HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 15, 2022Agenda Accessibility Advisory Committee June 15, 2022 7:00 pm Electronic Meeting For information related to accessibility requirements please contact: Committee Coordinator 905.420.4611 clerks@pickering.ca Members of the public may observe the meeting proceedings by viewing the livestream. 1.Review and Approval of Agenda T. Higgins 2.Disclosure of Interest T. Higgins 3.Approval of Minutes T. Higgins 3.1 Minutes of May 18, 2022 See Page 1 4.Presentations / Delegations 5.New Business 5.1 Playground Investment Strategy/Options A. Mostert 5.2 Integrated Sustainable Design Standards G.McGregor, C. Whitaker 5.3 Canada Day Planning T.Higgins, All 5.4 Service & Support Animals Initiative – Next Steps D. Wysocki, L. Narraway 5.5 Hejka v. the Regional Municipality of Durham T. Higgins, All 6.Correspondence 7.Other Business & Updates 8.Next Meeting – September 21, 2022 9.Adjournment Page 1 of 5 Minutes/Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee May 18, 2022 Electronic Meeting 7:00 pm Attendees: P. Bashaw S.Fatima D. Hughes G. Lang A. Lue T. Lyle-Gravlev P. Milton A. Taverna M. Thorpe Ross D. Wysocki J. McLellan, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade S. Maguire-Parish, Autism Ontario L. Webb, Autism Ontario I. Janton, Senior Planner, Site Planning L. Narraway, Supervisor, Animal Services T. Higgins, Accessibility Coordinator (Staff Liaison) A. MacGillivray, Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary) Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Review and Approval of Agenda T. Higgins reviewed the agenda items. Agenda approved. 2. Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. 3. Approval of Minutes Moved by D. Wysocki Seconded by M. Thorpe-Ross That the Minutes of the March 16, 2022 meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee be approved. Carried - 1 - Page 2 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4. Presentations/Delegations There were no presentations/delegations 5. New Business 5.1 Site Plan Reviews S 02/22 – Universal City Phase 4 & 5 I. Janton provided an overview of the site plan for S 02/22 - Universal City Phase 4 & 5. Members discussed: •the outdoor amenity space and whether it would have trees and how mobility may be impacted by the layout and potential debris; •how the development is well connected with the surrounding community; •how the slope and length of the access ramp on the outdoor terrace should be reduced if possible; •whether the developer can consider building units and guest suites that meet varying accessibility needs; and, •the pool, and whether there will be a ramp (preferred) or a lift to access the pool. S 05/22 – SBB Industrial (Seaton) GP Inc. I. Janton provided an overview of the site plan for S 05/22 – SBB Industrial (Seaton) FP Inc. Members discussed: •having a washroom on the second floor; •the placement of the accessible parking, in proximity to the office entrance; •whether the planned use will include commercial retail or will be strictly industrial; •vehicle traffic concerns and the need for traffic signals; and, •how this property will be serviced by conventional or on-demand public transit services. - 2 - Page 3 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) S 06/22 – Universal City Phase 7 I. Janton provided an overview of the site plan for S 06/22 – Universal City Phase 7. Discussion ensued with members discussing: •the provision for accessible parking; •the maneuverability of the outdoor amenity space; •the pool, and whether there will be a ramp (preferred) or a lift to access the pool; and, •whether furnishings in the outdoor amenity space will be accessible. Members engaged in general discussion around accessibility requirements and standards for new development applications, and the Committee’s role in providing feedback on site plans. S 03/92 – Mount Pleasant Group I. Janton provided an overview of the site plan for S 03/92 – Mount Pleasant Group. The Committee did not provide any feedback pertaining to this site plan. 5.2 AAC’s Annual Report to Council & Presentation T. Higgins provided background on the Annual Report that is being presented at the May 24, 2022 Council Meeting. Discussion ensued with members discussing: •how members can attend or view the meeting; •whether the topic of accessible and/or affordable housing can be captured in the delegation; •the topics that each of the delegating members will be covering at the meeting; and, - 3 - Page 4 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) •whether the delegates can meet with T. Higgins before the Council meeting to review before their delegation. Moved by M. Thorpe-Ross Seconded by D. Wysocki That the Accessibility Advisory Committee endorse the 2021 Year End Report and 2022 Proposed Work Plan Carried 5.3 Canada Day Planning T. Higgins provided information pertaining to the proposed “Tranquility Tent” that the Committee would be running at the City of Pickering’s Canada Day Event. S. Maguire-Parish and L. Webb from Autism Ontario and members engaged in discussion on the Canada Day Event including: •the resources that Autism Ontario can help provide at the event; •caution around use of aromatherapy for those living with sensitivity to smell; •the potential to provide ear plugs to those experiencing sensory overload; •whether aromatherapy elements can still be implemented, but on an individualized or smaller scale so that it does not impact all visitors to the tent; •the various promotional items that are being explored to be provided at the tent; •the involvement of various community partners with the event; and, •the sharing of information regarding Natural Spaces. T. Higgins encouraged members to provide ideas for creative programming for the tent, and encouraged members to attend the event. - 4 - Page 5 of 5 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5.4 Regional Accessibility Award T. Higgins provided background information on the Durham Region Accessibility Awards and solicited members to provide any nominee recommendations via email. 5.5 Service & Support Animals Initiative – Next Steps D. Wysocki and L. Narraway made a presentation to the Committee on the Service & Support Animals Initiative and solicited feedback from members. This item will be brought forward at the June 15, 2022 Committee meeting for further consideration. 6. Correspondence There were no items of correspondence. 7. Other Business & Updates 8. Next Meeting – June 15, 2022 9. Adjournment Meeting adjourned. Meeting Adjourned: 9:18 pm - 5 -