HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 26-22Report to Executive Committee Report Number: PLN 26-22 Date: June 6, 2022 From: Kyle Bentley Director, City Development & CBO Subject: Geographic Information System Corporate Strategic Plan -Preliminary Assessment and Evaluation, and GIS Vision -File: A-1200-011 Recommendation: 1.That Report PLN 26-22 regarding the Geographic Information System Corporate Strategic Plan, and the Executive Summary of the Preliminary Assessment and Evaluation Report, dated April 29, 2022, prepared by Geographic Technologies Group and contained in Appendix I, be received for information. 1.Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the preparation of a Geographic Information System (GIS) Corporate Strategic Plan, outlining the process to date. This report also includes a summary of the Preliminary Assessment and Evaluation of the City’s current GIS function and environment, the overall guiding goals and objectives for the GIS Strategic Plan, and the recommended enterprise1 GIS Vision for the City of Pickering. 2.Background In September 2021, City Council approved the proposal by Geographic Technologies Group (GTG), to prepare a Corporate GIS Strategic Plan for the City (PLN 37-21, Resolution #682/20). Once approved, the GIS Plan will provide a unified GIS vision, and five year GIS Implementation and Business Road Map for the City. GTG’s approved scope of work consists of ten Tasks/Deliverables, and is summarized in Attachment #1 to this report. The first five project tasks have been completed. The consultants are now in a position to provide a report to Council that outlines the project deliverables to date, and to present the overall goals and objectives for the GIS Strategic Plan, and an enterprise GIS Vision for the City. This will be the completion of Task #6 of the approved scope of work. 1 The term “enterprise” refers to “corporate-wide”. Report PLN 26-22 June 6, 2022 Subject: GIS Corporate Strategic Plan Page 2 3.GTG’s Reports GTG has prepared a Preliminary Assessment and Evaluation Report, dated April 29, 2022. The Executive Summary of that Report is provided as Appendix I to PLN 26-22. The full Preliminary Assessment and Evaluation Report is available from the City Development Department. The Preliminary Assessment and Evaluation Report principally deals with preliminary observations of and suggestions for: GIS Governance; GIS Data and Databases; Procedure, Workflow and Integration; GIS Software; I.T. Infrastructure; and Training, Education and Knowledge Transfer. The report also includes the results of the online Public Survey, which closed on April 4, 2022. GTG also prepared a GIS Vision Report, dated April 29, 2022, which is available from the City Development Department. This Vision Report developed the following suggested GIS Vision statement, in consultation with the GIS Technical working group: “The vision of the City of Pickering’s GIS is to maintain an enterprise, scalable, sustainable, and highly secure GIS that promotes the effective and innovative use of geospatial technology and location intelligence through best practices, community engagement, and innovation, supported by good GIS governance, coordination, accurate and reliable data, standards, and on-going training and education.” The GIS Vision Report furthermore identifies six overarching goals of the GIS Strategy, being: Goal 1: Establish an Effective GIS Governance Model Goal 2: Maintain Accurate and Reliable GIS Data and Databases Goal 3: Develop and Enhance GIS Procedures, Workflow, Integration, and Interoperability Goal 4: Promote Effective, Efficient, and Innovative Use of GIS Software Goal 5: Maintain Enterprise IT Infrastructure to Support GIS Goal 6: Implement GIS Training, Education, and Knowledge Transfer 4.Conclusion This report provides an update to the GIS Corporate Strategic Plan exercise, and the City of Pickering recommended enterprise GIS Vision. Staff recommend that Report PLN 26-22 be received for information. In accordance with the project work plan, GTG aims to complete the remaining project deliverables over the next couple of months, in consultation with the City’s GIS community. It is anticipated that the comprehensive Corporate GIS Strategy will be presented in September 2022. Report PLN 26-22 June 6, 2022 Subject: GIS Corporate Strategic Plan Page 3 Appendix: Appendix I GIS Preliminary Assessment and Evaluation Executive Summary, dated April 29, 2022, prepared by Geographic Technologies Group Attachment: 1. Summary of GTG’s Approved Scope of Work Prepared By: Original Signed By Jill McMullen Supervisor, Geomatics Original Signed By Déan Jacobs, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy & Geomatics Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Original Signed By Kyle Bentley, P. Eng. Director, City Development & CBO JM:DJ:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix I to Report No. PLN 26-22 GIS Preliminary Assessment and Evaluation Executive Summary dated April 29, 2022, prepared by Geographic Technologies Group Preliminary Assessment and Evaluation Executive Summary Project Overview Geographic Technologies Group (GTG) administered an online survey to all GIS stakeholders within the City of Pickering, Ontario, and launched an online community engagement survey through the City’s Let’s Talk Pickering engagement platform. GTG conducted a GIS Needs Assessment (NA), performed a SWOT and GAP analysis, and benchmarked the City of Pickering using the six pillars of GIS sustainability. The City of Pickering staff were engaged throughout this data-gathering phase of the project and have proved to be invaluable in assessing the existing GIS conditions of the City. The following represents a preliminary assessment and evaluation of the existing corporate and department GIS conditions and offers initial recommendations to improve the existing corporate and departmental GIS conditions. GIS Governance There are significant opportunities to improve GIS governance. It is recommended that the City formalize a true hybrid GIS governance model organized within the IT department. A GIS steering committee, technical committee, and user group should be established. There should be strategies to improve lines of authority, communication, and accountability, and improvements made to enterprise management and collaboration. The City should develop and enforce GIS policies, an annual GIS work plan, Service Level Agreements (SLA) between the core GIS staff and each department, and the creation and monitoring of GIS Key Performance Indicators (KPI). The GIS governance strategy should also embrace promoting and encouraging the use of GIS for community consultation and engagement. GIS Data and Databases The opportunities to improve digital GIS data and databases should be focused on management tasks, including maintaining a master data list, enforcing Metadata standards, and embracing an enterprise modern data structure. In addition, the City should conduct a digital data assessment of all existing data layers, develop data creation standards and policy, examine and improve digital data management and life cycle practices, and assign GIS custodians and stewards to encourage departmental participation. The City would also benefit from the addition of new digital data layers and a commitment to the Esri Arc GIS Hub solution. Procedures, Workflow, and Integration A characteristic of a successful enterprise GIS is the integration of business systems. This is a system of systems that embraces location intelligence and geospatial tools. The City should explore integrating GIS with all existing enterprise business systems, including but not limited to Active Net, City Reporter, and more. In addition, the City should improve the integration of GIS with asset management and work order solutions, including AMANDA RFS. It will be important to consider GIS integration with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, Public Safety software, and Document Management solutions, including Laserfiche and Bluebeam. Additional improvements should be made to departmental access and use of GIS software for editing, analysis, and visualization, GIS data creation and maintenance procedures, GIS ticketing and support procedures, and data ownership, access, and data sharing policies. GIS Software The City uses Esri software solutions and Geocortex software. It is recommended that the City explore optimizing GIS software licensing to focus on the Esri ecosystem. The City should embrace web and widget development within the Esri toolkit. There is a significant opportunity to develop story maps, including but not limited to a memorial bench program, neighborhood watch, heritage and placemaking, by-law compliance, city development, and historic site and tour story maps. The City has an opportunity to create crowdsourcing solutions to engage the public. The City should consider utilizing real-time GIS in Council meetings. The City should also consider using Esri GIS modeling extensions and ArcGIS Hub Map portal solution, mobile GIS, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) solutions for office- to-field, field-to-office workflows to increase the use and participation of GIS by departments. The City should also evaluate GIS predictive analysis tools for specific departmental tasks. IT Infrastructure The City should develop a GIS architectural design plan to understand and visualize the complex interrelationship between GIS and IT technology components diagrammatically. It is also recommended that the City develop GIS training for IT professionals, including geodatabase administration and the GIS security platform. In addition, the City should consider creating a GIS mobile action plan and examining its existing GIS data security policy. Finally, it is recommended that the City develop data storage and distribution strategies to support the growth of the GIS initiative. Training, Education, and Knowledge Transfer There are significant opportunities to improve GIS training, education, and knowledge transfer, including the development of a formal GIS training plan that will include a multi- tiered strategy for all levels of user. Mobile GIS training should be on topics like GPS, AVL, and field data collection solutions. It is also recommended that departmental-specific GIS training be scheduled to increase organizational GIS skills and knowledge. Education and knowledge transfer should be promoted through conference attendance, online seminar participation, and informal training sessions. GIS succession and continuity of operations plans should be an essential initiative. Community consultation and engagement should also be implemented through sharing ideas, discussions, and information about GIS and emerging technologies. Attachment #1 to Report #PLN 26-22 Summary of GTG’s Scope of Work The purpose of this GIS Strategic Plan Study is to develop a Strategic Roadmap, by: •conducting a review of the City’s current GIS use; •developing a list of what the needs are, and will be, for City of Pickering staff; •evaluating the City of Pickering’s current GIS environment against public sector best practices; •establishing a unified GIS vision beneficial for all City departments; and •delivering a five year implementation and business plan. 1.Task 1 – Start-up Meeting – November 24, 2021 The start-up meeting provided an opportunity for the consultant’s project manager and the municipal project manager to review the approved scope of work, timeline, and invoicing process, and to address any questions that needed addressing prior to the Project Kick-off Seminar. 2.Task 2 – Project Kickoff Seminar – December 2, 2021 The kickoff seminar provided an opportunity for introductions between the consultant and City of Pickering staff. The early involvement of stakeholders within the planning process assisted with subsequent participation and preliminary gathering of corporate GIS requirements. It also allowed the consultant to describe the benefits of GIS within a municipality and the added benefits of a corporate-wide GIS model. 3.Task 3 – Current Situation and User Needs Assessment – April 14, 2022 This task included the development of a complete understanding of the current situation, including technical, data, staffing, financial information, as well as the associated user needs. This involved meetings with the various City Departments and those staff who participated within the GIS User Group and GIS Management Team to gather the required information, and included an online questionnaire and the release of a Task 3 Needs Assessment Report. 4.Task 4 – Preliminary Assessment and Evaluation – April 29, 2022 Building from the Current Situation and User Needs Assessment, a preliminary assessment of the strengths and weaknesses within the City of Pickering was developed, including a comparison to other similarly sized municipalities, and recommended actions that will assist the City to improve GIS service delivery throughout the corporation. The consultant also determined associated risks with the documented actions and recommend potential solutions to these defined risks. 5.Task 5 – GIS Vision – April 29, 2022 The consultant developed a unified GIS vision statement for the City of Pickering, coupled with a set of goals and objectives, in consultation with the City’s technical working group. 6. Task 6 – Council Report and Presentation – June 6, 2022 The consultant will provide a report and presentation to Council outlining the process to date, the overall guiding goals and objectives for the GIS Strategic Plan, and the City of Pickering enterprise GIS vision. The purpose of this task is also to answer any questions members of Council may have regarding the study process and progress. 7. Task 7 – Organizational Planning/Communication – May – August 2022 The consultant will investigate how other similarly sized municipalities structure their respective GIS teams, and provide organizational options to the City of Pickering with the pros, cons and risks associated with each. The consultant will also develop a communication and transition plan to further assist the corporation. The goal is to ensure that the GIS resources are effectively organized across the corporation allowing for the maximum return on investment. This task includes recommendations regarding any staffing requirements/gaps, including revised or new job descriptions, and the development of a Transition Plan. 8. Task 8 – Strategy for Implementation – May – August 2022 The City of Pickering is looking for a strategy that will help support the enhancement of the corporate GIS over the next 5 years. The consultant will investigate how other similarly sized municipalities support their GIS. Key deliverables include: identifying the projects, activities, investments, licenses and resources required to advance the system; prioritizing these advancements according to relevant value and risk criteria; sequencing these advancements and investments according to desired timeframes and ability of the City to execute; and providing a GIS cost estimate schedule (5 year – maintenance/operational). 9. Task 9 – Corporate GIS Strategic Plan – May – August 2022 This will be the main planning document providing direction to the City of Pickering for the next five years. It will be a synthesis of work completed throughout the project as described in previous sections, including organizational structure, and technical recommendations, as well as a transition plan that will assist the City of Pickering to achieve the outlined goals. Where necessary, the document should outline associated risks and possible solutions. 10. Task 10 – Final Presentation – September 2022 Council The final presentation will be a summary of the GIS Strategic Plan highlighting the key findings within the document and providing an executive summary and recommendations to City of Pickering staff. This will further provide an opportunity for key stakeholders to ask any final questions regarding the GIS Strategic Plan.