picture of the animal is taken and the picture is immediately posted to their website. A number of municipalities place greater responsibility on the pet owner to find a suitable home for their unwanted pet rather than simply handing the problem over to the local animal control service. Some animal control service centres work more closely than others with animal rescue organizations to adopt and rescue pets. If P.A.W. is going to achieve any degree of success in reducing the number of pets euthanised each year it must develop a comprehensive approach that not only addresses the effect but also the cause of the problem. It is recommended that staff be directed to give this matter its immediate attention. Existinq Policy: Refer to Analysis Alternatives: Refer to Analysis Financial Considerations: The challenge facing P.A.W. is to provide a reasonable, balanced and acceptable level of animal control service to the public recognizing the limited human and financial resources available. ATTACHH? : ___/ ~,, ~// / ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES PET ADOPTION AND EUTHANASIA POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Animal Adoptions: Unwanted or stray animals may be placed up for adoption subject to compliance with certain criteria. The Animal Control Centre will only accept unwanted pets from people who reside within the P.A.W. area. Many phone calls are placed to the Centre from persons wishing to give up their pets who are non-residents of the P.A.W. area. These people are requested to contact their local animal control centres. There is also a fee associated with bringing in an unwanted pet. When the unwanted animal is delivered and signed over to the Centre, the owner is made aware that the animal is no longer their's and that there is no set time for holding animals for adoption and that adoptive placement cannot be guaranteed. The owner is also advised that if the animal is not adopted, it will be euthanised. In terms of unwanted animals, pet owners are questioned as to where they reside and why they are giving up the animal and, further, questions are asked regarding the animal's age, health, temperament, general habits, etc.. Based on the information provided, a decision is made by the Supervisor of Animal Control Services whether a particular animal would be suitable for adoption. The Centre will not accept and place up for adoption an animal which knowingly has problems. Stray animals which have become the legal property of the Animal Control Centre are evaluated more closely in considering them for adoption, since the history of the animal is unknown. Often in consultation with a local veterinarian, animals are evaluated as to the appropriate age for adoption, the temperament and general health of the animal, the ability of the animal to adjust to surroundings and (especially in terms of stray adult cats) whether the animal has been neutered and/or declawed. All animals placed up for adoption that do not have previous records of vaccinations are given one set of vaccinations prior to adoption. Rabies shots are not given, since only a qualified veterinarian can administer this type of vaccination. It is important to note that only those animals which have become the legal property of the Animal Control Centre can be offered for adoption. Animals are adopted on a first come, first served basis and are not held for prospective buyers. In adopting the animal, an adoption fee is required to be paid. In addition to the fee, vaccine information and a complimentary annual licence will be issued for the animal if the owner is a resident of Ajax, Picketing or Whitby. The Centre will not knowingly adopt out a pet which hasn't been spayed or neutered to a resident who has already indicated that they own a pet of the opposite sex which is also not spayed or neutered. This policy is based on the fact that the Centre is attempting to control the birth of unwanted pets. Such owners are advised that they would be eligible to adopt a second animal at such time as their current animal has been spayed or neutered. Animal Euthanasia: Euthanasia services are not offered at the Animal Control Centre for owners of pets wishing to have their animals euthanised. Unadopted animals or animals which are not suitable for adoption and which are the property of the Centre are euthanised by a local veterinarian. Unadopted animals may be placed in foster homes as an alternative to being euthanised when foster homes are available. Euthanasia services are performed twice weekly on a rotation basis by the local veterinarians. In exchange for veterinarian assistance and advice in this regard, the Animal Control Centre provides a removal service of dead animals from the local clinics in conjunction with the scheduled disposal run of dead animals from the Centre. Animals are currently disposed of in a controlled environment at the Metro Landfill Site. rt,5 ,, 2000 ANIMAL SERVICES ACTIVITY IN DURHAM REGION Stray cats impo~ded ] 90 142 (ii) 265 623 Unwanted cats su~endered 0 256 (ii) S~ay cats claimed < l 0 (ii) 22 14 Cats adopted 58 290 (ii) 50 395 Cats eu~anNed 138 27 S~ay dogs impounded t 73 239 (ii) 253 449 Unwanted dogs su~endered 0 181 ~iit 6 92 Stray dogs claimed 104 lgS (ii) 137 140 Dogs adopled 26 196 (ii) 30 284 Dogs euthan=ed 43 8 f, ii,) 105 17 Total number of cats and dogs a~itted 363 818 (ii) 542 1234 Total number of cats and dogs claimed ]09 208 tii) 159 154 Total number of cats and dogs adopted 84 486 (ii) 80 679 Total number of cats ~d do~s eu~anized 181 ~ s (ii) ~2S 134 Population 11,744 62,469 133,544 229,607 36,180 Budget (i) S 100,000 $295,244 (iii) $590,900 $112,100 $330,200 Per Capita Cost $8.51 $4.72 $2.47 $2.57 $3.09 Notes (ii) (iii) For comparison purposes, revenue from the sale of cat and dog tags has not been considered. Statistics not available for 2000. At the time of writing the report, the budget breakdown for 2000 was unavailable. The budget for 2001 is provided. RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Clerk's Report CL 45-01 regarding the appoimmem of Brad Suckling, Parking Control Officer, as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law be received; and That the draft by-law to appoint Brad Suckling as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law be forwarded to Council for enactment. REPORT TO COUNCIL 05:} FROM: Bruce Taylor. AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: November 5, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 45-01 SUBJECT: Appoint Brad Suckling as Municipal Law Enforcement Officer to Enforce Parking By-law RECOMMENDATION: That Clerk's Report CL 45-01 regarding the appointment of Brad Suckling, Parking Control Officer, as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law be received: and That the draft by-law to appoint Brad Suckling as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the Parking Bv-law be forwarded to Council for enactment. ORIGIN: Brad Suckling commenced employment as a Parking Control Officer on October 30, 2001 to replace Laura Menezes AUTHORITY: Sections 15(1) and (2) of the Police Services Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To appoint Brad Suckling as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer in order to enforce the City's Parking By-law. BACKGROUND: Please be advised that the City retains two part-time Parking Control Officers whose duty is to entbrce the City's Parking By-law. One of our Officers, Laura Menezes, took a full-time position elsewhere and Brad Suckling was hired effective October 30, 2001 to replace Laura menezes. Pursuant to Sections 15(1) and (2) of the Police Services Act, Council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality and municipal law enforcements officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws. Report to Council CL 45-01 Subject: Appointment of Parking Control Officer Date: November 5, 2001 Page 2 The by-law that is attached to this Report confines Brad Suckling' authority to the enforcement of the Parking By-law only. Upon Council passing this by-law, I will request the Regional Council to appoint Mr. Suckling as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer to enforce the Region's Parking By-law on Regional roads. ATTACHMENT S: 1. Draf~ By-law Prepared By: Bruce Taylor Attachments Copy: Manager, By-law Enforcement Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ~ . · ,.~,/( ,, Wh6~s J.~ Qui~n, Ch~ef AdminiStrah-~.~ ~o2'tlcer THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint Brad Suckling as a municipal law enforcement officer tbr the purpose of enforcing By-law Number 2359/87, as amended. (Parking By-law). WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(1) of the Police Services Act, RS.O. 1990, c P.15, as amended, a municipal council may' appoint persons to entbrce tile by-taws of the municipality': arid WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of entbrcing municipal by-laws: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS ,AS FOLI,OWS: Brad Suckling is hereby appointed as a municipal law enforcement officer in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carp,' into effect the said By-law. The authority granted in Section I hereto is specifically' limited to that set out in Section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in Section 1. This appointment shall expire upon Brad Suckling ceasing to be an employee of the City of Picketing 4. This By-law shall take effect as of October 30, 2001. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally, passed this 19th day of November, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the draft by-law to appoint one person to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza, be forwarded to Council for approval. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: October 12, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 38/01 SUBJECT: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza, in Picketing RECOMMENDATION: That the draft by-law to appoint one person to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza, be forwarded to Council for approval. ORiGIN: Letter from Securitas Canada Limited dated October 4, 2001. AUTHORiTY: Section 15(I) of the Police Services Act. R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 15 Fl NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS' None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: Correspondence has been received from Securitas Canada Ltd. requesting the appointment of one person as By-law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza. ATTACHMENT S: 1. Correspondence from Securitas Canada Limited 2. Draft By-law. Report to Council CL 38/01 Subject: Appointment of By-law Enforcement Officers Dated: October 12, 2001 Page 2 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Debbie Kearns BT:dk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Bruce Taylor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thomas J. Quinn, .Chief Administrative Officer 909 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Ont Unit 1, L1G 4W1 Phone 905-571-4040 Fax: 905-571-0617 To: Debbie Kerns Fro~.~ Bilt Hanna Flt,x~ ~05.-420-.1~5 D~,t~ Ootol:::~r 4, 2001 R~: By-law CC: ~ Un3~'rt ~ Foe Review [] Ple4tse C~ ~ PI~ Re~ly [] Pte,~me Rm~fcle I ATTACHMENT #. z TO RFPORT CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That Georgina Alice Hodgson be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officer in and for the City of Picketing in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and is hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza. The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. This appointment shall expire upon the person listed in section 1 ceasing to be an employee of Securitas Canada Ltd. or upon Securitas Canada Ltd. ceasing to be an agent of 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza, or upon whichever shall occur first. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19 day of November, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the draft bv-law to appoint one person to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza, be forwarded to Council for approval. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: November 5, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: CL 39/01 SUBJECT: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza, in Pickering RECOMMENDATION: That the draft by-law to appoint one person to enforce the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza, be forwarded to Council for approval. ORIGIN: Letter from Securitas Canada Limited dated October 26, 2001. AUTHORITY: Section 15(1) of the Police Services Act. R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: Correspondence has been received from Securitas Canada Ltd. requesting the appointment of one person as By-law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza. ATTACHME~S: 1. Correspondence from Securitas Canada Limited 2. Draft By-law. Report to Council CL 39/01 Subject: Appointment of By-law Enforcement Officers Dated: November 5, 2001 Page 2 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed Bv: Debbie Kearns BT:dk Attachments ('opy: Chief Administrative Officer ~:[avlor Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council Th 'omas J Q. uin~, ChieffAdminis't~tive ""9 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Ont. ', :~hone' 905-571-4040 Fax: 905-571-0617 A~A~NT # ~__.Z____ TO REPORT To: F~X: Phone: Re: City of Pickering By-Law From: Eli Hanna 905-420-9685 ........ Date: October 26 2001 .................... Page~: CC: Urgent [] For Review [] Please Comment [] Please Reply Oea~llr/madam Please submit our security officer Chris Herchmer to the by-law II~t at 1822 tShite~ mad ~edng. Kno~ as ~ Ambede. ~nter. William Hanna i', Securitas Canada THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of' the Police Services Act., R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS' That Chris Herchmer be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officer in and for the City of Pickermg in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and is hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza. The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically linfited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. This appointment shall expire upon the person listed in section I ceasing to be an employee of Securitas Canada Ltd. or upon Securitas Canada Ltd. ceasing to be an agent of 1822 Whites Road, Amberlea Plaza, or upon whichever shall occur first. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19 day of November, 2001. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "2001 AIDS Awareness Week" -November 26-30, 2001 "Heart & Stroke Month" - February, 2002 n73 CITY OF P1CI(ERING NOV 0 2 2001 CLERK'S DIVISION AIDS Committee of Durham 301-22 King Street West, Oshawa ON L1H 1A3 Telephone; (905) 576-1445 Fax: (905) 576-4610 25 O#~'r 2001 Dear ,~ta4tar Art/mrs, ~r~. Our r~s ~ t~ ~i~ am ~F, ~ us ~ ~ ~ v~s ~aj~s. O~a ~j~ inv~ves ~ a ~ O~n~ in the s~ ff z~z. ~nat~ar is ~~ ~r Wmi~ {~ ~ur~ ~~t's ~~th Y~r ~ ~V~r 2~ m Iht Os~a ~s. 1~ int~i~ ~ls. ~V/~D~ is ~a l~ ~n~ ta a~ ~ ~. 4n~ ~, ~ dins, ~ /n~ with N 7,'1 Volts truly, Heart & Stroke Person-to-Person The Heart and Stroke Foundation's Annual Canvassing Campaign October 22, 2001 Mayor Wayne Arthurs and Council Members The Corporation of the Cit.',' o£ Pickering One The Esplanade Picketing, Ontario L1V 6K7 Your Worship mid M embers of Cotmcil: Every February the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario celebrates Heart and Stroke Month by holding its Person-to-Person Giving Campaign. The Durham West Chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario respectfully requests .,,'our proclamation of February 2002 as Heart and Stroke Month in the City of Picketing. To this end, I have enclosed a draft "Mayor's Proclamation" for .','our reference. I would be grateful to receive notification of approval of this proclamation as well as clarification data of the Council session during which this proclamation will be made. We further request that the Heart and Stroke flag be raised at Town Hall. 1 will contact your office in January to arrmlge a possible date for a flag-raising ce/emony. IfI may provide any additional infom~ation, please contact me at your convenience. I can be reached at (905) 686-1521 or by email at ajaxp2p~hsfion.ca. For a strong heart ...Our heartfelt thanks. Affiliated with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Business Number 10747 2839 ~F~O001 HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO Sincerely, Marnie Salonius Person to Person Program Coordinator Heart & Stroke Healthline - disease and lifestyle information service: 1-888-HSF-INFO Mayor's Proclamation Heart Month! February 2002 Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: Whereas: The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario is a community-based organization whose mission is to reduce the risk of premature death and disability from heart disease and stroke by raising funds for research and health promotion. The Foundation continues with its health promotional programs which enable the general public to make informed decisions about their lifestyles. The Foundation funds two-thirds of all heart and stroke research in Ontario. This initiative is one of the largest heart and stroke research programs in the country. We applaud and commend the volunteers, staff and researchers of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario for their dedication and commitment and wish them continued success. I, Name, on behalf of the City of (Name), am pleased to proclaim February (year) "Heart Month" in the City of (Name) and urge all citizens to show their support for this most worthwhile cause.