HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 5, 2011 (Operations)PICKERING AGENDA OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer NOVEMBER 5, 2001 Operations Committee Meeting Monday, November 5, 2001 5:30 p.m. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION OPEIL~TIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 29-01 TENDER T- 13-2001 TENDER FOR AMBERLEA CREEK STABILIZATION - PHASE 2 PAGE 1-9 (H) ADJOURNMENT P CKERING Operations Committee Meeting Monday, November 5, 2001 5:30 p.m. 1. MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 29-01 TENDER T- 13-2001 TENDER FOR AMBERLEA CREEK STABILIZATION PHASE 2 PAGE 1-9 (11) ADJOURNMENT RECOMMENDATION OF THE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY That Tender No. T-13-2001 submitted by Brinkman & Associates for Amberlea Creek Stabilization in the amount of $78,084.96 including 7% G.S.T be accepted, and That a project construction cost of $100,555.59 including the Tender amount and previously approved works be approved, and That funding in the amount of $100,556.00 be approved. 0O2 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard Holborn Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering DATE: October 30, 2001 REPORT NUMBER: OES 029-01 SUBJECT: Tender T-13-2001 - Tender for Amberlea Creek Stabilization - Phase 2 RECOMMENDATION: That Tender No. T-13-2001 submitted by Brinkman & Associates for Amberlea Creek Stabilization in the amount of $78,084.96 including 7% G.S.T. be accepted, and That a project construction cost of $100,555.59 including the Tender amount and previously approved works be approved, and 3. That funding in the amount of $100,556.00 be approved ORIGIN: Year 2001 Capital Budget - Account Number 3263-0098 Job No. 01-24t0-005-02 AUTHORITY: 2001 Capital Budget - Account Number 3263-0098 Job No. 01-2410-005-02 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 1. Tendered Amount T-13-2001 - Amberlea Creek Stabilization - Phase 2 G.S.T. Sub Total G.S.T. Rebate (4%) Total $72,97660 5,108.36 $78,084.96 (2,918.92 $75,166.04 Approved Source of Funds 2001 Capital Budget - Account Number 3263-0098 Project Code 01-2410-005-02 $100,000.00 Report to Council OES 029-01 Date: October 30, 2001 Subject: Tender T-13-2001 Tender for Amberlea Creek Stabilization - Phase 2 Page 2 [Estimated Project Costing Summary Amberlea Creek Stabilization - Phase I Completed April 2001 Amberlea Creek Stabilization - Phase 2 T- 13-2001 Sub Total O ST. G S T Rebate Total $24,650.00 72,976 60 97.020 60 6,g33.86 (3,904.87) $100,555.59 Project Cost (over) under Approved Funds : ($555.59) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND' Tenders tbr this project were opened on October 24. 2001 (see summary attached). The low bidder, Brinkman & Associates have not previously performed ~ork /bt the City of Picketing, but a review of their references by the Supervisor. Municipal \Vorks has been deemed acceptable. The Health and Safety Policy. the CAD 7 or Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. as submitted by Brinkman & .Associates have been review'ed by the Supervisor. Municipal Works and Coordinator. Safety & Trainin,, and are deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tenders received and relevant documents (Health and Safety Policy, CAD 7 form, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board clearance, etc). I recommend the acceptance of the low bid by Brinkman & ,Associates in the Tendered amount of $78,084.96. .ATTACHMENTS: 1 Supply and Services memorandum dated October 24. £001 2. Co-coordinator, Safety & Training memorandum dated October 30.2(}01 3. Record of tenders opened and checked 4. Location maps Report to Council OES 029-01 Date: October 30, 2001 Subject: Tender T-13-2001 Tender for Amberlea Creek Stabilization Phase 2 Page 3 Prepared By: B. K/uzma / S~/ - Administration pervisor R~charcLHolborn :.., Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering BDK Attachments (RTCT-13-2001) Copy:: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Supervisor, Municipal Works Approved / Endorsed By: . Everetl Untsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Funding Approved: "--U~aterson Director, Corporate Services Recommended for the consideration of Picketing City Council Th/o2as J. Qu~n, C~ef Admin"iskrative Officer October 24, 2001 To: From: Subject: ATTACHMEr,~'~ (,. Corporate Services Depa:rtment Supply & Services Memor;mdum Richard Holborn Division }lead Municipal Property & Engineering Dan-ell Selsky, Super¥isor Municipal Works Jill Hone, Buyer II Supply & Services Tender for AInberlea Creek Stabilization l'hase 2, Tender No. I'- 13 - 2001 qcnders have bcen received for tile above ;orojcct. l'ixc 15} companies were invited to participate of which eleven (11) companies picked uI) tt~i~dcring documents and paid a non- refundable fee of $40.00 per set. /X copy of tile Record of lenders C)pcncd and Checked L!scd at thc public tender opening is attached. (h) prox'idcs tiaat where there arc incorrect Purchasing Policies and Procedures Item 9 '~?~ extensions or misplaced decimals, the bid n~av be corrected [/n~t prices shall be ttscd to correct extensions. Purchasing Policies and Procedures Item 9.27.(a) permits that all deposits other than thc low three bidders slaall be ¥ctutxncd. ~UlillUar¥ (PST included. (]S~I' incl t.tdcd } Company Total Tendered After Calculation Amount $ Check Brinkman & Associates $ 78,084.90 $ 78,084.96 Ca~nbridge Landscaping Inc. $129,22 t.0S $129,221.95 R & M Construction $152,962.92 $152,962.92 Elirpa Construction $519,701.09 $519,701.09 /¸'2 REPORT # OEq~ 0~,~'-0 l ~" T-13-2001 Tender for Amberlea Creek Stabilization, Phase 2 Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, the following has been requested from Brinkman & Associates Reforestation Ltd. for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call: (a) (b) a copy of the Health and Safety policy to be used on this project; and a copy of the current CAD 7 form or Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. The Coordinator, Safety & Training will review the above noted documents and you will be advised of the outcome. Please review original tender and return. Include the tbllowing items in your Report to Council: (a) (c) (d) (e) (g) (h) (i) if items (a) and (b) noted above, are acceptable; any past work experience with Brinkman & Associates Reforestation Ltd. including work location; ~vithout past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; a work location map; the appropriate account number(s) to which this xvork is to be charged; the budget amount(s) assi~ed thereto; Treasurer's confirmation of funding; related departmental approvals; any reason(s) why the bid of Brinkman & Associates Refbrestation Ltd. is not acceptable; and related comments specific to the project. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me. ,/ Jill Hone Buyer II ADMINISTtL~TiON DEPARTMENT HUM.&N RESOURCES DIVISION LIEiX IOR_~\NDUM October 30, 2001 To: Jill Hone Buyer II Debra A. Wight Co-ordinator, Safety & Training SubJect: Bri ~nkman & Associates Reforestation Ltd Nh7 As requested, I have reviewed thc tbllo~ving documents submitted bx' flxe above prospective contractor: · t-Iealth & Safety Policy · Cost & Frequency Record. dated October 26. 2001 From a health & safety perspective, these documents are acceptable. If you have an)' concerns, please contact me dirccth'. ITe-bz,T:~. Wight Attachments: Reviewed documentation (pa__ a-O © ATTACHMEN~ ~ F(' REP._. R. -~ E MUNICIPAL PROPERTY& ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender: T-13-2001 AMBERLEA CREEK - PHASE 2 C SUBJECT AREA J L-r IX)CATION MAP I,OCAT1ON' Amberlea Creek- in the ravine behind Vistula I)rivc PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCI.UDES: Erosion Control / Stabilization (completed from Phase 1Works - spring 2001) · Amberlea Creek - in the ravine behind Vistula Drive. I ~Attachments for Tenders~2OO1~T-13-200¢ doc