HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 7935/22The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. 7935/22 Being a by-law to adopt a Community Emergency Management Program (CEMP) and Community Emergency Management Plan and to meet additional Requirements under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Pickering. Whereas under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.9 and Ontario Regulation 380/04 (the “Act”) every municipality in the province is required to: 1.Develop and implement a Community Emergency Management Program (CEMP), which shall consist of: •An emergency plan; •Training programs and exercises for employees of the municipality and other persons with respect to the provision of necessary services and the procedures to be followed in emergency response and recovery activities; •Public education on risks to public safety and on public preparedness for emergencies; and •Any other elements required by the standards for emergency management set under the Act or by Emergency Management Ontario; 2.Designate an employee of the municipality or a member of the council as its community emergency management program coordinator; 3.Establish an emergency management program committee; 4.Establish a municipal emergency control group; 5.Establish an emergency operations centre to be used by the municipal emergency control group in an emergency; and 6.Designate an employee of the municipality as its emergency information officer; Whereas it is prudent that the community emergency management program developed under the Act be in accordance with international best practices, including the five core components of emergency management; prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery; And whereas the purpose of such a program is to help protect public safety, p ublic health, the environment, critical infrastructure and property during an emergency and to promote economic stability and a disaster resilient community; By-law No. 7935/22 Page 2 Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: Definitions 1.Act – The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, or any successor legislation. 2.Emergency – A situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease, an accident or other health risk or an act, whether intentional or otherwise or an emergency as otherwise defined in the Act from time to time. 3.Emergency Management – The process for planning, decision-making and assigning resources for mitigation, preparation, response and recovery from emergencies. 4.Mitigation – Activities and practices designed to prevent or avoid an emergency or to minimize its impact. 5.Municipal Emergency Control Group (MECG) – is comprised of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor plus senior City and outside agency staff. At any time, the Mayor or Deputy Mayor may request assistance from the Regional Municipality of Durham by c ontacting the Regional Chair. 6.Plan – A plan governing the provision of necessary services during an emergency and the procedures under, and the manner in which, employees of the City of Pickering and other persons respond to the emergency and which meets all requirements for a plan as identified in the Act. Community Emergency Management Program (CEMP) 1.A Community Emergency Management Program (CEMP) for the municipality will be developed and reviewed annually by the Community Emergency Management Program Committee (CEMPC). The program will be consistent with, and in accordance with the Act and international best practices including the five core components of emergency management, namely: prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery, and such program shall include: a.training programs and exercises for employees of the municipality and other persons with respect to the provision of necessary services and the procedures to be followed in emergency response and recovery activities; b.public education on risks to public safety and on public preparedness for emergencies; and c.any other elements required by the standards for emergency management set under the Act or by Emergency Management Ontario. 2.The CEMP shall be consistent with the objectives of protecting public safety, pub lic health, the environment, critical infrastructure and property and to promote economic stability and a disaster-resilient community. By-law No. 7935/22 Page 3 Community Emergency Management Plan 1.The Community Emergency Management Plan, which has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Act and international best practices, and which is attached hereto as Schedule “A” is hereby adopted (the “Plan”). 2.The Plan shall be reviewed annually by the Community Emergency Mana gement Coordinator (CEMC) and the City’s Community Emergency Management Program Committee. The CEMC is authorized to make such administrative changes to the Plan as appropriate to keep the Plan current, such as personnel, organizational and contact information updates. Any significant revision to the body of the Plan shall be presented to Council for approval. 3.When an emergency exists but has not yet been declared to exist, City employees and the Emergency Control Group may take such action under the Plan as may be required to protect property and the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City. 4.This By-law, in accordance with prevailing legislation, designates all City employees as emergency workers in the event a community emergency is declar ed and therefore all employees may be called out and assigned responsibilities to assist in the implementation of the Community Emergency Management Plan. Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) 1.The Fire Chief, is hereby appointed as the primary community emergency management coordinator (the “CEMC”) responsible for the emergency management program for the City including maintenance of the Plan, training, exercises, public education and such other duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Act. 2.The Deputy Fire Chief(s), are hereby appointed as alternate CEMCs to act in place of the primary CEMC in his/her absence. Emergency Information Officer (EIO) The City’s Coordinator, Corporate Communications & Community Engagement is hereby appointed as the Emergency Information Officer for the municipality to act as the primary media and public contact for the municipality in an emergency. It is important to note that the Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications is designated as the Emerge ncy Information Officer. The EIO will control all communications, press releases issued, and social media messaging. However, the Mayor or his designate will conduct press conferences and briefings. Community Emergency Management Program Committee (CEMPC) 1.The CEMPC and its chair are appointed by Council. 2.The Fire Chief is hereby appointed as chair of the Community Emergency Management Program Committee. By-law No. 7935/22 Page 4 3.The persons from time to time holding the following positions in the municipality, or their designates, shall be members of the Community Emergency Management Program Committee: a)Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) b)CEMC c)Alternate CEMC d)Director, Community Services e)Director, Human Resources f)Director, Operations g)Fire Chief h)Division Head, Information Technology i)Division Head, Public Affairs & Corporate Communications 4.The Community Emergency Management Program Committee shall advise Council on the development and implementation of the City’s Emergency Management Program and shall review the program annually. Municipal Emergency Control Group (MECG) Composition The persons from time to time holding the following positions in the municipality, or their designate(s), shall be members of the Municipal Emergency Control Group (MECG): a)Head of Council – Mayor, Deputy Mayor b)MECG Manager (EOC Director) – Chief Administrative Officer c)MECG Advisor – Fire Chief, CEMC d)Emergency Information Officer (Designated EIO) – Coordinator, Corporate Communications & Community Engagement e)Finance Officer – Director, Finance & Treasurer f)Fire Services Officer – Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief g)IT Officer – Division Head, Information Technology h)Logistics Officer (Facilities) – Director, Community Services i)Logistics Officer (Staffing) – Director, Human Resources j)Operations Officer – Director, Operations k)Planning Officer – Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor l)Administrative Support Coordinator – Supervisor, Administrative Services, Office of the CAO m)Administrative Support – Administrative Assistant Depending on the nature of the emergency and any expertise required, additional persons from other internal and external departments or organizations may be consulted from time to time by the MECG. By-law No. 7935/22 Page 5 Examples of Internal Resources: a)Director, Economic Development & Strategic Projects b)Director, Engineering Services c)Director, City Development & Chief Building Official d)City Clerk Examples of External Resources: a)Canadian National Railway – CN b)Durham Emergency Management Office (DEMO) c)Durham Region d)Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) e)Durham Region Transit f)Elexicon Energy g)Enbridge h)Emergency Management Ontario i)Metrolinx j)Ontario Power Generation (OPG) k)Region of Durham Paramedic Service (RDPS) l)Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) The Emergency Control Group has established a primary and an alternate Emergency Operations Centre for use in an emergency and with the appropriate technological and telecommunications systems to ensure effective communication in an emergency. The locations of the Emergency Operations Centres are identified in the Plan. Virtual Electronic Meetings Depending on the nature of the emergency, meetings may be held through telephone, virtual/electronic applications or other communication means that permit all persons participating in the meeting to communicate with each other simultaneously and instantaneously. Administration 1.The Plan shall be made available to the public for inspection on the City’s website. A hard copy can be made by request at City Hall, One the Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario during regular business hours. 2.The Plan, or any amendments to the Plan, shall be submitted to the Chief, Emergency Management Ontario identified in the Act. By-law No. 7935/22 Page 6 3.By-law 7620/18 and By-law 7746/20 are hereby repealed. 4.The provisions of this By-law shall come in to effect on the date of its passing. By-law passed this 24th day of May, 2022. ________________________________ David Ryan, Mayor ________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk Original Signed By Original Signed By