HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 11-22 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 11-22 Date: June 6, 2022 From: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services Subject: Amberlea Tennis Club Court Expansion -Shadybrook Park -File: A-1440-001 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 11-22, regarding Amberlea Tennis Club Court Expansion at Shadybrook Park, be received; 2. That Council endorse, in principle, the proposed plan to design and construct a third court at Shadybrook Park for Tennis and Pickleball; 3. That funding for design and construction of the third court at Shadybrook Park for Tennis and Pickleball be considered in the preparation of the 2023 Parks Capital Budget; 4. That subject to approval of the design and construction of the third court at Shadybrook Park for Tennis and Pickleball, staff be directed to update the lease agreement with Amberlea Tennis Club and return it for Council’s approval; and 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions indicated in this report. Executive Summary: At the Council meeting of February 28, 2022, Council received correspondence Corr. 11-22 (Resolution #814/22) from Amberlea Tennis Club (ATC) requesting the design and construction of a third court at Shadybrook Park to be used jointly for Tennis and Pickleball. Through Resolution #825/22, Council directed staff to discuss ATC’s proposal; conduct an engagement of the residents who reside in the Amberlea community near the Park; identify possible funding sources for construction; and, to report back to Council through the Executive Committee no later than the June 6, 2022 meeting. Accordingly, City staff met with ATC in March 2022 and developed a proposed plan for a newly constructed third court for Tennis and Pickleball (Attachment 1). Community engagement was conducted in April 2022 as outlined in this report, with a majority of the respondents indicating support of the proposed court expansion. At this time, City staff are recommending that Council endorse, in principle, the proposed plan to construct a third court at Shadybrook Park for Tennis and Pickleball and that funding for design and construction be considered in the 2023 budget preparation process. CS 11-22 June 6, 2022 Subject: Amberlea Tennis Club Court Expansion Page 2 Financial Implications: Staff have prepared a preliminary cost estimate for the project and estimate the project to cost $450,000.00 to $500,000.00. Upon endorsement in principle of the project by Council, staff will work to refine the cost estimates and are recommending that funding for the court be considered in the 2023 Parks Capital Budget process. Staff have also investigated grant opportunities for construction of the court and at this time no open grant opportunities have been identified. Staff have identified that this project may be eligible for future Trillium Foundation Capital Grants to either the Municipality or the Club, however the 2022-23 Grant criteria and eligibility have not yet been confirmed. Discussion: ATC is a volunteer run Tennis Club that has a lease agreement with the City to exclusively operate two tennis courts at Shadybrook Park. ATC has an active membership that has grown from 150 members in 2018 to over 300 members in 2021. ATC offer drop in court usage and organized league play, and provide court facilities for the St. Mary Catholic Secondary School tennis program. The cost of club membership is currently $20.00 for juniors, $30.00 for adults or $55.00 per family for the 2022 season. At the Council meeting of February 28, 2022, Council received correspondence Corr. 11-22 (Resolution #814/22) from ATC requesting the construction of a third court at Shadybrook Park that could be used jointly for Tennis and Pickleball. Through Resolution #825/22 (Item 12.1 of the February 28, 2022 Council Agenda), Council directed staff to discuss ATC’s proposal; conduct an engagement of the residents who reside in the Amberlea community near the Park; identify possible funding sources for construction ; and, to report back to Council through the Executive Committee no later than the June 6, 2022 meeting. Staff met with representatives from ATC on March 9, 2022. They confirmed their request for construction of a third court and their desire for the court to be perpendicular to the two existing courts, be lit to enable nighttime play and that the access would be via a key lock as per their existing courts. Staff have also received the attached correspondence from ATC (Attachment 2) confirming that if a third court is constructed, ATC would work with the pickleball players to develop a shared schedule for pickleball and tennis that would include a minimum of 50 percent of court time available for pickleball and the remainder of court time available for tennis. The court times for each sport would be spread across daytime/evening and weekday/weekend use to ensure equal representation for each group of users. The lease agreement between ATC and the City will be updated with this as a condition, and returned for Council’s approval subject to the approval for a third court. Staff has developed a preliminary proposed layout for the new court which was supported by ATC. The proposed court would be constructed on the north side of the existing courts, fenced to approximately 18m by 36m in size, colour coated and line painted to allow for either one tennis game or four pickleball games to be in play at one time. Lighting would be provided for evening play. Additional site work would be required to suitably regrade the area and relocate a section of the existing access path and bicycle rack that would be impacted by the new court. An engagement plan for the residents surrounding the park included a survey and hand delivered postcard (Attachment 3). The postcards were delivered to 92 homes surrounding CS 11-22 June 6, 2022 Subject: Amberlea Tennis Club Court Expansion Page 3 Shadybrook Park as outlined in the map attached as Attachment 4. A summary of the 21 responses received is attached as Attachment 5. Based on the community feedback received largely in support of a third court, the request by ATC and ongoing demand for pickleball courts, staff are recommending that Council endorse, in principle, the proposed plan to design and construct a third court at Shadybrook Park for Tennis and Pickleball. As outlined above staff are recommending that funding for the design and construction of the court be considered in the 2023 Parks Capital Budget. Staff will also continue to investigate other possible external funding options for this project. Subject to Council’s approval to design and construct the third court, staff will update the lease agreement with Amberlea Tennis Club and return it for Council’s approval. Attachments: 1. Proposed Court Expansion Plan 2. ATC Letter of Support 3. Shadybrook Park -ATC Survey Postcard 4. Shadybrook Park -Distribution Map 5. Shadybrook Park -ATC Survey Results CS 11-22 June 6, 2022 Subject: Amberlea Tennis Club Court Expansion Page 4 Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: Original Signed By: Sarah Douglas-Murray Director, Community Services Original Signed By: Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Director, Engineering Services SDM:sdm Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Original Signed By: Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 to Report CS 11-22 Attachment #2 to Report CS 11-22 To the City of Pickering, ON Attn: Council May 16, 2022 We appreciate Council taking the time to review and consider our proposal for adding a 3rd court, that would be used for pickleball and tennis. We understand that if this 3rd court were to be approved by Council and constructed, then a guaranteed minimum amount of court time would be made available for pickleball. For this 3rd court, the club would work with the pickleball players to develop a shared schedule for pickleball and tennis that would include a minimum of 50% of court time for pickleball and 50% court time for tennis. The court times for each sport would be spread across daytime and evening and weekday and weekend use to ensure equal representation for each group of players. In addition, Amberlea Tennis Club understands that upon completion of a third court, the lease agreement with the City of Pickering would be updated to reflect the new court and associated uses. Regards, Henrik Villumsen President, Amberlea Tennis Club Neighbourhood Survey Attachment #3 to Report CS 11-22 Amberlea Tennis Club: New Pickleball/Tennis Court Proposal Amberlea Tennis Club has proposed the addition of a combination Tennis & Pickleball Court to the Club’s existing courts, located in Shadybrook Park. In response, The City of Pickering is currently requesting your feedback to assess community support for this project. We invite you to participate a short survey on the reverse of this postcard. Completed surveys can be dropped of at Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Road, Pickering. Alternatively, the survey can be completed online via the QR code provided. scan for survey The City of Pickering will be collecting your feedback until April 29, 2022. For questions about this project or the survey, please contact: Rob Gagen at 905.420.4660 ext. 5228 or rgagen@pickering.ca. Personal information collected on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 and shall only be used for the purpose of providing participants with further information relating to this project. Questions about this collection should be directed to Susan Cassel, City Clerk, City of Pickering, One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario, L1V 6K7, 905.420.4660 extension 2019. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Amberlea Tennis Club Pickleball/Tennis Court Survey Please provide your Postal Code: _________________ Have you or someone in your household been a member at the Amberlea Tennis Club? Yes  No  If you or someone in your household has been a member of the Amberlea Tennis Club, how often do you/they use the tennis courts during the outdoor season? Have you or someone in your household played Pickleball in the last year? Yes  No  Daily  Weekly  Monthly  Less than monthly  N/A  If someone in you household plays Pickleball, how often do you/they play? Daily  Weekly  Monthly  Less than monthly  N/A  If a combination Pickleball/Tennis court is added to the Amberlea Tennis Club’s courts, Likely  Not likely are you or someone in your household to likely to play either one of these sports? Are you in favour of adding a third court with both tennis and pickleball lines to the Amberlea Tennis Club courts at Shadybrook Park? If you are not in favour of adding the proposed court, please describe your concern(s) (300 characters). ________________________ Yes  No  Thank you for your time. Please provide an email if you would like to receive an update on this project: ________________________ Attachment #4 to Report CS 11-22 Amberlea Tennis Club Map data ©2022 Google 20 m Houses backing onto the park on: Amberlea Tennis Club 5.0 ★★★★★ 1 review Non-prot organization Directions Save Nearby Send to your phone Hedgerow Place, Eastbank Road, Meadowview Ave Houses fronting onto/near the park on: Shadybrook Drive All houses on road adjacent to park on: Orion Crt. Share Attachment #5 to Report CS 11-21 Neighbourhood Survey: Amberlea Tennis Club @ Shadybrook Park Q1 Please provide your postal code. Answered: 21 Skipped: 0 # RESPONSES DATE 1 l1v3x5 5/6/2022 12:02 PM 2 L1V3J9 5/6/2022 11:59 AM 3 L1V 3G7 4/16/2022 9:47 AM 4 L1V 3j9 4/11/2022 3:14 PM 5 L1V 3J9 4/11/2022 2:43 PM 6 L1V3J9 4/5/2022 3:51 PM 7 L1V3J9 4/4/2022 11:19 AM 8 L1V3T5 4/4/2022 7:37 AM 9 L1X2S2 4/2/2022 3:07 PM 10 L1V 3G7 4/1/2022 5:26 PM 11 L1X 2S2 4/1/2022 4:37 PM 12 L1X2S1 4/1/2022 4:36 PM 13 L1x2s1 4/1/2022 4:31 PM 14 L1V3X5 4/1/2022 4:03 PM 15 L1V 3G7 3/31/2022 4:20 PM 16 L1v 3t5 3/31/2022 2:59 PM 17 L1V 3T6 3/31/2022 10:44 AM 18 L1v3g7 3/31/2022 8:52 AM 19 L1V 3X5 3/31/2022 8:30 AM 20 L1V3J9 3/30/2022 5:32 PM 21 L1v3j9 3/30/2022 10:13 AM 1 / 10 Neighbourhood Survey: Amberlea Tennis Club @ Shadybrook Park Q2 Have you or someone in your household been a member at the Amberlea Tennis Club? Answered: 21 Skipped: 0 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 33.33% Yes 66.67% 14 No Total Respondents: 21 2 / 10 7 Neighbourhood Survey: Amberlea Tennis Club @ Shadybrook Park Q3 If you or someone in your household has been a member of the Amberlea Tennis Club - how often do you/they use the tennis courts during the outdoor season? Answered: 20 Skipped: 1 Daily Weekly Monthly Less than monthly N/A 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 15.00% Weekly ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 5.00% Daily 0.00% Monthly 15.00% Less than monthly 65.00% 13 N/A Total Respondents: 20 3 / 10 3 1 0 3 Neighbourhood Survey: Amberlea Tennis Club @ Shadybrook Park Q4 Have you or someone in your household played Pickleball in the last year? Answered: 21 Skipped: 0 No Yes 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 61.90% 13 No 38.10% Yes Total Respondents: 21 4 / 10 8 Neighbourhood Survey: Amberlea Tennis Club @ Shadybrook Park Q5 If you or someone in your household plays Pickleball, how often do you/they play? Answered: 20 Skipped: 1 Daily Weekly Monthly Less than monthly N/A 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 20.00% Weekly ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 25.00% Daily 0.00% Monthly 0.00% Less than monthly 55.00% 11 N/A Total Respondents: 20 5 / 10 4 5 0 0 Neighbourhood Survey: Amberlea Tennis Club @ Shadybrook Park Q6 If a combination Pickleball/Tennis Court is added to the Amberlea Tennis Club's courts, are you or someone in your household likely to play either one of these sports? Answered: 21 Skipped: 0 Likely Not likely 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 71.43% 15 Likely 28.57% Not likely Total Respondents: 21 6 / 10 6 Neighbourhood Survey: Amberlea Tennis Club @ Shadybrook Park Q7 Are you in favour of adding a third court with both tennis and pickleball lines to the Amberlea Tennis Club courts at Shadybrook Park? Answered: 21 Skipped: 0 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 71.43% 15 Yes 28.57% No Total Respondents: 21 7 / 10 6 Neighbourhood Survey: Amberlea Tennis Club @ Shadybrook Park Q8 If you are not in favour of adding the proposed court, please describe your concerns (300 characters or less) Answered: 7 Skipped: 14 # RESPONSES DATE 1 In f avour - we need more outdoor rec facilities like this!! Pickleball is a unique activity suited for all ages ie: grandchildren can play with their grandparents 5/6/2022 12:02 PM 2 tennis is a quiet sport; pball is a loud/noisy sport and will interfere with tennis already in place.Should build pball courts in a separate (pball only) location - as has been successfully done in Whitby near Cullen Gardens. 5/6/2022 11:59 AM 3 Amblerlea tennis court is very close to houses. The noise of the paddle against the ball would be a constant irritant unlike tennis which is a quieter hit. PB in more open area would be better, but not close to residences would interfere with quiet time on the deck/patio. 4/11/2022 2:43 PM 4 The courts that are there are empty quite a bit, adding a third court with the cost to tax payers doesn’t make sense. 4/5/2022 3:51 PM 5 Noise, congestion, not enough parking, more park litter 3/31/2022 4:20 PM 6 I believe there are other projects and initiatives our tax dollars can go towards. 3/30/2022 5:32 PM 7 There are already 2 courts. What we lack is an upgraded larger playground for the children and a splash pad. Everyone over crowds the water park in the next neighborhood (Amberlea). Amberlea now has a pickle ball court, along with a good playground and popular splash pad. My backyard backs onto the two current courts and they play up until midnight with music some nights and it gets loud. Not interested in a third court. The childrens’ needs are just as important. There are no accessible playground equipment either. 3/30/2022 10:13 AM 8 / 10